One pre-published study found a mismatch between the current flu vaccine and the main circulating strain, which may explain a recent flu outbreak on a college campus where the data suggested the vaccine was not effective
The argument to take the vaccine is that it may help reduce the severity of the illness. Yet, studies have demonstrated that seniors are not better protected, and the shot may only reduce the initial headache from flu
People who received the vaccine in 2008-2009 had a higher likelihood of contracting pandemic H1N1 in 2009; health experts believe this may repeat during the COVID pandemic as some have already found a positive association between COVID death and flu vaccination rates in the elderly
Experts believe, and data confirm, the research on flu vaccination is weak. Moderna and others are chasing larger returns as they plow ahead in human trials for an mRNA flu vaccine despite mounting adverse events
A search of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for 2019 using “flu” as the vax type and “influenza” as the vax name, recorded 12,061 adverse events following the influenza vaccine. In 2018, that number was 12,970.1
Despite what was considered a high number of adverse events in 2019, the effectiveness of the vaccine has been questionable. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:2
“While vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary, recent studies show that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well-matched to those used to make flu vaccines.”
In other words, only in years when the vaccine is well-matched to most circulating viruses will the shot afford protection for 40% to 60% of the overall population. This flu season doesn’t meet the criteria and so we can expect a low rate of protection in the overall population and possibly even lower in the elderly.
According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases,3 this is the very population that requires the best protection. Older adults are at higher risk of related complications and other flu-related risks, such as heart attack and stroke, which increase in the first two weeks after infection.4
This Year’s Flu Vaccine Doesn’t Match the Circulating Virus
Headlines in the news are calling this year’s flu shot a “mismatch” for the dominant strain,5 but continue to encourage adults and children to get a shot without also encouraging healthy behaviors. The information comes from a study6 co-written by Scott Hensley, professor of microbiology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
The researchers wrote that although there may be a mismatch between the flu vaccine and the circulating H3N2 subtype of the influenza virus, “Studies have clearly shown that seasonal influenza vaccines consistently prevent hospitalizations and deaths even in years where there are large antigenic mismatches.”7
Hensley spoke with a reporter from CNN,8 sharing that they have been monitoring the H3N2 strain of flu for months, which is the main circulating strain. He believes this strain will evade the antibodies your body produces in response to the current vaccine.
In November 2021, there was an outbreak of flu at the University of Michigan, in which 700 people were affected and more than 26% who tested positive for flu had been vaccinated.9 Interestingly, this was the same percentage as those who tested negative, indicating the vaccine was not effective.
Hensley’s argument for taking the vaccine despite the mismatch is that while the vaccine does not generate the right antibodies for the new version of H3N2, the mismatch does not affect the second line of defense: your T cells. These are designed to help protect against severe disease.
One paper in 201610 outlined the importance of memory T-cells against the influenza virus and suggested the need for addressing this shortcoming in the flu vaccines. Two new approaches being researched at the time were infection permissive and recombinant T-cell inducing vaccines.
According to the CDC,11 82% of the 2021-2022 flu vaccine will be produced using egg-based manufacturing technology and the remaining 18% using recombinant and cell-based technology.
Mismatched Vaccine May Do Seniors More Harm Than Good
Despite assurances from the CDC that an annual flu shot is the best protection for seniors, there is a dismal history of effectiveness. After studies showed that protection in the elderly against mortality was low,12 the Flucelvax vaccine was introduced.13
It was promoted as an improved flu shot that would protect more people and yet, FDA research14showed no significant difference between this vaccine and a conventional flu shot in seniors. The overall effectiveness in preventing hospitalizations for flu shots in the study was 24% in people 65 and older, while the Flucelvax shot had an effectiveness rate of 26.5% in the same population.15
Health officials also frequently encourage flu vaccines to lessen the severity of disease, but a 2017 study found these claims were also not true.16 Analyzing data from vaccinated and unvaccinated seniors diagnosed with influenza, the researchers found only a reduction in initial headache complaints in those who had been vaccinated.
And yet the same researchers implausibly suggest that this very slight improvement in initial flu symptoms was enough to warrant the suggestion to “reinforce the need for influenza vaccines providing better protection.”17
Another systematic review and meta-analysis published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases similarly found “Evidence for protection [from influenza vaccines] in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking.”18
Will the Flu Vaccine Raise COVID-Related Deaths?
Questions arose after the 2009 mass vaccination campaign against H1N1 swine flu about whether seasonal influenza vaccinations may make pandemic infections worse or more prevalent.19 This same question has arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A review of four studies published in 201020,21 showed that people who received the trivalent influenza vaccine during the 2008-2009 flu season were between 1.4 and 2.5 times more likely to get infected with pandemic H1N1 in the spring and summer of 2009 than those who did not get the seasonal flu vaccine.
In the early months of the COVID pandemic, Dr. Michael Murray, naturopath and author, agreed with what Judy Mikovitz, Ph.D., spoke with me about during one of our interviews22 — seasonal influenza vaccinations may have contributed to the dramatically elevated mortality from COVID-19 seen in Italy. In a blog post, Murray pointed out that Italy had introduced a new, more potent type of flu vaccine, called VIQCC, in September 2019:23
“Most available influenza vaccines are produced in embryonated chicken eggs. VIQCC, however, is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs and has more of a “boost” to the immune system as a result. VIQCC also contains four types of viruses – 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses.24
It looks like this “super” vaccine impacted the immune system in such a way to increase coronavirus infection through virus interference that set the stage for what happened in Italy.”
Cell-based technology flu vaccines, which are included in the 18% of vaccines distributed in the 2021-2022 season in the U.S., are cultured in animal cells.25 One study published in early 2020 in the journal Vaccine showed people were more likely to get some form of coronavirus infection if they had been vaccinated against influenza. The scientists wrote:26
“Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference … Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus.”
October 1, 2020, Christian Wehenkel, an academic editor for PeerJ, published a data analysis27 in which he reported finding a “positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide.” In other words, areas with the highest flu vaccination rates among elderly people also had the highest COVID-19 death rates. To be fair, the publisher noted that correlation does not necessarily equal causation.
That said, one of the reasons for the analysis was to double-check whether the data would support claims that seasonal influenza vaccination was negatively correlated with COVID-19 mortality — including one that found regions in Italy with higher vaccination rates among elders had lower COVID-19 death rates.28 “A negative association was expected,” Wehenkel writes in PeerJ. But that’s not what he found:29
“Contrary to expectations, the present worldwide analysis and European sub-analysis do not support the previously reported negative association between COVID-19 deaths (DPMI) [COVID-19 deaths per million inhabitants] and IVR [influenza vaccination rate] in elderly people, observed in studies in Brazil and Italy …
The results showed a positive association between COVID-19 deaths and IVR of people ≥65 years-old. There is a significant increase in COVID-19 deaths from eastern to western regions in the world. Further exploration is needed to explain these findings, and additional work on this line of research may lead to prevention of deaths associated with COVID-19.”
Co-Founder of Cochrane Finds Flu Research Weak
Professor Peter Gøtzsche is a Danish physician-researcher who co-founded the Cochrane Collaboration in 1993 and later launched the Nordic Cochrane Centre. He has been an outspoken critic of conflicts of interest and bias in research.
In a February 9, 2020, tweet,30 Gøtzsche wrote: “Cochrane corruption. A Cochrane review did not find that flu shots reduce deaths … ‘After invitation from Cochrane,’ a financially conflicted person ‘re-arranged’ the data and vaccines reduced deaths. They don’t …”
Indeed, in past years, Cochrane has repeatedly found flu vaccinations are ineffective and have no appreciable effect on influenza-related hospitalizations and mortality. For example:
• A 2006 systematic review31 of 51 studies analyzing the effectiveness of the shot in children found a 33% effectiveness in children using live vaccines and 36% using inactivated vaccines.
• A 2010 Cochrane review32 of 50 influenza studies found “In the relatively uncommon circumstance of vaccine matching the viral circulating strain and high circulation, 4% of unvaccinated people versus 1% of vaccinated people developed influenza symptoms … Vaccination had a modest effect on time off work and had no effect on hospital admissions …”
• A 2010 Cochrane review33 of 75 studies analyzing the effectiveness of preventing influenza in the elderly found the studies were generally of low quality and there was a “likely presence of biases” making any firm conclusions possibly misleading.
• In a 2018 Cochrane review34 of 41 clinical trials on live and inactivated flu vaccines in children they found for live attenuated vaccines, “Seven children would need to be vaccinated to prevent one case of influenza, and 20 children would need to be vaccinated to prevent one child experiencing an ILI [influenza-like illness] …”
Children vaccinated with inactivated vaccines showed “Five children would need to be vaccinated to prevent one case of influenza, and 12 children would need to be vaccinated to avoid one case of ILI.”
Moderna Racing for mRNA Flu Vaccine
Despite not knowing the long-term effects of mRNA vaccines and the mounting evidence of adverse events occurring within the first six months of the COVID mRNA injection, there are several genetic therapy shots in the pipeline. One of those is a seasonal flu vaccine produced by Moderna, which has already entered Phase 1 human trials. July 7, 2021, The Verge reported:35
“Moderna gave its mRNA-based seasonal flu vaccine to the first set of volunteers in a clinical trial. … Moderna is the second group to start testing its mRNA flu shot in human trials — Sanofi and Translate Bio kicked off a trial this summer. Pfizer and BioNTech have been interested in mRNA flu shots for a few years, and they’re pushing forward with those plans as well.”
Six months later, Moderna has announced the initial data from the Phase I trials are showing positive results and boosting “the immune response against all targeted flu strains 29 days after administration.”36
In true warp-speed action, Moderna announced they have already fully enrolled their Phase II human clinical trial for this mRNA flu vaccine before the Phase I trial has been completed. In addition, they are preparing for a Phase III study, assuming the data — produced by the pharmaceutical company that owns the rights to the flu vaccine — will be positive.
Human clinical trials are split into three phases to protect the participants as much as possible.37Phase I is primarily aimed at establishing the safety and dose range using a small number of healthy volunteers. These studies often involve risk as they are the first time the drug has been administered to a human.
Phase II studies look at the effectiveness of the drug against a particular condition and can last up to two years. The secondary objective is to determine the therapeutic dose level and frequency. According to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,38 roughly 33% of drugs that pass Phase I and Phase II will go on to Phase III.
Phase III studies should occur over multiple centers and enroll up to several thousand patients. In this phase, the drug can be studied for several years and roughly 25 to 30% of these drugs may pass Phase III trials. Moderna is confident the data from the trial they are sponsoring will sail over these hurdles.
Big Pharma and vaccine stakeholders advise you to take every shot possible without concern for your health and safety. Despite a growing number of adverse events being reported39 — including death — from a new technology genetic therapy injection, pharmaceutical companies are plowing ahead in human trials to create yet another mRNA vaccine as they chase larger quarterly returns.
In a horrifying altercation, a German police officer denounced the humanity of the unvaccinated. This is but one sign that mass formation psychosis is at work
“Mass formation psychosis” is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the dehumanization of the unvaccinated now
The stigmatization of the unvaxxed is all the more irrational when you consider that the COVID shot doesn’t prevent infection or spread of the virus. “Fully vaxxed” individuals are just as infectious and “dangerous” as the unjabbed
While high-level officials continue to use the term “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” suggesting the COVID-jabbed play no role in the epidemiology of COVID-19, there’s ample evidence that the “fully vaccinated” have a relevant role in transmission and outbreaks
For example, in Massachusetts, 469 new COVID-19 cases were identified during July 2021. Of those, 346 (74%) were either fully or partially jabbed, and 274 (79%) were symptomatic. This proves the COVID jabs cannot end the pandemic, and may in fact be preventing it from dying out naturally
GERMANY 2021: A police officer calls unvaccinated people indirect killers and says they are not human.
You know you’ve entered a twilight zone of insanity when a police officer tells you you’re a criminal simply because you’re unvaccinated. That’s exactly what happened the other day in Germany. The police officer insisted the unvaccinated man was “a murderer” because he “might infect someone,” and that he’s “not a human.”
The bizarre altercation was posted on Twitter December 12, 2021, (see above). In response, the unvaccinated man tells the cop he’s the one who has “lost all humanity.” Indeed. Who thought we’d ever see the day when individuals are marked as “murderers” and “not human” based on vaccination status alone?
It’s beyond irrational. But then again, insanity does not obey reason, and according to professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist, the world has indeed been hypnotized into a state of mass psychosis.1
“Mass formation psychosis” is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the dehumanization of the unvaccinated now.
You Cannot Comply Your Way Out of Tyranny
The stigmatization and dehumanization of the unvaxxed is all the more irrational when you consider that the COVID shot doesn’t prevent infection or spread of the virus. Those who have received one, two or even three doses are STILL contracting the infection, and at ever-increasing rates, and are spreading it to vaxxed and unvaxxed alike.
Outbreaks among “fully vaccinated” populations, isolated on cruise ships, for example, have occurred on several occasions, proving the shots fail to prevent outbreaks. The COVID-jabbed are clearly just as “dangerous” and likely to “kill” their fellow man as those who are unjabbed.
When either decision — the decision to get the jab or decline it — results in you posing the exact same level of risk to others, how can anyone say that one is more dangerous than the other? Anyone still capable of clear, level-headed thinking will see that it doesn’t add up.
Unfortunately, most countries are experiencing a mass delusional psychosis. They have been manipulated into believing highly irrational absurdities. The same psychological operation was at work in the 1930s, when Jews, the old and infirm, and the mentally and physically handicapped were dehumanized and blamed as carriers of disease and other social ills.
In the short video above, Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski, now 94 years old, describes the incremental dehumanization and ostracizing that took place in Nazi Germany, ultimately ending in the Holocaust. Now, we stand before the same fork in the road yet again. Many, like the German police officer, are choosing the well-trodden road of repeated history.
Stigmatizing Unvaccinated Is Unjustified
November 20, 2021, The Lancet published a letter by Gunter Kampf, titled “COVID-19: Stigmatizing the Unvaccinated Is Not Justified.”2 “In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19,” Kampf writes.
However, he adds, “There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission.” He goes on to cite statistics from Massachusetts, where 469 new COVID-19 cases were identified during July 2021. Of those, 346 (74%) were either fully or partially jabbed, and 274 (79%) were symptomatic.
The cycle threshold values used during PCR testing were also similarly low regardless of COVID jab status (median 22.8 cycles, which minimizes the risk of false positive results), “indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated,” Kampf notes. These data are clear evidence that the COVID jabs cannot end the pandemic, and may in fact be preventing it from dying out naturally. Kampf continues:3
“In the USA, a total of 10,262 COVID-19 cases were reported in vaccinated people by April 30, 2021, of whom 2725 (26.6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9.7%) were hospitalized, and 160 (1.6%) died. In Germany, 55.4% of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in patients aged 60 years or older were in fully vaccinated individuals, and this proportion is increasing each week.
In Münster, Germany, new cases of COVID-19 occurred in at least 85 (22%) of 380 people who were fully vaccinated or who had recovered from COVID-19 and who attended a nightclub.
People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatizing parts of the population for their skin color or religion.
I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatization of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.”
Human Today, Not Human Tomorrow
It’s important to realize you cannot comply your way out of this tyranny. If you choose to get the COVID shot because you don’t want to be stigmatized, there can be no end to your compliance to future boosters, no matter what the cost to you or your family.
In short order — a handful of months at most — you will suddenly and arbitrarily be deemed an unvaccinated menace to society again, even though you’ve already had one, two or three kill shots.
None of that will matter. You get no brownie points for past compliance. At six months past your second or third dose, your status will go from green to red, from human to not human, literally overnight. You’re “unvaccinated” again, until or unless you get another booster. This cycle will continue until you’re dead. Are you game? Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life?
COVID Shots Keep the ‘Pandemic’ Going
More than 80 studies have confirmed that natural immunity to COVID-19 is equal or superior to what you get from the jab.4 This conforms to well-established medical science, so it’s no surprise. It’s as it should be.
But for the first time in modern medical history, natural immunity is being portrayed as having no benefit whatsoever. Even worse, those with natural immunity are being labeled as dangerous and are shunned and even fired from their jobs for failing to get a shot.
Only the jabbed are protected and can protect others, health authorities now claim — even though it’s those with natural immunity who are most protected and don’t pose a risk to others.
The reality and truth, though, is that natural immunity is long-lasting, protects against all variants and will not contribute to the creation of variants. The same cannot be said for the COVID jab. We now have clear evidence the shots offer, at most, six months’ worth of protection, after which the relative risk reduction drops to zero.
As just one example among many, a Swedish study5 published October 25, 2021, found that while the jabs initially lowered the risk of hospitalization, their effectiveness rapidly waned.
The Pfizer jab went from 92% effectiveness at Day 15 through 30, to 47% at Day 121 through 180, and zero from Day 201 onward.
The Moderna shot had a similar trajectory, being estimated at 59% from Day 181 onward.
The AstraZeneca injection had a lower effectiveness out of the gate, waned faster than the mRNA shots, and had no detectable effectiveness as of Day 121.
This and other studies showing waning immunity were discussed in a December 9, 2021, New England Journal of Medicine interview.6 As noted in that interview, the Delta variant, which is significantly different from the initial SARS-CoV-2 strain, can infect fully jabbed individuals, and its ability to do so increases over time, as the effectiveness of the shot rapidly wanes.
Aside from waning efficacy, the fact that the virus is mutating within “vaccinated” populations also forces it to develop the capacity to circumvent the COVID jab. In short, the deck is stacked against those who rely on the COVID shot to protect them. In the long term, it’s a hopeless situation, as we cannot inoculate our way out of an endemic with a product that doesn’t prevent infection and spread!
Sadly, NEJM, rather than promoting science, toes the line of the official mainstream narrative and suggest boosters are the answer. They should know better, which raises suspicions that conflicts of interest likely impact their clinical judgment.7
Lindsey Baden, one of the interviewees, has received grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust — three institutions that more or less openly support medical tyranny and totalitarian rule by a biosecurity-based police state.
The Gravity of Our Situation
Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski, 94: "And that's how it is done, step by step, slowly."
Natural News) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and IMG_4544Prevention (CDC) is finally admitting that PCR tests have no place in trying to detect the presence of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) inside a person’s body.
Rochelle Walensky, the fake federal agency’s top dog, told ABC News in a recent interview that the “new science” shows that PCR tests do not work, and the government is no longer using them.
“With all of that science together, we moved forward with isolation recommendations of five days of isolation followed by five days in a mask,” Walensky explained about the new guidelines (watch the interview below).
“Now the question of why we didn’t include a test there is simply because we know that PCRs can stay positive for up to 12 weeks. So we would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs.”
Does Rochelle Walensky ever tell the truth?
It was already revealed previously in documents straight from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that PCR tests were developed without any isolated Fauci Flu samples because none exist.
Instead, the FDA used ordinary influenza to “calibrate” the tests, which we now know produce an exceptional number of false positives.
It took the CDC a very long time to catch up with the latest science, though. Walensky herself has been pushing lies for many months now about how the “data” (based on false PCR test results) suggests that people need to get “vaccinated” and “boosted” in haste in order to stop the plandemic.
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Back in September, Walensky actually admitted that her guidance on getting boosted is based on “hope” rather than data.
“So, there’s actually hope – we don’t have data yet,” Walensky told “TODAY” host Savannah Guthrie.
“We do know that the higher levels of protection certainly in the alpha variant resulted in less transmission and we have not yet seen the data, but we are hopeful that the booster will not only protect you, give you a higher level of protection, not just against the delta variant but against a broad range of variants. It might also decrease the level of virus that you have and make it less transmissible.”
Now, a full year-and-a-half after the rest of world figured out that PCR tests are fraudulent, Walensky is finally fessing up to the truth about that as well. The question is: Will the Branch Covidians listen or will they continue to get “tested” in perpetual panic while wearing a mask and getting boosted every time Walensky tells them to?
“And yet companies and government agencies still roll right along saying jab or weekly test, don’t they?” asked one upset commenter about how PCR testing will probably continue regardless of this latest admission by Walensky.
“When do the trials for treason begin?” asked another.
“No wonder covid is on the rise,” wrote another, suggesting that the only reason we still have “cases” is because of fraudulent PCR test results. “And the government plans on sending out tests to everyone? We will lock down again for sure. Follow the science? Yeah right.”
Another wrote that the silver lining in all of this is that it might finally become widely known through all of this that the “clot shots” do not work and are only fueling the plandemic, preventing it from ever ending.
The latest news about Chinese Germs can be found at
Over 1000 scientific studies and/or reports on the dangers associated with COVID injections related to blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, deaths, etc. and 100+ References at the bottom.
US case reports of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S (against covid-19), March 2 to April 21, 2020:
Management of cerebral and splanchnic vein thrombosis associated with thrombocytopenia in subjects previously vaccinated with Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca): position statement of the Italian Society for the Study of Hemostasis and Thrombosis (SISET):
Myocarditis after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in members of the US military. This article reports that in “23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy military members, myocarditis was identified within 4 days after receipt of the vaccine”:
Pathological antibodies against platelet factor 4 after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19. This article states: “In the absence of previous prothrombotic medical conditions, 22 patients had acute thrombocytopenia and thrombosis, mainly cerebral venous thrombosis, and 1 patient had isolated thrombocytopenia and a hemorrhagic phenotype”: R2ifm2TQjetAMb42YRRUlKEeqCQe-lDasIWvjMgzHHaItbuPbu6n7NlG3cic.
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis negative for anti-PF4 antibody without thrombocytopenia after immunization with COVID-19 vaccine in a non-comorbid elderly Indian male treated with conventional heparin-warfarin based anticoagulation:
Acute myocardial injury after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report and review of current evidence from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database:
Occurrence of acute infarct-like myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: just an accidental coincidence or rather a vaccination-associated autoimmune myocarditis?:
Self-limited myocarditis presenting with chest pain and ST-segment elevation in adolescents after vaccination with the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine:
Insights from a murine model of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-induced myopericarditis: could accidental intravenous injection of a vaccine induce myopericarditis?
Bell’s palsy after the second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in a patient with a history of recurrent Bell’s palsy: b
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis negative for anti-PF4 antibody without thrombocytopenia after immunization with COVID-19 vaccine in an elderly, non-comorbid Indian male treated with conventional heparin-warfarin-based anticoagulation:.
Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine – United States, December 14-23, 2020:
Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving first dose of Modern COVID-19 vaccine – United States, December 21, 2020-January 10, 2021:
Severe Allergic Reactions after COVID-19 Vaccination with the Pfizer / BioNTech Vaccine in Great Britain and the USA: Position Statement of the German Allergy Societies: German Medical Association of Allergologists (AeDA), German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI) and Society for Pediatric Allergology and Environmental Medicine (GPA):
Cumulative adverse event report of anaphylaxis following injections of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) in Japan: the first month report:
Allergenic components of the mRNA-1273 vaccine for COVID-19: possible involvement of polyethylene glycol and IgG-mediated complement activation:
Polyethylene glycole allergy of the SARS CoV2 vaccine recipient: case report of a young adult recipient and management of future exposure to SARS-CoV2:
Elevated rates of anaphylaxis after vaccination with Pfizer BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 in Japanese healthcare workers; a secondary analysis of initial post-approval safety data:
Risk of severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines among patients with allergic skin disease: practical recommendations. An ETFAD position statement with external experts:
Varicella zoster virus and herpes simplex virus reactivation after vaccination with COVID-19: review of 40 cases in an international dermatologic registry:
Immune thrombosis and thrombocytopenia (VITT) associated with the COVID-19 vaccine: diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for a new syndrome:
Intracerebral hemorrhage due to thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination: the first fatal case in Korea:
Risk of thrombocytopenia and thromboembolism after covid-19 vaccination and positive SARS-CoV-2 tests: self-controlled case series study:
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after covid-19 vaccination; a systematic review:
Nerve and muscle adverse events after vaccination with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials:
A rare case of cerebral venous thrombosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation temporally associated with administration of COVID-19 vaccine:
Primary adrenal insufficiency associated with thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia induced by Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (VITT):
Thromboaspiration infusion and fibrinolysis for portomesenteric thrombosis after administration of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine:
59-year-old woman with extensive deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism 7 days after a first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine COVID-19:
Cerebral venous thrombosis and vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia.
Insights from a murine model of myopericarditis induced by COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: could accidental intravenous injection of a vaccine induce myopericarditis:
Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) following AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) COVID-19 vaccination: risk-benefit analysis for persons <60 years in Australia:
Transient oculomotor paralysis after administration of RNA-1273 messenger vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 diplopia after COVID-19 vaccine:
Parsonage-Turner syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Comment on: “Neuralgic amyotrophy and COVID-19 infection: 2 cases of accessory spinal nerve palsy” by Coll et al. Articular Spine 2021; 88: 10519:
Acute autoimmune-like hepatitis with atypical antimitochondrial antibody after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: a new clinical entity:
Bilateral superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis, ischemic stroke and immune thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with vaccine-induced immune-immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: an analysis of cases reported to the European Medicines Agency:
Risk of thrombocytopenia and thromboembolism after covid-19 vaccination and positive SARS-CoV-2 tests: self-controlled case series study:
Arterial events, venous thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia and bleeding after vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S in Denmark and Norway: population-based cohort study:
First dose of ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines and thrombocytopenic, thromboembolic and hemorrhagic events in Scotland:
Malignant cerebral infarction after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19: a catastrophic variant of vaccine-induced immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
celiac artery and splenic artery thrombosis complicated by splenic infarction 7 days after the first dose of Oxford vaccine, causal relationship or coincidence:
central venous sinus thrombosis with subarachnoid hemorrhage after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: are these reports merely coincidental:
Intracerebral hemorrhage due to thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination: the first fatal case in Korea:
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis negative for anti-PF4 antibody without thrombocytopenia after immunization with COVID-19 vaccine in a non-comorbid elderly Indian male treated with conventional heparin-warfarin-based anticoagulation: 263.
Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia: the elusive link between thrombosis and adenovirus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: 266.
Acute ischemic stroke revealing immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine: impact on recanalization strategy:
Thromboaspiration infusion and fibrinolysis for portomesenteric thrombosis after administration of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine:
Spontaneous HIT syndrome: knee replacement, infection, and parallels with vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
Procoagulant antibody-mediated procoagulant platelets in immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia associated with SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia causing a severe form of cerebral venous thrombosis with high mortality rate: a case series:
Procoagulant microparticles: a possible link between vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia (VITT) and cerebral sinus venous thrombosis:
Atypical thrombosis associated with the vaccine VaxZevria® (AstraZeneca): data from the French network of regional pharmacovigilance centers:
Comparison of adverse drug reactions among four COVID-19 vaccines in Europe using the EudraVigilance database: Thrombosis in unusual sites:
Severe vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia following vaccination with COVID-19: an autopsy case report and review of the literature:
fulminant myocarditis and systemic hyperinflammation temporally associated with BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in two patients:
Adverse effects reported after COVID-19 vaccination in a tertiary care hospital, centered on cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST):
Induction and exacerbation of subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus erythematosus after mRNA- or adenoviral vector-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
Platelet activation and modulation in thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome associated with the ChAdO × 1 nCov-19 vaccine:
Acute relapse and impaired immunization after COVID-19 vaccination in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with rituximab:
Transient thrombocytopenia with glycoprotein-specific platelet autoantibodies after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S: case report:
Acute hyperactive encephalopathy following COVID-19 vaccination with dramatic response to methylprednisolone: case report:
Onset / outbreak of psoriasis after Corona virus ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (Oxford-AstraZeneca / Covishield): report of two cases:
COVID-19 vaccine, immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, jaundice, hyperviscosity: concern in cases with underlying hepatic problems:
Report of the International Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Consortium on cerebral venous thrombosis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
COVID-19: lessons from the Norwegian tragedy should be taken into account in planning for vaccine launch in less developed/developing countries:
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination: report of two cases in the United Kingdom:
Cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination: is the risk of thrombosis increased by intravascular administration of the vaccine:
Central venous sinus thrombosis with subarachnoid hemorrhage after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: are these reports merely coincidental:
Early results of bivalirudin treatment for thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S:
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia causing a severe form of cerebral venous thrombosis with a high mortality rate: a case series:
Adenovirus interactions with platelets and coagulation and vaccine-associated autoimmune thrombocytopenia thrombosis syndrome:
Headache attributed to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus) vaccination with the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine: a multicenter observational cohort study:
Adverse effects reported after COVID-19 vaccination in a tertiary care hospital, focus on cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST):
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: an analysis of cases reported to the European Medicines Agency:
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis negative for anti-PF4 antibody without thrombocytopenia after immunization with COVID-19 vaccine in a non-comorbid elderly Indian male treated with conventional heparin-warfarin-based anticoagulation:
Arterial events, venous thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia and bleeding after vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S in Denmark and Norway: population-based cohort study:
Procoagulant microparticles: a possible link between vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia (VITT) and cerebral sinus venous thrombosis:
U.S. case reports of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S, March 2-April 21, 2021:
Malignant cerebral infarction after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19: a catastrophic variant of vaccine-induced immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
Acute ischemic stroke revealing immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine: impact on recanalization strategy:
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VITT): a new clinicopathologic entity with heterogeneous clinical presentations:
Australian and New Zealand approach to the diagnosis and treatment of vaccine-induced immune thrombosis and immune thrombocytopenia:
An observational study to identify the prevalence of thrombocytopenia and anti-PF4 / polyanion antibodies in Norwegian health care workers after COVID-19 vaccination:
Acute transverse myelitis (ATM): clinical review of 43 patients with COVID-19-associated ATM and 3 serious adverse events of post-vaccination ATM with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine:
Thrombocytopenia with acute ischemic stroke and hemorrhage in a patient recently vaccinated with an adenoviral vector-based COVID-19 vaccine:.
First dose of ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines and thrombocytopenic, thromboembolic, and hemorrhagic events in Scotland:
ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine-associated thrombocytopenia: three cases of immune thrombocytopenia after 107,720 doses of ChAdOx1 vaccination in Thailand:
Neurosurgical considerations with respect to decompressive craniectomy for intracerebral hemorrhage after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia-VITT:
A rare case of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia of the superior ophthalmic vein after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
Thrombosis and severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 vaccines: vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
Limb ischemia and pulmonary artery thrombosis after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (Oxford-AstraZeneca): a case of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
Secondary thrombocytopenia after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: case report of hemorrhage and hematoma after minor oral surgery:
Fatal exacerbation of ChadOx1-nCoV-19-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome after successful initial therapy with intravenous immunoglobulins: a rationale for monitoring immunoglobulin G levels:
Intracerebral hemorrhage associated with vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCOVID-19 vaccination in a pregnant woman:
Intravenous injection of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA vaccine can induce acute myopericarditis in a mouse model:
A report of myocarditis adverse events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. (VAERS) in association with COVID-19 injectable biologics:
This study concludes that: “The vaccine was associated with an excess risk of myocarditis (1 to 5 events per 100,000 persons). The risk of this potentially serious adverse event and of many other serious adverse events increased substantially after SARS-CoV-2 infection”:
Lethal vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VITT) following announcement 26.COV2.S: first documented case outside the U.S.:
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT): a new clinicopathologic entity with heterogeneous clinical presentations:
Portal vein thrombosis due to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VITT) after Covid vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
Humoral response induced by Prime-Boost vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 mRNA vaccines in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with teriflunomide:
Endovascular treatment for vaccine-induced cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19: report of three cases:
Cardiovascular, neurological, and pulmonary events after vaccination with BNT162b2, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and Ad26.COV2.S vaccines: an analysis of European data:
Cerebral venous thrombosis developing after vaccination.
Multiple sites of arterial thrombosis in a 35-year-old patient after vaccination with ChAdOx1 (AstraZeneca), which required emergency femoral and carotid surgical thrombectomy:
Intracerebral hemorrhage associated with vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCOVID-19 vaccination in a pregnant woman:
COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombosis with thrombocytopenia thrombosis (VITT) and shades of gray in thrombus formation:
Acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction secondary to vaccine-induced immune thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (VITT):
A rare case of COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) affecting the venosplanchnic and pulmonary arterial circulation from a UK district general hospital:
Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after vaccination with AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) COVID-19: a risk-benefit analysis for persons <60%.
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following vaccination with ChAdOx1: the first case of definite thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome in India:
Thrombocytopenia with acute ischemic stroke and hemorrhage in a patient recently vaccinated with an adenoviral vector-based COVID-19 vaccine:
Intracerebral hemorrhage and thrombocytopenia after AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: clinical and diagnostic challenges of vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia:
Thrombocytopenia, including immune thrombocytopenia after receiving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):
Vaccine-induced immune thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome after adenovirus-vectored severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination: a new hypothesis on mechanisms and implications for future vaccine development:
Prevalence of serious adverse events among health care professionals after receiving the first dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 coronavirus vaccine (Covishield) in Togo, March 2021:
Recurrent ANCA-associated vasculitis after Oxford AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S COVID-19 vaccination: a case series of two patients:
Rare case of contralateral supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after vaccination with COVID-19: computed tomography and ultrasound findings:
Cutaneous lymphocytic vasculitis after administration of the second dose of AZD1222 (Oxford-AstraZeneca) Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 vaccine: chance or causality:
Cutaneous adverse reactions of 35,229 doses of COVID-19 Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccine COVID-19: a prospective cohort study in health care workers:
Comments on thrombosis after vaccination: spike protein leader sequence could be responsible for thrombosis and antibody-mediated thrombocytopenia:
A look at the role of postmortem immunohistochemistry in understanding the inflammatory pathophysiology of COVID-19 disease and vaccine-related thrombotic adverse events: a narrative review:
Vaccine-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis: venous endotheliopathy leading to combined venous micro-macrothrombosis:
Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome causing isolated symptomatic carotid occlusion after COVID-19 Ad26.COV2.S vaccine (Janssen):
Immediate high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins followed by direct treatment with thrombin inhibitors is crucial for survival in vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination in a Taiwanese man: a case report and review of the literature:
Increased risk of urticaria/angioedema after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in health care workers taking ACE inhibitors:
A case of unusual mild clinical presentation of COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with splanchnic vein thrombosis:
Coagulopathies after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination may derive from a combined effect of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and adenovirus vector-activated signaling pathways:
Isolated pulmonary embolism after COVID vaccination: 2 case reports and a review of acute pulmonary embolism complications and follow-up:
Prevalence of thrombocytopenia, anti-platelet factor 4 antibodies, and elevated D-dimer in Thais after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
Epidemiology and clinical features of myocarditis/pericarditis before the introduction of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in Korean children: a multicenter study:
Case report: probable myocarditis after Covid-19 mRNA vaccine in a patient with arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy:
Acute myocardial injury after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report and review of current evidence from the vaccine adverse event reporting system database:
Prevalence of thrombocytopenia, antiplatelet factor 4 antibodies, and elevated D-dimer in Thais after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19:
Epidemiology and clinical features of myocarditis/pericarditis before the introduction of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in Korean children: a multicenter study:
CAd26.COV2-S vaccination may reveal hereditary thrombophilia: massive cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in a young man with normal platelet count:
Inflammation and platelet activation after COVID-19 vaccines: possible mechanisms behind vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis:
Case report: Take a second look: Cerebral venous thrombosis related to Covid-19 vaccination and thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome:
Management of a patient with a rare congenital limb malformation syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia (VITT):
Bilateral thalamic stroke: a case of COVID-19 (VITT) vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia or a coincidence due to underlying risk factors:
Thrombocytopenia and splanchnic thrombosis after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S successfully treated with transjugular intrahepatic intrahepatic portosystemic shunt and thrombectomy:
Case report: vaccine-induced immune immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia in a patient with pancreatic cancer after vaccination with messenger RNA-1273:
Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia after Ad26.COV2.S vaccination in a man presenting as acute venous thromboembolism:
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance findings in young adult patients with acute myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: a case series:
Myocarditis-induced sudden death after BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in Korea: case report focusing on histopathological findings:
Recurrence of acute myocarditis temporally associated with receipt of the 2019 coronavirus mRNA disease vaccine (COVID-19) in an adolescent male:
Occurrence of acute infarct-like myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19: just an accidental coincidence or rather a vaccination-associated autoimmune myocarditis?”:
Self-limited myocarditis presenting with chest pain and ST-segment elevation in adolescents after vaccination with BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine:
Multimodality imaging and histopathology in a young man presenting with fulminant lymphocytic myocarditis and cardiogenic shock after vaccination with mRNA-1273:
Case report: acute fulminant myocarditis and cardiogenic shock after messenger RNA coronavirus vaccination in 2019 requiring extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation:
Guillain-Barré syndrome after the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine: case report and review of reported cases:
A case of sensory ataxic Guillain-Barre syndrome with immunoglobulin G anti-GM1 antibodies after first dose of COVID-19 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer):
Guillain-Barré syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a patient with previous vaccine-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome:
Bell’s palsy after inactivated vaccination with COVID-19 in a patient with a history of recurrent Bell’s palsy: case report:
Neuromyelitis optica in a healthy woman after vaccination against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA-1273:
Acute bilateral bilateral optic neuritis/chiasm with longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis in long-standing stable multiple sclerosis after vector-based vaccination against SARS-CoV-2:
A case series of acute pericarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 in the context of recent reports from Europe and the United States:
Miller-Fisher syndrome and Guillain-Barré syndrome overlap syndrome in a patient after Oxford-AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2 vaccination:
Case report: anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis with acute renal failure and pulmonary hemorrhage can occur after COVID-19 vaccination:
Bell’s palsy after vaccination with mRNA (BNT162b2) and inactivated (CoronaVac) SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: a case series and a nested case-control study:
Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine – United States, December 14 to 23, 2020:
Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, after receiving the first dose of Modern COVID-19 vaccine – United States, December 21, 2020 to January 10, 2021:
Pseudo-anaphylaxis reactions to Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine: report of 3 cases of anaphylaxis following vaccination with Pfizer BNT162b2:
Biphasic anaphylaxis after first dose of 2019 messenger RNA coronavirus disease vaccine with positive polysorbate 80 skin test result:
Myocardial infarction, stroke, and pulmonary embolism after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in persons aged 75 years or older:
A case of acute encephalopathy and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction after vaccination with mRNA-1273: possible adverse effect: 767.
Case report: ANCA-associated vasculitis presenting with rhabdomyolysis and crescentic Pauci-Inmune glomerulonephritis after vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA:
Recurrent herpes zoster after COVID-19 vaccination in patients with chronic urticaria on cyclosporine treatment – A report of 3 cases:
Hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy after administration of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine Covid-19: incidence assessed by [ 18 F] FDG PET-CT and relevance for study interpretation:
Evolution of bilateral hypermetabolic axillary hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy on FDG PET/CT after 2-dose COVID-19 vaccination:
Lymphadenopathy associated with COVID-19 vaccination on FDG PET/CT: distinguishing features in adenovirus-vectored vaccine:
Regional lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: review of the literature and considerations for patient management in breast cancer care:
Do you want even more proof? Listed here are 140 references to adverse events of COVID injection that may occur in children.Acute-onset supraclavicular lymphadenopathy coincident with intramuscular mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 may be related to the injection technique of the vaccine, Spain, January and February 2021:
Thrombotic adverse events reported for Moderna, Pfizer, and Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines: comparison of occurrence and clinical outcomes in the EudraVigilance database:
Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: an increasing presentation in the two-week wait neck lump clinic:
COVID-19 vaccine-related axillary and cervical lymphadenopathy in patients with current or previous breast cancer and other malignancies: cross-sectional imaging findings on MRI, CT and PET-CT:
Cervical lymphadenopathy after coronavirus disease vaccination 2019: clinical features and implications for head and neck cancer services:
Unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy related to COVID-19 vaccine: pattern on screening breast MRI allowing benign evaluation:
Acute-onset supraclavicular lymphadenopathy coincident with intramuscular mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 may be related to the injection technique of the vaccine, Spain, January and February 2021:
Thrombotic adverse events reported for Moderna, Pfizer, and Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines: comparison of occurrence and clinical outcomes in the EudraVigilance database:
Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: an increasing presentation in the two-week wait neck lump clinic:
COVID-19 vaccine-related axillary and cervical lymphadenopathy in patients with current or previous breast cancer and other malignancies: cross-sectional imaging findings on MRI, CT and PET-CT:
Cervical lymphadenopathy after coronavirus disease vaccination 2019: clinical features and implications for head and neck cancer services:
Unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy related to COVID-19 vaccine: pattern on screening breast MRI allowing benign evaluation:
Abbate, A., Gavin, J., Madanchi, N., Kim, C., Shah, P. R., Klein, K., . . . Danielides, S. (2021). Fulminant myocarditis and systemic hyperinflammation temporally associated with BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in two patients. Int J Cardiol, 340, 119-121. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2021.08.018.
Abu Mouch, S., Roguin, A., Hellou, E., Ishai, A., Shoshan, U., Mahamid, L., . . . Berar Yanay, N. (2021). Myocarditis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. Vaccine, 39(29), 3790-3793. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.05.087.
Albert, E., Aurigemma, G., Saucedo, J., & Gerson, D. S. (2021). Myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination. Radiol Case Rep, 16(8), 2142-2145. doi:10.1016/j.radcr.2021.05.033.
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Azir, M., Inman, B., Webb, J., & Tannenbaum, L. (2021). STEMI Mimic: Focal Myocarditis in an Adolescent Patient After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine. J Emerg Med, 61(6), e129-e132. doi:10.1016/j.jemermed.2021.09.017.
Barda, N., Dagan, N., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Kepten, E., Waxman, J., Ohana, R., . . . Balicer, R. D. (2021). Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Setting. N Engl J Med, 385(12), 1078-1090. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2110475.
Bhandari, M., Pradhan, A., Vishwakarma, P., & Sethi, R. (2021). Coronavirus and cardiovascular manifestations- getting to the heart of the matter. World J Cardiol, 13(10), 556-565. doi:10.4330/wjc.v13.i10.556.
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Buchhorn, R., Meyer, C., Schulze-Forster, K., Junker, J., & Heidecke, H. (2021). Autoantibody Release in Children after Corona Virus mRNA Vaccination: A Risk Factor of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome? Vaccines (Basel), 9(11). doi:10.3390/vaccines9111353.
Calcaterra, G., Bassareo, P. P., Barilla, F., Romeo, F., & Mehta, J. L. (2022). Concerning the unexpected prothrombotic state following some coronavirus disease 2019 vaccines. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown), 23(2), 71-74. doi:10.2459/JCM.0000000000001232.
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Chang, J. C., & Hawley, H. B. (2021). Vaccine-Associated Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis: Venous Endotheliopathy Leading to Venous Combined Micro-Macrothrombosis. Medicina (Kaunas), 57(11). doi:10.3390/medicina57111163.
Chelala, L., Jeudy, J., Hossain, R., Rosenthal, G., Pietris, N., & White, C. (2021). Cardiac MRI Findings of Myocarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Adolescents. AJR Am J Roentgenol. doi:10.2214/AJR.21.26853.
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Takeda, M., Ishio, N., Shoji, T., Mori, N., Matsumoto, M., & Shikama, N. (2021). Eosinophilic Myocarditis Following Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccination. Circ J. doi:10.1253/circj.CJ-21-0935.
Team, C. C.-R., Food, & Drug, A. (2021). Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis After Receipt of the First Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine – United States, December 14-23, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 70(2), 46-51. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm7002e1.
Thompson, M. G., Burgess, J. L., Naleway, A. L., Tyner, H., Yoon, S. K., Meece, J., . . . Gaglani, M. (2021). Prevention and Attenuation of Covid-19 with the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 Vaccines. N Engl J Med, 385(4), 320-329. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2107058.
Tinoco, M., Leite, S., Faria, B., Cardoso, S., Von Hafe, P., Dias, G., . . . Lourenco, A. (2021). Perimyocarditis Following COVID-19 Vaccination. Clin Med Insights Cardiol, 15, 11795468211056634. doi:10.1177/11795468211056634.
Truong, D. T., Dionne, A., Muniz, J. C., McHugh, K. E., Portman, M. A., Lambert, L. M., . . . Newburger, J. W. (2021). Clinically Suspected Myocarditis Temporally Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Adolescents and Young Adults. Circulation. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056583.
Tutor, A., Unis, G., Ruiz, B., Bolaji, O. A., & Bob-Manuel, T. (2021). Spectrum of Suspected Cardiomyopathy Due to COVID-19: A Case Series. Curr Probl Cardiol, 46(10), 100926. doi:10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2021.100926.
Umei, T. C., Kishino, Y., Shiraishi, Y., Inohara, T., Yuasa, S., & Fukuda, K. (2021). Recurrence of myopericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in a male adolescent. CJC Open. doi:10.1016/j.cjco.2021.12.002.
Vidula, M. K., Ambrose, M., Glassberg, H., Chokshi, N., Chen, T., Ferrari, V. A., & Han, Y. (2021). Myocarditis and Other Cardiovascular Complications of the mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines. Cureus, 13(6), e15576. doi:10.7759/cureus.15576.
Visclosky, T., Theyyunni, N., Klekowski, N., & Bradin, S. (2021). Myocarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine. Pediatr Emerg Care, 37(11), 583-584. doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000002557.
Warren, C. M., Snow, T. T., Lee, A. S., Shah, M. M., Heider, A., Blomkalns, A., . . . Nadeau, K. C. (2021). Assessment of Allergic and Anaphylactic Reactions to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines With Confirmatory Testing in a US Regional Health System. JAMA Netw Open, 4(9), e2125524. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.25524.
Watkins, K., Griffin, G., Septaric, K., & Simon, E. L. (2021). Myocarditis after BNT162b2 vaccination in a healthy male. Am J Emerg Med, 50, 815 e811-815 e812. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2021.06.051.
Weitzman, E. R., Sherman, A. C., & Levy, O. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine Attitudes as Expressed in U.S. FDA Public Commentary: Need for a Public-Private Partnership in a Learning Immunization System. Front Public Health, 9, 695807. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.695807.
Welsh, K. J., Baumblatt, J., Chege, W., Goud, R., & Nair, N. (2021). Thrombocytopenia including immune thrombocytopenia after receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Vaccine, 39(25), 3329-3332. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.04.054.
Witberg, G., Barda, N., Hoss, S., Richter, I., Wiessman, M., Aviv, Y., . . . Kornowski, R. (2021). Myocarditis after Covid-19 Vaccination in a Large Health Care Organization. N Engl J Med, 385(23), 2132-2139. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2110737.
Zimmermann, P., & Curtis, N. (2020). Why is COVID-19 less severe in children? A review of the proposed mechanisms underlying the age-related difference in severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections. Arch Dis Child. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2020-320338.
(Natural News) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is finally admitting that PCR tests have no place in trying to detect the presence of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) inside a person’s body.
Rochelle Walensky, the fake federal agency’s top dog, told ABC News in a recent interview that the “new science” shows that PCR tests do not work, and the government is no longer using them.
“With all of that science together, we moved forward with isolation recommendations of five days of isolation followed by five days in a mask,” Walensky explained about the new guidelines (watch the interview below).
“Now the question of why we didn’t include a test there is simply because we know that PCRs can stay positive for up to 12 weeks. So we would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs.”
NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.
NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.
There are nearly 100,000 excess deaths happening per month in the USA right now, according to life insurance companies that are sounding the alarm over what Dr. Robert Malone calls a “mass casualty event” that’s unfolding due to covid vaccines.
— Is this the Holy Grail in Medicine?
Denied by Big Pharma, MMS has proven to be a cheap and effective treatment/cure for virtually every ailment under the sun!
Trump was right… chlorine dioxide cures. It is NOT Bleach as the media claimed, it is safe and natural.
This documentary (mirror) produced by Adam Abraham working with Jim Humble in Mexico tells the story of MMS and many of the accomplishments that has occurred since Jim first wrote the book that is sold on his site – The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century. There are excerpts and testimony from doctors and scientists in Mexico and the US.
Jim is an ex miner who first witnessed it’s use for treating malaria and has since gone on to investigate the possibility of treating a variety of other ailments and diseases ranging from coughs and colds, flu, tuberculosis, lime disease, psoriasis and cancer.
Quite a number of other people give their opinions and observations who all attest to the effectiveness of MMS.
This documentary is very professional done and it gives you a very interesting look into the new world of MMS. The observations and happenings are all factual.
Please enjoy this documentary and share it with all your friends and family.
Vitamin D optimization is likely the easiest, least expensive and most beneficial strategy that anyone can do to help minimize their risk of infections including COVID-19 coming months
More than 1 billion individuals worldwide, across all age groups, are deficient in vitamin D, which has now been identified as a significant risk factor for positive COVID-19 status, severe COVID-19 infection and death thereof
In Indonesia, people with a vitamin D level between 20 ng/mL and 30 ng/mL had a sevenfold higher risk of death than those with a level above 30 ng/mL. Having a level below 20 ng/mL was associated with a 12 times higher risk of death
To improve your immune function and lower your risk of viral infections, you’ll want to raise your vitamin D to a level between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL (150 nmol/L and 200 nmol/L) by fall
Vitamin D optimization is particularly important for dark-skinned individuals, as the darker your skin, the more sun exposure you need to raise your vitamin D level, as well as the elderly
This article was previously published June 22, 2020, and has been updated with new information.
All things considered, vitamin D optimization is likely the easiest, least expensive and most beneficial strategy that anyone can do to minimize their risk of COVID-19 and other infections in the coming months. Health authorities are already warning of a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall, which means the time to start addressing your vitamin D level is NOW.
We also have a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency, as more than 1 billion individuals worldwide, across all age groups, are deficient in vitamin D.1,2,3,4 Vitamin D deficiency has now been identified as a significant risk factor for positive COVID-19 status,5,6 severe COVID-19 infection7,8,9,10 and death thereof.11,12
In one study,13,14 which looked at data from 780 hospital patients in Indonesia, those with a vitamin D level between 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) and 30 ng/mL had a sevenfold higher risk of death than those with a level above 30 ng/mL. Having a level below 20 ng/mL was associated with a 12 times higher risk of death.
To improve your immune function and lower your risk of viral infections, you’ll want to raise your vitamin D to a level between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL by fall. In Europe, the measurements you’re looking for are 150 nmol/L and 200 nmol/L. If vitamin D levels were increased in the global population, tens of thousands of people may be saved if or when COVID-19 reemerges.
While prospective controlled studies demonstrating vitamin D’s effectiveness in COVID-19 are still lacking, there are many such studies underway. You can review the status of these trials on As of early June 2020, more than 20 studies had been launched to investigate the benefits of vitamin D against COVID-19.
The Most Important Paper I’ve Ever Written
The comprehensive vitamin D report below has been reviewed by many vitamin D scientists for accuracy. This was done to develop a resource that everyone can share to help educate others. We will soon be launching a campaign to educate and inspire everyone, everywhere, to start optimizing their vitamin D level NOW. Please download my paper here, and share it with everyone you know.
The purpose of this report is to help you understand why it is so important to optimize vitamin levels for healthy immune functions and then provide you with a detailed strategy of how to do that. This report can be used as a tool to teach your friends, family and community about why and how to be prepared for the next pandemic.
In it, I review the science of how your immune system works, and the regulatory role of vitamin D. I also explain how vitamin D reduces your risk of COVID-19 specifically, and how it helps suppress and control both acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and cytokine storms, which is a primary cause of death in COVID-19.
Darker-Skinned Individuals Need More Vitamin D
Vitamin D optimization is particularly important for dark-skinned individuals, as the darker your skin, the more sun exposure you need to raise your vitamin D level. Increased skin pigmentation reduces the efficacy of UVB because melanin functions as a natural sunblock.
If you’re very dark-skinned, you may need to spend about 1.5 hours a day in the sun to have any noticeable effect. For many working adults and school-age children, this simply isn’t feasible.
Light-skinned individuals may only need 15 minutes of full sun exposure a day, which is far easier to achieve. Still, they too will typically struggle to maintain ideal levels during the winter. During the winter months at latitudes of greater than 40°, little or no UVB radiation reaches the surface of the earth. That said, residence at low latitude does not guarantee adequate vitamin D levels, since social and cultural norms may limit sun exposure.16
As noted in the MedCram video above, black, Asian and minority ethnic groups are at an increased risk of death from COVID-19. While some have blamed this racial disparity on health care access, a far more likely reason for this is because dark-skinned individuals are far more likely to be deficient in vitamin D.
In fact, the paper cited by MedCram specifically looked at ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality among patients in England, where health care is freely available to all, so the health care access rationale doesn’t seem to hold water.
Vitamin D Supplementation Recommended to Quell Mortality
The role of vitamin D is addressed in a reply17 by vitamin D researchers William Grant and Barbara Boucher to The BMJ editorial “Is Ethnicity Linked to Incidence or Outcomes of COVID-19?” They write, in part:
“The recent BMJ editorial by Khunti et al. asks ‘Is ethnicity linked to incidence or outcomes of covid-19?’ Here we outline how ethnicity relates to incidence and outcomes of COVID-19 due, in part, to lack of vitamin D because of increased skin pigmentation and diet …
A potentially important factor not considered in the PHE report was vitamin D deficiency, though mounting evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiency is an important risk factor for acute respiratory tract infections and for COVID-19 …
Mounting evidence demonstrates that vitamin D has important roles in regulating the immune system that should reduce COVID-19 risks; primarily by reducing survival and replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and by reducing the risks of ‘cytokine storms’ by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine production and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokine production.
Vitamin D also promotes local ACE2 formation in the lungs, an effect known to reduce the severity of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Furthermore, higher baseline serum 25(OH)D concentrations are currently being reported to be associated with reduced rates of severe COVID-19 and of mortality.”
Grant and Boucher recommend advising the public to supplement vitamin D daily, especially black, Asian and minority ethnic groups, indoor workers, shift workers, the elderly, those in residential care or those confined to their homes, as well as those who are obese. Doing so might reduce COVID-19 severity and prevent unnecessary deaths.
“Vitamin D is readily available … ‘over the counter’ at supermarkets, chemists and online, but could be provided free to those in financial hardship or unable to access supplies,” Grant and Boucher write, adding:
“Doses of 1,000 IU/day in general and of 4,000 IU/day for those at high risk of deficiency, as above, including the BAME groups, should be advised for the duration of the Covid-19 outbreak …”
Sunscreen Advice Counters Lifesaving Vitamin D Message
Remarkably, while the importance of vitamin D against COVID-19 is becoming more widely recognized by doctors, some are still advising against either sun exposure or vitamin D supplementation, or both.
Some, such as Dr. Pieter Cohen, an internal medicine physician at Cambridge Health Alliance in Massachusetts and an associate professor medicine at Harvard Medical School, is even discouraging people from getting their vitamin D level tested to see if they’re deficient!18 A June 1, 2020, report on states:19
“The body can manufacture vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun or get it from food. ‘I’m not making a general recommendation for supplements. I’m saying: To avoid vitamin D deficiency.
It will usually take only being outdoors, getting incidental sun exposure, plus paying attention to the dietary sources of vitamin D,’ [Dr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and professor of medicine at Harvard] noted.
Incidental sun exposure means getting some sunshine during a 30-minute walk or other outdoor exercise while wearing shorts or short sleeves (though you should still use sunscreen). It doesn’t mean going out specifically to sun bathe.”
The advice to wear sunscreen while getting “incidental” sun exposure is medically irrational and incorrect, since sunscreen filters out the very ultraviolet rays that trigger vitamin D production in your skin.
In order for sensible sun exposure to work, you need unprotected exposure. Just make sure you don’t get sunburned. All you need is to stay out until your skin turns the lightest shade of pink. After that, cover up with long sleeves and pants.
Help Us Spread the Word!
It is my sincere hope and desire that all of you will help us in this effort to spread the word about vitamin D and get your friends and family on board to get their vitamin levels optimized. We need a citizen army of activists to spread the word. My vitamin D report can help you in this effort. I urge you to share it with everyone you know. I hope to collaborate with all the major natural medical sites to participate in this process.
The vitamin D level you’re aiming for is between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL. In Europe, the measurements you’re looking for are 150 nmol/L and 200 nmol/L. In my vitamin D report, I detail how to go about doing this, but here’s a quick summary of the key steps:
1.First, measure your vitamin D level — One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of measuring your vitamin D level is to participate in the GrassrootsHealth’s personalized nutrition project, which includes a vitamin D testing kit.
Once you know what your blood level is, you can assess the dose needed to maintain or improve your level. The easiest way to raise your level is by getting regular, sensible sun exposure, as discussed above.
If you cannot get enough vitamin D from the sun (you can use the DMinder app20 to see how much vitamin D your body can make depending on your location and other individual factors), then you’ll need an oral supplement. It’s strongly recommended to take magnesium and K2 concomitant with oral vitamin D.
2.Assess your individualized vitamin D dosage — To do that, you can either use the chart below, or use GrassrootsHealth’s Vitamin D*calculator. To convert ng/mL into the European measurement (nmol/L), simply multiply the ng/mL measurement by 2.5. To calculate how much vitamin D you may be getting from regular sun exposure in addition to your supplemental intake, use the DMinder app.21
3.Retest in three to six months — Lastly, you’ll need to remeasure your vitamin D level in three to six months, to evaluate how your sun exposure and/or supplement dose is working for you.
The Orwellian Planet continues to reveal itself as now the inventor of mRNA technology has been suspended from Twitter for warning of the deadly side effects. Alex Jones announces he will be on Joe Rogan this week. A verdict in the Maxwell trial is reached. Owen Shroyer gives his response, as does Alex and reporter Kristan Harris. The great bait and switch of the covid lies begins, as Fuaci, Wen and others are now saying the exact opposite of everything they had been saying. Owen also breaks down the idea and concept of A.I. in a way you’ve never heard before.
Tägliche politische und Geoengineering-Nachrichten:
We want to wish all our patriot pals happy holidays and an amazing New Year! We are back in the sunshine state for some family time as we continue to be on the road escaping the formally great city of NY touring the country meeting patriots everywhere. We are grateful for all your support and for being back in free America.
During this crazy time we live in, remember that unity and love will prevail and that God Wins!. But we all must do our parts. One way we can contribute is to all try to do with less stuff this holiday season but if we must shop, please remember to defund the cabal & refund America by supporting all the amazing Patriots fighting on the front lines.
Let’s also get out and meet each other at Mel’s upcoming live in person speaking events:
Phoenix AZ – January 14-15 (Reawaken America Tour)
Oklahoma City, OK January 22 (Sherwood For Governor – Make Oklahoma Free Rally)
Canton, OH February 18-19 (Reawaken America Tour)
San Diego, CA March 11-12 (Reawaken America Tour)
Redmond, OR – April 1-2 (Reawaken America Tour)
See our website events page and follow the link to the events. Remember to mention Mel K for great discounts on all these fun and informative events. See you there!
RE:AWAKENING Movie Just Launched ! – see our partners page !
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Tägliche politische und Geoengineering-Nachrichten:
While the Democrats and White House have been adamant about pushing the COVID-19 jab on the American people, the Biden administration recently announced that they would be ramping up efforts to get more children to take the jab to fight against COVID-19. Although the administration promises this is for the safety and well-being of children and the future of America, A professor of epidemiology at Yale University isn’t buying the narrative being presented by the White House given that children showing severe symptoms from COVID-19 is rare.
In the video, which can be watched below, Dr. Harvey Risch was speaking on Fox News when the new agenda from the Biden administration came up. Dr. Risch didn’t shy away from the motives behind the push and how the Democrats are not allowing science to guide them when fighting COVID-19.
Alex Jones discusses how the medical establishment is out of control, and he explains how Dr. Fauci’s lawless liberty with horrific scientific experiments is a sign of that imbalance.
Start your journey! Save 25% on today & get exclusive information that exposes the globalist agenda during our special Holiday Sale that will only be online until Tuesday, December 28th at PM!
Alex Jones lays out the latest world ending developments surrounding COVID vaccines, global government, and humanity’s struggle to maintain its freedom.
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Alex Jones breaks down what the WHO’s warning about a global healthcare collapse means and explains how they triggered it through their COVID hysteria. Also, Steve Kirsch joins Alex Jones live via Skype to reveal the findings of new studies that confirm to an even greater degree the fact that COVID vaccines cause cardiovascular disease and cause recipients’ own immune system to attack the heart. Harrison Smith hosts the fourth and final hour.
This short video gives a synopsis of stories from a number of persons who say they and/or their family members suffered severe side effects after getting the COVID-19 shots.
From full-body convulsions to myriad neurological disorders to blood clots and platelet problems to deaths, the reported side effects are severe and disturbing to watch. “I knew it had to be from the vaccine,” one woman says.
In a stunning video interview with a doctor treating COVID-19 patients, The Desert Review uncovers the secrets health officials and hospitals aren’t telling — and that is that “they are being held hostage and segregated from loved ones. And the reason is money.”
“COVID patients in America’s hospitals today are actually being treated worse than prisoners in American jails,” Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet says. The very structure of how hospitals are reimbursed for COVID patients is what’s causing this, she says.
“They (the hospitals) are paid by the government to do a PCR test on every patient who walks in the door … Then they are paid extra for a COVID admission to the hospital. They are paid an extra 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill, if the hospital ONLY uses remdesivir to treat the patient.
“And then if the patient goes on a ventilator, which is a consequence of some of the toxicity of remdesivir and the restriction of fluids and nutrients that they are also doing, and once the patient is on a ventilator there is ANOTHER incentive bonus to the hospitals. If the patient dies in the hospital, there is another incentive payment,” Vliet states.
This video is over an hour long but it’s worth watching every minute. It could save your or a loved one’s life.
Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD is a heroic physician who, earlier than most other medical doctors throughout the world, was so appalled by the failure to treat COVID-19 patients that she became a COVID treating physician. Having founded the Truth for Health Foundation, with Peter McCullough, MD MPH as Chief Medical Advisor, she has now found herself confronted with the tragic and horrific reality of COVID patients dying due to neglect and bad treatment in hospitals throughout the U.S. and elsewhere. Many of these treatment centers seem so intent on murdering their patients that they refuse court orders to treat with routine antiviral therapies like steroids as well specific treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Incentivized by high reimbursement payments for treating dying COVID patients and by using potentially deadly treatments like ventilators and remdesivir, the doctors and hospitals have descended into unethical, corrupt medical practices.
These chilling stories highlight the culture of death into which American society is descending. They led our interview to examine the global predators and progressive ideologues who are driving otherwise sane physicians and honorable institutions to kill their patients through a combination of neglect, mistreatment and, at times, deadly interventions. This is an interview that should become a shot heard around the world to alert humanity to the ongoing destruction of Western civilization in the name of treating COVID-19.
Are myocarditis and pericarditis from the COVID-19 shots as “extremely rare” as the CDC and other world health agencies and officials say? Not by a long shot, says Steve Kirsch, who’s been following and investigating reported side effects of the COVID jabs.
A retired engineer with two degrees, Kirsch has no conflicts of interest in this issue; he’s just interested in the truth. And the truth is the rates of myocarditis in boys after a COVID jab are as much as 100 times higher than the 1 in 13,000 you’re being told.
Even before Kirsch’s latest findings, the CDC’s own numbers showed it was more like 41 times higher. But now the numbers from a school in California indicate the number is closer 1 in 95.
This is not something to be swept aside, Kirsch says, because children are being sacrificed for the sake of the shot, and they are going to die unnecessarily unless somebody speaks out. And that, he says, is why he is telling the world the truth, even though he knows the CDC will deny the numbers.
In his latest blog, he meticulously lays out those truths — including the fact that the CDC is lying about the rates of vaccine-induced myocarditis compared to COVID-induced myocarditis.
One reason the CDC has changed its rules to not require retesting for COVID-19 infection after quarantine is that the PCR tests used to determine infectivity can stay positive for up to 12 weeks.
The rapid antigen tests also may be less sensitive to the Omicron variant, according to CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, but even so, if you test negative on the rapid test and you have symptoms, you need to get the PCR test anyway.
Then, if you have symptoms and test positive on the PCR test, you just don’t have to retest after you’ve quarantined, as the long positivity rates for the PCR tests “would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs,” she told ABC News.
Kyle’s vaccine complication 21 Oct 2021. Kyle age 29 talks with Dr John Campbell about his adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab and how it effects his life and health. 2nd dose taken June 10 2021
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The Hill
Dec 19, 2021
Tuesday, a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis held a remote hearing examining the urgent need to accelerate global coronavirus vaccination efforts and the critical role that these efforts play in the nation’s public health and economic recovery. Congressman Jim Jordan expressed his desire for CDC to use some of its funding to figure out how effective natural immunity is as an alternative to a vaccine.
December 14, 2021, a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis held a remote hearing in which they debated the need for an accelerated vaccination effort. In the outtake from that meeting (video above), Congressman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, points out that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NIH/NIAID have a combined annual budget of about $58 billion, and a combined staff of 31,000.
With that kind of budget and an army of staff, why has the U.S. government not done a study to determine how natural immunity stacks up against the COVID jab? Jordan asked. The answer he received (from an, unfortunately, unidentified doctor) was refreshingly direct:
“I don’t think they want to know the answer,” because “it would undermine the indiscriminate vaccination policy for every single human being, including extremely low risk people.”
According to a Columbia University study, more than half the American population have now been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in one form or another, and have natural immunity, and according to an Israeli study, natural immunity is 27 times more effective than the COVID shot.19
So, why are government leaders and so-called health authorities still acting as though natural immunity is irrelevant and the only way to control the pandemic is through repeated injections with experimental — and clearly hazardous — gene transfer technology?
I believe the answer is they’re ignoring natural immunity because their primary objective and goal it to have everyone injected. They want everyone routinely jabbed so they can justify the rollout of health passports, which will become the foundation for an all-encompassing digital ID control system.
In short, our public health agencies have been hijacked and are carrying out an anti-human, anti-health agenda intended to enslave the public in a technocratic control grid.
There’s no doubt anymore that the vaccine passports will be expanded to encompass financial transactions and incorporate a social credit system. Together, all of these pieces will allow an unelected elite to control the lives of every person on the planet, down to the minutest details of our everyday lives.
While Fauci and Collins are certainly not alone in this effort, and likely not even close to the top of the technocratic food chain, they have played very important roles. It’s time to see them for who and what they are, and demand that they be held to account for their actions.
Busted by their own emails! Fauci and his boss, NIH Director Francis Collins, engaged in a conspiracy to defame and destroy the work of three prominent scientists from Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford, which challenged the Fauci/Collins lockdown strategy to address last year’s virus outbreak. Thanks to a Freedom of Information request we see how Anthony “I’m the science” Fauci really operates behind the scenes. Also today, Fauci says force your fully-vaxxed family members to take a covid test before tucking into the turkey.
Another cache of emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) reveals Dr. Anthony Fauci and his boss, National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, colluded to quash dissenting views on the lockdowns
October 4, 2020, three medical professors — Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, Sunetra Gupta from Oxford and Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford — launched the Great Barrington Declaration, which called for focused protection of high-risk individuals rather than the continuation of blanket lockdowns
As support of the declaration rapidly spread, Fauci and Collins discussed how they could stop the call for a sane, science-based approach. In an email to Fauci, Collins wrote, “There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises”
The emails between Fauci and Collins are the smoking gun showing that it is they who are waging war against science
Despite having a combined annual budget of $58 billion, and a combined staff of 31,000, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NIH/NIAID have not yet conducted an actual study to determine how natural immunity stacks up against the COVID jab, likely because they don’t want to know the answer
The more we learn about Dr. Anthony Fauci, the worse he looks. The grandfatherly figurehead has now had two years in the limelight, urging people to “follow the science,” which he has shamelessly equated to his own ever-shifting opinion.
Another cache of emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) now reveals Fauci and his boss, National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, colluded behind the scenes to quash dissenting views on the lockdowns.1
Fauci and Collins Conspired to Destroy Dissent
October 4, 2020, three medical professors — Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, Sunetra Gupta from Oxford and Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford — launched the Great Barrington Declaration, a statement anyone could sign onto that called for focused protection of high-risk individuals, such as the elderly, rather than the continuation of blanket lockdowns. AIER sponsored the declaration.
“Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health,” the declaration stated. “Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.”
As support of the declaration rapidly spread, Fauci and Collins seemingly panicked, and discussed how they could possibly stop the growing call for a sane, science-based approach. In an October 8, 2020, email to Fauci, Collins wrote:2,3,4,5
“The proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention … There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises …”
“Don’t worry, I got this,” Fauci replied. Later, Fauci sent Collins links to newly published articles refuting the focused protection solution, including an op-ed in Wired magazine, and an article in The Nation, titled “Focused Protection, Herd Immunity and Other Deadly Delusions.” “Excellent,” Collins replied.
This correspondence is a real peek behind the curtain as to who Fauci and Collins really are. They’re not interested in debating scientific merit. Their go-to strategy is simply to demolish the opposition by any means necessary.
Clearly, there’s nothing “fringe” about these scientists. Bhattacharya, for example, has conducted NIH-funded research for decades.6 If he’s a “fringe” scientist, why is Collins funding him?
As noted by Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Liberty Report (video above), behind the scenes, Fauci and Collins are just “nasty bureaucrats who want to destroy anyone who challenges their power … The scientific method does not involve, ‘Oh my gosh, that guy said something that contradicts me, I must destroy him.’”
Fauci’s War on Science
As noted by Jeffrey Tucker in a December 19, 2021, Brownstone article,7 the attacks on the declaration and its creators were particularly shocking considering “They were merely stating the consensus based on science and experience. Nothing more.”
Indeed, March 2, 2020, 850 scientists signed a letter8 to the White House warning against the use of lockdowns, travel restrictions and the closing of businesses and schools.
Fauci himself had even told a Washington Post reporter that “The epidemic will gradually decline and stop on its own without a vaccine”9 — a scientifically correct stance he’s since abandoned. According to Tucker, the emails between Fauci and Collins are the smoking gun showing that it is they who are waging war against science.
“What we find in these emails are highly political people who are obsessed not with science but with messaging and popular influences on the public mind,” Tuckerwrites.10
“What do we learn from these emails? The attacks on tens of thousands of medical professionals and scientists were indeed encouraged from the top. The basis for the attacks were not scientific articles. They were heavily political popular pieces.
This adds serious weight to the impression we all had at the time, which was that this was not really about science but about something far more insidious. You can discover more about this in Scott Atlas’s book on the topic [‘A Plague Upon Our House’]. These new emails confirm his account. It was an outright war on top scientists …
My own estimate is that the convinced advocates of lockdowns when they took place were probably fewer than 50 in the U.S. How and why they managed to grab hold of the reins of power will be investigated by historians for many decades.
The incredibly positive response to the Great Barrington Declaration, which has garnered 900,000 signatures in the meantime, demonstrates that there was and is still life remaining in traditional public health measures deployed throughout the 20th century and still respect for human dignity and science remaining among medical professionals and the general public.
This war on dissent against lockdowns is not only a scandal of our times. The lockdowns and now the mandates have fundamentally transformed society …
We seem ever more to be on the precipice of total disaster, one that will be difficult to reverse. It is urgent that we know who did this, as well as how and why, and take steps to stop it before more damage is done and then becomes permanent.”
Bhattacharya Speaks Out
When news of the Fauci-Collins collusion broke, Bhattacharya tweeted,11 “Now I know what it feels like to be the subject of a propaganda attack by my own government. Discussion and engagement would have been a better path.”
According to Bhattacharya, Collins and Fauci cooked up the false counternarrative that focused protection would “let the virus rip” through populations with devastating effect. This erroneous talking point was then thrown at them again and again.
“When reporters started asking me why I wanted to ‘let the virus rip,’ I was puzzled,”Bhattacharya tweeted December 19, 2021.12“Now I know that Collins and Fauci primed the media attack with the lie.
I was also puzzled by the mischaracterization of the GBD [Great Barrington Declaration] as a ‘herd immunity strategy,’ Biologically the epidemic ends when a sufficient number of people have immunity, either through COVID recovery or vax. Lockdown, let-it-rip, and the GBD all lead to that.
As Martin Kulldorff has said, it makes as much sense to say ‘herd immunity strategy’ as it does to say ‘gravity strategy’ for landing an airplane. The only question is how to land safely, not whether gravity applies.
So the question is how to get through this terrible pandemic with the least harm, where the harms considered include all of public health, not just COVID. The GBD and focused protection of the vulnerable is a middle ground between lockdown and let-it-rip.
Lockdowners like Collins & Fauci … could have engaged honestly in a discussion about it, but would have found that public health is fundamentally about focused protection … Instead, Fauci & Collins decided to smear Martin Kulldorff, Sunetra Gupta, me and supporters of the GBD. They lied about the ideas it contains and orchestrated a propaganda campaign against us …
Fauci & Collins are silent about lockdown harms because they are culpable. The sad fact is that they won the policy war, they got their lockdowns, and now … own the harms. They cannot deny it. The GBD warned them.
They also cannot say that the lockdowns worked to suppress COVID. In the U.S., we followed the Fauci/Collins lockdown strategy and we have 800k COVID deaths. Sweden — more focused on protecting the vulnerable — did better and cannot be ignored …
[History] will judge those in charge of the COVID policy, and it will not judge kindly. [Collins] smears the GBD and its authors because he has no substantive argument
left … Collins’ interview with Baier marks a sad end to an illustrious career, and I take no joy in saying so. Fauci should join him in retirement. They have done enough damage.”
Against Fading Odds, Fauci Tries to Keep Narrative Alive
The damaging character revelations emerge just as Fauci and President Biden struggle to whip up panic about Omicron to keep the need for pandemic countermeasures going. It’s a challenge, for sure, as most people have already realized that Omicron is no worse than a common cold.
During a December 19, 2021, CNN interview, Fauci stated that they “did not anticipate the extent of mutations” that occurred in Omicron.13 So, basically, despite sinking billions of dollars into research, scientists were unable to predict the mutations. That should tell us something.
Disturbingly, there’s now evidence suggesting Omicron might be yet another lab creation. In a recent Bannons War Room interview, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,14 reviewed what we know so far about the Omicron variant.
As noted by Malone, the press has been talking about “everything except for the obvious, which is that this is a ‘vaccine’-escaped mutant.’” The variant appears highly resistant to the COVID shots, which is a sign of it having mutated within one or more COVID-jabbed individuals, yet the first recommendation from the mental giants in charge of COVID responses was to push COVID booster shots. This is as irresponsible and irrational as it is unscientific.
“The boosters are a perfect way to bias our immune system so we’re LESS able to respond to this new variant,” Malone explained. “This is [like] jabbing everybody with a flu vaccine from three seasons ago and expecting it to have effects against the current [flu strains].”
Omicron Emerged From Old 2020 Strain
As for the nature and origin of Omicron, Malone said:
“It has the hallmark of a viral agent under tight genetic selection for evolution to escape the ‘vaccine’ responses against the receptor bonding domain. The question that is outstanding right now is — because this is so different from the other strains that are being tracked; it’s in its own separate little evolutionary branch — how did this happen?”
What Malone is referring to is the fact that the closest genetic sequences to Omicron date back to mid-2020. It doesn’t seem to belong to any of the evolutionary branches that have emerged since.15In the time-lapse graphic16 below, Twitter user Chief Nerd illustrates the genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 from the original strain until now, using data from
It’s a great illustration of just how odd an unnatural Omicron’s emergence really is. As the time-lapse gets toward the end of 2021, suddenly there’s Omicron, emerging like a straight line from a mid-2020 strain, having no semblance to any of the other strains. There’s no precedent for this oddity occurring in nature.
In all, Omicron is said to have some 50 mutations from the original Alpha strain, many of which specifically allow it to circumvent COVID shot-induced antibody defenses.
According to molecular biologist and cancer geneticist Philip Buckhaults, Ph.D.,18 Omicron has 25 nonsynonymous and only one synonymous spike mutation compared to its most recent common ancestor (AV.1). Were it a natural occurrence, that ratio ought to be somewhere between 25 to 50 and 25 to 100.
Until and unless we end up with conclusive proof of its origin, we need to keep all options open, Malone says, and that includes the possibility of Omicron being cooked up in a lab from a previous strain.
One plausible theory is that scientists enabled an early SARS-CoV-2 variant to build antibody resistance, possibly by passaging them through human or humanized cell lines in the presence of convalescent plasma.
Congressman Calls for Natural Immunity Study
December 14, 2021, a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis held a remote hearing in which they debated the need for an accelerated vaccination effort. In the outtake from that meeting (video above), Congressman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, points out that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NIH/NIAID have a combined annual budget of about $58 billion, and a combined staff of 31,000.
With that kind of budget and an army of staff, why has the U.S. government not done a study to determine how natural immunity stacks up against the COVID jab? Jordan asked. The answer he received (from an, unfortunately, unidentified doctor) was refreshingly direct:
“I don’t think they want to know the answer,” because “it would undermine the indiscriminate vaccination policy for every single human being, including extremely low risk people.”
According to a Columbia University study, more than half the American population have now been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in one form or another, and have natural immunity, and according to an Israeli study, natural immunity is 27 times more effective than the COVID shot.19
So, why are government leaders and so-called health authorities still acting as though natural immunity is irrelevant and the only way to control the pandemic is through repeated injections with experimental — and clearly hazardous — gene transfer technology?
I believe the answer is they’re ignoring natural immunity because their primary objective and goal it to have everyone injected. They want everyone routinely jabbed so they can justify the rollout of health passports, which will become the foundation for an all-encompassing digital ID control system.
In short, our public health agencies have been hijacked and are carrying out an anti-human, anti-health agenda intended to enslave the public in a technocratic control grid.
There’s no doubt anymore that the vaccine passports will be expanded to encompass financial transactions and incorporate a social credit system. Together, all of these pieces will allow an unelected elite to control the lives of every person on the planet, down to the minutest details of our everyday lives.
While Fauci and Collins are certainly not alone in this effort, and likely not even close to the top of the technocratic food chain, they have played very important roles. It’s time to see them for who and what they are, and demand that they be held to account for their actions.
A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found an association between vitamin B12 deficiency and the incidence of depression in older people living in the community
Older adults with low levels had a 51% increased risk of developing depression during the study. Low levels of vitamin B12 may result from poor diet, or poor absorption related to lower levels of pepsin secretion that releases vitamin B12 from food
Other nutrient deficiencies are also associated with depression, including vitamin D and a low omega-3 index. Vitamin D deficiency may result from limited exposure to sunlight, inadequate absorption or poor conversion to the active form
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain health, blood clotting, muscle activity and more. The omega-3 index is lowest in North America, Europe, Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East. Deficiency contributes to mood disorders, including depression
Research published in December 20211 using data from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging (TILDA) discovered those with a vitamin B12 deficiency had a greater risk of symptoms of depression. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America,2 264 million people worldwide live with symptoms of depression. In 2017, roughly 17.3 million adults in the U.S. had experienced at least one major depressive episode.
This number rose in 2019 to 19.4 million adults who had experienced at least one major depressive episode.3 It is not uncommon for someone who has depression to also suffer from symptoms of anxiety.4 According to the CDC,5 data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show women are roughly twice as likely to experience depression as men, which was a pattern that was observed in each age group surveyed.
Symptoms of depression can include feeling sad or empty, hopeless, irritable, worthless and restless. You may have difficulty sleeping, experience appetite or weight changes or have thoughts of death or suicide. Not everyone experiences every symptom. For some individuals, their symptoms make it difficult to function.6
The December 2021 study linked deficiencies in vitamin B12 with the incidence of symptoms of depression in the elderly. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin found in some foods.7 It’s also available as a prescription medication and dietary supplement. Your body uses vitamin B12 for the function and myelination of the central nervous system, to form healthy red blood cells and in DNA synthesis.
Food sources include those of animal origin, such as pasture-raised poultry, dairy products, eggs and meat. Absorption of vitamin B12 is dependent on intrinsic factor, which is a transport and delivery binding protein produced in the stomach.8 The bioavailability from food decreases when the amount of vitamin B12 exceeds the capacity of intrinsic factor.
Vitamin B12 is released from food by the activity of hydrochloric acid and gastric protease in the stomach and saliva in the mouth.9 In 1999 it was estimated10 that vitamin B12 deficiency affects up to 15% of people over age 60. In this study, however, classic symptoms of deficiency were often lacking in this population.
The low vitamin B status is attributed to the high prevalence of atrophic gastritis which results in low-acid pepsin secretion and reduces the release of vitamin B12 from food. The 2021 study finds these low levels of vitamin B12 may increase the risk of depression in older adults.11
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Associated With Depression
The study published in the British Journal of Nutrition12 sought to evaluate the relationship between vitamin B12, folate and the incidence of depression in older individuals living in the community. There were 3,849 individuals over age 50 included.
The results showed a link between vitamin B12 deficiency, but not with a folate deficiency.13 The researchers found that even after controlling for factors such as chronic disease, cardiovascular disease, antidepressant use, physical activity and vitamin D status, the results remain significant.14
The older adults who had a B12 deficiency had a 51% increased risk of developing symptoms of depression during the four years of the study. The data also showed that certain factors influenced the vitamin B12 status in older adults. This included geographic location, obesity, smoking, socioeconomic status and gender.
While the link was found between older adults living in the community and a vitamin B12 deficiency, they also found that older individuals in the study had a lower risk of depression. In a press release from Trinity College Dublin, Eamon Laird, from TILDA15 and lead scientist of the study talked about the results in a press release, saying:16
“This study is highly relevant given the high prevalence of incident depression in older adults living in Ireland, and especially following evidence to show that one in eight older adults report high levels of low B12 deficiency rates.
There is a growing momentum to introduce a mandatory food fortification policy of B-vitamins in Europe and the UK, especially since mandatory food fortification with folic acid in the US has showed positive results, with folate deficiency or low status rates of just 1.2% in those aged 60 years and older.”
Vitamin D Deficiency Plays a Role in Mental Health
This recent study highlights the importance of adequate nutrition to protect your optimal health. In addition to vitamin B12, other nutrients have a significant effect on mental health. Vitamin D is one of those nutrients. Vitamin D, also known as calciferol,17 is a fat-soluble vitamin, which your body can absorb from a few foods and produces endogenously when exposed to sunlight.
People can become deficient when they consume less than the recommended level, have limited exposure to sunlight, their absorption from the digestive tract is inadequate, or the kidneys do not convert the vitamin to its active form. Scientists believe that vitamin D deficiency is a vastly overlooked global health problem at epidemic proportions.18
How vitamin D deficiency is defined also varies. For the most part, researchers interpret vitamin D deficiency as serum levels of 25(OH)D at 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) or less.19 However, optimal serum levels of vitamin D are between 40 ng/mL and 60 ng/mL.20
Early research in 200021 demonstrated there were significantly deficient levels of vitamin D3 in patients who suffered from depression and alcohol addiction. By 2007, researchers had recognized the importance of low levels of vitamin D on mood.22
Further research23 found individuals with fibromyalgia also had a higher risk of low serum levels of vitamin D and it appeared that supplementing with high doses of vitamin D in individuals who were depressed and overweight could ameliorate the symptoms.24 Over the years, researchers continue to ask the question if vitamin D is a causal association with depression or another symptom of the condition.25
Other scientists postulated whether an effective therapy for depression would be the detection and treatment of vitamin D deficiency.26 By 2014,27 one study found hypovitaminosis D was associated with the severity of depression that people experienced. Their results suggested there was an inverse associated dose-response, which implied that low levels of vitamin D may be an underlying biological vulnerability.
In 2018,28 the British Journal of Psychiatry published a systematic review and meta-analysis that demonstrated low levels of vitamin D are associated with depression. The important factor to remember is that it’s highly unlikely supplementation in people whose serum levels are optimal will have any effect on mood disorders. Instead, the effect is more likely to be found in those whose serum levels are low.
Relevance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Depression
Omega-3 fats are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which your body needs for a variety of functions. These include digestion, blood clotting, brain health and muscle activity. In early 2021, omega-3 fats made the news when data29 revealed individuals with an omega-3 index measuring 5.7% or greater had significantly better outcomes from COVID-19.
An omega-3 index measures the amount on the red blood cell membranes.30 Those with a measurement less than 4% have a higher risk of heart disease. Individuals with an omega index between 4% and 8% have an intermediate risk and those whose level is greater than 8% are at low risk of heart disease.
One 2016 published analysis of the data31 revealed there were areas of the world with omega-3 index measurements greater than 8%. These included Scandinavia, Sea of Japan and indigenous populations who did not eat westernized foods. Areas of the world with levels below 4% included Central and South America, Europe, North America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa.
While your level of omega-3 is important, equally as important is the ratio between omega-6 and omega-3. I have found it extremely difficult to correct an imbalance by simply taking more omega-3 fats. In fact, just as an excessive amount of omega-6 is dangerous, an excessive amount of omega-3 can also contribute to ill-health.
The imbalance between omega 6 and omega 3 that occurred in the last 150 years is thought to be behind many of the inflammatory-related diseases common in society, including depressive disorders.32 Increasing evidence suggests that a deficiency in omega-3 fats contribute to mood disorders, including depression.33,34,35
Increased Risk in Elderly of Deficiencies and Depression
Vitamin D,36 B1237 and omega-3 fats are common deficiencies found in the general population and older adults. The reason older adults may have nutrient deficiencies is likely related to poor absorption, poor diet and lack of exposure to sunlight.
A lack of optimal levels of nutrients is a significant contributor to the development of inflammation and disease, and one of the health conditions associated with inflammation is depression.38Depression affects the quality of life and productivity in the elderly, at a time when they are often more isolated from others.
To date, many older adults are treated for depression using psychotherapy and/or medications. However, since there is a significant link between nutrition and mood, it only makes sense to first address the potential nutrient deficiencies before adding medications that come with a long list of side effects.
One of the more common classes of antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),39 may trigger nausea, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, diarrhea and tremors,40 all of which can be dangerous for older adults. These side effects can negatively impact intake or increase the risk of a fall.
As has been demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining optimal health and nutrition helps to reduce your risk of contracting a viral illness. The featured study also demonstrates that nutrient intake is crucial to your mental health. It is much easier to address bodily needs before they trigger illness and disease. Although it may take a little time and energy, it is vital for your quality of life to take control of your health.
Japan has taken steps to warn its citizens about serious side effects linked to COVID-19 injections
They’ve added a warning label to the jabs, warning about the risk of myocarditis — inflammation of the heart muscle
Japan is also taking strict measures to monitor and report all side effects to the unprecedented jabs
Hospitals must report, in detail, any adverse effects that occur within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 injection
Japan’s Ministry of Health includes a “consent to vaccination” section on its website, which states mandatory vaccination and discrimination against those who choose not to be vaccinated are not advised; this includes at workplaces, which are told not to force anyone to get injected
Japan is standing out as a protector of informed consent and medical freedom, during a time in history when many other countries are opting for totalitarian control
Japan has taken steps to warn its citizens about serious side effects linked to COVID-19 injections.1They’ve added a label to the jabs, warning about the risk of myocarditis — inflammation2 of the heart muscle that can cause symptoms similar to a heart attack, including chest pain, shortness of breath, abnormal heartbeat and fatigue.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states on their website, “Myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been reported, especially in adolescents and young adult males within several days after COVID-19 vaccination.”3
Further, in June 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration added a warning to patient and provider fact sheets for the Pfizer and Moderna jabs about the “suggested increased risks of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart) following vaccination.”4
Unlike in the U.S., however, Japan is taking measures to monitor and report all side effects to the unprecedented jabs.
Japan Has Strict Reporting Requirements for Jab Side Effects
In Japan, strict legal reporting requirements are in effect for side effects that occur within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 injection. Hospitals must report, in detail, any adverse effects that occur within that time period.
Japan’s Ministry of Health reported that, as of November 14, 2021, for every 1 million males who received the Moderna COVID-19 injection, 81.79 youths between the ages of 10 and 19 developed myocarditis or pericarditis, as did 48.76 men in their 20s.5
For Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab, 15.66 out of every 1 million 10- to 19-year-old males who received the jab suffered from myocarditis or pericarditis, along with 13.32 of males in their 20s.6 Due to the risk of myocarditis, Britain’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) recommended against COVID-9 injections for healthy 12- to 15-year-olds. JCVI member Adam Finn told Reuters:7
“… the number of serious cases that we see of COVID in children this age are really very small. There are uncertainties about the long-term implications of (myocarditis), and that makes the risk-benefit balance for these children really quite tight and much tighter than we would be comfortable to make the recommendation.”
In the U.S., where COVID-19 injections are recommended for ages 5 and up, the CDC stated it is “conducting surveys of patients (or their parents or guardians) and health care providers to gather information about myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination” and “contacting people who meet the case definition for myocarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.”8
As of December 8, 2021, 1,908 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis had been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID-19 jabs, typically among male adolescents and young adults.9 December 17, 2021, just 51 days after approving the shots for children ages 5 to 11, the CDC reported10 that it had so far received reports of eight cases of myocarditis in that age group.
Past investigations have shown only between 1%11 and 10%12 of adverse reactions are ever reported to VAERS, which is a passive, voluntary reporting system, so the actual number could be much higher.
In its approval letter for Comirnaty (Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection), the FDA ordered Pfizer to conduct research to investigate the risk of inflammation in and around the heart, as voluntary reporting mechanisms are insufficient.13
The FDA accepted Pfizer’s suggested timetable for the post-approval study to evaluate incidence of heart and heart sack inflammation, which includes the submission of an interim report at the end of October 2023, a study completion date of June 30, 2025, and submission of a final report October 31, 2025.
Japan Says No to Vaccine Mandates, Discrimination
In stark contrast to much of the rest of the globe, Japan stands against compulsory vaccination. Japan’s Ministry of Health includes a “consent to vaccination” section on its website, which states mandatory vaccination and discrimination against those who choose not to be vaccinated are not advised. This includes at workplaces, which are told not to force anyone to get injected:14,15
“Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided.
Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. No vaccination will be given without consent. Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.”
The page even links to “human rights counseling in foreign languages,” which details what to do if faced with vaccine discrimination in the workplace.16 Japan is standing out as a protector of informed consent and medical freedom, during a time in history when many other countries are opting for totalitarian control. Rair Foundation explained:17
“Doctors worldwide have echoed Japan’s health authority warnings about the gene-therapies side effects. However, this kind of proper informed consent has cost many doctors in western nations their licenses to practice medicine. The government has accused these doctors of spreading ‘vaccine hesitancy.’
Furthermore, while Japan allows its citizens to choose whether to be injected with the experimental gene-therapies, other countries are forcing citizens to receive the jab. For example, in February 2022, Austria will mandate the injections. Citizens who refuse will face heavy fines and up to one year in prison.”
Japanese Researchers Warn of Blood Clots, Death After Jabs
Reports of both cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) have been reported following COVID-19 shots, including both fatal and nonfatal cases. In a commentary published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice,18 Japanese researchers revealed that, as of May 2021, 10 deaths were reported following the shots — and the manner of deaths raised a red flag.
Among the five men who died, it was from causes other than stroke, but four of the five women who passed away died from ICH. “This imbalance is incompatible with the mortality data on cardiovascular diseases in the National Statistics, which show no apparent disparity between sexes or between hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke,” they wrote.19
Their analysis revealed “a disproportionately high incidence of death by ICH in Japanese women who received tozinameran [Pfizer’s COVID0-19 shot], suggesting a potential association of ICH with the vaccine.”20 They also believe that a causal link between the deaths from ICH and the shot is possible and warrants further study. Others have also warned that blood clot formation with mRNA vaccines is inevitable.
The mRNA COVID-19 injections affect your body at the cellular level.21 In each dose of the Moderna COVID-19 shot are 40 trillion mRNA — or messenger RNA — molecules. Each mRNA “package” is designed to be absorbed into your cell, but only 25% stay in your arm at the site of the injection. The other 75%, is collected by your lymphatic system and fed into your circulation, Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, said.
The cells where mRNA is absorbed are those around your blood vessels — the capillary network, which are the tiniest blood vessels in your body. When the mRNA is absorbed into your vascular endothelium — the inner lining of your capillaries — the “packages” open and genes are released. Each gene can produce many COVID-19 spike proteins, and your body gets to work manufacturing these spike proteins, numbering in the trillions.
Your body recognizes the spike protein as foreign, so it begins to manufacture antibodies to protect you against COVID-19, or so the theory goes. But there’s a problem. In a coronavirus, the spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule, Hoffe says, but when you get the shot, “it’s not in a virus, it’s in your cells.” The spike protein, in turn, can lead to the development of blood clots:22
“So it therefore becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium, which means that these cells, which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly now have these little spiky bits sticking out.
So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form, because your blood platelets circulate around in your vessels and the purpose of blood platelets is to detect a damaged vessel and block that damage when it starts bleeding. So when a platelet comes through a capillary and suddenly hits all these covid spikes that are jutting into the inside vessel … blood clots will form to block that vessel. That’s how platelets work.”
Japanese Study Reveals Adverse Events Following Jabs
In a preprint study released in October 2021, researchers from Nagasaki International University, Japan, studied adverse events that occur in young Japanese people following Moderna’s COVID-19 shot.23
Using data from 7,965 individuals, they found that 83% experienced local adverse events while 65% experienced systemic adverse events. Those particularly at risk included women, youth under the age of 20 — who often experienced adverse events after the first dose — and those who experienced adverse events after the first dose.
Such information is crucial to proper informed consent, something that not only has been lacking during the pandemic, but actively censored. It’s encouraging to see countries like Japan standing out in their efforts to get a true picture of how dangerous COVID-19 jabs may be. As Health Thoroughfare noted:24
“According to the latest reports, the country is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to ensure all possible side effects are documented. These efforts from Japan’s health authority are in stark contrast to the measures taken by other countries to coerce citizens into taking the injection, downplaying side effects, and discouraging proper adverse event reporting.”
The COVID shots reprogram your immune system to respond in a dysfunctional manner. Aside from increasing vulnerability to infections, this can also result in autoimmune diseases and cancer
A paper published in early May 2021 reported the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab “reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses,” causing immune depletion
Antigens in vaccines have been shown to induce defects in the immune system that can raise the risk of autoimmune diseases
Leaky or nonsterilizing vaccines can also trigger the evolution of more hazardous viruses, and the COVID jabs are among the leakiest “vaccines” ever created
According to health authorities, the vaccine-evading Omicron variant necessitates a third COVID injection, but this recommendation will only perpetuate mutation
A number of medical experts, scientists and published studies now warn that the COVID shots reprogram your immune system to respond in a dysfunctional manner. Aside from increasing vulnerability to infections, this can also result in autoimmune diseases and cancer.
Pfizer Shot Reprograms Both Arms of Your Immune System
A paper1 posted May 6, 2021, on the preprint server medRxiv reported that the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab “reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses,” causing immune depletion.
While they confirmed the jab “induced effective humoral and cellular immunity against several SARS-CoV-2 variants,” the shot “also modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and nonspecific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli.”
In other words, we’re looking at a horrible tradeoff. You may get some protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, but you’re weakening your overall immune function, which opens the door wide to all sorts of other health problems, from bacterial, fungal and viral infections to cancer and autoimmunity.
After the injection, innate immune cells had a markedly decreased response to toll-like receptors 4, 7 and 8 (TLR4, TLR7, TLR8) ligands, while cytokine responses induced by fungi were stronger. According to the authors, defects in TLR7 have previously been linked to an increased susceptibility to COVID-19 in young males.
People who were “fully vaccinated,” having received two doses of the Pfizer shot, also produced significantly less interferon upon stimulation, and this can hamper the initial innate immune response against the virus.
Repeated Vaccinations and the Risk of Autoimmunity
Pathogenic infections and cancer are but two potential outcomes of this kind of reprogramming. Previous research, for example, has linked defects in the immune system to a higher risk of autoimmune diseases. What’s more, it’s been shown that antigens in vaccines, specifically, can induce this kind of immune system dysfunction.2 As reported in the paper in question:3
“Repeated immunization with antigen causes systemic autoimmunity in mice otherwise not prone to spontaneous autoimmune diseases. Overstimulation of CD4+ T cells led to the development of autoantibody-inducing CD4+ T (aiCD4+ T) cell which had undergone T cell receptor (TCR) revision and was capable of inducing autoantibodies.
The aiCD4+ T cell was induced by de novo TCR revision but not by cross-reaction, and subsequently overstimulated CD8+ T cells, driving them to become antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL).
These CTLs could be further matured by antigen cross-presentation, after which they caused autoimmune tissue injury akin to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system’s self-organized criticality.”
Fast-forward to mid-May 2021, when a study4 in the Journal of Clinical Investigations reported that “SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines induce broad CD4+ T cell responses that recognize SARS-CoV-2 variants and HCoV-NL63.” HCoV-NL63 is a human coronavirus associated with the common cold.
“Interestingly, we observed a 3-fold increase in the CD4+ T cell responses to HCoV-NL63 spike peptides after vaccination,” the authors stated, adding, “Our results suggest that T cell responses elicited or enhanced by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines may be able to control SARS-CoV-2 variants and lead to cross-protection against some endemic coronaviruses.”
What they did not address was that excessive CD4a+ T cell responses could also result in the development of autoantibodies and autoimmune disease.
COVID Shots May Also Cause More Hazardous Variants
We’ve long known that leaky or nonsterilizing vaccines can trigger the evolution of more hazardous viruses.5,6,7,8 So far, SARS-CoV-2 variants have mutated into less dangerous versions, which is fortunate, but the risk of the COVID shots creating a “monster” still remains.
In a February 9, 2021, article,9 NPR highlighted this risk, stating that “vaccines could drive the evolution of more COVID-19 mutants.” According to NPR science correspondent Richard Harris, “the virus is always mutating. And if one happens to produce a mutation that makes it less vulnerable to the vaccine, that virus could simply multiply in a vaccinated individual.”
The Omicron variant appears to have significant resistance against antibodies produced by the original COVID shots, which is why Omicron infection is being primarily reported in those who have received the injections.
In 2018, Quanta Magazine detailed how vaccines drive the evolution of pathogens.10 I’ve referenced that article on previous occasions, as have many others. In response, the editor of Quanta Magazine added a “disclaimer” dated December 6, 2021, to the article, stating:
“This article from 2018 discusses how leaky vaccines — vaccines that do not reduce viral replication or transmission to others — can drive the pathogens they target to evolve and become more virulent. These concerns do not apply to COVID-19 vaccines, because COVID-19 vaccines significantly reduce coronavirus replication and transmission, reducing the chance that mutations occur and variants arise …”
That statement is clearly false, as studies have repeatedly shown the COVID shots are in fact leaky. They do not “significantly reduce” viral replication or transmission, as the editor claims. Quite the opposite.
People who have received one or more COVID shots have been found to harbor higher viral loads than the unvaccinated, and Israel (which appears to have the best tracking and monitoring) reports that the worst COVID cases are in those who are fully vaxxed.
December 6, 2021, Newsweek11 reported a COVID outbreak among “fully vaccinated” hospital staff in Spain. After a Christmas dinner with more than 170 fully vaxxed health care workers in attendance, nearly 70 of them tested positive for COVID. Some reported mild symptoms. Daniel Horowitz pointed out the editor’s false note in a December 9, 2021, Blaze post:12
“Leaky vaccines are worse than no vaccine at all. That is the unmistakable conclusion one would derive from a May 2018 article in Quanta magazine, a top scientific publication, about the unsuccessful attempts to create vaccines for HIV, malaria, and anthrax that aren’t leaky and don’t run the risk of making the pathogens more dangerous.
Yet now that we are seeing such a microbiological Frankenstein play out in real life and people like Dr. Robert Malone have been citing this article to raise red flags about the leaky COVID shots, Quanta magazine took the unprecedented step of slapping an editor’s note on an article three and a half years later to get people to stop applying it to the leakiest vaccine of all time.”
COVID Shots Stop Working Within a Few Months
A study in the New England Journal of Medicine, published December 9, 2021, also confirms that whatever protection you get from the Pfizer COVID shot is short in duration. As explained by the authors:13
“In December 2020, Israel began a mass vaccination campaign against coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) by administering the BNT162b2 vaccine, which led to a sharp curtailing of the outbreak.
After a period with almost no cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, a resurgent Covid-19 outbreak began in mid-June 2021. Possible reasons for the resurgence were reduced vaccine effectiveness against the delta (B.1.617.2) variant and waning immunity.
We used data on confirmed infection and severe disease collected from an Israeli national database for the period of July 11 to 31, 2021, for all Israeli residents who had been fully vaccinated before June 2021.
We used a Poisson regression model to compare rates of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe Covid-19 among persons vaccinated during different time periods, with stratification according to age group and with adjustment for possible confounding factors.
Among persons 60 years of age or older, the rate of infection in the July 11-31 period was higher among persons who became fully vaccinated in January 2021 (when they were first eligible) than among those fully vaccinated 2 months later, in March (rate ratio, 1.6 …)
Among persons 40 to 59 years of age, the rate ratio for infection among those fully vaccinated in February (when they were first eligible), as compared with 2 months later, in April, was 1.7 … Among persons 16 to 39 years of age, the rate ratio for infection among those fully vaccinated in March (when they were first eligible), as compared with 2 months later, in May, was 1.6 …
The rate ratio for severe disease among persons fully vaccinated in the month when they were first eligible, as compared with those fully vaccinated in March, was 1.8 … among persons 60 years of age or older and 2.2 … among those 40 to 59 years of age …
These findings indicate that immunity against the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 waned in all age groups a few months after receipt of the second dose of vaccine.”
Two Doses Aren’t Enough
Earlier this year, vaccine makers and health authorities said the shots were about 95% effective and if enough people got the shots, normalcy would be restored. We now know that was a false promise. The goal post was moved back with the emergence of Delta and then Omicron, for which we’re now told we need a third booster.
December 13, 2021, Reuters14 reported that British scientists have concluded “two-dose COVID-19 vaccine regimens do not induce enough neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron coronavirus variant,” and that “increased infections in those previously infected or vaccinated may be likely.”
‘Just Deal With’ Booster Shots, Fauci Says
When in mid-December 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci was asked if Americans should expect annual COVID boosters, he replied in the affirmative, saying that Americans will “just have to deal with” the prospect of getting boosters at regular intervals.15 So, in essence, Fauci wants us to accept that booster deficiency is the reason why the COVID-19 “pandemic” continues.
Clearly, that is not the case. The real reason COVID is still an issue is because Fauci and the medical establishment have suppressed viable early treatments. If early treatment was the norm, COVID would rapidly become a distant memory.
Instead, the captured U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization to novel gene transfer technologies that don’t work like conventional vaccines in that they don’t prevent infection and spread, thus creating an evil cycle of new vaccine-resistant variants. As demonstrated by James Lyons-Weiler (in a now broken weblink), the more we vaccinate, the higher the COVID caseload.
Weiler’s graph looks very much like that in a September 30, 2021, study16 in the European Journal of Epidemiology, which found that the higher the vaccination rate in a given area, the higher the COVID case rate.
Dr. Chris Martenson discusses this finding in the video below. As noted by Martenson, “the line goes the wrong way,” meaning the more heavily “vaccinated” a population is, the worse things get.
“No Discernable Relationship” between Vaccines and Cases
As predicted over a year ago, we’re now on an injection treadmill with no end in sight, and every single dose carries the risk of serious side effects, up to and including permanent disability and death. The only scientifically sound way out of this failed experiment is to stop. No more boosters.
Fortunately, it seems most Americans are starting to catch on, and so far, the fearmongering around Omicron has not resulted in a rush for boosters.17 According to an Axios/Ipsos poll conducted December 10 through December 13, 2021, 67% of unvaccinated respondents said Omicron makes no difference in their decision of whether to get vaccinated; 19% said it makes them more likely while 11% said it makes them less likely to get the shot.
Among respondents who already had received one or two doses, 59% said Omicron makes no difference in their decision to get a third dose; 36% said it makes them more likely and 5% said it makes them less likely to get it.
Considering the shots have been shown to deregulate your immune function, it would be wise to “just say no” to further boosters. Should you develop symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, remember there are safe and effective early treatment protocols, including the I-MASK+18 and I-MATH+,19protocols, which are available for download on the COVID Critical Care website in multiple languages. Other protocols that have great success are:
This is a load of information to review, especially if you are fatigued and sick with COVID or have a family member struggling. After reviewing all of these protocols, I believe the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’s protocol is among the easiest to follow. Below is a summary of that protocol, with minor amendments.
A visionary whose discoveries have treated numerous diseases. A global finance expert. A man who has brought powerful white-collar criminals to justice and invented life-changing medical technologies. These all describe my guest today: Dr. David Martin, PhD.
Why does this man who has worked so closely with Congress think that COVID-19 wasn’t a freak act of nature or lab leak, but a plot years in the making? What criminal patterns has he seen before that are showing themselves again on the world stage?
But most importantly of all, I want to ask him the question on everyone’s minds: Why is President Trump continuing to push the vaccine even as people keep having adverse reactions? What’s really going on?
Join Man in America for an interview you won’t want to miss: 12/23, 2:00 PM ET.
Ivermectin trials put on hold in the UK because of supply issues? That’s not even how these studies work. Dr. Malone exposes the truth – the insidious nature of big pharma again.
Merck cites probability issues, but we all know it’s profit…
This text is a written summary of Dr. Bhakdi’s and Dr. Burkhardt’s presentations at the Doctors for COVID Ethics symposium that was live-streamed by UKColumnon December 10th, 2021. The two presentations can be viewed at the very beginning of the video recording of the symposium.
The authors
Dr. Bhakdi has spent his life practicing, teaching and researching medical microbiology and infectious diseases. He chaired the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes Gutenberg Unversity of Mainz, Germany, from 1990 until his retirement in 2012. He has published over 300 research articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology and parasitology, and served from 1990 to 2012 as Editor-in-Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, one of the first scientific journals of this field that was founded by Robert Koch in 1887.
Dr. Arne Burkhardt is a pathologist who has taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. He was invited for visiting professorships/study visits in Japan (Nihon University), the United States (Brookhaven National Institute), Korea, Sweden, Malaysia and Turkey. He headed the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen for 18 years. Subsquently, he worked as an independent practicing pathologist with consulting contracts with laboratories in the US. Burkhardt has published more than 150 scientific articles in German and international scientific journals as well as contributions to handbooks in German, English and Japanese. Over many years he has audited and certified institutes of pathology in Germany.
The evidence
We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection. While no positive effects can be expected, we show that the vaccines can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death.
Why the vaccines cannot protect against infection
A fundamental mistake underlying the development of the COVID-19 vaccines was to neglect the functional distinction between the two major categories of antibodies which the body produces in order to protect itself from pathogenic microbes.
The first category (secretory IgA) is produced by immune cells (lymphocytes) which are located directly underneath the mucous membranes that line the respiratory and intestinal tract. The antibodies produced by these lymphocytes are secreted through and to the surface of the mucous membranes. These antibodies are thus on site to meet air-borne viruses, and they may be able to prevent viral binding and infection of the cells.
The second category of antibodies (IgG and circulating IgA) occur in the bloodstream. These antibodies protect the internal organs of the body from infectious agents that try to spread via the bloodstream.
Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2. Thus, the currently observed “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated individuals merely confirm the fundamental design flaws of the vaccines. Measurements of antibodies in the blood can never yield any information on the true status of immunity against infection of the respiratory tract.
The inability of vaccine-induced antibodies to prevent coronavirus infections has been reported in recent scientific publications.
The vaccines can trigger self-destruction
A natural infection with SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) will in most individuals remain localized to the respiratory tract. In contrast, the vaccines cause cells deep inside our body to express the viral spike protein, which they were never meant to do by nature. Any cell which expresses this foreign antigen will come under attack by the immune system, which will involve both IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. This may occur in any organ. We are seeing now that the heart is affected in many young people, leading to myocarditis or even sudden cardiac arrest and death. How and why such tragedies might causally be linked to vaccination has remained a matter of conjecture because scientific evidence has been lacking. This situation has now been rectified.
Histopathologic studies: the patients
Histopathologic analyses have been performed on the organs of 15 persons who died after vaccination. The age, gender, vaccination record, and time of death after injection of each patient are listed in the table on the next page. The following points are of utmost importance:
Prior to death, only 4 of the 15 patients had been treated in the ICU for more than 2 days. The majority were never hospitalized and died at home (5), on the street (1), at work (1), in the car (1), or in home-care facilities (1). Therefore, in most cases, therapeutic intervention is unlikely to have significantly influenced the post-mortem findings.
Not a single death was brought into any possible association with the vaccination by the coroner or the public prosecutor; this association was only established by our autopsy findings.
The initially performed conventional post-mortems also uncovered no obvious hints to a possible role of vaccination, since the macroscopic appearance of the organs was overall unremarkable. In most cases, “rhythmogenic heart failure” was postulated as the cause of death.
But our subsequent histopathological analyses then brought about a complete turnaround. A summary of the fundamental findings follows.
Case #
Age (years)
Vaccine (injections)
Time of death after last injection
Moderna (1. and 2.)
37 days
Pfizer (1.)
31 days
Moderna (1. and 2.)
68 days
Pfizer (1.)
Janssen (1.)
65 days
Pfizer (1. and 2.)
11 days
Pfizer (1. and 2.)
8 days
Pfizer (1. and 2.)
37 days
Unknown (1. and 2.)
6 months
Unknown (1. and 2.)
AstraZeneca (1. and 2.)
7 days
Pfizer (1. and 2.)
20 days
AstraZeneca (1.), Pfizer (2.)
4 weeks
Pfizer (1. and 2.)
65 days
Pfizer (1.)
23 days
Histopathologic studies: findings
Histopathologic findings of a similar nature were detected in organs of 14 of the 15 deceased. Most frequently afflicted were the heart (14 of 15 cases) and the lung (13 of 15 cases). Pathologic alterations were furthermore observed in the liver (2 cases), thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 2 cases), salivary glands (Sjögren`s Syndrome; 2 cases) and brain (2 cases).
A number of salient aspects dominated in all affected tissues of all cases:
inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endothelitis), characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and sequestered, dead endothelial cells within the vessel lumen;
the extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes;
a massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissue with T-lymphocytes.
Lymphocytic infiltration occasionally occurred in combination with intense lymphocytic activation and follicle formation. Where these were present, they were usually accompanied by tissue destruction.
This combination of multifocal, T-lymphocyte-dominated pathology that clearly reflects the process of immunological self-attack is without precedent. Because vaccination was the single common denominator between all cases, there can be no doubt that it was the trigger of self-destruction in these deceased individuals.
Histopathologic analysis show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs. That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections, is self-evident.
Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines places lives under threat of illness and death. We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.
If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body
Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium
Have you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection? Then you likely have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body. While spike protein is naturally found in SARS-CoV-2, no matter the variant, it’s also produced in your body when you receive a COVID-19 shot. In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection.
In its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and, as Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,1 said in a commentary on News Voice, “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels — vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure and other things.”2
It’s also been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus.3
Now, the World Council for Health (WCH), a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge, has released a spike protein detox guide,4 which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein. You can view their full guide of natural remedies,5 including dosages, at the end of this article.
Why Should You Consider a Spike Protein Detox?
Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs. “Spike protein is a deadly protein,” Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and trained epidemiologist, says in a video.6 It may cause inflammation and clotting in any tissue in which it accumulates.7
For instance, Pfizer’s biodistribution study, which was used to determine where the injected substances end up in the body, showed the COVID spike protein from the shots accumulated in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.8
Further, a Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab found that vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating spike proteins are free to travel throughout the body, including to the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and other organs.9 WCH noted:10
“The virus spike protein has been linked to adverse effects, such as: blood clots, brain fog, organizing pneumonia, and myocarditis. It is probably responsible for many of the Covid-19 [injection] side effects … Even if you have not had any symptoms, tested positive for Covid-19, or experienced adverse side effects after a jab, there may still be lingering spike proteins inside your body.
In order to clear these after the jab or an infection, doctors and holistic practitioners are suggesting a few simple actions. It is thought that cleansing the body of spike protein … as soon as possible after an infection or jab may protect against damage from remaining or circulating spike proteins.”
Spike Protein Inhibitors and Neutralizers
A group of international doctors and holistic practitioners who have experience helping people recover from COVID-19 and post-injection illness compiled natural options for helping to reduce your body’s spike protein load. The following are spike protein inhibitors, which means they inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells:
Prunella vulgaris
Pine needles
Dandelion leaf extract
Ivermectin, for example, docks to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-bending domain attached to ACE2, which may interfere with its ability to attach to the human cell membrane.11 They also compiled a list of spike protein neutralizers, which render it unable to cause further damage to cells. This includes:
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
Fennel tea
Star anise tea
Pine needle tea
St. John’s wort
Comfrey leaf
Vitamin C
The plant compounds in the table above contain shikimic acid, which may counteract blood clot formation and reduce some of the spike protein’s toxic effects. Nattokinase, a form of fermented soy, may also help to reduce the occurrence of blood clots.12
How to Protect Your ACE2 Receptors and Detox IL-6
Spike protein attaches to your cells’ ACE2 receptors, impairing the receptors’ normal functioning. This blockage may alter tissue functioning and could be responsible for triggering autoimmune disease or causing abnormal bleeding or clotting, including vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia.
Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine (with zinc), quercetin (with zinc) and fisetin (a flavonoid) are examples of substances that may naturally protect your ACE2 receptors.13 Ivermectin works in this regard by binding to ACE2 receptors, preventing the spike protein from doing so.14
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a proinflammatory cytokine that is expressed post-injection and levels increase in those with COVID-19. It’s for this reason that the World Health Organization recommends IL-6 inhibitors for people who are severely ill with COVID-19.15 Many natural IL-6 inhibitors, or anti-inflammatories, exist and may be useful for those seeking to detox from COVID-19 or COVID-19 injections:16
Boswellia serrata (frankincense)
Dandelion leaf extract
Black cumin (Nigella sativa)
Krill oil and other fatty acids
Vitamin D3 (with vitamin K)
Jasmine tea
Bay leaves
Black pepper
How to Detox From Furin and Serine Protease
To gain entry into your cells, SARS-CoV-2 must first bind to an ACE2 or CD147 receptor on the cell. Next, the spike protein subunit must be proteolytically cleaved (cut). Without this protein cleavage, the virus would simply attach to the receptor and not get any further.
“The furin site is why the virus is so transmissible, and why it invades the heart, the brain and the blood vessels,” Dr. Steven Quay, a physician and scientist, explained at a GOP House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing.17
The existence of a novel furin cleavage site on SARS-CoV-2, while other coronaviruses do not contain a single example of a furin cleavage site, is a significant reason why many believe SARS-CoV-2 was created through gain-of-function (GOF) research in a laboratory. Natural furin inhibitors, which prevent cleavage of the spike protein, can help you detox from furin and include:18
Serine protease is another enzyme that’s “responsible for the proteolytic cleavage of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, enabling host cell fusion of the virus.”19 Inhibiting serine protease may therefore prevent spike protein activation and viral entry into cells. WCH compiled several natural serine protease inhibitors, which include:20
Green tea
Potato tubers
Blue green algae
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
Time-Restricted Eating and Healthy Diet for All
In addition to the targeted substances mentioned above, WCH was wise to note that a healthy diet is the first step to a healthy immune system. Reducing your consumption of processed foods and other proinflammatory foods, including vegetable (seed) oils, is essential for an optimal immune response.
Time-restricted eating, which means condensing your meals into a six- to eight-hour window, is also beneficial. This will improve your health in a variety of ways, primarily by improving your mitochondrial health and metabolic flexibility. It can also increase autophagy,21 which helps your body clear out damaged cells. As noted by WCH:22
“This method … is used to induce autophagy, which is essentially a recycling process that takes place in human cells, where cells degrade and recycle components. Autophagy is used by the body to eliminate damaged cell proteins and can destroy harmful viruses and bacteria post-infection.”
Another strategy to boost your health and longevity, and possibly to help detox spike protein,23 is regular sauna usage. As your body is subjected to reasonable amounts of heat stress, it gradually becomes acclimated to the heat, prompting a number of beneficial changes to occur in your body.
These adaptations include increased plasma volume and blood flow to your heart and muscles (which increase athletic endurance) along with increased muscle mass due to greater levels of heat-shock proteins and growth hormone.24 It’s a powerful detoxification method due to the sweating it promotes.
Top 10 Spike Protein Detox Essentials — and the Full Guide
Below you can find WCH’s full guide of useful substances to detox from toxic spike proteins, including recommended doses, which you can confirm with your holistic health care practitioner. If you’re not sure where to start, the following 10 compounds are the “essentials” when it comes to spike protein detox. This is a good place to begin as you work out a more comprehensive health strategy:25
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Nigella seed
Milk thistle extract
World Council for Health’s Spike Protein Detox Guide26
Natural Source(s)
Where to Get
Recommended Dose
Soil bacteria (avermectin)
On prescription
0.4 mg/kg weekly for 4 weeks, then monthly
*Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use
On prescription
200 mg weekly for 4 weeks
*Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use
Vitamin C
Citrus fruits (e.g. oranges) and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts)
Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
6-12 g daily (divided evenly between sodium ascorbate (several grams), liposomal vitamin C (3-6 g) & ascorbyl palmitate (1–3 g)
Prunella Vulgaris (commonly known as self-heal)
Self-heal plant
Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
7 ounces (207 ml) daily
Pine Needles
Pine tree
Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
Consume tea 3 x daily (consume oil/resin that accumulates in the tea also)
Neem tree
Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
As per your practitioner’s or preparation instructions
As vaccine mandates and passports gain ground across the U.S., so too are alleged cases of vaccine card fraud. As reported by WGN Chicago, some prosecutors are now treating fake vaccine cards as a federal crime.
But should they be doing that — and is it even legal to do so? Federal investigators say yes, if it involves use of official U.S. seals and lying to federal investigators.
Already, the feds are charging producers of the fraudulent cards with federal offenses that come with up to 15 years in prison for each count, plus additional time for lying.
En Garde! After coming out with a tell-all book on the real Dr. Anthony Fauci and his follies through the years, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stands ready to engage anyone and everyone, including Fauci himself as well as Fauci’s media friends, to a one-on-one debate on the truth about Fauci.
Kennedy’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” is a best seller, fully sourced and referenced. It documents Fauci’s follies through the decades and lunges at the connections between him, Gates and the industry.
The picture it paints isn’t pretty, and Fauci and friends like CNN’s Jake Tapper are teaming up and parrying Kennedy’s assertions in an attempt to discredit the book’s contents — but only from a safe point in line.
Although Kennedy has challenged them all to a debate on live TV, they will never actually agree to engage in one, in person, with Kennedy, Steve Kirsch says, because they know they will lose.
This is a Swiss Gold Mine with link after link after link to the studies and sources. And then yet more studies and sources…. As in FULLY referenced and FULLY sourced. How in almost every country of the world the death rate is comparable to a flu season for the general working age population — once you subtract out nursing home deaths. If you will only ever read one more article on COVID-19, this is the one.
Ivermectin is a wonder drug that’s been approved for human use since 1987, and the World Health Organization has had it on its list of essential medicines for years.
With billions of doses administered around the world, its safety profile is proven, and the two men who discovered it were awarded a Nobel prize in 2015. Why, then, is this natural product, which has also been proven safe for animals, so vilified when it’s mentioned for use in combating COVID-19?
For more information, watch this short video about the many other diseases that this antiparasitic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anticancer drug has shown promise for.
SOURCE: Odysee December 20, 2021
Resorting to name-calling in the wake of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the War on Democracy and Public Health,” Fauci told Yahoo! News that Kennedy is “a deeply disturbed individual.”
Kennedy has invited anyone who wants to dispute what he’s written to a debate, but so far no one, including Fauci, has taken up the offer. Instead, Fauci is busy name-calling and down-playing the book by saying Kennedy’s truths and accusations are going to hurt people.
Fauci’s words are rolling off Kennedy’s back, however. In response to Yahoo!, he said, ““Dr. Fauci’s belief that, as a government official, he should be immune from criticism is contrary to our nation’s democratic traditions.”
A cache of high-power figures in the COVID-19 pandemic and the so-called “vaccines” to combat the infection have been charged with several crimes against humanity, including war crimes.
Bill and Melinda Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak and a dozen others were charged in the International Criminal Court December 6, 2021 with numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, The Desert Review reports.
Also charged were the World Health Organization’s director-general, the U.K.’s prime minister and the World Economic Forum’s president Klaus Schwab. The actual filing is 46 pages long, and it describes the alleged crimes in detail.
(Natural News) Two new studies from South Africa found that the country has a lower hospitalization rate for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infections caused by the post-vaccine omicron variant. High levels of natural immunity among South Africans stemming from prior COVID-19 infections is likely a contributing factor to this.
Since the appearance of the post-vaccine omicron variant, mainstream media outlets have tried to speculate regarding the variant’s virulence and deadliness. They repeatedly ignored South African health authorities, including Health Minister Joe Phaahla, who said that hospitalizations caused by omicron are “relatively low” and that the world has nothing to worry about.
According to data from South African health authorities, COVID-19 cases in South Africa have skyrocketed in recent weeks, in line with the emergence of the post-vaccine omicron variant. But what has puzzled scientists studying the data is that the country’s hospitalization rate has risen at a significantly slower pace compared to previous waves. (Related: In the age of Omicron, the jabbed are now catching & spreading COVID at a higher rate than the unvaxxed.)
The data strongly suggests that people diagnosed with omicron in South Africa were around 80 percent less likely to be admitted to the hospital than those diagnosed with any other COVID-19 variant.
Once admitted to the hospital, patients infected with omicron have a lower chance of developing severe disease. They are also hospitalized for fewer days on average than other COVID-19 patients.
In the first 31 days of the current post-vaccine outbreak, the country recorded 164,911 new COVID-19 cases. But just 3,432 patients were admitted to hospitals for additional care. One-hundred and ninety-four died.
In comparison, during the first 31 days of the previous wave, 38,577 COVID-19 cases were recorded and 10,088 were admitted to hospitals. The death rate of that wave was also more than three times higher than the death rate of the current wave, with 668 deaths in the first 31 days.
High vaccination rates unlikely to protect countries against omicron
“We believe that the evolution of cell-mediated immunity from prior natural infection … is resulting in the uncoupling of the high case rates seen with the omicron variant and the rates of severe disease,” wrote South African researchers in one of the new studies conducted on the outbreak in the country.
They added that the immunity “is primarily due to natural infection.”
While the authors included several caveats in their assessment regarding South Africa’s outbreak, they wrote that it is “difficult to disentangle the relative contribution of high levels of previous population immunity versus intrinsic lower virulence to the observed lower disease severity.”
“Compellingly, together our data really suggest a positive story of a reduced severity of omicron compared to other variants,” said Cheryl Cohen, an epidemiology professor for the University of the Witwatersrand and a member of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa and an author for one of the studies.
Cohen believes the data is generalizable to other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa which have similar levels of previous infection and vaccination.
“I think what is unclear is how the picture will be similar in countries where there are high levels of vaccination but very low levels of previous infection,” she said. “The baseline epidemiology is different. But I think, compellingly, our data really suggests a positive story of a reduced severity of omicron compared to other variants.”
Listen to this Situation Update episode of the Health Ranger Report, a podcast by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as he speculates about how the post-vaccine omicron variant could be the cure to COVID-19.
For the latest news on the omicron variant, visit
The paper they all co-authored together concluded that the Moronic variant is “markedly resistant” to both the primary jabs and the “boosters.” It does not matter how many shots people get; whatever is inside all those syringes will not keep anyone safe against the latest strain of the Fauci Flu.
“A striking feature of this variant is the large number of spike mutations that pose a threat to the efficacy of current COVID-19 vaccines and antibody therapies,” the study explains.
The Moronic variant’s “extensive” mutations have the potential to “greatly compromise” the vaccine, the study adds. In essence, the jabs become worthless following exposure to them (assuming the shots provided any benefits to begin with).
“Even a third booster shot may not adequately protect against Omicron infection,” the paper reads, noting that Moronic “may still pose a risk” to people who have been triple-jabbed.
These findings align with currently emerging clinical data showing that Moronic demonstrates higher rates of both reinfection and vaccine breakthroughs, the authors further found.
One such study says that Moronic is around 70 times more transmissible than “Delta,” though much less severe.
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“It is not too far-fetched to think that this [COVID-19] is now only a mutation or two away from being pan-resistant to current antibodies,” the study added further.
“We must devise strategies that anticipate the evolutional direction of the virus and develop agents that target better conserved viral elements.”
Covid jabs are ineffective against the Delta variant, too
The latest official data claims that 5.3 million people worldwide have died after testing “positive” for the Wuhan Flu. Of this, more than 802,000 deaths occurred in the United States.
Where this data goes wrong, however, is in the fact that almost all deaths for the past 20 some-odd months have been blamed on “covid,” even when they involved things like motorcycle accidents, drownings or other unrelated incidents.
The way the government tabulates “unvaccinated” covid deaths is also deceptive. A fully vaccinated person who dies within the first two weeks post-injection is counted as a “covid” death, it turns out, which greatly inflates the count.
Research published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal found that getting vaccinated has little effect on the “Delta” variant as well, along with all other forms of covid.
Not only can a fully vaccinated person still spread the Delta variant, but he or she can also become infected with it. In fact, most new cases of covid, regardless of the variant, seem to be occurring in people who took the jabs.
You might say, based on all of this, that getting jabbed for covid is an exercise in futility. There is no protection to be had from doing it, so why bother and risk other potential complications?
One Natural News commenter speculated that the true reasons for the jab push include generating lots of new cash for Big Pharma; killing people off from organ failure; genetically reengineering the human body; and injecting surveillance and control technology into people.
“Mass hysteria is ruining the USA, thanks to the mainstream media,” wrote another. “MILLIONS of people are still clueless about the conflict-of-interest nature of the mainstream media.”
“The ‘pandemic’ was / is a lie. The ‘safe and effective’ claim about ‘vaccines’ is a lie. And the mainstream media stirs up mass hysteria among the masses.”
The latest news about the Chinese Virus and its many variants can be found at
(Natural News) According to an announcement linked below, the US military is rolling out a Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle COVID vaccine (SpFN) that they claim protects users against all strains of coronavirus. If the claim is true, the vaccine might work almost as good as a person’s own immune system, which means that the US military has managed to create a “vaccine” that works almost as good as doing nothing at all.
Scientists in WRAIR’s Emerging Infectious Diseases Branch (EIDB) developed the SpFN nanoparticle vaccine, based on a ferritin platform, as part of a forward-thinking “pan-SARS” strategy that aims to address the current pandemic and acts as a first line of defense against variants of concern and similar viruses that could emerge in the future.
In this context, “pan” means it works on everything. This is supposed to be a “universal” vaccine that treats all variants, now and in the future.
If true, this would make Pfizer and Moderna vaccines obsolete. Not that either one of those is actually a legitimate “vaccine” in the first place, of course. It has been clear from the very start that the purpose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines was never to build immunity but rather to destroy immunity by hijacking the body and forcing it to manufacture spike protein nanoparticles — which are bioweapons.
From the announcement:
Pre-clinical studies published today in Science Translational Medicine indicate that the SpFN vaccine protects non-human primates from disease caused by the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 and induces highly-potent and broadly-neutralizing antibody responses against major SARS-CoV-2 variants…
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This is good news. If it works on non-human primates, they can administer it to Nancy Pelosi and whatever creatures are currently running the Pentagon itself.
On a serious note, however, the human body already has amazing nanotechnology that fights EVERY pathogen… it’s called the immune system. And it works better than anything the military can possibly come up with. How do you activate the immune system to function better? Vitamin D.
The neat thing about vitamin D is that it’s dirt cheap, widely available and has a huge margin of safety for everyday use. It also helps the body regulate normal cell division, blood sugar, neurological function, kidney function and much more. Vitamin D is the single most affordable and effective nutritional intervention currently known to humankind, yet nobody in the Pentagon or the government — not Biden and not even Trump — will dare advocate for vitamin D because it isn’t owned by Big Pharma.
Vitamin D can’t turn pharma CEO creeps into overnight billionaires, in other words, so it gets almost zero mention in the corporate-controlled media. We cover vitamin D, of course, with hundreds of news stories. Check out
They aren’t trying to save soldiers; they’re trying to exterminate them
Given that the Pentagon is now run by treasonous Marxists and communists who hate America, we can only conclude that this new SpFN synthetic biology vaccine technology is a more advanced kill switch to achieve the mass murder of active duty soldiers.
It will probably kill them slowly, over a few years, in order to avoid the mass deaths showing up in the short-term human trials the Army claims to be running. As we have already covered extensively, the spike protein nanoparticles from mRNA vaccines enter cell nuclei and suppress the NHEJ mechanism that repairs double strand breaks (DSBs) in chromosomes, caused by ionizing radiation. NHEJ stands for Non-Homologous End Joining and it is the primary DNA repair mechanism that maintains genetic integrity across all carbon-based lifeforms (including plants). Without NHEJ functioning, a person loses genetic integrity, resulting in mutations, cancer, inability to repair tissue, inability to generate red blood cells, infertility and so on.
There’s no doubt that the Army team working on this synthetic spike protein isn’t testing its ability to suppress NHEJ. Why do they care when there’s zero liability for the military when hundreds of thousands of soldiers die from cancer over the next decade?
It’s all part of decimating the military in preparation for an invasion by China
Sadly, under the control of lunatic left-wing generals, the US military has shifted from defending America to destroying it. This is all driven by communist China, of course, which has ordered treasonous generals to mass murder US soldiers, clearing the way for a Chinese PLA invasion of the continental United States.
The “vaccines” are simply the weapon system to exterminate enough active duty soldiers so that America’s defenses will be largely nullified. Once that is accomplished, the invasion begins. This is how China coerced America into killing off its own active duty military soldiers before the invasion. Classic Sun Tzu, Art of War: The war is won or lost before it even begins, by reshaping the battlefield.
This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s the publicly stated military posture of China and its top generals who have repeatedly called for invading and occupying America in order to acquire the farmland needed to keep China’s population alive. (China cannot produce enough food domestically and must currently import food from all over the world.)
Watch my extensive interviews with JR Nyquist if you’re interested in learning the truth about China’s plans to conquer America. Here are a few:
Operation Warp Speed is actually an operation to exterminate Americans
Don’t forget that President Trump launched Operation Warp Speed and bragged about using the US military to distribute and administer vaccines. That plan is still in place, and it almost certainly means the military will be invoked to go door-to-door, forcibly injecting people with death shots at gunpoint.
If you don’t think that day is coming, you are an oblivious idiot. Every single thing you’re seeing happen right now is something I publicly predicted years in advance: The medical kidnapping, forced quarantine centers, vaccine passports, mask mandates, medical censorship and all of it.
People like myself, Alex Jones and a few others have a near-perfect track record of calling all this in advance. What was considered a “conspiracy theory” five years ago is now a public reality.
All they need now is the release of a far more aggressive bioweapon followed by mass media hysteria and a call to silence or imprison all “anti-vaxxers.” In 2022, look for a new state of emergency to be declared, followed by an attempt at nationwide gun confiscation and gunpoint vaccine enforcement anywhere they can get away with it.
They likely won’t be able to pull it off in rural areas and in red states like Texas and Florida, but they’ll try it in New York, California, Colorado, New Jersey and other blue states. Anyone who goes along with it will likely be dead within a decade. The covid death camps will be ramped up across blue states, and exterminations will be under way well before the end of 2022.
It’s a depopulation program, after all. Those who volunteer to be depopulated shall get their wish via the spike protein nanoparticle injections.
First rule of survival: Don’t inject yourself with biological weapons…
Learn more in today’s uncensored Situation Update podcast:
In a small study of party-goers who fell ill with COVID-19 after the party, 98% were vaccinated, Science Norway reports.
The party-goers attended an event that lasted several hours and involved riding a bus from the venue to a restaurant. While it was a private party, attendees were in several public venues and events before and after dinner.
An investigation into the outbreak revealed that 98% were fully vaccinated 79 days before the party. All had a negative PCR test within two days of the party.
In the mid-1960s, the autism rate was 1 in 10,000. By 2012, it had shot up to 1 in 88. In 2016, it was 1 in 68, and now it’s 1 in 44 8-year-olds
Rates vary widely from state to state. In California, where incidence is the highest, 1 in 26 8-year-olds has a diagnosis of autism. Missouri, which has the lowest incidence, has a rate of 1 in 60
Improved diagnosis alone cannot explain this trend. Genetics play only a minor role, and even then, primarily only when combined with toxic exposures
Glyphosate appears to be a leading contributor to autism
Other contributing factors include maternal antibodies associated with autoimmune diseases, maternal immune system overactivation and mitochondrial dysfunction (typically involving electron transport chain overactivity). Mitochondrial abnormalities are suspected of being involved in as many as 80% of cases
In the mid-1960s, the autism rate was 1 in 10,000.1 By 2012, it had risen to 1 in 88,2 then 1 in 68 as of 2016,3 and now, we’re looking at an autism rate of 1 in 44 8-year-olds, although rates vary widely from state to state.4
In California, where incidence is the highest, 1 in 26 8-year-olds has a diagnosis of autism. Missouri, which has the lowest incidence, has a rate of 1 in 60. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the dramatic uptick is in part due to improved and more comprehensive identification and diagnosis.
However, improved diagnosis alone cannot explain this trend. One in 44 children were not autistic in the 1980s, with or without diagnosis. No, something is going on. One or more environmental factors are clearly having a devastating impact on our children.
Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism
According to an October 2020 scientific review5 in the journal Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, “Several lines of evidence implicate mitochondria in the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).” For years, autism was believed to be due to genetics, but empirical studies have proven genetic predispositions play a very small role.
The authors point to “novel abnormalities” in mitochondrial function that have been found in autistic children, and the fact that treatments targeting mitochondrial dysfunction, such as L-carnitine supplementation and a ketogenic diet, have been fruitful.
In 2007, approximately 4% of autistic children could be diagnosed with a definite mitochondrial disease. More recent investigations looking at mitochondrial biomarkers and electron transport chain activity suggest mitochondrial abnormalities may be involved in as many as 80% of cases. Biomarkers of mitochondrial dysfunction include elevated levels of:
Creatine kinase
Carnitine (low levels being an indication of dysfunction)
As noted by the authors, this is “remarkably interesting” because mitochondria are “very vulnerable to environmental factors.” In other words, something in our environment is triggering mitochondrial dysfunction in an ever-growing percentage of children. The question is what?
Children whose autism is rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction will typically have a key set of symptoms that include:
Gastrointestinal disorders
Seizures and/or epilepsy
Motor delay and/or ataxia and/or muscle weakness
Unusual neurodevelopmental regression, including multiple regressions or regression later than commonly associated with ASD
Mitochondrial Overactivity
While classic mitochondrial disease is defined, at least in part, by severe deficits in electron transport chain activity, in children with ASD, mitochondrial dysfunction tends to involve overactivity. According to the authors:6
“… we have shown that about one-third of LCLs [lymphoblastoid cell lines] derived from children with ASD repeatedly show elevated respiratoryiou rates, approximately 200% of controls, for respiratory parameters associated with adenosine triphosphate production.
We have also demonstrated the consequences of elevated respiratory rates; specifically, this subset of ASD LCLs are more sensitive to acute exposure to reactive oxygen species (ROS) such that respiratory rates drop precipitously with acute increases in ROS.
We hypothesized these changes represent an adaptive response to previous environmental exposures, a phenomenon known as mitoplasticity.
To support this hypothesis, we demonstrated that elevated respiratory rates can be induced in LCLs with prolonged exposure (96 hours) to mild ROS, a microenvironment that simulates the effect of environmental toxicants on mitochondria.
Additionally, we have demonstrated that this subset of LCLs respond differently to environmental agents associated with ASD, including trichloroacetaldehyde hydrate and ethylmercury, and enteric short chain fatty acids propionate and butyrate, as compared to ASD LCLs which do not demonstrate these high respiratory rates at baseline.”
Important Nutritional Supplements
Two helpful treatments have already been mentioned: L-carnitine supplementation and ketogenic diets. Studies evaluating ketogenic diets and ASD have found them to be well-tolerated by a majority of children.
A review of four studies found 18% of children saw significant improvement on a ketogenic diet, 40% reported moderate improvement and 32% had mild improvement. Only 8% experienced a worsening of their symptoms.7
In cases where the ASD is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction, however, supplementing specific cofactors become important. The good news is this kind of supplementation is very safe and well tolerated. There’s virtually no risk involved, in terms of adverse side effects. Among the most important nutritional cofactors are:8
Of these, L-carnitine has been most widely studied. As explained in this paper:9
“Two medium sized (n = 30, 30) double-blind placebo-controlled studies using L-carnitine treatment (50 mg/kg/d for 3 months and 100 mg/kg/d for 6 months) found that scores on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) improved with L-carnitine as compared to placebo with one study finding that greater symptomatic improvement was correlated with a greater increase in blood carnitine levels.
A small (n = 10) 8-week open-label trial of L-carnitine used particularly high doses (up to 400 mg/kg/d in 3 divided doses, maximum of 6000 mg/d) …
Several parental rated measures showed improvements in behavior and hyperactivity before correction for multiple comparisons and improvements in language correlated with post-treatment blood carnitine levels. Children with ASD and genetic mutations in the carnitine pathway also appear to response to L-carnitine.”
CoQ10 has also been evaluated in clinical trials. In one, 50 mg of ubiquinol was given twice a day for three months. Children who attained a CoQ10 blood level above 2.5 umol/L saw improvements in communication, interactions, sleep and food rejection.10
A three-month-long regimen of L-carnitine, CoQ10 and alpha-lipoic acid also produced encouraging results, improving mitochondrial function and ASD-related behavior. When the children discontinued the cocktail, their behavior worsened again.
Autism and Autoimmunity
Previous research also suggests ASD may have an autoimmunity component. As explained in a 2009 paper titled “Autoimmunity in Autism”:11
“Increasing evidence of autoimmune phenomena in individuals with autism could represent the presence of altered or inappropriate immune responses in this disorder, and this immune system dysfunction may represent novel targets for treatment.
Furthermore, in recent studies, antibodies directed against the fetal brain have been detected in some mothers of children with autism; these antibodies have the ability to alter behavioral outcomes in the offspring of animal models.”
Research12,13 published in 2013 found that more than 1 in 10 mothers of autistic children had antibodies associated with autoimmunity that adversely reacted with proteins in the brain of the baby, resulting in ASD. The authors point out that any activation of the mother’s immune system “might lead to an increased risk of a child with ASD.”
In light of the COVID injection campaign, the possibility of autoantibodies playing a role in ASD is extremely troublesome, as autoimmune diseases are a potential side effect. We don’t yet really know the extent of which the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interacts with the human brain, but it’s clearly not beneficial.
Women, in particular, are suffering neurological dysfunction as a result of the COVID shot. How might the spike protein affect offspring? That’s still too early to say, but I suspect we’ll come to find that the effect can be devastating.
Toxic Chemicals Implicated in Autism
Not surprisingly, exposure to toxic chemicals in utero has also been identified as a potentially causative factor. According to the National Academy of Sciences, an estimated 3% of all neurobehavioral disorders in children are caused by toxic exposures.
Another 25%, the interaction of toxic exposures and genetic factors is thought to be causative.14,15 In 2012, scientists identified 10 chemicals suspected of causing learning disabilities and ASD:16
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Organophosphate pesticides, including glyphosate
Organochlorine pesticides
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals
Automotive exhaust
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Brominated flame retardants
Perfluorinated compounds
Of these, glyphosate is a top suspect17,18 for the simple reason that exposure to it is so widespread. Research19 published in 2019 found women exposed to 11 commonly used pesticides — including glyphosate — during pregnancy have a higher risk of having a child diagnosed with autism.
Pregnant women who lived within a 2,000-meter (1.24 miles) radius of a highly-sprayed area were 10% to 16% more likely to have children diagnosed with autism than those who lived farther away. As reported by Time:20
“When they looked at diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder that also came with intellectual disabilities, they found on average 30% higher rates among children who were exposed to the pesticides while in utero. Exposure in the first year of life increased the risk of autism by up to 50% compared to those not exposed to certain pesticides.”
Glyphosate Is Likely a Key Culprit
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., who has spent a large portion of her career studying glyphosate, believes it is a significant cause or contributor to autism. She’s shown glyphosate:
Disrupts your gut microbiome
Impairs peristalsis — a feature that is exceedingly common in children with autism21
Inhibits bile acid release by impairing gallbladder contraction — Many autistic children have very pale stool, suggestive of low bile acid levels
Impairs digestive enzymes — Many autistic children also have undigested particles in their stool, which suggests a lack of digestive enzymes. And, indeed, glyphosate affects your digestive enzymes, particularly trypsin, pepsin and lipase
The Roles of GI Inflammation and Maternal Gut Bacteria
Another potential trigger is maternal gut inflammation. Research22 published in early December 2021 found that when pregnant mice were challenged with immune activation, it changed their gut microbiota. This altered microbiota in turn primed the offspring for intestinal inflammation that resulted in neurodevelopmental disorders. MIT News reported the findings, noting:23
“Infection during pregnancy with elevated levels of the cytokine IL-17a may yield microbiome alterations that prime offspring for aberrant immune responses …
When a mother experiences an infection during pregnancy and her immune system produces elevated levels of the molecule Interleukin-17a (IL-17a), this can not only alter brain development in her fetus, but also alter her microbiome such that after birth the newborn’s immune system can become primed for future inflammatory attacks.
In four studies beginning in 2016,24 study co-senior authors Gloria Choi of MIT and Jun Huhof Harvard University traced how elevated IL-17a during pregnancy acts on neural receptors in a specific region of the fetal brain to alter circuit development, leading to autism-like behavioral symptoms in mouse models.
Their new research … shows how IL-17a can act to also alter the trajectory of immune system development. ‘We’ve shown that IL-17a acting on the fetal brain can induce autism-like behavioral phenotypes such as social deficits,’ says Choi …
‘Now we are showing that the same IL-17a in mothers, through changes in the microbiome community, produces co-morbid symptoms such as a primed immune system.’
The researchers caution that the study findings are yet to be confirmed in humans, but that they do offer a hint that central nervous and immune system problems in individuals with autism-spectrum disorders share an environmental driver: maternal infection during pregnancy.”
Here, the COVID-19 pandemic may end up worsening an already terrible trend, as the infection is associated with elevated IL-17a. IL-17a is a key molecule in both the innate and adaptive immunity that helps mobilize your immune system response during early infection. It’s been singled out as being involved in the thrombotic and vascular mechanisms of COVID-19 specifically.25
One October 2021 study26 suggested IL-17a acts as a silent amplifier of the COVID-19 immune response, resulting in some of the worst side effects associated with the infection. While pregnant women are universally instructed to get the COVID shot to protect themselves from the infection, there’s every reason to suspect the injection may cause far more harm than the infection itself.
If you get COVID while pregnant, you may or may not have a serious case of it, but if you take the shot, you have a 100% chance of suffering the effects of it, which for many include dramatically elevated levels of inflammation.
From my perspective, getting the COVID jab because you fear what COVID-19 might do to you and/or your baby is actually irrational, as your risk of adverse effects from the shot is exponentially higher than your risk of severe COVID-19 infection.
Autism Is a Multifactorial Condition
A number of other culprits could also be named, such as retroviruses (which the COVID shots can reactivate) and electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. According to Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a retrovirus family known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related viruses (XMRV) may play a causal role in autism.27
Disturbingly, one source for XMRVs is contaminated childhood vaccines. Mikovits details the history of this in her book, “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism and Other Disease.”
In previous interviews with me, Mikovits has also expressed concern that the COVID shots may activate latent XMRV infection. If it does, we could expect the autism rate to explode at an even more exponential rate than we’re seeing already.
I predict the COVID shots will be found to contribute to autism in a number of different ways. But even in the absence of these injections, it’s clear that environmental toxicities are wreaking havoc with our children’s health.
There’s no single answer to this problem. Since many different toxins can contribute, preventing autism must include the elimination of most toxic exposures.
Top suspects include childhood vaccines, the 10 chemicals listed earlier (glyphosate in particular), autoimmune antibodies, gut inflammation, retroviruses and EMF exposure. To this list, I would also add the COVID gene transfer injections, as they can be a source of severe inflammation and autoimmunity, and have been shown to have a direct adverse impact on neurology.
Most Americans do NOT know about the many benefits of NAD “drip” therapy
Wondering why most Americans don’t know about these safe methods to beat Covid? Because they work and they’re inexpensive, that’s why. NAD regenerative therapy is simple and convenient, where the person can sit in a chair and read, surf the internet or watch a movie while the drip is administered through an IV (for about 90 minutes).
On a cellular level, NAD IV therapy delivers oxidized coenzyme directly into the bloodstream, allowing more of the vital coenzyme to be absorbed by the body, circumventing the digestive system that would otherwise break down much of the effectiveness before it gets to the cells.
NAD is known to improve cognition, reduce pain, boost energy, revive neurological function, reduce inflammation and delay the onset of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In fact, lowered levels of NAD have been scientifically linked to fatty liver disease and diabetes, but hospitals and most medical doctors in America are not allowed to tell their patients about it or use it for Covid because it works. Only useless means of addressing Covid are allowed in Western Medicine, like gene therapy jabs (that CAUSE vascular and immune problems), Remdesivir (that cripples kidney function), masks that cause bacterial infections and booster shots that will worsen ADE disorder (autoimmune deficiency enhancement disorder).
Dana White is not anti-vaccine so how will the mass media degrade him and say he’s an anti-science freak, when he already got the Covid jabs? Here’s White commenting on the situation:
“Rogan is a very brilliant guy, very smart guy who talks to the best and the brightest out there. And I’m not a believer in the narrative. I’m not a big believer in the narrative. But you know what, at the end of the day, (Jim)? It’s a free country.”
For the most reliable truth news about health and safety on the internet, tune to to learn how to best cope with Covid government mandates.
A federal bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives barely got a blink from mainstream media, but it’s one that will have wide-ranging, long-lasting impact on the entire U.S. if it makes it through the Senate and becomes law.
H.R. 550, entitled “Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021,” expands the powers of state and local health departments to track citizens’ vaccination status and set the stage for vaccine passports and possibly no-fly lists.
The far-reaching bill literally gives powers to unelected health care directors, who could arbitrarily set dangerous precedents when it comes to vaccine mandates, restrictions of services and other sanctions against unvaccinated individuals — all without fear of losing their jobs in the next election cycle.
It’s time to contact your legislators and let them know by phone or email that they need to stand for freedom of choice and restore democracy to the health care setting.
A leading technology and media expert who has been dubbed “the original COVID-19 whistleblower” has scored an interview with a Canadian military officer who says he was part of the October 2019 World Military Games in Wuhan.
The officer shared how he and others at the games became ill while they were there, and continued to be very ill on the flight home and after they got home, but both military and health officials are denying that COVID-19 might have been the cause of their illness.
In a five-hour podcast, Metzl talks about COVID, the possibility that it was caused by a lab leak and other COVID-related topics.
In a quiet change to its terms of service, Twitter is now arbitrarily censoring tweets that claim people who have had the COVID-19 shots can spread or shed the virus.
The social giant also listed other COVID-related offenses that could garner penalties, including citing medical research that Twitter determines is representative of “a specific narrative that diminishes the significance of the disease.” The penalties range from having “corrective” labels put on the offending tweets to being permanently banned from Twitter.
“The change was made on December 2, 2021, according to Wayback Machine archives retrieved by Reclaim the Net,” Mediaite reports. “The policy contradicts the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, which notes the ‘risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus.’”
November 2, 2021, the prestigious British Medical Journal published an article about Pfizer’s COVID-19 clinical trials, written by a commissioned investigative reporter. It included what The BMJ said were “dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings and emails.”
Yet, besides passing The BMJ’s “usual high-level editorial oversight and review,” and even though the work underwent both a legal review and an external peer review, Facebook/Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s “fact” checkers labeled it as “misleading” and “false information.”
Concerned that the so-called “fact” checkers seriously didn’t know what they were doing, The BMJ tried to contact the fact checkers, but they didn’t respond. So, The BMJ editors decided to take on Facebook and the fact checkers with a public letter to Zuckerberg.
“There is also a wider concern that we wish to raise,” the editors wrote. “We are aware that The BMJ is not the only high quality information provider to have been affected by the incompetence of Meta’s fact checking regime. To give one other example, we would highlight the treatment by Instagram (also owned by Meta) of Cochrane, the international provider of high quality systematic reviews of the medical evidence.”
To top it off, The BMJ requested that Facebook get its act together: “Rather than investing a proportion of Meta’s substantial profits to help ensure the accuracy of medical information shared through social media, you have apparently delegated responsibility to people incompetent in carrying out this crucial task.
“We hope you will act swiftly: specifically to correct the error relating to The BMJ’s article and to review the processes that led to the error; and generally to reconsider your investment in and approach to fact checking overall.”
The latest official data coming from the United Kingdom is that pandemic deaths are now happening in double- and triple-“vaccinated” individuals — all since August 2021. Specifically, according to Daily Expose, “the latest official data shows that the vaccinated population have accounted for 3 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, 3 in every 5 Covid-19 hospitalizations, and 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths.”
Yet, government officials including Prime Minister Boris Johnson are insistent on restricting the freedoms of those they identify as “unvaccinated.” The reason they give is that the government needs to protect the public from the new Omicron COVID-19 variant.
But since the vaccinated are the majority of who’s getting sick and dying, what is the purpose of the new strict measures? Daily Expose has one answer, saying it “suggests vaccine passports have absolutely nothing to do with protecting public health, and instead everything to do with controlling the nation.”
One team published an engineering analysis to determine the current underreporting factor (URF) from the VAERS information and found the factor to be 41. When applied against the government data they found 173% more children died from the vaccine than from the illness
Using this same URF, the number of deaths from COVID rose to 815,326 and the number permanently disabled to 1,338,404. To date, the total reported deaths from the infection is 803,043, which means the shot has killed more children and adults than the virus
Although there is little reason to give children the shot, officials are spinning the idea that it is needed for herd immunity. Yet, health officials must be aware there is a significant lack of evidence to support this, and children are dying in the process
Pilot deaths and injuries affect commercial flights, logistical distribution of goods and military readiness. In one affidavit as part of a federal lawsuit against the military vaccine mandate, physician Lt. Col. Theresa Long alleges protocols are not followed after the COVID shot
Many scientists and health experts have warned that vaccinating children against COVID-19 is unnecessary and extremely risky. Since the beginning of the pandemic, it has been obvious that children were at exceptionally low risk for hospitalization and death from the infection.1 Despite this, massive efforts are underway to ensure that every child gets a shot.
If the current data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)2 are any indication of what the future holds, we are facing the greatest public health calamity in modern history. I believe it is not a new COVID-19 variant causing this, but the current vaccination campaign. Unfortunately, I have no doubt that the deaths caused by the vaccines will end up far exceeding the number of deaths from the illness.
Despite the clear and present dangers of this genetic therapy, vaccine makers, encouraged and endorsed by government health agencies, are steamrolling ahead with trials and recommendations for the shot in children. In May 20213 parents found out that their children can get vaccinated without their consent if they fall under something called the “mature minor” doctrine.
This allows providers to treat minors, without parental consent, under certain circumstances. The age group under question was between ages 14 and 18 when there is a “rebuttable presumption of capacity, and the physician may treat without parental consent unless the physician believes that the minor is not sufficiently mature to make his or her own health care decisions.”
In July, two lawsuits were filed in federal court that challenged the Washington D.C. city law which allowed minors to be vaccinated without parental consent.4 In September 2021, The Guardian reported that children aged 12 to 15 in the U.K. may be administered a COVID-19 shot by teams in the school system without parental consent.5
If parents do not consent but the child wants the vaccine, the team can determine if a 12-year-old is able to make an informed decision. Most recently, one California mother spoke to the news media and expressed outrage after the school system allegedly offered her son a pizza in exchange for his taking the genetic therapy shot.6
With each passing month, it becomes more obvious that the battleground in the fight for liberty and freedom has been taken to our young children. A recent review of data7 from the CDC and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows that more children have died from the vaccine than have died from the illness.
VAERS Underreporting Factor Affects Data
To compare the number of deaths from COVID illness against those who have died from the genetic therapy injection, we must address the known underreporting factor in VAERS. To date, the VAERS database is the only reporting system used by the CDC and FDA that is accessible to the public. According to VAERS, it:8
“… is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients.”
Additionally, it is the only area where the public, including doctors and other medical professionals, can voluntarily report vaccine adverse events, including death. According to VAERS,9 health care professionals are mandated by law to report serious injury adverse events that occur within a specified time period after the shot, and those events that are listed by the manufacturer as a contraindication to further doses.
However, the system only “encourages” providers to report events after vaccination whether the shot caused the event or not. In other words, the system depends on the health care professionals’ knowledge that the VAERS system exists and their willingness to spend time filling out the document which asks for:10
Medical information and history on the patient
The facility where the injection was given
The contact information on the person completing the form
The vaccine type, manufacturer and lot number
The best doctor or healthcare professional to contact about the adverse event
What area of the body where the vaccine was injected
A description of the adverse events and treatment
The results or outcome of the adverse events
Medical tests and laboratory results that were done
Any vaccines that were given in the month before the genetic therapy injection was given.
The manufacturer, lot number and site where those additional injections were given
Any adverse events to any previous vaccines the patient may have had
The patient’s race and ethnicity
The date and time the adverse event started
The patient’s age at the time of vaccination
Allergies to medications, foods or other products
Whether the patient was pregnant at the time of vaccination
Any illnesses in the month leading up to the vaccination
Any chronic or long-standing health conditions
Any prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements or herbal remedies being taken at the time of vaccination
While much of this information is necessary for data tracking, you can see how the time-consuming nature of filling out this form can easily become overwhelming when doctors have multiple patients with adverse events from the COVID-19 shots.11 Lack of knowledge of the system, and a growing physician shortage12 with subsequent lack of time have also likely contributed to the underreporting factor (URF).
In an early grant report submitted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which is part of the VAERS system, the writers admitted that:13
“Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”
As of December 3, 2021, there were 946,461 adverse events and 19,886 deaths reported to the system.14 If only 1% of the events are reported, this translates to 94.64 million adverse events and 1.98 million deaths. To ascertain a better estimate of how many people have been injured from the current genetic injection, the issue of the URF was again addressed in a paper published in November 2021.15
The process for defining a new URF was published in a 62-page paper.16 Using an engineering analysis of the available data and judgment based on peer reviewed literature and expertise of the scientists, an underreporting factor of 41 was determined.
Agency Data Show 173% More Children Died From Shot Than Virus
In this short video, you’ll hear just several of the stories of parents who are grieving the loss of their children after giving them a vaccine they were promised would protect them. Many, thinking they were doing the right thing, took an experimental shot and have left devastated parents and families behind.
While evaluating the data, one of the writers of the paper, Steve Kirsch, recognized the gravity of the situation as it relates to the number of children who have died after taking the vaccine versus the number who have died from the illness. CDC data ending December 8, 2021,17 shows 757 children younger than 18 were listed as casualties of COVID-19.
He points out that many of these deaths, like those in adults, are likely children who died with COVID and not from COVID.18 However, to maintain simplicity, he used those numbers for comparison. Then, using data from VAERS ending December 3, 2021, he found 32 deaths from the vaccine.
Using the URF of 41, this suggests there have been 1,312 deaths that are likely to have been caused by the injection as compared to the 757 deaths the CDC records as having been caused by the illness. If you do the math, this means the shot has killed roughly 173% more children than the illness.
Using the same URF of 41 and the current data ending December 3, 2021, from OpenVAERS we can estimate there should have been 38,804,901 reports and 815,326 deaths. This is vitally important as the total number of deaths recorded for COVID-19 as of December 15, 2021. is 795,839.19 This means the shot has currently killed more children and adults than the virus.
Permanently disabled
Severe allergic reaction
Bell’s Palsy
Pilot Deaths, Injuries and Shot Mandates Affect Shortage
Pilot deaths and injuries affect commercial flights, logistical distribution of goods and military readiness. In mid-2020, thousands of pilots were laid off or decided to retire when flights were canceled around the country and around the world during lockdowns. Government mandates for the genetic therapy shot have also curbed the hiring of potential aviators.21
It takes up to two years to train a pilot, and Boeing estimates there will be a need for more than 600,000 new pilots over the next two decades. After the release of the shot in 2021, some noted an excessive number of pilot deaths in 2021, versus the number who died in 2019 and 2020.22
As the data on this situation continue to be released, it’s important to note that one Army flight surgeon has also stepped forward to warn that the COVID jab may increase the risk of sudden cardiac death among military pilots.23
Physician Lt. Col. Theresa Long filed an affidavit alleging the Army isn’t following DOD protocols to screen for side effects of myocarditis associated with the Pfizer and Moderna shots. The affidavit is part of a federal lawsuit against the vaccine mandate for the U.S. military. In the affidavit Long claims:24
“… there is no functional myocardial screening currently being conducted … it is my professional opinion that substantial foreseen risks currently exist, which require proper screening of all flight crews. Based on the DOD’s own protocols and studies, the only two valuable methodologies to adequately assess this risk are through MRI imaging or cardio biopsy which must be carried-out.”
In October 2021, The Defender,25 the publication of the Children’s Health Defense, asked a question that many may have overlooked. Are these vaccine mandates that appear to be reducing critical services and personnel, such as pilots, health care providers and first responders, an intentional sabotage designed to weaken America and expand control?
The loss of critical pilots is not only the result of death, but also life-altering disabilities after the shot. The Defender26 covered Sen. Ron Johnson’s, R-Wis., expert panel on COVID vaccine injuries, during which a 33-year-old commercial airline pilot from Cleveland, Mississippi, testified about his injuries.
Cody Flint had been healthy with no underlying medical conditions before receiving Pfizer’s genetic therapy injection. His first dose was February 1, 2021. Within 30 minutes he developed a severe headache that evolved into a burning sensation in his neck. Two days later he realized something wasn’t right, but only after having taken his airplane into the air. He described what happened next:27
“I was starting to develop tunnel vision and my headache was getting worse. Approximately two hours into my flying I pulled my airplane up to turn around and felt an extreme burst of pressure in my ears. Instantly I was nearly blacked out, dizzy, disoriented, nauseous and shaking uncontrollably. By the grace of God, I was able to land my plane without incident, though I do not remember doing this.”
The doctors initially told him he had an attack of vertigo and a severe panic attack. However, without a history of either, and a continuing decline of his medical condition, the doctors then told him that ”only an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccination or major head trauma could have caused this much spontaneous damage.”
After one year and numerous spinal taps and two surgeries, Flint shared that the vaccine stole his career and his future. He spent all his savings to pay his medical bills and his family “is on the verge of losing everything we have.”
Statistical Tricks Behind Fear Mongering
It is important to note here that the claims made by Pfizer that the vaccine is 95% effective is not an effectiveness rating you may imagine. You might think that 95% effective means that the shot protects 95 out of 100 people.
But that is something called a relative risk reduction, which actually is the difference in event rates for both groups being studied.28 In other words, it’s the reflection of the number of vaccinated people who got COVID during the trials compared to the number who were not vaccinated. If you look at the absolute risk reduction, which is far more relevant for public health measures, you’ll see that number is actually less than 1%.29
This means that out of 100 people who got the injection, it is effective for less than one person. While this makes the vaccine of dubious benefit, it also speaks to the propaganda and fear-mongering vaccine makers and vaccines stakeholders have used to promote the dangerous shot — especially when the National Institutes of Health says absolute risk reduction “is the most useful way of presenting research results.”30
Experts Are Using Herd Immunity Reasoning to Convince Parents
Since children have little reason to get the COVID shot, health officials are spinning the idea that they should be vaccinated for the sake of herd immunity. They want you to believe that not only should you look at the people around you as vectors of disease, but also that children could be asymptomatic carriers and supposedly silently spreading a deadly disease to Grandma’s house.
What they aren’t telling you, and the media is not covering, are the studies that show children are not driving the pandemic, and in fact appear less likely to transmit COVID-19 than adults.31 The Children’s Health Defense noted:32
“In short, public health leaders say, parents must ‘vaccinate the young to protect the old.’ Given the federal government’s estimate that one vaccine injury results from every 39 vaccines administered, it seems clear that officials expect children to shoulder 100% of the risks of COVID vaccination in exchange for zero benefit.”
Herd immunity occurs when enough people have acquired immunity to an infectious disease so that it no longer is widely spread in the community. This is calculated using a reproductive number or R0.33 This is the estimated number of new infections that may occur from one infected person. R1 means that one person who is infected is expected to infect one other person.
When R0 is below 1 it indicates that cases are declining and R0 above 1 suggests that they are on the rise. While it’s far from an exact science, a person’s susceptibility to infection is known to vary depending on factors including age, health and contacts within the community.
The initial calculation for COVID-19 health intervention tracking was based on assumptions that each person had the same susceptibility and would mix randomly with others in the community. However, a study published in Nature Reviews Immunology34 suggested the herd immunity threshold for COVID-19 may need adjustment since children are less susceptible to the disease. The scientists wrote:35
“Another factor that may feed into a lower herd immunity threshold for COVID-19 is the role of children in viral transmission. Preliminary reports find that children, particularly those younger than 10 years, may be less susceptible and contagious than adults, in which case they may be partially omitted from the computation of herd immunity.”
In other words, the idea that we must vaccinate children to protect adults is not backed by evidence in this illness. After decades of studying vaccine research and holding responsible positions in health care, you would hope that individuals like Dr. Anthony Fauci,36 director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Dr. Rochelle Walensky,37 director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, should understand the science.
If an assumption is made that these individuals do understand the science that doesn’t support vaccinating children, and they have at least glanced at the VAERS data collected by the CDC and FDA, then you must ask the question — what is the underlying goal of vaccinating children with a potentially lethal and disabling shot when they have an exceedingly low risk of severe COVID-19 or dying from the illness?
Of the COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., none received adequate and/or early-enough treatment. At least 85% of COVID deaths were preventable
There are three components to SARS-CoV-2 infection: viral replication, cytokine storm and blood clotting, therefore necessitating a multidrug approach, and treatment must begin early to be effective
Research published in 2006 showed hydroxychloroquine reduced viral replication of SARS-CoV-1 (the original SARS virus). It also has well-established anti-inflammatory properties. These two properties help explain its usefulness against COVID-19
There were clear intentional efforts to prevent use of hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19, likely in an effort to make the COVID jabs appear necessary
You cannot get COVID-19 twice; those with natural immunity have robust, long-lasting immunity. The Pfizer COVID shot, meanwhile, has been shown to have undetectable effectiveness 201 days after the second dose and Moderna’s effectiveness reaches zero around day 121
If you could only listen to one podcast to get up to speed on COVD-19, you are in luck as one of the top clinicians in the world on understanding COVID-19, Dr. Peter McCullough, finally made his way to the largest podcast in the world, Joe Rogan and, as expected, it was epic. You will do yourself a serious disservice if you don’t watch the entire, nearly three-hour, interview at normal speed.
McCullough is an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, and in this podcast, he reviews and summarizes what we know about the COVID jabs. McCullough also discusses the importance of early treatment, which has been universally suppressed and ignored from the start.
He’s convinced, and states unequivocally in this interview, that of the COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., none received adequate and/or early-enough treatment. In short, people did not, and certainly don’t now, need to die from this infection, barring some serious underlying condition.
It’s treatable, and later variants, such as Delta and Omicron, appear generally milder than the original virus, resulting in even easier-to-treat illness. From early on, researchers and clinicians demonstrated that early treatment, be it with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin or steroids and anticoagulants — in some combination — resulted in far better outcomes and saved lives.
When you just let the infection run its course without treatment, most COVID-19 patients were riddled with blood clots and other complications by the time they were hospitalized. According to McCullough, we know that at least 85% of all COVID deaths could have been avoided with early treatment.
Early Treatment Is Key
In August 2020, McCullough’s landmark paper “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection” was published online in the American Journal of Medicine.1
It was the first published report on how to treat COVID on an outpatient basis and described a comprehensive COVID treatment protocol for frontline doctors. Before this, there were about 4,000 papers discussing the potential benefit of various remedies, but none that actually sought to present a comprehensive protocol for treatment.
A follow-up paper, “Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)” published in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine in December 2020,2 became the basis for an AAPS home treatment guide.
Importantly, McCullough and the team of collaborators he put together understood early on that there were three components to this infection: viral replication, cytokine storm and blood clotting, therefore necessitating a multidrug approach.
One drug that gained early attention was hydroxychloroquine, as research published in 2006 showed it reduced viral replication of SARS-CoV-1 (the original SARS virus). It also has well-established anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been routinely used in the treatment of lupus, for example. But as explained by McCullough, there were clear intentional efforts to prevent use of the drug against COVID-19.
The U.S. government refused to release its stockpiles, and doctors were told they’d lose their medical license if they used it. The largest manufacturing plant of hydroxychloroquine even mysteriously burned down, and in South Africa, “mercenaries” were breaking into pharmacies and burning the drug.
In addition to that, a fraudulent paper was published in the journal Lancet, falsely stating that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous. “It looked like it was a step to bury hydroxychloroquine as a treatment,” McCullough says. When focus shifted to ivermectin, that drug also became inaccessible and was widely vilified as “horse paste” in the mainstream media.
Treatment Was Suppressed for a Reason
Considering the overwhelming success doctors have had in treating the infection with these and other drugs, why aren’t hospitals everywhere doing it? Why have health authorities fought against treatment in general, and the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in particular? In McCullough’s words:
“It seems to me, early on, there was an intentional, very comprehensive suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death. And it seemed to be completely organized and intentional in order to create acceptance for and then promote mass ‘vaccination.'”
The plan to create acceptance for novel mRNA gene transfer technology in lieu of a conventional vaccine by suppressing treatment options has been explained in detail in Dr. Peter Breggin’s book, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey,”3 and Pamela Popper’s book, “COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened and What’s Next.”4 McCullough recommends both, if you want to understand how this was coordinated and planned.
Robert Kennedy Jr.’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci” also shows, using extensive documentation, that Moderna was working on an mRNA injection for COVID-19 well before the world even knew it existed. He reveals extensive collusion occurred to push this novel gene transfer technology on the world, with devastating effects.
When asked why more doctors aren’t using these early treatment protocols, McCullough points out that of the 1 million or so doctors in the U.S., probably only 500 or so actually understand that viable treatments are being suppressed with the intent to drive uptake of the gene transfer shots. Those relatively few who do understand what’s going on face censorship and the threat of having their medical license removed if they speak out about treatment.
Questions About Reinfection Linger
A widespread concern that Rogan brings up is whether or not you can actually get COVID twice. According to McCullough, the answer is a hard no. You cannot. You might think you have it twice, because you’ve tested positive.
After intense pressure to produce evidence of reinfection, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finally admitted they don’t have a single verified case of someone getting sick with COVID twice.
To prove reinfection, McCullough says, you’d need to have a positive PCR test at a cycle threshold below 28 (not 40 or 45, as is routinely done), and a positive antigen immunoassay test to show that you actually had antibodies from the first infection, and a gene sequencing test showing you in fact have the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
What’s more, dozens of studies confirm that natural immunity is robust and long-lasting. “So why is there so much resistance to the idea that people have natural immunity?” Rogan asks, to which McCullough replies, “All roads lead to the ‘vaccine.'”
Dr. Robert Malone disagrees with McCullough on this issue, pointing to a December 4, 2021, study showing 12% out of a sample of 1,200 individuals experienced COVID reinfection.5 In a Twitter post, Malone said:6
“I have caught it twice, as has my wife. I was asymptomatic, she was not. This is a rapidly mutating RNA virus. Just like the common cold. The symptoms will not be as severe — but yes, people catch it more than once. Even Delta …”
Relative Versus Absolute Risk Reduction
Now, when it comes to the efficacy of these COVID shots, the manufacturers have employed a classic strategy to mislead the masses and make the shots sound far better than they actually are. That strategy is looking at relative risk reduction rather than absolute risk reduction.
While the COVID shots boasted efficacy rates between 67% and 95% at the outset, those were the relative risk reductions. The four available COVID shots in the U.S. provide an absolute risk reduction between just 0.7% and 1.3%.7,8
Now, compare that to the noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio across age groups, which is 0.26%.9 Since the absolute risk that needs to be overcome is lower than the absolute risk reduction these injections can provide, mass vaccination simply cannot have a favorable impact. Yet here we are, being told to get used to the idea of getting booster shots at ever-increasing intervals. It just doesn’t add up.
Of course, as I’ve reported on several occasions, research and clinical experience clearly show that the effectiveness of these shots rapidly wanes. Six months after the second dose, your protection is nil. Meanwhile, your body continues producing toxic spike protein for at least 15 months after each dose.
Efficacy Rapidly Wanes
McCullough cites a Swedish study10 published October 25, 2021, which looked at data from 842,974 pairs, where each person who had received two COVID jabs was paired and compared against an unvaccinated individual, to see if the vaccinated had fewer symptomatic cases and hospitalizations.
Early on, the double-jabbed appeared to have good protection, but that quickly changed. The Pfizer jab went from 92% effectiveness at Day 15 through 30, to 47% at Day 121 through 180, and zero from Day 201 onward. The Moderna shot had a similar trajectory, being estimated at 59% from Day 181 onward. The AstraZeneca injection had a lower effectiveness out of the gate, waned faster than the mRNA shots, and had no detectable effectiveness as of Day 121.
All the while, millions of Americans have already had COVID11 and have natural immunity that doesn’t wane in this manner. Yet they are being shunned and fired for not complying with COVID jab mandates. Again, it just doesn’t add up. Never before has a vaccine been required for anyone with natural immunity against a disease, and there’s good reason for that. It’s completely illogical.
Just like you don’t need a measles vaccine if you’ve had measles, you don’t need a COVID shot if you’ve had COVID. In fact, you are at increased risk of adverse events if you do take it. Remember, if you already have natural immunity, you’re exposing yourself to the harms of the shot with no hope of benefit.
The Most Dangerous Injections in Medical History
As explained in this interview, the COVID shots are the most dangerous, most lethal drugs ever used — and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and CDC knew this as early as mid-February, when the deaths reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) hit 182.
Historically, any drug with five unexplained deaths gets a black box warning. At 50 unresolved deaths, it’s pulled from the market altogether. None of that happened here. To this day, the FDA and CDC claim not a single death is attributable to the COVID shots, even as the reported death toll is nearing 20,00012 (including international reports), with half of them occurring within 48 hours of the injection. Eighty percent occur within a week post-injection.
That is simply unheard of. The temporal association is stronger than anything we’ve seen before. McCullough also cites research concluding that in 86% of cases, there was no other explanation for the death other than the COVID shot.
McCullough points out that in any given year, an average of 150 deaths following vaccination are reported to VAERS. That’s 150 deaths from an average of 278 million vaccine doses given.
Here, we had 182 deaths at a point in time when only 27 million doses had been administered. So, you cannot blame it on the volume of shots given. The same trends can be found in other countries’ databases as well, such as the U.K.’s Yellow Card scheme.
What’s more, vaccine side effects are notoriously underreported, so as staggering as the VAERS data are, they’re just the tip of the iceberg. Historically, only 1%13 to 10%14 of adverse effects are reported. For the COVID shots, the underreporting factor has been calculated to be anywhere between 31 and 100. That means that to get a more accurate range, you have to multiply the VAERS number by 31 and 100.
The absolute most-conservative estimate so far is an underreporting factor of five. That estimate came from an FDA whistleblower who used Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data to estimate the underreporting in VAERS.15 According to that whistleblower, the number of Americans killed by the shots was at least 45,000 as of July 9, 2021. At that time, VAERS reported 9,048 deaths following COVID injection.
Who’s at Greatest Risk for COVID Jab Side Effects?
As explained by McCullough, one of the reasons for this massive death toll is the fact that the COVID shot introduces an uncontrolled dose of spike protein into your body — a far greater dose than what you get when naturally infected with the virus. And the spike protein is the most lethal part of the virus. It’s responsible for the most problematic symptoms of infection.
So, the shots are killing the same people that would be in dire straits were they infected by the virus. It’s also killing some who would likely fare OK with the wild virus but cannot handle the excessive spike protein load produced by the COVID shot.
Consistent Data Point to Clear and Present Danger
As noted by McCullough, we have a very clear safety signal from VAERS. We also have clear biological plausibility, meaning we can explain why and how people might be harmed by these shots. The data are also internally and externally consistent, within VAERS and databases in other countries. The same patterns are seen everywhere.
Normally association does not mean causality unless very specific criteria are met, and in the case of the COVID jabs, those criteria are indeed met. “We’ve fulfilled what’s called the Bradford Hill criteria for causality,” McCullough says. In other words, we have evidence that the injuries and deaths are not accidental. The COVID shots are indeed injuring and killing people at unprecedented rates, despite what the lying CDC states.
Myocarditis Will Likely Be Widespread
Interestingly, the shots appear to harm men and women differently. Women are having far higher rates of neurological injuries, whereas boys and young men account for some 80% of myocarditis (heart inflammation). Just how bad is the myocarditis wave?
Research published in 201716 calculated the background rate of myocarditis in children and youth, showing it occurs at a rate of four cases per million per year. Assuming there are 60 million American children, the background rate for myocarditis would be 240 cases a year.
How many cases of myocarditis have been reported to VAERS following COVID injection so far? 16,918 as of December 3, 2021,17 and it’s going up by several hundred to a couple of thousand every week. We’re also seeing myocarditis in adult men.
“Doctors have never seen so many cases of myocarditis,” McCullough says. “It is frequent, and it is severe.” Patients require heart medication, and must remain sedentary for extended periods of time. While myocarditis is typically a nonfatal adverse event, it can shave years off your life.
Research published in 2019 showed 13% of myocarditis cases ends up with progressive heart failure. Their hearts just never fully recover from the damage. In the study, another 36% improved but never fully recovered.
“My fear is, some of these kids who develop myocarditis will be in the 13% category where they have progressive left ventricle dysfunction and heart failure,” McCullough says.
While we don’t yet know exactly how COVID jab myocarditis compares to naturally-occurring myocarditis, the data we currently have suggest the damage incurred by the spike protein is rather severe.
According to McCullough, 86% of youth who develop myocarditis in response to the jab are sick enough to require hospitalization. Research also shows young boys are far more likely to be hospitalized with myocarditis than they are being hospitalized with COVID-19, McCullough says.
Reject Boosters
If you’ve taken one or two COVID jabs months ago and nothing bad happened, count your blessings. You’re among the lucky ones. If you persist in taking boosters, however, your luck is probably going to run out at some point. It’s really only a matter of time before the amount of spike protein in your system overwhelms it, producing noticeable damage.
Again, evidence suggests the spike protein may remain for 15 months post-injection. McCullough believes it will last at least a year after each dose. If you start getting boosters every three to six months, you’re never going to get rid of that spike protein.
You’ll be adding more and more with each dose, and it’s the same spike protein that causes problems in COVID-19. If you fear COVID-19, you ought to be just as fearful of the COVID shots, if not more so, as you end up with far more spike protein from the shot than you do from the natural infection.
At this point in time, the evidence is clearly weighing against the COVID shots. They’re causing far more harm than good, especially among children, who are not at high risk of dying from COVID-19 in the first place.
Italian Archbishop Vigano sent a message to the American people. He continues to speak out against the globalist threat this Christmas season.
He shared his message below:
DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects. We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than a war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.
In a stunning 51-page report, the Canadian Covid Care Alliance — a group of over 500 doctors, scientists and health care professionals — unveils the clinical studies upon which health care leaders around the world based their decisions to approve and then mandate the COVID-19 shots.
For example, did you know that Pfizer’s original trial report of December 2020 actually showed only two months’ worth of safety and efficacy data? Did you know the claim that the shot had a 95% efficacy represented only the “relative” risk reduction, NOT the absolute reduction, i.e., the actual efficacy number, which was 0.84%?
Did you know that Pfizer’s most recent report showed an increase in both illness and deaths — meaning there is no benefit to the shot when compared to the risks? In page after page and chart after chart, this report blows the whistle on all the missteps, deceit and misleading demographics used to justify the COVID shots.
Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to multiple safety concerns
There’s credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes
In the case of the COVID shots, important animal studies that help ascertain toxic and systemic effects were not done. We’re now seeing danger signals that are not being heeded. Preliminary safety results of mRNA COVID shots used in pregnant women, published in April 2021, revealed an 82% miscarriage rate when the jab was administered during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
CDC data reveal more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the COVID jab, yet the shot is now authorized for children as young as 5
Since the COVID gene therapies do not prevent infection, but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not a prevention. And there are far safer and more effective treatment available, including nebulized peroxide, ozone therapy, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens
Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist and toxicologist and director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services LLC. April 23, 2021, she delivered a three-minute public comment to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
Her expertise is analysis of pharmacological dose-responses, mechanistic biology and complex toxicity dynamics. In her ACIP comment (see video below), Lindsay described how she aided the development of a contraceptive vaccine in the 1990s that ended up causing unintended autoimmune destruction and sterility in animals which, despite careful pre-analysis, had not been predicted. She explains:
“We were developing what was meant to be a temporary contraceptive vaccine, which was very attractive because it prevented fertilization rather than preventing implantation — or it should have; that was the idea.
Unfortunately, even though quite a bit of analysis was done in different animal models to make sure that it did not have an autoimmune action, it did end up having an autoimmune action and caused complete ovarian destruction.
Now it’s used in that manner [for permanent sterilization] in dogs, cats and other animals. So, that’s a cautionary tale of how animal studies can help us avoid mistakes in humans when they’re used properly, and when proper animal studies are done.”
We May Be Sterilizing an Entire Generation
At the time, she called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to safety concerns on multiple fronts. In particular, she noted there is credible concern that they will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may “impair fertility and reproductive outcomes.”
Not a single study has disproven this hypothesis, she noted. Another theory of how these injections might impair fertility can be found in a 2006 study,1 which showed sperm can take up foreign mRNA, convert it into DNA, and release it as little pellets (plasmids) in the medium around the fertilized egg.
The embryo then takes up these plasmids and carries them (sustains and clones them into many of the daughter cells) throughout its life, even passing them on to future generations. It’s possible that the pseudo-exosomes that are the mRNA contents would be perfect for supplying the sperm with mRNA for the spike protein.
So, potentially, a vaccinated woman who gets pregnant with an embryo that can (via the sperms’ plasmids) synthesize the spike protein according to the instructions in the vaccine, would have an immune capacity to attack that embryo because of the “foreign” protein it displays on its cells. This then would cause a miscarriage.
“We could potentially be sterilizing an entire generation,” Lindsey warned. The fact that there have been live births following COVID-19 vaccination is not proof that these injections do not have a reproductive effect, she said.
Lindsay also pointed out that reports of menstrual irregularities and vaginal hemorrhaging in women who have received the injections number in the thousands,2,3,4 and this too hints at reproductive effects. In this interview, we dive deeper into these mechanisms.
Something Has Gone Horribly Wrong
When asked how she ended up getting so passionately involved in this controversial topic, Lindsay replies:
“I became interested in the issue because science was not making sense anymore. For instance, herd immunity was being redefined. Herd immunity has always been defined by a combination of the natural infection with vaccination practices that work.
Suddenly, herd immunity was changed to only being attained through vaccination, and I knew that that was horribly wrong, yet it was being touted everywhere. It was certainly being touted by [Dr. Anthony] Fauci and others who know better.
Other things were also happening within the scientific world. Two of our top tier journals, The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet, published fraudulent hydroxychloroquine studies.
Ostensibly they had gone through peer review, and it should’ve been easy to catch the errors in these studies — as well as many other studies that allow for the emergency use authorization of these gene therapies — and they weren’t caught.
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are very safe. They’ve been used safely in pregnant women and children for decades, and suddenly they were being vilified as if they were not safe. As a toxicologist, I know they are safe.
So, these types of things really piqued my attention along with all of the stuff going on in the background with respect to the New World Order and the agenda set by the World Economic Forum, and our joining into this, along with so many other countries, despite their intent, their materials, which claim life will be changed as we know it.
We will ‘own nothing and be happy [about it]’ in just a few years. All of these things converged for me into a sense that something had gone horribly wrong, that our regulatory institutes were captured, and that our scientific journals were not being honest anymore …
There’s a paper that came out in 2006 called ‘Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza.’5 This paper is wonderful. It goes through World Health Organization and CDC guidelines on how to react during a pandemic, what works and what doesn’t work, and it clearly points out that masks don’t work.
They knew at that point they don’t work. Travel lockdowns don’t work. It’s a wonderful paper to basically go through everything we have done in response to this pandemic, and say that’s an inappropriate way to respond, and we have scientific data that proves it. So, I encourage everybody to go back to that paper … to really see how crazy we’ve gotten in the mandates that make no scientific sense at all.”
Massive Danger Signal Is Being Ignored
As noted by Lindsay, in the case of the COVID shots, important animal studies that help ascertain toxic and systemic effects were not done. But we’re still seeing danger signals that need to be heeded.
Preliminary safety results of mRNA COVID shots used in pregnant women, based on data from the V-Safe Registry, were published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in April 2021.6
According to this paper, the miscarriage rate within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy was 12.5%, which is only slightly above the normal average of 10%. (Looking at statistical data, the risk of miscarriage drops from an overall, average risk rate of 21.3% for the duration of the pregnancy as a whole, to just 5% between Weeks 6 and 7, all the way down to 1% between Weeks 14 and 20.7)
However, there’s a distinct problem with this calculation, as highlighted by Drs. Ira Bernstein and Sanja Jovanovic, and Deann McLeod, HBSc, of Toronto. In a May 28, 2021, letter to the editor, they pointed out that:8
“In table 4, the authors report a rate of spontaneous abortions <20 weeks (SA) of 12.5% (104 abortions/827 completed pregnancies). However, this rate should be based on the number of women who were at risk of an SA due to vaccine receipt and should exclude the 700 women who were vaccinated in their third-trimester (104/127 = 82%).”
In other words, when you exclude women who got the shot in their third trimester (since the third trimester is AFTER week 20 and therefore should not be counted when determining miscarriage rate among those injected BEFORE week 20), the miscarriage rate is a whopping 82%.
Of those 104 miscarriages, 96 of them occurred before 13 weeks of gestation, which strongly suggests that getting a COVID shot during the first trimester is an absolute recipe for disaster.
“They concluded, very fraudulently, in my estimation, that it was safe to vaccinate in the third trimester, and said nothing about the clear safety signal in the first trimester,” Lindsay says. “It’s just so dishonest, so purposefully manipulative.”
As for the women who get the shot in their third trimester, there’s still no telling what the ramifications might be in the long term.
“We just don’t know, and that’s the problem,” Lindsay says. “There are all kinds of things that can go wrong with these types of therapies, and have gone wrong in animal models. We don’t know what will happen in the future for these women or for their children. This could be passed on.
We’re seeing now a lot of mention of constitutive expression, whether that’s failure of the mRNA to degrade or integration into the genome. That’s still being investigated.”
Children Are Dying From COVID Jab-Induced Myocarditis
Lindsay goes on to cite a CDC report that shows more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the COVID jab.
We also know, based in part on whistleblower testimony, that more than 50,000 Americans have died within three days of these shots,9,10 and that’s just from one database (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS). There are 10 other databases that feed into the CDC that the public does not have access to.
“This many deaths, it’s appalling and alarming,” Lindsay says. “Dr. Peter McCullough says the safety signal for typical vaccines, other than this gene therapy, would’ve been around 186 total. We’re now up to [17,128 reported deaths in VAERS, as of October 15, 202111], but they haven’t paused this in children.
They have not paused this while they’re investigating the myocarditis. Instead, they’re pushing it even more. Has this ever happened before? I mean, does this happen in a scenario where the population is at essentially zero risk for the disease? …
The cardiac deaths alone in perfectly healthy kids, and pulmonary embolism deaths in kids, should’ve stopped this. They are at no risk [from COVID-19]. There is no reason to vaccinate them, absolutely zero reason to give them these gene therapies because they’re at no risk [from the infection] …
You know [the shot] is causing heart failure, pulmonary emboli, cardiac arrest in healthy teenagers, and you’re not pausing to investigate the risk versus reward scenario? Something is horribly wrong.
Unfortunately, our regulatory institutions are not going to stop this. They’ve clearly been captured. It’s something that we’re going to have to do. Vaccinated and non-vaccinated must stand together to say, ‘No, you’re not going to experiment on my children’ …
With the RSV vaccines and the dengue fever vaccines, we had deaths in children that were much fewer in number that stopped those campaigns as well. It’s very, very clear — if you don’t get anything else out of this interview with me, understand that our regulatory and safety agencies have been captured.
They’re not doing their job to protect you or your children. You must not trust them, because they are not doing anything according to practices that used to be adhered to. It’s clear that they’ve been captured and compromised, and I hate to say that. I really hate to say that, but that’s the only logical answer …
We have all these breakthrough cases too. If you look at Michigan, and I’ve actually been privy to some other databases of true death numbers in different states [comparing] those who are vaccinated and those who don’t, and I can tell you that the media is lying with respect to the unvaccinated making up 99% of hospitalizations. They’re absolutely lying.”
How the Jab Can Sabotage Fertility
Getting back to the fertility issue, Lindsay cites a Singaporean study that examined the COVID jab’s ability to interfere with fertility by triggering anti-syncytin-1. The study included 15 women, two of whom were pregnant. She explains:
“They did something that I had asked to be done a long time ago, which was to measure anti-syncytin antibodies in an ELISA test. The syncytins are conformationally and genetically similar to the [SARS-CoV-2] spike protein, this fusogenic spike protein.
The thought by several experts was that you could have an autoimmune reaction to the syncytins by developing an immune reaction to the spike protein, and then that would prevent successful pregnancy.
But the syncytins are also important in a number of psychological diseases, such as bipolar depression. They’re important on autoimmune disease, lupus and multiple sclerosis. They are present in skeletal muscle. There’s some association with breast cancer. They’re really important ancient retroviral elements.
What this study found was extremely interesting. It found that every single one of these women who had been vaccinated developed autoantibodies to syncytin-1. Now, the authors kind of dismissed this and said, ‘Oh, but we don’t think that those antibodies were high enough to mean anything.’
But there was a clear difference between the pre-gene therapy sera [blood sample] and the post-therapy sera … What it shows is that there is an antibody response, and the significance of it, we don’t really know. But every single one of the women developed an antibody response that was different from the baseline … and I think that’s probably what’s causing some of these pregnancy losses.”
Are COVID Jabs a Population-Wide Immunocontraceptive?
When asked what she thinks the motive behind this mass injection campaign might be, considering the clear danger signals, she replies:
“I certainly think that to discount that it is a form of population-wide contraceptive would be naïve. There’s a paper that came out in 2005. It’s called ‘Evaluation of Fusogenic Trophoblast Surface Epitopes as Targets for Immune Contraception.’12
This paper tried to find contraceptive peptides in persons that had infertility problems already that were isolated to placentation. So, it was taking a backwards approach, getting the sera from people who had fertility problems and trying to see what they had antibodies to that was causing the fertility problems …
This work was sponsored by the WHO and the Rockefeller Foundation [and the National Institutes of Health]. No surprise there. It was then picked up by a company called AplaGen that took it to patent in 2007.
These are 12-mer peptides, and there’s a series of eight of them that can be used to induce sterility. When they patented it, they also said that it could be used to ameliorate sterility. Interestingly, it was also associated with all of the things that we know syncytin is associated with, — lupus, skeletal muscle disorders, bipolar depression [and] a number of other things.
Even though they don’t name syncytin proteins as the proteins that are targeted, they worked backwards from these peptides, and then said they were a series of other proteins. Sometimes we know that proteins can be called the same thing in different discovery realms. So, that’s going to take more research, but it was certainly interesting to me.
What it really points out is that there were efforts to use peptides or immunocontraceptive means at the placental trophoblast interface to cause sterilization … So, it would be naïve to think that this was not on the plate for future use.”
How Long Will Effects Last?
An obvious question is, how long might these effects last? Are they lifelong? Of course, any answer we come up with here will be hypothetical only, as the studies simply haven’t been done. That said, with her background in molecular biology, Lindsay is at least qualified to theorize.
The mRNA is extremely fragile, which is why a nanolipid with polyethylene glycol delivery system is used. In addition, about 30% of the mRNA has been genetically modified to decrease degradation. As a result, the mRNA being injected is magnitudes sturdier than natural mRNA.
What’s more, the nanoliposomes allow for superior penetration into tissues, and we now know it spreads throughout your body. It doesn’t stay in your deltoid. How long this modified and stabilized mRNA remains viable is still unknown, however. A corollary question is whether this mRNA might be integrated into your genome to become a permanent fixture.
“The answer is, we don’t know for sure,” Lindsay says. “Of course, with the adenoviral vector vaccines [Janssen and AstraZeneca], they’re more prone to integration into the genome. We know that from animal studies and past experiments.
With the mRNA technology, we’ve never stabilized something like this in this manner. What we do know is that recent studies have come out — Bruce Patterson’s group and another group — both came out with the finding that the spike protein is being expressed, [it’s] present on monocytes, as far out as from the time that the people were given the gene therapy.
So, that gives us an indication that it is resistant, for sure, to degradation. The longer it stays around, and is resistant to degradation, the more likely that genomic integration events can occur. But I don’t know the answer to whether or not it will become a permanent feature.”
Make a Rational Choice
As explained by Lindsay, no coronavirus vaccine has ever been successfully brought to market, despite 20 years of effort. All have failed due to antibody dependent enhancement, where the vaccination facilitates infection rather than protects against it.
Now, we’re to believe a safe and effective coronavirus “vaccine” has been developed in mere months. She also makes another important point. Since the COVID gene therapies do not prevent infection, but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not a prevention.
And there are far safer and more effective treatments available, including nebulized peroxide, ozone therapy, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens.
“If all these gene therapies do is lessen the diseases, then they’re not a vaccine, they are a treatment,” she says. “They are a treatment that you don’t know the mid- or long-term consequences of, that have already caused a number of adverse events. You have to use your common sense to say, why wouldn’t I use a treatment that has been known to be safe over 70 years as opposed to one that is brand-new, that is experimental?”
Other Safety Signals
Aside from fertility issues, heart inflammation and blood clots, another side effect seen among the fully “vaccinated” is de novo Type 1 diabetes in adults. This makes sense considering Pfizer’s biodistribution study showed the spike protein accumulates in the pancreas. The natural SARS-CoV infection can also have this effect.
Type 1 diabetes is a serious problem, as it leaves you metabolically handicapped for the rest of your life, dependent on extremely costly insulin injections. Doctors are also reporting an increase in pancreatic cancer and acute myeloid leukemia.
Where Do We Go From Here?
“Many scientists and physicians feel as I do, and are trying to figure out where we go from here,” Lindsay says, “because our typical safety and regulatory agencies have been compromised.” She believes we need to continue sharing the data and facts that mainstream media refuse to discuss, and continue urging those who have received the jab to at least protect their children.
“We need to stand together as one people and say we’re not going to accept this, especially not for our children, and try to get to the bottom of this and see what’s really behind all these efforts. Is it really about a virus, or is it more about other political motivations and campaigns, as it seems to be?”
I’m less optimistic about the idea of breaking through the brainwashing to get people to not sacrifice their children. So many have their minds set in cement with the wrong information. They could have their brother, sister, mother or father get the shot and die with the needle still on their arm, and they’d still go out to get a booster the next day.
I’ve seen it so many times. My friends, their parents, their siblings and loved ones — there’s this barrier that prevents any openness to new information. They’ve made their decision. Mark Twain said, “It’s far easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled.” And it’s true.
So, while I agree that we must keep trying, and have faith that truth will prevail, I also think it’s important to have realistic expectations. We’re up against the most effective propaganda campaign in modern history. It’s psychological warfare at its best.
From my perspective, being a pragmatic realist, I believe the best strategy is to reinforce and support those who didn’t buy into the propaganda narrative to begin with, because they don’t struggle with that cognitive dissonance. If we stick together and support each other, so none of us get sucked into the lunacy, then we can at least preserve the control group.
Ultimately, the truth will come out, as long as we can preserve the control group. In a year or two, or three, we will clearly be able to tell how devastating this intervention was simply by comparing the two groups. I suspect those who got the shot will be severely crippled in various ways, and those who didn’t get the shot will have far better health in comparison.
“I absolutely agree that we have to preserve a control group. We also have to think of ways that we can help those that have been injured. I brought this out in a letter I recently wrote, advocating for Dr. McCullough.
People who have gotten this inoculation, if they have mid- to long-term effects, if you deny that any adverse effects are really going on, then the efforts going into those treatments for people who are having side effects are not going to be there. We have to accept that these [side effects] are real in order to help people who have already taken the inoculations, and I believe we have to try.”
The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is among the best adverse event data collection systems in the world, but it’s antiquated and difficult to use. Still, it’s a good way to detect safety signals that weren’t detected during premarket testing or clinical trials
There are unmistakable, unprecedented safety signals in VAERS for the COVID shots. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim no deaths can be attributed to the COVID jabs, it’s impossible to discount 8,986 deaths in the U.S. territories alone, reported as of November 26, 2021
The estimated underreporting factor for COVID jab injuries in VAERS is between 31 and 100, so the actual death toll in the U.S. could be anywhere from 278,500 to 898,600
There’s a strong safety signal for female reproductive issues and for heart inflammation (myocarditis) in young men and boys. VAERS data show an inverse relationship between myocarditis and age, with youths being more frequently affected than older men
VAERS data are being deleted without explanation. Each week, about 100 or so reports are routinely deleted, so there are now thousands of inexplicably missing reports
Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel, has taken a deep-dive into the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), and in this interview she shares the details of what she’s finding.
VAERS, despite flaws and drawbacks, is one of the greatest tools we have to evaluate vaccine safety. It was implemented as a consequence of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. While vaccine companies were given blanket immunity against liability for adverse reactions under this law, VAERS was created to collect injury reports in a centralized database so that the post-marketing safety of childhood vaccines could be monitored.
The system was actually launched in 1990, so we have three decades’ worth of data to compare trends against. Granted, vaccine injuries are notoriously underreported. Investigations have found only 10%1 to as little as 1%2,3 of injuries are reported.
When it comes to the COVID jab specifically, calculations4 by Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, suggest injuries are underreported by a factor of 41. But despite that and other shortcomings, VAERS can still provide valuable information about a given vaccine.
Rose is a computational biologist with postdoc degrees in molecular biology and biochemistry. While a native Canadian, she did her postgraduate training in Israel, where she still lives. When her dream of surfing in Australia were dashed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, she decided to start writing code for statistics and graphics, and as the pandemic wore on, she applied those programming skills to the VAERS database.
No, People Are Not Filing Fake Reports
A common attempt to explain away the VAERS data by so-called fact checkers is to say that it’s unreliable because anyone can file a report. This is pure hogwash. Yes, anyone can file a report, but there are penalties for filing a false report, and the filing is time-consuming and exacting. We can be quite certain there’s no over-reporting going on.
It takes on average 30 minutes to fill out a report, and the system is set up in such a way that you cannot save anything until you get to the very end. Even worse, each page will time out after an allotted period of time, forcing you to start from the beginning if you take too long to fill in the details.
“This probably frustrates enough people that they don’t start again,” Rose says. Indeed, the cumbersomeness of the website itself has often been cited as a reason for why doctors don’t report adverse events. Doctors don’t have the time to do it, and most patients don’t know they can file on their own. As noted by Rose:
“[VAERS] is probably one of the best adverse event data collection systems in the world, but it’s completely lamentable. It’s antiquated … Nonetheless … it’s a way to detect safety signals that weren’t detected during premarket testing or clinical trials.
And it is functioning that way, because there are many, many safety signals [about the COVID jabs] being thrown out by the data. For example, everyone’s heard of myocarditis … which is one of the safety signals being thrown off in VAERS. And so, we’ve learned that it happens in young people, more so in boys.”
One explanation for this gender discrepancy has to do with androgens. Testosterone has been shown to facilitate entry of the spike protein into cells by activating a specific enzyme. This could help explain why men, who have higher testosterone levels, are getting myocarditis at much higher rates than women.
Most Lethal ‘Vaccines’ in Medical History
Rose continues:
“I implore everybody to do this … [VAERS] is very accessible. Just go to their website and download the CSV files. You can play with it in Excel, or use whatever is compatible with the CSV file. The OpenVAERS system is even easier to use.
There are three separate files that you can download for the domestic data set, which includes the individual’s data, the symptoms or adverse events that they reported (and it can be up to 15 different types), and the injection data …
You can merge them so that, as per [each] VAERS ID, you have a lot more information … That’s what I did. All you have to do is count the number of adverse events that have occurred in 2021. In the context of the COVID-19 products, exclude all the other vaccines to isolate the signal, and compare the number of adverse events to the total number of adverse events reported in every single year going back 30 years.
There’s absolutely zero comparison. The average number of adverse event reports for the past 10 years is ~39,000, and that includes the adverse event report data for all of the vaccines combined. There are a lot of them …
So we’re looking at about 39,000 total adverse events per year [on average for all vaccines], as opposed to 675,942 [adverse events post COVID jab] in the domestic dataset alone [Editor’s note: Please note that all data are as of the day of the interview and have not been updated prior to publication]. And this does not include the underreporting factor …
We see the same trend when we isolate standalone adverse events like death. There are over 10,000 [post COVID jab] deaths reported now in the domestic dataset alone, not including the underreporting factor, and in the previous 10 years, the average was 155 deaths for the entire year for all the products combined. This is over 6,000% increase in reporting for deaths.
So, the question I’ve been posing to the FDA, the CDC and whoever wants to listen to me is, ‘What’s the cut-off number?’ Because you kind of think of death as being the worst outcome in terms of adverse events in the context of a vaccine or a biological product.
I think there are worse things than death personally. But most people think death is pretty bad. So that’s why I always talk about death in this context. What’s the cut-off number here? How many people have to die in order for these products to be deemed unsafe? So that’s basically all you have to do in VAERS. I mean, you can stop there. You don’t have to look at anything else. But there’s so much more.”
Can Causation Be Established?
While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention outrageously deny that a single death can be attributed to the COVID jabs, it’s simply impossible to discount 19,532 deaths5 (8,986 in the U.S. territories alone6) reported as of November 26, 2021. As noted by Rose:
“It’s not even statistically plausible to say that not one death out of 10,000 was caused [by the shot]. It’s not scientific to say that … Those people, not 100% of them would have died anyway? That’s not how life works.”
The FDA and CDC are also ignoring standard data analyses that can shed light on causation. It’s known as the Bradford Hill criteria — a set of 10 criteria that need to be satisfied in order to show strong evidence of causal relationship. One of the most important of these criteria is temporality, because one thing has to come before the other, and the shorter the duration between two events, the higher the likelihood of a causative effect.
“So, when you’re talking about percentages of people who died within 24 hours of one of these jabs, let’s say you’re talking 50%,” Rose says. “That’s kind of suspicious to me. [Yet] they completely deny the causal effect. It’s just because of coincidence?”
There’s also a strong safety signal for female reproductive issues. Preliminary post-marketing data showed women who got the jab in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy had a miscarriage rate of 82%.7,8Pfizer’s own data, which Rose analyzed, showed a miscarriage rate of 69% when given during the first 20 weeks. Yet no one is warning pregnant women away from these injections: Quite the contrary — women are being universally lied to.
How to Assess Underreporting
As mentioned, Kirsch has calculated an underreporting factor for post COVID jab events of 41, which is likely quite conservative. Rose’s calculation is even more conservative than that. She explains:
“Steve [Kirsch] and I are good friends. We’ve been working very closely on all of this stuff for a long time. His underreporting factor is 41. He estimated that based on a peer-reviewed publication that estimated anaphylaxis numbers, so he used anaphylaxis as a proxy for death.
What that means is that when you hear us say these numbers, you have to multiply them by 41, if you want to go with Steve’s estimate, or 31, in the case of mine. Mine is the most conservative estimate. I took Pfizer’s Phase 3 clinical trial data that they presented to the FDA.
There were over 18,000 participants in the drug group and the placebo groups, and there were a certain percentage of individuals in each arm that succumbed to a severe adverse event, which includes death, hospitalization, visit to the ER, a life threatening adverse event, disability or birth defect.
So, 0.7% of people in the drug arm succumbed to a severe adverse event according to their data. I used that rate, and multiplied it by the number of people who had been injected with one shot of Pfizer on a certain date, August 10, and that number becomes your expected number of people that would succumb to a severe adverse event based on their data.
So, you take that number and divide it by the number of reports of severe adverse events, and you get a multiplication factor, an underreporting factor. When you use that base dataset, the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial data, you get 31. Ronald Kostoff has also published a paper in Toxicology Reports, and his estimate is 100, I believe.
So, whenever you’re talking about the underreporting factor, I think you should talk about it in terms of a range, because each adverse event is going to have their own [underreporting factor] …
I think if people actually knew the reality of what was going on, they would decide very quickly, right now, never to go near these things. This isn’t hearsay. It’s not conjecture. The clinical trials are garbage, and there’s no safety data. I’m not just saying this — it’s very reflective in all of these adverse event data collection systems all over the world.
They’re all saying the same thing, the Yellow Card [system in the U.K.], the U.S. [VAERS], Australia’s [system9]. They’re all saying the same thing. As an example, myocarditis and young boys. You know, it’s not something that you can ignore. There’s a reason why this is happening. It’s because the [shots] are not safe.”
What Are VAERS IDs and Why Are They Missing?
VAERS IDs are the numbers assigned to individual report entries. Aside from underreporting, another oddity that strongly suggests the data are worse than we think is that VAERS IDs are going missing. In other words, case reports are being deleted from the system after they’ve been put in. Rose investigated this after seeing videos saying hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people had their reports deleted.
So, she set out to either confirm or deny whether reports were going missing each week, as data sets are updated weekly. She’s been downloading all the data sets since January 2021, which put her in the unique position of being able to compare the different sets, because when the data set is updated, the old data is overwritten.
Now, there are valid reasons for deleting a VAERS ID. One reason would be if both the doctor and the patient file a report. The two reports then need to be combined, and the ID number of one of the duplicated reports is erased. However, what Rose found is that reports are indeed being deleted that shouldn’t be. She explains:
“The way I was determining if entries, if their IDs, were disappearing was by finding out which VAERS IDs didn’t show up in the next update, because you would assume that every single ID that got into the system would stay in the system. And so, the next update would have that data set and a little more, but that’s not how it works.
There are removals every single week, and they’re not explained. There’s no explanation for these. So, the first thing I did when I found this — and it was over 1,000 [missing IDs] — was to check if a high proportion of these deleted reports were deaths. It wasn’t anything overly suspicious, something like 18%.
Then I checked severe adverse events, then I checked children, because this is a big one that’s happening now. A lot of babies are going missing in VAERS, and they shouldn’t be there [since the COVID shots aren’t being given to babies yet], which is probably why they’re being removed.
So, there wasn’t anything overtly suspicious about the nature of the [missing] IDs. But that’s not even the point. These are people who trusted in these products, and listened to people who are telling them they are safe and effective. They were healthy. They went out and got the shots.
Some of them suffered an adverse event, some of them died. These reports got filed to VAERS, and then they got removed. That’s atrocious. I’m not speculating here, either. This is what is happening. They went through this horrifying experience, which no human should be going through, and then they got disappeared. I don’t even know what the word for that is. It’s appalling.”
Data on Children Are Being Deleted
Rose has also delved into the VAERS data for children. Disturbingly, there are apparently thousands, likely tens of thousands of instances if you factor in underreporting, where the jabs have been given to children that were too young to receive the shot at the time they got it.
At the time she looked into this, there were approximately 5,570 reports with a metric code indicating that the product was given to a patient of inappropriate age. In fact, it was the most frequently occurring adverse event type among young children.
“So, there were so-called medical professionals injecting children without confirming their age,” she says, “and then those children suffered adverse reactions in the thousands. And this doesn’t include the underreporting factor. Some of them died. In the 5- to-11 age group, two of them died. One was 11, one was 13, and the timeframe between the death and the injection in one of the kids was five days, in the other it was one day.
So, this was in close temporal proximity. The part that’s even more disturbing than that is that … something like 60 children had died between the ages of zero and 18, and 38% of those children were under 2. [The next week] that percentage went down to 30%. I’m like, wait now, that was late last week. What happened to them?
There are these enormous inconsistencies in the data. Here’s another one. I have about 100 different files that contain algorithms that run code for specific things, like I have a kid’s file, a cancer file, a prion disease file. So, I run them all with the updated data.
Myocarditis is one of them. And there was this big chunk of data for the 50- to 75-year-olds pertaining to myocarditis reports last week, and this week, it’s one-half. It’s staggeringly obvious that something’s very different in the data. The absolute number of reports went up, but it seems to have shifted somehow.
There could be a plausible explanation. But the fact is there’s no reference at all as to how this data is being shifted around. There’s no record. So, we as the public, have no idea what’s actually going on. All we can say with absolute certainty is that something is going on.”
Myocarditis Report Pulled From Publication
Together with Dr. Peter McCullough, Rose recently wrote and submitted a paper10 on myocarditis cases in VAERS following the COVID jabs to the journal Current Problems in Cardiology. Everything was set for publication when, suddenly, the journal changed its mind and took it down. You can find the pre-proof on Rose’s website. The data clearly show that myocarditis is inversely correlated to age, so the risk gets higher the younger you are.
“Most of the reporting in VAERS was in young boys, aged 15. There was a sixfold difference in reporting following dose one and two, which indicates dose response and/or causal effect. The rate for myocarditis in 12- to 15-year-olds is 19 times above background reporting for the United States, so there’s a lot of stuff in that paper that was really important,” Rose says.
“There are many other papers coming out now that are 100% supporting what we found. It’s not debatable. They [pulled] this paper five days before that FDA meeting for the 5- to 11-year-olds, and I don’t think that was a coincidence, because it would have informed people as to the potential risk of myocarditis in young people. So, of course, they don’t want that, because they already bought 30 million doses for the 5- to 11-year-olds.”
Latent Infections Reactivated
Another common side effect of the jabs is the reactivation of latent infections such as herpes infections and shingles. Rose explains:
“There are a bunch of papers that have come out that lend some ideas as to why this is happening,” Rose says. “One makes the claim that CD8+ T cell populations are becoming compromised. In the acquired branch of the immune system, you have immune cell populations called CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells.
Everyone’s heard of HIV/AIDS. So, the idea there is that you have a virus that preferentially infects CD4+ T cells, which are the generals of the immune system. They kind of coordinate all the other cells to do their jobs. If you have a depletion in this type of cell, then the rest of the immune system kind of collapses, because they don’t have their general telling them what to do.
The CD8+ T cells are the killer cells. These cells are in charge of killing virally infected cells, so they’re very important in the context of a viral infection. One of these studies showed that in people post injection, the gene profiles were very different for CD positive T cells.
If we’re talking about going beyond immune dysregulation, if we’re talking about immune dysfunction, if we’re talking about certain immune cells being depleted, that could be a possible reason why you’re seeing a reemergence of a latent viral species, possibly. We’re also seeing cancer resurgences.
Another paper that came out shows that there might be problems in the realm of double-stranded DNA repair. There are two enzymes (BRCA and 53BP1) that have been reported to be impaired that are very important in repairing double stranded DNA breaks, and if you have an impairment of essential proteins that are meant to repair double stranded DNA breaks, you have serious problems.
One of those problems is proliferation of cells. So, whenever you get a certain type of exposure to a virus, say a cold or a flu virus, and it gets the better of you so your acquired immune system kicks in, you get these swollen glands. That is actual populations of T cells proliferating.
If you have stunted proliferative capacities, or if you have an impairment of that process, you don’t have an immune system if it happens in T cell and B cell populations …
So, in addition to the hyperinflammation that the spike protein seems to be inducing all over the body, there’s this immune function impairment. That’s really scary to me. [It’s something] we need to investigate and absolutely another reason why these rollouts should stop right now.”
More Information
To learn more, be sure to peruse Rose’s website, Jessica’s World. There, you’ll find links to videos in which she summarizes her various findings, and a weekly graphic update of the latest VAERS datafor death, female reproductive issues, breakthrough COVID infections, cardiovascular events and immunological events.
Another excellent resource is OpenVAERS, which summarizes the most pertinent VAERS data for you on a weekly basis. If you click on the COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports, there’s a sliding bar at the top of the page where you can select to view data either for the U.S. territories only, or all VAERS reports, which includes international reports.
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have created a formidable public-private partnership that wields incredible power over the American public, along with global health and food policies
Inspired by Rockefeller’s business model, Bill and Melinda Gates donated $36 billion worth of Microsoft stock to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation between 1994 and 2018
Gates also created Bill Gates Investments (BGI), which predominantly invests in multinational food, agriculture, pharmaceutical, energy, telecom and tech companies with global operations
Gates strategically targets BMGF’s charitable gifts to give him control of the international health and agricultural agencies and the media, allowing him to dictate global health and food
Fauci and Gates met in person, shaking hands in 2000 in an agreement to control and expand the global vaccine enterprise
You can read all of the details in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s best-selling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” which contains more than 2,200 footnotes of referenced data
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have become household names in the U.S., their largely sterling reputations protected by a heavily biased press. Less known is the deep partnership between the two — the culmination of which has created a formidable public-private partnership that wields incredible power over the American public, along with global health and food policies.
You can read all of the details in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s bestselling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” which contains more than 2,200 footnotes backing up its data. It exposes the connection between Gates and Fauci, as well as how Gates patterned his rise to control after John Rockefeller’s empire.
In 1913, Rockefeller created the Rockefeller Foundation, which is largely responsible for creating the Big Pharma-controlled medical paradigm that exists today. The foundation imbued its philosophy, precepts and ideologies into the League of Nations Health Organization, which turned into the World Health Organization.
Now, Gates contributes to WHO via multiple avenues, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) as well as GAVI, which was founded by the Gates Foundation in partnership with WHO, the World Bank and various vaccine manufacturers. Together, this makes Gates WHO’s No. 1 funder.
How Gates Used Rockefeller’s Business Model
Inspired by Rockefeller’s business model, Bill and Melinda Gates donated $36 billion worth of Microsoft stock to the BMGF between 1994 and 2018. Gates also created a separate entity, Bill Gates Investments (BGI), which manages his personal wealth and his foundation’s corpus.
BGI predominantly invests in multinational food, agriculture, pharmaceutical, energy, telecom and tech companies with global operations. Federal tax laws require the BMGF to give away a portion of its foundation assets annually to qualify for tax exemption.
Gates strategically targets BMGF’s charitable gifts to give him control of the international health and agricultural agencies and the media, allowing him to dictate global health and food policies so as to increase profitability of the large multinationals in which he and his foundation hold large investment positions.
As was the case with Rockefeller, whose wealth only grew after his Standard Oil Company was forced to split into 34 different companies, Gates’ strategic gifts have only magnified his wealth. Gates’ personal net worth grew from $63 billion in 2000 to $129.6 billion in 2021,1 his wealth expanding by $23 billion during the 2020 lockdowns alone.2
How Gates Controls the WHO
How does a private citizen, not an elected official, gain so much control over a global health agency like WHO? When it was founded, WHO could decide how to distribute its contributions. Now, 70% of its budget is tied to specific projects, countries or regions, which are dictated by the funders.3 As such, Gates’ priorities are the backbone of WHO, and it wasn’t a coincidence when he said of WHO, “Our priorities, are your priorities.”4
As of 2018, the cumulative contributions from the Gates Foundation and GAVI made “Gates the unofficial top sponsor of the WHO, even before the Trump administration’s 2020 move to cut all his support to the organization,” according to Kennedy. “Plus, Gates also routes funding to WHO through SAGE [Strategic Advisory Group of Experts] and UNICEF and Rotary International bringing his total contributions to over $1 billion.”
These tax-deductible donations give Gates both leverage and control over international health policy, “which he largely directs to serve the profit interest of his pharma partners.”
Further, “Gate’s vaccine obsession has diverted WHO’s program contributions from poverty alleviation, nutrition and clean water to make vaccine uptake its preeminent public health metric. And Gates is not afraid to throw his weight around,” according to Kennedy. “… The sheer magnitude of his foundation’s financial contributions has made Bill Gates an unofficial — albeit unelected — leader of the WHO.” Gates’ power has grown further due to his decadeslong partnership with Fauci.
Fauci’s Immense Power
Alone, both Gates and Fauci wield immense power in their fields. Together, they’re a formidable, if unfortunately nefarious, force.
As the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) — “Fauci has a $6.1 billion budget that he distributes to colleges and universities to do drug research for various diseases,” Kennedy says. “He has another $1.7 billion that comes from the military to do bioweapons research.”5
This is where Fauci’s power lies: in his capacity to fund, arm, pay, maintain and effectively deploy a large and sprawling standing army. The NIH alone controls an annual $37 billion budget distributed in over 50,000 grants supporting over 300,000 positions globally in medical research.6
The thousands of doctors, hospital administrators, health officials and research virologists whose positions, careers and salaries depend on AIDS dollars flowing from Dr. Fauci, Gates and the Wellcome Trust (Great Britain’s version of the Gates Foundation) are the officers and soldiers in a mercenary army that functions to defend all vaccines and Dr. Fauci’s HIV/AIDS doxologies.
Along with Gates, Fauci had the power to influence funding of U.S. foreign aid to Africa for AIDS, prioritizing that for vaccines and drugs instead of nutrition, sanitation and economic development. Yet, Fauci and his team, funded by Gates, have never created a vaccine for AIDS, despite squandering billions of dollars, and causing uncounted human carnage. In 2020, many of the Gates/Fauci HIV vaccine trials in Africa suddenly became COVID-19 vaccine trials.7
As explained in Kennedy’s book, HIV provided Gates and Fauci a beachhead in Africa for their new brand of medical colonialism and a vehicle for the partners to build and maintain a powerful global network that came to include heads of state, health ministers, international health regulators, the WHO, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, key leaders from the financial industry and military officials who served as command center of the burgeoning Biosecurity Apparatus.
Their foot soldiers were the army of frontline virologists, vaccinologists, clinicians and hospital administrators who relied on their largesse and acted as the community-based ideological commissars of this crusade.
Fauci ‘Enthusiastic’ About Gates COVID Partnership
April 1, 2020, Fauci spoke with Gates on the phone, according to emails released in 2021. Fauci referred to the phone call in an email to Emilio Emini, the director of the Gates Foundation’s tuberculosis and HIV program, stating, “As I had mentioned to Bill yesterday evening, I am enthusiastic about moving towards a collaborative and hopefully synergistic approach to COVID-19.”8
The email was part of 3,000 emails obtained via a FOIA public records request by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). Despite having no medical degree, Gates has been granted direct access to top government health officials, who regard him as a public health authority. In June 2021, Daily Mail reported:9
“The Gates Foundation has committed at least $1.75 billion toward the global effort to fight the pandemic — a sum that opened doors at the highest levels of government. Following Fauci’s phone call with Gates, the Gates Foundation executive Emini emailed him to follow up and ask ‘how we can coordinate and cross inform each other’s activities.’
‘There’s an obvious need for coordination among the various primary funders or the focus we need to have given the state of the pandemic will become lost through uncoordinated activities,’ Emini wrote.”
Fauci also said he would facilitate a call between Emini and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA),10 which provides funding for vaccine and drug development, promoting “the advanced development of medical countermeasures to protect Americans and respond to 21st century health security threats.”11 Daily Mail continued:12
“The Gates Foundation’s partnership with BARDA resulted in at least one joint funding project. In June 2020, Evidation Health announced that BARDA and the Gates Foundation were financing an effort to ‘develop an early warning algorithm to detect symptoms of COVID-19.’
It’s unclear whether the warning system was ever launched, and Evidation issued no further statements on the project after the initial announcement. Other emails released … make it clear that the Gates Foundation remained actively involved in the NIH’s pandemic response.”
The Fauci-Gates partnership led to $1 billion in increased funding to Gates’ global vaccine programs, even as the NIH budget itself experienced little growth.13 Long before the April 2021 phone call, however, Kennedy’s book reveals that Fauci and Gates met in person, shaking hands in 2000 in an agreement to control and expand the global vaccine enterprise.
Why Haven’t You Heard About This Before?
When you’re one of the richest people in the world, you can buy virtually anything you want — including control of the media so that it only prints favorable press. If you have enough money — and Gates certainly does — you can even get major media companies like ViacomCBS, which runs MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon and BET, among others, to insert your approved PSAs into their programming — and BMGF has.14
Via more than 30,000 grants, Gates has contributed at least $319 million to the media, Alan MacLeod, a senior staff writer for MintPress News, revealed.15 From press and journalism associations to journalistic training, Gates is an overarching keeper of the press, which makes true objective reporting pertaining to Gates himself — or his many initiatives — virtually impossible.16
Speaking with MintPress News, Linsey McGoey, a professor of sociology at the University of Essex, U.K., explained that Gates’ philanthropy comes with a price:17
“Philanthropy can and is being used deliberately to divert attention away from different forms of economic exploitation that underpin global inequality today.
The new ‘philanthrocapitalism’ threatens democracy by increasing the power of the corporate sector at the expense of the public sector organizations, which increasingly face budget squeezes, in part by excessively remunerating for-profit organizations to deliver public services that could be delivered more cheaply without private sector involvement.”
It’s a sentiment Kennedy, who believes Fauci and Gates should be investigated for criminal wrongdoing, has echoed. In an interview, he stated that billionaires are in collusion with media, corporations and politicians in order to increase their tremendous wealth:18
“The most important productive strategy or the big talk around the oligarchs and the intelligence agencies and the pharmaceutical companies who are trying to impoverish us and obliterate democracy, their strategy is to create fear and division.
So orchestrate fear, divide Republicans from Democrats and blacks from whites and get a lot of infighting so nobody notices that they are making themselves billions and billions, while they impoverish the rest of us and execute the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy.”
For more details on how the Fauci-Gates-Pharma alliance is furthering the agenda of totalitarian control, using unfathomable power and greed — all under the guise of a pandemic — read “The Real Anthony Fauci.”
Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren’t safe or effective. The majority are censored by youtube. They are criminals revoking you First Amendment rights. RISE UP AMERICANS AND FIGHT.
The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) and the Natural Products Association (NPA) have filed separate citizen petitions with the FDA requesting that the agency reverse their position on NAC; the agency is now asking for more information on the 58-year-old supplement
According to some legal experts, the actions taken by the FDA are not legal under U.S. code Title 21. The FDA has used the exclusion provision three other times, all of which financially benefited the pharmaceutical industry
While past actions may have opened the door to the most recent attack against NAC, it is not difficult to understand why the FDA chooses now to target NAC, when it has demonstrated effective action against COVID-19
Evidence suggests those with a glutathione deficiency have worse outcomes with COVID-19. NAC is a precursor to glutathione and may help lower the risk of severe disease
NAC can be part of your early at-home treatment that is crucial to lowering the severity of the illness and reducing the risk of long-haul symptoms
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a powerful antioxidant that was approved as a drug in September 1963.1 Since that time it’s been used as a nutritional supplement that is not found in natural sources.2 NAC contains the amino acid cysteine, which is a precursor to glutathione, also called “the master antioxidant.”3
Glutathione is made of three amino acids — glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine.4 However, NAC is only available in supplement form. The precursors to NAC can be found in foods that are high in cysteine, which include pork, beef, chicken, eggs, dates and sunflower seeds.5
NAC is used in prescription form as an antidote for acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity.6 It is also a powerful mucolytic agent for use in upper respiratory conditions. Memorial Sloan-Kettering7 also lists uses in the treatment of depression, precancers, HIV and AIDS, and to alleviate cancer treatment side effects.
In 2020, NAC made the news when the FDA decided over-the-counter sales of this compound, which at that time had been available for 57 years, should require a physician’s prescription going forward. The FDA issued warning letters8 to seven companies the agency said were illegally selling hangover products. By May 2021, Amazon, which also owns Whole Foods, decided to remove any supplements containing NAC.9
FDA Requests More Information on NAC
As Natural Products Insider reports, the letters warned that NAC could not be “lawfully marketed in dietary supplements because it was first studied as a drug in 1963.”10 The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) sent a letter in December 2020 to the FDA’s Office of Dietary Supplement Programs describing the position as “legally invalid.”11
The CRN and the Natural Products Association (NPA) filed separate citizen petitions with the FDA. The CRN letter in December 2020 challenged the FDA’s determination that NAC should be precluded from supplementary use.12 They then filed a citizen position petition June 1, 2021, requesting the FDA reverse their position and outlining why this sudden policy change is “legally invalid on multiple grounds.”13
The NPA filed a separate citizen petition with the FDA14 requesting that the agency not exclude NAC as a dietary supplement or, alternatively, that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issue a regulation finding NAC is lawful in supplements. While the HHS has the authority, it has not been used in the 27 years since the law giving the HHS such power was enacted in 1994.
November 24, 2021, the FDA announced they were requesting more information about how NAC has been marketed as a dietary supplement.15 Natural Products Insider reports that this was encouraging to some in the industry as it signaled the FDA was open to the idea of issuing the regulation that NAC is a lawful ingredient in supplements.16 The FDA called this:17
“… tentative responses to both citizen petitions, requesting additional information from the petitioners … and noting that the agency needs additional time to carefully and thoroughly review the complex questions posed in these petitions.”
The FDA18 also requested information and data on the date that NAC was first marketed as a dietary supplement, reports of adverse events and details on how the products are marketed and sold. The data are requested by January 25, 2022. Steve Mister, president and CEO of CRN said in a statement:19
“The provisions of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) may not be interpreted retroactively to remove ingredients that were lawfully marketed in 1994 and have enjoyed a long history of safe use since then. The delay in clearing up the status of NAC by asking for more data and refusing to admit its error disregards the law and disserves consumers who use NAC.
This is not a complicated determination for the FDA to make. DSHEA makes clear that ingredients in use as dietary supplement ingredients prior to its enactment are grandfathered into the supplement marketplace. Thus, pharmaceutical manufacturers could not have had any expectation of exclusivity in the years prior to the creation of this provision of the law.
Given the long history of safe use of NAC, FDA cannot now try to establish a safety concern in order to award this ingredient exclusively to drug makers.”
FDA First Used Legally Questionable Drug Exclusion Provision
U.S. code Title 21,20 specifically defines what a dietary supplement is and is not. According to experts, the actions of the FDA in banning the sale of NAC and finding it a “medication” is illegal under the law. Attorney Stan Soper21 writes that under Title 21 §321 paragraph (ff)(3)(b)10 the actions of the FDA do not meet the Drug Exclusion Provision.
According to Soper,22 the exclusion provision has only been invoked a few times, specifically when used to keep red yeast rice, vitamin B6 and cannabidiol (CBD) from being sold as supplements. In each of these cases there was a potential pharmaceutical financial loss that triggered the assertion the supplement was illegal.
In the case of red yeast rice, it contains a naturally occurring substance that acts in a similar manner to Lovastatin, a statin medication.23 In 2005, drug manufacturer Biostratum filed an investigational new drug (IND) application with the FDA to use vitamin B6 in the treatment of diabetic kidney disease.
Their argument was there was “no evidence that it was marketed as a dietary supplement or food prior to its IND and Phase II investigations.”24 In 2009 the FDA declared vitamin B6 was not a dietary supplement despite documentation that it had been sold as such before the IND application.
The FDA has also invoked the Drug Exclusion Provision against CBD, warning that it is not a legal dietary supplement since there was no meaningful evidence it was marketed as such before drug investigations were approved for Sativex and Epidiolex, which are drugs that contain CBD.
After the 2018 Farm Bill was signed legalizing hemp, then-FDA secretary Dr. Scott Gottlieb made the statement that it was illegal to introduce CBD into the food supply or market it as a supplement.25 Soper postulates26 that the use of the Drug Exclusion Provision against CBD may have opened the door for the FDA to use it against NAC.
Why Take Aim at NAC?
In the citizen petition27 sent to the FDA June 1, 2021, CRN argued that the FDA failed to sufficiently explain this sudden change in policy on NAC, thus “rendering it arbitrary and capricious.” According to CRN, before the seven warning letters in July 2020, “it was FDA’s longstanding policy to permit the marketing of dietary supplements containing NAC.”
Even though the agency had reviewed more than 100 notification structure/function claims for NAC-containing supplements over the years, they never raised the drug exclusion clause. In one response to a petition for a qualified health claim, the FDA had even stated that NAC was considered a dietary supplement.
While the Drug Exclusion Provision on CBD may have opened the door, it still raises the question of why the FDA chose now to target NAC. Historically the provision was used inappropriately to protect the finances of pharmaceutical companies. That is also likely the root of the motivation to ban NAC as a supplement.
As pulmonologist Dr. Roger Seheult succinctly explains in the MedCram video below, NAC is a crucial chemical compound necessary to reduce the oxidative stress associated with severe COVID-19 infections and thus may significantly impact the sales of antiviral drugs. And, as I and other health experts have pointed out in the past, without severe disease, is there truly a need for a vaccine?
Glutathione Depletion Worsens COVID-19 Outcomes
Researchers have been studying NAC since it was discovered. In 2010,28 researchers found that it could inhibit the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in cells that were infected with highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus. These same proinflammatory cytokines play a crucial role in severe COVID-19.
Researchers have confirmed that in severe cases, cytokine levels are elevated and once they reach excessive levels it triggers a cytokine storm.29 This causes significant tissue damage that NAC may be able to inhibit. In one 2020 paper,30 the authors describe a case of COVID-19 in a patient with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.
This is a genetic disorder that can lead to hemolytic anemia31 and depletes glutathione,32 increasing the risk for human coronavirus infections such as the common cold. NAC was given to the G6PD-deficient patient and nine other COVID patients on ventilators. The NAC “elicited clinical improvement and markedly reduced CRP in all patients.”33
Other published papers have since demonstrated there is a potential use of NAC in the treatment of COVID-19.34,35,36 One 2021 study37 compared consecutive patients hospitalized with moderate or severe COVID-19 pneumonia.
One group received only standard care and the other group received 600 mg of NAC twice daily for 14 days. There were 42 in the NAC group and 40 in the control group. Treatment with NAC led to lower rates of severe respiratory failure and significantly lower mortality rates.
Early at Home Treatment Is Crucial
NAC is only one in a line of treatment modalities that have proven to be successful but have been vilified by governmental agencies. Since the start of this pandemic, it seems global and national health authorities have done everything in their power to discourage and prevent people from accessing treatments, such as ivermectin38,39,40 and hydroxychloroquine,41,42,43,44 that compete with the COVID jab.
The actions around NAC appear to be yet another shameful attempt to prevent patients from helping themselves. By limiting access to nutritional supplements that have demonstrated the capability of reducing severity of the infection, agencies are essentially boosting the risk that infections progress into more serious cases.
Should you come down with symptoms of COVID-19, early treatment is crucial. Not only can it significantly reduce the length of time that you’re sick, but early treatment will also minimize your risk of long-hauler syndrome,45 which can include symptoms that last much longer than the original infection.46 This can include cough, body aches, difficulty sleeping, headaches and brain fog.
There is also scientific evidence that NAC can improve a variety of lung problems, including pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), common characteristics of COVID-19. For example:
Research47 published in 2018 found NAC reduces oxidative and inflammatory damage in patients with community-acquired pneumonia.
Another 2018 study48 found NAC improves postoperative lung function in patients undergoing liver transplantation.
A 2017 meta-analysis49 found a significant reduction in ICU stays among ARDS patients treated with NAC.
NAC is also a well-known mucolytic used to help clear mucus out of the airways of cystic fibrosis patients.50 Some studies also suggest NAC can help reduce symptoms of COPD and prevent exacerbation of the condition.51
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, shares scientific censorship that’s running rampant in medical journals
Data on repurposing existing drugs to treat COVID-19 is being blocked, rejected and buried
Scientific journals depend on revenue from selling journal reprints to pharmaceutical companies — major financial motivation to print only research that’s favorable to the pharmaceutical industry
Rampant lawlessness, in which rules and regulations about bioethics are being completely disregarded, has taken over
We’re experiencing a threat of global slavery of the entire population to financial interests that can be traced back to BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world
Sonia Elijah with TrialSite News was the first U.K. journalist to interview Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology.1 That interview was taken down by YouTube within a matter of hours because Malone detailed scientific truths that go against the narrative being pushed globally.2
Her second interview with Malone is above. You can now hear some of the points that have been censored, starting with scientific censorship at medical journals. Malone has had multiple peer-reviewed papers seeking to repurpose existing medications as COVID-19 treatments blocked from publication by journals.
In one example, Malone and colleagues found that combined treatment with celecoxib, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and high-dose famotidine, a heartburn drug sold under the brand name Pepcid, led to improved outcomes among COVID-19 patients, including 100% survival.3 It’s been repeatedly rejected for publication.
Malone was also a former guest editor of a special issue of Frontiers in Pharmacology, which published an abstract of a peer-reviewed study by Pierre Kory on ivermectin for COVID-19 — until it was pulled due to a third-party complaint, with no chance for resubmission.
“That was completely inexplicable,” Malone said. “Some third party complained to Frontiers and successfully had that pulled, even though it had passed peer review with an expert panel of peer reviewers including senior reviewers from the FDA.”4
A Coordinated Attack on Dissenters
Working in tandem with scientific censorship is a modern-day witch hunt targeting physicians. Malone describes it as a three-step process in which, first, third parties complain about physicians who are treating COVID-19 patients early on in the disease. “It’s almost never patients” who complain, Malone says, but once the third-party complaint is made, medical boards are obligated to open an investigation.
“Basically, physicians are accused of … the sin of administering licensed drugs off-label, which is about 30% of all prescriptions are off label. Then, then these complaints are filed with the medical boards,” he said. Once the investigation process is initiated, the press is alerted, which subsequently writes multiple articles about the physician being investigated, destroying their reputation.
“This destroys the credibility of the physician,” Malone said. “They’re typically fired from their hospital for creating a controversy. Often they are kicked out of their medical practice group and basically are forced to become free agents.”5 It’s a systematic attack that deprives those accused of their ability to earn a living, while frightening others who might speak out into remaining silent.
Meanwhile, scientific journals have financial motivation to print only research that’s favorable to the pharmaceutical industry. “They don’t have to advertise or buy stock in one of these companies,” Malone said. “What they do is buy very large numbers of reprints of papers that are favorable to their position.”
The reprints “don’t come cheaply,” which means “the journals end up with a large fraction of their revenue coming from the sale of these reprints to pharmaceutical companies.” The pharmaceutical companies hand the reprints out to physicians’ offices, and the scientific journals rely on this revenue — a major motivation to continue printing research that’s favorable to Big Pharma.
“It’s another nefarious way that the pharmaceutical industry has figured out how to exert influence by bending the law,” he explains. “They don’t have to disclose the conflict of interest because it’s not a direct payment.”6
High-Level Lawlessness Is Rampant
Malone believes we’ve entered a period of rampant lawlessness, in which rules and regulations about bioethics are being completely disregarded. Experimentation without proper informed consent violates the Nuremberg Code,7 which spells out a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation.
This set of principles was developed to ensure the medical horrors discovered during the Nuremberg trials at the end of World War II would never take place again, but in the current climate of extreme censorship, people are not being informed about the full risks of the shots — which are only beginning to be uncovered.
Even children are now subject to this experimentation. The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted unanimously for emergency use authorization of COVID-19 shots for children ages 5 to 11 years — with one abstention.
The person who abstained is Dr. Michael Kurilla, director of the division of clinical innovation at the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, who said he doesn’t believe all children need a COVID-19 jab.8 Malone explained:9
“The VRBPAC committee … suddenly it’s unanimous with one abstention to go ahead and jab the kids. So who’s the one abstention who is making the position that he’s a conscientious objector? He’s one of Tony Fauci’s leading lieutenants and one of the leading candidates to replace him.
There’s the appearance of him basically staking out a position that will give them a fallback in the event that all this catches up with them. Somebody is going to be having to run the shop, and I think he now has plausible deniability. I think that was all Kabuki theater to give him plausible deniability about his position, his culpability in what’s going on, because he’s one of the leading candidates to take over the NIAID.”
Manipulation of Data at Multiple Levels
Through his professional career, Malone has worked closely with the U.S. government for many years. He’s now trying to speak out about the manipulation of data that’s occurring at multiple levels. “There are strong disincentives for physicians to report information,” he said, including at the local level, and there are also strong incentives for U.S. hospitals to over-report COVID-related deaths.
“The average cost of hospitalized COVID per patient, the average case cost, is between $300,000 and $400,000.” Part of that is driven by the antiviral drug remdesivir, which they’re required to give because it’s the licensed product in the U.S.
“Remdesivir requires a multiday stay in order to provide the infusion,” Malone said. “So by requiring remdesivir, the hospitals are getting more revenue from hospitalized patients. So there is an additional payment if the diagnosis is SARS-CoV-2.”10 He continued:
“So that’s how we end up with these grossly overinflated risk analyses for the virus. And we ended up with grossly underinflated and under-reported vaccine adverse events, because there are so many disincentives to reporting any of them. And then if they even get reported who tests whether or not they’re valid and makes a determination? It’s the CDC … There’s also multiple reports of mass deletion of adverse events by the Israeli government.”
A Threat of Global Slavery
Data that contradict or question the status quo is buried by the media, while the official narrative is pushed to the top. Malone, who travels frequently and has contacts all over the world, has witnessed firsthand that the same scripts are being used by the media globally.
“We end up with these various public service announcements that are coming out from traditional media in which you can virtually overlay the script. And yes, it’s coming from 50 or 75 different outlets simultaneously. And you can overlay the script so that you basically have multiple broadcast anchors reading a script about the threat to democracy, for instance, of anti-vaxxers, and it is all harmonized,” he said.11
If you follow the money, it all traces back to BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, which also control Big Pharma.12 They’re at the top of a pyramid that controls basically everything, but you don’t hear about their terrifying monopoly because they also own the media.
Blackrock and Vanguard hold large interests in pivotal companies, and Vanguard holds a large share of Blackrock. In turn, Blackrock has been called the “fourth branch of government” by Bloomberg as they are the only private firm that has financial agreements to lend money to the central banking system.13
Aside from world media, the companies controlled by Blackrock and Vanguard span everything from entertainment and airlines to social media and communications. “We’re experiencing a threat of global slavery of the entire population to these financial interests,” Malone said.
The Majority Have Gone Mad
“Science” has become a loaded word, one used as a basis for decisions that affect basic freedoms, life and death itself. We’re now “at war” with a virus, and dissenters to this “war” must be silenced. What’s less clear is who gave these “orders” that dissenters must be silenced. Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, has described it as a form of psychosis or a group neurosis.14
Malone also believes a mass psychosis has taken over. “The documentation now about the conspiracy within the government to kill early [COVID-19] treatment is well-documented. It’s well known that we’re in a situation in which a large fraction of the population has literally gone mad.”15 He explained:16
“The governments, out of desperation, are flailing around. That’s what’s really happening is they don’t understand it. They don’t. They think that they have no other options. They are hypnotized into believing that the vaccines work. They’ve been bombarded by all this lobbying and information control and everything else to believe that the vaccines are effective.
Even though we know they aren’t, the data show that they aren’t, it doesn’t matter. You can’t penetrate through them. Why? Because they’ve undergone mass psychosis … the politicians have, they believe that this is the case and they believe that they have to do these [authoritarian] measures because there’s no other option than mass vaccination.”
Think Global, Act Local
The way to circumvent global totalitarian control, Malone says, is to think global and act local. Build communities with the people around you and stay in touch with others, especially older people and others who aren’t internet savvy. Malone also leaves three key points that he believes everyone should know — and which you can share with others in your circle:
No mandated vaccines for children
Recovered, natural immunity is equal to, or better than, the jab
Allow physicians the freedom to practice medicine
In addition, find physicians in your area who are willing to administer early treatments for COVID-19, and download the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) I-MASK+ protocol in the event you do get COVID-19.17 It provides step-by-step instructions on how to prevent and treat the early symptoms of COVID-19.
Impossible Foods, which made headlines for its meatless burgers that “bleed” like real meat, holds 14 patents, with at least 100 more pending
Impossible Foods should be called “Impossible Patents,” according to Seth Itzkan of Soil4Climate, who suggests fake meat products are destroying the environment by perpetuating a harmful reliance on genetically engineered grains while accelerating soil loss and detracting from regenerative agriculture
Impossible Foods’ products are heavily processed and produced in laboratories — not grown in or found in nature
Impossible Foods has even taken aim at regenerative farming practices, which are promoting optimal nutrition and health while at the same time helping to prevent pollution and restore damaged ecosystems
Impossible Foods’ numerous patents reveal that their products are driven by profits, and perhaps the ultimate goal is to replace real meat altogether with a highly lucrative patented product
This article was previously published August 5, 2020, and has been updated with new information.
Fake meat is all the rage, and although plant-based meat alternatives have been on the market for years, the industry is gaining speed, promoting its meatless ‘burgers’ as a sustainable solution to feed the world. The green image is an illusion, however, one predicated on a product that’s the epitome of unnatural.
Impossible Foods, which made headlines for its meatless burgers that “bleed” like real meat, is one of the leaders in the fake meat industry. Its website suggests its plant-based meat is better for you and the planet,1 but eating an Impossible burger is not akin to eating a plate full of vegetables.
Far from it, Impossible Foods should be called “Impossible Patents,” according to Seth Itzkan, environmental futurist and co-founder and co-director of Soil4Climate, who suggests fake meat products are destroying the environment by perpetuating a harmful reliance on genetically engineered (GE) grains while accelerating soil loss and detracting from regenerative agriculture.2
Impossible Foods Holds 14 Patents, Has 100+ Pending
Impossible Foods’ products resemble nothing found in nature. That’s why the company holds 14 patents, with at least 100 more pending. “It’s not food; it’s software, intellectual property — 14 patents, in fact, in each bite of Impossible Burger with over 100 additional patents pending for animal proxies from chicken to fish,” Itzkan told Medium, adding:3
“It’s iFood, the next killer app. Just download your flavor. This is likely the appeal for Bill Gates, their über investor. It’s a food operating system (FOS), a predecessor, perhaps, to a merger with Microsoft. MS-FOOD.
The business model is already etched in Silicon Valley — license core technology (protein synthesis) while seeking vertical integration of supply chains, which, in this case, is not from coders to users, but from genetic engineers to protein seekers.”
Natural foods cannot be patented, but Impossible Foods’ products certainly can be. The Impossible Burger is a meat alternative that’s unlike others on the market due to the addition of soy leghemoglobin, or heme. This, the company says, it what makes meat taste like meat, and, in plants, leghemoglobin is the protein that carries heme, an iron-containing molecule.
Originally, Impossible Foods harvested leghemoglobin from the roots of soy plants, but deemed that method unsustainable. Instead, they turned to genetic engineering, which they use to insert the DNA from soy plants into yeast, creating GE yeast with the gene for soy leghemoglobin.4
Impossible Foods’ products are heavily processed and created in production rooms — not grown in or found in nature. Their science project creations are also heavily protected, as evidenced by the 14 patents assigned to Impossible Foods, uncovered by Itzkan:5
Patent No. 10287568 — Methods for extracting and purifying nondenatured proteins
Patent No. 10273492 — Expression constructs and methods of genetically engineering methylotrophic yeast
Patent No. 10172380 — Ground meat replicas
Patent No. 10172381 — Methods and compositions for consumables
Patent No. 10093913 — Methods for extracting and purifying nondenatured proteins
Patent No. 10039306 — Methods and compositions for consumables
Patent No. 10087434 — Methods for extracting and purifying nondenatured proteins
Patent No. 9943096 — Methods and compositions for affecting the flavor and aroma profile of consumables
Patent No. 9938327 — Expression constructs and methods of genetically engineering methylotrophic yeast
Patent No. 9833768 — Affinity reagents for protein purification
Patent No. 9826772 — Methods and compositions for affecting the flavor and aroma profile of consumables
Patent No. 9808029 — Methods and compositions for affecting the flavor and aroma profile of consumables
Patent No. 9737875 — Affinity reagents for protein purification
Patent No. 9700067 — Methods and compositions for affecting the flavor and aroma profile of consumables
Patent No. 9011949 — Methods and compositions for consumables
Impossible Foods Are Junk Foods
While the industrialized meat production that occurs on the concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) responsible for most meat consumed in the U.S. is an environmental and ethical atrocity, creating fake meat in high-tech laboratory settings is not the answer.
Impossible Foods is only perpetuating the consumption of ultraprocessed foods, of which Americans already eat far too much. Americans not only eat a preponderance of processed food, but 57.9% of it is ultraprocessed6 — products at the far end of the “significantly altered” spectrum that have been robustly linked to obesity,7 ill health and early death.8
Friends of the Earth (FOE), a grassroots environmental group, released a report that posed critical questions about the growing trend toward animal product alternatives. In it they pointed out the highly-processed nature of these products:9
“Various ‘processing aids’ are employed to make some of these products, including organisms (like genetically engineered bacteria, yeast and algae) that produce proteins, and chemicals to extract proteins.
For example, chemicals like hexane are used to extract components of a food, like proteins (from peas, soy, corn etc.) or compounds (from genetically engineered bacteria) to make xanthan gum … disclosure of these ingredients is not required.
Other processing aids (e.g. bacteria, yeast, algae), including those that are genetically engineered to produce proteins, are also not currently required to be disclosed on package labeling. The lack of transparency makes it difficult to assess the inputs and impact of their use.”
Many of these foods, including Impossible Foods’ fake meat, are made with GMO soy, which in itself is ecologically devastating, in part because it’s often planted where essential grasslands and prairies once stood. That soy is heavily sprayed with the cancer-linked herbicide glyphosate, posing additional environmental and potential human health risks.
Not surprisingly, testing by consumer group Moms Across America found the Impossible Burger contains Roundup ingredient glyphosate and its breakdown product AMPA,10 at levels of 11.3 parts per billion — that’s 11 times higher than the glyphosate found in the Beyond Meat Burger,11 the company’s biggest fake meat competitor.
‘There Is No Place for Nature’ at Impossible Foods
Impossible Foods has even taken aim at regenerative farming practices, which are promoting optimal nutrition and health while at the same time helping to prevent pollution and restore damaged ecosystems. Yet, as Itzkan noted:12
“In this software-as-food scenario, there is no place for nature. Manufacturing of Impossible Burger starts with glyphosate-sprayed soy grown on what was once healthy prairie. It is then infused with heme molecules produced by patented yeast in high-tech labs for the blood-like upgrade.
Finally, it ends its journey as a plastic-wrapped puck that some are brave enough to ingest. Just fry with canola oil and the illusion of a meal is complete.”
Impossible Foods also claims that they have a better carbon footprint than live animal farms and hired Quantis, a group of scientists and strategists who help their clients take actions based on scientific evidence, to prove their point.
According to the executive summary published on the Impossible Foods website, their product reduced environmental impact between 87% and 96% in the categories studied, including global warming potential, land occupation and water consumption.13 This, however, compares fake meat to meat from CAFOs, which are notoriously destructive to the environment.
“The pretense that this wealth-concentrating march of the software industry into the food sector is in any way good for people or the environment is predicated on a comparison with only the worst aspects of animal agriculture,” Itzkan said.14
Grass Fed Farms Represent a Truly Regenerative Solution
White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia, which produces high-quality grass fed products using regenerative grazing practices, commissioned the same analysis by Quantis and published a 33-page study showing comparisons of White Oaks Pastures emissions against conventional beef production.15
While the manufactured fake meat reduced its carbon footprint up to 96% in some categories, White Oaks had a net total emission in the negative numbers as compared to CAFO produced meat. Further, grass fed beef from White Oak Pastures had a carbon footprint that was 111% lower than a typical U.S. CAFO and its regenerative system effectively captured soil carbon, which offset the majority of emissions related to beef production.16
“Within our margin of error,” the report noted, “there is potential that WOP [White Oak Pastures] beef production is climate positive. This would be very rare and it is unusual that there is more benefit to producing something than to simply not produce,”17 but it’s within the realm of possibility when it comes to properly raised grass fed beef. Fake meat produced in a lab simply can’t compare.
“It [the fake meat industry] ignores, entirely, the rapidly growing regenerative movement that is offering so much hope for the planet at this key time, healing landscapes, replenishing aquifers and mitigating fires,” according to Itzkan. “Thus, because of its reliance on grains, tillage, pesticides and fertilizers, fake meat of scale exacerbates depletion of grasslands while undermining a more legitimate solution.”18
Are There Health Risks in Fake Meat?
The drive for plant-based meat alternatives isn’t due to health or even to support vegan or vegetarian diets. Those truly interested in eating a plant-based diet can do so by eating plants, after all, and in so doing can enjoy the many health benefits that eating plant foods provides.
Impossible Foods’ numerous patents reveal that their products are driven by profits, and perhaps the ultimate goal is to replace real meat altogether with a highly lucrative patented product.
It’s already known that the consumption of ultraprocessed food contributes to disease,19 but manufactured fake meat may also pose additional risks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, for instance, has raised concerns over the soy leghemoglobin in the Impossible Burger being a possible human allergen.20
Impossible Foods’ scientists also fed leghemoglobin to rats for 28 days to determine the risk of allergic reaction or toxicity. Dana Perls, from Friends of the Earth, pointed out that the rats exhibited alterations in blood chemistry “that could indicate kidney or other health problems,” which the company did not follow up on.21
Consumer Reports senior scientist Michael Hansen added that there are no long-term studies of soy leghemoglobin in humans, even though the process to make it creates at least 45 other proteins as byproducts, which are also consumed and in need of further evaluation.22
The fact is, fake meat cannot replace the complex mix of nutrients found in grass fed beef and other high-quality pastured meats, and it’s likely that consuming ultraprocessed meat alternatives could lead to many of the same health issues that are caused by a processed food diet. To protect your health and the environment, skip pseudofoods that require patents and stick to those found in nature instead.
The Coup of the United States of America occurring right now.
We have to unite as one nation and we have to fight for our freedom. If we don’t control our own bodies then what do we control?
Our constitution has been trashed, ripped up and thrown away. For the Courts to say your case has no standing OR they don’t want to get into this because it is too political is criminal itself. They took an OATH for a Life Appointment that was given to them for the specific reason of avoiding political tensions / pressures.
When Justice is based off of Political preferences, we have some problems. They need to wake up and get this to juries.
The way that the Court Systems and Law Firms play this is by DISCOVERY.
When you file a lawsuit you file a complaint. A complaint is where you say to the other side, “we think that you did this wrong and it is illegal.” “We are asking you the Court to make a decision on if it is illegal and to reward an appropriate remedy.” Then you name the remedies you are asking for. You put this in the Court and the Court will look at it and what the court is supposed to say is let’s go to DISCOVERY.
What is happening is that the other side is saying that we can’t have this and we can’t have that so discovery would be a complete and total waste of time. There is no standing and this whole thing needs to be thrown out.
The Pleading Requirements were met to be very basic. The Courts have decided that they don’t want to deal with these type of issues because they are difficult. It is complicated and it will take more time.
So once the Complaint is filed and assuming you can get past the Motion bullshit, then the Court will issue Discovery. Discovery means that you have to share the Relevant information/issues about the complaint.
It shouldn’t be that complicated but the courts are using this “You have no standing” bullshit because they don’t want to get involved because it could take more work, cause more attention directed their way and they are afraid of offending the wrong politicians in fear they could lose their jobs and pensions.
Everything is being run off of FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real.
So what do they do? They FEAR – Forget Everything and Run.
What should they be doing? FEAR – Face Everything and Rise.
Our Constitution has been infringed upon. They have shut down our churches and our business. They have forced vaccinations for employment. They have forced our children to wear masks. They have changed laws to help them do this. They changed the definition of a Vaccine so they could call their experimental mRNA drug a vaccine. Why did they want it to be a Vaccine? The pharmaceuticals have an indemnification agreement in which they can not be held liable for a VACCINE injury, thus why they had to call it a vaccine.
The 2022 election will be HUGE. If we allow them to cheat once again it is over for us forever. They will take complete control and change ALL laws that protect us.
This IS a Coup of some very bad guys taking over our country and to initiate the New World Order by 2025.
The COVID Lie is being exposed more and more daily. Omicron is the VACCINE Variant, not a virus variant.
When they approved the Vaccine for children, about the same time, they say we find a mutant variant that is very strange. VAED – vaccine associated enhanced disease may present severe or very unusual clinical manifestations of Covid-19.
Where did this come from? It came from the Pfizer’s own documents that Thomas Renz just received from the FOIA – Freedom of Information Act.
Now, we know that Pfizer and Moderna and the rest of vaccine manufacturers are not liable if the vaccine accidentally hurts or kills people… BUT, what if they are INTENTIONALLY hurting and killing people?
Are they immune from liability if they knew the vaccine would hurt people?
NO, if they have or had knowledge in any way that this vaccine would hurt people they are NO longer immune from liability. Knowledge of an intentional crime vitiates all contracts of liability immunity.
There is NO immunity for Willful Misconduct. That is EXACTLY what will bring these bastards down. But the court system is very slow and it kind of follows the overall pulse of the people. Right now most people believe that Big Pharma is trying to help us.
When lid comes off that Covid was a planned and created event to provide a solution to serve a means towards a communist one world order coup which included controlling the people with vaccine passports – is when things change. When the majority of the people realize this, that is when things change fast.
They know they have to keep the FEAR levels very high as from now on you will learn how Dangerous this Omicron variant is. The propaganda will get very focused and the news anchors will use their Manchurian training to communicate that message loud and clear.
According to Thomas Renz – an attorney fighting for the American People on this attempted coup and genocide – The CDC knew that the vaccines were deadly when they approved them. He says there are 1,223 deaths in less than 2 ½ months.
He says that they pushed this ahead knowingly and immunity is no more.
Thomas says that Gov officials need to be held accountable also. BUT – he says, if he would go after someone like Fauci and he loses, they will come back on him and make him pay for the law fees and he says they will deliberately raise them.
Thomas Renz also says that he is going to eventually sue the media.
Thomas has slides from an old CDC presentation which shows the recipe for success which is how to scare people into taking a vaccine. The measure their success off of the fear and anxiety of society. If societies fear and anxiety levels are graded high, their propaganda campaign has been successful.
Their main objective is to induce fear and anxiety in people so they are forced to act. That action is going for the SOLUTION that they ALREADY had before fear propaganda campaign and that solution is of course multiple vaccinations.
If they can get people to take the vaccines they travel vaccine passports will be EASY to enforce.
The next three years 2022, 2023 and 2024 as the masses wake up and realize what is going on, we will see the most change that has ever happened in such a short period of just three years.
That is the Coup Plan that is being executed very well right as of December 15, 2021.
Despite a scary-sounding name, the Omicron variant appears to be all hype and no real threat. Primary symptoms of infection with this SARS-CoV-2 strain is a couple of days of fatigue, headache, body aches, scratchy throat and intermittent cough
South Africa reports that no patients so far have required oxygen or even hospitalization for their symptoms. All have been very mild. The first four cases in Botswana were all fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Africa’s low vaccination rate is irrationally being blamed for the emergence of Omicron, even though the continent has extremely low levels of spread compared to the U.S., Canada and Europe
A plane with 600 passengers was diverted for testing when the news about Omicron broke; 10% of the passengers were found to have COVID, 13 of the 61 positive passengers had Omicron, while the rest had Delta or some previous strain. So, clearly, vaccine passports are not preventing spread. Fully “vaccinated” people are just as likely to carry and transmit the virus as the unvaccinated
Australia, a test ground for this totalitarian takeover, is quietly trying to pass legislation to expand its digital identity system
The protocol for treating a patient according to the CDC is from Fauci and is on the NIH website for the medical industry. It says do not treat patients with Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine as it is bad for the Covid Patients (which by the way is now known that hundreds of doctors are saying they knew better and this helped most patients completely recover and avoid hospitalization within 24 hours). It also says that the only treatment should be Remdesivir.
By the way, Fauci’s NIH in 2005 had a study with Hydroxychloroquine and Coronavirus and it was effective but you will never ever hear about this – first because it works and second because of the cheap cost.
Remdesivir Poisoning is what is killing the patients. This is a genocide. Remdesivir can cause the Kidneys to fail and they are blaming it on Covid. No virus in history has caused Kidney failure like this and it is definitely not the so called “Coronavirus” causing this.
Remdesivir shuts down the kidneys. The kidneys remove water from the body. If the body doesn’t have the water removed it will fill up the lungs. Then they will say you have Covid Pneumonia which is a bunch of bullshit. It is the untested drug Remdesivir that caused the damage.
Once an individual begins drowning in their own fluids because of Remdesivir, the protocol is place the patient on a ventallator.
Once on a Ventilator – this cocktail or very similar will be prescribed:
Here is what they were giving their patients: all of these drugs are used for anesthesia.
There was one more it sounded like Neo which is a thyroid med.
ALL these drugs are being run into the person at the same time. Yeah, what a cocktail. The nurse says if a patient is on this for more than a week they will never wake back up and if they do will have permanent damage.
Did you ever wonder why hospitals and doctors were being SUPER Reimbursed by Insurance for Diagnosing patients with Covid-19? Because there is an agenda and the agenda has absolutely nothing to do with the health of patients, in fact quite the antonym.
A sick patient is a good patient.
All of this could be helped by taking these three prescriptions: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Regeneron.
Supplements to be added with this are: Vitamin C – take 3,000 mg every two hours at the beginning of symptoms, Vitamin D 6,000 IU Daily, Zinc – take 30 mg every 4 hours upon onset of symptoms, Licorice Root Tinture – 3 tablespoons every hour – this will help stop the reproduction of the virus in its track and significantly reduce viral load, Cat’s Claw – this will help kill the virus at a pace in which it will NOT cause a cytokine attack, L-lysine- this will help kill the virus – must take 6,000 mg twice daily and Quercetin – this will help the zinc enter the cells to stop the virus.
COSTS: Hydroxychloroquine costs pennies, the average cost is $37 per 100 – 200 mg tablets. The cost for Remdesivir is $3,120 per patient. Hmm, so now we know that Hydroxychloroquine works very, very well (with the addition of zinc as the hydroxychloroquine opens zinc cell channels) – I have at least 10 doctors who have testified on video that they haven’t lost a patient and we now are aware that Remdesivir causes multiple organ failure leading deaths among those with multiple comorbidities and costs about 9 years worth of Hydroxychloroquine just for ONE single dose. Oh, I see, now it makes perfect sense. Are you waking up yet?
Ivermectin may be the drug of choice. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are the two SAFEST drugs in world drug history. But yet the CDC says to take Remdesivir as the two Safest Drugs in History may cause Harm. For Christ Sake people, Wake the Hell up and at the very least take a look at this for yourselves. The media is lying and controlled. They are given scripts they HAVE to tell the people. It is called propaganda.
Also before you decide to get a jab or get another booster jab, keep this in mind. THE AVERAGE AGE OF SOMEONE DYING FROM COVID-19 IS 82 YEARS OLD
If your personal physician will not prescribe these drugs. Here are doctors who will, and the very first on the list is only $25 charge. *Note: on the bottom of that page are doctors who prescribe Nationwide if you cannot find your state listed.
‘Quarantine’ is when you restrict the movement of sick people.
‘Tyranny’ is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.
(Natural News) The World Health Organization’s (WHO) VigiBase currently shows that at least 121,559 people who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) now suffer from one or more psychiatric disorders.
The most common problem is insomnia followed by anxiety, a “confusional state,” sleep disorders, “nervousness,” “disorientation,” “acute stress disorder,” “restlessness,” hallucinations, depression, “depressed mood,” “panic attacks,” “poor sleep quality,” “delirium,” “agitation,” nightmares, “abnormal dreams,” eating disorders, a “psychotic disorder” or “acute psychosis” or “psychotic behavior,” and tic disorder.
VigiBase also shows 213 reports of Near Death Experience following injection, 57 completed suicides and 25 cases of “exploding head syndrome,” a condition that LifeSiteNews describes as “hear[ing] a very loud noise like an explosion, gunshot or cymbals clanging as though it is right next to them.”
Nearly 30,000 cases of psychiatric disorder post-injection have also been reported to the British Yellow Card, an adverse event reporting system in the United Kingdom.
“The virus that causes COVID –SARS-CoV-2 is known to trigger a powerful immune response, which includes the release of large amounts of proinflammatory cytokines,” say case report researchers.
“It has been hypothesized that a COVID-19 triggered cytokine storm may increase the risk of psychosis,” they added, citing 42 reported cases of psychosis linked to this form of inflammation.
Seeing as how the so-called “vaccines” provoke an inflammatory response in recipients, it is believed that this is the cause behind this sharp uptick in psychiatric disorders.
Are covid “vaccines” causing people to become possessed by demons?
A 2018 study, it turns out, found that college-aged students with higher levels of serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) after vaccination showed some of the most severe depressive symptoms. This was before Fauci Flu shots, of course, but the premise is the same.
Another pilot study from 2017 that looked at childhood vaccine records found that kids who were diagnosed with neuropsychotic conditions such as anorexia nervosa, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and tic disorder were more likely than healthy kids to have recently been vaccinated.
Fast-forward to the present time and people who recently got injected for Chinese Germs are flooding hospitals with all sorts of strange new illnesses that authorities are calling “covid.”
At Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, for instance, a formerly healthy young woman in her 20s was rushed to the emergency department for excess urination. Her family also expressed concerns about her not sleeping well and being anxious all the time.
This young woman had no prior history of mental illness, just to be clear. However, she became so convinced that “covid” was “shutting down” her bowels and kidney function that she basically lost the ability to reason.
It turns out that all the psychological terrorism coming from the White House and mainstream media convinced this poor girl that she her body was failing because of some invisible virus.
The next day, this same young woman returned to the hospital complaining about hearing “accusatory voices.” Blood tests revealed that she had two elevated liver enzymes and high blood pressure from the day prior.
Later on, the young woman was found naked in her hospital room defecating all over the floor. The “vaccines,” it appears, caused her to become demon-possessed and completely psychotic.
Doctors tried to give her psychiatric drugs but the problem only worsened. She reportedly became “increasingly psychotic” and catatonic before eventually suffering a grand mal seizure.
“Her memory was intact, and the young woman responded to doctors’ questions, but only in short sentences, in a monotone flat voice,” reported LifeSiteNews. “She was lethargic with lingering symptoms of catatonia. She could walk, but slowly, and had to be prompted to move.”
More of the latest news about the damage being caused by Fauci Flu shots can be found at
In a search of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and the CDC’s own data on COVID deaths, Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, has found that twice as many children have died after getting the COVID shots, than who have died from the infection itself.
According to the CDC, 757 children have died from COVID; the CDC doesn’t specify if the children died specifically from COVID, or if they died “with” COVID, but “from” a comorbidity such as cancer, diabetes or obesity.
A look at VAERS shows 1,312 deaths that are “highly likely to be caused by the vaccine.” “In short, our health authorities have convinced parents that it’s better to increase the chance of your kid dying than to reduce it,” Kirsch says. “But hey, we’re just getting started since not all the kids under 18 have been vaccinated yet. The authorities are rushing to get all kids vaccinated before anyone figures out what is going on. So expect the numbers to get much higher.”
While world health leaders and politicians cling to the idea that lockdowns, mask mandates and school closures are the only safe way of handling COVID-19, evidence from more than 400 studies show these interventions simply don’t work.
Taking a close look at the real evidence, the Brownstone Institute says it plainly: The COVID pandemic has been steered by politics. It’s evidence of “monumental failure of lockdown policy,” an investigation by Brownstone Institute found.
“It was clear very early on that task forces and medical advisers and decision-makers were not reading the evidence, were not up to speed with the science or data, did not understand the evidence, did not ‘get’ the evidence, and were blinded to the science, often driven by their own prejudices, biases, arrogance, and ego,” Brownstone says.
“They remain ensconced in sheer academic sloppiness and laziness. It was clear that the response was not a public health one. It was a political one from Day 1 and continues today.”
As self-appointed arbiters of medical truth in the state of Tennessee, the Tennessee Medical Board (TMB) has implemented a policy of revoking or suspending doctors’ licenses if the board decided they were spreading misinformation about COVID-19.
That policy has now been removed from the TMB website, although it hasn’t been completely rescinded, Talking Points Memo reports. The action is believed to be in response to Tennessee state Rep. John Ragan (R), who’s been demanding that the policy be rescinded. Ragan co-chairs his chamber’s Joint Government Operations Committee.
Ragan sent three letters to the board warning that the board would be called to appear before the committee if they refused to rescind the policy. His committee can also recommend dissolving the TMB. According to Talking Points, Ragan said he believes the removal from the website is the equivalent of a win, in that “the deletion had the same impact as rolling the policy back.”
Documents that Pfizer, maker of one of the mRNA COVID shots, released under New Zealand’s Freedom of Information Act show that Pfizer not only knew shortly before the rollout of its vaccines that there was “a large increase” in reported adverse events, but that the company also believed the events were probably underreported.
Up until that point, New Zealand was only aware of 21 possible side effects, all of them considered “minor.” But Pfizer’s report shows more than 100, and that means that possibly thousands of problems after the shot that were attributed to unrelated medical events and even as psychosomatic, may indeed have been due to the shot.
“Many of the new 100+ listed new adverse event types now released by Pfizer in this 38-page document pose long term risks to health,” Guy Hatchard, of the Daily Telegraph, said. “Until very recently, the document was being withheld by Pfizer, who maintained it should be kept confidential. There is a strong possibility that very large numbers of New Zealanders will suffer long term injury as a result.”
This 12-minute video features cameos of teenagers and adults alike who have been debilitated by a COVID-19 shot.
Some started with a bit of a headache, but far worse symptoms developed in the days following. What’s most upsetting is that doctors are “very adamant that it’s not the vaccine,” one girl, who was accused of having a mental problem rather than a vaccine reaction, says in the film.
Unfortunately, she’s not alone. Thousands around the world are telling similar stories — including those from people who lost family members to the vaccine.
Australian tennis player Pat Cash talks about how medical professionals convinced his 89-year-old mother to get the COVID-19 injection, and how afterward she had days of headaches culminating with a stroke.
“You’ve got blood on your hands,” he says to the unnamed doctors. She was on her own, in her apartment … then she collapsed on the floor and was resuscitated. And now Cash is angry.
The censorship and shutting down and “debunking” of independent scientists confuses him, too, he says. “What is the reasoning behind all of this? Is it just money?” he asks.
This mom knows what happened to her little boy, and she recounts how he changed from the moment he had his baby well-check shots, beginning with screeching cries and ongoing diarrhea, followed by earaches, infections and a multitude of autoimmune disorders.
He developed food allergies. He stopped smiling, stopped waving and began to drift away from her, this mom says. She laments the decision she made to vaccinate him, but she kept working with him, to help bring him back.
Yet, health professionals act like she’s crazy, and they tell her she needs to just trust them. Even so, mothers are strong, she says, and she encourages mothers everywhere to stay strong, and support their children.
A lack of quality sleep may be associated with nearly every heart-related death, and also may be associated with heart failure, stroke, diabetes and worsening obesity
The pandemic has had an influence on sleep quality; results from a survey show that 71.8% of people with disrupted sleep patterns used technology just before bed
Sleep deprivation is associated with several other health conditions, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions
In one survey, it was reported that the average person got just 5.5 hours of sleep each night; sleep quality is impacted by light and EMF pollution, which you can improve
This article was previously published October 8, 2020, and has been updated with new information.
According to the World Health Organization, ischemic heart disease and stroke were the top two causes of death across the world in 2016.1 Although there have been dramatic declines in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), ailments in this category continue to remain major causes of loss of health and life.2
In the U.S., the CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention reports that 1 in every 3 deaths is from heart disease and $1 of every $6 is spent on CVD.3
While the statistics are disturbing, cardiovascular disease can also lead to nonlethal stroke, heart attack, disability, serious illness and a lower quality of life. These conditions can trigger fatigue, depression and related problems.
The American Heart Association tracks seven key health factors and behaviors they believe increase your risk for heart disease and stroke.4 They call these “Life’s Simple 7,” which they measure to track progress toward their goal of improving the cardiovascular health of people in the U.S.
While each of Life’s Simple 7 behaviors and risk factors are important to overall health, they do not address problems with sleep as contributing factors.
Pandemic Interfering With Sleep Hours and Quality
In an interview with KYW radio, Dr. Zeeshan Khan, pulmonologist from the Deborah Heart and Lung Center, talked about sleep disorders and the relationship they have with CVD, especially in the midst of the current pandemic.5 He told the reporter that the International Classification of Sleep Disorders identifies at least 60 diagnoses in seven categories.6
The two most common are insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea. With sustained poor sleep, a person may experience altered judgment, mood swings and impaired cognition. Khan also listed problems with the cardiovascular system and immunity in people who chronically get less than seven hours of sleep each night.
He warned that lack of sleep can lead to problems with a person’s general health. He recommends that on average, people should get seven hours of sleep each night, but he also shared that in America, about 35% of the people get less than that. “We are kind of a sleep-deprived nation,” he said.
Symptoms of disrupted sleep or insomnia can vary depending on the person. Although you may take a 30-minute power nap in the early afternoon, it doesn’t get rid of sleep debt. It may help you feel better in the immediate moment, but it doesn’t impact the effect of sleep debt on your overall health.
Lack of Quality Sleep Is Associated With Cardiac Morbidity
When asked about how long it should take to fall asleep, Khan said the average amount of time is 15 to 20 minutes. However, the time it takes to fall asleep is extended when people take their smartphone or computer to bed with them. Using these devices can disrupt sleep in several ways, including by engaging your mind at a time when it should be slowing down.
Khan advises people to first use nonpharmacological treatments to help them sleep, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, a consistent sleep routine and meditation. He also recommends steering clear of medications as they can be addictive and they only treat the symptom of sleep disruption, not the reason behind it.
Additionally, he recommends steering clear of having a nightcap to help you relax and fall asleep. This is because drinking alcohol before bed may help you fall asleep faster, but in the long term it can have a negative effect on your sleep patterns. He stresses the importance of using a routine to go to sleep to cue your biological clock.
He went on to discuss the problems with sleep apnea, which often overlap with snoring. During snoring the upper airway narrows, which causes vibrations in the membranes. Although most people with sleep apnea snore, not all people who snore have sleep apnea.
When people with diabetes, heart disease or other problems also snore, they should be evaluated for sleep apnea, especially if they start having problems during the day. Sleep apnea lowers the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain, heart and other organs during sleep. According to Khan:7
“Almost every cardiac morbidity you can think of has been linked to sleep apnea. Heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, strokes … inflammatory issues like diabetes, worsening obesity — the list can go on and on.”
Sleep Disorders Associated With Using Technology at Night
In a recent study in Sleep Standards, researchers evaluated the results from a survey of 1,062 people across the U.S.8 The objective was to gain an understanding of how technology may have a relationship with sleep disorders.
One key finding was that 71.8% of the respondents who reported a disruption in sleep pattern also used technology just before bed. The researchers separated the participants into five age groups, which represented the total number in the survey. They were:
Generation Z (under 25) — 22.3%
Millennials (26 to 40) — 44.8%
Generation X (41 to 55) — 23.8%
Baby Boomers (56 to 76) — 8.9%
Silent Generation (older than 76) — 0.2%
They also found that those under age 25 were the most likely to have sleep disorders. People who had a sleep disorder averaged five hours of sleep per night and spent up to 20 hours in front of a bright screen each day.9 The participants also reported that they used their technology devices within 30 minutes of bedtime: 70.2% watched television; 59.4% checked social media; 31.8% checked email; and 32.9% played video games.10
Of all the participants, 57.8% said they used cell phones, which was higher than television use at 18.5% or computer use at 14.2%. The highest percentage of participants in the survey had insomnia at 64.3%.
Although sleep apnea was the second most common disorder, it ran a far second at 14%. Other disorders reported in the survey included sleep paralysis, parasomnias, restless leg syndrome and narcolepsy. Although many experts such as Khan recommend steering clear of pharmaceutical remedies to treat insomnia, 51.2% of those surveyed reported using sleeping pills and 47.5% had tried other medications.
Sleep Deprivation Associated With More Health Conditions
Fragmented or disturbed sleep happens when you fall asleep easily but awaken during the night. This may happen frequently, and you go back to sleep easily, or you awaken and have a hard time going back to sleep. This type of sleep pattern can trigger chronic inflammation that contributes to mental health issues and neurological disorders.11
Lack of sleep also affects your immune system by reducing the number of protective cytokines available.12 In addition, it is associated with atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of plaque in the arteries. This may be called “clogged” or “hardened” arteries and can lead to lethal heart disease.
The exact mechanism of poor sleep in inducing atherosclerosis may have been clarified in a study published by UC Berkeley sleep scientists, who found that an increase in neutrophil and monocyte levels during fragmented sleep had an impact on the pathology of atherosclerosis. They wrote:13
“… these findings affirm a pathway in which the quality of human sleep, specifically the degree of fragmentation, raises inflammatory-related white blood cells, thereby conferring increased risk for atherosclerosis. This was true of sleep fragmentation assessed across a week or across a single night, which predicted increasingly higher CAC [Coronary Artery Calcification] score through a mediating association with increased neutrophils.”
Sleep deprivation is also linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. A recent animal study from Marche Polytechnic University in Italy revealed that astrocytes in the brain will start to break down healthy nerve synapses when you are chronically sleep deprived.14 They wrote that the results suggested:
“… that like many other stressors, extended sleep disruption may lead to a state of sustained microglia activation, perhaps increasing the brain’s susceptibility to other forms of damage.”
Average Number of Sleep Hours Dropping
For several years Mattress Firm has commissioned a survey on sleep habits and the number of hours people are sleeping each night. The 2019 results show Americans are sleeping less and less. They asked 3,000 adults about their sleep habits, how satisfied they were with their sleep and about the frequency of sleeping and naps. They compared those results to those from 2018.15
What they found was a sad commentary on the speed at which modern society has chosen to live. It seems that getting at least six hours has become more challenging with each passing year. In 2018, results from the survey showed the average person was sleeping six hours and 17 minutes each night, but by 2019 that had dropped to 5.5 hours.16
Experts currently recommend adults from 18 to 65 years sleep consistently from seven to nine hours each night.17 In other words, most people are sleeping at least 1.5 hours less each night than the minimum that experts think is important for optimal health.
While the number of hours you sleep is important, so is the quality. So, it’s even more disheartening to read that 25% of the respondents reported they also “consistently slept poorly in 2019.”18
Since the amount of quality sleep at night was on the decline, it makes sense that respondents reported they took more naps in 2019 than 2018. But, while more were taken, survey findings indicate there were many planned naps that didn’t get taken.
The survey defined a “great night’s sleep” as “quickly falling asleep and staying that way until morning.” There were about 120 nights fitting that criteria. Americans are so desperate for a good night of sleep they said they were willing to “pay $316.61 for just one night of perfect sleep.” This was $26.16 more than in 2018.
Interestingly, the people who reported the best sleep were those who slept on their back or slept with a pet in their bed. While side sleeping was the more common position reported in the survey, these were the same respondents who had the most difficult time getting to sleep.
EMF Pollution Associated With Sleep Hours and Quality
As I’ve written before, your sleep quality may be impacted by several factors, including your sleep pattern, the number of hours you spend sleeping and by the light and electromagnetic pollution in your area. If you’ve ever gone camping, you may have noticed a change in your sleep quality. Chances are you had a deeper sleep and awakened more rested.
Two factors that influence sleeping better outdoors are the drastic reduction in artificial lights and the reduction in electromagnetic fields (EMF). Your circadian clock is affected by your melatonin levels, which in turn are affected by exposure to light at night. You might enjoy the same restful sleep if you install blackout blinds, use a sleep mask and get rid of any light-emitting source in your bedroom.
Electromagnetic fields also may impair sleep quality19 and produce oxidative damage during sleep.20Consider shutting off all your electronic devices and your Wi-Fi modem and router at night to reduce your exposure and improve your sleep quality. For more tips on improving the number of hours you sleep and the quality of your sleep, see “Top 33 Tips to Optimize Your Sleep Routine.”21
According to media reports, the Omicron variant was discovered in Botswana, in four fully “vaccinated” individuals. Physicians in South Africa responded saying that while the variant has been detected, they are not seeing significant illness from it. All cases so far have been mild and none has required hospitalization
Omicron appears to be evading the COVID jab, resulting in breakthrough infections at a higher rate than previous variants. This is a sign that the mass vaccination campaign may be breeding “vaccine” resistance
There’s a curious feature of Omicron, however, that hints at it having been modified in a lab. The closest genetic sequences date back to mid-2020. It doesn’t seem to belong to any of the evolutionary branches that have emerged since
Omicron has 25 nonsynonymous and only one synonymous spike mutation compared to its most recent common ancestor, AV.1. Were it a natural occurrence, that ratio ought to be somewhere between 25 to 50 and 25 to 100
There’s no precedent for this oddity occurring in nature. There is, however, precedent for this in lab-leaked pandemics
In Bannons War Room interview above, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,1 reviews what we know so far about the so-called Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2.
As noted by Malone, the latest media hype actually began with reports of Africa having far lower case rates than the rest of the world, despite its comparatively low COVID jab rate. That was followed by reports in the local press that South Africa was asking Pfizer to halt its shipments of the shots, as they still had plenty and most adults were refusing to take it.
The very next day, “we suddenly had this huge kerfuffle about this new virus strain, and the press was announcing it was coming out of South Africa,” Malone says. The U.K. almost immediately responded by shutting its borders to most of South Africa.
According to media reports, the Omicron variant was discovered in Botswana, in four fully “vaccinated” individuals. Physicians in South Africa responded saying that while the variant has been detected, they are not seeing significant illness from it. All cases so far have been mild and none has required hospitalization.
Coordinated Fear Porn Campaign
In rapid succession, news articles were published proposing the virus evolved in an AIDS patient and appears to spread far easier than previous variants. Calls for concern and the need for new restrictions flooded the airways. As noted by Malone, the press was talking about “everything except for the obvious, which is that this is a ‘vaccine’-escaped mutant.”
Indeed, the variant appears highly resistant to the COVID shots, which is a sign of it having mutated within one or more COVID-jabbed individuals, not in someone with no antibodies at all to attack it.
Remember, viruses mutate primarily in response to insufficient immune responses. Yet among the first recommendations from the mental giants in charge of COVID responses was to push COVID booster shots, which is as irrational as it is unscientific.
“The boosters are a perfect way to bias our immune system so we’re LESS able to respond to this new variant,” Malone explains. “This is [like] jabbing everybody with a flu vaccine from three seasons ago and expecting it to have effects against the current [flu strains].”
Is Omicron Another Lab Creation?
As for the nature and origin of Omicron, Malone says:
“It has the hallmark of a viral agent under tight genetic selection for evolution to escape the ‘vaccine’ responses against the receptor bonding domain. The question that is outstanding right now is — because this is so different from the other strains that are being tracked; it’s in its own separate little evolutionary branch — how did this happen? Why did this suddenly pop up with all these new mutations?”
The mainstream press is pushing the narrative that Omicron’s mutations are due to the low COVID jab rate in South Africa, possibly in combination with it mutating within someone with AIDS. The solution, we’re told, is to blanket Africa with COVID shots, even though the continent has enjoyed a phenomenally low case rate and mortality rate without the jabs. So, clearly, this narrative is trying to achieve an end that simply isn’t warranted by the real-world data.
Aside from shaming South Africa into getting more COVID shots, another potential reason for this narrative is that they want to hide that it’s another lab created virus. As noted by Malone, we have “the looming specter of this being further engineered in some way.”
In all, Omicron is said to have some 50 mutations from the original Alpha strain, many of which specifically allow it to circumvent COVID shot-induced antibody defenses.
While Malone admits he is not closely tracking the mutations of the virus, and is not qualified to speculate on its evolution, he points out there is a subset of experts who believe it may have undergone lab modification because, genetically, it “doesn’t look like it’s part of the prior evolutionary process that we’re seeing with many other strains.”
Until and unless we end up with conclusive proof of its origin, we need to keep all options open, Malone says, and that includes the possibility of Omicron being cooked up in a lab from a previous strain.
Omicron Cases Double in Less Than Five Days
So far, we know as little about Omicron as we did the original SARS-CoV-2 virus when it first emerged. What we do know is that it appears highly infectious, doubling in a median time of 4.8 days, and has significant “vaccine” evasion capabilities.2
According to the Economist,3 which cites data from South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Omicron “appears to have rapidly outcompeted Delta” in South Africa, as of the first week of December 2021 accounting for nearly all positive cases.
Omicron Is a Major Oddity
Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the 2020 Wuhan strain
Notice that Omicron makes a sudden appearance inconsistent with the other variants, and contains the largest number of mutations
One particularly odd feature of Omicron is that the closest genetic sequences date back to mid-2020. It doesn’t seem to belong to any of the evolutionary branches that have emerged since. As noted by professor Trevor Bedford, a computational virologist interviewed by NPR, “This is very rare to see.”4
In a Twitter post, a user named Chief Nerd, shows a time-lapse graphic5 he created that illustrates the genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 from the original strain until now, using data from
It’s a great illustration of just how odd an unnatural Omicron’s emergence really is. As the time-lapse gets toward the end of 2021, suddenly there’s Omicron, emerging like a straight line from a mid-2020 strain, having no semblance to any of the other strains.
There’s no precedent for this oddity occurring in nature. There is, however, precedent for this in lab-leaked pandemics, such as the 1977 Russian influenza, caused by an H1N1 flu strain that strongly resembled a strain in circulation between 1946 and 1957. There have been persistent rumors that the Russian flu might have been the result of a live-vaccine trial escape.7
Omicron, also known by the designation B.1.1.529., has a ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous mutations of 25 to 1. According to molecular biologist and cancer geneticist Philip Buckhaults, Ph.D.,8 Omicron has 25 nonsynonymous and only one synonymous spike mutation compared to its most recent common ancestor, AV.1. Were it a natural occurrence, that ratio ought to be somewhere between 25 to 50 and 25 to 100.
Three Hypotheses of Omicron’s Origin
Researchers have tried to explain this phenomenon in a variety of ways. Bedford has suggested the mid-2020 strain might have infected and evolved within some unknown animal population before spilling back into the human population.
It’s an unlikely scenario though, Bedford says, because there ought then to be signs of the animal genetic material in the genome, and we’re not seeing that. Instead, there’s human RNA insertions, which suggests a human host.
Another hypothesis is so-called “cryptic spread” in an unmonitored region. In other words, the mid-2020 strain may have circulated in an area where testing and monitoring of cases were low or absent, allowing it to evolve under the radar, until finally becoming transmissible enough to spread into more monitored regions.
Alas, Bedford finds fault with this explanation as well, “Because it would seem that as [this strain of the virus] was on its path to becoming Omicron and becoming a quite transmissible virus, [the earlier versions] would have started to spread more widely before just now.”9
A third hypothesis involves the incubation in an immunocompromised patient, such as an AIDS patient. If the patient’s immune system was just robust enough to prevent death, but not complete clearance, the virus may have lingered for many months, slowly mutating over time.
The crux here is that the virus ought to have spread from that person earlier. Why did it take well over a year for it to finally be transmitted? Intermediate variants should have emerged, but didn’t. It just suddenly emerged with dozens of mutations already baked in that have no precedent.
Bedford told NPR,10 “That’s a good question and a legitimate one. I don’t have an obvious answer besides chance.” Despite the lack of plausible answers, Bedford believes this scenario may be the most plausible.
Two Elephants in the Room — The Missing Hypotheses
Of course, getting back to Malone’s observation, what’s missing from this list of hypotheses is the most obvious one, which is that the virus mutated in response to the pressure of widespread COVID injections. Also missing is the hypothesis that Omicron was genetically manipulated from a mid-2020 strain, and in one way or another entered into circulation.
Irrationally, Bedford and others are now stressing the importance on ramping up HIV treatment to prevent mutations from occurring in untreated individuals with low immune function, rather than taking a long hard look at how the mass “vaccination” campaign is driving the evolution of this virus and putting COVID jabbed individuals at ever-increasing risk of serious infection.
At present, one of the most plausible theories appears to be that scientists enabled an early SARS-CoV-2 variant to build antibody resistance, possibly by passaging them through human or humanized cell lines in the presence of convalescent plasma.
The Lab in South Africa Experimented on SARS-CoV-2
If Omicron is another lab creation, what lab might be responsible for its creation? A number of internet sleuths have pointed fingers at the biosafety level 3 (BSL3) lab in Durban, South Africa, where research on SARS-CoV-2 was taking place.
A paper titled “Escape of SARS-CoV-2 50IY.V2 from Neutralization by Convalescent Plasma”11 was published in the journal Nature at the end of March 2021. This appears to be just the kind of research that might train the virus to evade COVID antibodies.
The research, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was conducted by a conglomerate of researchers, most from South Africa, but also one American and several with research credentials at both South African and German, British or American research facilities. Affiliates listed include several research facilities in South Africa, as well as research institutes in Israel, the U.K., U.S., Germany and Brazil.
In a series of December 3, 2021, Twitter posts,12 Yuri Deigin, a drug developer and biotech entrepreneur, points out that the initial emergence of Omicron was in Durban, where the BSL3 lab happens to be located, and where that study was done.
As yet, the Omicron lab leak theory is loosely held together, but if recent history is any indication, we’re bound to start seeing more extensive discussions and reviews of the evidence as we go along.
As noted in an October 10, 2021, New York Post editorial,13 the lab leak theory, referring to the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, “is now almost certainly proved” — and according to David Martin, Ph.D., proved beyond all doubt based on the patent trail, dating back two decades14 — but it took well over a year and a half to get to this point.
While the Omicron origin question is likely to grow, our fear of this variant doesn’t have to. So far, all indications are that Omicron is among the mildest of the variants — highly infectious with rapid spread, but very mild in terms of symptoms.
Dr. Joseph Ladapo was appointed Florida surgeon general and secretary of the Florida Department of Health by Gov. Ron DeSantis September 21, 2021
Ladapo has now issued a statewide public service announcement in support of commonsense COVID prevention strategies such as optimizing your vitamin D, staying active, eating nutrient-dense foods and boosting your immune system with supplements such as vitamin C, quercetin and zinc
Florida Health even highlights emerging treatments such as fluvoxamine and inhaled budesonide. Importantly, Florida Health now states that “Physicians should use their clinical judgment when recommending treatment options for patients’ individualized health care needs. This may include emerging treatment options with appropriate patient informed consent, including off-label use or as part of a clinical trial”
Despite publishing a scientific review on vitamin D for COVID in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients, and the paper being the second most downloaded article this year, I’ve been vilified and targeted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission for reporting its benefits
The evidence for vitamin D against COVID-19 satisfies Hill’s criteria for causality in a biological system, and dozens of studies have demonstrated vitamin D helps reduce all risks associated with COVID
As a ray of hope in what appears to be an utterly broken medical system, Florida’s new surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has issued a statewide public service announcement in support of commonsense COVID prevention strategies such as optimizing your vitamin D, staying active, eating nutrient-dense foods and boosting your immune system with supplements.
The website1 now urges Floridians to “Talk to your health care provider about how certain supplements or foods containing vitamins and minerals might help boost your immune system, such as zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C and quercetin.” These are all well-known supplements that have been shown to have a positive impact on your COVID-19 risk.
The surgeon general also supports the use of monoclonal antibodies in acute cases, and as prevention in high-risk patients who have been exposed to COVID-19. Available treatment locations can be found on
‘Physicians Should Use Clinical Judgment’
Florida Health even highlights emerging treatments such as fluvoxamine and inhaled budesonide. Importantly, Florida Health now states that:2
“Physicians should use their clinical judgment when recommending treatment options for patients’ individualized health care needs. This may include emerging treatment options with appropriate patient informed consent, including off-label use or as part of a clinical trial.”
Well, no one could be happier about this than I. I’ve been calling for vitamin D recommendations since the earliest days of the pandemic — ideally nationwide, but statewide is at least a start, especially considering Florida is the sunshine state. Instead, I’ve been vilified and targeted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and mainstream media for reporting its benefits.3,4
The FDA specifically mentioned Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Quercetin in their warning letter. Now that the Florida surgeon general agrees, will they also be warned by the federal authorities?
Ladapo was appointed Florida surgeon general and secretary of the Florida Department of Health by Gov. Ron DeSantis September 21, 2021,5 and it’s refreshing to finally see COVID guidance that makes sense. In his acceptance speech, Ladapo said:6
“I am honored to have been chosen by Governor DeSantis to serve as Florida’s next Surgeon General. We must make health policy decisions rooted in data and not in fear …
I have observed the different approaches taken by governors across the country and I have been impressed by Governor DeSantis’ leadership and determination to ensure that Floridians are afforded all opportunities to maintain their health and wellness, while preserving their freedoms as Americans.”
Vitamin D Papers Top List of Most Popular Studies of the Year
October 31, 2020, I published a scientific review7 in the journal Nutrients, co-written with William Grant, Ph.D., and Dr. Carol Wagner, both of whom are part of the GrassrootsHealth expert vitamin D panel.
As of October 31, 2021, our paper, “Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity” — which you can download and read for free — was the second most downloaded study from this journal in the past 12 months. It was also No. 2 in citations and No. 4 for views.
The study with the most downloads in the past year and the all-time highest number of views was another vitamin D paper8 by Bhattoa, which found vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of influenza and COVID-19 infections and deaths. The coauthors of my paper, Grant and Baggerly, were coauthors on this paper as well.
A third vitamin D paper, by Annweiler, also nabbed the No. 1 spot for most-cited study in the past 12 months. This study found vitamin D supplementation improved survival in frail elderly hospitalized with COVID-19.
Clearly, vitamin D has been on the forefront of many minds, and I’m glad the Florida surgeon general recognizes its importance as well. While mainstream media and many so-called health authorities still hold on to the ridiculous claim that there’s “no scientific basis” for the recommendation of vitamin D for COVID, that is just false.
As early as the end of September 2020, data from 14 observational studies — summarized in Table 1 of our paper9 — showed that vitamin D blood levels are inversely correlated with the incidence and/or severity of COVID-19. Many critics of vitamin D will claim that these associations are not causal. However, there are statistical tools such as Bradford Hill that can actually prove causation through these associations are strong enough.
The Bradford Hill criteria are a group of nine principles (i.e., strength of association, consistency of evidence, temporality, biological gradient, plausibility or mechanism of action, and coherence, although coherence still needs to be verified experimentally) that can be useful in establishing epidemiologic evidence of a causal relationship between a presumed cause and an observed effect.
It has been widely used in public health research and has determined that the vitamin D insufficiency for COVID is indeed causal.10
How Vitamin D Protects Against COVID
It’s important to realize that your body is well-equipped to handle just about any infection, provided your immune system is working properly, as that is your body’s first line of defense. Vitamin D receptors are found in a large number of different tissues and cells, including your immune cells. This means vitamin D plays an important role in your immune function specifically.
If vitamin D is lacking, your immune system will be impaired, which in turn makes you more susceptible to infections of all kinds, including COVID-19. As explained in our paper, having sufficient vitamin D in your system can reduce your risk of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections through several different mechanisms, including but not limited to the following:11
Reducing the survival of viruses
Inhibiting the replication of viruses12
Reducing inflammatory cytokine production
Maintaining endothelial integrity (endothelial dysfunction contributes to vascular inflammation and impaired blood clotting, two hallmarks of severe COVID-19)
Increasing angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) concentrations — Angiotensin II is a natural peptide hormone that increases blood pressure by stimulating aldosterone. ACE2 normally consumes angiotensin I, thereby lowering the concentration of angiotensin II. However, SARS-CoV-2 infection downregulates ACE2, resulting in excessive accumulation of angiotensin II, which worsens the infection
Boosting your overall immune function by modulating your innate and adaptive immune responses
Reducing respiratory distress13
Improving overall lung function
Helping produce surfactants in your lungs that aid in fluid clearance14
Boosting T cell immunity, which plays an important role in your body’s defense against viral and bacterial infections. When vitamin D signaling is impaired, it significantly impacts the quantity, quality, breadth and location of CD8 T cell immunity, resulting in more severe viral and bacterial infections.15
According to a December 11, 2020, paper,16 high-quality T cell response actually appears to be far more important than antibodies when it comes to providing protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 specifically
Increasing expression of antimicrobial peptides in your monocytes and neutrophils — both of which play important roles in COVID-19
Enhancing expression of an antimicrobial peptide called human cathelicidin, which helps defend respiratory tract pathogens
From my perspective, vitamin D optimization is one of the easiest, least expensive and most impactful strategies to reduce your risk of serious SARS-CoV-2 infection and other respiratory infections.
Vitamin D optimization is particularly important for dark-skinned individuals (who tend to have lower levels than Caucasians unless they spend extended time in the sun), the elderly, and those with preexisting chronic health conditions. All of these are also risk factors for COVID-19, so population-wide optimization of vitamin D levels could significantly improve COVID outcomes among the most vulnerable.
How Vitamin D Influences Your COVID Risks
At this point, there’s no shortage of studies showing higher vitamin D levels beneficially impact all stages of COVID-19. It:
Lowers your risk of testing positive for COVID — The largest observational study17 to date, which looked at data for 191,779 American patients, found that of those with a vitamin D level below 20 ng/ml (deficiency), 12.5% tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, compared to just 5.9% of those who had an optimal vitamin D level of 55 ng/ml or higher. This inverse relationship persisted across latitudes, races/ethnicities, sexes and age ranges.
Reduces your risk of symptomatic illness — SARS-CoV-2-specific investigations have found that COVID-19 is far more common in vitamin D deficient individuals.
In one such study,18,19,20 82.2% of COVID-19 patients tested were deficient in vitamin D, compared to 47.2% of population-based controls. (Mean vitamin D levels were 13.8 ± 7.2 ng/ml, compared to 20.9 ± 7.4 ng/ml in controls.)
They also found that blood levels of vitamin D were inversely correlated to D-dimer levels (a measure of blood coagulation). Many COVID-19 patients have elevated D-dimer levels, which are associated with blood clots. This was particularly true with the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, but while less common with subsequent variants, some blood clotting, just less intense, can still occur.
Reduces infection severity — Our vitamin D paper21 also lists data from 14 observational studies that show vitamin D blood levels are inversely correlated with the incidence and/or severity of COVID-19. This is quite logical, considering vitamin D regulates inflammatory cytokine production — a lethal hallmark of COVID-19 — and is an important regulator of your immune system.
Reduces your risk of hospitalization — Reduced severity would translate into a lower risk for hospitalization, and that’s precisely what researchers have found.
A Spanish study22,23 found baseline vitamin D levels inversely correlated with the risk of ICU admission, and that giving supplemental vitamin D3 (calcifediol at 532 micrograms on the first day of admission followed by 266 mcg on days 3, 7, 15 and 30) to hospitalized patients with PCR-confirmed COVID-19 reduced ICU admissions by 82%.
Reduces your risk of death — COVID-19 patients with a vitamin D level between 21 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) and 29 ng/mL (75 nmol/L) had a 12.55 times higher risk of death than those with a level above 30 ng/mL in one study.24 Having a level below 20 ng/mL was associated with a 19.12 times higher risk of death.
Another study25,26 found the risk of severe COVID-19 and related deaths virtually disappeared when vitamin D levels were above 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L).
A third paper27 found a marked variation in mortality depending on whether the patients lived above or below 35 degrees North latitude. As noted by the authors, having adequate vitamin D “could be very important in preventing the cytokine storm and subsequent acute respiratory distress syndrome that is commonly the cause of mortality.”28
Speeds viral clearance — While having enough vitamin D in your system will reduce your odds of infection and serious illness, taking oral vitamin D once infected can still help you recover faster.
Research29 published in November 2020 found oral vitamin D supplementation in SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals with mild symptoms who also had low vitamin D, helped speed up viral clearance.
Participants were randomly assigned to receive either 60,000 IUs of oral cholecalciferol (nano-liquid droplets) or a placebo for seven days. The target blood level was 50 ng/mL. Anyone who had not achieved a blood level of 50 ng/mL after the first seven days continued to receive the supplement until they reached the target level.
Periodically, all participants were tested for SARS-CoV-2 as well as fibrinogen, D-dimer, procalcitonin and CRP, all of which are inflammatory markers. The primary outcome measure of the study was the proportion of patients testing negative for COVID-19 before Day 21 of the study, as well as changes in inflammatory markers.
Of the 16 patients in the intervention group, 10 (62.5%) tested negative by Day 21, compared to just five of the 24 controls (20.8%). Fibrinogen levels were also significantly decreased in the treatment group, indicating lower levels of clotting.
How to Optimize Your Vitamin D Level
For optimal health, immune function and disease prevention, you want a vitamin D blood level between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL year-round. In Europe, the measurements you’re looking for are 150 nmol/L and 200 nmol/L.
If you live in a sunny locale like Florida and practice sensible sun exposure year-round, you might not need any supplements. The DMinder app30 is a helpful tool to see how much vitamin D your body can make depending on your location and other individual factors.
Many, unfortunately, don’t get enough sun exposure for one reason or another, and in these cases, an oral vitamin D supplement may be required. Just remember that the most important factor here is your blood level, not the dose, so before you start, get tested so you know your baseline.
Here’s a summary of how to determine whether you might need an oral supplement, and your ideal dosage:
1. First, measure your vitamin D level — One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of measuring your vitamin D level is to participate in the GrassrootsHealth’s personalized nutrition project, which includes a vitamin D testing kit. Once you know what your blood level is, you can assess the dose needed to maintain or improve your level.
2. Assess your individualized vitamin D dosage — To do that, you can either use the chart below, or use GrassrootsHealth’s Vitamin D*calculator. (To convert ng/mL into the European measurement (nmol/L), simply multiply the ng/mL measurement by 2.5.) To calculate how much vitamin D you may be getting from regular sun exposure in addition to your supplemental intake, use the DMinder app.31
Factors that can influence your vitamin D absorption include your magnesium32 and vitamin K233 intake. Magnesium is required for the conversion of vitamin D into its active form.34,35,36,37 If your magnesium level is insufficient, the vitamin D you ingest orally may simply get stored in its inactive form.38,39
Research by GrassrootsHealth40 shows you need 146% more vitamin D to achieve a blood level of 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L) if you do not take supplemental magnesium, compared to taking your vitamin D with at least 400 mg of magnesium per day.
Your best bet is to take your vitamin D with both magnesium and K2. According to GrassrootsHealth,41 “combined intake of both supplemental magnesium and vitamin K2 has a greater effect on vitamin D levels than either individually,” and “those taking both supplemental magnesium and vitamin K2 have a higher vitamin D level for any given vitamin D intake amount than those taking either supplemental magnesium or vitamin K2 or neither.”
Data42 from nearly 3,000 individuals revealed 244% more oral vitamin D was required to get 50% of the population to achieve a vitamin D level of 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L) if they weren’t concurrently also taking magnesium and vitamin K2.
3. Retest in three to six months — Remeasure your vitamin D level in three to six months, to evaluate how your sun exposure and/or supplement dose is working for you.
4. Take activated vitamin D (calcitriol) if your level is low and you come down with an acute infection like COVID. The dose is 0.5 mcg on day one and then 0.25 mcg daily for seven days.
From the start of the COVID pandemic, doctors were told they could not use any treatment that had not undergone randomized controlled trials. Most all clinical successes have been ignored and vehemently opposed
The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) was among the first to publish COVID treatment guidance. They have since developed protocols for prevention, early at-home treatment, in-hospital treatment and maintenance guidance for long-haul COVID syndrome that are updated as more becomes known
Corticosteroids can be an effective tool for reducing inflammation in general, but they appear particularly important for advanced COVID infection. Steroids should not be used early on, but can be lifesaving after you develop signs of lung dysfunction and increased oxygen requirement
Ivermectin has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial in all stages of COVID-19, from prevention to advanced illness
Other effective protocols include the AAPS protocol, Tess Laurie’s World Council for Health protocol and the America’s Frontline Doctors’ protocol
Dr. Pierre Kory is one of the leaders in the movement to provide early treatment for COVID infection. Kory is a critical care physician (ICU specialist), triple board certified in internal medicine, critical care and pulmonary medicine, and is part of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which was among the first to publish COVID treatment guidance.
Kory spent most of his career at the Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan, New York, where he helped run the intensive care unit. He also had a busy outpatient practice. About six years ago, he was recruited to the St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he led the critical care service. “When COVID hit, I was in a leadership position,” he says. “I resigned, because of the way they were handling the pandemic.”
Treatment Options Have Been Vehemently Opposed
St. Luke’s, like most hospitals across the U.S., insisted on providing supportive care only, and Kory refused to remain in a leadership position under those circumstances. Patients were, for the first time in modern medical history, told to just suffer at home until they were near death, then go to the hospital where they were placed on deadly ventilator treatment.
“I knew there was a variety of treatments that we could use [yet] we were using nothing,” he says. Doctors were even told to not use anticoagulants, even though blood clotting was “through the roof” in many patients. “You could draw blood and actually see the blood clotting very quickly in the tubes,” he says.
Since those early days, the disease seems to have changed considerably. We don’t see the high rates of blood clotting anymore, for example, which is good news.
But for some reason, from the very start, “they were literally telling us that we needed randomized controlled trials to do anything,” Kory says, and to this day, health authorities are refusing to acknowledge any treatment protocol outside of the incredibly dangerous experimental drug remdesivir, and the experimental COVID jabs.
“People were dying, [yet] all of my ideas were getting shouted down. My superiors were showing up [to my clinical meetings] and getting me to stand down, because I was entertaining the idea that we should do this, that and the other thing, and they didn’t want anything to be done.
And so, I said, ‘I’m done.’ I resigned mid-April 2020. I then went to New York for five weeks and ran my old ICU in New York.”
The Importance of Steroids in the Treatment of COVID-19
In May 2020, Kory testified before the U.S. Senate, stressing how critical it was to use steroids during the hospital phase of this infection. At that time, he was still employed by the University of Wisconsin. His resignation date had not yet happened, and they “were livid that I was speaking in public, giving my opinion.”
This is remarkable, because when you’re an expert in a field, “you’re actually responsible to share your insight and expertise,” Kory says. “Yet they were very unhappy that I was doing that.”
Seven weeks later, Kory was vindicated when the British Recovery trial results came out, showing the benefits of corticosteroids. Since then, steroids have become part of standard of care in the hospital phase.
Steroids are an effective tool for reducing inflammation in general, but they appear particularly important for advanced COVID infection. I had a close friend who contracted a very serious case of COVID-19 and kept worsening despite taking everything I suggested.
He knew Dr. Peter McCullough, so he texted him and was told to add prednisone and aspirin to his current regimen. As soon as he took the prednisone, he started getting better.
As explained by Kory, this is a common experience. Importantly, the evidence shows that when used early, during mild infection, corticosteroids do more harm than good. But once you are entering into moderate illness, as soon as you start to see lung dysfunction or the need for oxygen, steroids are critical and are clearly lifesaving.
Steroids Must Be Used at the Correct Time
One of the reasons for this is because SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers a very complex cascade of inflammation. More specifically, Kory says, severe COVID-19 is a macrophage activation syndrome. It’s the hyperinflammatory macrophages (a subtype of macrophages) that end up causing organ damage. So, you want to use medicines that either suppress their activity or repolarize them into hypoinflammatory macrophages.
The key is to use the steroids at the correct time — not too early and not too late, the “Goldilocks” window. There are no hard and fast rules for that, as each patient is different, but as a rule of thumb, do NOT use it until or unless you are seeing a significant worsening of symptoms to where breathing is getting more difficult.
Kory’s outpatient protocol includes prednisone on Day 7, 8 or 9, if you’re still going downhill. It is important to NOT use it early in the course of the illness as it will actually worsen the infection by increasing viral replication.
The suggested dosage is 1 milligram of prednisone or methylprednisolone per kilogram of bodyweight. When using methylprednisolone (Medrol) (which Kory prefers, in part because lung tissue concentrations are higher than prednisone), he divides it into two daily doses. Kory does not recommend the use of dexamethasone, as it doesn’t work as well for lung disease. Yet, most doctors in the U.S. use dexamethasone if they’re using steroids at all.
The dose may be increased depending on the severity and trajectory of the infection. “I probably will either double or triple the [dose] until I can get them stable,” he says.
“Once they’re off oxygen, then I taper off [the steroid] over about a week to 10 days, sometimes shorter. Depends how long they were on oxygen. If they were on it for a short time, I do a fast taper; if they were on oxygen for a longer time, I’ll do a slower taper. But I don’t start fully tapering until they’re off oxygen.”
Anticoagulants — When to Use Them
As mentioned earlier, while early COVID-19 cases often involved severe blood clotting, that feature of the infection appears to have receded. Even when clotting occurs, it’s typically much milder than what we saw in the beginning. Still, anticoagulants can be an important component in these cases.
“What I do with coagulation is, I generally follow the D dimer on admission. D dimer is a marker of endothelial injury and clotting. In patients with normal D dimers, I’ll just do routine prophylaxis doses. If it’s moderately elevated, I do moderate [doses] and if it’s severely elevated, I’ll do full dose anticoagulants,” Kory explains.
He typically uses an anticoagulant called Lovenox. Patients are also given full-dose aspirin, unless there’s a contraindication. I suspect fibrolytic enzymes like lumbrokinase and nattokinase, which help degrade fibrin, may be a better alternative to aspirin. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is another potential candidate. Kory is not convinced, however:
“We have used NAC in different disease models over the years. It’s a standard treatment for acetaminophen overdose, but not for pulmonary fibrosis. In pulmonary medicine, of which I’m an expert, we had decades where we studied NAC for that. None of those studies panned out. In sepsis, it didn’t really pan out.
And so, for severe disease, we think it’s an effective drug and it’s a good antioxidant. I think it does have anticoagulation [effects], but our opinion is that it’s generally weak. So, for the hospital phase, we think it’s too weak.”
Vitamin C
Another important component is intravenous vitamin C. While some university hospitals may carry IV vitamin C, most don’t but might be able to get it from another local hospital. Importantly, the vitamin C needs to be administered within the first six hours of admittance to the ICU in order to work, and it may be similar for COVID.
This is especially true for the relatively low doses recommended by the Math+ protocol of 1,500 mg or 1.5 grams. Many outpatient natural medicine physicians will use 25 grams to 50 grams of IV vitamin C, but most hospitals will not allow this high a dose, even though it is likely that higher doses will work if you missed the early treatment window (the first six hours). So pragmatic logistics is why the Math+ protocol uses relatively low doses.
One suggestion would be to call the hospital you’re thinking of using if you ever had to be admitted for COVID and ask if they have it. If not, you can ask your doctor to order it for you and bring it to the hospital, if you or a family member are admitted for COVID or sepsis. The key, of course, is having a doctor who is willing to use it. Some aren’t.
“You should’ve seen the resistance I got. At one point, I was the director of the main ICU at the University of Wisconsin and the data was so overwhelming, I said, ‘Hey, guys, can’t we just start a protocol where we just give everybody on admission IV vitamin C? What’s the downside?’
Everyone started talking about kidney stones and all of this nonsense, and we have so much data to show that doesn’t happen in acute illness, or in IV formulations … I feel like I live in a cartoon of medicine, because every time I discuss something with someone, they just don’t believe anything works. Because if it worked, they would be doing it. It’s bizarre.”
The FLCC Protocol
Sadly, the willful ignorance of many doctors is literally killing many COVID patients who could have, and should have, been saved. There’s just no doubt that protocols such as the one developed by the FLCC and the other groups listed below could have saved many, had it been widely implemented. Yet despite its success, many hospitals to this day do not use it.
“Our protocol is always evolving,” he notes. “We’re not saying that this is the only way to treat it. This is how we decided to treat it. We reserve the right to deprioritize or change the dose, or substitute a new medicine.
We want to follow the data, the experience and the knowledge of this disease. That’s No. 1. No. 2, all of our protocols are combination therapy protocols.
And by the way, that gives doctors fits. You know why? Because they want to know, how do you know that this is necessary? There are trials of each individual component showing that they’re effective. We believe they’re synergistic, but we’re never going to do a trial to test every component on our protocols.
But there are a number of other protocols. The AAPS has a protocol.1 The World Council for Health,2 they have a number of options. So there are many doctors who might emphasize or de-emphasize a medicine on our protocol. And we do not pretend that ours is the only way. But we do put a lot of thought into it.
Most of our medicines are repurposed, so they’re not novel. They’re very well-known over decades, their safety profiles are well known, they tend to be generally low cost, and their mechanisms are well-known. A central medicine to all of our protocols — prevention, early treatment, hospital, and late phase like long-haul [syndrome] is ivermectin, for many reasons.”
Why Ivermectin?
As noted by Kory, ivermectin is a potent antiviral. “That’s been demonstrated for 10 years now in the lab on a number of viruses,” he says. “They’ve shown that it interrupts replication of Zika, Dengue, West Nile, even HIV. And then the clinical studies are just overwhelming.” He continues:
“Can I just take one minute to say that if anyone wants to call ivermectin a controversial medicine, I just want to call out it is absolutely not controversial.
It is a medicine that is buried in corruption, and the corruption is in the suppressing of its efficacy. There are immense powers that do not want the efficacy of that drug to be known because, if it is known and becomes standard of care, it will obliterate the market for a number of novel pharmaceutical products.
When you look at the actions taken against ivermectin, it can only be understood that it’s threatening something big and powerful, because boy has it been attacked [even though it’s been used in] 64 controlled trials, almost every single one of them showing benefit, many of them large benefits.
Yet they distort it to make it seem like it’s controversial. It’s absurd. We know it works. We know it from in vitro, in vivo animal studies, and case series.”
One of the first case series, from the Dominican Republic, was published in June 2020. They treated 3,300 consecutive emergency room COVID patients with ivermectin. Of those, only 16 went on to be hospitalized and one died. That’s pretty profound, considering these were severely ill individuals.
Importantly though, there is a dose-response relationship to the viral load. The Delta variant has been shown to produce viral loads that are 250 times higher than Alpha, and as Delta became predominant, breakthrough cases in the prevention protocol started happening.
“I’m one of them. I got COVID while I was taking it weekly,” Kory says. “Now we’re doing it twice weekly. Is it the right dose? We’re not sure. But we’re seeing much fewer breakthroughs now on a higher dose. Could it be higher? Maybe. But, but we know it works as prevention.”
Higher doses of ivermectin are also used for treatment of Delta. In more advanced stages, the drug is useful thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Contrary to many other drugs, ivermectin is beneficial in all stages of the infection.
Vitamin D Optimization Is Crucial
Other components of the FLCC’s prevention and treatment protocols include products that have either antiviral or anti-inflammatory properties, or a combination thereof, such as melatonin, quercetin and zinc, and anticoagulants such as aspirin.
Ideally, everyone would optimize their vitamin D level before ever needing treatment for COVID. If you haven’t done so already, check your vitamin D blood level and if it’s below 40 ng/mL, start taking an oral supplement. Don’t wait until you’re sick. The medical literature suggests population-wide vitamin D optimization, to a level above 40 ng/mL, could have reduced COVID morbidity and mortality by about 80%.
“No question,” Kory says. “In fact … there was a study that came out, a huge database of patients, where they looked at patients who tested their vitamin D levels before they got ill. They estimated — and they did no fancy statistical modeling logistic regression — that at 50 ng/mL, there was zero mortality.
The federal government knows that vitamin D deficiency … is ubiquitous in nursing homes [and minorities] … So, that we didn’t have a vitamin D protocol nationally is criminal. Literally, it’s criminal.”
In the hospital treatment protocol, the FLCCC recommends using calcitriol, 0.5 micrograms on Day 1 and 0.25 mcg daily thereafter for six days. Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D typically produced in your kidneys.
This is because merely taking regular oral vitamin D fails in acute conditions as it takes weeks to be metabolized to its active form. Calcitriol is the active form, so it will start to work immediately. One can also take the vitamin D, though, as eventually adequate blood levels will be reached and the calcitriol can be discontinued.
Why Men Do Worse than Women in COVID
As mentioned earlier, the protocol also includes a number of nutraceuticals, such as quercetin and zinc. Another drug that looks promising is fluvoxamine, an antidepressant. Kory says:
“The studies continue to pan out, and even clinically, some of my colleagues who incorporated ivermectin with fluvoxamine saw much less treatment failures. I rank it as highly effective, but it doesn’t cure everybody. They saw an occasional treatment fail and they said it really disappeared once they use the combo.
For someone older or with more advanced disease, more comorbidities, obese patients, diabetics, I tend to throw the kitchen sink at those folks. I try to use as many elements in the protocol as I can. So there, I’ll add fluvoxamine.
The game changer now is antiandrogens. We use spironolactone, which is a potassium-sparing diuretic, at doses above 100 mg a day. It has potent antiandrogen properties, as well as dutasteride, a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, which also suppresses testosterone.
Androgens seem to be a huge potential driver of this illness, not only in terms of driving viral replication, but also in potentially aiding inflammation … The trials on that are really, really potent … so, we have an antiandrogen aspect. I’ve been using that on some of my older or more advanced disease patients. I’ll add that on pretty quick.”
Home Treatment Recommendations for COVID
While it can be difficult to find a doctor who is willing to actually treat COVID-19 with the FLCCC protocol (or any other for that matter), many of those who are willing are making full use of telemedicine.
This is a load of information to review, especially if you are fatigued and sick with COVID or have a family member struggling. So, I reviewed all the protocols and believe the FLCCC one is the easiest and most effective to follow. I’ve posted it below.
However, I’ve altered some of the dosages, and added a few more therapies that they have yet to include, such as:
Nebulize hydrogen peroxide 5 ml of 0.1% peroxide dissolved in 0.9% normal saline every hour or two. It’s best to use nebulizer that plugs into the wall, as these are more effective than battery operated ones.
Intravenous ozone administered by a trained ozone physician.
NAC 500 mg twice a day.
Make sure the honey is raw honey, not normal honey from the grocery store. Raw honey can be obtained online or at a health food store.
Fibrinolytic enzymes like lumbrokinase, serrapeptidase or nattokinase, two to four tablets, two to three times a day, on an empty stomach (one hour before or two hours after a meal). This will help break down any microclots.
Decrease zinc dose from 100 mg to 50 mg elemental zinc, but only for three days, then decrease to 15 mg elemental zinc.
Increased quercetin from 250 mg to 500 mg.
Change vitamin C to liposomal C 1,000 to 2,000 mg four to six times per day.
CoQ10 is the third-most consumed supplement, after sh oil and multivitaminsCoQ10 keeps your mitochondria healthy and plays a crucial role in the production of ATP, the cellular energy required to keep you alive CoQ10 deciencies have been linked to many health problems, including migraines, heart disease and cancer Conversely, supplementing with CoQ10, or the natural form called ubiquinol, may help improve several chronic health conditions such as AFib, NAFLD and heart failure.
While 89% of people aged 65 and older take at least one prescription medication, 54% take four or more
A commentary by Dr. Mark E. Williams detailed the case of “Allison,” who was taking 43 different medications and suffering multiple side effects as a result
Polypharmacy is a preventable risk factor for hospital admission in older adults, due to adverse drug events
The risks of polypharmacy include mortality, falls, adverse drug reactions, increased length of hospital stay and hospital readmission
A holistic approach, one that addresses the key tenets of good health and creates real wellness instead of attempting to cover up symptoms with more pills, is needed to achieve optimal health
Polypharmacy, or the use of multiple medications, is common in older adults. While 89% of people aged 65 and older take at least one prescription medication, 54% take four or more.1 Data from Merck similarly found that nearly 80% of older adults regularly take at least two prescription drugs while 36% regularly use five or more different drugs — and this doesn’t include over-the-counter medications.2
Adverse effects from polypharmacy are common and may drive patients to seek out ever-more drugs to treat the side effects caused by their unsafe drug regimen. It’s a vicious cycle, one that’s perpetuated by a broken health care system that revolves around pharmaceutical-driven, fragmented care.
Not only do many patients see multiple doctors, each of whom may prescribe their own set of medications, but patients may pressure doctors to prescribe drugs they’ve seen on direct-to-consumer advertisements. Instead of looking at the big picture of how to get healthy, tending to essential factors like diet, stress and physical activity, “health care” for seniors often turns into “drug care,” with potentially disastrous results.
One Patient — 43 Prescription Drugs
A commentary by Dr. Mark E. Williams published on Medscape highlights just how extreme polypharmacy can become. In some cases, it’s not “just” four or five medications but dozens of them, and in the case of Williams’ patient “Allison,” it was 43. The woman had been transferred to a chronic care facility for long-term care due to bipolar illness.
Days earlier, she was treated at a hospital for mental health issues, which Williams said “was probably related to inappropriate polypharmacy.”3
“Despite being admitted to the hospital for adverse drug reactions related to polypharmacy, Allison was discharged to my facility on 43 prescription medications and an almost equal number of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. It took more than 10 minutes for the nurse to review the admission medications with me over the phone,” he wrote.4
Allison’s symptoms included fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches, headache, nausea, insomnia and more, and she requested additional medications to treat them. Not only was the woman taking duplicate medications meant to treat the same symptoms, but she was also taking medications intended to treat common adverse effects.
“The ‘chemical soup’ in her body is leading to mental and physical problems,” Williams told the patient’s daughter, but she, too, bought into the notion that more drugs equaled better care. After overcoming the patient’s resistance to going off the drugs, over a three-month period Williams was able to reduce Allison’s medications to about 15 — still a staggering number, but less so than 43.
“Allison improved, both mentally and physically,” Williams wrote,5 but challenges still ensued, including the patient demanding a memory drug she had seen advertised on television, and an incident in which her daughter gave her an over-the-counter sleep aid, leading to lethargy, confusion and slurred speech.
Ultimately, Allison was transferred to another facility, where the dangerous polypharmacy undoubtedly continued. While Williams’ commentary highlights an extreme case, it’s not unique — polypharmacy is prevalent among seniors.
Polypharmacy Worsens Health
When medications are prescribed in excess, including to treat the side effects of other drugs, the patient’s health suffers. “The use of numerous medications may result in medication-related problems such as inappropriate indications, therapeutic duplication, adverse effects, drug interactions, unnecessary medications, poor adherence and a strain on health care resources,” according to a featured article in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners.6
It also noted that polypharmacy is a preventable risk factor for hospital admission in older adults, due to adverse drug events. The risks of polypharmacy, meanwhile, are well noted. In BMC Geriatrics, adverse outcomes including mortality, falls, adverse drug reactions, increased length of hospital stay and hospital readmission are listed, and the risk of harm increases with the number of medications.7 According to the systematic review:8
“Harm can result due to a multitude of factors including drug-drug interactions and drug-disease interactions. Older patients are at even greater risk of adverse effects due to decreased renal and hepatic function, lower lean body mass, reduced hearing, vision, cognition and mobility.”
In 2007, Dr. Michael Stern, geriatric emergency medicine specialist at New York Presbyterian Hospital, even told a New York Times reporter that polypharmacy accounts for more than one-fourth of all admissions to the hospital and that it would be considered the fifth leading cause of death if it were categorized that way.9
Older People Are More Vulnerable to Drug Side Effects
The fact that older people are more likely to be taking more prescription drugs is a double-edged sword, as the elderly are already at increased risk of drug side effects. In fact, the elderly are estimated to be twice as susceptible to adverse drug events compared to younger people.
“Side effects are also likely to be more severe, affecting quality of life and resulting in visits to the doctor and in hospitalization,” according to the Merck Manual, which also explains several reasons why older people are so vulnerable to drug side effects:10
Older people have less water and more fat tissue in the body; this allows higher concentrations of drugs that dissolve in water and increased accumulation of drugs that dissolve in fat
The kidneys are less effective at excreting drugs into urine
The liver is less able to metabolize drugs, so they’re not removed as readily from the body
“Older people are more likely to have chronic medical disorders that may be worsened by drugs or that may affect how the drugs work”
Some common examples of how drugs may affect seniors differently include blood pressure drugs, which may lead to more dramatic drops in older people, leading to symptoms of dizziness and falls. Older adults may also become confused and sleepy when using antianxiety drugs, more so than typically seen in younger people. Such effects may only be compounded when multiple drugs are being taken at the same time.
In fact, due to changes that occur during biological aging, it’s now recognized that medications should be clinically tested specifically with older adults in mind. However, older adults are often excluded from clinical trials, which means the safety and efficacy of drugs in this population is often unknown, with supportive evidence lacking.
“Inevitably, this lack of evidence has often led to inappropriate drug treatment and, consequently, to various adverse clinical outcomes,” according to a review published in March 2021 in European Geriatric Medicine.11
Why Are so Many More Seniors Taking Antidepressants?
Overprescribing is rampant among the senior population, and antidepressants are one such example. There’s been a major rise in the number of antidepressants being prescribed for older adults over the last two decades, without a similarly sharp increase in the number depressed, according to a study published in The British Journal of Psychiatry.12
The findings suggest seniors may be being overprescribed antidepressant drugs, which could have serious implications for their health, although the researchers weren’t willing to state this, noting instead, “we can’t infer that older patients are prescribed antidepressants unnecessarily.”13
In the first study group, 4.2% of the adults were taking antidepressants, but this jumped to 10.7% in the later study. During this time, the prevalence of depression decreased, but only slightly, from 7.9% to 6.8%.14 Also noteworthy, among older adults living in care homes, the prevalence of depression was unchanged but the use of antidepressants rose from 7.4% to 29.2%.15
There were a few suggestions offered for why antidepressant prescribing rates increased so steeply without a similar increase in depression, including overdiagnosis or prescribing the drugs for conditions other than depression. However, most of those prescribed antidepressants had not been diagnosed with depression.
Further, antidepressants carry a risk of side effects that could easily spiral into more drug prescriptions. For instance, antidepressant users have an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes,16 and antidepressant use has been linked to thicker arteries, which could contribute to the risk of heart disease and stroke.17
Nearly Half of Over 75s Take Statins
Statin cholesterol-lowering drugs are another example of a wildly overprescribed drug class that’s contributing to polypharmacy risks. In the U.S., close to 50% of U.S. adults over 75 years take a statin,18 even though their use may also harm brain health — more than doubling risk of dementia in some cases.19
A connection also exists between statins and diabetes, to the extent that people who take statins are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than those who do not, and those who take the drugs for longer than two years have more than triple the risk.20,21 With a diabetes diagnosis, of course, comes more drugs.
Often, statins are unnecessary in the first place. While they are effective at lowering cholesterol, whether this is the panacea for helping avoid heart disease and extend lifespan is a topic of heated debate. In 2018, a scientific review presented substantial evidence that high LDL and total cholesterol are not an indication of heart disease risk, and that statin treatment is of doubtful benefit as a form of primary prevention for this reason.22
Drugs Don’t Equate to Good Health
Overprescribing pills is setting up seniors for a downward spiral of increasing side effects and worsening health. A holistic approach is needed, one that addresses the key tenets of good health and creates real wellness instead of attempting to cover up symptoms with more pills.
As just one example, in a study of older depressed adults, 80% experienced a significant reduction in depressive symptoms after taking up strength training for 10 weeks, such that researchers concluded that the exercise was “an effective antidepressant in depressed elders, while also improving strength, morale and quality of life.”23
It’s important to work with a health care provider who understands the risks of polypharmacy and the fact that good health doesn’t come from a pill. Only by building a health plan that addresses diet, exercise, sleep, emotional wellness and toxic exposures, along with only targeted and truly necessary medications and/or supplements, can you reach optimal health.
A September 2020 meta-analysis concludes there is a significant relationship between autism and concentrations of lead and mercury in the body
According to the researchers, mercury concentration is a pathogenic cause for autism, meaning it’s a causative factor
According to a 2014 review, there is evidence of malfeasance and conflicts of interest in studies claiming that thimerosal in vaccines is safe
Serious flaws and errors also plague studies that claim aluminum in vaccines is safe. A mathematical error found in a key FDA study has reignited concerns about the safety of aluminum in vaccines
Glutathione is the dominant agent that binds to and helps move mercury and other heavy metals out of your tissues. Part of effective detox involves upregulating your biochemistry to facilitate the mobilization and elimination of metals
This article was previously published October 13, 2020, and has been updated with new information.
The controversy over whether mercury overexposure can trigger autism is a long-standing one. A new meta-analysis of previous studies sheds much needed light on the matter, concluding there’s a “significant relationship” between the two.
The review,1,2 published in the September 2020 issue of Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, looked at 18 studies conducted between 1982 and 2019 that examined the relationship between concentrations of copper, lead or mercury in blood, plasma, hair or nails and the prevalence of autism. While no relationship was found between autism and copper concentrations, a high degree of correlation was found for mercury and lead.
According to the authors,3 the relationship between mercury and autism is so strong that “the concentration of mercury can be listed as a pathogenic cause (disease-causing) for autism.” This held true even when outlier studies that might unduly influence the results were removed.
Mercury Is a Causative Factor
In the introduction, the authors point out that studies carried out in this area suggest mercury and other toxins are involved in the cause of autism, which include abnormal brain development that affects social interaction and communication skills.
“Metals’ biological effects are associated with their chemical properties, suggesting that excessive metal exposure can cause brain abnormalities around the world,” the researchers state.4
“Mercury is considered as a risk factor for autism since, according to previous studies, it has been recognized as a neurotrophic toxin. Reduction in mercury content in hair and teeth of the children with autism aroused the low disposal of mercury hypothesis.
Blaurock-Bush et al found that heavy metals are effective in the development of autism disorder. The role of mercury in the pathogenesis of autism has also been proven in other studies …
According to points raised in the present study … it would be quite reasonable to advise prevention of exposure to mercury and lead in children and provision of suitable conditions during the sensitive period of mothers’ pregnancy as vital measures to prevent the disease …”
A 2017 review paper,5 “The Toxicology of Mercury: Current Research and Emerging Trends,” details the “kinetics of this metal,” including “its metabolism, interaction with other metals, distribution, internal doses and targets and reservoir organs.” The paper cites several studies linking mercury and autism among its references, noting that:6
“Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been demonstrated to be accompanied by distorted metal homeostasis. The degree to which people are affected by the metals seems to be largely influenced by the individual genetic makeup.
Especially Hg [mercury] exposure has become a suspected causative factor for many pathological conditions, and several sources of exposure to Hg compounds can be listed, including dental amalgam fillings, seafood, vaccines and increasingly from energy saving light bulbs as well.”
Malfeasance in Research Showing Thimerosal Safety
In the video above, the University of Calgary faculty of medicine illustrates how mercury causes neuronal degeneration in your brain. While there are many environmental sources of mercury exposure, some of the most prominent ones include high-mercury fish, dental amalgam and thimerosal-containing vaccines.
Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative used in certain vaccines. While it has been removed from most childhood vaccines, it is still used in some multidose vials, meaning vials that contain more than a single dose of the vaccine.
Remarkably, while the fact that mercury is neurotoxic is noncontroversial, health authorities still insist injected thimerosal is perfectly safe and has never been linked to neurological dysfunction. How could that be?
In 2014, a review article7 in the BioMed Research International journal titled, “Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines Is Safe,” noted that:
“The studies upon which the CDC relies and over which it exerted some level of control report that there is no increased risk of autism from exposure to organic Hg in vaccines, and some of these studies even reported that exposure to Thimerosal appeared to decrease the risk of autism.
These six studies are in sharp contrast to research conducted by independent researchers over the past 75+ years that have consistently found Thimerosal to be harmful … Many studies conducted by independent investigators have found Thimerosal to be associated with neurodevelopmental disorders.
Several studies, for example, including three of the six studies covered in this review, have found Thimerosal to be a risk factor for tics. In addition, Thimerosal has been found to be a risk factor in speech delay, language delay, attention deficit disorder, and autism.
Considering that there are many studies conducted by independent researchers which show a relationship between Thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders, the results of the six studies examined in this review, particularly those showing the protective effects of Thimerosal, should bring into question the validity of the methodology used in the studies …
Importantly … five of the publications examined in this review were directly commissioned by the CDC, raising the possible issue of conflict of interests or research bias, since vaccine promotion is a central mission of the CDC.
Conceivably, if serious neurological disorders are found to be related to Thimerosal in vaccines, such findings could possibly be viewed as damaging to the vaccine program.”
Aluminum Is Another Neurotoxic Poison
Today, the most commonly used vaccine preservative is aluminum, not thimerosal. It’s unfortunate that the Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics review did not include it, because it’s likely that aluminum has a similar impact on autism as mercury.
According to a 2018 study,8 people with autism were found to have high amounts of aluminum in their brains.
“The mean (standard deviation) aluminium content across all 5 individuals for each lobe were 3.82(5.42), 2.30(2.00), 2.79(4.05) and 3.82(5.17) μg/g dry wt. for the occipital, frontal, temporal and parietal lobes respectively,” the researchers noted.9
The lead author on this paper was Dr. Christopher Exley, a leading expert in aluminum toxicology. He and a team of international scientists have also published a paper10 in the December 2020 issue of the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.
In it, they provide evidence for their position that “the safety of aluminium-based vaccine adjuvants … must be seriously evaluated without further delay, particularly at a time when the CDC is announcing a still increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorders, of 1 child in 54 in the USA.”
As with thimerosal above, serious flaws and errors plague studies that claim aluminum in vaccines is safe, including a mathematical error found in a key U.S. Food and Drug Administration study has reignited concerns about its safety.
The FDA study,11 published in 2011, compared aluminum exposure from vaccines in infants to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s (ATSDR) safety limit of oral aluminum, concluding that:12
“… the body burden of aluminum from vaccines and diet throughout an infant’s first year of life is significantly less than the corresponding safe body burden of aluminum modeled using the regulatory MRL.
We conclude that episodic exposures to vaccines that contain aluminum adjuvant continue to be extremely low risk to infants and that the benefits of using vaccines containing aluminum adjuvant outweigh any theoretical concerns.”
The problem, found by Physicians for Informed Consent, is that the FDA based its calculations on 0.78% of oral aluminum being absorbed into the bloodstream instead of the value of 0.1% used by the ATSDR.
“As a result,” Physicians for Informed Consent noted,13 “the FDA paper assumed that nearly 8 (0.78%/0.1%) times more aluminum can safely enter the bloodstream, and this led the authors to incorrectly conclude that aluminum exposure from vaccines was well below the safety limit.” Christopher Shaw, a professor at the University of British Columbia who has studied the effects of injected aluminum, explained in a news release:14
“We knew that the [2011] Mitkus et al. paper modeling aluminum clearance had to be inaccurate since it was assuming that injected aluminum kinetics were the same as the kinetics of aluminum acquired through diet.
Now, in addition, we see that they did their modeling based on using the incorrect level of aluminum absorption. What is particularly striking is that despite all these errors, since 2011, Mitkus et al. is used by CDC and other entities as the basis for claiming that aluminum adjuvants are safe.”
The Dangers of Lead
Lead is a naturally occurring metal that was once commonly used in gasoline, paint and children’s toys, and is still a part of batteries, pipes, pottery, roofing materials and cosmetics. Due to environmental pollution, food and water has also become a source of this dangerous toxin.
If you live in an urban area or near a busy road, it’s probably best to assume that your soil is contaminated with lead to some extent. This is also an issue if you plan to plant a vegetable garden, as vegetables can take up lead from the soil very efficiently.
Lead damages your brain and nervous system, and has been shown to lower IQ. Even small amounts can be dangerous, as lead builds up in your body over time. Children under 6 are especially at risk, as they absorb lead more easily than adults.
Herbert Needleman was a researcher who studied neurodevelopmental damage caused by lead poisoning,15 and he performed much of the foundational research showing even low levels of lead were dangerous. Another crucial crusader against lead was geochemist Clair Cameron Patterson, Ph.D.
It’s thanks to Patterson’s tireless work that lead was finally removed from gasoline, thereby saving untold billions of people from serious harm.16 He’s an unsung public health hero of the 20th century that most people have never heard of.
The video below is a short summary of the evolution of leaded gas, and ultimately, its removal, which was no small feat. Unfortunately, there are many other sources of toxic metals, and unless we address them all, we’re unlikely to get a handle on the autism epidemic.
We’re Getting Mercury Out of Dentistry
As mentioned, dental mercury is one pernicious source of mercury. Here, there is good news. After years of pressure from Consumers for Dental Choice and its allies, the FDA has finally released a long-overdue safety communication on dental amalgam.17 September 24, 2020, the FDA issued a warning that mercury fillings may adversely affect:
Pregnant women and their developing fetuses
Women who are planning to become pregnant
Nursing women and their newborns and infants
Children, especially those younger than 6
People with pre-existing neurological disease such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease
People with impaired kidney function
People with known heightened sensitivity (allergy) to mercury or other components of dental amalgam
While the FDA downplays the importance of its changed recommendation by stressing that the benefits of dental amalgam likely “outweigh their risks for most patients,” this update is nothing short of monumental, and opens the door, finally, for the elimination of dental mercury for all patients in the U.S., as has been done in many other countries already.
Detoxifying Heavy Metals
Heavy metal detoxification is no simple matter. Glutathione is the dominant agent that binds to and helps move mercury and other heavy metals out of your tissues. Part of effective detox involves upregulating your biochemistry to facilitate the mobilization and elimination of metals. In summary, the three pillars of heavy metal detox are:
Cleanse and clear your GI tract of metals and toxins
Optimize glutathione
Upregulate detox genes
One way to help improve your glutathione is by taking N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which is a precursor to and rate-limiting nutrient for the formation of glutathione. Glutathione is poorly absorbed so, in many cases, it’s easier to raise your glutathione by taking NAC instead.
In addition to upregulating your biochemistry to mobilize and eliminate heavy metals, sauna bathing can also go a long way toward eliminating mercury and other toxins from your body.
In January 2020, I interviewed Boyd Haley, Ph.D., a chemist specializing in the development of chemicals to chelate toxic metals. Haley has developed a nontoxic chelating compound called emeramide or NBMI (brand name Irminix), which tightly binds to mercury and free iron (which is also highly toxic), and acts as a potent antioxidant, as it has two glutathione arms.
Emeramid is still under drug development but can be obtained via expanded access, named patient use, compassionate use or special use, depending on the country you’re in. An early access application and prescription, required by the EMA, is available on the company’s website,
In closing, the evidence strongly suggests exposure to mercury, lead and aluminum are significant risk factors for autism and other neuropathologies. The simplest answer to the autism epidemic is therefore to prevent children from these kinds of exposures. That includes banning dental amalgam and getting thimerosal and aluminum out of all vaccines.
One study published in Nutrients found supplementing with vitamin D in patients with confirmed COVID-19 shortened the length of hospitalization, even in those with comorbidities
This data is part of mounting evidence that those with optimal levels of vitamin D may have a reduced risk of getting infected and, if infected, a lowered risk of severe disease and mortality
The only way to definitively identify a deficiency is through a blood test. Look for these general signs and symptoms that you need to get tested sooner rather than later. They include frequent infections, fatigue, daytime sleepiness and head sweating
Since the start of the pandemic, natural supplements have been a bone of contention with researchers, pharmaceutical companies, doctors and health experts. Newly published data1 again support past research that vitamin D has a significant impact on COVID-19.
Vitamin D was discovered in the early 1900s. Work by Sir Edward Mellanby from Great Britain and Elmer McCollum from the University of Wisconsin demonstrated that vitamin D could cure rickets.2 In the early 1970s, 25-OH-D3 was identified as scientists focused on the endocrine system, and the function that vitamin D has in the body.
Your body is capable of producing vitamin D with exposure to sunlight.3 In fact, with adequate exposure, your skin can produce enough vitamin D to support your health. Early research showed that too little vitamin D led to poor calcium homeostasis. In turn, this can lead to osteoporosis, osteomalacia and rickets.
Multiple studies4,5 have since demonstrated that a deficiency “is associated with increased risk and greater severity of infection, particularly of the respiratory tract.”6 While nearly every study finds a relationship between vitamin D and upper respiratory infections, not all find that vitamin D has the same impact on the infections.
One factor that may influence the varied results is how the researchers measure the intervention and data. In other words, are they measuring the amount of supplementation being given or are they looking at the vitamin D blood levels demonstrating deficiency against the impact on infection?7
Study Shows Vitamin D Shortens COVID and Decreases Mortality
A study8 published in November 2021 sought to identify if vitamin D may play a role in the treatment of COVID-19. The researchers noted that patients admitted to the intensive care unit had high plasma levels of biomarkers indicating inflammation. They wrote:9
“Given the natural three-stage clinical course of the disease, inadequate innate immune response in the first stage and immune-mediated damage due to dysregulated immune response in the second stage are considered to be the major determinants of poor outcomes.”
Should a supplement or drug be able to support the immune response in the first or second stage, it may help reduce the severity and mortality of the illness. The researchers first gathered retrospective data from 867 patients at the Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Faculty Hospital.
The patients had a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 but were excluded from the cohort if they had comorbidities associated with vitamin D deficiency, such as cancer, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease or autoimmune diseases. Each of the patients received an antiviral and some received anti-cytokine treatment. Clinical outcomes were measured against serum vitamin D status.
In the retrospective arm of the study, the researchers split the participants into four groups determined by their serum 25OHD level. The data from this arm revealed that the risk of hospitalization longer than eight days was 1.9 times higher in patients in three of the groups.
The second part was designed as a prospective study involving 210 people with confirmed COVID-19. The researchers included 23 healthy individuals. In this group there were 163 participants with serum 25OHD levels less than 30 ng/mL. These individuals received vitamin D3 treatment according to the protocol that was created by reviewing evidence from past literature.
The researchers administered vitamin D3 based on whether patients were an inpatient or in the ICU and which group they were in. The total time the vitamin D was administered ranged from 14 days for inpatients to three days for ICU patients.
Researchers measured peripheral blood samples in all their patients on Days 1 through 3 before treatment and on Day 7 and Day 14 in those who received treatment. Participants in the prospective group were also treated according to the current national guidelines, which at the time did not recommend vitamin D supplementation.
The treatment protocol increased the serum 25OHD level significantly above 30 ng/mL within two weeks in those receiving the intervention. They found that vitamin D treatment shortened the length of hospitalization in those with COVID-19, even when there were comorbidities present. They concluded:10
“Having vitamin D treatment decreased the mortality rate by 2.14 times. It has been determined that vitamin D supplementation is effective on various targeted parameters; therefore, it is an important parameter for the course of COVID-19, and serum vitamin D levels and correlation analyses between these parameters confirm this inference.”
Further Evidence Vitamin D Impacts COVID Outcome
There is strong scientific evidence that vitamin D plays a central role in your immune response and your ability to fight infections. In this video, Ivor Cummins, biochemist and chief program officer for Irish Heart Disease Awareness, explains how recent studies supporting higher levels of vitamin D may reduce your risk of negative outcomes from COVID-19.
He also identifies some of the conditions known to be associated with low vitamin D levels. These include low sun exposure, insulin and leptin resistance, high levels of inflammation and a poor diet. One study Cummins reviews was released by Mark Alipio, who received no funding for his work.11
The data was an analysis of 212 people who had lab-confirmed COVID-19 and for whom serum 25OHD levels were available. Alipio used the classification system based on past research similar to the four categories used in the featured Nutrients study. The difference was that two categories from the featured study were combined, but the classification of the other two remained the same.
Alipio discovered that vitamin D levels were strongly correlated to the severity of illness. As you can see in the graphic Cummins used from the study at minute 2:20 in the video above, of the 49 who had mild illness, 47 had vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL. It is important to note that most experts consider this level roughly half of what optimal vitamin D levels should be, which is 40ng/mL to 60ng/mL.12
This means 96% of the patients with mild illness had normal levels of vitamin D.13 Of the other two categories combining severe or critical illness, only 4% had normal levels of vitamin D.
One early study14 hypothesized that vitamin D protects the body against SARS-CoV-2 infections and sought to assess if there was an association between vitamin D levels and the number of COVID-19 infections. The data included only European countries and found a significant relationship between the mean (average) vitamin D level and the number of infections.15
People who were most vulnerable to this respiratory infection were the most deficient. Another early study that evaluated the role vitamin D deficiency plays in preventing respiratory infections found similar results.16 The researchers wrote that vitamin D had:17
“… significant protective effect when it was given daily or weekly to people with lowest vitamin D levels: the risk of having at least one ARI was reduced from 60% to 32% in these people.”
Later studies throughout 2020 and 2021 have added to the mounting evidence that vitamin D has a significant effect on the severity and mortality of people with COVID-19 and may help reduce hospitalization rates.
Low vitamin D is associated with rising inflammatory cytokines and increased risk of pneumonia and respiratory tract infections.18
Vitamin D influences the regulation of the inflammatory cascade and deficiency is associated with “increased risk of infections including influenza virus, tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the recent pandemic due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).”19
Vitamin D deficiency increases risk of COVID-19 severity and mortality.20
Vitamin D reduces inflammation caused by T-cells, which could potentially benefit people with COVID-19.21,22
Literature review showed serum levels of vitamin D are associated with the risk of infection, severity of illness and mortality from COVID-19.23
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of infection, severity of illness and mortality from COVID-19; presented at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2021 Annual Meeting.24
Data revealed that 83% of 11,901 patients from 23 studies were either deficient or had insufficient levels of vitamin D making the odds of getting infected 3.3 times higher and developing severe disease five times higher in those with deficiency.25
The active form of vitamin D can inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.26,27
Vitamin D deficiency in 489 patients increased the risk of testing positive by 1.77 times compared to those with sufficient levels. Deficiency was defined by levels of 25OHD of less than 20ng/mL.28
Bolus vitamin D supplementation in frail elderly just before or during COVID-19 was associated with better survival rates and less severe disease.29
Study demonstrated the association between vitamin D deficiency and severity and mortality from COVID-19.30
Vitamin D supplementation may prevent COVID-19 or treat the disease in adults and children.31
Top Signs You May Have a Vitamin D Deficiency
The only way to definitively identify a vitamin D deficiency is through blood testing. However, there are some general signs and symptoms that may indicate you should get your vitamin D tested sooner rather than later.
Ongoing musculoskeletal pain or achy bones32
Frequent illnesses or infections33
Neurological symptoms,34 including depression35
Fatigue and daytime sleepiness36,37
Head sweating38
One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of measuring your vitamin D level is to participate in GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action,39 which is a vitamin D intervention population program. The test is done in the convenience of your home and the results are sent directly to you.
Those at highest risk of dying from COVID-19 are also at highest risk of dying from the COVID shot. The shots are also causing severe heart damage in younger people whose risk of dying from COVID is inconsequential
While you only get at most six months’ worth of protection from the COVID shot, each injection will cause damage for 15 months as your body continuously produces toxic spike protein
The spike protein is responsible for COVID-19-related heart and vascular problems, and it has the same effect when produced by your own cells. It causes blood clots, myocarditis and pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks and neurological damage, just to name a few
The safety signal is very clear, with 19,249 deaths having been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System as of November 19, 2021. Historically, drugs and vaccines are pulled off the market after about 50 suspected deaths
Children aged 12 to 17 are five times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID jab-induced myocarditis than they are to be hospitalized for COVID-19 infection
The video above features Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist, and editor of two peer-review journals, who has been on the media and medical frontlines fighting for early COVID treatment. McCullough has also been outspoken about the potential dangers of the COVID shots, and the lack of necessity for them. Curiously, agencies that are currently calling the shots do not have the authority to dictate how medicine is practiced.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, for example, has no power to tell doctors what to do or how to treat patients. The National Institutes of Health are a government research organization and cannot tell doctors how to treat patients.
Ditto for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is an epidemiologic analysis organization. It is the job of practicing doctors to identify appropriate and effective treatment protocols, which is precisely what McCullough has been doing since the start of this pandemic.
In August 2020, McCullough’s landmark paper “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection” was published online in the American Journal of Medicine.1
A follow-up paper, “Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)” was published in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine in December 2020.2 It became the basis for a home treatment guide.
COVID Shots Are Dangerous and Ineffective
When it comes to the COVID injections, McCullough cites research showing those at highest risk of dying from COVID-19 are also at highest risk of dying from the COVID shot. Additionally, the shots are causing severe heart damage in younger people whose risk of dying from COVID is inconsequential.
He points out the safety signal is very clear, with 19,249 deaths having been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System as of November 19, 2021.3
The signal is also consistent both internally and externally. A number of side effects are reported in high numbers, and very close to the time of injection, that validate the suspicion that the shots are at fault. The U.S. data are also consistent with data from other countries, such as the Yellow Card system in the U.K.
Despite that, not a single safety review has been conducted to weed out risk factors and the like. “We’re almost a year into the program and there’s been no attempt at risk mitigation,” McCullough says. At the same time, there have been gross attempts to coerce Americans into taking the shots — everything from free beer or a free lap dance, to million-dollar lotteries and paid scholarships to state universities.
Such enticements are an undeniable violation of research ethics that strictly forbid any and all kinds of coercion of human subjects. As suspected and predicted, no sooner had bribery stopped working than government officials started talking about vaccine mandates.
President Biden infamously stated that his patience with “vaccine hesitancy” was “wearing thin.” The insinuation was that if people didn’t get the shot, they’d face serious repercussions, and we’re now seeing those repercussions play out day by day, as people are being fired and kicked out of school for refusing the jab.
Meanwhile, they haven’t even determined which vaccine is the most effective, which is remarkable. If government really wanted to end the pandemic with a vaccine, wouldn’t they determine which shot works the best and promote the use of that? But no, they tell us any shot will do.
“The fact that there’s no safety report, they’re not telling you if you’re taking the best vaccine, the fact that it’s kind of in a distorted way linked to your ability to work and go to school, that we’re violating the Nuremberg Code, violating the declaration of Helsinki — it’s just not adding up. It’s not looking good for those who are promoting the vaccine,” McCullough says.
Add to all that the now-clear finding that the shots offer only limited protection for a very short time — six months at best. According to McCullough, there are more than 20 studies showing efficacy drops to nothing at the six-month mark. They’ve also had very limited effectiveness against the Delta variant, which has been the predominant strain for several months.
Why Booster Treadmill Is Such a Health Hazard
I’ve often stated that, in all likelihood, your risk of side effects will rise with each additional shot. McCullough cites research showing your body will produce the toxic SARS-CoV-2 spike protein for 15 months.
If your body is still producing the spike protein — which is what’s causing the blood clots and cardiovascular damage — and you take an additional shot every six months, there will come a time when your body simply cannot withstand the damage being caused by all the spike protein being produced.
Also consider this: While you only get at most six months’ worth of protection from any given shot, each injection will cause damage for 15 months. If we continue with boosters, eventually, it’s going to be impossible to ever clear out the spike protein.
While the spike protein is the part of the virus chosen as the antigen, the part that triggers an immune response, it’s also the part of the virus that causes the worst disease. The spike protein is responsible for COVID-19-related heart and vascular problems, and it has the same effect when produced by your own cells.
It causes blood clots, myocarditis and pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks and neurological damage, just to name a few. As noted by McCullough, the spike protein of this virus was genetically engineered to be more dangerous to humans than any previous coronavirus, and that is what the COVID shots are programming your cells to produce. “They’re just grossly unsafe for human use,” McCullough says.
Myocarditis Will Likely Be Widespread
He goes on to discuss research from 2017,4 which showed myocarditis in children and youth occurs at a rate of four cases per million per year. Assuming there are 60 million American children, the background rate for myocarditis would be 240 cases a year. How many cases of myocarditis have been reported to VAERS following COVID injection so far? 14,428 as of November 19, 2021.5
“Doctors have never seen so many cases of myocarditis,” McCullough says, citing research showing that among children between the ages of 12 and 17, 87% are hospitalized after receiving the shot. “That’s how dangerous it is,” he says. “It is frequent, and it is severe.”
Yet the FDA claims myocarditis after the COVID shot is “rare and mild.” We’re now also getting reports of fatal cases of myocarditis in adults in their 30s and 40s. “Myocarditis right now looks like an unqualified disaster,” McCullough says, both for younger people and adults.
Sadly, children also reap no benefit from the shots, so it’s all risk and no benefit for them. McCullough points out there has been no recorded school outbreaks and no child-to-teacher transmission. He estimates 80% of school aged children are already immune, which would explain this.
Meanwhile, research cited in the interview found that children aged 12 to 17 are five times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID jab-induced myocarditis than they are to be hospitalized for COVID infection. These data counter the claim that COVID-induced heart problems are a far greater problem than “vaccine”-induced heart damage.
And let’s not forget, if you take a COVID shot, you have a 100% chance of being exposed to whatever risk is associated with that shot. On the other hand, if you decline the injection, it’s not 100% chance you’ll get COVID-19, let alone die from it. You have a less than 1% chance of being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and getting sick.
So, it’s 100% deterministic that taking the shot exposes you to the risks of the shot, and less than 1% deterministic that you’ll get COVID if you don’t take the shot.
COVID-19 Unrelated to Vaccination Rates
As noted by McCullough, rates of COVID are higher now in the highest vaccinated areas than they were before the vaccine rollout. That too tells us they aren’t working and not worth the risk.
He cites research6 published September 30, 2021, in the European Journal of Epidemiology, which found no relationship between COVID-19 cases and levels of vaccination in 68 countries worldwide and 2,947 counties in the U.S. If anything, areas with high vaccination rates had slightly higher incidences of COVID-19. According to the authors:7
“[T]he trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”
Iceland and Portugal, for example, where more than 75% of their populations are fully vaccinated, had more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than Vietnam and South Africa, where only about 10% of the populations are fully vaccinated.8 Data from U.S. counties showed the same thing. New COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people were “largely similar,” regardless of the percentage of a state’s population that was fully vaccinated.
“There … appears to be no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated,” the authors wrote.9 Notably, out of the five U.S. counties with the highest vaccination rates — ranging from 84.3% to 99.9% fully vaccinated — four of them were on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “high transmission” list. Meanwhile, 26.3% of the 57 counties with “low transmission” have vaccination rates below 20%.
The study even accounted for a one-month lag time that could occur among the fully vaccinated, since it’s said that it takes two weeks after the final dose for “full immunity” to occur. Still, “no discernable association between COVID-19 cases and levels of fully vaccinated” was observed.10
Hospitalization rates for severe COVID infection have also risen, from 0.01% in January 2021 to 9% in May 2021, and the COVID death rate rose from zero percent to 15.1% in that same timeframe.11 In short, everything is getting worse, not better, the more people get these shots.
Allowing natural immunity to build is really the only rational way forward. But then again, the COVID jabs aren’t about protecting public health. They’re about ushering in a socio-economic control system via vaccine passports, which is something McCullough doesn’t discuss in this interview. Nothing makes sense if you look at it from a medical standpoint. It only makes sense if you see it for what it is, which is a control system.
Natural Immunity Is ‘Infinitely Better’ Than Vaccine Immunity
According to McCullough, “natural immunity is infinitely better than vaccine immunity,” and studies have borne that out time and again. The reason natural immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity is because viruses contain five different proteins.
The COVID shot induces antibodies against just one of those proteins, the spike protein, and no T cell immunity. When you’re infected with the whole virus, you develop antibodies against all parts of the virus, plus memory T cells.
This also means natural immunity offers better protection against variants, as it recognizes several parts of the virus. If there are significant alternations to the spike protein, as with the Delta variant, vaccine-induced immunity can be evaded. Not so with natural immunity, as the other proteins are still recognized and attacked.
Here’s a sampling of scholarly publications that have investigated natural immunity as it pertains to SARS-CoV-2 infection. There are several more in addition to these:12
Science Immunology October 202013 found that “RBD-targeted antibodies are excellent markers of previous and recent infection, that differential isotype measurements can help distinguish between recent and older infections, and that IgG responses persist over the first few months after infection and are highly correlated with neutralizing antibodies.”
The BMJ January 202114 concluded that “Of 11, 000 health care workers who had proved evidence of infection during the first wave of the pandemic in the U.K. between March and April 2020, none had symptomatic reinfection in the second wave of the virus between October and November 2020.”
Science February 202115 reported that “Substantial immune memory is generated after COVID-19, involving all four major types of immune memory [antibodies, memory B cells, memory CD8+ T cells, and memory CD4+ T cells].
About 95% of subjects retained immune memory at ~6 months after infection. Circulating antibody titers were not predictive of T cell memory. Thus, simple serological tests for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies do not reflect the richness and durability of immune memory to SARS-CoV-2.”
A 2,800-person study found no symptomatic reinfections over a ~118-day window, and a 1,246-person study observed no symptomatic reinfections over 6 months.
A February 2021 study posted on the prepublication server medRxiv16 concluded that “Natural infection appears to elicit strong protection against reinfection with an efficacy ~95% for at least seven months.”
An April 2021 study posted on medRxiv17 reported “the overall estimated level of protection from prior SARS-CoV-2 infection for documented infection is 94.8%; hospitalization 94.1%; and severe illness 96·4%. Our results question the need to vaccinate previously-infected individuals.”
Another April 2021 study posted on the preprint server BioRxiv18 concluded that “following a typical case of mild COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells not only persist but continuously differentiate in a coordinated fashion well into convalescence, into a state characteristic of long-lived, self-renewing memory.”
A May 2020 report in the journal Immunity19 confirmed that SARS-CoV-2-specific neutralizing antibodies are detected in COVID-19 convalescent subjects, as well as cellular immune responses. Here, they found that neutralizing antibody titers do correlate with the number of virus-specific T cells.
A May 2021 Nature article20 found SARS-CoV-2 infection induces long-lived bone marrow plasma cells, which are a crucial source of protective antibodies. Even after mild infection, anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibodies were detectable beyond 11 months’ post-infection.
A May 2021 study in E Clinical Medicine21 found “antibody detection is possible for almost a year post-natural infection of COVID-19.” According to the authors, “Based on current evidence, we hypothesize that antibodies to both S and N-proteins after natural infection may persist for longer than previously thought, thereby providing evidence of sustainability that may influence post-pandemic planning.”
Cure-Hub data22 confirm that while COVID shots can generate higher antibody levels than natural infection, this does not mean vaccine-induced immunity is more protective. Importantly, natural immunity confers much wider protection as your body recognizes all five proteins of the virus and not just one. With the COVID shot, your body only recognizes one of these proteins, the spike protein.
A June 2021 Nature article23 points out that “Wang et al. show that, between six and 12 months after infection, the concentration of neutralizing antibodies remains unchanged. That the acute immune reaction extends even beyond six months is suggested by the authors’ analysis of SARS-CoV-2-specific memory B cells in the blood of the convalescent individuals over the course of the year.
These memory B cells continuously enhance the reactivity of their SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies through a process known as somatic hypermutation. The good news is that the evidence thus far predicts that infection with SARS-CoV-2 induces long-term immunity in most individuals.”
Reinfection Is Very Rare
McCullough stresses there is also no need to worry about reinfection if you’ve already had COVID once. The fact is, while breakthrough cases continue among those who have gotten one or more COVID-19 injections, it’s extremely rare to get COVID-19 after you’ve recovered from the infection.
How rare? Researchers from Ireland conducted a systematic review including 615,777 people who had recovered from COVID-19, with a maximum duration of follow-up of more than 10 months.24
“Reinfection was an uncommon event,” they noted, “with no study reporting an increase in the risk of reinfection over time.” The absolute reinfection rate ranged from 0% to 1.1%, while the median reinfection rate was just 0.27%.25,26,27
Another study revealed similarly reassuring results. It followed 43,044 SARS-CoV-2 antibody-positive people for up to 35 weeks, and only 0.7% were reinfected. When genome sequencing was applied to estimate population-level risk of reinfection, the risk was estimated at 0.1%.28
There was no indication of waning immunity over seven months of follow-up, unlike with the COVID-19 injection, which led the researchers to conclude that “Reinfection is rare. Natural infection appears to elicit strong protection against reinfection with an efficacy >90% for at least seven months.”29
“It’s a one-and-done,” McCullough says. If you’ve had it once, you won’t get it again. He also advises against using PCR testing after you’ve had confirmed COVID-19 once, as any subsequent positive tests are just going to be false positives.
Early Treatment Options
In closing, should you get COVID-19, know there are several very effective early treatment options, and early treatment is key, both for preventing severe infection and preventing “long-haul COVID.” Here are a few suggestions:
• Oral-nasal decontamination — The virus, especially the Delta variant, replicates rapidly in the nasal cavity and mouth for three to five days before spreading to the rest of the body, so you want to strike where it’s most likely to be found right from the start.
Research30 has demonstrated that irrigating your nasal passages with 2.5 milliliters of 10% povidone-iodine (an antimicrobial) and standard saline, twice a day, is an effective remedy.
Another option that was slightly less effective was using a mixture of saline with half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (an alkalizer). You can also gargle with these to kill viruses in your mouth and throat. When done routinely, it can be a very effective preventive strategy. You can find printable treatment guides on
• Nebulized peroxide — A similar strategy is to use nebulized hydrogen peroxide, diluted with saline to a 0.1% solution. Both hydrogen peroxide and saline31,32 have antiviral effects.
In a May 10, 2021, Orthomolecular Medicine press release,33 Dr. Thomas E. Levy — board-certified in internal medicine and cardiology — discussed the use of this treatment for COVID-19 specifically. Levy has in fact written an entire book on peroxide nebulization called “Rapid Virus Recovery,” which you can download for free from MedFox Publishing.
• Vitamin D optimization — Research has shown having a vitamin D level above 50 ng/mL brings the risk of COVID mortality down to near-zero.34
• Other key nutraceuticals — Vitamin C, zinc, quercetin and NAC all have scientific backing.
• Key drugs — For acute infection, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or monoclonal antibodies can be used. While monoclonal antibodies and hydroxychloroquine must be used early on in the disease process, ivermectin has been shown to be effective in all stages of the infection.
Doxycycline or azithromycin are typically added as well, to address any secondary bacterial infection, as well as inhaled budesonide (a steroid). Oral steroids are used on and after the fifth day for pulmonary weakness and aspirin or NAC can be added to reduce the risk of clotting. In the interview, McCullough discusses the use of each of these, and other, drugs.
One drug I disagree with is full-strength aspirin. I believe a potentially better, at least safer, alternative would be to use the enzymes lumbrokinase and serrapeptase, as they help break down and prevent blood clots naturally.
Sidney Powell revealed that she’s discovered that the Department of Defense patented an algorithm in 2006 that can predetermine the outcome of elections. The DoD then gave that patent to a University in New Jersey, which Sidney calls an “international think tank.”
She also says that Dominion Voting Systems assigned all of their patents in 2019 to the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, and then there was an “infusion of over $400 million to State Street Capital which owns Dominion now.”
It’s all tied together and it looks like we are starting to get a better understanding of how they’ve rigged our elections for years and more importantly, WHO has been doing it.
This is mind blowing stuff. If you watch the full 8 minute clip, you’ll understand why they are trying to destroy Sidney.
As she says, it’s appears she is over the target 🎯
The food industry shifted away from saturated fat and cholesterol to improve public health, and the medical industry has massively promoted the use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs for the same reason. Despite that, the rate of heart disease deaths has steadily risen
Research has found that the more LDL (so-called “bad”) cholesterol is lowered, the greater the risk of heart attacks and strokes
The Minnesota Coronary Experiment, published in 2016, found replacing saturated fat with vegetable oil increased mortality and cardiovascular events, even though total cholesterol was lowered by 13.8%. For each 30 mg/dL reduction in serum cholesterol, the death risk rose by 22%
Since the commercialization of statin drugs in the late ‘80s, total sales have reached nearly $1 trillion. Lipitor is the most profitable drug in the history of medicine. Yet these drugs have done nothing to derail the rising trend of heart disease
While there are studies claiming to show statins lower your risk of heart attack, many involve misleading plays on statistics. Statins also have many serious side effects
This article was previously published August 26, 2020, and has been updated with new information.
The lecturer in the featured video, Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., produced the 2014 Australian Catalyst documentary, “Heart of the Matter: Dietary Villains,” which exposed the cholesterol/saturated fat myths behind the statin fad and the financial links which lurk underneath.
The documentary was so thorough that vested interests actually convinced ABC TV to rescind the two-part series.1 The Australian Heart Foundation, the three largest statin makers (Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Merck Sharp & Dohme) and Medicines Australia, Australia’s drug lobby group, complained2 and got the documentary expunged from ABC TV.
Cholesterol and saturated fat have been the villains of heart disease for the past four decades, despite the many studies showing neither has an adverse effect on heart health.
The entire food industry shifted away from saturated fat and cholesterol, ostensibly to improve public health, and the medical industry has massively promoted the use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs for the same reason. Despite all of that, the rate of heart disease deaths continues to be high.3 That really should tell us something.
Statins Are a Colossal Waste of Money
Since the release of Demasi’s documentary, the evidence against the cholesterol theory and statins has only grown. As noted in an August 4, 2020, op-ed by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a general practitioner with the British National Health Service:4
“New research shows that the most widely prescribed type of drug in the history of medicine is a waste of money. One major study found that the more ‘bad’ cholesterol was lowered, the greater the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost every other medical condition has been shoved onto the sidelines. However, in the UK last year, heart attacks and strokes (CVD) killed well over 100,000 people — which is at least twice as many as have died from COVID-19.
CVD will kill just as many this year, which makes it significantly more important than COVID-19, even if no one is paying much attention to it right now.”
According to a scientific review5 published online August 4, 2020, in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, lowering LDL is not going to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. “Decades of research has failed to show any consistent benefit for this approach,” the authors note.
Since the commercialization of statin drugs in the late ’80s (lovastatin being the first one, gaining approval in 19876), total sales have reached nearly $1 trillion.7,8 Lipitor — which is just one of several brand name statin drugs — was named the most profitable drug in the history of medicine.9,10 Yet these drugs have done nothing to derail the rising trend of heart disease.
Lowering Cholesterol Does Not Show a Beneficial Impact
According to a press release announcing the BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine review, the analysis found that:11
“… over three quarters of all the trials reported no positive impact on the risk of death and nearly half reported no positive impact on risk of future cardiovascular disease.
And the amount of LDL cholesterol reduction achieved didn’t correspond to the size of the resulting benefits, with even very small changes in LDL cholesterol sometimes associated with larger reductions in risk of death or cardiovascular ‘events,’ and vice versa. Thirteen of the clinical trials met the LDL cholesterol reduction target, but only one reported a positive impact on risk of death …”
In their paper,12 the study authors argue that since dozens of randomized controlled trials looking at LDL-cholesterol reduction “have failed to demonstrate a consistent benefit, we should question the validity of this theory.”
They also cite the Minnesota Coronary Experiment,13 a double-blind randomized controlled trial involving 9,423 subjects that sought to determine whether replacing saturated fat with omega-6 rich vegetable oil (corn oil and margarine) would reduce the death rate from heart disease by lowering cholesterol.
It didn’t. Mortality and cardiovascular events increased even though total cholesterol was lowered by 13.8%. For each 30 mg/dL reduction in serum cholesterol, the death risk rose by 22%. In conclusion, the Evidence-Based Medicine study authors note that:14
“In most fields of science the existence of contradictory evidence usually leads to a paradigm shift or modification of the theory in question, but in this case the contradictory evidence has been largely ignored, simply because it doesn’t fit the prevailing paradigm.”
Deception Through Statistics
If lowering cholesterol doesn’t reduce mortality or cardiovascular events, there’s little reason to use them, considering they come with a long list of adverse side effects. Sure, there are studies claiming to show benefit, but many involve misleading plays on statistics.
One common statistic used to promote statins is that they lower your risk of heart attack by about 36%.15 This statistic is derived from a 2008 study16 in the European Heart Journal. One of the authors on this study is Rory Collins, who heads up the CTT Collaboration (Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration), a group of doctors and scientists who analyze study data17 and report their findings to regulators and policymakers.
Table 4 in this study shows the rate of heart attack in the placebo group was 3.1% while the statin group’s rate was 2% — a 36% reduction in relative risk. However, the absolute risk reduction — the actual difference between the two groups, i.e., 3.1% minus 2% — is only 1.1%, which really isn’t very impressive.
In other words, in the real world, if you take a statin, your chance of a heart attack is only 1.1% lower than if you’re not taking it. At the end of the day, what really matters is what your risk of death is the absolute risk. The study, however, only stresses the relative risk (36%), not the absolute risk (1.1%).
As noted in the review18 “How Statistical Deception Created the Appearance That Statins Are Safe and Effective in Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease,” it’s very easy to confuse and mislead people with relative risks.
Statins Sabotage Your Health
A stunning review of statin trials published in 2015 found that in primary prevention trials, the median postponement of death in those taking statins was a mere 3.2 days. While potentially extending life span by 3.2 days, those taking statins are also at increased risk for:
Diabetes (if taken for more than two years, your risk for diabetes triples)
Dementia, neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric problems such as depression, anxiety and aggression
Musculoskeletal disorders
Heart disease
Liver damage
Immune system suppression
Oftentimes statins do not have any immediate side effects, and they are quite effective, capable of lowering cholesterol levels by 50 points or more. This is often viewed as evidence that your health is improving. Side effects that develop over time are frequently misinterpreted as brand-new, separate health problems.
Crimes Against Humanity
The harm perpetuated by the promotion of the low-fat, low-cholesterol myth is so significant, it could easily be described as a crime against humanity. Ancel Keys’ 1963 “Seven Countries Study” was instrumental in creating the saturated fat myth.19,20
He claimed to have found a correlation between total cholesterol concentration and heart disease, but in reality this was the result of cherry picking data. When data from 16 excluded countries are added back in, the association between saturated fat consumption and mortality vanishes.
In fact, the full data set suggests that those who eat the most saturated animal fat tend to have a lower incidence of heart disease, which is precisely what other, more recent studies have concluded.
Procter & Gamble Co.21 (the maker of Crisco22), the American Heart Association and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) all promoted the fallacy for decades, despite mounting evidence that Keys had gotten it all wrong.
The AHA was issuing stern warnings against butter, steak and coconut oil as recently as 2017.23That same year, Procter & Gamble partnered with University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute to promote heart health by lowering cholesterol.24
CSPI was also instrumental in driving heart disease skyward with its wildly successful pro-trans fat campaign. It was largely the result of CSPI’s campaign that fast-food restaurants replace beef tallow, palm oil and coconut oil with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, which were high in synthetic trans fats linked to heart disease and other chronic diseases.
As late as 1988, CSPI praised trans fats, saying “there is little good evidence that trans fats cause any more harm than other fats” and that “much of the anxiety over trans fats stems from their reputation as ‘unnatural.'”25
CSPI and AHA Omit Their Role in Heart Disease Epidemic
Today, you’ll have to dig deep to unearth CSPI’s devastating public health campaign. In an act of deception, they erased it from their history to make people believe they’ve been doing the right thing all along. Their historical timeline26 of trans fat starts at 1993 — the year CSPI decided to change course and start supporting the elimination of the same trans fat they’d spent years promoting.
Similarly, the AHA conveniently omits saturated fat and cholesterol from its history of “lifesaving” breakthroughs and achievements.27 It makes sense, though, considering the AHA’s and CSPI’s recommendations to swap saturated fat for vegetable oils and synthetic trans fat never resulted in anything but an epidemic of heart disease.
The idea that the harms of trans fats were unknown until the 1990s is simply a lie. The late Dr. Fred Kummerow started publishing evidence showing trans fat, not saturated fat, was the cause of heart disease in 1957. He also linked trans fat to Type 2 diabetes.
The Truth About Saturated Fat
In addition to the more recent studies mentioned earlier, many others have also debunked the idea that cholesterol and/or saturated fat impacts your risk of heart disease. For example:
• In a 1992 editorial published in the Archives of Internal Medicine,28 Dr. William Castelli, a former director of the Framingham Heart study, stated:
“In Framingham, Mass., the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person’s serum cholesterol. The opposite of what … Keys et al [said] …”
• A 2010 meta-analysis,29 which pooled data from 21 studies and included 347,747 adults, found no difference in the risks of heart disease and stroke between people with the lowest and highest intakes of saturated fat.
• Another 2010 study30 published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a reduction in saturated fat intake must be evaluated in the context of replacement by other macronutrients, such as carbohydrates.
When you replace saturated fat with a higher carbohydrate intake, particularly refined carbohydrate, you exacerbate insulin resistance and obesity, increase triglycerides and small LDL particles, and reduce beneficial HDL cholesterol. According to the authors, dietary efforts to improve your cardiovascular disease risk should primarily emphasize the limitation of refined carbohydrate intake, and weight reduction.
• A 2014 meta-analysis31 of 76 studies by researchers at Cambridge University found no basis for guidelines that advise low saturated fat consumption to lower your cardiac risk, calling into question all of the standard nutritional guidelines related to heart health. According to the authors:
“Current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats.”
Will Saturated Fat Myth Soon Be Upended?
Nina Teicholz, a science journalist, adjunct professor at NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and the executive director of The Nutrition Coalition, is the author of “The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet,” which reviews the many myths surrounding saturated fat and cholesterol.
In an interview I did with Dr. Paul Saladino and Teicholz, they reviewed the history of the demonization of saturated fat and cholesterol, starting with Keys, and how the introduction of the first Dietary Guidelines for Americans in 1980 (which recommended limiting saturated fat and cholesterol) coincided with a rapid rise in obesity and chronic diseases such as heart disease.
Teicholz also reviewed a paper32 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, published online June 17, 2020, which actually admits the long-standing nutritional guideline to limit saturated fat has been incorrect. This is a rather stunning admission, and a huge step forward. As noted in the abstract:
“The recommendation to limit dietary saturated fatty acid (SFA) intake has persisted despite mounting evidence to the contrary. Most recent meta-analyses of randomized trials and observational studies found no beneficial effects of reducing SFA intake on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and total mortality, and instead found protective effects against stroke.
Although SFAs increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, in most individuals, this is not due to increasing levels of small, dense LDL particles, but rather larger LDL which are much less strongly related to CVD risk.
It is also apparent that the health effects of foods cannot be predicted by their content in any nutrient group, without considering the overall macronutrient distribution.
Whole-fat dairy, unprocessed meat, eggs and dark chocolate are SFA-rich foods with a complex matrix that are not associated with increased risk of CVD. The totality of available evidence does not support further limiting the intake of such foods.”
In the week ending November 12, 2021, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019; heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths
In the last 13 weeks alone, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% injection rate
In Vermont, where the majority are also injected, excess deaths are the highest they’ve been since before the pandemic
An investigation using official data from NHS and the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that deaths among teenagers increased 47% since they started getting COVID-19 shots
Deaths from COVID-19 also went up among 15- to 19-year-olds after the shots were rolled out for this age group
Even with mass injections and some receiving two and even three shots in their arm, excess deaths are rising
Throughout the pandemic, mass injections have been dangled as the way back to normalcy — the only solution to end the pandemic and save lives from COVID-19. Now even with mass injections and some receiving two and even three shots in their arm, excess deaths are rising nonetheless.
In the week ending November 12, 2021, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019. However, COVID-19 cannot be entirely to blame, as it was listed on the death certificates for only 1,197 people.1 Further, since July, non-COVID deaths in the U.K. have been higher than the weekly average in the five years prior to the pandemic.
Heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths, with the Financial Times reporting, “The new phase of excess deaths raises the possibility that since the summer more people have been losing their lives as a result of strains on the NHS or lack of early diagnosis of serious illness …”2 A similar scenario is playing out in the U.S.
More Seniors Dying, Despite Mass Injections
On Twitter, Silicon Valley software engineer Ben M. (@USMortality) revealed that in the last 13 weeks alone, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% vaccination rate.3In another example, he used data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and his own calculations to show excess deaths rising in Vermont even as the majority of adults have been injected.
“Vermont had 71% of their entire population vaccinated by June 1, 2021,” he tweeted. “That’s 83% of their adult population, yet they are seeing the most excess deaths now since the pandemic!”4
Deaths Among Teenagers Increase After Jabs
An investigation by The Exposé, using official data from NHS and the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), found that deaths among teenagers increased 47% since they started getting COVID-19 shots.5 Not only that, but deaths from COVID-19 also went up among 15- to 19-year-olds after the shots were rolled out for this age group.
“We decided to take a look at official Office for National Statistics (ONS) data on deaths registered weekly to see if there was an uptick in deaths in people aged between 15 and 19 following the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine to this age group,” the report notes.6
Between the week ending June 26 and the week ending September 18, 2020, 148 deaths were reported among 15- to 19-year-olds. However, between the week ending June 25, 2021, and the week ending September 17, 2021, 217 deaths occurred among 15- to 19-year-olds. According to the investigation:7
“This shows that the number of deaths between June 19th 2021 and September 17th 2021 among teens aged 15 and over were 47% higher than the number of deaths in this age group during the same period in 2020, and the increase in deaths began at precisely the same time teens started receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.
Our investigation of ONS data also revealed further concerns about Covid-19 deaths in people between the age of 15 and 19. The same 2021 ONS dataset shows that since teens started getting the Covid-19 vaccine there has been at least one Covid-19 related death recorded in seven of the thirteen weeks between June 19th and September 17th 2021. A total of 8 deaths in this time frame.
Yet in the fifteen weeks prior to teens over the age of 15 receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, just a single death was recorded associated with Covid-19 among this age group.
Correlation does not equal causation, but it is extremely concerning to see that deaths have increased by 47% among teens over the age of 15, and Covid-19 deaths have also increased among this age group since they started receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, and it is perhaps one coincidence too far.”
Significant concerns have been raised, for instance, surrounding antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE), and the possibility that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen COVID-19 disease via ADE.8
Florida Has Been Heavily Criticized — Wrongly
Certain states have stood out for their refusal to buy into the draconian public health measures that were adopted throughout much of the U.S. Florida is chief among them. After a spring 2020 lockdown, Florida business, schools and restaurants reopened, while mask mandates were rejected.
“If Florida had simply done no worse than the rest of the country during the pandemic, that would have been enough to discredit the lockdown strategy,” John Tierney, a contributing science columnist for The New York Times, stated, noting that the state acted as the control group in a natural experiment. By summer 2021, the results spoke for themselves:9
“Florida’s mortality rate from Covid is lower than the national average among those over 65 and also among younger people, so that the state’s age-adjusted Covid mortality rate is lower than that of all but ten other states. And by the most important measure, the overall rate of ‘excess mortality’ (the number of deaths above normal), Florida has also done better than the national average.
Its rate of excess mortality is significantly lower than that of the most restrictive state, California, particularly among younger adults, many of whom died not from Covid but from causes related to the lockdowns: cancer screenings and treatments were delayed, and there were sharp increases in deaths from drug overdoses and from heart attacks not treated promptly.”
After an uptick in cases in late summer, rates plummeted by the fall. In late October 2021, Florida had one of the lowest COVID-19 daily average case rates per 100,000 residents in the U.S. “Without mandates or lockdowns, COVID-19 cases in Florida have decreased 90% since August,” said Gov. Ron DeSantis. “In addition to cases, hospitalizations have plummeted in our state.”10
Also since August, COVID-19 cases in school-aged children decreased 87% since school started back into session, while cases in young adults ages 18 to 24 decreased 93%11 Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez added in a press release, “As Florida now ranks lowest in the continental U.S. in terms of COVID-19 rates per capita, we are proud to have stood firm in protecting liberty throughout the pandemic.”12
By the end of November 2021, Florida was the only state in the U.S. with low community transmission in virtually every county. While the rest of the U.S. was seeing high, substantial or moderate spread, COVID-19 was largely absent in the sunshine state.13 On Twitter, Scott Ruesterholz wrote:14
“I’ve spoken frequently about how COVID waves clearly are driven by weather (South struggles in the summer; North in the winter). This should be considered when assigning “blame” or “credit” to a governor–some trends supercede policy. Nonetheless this map is something–Florida!”
Shots Double Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome
It’s concerning that heart-related events appear to be a leading factor behind the excess deaths being seen in the U.K., especially considering researchers have found Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 shots dramatically increase biomarkers associated with thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following injection.16
The study, published in the November 16, 2021, issue of the journal Circulation, concluded that “the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”
People who had been jabbed more than doubled their risk of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), an umbrella term that includes not only heart attacks, but also a range of other conditions involving abruptly reduced blood flow to your heart. Signs and symptoms of ACS typically begin very suddenly and include:17
Chest pain/discomfort, often described as aching, pressure, tightness or burning sensations
Pain that radiates from your chest to your shoulders, arms, upper abdomen, back, neck and/or jaw
Nausea and/or vomiting
Shortness of breath
Sudden heavy sweating
Lightheadedness, dizziness and/or fainting
Unusual or inexplicable fatigue
Patients who received a two-dose regimen of mRNA more than doubled their five-year ACS risk, driving it from an average of 11% to 25%. In a November 21, 2021, tweet, cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra wrote:18
“Extraordinary, disturbing, upsetting. We now have evidence of a plausible biological mechanism of how mRNA vaccine may be contributing to increased cardiac events. The abstract is published in the highest impact cardiology journal so we must take these findings very seriously.”
Can You Lessen the Damaging Effects?
If you now believe that getting the COVID-19 jab was a mistake and wish to lessen your doubled risk of cardiac complications, there are a few basic strategies I would advise.
Make certain you measure your vitamin D level and take enough vitamin D orally (typically about 8,000 units/day for most adults) and/or get sensible sun exposure to make sure your level is 60 to 80 ng/ml (150 to 200 nmol/l).
Eliminate all vegetable (seed) oils in your diet, which involves eliminating nearly all processed foods and most meals in restaurants unless you convince the chef to only cook with butter. Avoid any sauces or salad dressings in restaurants as they are loaded with seed oils. Also avoid chicken and pork as they are very high in linoleic acid, the omega-6 fat that is far too high in nearly everyone and contributes to oxidative stress that causes heart disease.
Consider taking around 500 milligrams/day of NAC, as it helps prevent blood clots and is a precursor for your body to produce the important antioxidant glutathione.
Consider fibrinolytic enzymes that digest the fibrin that leads to blood clots, strokes and pulmonary embolisms. The dose is typically two, twice a day, but must be taken on an empty stomach, either an hour before or two hours after a meal. Otherwise, the enzymes will digest your food and not the fibrin in the blood clot.
(Natural News) A new Axios-Ipsos poll has found that 82 percent of all Democrats in the United States are willing to wear a mask indoors at all times now that the “Omicron” (Moronic) variant has arrived. Conversely, only 38 percent of Republicans are willing to do the same.
Axios, which is admittedly far-left, complained that these results show that “[m]ost Americans aren’t willing to make big changes in their behavior to minimize the risk from the Omicron variant, like avoiding indoor restaurant dining or canceling their holiday travel plans.”
It turns out that only 33 percent of Americans overall are willing to stop eating inside at restaurants this winter, and only 28 percent are willing to stop gathering with other people outside of their own household.
That same 28 percent do not want to have to self-quarantine for 14 days again just because the government came up with a new scary “mutation,” and only 23 percent say they would cancel their holiday travel plans over this latest scariant.
Even fewer, just 13 percent, indicated that they will stop going into work. Apparently the vast majority of the country is just not scared about Moronic like the media and government hoped people would be. (RELATED: the only people we know of so far who are “catching” Moronicare the fully vaccinated.)
67 percent of America supposedly supports vaccine mandates for flying
As for another round of mask mandates, a whopping 94 percent of Democrats say they support the government forcing these ‘medical devices’ on people who visit local businesses.
When it comes to murdering unborn children (abortion), Democrats demand that the government stay out of it – my body, my choice, they say. But when it comes to forcing everyone to cover their breathing holes with Chinese plastic, Democrats are all about some medical fascism.
Shockingly, 43 percent of Republicans (if you believe the poll’s results) also said they would support more mask mandates. Overall, 69 percent of the country is supposedly in favor of this.
Axios-Ipsos further claims that 67 percent of the country, including 72 percent of Democrats and 66 percent of Republicans, support a government-imposed travel mandate to help “flatten the curve.”
Where the poll gets even further questionable is the results to the question about whether or not Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” should be required in order to fly on commercial airlines. Sixty-seven percent of the country supposedly supports this.
As for more lockdowns, however, only 35 percent of respondents indicated that they support another round of that.
The government claims that the Moronic variant has now been detected in the following 18 states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin.”
Fake “president” Joe Biden has promised to “shut down the virus,” which does not sound too promising for the future of Americans’ last remaining rights and liberties.
“I think 82% of Democrats should wear plastic bags over their heads and tightly tied around their necks,” joked one commenter at Breitbart News about the poll results.
“82% of Democrats are severely mentally ill,” wrote another.
Another wrote that these are the same people he sees “driving in their car alone and wearing a mask with all the windows up.”
“I guess it would be asking too much for them to just shut up and let us enjoy the flu season,” wrote another.
“Remember when the ‘cold and flu season’ was marked by TV ads for Dristan, Nyquil, etc.? We just dealt with it and lived our lives,” wrote another.
You will find more of the latest news about the Omicron variant deception at
None of the covid19 vaccines reduce all causes mortality. Worse than that, he is showing that vaccination is slightly INCREASING all causes mortality. It’s been my opinion for sone time that the covid19 vaccines don’t do anything (but they carry risks of injury & deaths)
Source: Norman Fenton YouTube:
In this interview Norman Fenton explains the results of a new report that analyses the latest ONS data on mortality of vaccinated v unvaccinated.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is.a German American lawyer with experience going after large companies like Deutsche Bank. He is a member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. He discusses the current situation and his efforts to bring justice to the situation. This interview was done as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation. The full film, when released, will be available at
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Africa Lowest Vaccination Rate = Lowest Death Rate
Scientists appear stymied by the low number of infections and deaths in sub-Saharan Africa where the vaccination rate is less than 6%
Africa has 17.46% of the world’s population and 3% of the COVID-19 global death toll while countries with better health care have higher death rates, including the Americas with 46% and Europe with 29%
Nigeria, with the highest population, has had 3,000 deaths in 200 million people, which is what is recorded in the U.S. every two or three days. Yet, Nigeria has announced an all-out vaccination program to “prepare for the next wave” (fraud)
Factors that may have influenced the low infection and death rate are outdoor living that raises vitamin D levels, a younger population and access to medications and herbs used for other local conditions, but which are also known to reduce the severity of COVID, ie Ivermectin and HCQ Hydroxychloroquine
Whether or not lockdowns, shutdowns and other restrictive measures can work to lower the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths has been a topic of great debate since early 2020. As health experts look at global statistics, they have been stymied by the low rate of infection and death across the sub-Saharan African continent,1 compared to industrialized nations that used various lockdown procedures to contain the spread.
Across the world, countries have taken different approaches to address the spread of SARS-CoV-2. In one short documentary released by CAN films, they compare the COVID-19 outcomes in Scotland and Sweden.2 By March 2020,3 Scotland had implemented strict lockdowns and closed schools and other social venues. People were threatened with police fines if they went outside other than to exercise once a day, go to work or buy food.4
On the other hand, Sweden handled the pandemic differently than most of the globe and was initially vilified for looser restrictions and a lack of severe lockdown measures.5 In October 2020, TIME called the response a “disaster,”6 but data have shown that the death rate in Sweden was in line with other years.7 In other words, excess deaths that may have been attributed to COVID-19 were minimal.
Information compiled by CAN films showed the response in Sweden, which has nearly double the population of Scotland, had significantly less impact on the economy and health of their population, as well as nearly half the percentage of excess deaths as did Scotland.8 Scotland had three lockdowns, 64 school closures and a 54% increase in weight gain, while Sweden had no lockdowns, no school closures and zero weight gain.
Sub-Saharan African Continent Has Avoided COVID-19
Over the Thanksgiving 2021 break, media outlets broke the news of a new COVID-19 variant, dubbed Omicron, that was identified in South Africa.9 This variant is different in that doctors are reporting “unusual,” but mild symptoms, with fatigue being the most common complaint. In response, the rest of the world immediately instituted travel bans to and from South Africa.
Interestingly, the steps taken in Africa throughout the pandemic have varied depending on the country, yet the infection and death rate were relatively stable and low across the continent.10 Over the last year there have been reports of small areas in the world where the number of infections, deaths or case fatality rates have been significantly lower than the rest of the world.
For example,11 India’s Uttar Pradesh State reported a recovery rate of 98.6% and no further infections. On the other hand, the entire continent of Africa appears to have sidestepped the massive number of infections and deaths predicted for these poorly funded countries with overcrowded cities.
Early estimations were that millions would die when the pandemic swept across Africa. However, that scenario has not materialized. According to AP News,12 less than 6% of the continent is vaccinated and for months, the World Health Organization has called Africa “one of the least affected regions in the world.”13
In a busy crowded market outside Harare, AP News spoke with Nyasha Ndou, who carries a mask in his pocket. Hundreds of other people, mostly unmasked, were in the marketplace. Ndou explained the mask in his pocket:14
“COVID-19 is gone, when did you last hear of anyone who has died of COVID-19? The mask is to protect my pocket. The police demand bribes so I lose money if I don’t move around with a mask.”
According to data from WorldoMeter, the population of Africa15 makes up 17.46% of the world’s population16 Yet, AP News reports that the WHO data reveal deaths in Africa are 3% of the global total, while deaths in countries with better health care are much higher, such as 46% in the Americas and 29% in Europe.17
Nigeria has the highest population in Africa and the government has recorded just 3,000 deaths in the 200 million people who live in the country. In the U.S., AP News reports there are that many deaths every two or three days.18
Some Credit Early Lockdowns With Low Number of Infections
Across the world, countries and communities went into lockdown to supposedly help “flatten the curve” and slow the spread of the virus. Lesotho, the southernmost landlocked country in the world and surrounded by South Africa, locked down their country and their borders before a single person got sick.19
In March 2020, the country declared an emergency, closed the schools and went into a three-week lockdown. In early May, the lockdown was lifted, and the country recorded its first confirmed cases. The BBC reported in October 2020 that in a country of 2 million people they recorded 40 deaths in five months and approximately 1,700 cases.20
That number rose to 4,137 cases by January 2021 as citizens from South Africa were crossing the border during the holiday season.21 In addition to border crossings, the government had been releasing people early from quarantine over cost concerns.
However, experts believe thousands of people had crossed the border illegally because they were unable to afford to pay for their COVID-19 test.22 In response to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in January, the prime minister imposed a curfew on social venues such as bars and nightclubs at 8 pm.
While the quick action that some countries took to lock down their population may have slowed the spread of the virus in the early days, the SARS-CoV-2 is endemic. This means that it is in the environment and no amount of lockdown will eliminate the virus.
It also means that once lockdowns are opened again, the virus will continue to spread, just like flu and cold viruses. Countries like Lesotho that locked down early have experienced infections after the lockdown was lifted. The one advantage to flattening the curve and reducing the number of infections early in the pandemic was that doctors could have used the time to improve treatment protocols.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko23 and the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance24 are two examples of physicians and physician groups that developed treatment protocols during 2020 that have proven to be successful25,26,27,28 and reduce the number of individuals with severe disease or long-haul symptoms.
Factors That May Influence the Infection Rate
There are several factors that may influence the infection rates in Africa. In the video above, Dr. John Campbell points to the dramatic reduction in COVID-19 cases in Japan that began in August, just 12 days after doctors were allowed to legally prescribe ivermectin to their patients.29
Using Google Translate,30 Campbell learned Dr. Haruo Ozaki, chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, had taken notice of the low number of infections and deaths in Africa where many use ivermectin prophylactically31 and as the core strategy to treat onchocerciasis,32 a parasitic disease also known as river blindness. More than 99% of people infected live in 31 African countries.
Other medications that are commonly available in Africa have also demonstrated effectiveness against COVID-19. For example, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have long been used in the treatment and prevention of malaria.33 Zelenko has published successful results using hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19.
Malaria is one of the leading causes of death in many developing nations in Africa. The illness is triggered by a parasite carried by an infected female mosquito34 and characterized by flu-like symptoms. Delays in treatment increase the severity of the illness and the risk of death. According to the WHO35 there were 219 million cases of malaria diagnosed in 2017 and 92% of those were in the African region.
Finally, Artemisia annua, also known as sweet wormwood, is an herb used in combination therapies to treat malaria.36 It was used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years to treat fever. Today artemisinin, a metabolite of Artemisia, is the current therapeutic option for malaria. The plant has also been studied since the 2003 SARS outbreak for the treatment of coronaviruses, with good results.37,38
As the BBC39 points out, the average age in most African countries is much lower than in the rest of the world. Since many who have died are over the age of 80, and the median age in Africa is 19 years, infections are far less likely to result in death. Only 3% of the population is over age 65 as compared to 16.9% in North America40 and 19.2% in Europe.41
In addition, residential care facilities for the elderly are rare in most African countries.42 Weather may also play a part in who gets COVID: Early in the pandemic, researchers from the University of Maryland43,44 discovered there was a correlation between the spread of COVID-19 and temperature, humidity and latitude. They found the virus appears to spread better when humidity and temperatures drop.
In addition, temperate weather and sunny skies such as those you see in Africa increase the likelihood that a population will have optimal levels of vitamin D. Researchers have discovered that maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D reduces the potential for infection and lowers the risk of severe disease.45,46,47
How Does Vaccination in Sub-Saharan Africa Make Sense?
The low numbers of COVID-19 in the sub-Saharan African population continue despite a less than 6% vaccination rate. Meanwhile. Western nations’ vaccination rates are soaring, yet they struggle with rising infection and death rates. With statistics like this, why are Nigerian officials seemingly overlooking the country’s low numbers and health status by announcing they would be stepping up their immunization schedule, with hopes to give the shot to half the population before February.48
Put simply, their target is “herd immunity” in a population that is not suffering. Oyewale Tomori, is a virologist from Nigeria who sits on several WHO advisory groups. He believes the vaccination level does not need to be as high as it is in the West. Salim.
But Abdool Karim, an epidemiologist in South Africa who has advised the government in the past on COVID-19, disagrees. He is calling for an all-out vaccination program to “prepare for the next wave,”49 which negates what has happened in Africa in the last 20 months. He says, “Looking at what’s happening in Europe, the likelihood of more cases spilling over here is very high.”
So, as African countries which have had lower rates of infection and deaths since the start of the pandemic vaccinate more and more of their population, one can’t help but wonder: Once vaccination programs are underway, will the death rates climb as they have in other areas of the world where vaccination levels are high?50,51,52
And if they do, how will the “health experts” explain the sudden rising number of infections and deaths on a continent that has thus far avoided pandemic levels of COVID-19?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former American President John F. Kennedy, in a lengthy piece exposed Bill Gates activities in India and his “obsession with vaccines”. Interestingly, as GreatGameIndia readers may recall, Jr Kennedy’s message come days after Robert Kennedy’s grand-daughter and her son were found dead in suspicious circumstances. Almost as if sounding a warning to the impending tragedy on the Kennedy family, legendary American singer Bob Dylan came out of a decade-long isolation to revive JFK murder mystery with a cryptic single.
UPDATE: A month later, based on an intercepted human intelligence report, a controversy erupted in Nigeria whereby it was revealed that Bill Gates offered $10 million for vaccination program for Coronavirus to the Nigerian House of Representatives.
In Robert Kennedy Jr.’s own words:
Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vaccination ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control of global health policy.
Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a conviction to save the world with technology.
Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate Polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.
In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,949 children.
In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO saying, “We must make this the decade of vaccines.” A month later, Gates said in a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.
A 2017 study (Morgenson et. al. 2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP vaccine is killing more African children than the diseases it prevents. DTP-vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of children who had not yet received the vaccine. WHO has refused to recall the lethal vaccine which it forces upon tens of millions of African children annually.
Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of steering WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases: clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development. The Gates Foundation only spends about $650 million of its $5 billion dollar budget on these areas. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal philosophy that good health only comes in a syringe.
In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine. In his recent media appearances, Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on American children.
Watch Robert Kennedy Jr’s interview to RT below:
Article authored by Robert Kennedy Jr on Children’s Health Defense titled Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination.
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GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations. Get to know the Geopolitical threats India is facing in our exclusive book India in Cognitive Dissonance. Past magazine issues can be accessed from the Archives section.
Disturbing video out of the UK showing what’s next if we don’t stop the covid mandate hysteria. I also address a ridiculous speech on the House floor by a member of the squad, which proves the left is bedrocked in dishonesty.
Looking for news?
The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. describes the coalition of sinister forces — intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media and the military — that are using a health crisis to impose totalitarian control worldwide
Anthony Fauci isn’t acting alone, but he’s become a prominent face of the medical cartel and medical technocracy that is wrapped up in obliterating constitutional rights globally
Big Pharma’s infiltration of regulatory and public health agencies goes back more than 100 years to the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913, which took control of the U.S. medical school system
Fauci controls a $6.1 billion budget that he distributes to colleges and universities to do drug research for various diseases, and another $1.7 billion that comes from the military to do bioweapons research
Fauci’s NIAID conducted barbaric and illegal drug experiments on foster children; at least 85 children died as a result
Waking up to Fauci’s façade is necessary to understand the orchestrated planned use of pandemics to clamp down totalitarian control
We’re facing the greatest battle of our lifetimes, possibly of all time, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in this riveting interview with James Corbett.1 I urge you to set aside 60 minutes to watch it in its entirety, as it succinctly sums up the coalition of sinister forces — intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media and the military — that are using a health crisis to impose totalitarian control worldwide.
You can find all of the details in Kennedy’s bestselling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” which contains more than 2,200 footnotes backing up its data. The truth is, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) — isn’t acting alone.
But he’s become the prominent face of the medical cartel and medical technocracy that is wrapped up in obliterating constitutional rights globally. And, as an authoritative medical figure and trusted adviser to six presidents, Fauci’s words are treated as gospel, despite the atrocities he’s committed.
Regulatory Agencies Turned Into Pharmaceutical Companies
Because of financial entanglements between pharmaceutical companies and the agencies that regulate them, public health agencies in the U.S. have been turned into veritable pharmaceutical companies. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, for instance, receives 45% of its annual budget from Big Pharma, Kennedy explains.2
The NIH, meanwhile, owns thousands of pharmaceutical patents, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spends $4.9 billion a year out of its $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines. “It is the biggest vaccine company in the world,” Kennedy says. The NIH actually owns half the patent for Moderna’s COVID-19 injection, which means that if the shot is approved and/or mandated, it will make billions of dollars as a result.
“Tony Fauci was able to choose, to designate, four of his high-level employees who each get individual patent shares,” Kennedy explained. “They will collect $150,000 a year for life if the Moderna vaccine is approved, which it has been.”3 Fauci’s agency, the NIAID, in particular, no longer looks out for public health — and Fauci doesn’t either; his priority is pharmaceutical promotion.
How Rockefeller Took Control of the Medical School System
One of the important parts of Kennedy’s new book is exposing the connection of Fauci to Bill Gates and helping uncover how Gates patterned his strategy after Rockefeller. The information was so compelling that I had my team create the video above to put together the facts in the book into an easy-to-watch video so you can digest the material more easily.
Big Pharma’s infiltration of regulatory and public health agencies goes back more than 100 years to the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913. Just two years earlier, John Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company had been ruled an unreasonable monopoly and split into 34 companies, which became Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Amoco, Marathon and others.
The breakup only served to increase Rockefeller’s wealth, however, and the foundation he created under his named was deemed “a menace to the future political and economic welfare of the nation.”
The Foundation, in partnership with Andrew Carnegie and educator Abraham Flexner, then set out to centralize U.S. medical schooling, orienting it to the “germ theory” of disease, which states that germs are solely responsible for disease and necessitates the use of pharmaceuticals to target said germs.
With that narrative in hand, Rockefeller financed the campaign to consolidate mainstream medicine, adopt the philosophies of the growing pharmaceutical industry and shutter its competition.
Rockefeller’s crusade caused the closure of more than half of U.S. medical schools, fostered public and press scorn for homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, holistic, functional, integrative and natural medicines, and led to the incarceration of many practicing physicians.
The full story, including how the Rockefeller Foundation imbued its philosophy, precepts and ideologies into the League of Nations Health Organization, which turned into the World Health Organization, can be found in “The Real Anthony Fauci.”
Chronic Diseases Skyrocket Under Fauci’s Lead
In 1984, when Fauci was appointed director of NIAID, 11.8% of Americans had a chronic disease. Contrast that to today, when 54% are now suffering from chronic illness.4 Fauci doesn’t talk about this public health failure — at least not publicly — but as Kennedy noted, it was Fauci’s job to figure out why autism, allergies and so many other diseases have increased, identify the toxins causing them and eliminate them.
“Fauci could have prevented the whole thing,” Kennedy noted, referring to the epidemic of chronic diseases now plaguing Americans, but instead of running a true public health agency he turned it into an incubator for pharmaceutical products. According to Kennedy, between 2009 and 2016, 240 new drug products were approved by the FDA, and all of them came from Fauci.
“He has a $6.1 billion budget that he distributes to colleges and universities to do drug research for various diseases,” Kennedy said. “He has another $1.7 billion that comes from the military to do bioweapons research, and that is why he had to do the gain of function … He was locked into that; 68% of his personal salary comes from doing military/bioweapons research that used to be called ‘dual use.’”5
Fauci Has Long Promoted Gain-of-Function Research
Dual use research is so named because it involves research on select agents and toxins that could either benefit society or destroy it, depending on whether or not it falls into the wrong hands. Fauci specifically spoke about dual use research of concern (DURC), which involves 15 potentially deadly pathogens like smallpox and Ebola virus, at a hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs at the U.S. Senate, held April 26, 2012.6
DURC involves seven categories of research experiments, according to the CDC, which includes gain of function (GOF) and which may enhance the harmful consequences of the agent or toxin, among others.7 Because GOF and DURC can be used to make pathogens more readily able to infect humans, they pose major biosecurity risks.
After the 2001 anthrax attacks, the CIA began pouring money into bioweapons research. The Pentagon was nervous about conducting such studies because it was prohibited, so cohorts funneled money to Fauci to do it, Kennedy said. Because he called it dual use “vaccine research,” it was allowed to continue.
Another moratorium was placed on U.S.-funded GOF research in October 2014, after a string of concerning events, including publication of controversial GOF studies and high-profile “incidents” at U.S. biocontainment laboratories, led to more than 300 scientists launching a petition calling for an end to GOF research.8
That moratorium was lifted in December 2017,9 but in the meantime Fauci continued his controversial research by funneling money to the Wuhan lab in China, partnering with Chinese military scientists, and teaching them how to take bat coronaviruses and make them transmissible to human beings.
“Fauci was giving them millions and millions of dollars,” Kennedy said, “but the biggest contributor was the CIA, and the Pentagon through DARPA.” The three were all working in tandem, teaching the Chinese how to weaponize bat viruses.
Fauci Experiments Killed at Least 85 Children
Fauci’s sordid past goes back to the AIDS crisis, which is now being used as a template for what’s happening during COVID-19, and the fabrication of past pandemics, including Zika virus, for the purpose of selling pharmaceuticals and advancing totalitarian control.
One of the most atrocious acts, however, included barbaric and illegal experiments that the NIAID conducted on children, testing pharmaceuticals. Fauci “got control of foster homes in seven states and turned pharmaceutical companies loose on these children,” Kennedy said.
“The children were tortured. They did not have legal representation, which is illegal. They did not have guardians. You cannot put a child into a clinical trial in this country without a legal guardian. And he made sure that those kids did not have guardians. They were literally tortured to death … many of the kids did not have HIV, they were just guinea pigs.
The children who refused or were noncompliant were sent to Columbia Hospital and had feeding tubes installed in them so the drug companies could administer the drugs even when the kids fought back. At least 85 of these kids died during the experiments.”10
A graveyard was found in Hawthorne, New York, with a pit covered by an Astroturf carpet that had hundreds of tiny coffins piled up with the bodies of these children inside, Kennedy said. “After New York, he took that roadshow to Africa and ended up killing many pregnant mothers and getting away with it.”
Using Fear to Disable Critical Thinking
Waking up to Fauci’s façade is necessary to understand the orchestrated planned use of pandemics to clamp down totalitarian control. One sign of the ensuing control is the deep involvement of intelligence agencies in the pandemic process, even though they’re not health agencies. Kennedy explains:11
“The intelligence agencies and health agencies have developed these extraordinary techniques for using fear to disable critical thinking. If you look at the whole rationale behind this pandemic, all of these rationales collapse.
Why are we mandating vaccines that don’t prevent transmission? What is the possible reason? That’s just one of many absurdities of what we’re doing today. But people who are subsumed in the orthodoxy, which is the product of orchestrated fear, misinformation and propaganda, need to be woken up.”
He references the now-infamous experiment conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram in 1962, during which he tested the limits of human obedience to authority. The Milgram experiment was conducted following the trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann, who used the Nuremberg defense, or “befehl ist befehl,” which translates to “an order is an order.”
The Milgram experiment clearly showed that people would act against their own judgment and harm another person to extreme lengths simply because they were told to do so.12 What does this mean for the future, if people blindly obey and submit to totalitarian control? Kennedy said:13
“I think this is historical jeopardy to humanity that we’ve never seen before. You know, the black plague and WWII are arguably rivals for it. But I would argue that this is the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity because the essential ambition of the totalitarian state is to control, not just conduct, but self-expression and thought.
And for the first time in history, because of the technological revolution, the capacity for totalitarian forces to literally control every aspect of human expression and even human thought is now unprecedented.”
Waking Up to the Truth
In China, a vast array of facial recognition technology that claims to be able to read guilt on a person from a distance has reportedly already been deployed. “This is precrime,” Kennedy says, like the movie “Minority Report.” In such a technocratic world, however — unlike at any point in history — there’s nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide:14
“In Hitler’s time you could run for the border, and there were ways that a certain number of people were going to escape. They were going to regroup and there was opposition from other countries.
Today, we have this situation where the U.S. military and the CIA are conspiring with the Chinese CDC and military scientists, developing bioweapons together and conspiring to lie to the public … We have U.S. federal officials who are conspiring with Chinese military officials to hide truth from the American public.”
“I would say this is Armageddon,” Kennedy said. “This is the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed and totalitarianism. This is the final battle. We need to win this one,” and the first step to doing so is waking up to the truth.
Not one single, healthy, child between the ages of 5 and 18 has died in Germany due to COVID, according to a huge new study.
Even when counting children and adolescents who had preexisting conditions, still, only six in that specific age range died. According to Slate, about 1.5 million German children or adolescents were infected with Sars-Cov-2 between March 2020 and May 2021.
When counting anyone under age 18, just “14 Germans under 18 died of COVID, about one per month. The data “again raises the question of how health authorities can possibly justify encouraging children or teenagers to be vaccinated,” Slate said.
The complete study was published on the preprint site
In a video interview at the Worldwide Freedom Rally in Edmonton, Alberta, Canadian Dr. Daniel Nagase revealed that stillbirths are “exploding” in fully vaccinated Canadian women.
In just six months, Waterloo, Ontario, has seen 86 stillbirths. Normally, the area sees five to six stillbirths a year; British Columbia saw 13 in just 24 hours. Nagase is demanding that the government begin releasing the death statistics for all injuries and deaths connected with the COVID jabs.
“We should not be asking some administrator for permission to get the death statistics,” Nagase says. There are so many people getting deathly ill within two weeks of their second shots, Nagase says, yet health authorities are blaming hospital stays on the unvaccinated.
Labeling the vaccine-injured as unvaccinated is “an absolute lie,” he says. “We have the right to all the information and all the details.”
Via more than 30,000 grants, Gates has contributed at least $319 million to the media
Examples of the Gates Foundations grants include $24,663,066 to NPR and $12,951,391 to The Guardian
From press and journalism associations to journalistic training, Gates is an overarching keeper of the press, which makes true objective reporting pertaining to Gates himself — or his many initiatives — virtually impossible
With a net worth of $130.5 billion, Gates yields incredible power over education, health and social policies
Other major players in media control include BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, which also control Big Pharma
Bill Gates’ image as an altruistic philanthropist is strong, despite multiple highly questionable dealings, like a long-term relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and desire to reinvent African society and agricultural practices. Why haven’t you heard more about Gates’ dark side?
When you’re one of the richest people in the world, you can buy virtually anything you want — including control of the media so that it only prints favorable press. If you have enough money — and Bill Gates certainly does — you can even get major media companies like ViacomCBS, which runs MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon and BET, among others, to insert your approved PSAs into their programming.1
In the past, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded the placement of “educational” messages in popular TV shows such as “ER,” “Law & Order: SVU” and “Private Practice,” including topics such as HIV prevention, surgical safety and the spread of infectious diseases, i.e., vaccinations.2 But this is only the beginning.
Gates Gave $319 Million to Media
Generally speaking, companies know better than to bite the hand that feeds them, and Bill Gates has had a hand in feeding hundreds of media outlets and ventures. Via more than 30,000 grants, Gates has contributed at least $319 million to the media, Alan MacLeod, a senior staff writer for MintPress News, revealed.3
“Recipients of this cash include many of America’s most important news outlets, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic.
Gates also sponsors a myriad of influential foreign organizations, including the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times and The Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom; prominent European newspapers such as Le Monde (France), Der Spiegel (Germany) and El País (Spain); as well as big global broadcasters like Al-Jazeera.”4
Examples of the Gates Foundations grants include $24,663,066 to NPR and $12,951,391 to The Guardian. Another $3.6 million grant to CNN was earmarked for “report[ing] on gender equality with a particular focus on least developed countries, producing journalism on the everyday inequalities endured by women and girls across the world,” while a $2.3 million grant to the Texas Tribune was intended “to increase public awareness and engagement of education reform issues in Texas.”5
“Given that Bill is one of the charter schools’ most fervent supporters, a cynic might interpret this as planting pro-corporate charter school propaganda into the media, disguised as objective news reporting,” MacLeod wrote.6
Gates Also Bankrolls ‘Investigative’ Journalism Centers
More than $38 million of Gates’ money has been funneled to investigative journalism centers. The majority — $20.4 million — went to the International Center for Journalists to “expand and develop African media.”7 Another $3.8 million went to Premium Times Centre for Investigative Journalism in Nigeria. It might appear that Gates is intent on creating more favorable PR in Africa.
The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), an organization funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,8 is essentially a Gates Foundation subsidiary, and while some of its projects appear to be beneficial, most of its goals are centered on promoting biotechnology and chemical fertilizers. AGRA was launched in 2006 with funding from the Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.
After more than a decade, AGRA’s influence has significantly worsened the situation in the 18 African nations targeted by this “philanthropic” endeavor. Hunger under AGRA’s direction increased by 30% and rural poverty rose dramatically.9,10
Objectivity Becomes Impossible
Gates’ tentacles are far-reaching in the press. From press and journalism associations to journalistic training, Gates is an overarching keeper of the press, which makes true objective reporting pertaining to Gates himself — or his many initiatives — virtually impossible. According to MacLeod:11
“Today, it is possible for an individual to train as a reporter thanks to a Gates Foundation grant, find work at a Gates-funded outlet, and to belong to a press association funded by Gates. This is especially true of journalists working in the fields of health, education and global development, the ones Gates himself is most active in and where scrutiny of the billionaire’s actions and motives are most necessary.”
Writing in the Columbia Journalism Review,12 Tim Schwab also examined the recipients of nearly 20,000 Gates Foundation grants given to major media companies, including BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian and the Center for Investigative Reporting.
Ironically, “The foundation even helped fund a 2016 report13 from the American Press Institute that was used to develop guidelines14 on how newsrooms can maintain editorial independence from philanthropic funders,” Schwab writes, adding, “Gates’s generosity appears to have helped foster an increasingly friendly media environment for the world’s most visible charity.”
But as you might suspect, Gates’ donations come with strings attached. Those given to NPR were intended to target coverage of global health and education:15
“When Gates gives money to newsrooms, it restricts how the money is used — often for topics, like global health and education, on which the foundation works — which can help elevate its agenda in the news media.
For example, in 2015 Gates gave $383,000 to the Poynter Institute, a widely-cited authority on journalism ethics … earmarking the funds ‘to improve the accuracy in worldwide media of claims related to global health and development.’ Poynter senior vice president Kelly McBride said Gates’s money was passed on to media fact-checking sites …
Since 2000, the Gates Foundation has given NPR $17.5 million [now up to $24.6 million16] through 10 charitable grants — all of them earmarked for coverage of global health and education, specific issues on which Gates works …
Even when NPR publishes critical reporting on Gates, it can feel scripted. In February 2018, NPR ran a story headlined ‘Bill Gates Addresses ‘Tough Questions’ on Poverty and Power.’ The ‘tough questions’ NPR posed in this Q&A were mostly based on a list curated by Gates himself, which he previously answered in a letter posted to his foundation’s website.”
Are Gates’ Power and Wealth Dangerous?
The level of Gates’ wealth is unfathomable to most people. With a net worth of $130.5 billion,17 he yields incredible power over education, health and social policies. Speaking with MintPress News, Linsey McGoey, a professor of sociology at the University of Essex, U.K., explained that Gates’ philanthropy comes with a price:18
“Philanthropy can and is being used deliberately to divert attention away from different forms of economic exploitation that underpin global inequality today.
The new ‘philanthrocapitalism’ threatens democracy by increasing the power of the corporate sector at the expense of the public sector organizations, which increasingly face budget squeezes, in part by excessively remunerating for-profit organizations to deliver public services that could be delivered more cheaply without private sector involvement.”
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest charitable foundation in the world, with a trust endowment valued at $43.5 billion and yearly grant payments in excess of $3 billion annually.19 In addition to being one of the largest contributors to the World Health Organization, with heavy involvement in global public health, the Gates Foundation is deeply involved in agricultural development.20
In a report by Global Justice Now, the excessive global influence held by the Gates Foundation is illustrated, starting with the $2 billion the foundation has spent on agriculture, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
“It is the world’s fifth largest donor to agriculture, spending $389 million in 2013; only Germany, Japan, Norway and the US have larger bilateral aid programmes to agriculture,” the report noted, and, “With funding comes in influence.”21
Gates not only controls the media but is also the largest owner of farmland in the U.S.22 By 2030, Gates is pushing for drastic, fundamental changes, including widespread consumption of fake meat, adoption of next-generation nuclear energy and the growth of a fugus as a new type of nutritional protein.23
Meanwhile, the deadline Gates has given to reach “net zero” carbon emissions is 2050,24 another red flag. Navdanya’s report, “Earth Democracy: Connecting Rights of Mother Earth to Human Rights and Well-Being of All,” explains:25
“… ‘Net Zero’ is a new strategy to get rid of small farmers in first through ‘digital farming’ and ‘farming without farmers’ and then through the burden of fake carbon accounting.
Carbon offsets and the new accounting trick of ‘net zero’ does not mean zero emissions. It means the rich polluters will continue to pollute and also grab the land and resources of those who have not polluted — indigenous people and small farmers — for carbon offsets.”
Who Else Is Controlling the Media?
Gates’ power over the media is immense, but he’s a not a sole actor. Other players in media control include BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, which also control Big Pharma.26 They’re at the top of a pyramid that controls basically everything, but you don’t hear about their terrifying monopoly because they also own the media.
Blackrock and Vanguard hold large interests in pivotal companies, and Vanguard holds a large share of Blackrock. In turn, Blackrock has been called the “fourth branch of government” by Bloomberg as they are the only private firm that has financial agreements to lend money to the central banking system.27 Aside from world media, the companies controlled by Blackrock and Vanguard span everything from entertainment and airlines to social media and communications.
Below is a list of companies in which Vanguard and Blackrock strategically hold a large investment interest. Consider how the products and services provided by these companies are inextricably intertwined with your daily life.28
Bayer Pharmaceuticals
Coca Cola
Viacom (CBS)
The New York Times
Agricultural Bank of China
American Airlines
United Airlines
Zimmer Biomet Holdings
Volkswagen AG
Ford Motor Company
As is illuminated in the video, “The Puppet Masters Portfolios,” Vanguard and Blackrock:29
“… own the news that’s been created, they own the distribution of the news that’s been created, they own the lives of the reporters that are reporting the news that’s being distributed that’s being created on your TV screen. CBS, FOX, ABC, it doesn’t matter which you’re watching.”
As it stands, it’s important to be aware that conventional media are under the control of powerful influences — be it Bill Gates, Blackrock or Vanguard — and their primary intent isn’t to give you objective information but, rather, to further the agendas of those influences.
“Blue Ocean Strategy” is a business strategy that proposes creating a brand new market and dominating it, as opposed to trying to compete in an existing market
Today’s new commercial frontier is the human body, “body as a platform”
We are being ushered toward a life-time subscription to an artificial immunity service
It is important to understand whether in the process of receiving experimental injections, our broad spectrum immunity gets compromised
A few studies came out recently showing that it may be the case, and more research is needed
People as Software Platforms
A few months ago, I wrote an article about the war on natural immunity and ability, in which I discussed how we were being ushered toward a subscription model under which we would have to obtain a life-time subscription to the artificial immunity service — with boosters from here into infinity.
The notion of a life-time subscription to an artificial immunity service is dystopian, and I was hoping to be wrong. But alas, the messaging around the need for boosters due to waning immunity seems to indicate that this is where we are heading, unless we don’t participate.
The model is based on the “Blue Ocean Strategy,” which is a business strategy that “proposes creating a brand new market out of thin air and dominating it (a blue ocean) — as opposed to trying to compete in an existing market (an ocean red with blood).”
For example, when the internet was introduced into commercial use, it was a brand new market and a “blue ocean,” since no such market had existed prior. The introduction of the internet created a whole new “space” that could be monetized in different ways.
Today’s new commercial frontier is the biological realm and the human body, “body as a platform.” In today’s market terms, the human body has the market potential of a natural resource. You know how they say that data is the new oil? If data is the new oil, then we are all data hosts, and we can look forward to being treated like oil reserves.
“Here’s how it applies to natural immunity. A healthy person with a natural immunity might be a happy person — but to a 2021 biotech entrepreneur, who views the human body as a market to dominate, he is a sheer insult. From the standpoint of that entrepreneur, replacing the default natural immunity of the past millions years with a fully artificial tool that requires a ‘subscription’ throughout one’s entire lifetime (see ‘variants’ and ‘boosters’) is desirable.
Replacing the default natural immunity with an artificial tool is a very successful case of creating a brand new market (‘artificial immunity market’) out of air. A life-long subscription to artificial immunity, with an ever-expanding range of necessary ‘upgrades’ is a lot more profitable than some traditional shop selling vitamins. Even better, if artificial immunity destroys the natural immunity, customer loyalty is guaranteed.”
At the time when my article about the war on natural immunity was published, it was still unclear if COVID injections had the potential to undermine our natural broad-spectrum natural immunity. It seems like it would be “good for business” in a psychopathic world but I didn’t really want to think in that direction, it was too dark. Since then, however, a number of studies came out, and they look alarming.
Complexity of Innate Immune Response
Before we dig into the studies about mRNA vaccines and their impact on our innate immunity, let’s talk about how our immune response works in general, in layman’s terms. Our innate immune response is a very complex, coordinated dance between different types of cells and receptors.
All day long, our body is fighting off different mutations (i.e. potential cancers, for example), keeping in check dormant viruses, and so on. When our bodies are in their natural state, our immune systems get trained from doing the work. Just like an athlete or a pianist gets better from exercise, different components of our immune system get better from being exposed to different pathogens and fighting them off successfully.
And just like a person who has solved a particular challenge gets more experienced in general and develops the ability to solve other challenges more effectively, our natural broad immune response also “learns” broadly from solving specific challenges.
With vaccines — which in a good world could be a useful addition to the medical arsenal, if designed and manufactured with total integrity, thoroughly tested, and used without fanaticism — it gets tricky. The problem is that the scientists’ understanding of the tremendous complexity of how everything in our body talks to each other is still very limited.
So when they design a solution to a particular problem — even with the best of intentions — they don’t necessarily consider how their solution impacts us as a whole. Same applies to drugs, this is kind of just the myopic nature of how things are done in our culture. And when we add commerce and hubris and God knows what else to the mix, it gets even trickier.
As a type of a medical product, vaccines (or drugs) are as good or as faulty as our overall state of science and commerce. And because our culture leans on the side of “moving fast and breaking things,” when vaccines are designed to solve a particular problem, the measured outcomes are about that problem alone.
In the real world, however, we are whole organisms, and everything in our bodies is interconnected and works together. Therefore, if a medication or a vaccines solves one problem at the expense of creating another problem, then we suffer as a whole.
DTP Vaccine: A “Natural Experiment” in Africa
For example, even before the mRNA vaccines showed up on the market, in 2017, a telling study was published in EBioMedicine. The study was called, “The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment.”
In that study, the researchers observed a “natural experiment” in which, for logistical reasons, one group of babies received the DTP vaccine, and another group of babies didn’t. Here is their conclusion:
“DTP was associated with 5-fold higher mortality than being unvaccinated. No prospective study has shown beneficial survival effects of DTP. Unfortunately, DTP is the most widely used vaccine, and the proportion who receives DTP3 is used globally as an indicator of the performance of national vaccination programs. It should be of concern that the effect of routine vaccinations on all-cause mortality was not tested in randomized trials.
All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis. Though a vaccine protects children against the target disease it may simultaneously increase susceptibility to unrelated infections.” [emphasis mine]
If I were to interpret that study philosophically, I would say that nature is generally wiser than the scientists — and so when scientists try to outsmart nature by force without being humble about how thoroughly they observe the outcome of their effort, and without total love for the people they are supposed to help — they almost inevitably underestimate the complexity of the situation and break something — and then somebody pays the price for their limited vision.
Without total honestly about one’s limitations and without genuine love for the people, science turns into a conveyor belt that harms. And that’s before adding the desire of control and profits to the mix — and that happens to be the case almost universally, not just in medicine.
Potential Effects of COVID Jabs on Innate Immune Response
Now, when it comes to the COVID injections, we find ourselves in an even more adventurous territory since the product is new and experimental. In order for the mRNA vaccine to get into the body and be allowed by the body to do what it is designed to do in the ideal world, the body’s natural immune reaction to foreign mRNA needs to be turned off — otherwise it will attack the invader on entrance and voila.
Thus, with the current technology, the body’s “security alarm” gets turned off in order to let in the mRNA. But of course, that same security alarm is generally needed by the body, and it is currently unknown what kind of long-term effect turning it off in the context of these injections has on one’s immunity.
If we are to look at the studies that are starting to come out now, the overall effects of turning off the “alarm” might be, well, alarming.
According to a 2021 study (not yet peer-reviewed) by a team of scientists from the Netherlands and Germany, titled, “The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses,” the vaccine “modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli.
The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination [emphasis mine], while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger.”
The paper further stated the following: “We observed a significant reduction in the production if IFN-α secreted after stimulation with poly I:C and R848 after the administration of the second dose of the vaccine [emphasis mine]. This may hamper the initial innate immune response against the virus [emphasis mine], as defects in TLR7 have been shown to result in and increased susceptibility to COVID-19 in young males.
These results collectively demonstrate that the effects of the BNT162b2 vaccine go beyond the adaptive immune system and can also modulate innate immune responses.” [emphasis mine]
In other words, the BNT162b2 injection modified the innate immune response and seemingly weakened certain aspects of it, and no one really knows or understands the details and the very long-term consequences.
If you are curious about the technical detail of how the “alarm” gets turned off, this Scientific American article explains what kind of modifications are used in the mRNA vaccines in order to trick the body into letting the foreign mRNA in.
The article features two scientists: Karikó, senior vice president and head of RNA protein replacement therapies at BioNTech, and Weissman, a professor of vaccine research at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, who were awarded a $3 million Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences for their work.
The article says that “when foreign mRNA is injected into the body, it causes a strong immune response. But Karikó and Weissman figured out a way to how to modify the RNA to make it less inflammatory by substituting one DNA “letter” molecule for another.”
Here is how the researchers themselves explain the mechanism in a study called, “Suppression of RNA recognition by Toll-like receptors: the impact of nucleoside modification and the evolutionary origin of RNA”:
“DNA and RNA stimulate the mammalian innate immune system through activation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) … We show that RNA signals through human TLR3, TLR7, and TLR8, but incorporation of modified nucleosides m5C, m6A, m5U, s2U, or pseudouridine ablates activity” [emphasis mine]
Activation of Previously Dormant or Controlled Pathogens?
Are there recent studies addressing the clinical effects of receiving the COVID injections on people’s broad immunity? There are a few. This study titled, “Hepatitis C Virus Reactivation Following COVID-19 Vaccination – A Case Report,” deserved to be quoted in detail:
“Materials and methods: Here, we report a case of an 82-year old patient with dementia who was admitted to a nursing home in the Netherlands. After vaccination with COVID-19 vaccination, physical examinations and lab tests were performed.
Results: She had a reactivation of hepatitis C infection after vaccination with the mRNA-based Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. This reactivation manifested with jaundice, loss of consciousness, hepatic coma and death.
Conclusion: This reactivation of hepatitis C virus after vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine suggests a need for critical consideration of individuals with prior HCV infection and considered for COVID-19 vaccination.”
In other words, she passed away as a result of a hepatitis C infection that, according to the researchers, activated after she received the injection. While she luckily lived a long life and passed away at 82, no one knows how long she would have lived if she didn’t get the injection. It’s as simple as nobody knows, and it doesn’t look like our leaders care to make sure that this is studied thoroughly before mandating the product on everyone.
Another study titled, “Varicella zoster virus reactivation and mRNA vaccines as a trigger” talks about the reactivation of the zoster virus following the mRNA vaccines. It states the following:
“The suggested pathogenic mechanism was induced lymphopenia and the functional impairment of lymphocytes, particularly CD8+ T cells and natural killer cells.
With regard to COVID-19 vaccines, it is postulated that, as a product of a massive shifting of naïve CD8+ cells, VZV-specific CD8+ cells are not temporarily capable of controlling VZV. The question of why VZV reactivation occurs almost exclusively with mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and not with viral vector or inactivated COVID-19 vaccines remains to be answered.” [emphasis mine]
And finally, in this extremely informative interview on The Highwire, Dr. Ryan Cole provides a good explanation of the potential mechanisms of immunosuppression as a result of COVID injections. He also mentions his observations regarding an alarming trend of previously-under-control cancers going out of remission after the administration of COVID injections.
In another talk, Dr. Cole goes further into what he believes to be a great uptick in cancers post-vaccination, based on the results that he is seeing in his labs.
Conclusion: Unfortunately, it looks like COVID injections could be compromising our broad-spectrum innate immunity at least to some degree — and I wish somebody with a conscience had looked into it very thoroughly before injecting the product into billions of bodies. Why? Because despite what the proponents of the Fourth Industrial Revolution think of us, we are human beings, not commercial platforms.
About the Author
To find more of Tessa Lena’s work, be sure to check out her bio, Tessa Fights Robots.
Another SARS-CoV-2 variant dubbed Omicron has reportedly arisen in fully “vaccinated” patients in Botswana. Handfuls of cases have also emerged in other areas of the world
In response, Japan, Israel and Morocco have closed their borders to all foreign travelers. The U.S., the U.K., Canada and the European Union have banned travelers from southern Africa specifically. Australia has delayed its reopening plans and China has announced a “zero-tolerance approach” to the new variant
Fear over Omicron is likely unjustified, as it appears far milder than previous strains. Primary symptoms of infection include extreme fatigue for a couple of days, headache, body aches, scratchy throat and intermittent dry cough. No severe cases have been identified
While the mass vaccination campaign appears to be driving the rapid mutation of the virus, governments around the world continue to double down on this failed strategy
According to National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci, Omicron might evade both monoclonal antibodies and COVID shot-induced antibodies, but he insists getting the COVID shot (if unvaccinated) or a booster if “fully vaccinated” is your best bet
From the doctor that discovered the omicron variant. Unlike Fauci, she actually has experience with omicron.
“The mildness of the symptoms that we are seeing apparently there’s no reason for panicking as we don’t see severely ill patients…”
The inevitable is now here. Another SARS-CoV-2 variant dubbed Omicron has reportedly arisen in fully “vaccinated” patients in Botswana.1 Handfuls of cases have also emerged in other areas of the world. Judging by the doomsday headlines2 and government imposed lockdowns and border closings, the technocratic elite would really like everyone to panic about this one.
In response, Japan, Israel and Morocco immediately closed their borders to all foreign travelers. The U.S., the U.K., Canada and the European Union banned travelers from southern Africa specifically. Australia delayed its reopening plans and China announced a “zero-tolerance approach” to the new variant.3 But is the fear justified? Probably not.
While the Omicron variant appears to spread more rapidly than previous mutations, and affects people younger than 40 to a greater degree than before, there’s no evidence that it has a higher lethality. On the contrary, it may actually be milder.
That seems to be the opinion of Dr. Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association, who discovered the Omicron variant, who in a recent interview (see video above) said:4
“Looking at the mildness of the symptoms that we are seeing — apparently, there’s no reason for panicking as we don’t see severely ill patients… The most predominant complaint is severe fatigue for one or two days, with headache, body aches and pain.
Some will have a scratchy throat and some will have a dry cough [that] comes and goes. Those are more or less the big symptoms we have seen.”
Viruses Typically Mutate Into Less Dangerous Variants
This all makes sense, based on what we already know about viruses. As reported by Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D., with the Brownstone Institute:5
“The WHO has said the Omicron variant can spread more quickly than other variants. Likely true. The virus is behaving just like how viruses behave.
They are mutable and mutate, and via the Muller’s ratchet theory, we expect these to be milder and milder mutations, not more lethal ones given the pathogen seeks to infect the host and not arrive at an evolutionary dead end.
The virus will mutate downward so that it can use the host (us) to propagate itself via our cellular metabolic machinery. The Delta variant has shown us this: It is very infectious and mostly non-lethal — specially for children and healthy people …
[T]here is no reporting of increased virulence/lethality of this new Omicron variant, and this will remain the case based on what we’ve seen from Delta and prior variants. There are no guarantees, but we operate based on risk and all things point to the same for this new variant.
Just because there might be a wave in South Africa does not mean there will be waves in the U.S. or Israel or other places with greater natural immunity. This was the prize of letting people enjoy day-to-day living.
The nations that have ended lockdowns are likely to move past this new variant scare, and be fine. This is more of an overreaction by the WHO and governments and much ado about nothing.”
Is a New Round of COVID Shots the Answer?
“Inevitably, it will be here. The question is will we be prepared for it?”
While the mass vaccination campaign appears to be driving the rapid mutation of the virus, governments around the world continue to double down on this failed strategy. More shots are the answer, they say.
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci has stated Omicron might evade both monoclonal antibodies and COVID shot-induced antibodies.6 Sticking to the same script, National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins recently told Fox News viewers:7
“Please, Americans, if you’re one of those folks who’s sort of waiting to see, this would be a great time to sign up, get your booster. Or if you haven’t been vaccinated already, get started.”
It’s befuddling, considering the shots don’t protect against infection or spread, and the fact that Omicron apparently emerged in fully “vaccinated” patients.8 What’s more, if the Omicron variant actually evades COVID shot-induced antibodies, what’s the point of getting it?
A vaccine-evading variant is clear evidence that mass vaccination is fueling more problematic mutations, so the recommendations simply don’t jibe with the available data.
COVID Shots Are a Failure
In his article, Alexander highlights a long list of studies showing the COVID shots have suboptimal efficacy, including the following:9
The Lancet Infectious Diseases October 202110 — Fully “vaccinated” individuals who develop breakthrough infections have a peak viral load similar to that of unvaccinated people, and efficiently transmit the infection to unvaccinated and “vaccinated” alike in household settings.
The Lancet Preprint11 — Fully “vaccinated” Vietnamese health care workers who contracted breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta infections had viral loads that were 251 times higher than those found in cases infected with earlier strains. So, the shots do not appear to protect against infection with the Delta strain.
A July 31, 2021, medRxiv preprint by Riemersma et. al.12 found no difference in viral loads between unvaccinated people and those “fully vaccinated” who developed breakthrough infections. They also found the Delta variant was capable of “partial escape from polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.”
Eurosurveillance rapid communication, July 202113 — An outbreak of the Delta variant in a hospital in Finland suggested the shots did little to prevent the spread of infection, even among the “vaccinated,” and despite routine use of face masks and other protective equipment.
Eurosurveillance rapid communication, September 202114 — An upsurge of Delta variant infections in Israel, at a time when more than 55% of the population were “fully vaccinated,” also showed the COVID shots were ineffective against this variant. The infection spread even to those who were fully jabbed AND wore surgical masks.
The Lancet Preprint, October 202115 — This Swedish study found the Pfizer injection’s effectiveness progressively waned from 89% on Days 15 to 30, post-injection, to 42% from Day 181 onward. As of day 211, no protection against infection was discernible. Moderna’s shot fared slightly better, waning to 59% as of Day 181. The AstraZeneca injection offered lower protection than Pfizer and Moderna from the start, and waned faster, reaching zero by day 121.
BioRxiv September 202116 — Six months after the second Pfizer shot, antibody responses and T cell immunity against the original virus and known variants was found to have substantially waned, in many cases reaching undetectable levels.
Journal of Infection August 202117 — When the Delta variant was the cause of the infection, neutralizing antibodies had decreased affinity for the spike protein, while antibodies that worsen infection had increased affinity.
The Lancet Infectious Diseases November 202118 — 26% of patients admitted to hospital with confirmed severe or critical COVID-19 were “fully vaccinated;” 46% had a positive COVID test but were asymptomatic, 7% had mild infection and 20% had moderate illness. So, among those who developed symptoms of infection, the majority ended up with severe or critical illness.
medRxiv August 202119 — People with no previous SARS-CoV-2 infection who got the Pfizer shot had a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease, compared to people who had natural immunity.
Can COVID-19 Injections Promote ADE?
Over the course of 2020, many published studies highlighted the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) following the COVID shots. For example, one October 28, 2020, paper stressed that:20
“… vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralizing antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).”
While we’ve not seen conclusive evidence of ADE yet, there are signs that point in that direction. Twenty years of research have demonstrated that making a vaccine against coronaviruses is fraught with risk.21 In fact, most previous coronavirus vaccine efforts — for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and similar viruses — have ended up triggering ADE.22,23,24,25,26,27
What that means is that, rather than enhance your immunity against the infection, the vaccine actually enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated.28 The 2003 review paper “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Virus Infection and Disease” explains it this way:29
“In general, virus-specific antibodies are considered antiviral and play an important role in the control of virus infections in a number of ways. However, in some instances, the presence of specific antibodies can be beneficial to the virus. This activity is known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of virus infection.
The ADE of virus infection is a phenomenon in which virus-specific antibodies enhance the entry of virus, and in some cases the replication of virus, into monocytes/macrophages and granulocytic cells through interaction with Fc and/or complement receptors.
This phenomenon has been reported in vitro and in vivo for viruses representing numerous families and genera of public health and veterinary importance.
These viruses share some common features such as preferential replication in macrophages, ability to establish persistence, and antigenic diversity. For some viruses, ADE of infection has become a great concern to disease control by vaccination.”
The 2014 paper,30 “Antibody-Dependent SARS Coronavirus Infection Is Mediated by Antibodies Against Spike Proteins,” concluded that monoclonal antibodies generated against SARS-CoV spike proteins actually promoted infection, and that overall, “antibodies against SARS-CoV spike proteins may trigger ADE effects,” thereby raising “questions regarding a potential SARS-CoV vaccine.”
So far, all Omicron cases have been relatively mild, but should it turn out that fully “vaccinated” people are developing severe disease while the unvaccinated don’t, then that would be an indication that ADE is at play.
SARS Vaccine Shown to Cause ADE
An interesting 2012 paper31 with the telling title, “Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus,” demonstrates what many researchers now fear, namely that COVID-19 vaccines may end up making people more prone to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection.
The paper reviews experiments showing immunization with a variety of SARS vaccines resulted in pulmonary immunopathology once challenged with the SARS virus. As noted by the authors:32
“Inactivated whole virus vaccines whether inactivated with formalin or beta propiolactone and whether given with our without alum adjuvant exhibited a Th2-type immunopathologic in lungs after challenge.
As indicated, two reports attributed the immunopathology to presence of the N protein in the vaccine; however, we found the same immunopathologic reaction in animals given S protein vaccine only, although it appeared to be of lesser intensity.
Thus, a Th2-type immunopathologic reaction on challenge of vaccinated animals has occurred in three of four animal models (not in hamsters) including two different inbred mouse strains with four different types of SARS-CoV vaccines with and without alum adjuvant. An inactivated vaccine preparation that does not induce this result in mice, ferrets and nonhuman primates has not been reported.
This combined experience provides concern for trials with SARS-CoV vaccines in humans. Clinical trials with SARS coronavirus vaccines have been conducted and reported to induce antibody responses and to be ‘‘safe.” However, the evidence for safety is for a short period of observation.
The concern arising from the present report is for an immunopathologic reaction occurring among vaccinated individuals on exposure to infectious SARS-CoV, the basis for developing a vaccine for SARS.
Additional safety concerns relate to effectiveness and safety against antigenic variants of SARS-CoV and for safety of vaccinated persons exposed to other coronaviruses, particularly those of the type 2 group.”
Higher Vaccination Rates, Higher Infection Rates
One trend that could be indicative of ADE is the fact that areas with higher vaccination rates have higher infection rates. If the shots prevented infection, it would be the opposite. The Waterford district in Ireland, for example, has a 99.7% vaccination rate, the highest in the country, but also has the highest daily COVID case load.33
And, for some reason, the U.S. COVID mortality rate is higher in 2021 than it was in 2020,34 before the rollout of the shots, so clearly, they’re not helping matters. As noted by Alexander in his Brownstone article:35
“[G]overnments asked us for two weeks to flatten the curve to help prepare hospitals so that they can tend to surges and other non-COVID illnesses. We as societies gave our governments two weeks, not 21 months.
They failed to tend to the non-COVID illnesses, and we locked down the healthy and well (children and young and middle aged healthy persons) while failing to properly protect the vulnerable and high-risk persons such as the elderly … This failure rests on public health messaging and government.
Additionally, what did our governments in the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia etc. do with the tax money for the hospitals and personal protective equipment (PPE), etc.? Hospitals must be prepared by now. Governments have failed! Not the people. The task forces have failed, not the people.”
Masks don’t work. Lockdowns don’t work. Shutting down small businesses and schools don’t work. The COVID shots don’t work. Yet with the emergence of Omicron, governments are reimplementing all of the same countermeasures that haven’t worked for the past two years.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Yet that’s what’s passing for “science” these days. The answer to this madness is mass-noncompliance. We must peacefully reject these wholly unscientific and harmful “remedies.”
Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to multiple safety concerns
There’s credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes
In the case of the COVID shots, important animal studies that help ascertain toxic and systemic effects were not done. We’re now seeing danger signals that are not being heeded. Preliminary safety results of mRNA COVID shots used in pregnant women, published in April 2021, revealed an 82% miscarriage rate when the jab was administered during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
CDC data reveal more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the COVID jab, yet the shot is now authorized for children as young as 5
Since the COVID gene therapies do not prevent infection, but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not a prevention. And there are far safer and more effective treatment available, including nebulized peroxide, ozone therapy, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens
Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist and toxicologist and director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services LLC. April 23, 2021, she delivered a three-minute public comment to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
Her expertise is analysis of pharmacological dose-responses, mechanistic biology and complex toxicity dynamics. In her ACIP comment (see video below), Lindsay described how she aided the development of a contraceptive vaccine in the 1990s that ended up causing unintended autoimmune destruction and sterility in animals which, despite careful pre-analysis, had not been predicted. She explains:
“We were developing what was meant to be a temporary contraceptive vaccine, which was very attractive because it prevented fertilization rather than preventing implantation — or it should have; that was the idea.
Unfortunately, even though quite a bit of analysis was done in different animal models to make sure that it did not have an autoimmune action, it did end up having an autoimmune action and caused complete ovarian destruction.
Now it’s used in that manner [for permanent sterilization] in dogs, cats and other animals. So, that’s a cautionary tale of how animal studies can help us avoid mistakes in humans when they’re used properly, and when proper animal studies are done.”
We May Be Sterilizing an Entire Generation
At the time, she called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to safety concerns on multiple fronts. In particular, she noted there is credible concern that they will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may “impair fertility and reproductive outcomes.”
Not a single study has disproven this hypothesis, she noted. Another theory of how these injections might impair fertility can be found in a 2006 study,1 which showed sperm can take up foreign mRNA, convert it into DNA, and release it as little pellets (plasmids) in the medium around the fertilized egg.
The embryo then takes up these plasmids and carries them (sustains and clones them into many of the daughter cells) throughout its life, even passing them on to future generations. It’s possible that the pseudo-exosomes that are the mRNA contents would be perfect for supplying the sperm with mRNA for the spike protein.
So, potentially, a vaccinated woman who gets pregnant with an embryo that can (via the sperms’ plasmids) synthesize the spike protein according to the instructions in the vaccine, would have an immune capacity to attack that embryo because of the “foreign” protein it displays on its cells. This then would cause a miscarriage.
“We could potentially be sterilizing an entire generation,” Lindsey warned. The fact that there have been live births following COVID-19 vaccination is not proof that these injections do not have a reproductive effect, she said.
Lindsay also pointed out that reports of menstrual irregularities and vaginal hemorrhaging in women who have received the injections number in the thousands,2,3,4 and this too hints at reproductive effects. In this interview, we dive deeper into these mechanisms.
Something Has Gone Horribly Wrong
When asked how she ended up getting so passionately involved in this controversial topic, Lindsay replies:
“I became interested in the issue because science was not making sense anymore. For instance, herd immunity was being redefined. Herd immunity has always been defined by a combination of the natural infection with vaccination practices that work.
Suddenly, herd immunity was changed to only being attained through vaccination, and I knew that that was horribly wrong, yet it was being touted everywhere. It was certainly being touted by [Dr. Anthony] Fauci and others who know better.
Other things were also happening within the scientific world. Two of our top tier journals, The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet, published fraudulent hydroxychloroquine studies.
Ostensibly they had gone through peer review, and it should’ve been easy to catch the errors in these studies — as well as many other studies that allow for the emergency use authorization of these gene therapies — and they weren’t caught.
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are very safe. They’ve been used safely in pregnant women and children for decades, and suddenly they were being vilified as if they were not safe. As a toxicologist, I know they are safe.
So, these types of things really piqued my attention along with all of the stuff going on in the background with respect to the New World Order and the agenda set by the World Economic Forum, and our joining into this, along with so many other countries, despite their intent, their materials, which claim life will be changed as we know it.
We will ‘own nothing and be happy [about it]’ in just a few years. All of these things converged for me into a sense that something had gone horribly wrong, that our regulatory institutes were captured, and that our scientific journals were not being honest anymore …
There’s a paper that came out in 2006 called ‘Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza.’5 This paper is wonderful. It goes through World Health Organization and CDC guidelines on how to react during a pandemic, what works and what doesn’t work, and it clearly points out that masks don’t work.
They knew at that point they don’t work. Travel lockdowns don’t work. It’s a wonderful paper to basically go through everything we have done in response to this pandemic, and say that’s an inappropriate way to respond, and we have scientific data that proves it. So, I encourage everybody to go back to that paper … to really see how crazy we’ve gotten in the mandates that make no scientific sense at all.”
Massive Danger Signal Is Being Ignored
As noted by Lindsay, in the case of the COVID shots, important animal studies that help ascertain toxic and systemic effects were not done. But we’re still seeing danger signals that need to be heeded.
Preliminary safety results of mRNA COVID shots used in pregnant women, based on data from the V-Safe Registry, were published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in April 2021.6
According to this paper, the miscarriage rate within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy was 12.5%, which is only slightly above the normal average of 10%. (Looking at statistical data, the risk of miscarriage drops from an overall, average risk rate of 21.3% for the duration of the pregnancy as a whole, to just 5% between Weeks 6 and 7, all the way down to 1% between Weeks 14 and 20.7)
However, there’s a distinct problem with this calculation, as highlighted by Drs. Ira Bernstein and Sanja Jovanovic, and Deann McLeod, HBSc, of Toronto. In a May 28, 2021, letter to the editor, they pointed out that:8
“In table 4, the authors report a rate of spontaneous abortions <20 weeks (SA) of 12.5% (104 abortions/827 completed pregnancies). However, this rate should be based on the number of women who were at risk of an SA due to vaccine receipt and should exclude the 700 women who were vaccinated in their third-trimester (104/127 = 82%).”
In other words, when you exclude women who got the shot in their third trimester (since the third trimester is AFTER week 20 and therefore should not be counted when determining miscarriage rate among those injected BEFORE week 20), the miscarriage rate is a whopping 82%.
Of those 104 miscarriages, 96 of them occurred before 13 weeks of gestation, which strongly suggests that getting a COVID shot during the first trimester is an absolute recipe for disaster.
“They concluded, very fraudulently, in my estimation, that it was safe to vaccinate in the third trimester, and said nothing about the clear safety signal in the first trimester,” Lindsay says. “It’s just so dishonest, so purposefully manipulative.”
As for the women who get the shot in their third trimester, there’s still no telling what the ramifications might be in the long term.
“We just don’t know, and that’s the problem,” Lindsay says. “There are all kinds of things that can go wrong with these types of therapies, and have gone wrong in animal models. We don’t know what will happen in the future for these women or for their children. This could be passed on.
We’re seeing now a lot of mention of constitutive expression, whether that’s failure of the mRNA to degrade or integration into the genome. That’s still being investigated.”
Children Are Dying From COVID Jab-Induced Myocarditis
Lindsay goes on to cite a CDC report that shows more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the COVID jab.
We also know, based in part on whistleblower testimony, that more than 50,000 Americans have died within three days of these shots,9,10 and that’s just from one database (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS). There are 10 other databases that feed into the CDC that the public does not have access to.
“This many deaths, it’s appalling and alarming,” Lindsay says. “Dr. Peter McCullough says the safety signal for typical vaccines, other than this gene therapy, would’ve been around 186 total. We’re now up to [17,128 reported deaths in VAERS, as of October 15, 202111], but they haven’t paused this in children.
They have not paused this while they’re investigating the myocarditis. Instead, they’re pushing it even more. Has this ever happened before? I mean, does this happen in a scenario where the population is at essentially zero risk for the disease? …
The cardiac deaths alone in perfectly healthy kids, and pulmonary embolism deaths in kids, should’ve stopped this. They are at no risk [from COVID-19]. There is no reason to vaccinate them, absolutely zero reason to give them these gene therapies because they’re at no risk [from the infection] …
You know [the shot] is causing heart failure, pulmonary emboli, cardiac arrest in healthy teenagers, and you’re not pausing to investigate the risk versus reward scenario? Something is horribly wrong.
Unfortunately, our regulatory institutions are not going to stop this. They’ve clearly been captured. It’s something that we’re going to have to do. Vaccinated and non-vaccinated must stand together to say, ‘No, you’re not going to experiment on my children’ …
With the RSV vaccines and the dengue fever vaccines, we had deaths in children that were much fewer in number that stopped those campaigns as well. It’s very, very clear — if you don’t get anything else out of this interview with me, understand that our regulatory and safety agencies have been captured.
They’re not doing their job to protect you or your children. You must not trust them, because they are not doing anything according to practices that used to be adhered to. It’s clear that they’ve been captured and compromised, and I hate to say that. I really hate to say that, but that’s the only logical answer …
We have all these breakthrough cases too. If you look at Michigan, and I’ve actually been privy to some other databases of true death numbers in different states [comparing] those who are vaccinated and those who don’t, and I can tell you that the media is lying with respect to the unvaccinated making up 99% of hospitalizations. They’re absolutely lying.”
How the Jab Can Sabotage Fertility
Getting back to the fertility issue, Lindsay cites a Singaporean study that examined the COVID jab’s ability to interfere with fertility by triggering anti-syncytin-1. The study included 15 women, two of whom were pregnant. She explains:
“They did something that I had asked to be done a long time ago, which was to measure anti-syncytin antibodies in an ELISA test. The syncytins are conformationally and genetically similar to the [SARS-CoV-2] spike protein, this fusogenic spike protein.
The thought by several experts was that you could have an autoimmune reaction to the syncytins by developing an immune reaction to the spike protein, and then that would prevent successful pregnancy.
But the syncytins are also important in a number of psychological diseases, such as bipolar depression. They’re important on autoimmune disease, lupus and multiple sclerosis. They are present in skeletal muscle. There’s some association with breast cancer. They’re really important ancient retroviral elements.
What this study found was extremely interesting. It found that every single one of these women who had been vaccinated developed autoantibodies to syncytin-1. Now, the authors kind of dismissed this and said, ‘Oh, but we don’t think that those antibodies were high enough to mean anything.’
But there was a clear difference between the pre-gene therapy sera [blood sample] and the post-therapy sera … What it shows is that there is an antibody response, and the significance of it, we don’t really know. But every single one of the women developed an antibody response that was different from the baseline … and I think that’s probably what’s causing some of these pregnancy losses.”
Are COVID Jabs a Population-Wide Immunocontraceptive?
When asked what she thinks the motive behind this mass injection campaign might be, considering the clear danger signals, she replies:
“I certainly think that to discount that it is a form of population-wide contraceptive would be naïve. There’s a paper that came out in 2005. It’s called ‘Evaluation of Fusogenic Trophoblast Surface Epitopes as Targets for Immune Contraception.’12
This paper tried to find contraceptive peptides in persons that had infertility problems already that were isolated to placentation. So, it was taking a backwards approach, getting the sera from people who had fertility problems and trying to see what they had antibodies to that was causing the fertility problems …
This work was sponsored by the WHO and the Rockefeller Foundation [and the National Institutes of Health]. No surprise there. It was then picked up by a company called AplaGen that took it to patent in 2007.
These are 12-mer peptides, and there’s a series of eight of them that can be used to induce sterility. When they patented it, they also said that it could be used to ameliorate sterility. Interestingly, it was also associated with all of the things that we know syncytin is associated with, — lupus, skeletal muscle disorders, bipolar depression [and] a number of other things.
Even though they don’t name syncytin proteins as the proteins that are targeted, they worked backwards from these peptides, and then said they were a series of other proteins. Sometimes we know that proteins can be called the same thing in different discovery realms. So, that’s going to take more research, but it was certainly interesting to me.
What it really points out is that there were efforts to use peptides or immunocontraceptive means at the placental trophoblast interface to cause sterilization … So, it would be naïve to think that this was not on the plate for future use.”
How Long Will Effects Last?
An obvious question is, how long might these effects last? Are they lifelong? Of course, any answer we come up with here will be hypothetical only, as the studies simply haven’t been done. That said, with her background in molecular biology, Lindsay is at least qualified to theorize.
The mRNA is extremely fragile, which is why a nanolipid with polyethylene glycol delivery system is used. In addition, about 30% of the mRNA has been genetically modified to decrease degradation. As a result, the mRNA being injected is magnitudes sturdier than natural mRNA.
What’s more, the nanoliposomes allow for superior penetration into tissues, and we now know it spreads throughout your body. It doesn’t stay in your deltoid. How long this modified and stabilized mRNA remains viable is still unknown, however. A corollary question is whether this mRNA might be integrated into your genome to become a permanent fixture.
“The answer is, we don’t know for sure,” Lindsay says. “Of course, with the adenoviral vector vaccines [Janssen and AstraZeneca], they’re more prone to integration into the genome. We know that from animal studies and past experiments.
With the mRNA technology, we’ve never stabilized something like this in this manner. What we do know is that recent studies have come out — Bruce Patterson’s group and another group — both came out with the finding that the spike protein is being expressed, [it’s] present on monocytes, as far out as from the time that the people were given the gene therapy.
So, that gives us an indication that it is resistant, for sure, to degradation. The longer it stays around, and is resistant to degradation, the more likely that genomic integration events can occur. But I don’t know the answer to whether or not it will become a permanent feature.”
Make a Rational Choice
As explained by Lindsay, no coronavirus vaccine has ever been successfully brought to market, despite 20 years of effort. All have failed due to antibody dependent enhancement, where the vaccination facilitates infection rather than protects against it.
Now, we’re to believe a safe and effective coronavirus “vaccine” has been developed in mere months. She also makes another important point. Since the COVID gene therapies do not prevent infection, but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not a prevention.
And there are far safer and more effective treatments available, including nebulized peroxide, ozone therapy, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens.
“If all these gene therapies do is lessen the diseases, then they’re not a vaccine, they are a treatment,” she says. “They are a treatment that you don’t know the mid- or long-term consequences of, that have already caused a number of adverse events. You have to use your common sense to say, why wouldn’t I use a treatment that has been known to be safe over 70 years as opposed to one that is brand-new, that is experimental?”
Other Safety Signals
Aside from fertility issues, heart inflammation and blood clots, another side effect seen among the fully “vaccinated” is de novo Type 1 diabetes in adults. This makes sense considering Pfizer’s biodistribution study showed the spike protein accumulates in the pancreas. The natural SARS-CoV infection can also have this effect.
Type 1 diabetes is a serious problem, as it leaves you metabolically handicapped for the rest of your life, dependent on extremely costly insulin injections. Doctors are also reporting an increase in pancreatic cancer and acute myeloid leukemia.
Where Do We Go From Here?
“Many scientists and physicians feel as I do, and are trying to figure out where we go from here,” Lindsay says, “because our typical safety and regulatory agencies have been compromised.” She believes we need to continue sharing the data and facts that mainstream media refuse to discuss, and continue urging those who have received the jab to at least protect their children.
“We need to stand together as one people and say we’re not going to accept this, especially not for our children, and try to get to the bottom of this and see what’s really behind all these efforts. Is it really about a virus, or is it more about other political motivations and campaigns, as it seems to be?”
I’m less optimistic about the idea of breaking through the brainwashing to get people to not sacrifice their children. So many have their minds set in cement with the wrong information. They could have their brother, sister, mother or father get the shot and die with the needle still on their arm, and they’d still go out to get a booster the next day.
I’ve seen it so many times. My friends, their parents, their siblings and loved ones — there’s this barrier that prevents any openness to new information. They’ve made their decision. Mark Twain said, “It’s far easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled.” And it’s true.
So, while I agree that we must keep trying, and have faith that truth will prevail, I also think it’s important to have realistic expectations. We’re up against the most effective propaganda campaign in modern history. It’s psychological warfare at its best.
From my perspective, being a pragmatic realist, I believe the best strategy is to reinforce and support those who didn’t buy into the propaganda narrative to begin with, because they don’t struggle with that cognitive dissonance. If we stick together and support each other, so none of us get sucked into the lunacy, then we can at least preserve the control group.
Ultimately, the truth will come out, as long as we can preserve the control group. In a year or two, or three, we will clearly be able to tell how devastating this intervention was simply by comparing the two groups. I suspect those who got the shot will be severely crippled in various ways, and those who didn’t get the shot will have far better health in comparison.
“I absolutely agree that we have to preserve a control group. We also have to think of ways that we can help those that have been injured. I brought this out in a letter I recently wrote, advocating for Dr. McCullough.
People who have gotten this inoculation, if they have mid- to long-term effects, if you deny that any adverse effects are really going on, then the efforts going into those treatments for people who are having side effects are not going to be there. We have to accept that these [side effects] are real in order to help people who have already taken the inoculations, and I believe we have to try.”
This video was produced as evidence in a legal case to obtain a temporary restraining order against Sentara Healthcare System. That is where Dr. Paul Marik, the most highly published Critical Care Intensivist in the world, is being prohibited from giving his critically ill ICU patients the medicines in the MATH+ Protocol he believes will save their lives—and for which mountains of scientific evidence exists. The video presents four brief synopses of the experiences of critically ill COVID-19 patients who survived after receiving components of the MATH+ Hospital Protocol in the ICU.
The son of one of the patients in the video had to file a court order compelling the hospital to provide his mother with ivermectin. Another patient was life-flighted to a MATH+ hospital in Houston after being denied the protocol at his local hospital. The story of a man—who was nearly placed on a ventilator but was given MATH+ components instead— is featured; as well as the story of a rapidly deteriorating COVID patient whose attending physician gave his patient ivermectin— and ultimately saved his life.
SPR and other independent experts warned early on that the very expensive “anti-viral” drug remdesivir, produced by Gilead and promoted by the media, is a failure. Dr. Paul Marik, author of the EVMS Covid-19 Critical Care Protocol, called remdesivir a “particularly useless drug” and Gilead’s aggressive marketing campaign “Wall Street centered, not patient-centered”.
The newly published results of the global WHO Solidarity trial now confirm that remdesivir reduces neither hospital stay (time to recovery) nor mortality. But remdesivir is not just a “useless drug”, it may in fact be a dangerous one, as its liver and kidney toxicity in covid patients has been widely documented and is currently being investigated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
Investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva recently revealed how Gilead paid more than $200 million to US doctors and hospitals to promote its drugs despite several hundred drug-related deaths (this is referring to Gilead’s hepatitis C drug, in particular).
Moreover, several of the fraudulent anti-HCQ studies were published by researchers linked to or paid by remdesivir producer Gilead. The WHO trial itself used toxic overdoses of HCQ, as first revealed by US doctor and biohazard expert Meryl Nass in June (the WHO trial was halted thereafter).
(Update: As the Guardian reports, Gilead knew about the negative WHO trial results since September 23, but nevertheless signed a $1 billion deal for 500,000 doses of remdesivir with the European Commission, which did not yet know about the results, on October 8.)
Based on current scientific and clinical evidence, it is best to treat high-risk covid patients as early as possible to avoid disease progression and hospitalization. For more information, see the recent video presentation on ambulatory treatment of covid by Dr. Peter McCullough.
Meanwhile, the globalist-controlled CIA has been caught protecting massive pedophile rings! The Great Reset is here! Its goal is to depopulate Earth! Tune in NOW and learn how we can fight back & win!
Join The Conversation! | Story 1 | COVID-19 Infection Rate Skyrockets in America’s Most Vaccinated State: Vermont Becker’s Healthcare, a prominent health system-focused online media reported today that Vermont is the most vaccinated state in the nation. Nearly 72% of the entire population of about 630,000 are fully vaccinated. Yet new cases of SARS-CoV-2 skyrocket, including deaths. What is going on? Why does TrialSite continue to see in the most heavily vaccinated nations and several states in the United States inordinately high rates of infection? TrialSite reports a trend observed across America and the world where the most vaccinated populations experienced acceleration in infections, including breakthrough Sars-CoV-2 cases. Link |… Story 2 | The NIH to Debate Vaccine Mandates There’s an interesting debate happening over vaccine mandates, and it’s in an unlikely place. The National Institute of Health, the workplace of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is a mandate advocate. According to a November 7th article in The Wall Street Journal, the NIH will hold a “round-table session” on December 1st to discuss the “ethics” of the proposed workplace mandate. Link |…
In a November 9, 2021, interview with Atlantic Council CEO Frederick Kempe, Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Bourla claimed “a small part of professionals” intentionally circulate “misinformation … so that they will mislead those that have concerns.” Such medical professionals are not just bad people, Bourla said, “they’re criminals, because they have literally cost millions of lives”
The criminals’ playbook includes the dictum to always blame the other side for what they themselves are guilty of
Pfizer has a long history of criminal activity. The company has been sued in multiple venues over unethical drug testing, illegal marketing practices, bribery in multiple countries, environmental violations — including illegal dumping of PCBs and other toxic waste — labor and worker safety violations and more. It’s also been criticized for price gouging that threatens the lives of patients with chronic diseases such as epilepsy
Between 2002 and 2010, Pfizer was fined $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards, including a $2.3 billion fine in 2009, the then-largest health care fraud fine in American history. In 2011, Pfizer paid $14.5 million to settle charges of illegal marketing, and in 2014 they settled charges relating to unlawful marketing of the kidney transplant drug Rapamune to the tune of $35 million. None of it deterred future bad behavior
According to a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID jab trial in the fall of 2020, data were falsified, patients were unblinded and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind
In a November 9, 2021, interview with Atlantic Council CEO Frederick Kempe,1 Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Bourla claimed “a small part of professionals” intentionally circulate “misinformation … so that they will mislead those that have concerns.”2
Such medical professionals, Bourla said, are not just bad people, “they’re criminals, because they have literally cost millions of lives.” Bourla is one to talk, being the CEO of a company the name of which is synonymous with corporate crime.
Bourla’s comments were made on the same day Pfizer and its partner BioNTech asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to broaden its authorization for booster shots to everyone over the age of 18.3
Pot Calling the Kettle Black
I guess we can’t be too surprised, though, as the primary defense strategy people like Bourla have is to blame the opposition for their own misdeeds. He even claims the company is being targeted by “dark organizations,” meaning organizations that aren’t transparent about their funding.
This is precisely what the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is, the fabrications4 of which are being used to prop up the official narrative that those who present evidence showing the COVID shots are dangerous are domestic terrorists5 out to worsen the pandemic death toll.
No one knows who funds this group, but it has plenty of connections to war hawks and Great Reset promoters — including the Atlantic Council, to which Bourla is making these statements.
By way of its board members, the CCDH can be linked to the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, the European Council of Foreign Relations, Save the Children Fund (funded by the Gates Foundation and a partner of Gates’ GAVI Vaccine Alliance), the British Parliament, CIA and Event 201,6,7 Microsoft,8 and the Center for American Progress9 (another organization funded by dark money10).
And Bourla wants us to believe Pfizer is under attack from dark money groups? Again, the playbook of these wolves includes the dictum to always blame the other side for what they themselves are guilty of.
More on the Atlantic Council
In August 2018, Facebook claimed an “influence campaign” by Russian “bad actors” had been carried out on its platform leading up to the 2018 midterm elections. However, it turned out these pages weren’t identified by Facebook. They came primarily from the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab.
In her article, “Hysteria Over Newly Revealed Facebook ‘Influence Campaign’ Doesn’t Fit the Facts,”11 investigative reporter Whitney Webb took a deep-dive into this inane propaganda effort, pointing out that:
“… despite the lawmakers’ claims, Facebook has established no links to the Russian government or even Russian nationals.
The only ‘evidence’ to back up the claim of Russian-involvement is that one of the pages identified ‘had an IRA [Internet Research Agency, a Russian ‘troll farm’ named in a Mueller-probe indictment] account as one of its admins for ‘only seven minutes’ and ‘one of the IRA accounts we disabled in 2017 shared a Facebook Event hosted by’ one of the pages.
Beyond the fact that accusations of Russian involvement are highly politicized given the lack of current evidence, there is hardly any indication that this ‘influence campaign’ was even influential at all.
Indeed, most of the ‘bad actor’ pages and accounts had hardly any followers, with most of them having no followers. For instance, only four of the 32 total social-media pages and accounts had more than 10 followers, with all other pages — i.e., the remaining 28 — having between 10 and zero, according to Facebook’s statements.
All of the Instagram accounts identified had zero followers and, among those seven accounts, only one of them had made a single post on the platform. By Facebook’s own admission, only four of the pages named were even remotely significant in terms of followers and thus ‘influence.’”
Why do I mention this? Because this is the same tactic used to frame a small number of individuals with limited social media reach as domestic terrorists, simply for sharing counter-narratives about the COVID pandemic.
False Allegations Used to Quench Freedom of Speech
According to the CCDH,12 a dozen individuals, including me, were responsible for 65% of all anti-vaccine content on social media and should therefore be banned from all platforms. Most social media companies have since complied, deplatforming most of us. This despite a public denouncement of the CCDH’s accusations by Monika Bickert, vice president of Facebook content policy, who stated that:13
“… these 12 people are responsible for about just 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on Facebook. This includes all vaccine-related posts they’ve shared, whether true or false, as well as URLs associated with these people.
The report14 upon which the faulty narrative is based analyzed only a narrow set of 483 pieces of content over six weeks from only 30 groups, some of which are as small as 2,500 users.
They are in no way representative of the hundreds of millions of posts that people have shared about COVID-19 vaccines in the past months on Facebook.
Further, there is no explanation for how the organization behind the report identified the content they describe as ‘anti-vax’ or how they chose the 30 groups they included in their analysis. There is no justification for their claim that their data constitute a ‘representative sample’ of the content shared across our apps.”
Information Warfare
Getting back to the Atlantic Council, Webb noted that:15
“Facebook officially partnered with the Atlantic Council this past May in order to tackle so-called ‘fake news,’ adding that the hawkish think-tank would serve as its ‘eyes and ears’ in identifying alleged foreign-influence operations …
The Atlantic Council itself is led by a mix of retired military officers, former politicians, and Western business elites. And the think-tank’s financial sponsors include top U.S. defense contractors; agencies aligned with Washington and the Pentagon; the United Arab Emirates; major transnational corporations; and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
One can think of several reasons why such a group would be interested in fomenting anti-Russian hysteria … The Atlantic Council’s conflicts of interest are certainly worth keeping in mind …”
The same must be said about the CCDH, and Pfizer too. Both are glaringly biased and in no position to judge what is misinformation and what isn’t. But then, this is war, after all. We’re in an information war, and the term “misinformation” is lobbed in lieu of grenades. Discernment and some basic wisdom is required to avoid becoming a victim.
Fact checking organizations are another weapon designed and deployed to control the narrative. They exist as gatekeepers to funnel readers and viewers to the official narrative and away from anything that might raise inconvenient questions. The largest and most influential fact checker is NewsGuard, which hands out “trustworthiness” ratings to websites.
NewsGuard cofounder Louis Crovitz is a member of the Council on Foreign relations — another Great Reset supporter — and primary advisers include Tom Ridge, former secretary of Homeland Security, and Ret. Gen. Michael Hayden, a former director of both the CIA and NSA.16
Knowing that, it makes it easier to understand how everyday people who share information that veers from the official narrative can be labeled and treated as a national security threat.
The COVID pandemic is a militarized operation. We’re at war, and the designated enemy (looking at it from the side that started this war without telling anyone) are the citizens of the world who want to hold on to their freedom and human rights.
Pfizer Has a Long History of Criminal Behavior
Pfizer is on the other side — the side that is seeking to install an unelected technocratic regime based on the idea that we need a global biosecurity, biosurveillance apparatus or we’ll all die.
This is not a new position for them. During the American Civil War, which began in 1862, the need for massive amounts of painkillers and antiseptics allowed Pfizer to flourish and expand during wartime.17 Today, the manufactured “need” for COVID-19 vaccine is allowing Pfizer to make out like a bandit yet again, and as I’ve already stated, we are again at war, albeit an undeclared one.
To achieve that, Pfizer is willing to “blackmail” countries into accepting its COVID shot terms, as reviewed in the Gravitas report above — terms that make sure Pfizer always comes out on top.
A key term is no liability, which is understandable considering the amount of harm Pfizer’s COVID jab is causing. Pfizer went so far as to bully nations into putting up sovereign assets like military bases as collateral to pay for any vaccine injury lawsuits that might result from their COVID jab.
While that might not be illegal, it’s unethical, and so is researching on people without informed consent. Everyone who gets these emergency use authorized injections are part of that research, while simultaneously being prevented from seeing anything but propaganda.
Without truthful and transparent disclosure of both risks and benefits, there is no informed consent. Pfizer is even experimenting on children and pregnant women without informed consent, two categories that historically have been off-limits for drug experimentation.
Whistleblower Claims Data Were Falsified
According to a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID jab trial in the fall of 2020, data were falsified and patients were unblinded. Follow-up on reported side effects also lagged behind.18 This isn’t the first time such unsavory have been levied against Pfizer.
In 2014, Pfizer was ordered to pay $75 million to settle charges relating to its unlawful testing of a new broad spectrum antibiotic on critically ill Nigerian children. As reported by the Independent19 at the time, Pfizer sent a team of doctors into Nigeria in the midst of a meningitis epidemic.
For two weeks, the team set up right next to a medical station run by Doctors Without Borders and began dispensing the experimental drug, Trovan. Of the 200 children picked, half got the experimental drug and the other half the already licensed antibiotic Rocephin.
Eleven of the children treated by the Pfizer team died, and many others suffered side effects such as brain damage and organ failure. Pfizer denied wrongdoing. According to the company, only five of the children given Trovan died, compared to six who received Rocephin, so their drug was not to blame.
The problem was they never told the parents that their children were being given an experimental drug, let alone ask them if they wanted their child to take part in the trial.
What’s more, while Pfizer produced a permission letter from a Nigerian ethics committee, the letter turned out to have been backdated. The ethics committee itself wasn’t set up until a year after the trial had already taken place.
State Department cables also revealed Pfizer hired spies with a plan to frame a Nigerian attorney general and get him to drop the parents’ lawsuit.20 Pfizer even tried to avoid responsibility by falsely accusing Doctors Without Borders of dispensing the experimental drug.21
An ‘Habitual Offender’
In his 2010 paper,22 “Tough on Crime? Pfizer and the CIHR,” Robert G. Evans, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor at Vancouver School of Economics, described Pfizer as “a ‘habitual offender,’ persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results.”
Pfizer has been sued in multiple venues over unethical drug testing, illegal marketing practices,23 bribery in multiple countries,24 environmental violations — including illegal dumping of PCBs and other toxic waste25 — labor and worker safety violations and more.26,27,28 It’s also been criticized for price gouging that threatens the lives of patients with chronic diseases such as epilepsy.29
Between 2002 and 2010 alone, Pfizer and its subsidiaries were fined $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards. This included $2.3 billion for the illegal marketing of the arthritis drug, Bextra, levied in 2009.30,31 It was the largest health care fraud settlement in American history.
According to the Global Justice report, “The Horrible History of Big Pharma: Why We Can’t Leave Pharmaceutical Corporations in the Driving Seat of the COVID-19 Response:”32
“A whistleblower claimed that sales staff were incentivized to sell Bextra to doctors for conditions for which the drug wasn’t approved and at doses up to eight times those recommended. ‘At Pfizer I was expected to increase profits at all costs, even when sales meant endangering lives. I couldn’t do that,’ he stated.”
In 2011, Pfizer agreed to pay another $14.5 million to settle federal charges of illegal marketing,33 and in 2014 they settled federal charges relating to improper marketing of the kidney transplant drug Rapamune to the tune of $35 million.34
None of those legal actions deterred future bad behavior. To Pfizer, paying fines to sweep illegalities under the rug has become part of the cost of doing business, and they can afford it. While the fines may sound extraordinary, they’re tiny when compared to the company’s profits.
Pfizer was among the top 30 most profitable companies in the world in 2020, with profits reaching $16 billion, and its COVID jab alone is predicted to make $13 billion in 2021.35
As noted by the law firm Matthews and Associates, “the history of Pfizer is rife with so much subterfuge and under-the-table dealing that the company will need all the help it can get to promote confidence in its hastily assembled COVID vaccine.”36 The key strategy to boost confidence, unfortunately, is censorship.
What ‘New Way of Life’ Is Pfizer Promising?
The fastest way to get back to normal, Bourla claims in his Atlantic Council interview, is for everyone to get vaccinated. Considering how little things have changed despite massive vaccination rates, it seems clear the globalists in charge of The Great Reset — and Pfizer is part of that pack — have no intention of allowing anything go back to normal. It won’t matter how many comply, or how many times we comply
Australia is perhaps the clearest illustration of what the whole world will face. Even though a majority are “vaccinated,” their freedoms have not been returned, and now they have to submit to boosters or lose what semblance of freedom the initial round of shots gave them. The Australian government is confiscating and blocking people’s bank accounts, withholding unemployment benefits and more — all in the name of “public health.”
Bourla even indicates that there is no going back to the old normal when he states, “The only thing that stands between the new way of life and the current way of life is … hesitancy to vaccinations.”
New way of life. What does this “new way of life” look like? It looks like Australia. It looks like Israel. It looks like Lithuania,37 where your “right” to frequent restaurants, stores, shopping malls, beauty salons, libraries, banks, insurance agencies and universities, and your “right” to inpatient medical care and travel, all depend on your willingness to participate in a medical experiment that can kill or disable you.
The “new way of life” Bourla is talking about involves repeatedly playing lethal Russian Roulette just to “earn” the right to be part of society. No thank you. Bourla can keep his “new way of life.”
Published in the journal Circulation reveals that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” trigger systemic inflammation in the body leading to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and other heart problems.
Researcher Steven R. Gundry and his team used the PULS Cardiac Test, a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers that generate a five-year risk prediction for ACS.
“The score is based on changes from the norm of multiple protein biomarkers including IL-16, a proinflammatory cytokine, soluble Fas, an inducer of apoptosis, and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) which serves as a marker for chemotaxis of T-cells into epithelium and cardiac tissue, among other markers,” the study explains.
“Elevation above the norm increases the PULS score, while decreases below the norm lowers the PULS score.”
For eight years, Gundry and his colleagues have been measuring PULS scores in their patient population at intervals of every 3-6 months. Generally speaking, they have a pretty solid idea as to the norms and averages.
Those norms and averages changed dramatically, however, once Fauci Flu shots came into the picture. Gundry specifically mentions the mRNA (messenger RNA) injections from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna as dramatically changing PULS scores across the board.
A total of 566 patients between the ages of 28 and 97 had new PULS test scores drawn from 2-10 weeks following their second injection of mRNA. These scores were then compared to those drawn 3-5 months pre-shot. Here is what was discovered:
“Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk.”
Get injected, get heart disease
What does this all mean, you might be asking? It means that the risk of ACS increased by more than 227 percent as a result of the injections.
“At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of [vaccine]” the study further explains. “We conclude that the mRNA [vaccines] dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”
Dr. Aseem Malhotra also warned about this in a recent appearance on GB News (U.K.).
Dr. Malhotra explained to the host how other scientists have come to similar conclusions, but most of them are too scared to publish their findings due to fear of losing research funding.
In addition to heart disease, “excess non-covid deaths” are also skyrocketing, he further warned – and many of these deaths stem from mysterious circulatory disease, heart attack and stroke popping up not long after injection.
“There’s been a 30 percent increase in people dying at home, and often these are because of cardiac arrest,” Dr. Malhotra revealed, explaining that his own father falls into this statistic.
“Nuremberg 2.0!” wrote one commenter at Natural News. “All of them – politicians, CEOs, doctors, pharmacists, nurses, administrators, everyone responsible for promoting this genocide on humanity.”
Another posted a meme depicting fake government “doctor” Tony Fauci with bloody hands along with the caption: “My hands are clean in this entire vaccine matter.”
“Researchers need to report the TRUTH because they do not want to contribute to mass murder!” wrote another, calling on those who still have a conscience to be brave and do the right thing.
More of the latest news about the health damage caused by Chinese Virus shots can be found at
NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.
(Natural News) Yesterday I interviewed Steve Kirsch, a highly intelligent, data-driven analyst who has been making huge wave on Substack with his articles on covid vaccines (and their long-term effects on humanity). That full interview will be posted today on my channel at
In that interview, Kirsch dropped a bombshell. He explained that omicron so far appears to be very mild but highly infectious, following a rather typical path of viral host adaptation. As a result, he explained that if a person had to choose which variant to be infected with, they would vastly prefer omicron, since it has so far killed no one (to our knowledge at this point) and yet provokes the body into producing a powerful immune response that confers immunity against all covid variants (including Delta).
Kirsch was right on the money: Omicron is spreading quickly but producing no serious symptoms in those who are said to be “infected” with it. It appears that omicron, despite being widely hyped by the scientifically illiterate corporate media, may have finally reached “seasonal flu” status in terms of its relatively mild impact on human health.
And that means omicron might be the cure for covid. It could end this entire pandemic without the need for vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns. By simply allowing omicron to sweep through the human population — producing almost zero deaths — the entire world could become immune to covid and we could end all the global madness, including Australia’s totalitarian “covid concentration camps” that are making global headlines.
Pfizer would miss out on billions in new variant vaccine revenues, of course, which is why Fauci and the entire criminal cabal of Big Pharma corona con artists will fight against natural immunity in every way possible.
If omicron is the cure, that would explain why governments are cutting off world travel to prevent it from spreading
Does this realization explain why governments of the world are suddenly banning flights from South Africa and cutting off travel? Maybe they don’t want omicron to spread and replace the “delta” variant because delta produces far higher fatalities that feed into the media’s pro-vaccine fear narrative.
If omicron takes over the world, the pandemic is essentially over and they can’t drive people into the depopulation vaccines. Compliance is based on fear, and without the deaths, the fear can’t be maintained.
This brings us to the realization that the vaccine IS the pandemic. When people are vaccinated and injected with spike protein bioweapons — or the mRNA instructions for their bodies to manufacture those spike protein nanoparticles — they often suffer adverse reactions or even death. These deaths are blamed on “covid” when the real culprit is often the vaccines themselves. Without the vaccines, this pandemic would flame out all by itself.
As the American Heart Association’s Circulation journal recently published, mRNA covid vaccines “dramatically increase endothelial inflammatory markers” and, “may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”
Natural immunity is the only permanent solution to covid, and vaccines simply can’t replace the human immune response
Ultimately, natural immunity is the only real solution to the covid plandemic. Vaccines are proving to be so disastrous that the EU is now recommending booster shots every 3 months… thereby proving that their vaccines stop working in about 3 months. The 3-month schedule will apparently continue indefinitely… or until you’re dead from the spike protein injections ripping your vascular system to shreds.
Covid vaccines don’t stop covid transmission, and they don’t prevent people from becoming infected with covid variants. Right now across the world, most of the people hospitalized with covid infections are vaccinated. Yet the only response from the tone deaf “science” community is to scream, “More vaccines!”
What we really need is more natural immunity, which means we need more exposure to a “mild” version of covid that kills almost no one.
Omicron now appears to be precisely that. It’s the globalists’ worst nightmare: Their bioweapon has adapted to become non-scary and easily beaten without vaccines. It means the Fauci fraud may be approaching its final chapter, and the scourge of covid vaccines and media lies may be coming to an end.
What the world’s leaders should actually be doing right now, in my view, is promoting vitamin D, zinc and other nutritional immune boosters, ending all mask mandates, lockdowns and vaccine mandates, and allowing omicron to invoke natural immunity across the populations of the world. Tear down the covid concentration camps and let the children finally have recess without masks.
We could all emerge from this with new, global immunity against covid. From there, we can begin the process of indicting and arresting all the covid criminals who took part in the covid “scamdemic” and put humanity through sheer hell over the last two years.
Get full details in today’s Situation Update podcast, which also covers mob looting, Italy’s “March of the Vaccine Dead,” and an update on laser cutting for hydroponic grow systems.
In Aurangabad, India, if you want to eat, you’d better get jabbed, because you’re not allowed to go to the store and buy food if you don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine. For that matter, if you don’t have a vaccine certificate, you can’t even buy fuel to get to the store.
In another part of India, local officials decided to withhold subsidized rations and pensions from anyone with even one unvaccinated family member. To help with the drive, health officials set up 196 vaccination stations at local shops. The no vax-no rations or pension edict was withdrawn after The Times of India did a scathing article on it.
A senior UP official admitted, on condition of anonymity that denying ration on these grounds will not be legally sustainable: “How can you deny food to people?” he told The Times. “There are better ways to motivate people than taking such steps.”
Meanwhile, liquor store owners reported that they were instructed not to sell alcohol to anyone who didn’t show a vaccine passport.
But, if you don’t live in India and you don’t think this can happen to you, think again: It’s been expected and it’s planned, Ice Age Farmer says.
The worldwide COVID-19 vaccination plan isn’t working the way health officials planned, as data are showing that one reason more vaccinations aren’t lowering the COVID-19 rates is because the vaccinated can spread COVID almost as well as the unvaccinated.
Time after time, in country after country, the data show that there is “clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission,” researchers write in The Lancet, a prestigious medical journal.
In Israel alone, an outbreak involving nearly four dozen people was traced to a single, fully vaccinated COVID-19 patient. To put the topping on the cake, the CDC says that four of the top five counties in the U.S. with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated people are identified as “high” transmission counties.
Thanks to the efforts of a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, we now have smoking gun confidential documents that show Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that pfizer’s mRNA vaccines were killing thousands of people and causing spontaneous abortions while damaging three times more women than men.
Explaining How to 2020 Election Was Rigged | How the DOMINION Hardware and Smartmatic Software Mayor Giuilani exhaustively followed the money and found:
Step 1 – The Canadian-owned DOMINION vote counting machines are used in 28 states
Step 2 – DOMINION gets its software from Sequoia Voting Systems (Formerly known as SMARTMATIC which is a Delaware company owned by Venezuelans close to the Communist Venezuelan Chavez and Maduro family)
Founded in Venezuela in 1997 by a team of three engineers – Antonio Mugica, Alfredo José Anzola, and Roger Piñate, Smartmatic specializes in the design and end-to-end deployment of technology solutions for specific applications.
Roger Stone reveals that Microsoft designed a software called “ElectionGuard” that is being used by DOMINION, Election Services, Heart Intercivic, Clean Ballot Election Systems and Hardware B-Pro and Smartmatic. 100% of the voting machines and voting systems in this country are using “ElectionGuard.” –
Step 3 – Then our votes are stored on a server in Frankfurt Germany.
Trump recount committee has seen raw data from seized Dominion servers of how VOTES WERE SWITCHED by an algorithm in the software!!! “The things that are going to come out are going to SHAKE the globalists to their very core” –
Step 5 – All major manufacturers of voting systems in the United States are working with us to explore ways to incorporate ElectionGuard into their systems including Clear Ballot, Democracy Live, Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, Hart InterCivic, BPro, MicroVote, Smartmatic and VotingWorks. We’ve worked deeply with many of these companies over the summer to prepare them for today’s SDK release.
“All major manufacturers of voting systems in the United States are working with us to explore ways to incorporate ElectionGuard into their systems including Clear Ballot, Democracy Live, Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, Hart InterCivic, BPro, MicroVote, Smartmatic and VotingWorks. We’ve worked deeply with many of these companies over the summer to prepare them for today’s SDK release.” –
Dominion Voting Systems dominates voting machines. It holds a third of the voting-machine market. Its software was used in all swing states this year, including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Nevada.
J. Kirk Wiebe are clients of GAP and National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblowers who worked at the agency in excess of 36 years. As Technical Director, Binney developed a revolutionary information processing system called ThinThread that, arguably, could have detected and prevented the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but NSA officials ignored the program in favor of Trailblazer, a program that not only ended in total failure, but cost taxpayers billions of dollars.)
Election Data Analyzed – Over 500,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden via Voting Machine Software with Heavy Fraud Focused on Swing States –
Two charged in Los Angeles for allegedly submitting more than 8,000 fraudulent voter registrations on behalf of homeless people, fictitious identities, and dead voters from July to October 2020
One of our monitors discovered a 9,626 vote error in the DeKalb County hand count. One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump – an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump. –
Changing dates on ballots
Coaching voters on how to vote
Instructed by supervisor to not check identification
Instructed not to compare the signatures on the absentee ballot
No republican poll watchers were allowed to inspect the ballots
4am dump–Wisconsin 65,000 votes, 100% for Biden
4am dump–Michigan 138,499 votes, 100% for Biden
AZ poll workers forcing voters to use sharpies thereby invalidating ballots
118 year old “William Bradley” voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan. William Bradley died in 1984.
How long has this been going on?
Try it for yourself:
One MI county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software so they hand counted votes and found the glitch caused 6,000 votes to go to Biden/Dems that were meant for Trump/Reps. 47 MI counties used this software.
Minneapolis Police investigating: (This Content Isn’t Available Right Now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.)
Beverly Namaste Flores – Coached to vote using a Sharpie not recognized by the voting machines – 409-939-9627
NOTE: Says that it happened to her and she didn’t think anything of it at the time, but when she ran her ballot it read absentee and wasn’t read. She was given a fine tipped sharpie.
BREAKING: Pennsylvania @USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigators Have Spoken With Him About Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s Order To Backdate Ballots To November 3rd, 2020
US Supreme Court’s decision late last week to allow state election officials to continue counting absentee ballots received by this Friday — three days after Election Day. Ample time to send in more Biden votes.
Additionally, about half of the state’s voters voted by absentee ballot.
Reports two more batches of votes in PA. About 5,300 from Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 were Biden; 23,277 votes in Philadelphia, ALL of them for Biden. Yep, he got 100% of the votes in the late-arriving batch of votes. What a popular fellow!
“Three million people properly voted in the state of Wisconsin. More than 200,000 identified during this recount did not. But those votes got counted. Our statute says they should not have been. That in our view is a taint on our election in Wisconsin.” — Attorney James Troupis –
Josh Bernstein Show – SGO software for voting owned by George Soros (shocker) – says Amazon cloud (shocker) holds all of the data for elections and has ability to change it – deleted from youtube:
From Facebook: Krystle Partido – Voter Fraud
“We all knew this would happen.
Fairfax Virginia has switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”
Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am
Nevada has decided they won’t have all vote counts in until Thursday
Michigan has gained 138,339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump
In 6 states Trump has sizable leads. All six states decided to stop counting ballots on election night (unheard of) and they all have blue strongholds.
Jack Dorsey from Twitter deletes the current sitting president’s tweet on election night. Glaringly obvious election interference.
North Carolina has 100% of precincts counted with Trump in the clear lead and it’s not being called.
“I’d love to drop an example. I just watched this video an hour ago, but king Zuckerberg has already removed it. Here’s a summary: this girl was video interviewed in a voting line in Arizona. She said the poll workers were coming around handing people sharpies to use on their ballots. Sharpies would not register when their votes were cast. She mentioned that it was taking place at several different precincts in her area.”
From Facebook – Nate Mecklenberg
“Here is a neat trick, Meet William Bradley, He is the oldest voter in Michigan, or maybe not, he died in 1984, He was born in March 1902, His zip code is 48207, Now go to the Michigan voter info site,
Enter William’s data, see for yourself.Here is what you will see……Absentee ballot Election date 11/3/2020 Application received 9/11/2020 Ballot sent 9/19/2020 Ballot received 10/2/2020
From Crissa Turner (Weldhouse)
Hi Clay! Jeff Mahaffey – I don’t know him personally however He might be someone you would be interested in interviewing, has been fighting the local government since day one of COVID closures because he refused to close his facilities – fighting the courts over fines – they have facilities in multiple states – seem to have an interesting story of success between the different owners of SMTF!
This is the post I saw last night, reposted by Jeff Mahaffey owner of SMTF Self Made Training Facility. I checked the site and I do not have a ballot status, I was offered & used a sharpie to complete my ballot. Some people are actually seeing “canceled” and others can see a status.
The Two Mikes spoke with Clay Clark who is the leader of an organization called “Time to Free America” (, and the chief and organizer of the ongoing “Reawaken America Tour”, which will in San Antonio, Texas, in November, 2021.
Dr. Madej: U.S. Lab Examines COVID-19 “Vaccine” Vials Finds TERRIFYING Object w/ Tentacles
Doctors Around The World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!
Frontline Films™ by presents PROFILES IN COURAGE, featuring Tony Roman. A local restaurant owner exercised Constitutional rights with both strength and humor, demonstrating the resolve it takes to retain our sacred American right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This and more available at
It’s the 21st century. Slavery is long gone. Blacks are no longer imprisoned on plantations… right? Actually, many are — just not in the way they used to be. Candace Owens issues a wake-up call. It’s time for a new liberation.
While attempts have been made to assess the risks posed by research on lethal pathogens, we still know very little. We don’t know the frequency at which lab accidents happen, how often lab accidents result in exposures, or the underlying factors that allow for incidents and exposures
We also do not know what features might be most effective at mitigating incidents, and we lack answers to basic questions such as fluid dynamics of a spill
Human error is 100 times more likely to cause an accidental release of a dangerous pathogen than any kind of mechanical failure
In recent weeks, a number of news reports have hinted at the possibility of a bioterror attack involving smallpox. November 4, 2021, Bill Gates warned about the possibility of a smallpox terror attack during a Policy Exchange future pandemics meeting
November 3, 2021, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reviewed two presentations featuring a newer attenuated live smallpox vaccine called JYNNEOS. Smallpox has also been featured in pandemic exercises such as Operation Dark Winter in 2001
“You should be afraid of the next ‘lab leak.’” So, declares a New York Times headline, November 23, 2021.1 And they may well be correct. In recent weeks, insinuations hinting at a potential smallpox outbreak have circulated in the news, while additional evidence of COVID-19 being the result of a lab leak have emerged.2 As reported by The New York Times:3
“The National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories … in Boston’s South End … has one of the larger collections of Biosafety Level 4 and Biosafety Level 3 labs in the world. These kinds of facilities are where research on the planet’s most threatening pathogens takes place.
Ebola, Lassa, Marburg viruses: All are designated for Level 4 work by the National Institutes of Health, meaning they are both transmissible and highly pathogenic, with few (or no) treatments for those who become infected with them …
In 2015, the NIH commissioned a consulting firm called Gryphon Scientific to do a risk assessment4 of certain types of research at U.S. labs. The result, released in April 2016, was a thousand-page report that concluded, among other things, that experiments to improve the transmissibility of coronaviruses in a lab could ‘significantly’ increase the chance of a pandemic ‘due to a laboratory accident.”
Safety Questions Abound
While the Gryphon report5 concluded that the risk of a pathogen with pandemic potential (PPP) causing a global pandemic was low, the lead author of the report, Rocco Casagrande, a former United Nations weapons inspector, told The New York Times that the list of uncertainties is a long one. In fact, we don’t know much about anything. For example, we do not know:6
The frequency at which lab accidents happen
How often lab accidents result in exposures
The underlying factors that allow for incidents and exposures
What features might be most effective at mitigating incidents (such as additional training, additional containment equipment or engineering controls)
Answers to basic questions such as fluid dynamics of a spill (i.e., what happens when a flask is dropped and shattered? How are pathogens dispersed in different kinds of accidents?)
All of these shortcomings mean we don’t even know what we should invest in to make research on PPPs safer. It also suggests the conclusion of the report is more of a guess than a definitive risk assessment. They assume the pandemic risk is low, but it might not be, since they’re making a series of assumptions that may or may not be accurate in the real world.
Secrecy Is Part of the Problem
One reason for this lack of insight is that many biosafety labs are not required to be transparent about what happens inside their walls. Casagrande likens them to “a big black box.” As noted by the NYT:7
“… the most concerning aspect about high-containment biolabs is that, considered as a collective, they may only be as safe as the worst lab among them: A breach or a breakdown at one could imperil us all.”
It stands to reason then that one way to reduce the risk of another manmade pandemic is to demand full transparency. (Of course, the most effective strategy would be to ban PPP research altogether, worldwide, but barring that possibility, transparency and independent review would at least be a step in the right direction.)
Remarkably, we don’t even have a complete list of all biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) labs. Estimates suggest there are 59 in operation around the world, but “there is no official international database keeping track of the labs and no requirement for governments to acknowledge their existence — either publicly or to the World Health Organization,” the NYT writes.8
Three Types of Risks
As explained by the NYT, the risks associated with these BSLs can be broken into three main categories:
Biosafety — Making sure workers are not exposed to dangerous pathogens through training and containment technologies
Biosecurity — Ensuring dangerous pathogens aren’t stolen or misused for nefarious purposes
Cyberbiosecurity — Ensuring data, such as viral genomic data, are not tampered with remotely
Failure in one or more of these areas can have devastating consequences, and such failures can occur either intentionally or accidentally. In addition to these, there’s the most unpredictable danger of all, namely human error.
All the technological safeguards may be in place, but the human element may still negate some or all of them. And, according to Casagrande, human error is 100 times more likely to cause an accident than any kind of mechanical failure.
Smallpox — The Next Threat?
As noted by the Times, there are only two BSL4 labs in the world that hold live variola virus, the virus that causes smallpox, a highly infectious and deadly infection that was declared fully eradicated in 1980. One is the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s BSL4 lab in Atlanta; the other is the Vector Institute’s BSL4 lab in Koltsovo, Russia.9
The original smallpox virus had a fatality rate of about 30%, and the U.S. stopped routine vaccination against it in 1972. The last known outbreak in the U.S. occurred in 1947.10
One of the last known deaths from smallpox took place in 1978. A British medical photographer contracted the infection at a medical school in Birmingham, where she worked. The university had a WHO-related smallpox research lab, which according to an investigation failed to meet the basic guidelines set by the Dangerous Pathogens Advisory Group.
The WHO had ordered the closure of the lab, but four months before its scheduled closure, the photographer, Janet Parker, was exposed. It’s believed she came into contact with the virus “while making telephone calls from a disused office next to her darkroom. This office was linked to Bedson’s animal pox room below a service duct, with access to the duct on each floor provided by inspection panels,” The Desert Review reports.11
But there’s nothing to prevent the creation of a synthetic or modified version of the virus, which may be even worse. As reported by the Independent,12 Bill Gates preemptively warned us about smallpox terror attacks during a Policy Exchange future pandemics meeting, November 4, 2021. According to Gates, the threat of bioterrorism is likely far greater than that of a natural outbreak.
As you might expect, he’s urging governments to spend billions of dollars to prepare for such an event, and much of this investment would, of course, go to companies and organizations that he directly profits from.
CDC Prepared With Smallpox Vaccine
Interestingly enough, the day before Gates made those comments, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) reviewed two presentations featuring a newer attenuated live smallpox vaccine called JYNNEOS (also known as Imvamune or Imvanex13). As reported by Precision Vaccinations:14
“Produced by Bavarian Nordic, JYNNEOS was initially approved in 2019 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is indicated for preventing smallpox and monkeypox disease in adults 18 years of age and older determined to be at high risk for smallpox or monkeypox infection.
JYNNEOS is the only FDA-approved non-replicating smallpox vaccine and the only FDA-approved monkeypox vaccine for non-military use. Brett Petersen, M.D., MPH, presented the new proposed ‘clinical guidance for the use of JYNNEOS as it compares to an older smallpox vaccine, ACAM2000, which the ACIP currently recommends.
Many persons with contraindications to vaccination with ACAM2000 (e.g., atopic dermatitis, immunocompromising conditions, breastfeeding, or pregnancy) may receive vaccination with JYNNEOS …
Currently, the smallpox vaccine is not recommended for the general public in the USA since smallpox has been eradicated … However, U.S. health officials are prepared to use a vaccine if there were a smallpox outbreak, says the CDC.”
Smallpox Vials Found in Merck Lab
The focus on smallpox vaccine is suspiciously timely, as five vials labeled “smallpox” were found in a Pennsylvania Merck facility November 15, 2021. There were also 10 vials labeled “vaccinia,” a virus that belongs to the poxvirus family.15,16
The vials were discovered by a laboratory worker while cleaning out a freezer. The Merck facility conducts vaccine research, but as noted earlier, only two facilities in the world are permitted to store the deadly smallpox virus. Merck is not one of them.
Within days, it was widely reported that the five vials were “mislabeled” and did not, in fact, contain the smallpox virus (variola). They all contained the vaccinia virus, which is used in smallpox vaccine.17 All of the vials were reportedly intact, and the worker was wearing a facemask and gloves. Based on this, it is assumed that the worker was not exposed and no viral release has taken place.
This isn’t the first time vials with potentially lethal pathogens have been found in places where they’re not supposed to be. In 2014, 60-year-old glass vials containing freeze-dried smallpox were found lying around in an old storage room at the NIH facility in Bethesda, Maryland.18
In 2019, an explosion rocked the Koltsovo, Russia lab, sending one lab worker to the hospital. According to news reports, the PPP stockpiles were not affected. Still, it just goes to show one needs to take every eventuality into account. Anything can happen. There are a million ways in which something can go wrong.
Operation Dark Winter
Then, of course, we have Operation Dark Winter,19 a pandemic exercise featuring an intentional smallpox terror attack on the U.S. This tabletop exercise took place in 2001, and like the 2019 Event 201 (which featured an outbreak of coronavirus), it was hosted by Johns Hopkins and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Incidentally, in a November 2020 speech about the need for ongoing pandemic measures, then president-elect Biden warned we would be facing a “very dark winter,”20 a statement that many found both curious and ominous.
Signs and Symptoms of Smallpox
As mentioned, smallpox has a lethality rate of about 30% and is highly infectious. During the 20th century, an estimated 300 million people have succumbed to the smallpox virus around the world. The incubation period is between seven and 14 days. Initial symptoms include high fever, headache, backache and vomiting. This is then followed by a bodywide rash. The rash will often emerge in the mouth, throat and tongue first, and then spread to the face, arms, torso and legs.
It is during the rash stage that the patient is most infectious. The rash then progresses to pus-filled pustules that scab over and fall off for about 10 days. Those who survive the infection can be left with permanent scarring. Blindness has also been reported.
In 2009, CDC scientists reported they’d finally identified the mechanism that makes smallpox so lethal. By attacking interferon binding protein, a molecule your body produces that blocks viral replication, the virus ends up crippling your immune system. As reported by Science Daily:21
“The researchers … showed that cells infected with variola … produced a protein that blocks a wide range of human interferons, which are molecules produced by our immune systems meant to stop viral replication.”
The virus is known to spread via direct contact and shared items such as sheets, towels and clothing, as well as respiratory particles. Vaccination with the live virus vaccine, ACAM2000, will also leave you infectious until the lesion at the injection site has scabbed over and fallen off, leaving a dime-sized scar. Care must be taken to protect the injection site from other parts of your body and other individuals.
Biowarfare and Global Tyranny
Since the first quarter of 2020, we’ve already gotten a taste of what The Great Reset will mean for public health. It’s basically founded on the premise that we live in a biosecurity state, where unelected “stakeholders” decide what is best for us — even if it kills us.
It’s undeniable that the COVID countermeasures have wrought far more destruction than the virus actually has, and these countermeasures continue to destroy lives and kill people unnecessarily, all under the banner of keeping us “safe” from disease.
Hospitals around the U.S. have all been instructed to use the deadliest COVID treatments imaginable, and doctors who defy the guidance and actually do what is best for their patients are having their medical licenses threatened. Merely speaking out about effective COVID treatments will put a bullseye on a physician’s back.
In countries everywhere, people are told COVID shots are the only way forward, and vaccine passports — once derided as a paranoid conspiracy theory — are being implemented. Who made these decisions? No one is admitting the real source of these lockstep decisions, but we can be sure they’re coming from a central hub, run by people no one ever voted into power.
Around the world, a twisted mind game is being played out, where world leaders are now telling us that vaccine passports are our “ticket to freedom,” completely ignoring the fact that our freedom is not, and cannot be, predicated on our medical choices.
That the disease countermeasures we currently see for COVID-19 won’t end with COVID-19 is clear. Will a smallpox outbreak be next? The totalitarian takeover clearly isn’t going as smoothly as they’d hoped, so it’s not unreasonable to suspect they may want to throw something else into the mix — even if it’s only to raise the fear level to the next level.
Around the world, there are way more deaths and adverse reactions with the COVID shots than are being reported, according to this video.
In it, a mom and dad of a young woman who took the Moderna shot talk about how ill it made her, from the first day. She went to work anyway, but ended up collapsing in a chair in her boss’ office. She went home, had more adverse events, then went to the hospital, where she stayed for two weeks.
Everyone understood she’d had the vaccine, her parents say, but they had no diagnosis. Today her daughter has to use a walker to get around — and this was just from the first shot. Also, her eyes are blurry, she can’t concentrate and she’s in constant pain, her parents say.
If you or someone you know is considering getting the vaccine, please watch this video and hear this family’s story, the host urges.
A once-healthy respiratory therapist who fought COVID on the front lines and then lined up for his COVID shots is now asking people who criticize vaccine-hesitant people to stand down.
Since he took his shots, his health has deteriorated so much that he’s on a bag full of drugs for neuropathy, pain, blood clots, other heart problems and immunity concerns. His heart problems include having to have his heart shocked back into rhythm.
“I had never had a heart problem in my life,” he says, “never took a heart pill in my life … If you haven’t gotten the vaccine, stand your ground. Don’t get the stab. Don’t do it.”
At Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, British Columbia, 13 babies were allegedly stillborn in a period of 24 hours; all of their mothers had received a COVID-19 injection
At a rally outside the hospital, doctors launched an official complaint with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police against executives at the College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC, alleging conflicts of interest influencing their policies, decisions and statements made to the people of British Columbia
Scotland has also experienced an unusual rise in infant death rates; during September 2021, at least 21 babies under 4 weeks died — a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births, up from an average of 2 per 1,000 births
As of November 12, 2021, there were 2,620 cases of fetal death or stillbirth among women who received a COVID-19 injection reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
The CDC-sponsored study that was widely used to support the U.S. recommendation for pregnant women to get injected “presents falsely reassuring statistics”
When the risk of miscarriage was recalculated to include all women injected prior to 20 weeks’ gestation, the incidence was seven to eight times higher than the original study indicated, with a cumulative incidence of miscarriage ranging from 82% to 91%
November 11, 2021, a rally formed outside of Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, British Columbia (BC). The group was there to call attention to an unthinkable tragedy: 13 babies were reportedly stillborn at the hospital in a period of 24 hours. All of their mothers had received a COVID-19 injection.1
In a typical month, there may be one stillborn baby at the hospital, one of the protestors said, making the 13 stillbirths highly unusual. The only reason the deaths came to light was because several doulas came forward, detailing the events.
Vancouver Coastal Health has disputed the reports of stillbirths at Lions Gate Hospital, stating, “There is no truth to this claim … There has been no notable change to the incidence of stillbirths in the VCH region throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.”2
However, after speaking with police outside of the hospital, Dr. Daniel Nagase and Dr. Mel Bruchet started an official investigation, and Nagase launched an official complaint with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police against executives at the College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC, alleging conflicts of interest influencing their policies, decisions and statements made to the people of British Columbia.3
If any of the executives hold stocks, bonds or mutual funds, for instance, that gain value with increased sales of pharmaceuticals, Nagase said, then that’s a conflict of interest that should have been declared. The implication is that it can also influence their likelihood of further investigating the unusual number of stillbirths that occurred at the hospital, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 jab that their mothers received.
Spike in Newborn Baby Deaths in Scotland
Scotland has also experienced an unusual rise in infant death rates. During September 2021, at least 21 babies under 4 weeks old died — a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births. The average death rate among newborns in Scotland is about 2 per 1,000 births.4
Public Health Scotland (PHS), which is investigating the deaths, stated, “Exceeding the upper control limit indicates there is a higher likelihood that there are factors beyond random variation that may have contributed to the number of deaths,” adding that there was “currently no indication of links between these deaths and Covid-19 infection.”5
It’s unclear whether the COVID-19 injection in pregnant women will be evaluated as a contributing or causative factor, though it absolutely should be.
PHS only said it was collaborating with the Scottish National Neonatal Network, the Maternity and Children Quality Improvement Collaborative and the Scottish Government “to understand any possible contributing factors to the most recent infant mortality patterns, and to incorporate findings into existing prevention and improvement work.”6
Fetal Deaths, Stillbirths Skyrocket in Injected Women
As of November 12, 2021, there were 2,620 cases of fetal death or stillbirth among women who received a COVID-19 injection reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).7Health Impact News ran the same VAERS search, but this time excluded COVID-19 injections — to look for fetal deaths in women who had been vaccinated with any vaccine other than a COVID-19 jab over the last 30+ years. They found:8
“We are currently on pace to see a yearly total of 2,838 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots, while the yearly average of recorded fetal deaths following the vaccination of pregnant women for the past 30 years has been an average of 74 fetal deaths per year.”
Health officials are adamant that pregnant women get a COVID-19 injection, but the data don’t support its safety. The CDC-sponsored study9 published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) that was widely used to support the U.S. recommendation for pregnant women to get injected was corrected in October 2021, with the correction stating:10
“In the table footnotes, the following content should have been appended to the double dagger footnote:
“No denominator was available to calculate a risk estimate for spontaneous abortions, because at the time of this report, follow-up through 20 weeks was not yet available for 905 of the 1224 participants vaccinated within 30 days before the first day of the last menstrual period or in the first trimester. Furthermore, any risk estimate would need to account for gestational week–specific risk of spontaneous abortion.”
Data Used to Support COVID-19 Shot in Pregnant Women Flawed
In a rapid communication from the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK), Aleisha Brock, Ph.D. of New Zealand, and Simon Thornley, Ph.D., a senior lecturer in the section of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Auckland, explained that the NEJM study “presents falsely reassuring statistics related to the risk of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy, since the majority of women in the calculation were exposed to the mRNA product after the outcome period was defined (20 weeks’ gestation).”11
When the risk of spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, was recalculated based on the cohort that was injected prior to 20 weeks’ gestation, the incidence of miscarriage was seven to eight times higher than the original study indicated, with a cumulative incidence of miscarriage ranging from 82% to 91%. According to the IPAK report:12
“The study indicates that at least 81.9% (≥ 104/127) experienced spontaneous abortion following mRNA exposure before 20 weeks, and 92.3% (96/104) of spontaneous abortions occurred before 13 weeks’ gestation. This is a very high proportion of pregnancy loss observed in those exposed to the mRNA vaccination before 20 weeks’ gestation, ranging from 81.9–91.2% …
The authors’ interpretation of no difference in the observed incidence of pregnancy loss in those who received their first mRNA vaccine before 20 weeks’ gestation compared to baseline must be questioned.
In light of these findings, key policy decisions have been made using unreliable and questionable data. We conclude that the claims made using these data on the safety of exposure of women in early pregnancy to mRNA-based vaccines to prevent COVID-19 are unwarranted and recommend that those policy decisions be revisited.”
Calls for Immediate Withdrawal of mRNA Shots
Not only does the IPAK data show COVID-19 injections prior to 20 weeks are unsafe for pregnant women, but 12.6% women who received it in the 3rd trimester reported Grade 3 adverse events, which are severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening. Another 8% also reported a fever of 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F), which can lead to miscarriage or premature labor.13
Further, the study follow-up only continued for 28 days after birth, meaning the long-term effects of prenatal exposure to babies is unknown. The many concerns of mRNA COVID-19 injections during pregnancy and breastfeeding include transmission of mRNA and spike protein across the placenta and through breast milk, as well as the inhibition of synctyin-1, a protein essential for cell fusion and placental development.
Pregnant women were excluded from the mRNA injection clinical trials, but a Pfizer-BioNTech rat study revealed the injection more than doubled the incidence of preimplantation loss and also led to a low incidence of mouth/jaw malformations, gastroschisis (a birth defect of the abdominal wall) and abnormalities in the right-sided aortic arch and cervical vertebrae in the fetuses.14
Together, IPAK believes the data are compelling enough to withdraw the shots for vulnerable populations. Noting their advice in boldface, they say:15
“Considering the evidence presented here, we suggest the immediate withdrawal of mRNA vaccine use in pregnancy (Category X) and those breastfeeding, alongside the withdrawal of mRNA vaccines to children or those of child-bearing age in the general population, until more convincing data relating to the safety and long-term impacts on fertility, pregnancy and reproduction are established in these groups.”
Vaccine Researcher: Menstrual Changes Related to Shot
Women across the U.S. have reported changes in their menstrual cycles following COVID-19 shots. Changes include heavier, earlier and more painful periods,16 as well as unexpected breakthrough bleeding or spotting among women on long-acting contraception or those who are postmenopausal and hadn’t had a period in years or even decades.17 Health officials have tried to brush off the reports, but they’ve become too numerous to ignore.
Gunnveig Grødeland, a Norwegian vaccine researcher with the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, told, “There are sufficient numbers of women who are experiencing changes, not just in Norway, but also abroad, to make it likely that this is connected to the vaccine.”18,19
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) is currently studying menstrual bleeding in 60,000 Norwegian women aged 11 to 80 years to explore whether irregularities are linked to COVID-19 injections.
“We cannot rule out that there is a connection between these menstrual irregularities and the vaccine. We take these reports seriously and are doing a thorough job in order to study possible correlations,” Lill Trogstad with the NIPH told
Kate Clancy, a human reproductive ecologist and associate professor of anthropology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and Katharine Lee, a biological anthropologist studying women’s health at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, also have more than 140,000 reports from those who’ve had changes in their period following COVID-19 injections, which they’re formally documenting in an open-ended study.21
Another 30,000 reports of period changes following the jabs have been reported to the U.K.’s regulator.22 The implication is that the shots could be having an effect on fertility, but officials have been quick to deny such a link.
However, in an editorial published in the BMJ, Victoria Male, a lecturer in reproductive immunology at Imperial College London, stated that when it comes to menstrual changes after COVID-19 shots, “A link is plausible and should be investigated.”23 According to Male:24
“Menstrual changes have been reported after both mRNA and adenovirus vectored covid-19 vaccines, suggesting that, if there is a connection, it is likely to be a result of the immune response to vaccination rather than a specific vaccine component. Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) has also been associated with menstrual changes.
… Biologically plausible mechanisms linking immune stimulation with menstrual changes include immunological influences on the hormones driving the menstrual cycle or effects mediated by immune cells in the lining of the uterus, which are involved in the cyclical build-up and breakdown of this tissue. Research exploring a possible association between covid-19 vaccines and menstrual changes may also help understand the mechanism.”
You Can’t Make an Informed Decision Without the Facts
At this time, women aren’t being warned about the potential risks for miscarriage, menstrual irregularities and even fertility that have been uncovered. But it’s an urgent matter that must be investigated so people can make an informed decision before consenting to an injection that could have serious reproductive effects.
It should be widely known, however, that Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a prominent toxicologist and molecular biologist who works with M.D. Anderson Cancer Center-Houston, spoke at the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting April 23, 2021.
The focus of the meeting was blood clotting disorders following COVID-19 shots, and Lindsay spoke during the public comment period, calling for “all gene therapy vaccines” to “be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts,” including fertility.25 Lindsay warned that severe red flags exist that an entire generation could be at risk of sterilization if COVID-19 shots aren’t stopped until more research is conducted:26
“We simply cannot put these [vaccines] in our children who are at .002% risk for Covid mortality, if infected, or any more of the child-bearing age population without thoroughly investigating this matter. [If we do], we could potentially sterilize an entire generation. Speculation that this will not occur and a few anecdotal reports of pregnancies within the trial are not sufficient proof that this is not impacting on a population-wide scale.”
Dr. Fauci claims that Remdesivir was effective in treating Ebola in scientific studies a few years ago. The truth is that Remdesivir failed so badly that it was discontinued and did not even finish the study! In fact, Remdesivir killed 54 percent of the people, according to the study’s own statistics.
Yet in 2021 Dr. Fauci bought up the entire supply of Remdesivir and then directed doctors and hospitals to use it on covid patients at the cost of $1000/pill. At the same time, he stopped the use of HCQ and Ivermectin, which were very effective against the coronavirus (and many other viruses).
By the way, Dr. Anthony Fauci comes from the Swiss family line of Abys, whose family crest pictures a crowned serpent eating a child. Fauci’s mother was Eugenia Abys (1917-1965). The Abys (also, Abyss) family came from the town of Chur. Various branches of the family adopted different versions of the serpent.
I’m Reiner Fuellmich and I want to tell you about the results of the investigations of the Berlin Corona Committee to date. I have been working together with my colleagues in my firm as a trial lawyer for 27 years. I am licensed to practice law in Germany and in California. Until Covid emerged, we exclusively represented consumers and small and medium-sized businesses against global, criminal corporations such as Deutsche Bank, VW and Kühne & Nagel, the world’s largest freight carrier.
That changed after a virus, previously labeled harmless, was suddenly declared the cause of a global pandemic in March of 2020, and the world was suppressed with lockdowns, social distancing and mask mandates, as well as mass PCR testing and so-called vaccinations for perfectly healthy people.
No coherent explanation was ever given for this sudden change of opinion from “don’t worry, this is a harmless virus” to “this is a very dangerous virus, many people will die”. Instead, the governments and the mainstream media deliberately spread panic. There are several leaked internal documents of the ministries of the interior in various countries that prove this targeted fear mongering. This was done by a worldwide lockstep approach of continuously blasting out the alleged danger of the alleged new virus via the mainstream media. In order to make this horror story credible, it was emphasized with horrific images from Bergamo, Italy and New York, among other places. This was to suggest to everyone that there was every reason to panic – very strange, as one would expect a real government to try and keep the population calm if there really was an emergency. In the meantime we have come to understand that – at least until the beginning of the roll out of the so-called “vaccines” – there was no excess mortality anywhere. The horrific images were partly staged, and partly based on gross medical malpractice.
In the face of this chaotic situation, which occurred literally overnight, as if on command, our colleague Viviane Fischer and I, together with two other lawyers, founded the Corona Investigative Committee in Berlin on July 10, 2020. We did this in order to get answers to the questions to which our federal government, for reasons unknown to us at the time, was not prepared to provide answers. Above all, we wanted to know,
How dangerous is the virus really?
How reliable is the PCR test developed by the German Prof. Drosten and recommended worldwide by the WHO for detecting infections? And
How much damage are the anti-Covid measures causing economically and to people’s health?
A. Summary
First let me summarize the outcome of the Corona Committee’s work to date:
Since July 10, 2020, we have consulted with about 150 distinguished scientists and experts from all around the world and from all areas of science (including health, law, economy, psychology, and psychiatry) on these questions: how dangerous is the virus, how reliable is the PCR test, and how much harm is caused by anti-corona measures?. Among them are Dr. Mike Yeadon[Sessions 27, 44, 66], former vice president of Pfizer, Prof. Luc Montagnier[Session 55], Nobel laureate from France, Catherine Austin Fitts[Session 38], investment banker and former deputy minister of the US, and also most recently politicians such as Sue Frost[Session 68], member of the Board of Supervisors of Sacramento County in California.
Now, if someone had told me a year and a half ago that the outcome of the Corona Committee’s work to date would be this, I would have told them to take their pills and see their doctor. But our hearings prove the following results beyond a reasonable doubt:
The Covid measures were never about health. We don’t have a pandemic; we have a virus circulating that any intact human immune system can fight just as well as the flu. And this is true whether the virus occurred naturally or was created in a lab. Apart from that, there are very good alternative methods of treatment to prevent or treat this disease, such as vitamin C and D, zinc, possibly Ivermectin and others.
Our governments, at least almost all European governments as well as that of the US, are not acting in the best interest of their people, but are largely under the control of the backers of the global corporations and NGOs, which are summarized by Catherine Austin Fitts as “Mr. Global”. This is also the term I will be using here when I refer to those who are pulling the strings behind the scenes.
How did we come to this conclusion? Well, before Covid each of us had had their own sometimes strange encounters which made us wonder if something isn’t quite right, but we couldn’t really put our fingers on what it was exactly. Long before Covid came on the scene, my colleagues in my firm and I had a clear sense in our work time and again that something was wrong in the German courts of law. Global corporations such as Deutsche Bank, VW, and Kuehne & Nagel, seemed to be above the law in the German courts because, for example, Deutsche Bank, one of the most criminal organizations in the world is regarded by politicians as “systemically important” and thus de facto given special protection in the courts of law as well. VW gets special protection simply because they are the largest employer in the German state of Lower Saxony. Our suspicion that the German judiciary is so heavily influenced by politics that it is no longer capable of applying the applicable law to such corporations and uncovering their fraudulent activities turned out to have a real basis. The German phrase: “They hang the small fry, but they let the big fish go” because they’re supposedly too big to fail, is reality.
Based on the behavior of the German judiciary in the Covid cases, it is now clear beyond any doubt to us that this is indeed the case: German judges who decide the cases before them not in line with the Covid-panic agenda of the government, but on the basis of the applicable law, are not only put under pressure behind the scenes. Rather, this is now done openly with the arbitrary-brutal methods of an anti-democratic, even totalitarian regime. This is obviously done to send a message to the judiciary as a whole so as to prevent them from applying the applicable law and thus questioning the government line. The dramatic example of a judge in Weimar and the experts he called upon for deciding a case proves this:
A few weeks after the decision, due to political pressure, his house, office and car were searched and his computer and cell phone were seized because he was accused of a crime. The accusation of bending the law is in the air, which is a crime. But the specific accusation was not that his decision was wrong on its merits. No. In fact, it still stands unchallenged on its merits, and for a very good reason: Both a court of appeal in Portugal and an administrative court in Austria had previously come to the same conclusion: That a PCR test cannot detect infections and therefore cannot be the basis for any anti Corona measures. Instead, the accusation was that, as a family court judge, he did not have subject-matter jurisdiction to decide the case. Rather, the criminal – obviously politically driven – case against him states that an administrative court has subject matter jurisdiction over such cases. However, in the meantime, several appellate court decisions in Germany have confirmed that in such cases of endangerment of a child’s welfare (of course) the family courts have jurisdiction and must intervene, not the administrative courts.
Parallel to this, such searches and seizures were also carried out at the homes of the three expert witnesses, the lawyer who had supported the children, and a popular artist who happens to be a friend of the judge. Shortly thereafter, such searches and seizures were also conducted at the home of another respected professor. This professor is one of the world’s best-known experts on vaccinations and vaccines, who had been critical of the safety and efficacy of these injections as they are not backed up by any scientific or medical studies.
How could it have come to this in a country that calls itself a democracy? Specifically: How is it that politics in Germany and in other countries, in gross violation of the Roman-legal principle of audiatur et altera pars (which means: hear also the other side), with the help of mainstream media exclusively spreading government propaganda and denigrating any and all dissenting opinions as “right-wing, right-wing, Nazi, Nazi”, are now enforcing Covid measures ever more harshly without any factual basis?
Meanwhile, Mr. Global and his political puppets are calling for permanent lockdowns (first Covid lockdowns, then climate lockdowns) and the continued use of untested alleged vaccines not just once, but regularly recurring every 6 months—shots every six months; in some countries this is already reality.
I will give you the answer below, based on the Corona Committee’s expert hearings, by first reporting the facts about the actual dangerousness of the virus and the reliability of the PCR test, and the health and economic damage caused by the measures. Then I’ll explain what plans “Mr. Global” is openly—openly pursuing (as evidenced by the written and oral statements of, for example, World Economic Forum founderKlaus Schwab and Microsoft founder Bill Gates), while distracting the population from these goals with the help of the Covid pandemic. And finally, I’ll explain how we, the people, can regain not only our sovereignty but also the assets that have been stolen from us by Mr. Global for decades:
B. Covid measures were never about health
I. The virus is no more dangerous than a flu virus
There are indications that the original virus, allegedly first detected in Wuhan, was artificially produced in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, by means of so-called gain of function experiments. Such experiments intend to make a virus more dangerous, in particular to cause it to jump from animals to humans. These are, in fact, experiments for the production of bioweapons. Among others, the US immunologist Dr. Fauci and the aforementioned German virologist Prof. Dr. Drosten were significantly involved in such gain of function experiments. There are a lot of things that need to be clarified, but this much is certain: The original virus has long since ceased to exist. Rather, as with every flu virus, various variants/mutations have been documented that may spread more quickly, but are all far less dangerous than the original virus—and it doesn’t make a difference if it was artificial or natural. In addition, however, there are considerable doubts that the virus was ever isolated in a scientifically correct manner. Many scientists assume now that the flu virus, or influenza A or B was merely relabeled by Mr. Global into a corona virus pandemic.
Ultimately, however, none of this matters. For the question of the severity or dangerousness of the virus is easy to answer. In the meantime, even the highly controversial WHO, which is in fact controlled by its largest donors (including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its offshoot GAVI, which together have a stake in almost all vaccine manufacturers in the world), agrees with Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University, one of the most cited scientists in the world: the severity of the virus, with a so-called infection fatality rate of 0.14 to 0.15%, corresponds with that of the flu. There was no excess mortality anywhere before the beginning of the so-called vaccinations.
As far as there were isolated increases or spikes in mortality, for example in Bergamo, Italy and in New York, these are explained with massive medical malpractice: In Bergamo predominantly very old people with pre-existing conditions in nursing homes had died. Their immune systems had previously been weakened by vaccinations, and then – in order to keep the hospitals free for the panic-stricken Covid patients (who never arrived) – sick people, including influenza patients, were transferred to the elderly care homes. These then infected the weakened people there. In addition, the WHO had installed Rainieri Guerra into the Italian Ministry of Health, who falsified the data of the pandemic exercise plans: Their last pandemic exercise had not taken place in 2016, but in 2006, so that the medical professionals were unprepared. In the meantime, he is not working at the ministry of health anymore, but the Italian public prosecutor’s office is investigating him.
In New York – as every year during flu season – some, but by no means all, hospitals were overcrowded. On the hospital ship Comfort with 1000 beds available no more than 20 to 40 beds were ever occupied. In New York it also affected predominantly older people, with pre-existing morbidities. Without the panic messages in the media, many people, who would have stayed at home and cured themselves under the – correct – assumption that they were ill with a flu or a flu-like illness, stormed some of the hospitals and fell victim to either hospital germs or massive medical malpractice by for example intubation instead of receiving oxygen with oxygen masks, or with far too high dosages of Hydroxychloroquine or being treated with dangerous medications such as Remdesivir.
Of course, respiratory illnesses including this one, which is now called Covid-19 are, like the flu, dangerous diseases. And, of course, Covid-19, just like the seasonal flu, has individual, severe courses of illness and also deaths. Typically, however, the immune system intercepts the virus and especially the highly toxic spike protein in the mouth and nose. It only becomes dangerous when the immune system is bypassed and the – mind you: highly toxic – spike protein, but also other ingredients such as mRNA and lipids, and other nanoparticles, are injected directly into the body.
In any case, as post-mortem examinations carried out in Germany have shown in the meantime, the people who allegedly died with or from Covid before the start of the vaccinations – with few exceptions – had all passed the average human life expectancy and/or suffered from other serious pre-existing diseases. Virtually none of the people who allegedly died of Covid had actually died from Covid. 96% of the people who allegedly died of Covid in New York and Bergamo and 85% of those in Sweden had died from completely different diseases.
II. The Invention of the Corona Pandemic
What was behind this? Based in part on the testimony of two former WHO employees and advisors, but also on the testimony of historians and investigative journalists, as well as scientists, we can now trace the following chronology:
1. Concrete planning for the Corona plandemic for at least 10 years is verifiable
The Corona pandemic has been a concretely planned pandemic by Mr. Global for at least 10 years. Previously, in 2009, an attempt by Mr. Global to turn the swine flu into a pandemic failed literally at the very last second, in particular because the German lung specialist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who at the time had political power as a member of the German Bundestag and the European Council (which is not to be confused with the Council of Europe or the Council of the European Union, and is not part of the EU), had exposed that pandemic as a mild flu. Back then the WHO had unexpectedly changed the definition of a pandemic overnight, so that today any flu can be declared a pandemic.
Until then, a pandemic was considered to be a worldwide disease event with many severe illnesses and many deaths, and suddenly it was supposed to be simply a worldwide disease event – without the need for many severe illnesses and many deaths. Due to this – completely surprising and never explained – change in definition, it was possible for the WHO, which is closely intertwined with the global pharmaceutical industry, to declare the swine flu a pandemic in 2009. The consequence of this was that expensive vaccines were produced and sold worldwide on the basis of contracts that have been kept secret to this day. These vaccines not only proved to be completely unnecessary because, contrary to all the horrific announcements from the pharmaceutical industry and universities close to it (millions of deaths were allegedly going to happen worldwide, if vaccination was not carried out), the swine flu ultimately turned out to be a mild flu. Furthermore the vaccines led to serious health problems: around 1,300 children in Europe, especially in the Scandinavian countries, became incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now permanently disabled.
Long before the current Corona pandemic, dozens of patents on the corona virus, including the spike protein, and also on the so-called “vaccines” had already been registered. Even before the outbreak of the alleged Corona pandemic, American scientists were explicitly advertising investments in Corona vaccines to potential investors. In October of 2019, before the Corona pandemic rolled out in March 2020 with lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates and finally the so-called vaccines, a final “exercise” took place in New York under the title “Event 201”. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security were involved. Shortly thereafter, an outbreak of what is now known as Covid 19 allegedly occurred for the first time in Wuhan, China due to an allegedly novel corona virus. A short time later, however, the excitement died down in China and the alleged novel disease had been brought under control.
Mr. Global, however, used the Wuhan incident as a springboard, so to speak, to set in motion his long-planned Corona plandemic.
2. The staging of the pandemic with the help of the Drosten PCR test
This is the centerpiece. While all politicians and physicians worldwide (among them also the virologist Prof. Drosten) as well as the mainstream media were still reassuring the citizens and explaining that the virus from China would, just like a mild flu wave, not be noticed by the vast majority of people, that no special measures needed to be taken, in particular that masks were completely unnecessary and pointless, Prof. Dr. Drosten (whose academic background is now highly doubtful) invented a PCR test with which Covid-19 infections could allegedly be detected. This was at the beginning of January of 2020, while he was telling everyone that there was nothing to worry about. In two papers [“Diagnostic detection of Wuhan coronavirus 2019 by real-time RT- PCR” (13 Jan 2020) and “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR” (21 Jan 2020)], the contents of which were disseminated worldwide by the WHO, he made two false claims – deliberately false, as has since been established – two false claims that were crucial to the pandemic. First, he claimed
that there are asymptomatic infections, that is that everyone should be afraid of every perfectly healthy person showing no symptoms, because he or she could be infected with Covid 19 and be potentially dangerous, contagious,
Secondly, he claimed
his PCR test, as the gold standard, could detect concrete, contagious infections with Covid 19.
And the PCR test invented by Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis is neither approved nor suitable for diagnostic purposes. This is because it cannot distinguish between living and dead viral fragments and it also tests positive for fragments of a virus left over from the immune system’s fight against a flu or cold that has long since passed.
In particular, the test cannot determine whether a whole virus (fragments are not enough anyway) has entered cells and is replicating there. Drosten knew all this and had explicitly stated 6 years earlier in a [2014] newspaper interview concerning the MERS virus (another Corona virus) that a positive test had no meaning, but that completely healthy people could also test positive.
Virtually overnight, for reasons that have not yet been fully resolved but that suggest an involuntary early start to this pandemic, Mr. Global, through the WHO, politicians, and mainstream media, suddenly changed his mind. Mr. Global put pressure on the WHO to quickly declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). According to the – freely invented – rules of the WHO, such an international health emergency is the only basis on which completely new untested drugs, in this case so-called “vaccines”, can be used on humans. Usually, the development and approval of a new drug takes at least 8 to 10 years. At the first emergency meeting on 23 January 2020, those present could not agree to declare this fake PHEIC because there were no cases. Nevertheless, because of the allegedly highly dangerous situation, the group agreed to meet again two weeks later. At that second emergency meeting on 30 January, the fake PHEIC was actually declared. What had changed? Nothing. – However, Prof. Drosten had made his PCR test available to the WHO. And with the help of this test the cases needed for the declaration of a PHEIC had been created.
Today it must be assumed that the proclamation of the PHEIC and subsequently all Covid measures were based solely upon completely meaningless false positive test results. First of all, a PCR test per se cannot detect contagious infections under any circumstances, as explained above. Above all, however, Drosten had set up his test in such a way that it was guaranteed to generate false positives. This is because of the so called cycles of amplification which one needs to evaluate the results of the test, that is the machine into which the swabs are placed, enlarges the molecules that are otherwise invisible to the human eye in many cycles, so-called cycles of amplification (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.). There is now a consensus that anything over 24 cycles is completely unscientific and therefore useless. Therefore, the Frankfurt Health Department does not take test results of more than 24 cycles into consideration at all. And Dr. Mike Yeadon, formerly of Pfizer, has stated – in agreement with Dr. Fauci, by the way – that more than 35 cycles results in at least 97% false positives. But in the Drosten test (which served as a blueprint for the vast majority of tests subsequently performed worldwide), 45 cycles of amplification were used.
This was followed – always accompanied by the panic orchestra of the mainstream media and the vast majority of politicians – in quick succession by the covid measures such as the lockdown, which had been invented shortly before in China, social distancing, mask mandates and finally the so-called “vaccines”. These alleged “vaccines” are in reality gene-therapeutic experiments on unsuspecting humans because there was no valid informed consent. It should be emphasized at this point that every invasive medical intervention is a bodily injury or battery unless the patient explicitly consents to it. And his consent is invalid if he is not informed correctly and completely (that is about the fact that no medical studies had been conducted—there is only an emergency use authorization—and about the numerous very serious side effects that have become known in the meantime). This concept of informed consent is the most important result of the Nuremberg medical trials of 1946.
However, it was precisely these injections, designated by way of deception as “vaccines,” with substances that had not previously been tested in scientific studies for their safety and efficacy, that had been Mr. Global’s goal from the very beginning. The subsequent steps ordered after the proclamation of the PHEIC (lockdown, social distancing, compulsory masking) served only to make the population believe in a danger that did not exist, to unsettle and disorient them, and thus make them so compliant that they would finally consent to the so-called vaccines as the only means of obtaining protection or immunity against the disease.
There is no reason for the use of these “vaccines”. This is because, as stated above, there is no Covid pandemic at all, only a PCR test pandemic. Apart from that, there are highly effective and completely harmless alternative preventive and curative treatments, as outlined above. Even worse, the vaccines are completely ineffective, as the example of Israel shows particularly dramatically: There, 86% of the people treated in hospitals for Covid are double vaccinated. And: The vaccines are highly dangerous: Through a whistleblower it has become known that the numbers of deaths after vaccinations in one of the US registers have been falsified. Conservative estimates now arrive at at least 500,000 deaths after vaccination since the beginning of the vaccine roll outs. In addition, there are other serious side effects such as neurological disorders, thrombosis, myocarditis, and more. For the fall, winter and coming spring, experts expect severe problems for those vaccinated when they encounter the so-called wild virus in the form of a cold or flu virus, due to antibody-dependent-enhancement (ADE) (cytokine storm), autoimmune diseases and more severe cases of thrombosis, among others.
Since these “vaccines” damage the immune system, not only will each subsequent “booster” cause more damage, but precisely the contact with the so-called wild virus will as well.
All the massive “side effects” that have occurred in the meantime were known to the American CDC long before the “vaccine” roll out began. Worse yet, as evidenced by the now-disclosed contents of both the manufacturers’ documents submitted to the EMA (the European Medical Agency) and the manufacturers’ secret contracts with nation-states, manufacturers do not know whether their so-called “vaccine” is effective. They do not know it. Nor do they know if it is dangerous. But they demand immunity from nation-states in the event that claims are made against them for vaccine injuries. And they also explicitly demand that if there are alternative methods of treatment (which do, of course, make vaccines completely unnecessary), their experimental products must still be purchased.
C. The plans of Mr. Global and the controlled politicians and how they can be prevented:
For many years (following in his father’s footsteps, who was a convinced eugenicist) Bill Gates has been talking about the need to dramatically reduce the world population. For years he has been in the headlines again and again for using alleged vaccines in Africa and India, which in reality led to the sterilization of women and girls. Klaus Schwab goes in the same direction and spells this out for example in his book The Great Reset and demands beyond that – supported by the current pope, by the way – a world government under the UN, which has, in the meantime been brought under control by the WEF. This is to be achieved by creating as much worldwide chaos as possible in the form of pandemics, wars, including civil wars and natural disasters, so that the world population becomes convinced that the national governments are overwhelmed and only a world government can help. At the same time, Schwab calls for the shifting of all wealth to Mr. Global, so that in 2030 no one (except, of course, Mr. Global) will still own anything, but will supposedly be happy with it. In addition – and this is a central building block in Mr. Global’s strategy – cash is to be abolished and replaced by a digital currency. This will be allocated to or taken away from every person in the world – who can then also be found anywhere at any time by various tracking systems – this is to be done by a single central world bank.
Quite obviously therefore – this is in particular the opinion of the psychologists and psychiatrists whom the Corona Committee has heard – when it comes to Mr. Global and his puppets, we are dealing with psychopaths and sociopaths.
And here is another important piece of information: Through the WEF, initiated by Klaus Schwab in 1971, Mr. Global has been training his own puppets since 1992 through the Young Global Leaders program. Angela Merkel[, Lawrence Summers, Nicholas Sarkozy, Anthony C. L. Blair]and Bill Gates were among the first class to graduate, the class of 1992. Even a large number of current leading politicians – predominantly weak personalities with, however, mostly well-trained rhetorical skills – also come from this program, including Macron in France, Kurz in Austria, Justin Trudeau in Canada, Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand, but also the German Health Minister Jens Spahn and the EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen [and Mark Zuckerberg].
Against this background, which increasingly more people are recognizing, very large legal disputes have been set in motion, or are now being set in motion, in India, in South Africa, in the USA, in Canada and in France, among others. Their goal is to hold those who are responsible for this plandemic accountable under both civil and criminal law. This also includes that the assets that have been taken away from the world’s population by Mr. Global and the global corporations and NGOs controlled by him (not only since Covid, but already for decades), are returned. In those cases, where there are no clear criminal actions, but where instead contracts are the basis for damages, these should all be void. In particular, Anglo-American law, with its powerful tools of class actions, pre trial discovery and, of course, punitive damages in the event that willful intentional infliction of damage can be shown provides the tools for very effective justice.
In Portugal, Austria and in Germany, excellently written court decisions have stated that the completely unsuitable Drosten PCR test cannot be a basis for any Covid measures. The Berlin Corona Committee already now has extremely incriminating evidence proving that this Corona plandemic never had anything to do with health. Rather, Mr. Global’s actions are aimed solely at these goals:
Destruction of regional economies to make the population dependent on Mr. Global’s global supply chains,
Population reduction, you can call it genocide, as well as Mr. Global gaining total control over the remaining population, and
Installation of a world government under the UN, which is now under control of the World Economic Forum.
We are dealing – this must be stressed once again – with megalomaniac psychopaths and sociopaths, which must be stopped and, in fact, should have been stopped a very long time ago. But now the time has come, more and more people worldwide are waking up and realizing who is pursuing which goals with this Plandemic. Even if the mainstream media is hiding it: Hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets all over the world, including in London, England, Berlin, Germany, but also in Australia, Brazil, etc. More and more politicians and lawyers, medical doctors as well as public service employees, even police officers refuse to participate in these Crimes Against Humanity.
But in addition to our legal efforts, and our efforts to disclose the facts and bring everything out into the open, there is a third level, namely the spiritual or religious or cosmic – call it what you will – level. And this level, we deem, is crucial. We can see this in a story a German doctor told us very recently at the Corona Committee. He wanted to draw money at an ATM and went into the lobby of a bank. There stood an elderly woman wearing a mask, who fearfully backed away from him because he was not wearing a mask. She said he had to wear a mask because otherwise she was afraid of infecting herself and then her husband. The doctor told her, No, she shouldn’t be afraid. And then he went up to her, took off her mask and hugged her. The woman began to cry and said that no one had held her for more than a year.
That’s what this is all about: humanity versus inhumanity. We are human. We can laugh, cry, sing, dance and hug. The other side, Mr. Global and his puppets, can’t do that. They can only fake feelings and have no empathy at all. This is because the other side has no access to the spiritual side.
The US Constitution starts with the words, We, The People. And when the wall between East and West Berlin came crashing down 33 years ago it was the East German people chanting “We Are The People” that brought it down. Mr. Global’s house of cards will come crashing down the very same way. Without any doubt in my mind, Mr. Global and his puppets will lose this war of good against evil. They will lose their insane war against life and creation itself. There is no other way.
Peggy is providing a great service to the people. I especially admire that if you cannot afford to pay for her classes you can still find all the information for free on her channel. God Bless you Peggy and thank you very much.
Recorded on October 13, 2021 From the very beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has been on the front lines of analyzing, studying, and even personally fighting the pandemic. In this wide-ranging interview, Dr. Bhattacharya takes us through how it started, how it spread throughout the world, the efficacy of lockdowns, the development and distribution of the vaccines, and the rise of the Delta variant. He delves into what we got right, what we got wrong, and what we got really wrong. Finally, Dr. Bhattacharya looks to the future and how we will learn to live with COVID rather than trying to extinguish it, and how we might be prepared to deal with another inevitable pandemic that we know will arrive at some point. For further information:… Interested in exclusive Uncommon Knowledge content? Check out Uncommon Knowledge on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:…
The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 imposes fines and prison sentences on anyone who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon”
The problem we face today is that our federal government has been captured by forces that seek to destroy the U.S. from within. As such, we cannot trust the federal judiciary to prosecute and hold those responsible for the pandemic and the toxic COVID shots accountable
To circumvent the corrupted federal judiciary, we need to focus on locally elected prosecutors instead. Depending on the state, they may go by titles such as district attorney, state attorney, prosecuting attorney or county attorney
Organize locally to find people willing, as a group, to call on your local, elected district attorney to convene a grand jury and indict the individuals suspected of being involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, and those responsible for the COVID shots
The charge that applies is “murder and conspiracy to commit murder.” For starters, 15 researchers listed on a key paper can be indicted, plus those who funded the research. Those to be indicted in relation to the COVID shots include the chief executive officers, chief operating officers and chief scientific officers of Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson
Francis Boyle is a repeat guest; I’ve interviewed him twice in 2020 about the likelihood of SARS-CoV-2 having been engineered in a lab. Boyle’s background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a juris doctor (lawyer) degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. in political science. He’s a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, and wrote the book, “Biowarfare and Terrorism.”1
In 2020 when we initially dialoged, any mention of SARS-CoV-2 being a manmade bioweapon was highly censored and had we uploaded that video to YouTube, we would have been banned early last year rather than a few months ago. Today, the lab leak theory has been acknowledged as likely even by bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.
We also have loads of documentation showing Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), funded unlawful gain-of-function research on coronaviruses when there was a federal moratorium on that kind of research. The National Institutes of Health and EcoHealth Alliance also appear to have colluded to avoid triggering a secondary review of these gain-of-function experiments.2,3,4,5
Unlawful Acts Have Occurred
In this interview, we explore some of the strategies Boyle has come up with as to how we can prosecute these individuals for what they’ve been doing, because they’re in direct violation of legislation and treaties he wrote more than 30 years ago.
For decades, Boyle has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons, which he suspects COVID-19 is. He called for biowarfare legislation as early as 1985, for the Biological Weapons Convention, and drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act6 that ended up being passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by George Bush Sr. in 1989. According to the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989:7
“Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States.”
Accountability When Federal Authorities Have Been Captured
The problem we face today is we’ve come to realize that even our federal government has been captured by forces that seek to destroy the U.S. from within. As such, there’s no way our federal authorities — including federal judges — will ever seek to enforce the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act.
How do we navigate this serious dilemma? Boyle believes there’s a way, and it involves focusing on locally elected prosecutors. Depending on the state, they may go by titles such as district attorney, state attorney, prosecuting attorney or county attorney.8
Boyle explains the plan:
“I’ve been appearing before federal judges since 1982 on matters of courage, integrity and principles. I can only think of one federal judge that gave us a fair trial. So, we can’t rely upon federal judges to pull our chestnuts out of the fire. That then gets me to the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people … My proposal is this: The American people, at a state, local community basis, have to go to our local prosecutors, that is states’ attorneys, district attorneys, county attorneys, any local prosecutor. And the last I read there were well over 400 of these in the country.
These local prosecutors are not part of the federal system. They have been empowered by the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution. They are democratically elected by the people of their community.
Federal judges are not elected by anyone. They’re appointed by the President and once they’re on their bench with life tenure, they can only be removed by impeachment, which is almost impossible, and their salaries cannot be reduced. They’re like God Almighty up there sitting on these federal benches.
Not so with state and local prosecutors. They’re accountable to the people of the community … I think that if we can even get one out of 400 local prosecutors to convene a grand jury and return indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder, this whole house of cards will collapse … So, what I am recommending is two steps: One on the frankenshots and another on the COVID pandemic.”
Holding Criminals Accountable for the COVID Pandemic
Starting with the COVID pandemic, Boyle recommends getting organized on the local level, and going around to all your local prosecutors, demanding they convene a grand jury to seek the indictment of those responsible for COVID-19 for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. But how do we begin to identify the culprits? Boyle says:
“The [2015] article, “SARS-Like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronavirus Pose Threat for Human Emergence,”9 is the smoking gun on who is behind COVID-19. Who’s on that contract?
[Vineet] Menachery [Ph.D.] from the University of North Carolina and other people there, including [Ralph] Baric [Ph.D.]. Twelve people are listed by name on this contract at the UNC BSL 3. We also know that [zoologist Peter] Daszak was working with Baric on this entire project. A person from the Food and Drug Administration was also involved in the research, development and testing of COVID-19.
These are the exact same people, the FDA, who are authorizing all of these frankenshots, including last week for kids from 5 to 11. So, they developed this biological warfare weapon and now they’re approving all the frankenshots. This is a one-two punch against the American people …
There is Harvard Medical School involved in the research, development and testing of COVID-19 and offensive biological warfare weapons. We also know that Harvard was a sponsoring the BSL 4 [biosafety level 4 lab] in Wuhan, China. That Wuhan BSL 4 is China’s Fort Detrick. There’s no doubt about it in my mind.
And who is the current director of the CDC? [Dr. Rochelle] Walensky. She is from Harvard Medical School. You can’t believe anything the CDC or Walensky is telling you. They’re bald-faced liars and they always have been.
Indeed, the CDC has been involved in research, development and testing of offensive biological warfare weapons, I’ve been able to determine from official government documents, from the early 1980s. And they then — the CDC and Walensky — have ratified the FDA’s approval of the frankenshots … They’re all working in cahoots with each other.
Also, if you read the footnotes of that article, they are working with Fort Detrick. So, they’re all in cahoots. You have Chinese Fort Detrick, you have our Fort Detrick, you have the UNC BSL 3, the Wuhan BSL 4, Harvard Medical School — all working together to research, develop and test [this bioweapon].
Who has funded all this? The contract makes it quite clear. It was funded by the National Institutes of Health, then directed by Dr. Francis Collins. He knew full well what was going on here. He was over there cooperating with China and the Wuhan BSL 4. Also, the NIAID’s Anthony Fauci. He’s on here too.”
Most Biological Warfare Research Has Taken Place Under Fauci
According to Boyle, it was the Reagan administration’s abuse of genetic engineering for biological warfare weapons purposes that initially compelled the Council for Responsible Genetics and Boyle to draft the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.
Around that same time, Reagan, under the influence of neoconservatives who believe in biological warfare and ethnic-specific biological warfare, put Fauci in charge of the U.S. bioweapons program. “About 95% of all this Nazi type biological warfare research has been done under the auspices of Tony Fauci,” Boyle says.
Legal Definitions of ‘Murder’ and ‘Conspiracy to Murder’
Boyle has taught both criminal law and international human rights law. He also still practices criminal law, both prosecution and defense. According to Boyle, Anglo-American Common Law has a definition for “murder” that is applicable in all states of the U.S. with the exception of Louisiana, and that is “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.”
“Let’s parse that down,” he says. “The word ‘unlawful’ — all these individuals I just mentioned from this contracted study … were involved in research, development, testing and stockpiling of biological warfare weapons in clear-cut violation of my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.
[The term] ‘killing of human beings’ — I think the number of Americans who have been killed, murdered by COVID-19, is well over a million … And then, ‘with malice aforethought’ — ‘malice aforethought’ is a legal term of art.
It would take me three, four, five different class sessions to go through it all, but one element of malice of forethought is reckless endangerment of human beings and, clearly, they knew. If you read the contracts and the studies, they knew … that this gain-of-function work was existentially dangerous and they did it anyway.
Clearly that constitutes ‘reckless endangerment of human beings,’ ‘malice aforethought.’ So, you have all the elements there for murder, and then ‘conspiracy to commit murder.’ In common law, ‘conspiracy’ is two [or more] people getting together to agree to do an unlawful act — such as the violation of my statute — or a lawful act by illegal means.
So, I think we have all these people at least for murder and conspiracy to commit murder, and my advice is that if you have lost a loved one or a friend living in the territorial jurisdiction of any of these local prosecutors, they would have jurisdiction to convene a grand jury and seek indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder against all of these people.”
So, in summary, Boyle suggests starting the indictment list with the 15 co-authors of the 2015 paper, “SARS-Like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronavirus Pose Threat for Human Emergence,”10 and those who funded it, which include Collins, Fauci and Daszak (president of EcoHealth Alliance).
And, again, the reason we need to turn to locally elected prosecutors is because state attorneys general file lawsuits with the federal courts, which we know have been captured and won’t prosecute crimes against humanity. Local prosecutors, on the other hand, can convene grand juries in their local jurisdiction, even in their own county. So, this strategy bypasses the captured federal judiciary.
“We cannot rely on the federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court,” Boyle says. “Just look at these exposés in The Wall Street Journal, where we found out well over 130 federal judges were unethically ruling on cases where they had investments involved. I don’t trust the federal judiciary at all to do the right thing here.”
How to Prosecute the COVID Shots
Next, we need to figure out how to prosecute those responsible for the gene-based COVID shots. The same legal definitions apply to them. They too are committing “unlawful killing of human beings with malice aforethought.”
“Here we have a blatant, obvious violation of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation, which is a Nuremberg crime that the United States government prosecuted Nazi doctors for, and executed some for,” Boyle says.
“Indeed, you can read all of this in the Nuremberg medical doctor’s judgment … The list of executed doctors is right there at the end. What we’re seeing now with these frankenshots for children, this is Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz all over again. That’s where this Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation came from.
Second, ‘unlawful killing of human beings’ is in the Nuremberg Charter Judgment and Principles — the Charter, 1945, the Judgment, 1946, and the Principles of 1950 — defining a crime against humanity.
In the Nuremberg Charter judgment and principles, ‘a crime against humanity’ is defined in part as ‘murder, extermination or other inhumane acts committed against a civilian population.’ That’s what’s going on right now against the American population.
And I should point out that provision, ‘crime against humanity,’ was put in there to deal precisely and exactly with the Nazi persecution of German Jewish citizens. That’s exactly what the Biden administration today is doing to all American citizens — a crime against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and Principles …
You can also read this in the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. The United States government is not a party to the Rome Statute, but it reflects customary international criminal law today …
Another element of ‘malice aforethought’ is ‘an intention to inflict death or grievous bodily harm.’ [If they say] ‘Well, we didn’t intend to kill anyone with our frankenshot,’ then [we’d say] ‘OK, but you did intend to inflict grievous bodily harm on human beings’ and it did kill human beings, large numbers of them.
They clearly intended and knew that this would inflict grievous bodily harm on human beings. Just look at what they’ve already conceded and reported what the adverse effects would be. The list is astounding. So, they knew this and they did it anyway.
So, my position here would be that, if you believe you have lost a loved one or a friend as a result of the frankenshots, go into your local prosecutor and ask them to pursue, before a grand jury, indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder against the chief executive officers, chief operating officers and chief scientific officers of Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.”
To aid you in these efforts, Boyle has created a paper that summarizes the strategy. He also recommends reading Australian journalist Sharri Markson’s book, “What Really Happened in Wuhan?” “I think she’s got it all there,” Boyle says. “She didn’t deal with the frankenshots, but she has, I think, a valid summary of all the evidence that has been compiled so far, involving all these individuals.”
Another excellent book is Robert Kennedy Jr.’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” It’s beyond outstanding and a real indictment of Fauci. It’s hard to imagine he’ll survive that exposure. “He should be indicted for murder and conspiracy to commit murder,” Boyle says.
All of these references can be taken to your local prosecutor to seek indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Boyle may also make himself available as a consultant or expert witness in cases where a grand jury is successfully convened.
Summary of Action Steps
To reiterate the central thesis, Boyle suggests organizing locally to find people willing, as a group, to call on your local, elected district attorney to convene a grand jury and indict the individuals suspected of being involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, and those responsible for the COVID shots.
To identify your local district attorney, you can do an online search or simply look up the name up on your most recent ballot.
“That’s the beauty of this. You elected these people and they are accountable to you,” Boyle says. “You pay their salaries and you can dis-elect them if they don’t do what you want them to do.
So, you need a core of people in your community to go in, personally, for a talk face to face. You set up a meeting, you go in, you talk to this person, you can bring in the books, you can bring in my lecture, you can bring in this video and say, ‘We want you to convene a grand jury and present this evidence.’
Of course, it will be for the grand jury to decide whether or not to return an indictment for murder and conspiracy to commit murder against anyone. If the grand jury doesn’t return an indictment, well they don’t.
But an old saying goes that a prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutor wants to. I think the prosecutor at that point will say, ‘OK, I’ll look into this.’ They’ve got staff; they can get together the evidence and convene the grand jury.”
Remember, you need to connect with the prosecutors personally. An email campaign won’t get you anywhere in this scenario. Hopefully you can also identify individuals in your local community who are eloquent, articulate and knowledgeable about the facts.
27 States Suing the Biden Administration as of November 12, 2021
As I mention in the interview, this method is likely to be far more effective if you live in a jurisdiction in which the state attorney general has already filed lawsuits in the federal court system.
So, look at the list below. If you happen to live in one of these areas, the odds of your efforts being successful are very high, as they have already filed suit in federal court. All you need to do is convince them to convene a grand jury locally, and indict these criminals for murder.
These are the names and addresses of the 27 state attorneys general who are suing the Biden administration over the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as of November 12, 2021. Each state is hyperlinked, as some have additional information about COVID and their lawsuits on their sites.
For example, Arizona’s attorney general has written an extensive legal opinion on why the federal government does not have jurisdiction for a vaccine mandate in Arizona. The lawsuits have been filed in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 11th Circuit Courts of Appeal.
“We have to act immediately — as soon as possible — to stop this Nazi insanity that is being imposed on the American people by the Biden administration. They know what they’re doing. Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, was behind me at Harvard Law School and he was president Obama’s Ebola czar. Obama too was behind me at Harvard Law School.
Klain personally handled the cover-up of the fact that the Black West African Ebola pandemic started by the testing of experimental Ebola vaccines — in violation of the Nuremberg Code of Medical Experimentation — that came out of the United States government’s own BSL 4.
Klain covered all that up for Obama and he is now Biden’s chief of staff, so that is a very dangerous situation. This guy knows exactly what he is doing. He has done it before.”
Following this interview, Boyle gave several others, in which he pointed out that the “Frankenshot” mandates are a Nuremberg crime against humanity. He told me:
“Now, with the booster campaign, I can only conclude that we are seeing Frankenshot genocide against the American people.” The Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin is known for having coined the term “genocide,” which refers not only to the physical killing of a people but also includes the slow, intentional destruction of a nation or ethnic group. As explained by Lemkin:
“Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation.
It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.
The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.
Genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the actions involved are directed against individuals, not in their individual capacity, but as members of the national group.”
What are the conditions in any society that will cause a people to willingly sacrifice their freedoms? Mattias Desmet has studied and lectured extensively on this phenomenon. He is a professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University has and holds a masters degree in statistics. After noticing some anomalies in the statistical analyses conducted during the pandemic, he became concerned by the consensus narrative. He joined me today to discuss his expertise in a phenomenon called ‘mass formation’, a type of collective hypnosis essential for the rise of totalitarian regimes. He provides the step by step formula for this collective psychosis to take hold and how this relates to our current situation. He cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape and offers solutions both individually and collectively to prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms.
About the Podcast
Founder of Onnit and modern philosopher Aubrey Marcus asks the important questions: How do we find our purpose, wake up to who we truly are, have a few more laughs, and human being a little better?
The Aubrey Marcus Podcast brings in world-class guests from the fields of athletics, health, business, fitness, science, relationship and spirituality, and asks them to open up about the failures and successes that define their wisdom and character.
Follow me on social to keep up with the latest, and meet many of the incredible guests we’ve been honored to have on the show.
As the Joe Biden White House continues to push its tyrannical mandates, alarming new research has surfaced about the COVID vaccines. Every major mainstream media source is reluctant to discuss the merits of natural immunity.
Few will address the scientific evidence that natural immunity may be multiple times more effective at fighting COVID. However, even more disturbing is the total dismissal of potentially health devastating side effects caused by the vaccination.
Millions of Americans have expressed hesitancy towards getting “the jab”. One reason is many have already recovered from COVID. They question why they need a shot to take care of what their own body is now designed to fight.
Others are hesitant because of the haste in which the COVID vaccines were approved. As an increasing number of potential side effects from the vaccine surface, many people are growing more entrenched in their feelings.
At what risk do you take a vaccine that might do more harm than good? Newly released documents support decisions by those who have been reluctant to get a COVID shot. Attorney Aaron Siri has published an initial report addressing information he demanded from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).
Siri, the Managing Partner of Siri and Glimstad, has considerable experience with civil litigation cases. He has specialized in cases involving lawsuits brought by clients who have endured injuries from vaccinations. It required a civil lawsuit to pry this information from the FDA.
In a discussion with a U.S. Congressional panel led by Senator Ron Johnson, Siri said his law firm had received hundreds of legal requests about COVID vaccination problems. The documents reveal over 150,000 incidents involving side effects have been reported to Pfizer.
Siri proclaimed, “If we actually sued all of the pharmaceutical companies for all of the complaints, it would actually be impossible for all of the attorneys around the country, around 100, to handle all of those matters.”
Of the thousands of documented side effects, the data indicate more than 25,000 of these have directly affected the central nervous system. These numbers become even more disturbing when we consider the period for claims fell within a short two-and-a-half month window.
This timeframe was during the initial months when Pfizer was distributing vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Pfizer even admits that the company was overwhelmed by, “the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports received for the product.”
The alarming ramifications of this data are further supported by shocking revelations within the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) for COVID. There have been over 18,000 deaths resulting from the COVID vaccination and nearly 100,000 hospitalizations.
Nearly 100,000 more adverse vaccination incidents have required urgent care. There are thousands of reported cases of Anaphylaxis and Bell’s palsy. No one expected that there wouldn’t be problems with a hastily approved vaccination.
There aren’t many people fighting against the mandates who dispute that the vaccines have at some level been useful. They take issue with the tyrannical mandating of the COVID vaccine. Joe Biden has overstepped his authority. He is not a dictator, although he thinks he is.
The choice to receive a COVID vaccination should be a personal one. It should involve a thorough consideration of individual health circumstances. “The jab” may not be for everyone. The increasingly disturbing number of reported side effects must be part of the conversation. However, the mainstream media refuses to engage in open discussion.
Their reasoning is simple. Fake news doesn’t want to upset their cozy relationship with the radical liberals. Joe Biden and his liberal cronies don’t care about the American people. They feel they have been remanded control over public and personal decisions. They have not.
Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates are not concerned about the health of our nation. They’re a strategy designed to impose complete government control of our lives. Many are resisting a shot because of this issue. However, it’s now obvious that others have viable reasons to refuse the COVID vaccination for legitimate health concerns.
Eight weeks ago I took a needle in my arm and ever since then my life has changed,” this man begins. “This vaccine is running through my body and taking bits and pieces every day and now I can barely walk.”
He has trouble thinking and the ringing in his ears “is absolutely crazy and it doesn’t stop,” he says. “And now I can’t walk.”
He did this to do what was necessary to make this world safer, he says — and if he’d known what he was going to go through, he wouldn’t have gotten it. “They don’t want me to telling you guys this,” he says, “because they want to make sure that you guys get it.”
A woman who received her second Pfizer shot in April 2021 testifies in a hearing hosted by U.S. Ron Johnson on side effects people are experiencing from the shots.
Her life has changed since that second shot, she says. She was an athletic biker and loved keeping her body strong and disciplined. Now she is suffering numerous physical and neurological problems. For example, she was valedictorian in her high school, but now she struggles to remember things.
She can’t concentrate or focus, and “it’s torture,” she says. She has loud ringing in her ears and her body aches constantly, with no relief. “It’s like I aged 40 years overnight.”
What’s worse is that cases like hers are being overlooked, not believed and hidden, she adds.
As of November 20, 2021, the U.S. national database, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), had tallied 2,838 baby deaths in conjunction with the COVID-19 jabs.
The system, which is supposed to serve as an early warning flag for health officials to examine and look at possible safety problems with vaccines, has recorded more fetal deaths in the past 11 months than in total from all vaccines combined in 30 years.
Now, as hundreds of thousands of children ages 5 and up line up for their COVID shots, one question stands out: How many will have to die before the CDC pays attention?
Coincidentally, an article in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine admitted that the original study used to justify the CDC and the FDA in recommending the shots to pregnant women was flawed.
The ability to experience gratitude to others is a fundamental feature of human cognition
Positive effects linked to gratitude include social, psychological and physical benefits, which increase the more you make gratitude a regular part of your daily routine
Gratitude has a positive effect on psychopathology, especially depression, adaptive personality characteristic, positive social relationships and physical health, including stress and sleep
Those who are grateful have even been found to have a better sense of the meaning of life by being able to perceive good family function and peer relationships
Two gratitude interventions that you can try in your daily life to promote gratitude include keeping a gratitude journal and expressing gratitude to others, such as by writing thank you notes
Gratitude is a simple practice that can have profound effects on your health and well-being. Its underpinnings are believed to be principles of cooperation that were pivotal in the development of human communication and social reciprocity, and the ability to experience gratitude to others is a fundamental feature of human cognition.1
The positive effects linked to gratitude include social, psychological and physical benefits,2 which increase the more you make gratitude a regular part of your daily routine.
“The limits to gratitude’s health benefits are really in how much you pay attention to feeling and practicing gratitude,” noted neuroscientist Glenn Fox, Ph.D., a gratitude expert at the University of Southern California. “It’s very similar to working out, in that the more you practice, the better you get. The more you practice, the easier it is to feel grateful when you need it.”3
How Gratitude Changes Your Brain
Gratitude has distinct neurobiological correlates, including in brain regions associated with interpersonal bonding and stress relief.4 When Fox and colleagues elicited gratitude in 23 female subjects, via stories of survivors of the Holocaust, “ratings of gratitude correlated with brain activity in the anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex,” which are associated with moral cognition, value judgment and theory of mind.5
Individual differences in proneness to gratitude are also linked to increased gray matter volume in the brain,6 and it’s possible that it elicits long-term changes in your psyche. Fox grew deeply interested in gratitude after his mother’s death from ovarian cancer. During her illness, he would send her studies on the benefits of gratitude in cancer patients, and she kept a gratitude journal in her last years.
In one example, 92 adults with advanced cancer engaged in mindful gratitude journaling or routine journaling. After seven days, those who kept a gratitude journal had significant improvements in measures of anxiety, depression and spiritual well-being, such that the researchers concluded “mindful gratitude journaling could positively affect the state of suffering, psychological distress and quality of life of patients with advanced cancer.”7
“Grateful people tend to recover faster from trauma and injury,” Fox told The Pulse. “They tend to have better and closer personal relationships and may even just have improved health overall.”8When he tried to find gratitude after losing his mother, what he experienced wasn’t a quick fix or an immediate route to happiness, but a way to make his grief more manageable in the moment.
As it turns out, grateful writing such as letters of gratitude is a positive psychological intervention that leads to longer term changes in mental health. Among 293 adults who sought out psychotherapy services, those who engaged in gratitude writing reported significantly better mental health after four and 12 weeks than people who did not writing or who wrote about their thoughts and feelings.9
Gratitude Boosts Health, Well-Being
Gratitude can be difficult to define, as it has elements of an emotion, a virtue and a behavior, all rolled into one. Robert Emmons, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, and an expert on gratitude, defines it as a two-step process.
As explained in “The Science of Gratitude,” a white paper by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, the two steps include “1) ‘recognizing that one has obtained a positive outcome’ and 2) ‘recognizing that there is an external source for this positive outcome.’”10
In this regard, the benefits of gratitude may be gleaned from the actions of other people or experienced in an internalized manner, such as when feeling gratitude about good fate or nature. In this way, gratitude is both a state and a trait.11
As a state, it’s based on a person’s ability to be empathic and elicit grateful emotions that promote prosocial behavior. As a trait, gratitude describes the practice of being grateful, noticing the little things in life and appreciating the positive in the world and other people. Gratitude can be felt both from being helped by others and habitually focusing on the good in your life.
A study published in Clinical Psychology Review found that gratitude has a positive effect on psychopathology, especially depression, adaptive personality characteristic, positive social relationships and physical health, including stress and sleep. What’s more, they noted that “the benefits of gratitude to well-being may be causal.”12
Fox also explained, “Benefits associated with gratitude include better sleep, more exercise, reduced symptoms of physical pain, lower levels of inflammation, lower blood pressure and a host of other things we associate with better health,”13 including improved resilience.
It’s likely that gratitude leads to benefits via multiple mechanisms, not only by improving life satisfaction14 but also by contributing to an increase in healthy activities and a willingness to seek help for health problems.15 Those who are grateful have even been found to have a better sense of the meaning of life by being able to perceive good family function and peer relationships.16
Gratitude Could Help You Sleep Better, Be Less Materialistic
Gratitude is known to facilitate improvements in healthy eating17 and benefits depression by enhancing self-esteem and wellbeing.18 Further, people who are more grateful tend to be:19
Less materialistic
Less likely to suffer from burnout
A 2021 study comparing gratitude and optimism similarly found that both traits were associated with:20
Lower heart rate and blood pressure
Better sleep quality
More exercise
Less stress
More positive expectations and reflections
Greater feelings of appreciation toward others
Feeling gracious can help you sleep better and longer, too, perhaps by improving your thoughts prior to sleep. “The relationship between gratitude and each of the sleep variables was mediated by more positive pre-sleep cognitions and less negative pre-sleep cognitions,” according to a study in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research.21
Those who scored higher on measures of gratitude had better sleep quality and sleep duration and less sleep latency (the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep) and daytime dysfunction. Among adolescents, the simple practice of keeping a gratitude journal significantly reduce materialism while reducing the negative effect of materialism on generosity.22
Those who wrote down what they were grateful for donated 60% more of their earnings to charity, for instance. There’s good reason to teach children the importance of gratitude, too, as doing so can improve school performance and orient individuals toward a positive life approach.23
Positive Gratitude Interventions
Fox likens gratitude to a muscle that must be trained — something that you can practice and become better at over time:24
“I think that gratitude can be much more like a muscle, like a trained response or a skill that we can develop over time as we’ve learned to recognize abundance and gifts and things that we didn’t previously notice as being important. And that itself is its own skill that can be practiced and manifested over time.”
Rather than a magic bullet, Fox added, it’s the regular practice of being grateful that makes a difference: “You know, it’s like water cutting rock through a canyon,” he said. “It’s not done all at once, and it’s just steady practice is where you start to get things.”25 Two “gratitude interventions” that you can try in your daily life to promote gratitude include keeping a gratitude journal and expressing gratitude.
With a gratitude journal, you write down lists of what you’re grateful for on a regular basis. The behavioral expression of gratitude involves expressing grateful feelings to others, such as by saying thank you or writing gratitude letters, which you then read to the recipients.26
Showing gratitude to your partner is also a good way to boost your relationship. In a study of romantic partners, gratitude from interactions was linked to increased connection and satisfaction with the relationship, with researchers suggesting, “gratitude had uniquely predictive power in relationship promotion, perhaps acting as a booster shot for the relationship.”27 Emmons also shared tips for living a more grateful life:28
Remember hard times in your life, which remind you how much you have to be grateful for now. “[T]his contrast is fertile ground for gratefulness,” Emmons says.29
Appreciate what it means to be human by tuning into and appreciating your sense of touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing.
Use visual reminders, including people, to trigger gratitude. This helps to combat “the two primary obstacles to gratefulness,” which Emmons cites as “forgetfulness and a lack of mindful awareness.”30
Make an oath of gratitude. Simply vowing to be grateful can increase the likelihood that you’ll stick to the behavior, so write a note “vowing to count your blessings” and post it somewhere where you’ll see it often.
If you want to get started today, keep a notebook by your bedside and make a point to jot down one or two things you’re grateful for each night before bed, and express gratitude to others often, such as writing quick thank you notes to friends.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lied about masks’ effectiveness when CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tweeted, “Masks can help reduce your chance of #COVID19 infection by more than 80%”
Walensky didn’t give a reference for her claim, but a large study from researchers at Yale, Stanford and the University of California Berkeley found much less impressive results from masks
Wearing a face mask carries inherent risks, including the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, oxygen deprivation, psychological effects and more
Experts argue that while doing little to protect your health, and instead harming it, face mask mandates “fashion the citizenry as slaves” and act as symbols of enslavement
Despite a wealth of science showing masks don’t work, magical thinking — the belief that you can influence outcomes by doing something that has no causal connection to them — in their favor persists
Are you prepared to wear masks forever? Some are, but their positive attitude toward masks is a likely result of deceptive and misleading information. The resulting magical thinking relating to masks has created one of the most polarized debates in U.S. history and led to anti-maskers being labeled as “grandma killers.”1
To be clear, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has blatantly lied about masks’ effectiveness. November 5, 2021, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tweeted, “Masks can help reduce your chance of #COVID19 infection by more than 80%.”2
But as Dr. Vinay Rasad, MPH, a hematologist-oncologist and associate professor in the department of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco, put it in the Brownstone Institute, “I don’t know how to put this politely, but it is a lie, and a truly unbelievable one at that … The idea that masks could reduce the chance of infection by 80% is simply untrue, implausible and cannot be supported by any reliable data.”3
Masks Have Meager Effectiveness, if Any
Walensky didn’t give a reference for her claim that masks reduce COVID-19 infection by 80%, but a large study4 from researchers at Yale, Stanford and the University of California Berkeley found much less impressive results from masks.
The trial involved 342,183 people from 600 villages in rural Bangladesh from November 2020 to April 2021. In villages that received masks, the number of symptomatic COVID-19 infections were 9.3% lower compared to villages without masks, or 11% lower in villages that received surgical masks instead of cloth masks.5
Why, then, hasn’t Walensky’s tweet been flagged for misinformation and targeted by “fact checkers” calling out the blatant lie? Rasad featured a tweet6 by Carnegie Mellon University mathematician Wesley Pegden, who said:7
“The head of the agency responsible for providing Americans with accurate and trustworthy information about interventions (like vaccines) that we actually know are really effective should not also be making fabricated quantitative statements in support of poorly evidenced ones.”
Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens Live on Face Masks
While face masks continue to be recommended or mandated, little has been said about the risks inherent to covering your mouth and nose with fabric or other materials. Both cotton and surgical masks collect pathogens that may increase your risk of infectious illness — a factor that’s rarely taken into account when discussing their merits.
When researchers from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, analyzed the microbial community on surgical and cotton face masks from 13 healthy volunteers after being worn for four hours, bacteria including Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Acinetobacter were found — 43% of which were antibiotic-resistant.8
In order to best clean masks to remove the bacteria, the study found boiling at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees F), washing at 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees F) with detergent or ironing with a steam iron worked best, but only 21% of survey respondents said they cleaned their cotton face masks daily.9 According to the researchers:
“Taken together, this study suggests that a considerable number of bacteria, including pathobionts and antibiotic resistant bacteria, accumulate on surgical and even more on cotton face masks after use. Based on our results, face masks should be properly disposed of or sterilized after intensive use. Clear guidelines for the general population are crucial to reduce the bacteria-related biosafety risk of face masks …”
Researchers from Germany similarly questioned whether a mask that covers your nose and mouth is “free from undesirable side effects” and potential hazards in everyday use.10 It turned out they were not and instead posed significant adverse effects and pathophysiological changes, including the following, which often occur in combination:11
Increase in dead space volume
Increase in breathing resistance
Increase in blood carbon dioxide
Decrease in blood oxygen saturation
Increase in heart rate
Decrease in cardiopulmonary capacity
Feeling of exhaustion
Increase in respiratory rate
Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath
Feeling of dampness and heat
Decrease in empathy perception
Impaired skin barrier function with acne, itching and skin lesions
Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome Is Prevalent
The study referred to this cluster of symptoms as mask-induced exhaustion syndrome (MIES) and warned that children, pregnant women and those who are sick or suffering from certain chronic conditions may be particularly at risk from extended masking. While short-term effects include microbiological contamination, headaches, exhaustion, carbon dioxide retention and skin irritation, the long-term effects may lead to chronic issues:12
“Extended mask-wearing would have the potential, according to the facts and correlations we have found, to cause a chronic sympathetic stress response induced by blood gas modifications and controlled by brain centers. This in turn induces and triggers immune suppression and metabolic syndrome with cardiovascular and neurological diseases.”
Further, “it can be assumed,” they wrote, “that the potential adverse mask effects described for adults are all the more valid for children: … physiological internal, neurological, psychological, psychiatric, dermatological, ENT, dental, sociological, occupational and social medical, microbiological and epidemiological impairments …
The masks currently used for children are exclusively adult masks manufactured in smaller geometric dimensions and had neither been specially tested nor approved for this purpose.”13
Again, in taking on these unknown risks — both short- and long-term — to wear masks, the benefits are highly questionable and intended to thwart a pathogen with a low death rate for most populations:14
“[R]ecent studies on SARS-CoV-2 show both a significantly lower infectivity and a significantly lower case mortality than previously assumed, as it could be calculated that the median corrected infection fatality rate (IFR) was 0.10% in locations with a lower than average global COVID-19 population mortality rate.
In early October 2020, the WHO also publicly announced that projections show COVID-19 to be fatal for approximately 0.14% of those who become ill — compared to 0.10% for endemic influenza — again a figure far lower than expected. On the other hand, the side effects of masks are clinically relevant.”
‘The Mask of Your Enslavement’
It’s clear that the evidence in support of masks for physical protection against disease is lacking, while their potential for psychological harm is immense. Brownstone Institute highlighted the story of folk saint Escrava Anastácia, a slave of African descent who lived in Brazil during the 19th century.15
She was forced to wear a metal, muzzle-like mask during her lifetime in order to silence her from speaking out about the oppression and injustice she was facing. As written by Roberto Strongman, associate professor in the department of black studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara:16
“The apparition of Anastásia at anti-lockdown rallies represents an opportunity to understand the current medical tyranny as a form of enslavement and to forge links of solidarity between communities whose freedom is threatened across all racial groups. The claim of cooptation deserves to be unpacked for a valid claim of cultural usurpation could easily work towards severing important alliances in a divide-and-conquer model.
While there are clear specificities between the suffering of Africans under the system of chattel slavery and the deprivation of civil liberties endured by most citizens around the world during the current pandemic panic, Anastásia reminds us of certain transhistorical constants in the process of dehumanization and subjugation of populations through the gagging and muzzling of their bodies to quell their protestations.”
Strongman pointed out several undeniable reasons why face mask mandates “fashion the citizenry as slaves” and act as symbols of enslavement. Among them, they:17
Lead to oxygen deprivation, promoting a state of physical and mental weakness
Are symbols of submission and used as part of master-slave dynamics
Enforce the creation of a carceral culture
Erase personhood and homogenize the masses — “The collectivized wearing of masks results in an enforced uniformity in which the individual cedes way to the nameless collectivity as the neo-meta citizen.”18
Are theatrical and act to conceal identities, rendering us alien to others and ourselves
Delete facial expressions and inhibit nonverbal communication, including that necessary for social organization that can lead to revolution
Reduce verbal output
Are visible displays of allegiance to the “system of medicalizing technocratic control”
Are part of preparing individuals for new societal roles — “However transitory the current regime of face masking might be, the population must face that we are being forced to undergo a rite of passage, a process of resocialization into the new normal.”
Promote a culture of fear
Act as deterrents of solidarity by making your neighbor into a “nameless pathogenic vector instead of your ally”
Magical Thinking on Masks
In addition to flat-out lies, the CDC also makes nonsensical statements, like this: “Cloth masks will not protect you from wildfire smoke … They might not catch small, harmful particles in smoke that can harm your health.”19
But we are to believe that they will protect us from an aerosolized virus? “The virus is 25X smaller than a smoke particle,” wrote Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. “So it’s like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence.”20
Yet magical thinking — the belief that you can influence outcomes by doing something that has no causal connection to them — persists. Robert Dingwall, a consulting sociologist, questioned why the U.K.’s Health Security Agency expert panel used only a second-class evidence base that failed to demonstrate clear benefits on which to base their conclusion that face masks in the community help reduce transmission. He wrote:21
“The state of the face mask debate is rather as if Galileo had published his account of the heliocentric universe and then included a paragraph at the end telling the reader to ignore all the evidence because the Church had declared that everything revolved around the Earth.
In the absence of better-quality work — and we must ask why that research has not been done — some of the claims for face masks look much more like magical thinking than anything that demonstrates the sort of casual connection that might be recognizable as science.”
As the pandemic stretches on, science continues to be ignored and recommendations are primarily pushed based on emotional justifications and triggers. If science were actually followed, universal mask wearing by healthy people would not — indeed could not — be recommended.
In the beginning, health officials did, in fact, advise against masks for healthy people,22 but somewhere along the way — early on — they flip-flopped. Why? According to Strongman:23
“Just as masks function as liminal artifacts in rites of passage and as part of animal training, these covid mask are harbingers of further intrusions to our integrity.
Wearing the masks is just one step away from receiving the shots, then accepting the vaccine passports and the implantable neural links until one’s original persona is buried by a cyborg. The masks function as an empirical compliance test for the projected acceptability of future corporeal technologies of control. Where will you draw the line?”
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with retired firefighter Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies.” (11.23.21)
Fundamental corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO) contributed to manufacturing a “test pandemic”
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former head of health at the Council of Europe, explains that a pandemic used to be associated with widespread severe illness and death, but by changing the definition, removing the severity and high mortality criteria, WHO can now make a pandemic whenever it wants
COVID-19 was a “test” pandemic, not a virus pandemic, because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects fragments of coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years, a fragment of virus too small to make you ill or a fragment of COVID-19 that was there weeks ago
The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level, and these conflicts are putting people’s lives at risk by putting vaccine production ahead of disease prevention
As Wodarg noted, if you want to earn money producing vaccines, you need new markets in which to use them, and new diseases so you can sell your vaccine
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an internal medicine doctor and former head of health at the Council of Europe, spoke with Planet Lockdown on the fundamental corruption at the World Health Organization and how it contributed to manufacturing a “test pandemic.”1
The seeds were sown more than a decade ago during the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic. In 2010, Wodarg accused pharmaceutical companies of influencing WHO’s pandemic declaration, calling swine flu a “false pandemic” that was driven by Big Pharma, which cashed in on the health scare.2
According to Wodarg, the swine flu pandemic was “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.”3 As noted by Planet Lockdown, Wodarg, then a member of the German Parliament, “knew something wasn’t right when 800 cases in Mexico was declared a pandemic”:4
“He dug into the issue and discovered a hornet’s nest of lies and corruption inside the WHO. He floored a bill called Fake Pandemic and did much to deflate that fake scare at the time, to the consternation of the corrupt functionaries of these institutions.”
With a Definition Change, WHO Could Create Pandemic Anytime
Secret agreements were made between Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France with the pharmaceutical industry before the H1N1 pandemic began, which stated that they would purchase H1N1 flu vaccinations — but only if a pandemic level 6 was declared by WHO.
Six weeks before the pandemic was declared, no one at WHO was worried about the virus, but the media was nonetheless exaggerating the dangers.5 Then, in the month leading up to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, WHO changed the official definition of pandemic, removing the severity and high mortality criteria and leaving the definition of a pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.”6
This switch in definition allowed WHO to declare swine flu a pandemic after only 144 people had died from the infection worldwide.7 While the swine flu scare was eventually deflated, this wasn’t so with COVID-19, even though the real signs of a pandemic are absent. As Wodarg explained, it used to be that a pandemic was associated with widespread severe illness and death, but that’s no longer the case:8
“There was an explanation of what a pandemic is and it always was going with many, many people dying from infections. Many severe diseases, hospitals being overcrowded. It was such a catastrophe … and everyone in the street would notice that there is a pandemic because the neighbors would get ill, the people at work would get ill. In the bus, you would see people coughing.
In a pandemic … it’s something each of us would experience. This was a pandemic. And WHO changed it.”
By removing the severity and high mortality criteria, WHO could make a pandemic whenever they wanted. “The pandemic is just a picture spread by the media, making us afraid. But what the people experience is not what we used to understand when we used the word epidemic or pandemic,” he said.9 Now, the word pandemic has to do with fear, not illnesses. “It’s a brand for fear.”
COVID-19 Is a ‘Test’ Pandemic
If there hasn’t been a true pandemic, in the old definition of the word, then how are the media and government getting all of these high case numbers for COVID-19? This is due to the PCR test.
“It was accepted by WHO, and they said when the test is positive, we have a case of COVID-19. And this is how they started counting the cases,” Wodarg said. “What they counted was the activity of testing. And the more they tested, the more cases they found.”10
Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests are not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as they cannot distinguish between inactive (noninfectious) viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.11
Inactive and reproductive viruses are not interchangeable in terms of infectivity. If you have a nonreproductive virus in your body, you will not get sick from it and you cannot spread it to others. Further, many if not most laboratories amplify the RNA collected far too many times, which results in healthy people testing “positive.”
The higher the cycle threshold (CT) — i.e., the number of amplification cycles used to detect RNA particles — the greater the chance of a false positive. While any CT over 35 is deemed scientifically unjustifiable,12,13 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended running PCR tests at a CT of 40.14
A test known as the Corman-Drosten paper and tests recommended by the World Health Organization were set to 45 cycles.15,16,17 When labs use these excessive cycle thresholds, you end up with a grossly overestimated number of positive tests, so what we’re really dealing with is a “casedemic”18,19 — an epidemic of false positives.
Wodarg says COVID-19 “was a ‘test’ pandemic. It was not a virus pandemic,”20 because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years. He explained:21
“The SARS viruses, they are very long RNA viruses. There are 30,000 letters in this genetic information. The PCR test only takes a very small part of them, or two parts of them. So two words out of a whole book … before you start testing, you can already estimate how often this test will be positive. If you take a sequence which is in many varieties of viruses, you will have many positive tests.”
The PCR test only tests for certain sequences of the RNA. It gives a positive result when it only finds a small fragment; it doesn’t need the whole virus. If the virus was there weeks ago or you have a touch of the virus present, but no infection, it can still test positive and add another COVID-19 “case,” even though you’re not actually sick.
COVID-19 Shot Conflicts of Interest Putting Lives at Risk
The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level, and these conflicts are putting people’s lives at risk by putting vaccine production ahead of disease prevention. As Wodarg noted, if you want to earn money producing vaccines, you need new markets in which to use them, and new diseases so you can sell your vaccine.
“This is a very serious matter,” he said, which has nothing to do with health or hygiene — “it has to do with criminology”:22
“When they want to sell their vaccines, they need people who are ill so they can make clinical studies. So when there is an outbreak, and they want to make clinical studies with their vaccine to protect people against this disease just breaking out … there is a conflict of interest.
If you have normal ways to stop the infection, with hygiene, with distancing, with isolating, with consulting with people, giving advice how to behave … if you stop the disease quickly, you’re not able to have enough cases for your study.”
So we have a “pandemic” that’s based on a test that doesn’t prove infection, but what it did do was make people afraid. And that fear was the basis for saying we need a vaccine. The shots, however, aren’t effective.
In November 2020, Pfizer, in a joint venture with Germany-based BioNTech, announced that their mRNA-based injection was “more than 90% effective” in a Phase 3 trial.23 This does not mean that 90% of people who get injected will be protected from COVID-19, however, as it’s based on relative risk reduction (RRR).
The absolute risk reduction (ARR) for the jab is less than 1%. “Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the jab, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a jab, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs,” researchers wrote in The Lancet Microbe in April 2021.24
Nonetheless, the jabs received emergency use authorization, which has paved the way for vaccine mandates and other assaults to your freedom and health.
Will Vaxxed People End Up Sicker?
The lack of effectiveness is one key reason why Wodarg believes most people do not need a COVID-19 jab. The other reasons include serious risks of adverse events from these experimental jabs, and the fact that, Wodarg says, cross-immunity exists due to multiple previous exposures to other coronaviruses in most people.25 “The genetically produced so-called vaccines are not necessary, because we have immunity.”26
As he stated, your immune system is well-equipped to protect you, and new viral exposures each year help to keep this complex system updated. Risk increases when you avoid regular viral exposures to keep your immune system ready:27
“Those new ones that come, this is some work for your immune system to get an update, but it doesn’t make most people very sick, only in a few, rare cases.
When we are not trained, or we didn’t have contact with viruses for a very long time, because we were isolated somewhere alone, not having our grandchildren on our knees, not experiencing any training — it’s the same when you are out of training and you suddenly have to climb a high mountain. Maybe your heart goes into failure and you die — maybe you die when you have contact with something your immune system has forgotten.”
The spike protein that the shots stimulate your cells to produce is also deeply concerning, since it’s toxic:28
“Vaccines are made to stimulate our cells, we don’t know which cells, or where the injection goes, but those cells that get contact with the vaccine, they produce spike proteins, which are very toxic. Normally, those spike proteins don’t come into the blood, this is why we don’t get seriously ill from coronaviruses. When you inject them, you bypass the natural immunity.”
This is a likely reason why there are so many side effects associated with the shots, as injecting these spike proteins is unnatural and very dangerous. It’s since been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus.29
Further, Wodarg says, once your body has been injected with the spike protein, it may have an overreactive response the next time it comes in contact with a typical coronavirus, potentially leading to a dangerous cytokine storm.
When counting COVID-19 cases this winter, Wodarg believes it is important to ask whether the person received a COVID-19 shot or not. “I am quite sure,” he said, “that those people vaccinated will be the severe cases and that those who are not vaccinated will just experience a normal flu.”30
What’s more, once you’re vaccinated, they have all your data — the batch of the shot, the date and time. So, you’re essentially part of a clinical trial that you’ve never agreed to, and there’s no transparency about the risks involved. Wodarg believes that the pandemic “emergency” is being prolonged from month to month because it helps their injection studies, even as there are massive conflicts of interest involved.
If you listen to the media, you’ll be brainwashed that the jab is necessary, but don’t fall for the hype, including that getting the shot will earn you your freedom back. Wodarg said:31
“You won’t be free to travel. You will be controlled nevertheless, because the next virus already comes, the next jab is waiting. They want to perpetuate this game with us, with vaccines and with vaccine passports. It’s just the perfect control by this market and it has nothing to do with health. So we have to stop it.”
According to a study that examined how informed consent is given to COVID-19 vaccine trial participants, disclosure forms fail to inform volunteers that the vaccine might make them susceptible to more severe disease if they’re exposed to the virus
Previous coronavirus vaccine efforts — including those for SARS, MERS and RSV — have revealed a serious concern: The vaccines have a tendency to trigger antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)
ADE means that rather than enhance your immunity against the infection, the vaccine actually enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated
Lethal Th2 immunopathology is another potential risk. A faulty T cell response can trigger allergic inflammation, and poorly functional antibodies that form immune complexes can activate the complement system, resulting in airway damage
There’s evidence showing the elderly — who are most vulnerable to severe COVID-19 and would need the vaccine the most — are also the most vulnerable to ADE and Th2 immunopathology
This article was previously published November 11, 2020, and has been updated with new information.
According to a study that examined how informed consent is given to COVID-19 vaccine trial participants, disclosure forms fail to inform volunteers that the vaccine might make them susceptible to more severe disease if they’re exposed to the virus.
The study,1 “Informed Consent Disclosure to Vaccine Trial Subjects of Risk of COVID-19 Vaccine Worsening Clinical Disease,” published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, October 28, 2020, points out that “COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated.”
“Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralizing antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE),” the paper states.
“This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.
The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.”
What Is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement?
As noted by the authors of that International Journal of Clinical Practice paper, previous coronavirus vaccine efforts — for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — have revealed a serious concern: The vaccines have a tendency to trigger antibody-dependent enhancement.
What exactly does that mean? In a nutshell, it means that rather than enhance your immunity against the infection, the vaccine actually enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated.2
This is the exact opposite of what a vaccine is supposed to do, and a significant problem that has been pointed out from the very beginning of this push for a COVID-19 vaccine. The 2003 review paper “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Virus Infection and Disease” explains it this way:3
“In general, virus-specific antibodies are considered antiviral and play an important role in the control of virus infections in a number of ways. However, in some instances, the presence of specific antibodies can be beneficial to the virus. This activity is known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of virus infection.
The ADE of virus infection is a phenomenon in which virus-specific antibodies enhance the entry of virus, and in some cases the replication of virus, into monocytes/macrophages and granulocytic cells through interaction with Fc and/or complement receptors.
This phenomenon has been reported in vitro and in vivo for viruses representing numerous families and genera of public health and veterinary importance. These viruses share some common features such as preferential replication in macrophages, ability to establish persistence, and antigenic diversity. For some viruses, ADE of infection has become a great concern to disease control by vaccination.”
Previous Coronavirus Vaccine Efforts Have All Failed
In my May 2020 interview above with Robert Kennedy Jr., he summarized the history of coronavirus vaccine development, which began in 2002, following three consecutive SARS outbreaks. By 2012, Chinese, American and European scientists were working on SARS vaccine development, and had about 30 promising candidates.
Of those, the four best vaccine candidates were then given to ferrets, which are the closest analogue to human lung infections. In the video below, which is a select outtake from my full interview, Kennedy explains what happened next. While the ferrets displayed robust antibody response, which is the metric used for vaccine licensing, once they were challenged with the wild virus, they all became severely ill and died.
The same thing happened when they tried to develop an RSV vaccine in the 1960s. RSV is an upper respiratory illness that is very similar to that caused by coronaviruses. At that time, they had decided to skip animal trials and go directly to human trials.
“They tested it on I think about 35 children, and the same thing happened,” Kennedy said. “The children developed a champion antibody response — robust, durable. It looked perfect [but when] the children were exposed to the wild virus, they all became sick. Two of them died. They abandoned the vaccine. It was a big embarrassment to FDA and NIH.”
Neutralizing Versus Binding Antibodies
Coronaviruses produce not just one but two different types of antibodies:
Neutralizing antibodies,4 also referred to as immoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, that fight the infection
Binding antibodies5 (also known as nonneutralizing antibodies) that cannot prevent viral infection
Instead of preventing viral infection, binding antibodies trigger an abnormal immune response known as “paradoxical immune enhancement.” Another way to look at this is your immune system is actually backfiring and not functioning to protect you but actually making you worse.
Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 shots use mRNA to instruct your cells to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S protein). The spike protein, which is what attaches to the ACE2 receptor of the cell, is the first stage of the two-stage process viruses use to gain entry into cells.
The idea is that by creating the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, your immune system will commence production of antibodies without making you sick in the process. The key question is: Which of the two types of antibodies are being produced through this process?
Without Neutralizing Antibodies, Expect More Severe Illness
In an April 2020 Twitter thread,6 The Immunologist noted: “While developing vaccines … and considering immunity passports, we must first understand the complex role of antibodies in SARS, MERS and COVID-19.” They go on to list several coronavirus vaccine studies that have raised concerns about ADE.
The first is a 2017 study7 in PLOS Pathogens, “Enhanced Inflammation in New Zealand White Rabbits When MERS-CoV Reinfection Occurs in the Absence of Neutralizing Antibody,” which investigated whether getting infected with MERS would protect the subject against reinfection, as is typically the case with many viral illnesses. (Meaning, once you recover from a viral infection, say measles, you’re immune and won’t contract the illness again.)
To determine how MERS affects the immune system, the researchers infected white rabbits with the virus. The rabbits got sick and developed antibodies, but those antibodies were not the neutralizing kind, meaning the kind of antibodies that block infection. As a result, they were not protected from reinfection, and when exposed to MERS for a second time, they became ill again, and more severely so.
“In fact, reinfection resulted in enhanced pulmonary inflammation, without an associated increase in viral RNA titers,” the authors noted. Interestingly, neutralizing antibodies were elicited during this second infection, preventing the animals from being infected a third time. According to the authors:
“Our data from the rabbit model suggests that people exposed to MERS-CoV who fail to develop a neutralizing antibody response, or persons whose neutralizing antibody titers have waned, may be at risk for severe lung disease on re-exposure to MERS-CoV.”
In other words, if the vaccine does not result in a robust response in neutralizing antibodies, you might be at risk for more severe lung disease if you’re infected with the virus.
And here’s an important point: COVID-19 vaccines were NOT designed to prevent infection. The manufacturers’ definition of a “successful” vaccine is that it merely needs to reduce the severity of the symptoms.
ADE in Dengue Infections
The Dengue virus is also known to cause ADE. As explained in a Swiss Medical Weekly paper published in April 2020:8
“The pathogenesis of COVID-19 is currently believed to proceed via both directly cytotoxic and immune-mediated mechanisms. An additional mechanism facilitating viral cell entry and subsequent damage may involve the so-called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
ADE is a very well-known cascade of events whereby viruses may infect susceptible cells via interaction between virions complexed with antibodies or complement components and, respectively, Fc or complement receptors, leading to the amplification of their replication.
This phenomenon is of enormous relevance not only for the understanding of viral pathogenesis, but also for developing antiviral strategies, notably vaccines …
There are four serotypes of Dengue virus, all eliciting protective immunity. However, although homotypic protection is long-lasting, cross-neutralizing antibodies against different serotypes are short-lived and may last only up to 2 years.
In Dengue fever, reinfection with a different serotype runs a more severe course when the protective antibody titer wanes. Here, non-neutralizing antibodies take over neutralizing ones, bind to Dengue virions, and these complexes mediate the infection of phagocytic cells via interaction with the Fc receptor, in a typical ADE.
In other words, heterotypic antibodies at subneutralizing titres account for ADE in persons infected with a serotype of Dengue virus that is different from the first infection.
Cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies are associated with decreased odds of symptomatic secondary infection, and the higher the titer of such antibodies following the primary infection, the longer the delay to symptomatic secondary infection …”
The paper goes on to detail results from follow-up investigations into the Dengue vaccine, which revealed the hospitalization rate for Dengue among vaccinated children under the age of 9 was greater than the rate among controls. The explanation for this appears to be that the vaccine mimicked a primary infection, and as that immunity waned, the children became susceptible to ADE when they encountered the virus a second time. The author explains:
“A post hoc analysis of efficacy trials, using an anti-nonstructural protein 1 immunoglobulin G (IgG) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to distinguish antibodies elicited by wild-type infection from those following vaccination, showed that the vaccine was able to protect against severe Dengue [in] those who had been exposed to the natural infection before vaccination, and that the risk of severe clinical outcome was increased among seronegative persons.
Based on this, a Strategic Advisor Group of Experts convened by World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that only Dengue seropositive persons should be vaccinated whenever Dengue control programs are planned that include vaccination.”
ADE in Coronavirus Infections
When researchers finally evaluate how the COVID-19 jabs are working so far, this could end up being important for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Hypothetically speaking, if SARS-CoV-2 works like Dengue, which is also caused by an RNA virus, then anyone who has not tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 might actually be at increased risk for severe COVID-19 after vaccination, and only those who have already recovered from a bout of COVID-19 would be protected against severe illness by the vaccine. These are important areas of inquiry and the current vaccine trials will simply not be able to answer this important question.
The Swiss Medical Weekly paper9 also reviews the evidence of ADE in coronavirus infections, citing research showing inoculating cats against the feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) — a feline coronavirus — increases the severity of the disease when challenged with the same FIPV serotype as that in the vaccine.
The paper also cites research showing “Antibodies elicited by a SARS-CoV vaccine enhanced infection of B cell lines in spite of protective responses in the hamster model.” Another paper,10 “Antibody-Dependent SARS Coronavirus Infection Is Mediated by Antibodies Against Spike Proteins,” published in 2014, found that:
“… higher concentrations of anti-sera against SARS-CoV neutralized SARS-CoV infection, while highly diluted anti-sera significantly increased SARS-CoV infection and induced higher levels of apoptosis.
Results from infectivity assays indicate that SARS-CoV ADE is primarily mediated by diluted antibodies against envelope spike proteins rather than nucleocapsid proteins. We also generated monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV spike proteins and observed that most of them promoted SARS-CoV infection.
Combined, our results suggest that antibodies against SARS-CoV spike proteins may trigger ADE effects. The data raise new questions regarding a potential SARS-CoV vaccine …”
A study11 that ties into this was published in the journal JCI Insight in 2019. Here, macaques vaccinated with a modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) virus encoding full-length SARS-CoV spike protein ended up with more severe lung pathology when the animals were exposed to the SARS virus. And, when they transferred anti-spike IgG antibodies into unvaccinated macaques, they developed acute diffuse alveolar damage, likely by “skewing the inflammation-resolving response.”
SARS Vaccine Worsens Infection After Challenge With SARS-CoV
An interesting 2012 paper12 with the telling title, “Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus,” demonstrates what many researchers now fear, namely that COVID-19 vaccines may end up making people more prone to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection.
The paper reviews experiments showing immunization with a variety of SARS vaccines resulted in pulmonary immunophathology once challenged with the SARS virus. As noted by the authors:13
“Inactivated whole virus vaccines whether inactivated with formalin or beta propiolactone and whether given with our without alum adjuvant exhibited a Th2-type immunopathologic in lungs after challenge.
As indicated, two reports attributed the immunopathology to presence of the N protein in the vaccine; however, we found the same immunopathologic reaction in animals given S protein vaccine only, although it appeared to be of lesser intensity.
Thus, a Th2-type immunopathologic reaction on challenge of vaccinated animals has occurred in three of four animal models (not in hamsters) including two different inbred mouse strains with four different types of SARS-CoV vaccines with and without alum adjuvant. An inactivated vaccine preparation that does not induce this result in mice, ferrets and nonhuman primates has not been reported.
This combined experience provides concern for trials with SARS-CoV vaccines in humans. Clinical trials with SARS coronavirus vaccines have been conducted and reported to induce antibody responses and to be ‘safe.’ However, the evidence for safety is for a short period of observation.
The concern arising from the present report is for an immunopathologic reaction occurring among vaccinated individuals on exposure to infectious SARS-CoV, the basis for developing a vaccine for SARS. Additional safety concerns relate to effectiveness and safety against antigenic variants of SARS-CoV and for safety of vaccinated persons exposed to other coronaviruses, particularly those of the type 2 group.”
The Elderly Are Most Vulnerable to ADE
On top of all of these concerns, there’s evidence showing the elderly — who are most vulnerable to severe COVID-19 — are also the most vulnerable to ADE. Preliminary research findings14 posted on the preprint server medRxiv at the end of March 2020 reported that middle-aged and elderly COVID-19 patients have far higher levels of anti-spike antibodies — which, again, increase infectivity — than younger patients.
Immune Enhancement Is a Serious Concern
Another paper worth mentioning is the May 2020 mini review15 “Impact of Immune Enhancement on COVID-19 Polyclonal Hyperimmune Globulin Therapy and Vaccine Development.” As in many other papers, the authors point out that:16
“While development of both hyperimmune globulin therapy and vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 are promising, they both pose a common theoretical safety concern. Experimental studies have suggested the possibility of immune-enhanced disease of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV infections, which may thus similarly occur with SARS-CoV-2 infection …
Immune enhancement of disease can theoretically occur in two ways. Firstly, non-neutralizing or sub-neutralizing levels of antibodies can enhance SARS-CoV-2 infection into target cells.
Secondly, antibodies could enhance inflammation and hence severity of pulmonary disease. An overview of these antibody dependent infection and immunopathology enhancement effects are summarized in Fig. 1 …
Currently, there are multiple SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV vaccine candidates in pre-clinical or early phase clinical trials. Animal studies on these CoVs have shown that the spike (S) protein-based vaccines (specifically the receptor binding domain, RBD) are highly immunogenic and protective against wild-type CoV challenge.
Vaccines that target other parts of the virus, such as the nucleocapsid, without the S protein, have shown no protection against CoV infection and increased lung pathology. However, immunization with some S protein based CoV vaccines have also displayed signs of enhanced lung pathology following challenge.
Hence, besides the choice of antigen target, vaccine efficacy and risk of immunopathology may be dependent on other ancillary factors, including adjuvant formulation, age at vaccination … and route of immunization.”
Figure 1: Mechanism of ADE and antibody mediated immunopathology. Left panel: For ADE, immune complex internalization is mediated by the engagement of activating Fc receptors on the cell surface. Co-ligation of inhibitory receptors then results in the inhibition of antiviral responses which leads to increased viral replication. Right panel: Antibodies can cause immunopathology by activating the complement pathway or antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). For both pathways, excessive immune activation results in the release of cytokines and chemokines, leading to enhanced disease pathology.
Do a Risk-Benefit Analysis Before Making Up Your Mind
Ironically, the data17,18,19 we now have no longer support a mass vaccination mandate, considering the lethality of COVID-19 is lower than the flu for those under the age of 60.20 If you’re under the age of 40, your risk of dying from COVID-19 is just 0.01%, meaning you have a 99.99% chance of surviving the infection. And, you could improve that to 99.999% if you’re metabolically flexible and vitamin D replete.
So, really, what are we protecting against with a COVID-19 vaccine? As mentioned, the vaccines aren’t even designed to prevent infection; they’re only meant to reduce the severity of symptoms.
And, as we’re now seeing, as many as 1 in 100 fully vaccinated people around the world are experiencing breakthrough infections.21 When you think that the so-called “vaccine protection” also could potentially make you sicker once you’re exposed to the virus, it seems like a lot of risk for a truly questionable benefit.
To circle back to where we started, neither the participants in current COVID-19 vaccine trials nor the ones lining up for the shot are being told of this risk — that by getting the vaccine they may end up with more severe COVID-19 once they’re infected with the virus.
Lethal Th2 Immunopathology Is Another Potential Risk
In closing, consider what this PNAS news feature states about the risk of vaccine-induced immune enhancement and dysfunction, particularly for the elderly, the very people who would need the protection a vaccine might offer the most:22
“Since the 1960s, tests of vaccine candidates for diseases such as dengue, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have shown a paradoxical phenomenon:
Some animals or people who received the vaccine and were later exposed to the virus developed more severe disease than those who had not been vaccinated. The vaccine-primed immune system, in certain cases, seemed to launch a shoddy response to the natural infection …
This immune backfiring, or so-called immune enhancement, may manifest in different ways such as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a process in which a virus leverages antibodies to aid infection; or cell-based enhancement, a category that includes allergic inflammation caused by Th2 immunopathology. In some cases, the enhancement processes might overlap …
Some researchers argue that although ADE has received the most attention to date, it is less likely than the other immune enhancement pathways to cause a dysregulated response to COVID-19, given what is known about the epidemiology of the virus and its behavior in the human body.
‘There is the potential for ADE, but the bigger problem is probably Th2 immunopathology,’ says Ralph Baric, an epidemiologist and expert in coronaviruses … at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
In previous studies of SARS, aged mice were found to have particularly high risks of life-threatening Th2 immunopathology … in which a faulty T cell response triggers allergic inflammation, and poorly functional antibodies that form immune complexes, activating the complement system and potentially damaging the airways.”
One of the most commonly used tricks to make a drug look more effective than it is in a real-world setting is to conflate absolute and relative risk reduction. While AstraZeneca boasted a relative reduction of 100%, the absolute reduction was 0.01%. For the Pfizer shot, the relative risk reduction was initially 95%, but the absolute risk reduction was only 0.84%
In AstraZeneca’s trial, only 0.04% of people in the vaccine group, and 0.88% in the placebo group were infected with SARS-CoV-2. When the background risk of infection is that low, even a 100% absolute risk reduction becomes near-meaningless
Research shows the majority of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies in obese COVID-19 patients are autoimmune and not neutralizing. This means that if you’re obese, you’re at risk of developing autoimmune problems if you get the natural infection. You’re also at higher risk of a serious infection, as the antibodies your body produces are not the neutralizing kind that kill the virus. Does the same hold true for antibodies made in response to the COVID jab?
At nearly 72%, Vermont has the highest rate of “fully vaccinated” residents in the country, yet COVID cases are suddenly surging to new heights. During the first week of November 2021, cases increased by 42%. The hospital admission rate for fully vaccinated patients increased by 8%, while the admission rate for those who were not fully vaccinated decreased by 15%. Local health authorities blame the surge on the highly infectious delta variant, which would be odd if true, since the first delta case in Vermont was detected back in mid-May
Data from physician assistant Deborah Conrad show vaccinated people — counting anyone who got one or more shots, regardless of time since the injection — are nine times more likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated
In a November 12, 2021, blog post,1 Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., reviews how the benefits of the COVID-19 shots have been exaggerated by the drug companies and misrepresented to the public by an uncritical media. She has previously given many lectures on how the drug companies conflated absolute and relative risks for statin drugs.2
Demasi was a respected Australian science presenter at ABC television until she produced a Catalyst report on the dangers of Wi-Fi and cellphones. In the wake of the controversy it raised, she and 11 of her staff members were axed and the episode retracted.3 That was 2016. Today, Demasi is one of the few professional journalists seeking and publishing the truth about COVID-19.
Absolute Versus Relative Risk Reduction
In her post, Demasi highlights one of the most commonly used tricks in the book — conflating absolute and relative risk reduction. As noted by Demasi, AstraZeneca and Australia’s health minister, Greg Hunt, claimed the AstraZeneca injection offered “100% protection” against COVID-19 death. How did they get this number? Demasi explains:4
“In the trial5 of 23,848 subjects … there was one death in the placebo group and no deaths in the vaccinated group. One less death out of a total of one, indeed was a relative reduction of 100%, but the absolute reduction was 0.01%.”
Similarly, Pfizer’s COVID shot was said to be 95% effective against the infection, but this too is the relative risk reduction, not the absolute reduction. The absolute risk reduction for Pfizer’s shot was a meager 0.84%.
It’s worth noting that an incredibly low number of people were infected in the first place. Only 8 out of 18,198 vaccine recipients developed COVID symptoms (0.04%), and 162 of the 18,325 in the placebo group (0.88%).
Since your risk of COVID was minuscule to begin with, even if the shot was able to reduce your absolute risk by 100%, it would still be trivial in real-world terms.
According to Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Harding Centre for Risk Literacy at the Max Planck Institute, only quoting the relative risk reduction is a “sin” against transparent communication, as it can be used as a “deliberate tactic to manipulate or persuade people.” Demasi also quotes John Ioannidis, professor at Stanford University, who told her:6
“This is not happening just for vaccines. Over many decades, RRR [relative risk reduction] has been the dominant way of communicating results of clinical trials. Almost always, RRR looks nicer than absolute risk reductions.”
Demasi continues:7
“When asked if there was any justification for misleading the public about the vaccine’s benefits to encourage uptake, Prof Ioannidis rejected the notion.
‘I don’t see how one can increase uptake by using misleading information. I am all in favor of increasing uptake, but this needs to use complete information, otherwise sooner or later incomplete information will lead to misunderstandings and will backfire,’ says Ioannidis.
The way authorities have communicated risk to the public, is likely to have misled and distorted the public’s perception of the vaccine’s benefit and underplayed the harms. This, in essence, is a violation of the ethical and legal obligations of informed consent.”
US Health Authorities Have Misrepresented the Data
U.S. health authorities, like Australia’s, are guilty of misrepresenting the data to the public. In February 2021, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Rochelle Walensky co-wrote a JAMA paper8 which stated that “Clinical trials have shown that the vaccines authorized for use in the U.S. are highly effective against COVID-19 infection, severe illness and death.”
Alas, “there were too few deaths recorded in the controlled trials at the time to arrive at such a conclusion,” Demasi writes.9 This observation was made by professor Peter Doshi, associate editor of The BMJ, during Sen. Ron Johnson’s Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates, November 1, 2021.10 During that roundtable discussion, Doshi stated that:
“The trials did not show a reduction in deaths, even for COVID deaths … Those who claimed the trials showed that the vaccines were highly effective in saving lives were wrong. The trials did not demonstrate this.”
Indeed, the six-month follow-up of Pfizer’s trial showed 15 deaths in the vaccine group and 14 deaths in the placebo group. Then, during the open label phase, after Pfizer decided to eliminate the placebo group by offering the actual shot to everyone who wanted it, another five deaths occurred in the vaccine group.
Two of those five had originally been in the placebo group, and had taken the shot in the open label phase. So, in the end, what we have are 20 deaths in the vaccine group, compared to 14 in the placebo group. We also have the suspicious fact that two of the placebo participants suddenly died after getting the real deal.
How You Express Effect Size Matters
As noted in a July 2021 Lancet paper,11 “fully understanding the efficacy and effectiveness of vaccines is less straightforward than it might seem. Depending on how the effect size is expressed, a quite different picture might emerge.”
The authors point out that the relative risk reduction really needs to “be seen against the background risk of being infected and becoming ill with COVID-19, which varies between populations and over time.” This is why the absolute risk reduction figure is so important:12
“Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the vaccine, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population …
ARR is also used to derive an estimate of vaccine effectiveness, which is the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one more case of COVID-19 as 1/ARR. NNVs bring a different perspective: 81 for the Moderna–NIH, 78 for the AstraZeneca–Oxford … 84 for the J&J, and 119 for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.
The explanation lies in the combination of vaccine efficacy and different background risks of COVID-19 across studies: 0.9% for the Pfizer–BioNTech … 1.4% for the Moderna–NIH, 1.8% for the J&J, and 1.9% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford vaccines.
ARR (and NNV) are sensitive to background risk — the higher the risk, the higher the effectiveness — as exemplified by the analyses of the J&J’s vaccine on centrally confirmed cases compared with all cases: both the numerator and denominator change, RRR does not change (66–67%), but the one-third increase in attack rates in the unvaccinated group (from 1.8% to 2.4%) translates in a one-fourth decrease in NNV (from 84 to 64) …
With the use of only RRRs, and omitting ARRs, reporting bias is introduced, which affects the interpretation of vaccine efficacy.
When communicating about vaccine efficacy, especially for public health decisions such as choosing the type of vaccines to purchase and deploy, having a full picture of what the data actually show is important, and ensuring comparisons are based on the combined evidence that puts vaccine trial results in context and not just looking at one summary measure, is also important.”
The authors go on to stress that comparing the effectiveness of the COVID shots is further hampered by the fact that they use a variety of different study protocols, including different placebos. They even differ in their primary endpoint, i.e., what they consider a COVID case, and how and when diagnosis is made, and more.
“We are left with the unanswered question as to whether a vaccine with a given efficacy in the study population will have the same efficacy in another population with different levels of background risk of COVID-19,” the authors note.
One of the best real-world examples of this is Israel, where the relative risk reduction was 94% at the outset and an absolute risk reduction of 0.46%, which translates into an NNV of 217. In the Phase 3 Pfizer trial, the absolute risk reduction was 0.84% and the NNV 119.13 As noted by the authors:14
“This means in a real-life setting, 1.8 times more subjects might need to be vaccinated to prevent one more case of COVID-19 than predicted in the corresponding clinical trial.”
SARS-CoV-2 Specific Antibodies Pose Danger for the Obese
In related news, a recent study15 published in the International Journal of Obesity warns that “the majority of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies in COVID-19 patients with obesity are autoimmune and not neutralizing.”
In plain English, if you’re obese, you’re at risk of developing autoimmune problems if you get the natural infection. You’re also at higher risk of a serious infection, as the antibodies your body produces are not the neutralizing kind that kill the virus. As explained by the authors:16
“SARS-CoV-2 infection induces neutralizing antibodies in all lean but only in few obese COVID-19 patients. SARS-CoV-2 infection also induces anti-MDA [malondialdehyde, a marker of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation] and anti-AD [adipocyte-derived protein antigens] autoimmune antibodies more in lean than in obese patients as compared to uninfected controls.
Serum levels of these autoimmune antibodies, however, are always higher in obese versus lean COVID-19 patients. Moreover … we also evaluated the association of anti-MDA and anti-AD antibodies with serum CRP and found a positive association between CRP and autoimmune antibodies.
Our results highlight the importance of evaluating the quality of the antibody response in COVID-19 patients with obesity, particularly the presence of autoimmune antibodies, and identify biomarkers of self-tolerance breakdown. This is crucial to protect this vulnerable population at higher risk of responding poorly to infection with SARS-CoV-2 than lean controls.”
Now, these findings apply to obese people who develop the natural infection, but it makes one wonder whether the same holds true for the COVID jab. If the antibodies produced in response to the actual virus are primarily autoantibodies, will obese people develop autoantibodies instead of neutralizing antibodies in response to the COVID shot as well?
For clarity, an autoantibody is an antibody that is directed against one or more of your own body’s proteins. Many autoimmune diseases are caused by autoantibodies that target and attack your own tissues or organs.
So, this is no small concern, seeing how the mRNA in the COVID shots (and subsequent SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is what your body produces antibodies against) gets distributed throughout your body and accumulates in various organs.17,18
At this point, there’s an overwhelming amount of evidence showing the COVID shots are not working. What little protection you do get clearly wanes within a handful of months, and may leave you worse off than you were before. We’re seeing data to this effect from a number of different places.
In the U.S., we can now look at Vermont.19 At nearly 72% vaccinated, it has the highest rate of “fully vaccinated” residents in the country, according to ABC News,20 yet COVID cases are now suddenly surging to new heights.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show Vermont had the 12th highest COVID case rate in the nation as of November 9, 2021. Over the previous seven days, cases had increased by 42%. It couldn’t have been due to a surge in testing, though, as the weekly average of tests administered had only increased by 9% in that time.
What’s more, during that first week of November, the hospital admission rate for patients who were fully vaccinated increased by 8%, while the admission rate for those who were not fully vaccinated actually decreased by 15%.
Keep in mind that you’re not considered “fully vaccinated” until two weeks after your second injection. If you got your second dose a week ago and end up in the hospital with COVID symptoms, you’re counted as unvaccinated. This gross manipulation of reality makes it very difficult to interpret the data, but even with this manipulation it is beyond obvious that the vaccines are failing.
Overall, the case rate in Vermont is FAR higher now than it as in the fall of 2020, when no one had gotten the “vaccine.” According to Vermont health commissioner Dr. Mark Levine, the surge is occurring primarily among unvaccinated people in their 20s and children aged 5 through 11 — a curious coincidence, seeing how the shots are just now being rolled out for 5- to 11-year-olds.
Levine blames the surge on the highly infectious delta variant, but delta has been around for months already. The first case of delta in Vermont was identified in mid-May 2021.21 Surely, it wouldn’t have taken six months for this most-infectious of variants to make the rounds and cause an unprecedented spike?
Two clues are given by Levine, however, when he admits that a) Vermont has one of the lowest rates of natural immunity in the U.S. and b) protection is waning among those who got the COVID shot early to mid-year. Breakthrough cases among the fully vaccinated shot up 31% during the first week of November.22
Fully Vaxxed Are Nine Times More Likely To Be Hospitalized
Coincidentally, data from physician assistant Deborah Conrad, presented by attorney Aaron Siri23 October 17, 2021, shows vaccinated people are nine times more likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated.
The key, however, was in what they counted as vaccinated. Rather than only including those who had gotten the shot two weeks or more before being hospitalized, they simply counted those who had one or more shots, regardless of when, as vaccinated. This gives us an honest accounting, finally! As explained by Siri:24
“A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the COVID-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital. The result is shocking.
As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for COVID-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.
These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections. Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination.”
Despite these troubling findings, health authorities ignored Conrad when she reached out. In mid-July 2021, Siri’s law firm also sent formal letters to the CDC, the Health and Human Services Department and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Conrad’s behalf,25 and those were ignored as well.
“This again highlights the importance of never permitting government coercion and mandates when it comes to medical procedures,” Siri writes.26
Now, one of the most shocking details gleaned from Conrad’s data collection, which Siri failed to make clear but Steve Kirsch highlights in a recent substack post is that:27
“The only way you can get those numbers is if vaccinated people are 9 times more likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated. It is mathematically impossible to get to those numbers any other way. Period. Full stop. This is known as an ‘inconvenient truth.’”
Indeed, the more data we gain access to, the worse it looks for these COVID shots. Unfortunately, those who push them seem hell-bent on ignoring any and all data that don’t support their stance.
Worse, it seems data and statistics are being intentionally manipulated by our health authorities to present a false picture of safety and effectiveness. All such tactics are indefensible at this point, and people who believe the official narrative without doing their own research do so at their own risk.
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Doctor Manuel Aparicio has CURED THOUSANDS of COVID-19 patients, but cannot treat them in his office using methods other than the injections being falsely referred to as ‘vaccines’.
Dr. Aparicio joins ‘The Stew Peters Show’, and issued a STRONG WARNING against the jab.
Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID shot was approved (licensed) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in late August 2021, but only for adults, and only when carrying the Comirnaty label. No other COVID shot has been FDA approved. However, Comirnaty is currently not available, and while the experimental, emergency use authorized (EUA) Pfizer shot is substituted for Comirnaty, the two products are clearly legally distinct and not the same
A licensed vaccine is not shielded from liability until or unless it’s added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule by the CDC. So, if you were injured by Comirnaty, you could sue Pfizer. You cannot sue if injured by the EUA Pfizer shot (or any of the other EUA COVID injections)
Even though several hundred claims have been filed with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) for injuries resulting from the COVID shots — which is the only possible avenue to obtain damages — not a single claim has been paid out
Natural immunity is much stronger than what you can achieve from the injection, which only provides antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and wanes within a few months. The shots may in fact permanently limit the kind of immune response you would make were you to later be exposed or infected with COVID
Children’s Health Defense has filed a lawsuit arguing you cannot have a vaccine that is both an emergency use product and a licensed product at the same time. That’s against the law, but the government has done it anyway. Remarkably, the request for an injunction was initially thrown out, but the CHD has not given up and is still pursuing the case
In this interview, Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist specializing in toxicology, vaccine-induced illnesses and Gulf War illness, shares her insights into the dangers of the COVID jab, which received an emergency use authorization October 26, 2021, for children as young as 5.
We also discuss the conflicts of interest within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that seem to be behind this reckless decision, and how the agency pulled the wool over our eyes with its approval of Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID injection.
Is the COVID Jab Approved or Not?
As explained by Nass:
“All of the COVID ‘vaccines,’ and most of the COVID treatment products, have not been [FDA] approved. Approved means licensed. All except one, which is the Pfizer vaccine for adults, age 16 and up, which got approved, i.e., licensed on August 23 [2021].
But every other vaccine, and for every other age group, including the boosters, have only been authorized under emergency use authorizations (EUAs). There’s a critical difference [between licensing and EUA]. Once a drug is fully licensed, it is subject to liability.
If the company injures you with that product, you can sue them, unless it later gets put on the CDC’s childhood schedule or is recommended by the CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] [during] pregnancy, in which case it obtains a different liability shield.
It then becomes part of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP, established under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act), and 75 cents from every dose of vaccine that is sold in the United States goes into a fund to pay for injuries that way.”
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act removed liability for all vaccines recommended by the CDC for children. Since 2016, they’ve also removed liability for vaccines given to pregnant women, a category that has become the latest “gold rush” for vaccines. Naturally, once a company is no longer liable for injuries, the profitability of the product in question increases dramatically.
Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program Is Nearly Useless
Products under emergency use have their own special government program for liability called the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). “It is a terrible program,” Nass says. CICP is an offshoot of the 2005 PREP Act.
“The PREP act enabled the CICP to be created by Congress,” Nass explains. “Congress has to allocate money for it. If you are injured by an emergency use product, you don’t get any legal process. The companies have had all their liability waived. There is a single process that is administered through HHS [Health and Human Services].
Some employees there decide whether you deserve to be compensated or not. The maximum in damages you can obtain is about $370,000 if you’re totally disabled or die, and the money is only to compensate you for lost wages or unpaid medical bills.”
So far, even though several hundred CICP claims have been filed for injuries resulting from the COVID shots, not a single claim has been paid out. This is important, because the statute of limitations is one year. “It’s getting close to running out for people who were vaccinated early,” Nass says.
If you fail to apply in time, you lose the opportunity to get any compensation entirely. “Of course, in fact, it’s really ‘an opportunity’ to apply and get nothing because almost nobody gets paid,” she says. At that point, you have no further recourse. There’s no appeals process to the judicial system.
“You can ask the HHS twice to compensate you, and if they say no, that’s it,” Nass explains. “You can attempt to sue the company that made the product, if you’re convinced it was improperly made, but the secretary of HHS has to give you the permission to sue.
You have to prove that there was willful misconduct and no one has ever reached that bar. So, there has never been a lawsuit under this. Anyway, that’s what you’re looking at. If you get the vaccine under EUA and are injured, you’re on your own. People have no idea about this when they vaccinate themselves or their children.”
Why Were the Shots Mandated?
As you know by now, president Biden decided to mandate the COVID jab for most federal employees (but not all) and private companies with 100 employees or more. “We don’t know why that is,” Nass says. It doesn’t make sense, as large numbers of Americans have already recovered from COVID-19 and have durable, long-lasting immunity already.
As correctly noted by Nass, natural immunity is much stronger than what you can achieve from the injection, which only provides antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and wears off within a few months. The shots “may in fact permanently limit the kind of immune response you would make were you to be infected with COVID later,” Nass says.
For these reasons, there’s absolutely no good reason to vaccinate people who have recovered from the infection and several bad reasons. There’s evidence showing the shot can be more harmful for those with existing immunity.
“But for reasons best known to itself, the Biden administration feels so certain it needs to vaccinate everybody that it has used illegal means to tell employers they will lose federal contracts if they don’t force their employees to be vaccinated immediately, and must fire them — if they’re health care workers, for example, or government employees, or military — if they have not been vaccinated.
Obviously that is creating a great deal of chaos, particularly within the health care industry, particularly in my state, Maine, where these draconian rules have gone into effect and many fire department, police, EMTs, nurses and doctors can no longer work.
The one thing that was necessary to push mandates forward was for the government to be able to say it had a licensed product. Before the emergency use authorization was created in 2005, you had licensed drugs and you had experimental drugs and nothing else.
There was no gray area between them. Any use of a medication or vaccine that is not fully licensed is still experimental, despite the fact that a new category of drugs has been created with emergency use authorizations.
These are still experimental drugs, so under emergency use, you can’t force people [to take them]. You have to offer them options and they have the right to refuse. Since that is part of the statute, the federal government can’t get around it.
Therefore, attorneys in the Biden administration knew they could not legally impose mandates under an EUA, and so they demanded that FDA provide a COVID vaccine full approval, aka, an unrestricted license. This was believed to enable them to impose mandates.
They must have put pressure on the FDA, and FDA gave them what they wanted, which was a license for the Pfizer vaccine called Comirnaty on August 23 [2021].”
Comirnaty Approval Includes Important Caveats
In the documents released August 23, 2021, by the FDA, there were some interesting caveats. They said the Comirnaty vaccine is essentially equivalent to the EUA vaccine and the two vaccines may be used interchangeably. However, they pointed out that the two are legally distinct. Curiously, FDA didn’t specify what these legal distinctions are.
“I concluded that the legal distinctions were the fact that under EUA, there was essentially no manufacturer liability, but once the vaccine got licensed, the manufacturer would be subject to liability claims unless and until the vaccine was placed on the childhood schedule or recommended in pregnancy, in which case it would then fall … under the NVICP,” Nass says.
“Right now, Comirnaty is still not in that injury compensation program, and it’s licensed, so it no longer falls under the CICP. So, it is in fact subject to liability if you get injured with a bottle that says Comirnaty on it. Of course, if you’re Pfizer, what do you want to do?
You don’t want to make that licensed product available until several months have gone by and Comirnaty has been put into the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. So, Pfizer and FDA have not made the licensed product available yet.
What has happened instead, in the military, is the FDA has made a secret deal with the military and said, certain emergency use lots can be considered equivalent to the licensed vaccine, and [told military medical staff] which QR codes — which lots can be used. [These specific lots] can then be given to soldiers as if they’re licensed.
Subsequently, we’re told that military clinics are actually putting Comirnaty labels onto bottles that are under EUA. Now, that probably can happen in the military, but only in the military, because there are likely to be memoranda of understanding within the military that we haven’t seen yet that say soldiers cannot sue Pfizer for injuries …
In the military, the government and Pfizer feel like they have set up a situation where nobody can sue, but in the civilian world, that has not happened, and so there is no Comirnaty available.
Yet, on the basis that FDA licensed this product, the federal government is still telling employers that they can mandate it and that they must fire employees that have not taken the vaccine, or they will lose government contracts. We’re in a very interesting situation that is ripe for litigation, and Children’s Health Defense, which is an organization I represent, is litigating some of this.
However, the litigation situation has been very difficult since the pandemic began. Cases that normally would’ve been easy wins are being thrown out by the courts, both in the U.S. and in Europe. Something strange has happened and the judges are looking for any way out, so they don’t have to rule on the merits of these cases.”
The organization Children’s Health Defense has filed a lawsuit arguing you cannot have a vaccine that is both an emergency use product and a licensed product at the same time. That’s against the law, but the federal government did it anyway. Remarkably, the request for an injunction was initially thrown out, but Children’s Health Defense hasn’t given up and is still pursuing that case.
COVID Jab Is Authorized for 5- to 11-Year-Olds in the US
As mentioned, the FDA recently authorized the EUA COVID jab for children between the ages of 5 and 11, which is simply appalling, considering they are at virtually no risk from COVID-19. I’ve not seen a single recorded case in the entire world of anyone in that age group dying of COVID that didn’t have a serious preexisting comorbidity, such as cancer.
If you have a healthy child, they are at no risk from the infection, so there’s only danger associated with this shot, which in this age group would be one-third the adult dose. Typically, when you’re giving a drug to a child, the dose is calculated based on the child’s weight. Here, they’re giving the same dose to a 5-year-old as an 11-year-old, despite there being a significant difference in weight. So, it’s pure guesswork.
Worse yet, the mRNA vaccines produce an unpredictable amount of spike protein, and even if they produce much too much, there is no way to turn off the process once you have been injected.
Despite clear safety signals, the FDA’s advisory committee authorized the Pfizer jab for 5- to 11-year-olds unanimously, 17-to-0 (with one abstaining vote). However, when you look at the roster of the FDA’s committee members1 who reviewed and voted to authorize the Pfizer shot for children as young as 5, the unanimous “yes” vote becomes less of a mystery.
Abhorrent Conflicts of Interest
As reported by National File2 and The Defender,3 the membership of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) has had staggering conflicts of interest. Members have included:
A former vice president of Pfizer Vaccines
A paid Pfizer consultant
A recent Pfizer research grant recipient
A mentor to Raphael Simon, senior director of vaccine research and development at Pfizer
James Hidreth — President of Meharry Medical College, which administers Pfizer vaccines
A chair of the Independent Data Monitoring Committee for the Pfizer Group B Streptococcus Vaccine Program
An individual proudly photographed taking a Pfizer vaccine
Several people who are already on the record supporting coronavirus vaccines for children, including Ofer Levy, Jay Portnoy and Melinda Wharton
In addition to that, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb is currently on Pfizer’s board of directors. As noted by Nass, two of the members, one permanent and one temporary, are also CDC career employees whose job it is to push vaccines at the CDC.
“If they voted against authorizing a vaccine, they would be out of a job,” Nass says. “They have no business on that committee … It’s a very unethical stew of advisory committee members …
What happened is Pfizer delivered a large package of information to the FDA on October 6, 2021. FDA staff had to go through this large packet of information on the 5- to 11-year-olds and produce their own report, which was about 40 pages long, and create talks to give to the advisory committee, and they did all of this in 17 days.
There was apparently very little critical thought that went into their presentations. Before the meeting, Children’s Health Defense, and I was one of the authors, wrote to the committee and to FDA officials saying, ‘Look, there’s all these reasons that don’t make logical or medical sense for vaccinating kids in this age group, because they almost never get very ill or die, and the side effects of the vaccine are essentially unknown.
We know there are a lot of side effects, but the federal government has concealed from us the rate at which these side effects occur. But we know that the rate from myocarditis is very high, probably at least 1 in 5,000 young males … which is a very serious side effect. It can lead, probably always leads, to some scarring. It can lead to sudden death, to heart failure.”
Trials in Young Children Were Insufficient
As explained by Nass, in the clinical trial, there were two groups of children. The first group was enrolled for two to three months, while the second group was enrolled for just 17 days after receiving the second dose. (Pfizer added the second group because FDA claimed there weren’t enough volunteers in the first group.)
These two groups comprised over 3,000 children who got the jab and 1,500 or 2,000 who got a placebo. None suffered serious side effects. This was then translated into the claim that the injection was safe. However, as noted by Nass:
“They didn’t look at safety in all these kids. Even though FDA had said, ‘Add kids to your clinical trial,’ Pfizer created a ‘safety subset’ of one-tenth of the vaccinated subjects.
It was this small number of kids from whom they drew blood to show they had adequate levels of neutralizing antibodies, which was a surrogate for efficacy, because they didn’t have enough cases of COVID in this abbreviated trial to show that the vaccine actually works in this age group.”
Even though the advisory committee acknowledged that the blood test done for efficacy had not been validated, and wasn’t reliable evidence of effectiveness, they still decided that all children, regardless of health status, would benefit from the injection.
They also ignored the fact that at least half the children are already immune, and giving them the injection will provide no additional benefit in terms of immunity, while putting them at increased risk for serious side effects.
“Nobody said, ‘Look, the parents of healthy kids may be dying for a vaccine, but that’s because we haven’t told them the truth about the vaccine. We haven’t told them their kids don’t need it. We haven’t told them it’s going to potentially damage future immunity.
We haven’t told them they’re at higher risk of side effects than if they never had COVID. We’re not allowing them to go get antibody tests to establish that they’re already immune and therefore should be waved from being vaccinated.’
The committee members were aware of all this stuff, but in the end [they voted yes] … apart from one very smart member of the committee who works for the National Institutes of Health. He abstained. He didn’t have the guts to vote no, but he knew this was a bad idea.”
Children Are Being Injected Without Parental Consent
While all of that is bad enough, parents of young children now face the possibility of their children being injected against their will and without their knowledge. Nass comments:
“As I said, we don’t know why the government wants everybody vaccinated, but there’s probably a reason that goes beyond protecting us from COVID.
The government got the FDA to authorize the vaccine for 12- to 15-year-olds on May 10 [2021], and subsequently that group, which is about 6 million kids, has been getting vaccinated across the country. That’s under emergency use so, again, you can’t sue.
But something kind of evil happened, which was many cities began vaccinating 12- to 15-year-olds in the absence of parental permission. So, a child could show up with their friends or a friend’s mother at a vaccine center and get vaccinated with no one asking about their medical history, nobody calling the parents. No notation got entered into the child’s medical record that they were vaccinated.
Vaccinators were told to make their own assessment. If they thought this child could give consent, go ahead and vaccinate. Now, that is a gross violation of our laws, and yet it was happening in Boston, in Philadelphia, in Seattle, in San Francisco, and we have good documentation of it.
The government currently is planning for mobile vaccination clinics for kids and vaccinations in schools, and they may take this program of vaccinating without parental consent down to the 5- to 11-year-olds …
In fact, we may see clinics popping up that don’t require informed consent in the 5- to 11-year-old group. Let me just mention that the chief medical officer in Canada’s British Columbia said they have brought laws that allow children of any age to consent for themselves. Think about that. A baby can consent for vaccinations for itself. It would be funny if it wasn’t so diabolical.”
All of this goes against the most basic concept of medical ethics, which is informed consent. No one has the right to perform a medical procedure on you without your consent, or the consent of a legal guardian. The government, again, without establishing any new laws, is simply bypassing the legal system.
Will Young Children Be at Risk for Myocarditis?
Based on her review of the scientific literature, Nass suspects younger children in the now COVID jab-approved, 5- to 11-year-old age group will be at exponentially higher risk of myocarditis and other side effects compared to the 12- to 15-year group, where we’ve already seen a documented increase.
“In the letter that Children’s Health Defense wrote to the advisory committee for the FDA, we created a graph based on the reporting rate of myocarditis versus age, and we showed there was an exponential curve.
Men aged 65 and up had a rate that was 1/100th the rate of boys aged 12 to 17. If that exponential curve keeps going up, the rate in the 5- to 11-year-olds could be even dramatically higher. In those young men, a 1 in 5,000 rate was reported to VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System]. That’s not a real rate.
That just tells us how many people got diagnosed with myocarditis, and then went to the trouble of reporting it to the FDA. The FDA and CDC have a large number of other databases from which they can gather rates of illness.
VAERS is considered passive reporting. It is not considered fit for purpose to establish illness rates because we don’t know how many people report. Do 1 in 10 report, 1 in 100, 1 in 50? Nobody knows.
However, again, because everything is crazy since the pandemic came in, the CDC has tried to pull the wool over our eyes and has claimed that the rate of anaphylaxis in the population from COVID vaccines is identical to their reporting rate to VAERS. We know that’s not true.
On the CDC’s website, that’s what they have. Elsewhere on the website, they say you can’t take a VAERS rate and call it an actual rate of reactions, but they’ve done that [for anaphylaxis]. And they’re trying to obfuscate the fact that they’re not giving you real rates, and sort of pretending that the myocarditis rate is probably the VAERS reporting rate of myocarditis, although they’re not saying so directly.”
Nass goes on to recount an example from the smallpox vaccine, which also caused myocarditis. A military study that just looked at cases sent to specialists found roughly 1 in 15,000 developed myocarditis. A military immunologist then dug deeper, and drew blood on soldiers before and after vaccination, and found a myocarditis rate of 1 in 220 after receiving the smallpox vaccine.
However, 1 soldier in 30 developed subclinical myocarditis where troponin rose from normal to more than two times the upper limits of normal. While asymptomatic, 1 in 30 had measurable inflammation of the heart. “Right now, in terms of what the rate is for COVID, nobody is looking, no federal agency wants to find out the real rate,” Nass says.
You Can’t Find Problems You Refuse to Look For
A simple study that measures troponin levels — a marker for heart inflammation and damage — before and after each dose, could easily determine what the real rate of myocarditis is, yet that is not being done.
“This is what we’re dealing with,” Nass says. “All these databases, which is about a dozen different databases, that CDC and FDA said they could access to determine the rates of side effects after vaccination with COVID vaccines, they’re either not being used or being used improperly,” Nass says.
“It was discovered that a new algorithm was being used to study the VAERS database that only came into use in January 2021, immediately after the vaccines were authorized, and the algorithm was developed such that you compare two vaccines to each other.
If the pattern of side effects was similar between the two vaccines — which is often the case because there’s a limited number of general vaccine adverse reactions — even if one vaccine has a thousand times more side effects as the one it is being compared to, by using this flawed algorithm, if the pattern of reactions was the same, even though the rates were 1,000 times higher for one, the algorithm would fail to detect a problem.
That is the algorithm they’re using to analyze VAERS [data]. They’re also using bad methods … to analyze the vaccine safety database, which encompasses 12 million Americans who enrolled in HMOs around the country. The CDC pays for access to their electronic medical records and their data.
Somehow when these databases have been looked at carefully, they’re finding very low rates of myocarditis in boys, approximately equal to the VAERS reporting. It was said months ago, ‘We can’t find a safety signal for myocarditis. We’re not finding an anaphylaxis signal. we’re not finding a Bell’s palsy signal.’
The FDA’s and CDC’s algorithms couldn’t pick up for most known side effects. So, there’s something wrong with the analytic methods that are being used, but the agencies haven’t told us precisely what they are. What we do know is that the rates of side effects that are being reported to VAERS are phenomenal.
They’re orders of magnitude higher than for any previous vaccines used in the United States. An order of magnitude is 10-fold, so rates of reported adverse reactions are 10 to 100 times higher than what has been reported for any other vaccine. Reported deaths after COVID in the United States are 17,000+. It’s off the charts.
Other side effects reported after COVID vaccinations total over 800,000. Again, more deaths and more side effects than have ever been reported for every vaccine combined in use in the U.S. cumulatively over 30 years.”
Despite all this shocking data, our federal agencies look the other way, pretending as if nothing is happening, and no matter how many people approach them — with lawsuits, with public comments, reaching out to politicians — they refuse to address blatantly obvious concerns. This is clear evidence that they’re acting with intentional malice.
The FDA and CDC are supposed to protect the public. They’re supposed to identify safety concerns. They’re not supposed to act as marketing firms for drug companies, but that’s precisely what they’ve been converted to.
New Formulations Have Never Been Tested
Another truly egregious fact is that Pfizer has altered its formulation, allegedly to make it more stable, but this new formulation has never been included in any of the trials. Nass explains:
“During the October 26, 2021, VRBPAC [Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee] meeting, Pfizer said, ‘Look, we want to give the vaccines in doctor’s offices and we’ve found a way to stabilize the vaccine so we don’t need those ultra-cold fridges anymore. We can put these vials in a doctor’s office and, once defrosted, they can sit in a regular fridge 10 weeks and they’ll be fine.’
Some committee members asked, ‘OK, what’d you do? How did you make this marvelous discovery?’ And they said, ‘We went from the phosphate buffered saline buffer to a Tris buffer, and we slightly changed some electrolytes.’ A committee member asked, ‘OK, how did that make it so much more stable?’ And everybody in the meeting from FDA and Pfizer looked at each other and said, ‘We don’t know.’
An hour later, Pfizer had one of their chemists get on the line, but he couldn’t explain how the change in buffer led to a huge increase in stability, either. Then, later in the meeting, one of the members of the committee asked, ‘Did you use this new formulation in the clinical trial?’
And Dr. Bill Gruber, the lead Pfizer representative, said, ‘No, we didn’t.’ In other words, Pfizer plans, with FDA connivance, to use an entirely new vaccine formulation in children, after their clinical trials used the old formulation. This is grossly illegal. They’ve got a new formulation of vaccine. It wasn’t tested in humans. And they’re about to use it on 28 million American kids.”
It’s nothing short of a dystopian nightmare. Completely surreal. You can’t make this stuff up. Yet as shocking as all this is, earlier this year, Dr. Anthony Fauci projected that these COVID jabs would be available for everyone, from infants to the elderly. Now they’ve got the 5-year-olds, and there’s every reason to suspect they’ll go after newborns and infants next.
Whose Babies Will Be Offered Up as Sacrificial Lambs?
According to Nass, Pfizer and the FDA have struck a deal that will allow Pfizer to test on babies even younger than 6 months old, even if there’s no intention to inject infants that young. Those trials may begin as early as the end of January 2022.
“This arrangement between FDA and Pfizer will give Pfizer its extra six months of patent protection, whether or not these vaccines are intended to be used in those age groups. So, you can look at these trials as a way of almost sacrificing little children, because when you start a trial, you don’t know what the dangers are going to be.
I could be wrong, but I doubt we’re going to give these to newborn babies the way we give the hepatitis B vaccine on the date of birth, yet they will be tested in very young babies. The question is, whose babies get tested? In the past, sometimes the babies that got tested were foster children, wards of the state. Sometimes parents offer up their children. But there will be clinical trials.”
When will we get the data from those trials? It turns out that in the agreements reached between Pfizer and the FDA, some of those trials won’t conclude until 2024, 2025 and 2027. The goal here is to vaccinate all Americans, children and adults, within the coming few months or a year, yet it’ll be five years before we actually know from clinical trials what the side effects may be.
We’re Living in Clown World
As noted by Nass, this is yet another crime. It may fulfill the letter of the law, but it doesn’t fulfill the meaning of the law. It makes no sense to run clinical trials that won’t be completed until five years after your mass vaccination program has been completed and the entire population is injected.
“It’s just a joke to do that,” Nass says. “But FDA has become Clown World, and what they do now is to perform a charade of all the normal regulatory processes that they are expected to do, but they’re only doing them in an abbreviated or peculiar manner so that they don’t really collect the important data.
For example, the control group has been vaccinated two months into the Pfizer trials, which effectively obscures side effects that develop after two months. Blood is not tested for evidence of myocarditis or blood clots using simple tests (troponin and D-dimer levels).
For all the Americans out there who haven’t spent 20 years examining the FDA procedures like I have, these FDA advisory committee meetings are it’s designed to make you think a real regulatory process is going on, when it’s not. Instead we are all guinea pigs, but no one is collecting the data that would normally be required to authorize or approve a vaccine. Therefore, in my opinion, nobody should get these shots.“
To make matters even worse, it’s actually illegal to grant EUAs for these vaccines, because there are drugs that can prevent the condition (COVID), as well as treat it. EUAs can only be granted if there are no existing approved, available alternatives to prevent or treat the infection.
The effective drugs most have already heard of are ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, but there are a number of other drugs that also have profound effects on COVID, Nass says, including TriCor and cyproheptadine (Periactin).
TriCor, or fenofibrate, emulsifies lipid nanoparticles and fatty conglomerations that contain viruses and inflammatory substances. The drug essentially allows your body to break down the viral and inflammatory debris better. As such, it might also help combat complications caused by the nanoliposomes in the COVID shot.
According to Nass, Pepcid at high doses of up to 80 milligrams three times a day is also useful for treatment. Dr. Robert Malone is starting a clinical trial using a combination of Pepcid and celecoxib (brand name Celebrex). Many are also recommending aspirin to prevent platelet activation and clotting.
I believe a far better alternative to aspirin is lumbrokinase, and/or serapeptase. Both are fibrinolytic enzymes that address blood clotting. You can develop sensitivity to them, so I recommend alternating the two on alternate days for about three months if you’ve had COVID.
You could rule out blood clotting by doing a D-dimer test. If your D-dimer is normal, you don’t need an anticlotting agent. If clotting is a concern, you could also use NAC in addition to these fibrinolytic enzymes. It too helps break up clots and prevent clot formation.
More Information
To learn more, be sure to peruse and She typically posts something every day to her blogspot blog. In closing, Nass concludes:
“Remember, all the COVID jabs are authorized [under EUA], not licensed. They’re all legally, technically, experimental. I know you can lose your job and all these terrible things can happen if you refuse the vaccine, but if you are injured by the shot, you won’t be able to sue later. You will be on your own.
Legally, they can’t force you to accept the vaccine while it is in EUA status because of the Nuremberg code, because of existing U.S. law about informed consent, and because of the actual statute on emergency use authorization, which says you have the right to refuse. They can’t force you to take these [shots].
I know they are forcing you, but legally they can’t, and please keep that in mind. Hopefully these wrongs will be redressed. Mandates are being walked back in many jurisdictions.
As I’ve told people, demand to see the bottle that says Comirnaty, because legally, they can force the licensed product on you, but there isn’t any right now. So, you have an out for the next few months, hopefully.
They’re really dangerous vaccines. What you don’t know will hurt you. Please protect your children. If there’s any way, don’t get vaccinated. The more people who say no, the more the government is already backing down. In many cities, the imposed dates by which you have to be vaccinated have been pushed back.
Now Biden’s administration is saying, ‘Well, it’s not going to be carved in stone. We’re going to negotiate with people because they don’t want to lose 30% or 40% of their staff.’ So, be strong, protect yourself and your children. Know you’re doing the right thing.
We’ve got a criminal organization running things now. This is a worldwide program of some kind designed to control us. Once we all figure it out, we can win. There’s many, many more of us than there are of them.”
Data suggest 1 in 317 boys aged 16 to 17 will get myocarditis from the COVID shots, and after a third booster, that number may be even higher
VAERS reporting is likely underreported by a factor of 41. Since there are over 8,000 domestic deaths reported to VAERS, and 98% of those deaths are “excess deaths,” this suggests that as many as 300,000 Americans may have died from the COVID shots thus far
Calculations based on government data from 35% of the world’s population suggest we’re killing approximately 411 people per million doses on average. Moderna and Pfizer are both two-dose regimens, which pushes this to 822 deaths per million fully vaccinated. And that’s just the short-term mortality. We still have no concept of how these shots might impact mortality and morbidity in the longer term
An Italian investigation found that if the COVID mortality definition were changed to only include those cases where there were no preexisting comorbidities, the mortality from COVID comes out to just 2.9% of the overall reported number. This suggests that if a COVID death was redefined to being a death actually “from” COVID rather than “with” COVID, the death count could be substantially smaller than 760,000 deaths and may be smaller than the number killed by the vaccines
The deadliest vaccine ever made is the smallpox vaccine, which killed 1 in 1 million vaccinated people. The COVID shots kills 822 per million fully vaccinated, making it more than 800 times deadlier than the deadliest vaccine in human history
Long-haul syndrome refers to symptoms that persist for four or more weeks after an initial COVID-19 infection
Board-certified internist and cardiologist and editor of two medical journals Dr. Peter McCullough discusses potential treatments for long-haul syndrome
McCullough uses full-dose aspirin — 325 milligrams a day — in almost everyone with long COVID syndrome who doesn’t have a major blood clot, in addition to other medications
A better alternative to aspirin is digestive fibrinolytic enzymes like lumbrokinase and serrapeptase; anyone who had COVID-19, especially with significant symptoms, should consider taking digestive fibrinolytic enzymes to be sure you don’t have any clotting
An alternative to determine if clotting is occurring is a test called D-dimer, although it can be pricey
FLCCC’s I-RECOVER protocol can be downloaded in full, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to treat long-haul COVID syndrome and/or reactions from COVID-19 injections
Long COVID, also known as long-haul COVID, chronic COVID or long-haul syndrome, refers to symptoms that persist for four or more weeks after an initial COVID-19 infection.1 Board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough discusses potential treatments for long-haul COVID in the video above,2 including which tests may be necessary and when to seek emergency medical care.
Many of the symptoms can also mirror those caused by COVID-19 shots, and McCullough details the four categories of COVID-19 shot-injury syndromes that he’s seen in his practice. While anyone can experience long COVID, those who are sick enough to be hospitalized in the ICU are most often affected.
According to McCullough, 50% of this group will have manifestations of long COVID syndrome. “So the sicker someone is, and the longer the duration of COVID, the more likely they are to have long COVID syndrome. That’s the reason why we like early treatment. We shorten the duration of symptoms and there’s less of a chance for long COVID syndrome.”3
Common Symptoms of Long COVID
Signs and symptoms of long COVID, which persist for four weeks or more after you’ve been diagnosed with COVID-19, include:4
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Joint pain
Chest pain
Memory, concentration or sleep problems
Muscle pain or headache
Fast or pounding heartbeat
Loss of smell or taste
Depression or anxiety
Dizziness when you stand
Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities
These symptoms are a result of damage to the following body systems:5
Mitochondria/energy system
Central/Peripheral nervous system
According to McCullough, a paper presented by Dr. Bruce Patterson at the International COVID Summit in Rome, September 12 to 14, 2021, showed that in “individuals who’ve had significant COVID illness, 15 months later the s1 segment of the spike protein is recoverable from human monocytes.” He added:6
“That means the body literally has been sprayed with the virus and it spends 15 months, in a sense, trying to clean out the spike protein from our tissues. No wonder people have long COVID syndrome.”
Be on the Lookout for Blood Clots for 90 Days
If you’ve had COVID-19, especially if it was a severe case, be aware that blood clots and heart problems, including heart attack, can occur for 90 days or more. It’s believed that remnants of the virus remain in the nervous system, the lungs, the heart and other organs.
If the symptoms include major shortness of breath, cough with blood in it or pain on one side when you take a deep breath, it could be due to a late pulmonary embolism or a blood clot going to the lungs. “We’ve seen this on more than one occasion,” McCullough said.7
In this case, McCullough recommends a chest CT with contrast and, if a blood clot is found, oral blood thinners for three to six months. McCullough also uses full-dose aspirin — 325 milligrams a day — in almost everyone with long COVID syndrome who doesn’t have a major blood clot, in addition to other medications.
However, a safer and likely equally effective alternative to aspirin is digestive fibrinolytic enzymes like lumbrokinase and serrapeptase. You can alternate between the two enzymes — one day take lumbrokinase and the next take serrapeptase — because you’ll need to be on it for about three months and you can develop a sensitivity to them over time.
Anyone who had COVID-19, especially with significant symptoms, should consider taking digestive fibrinolytic enzymes to be sure you don’t have any clotting. An alternative to determine if clotting is occurring is a test called D-dimer, although it can be pricey. D-dimer is a protein fragment produced by the body when a blood clot dissolves.
It’s typically undetectable or present only at very low levels, buts its level may significantly rise when the body is forming and breaking down blood clots.8 If your d-dimer test is low, then you don’t need to take the enzymes. Likewise, if you had a very mild, cold-like case, of COVID-19, you probably don’t need them.
Aside from a CT scan to rule out pulmonary embolism if you’re having symptoms and possibly a D-dimer test, McCullough suggests a high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) test, which provides a general index of inflammation. Keep in mind, though, as McCullough said:
“This pursuit of a blood clot is very important. I’ve seen multiple cases now where blood clots have been missed … this is now almost a daily occurrence, particularly within the first 90 days after COVID-19. I think after that period of time it becomes progressively less likely.”
Heart Problems and Neurological Issues Are Common
Inflammation around the lining of the heart — pericarditis — and the lining of the lungs — pleuritis — may also occur in long COVID. “The virus can set up inflammation and the spike protein is in the body, it’s triggered inflammation and, importantly, that’s really a clinical diagnosis,” McCullough said.9 He prescribes steroids and colchicine, an anti-inflammatory drug commonly used for gout to reduce high uric acid, in such cases.
There’s a real risk for heart attack or stroke to occur without warning in long COVID, so McCullough warns those recovering to “be on your guard,” especially if you have a heart stent or carotid stenosis.
Neurologic syndromes in long COVID also occur, although they aren’t well described. Symptoms include joint and muscle pain, headaches, brain fog and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Some people also have changes in the autonomic nervous system, such as elevated heart rate, and sensory neuropathies, including numbness and weakness in the legs.
McCullough’s host in the video, Dr. Al Johnson, recommends using a foam roller on your back, three to five times a day, to relax your nervous system, as well as to relieve rib pain from all the coughing. McCullough has had some success treating neurologic symptoms with an older SSRI called fluvoxamine.
Supplements That Play a Role in Long COVID Syndrome
Dr. Johnson recommends several supplements to support healing from long COVID. Among them:
Vitamin C, because it helps calm down inflammation
Vitamin D, for both prevention and long haulers
Glutathione, because it helps calm down inflammatory processes
N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor to glutathione
McCullough, an enlightened allopathic physician, recognizes the role that dietary and integrative therapies play in helping people recover from long COVID:10
“As an allopathic doctor, I’m not skilled in understanding how to use vitamins and supplements like our integrative, holistic and naturopathic colleagues, but they’ve played a big role in COVID-19. I’ll just make the observation that COVID-19 is an enormous catabolic strain … the weight loss is tremendous.
It is such a strain on the body … we want to avoid sugary foods. When someone has acute COVID-19 and moves into the long COVID, post-COVID syndrome, we want to stay away from sugary foods … the sugar seems to feed the virus. It seems to feed inflammatory processes.”
McCullough has also referred some patients to chiropractors in his area, noting that “long COVID syndrome, out of all the illnesses we face, is one for collaborative care, for integrative care. There’s a lot of elements to it.”11 Likewise, Johnson suggests a combination of physical therapy and exercise — but not overexercising — to get back normal function of your musculoskeletal system.
Support a Healthy Microbiome
Research by Dr. Sabine Hazan has shown that your microbiome plays an incredible role in COVID-19.12 According to McCullough, she’s figured out that one reason why certain people within the same household don’t develop COVID-19 while others do comes down to the gut. A healthy microbiome score is protective against developing COVID-19. Bifidobacterium, McCullough notes, is among the leading bacteria that appear to fight off COVID-19.13
“COVID-19 is clearly a GI syndrome,” he said. SARS-CoV-2 collects in your nose and mouth, and as you swallow it’s introduced to your GI tract. According to Forbes, Li Tongzeng, deputy director of the respiratory and infectious diseases department at Beijing You An Hospital, cited research that SARS-CoV-2 survives longer in the anus and feces than in the respiratory tract.
Due to this, an anal swab may be able to more accurately detect mild or asymptomatic cases than a nose or throat test.14
Staying away from irritants to the GI tract is important, and Johnson recommends eating a clean diet with organic food and glass-bottled spring water, if possible. Eating fermented foods, or taking a high-quality probiotic, is also essential for gut health, as is avoiding unnecessary antibiotics usage and processed foods.
Chronic Fatigue and Sleep Disturbances
Chronic fatigue is a major problem for many with long-haul COVID, and for this Johnson recommends hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). One of the reasons I’m fascinated by HBOT, in particular, is because of its ability to improve mitochondrial function.15 As Johnson explained, “Toxins affect the mitochondria … the little engines in our body that create ATP, which is our energy system.”16
HBOT protects against mitochondrial dysfunction,17 speeding up the mitochondria and ATP production, which helps increase energy while decreasing brain fog and fatigue. Further, Johnson added, it helps heal body tissues like your lungs, heart and muscles while decreasing inflammation and lessening symptoms.
If sleep disturbances are an issue — and they often are for long haulers — McCullough recommends avoiding alcohol for at least a month, as “just one drink in 28 days will destroy sleep architecture.” The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) has a management protocol — I-RECOVER18 — for long haul COVID-19 syndrome that includes melatonin, which can also help with sleep disturbances.
Shot-Induced Myocarditis Is Worse Than COVID’s
McCullough detailed the non-fatal syndromes that are occurring after COVID-19 shots, which cause symptoms similar to that of long COVID in many cases. The shot-induced syndromes fall into four areas, the first being cardiac.
Myocarditis is a recognized effect of both COVID-19 and COVID-19 shots, but they’re completely different, McCullough said. “A child is more likely to be hospitalized with myocarditis after a Pfizer or Moderna [shot] than actually being hospitalized with COVID-19,” he said. Further:19
“The myocarditis in COVID-19 is mild. It’s inconsequential. I don’t want anyone to think that the myocarditis we’re seeing with the natural infection is anything like what we’re seeing with the [shots] … there are studies suggesting the lipid nanoparticles actually go right into the heart, the heart expresses the spike protein, the body attacks the heart.
There are dramatic EKG changes. The troponin, the blood test for heart injury with the vaccine myocarditis, is 10 to 100 volts higher than the troponin we see with the natural infection. It’s a totally different syndrome. When the kids get myocarditis after the vaccine, 90% have to be hospitalized … so vaccine-induced myocarditis is a big deal, and in children it’s way more serious and more prominent than a post-COVID myocarditis.”
In addition to myocarditis, atrial fibrillation in young people and pericarditis can also occur post-COVID-19 shot. The second category of shot-induced syndromes is neurologic, which causes neurological symptoms similar to those among COVID-19 long haulers, as well as additional, more serious, effects. This includes Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can be fatal, bell’s palsy, seizures, persistent headaches and blood clots in the brain.
The third category is immunologic, which includes suppression of lymphocyte count and reactivation of other viral syndromes, including Epstein-Barr virus and shingles. The fourth category — hematologic — occurs about two weeks after the shot and describes vaccine-induced thrombocytopenic purpura.
Signs include bruising all over the body, bleeding from the gums and nose and dark urine. If you notice these signs in the weeks after receiving a COVID-19 injection, get to a hospital immediately.
“What happens,” McCullough says, “is the [shot] tricks the body and gives excessive antigenic presentation of platelets to the spleen, the spleen produces an antibody that actually pins platelets against blood vessel walls … and that’s what drives vaccine-induced thrombocytopenic purpura.”
For those suffering from these shot-induced syndromes, FLCCC’s I-RECOVER20 protocol for long-haul COVID syndrome has been used to treat shot-induced symptoms with similar success. The protocol can be downloaded in full,21 giving you step-by-step instructions on how to treat long-haul COVID syndrome and/or reactions from COVID-19 injections.
Carlson took the time to praise law enforcement, noting that they “truly understand the human condition” in “truly the hardest job there is.”
“In their absence, you really appreciate them so profoundly. Why aren’t they treated as the most heroic people in America?” Carlson asked.
Although Carlson spent time celebrating the people in the country, he joked that the government was managed by some of the worse people.
“I often say to myself, never had a better country been run by worse people,” Carlson said.
Ultimately, Carlson praised the American culture for producing a uniquely nice and kind people.
“They are nice. That’s the first thing I’ve noticed about Americans. They are nice, kind people,” Carlson said. “Run out of gas in any other rural country and find out what happens to you.”
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a precursor to reduced glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19. There’s evidence glutathione deficiency may worsen COVID-19 severity
Patients with glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency are more prone to COVID-19 as it depletes glutathione. Some of these patients are also at increased risk of hemolytic anemia when given the COVID-19 drug hydroxychloroquine
High-dose intravenous NAC may address the chain of events leading to red blood cell hemolysis in these patients, allowing them to recover from severe COVID-19
NAC also inhibits expression of proinflammatory cytokines, improves T cell response, benefits a variety of lung problems, and inhibits the hypercoagulation that can result in stroke and/or blood clots that impair the ability to exchange oxygen in the lungs
As the benefits of NAC against COVID-19 are starting to become known, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is suddenly cracking down on NAC, claiming it is excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement
This article was previously published November 10, 2020, and has been updated with new information.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a precursor to reduced glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19. According to an April 2020 literature analysis,1 glutathione deficiency may be associated with COVID-19 severity, leading the author to conclude that NAC may be useful both for its prevention and treatment.
NAC has a long history of use as a first-aid remedy for acetaminophen poisoning. It neutralizes the toxic effects of the drug by recharging glutathione, thereby preventing liver damage. But the idea that NAC can also be helpful against viral infections is not new. Previous studies2,3 have found it reduces viral replication of certain viruses, including the influenza virus.
In one such study,4 the number needed to treat (NNT) was 0.5, which means for every two people treated with NAC, one will be protected against symptomatic influenza. That’s significantly better than influenza vaccines, which have an NNV (number needed to vaccinate) of 71,5 meaning 71 people must be vaccinated to prevent a single case of confirmed influenza. It’s even better than vitamin D, which has an NNT of 33.6
In the MedCram lecture above, pulmonologist Dr. Roger Seheult reviews the latest medical literature on NAC for COVID-19, starting with a paper7 published in the October 2020 issue of Clinical Immunology titled “Therapeutic Blockade of Inflammation in Severe COVID-19 Infection With Intravenous N-acetylcysteine.”
G6PD Deficiency Worsens COVID-19 Outcomes
Previous research8 has shown NAC inhibits the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in cells infected with highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus. Proinflammatory cytokines also play a crucial role in COVID-19 severity.
Researchers have confirmed that in severe COVID-19 cases, cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL6), interleukin-10 (IL10) and TNF-ɑ are all elevated.9 Once they reach excessive levels, a so-called cytokine storm develops, causing significant tissue damage. NAC may be able to inhibit this damaging cascade.
In the “Therapeutic Blockade of Inflammation in Severe COVID-19 Infection With Intravenous N-acetylcysteine” paper, the researchers focus on a specific group of patients, namely those with glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, which has been shown to facilitate human coronavirus infection due to the fact that G6PD depletes glutathione.
G6PD deficiency10 is a genetic disorder that typically affects males and is more prevalent among Black men and those from the Mediterranean area, Africa and Asia. (Women with this genetic anomaly are carriers and can pass it on to their children but rarely display symptoms.)
G6PD is an enzyme needed for the proper function of red blood cells. It also protects your red blood cells from free radicals in your blood by limiting oxidative stress.
When your body doesn’t produce enough of this enzyme, hemolytic anemia — a condition in which red blood cells are broken down faster than they are made — can result due to unneutralized oxidative stress from insufficient amounts of NADPH being produced.
As noted in “Therapeutic Blockade of Inflammation in Severe COVID-19 Infection With Intravenous N-acetylcysteine”:11
“G6PD deficiency may especially predispose to hemolysis upon coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) infection when employing pro-oxidant therapy. However, glutathione depletion is reversible by N-acetylcysteine (NAC) administration.
We describe a severe case of COVID-19 infection in a G6PD-deficient patient treated with hydroxychloroquine who benefited from intravenous (IV) NAC beyond reversal of hemolysis.
NAC blocked hemolysis and elevation of liver enzymes, C-reactive protein (CRP), and ferritin and allowed removal from respirator and veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenator and full recovery of the G6PD-deficient patient.”
How G6PD Deficiency Impacts COVID-19 Disease Process
In his lecture, Seheult goes through the nitty-gritty details of how G6PD influences the COVID-19 disease process, why a deficiency in this enzyme can worsen outcomes and how NAC supplementation short-circuits this harmful chain of events.
In summary, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a reactive oxygen species (ROS), needs to be converted to water (H2O) as much as possible in your cells to avoid red blood cell hemolysis, i.e., the destruction of red blood cells.
As noted by Seheult, there’s concern that the drug hydroxychloroquine may increase this process in G6PD-deficient patients, thereby increasing the risk of red blood cell hemolysis.12
The evidence is not conclusive, however. One 2018 study13 looking at the incidence of hemolytic anemia in G6PD-deficient patients given hydroxychloroquine concluded the risk may be overblown, as “There were no reported episodes of hemolysis in more than 700 months of HCQ exposure among the 11 G6PDH-deficient patients.”
The enzyme responsible for the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water is glutathione peroxidase (GPX). GPX does two things simultaneously. While reducing hydrogen peroxide into water, it also converts the reduced form of glutathione (GSH) into glutathione disulfide (GSSG), which is the oxidized form of glutathione. In other words, as GPX turns hydrogen peroxide into harmless water, glutathione becomes oxidized.
To recycle GSSG back to its reduced form, GSH, you need an enzyme called GSH reductase. The reducing agent needed for this to occur is NADPH. NADPH is also simultaneously converted into NADP+. To recycle NADP+ back to NADPH, you need G6PD.
The point here is this: Patients who have G6PD deficiency will also have lower NADPH, and therefore won’t be able to reduce the GSSG (the oxidated form of glutathione) to its reduced GSH form. This in turn leads to a buildup of hydrogen peroxide, resulting in higher levels of hemolysis.
As explained by Seheult, the two building blocks of glutathione are NAC and the amino acid glycine. Glycine is fairly abundant, whereas NAC is not, so the theory is that, if you are G6PD deficient, you may be able to bypass this detrimental spiral by supplying high levels of NAC. This will allow your body to produce its own glutathione (GSH).
This theory is what was investigated in “Therapeutic Blockade of Inflammation in Severe COVID-19 Infection With Intravenous N-acetylcysteine,”14 and the answer is yes. When given hydroxychloroquine, the G6PD-deficient patient developed severe hemolysis, which was successfully reversed by giving intravenous NAC. In the end, the patient fully recovered.
As for the dosage, the G6PD-deficient patient was given 30,000 milligrams of intravenous NAC divided into three doses over 24 hours, after which the patient began showing immediate improvement in hemolysis indices. About a week later, IV NAC was restarted at a dose of 600 mg every 12 hours for one week.
NAC Blocks Inflammation
In addition to that G6PD-deficient patient, NAC was also given to nine other COVID-19 patients who were on respirators but did not have G6PD deficiency. In these patients, “NAC elicited clinical improvement and markedly reduced CRP in all patients and ferritin in 9/10 patients.” The authors hypothesize that NAC’s mechanism of action “may involve the blockade of viral infection and the ensuing cytokine storm.”15
That said, they point out that it’s difficult to discern whether these anti-inflammatory effects were specific to the use of NAC, as steroids and other anti-inflammatory drugs were sporadically used. Still, they believe NAC does have the ability to reduce inflammation in patients with COVID-19. As explained in the paper:16
“We propose that NAC restrains the pro-inflammatory metabolic pathways that control oxidative stress and mTOR-dependent generation of cytokine storm emanating from the immune system …
IL-6, the primary cytokine that drives inflammation in COVID-19 infected patients, elicits mitochondrial oxidative stress at complex I of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC). In turn, this leads to redox-dependent activation of mTORC1.
Further downstream, uncontrolled activation of mTORC1 promotes inflammation. NAC inhibits oxidative stress by serving as a cell-permeable amino acid precursor of the main intracellular antioxidant, GSH.
Acting outside the cell, NAC may break disulfide bonds within ACE2 that serves as the cellular receptor for COVID-19. NAC may also block COVID-19 binding by disrupting disulfide bind within its receptor-binding domain …
Several anti-inflammatory medications have been shown to mitigate the cytokine storm in COVID-19 infection, such as corticosteroids, colchicine, imatinib, and complement C3 inhibitor AMY-101. However, the safety of mTOR blockade stands out based on its propensity to extend overall lifespan.
IV NAC has long been used to safely treat patients with acetaminophen overdose, or ARDS [acute respiratory distress syndrome]. NAC was also found to reduce CRP levels in several controlled clinical trials. CRP elevation is a prominent risk factor for disease progression in patients infected with COVID-19.”
NAC Also Protects Against Blood Clots
Importantly, NAC may also protect against other problems associated with COVID-19, including the hypercoagulation that can result in stroke and/or blood clots17 that impair the ability to exchange oxygen in the lungs.
Many COVID-19 patients experience serious blood clots, and NAC counteracts hypercoagulation,18,19,20 as it has both anticoagulant and platelet-inhibiting properties.21 A 2017 paper22 also found NAC has potent thrombolytic effects, meaning it breaks down blood clots once they’ve formed.
This is largely thanks to the sulfur in NAC (from cysteine). The sulfur reduces the intrachain disulfide bonds by von Willebrand factors that have polymerized by dissociating the sulfur bonds holding them together, thus contributing to the clot. Once von Willebrand factor sulfur bonds are broken, the clots start to dissolve and the blood vessels open up again allowing for exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
According to the authors,23 “NAC is an effective and safe alternative to currently available antithrombotic agents to restore vessel patency after arterial occlusion.” (Restoring vessel patency means the blood vessel is now unobstructed so that blood can flow freely.) Two additional papers24,25 show the same thing.
Importantly, NAC’s mechanism of action does not appear to increase bleeding disorders like heparin does, so it would likely be a safer alternative to the heparin used in the MATH+ protocol.26
NAC Also Improves Variety of Lung-Related Problems
Studies have also demonstrated that NAC helps improve a variety of lung-related problems, including pneumonia and ARDS,27 both of which are common characteristics of COVID-19. For example:
Research28 published in 2018 found NAC reduces oxidative and inflammatory damage in patients with community-acquired pneumonia.
Another 2018 study29 found NAC improves post-operative lung function in patients undergoing liver transplantation.
A 2017 meta-analysis30 found a significant reduction in ICU stays among ARDS patients treated with NAC (although there was no significant difference in short-term mortality risk).
A 2007 study31 concluded NAC improves ARDS by “increasing intracellular glutathione and extracellular thiol molecules” along with general antioxidant effects.
A 1994 study32 found NAC enhances recovery from acute lung injury, significantly regressing patients’ lung injury score during the first 10 days of treatment, and significantly reducing the need for ventilation. After three days of treatment, only 17% of those receiving NAC needed ventilation, compared to 48% in the placebo group.
NAC is also a well-known mucolytic used to help clear mucus out of the airways of cystic fibrosis patients.33 Some studies also suggest NAC can help reduce symptoms of COPD and prevent exacerbation of the condition.34
Standard of Care for COVID-19 Should Include NAC
Considering many COVID-19 cases involve blood clots in addition to excessive oxidative stress, and NAC effectively addresses both, I believe NAC should be included in standard of care for COVID-19. As noted in “Rationale for the Use of N-acetylcysteine in Both Prevention and Adjuvant Therapy of COVID-19,” published August 11, 2020, in the FASEB Journal:35
“COVID-19 may cause pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, cardiovascular alterations, and multiple organ failure, which have been ascribed to a cytokine storm, a systemic inflammatory response, and an attack by the immune system. Moreover, an oxidative stress imbalance has been demonstrated to occur in COVID-19 patients.
N- Acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a precursor of reduced glutathione (GSH). Due to its tolerability, this pleiotropic drug has been proposed not only as a mucolytic agent, but also as a preventive/therapeutic agent in a variety of disorders involving GSH depletion and oxidative stress …
Thiols block the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 thereby hampering penetration of SARS-CoV-2 into cells. Based on a broad range of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms … the oral administration of NAC is likely to attenuate the risk of developing COVID-19, as it was previously demonstrated for influenza and influenza-like illnesses.
Moreover, high-dose intravenous NAC may be expected to play an adjuvant role in the treatment of severe COVID-19 cases and in the control of its lethal complications … including pulmonary and cardiovascular adverse events.”
In the same vein, an even more recent paper,36 published in the October 2020 issue of Medical Hypotheses, points out that:
“T cell exhaustion, high viral load, and high levels of TNF-ɑ, IL1β, IL6, IL10 have been associated with severe SARS-CoV-2. Cytokine and antigen overstimulation are potentially responsible for poor humoral response to the virus. Lower cellular redox status, which leads to pro-inflammatory states mediated by TNF-ɑ is also potentially implicated.
In vivo, in vitro, and human clinical trials have demonstrated N-acetylcysteine (NAC) as an effective method of improving redox status, especially when under oxidative stress.
In human clinical trials, NAC has been used to replenish glutathione stores and increase the proliferative response of T cells. NAC has also been shown to inhibit the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway (IL1β and IL18) in vitro, and decrease plasma TNF-ɑ in human clinical trials.
Mediation of the viral load could occur through NAC’s ability to increase cellular redox status via maximizing the rate limiting step of glutathione synthesis, and thereby potentially decreasing the effects of virally induced oxidative stress and cell death.
We hypothesize that NAC could act as a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of COVID-19 through a variety of potential mechanisms, including increasing glutathione, improving T cell response, and modulating inflammation.”
FDA Cracks Down on NAC and Wants to Prevent You From Using It
At present, 11 studies involving NAC for COVID-19 are listed on Ironically, just as we’re starting to realize its benefits against this pandemic virus, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is suddenly cracking down on NAC, claiming it is excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement.
They point out that NAC was approved as a new drug in 1985,38 and therefore cannot be marketed as a supplement. This is not reflected in the supplement market, however. As reported by Natural Products Insider,39 there are at least 1,170 NAC-containing products in the National Institutes of Health’s Dietary Supplement Label Database.
As of yet, the FDA has not taken action against NAC due to anything related to COVID-19. They’ve primarily targeted companies that market NAC as a remedy for hangovers.40 Still, members of the Council for Responsible Nutrition have expressed concern the FDA may end up targeting NAC more widely. Hopefully, the FDA will not end up blocking access to NAC supplements in the same way hydroxychloroquine access has been stifled.
Emails reveal the National Institutes of Health colluded with EcoHealth Alliance to circumvent federal restrictions on gain-of-function (GOF) research and avoid oversight
NIH officials allowed EcoHealth Alliance to craft oversight language governing its own GOF experiments
At least two NIH officials expressed concern that the experiment might fall under the designation of GOF banned under federal moratorium. They later accepted EcoHealth’s illogical justification for why the research should not be restricted
The NIH is now trying to evade responsibility by shifting blame for the unlawful research onto EcoHealth Alliance, saying they violated the grant rules
According to EcoHealth president Peter Daszak, the parent virus for his proposed chimeric SARS-like viruses, WIV1, had “never been demonstrated to infect humans.” Yet three months earlier, his collaborator, Ralph Baric, Ph.D., had published a paper showing WIV1 did indeed have the ability to infect humans and posed a threat to the human population
The walls are closing in on Dr. Anthony Fauci as emails reveal the National Institutes of Health colluded with EcoHealth Alliance to circumvent federal restrictions on gain-of-function (GOF) research.
The damning revelations were published by The Intercept1 and Daily Caller,2 November 3, 2021. While the NIH has kept the grant correspondence secret, only allowing select congressional staff to review the documentation in a private session, The Intercept was given access to their personal notes.
Considering federal grants are of clear public interest, the NIH’s decision to not make the correspondence public is suspicious in and of itself. Are they hiding something? You bet. As reported by Intercept journalists Sharon Lerner and Mara Hvistendahl:3
“Emails show that NIH officials allowed EcoHealth Alliance to craft oversight language governing its own gain-of-function research …
Detailed notes on NIH communications obtained by The Intercept show that beginning in May 2016, agency staff had an unusual exchange with Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance, about experiments his group was planning to conduct on coronaviruses under an NIH grant called ‘Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence’4 …
EcoHealth was entering the third year of the five-year, $3.1 million grant that included research with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other partners. In a 2016 progress report, the group described to NIH its plans to carry out two planned experiments infecting humanized mice with hybrid viruses, known as ‘chimeras.’
The plans triggered concerns at NIH. Two staff members — Jenny Greer, a grants management specialist, and Erik Stemmy, a program officer handling coronavirus research — wrote to EcoHealth Alliance to say that the experiments ‘appear to involve research covered under the pause,’ referring to a temporary moratorium5 on funding for gain-of-function research that would be reasonably anticipated to make MERS and SARS viruses more pathogenic or transmissible in mammals …
Initially, NIH staff appeared intent on enforcing the funding pause … But what happened next sets off alarm bells for biosafety advocates: Agency staff adopted language that EcoHealth Alliance crafted to govern its own work.
The agency inserted several sentences into grant materials describing immediate actions the group would take if the viruses they created proved to become more transmissible or disease-causing as the result of the experiments.”
NIH Tries to Evade Responsibility
The NIH is now trying to evade responsibility by shifting blame for the unlawful research onto EcoHealth Alliance. October 21, 2021, NIH principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak, Ph.D., sent a letter6,7,8 to James Comer, ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, “to provide additional information and documents regarding NIH’s grant to EcoHealth Alliance Inc.”
In the letter, Tabak acknowledged that Fauci lied to Congress when he emphatically insisted the NIH/NIAID have never funded GOF research. However, when it comes to circumventing the research moratorium, Tabak lays the blame squarely at the feet of EcoHealth. According to Tabak:9
“The limited experiment described in the final progress report provided by EcoHealth Alliance was testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model …
In this limited experiment, laboratory mice infected with the SHC014 WIV 1 bat coronavirus became sicker than those infected with the WIV1 bat coronavirus. As sometimes occurs in science, this was an unexpected result of the research, as opposed to something that the researchers set out to do …
The research plan was reviewed by NIH in advance of funding, and NIH determined that it did not to fit the definition of research involving enhanced pathogens of pandemic potential (ePPP) because these bat coronaviruses had not been shown to infect humans. As such, the research was not subject to departmental review under the HHS P3CO Framework.
However, out of an abundance of caution and as an additional layer of oversight, language was included in the terms and conditions of the grant award to EcoHealth that outlined criteria for a secondary review, such as a requirement that the grantee report immediately a one log increase in growth.
These measures would prompt a secondary review to determine whether the research aims should be re-evaluated or new biosafety measures should be enacted. EcoHealth failed to report this finding right away, as was required by the terms of the grant.”
In other words, EcoHealth’s experiment “accidentally” turned into GOF. At that point, EcoHealth should have alerted the NIH, but allegedly didn’t. So, according to Tabak, NIH bears no responsibility as they relied on EcoHealth to follow the terms of the grant.
EcoHealth has denied this charge, saying “These data were reported as soon as we were made aware, in our year four report in April 2018 … At no time did program staff indicate to us that this work required further clarification or secondary review.”10,11
As noted by The Intercept,12 Tabak implies the NIH created that reporting rule “out of an abundance of caution,” but according to the correspondence The Intercept reviewed, “the language was inserted at Daszak’s suggestion,” and “the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance worked together to evade additional oversight.”
Illogical Justifications
How did they evade additional oversight? Through illogical and contradictory risk assessments. While Tabak claims the resulting virulence was unintentional, how could that be, since the experiment in question was supposed to test the “emergency potential” of bat coronaviruses in the human population?
The name of the grant itself tells us they’re going to assess the possibility of a bat coronavirus mutating into something that can affect humans, and to do that, they will likely try to manipulate the virus to see if it can gain that function.
EcoHealth president, zoologist Peter Daszak, suggested to the NIH that the experiment should not be categorized as restricted GOF because his proposed hybrid viruses were so different from the SARS virus (which is known to infect humans). The Intercept continues:13
“Daszak also pointed out that WIV1, the parent of the proposed chimeric SARS-like viruses, ‘has never been demonstrated to infect humans or cause human disease,’ according to the transcribed emails.
And he said that previous research ‘strongly suggests that the chimeric bat spike/bat backbone viruses should not have enhanced pathogenicity in animals.’ The NIH would go on to accept these arguments.
But the group’s argument that its viral research did not pose a risk of infection appears to contradict the justification for the work: that these pathogens could potentially cause a pandemic.
‘The entire rationale of EcoHealth’s grant renewal on SARS-related CoVs is that viruses with spikes substantially (10-25%) diverged from SARS-CoV-1 pose a pandemic risk,’ said [Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center virologist, Jesse] Bloom.
‘Given that this is the entire rationale for the work, how can they simultaneously argue these viruses should not be regulated as potential pandemic pathogens?’”
But Daszak’s justification makes no sense for yet another reason. Three months before Daszak wrote that determination for the NIH — where he suggests the WIV1 virus they were going to use as the backbone for the chimeras had “never been demonstrated to infect humans or cause human disease” — his collaborator, Ralph Baric, Ph.D., had published a paper14 showing WIV1 did indeed have the ability to infect humans.15
Baric, who works at UNC Chapel Hill, had found the WIV1 virus “readily replicated efficiently in human airway cultures and in vivo,” and posed an “ongoing threat” to the human population. This completely contradicts Daszak’s statement, and it’s doubtful that Daszak would not be aware of the paper published by Baric three months earlier. It’s doubtful the NIH would be ignorant of Baric’s finding as well.
NIH Accepted Daszak’s Escape Clause
As explained by The Intercept, Daszak came up with a solution that would allow his group and the NIH to perform research they all knew was prohibited at the time:16
“If the recombinant viruses grew more quickly than the original viruses on which they were based, [Daszak] suggested, EcoHealth Alliance and its collaborators would immediately stop its research and inform their NIAID program officer …
In a July 7 letter to EcoHealth Alliance, NIH’s Greer and Stemmy formally accepted Daszak’s proposed rule. The chimeric viruses were ‘not reasonably anticipated’ to ‘have enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility in mammals via the respiratory route,’ the administrators concluded …
The language that the NIH later inserted into the grant was strikingly similar to what Daszak proposed: ‘Should any of the MERS-like or SARS-like chimeras generated under this grant show evidence of enhanced virus growth greater than 1 log over the parental backbone strain you must stop all experiments with these viruses.’”
In a July 2016 email to the NIH, Daszak expresses his satisfaction that the agency decided to accept his justifications for why the research should not be considered restricted GOF. “This is terrific!” he wrote. “We are very happy to hear that our Gain of Function research funding pause has been lifted.”17 Daszak even admits that what they’re REALLY doing is GOF right in that email.
Clear Regulatory Failure
When EcoHealth’s scientists performed the experiment, one of the chimeric viruses grew much faster than the others during the first week of the experiment, producing a viral load that was four logs greater than the parent virus.
As noted earlier, Tabak claims EcoHealth didn’t inform the NIH program officer about this gain of function, and EcoHealth claims it did, and was permitted by default to continue, as no one at the NIH objected.
Incidentally, Daszak was relying on Wuhan Institute of Virology researcher Shi Zhengli — known to have ties to the Chinese military — to notify him if any of the viruses in the experiment had enhanced replication. Daszak in turn informed the NIH about this chain of reporting, so they knew the legality of the research basically rested in the hands of a Chinese operative, who may or may not have incentive to downplay such findings.
Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University who has criticized the lack of oversight of gain-of-function research, told The Intercept that the correspondence between the NIH and EcoHealth points to clear regulatory failure. “The oversight process clearly failed,” he said. Ebright also spoke to the Daily Caller, stating:18
“The NIH, incredibly, accepted EcoHealth’s belief that this work would not be considered gain of function, and accepted EcoHealth’s rationale for this belief, and accepted EcoHealth’s policy-noncompliant proposal for a [10 times] allowance for increased viral growth before stopping work and reporting results.
The NIH, in effect, delegated to EcoHealth Alliance the authority to determine whether its research was, or was not gain of function research subject to the funding pause, the authority to set criteria for the determination, and the authority to over-ride federal policies implemented by the White House …”
The same sentiment was expressed by House Energy and Commerce Committee ranking member Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and several other Republican lawmakers in an October 27, 2021, letter19,20 to NIH director Dr. Francis Collins. As reported by Daily Caller:21
“’EcoHealth portrayed the risks of these experiments as if they were not of concern, and the NIH accepted EcoHealth’s assertions without a searching inquiry,’ the Republican lawmakers told Collins. ‘However, the assessment of the risks by both EcoHealth and the NIH do not seem to square with the understanding of the research risks at that time …
Although the engineered viruses at the WIV were far from SARS CoV-2 on the coronavirus family tree, this research reflected a high tolerance for risk,’ the lawmakers said, adding that there is no evidence that EcoHealth took action to notify the NIH that it created viruses that exhibited enhanced growth in humanized cells.
‘If EcoHealth and NIH could not handle compliance and oversight of such a basic policy, it raises more concerns about the overall adequacy of the oversight of this research, which leaves the public vulnerable to a serious lab accident,’ the lawmakers wrote.”
In a rare attempt at real journalism, CNN’s Pamela Brown kept Collins strapped to the hot seat in a recent interview, repeatedly grilling him about why the NIH was funding dangerous GOF research.22Even Josh Rogin from the liberal Washington Post picked up on Brown’s dogged demands for Collins to come clean on the issue in the face of Collins’ attempts to sidetrack her:
“Everyone should watch this interview with outgoing NIH director Francis Collins to see how Collins uses misleading talking points to avoid any acknowledgement NIH was caught completely unaware its grantee was doing risky bat coronavirus research in Wuhan … Collins uses every rhetoric trick to dissemble and distract …” Rogin tweeted.23
To her credit, Brown repeatedly brought the interview back on track, pressing Collins for answers, demanding to know:
“Why should Americans trust you and the NIH on the issue of COVID origins, when you didn’t even know about the programs it was funding with taxpayer dollars in China?”
When Collins tried to circumvent the question by diving into semantics about the definition of GOF, Brown interrupted him, again asking how he can be so certain that NIH funding isn’t being used for GOF, when he claims the NIH only recently found out about how the money was used in 2016?
Collins also reiterated that while EcoHealth “did some things they should have told us about … they did not do the kind of gain-of-function research that requires special, high-level oversight.” Really? As noted by ZeroHedge:24
“… if EcoHealth HAD reported its research results, it WOULD HAVE triggered extra, high-level oversight. Why is Collins pretending he knows they would have been exempt from that?”
Despite Collins’ insistence that the NIH was above-board and honest in all its communications, Brown refused to let him off the hook, ending the interview with: “This is U.S. taxpayer dollars going to risky research and I believe every American deserves to know about it.”
On a sidenote, like Fauci’s, Collins’ halo is rapidly tarnishing as alternative media have started digging into their backgrounds. While appearing squeaky clean on the surface, a closer look reveals both men have supported all sorts of questionable research, including research on aborted fetuses.
For an overview of Collins’ alleged sins, see First Things’ article, “The Cautionary Tale of Francis Collins.”25 Unlike Fauci, though, Collins seems to sense he won’t escape public judgment. In October 2021, he announced his retirement from the NIH. He’s reportedly planning to step down by the end of the year. Time will tell if Fauci will have the good sense to resign, or if our political leaders will finally boot him out and press charges.
We Must Ban GOF Research
The evidence of regulatory failure by the NIH further strengthens the call for a permanent ban on most kinds of GOF. As Bloom told The Intercept:26
“We urgently need a broader discussion about whether it’s a good idea to be making novel chimeras of coronaviruses that are at this point universally acknowledged to pose a pandemic risk to humans.”
Indeed, it appears we got off easy this time. SARS-CoV-2 has a very low mortality rate, despite spreading quite easily. The next Frankenstein pathogen to escape from a lab might not be as benign.
Seeing how the people in charge of making decisions about what research is to be allowed cannot be trusted with making sensible decisions, the public really needs to step up and let our representatives know we will not tolerate federal funds — taxpayer money — being used for research that has the potential to wipe us all out.
According to a September 2021 analysis, based on conservative, best-case scenarios, the COVID shots have killed five times more seniors (65+) than the infection
In younger people and children, the risk associated with the COVID shot, compared to the risk of COVID-19, is bound to be even more pronounced
Data show higher vaccination rates do not translate into lower COVID-19 case rates
The COVID shots are an epic failure. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports having more than 30,000 spontaneous reports of either hospitalizations and/or deaths among the fully vaccinated; data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services show 300,000 vaccinated CMS recipients have been hospitalized with breakthrough infections; 60% of seniors over age 65 hospitalized for COVID-19 have been vaccinated
50% of reported deaths after COVID-19 “vaccination” occur within 24 hours; 80% occur within the first week. According to one report, 86% of deaths have no other explanation aside from a vaccine adverse event. A Scandinavian study concluded about 40% of post-jab deaths among seniors in assisted living homes are directly due to the injection
October 26, 2021, Global Research published an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, in which he reviews and explains the findings of a September 2021 study published in the journal Toxicology Reports, which states:1
“A novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic.
The risk of death from COVID-19 decreases drastically as age decreases, and the longer-term effects of the inoculations on lower age groups will increase their risk-benefit ratio, perhaps substantially.”
McCullough has impeccable academic credentials. He’s an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas. He also has a master’s degree in public health and is known for being one of the top five most-published medical researchers in the United States, in addition to being the editor of two medical journals.
Authors Defend Their Paper
Not surprisingly, the Toxicology Reports paper has received scathing critique from certain quarters. Still, corresponding author Ronald Kostoff told Retraction Watch that the criticism has actually been “an extremely small fraction” of the overall response, which by and large has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. Kostoff went on to say:2
“Given the blatant censorship of the mainstream media and social media, only one side of the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ narrative is reaching the public. Any questioning of the narrative is met with the harshest response …
I went into this with my eyes wide open, determined to identify the truth, irrespective of where it fell. I could not stand idly by while the least vulnerable to serious COVID-19 consequences were injected with substances of unknown mid and long-term safety.
We published a best-case scenario. The real-world situation is far worse than our best-case scenario, and could be the subject of a future paper.
What these results show is that we 1) instituted mass inoculations of an inadequately-tested toxic substance with 2) non-negligible attendant crippling and lethal results to 3) potentially prevent a relatively small number of true COVID-19 deaths. In other words, we used a howitzer where an accurate rifle would have sufficed!”
COVID Jab Campaign Has Had No Discernible Impact
Certainly, data very clearly show the mass “vaccination” campaign has not had a discernible impact on global death rates. On the contrary, in some cases the death toll shot up after the COVID shots became widely available. You can browse through covid19.healthdata.org3 to see this for yourself. Several examples are also included at the very beginning of the video.
This trend has also been confirmed in a September 2021 study4 published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. It found COVID-19 case rates are completely unrelated to vaccination rates.
Using data available as of September 3, 2021, from Our World in Data for cross-country analysis, and the White House COVID-19 Team data for U.S. counties, the researchers investigated the relationship between new COVID-19 cases and the percentage of the population that had been fully vaccinated.
Sixty-eight countries were included. Inclusion criteria included second dose vaccine data, COVID-19 case data and population data as of September 3, 2021. They then computed the COVID-19 cases per 1 million people for each country, and calculated the percentage of population that was fully vaccinated.
According to the authors, there was “no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last seven days.” If anything, higher vaccination rates were associated with a slight increase in cases. According to the authors:5
“[T]he trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”
The Kostoff Analysis
Getting back to the Toxicology Reports paper,6 which is being referring to as “the Kostoff analysis,” McCullough says the analysis is definitely making news in clinical medicine. The paper focuses on two factors: assumptions and determinism.
Determinism describes how likely something is. For example, if a person takes a COVID shot, it’s 100% certain they got the injection. It’s not 50% or 75%. It’s an absolute certainty. As a result, that person has a 100% chance of being exposed to whatever risk is associated with that shot.
On the other hand, if a person says no to the injection, it’s not 100% chance they’ll get COVID-19, let alone die from it. You have a less than 1% chance of being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and getting sick. So, it’s 100% deterministic that taking the shot exposes you to the risks of the shot, and less than 1% deterministic that you’ll get COVID if you don’t take the shot.
The other part of the equation is the assumptions, which are based on calculations using available data, such as pre-COVID death statistics and death reports filed with the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reports System (VAERS).
Mortality Data
As noted by McCullough, two reports have detailed COVID jab death data, showing 50% of deaths occur within 24 hours and 80% occur within the first week. In one of these reports, 86% of deaths were found to have no other explanation aside from a vaccine adverse event. McCullough also cites a Scandinavian study that concluded about 40% of post-jab deaths among seniors in assisted living homes are directly due to the injection. He also cites other eye-opening figures:
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports having more than 30,000 spontaneous reports of either hospitalizations and/or deaths among the fully vaccinated
Data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services show 300,000 vaccinated CMS recipients have been hospitalized with breakthrough infections
60% of seniors over age 65 hospitalized for COVID-19 have been vaccinated
COVID Shots Are ‘Failing Wholesale’
“When we put all these data together, we have clear-cut science that the vaccines are failing wholesale,” McCullough says. The shots are particularly useless in seniors.
Again, based on a best-case conservative scenario, seniors are five times more likely to die from the shot than they are from the natural infection. This scenario includes the assumption that the PCR test is accurate and reported COVID deaths were in fact due to COVID-19, which we know is not the case, and the assumption that the shots actually prevent death, which we have no proof of.
All things considered, you are FAR better off taking your chances with the natural infection, as McCullough says. The Kostoff analysis also does not take into account the fact that there are safe and effective treatments.
It bases its assumptions on the notion that there aren’t any. It also doesn’t factor in the fact that the COVID shots are utterly ineffective against the Delta and other variants. If you take into account vaccine failure against variants and alternative treatments, it skews the analysis even further toward natural infection being the safest alternative.
FDA and CDC Should Not Run Vaccine Programs
While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the CDC claim not a single death following COVID inoculation was caused by the shot, they should not be the ones making that determination, as they are both sponsoring the vaccination campaign.
They have an inherent bias. When you conduct a trial, you would never allow the sponsor to tell you whether the product was the cause of death, because you know they’re biased.
What we need is an external group, a critical event committee, to analyze the deaths being reported, as well as a data safety monitoring board. These should have been in place from the start, but were not.
Had they been, the program would most likely have been halted in February, as by then the number of reported deaths, 186, already exceeded the tolerable threshold of about 150 (based on the number of injections given). Now, we’re well over 17,000.7 There’s no normal circumstance under which that would ever be allowed.
“The CDC and FDA are running the [vaccination] program. They are NOT the people who typically run vaccine programs,” McCullough says. “The drug companies run vaccine programs.
When Pfizer, Moderna, J&J ran their randomized trials, we didn’t have any problems. They had good safety oversight. They had data safety monitoring boards. The did OK. I mean I have to give the drug companies [credit].
But the drug companies are now just the suppliers of the vaccine. Our government agencies are now just running the program. There’s no external advisory committee. There’s no data safety monitoring board. There’s no human ethics committee. NO one is watching out for this!
And so, the CDC and FDA pretty clearly have their marching orders: ‘Execute this program; the vaccine is safe and effective.’ They’re giving no reports to Americans. No safety reports. We needed those once a month. They haven’t told doctors which is the best vaccine, which is the safest vaccine.
They haven’t told us what groups are to watch out for. How to mitigate risks. Maybe there are drug interactions. Maybe it’s people with prior blood clotting problems or diabetes. They’re not telling us anything!
They literally are blindsiding us, and with no transparency, and Americans now are scared to death. You can feel the tension in America. People are walking off the job. They don’t want to lose their jobs, but they don’t want to die of the vaccine! It’s very clear. They say, ‘Listen, I don’t want to die. That’s the reason I’m not taking the vaccine.’ It’s just that clear.”
Bradford Hill Criteria Are Met — COVID Jabs Cause Death
McCullough goes on to explain the Bradford Hill criterion for causation, which is one of the ways by which we can actually determine that, yes, the shots are indeed killing people. We’re not dealing with coincidence.
“The first question we’d ask is: ‘Does the vaccine have a mechanism of action, a biological mechanism of action, that can actually kill a human being?’ And the answer is yes! because the vaccines all use genetic mechanisms to trick the body into making the lethal spike protein of the virus.
It is very conceivable that some people take up too much messenger RNA; they produce a lethal spike protein in sensitive organs like the brain or the heart or elsewhere. The spike protein damages blood vessels, damages organs, causes blood clots. So, it’s well within the mechanism of action that the vaccine could be fatal.
Someone could have a fatal blood clot. They could have fatal myocarditis. The FDA has official warnings of myocarditis. They have warnings on blood clots. They have warnings on a fatal neurologic condition called Guillain-Barré syndrome. So, the FDA warnings, the mechanism of action, clearly say it’s possible.
The second criteria is: ‘Is it a large effect?’ And the answer is yes! This is not a subtle thing. It’s not 151 versus 149 deaths. This is 15,000 deaths. So, it’s a very large effect size, a large effect.
The third [criteria] is: ‘Is it internally consistent?’ Are you seeing other things that could potentially be fatal in VAERS? Yes! We’re seeing heart attacks. We’re seeing strokes. We’re seeing myocarditis. We’re seeing blood clots, and what have you. So, it’s internally consistent.
‘Is it externally consistent?’ That’s the next criteria. Well, if you look in the MHRA, the yellow card system in England, the exact same thing has been found. In the EudraVigilance system in [Europe] the exact same thing’s been found.
So, we have actually fulfilled all of the Bradford Hill criteria. I’ll tell you right now that COVID-19 vaccine is, from an epidemiological perspective, causing these deaths or a large fraction.”
Zero Tolerance for Elective Drugs Causing Death
There may be cases in which a high risk of death from a drug might be acceptable. If you have a terminal incurable disease, for example, you may be willing to experiment and take your chances. Under normal circumstances however, lethal drugs are not tolerated.
After five suspected deaths, a drug will receive a black box warning. At 50 deaths, it will be removed from the market. Considering COVID-19 has a less than 1% risk of death across age groups, the tolerance for a deadly remedy is infinitesimal. At over 17,000 reported deaths, which in real numbers may exceed 212,000,8 the COVID shots far surpass any reasonable risk to protect against symptomatic COVID-19. As noted by McCullough:
“There is zero tolerance for electively taking a drug or a new vaccine and then dying! There’s zero tolerance for that. People don’t weigh it out and say, ‘Oh well, I’ll take my chances and die.’ And I can tell you, the word got out about vaccines causing death in early April [2021], and by mid-April the vaccination rates in the United States plummeted …
We hadn’t gotten anywhere near our goals. Remember, President Biden set a goal [of 70% vaccination rate] by July 1. We never got there because Americans were frightened by their relatives, people in their churches and their schools dying after the vaccine.
They had heard about it, they saw it. There was an informal internet survey done several months ago, where 12% of Americans knew somebody who had died after the vaccine.
I’m a doctor. I’m an internist and cardiologist. I just came from the hospital … I had a woman die of the COVID-19 vaccine … She had shot No. 1. She had shot No. 2. After shot No. 2, she developed blood clots throughout her body. She required hospitalization. She required intravenous blood thinners. She was ravaged. She had neurologic damage.
After that hospitalization, she was in a walker. She came to my office. I checked for more blood clots. I found more blood clots. I put her back on blood thinners. I saw her about a month later. She seemed like she was a little better. Family was really concerned. The next month I got called by the Dallas Coroner office saying she’s found dead at home.
Most of us don’t have any problem with vaccines; 98% of Americans take all the vaccines … I think most people who are still susceptible would take a COVID vaccine if they knew they weren’t going to die of it or be injured. And because of these giant safety concerns, and the lack of transparency, we’re at an impasse.
We’ve got a very labor-constrained market. We’ve got people walking off the job. We’ve got planes that aren’t going to fly, and it’s all because our agencies are not being transparent and honest with America about vaccine safety.”
Early Treatment Is Crucial, Vaxxed or Not
As noted by McCullough, the vast majority of patients require hospitalization for COVID-19 is because they’ve not received any treatment and the infection has been allowed free reign for days on end.
“To this day, the patients who get hospitalized are largely those who receive no early care at home,” he says. “They’re either denied care or they don’t know about it, and they end up dying.
The vast majority of people who die, die in the hospital; they don’t die at home. And the reason why they end up in the hospital, it’s typically two weeks of lack of treatment. You can’t let a fatal illness brew for two weeks at home with no treatment, and then start treatment very late in the hospital. It’s not going to work.
There’s been a very good set of analyses, one in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases … that showed, day by day, one loses the opportunity of reducing the hospitalization when monoclonal antibodies are delayed … No doctor should be considered a renegade when they order FDA [emergency use authorized] monoclonal antibody. The monoclonal antibodies are just as approved as the vaccines.
I just had a patient over the weekend, fully vaccinated, took the booster. A month after the booster she went on a trip to Dubai. She just came back, and she got COVID-19! … I got her a monoclonal antibody infusion that day. [The following day] she started the sequence of multidrug therapy for COVID-19. I am telling you, she is going to get through this illness in a few days …
Podcaster Joe Rogan just went through this. Governor Abbott was also a vaccine failure. He went through it. Former President Trump went through it. Americans should see the use of monoclonal antibodies in high risk patients, followed by drugs in an oral sequenced approach. This is standard of care!
It is supported by the Association of Physicians and Surgeons, the Truth for Health Foundation, the American Front Line Doctors, and the Front Line Critical Care Consortium. This is not renegade medicine. This is what patients should have. This is the correct thing! …
If we can’t get the monoclonal antibodies, we certainly use hydroxychloroquine, supported by over 250 studies, ivermectin, supported by over 60 studies, combined with azithromycin or doxycycline, inhaled budesonide … full-dose aspirin … nutraceuticals including zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, NAC … we do oral and nasal decontamination with povidone-iodine.
In acutely sick patients we do it every four hours, [and it] massively reduces the viral load … Fortunately, we have enough doctors now and enough patient awareness, patients who … understand that early treatment is viable, is necessary, and it should be executed.”
U.S. states are increasingly rolling out digitized versions of driver’s licenses that “go way beyond what a driver’s license is about”
An international standard for mobile drivers’ licenses and mobile IDs was approved for publication August 18, 2021, clearing the way for global use
Mobile IDs will act as a digital identity that will ultimately tie in to retail, health care, law enforcement and travel sectors
Ultimately, the IDs will also act as vaccine passports, making it easy to display whether you’ve gotten a COVID-19 injection — and any other future injections that come about — in order to go about your daily life
Some have speculated that the introduction of digital IDs and vaccine passports in the U.S. is laying the infrastructure for a social credit system like the one being used in China
Little by little, it’s becoming easier and more convenient to “present your papers” upon request. You’re accustomed to keeping your driver’s license with you, but states are increasingly rolling out digitized versions that “go way beyond what a driver’s license is about.”1 Arizona, for instance, released a mobile driver’s license (mDL) app in March 2021, and Eric Jorgensen, director of the motor vehicle division of Arizona’s Department of Transportation, told Government Technology:2
“I actually hate the term ‘mDL’ because it doesn’t recognize the power of what we’re doing here … The whole concept is that we’re providing a way to remotely authenticate a person, to provide a trusted digital identity that doesn’t exist today.
Once we provide that, we’re opening doors to enhanced government services. Also, the government can play a key role in facilitating commerce, providing a better citizen experience and providing for the security of that citizen …”
Mobile IDs Tied to Health Care, Law Enforcement
GET Group North America is working fervently to create “secure ID credentials,”3 which includes the release of an international standard for mobile driver’s licenses and mobile IDs (mID). The standards were approved for publication August 18, 2021, clearing the way for “global ID and driver’s license issuers to confidently deploy mDL solutions, and for verifiers around the world to implement or adopt mDL readers.”4
The progenitors of globalist propaganda are so short sighted and filled with blind hatred and arrogance that they have lost sight of the inevitable consequences of their public statements. While more athletes collapse after taking the booster mandate tyranny. Aaron Rodgers and Kyrie Irving are standing with their God given rights. The woke mob is setting itself up for disaster.
It’s now official: Tony Fauci has admitted that vaccines aren’t working and that vaccinated people of every age are getting sick and dying. His exact quote from a New York Times podcast on Nov. 12th, as reported by Yahoo News:
Why isn’t Dr. Anthony Fauci in jail yet? Dr. Jane Ruby details his crimes in this segment with Stew, laying out 5 specific felonies the head of the NIAID has committed, and, she calls for an end to emergency use authorizations (EUAs), along with Big Pharma’s blanket immunity.
According to a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID jab trial, data were falsified, patients were unblinded, the company hired poorly trained people to administer the injections, and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind
Brook Jackson was the regional director of Ventavia Research Group, a research organization charged with testing Pfizer’s COVID jab at several sites in Texas. Jackson repeatedly “informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns, and data integrity issues,” and when her concerns were ignored, she finally filed a complaint with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
The FDA did not follow up on her complaint. Ventavia was not one of the nine trial locations audited, and Pfizer did not bring any of those issues up when applying for emergency use authorization for its COVID shot
Documentation shared by Jackson shows a Ventavia executive had identified three site staff members who had falsified data
After being notified of Jackson’s complaints, Pfizer contracted Ventavia to conduct four additional trials — one for COVID shots in children and young adults, one for the COVID jab in pregnant women, a booster shot trial, and an RSV vaccine trial
Yet again, mainstream media have completely ignored what should have been front-page news. According to a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID jab trial in the fall of 2020, data were falsified, patients were unblinded, the company hired poorly trained people to administer the injections, and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind.
What makes the media’s silence all the more remarkable is that this revelation was published in The British Medical Journal. Paul Thacker, investigative journalist for The BMJ, writes in his November 2, 2021, report:1
“Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight …
[F]or researchers who were testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in Texas during that autumn, speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety … Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding.”
As noted by Bill Bruckner for
“Editors’ widespread failure to pick up on the story is deeply problematic. First and foremost, it lets the U.S. Food and Drug Administration off the hook for what appear to be severe lapses in regulatory oversight over this trial … Where are the media outlets questioning the FDA about its oversight processes? Where are the politicians calling for an enquiry? …
Second, it lets Pfizer off the hook for apparently failing to adequately oversee the operations of its subcontractor … Where are the media outlets questioning Pfizer about its oversight and quality assurance processes? …
Third, it undermines confidence in democratic institutions and public health bodies because it gives citizens … the impression that mainstream media are deliberately ignoring a big story in order to avoid fueling vaccine hesitancy.”
So far, this story has been largely confined to the alternative news media. You’ll find a selection of video reports covering the whistleblower’s testimony in the sections below.
Research Organization Falsified Data in Pfizer Trial
The whistleblower in question is Brook Jackson, a former regional director of Ventavia Research Group, a research organization charged with testing Pfizer’s COVID jab at several sites in Texas.
Jackson repeatedly “informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns and data integrity issues,” Thacker writes, and when her concerns were ignored, she finally called the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and filed a complaint via email.
Jackson was fired later that day after just two weeks on the job. According to her separation letter, management decided she was “not a good fit” for the company after all. She has provided The BMJ with “dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings and emails” proving her concerns were valid. According to Jackson, this was the first time she’d ever been fired in her 20-year career as a clinical research coordinator. Thacker explains:3
“Jackson was a trained clinical trial auditor who previously held a director of operations position and came to Ventavia with more than 15 years’ experience in clinical research coordination and management.
Exasperated that Ventavia was not dealing with the problems, Jackson documented several matters late one night, taking photos on her mobile phone. One photo, provided to The BMJ, showed needles discarded in a plastic biohazard bag instead of a sharps container box.
Another showed vaccine packaging materials with trial participants’ identification numbers written on them left out in the open, potentially unblinding participants … Jackson told The BMJ that drug assignment confirmation printouts were being left in participants’ charts, accessible to blinded personnel …
In a recording of a meeting in late September 2020 between Jackson and two directors a Ventavia executive can be heard explaining that the company wasn’t able to quantify the types and number of errors they were finding when examining the trial paperwork for quality control. ‘In my mind, it’s something new every day,’ a Ventavia executive says. ‘We know that it’s significant.’
Ventavia was not keeping up with data entry queries, shows an email sent by ICON, the contract research organization with which Pfizer partnered on the trial. ICON reminded Ventavia in a September 2020 email: ‘The expectation for this study is that all queries are addressed within 24hrs.’
ICON then highlighted over 100 outstanding queries older than three days in yellow. Examples included two individuals for which ‘Subject has reported with Severe symptoms/reactions … Per protocol, subjects experiencing Grade 3 local reactions should be contacted. Please confirm if an UNPLANNED CONTACT was made and update the corresponding form as appropriate.’
According to the trial protocol a telephone contact should have occurred ‘to ascertain further details and determine whether a site visit is clinically indicated.’ Documents show that problems had been going on for weeks.
In a list of ‘action items’ circulated among Ventavia leaders in early August 2020, shortly after the trial began and before Jackson’s hiring, a Ventavia executive identified three site staff members with whom to ‘Go over e-diary issue/falsifying data, etc.’ One of them was ‘verbally counseled for changing data and not noting late entry,’ a note indicates.”
FDA Ignored Whistleblower Concerns
In her complaint to the FDA, Jackson listed a dozen incidents of concern, including the following:
Participants were not monitored by clinical staff after receiving the shot
Patients who experienced adverse effects were not promptly evaluated
Protocol deviations were not being reported
The Pfizer injection vials were stored at improper temperatures
Laboratory specimens were mislabeled
Not a single one of the problems Jackson raised in her complaint to the FDA were noted or addressed in Pfizer’s briefing document submitted to the FDA’s advisory committee meeting December 20, 2020, when its emergency use authorization application was reviewed.
The FDA went ahead, granting the Pfizer jab emergency use authorization the very next day, despite being in receipt of Jackson’s complaint, which ought to have put the brakes on the FDA’s authorization. At bare minimum, they should have investigated the matter before proceeding.
What’s more, the FDA’s summary of its inspections of the Pfizer trial, published in August 2021, revealed the agency only inspected nine of the 153 trial sites, and Ventavia was not one of them. The complaint also appears to have been ignored when the FDA granted full approval to Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID shot that is not yet available.
Pfizer is also in on the cover-up. Shortly after Jackson’s firing, Pfizer was notified of the problems she’d raised. Despite that, Pfizer has since then contracted Ventavia to conduct no less than four additional trials — one for COVID shots in children and young adults, one for the COVID jab in pregnant women, a booster shot trial, and an RSV vaccine trial.
So, clearly, Pfizer is not opposed to contractors falsifying data or otherwise undermining the integrity of the trials. That alone is a fiery indictment against Pfizer.
They can feign ignorance and proclaim to adhere to “the highest scientific, ethical and clinical standards”4 all they want. Those are just words which, unless backed by consistent action, are completely meaningless. Behind the scenes, they’re clearly well-aware that their trials are resting on fraudulent foundations.
Pfizer Trial Described as a ‘Crazy Mess’
Jackson wasn’t the only employee to get sacked from Ventavia after raising concerns about the integrity of the Pfizer trial. Thacker writes:5
“In recent months Jackson has reconnected with several former Ventavia employees who all left or were fired from the company. One of them was one of the officials who had taken part in the late September meeting. In a text message sent in June the former official apologized, saying that ‘everything that you complained about was spot on.’
Two former Ventavia employees spoke to The BMJ anonymously for fear of reprisal and loss of job prospects in the tightly knit research community. Both confirmed broad aspects of Jackson’s complaint.
One said that she had worked on over four dozen clinical trials in her career, including many large trials, but had never experienced such a ‘helter skelter’ work environment as with Ventavia on Pfizer’s trial. ‘I’ve never had to do what they were asking me to do, ever,’ she told The BMJ. ‘It just seemed like something a little different from normal — the things that were allowed and expected’ …
After Jackson left the company problems persisted at Ventavia, this employee said. In several cases Ventavia lacked enough employees to swab all trial participants who reported COVID-like symptoms, to test for infection. Laboratory confirmed symptomatic COVID-19 was the trial’s primary endpoint, the employee noted.
(An FDA review memorandum released in August this year states that across the full trial swabs were not taken from 477 people with suspected cases of symptomatic COVID-19.) ‘I don’t think it was good clean data,’ the employee said of the data Ventavia generated for the Pfizer trial. ‘It’s a crazy mess.’”
Such statements clearly fly in the face of statements made by world leaders, health authorities and the mainstream media. Most, like federal health minister for Australia, Greg Hunt, have claimed the COVID shots have undergone “rigorous, independent testing” to ensure they’re “safe, effective and manufactured to a high standard.”6
Nothing we know so far supports such a conclusion. The testing has been far from rigorous and has not been independently verified.
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data show they’re shockingly far from safe; real-world data show effectiveness wanes within a handful of months while leaving you more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 variants and other infections; and manufacturing standards have also been shown lacking, as a variety of foreign contaminants have been found in the vials.7
Media Are Manipulated by Pfizer
One of the reasons why English- and German-speaking legacy media have completely ignored this whistleblower testimony is probably because Pfizer has such a dominating influence over them. Thacker told blogger Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D.,8 “Pfizer has such a huge PR machine, they have basically captured the media, they’ve hypnotized the media.”
Pfizer’s PR department is also hard at work trying to hypnotize the public. The TV ad above is perhaps one of the most offensive. In it, Pfizer brainwashes young children into thinking that getting the COVID shot will make them superheroes. Never mind the fact that getting the shot could kill or permanently injure them.
You Cannot ‘Follow the Science’ if There Are No Data
The video at the top of this article is a short extract from a November 2, 2021, meeting organized by Sen. Ron Johnson, during which associate editor of The BMJ, Peter Doshi, Ph.D., reviewed some of the many concerns experts have about the integrity of the COVID jab data.
He points out that Pfizer’s raw trial data will not be made available until May 2025. So far, Pfizer has refused to release any of its raw data to independent investigators and, without that, there’s no possible way to confirm that what Pfizer is claiming is actually true and correct.
In other words, we’re expected to simply take the word of a company that has earned a top spot on the list of white collar criminals; a company that in 2009 was fined a record-breaking $2.3 billion in fines for fraudulent marketing and health care fraud.9 Press releases are not science. They’re marketing. Without the raw data, we have no science upon which to base our decisions about the COVID shot.
As noted by Dr. Robert Kaplan from Stanford’s School of Medicine Clinical Excellence Research Centre, who also spoke at the meeting:
“The evidence we have comes from highly curated, industry-controlled press releases and journal publications. We are making big decisions based on limited, highly selected evidence. A compromised scientific process will lead to poor decisions, and it may set a bad precedent.”
Doshi stresses how utterly unscientific a process we’re now following. He also points out that doctors have an ethical duty to not recommend a treatment for which they have no data. Quoting from a 2020 article he co-wrote:10
“Data transparency is not a ‘nice to have.’ Claims made without access to the data — whether appearing in peer reviewed publications or in preprints without peer review — are not scientific claims.
Products can be marketed without access to the data, but doctors and professional societies should publicly state that, without complete data transparency, they will refuse to endorse COVID-19 products as being based on science.”
“The point I am trying to make is very simple,” Doshi said. “The data from COVID vaccines are not available and won’t be available for years. Yet, we are not just ‘asking’ but ‘mandating’ millions of people to take these vaccines … Without data, it’s not science.”
Regulatory Agencies Are Designed to Fail
We’ve known the FDA is a captured agency for at least a decade. None of the issues we’re now seeing are exactly new. We’re now getting a close-up view of just how dangerous the incestuous relationship between the FDA and Big Pharma really is.
Americans are dying from COVID jab injuries at unprecedented record rates, and the FDA is completely ignoring it. Instead, it continues to push for more jabs, more injuries and more deaths. It’s complicit in causing avoidable deaths rather than protecting public health. That’s the price we’re now paying for not cleaning up the agency and sealing the revolving door between regulators and industry earlier.
In “Designed to Fail: Why Regulatory Agencies Don’t Work,”11 published in May 2012 — nearly a decade ago — William Sanjour discussed the failures of regulatory reform. He points out that the reason reforms don’t work is because they keep reforming in the wrong direction:
“… as a result of the recent catastrophic failures of regulatory agencies, politicians and pundits are talking about the same old ‘Regulatory Reform’ again. ‘Fill the regulatory agencies with honest people who won’t cave in to special interests.’ ‘Give them more money, more authority and more people.’
But my experience has shown that by concentrating all legislative, executive and judiciary authority in one regulatory agency just makes it easier for it to be corrupted by the industries it regulates.
I worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection agency for 30 years and lived through many cycles of ‘Regulatory Reform,’ doing the same ‘reforms’ over and over again and expecting different results.
I’ve learned that the way to achieve true regulatory reform is to give regulatory agencies less money, less authority, fewer people but more intelligent regulations. The theme of this article is that by dispersing regulatory authority, rather than concentrating it, we would make corruption more difficult and facilitate more sensible regulation.”
Sanjour points out that regulators being captured by the parties they’re supposed to regulate is far more dangerous than having no regulatory agencies at all, because “capture gives industry the power of government.” Can there be any doubt that the FDA, as an agency captured by Big Pharma in general and Pfizer in particular, now wields power over the U.S. government?
“From my own experience with the U.S. EPA, even if an inspector finds a violation, this only triggers a lengthy complex process with many levels of warning, review, appeal, negotiation, and adjudication before any action is taken (or, more often, avoided),” Sanjour writes.12
“See the labyrinthine flow chart13 for an example of an agency enforcement procedure. It resembles a game of ‘chutes and ladders.’ Compare this with what happens when you park under a ‘No Parking’ sign. A policeman writes a ticket, and you can either pay the fine or tell it to the judge.
If the EPA wrote the rules for parking violations, the officer would first have to determine if there were sufficient legal parking available at a reasonable cost and at a reasonable distance, and would then have to stand by the car and wait until the owner showed up so that he could negotiate a settlement agreement.”
Even more disturbing, Sanjour reveals that, when he was writing regulations for the EPA, he was “told on more than one occasion to make sure I put in enough loopholes. The purpose of the complexity is to hide the loopholes.” Sanjour went on to explain:
“Regulatory agencies are created by Congress in order to control some powerful forces in society (usually corporations), which benefit society but which are also prone to abuse their power. The purpose of a regulatory agency is to allow the flow of benefits while straining out the abuse.
In order to do this, Congress gives administrators of regulatory agencies broad discretionary power to write regulations for industries for which they are responsible. The flaw in the system is that the administrator is appointed by the president … Thus any discretionary authority given to a regulatory agency administrator is, in fact, given to the president of the United States to be used as the president sees fit …
[R]egulatory agencies, by their very nature, can do little that doesn’t adversely affect business, especially big and influential business, and this disturbs a president’s repose.
The EPA, for instance, cannot write regulations governing the petroleum industry without the oil companies going to the White House screaming ‘energy crisis!’ … When the FDA wants to thoroughly evaluate a new drug, the pharmaceutical company lets loose a public relations barrage about how the bureaucratic delays are costing lives.
Regulatory agency employees soon learn that drafting and implementing rules for big corporations means making enemies of powerful and influential people. They learn to be ‘team players,’ an ethic that permeates the entire agency without ever being transmitted through written or even oral instructions.
People who like to get things done, who need to see concrete results for their efforts, don’t last long. They don’t necessarily get fired, but they don’t advance either; their responsibilities are transferred to others, and they often leave the agency in disgust. The people who get ahead are those clever ones with a talent for procrastination, obfuscation, and coming up with superficially plausible reasons for accomplishing nothing.”
How Do We Fix It?
The question staring us in the face now is, how do we fix these regulatory agencies so that they can operate for the benefit of the public rather than private for-profit interests?
“The reason salaried government regulators can be corrupted is that writing and enforcing effective regulations is not their No. 1 priority,” Sanjour noted. “Their main objective is keeping their job and advancing their careers.” Industries, meanwhile, believe that pressuring corrupt officials is the only way to protect their business. The answer, Sanjour suggests, is:
“… to remove discretionary judgment from the hands of the regulatory bureaucracy and place it in hands less susceptible to industry influence. The first thing I would suggest is to make use of people or institutions who have a vested interest in effective regulation as strong or stronger than the regulated community.”
Sanjour cites research showing that, by far, whistleblowers — who risk their jobs by speaking out — are the No. 1 fraud detection group, responsible for 19% of frauds being brought to light. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, meanwhile, which exists to uncover corporate fraud, was responsible for just 7%.
So, one way we could improve the system is by issuing monetary rewards to corporate whistleblowers. “Monetary rewards for whistleblowers pay benefits far in excess of the cost when compared with hired regulatory bureaucrats,” Sanjour notes. Insurance companies can also play an important role, as they are far less likely to overlook safety shortcuts that can result in disaster. An example given by Sanjour is the BP oil spill:
“BP has admitted, between 2005 and 2010, to breaking U.S. environmental and safety laws and committing outright fraud and paid $373 million in fines. Between June 2007 and February 2010, BP refineries in Texas and Ohio accounted for 97% of the ‘egregious, willful’ violations handed out by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Yet none of this resulted in any oversight of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that blew up …
If BP had been required to carry a $10 billion insurance policy for an oil spill, I’m sure the insurance company would not have allowed the penny-pinching short cuts that the paid regulators allowed. If the laws are written intelligently, insurance companies can be a significant instrument for regulation.”
A third group that makes for a far better fraud detection system than federal regulators is the public. Organizations such as Citizens for Health and Environmental Justice teaches citizens how to get involved in the enforcement of regulations, and even more can be done in that regard.
For example, the EPA could sponsor civilian testing and equip citizens living in polluted areas with resources to conduct their own testing and report back if toxic exposures are found. Sanjour continues:14
“A second reform I would suggest for removing discretionary authority from the regulatory bureaucracy is to make the rules as simple as possible and to place all appellate functions and consent agreements into the hands of the law courts, just as in our traffic cop example.
This could be judicial courts or administrative law courts. Anything to take the discretionary authority away from the people who write and enforce the rules and provide one more barrier to industry influence.”
We Need to Return to the Constitution
To do any or all of that, we first need to reorganize our regulatory agencies in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. As explained by Sanjour, the U.S. has three branches of government: the legislative, executive and judicial branches. However, when regulatory agencies were formed, we diverted from this structure.
Regulations are a type of laws, and as such they should come from the legislative branch. But regulatory agencies are part of the executive branch. Judicial functions have also been usurped by regulatory agencies, and hence the executive branch.
“Thus, despite the wishes of the Founding Fathers, the executive branch now includes a great many regulatory agencies whose functions span all three branches of government. A large part of the corruption and inefficiency noted above flows from this fact,” Sanjour notes.
While making changes such as those proposed by Sanjour sounds simple enough, the political pushback would be enormous, and would have to be broken through, somehow. Legally, however, it would be a reasonably simple affair.
All Congress would need to do is amend the law such that the agency administrator is stripped of its authority to write rules and implement the law. That authority would then be transferred to another agency, the administrator of which would be appointed by Congress, not the president.
“Note that these are all paper changes. They do not require any relocation, new buildings, new hires, etc. The functions all currently exist. They are merely rearranged,” Sanjour says.
At present, we can no longer overlook the FDA’s corruption. It’s costing too many lives. They have completely abandoned any semblance of working for the public good. How we get rid of them and fix the problem will become an increasingly pressing question as we move forward.
Epidemiologists Call for Halt of COVID Vaccines in Children, Pregnant Women
In this moving reflection of what she suffered after getting her COVID vaccine, this woman talks about her body’s reactions to it, including feeling like she was having a heart attack.
“I’m feeling a little bit of regret. I’m actually terrified, to be honest,” she says.
With the millions of perfectly hateful vaxx zealots out there making life a misery for the unvaxxed, it’s easy to forget that there are many good people who have got the vaxx for one reason or another. I will not condemn people like this woman, because she’s just another victim of the agenda of lies – and we’ve all been damaged by it in our own way.
Why are people who got the vaccine complaining about disruptions and resumptions of periods and problems with fertility? Former Republican congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine joins Stew to discuss this and more medical madness which have come from the mandates and mass vaxxing.
RDH President, Philippe Argillier, joined Stew Peters for an EXCLUSIVE interview. Argillier revealed the corruption being actively funded by French Billionaire and media-funding mogul, Vincent Bollore, who’s propping up Eric Zemmour creating imminent danger for American Citizens.
She only wanted to help the cause when she signed up for AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine trials in the U.S., but now Brianne Dressen is suffering from side effects from the shot and no one will help her.
Dressen spoke at a roundtable hearing sponsored by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., in Washington, D.C., with others who told their stories of being injured by the COVID-19 shots. From Dressen, who was a preschool teacher, to an airline pilot, to a triathlete to a teenager to the father of a 16-year-old son who died after his shot, and more, each told their stories of how they willingly signed up for the trials or simply went and got their shots — only to suffer possibly lifelong injuries and, as in the case of the 16-year-old, death.
“The media has branded us ‘misinformation,’ ‘anti-vax.’ They’ve done everything to discount us,” Dressen said later in an interview with Del Bigtree on “Highwire.” Dressen explained that she was injured a year ago in the trials, but is just now speaking out after meeting a groundswell of others with similar issues stemming from all the vaccines. While she contacted various government agencies only to be ignored, it was only when these injuries started happening to kids that she realized she and others needed to step up and speak publicly, she said.
In the roundtable, a weeping Ramirez said he and his son got the shots together because he thought it “was the right thing to do … They said it was safe. Now I go home to an empty house,” he said.
As person after person told their story — most of them sobbing — each described numerous neurological and cardiac issues, yet, instead of getting help they are basically being shoved aside and ignored. The pilot has had six spinal taps and two surgeries. His doctors did acknowledge that only the vaccine or major head trauma could have caused what he’s going through.
“My body will not stop attacking itself,” Dressen said, as she read a letter from a friend who also was injured by the experimental shot. “This has taken everything from me: my family, my career, my life.”
As the meeting wore on, some expressed doubts that anything would happen beyond their testimonies given that day. “Once we leave here they’re going to forget about what we said here,” Ramirez said.
Before the roundtable began, Johnson indicated that he was listening, and that’s why he was holding the meeting. “Telling the truth in today’s cancel culture is not necessarily easy,” Johnson said. “You can pay a pretty heavy price for it … It’s a real shame that we’re having to hold this roundtable. Had government officials, heads of our health care agencies, had they been doing their job, had they been honest and transparent with the American public, we wouldn’t be here today.”
Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated
In the U.S., meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is propping up the official narrative with two manipulated studies — one suggesting the jab reduces all-cause mortality, and another claiming the shot is five times more protective than natural immunity
Both studies are of questionable quality and have several problems, including selection of time and date ranges that allow them to pretend that the COVID shots are safer and more effective than they really are
According to all-cause mortality statistics, the number of Americans who died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 16% higher than 2018 (the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality) and 18% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019. Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of the COVID jabs?
CDC data reveal that while the number of hospitalized patients with natural immunity fell sharply over the summer, when the delta variant took over, the number of vaccinated people being hospitalized soared, from three per month on average during the spring to more than 100 a month in late summer. Since these vaccinated patients were less than six months from their second dose, they should have been at or near maximum immunity.While recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics (ONS) reveal people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated,1 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is propping up the official narrative with a “study”2 that came to the remarkable conclusion that the COVID shot unbelievably reduces your risk of dying from all causes, which includes accidents (but excluding COVID-19-related deaths). As reported by CNN Health, October 22, 2021:3
“The research team was trying to demonstrate that the three authorized Covid-19 vaccines are safe and they say their findings clearly demonstrate that. ‘Recipients of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Janssen vaccines had lower non-COVID-19 mortality risk than did the unvaccinated comparison groups,’ the researchers wrote in the weekly report4of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The team studied 6.4 million people who had been vaccinated against Covid-19 and compared them to 4.6 million people who had received flu shots in recent years but who had not been vaccinated against coronavirus.
They filtered out anyone who had died from Covid-19 or after a recent positive coronavirus test … People who got two doses of Pfizer vaccines were 34% as likely to die of non-coronavirus causes in the following months as unvaccinated people, the study found.
People who got two doses of Moderna vaccine were 31% as likely to die as unvaccinated people, and those who got Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine were 54% as likely to die …”
Two key takeaways from those paragraphs are 1) the researchers admit they intended to demonstrate that the shots are safe and effective, and stats can be manipulated to find what you want to find, and 2) people who got the Janssen shot did in fact have a higher death rate than the unvaccinated (54% likelihood, compared to the unvaxxed).
Are the Shots Reducing All-Cause Mortality?
The researchers hypothesize that people who get the COVID jab may be healthier overall than those who abstain, and have healthier lifestyles. In my view, this is classic Orwellian doublespeak, as most of the brainwashed don’t understand the fundamentals of healthy behavior.
I suspect their new propaganda has more to do with the fact that they only looked at data through May 31, 2021. By mid-April, an estimated 31% of American adults had received one or more shots.5 As of June 15, 48.7% were fully “vaccinated.”6 So, we can assume that by the end of May, somewhere in the neighborhood of 45% of eligible Americans were double jabbed, give or take a couple of percentage points.
The reason I suspect statistical tomfoolery is because this is precisely how the CDC invented the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” myth, where they claimed 99% of COVID-19 deaths and 95% of COVID-related hospitalizations were occurring among the unvaccinated.7
To achieve those statistics, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June 2021, a timeframe during which the vaccinated were still in a minority.
Here, we again see them use a seven-month span of time when vaccination rates were low. More importantly, however, is that the chosen cutoff date also obscures a rapid rise in vaccine-related deaths reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
Look at the graph below, obtained from OpenVAERS mortality reports page.8 As you can see, reports of deaths following the COVID jab peaked right at the beginning of April 2021, then dropped down again during the month of April. Interestingly enough, the study notes that the daily vaccination rate has declined by 78% since April 13, 2021.
However, while the daily vaccination rate has plummeted since April, reported deaths have remained high and relatively steady. Could this be a hint that people are dying from shots they received earlier in the year?
As of January 1, 2021, only 0.5% of the U.S. population had received a COVID shot, so comparing death rates of the vaxxed and unvaxxed in December 2020 and January 2021 may not be all that fruitful. Why not include July, August and September in the analysis instead?
As you can see, reported deaths were significantly elevated during these months, compared to December and January. And, while not shown in that graph, between September 3, 2021, and October 22, 2021, the total cumulative reported death toll shot up from 7,6629,10 to 17,619.11 In other words, it more than doubled in about seven weeks — a timeframe that was not included in the CDC’s analysis.
What’s more, while the study was large and sociodemographically diverse, the authors admit that “the findings might not be applicable to the general population.”
Also, recall they changed the definition of “vaccinated” to include someone who is two weeks past their second dose (for two dose regimens). This would obfuscate the truth as there were tens of millions that received one jab or more but were not considered “vaccinated.”
Why Is All-Cause Mortality Higher in 2021?
According to all-cause mortality statistics,12 the number of Americans who died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 16% higher than 2018, the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality, and 18% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019. Adjusted for population growth of about 0.6% annually, the mortality rate in 2021 is 16% above the average and 14% above the 2018 rate.
The obvious question is, why did more people die in 2021 (January through August) despite the rollout of COVID shots in December 2020? Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of the COVID jabs?
In a two-part series,13 Matthew Crawford of the Rounding the Earth Newsletter examined mortality statistics before and after the rollout of the COVID shots. In Part 1,14 he revealed the shots killed an estimated 1,018 people per million doses administered (note, this is doses, not the number of individuals vaccinated) during the first 30 days of the European vaccination campaign.
After adjusting for deaths categorized as COVID-19 deaths, he came up with an estimate of 200 to 500 deaths per million doses administered. With 4 billion doses having been administered around the world, that means 800,000 to 2 million so-called “COVID-19 deaths” may in fact be vaccine-induced deaths. As explained by Crawford:15
“This does not even include vaccine-induced deaths that have not been recorded as COVID cases, though I suspect that latter number is smaller since the only good way to hide the vaccine mortality signal is to smuggle deaths through the already-established COVID death toll.”
Corroborating Crawford’s calculations are data from Norway, where 23 deaths were reported following the COVID jab at a time when only 40,000 Norwegians had received the shot. That gives us a mortality rate of 575 deaths per million doses administered. What’s more, after conducting autopsies on 13 of those deaths, all 13 were determined to be linked to the COVID jab.16
Is the COVID Jab Responsible for Excess Deaths?
Crawford goes on to look at data from countries that have substantial vaccine uptake while simultaneously having very low rates of COVID-19. This way, you can get a better idea as to whether the COVID jabs might be responsible for the excess deaths, as opposed to the infection itself.
He identified 23 countries that fit these criteria, accounting for 1.88 billion individuals, roughly one-quarter of the global population. Before the COVID jabs rolled out, these nations reported a total of 103.2 COVID-related deaths per million residents. Five nations had more than 200 COVID deaths per million while seven had fewer than 10 deaths per million.
As of August 1, 2021, 25.35% of inhabitants in these 23 nations had received a COVID jab and 10.36% were considered fully vaccinated. In all, 673 million doses had been administered. Based on these data, Crawford estimates the excess death rate per million vaccine doses is 411, well within the window of the 200 to 500 range he calculated in Part 1.
Another interesting data dive was performed by Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund. In the video “Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis,”17 he argues that VAERS can be used to determine causality, and shows how the VAERS data indicate more than 300,000 Americans have likely been killed by the COVID shots.18 Anywhere from 2 million to 5 million have also been injured by them in some way.
What Do the VAERS Data Tell Us?
In a September 18, 2021, interview with The Covexit podcast, Jessica Rose, Ph.D., who holds degrees in applied mathematics, immunology, computational biology, molecular biology and biochemistry, also discussed what the VAERS data tell us about the safety of the COVID shots.
Rose covers issues such as the magnitude of the side effects compared to other vaccination programs, the problem of under-reporting, and how causality can be assessed using the Bradford Hill Criteria. You can find a PDF of the slide show that Rose presents here.19 Here’s a summary of some of the key points made in this interview:
Between 2011 and 2020, the number of VAERS reports ranged between 25,408 and 49,412 for all vaccines. In 2021, with the rollout of the COVID shots, the number of VAERS reports shot up to 521,667, as of September 3, 2021, for the COVID shots alone. (Fast-forward to October 22, 2021, and the report tally for COVID-related adverse events has ballooned to 837,593.20)
Between 2011 and 2020, the total number of deaths reported to VAERS ranged between 120 and 183. In 2021, as of September 3, the reported death toll had shot up to 7,662. As of October 22, 2021, the death toll was 17,619.21
Cardiovascular, neurological and immunological adverse events are all being reported at rates never even remotely seen before.
The estimated under-reporting factor (URF) is 31. Using this URF, the death toll from COVID shots is calculated to be 205,809 as of August 27, 2021; Bell’s palsy 81,747; herpes zoster infection 149,017; paresthesia 305,660; breakthrough COVID 365,955; myalgia 528,457; life threatening events 230,113; permanent disabilities 212,691; birth defects 7,998.
The Bradford Hill Criteria for causation are all satisfied. This includes but is not limited to strength of effect size, reproducibility, specificity, temporality, dose-response relationship, plausibility, coherence and reversibility.
CDC Claims COVID Jab Beats Natural Immunity
If you think the CDC’s claim that the COVID jab lowers all-cause mortality is a low point in its irrational vaccine push, prepare to let your expectations sink even lower, with even more egregious Orwellian doublespeak implementation. October 29, 2021, the CDC released yet another study, this one claiming the COVID jab actually offers five times better protection against COVID-19 than natural immunity. As reported by Alex Berenson in an October 30, 2021, Substack article:22
“Yesterday the Centers for Disease Control, America’s not-at-all-politicized public health agency, released a new study purporting to show that vaccination protects against COVID infection better than natural immunity. Of course, a wave of stories about the benefits of mRNA vaccination followed.
To do this, the CDC used some magic statistical analysis to turn inside raw data that actually showed almost four times as many fully vaccinated people being hospitalized with Covid as those with natural immunity — and FIFTEEN TIMES as many over the summer. I kid you not.
Further, the study runs contrary to a much larger paper from Israeli researchers in August. As my 2-year-old likes to say, How dey do dat? Well, the Israeli study drew on a meaningful dataset in a meaningful way to reach meaningful conclusions.
It counted infections (and hospitalizations) in a large group of previously infected people against an equally large and balanced group of vaccinated people, then made moderate adjustments for clearly defined risk factors.
It found that vaccinated people were 13 times as likely to be infected — and 7 times as likely to be hospitalized — as unvaccinated people with natural immunity. In contrast — how do I put this politely? — the CDC study is meaningless gibberish that would never have been published if the agency did not face huge political pressure to get people vaccinated.”
Data Manipulation Is Apparently a CDC Specialty
Berenson goes on to dissect the study in question, starting with its design, which he calls “bizarre.” The CDC analysts looked at data from 200,000 Americans hospitalized with “COVID-like” illness between January and August 2021 in nine states. Two groups were then compared:
Those who had confirmed COVID at least 90 days before and received another COVID test at the time of their hospitalization
Those who had been fully vaccinated for at least 90 days, but not more than 180 days, before their admittance and received another COVID test at the time of their hospitalization
Berenson points out what I stressed earlier, which is that choosing certain time or date ranges will allow you to make the shots appear a whole lot better than they actually are. Here, by choosing a 90- to 180-day inclusion range, they’re looking at a best-case scenario, as we now know the shots quit working after a handful of months. So, they’re only looking at that short window during which the COVID shots are at maximum effectiveness.
The 90-day criterion also ends up excluding the vast majority of patients hospitalized with COVID-like illness, both vaccinated and unvaccinated. While Berenson doesn’t address the vaccinated, few if any could have been fully vaccinated for at least 90 days prior to March, so why include January and February? Just about everyone was by definition unvaccinated at that time.
As for those with natural immunity, only 1,020 of the 200,000 patients hospitalized between January and August had a previously documented COVID infection. As noted by Berenson:23
“Given the fact that at least 20% of Americans, and probably more like 40%, had had COVID by the spring of 2021, this is a strikingly small percentage — and certainly doesn’t suggest long COVID is much of a threat.”
Of the 1,020 with natural immunity, only 89 tested positive for COVID, while 324 of the 6,328 vaccinated patients who met the study criteria tested positive. Of note here is two things:
1) There were more vaccinated patients hospitalized for COVID-like illness than those with natural immunity; this despite including months when vaccination rates were in the fractional and single digits, and
2) A greater number of vaccinated patients tested positive for breakthrough infection than patients with natural immunity
Hospitalization Rate Among Vaccinated Is Soaring
Berenson continues:24
“And the CDC didn’t have, or didn’t publish, figures on how many people were actually in the two groups … Instead it compared the PERCENTAGE OF POSITIVE TESTS in the two groups. But why would the percentage of positive tests matter, when we don’t know how many people were actually at risk? …
[A]mazingly, the statistical manipulation then got even worse. The natural immunity group had an 8.7% positive test rate. The fully vaccinated group had a 5.1% positive test rate. So the natural immunity group was about 1.7 times as likely to test positive. (1.7x 5.1 = about 8.7.)
With such a small number of people in the natural immunity group, that raw ‘rate ratio’ may well have failed to reach statistical significance. (We don’t know, because the CDC didn’t provide an unadjusted odds ratio with 95% boundaries — something I have never seen before in any paper.)
Instead, the CDC provided only a risk ratio that it had adjusted with a variety of factors, including ‘facility characteristics [and] sociodemographic characteristics.’
And finally, the CDC’s researchers got a number that they could publish — hospitalized people who had previously been infected were five times as likely to have a positive COVID test as people who were fully vaccinated. Never mind that there were actually four times as many people in the second group. Science!
By the way, buried at the bottom of report is some actual data. And it’s bad. The CDC divided the hospitalizations into pre- and post-Delta — January through June and June through August.
Interestingly, the number of hospitalized people with natural immunity actually fell sharply over the summer, as Delta took off. About 14 people per month were hospitalized in the winter and spring, compared to six per month from June through August. (Remember, this is a large sample, with hospitals in nine states.)
But the number of VACCINATED people being hospitalized soared — from about three a month during the spring to more than 100 a month during the Delta period. These vaccinated people still were less than 180 days from their second dose, so they should have been at or near maximum immunity — suggesting that Delta, and not the time effect, played an important role in the loss of protection the vaccine offered.”
Perhaps Rep. Thomas Massie said it best when he tweeted:25
“What do ‘road kill’ and a CDC sponsored COVID paper have in common? By the third day, they’re so picked apart they’re unrecognizable. This CDC Director is shameless for fabricating junk science with findings that stand in stark contrast to every credible academic study.”
Massie goes on to point out some obvious flaws and questions raised by the study, including the following:
The authors failed to verify recovery among those with previous infection, so any number of these “reinfections” may actually have been long-COVID.
The fact that more than 6,000 hospitalized for COVID symptoms were vaccinated, compared to just 1,000 with previous infection, counters the claim that 99% of COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated.
The number of vaccinated people hospitalized for COVID symptoms correlate negatively with the time since vaccination; 3,625 were hospitalized within 90 to 119 days of vaccination, 2,101 within 120 to 149 days, and 902 within 150 to 179 days of vaccination. “Could initial hospitalizations be due to vaccine adverse effects or due to a temporarily weakened immune system from the vaccine?” Massey asks.26
The study only considered those with natural immunity who ended up in the hospital, and not the ones who didn’t get sick. “Natural immunity helps prevent hospitalization!” Massey says.27
Massie also notes that this paper, which is only six pages long, has an astounding 50 authors, and at least half a dozen of them disclose Big Pharma conflicts of interest. What’s more, seeing how Congress gave the CDC a cool $1 billion to promote the COVID jab, isn’t working for the CDC a conflict of interest as well?
Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a biostatistician and epidemiologist in the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, also critiqued the study in a tweet, saying:28
“This CDC study has a major statistical flaw, and the 5x conclusion is wrong, it implicitly assumes that hospitalized respiratory patients are representative of the population, which they are not. Trying to connect with authors.”
Natural Immunity Is the Best Answer
Try as the CDC might to twist the data, there’s really no question that natural immunity is superior and longer lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. This is also a long-held medical fact that has been tossed aside as too inconvenient to matter in COVID-19.
For some undisclosed reason, the government wants everyone to get the COVID injection, whether medically warranted or not. The sheer lunacy of that is cause enough to be leery and hold off on getting the risky jab. I can tell you one thing, this policy has nothing to do with safeguarding public health, because it’s driving public health in the wrong direction.
It’s quite clear that the way out of this pandemic is through natural herd immunity, and at this point, we know there’s no reason to fear COVID-19. Overall, its lethality is on par with the common flu.29,30,31,32,33 Provided you’re not in a nursing home or have multiple comorbidities, your chances of surviving a bout of COVID-19 is 99.74%, on average.34
Additionally, we also know there are several early treatment protocols that are very effective, such as the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance I-MASK+35 protocol, the Zelenko protocol,36 and nebulized peroxide, detailed in Dr. David Brownstein’s case paper37and Dr. Thomas Levy’s free e-book, “Rapid Virus Recovery.” Whichever treatment protocol you use, make sure you begin treatment as soon as possible, ideally at first onset of symptoms.y
The economy is falling apart under the [DS]/[CB] rule, people can see it and now people know who to hold accountable. The people are going to feel the economic pain this winter. Xi admits that the world is rejecting globalism. Confirmed, The [CB] was planning on China to be the next super power. The D’s are in the process of destroying the [CB].
All source links to the report can be found on the site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
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Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
The [DS] is panicking like we never see before. Durham is delivering pain and there is more to come. The [DS] is now getting ready to use ammunition to counter this information attack. They raided Project Veritas journalist homes. This is the beginning of the communication blackout. How do you catch a fish, you use bait. Trump and the patriots have baited the [DS]/Fake news/Big Tech and the corrupt politicians, they [knowingly] committed crimes on the American people and now the people are taking back the power. Forced exposure, military planning, tick tock.
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Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks
Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks
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Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
A British funeral director interviewing with says he’s seeing untold numbers of dead babies and newborns in cold storage and piling up in mortuaries waiting for their funerals.
The unprecedented numbers of babies that he and other morticians are dealing with are matched only by the excessive number of younger people in their 30s and 40s who have been dying since the COVID-19 vaccine rolled out, he says.
When the pandemic first began the mortuaries saw a flurry of deaths which, in a few months, calmed down, even though media continued to hype COVID deaths. There was an uptick in suicides in the summer of 2020 in mostly younger men, but when fall 2020 came, everything was rather quiet.
And then, he said, “Come January [2021] the numbers were going through the roof … and that’s since people were being vaccinated.” Now he’s having the most funerals he’s ever seen in a period of two weeks, and in younger people, he’s averaging about 12 “in one go,” when before the vaccine he would see only “four or five funerals going, not 12, and not all in that age group.”
And now, he says, what he’s seeing is a lot of newborn babies … “really high, about 30” when he’s used to seeing only three or four. In other words, about 10 times the number of newborn babies are dying than he normally would see — so many they’re having to keep them in the adult section, where there’s more room. “Obviously they’re either miscarried or full-term births, but not a lot is being said about it,” he says.
To put the causes of deaths in perspective, he says he’s only had one COVID death this year. All the rest are myocarditis, infarctions (heart attacks) and some pneumonia. He also notes that “anybody and everybody” who died when the pandemic started was marked as COVID on their death certificates, but that’s not happening since the vaccine was introduced. SOURCE: Brighteon November 4, 2021
At a meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) the CDC said just 94 children have died of COVID-19-related illnesses. Later, they said it was 170.
Using those numbers, the ACIP determined that it would be appropriate to give all 5- to 11-year-olds a COVID shot. But what does that mean in scientific terms, called “number needed to vaccinate,” i.e., NNTV?
What is the science behind the ACIP’s decision that all children in the U.S. need this experimental injection to possibly save another 94 — or 170, depending on which number you use — from dying?
For those who don’t understand how this works, Toby Rogers, Ph.D., puts it in plain language for laypersons. “First, the number needed to treat (NNT) in order to prevent a single case, hospitalization, ICU admission, or death, is a standard way to measure the effectiveness of any drug,” he explains.
Knowing that number is important in evaluating the tradeoffs between a new drug’s possible benefits versus its risks in negative side effects. The number of benefits should outweigh the risks Rogers couldn’t find any evidence that the CDC and the FDA had done this calculation for the COVID-19 injections, so he asked Twitter users to help him.
Rogers was met with an onslaught of attacks online for even daring to ask the question, yet he persisted. The answers soon followed, and many scientists and informants from around the world sent him numbers.
Once all the variables were factored in from the number of reported adverse reactions to the number of children saved from a COVID-related death, “the NNTV was 1,261,550,” Rogers says.
In other words, to save just one child from COVID, over 1.2 MILLION need to be vaccinated. If you look at the number of children injured or killed by the mRNA shots, the Biden administration plan would likely “kill 5,248 children via Pfizer mRNA shots in order to save 45 children from dying of coronavirus.”
Put even more simply, “for every child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed” by it, Rogers says.
A recently widowed woman who heard someone at a school meeting complain that they just didn’t understand why people won’t “give up their arm and get the shot? Is it really that difficult?” has made a video pleading for the madness to stop.
When she heard the complaining woman, she said, “Immediately, I wanted to vomit, for a lot of reasons.” I’m not anti-vax. I’ve never been an anti-vax person. I do believe in freedom. I do believe in ‘our body, our choice.’ I think science is cool.”
But does she trust everything about science and, more specifically, does she trust all scientists? “Absolutely not,” she says. Then, fighting sobs, she explains that her husband, an FBI agent, believed in freedom too, so much so that he went for the COVID shot even before it was mandated. He even teased her for worrying about the shot’s safety.
After the shot, he immediately felt sick. He went to bed with a severe headache. She rubbed his feet and nursed him until he went to sleep but, five hours later, he was dead.
The medical examiner ruled it a coincidence, “purely a coincidence,” the grieving widow says. “Science. I’m here to beg you, please, those that are fighting and speaking out against the mandates, please know [the ones fighting the mandates] are not doing it just because they don’t want to ‘give their arm for a shot.’”
She ends the video by commenting that maybe people are fighting the mandates because they know someone like her husband, somebody they loved, who was taken from the world so soon by this vaccine. “And those who are making these mandates, I sure pray and hope that nobody that you love has been taken too soon … from science, from a shot that was made so quickly, and we’re told just to trust.”
Melatonin has been shown to play a role in viral infections
Data analysis by Cleveland Clinic found patients who used supplemental melatonin had a 28% lower risk of testing positive for COVID-19. Black people who used melatonin were 52% less likely to test positive for the virus
Melatonin attenuates several pathological features, including excessive inflammation and oxidation, exaggerated immune response resulting in a cytokine storm, acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome
A case series reports patients given 36 mg to 72 mg of intravenous melatonin per day as an adjunct therapy to standard of care improved within four to five days; all survived
Texas urgent care clinics using high-dose melatonin in combination with vitamin C and vitamin D. Melatonin enhances vitamin D signaling and the two work synergistically to enhance your mitochondrial function
Fisetin has been shown to reduce the burden of COVID-19 in the lab and an animal model with significant results; researchers are now testing it in skilled nursing facility residents
Fisetin is a flavonoid with known senolytic properties, which help reduce the number of senescent cells in the body. These cells have lost the ability to proliferate and are resistant to apoptosis
The foods highest in fisetin are strawberries; yet you need to eat 37 strawberries each day to get the benefits. The compound also extended the health span of animals used in the study
Fisetin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antitumorigenic properties, to inhibit bone-damaging glycation, to maintain glutathione levels, and to protect brain function
Fisetin is a flavonoid molecule that’s found in fruits and vegetables. An animal study published in July 20211 demonstrated that it may help reduce the mortality rate in older adults with COVID-19. A human study2 is underway to analyze the effect it may have on elderly patients with COVID-19.
There are nearly 6,000 flavonoids3 found in fruits, vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants. Flavonoids are also antioxidants and have a number of subclasses, including flavanols, flavones and flavanones.4 During 2020, there was a growing focus on the value of antioxidants in the fight against infectious diseases.
As the science grows, researchers are becoming interested in individual flavonoids for the positive effect they can have on human health. Past research has suggested that fisetin may help extend a healthy life span by acting as a senolytic.5
These are a class of molecules that can selectively induce the death of senescent cells. Currently, there are 16 research studies registered with studying fisetin.6 Of these, 13 are in the initial stages, either enrolling, recruiting or not yet recruiting participants.
Flavonoid compounds are well-known for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic properties.7 They have become indispensable in a variety of applications including the pharmaceutical, nutraceuticals and cosmetic industries. Although scientists are continuing to study the mechanism of action flavonoids’ use in the body, the plant derivatives have been widely used for centuries.
Fisetin Reduced the Burden of COVID in the Lab
Many of the biological effects that flavonoids have on the human body are related to modulating cell signaling cascades.8 This is how they protect against inflammation, thrombogenesis, diabetes and cancer development. Past studies have shown promising results when supplementation is used to improve glycemic control, enhance cognitive function, or in the prevention of cancer.
Fisetin is being studied to help reduce the severity of COVID-19 in elderly patients.9 In an animal study10 published in July 2021, researchers studied the response to stress signals that were associated with senescent cells known to increase in number with age.
They demonstrated that senescent cells increase the risk of severe COVID-19. Since the senescent cells secrete proinflammatory factors, they hypothesized these may heighten the proinflammatory response and raise the risk of cytokine storms and multi-organ failure.
To test the hypothesis, the researchers used human cells in a lab study and old mice that were challenged with lipopolysaccharide. The results demonstrated that senescent cells increased the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 and induced hyperinflation. When the researchers used senolytic compounds to reduce the burden of senescent cells, the mortality declined.
The senolytic compound they used to induce the death of senescent cells was fisetin. They believe the data suggests “senolytics might protect others vulnerable to adverse COVID-19 outcomes in whom increased SnCs [senescent cells] occur (such as in obesity or numerous chronic diseases).”11
In one of the studies, the researchers found older mice exposed to a normal microbial environment, including SARS-CoV-2-related mouse beta coronavirus, experienced 100% lethality within 2 weeks. By comparison, those exposed to the same microbes but treated with fisetin had a significant improvement in survival — 64% of the male mice and 22% of the females survived long-term with an extension in lifespan for both sexes.12
CDC director Rochelle Walensky overruled the CDC’s expert panel and went ahead with the recommendation to issue a booster shot for adults at high risk of infection
This is because COVID-19 shots do not fully protect you from infection, virus replication or shedding, and just because you’ve had the jab doesn’t mean you’re not going to infect anybody else
An unspoken social contract convinced many people to get the jabs — if you submit to the experimental shots, you would not only be personally protected but you would also protect your community, and we could all recover and get back to a sense of normalcy
By reducing symptoms of illness while allowing viral replication to continue, the injections increase the likelihood that vaccinated people will become superspreaders of COVID-19
Malone predicts that as the shots’ effectiveness continues to wane, we’re going to see increasing cases of vaccinated people getting COVID-19 and being hospitalized and dying as a result, at which point people will have to come to terms with the fact that they’ve been misled
Three action items Malone took home from the International COVID Summit are the importance of optimizing vitamin D levels; you don’t have to live in fear; and find a doctor who will give you early treatment for COVID-19 if you test positive
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, was among the respected doctors, lawyers and other professionals who spoke at the International COVID Summit in Rome, September 12 to 14, 2021.
The cross-border initiative aimed to provide a safe space and platform for the exchange of information and sharing of experiences, research and studies to further the care of COVID-19 patients worldwide.
It’s become abundantly clear that the injections aren’t the panacea to end the pandemic that they’ve been purported to be, and Malone spoke with TrialSite News to help spread the truth about the jabs’ inefficacies and risks, government conflicts of interest that are putting public health at risk and more.1
The FDA and CDC Are ‘Beyond the Law’
The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biologic Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted September 17, 2021, to authorize a third booster of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID shot Comirnaty for people over the age of 65 and other high-risk individuals.
Keep in mind that the shot you actually receive is still the Pfizer shot that is under extended emergency use authorization (EUA) — not the fully approved Comirnaty. While the two are deemed interchangeable, they are not identical from a legal standpoint. Comirnaty does not have EUA liability shielding, whereas the EUA Pfizer shot does.
While the VRBPAC voted to approve a booster for high-risk individuals and those over 65, the CDC’s expert advisory committee did not. The CDC advisory committee actually voted against recommending a booster for high-risk individuals based on their profession or living conditions, stating that only those over the age of 65 should be eligible for a booster at this time.
CDC director Rochelle Walensky, however, decided not to listen to her own experts. September 24, 2021, she simply overruled the CDC’s expert panel and went ahead with the recommendation to issue a booster dose for adults at high risk of infection due to profession or living conditions. This is only the second time in the CDC’s history that its own ACIP advisory panel has been overruled.2
“The FDA and the CDC are increasingly beyond the law. They don’t feel the need to comply in any way, even lip service really, with policies, procedures, legal requirements … or anything else. They pretty much are comfortable just doing whatever it is that they want to do,” Malone said.3 “I disagree that this is good policy at multiple levels. It’s not good science.”4
The Smoking Gun of Gain of Function Research
Malone touches briefly on the origin of SARS-CoV-2, which he says appears to have come from a lab:5
“The information linking the genetic characterization of the parent virus to what strongly appears to be a genetically engineered strain … this is all a smoking gun for gain of function research …
It’s increasingly difficult to come to any conclusion other than this originated in a laboratory, and it originated in a laboratory that was funded by the NIH NIAID [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] … and that it was research performed in the Wuhan lab in China.”
If you use this as a working hypothesis, that SARS-CoV-2 is a product of GOF research, a project that was a collaboration between the Wuhan lab and U.S. government, and somehow the virus got out, Malone notes, imagine being a senior official in the government, such as the director of the National Institutes of Health or NIAID.
“What would your response be?” he asked. “I would be overrun by guilt. I would be frantic. And if this were to be the case, this might explain the irrational behavior on the part of the government and the senior officials in the government.”6 Conflicts of interest are also problematic, such as the inherently conflicted nature of the CDC. CDC has a mission to promote vaccines and vaccine uptake, Malone said, but also vaccine safety.
These are in conflict, and the agency is focused on vaccine promotion, not careful evaluation of vaccination safety data. Going forward, he says, the CDC should be split into two parts, so that vaccine program promotion can be separate from their safety monitoring.
Vaccinated People Are the Superspreaders
The media and government officials continue to parrot the narrative that the pandemic is one of the unvaccinated, even as “breakthrough cases,” or vaccine failures, rise. As of October 12, 2021, the CDC stated that 31,895 people who were fully injected against COVID-19 were hospitalized or died from COVID-19.7
“The vaccines do not fully protect you from infection, virus replication and shedding … just because you’ve had the jab doesn’t mean you’re not going to infect anybody else,” Malone said. Further, Malone believes that by reducing symptoms of illness while allowing viral replication to continue, the injections increase the likelihood that vaccinated people will become super spreaders of COVID-19:8
“Here’s the wrinkle to this … a case can be made, because the vaccines are providing protection from serious illness, so in general, if you get infected with Delta and you’re vaccinated, you’ll have as much virus replication in your body as the unvaccinated person, but you’re not going to feel so sick.
What does that translate to? ‘Oh, I can just go to work,’ right? So if you think it through … the vaccinated are actually the ones that are creating the highest risk for everybody, because they’re still going to be able to be infected, replicate virus at least at the level, if not higher, than the unvaccinated. They’re still shedding the virus all over the place, but they feel good. And so they are, by definition, set up to be superspreaders.”
The Social Contract Has Been Destroyed
Malone believes that many people submitted to the shots because of an unspoken social contract. In an interview with The Epoch Times, he explained:9
“That social contract was, ‘Despite what you may have heard about the risks of some of these products and the fact that we admittedly did rush them, we’re protecting your health. If you take these products, you will be safe.’ That’s the social contract. ‘Despite all these other concerns, you will be safe, and you won’t have to retake them. You’ll be protected.’ People believed they had a shield if they bought in and did this.”
The idea was self-sacrifice for the common good. If you submit to the experimental shots, you would not only be personally protected, but you would also protect your community, and we could all recover and get back to a sense of normalcy. Except — people got the shots and normalcy hasn’t returned, people have been harmed by vaccine-induced adverse events and deaths and “normal” in the sense of the word prior to 2020 has not returned.
Malone predicts that as the shots’ effectiveness wanes, we’re going to see increasing cases of vaccinated people still getting COVID-19 and being hospitalized and dying as a result. He puts a new peak at around January or February 2022.
At that point and moving forward, he said, “people will have to come to terms with the fact that the vaccinated are still being hospitalized and dying.” “The social contract will be rendered a sundry. It will be destroyed … And then people are going to have to come to terms with the fact that they’ve been misled.”10
Action Items From the International COVID Summit
One of the action items Malone took home from the International COVID Summit is one I’ve been speaking of for years: Optimize your vitamin D levels. Malone said it’s “abundantly clear” that many people are deficient in vitamin D and can benefit from increasing their levels.
Data from GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action studies suggest the optimal level for health and disease prevention is between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL, while the cutoff for sufficiency appears to be around 40 ng/mL. In Europe, the measurements you’re looking for are 150 to 200 nmol/L and 100 nmol/L respectively. He also wants people to know that you don’t have to be consumed by fear:11
“You’ve been given so much of a fear message. Just fear and fear and fear. And, frankly, that’s in the interest of Big Media. This is how they sell their product. You don’t have to be afraid …
For children, unless your children have major preexisting conditions the probability of them getting death or severe disease from this is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent. It is tiny, and, frankly, particularly male children, getting damage from the vaccine is much higher than that. It’s still a fraction of a percent, but the ratio is not encouraging.”
He’s echoed the words of a growing number of doctors who are trying to get the word out about the importance of early treatment. If you have upper respiratory symptoms, first, don’t just assume it’s COVID-19. Get a test and if it’s positive, find a doctor who will give you early treatment “and the probability of you ending up in the hospital or dying is tiny.”
Malone is also part of the Global COVID Summit, which is an international alliance of doctors and scientists who are committed to speaking truth to power COVID pandemic research and treatment.12They’re amassing a fully curated body of information geared toward medical professionals, but everyone can view their data online.
They believe that people are dying from COVID-19 due to being denied early, life-saving treatment and have created The Declaration to give physicians back their right to treat their patients and for patients to have the right to receive those treatments “without fear of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech.”13
As of October 14, 2021, more than 12,000 doctors and scientists had signed the declaration,14 and it’s still open for signature. Because Malone and others who have spoken out against COVID-19 propaganda are facing a hostile press that’s attacking their reputations and demeaning them, they’re fighting back the best way they can — by continuing to share the truth.
By providing people with real information, Malone says, “We’re determined that we’re going to break this wall of reinforcing the dominant narrative and whatever the government says.”15
The patriots are now bringing the pain, the [DS] is panicking and Durham just arrested another player in the Russia collusion hoax. All roads lead to [HRC]. Those who lied to congress in impeachment hoax 1 are now panicking they thought they would be protected. [HRC] sends a message, PANIC is everywhere. The people are now learning the truth, people are seeing the swamp and how they operate. Buckle up is going to get very bumpy.
All source links to the report can be found on the site.
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(Natural News) The vaccine is the bioweapon. Specifically, the spike protein is the bioactive weapon, and it is designed to spread from person to person, being transmissible from the vaccinated in order to infect the unvaccinated.
Never forget that Bill Gates has long wanted to use mosquitoes to carry vaccines so that people could be vaccinated against their own wishes (and completely without informed consent). Now, it turns out, they don’t need mosquitoes. They have high-obedience humans ready to carry out the same role
The crimes of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is making news again as revelations of abusive research on dogs have surfaced. Interestingly, while many shrug at abuse of human beings, including the elderly, far fewer are willing to overlook the torture of dogs.
In the video above, Kim Iversen makes the case that Fauci should resign or be fired over his repeated lies, questionable research ethics and mishandling of the pandemic.
Many others have also chimed in on the matter. In an October 24, 2021, article1 on Substack, Leighton Woodhouse points out that “Fauci has been abusing animals for 40 years,” and that “the stuff you’ve seen on social media barely scratches the surface.”
The Beagle Experiments
In one experiment that has raised public ire, beagles were sedated and their heads placed in mesh cages filled with sand flies that had been intentionally starved before the experiment to encourage feeding.
The study2 in question, “Enhanced Attraction of Sand Fly Vectors of Leishmania Infantum to Dogs Infected with Zoonotic Visceral Leishmaniasis” was published in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases in July 2021. Some of the photos from this study have circulated on Twitter and other social media platforms. According to the researchers:
“The sand fly Phlebotomus perniciosus is the main vector of Leishmania infantum, etiological agent of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis in the Western Mediterranean basin. Dogs are the main reservoir host of this disease. The main objective of this study was to determine, under both laboratory and field conditions, if dogs infected with L. infantum, were more attractive to female P. perniciosus than uninfected dogs.”
Spotlight on Animal Testing
In the Ron Paul Liberty Report above, Ron Paul discusses the public outcry over Fauci’s cruel research on beagles. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. According to Woodhouse,3 “The experiment was just one of countless tests done on animals with the funding of the NIH, and of NIAID in particular, over the course of decades.”
The White Coat Waste Project4 estimates anywhere from tens of millions to more than 100 million animals — including more than 1,100 dogs — are experimented on in the U.S. each year, and most of these experiments are paid for by U.S. taxpayers.
The NIH funds medical research to the tune of $40 billion annually, and an estimated 47% of that research involves animal testing.5 The NIAID alone has an annual budget of $6 billion, almost all of which goes to funding of animal research.
Other Fauci-funded research on dogs include a 2020 experiment carried out by the University of Georgia where beagles were infected with a parasite before being sacrificed and autopsied.
“The purpose of the experiment was to test a drug that, by the investigators’ own admission, had already been ‘extensively tested and confirmed’ in numerous other animal species,” Woodhouse writes.6
While the University claims this and all other experiments were carried out in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act, four “critical” violation reports have allegedly been filed against the University after U.S. Department of Agriculture inspections in 2021 alone.7,8,9
In 2019, NIAID paid $1.68 million to feed toxic drugs to beagle puppies before sacrificing them. In this case, the puppies had their vocal cords cut “so that lab technicians don’t have to hear them cry and howl in distress.”10
Other NIAID-funded experiments on dogs include research where beagles were infected with pneumonia to induce septic shock and acute hemorrhage. Survivors were euthanized after 96 hours. In another experiment, beagles were infected with anthrax to test the effectiveness of an already approved anthrax vaccine.
In yet another, researchers induced heart attacks in dogs which then underwent MRI scanning before being euthanized and autopsied. What do we have to show from all this torture? Very little, it turns out. Even when medications look promising in animal studies, 90% end up failing in human clinical trials, Woodhouse notes, typically due to differences in physiology.
Why Is NIAID Funding a Psychological Torture Factory?
Perhaps one of the most gruesome experiments paid for by Fauci involves the psychological torturing of monkeys, for purposes that remain unclear. The experiment involves first boosting the monkeys’ capacity for terror by destroying a particular part of their brains with acid.11
The monkeys are then tormented with plastic spiders and mechanical snakes as their behavior is observed. Bizarrely, these particular psychological experiments have been funded for 43 years straight, costing taxpayers nearly $100 million, even though they’ve not resulted in a single drug or medication.
As noted by White Coat Waste Project vice president Justin Goodman, “Some people have made a career out of torturing monkeys.”12 At the end of December 2020, the White Coat Waste Project reported that:13
“As a result of our investigation, Congress has directed the NIH to commission an independent study by the National Academies of the NIH’s intramural primate testing and how modern alternatives can reduce their use. This direction is in the NIH’s 2021 funding bill14 (see page 69).”
A Gain-of-Function Cover-Up?
In related news, in an NIH letter,15,16,17 the agency acknowledges that Fauci lied to Congress when he emphatically insisted the NIH/NIAID have never funded gain-of-function (GOF) research.
The letter, dated October 21, 2021, was sent by NIH principal deputy director Dr. Lawrence Tabak to James Comer, ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, “to provide additional information and documents regarding NIH’s grant to EcoHealth Alliance Inc.”
“It is important to state at the outset that published genomic data demonstrate that the bat coronaviruses studied under the NIH grant to EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. and subaward to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) are not and could not have become SARS-CoV-2,” Tabak writes.
“Both the progress report and the analysis attached here again confirm that conclusion, as the sequences of the viruses are genetically very distant … The limited experiment described in the final progress report provided by EcoHealth Alliance was testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.
All other aspects of the mice, including the immune system, remained unchanged. In this limited experiment, laboratory mice infected with the SHC014 WIV 1 bat coronavirus became sicker than those infected with the WIV1 bat coronavirus. As sometimes occurs in science, this was an unexpected result of the research, as opposed to something that the researchers set out to do …
The research plan was reviewed by NIH in advance of funding, and NIH determined that it did not to fit the definition of research involving enhanced pathogens of pandemic potential (ePPP) because these bat coronaviruses had not been shown to infect humans. As such, the research was not subject to departmental review under the HHS P3CO Framework.
However, out of an abundance of caution and as an additional layer of oversight, language was included in the terms and conditions of the grant award to EcoHealth that outlined criteria for a secondary review, such as a requirement that the grantee report immediately a one log increase in growth.
These measures would prompt a secondary review to determine whether the research aims should be re-evaluated or new biosafety measures should be enacted. EcoHealth failed to report this finding right away, as was required by the terms of the grant.”
What Did Fauci Know?
In essence, it appears the NIH is throwing EcoHealth Alliance under the proverbial bus. Yes, EcoHealth Alliance ended up conducting GOF research when its manipulation resulted in a virus with wildly enhanced virulence in humans.18 While Tabak claims this was unintentional, that seems a bit odd, considering the experiment in question was testing the “emergency potential” of bat coronaviruses in the human population.
Either way, Tabak claims EcoHealth failed to properly report this outcome to the NIH, so the NIH cannot be held responsible for not taking appropriate action. According to the NIH, researchers must file a report any time a virus produces “a one log increase in growth.” EcoHealth’s experiment resulted in a log increase of 10, which should have triggered an NIH review and potentially shut down of the experiment.
EcoHealth, on the other hand, claims “These data were reported as soon as we were made aware, in our Year 4 report in April 2018.”19,20 Now, if EcoHealth reported the results, then Fauci must have been aware that GOF had taken place, and the NIH for some reason let it slide without review.
Is NIH Looking for a Scapegoat?
As noted by Jordan Schachtel in an October 22, 2021, Substack article:21
“If you read the entire text of the letter, especially in light of the sudden, unexplained resignation of NIH chief Francis Collins, it seems to be desperate to find a scapegoat for the U.S.-approved gain-of-function research.
There are two major unproven claims that have been advanced by the NIH: First, EcoHealth, which has long served as a middleman between U.S. and Chinese Communist Party ‘health’ networks, was accused of violating the terms of the grant it had received …
EcoHealth has long collaborated with the alleged COVID-19 origin lab in Wuhan, China … But the letter seems to be setting up EcoHealth as the ‘fall guy’ entity in this story, pinning all blame on the organization in order to allow for the U.S. Government Health agency to rinse its hands clean of any improper behavior.
The second cause for concern in this letter involves the NIH completely ruling out the possibility that its research grant contributed to the outbreak … It claims it is scientifically impossible for their approved gain-of-function research to have modified this particular virus. And in doing so, they add a strange comparison between human evolution and the evolution of a virus to make their case …
Scientists have weighed in on social media to make it clear that the NIH does not have a definitive case on this front. Renowned molecular biologist Richard Ebright went as far as to label it a ‘false’ claim.22”
Scientist Alina Chan tweeted,23 “How can this type of work not be flagged as gain-of-function research of concern? Knowing what they knew in 2018, there was a reasonable expectation that this type of experiment could enhance the pathogenicity of MERS in humanized animal models and therefore humans.”
Jaime Yassif, senior fellow for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, told CQ,24 “I would have flagged this project. Looking at the experiment of concern that’s highlighted in the letter, it appears to me as gain-of-function research, even before the ‘one log’ requirement.” Commenting on the letter, Comer stated:25
“NIH confirmed that EcoHealth violated the terms of their grant by concealing data on dangerous coronavirus experiments in Wuhan. Even worse, NIH Director Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci potentially misled the Committee and the American people about its knowledge of this cover up.”
More Incriminating Evidence Against EcoHealth
But there’s more. As reported by Vanity Fair:26
“… another disclosure last month made clear that EcoHealth Alliance, in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was aiming to do the kind of research that could accidentally have led to the pandemic.
On September 20, a group of internet sleuths calling themselves DRASTIC (short for Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19) released a leaked $14 million grant proposal that EcoHealth Alliance had submitted in 2018 to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
It proposed partnering with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and constructing SARS-related bat coronaviruses into which they would insert ‘human-specific cleavage sites’ as a way to ‘evaluate growth potential’ of the pathogens. Perhaps not surprisingly, DARPA rejected the proposal, assessing that it failed to fully address the risks of gain-of-function research.
The leaked grant proposal struck a number of scientists and researchers as significant for one reason. One distinctive segment of SARS-CoV-2’s genetic code is a furin cleavage site that makes the virus more infectious by allowing it to efficiently enter human cells. That is just the feature that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology had proposed to engineer in the 2018 grant proposal.”
Amazingly, NIH Suddenly Revises Its Gain-of-Function Webpage
Adding fuel to suspicions that the NIH/NIAID are trying to cover their tracks is the fact that the NIH suddenly, in the third week of October 2021, deleted the definition of GOF from its website, replacing it with a section on enhanced potential pandemic pathogens (ePPP) research.27
“The National Institutes of Health appears to be engaged in an ongoing misinformation campaign and a coverup of an unprecedented scale,” Schachtel writes.28“Sure, Fauci lied, but that might only scratch the surface of the ongoing whitewashing campaign advanced by U.S. Government Health institutions.”
Appropriations Bill Bars Federal Funding of GOF
As reported by CQ, the U.S. Congress is now trying to curtail funding of GOF in general and EcoHealth Alliance in particular: 29
“Congressional efforts to curtail funding to EcoHealth Alliance included House votes to prohibit Defense Department funding through the fiscal 2022 defense bill (HR 4432) and the National Defense Authorization Act (HR 4350).
The draft fiscal 2022 Senate Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill does not contain any language targeting gain-of-function research or the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but other bills do.
The House-passed Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill (HR 4502) included language to bar federal funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology or gain-of-function research. It was adopted by voice vote during the markup process.
A Senate-passed technology bill (S 1260) included an amendment to ban any federal agency from funding gain-of-function research in China. The amendment was accepted by voice vote. The House has not taken up the bill yet.”
A Crisis of Trust
Commenting on the latest revelations, health care entrepreneur and political commentator Vivek Ramaswamy tweeted:30
“Another ‘conspiracy theory’ becomes accepted fact … So to sum it up:
1. US bans gain-of-function research
2. Rogue bureaucrats fund it abroad instead
3. Lab leak occurs. Global pandemic ensues
4. Scientific leaders lie about it and label dissenters as racists
Want to create a crisis of trust in science? That’ll do it… The facts have been apparent for a long time. The fact that the media missed it says a lot about the quality of true journalism in the US today: almost entirely absent.”
PDF osha-covers-up-vaccine-injuries-Mercola
This finding can only be described as a true “horror” in its implications. Stunning new research published in Viruses, part of the SARS-CoV-2 Host Cell Interactions edition of MDPI (Open Access Journals) reveals that vaccine spike proteins enter cell nuclei and wreak havoc on cells’ DNA repair mechanism, suppressing DNA repair by as much as 90%.
A slavery system, steeped in the ideologies of transhumanism and technocracy, is being created right before our eyes — and the current lockdowns, closing of small businesses and the redefinition of “normal” are all part of a planned global governance system that will end sovereignty and individual rights
How do you implement a financial system that no one wants? You frighten people with an invisible enemy such as a virus, and then capitalize on that fear, saying that this new system is necessary because the pandemic destroyed the old system
The pandemic also allows for the implementation of new, more invasive surveillance systems
The riots in the U.S. were not random. It appears more likely that they were part of a real estate acquisition plan
Pandemic measures have severely limited people’s ability to congregate and share information face-to-face. Internet censorship by Big Tech has decimated information sharing even further. Ultimately, they’re trying to get people to buy into a solution before they understand the full ramifications of doing so.
Dr. Sam Bailey of Christchurch, New Zealand, was a well-known presenter in a TVNZ health series called “The Checkup” until she was terminated for “spreading misinformation”
Bailey was able to track down what led to her being fired — someone with a background in social work reported her for spreading “misinformation” about positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests for COVID-19
The complaint itself included inaccuracies that suggested the person did not understand the science and neglected to include any references to back up the “misinformation” allegation
It was a case of someone parroting what they’ve been told, without analyzing the real information, and trying to suppress a viewpoint that threatened their own worldview
It’s a wheel of misinformation in which official agencies are calling for misinformation to be reported and spinning its threat to the public, but no one actually defines what this misinformation is and those who go against the narrative are being targeted
Bailey notes, “… Be very suspicious when you hear the term COVID misinformation because none of the institutions actively promoting the term can define it and don’t seem too keen to engage in discussions about it”
Dr. Sam Bailey of Christchurch, New Zealand was a well-known presenter in a TVNZ health series called “The Checkup.” That is, until she was terminated for “spreading misinformation.” That word — misinformation — has been thrown around indiscriminately since the start of the pandemic, but what does it really mean? What qualifies as misinformation and who is in charge of dictating what’s misinformation and what’s not?
We’re at the convoluted point where a medical doctor can give an opinion and have it labeled “misinformation,” but how can an opinion be “wrong”? The livelihoods and reputations of countless people have been decimated based on “misinformation” while we still don’t have answers to these questions.
What Exactly Is the Meaning of Misinformation?
Bailey cites the Cambridge Dictionary’s definition of misinformation, which is “wrong information, or the fact that people are misinformed.”1 This implies that there are either incorrect statements or the person is trying to deceive others. Governments, and the corporations associated with them, are the ones most often using the term misinformation, but Bailey notes:2
“… We know from history that governments, and their associated corporations, are specialists at gaslighting not only foreign countries but also their own citizens to do all sorts of crazy things. However now they expect us to believe that whistleblowers and individuals risking their careers are the ones behind the misinformation.”
People are being censored, deplatformed and banned from social media for the crime of spreading “misinformation”, the meaning of which can change from day to day and from platform to platform.
It’s a modern-day witch hunt, whereby the U.S. Department of Homeland Security even lists promulgating “false narratives” around COVID-19 as a top national security threat, which basically puts a “domestic terrorist” target on the backs of those of us who have been identified as the most prolific “superspreaders” of COVID-19 misinformation, whatever that “misinformation” happens to be.
In the U.S., dark money group the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) has accused 12 individuals, me included, for being responsible for spreading the majority of this misinformation,3 but even Facebook pointed out the absurdity of such a claim. In an August 18, 2021, Facebook report, Monika Bickert, vice president of Facebook content policy, set the record straight, and in the process, demolished CCDH’s claims:4
“In recent weeks, there has been a debate about whether the global problem of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation can be solved simply by removing 12 people from social media platforms. People who have advanced this narrative contend that these 12 people are responsible for 73% of online vaccine misinformation on Facebook. There isn’t any evidence to support this claim …
In fact, these 12 people are responsible for about just 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on Facebook. This includes all vaccine-related posts they’ve shared, whether true or false, as well as URLs associated with these people.”
Directing Millions to Fight an Undefined ‘Problem’
Similar occurrences are happening worldwide, including in New Zealand, where Bailey explained:5
“Here in New Zealand we have government funded departments and state-sponsored media that claim to be responsible for collecting, monitoring and educating on COVID-19 misinformation. But when you try and pin them down on backing up the allegations of misinformation, it seems they all pass the buck and none of them can give you specific examples.”
To get to the bottom of it, Dr. Anna Goodwin, a retired oncologist, put in an inquiry with the Health Research Council of New Zealand to find out about their allegations of misinformation.
She pointed out that New Zealand health minister Andrew Little appropriated $42 million to fund 36 projects directed at reducing misinformation and “vaccine hesitancy.” She asked, “What is the definition of ‘COVID-19 misinformation’ for the purposes of the allotment of funding to address this problem?”6 Their response?
“The Health Research Council has not referred to ‘COVID-19 misinformation’ and none of the funded projects used this term, hence we do not have a definition for it.”7 New Zealand’s Unite Against COVID-19 website8 also neglects to define misinformation, though they do suggest that you could discuss it with your doctor — except, health care providers can also lose their licenses if they don’t universally support the COVID-19 narrative and share “anti-vaccination messages.”
At New Zealand Doctors’ SOS, or NZDSOS, more than 38,000 health care professionals have signed a declaration reminding authorities of the Nuremburg code and that COVID-19 injections must be voluntary and not forcibly administered.9
The Government Is the One With the Agenda
Bailey points out the irony of New Zealand’s government website including a section on “How to Spot Misinformation.” It includes thinking about “what the author wants you to believe,” a strategy of trying to discredit someone without actually evaluating the information they’re sharing.
“It gaslights the public because the government is the one with the agenda. They want you to believe something and follow their policies, which are increasingly relying on coercion, because people don’t want to go along with their nonsense,” she says.10
They go on to suggest looking for “reliable sources” such as “academics or the mainstream media,” but they’re not talking about the academics who are increasingly questioning what’s going on. Further, the mainstream media rely on advertising revenue and government handouts to survive — they’re not going to bite the hands that feed them.
Michael Bassett, Ph.D., a New Zealand political historian, commented that “the government is trying to keep the media on side by overpaying them for printing the masses of COVID announcements … if my information is correct, it is corruption, pure and simple. In normal circumstances there would be rebellion.”11
The New Zealand government website also encourages residents to spy and tattle on those spreading “misinformation” by immediately notifying authorities via CERT NZ, the country’s official outlet for responding to cyber security threats, while at the same time making contradictory statements like, “Every New Zealander has the right to freedom of speech. Challenging misinformation is a way to ensure New Zealanders have access to the facts.”12
Bailey notes, “This is like something out of “1984.” They are encouraging you to dob [tattle] on others under the guise of freedom of speech so that other people’s freedom of speech can be regulated.”13
More Spin About ‘Misinformation’
What criteria does CERT NZ use to determine whether the reports of misinformation they’re actively soliciting from the public are credible and, in fact, misinformation? Rob Pope, CERT NZ director, said:14
“Members of the public report potential misinformation and disinformation … Other agencies with relevant subject matter expertise can determine its accuracy i.e. for COVID-19 the Ministry of Health.”
It’s a wheel of misinformation, in which all of the agencies are calling for misinformation to be reported and spinning its threat to the public, but no one actually defines what this misinformation is.
Professor Cameron Stewart of the University of Sydney was interviewed by ABC News on the topic of regulating COVID-19 misinformation and social media influencers,15 and he went so far as to imply that only certain government-funded academics should be discussing COVID-19 information — not those on social media. And he also neglected to define misinformation.
Bailey reached out to him for comment on his statements, and why he would support the centralized control of information by a select few — a sure set up for disaster — but he didn’t respond.
Misinformation Gets Bailey Fired for Spreading Misinformation
Bailey was able to track down what led to her being fired from her position as a presenter on “The Checkup.” Someone with a background in social work reported her for spreading “misinformation” about positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests for COVID-19.
The PCR test is not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as it cannot distinguish between inactive (noninfectious) viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.16 She was able to track down the nature of the complaint, which itself included inaccuracies that suggested the person did not understand the science and neglected to include any references to back up the “misinformation” allegation.17
Nonetheless, the complaint made it to the executive team at TVNZ, and a conversation ensued between the company’s general manager of corporate communications, Rachel Howard, and Vicki Keogh, TVNZ’s commissioner of factual and unscripted comedy.
“These two ladies, who appear to have no medical or scientific background, then produced their own unscripted comedy,” Bailey said, and were going to have a conversation with her about removing the “problematic” content, which she believes included her stating that she had no interest in receiving a COVID-19 jab.
The executives then discussed that there should be a “full audit of the YouTube channel,” and that “removing this video is the minimum step, but there is still huge reputation risk to be giving platform to a doctor dabbling in COVID denial.”18 Shortly after, Bailey was asked to remove the video, but she said she stood behind all of her content.
It was a case of someone parroting what they’ve been told without analyzing the real information, and trying to suppress a viewpoint that threatened their own worldview. When weeding through information in your own life, it’s important to dig deep enough to unveil what’s real, and what’s real misinformation. As Bailey said:19
“Looking back, I’m now happy that these people, in a way, helped show me the true path I needed to take. Public TV show executives and the audience cheering on their anti-science and contrived messaging was not something I can be a part of.
My own content is free from the artificial restraints and departing the TV show strengthened by resolve to leave no stone unturned when investigating science … even if the findings go against the establishment and how I was trained.
… Misinformation is a word thrown around by those who are pushing a narrative. Real scientists produce their own work and don’t cry ‘misinformation’ when someone says something they don’t agree with.
At the end of the day, be very suspicious when you hear the term COVID misinformation because none of the institutions actively promoting the term can define it and don’t seem too keen to engage in discussions about it. Perhaps with these things that have mysterious definitions, we can seek an explanation from an expert in the craft.”
Rumble — BREAKING: The Washington Post is conducting a deep dive into the events of January 6, and has revealed that Lindsey Graham told Capitol Police to shoot Trump supporters that were protesting the certification of what many believe to be a fraudulent election. Lauren Witzke joined Stew Peters.
Mikki Willis’ documentary “Plandemic” was released May 4, 2020, and has since been viewed over 1 billion times, despite being universally censored. “Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation” has also been viewed more than 200 million times
“Plandemic: Indoctornation” features David Martin, Ph.D., who has documented and tracked white collar crime for decades and invented technologies that help trace the flow of funding
Martin helped educate Sens. Ron Paul and Ron Johnson when they started to go after Dr. Anthony Fauci to finally hold him accountable for his decades of crimes
While many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, the evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all. It was planned this way
Ultimately, the plan is to create a state of dependency, through which the technocratic elite can then control the human population. “Plandemic Part 3” will delve into this plan to show the history behind it and how it has led us to where we are right now. It will also review how we can rebuild society after it falls apart
In this interview, filmmaker-turned-author Mikki Willis discusses his two-part film “Plandemic,” which went viral despite being universally censored last year. He’s now releasing a book, “Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure,” and is working on “Plandemic Part 3,” which is slated for release around the winter holidays. Willis summarizes the backstory of how “Plandemic” came to be:
“I had met Judy Mikovits, who is the featured virologist in ‘Plandemic 1.’ I’d met her about a year and a half before the pandemic was announced. At the time, when [the COVID pandemic] was announced, I was working on a film called ‘The Narrative,’ which was to really pull back the curtain on mainstream media, the way that it’s been infiltrated and affected the global consciousness.
In the process of doing this, the whistleblowers that I was interviewing for the movie, several of them had warned me and said there’s a false flag coming very soon. A false flag means an event that takes place that diverts the world’s attention and/or subverts the consciousness such that we’ll vote for war … or something like that.
It’s some kind of an event that will cause some kind of a reaction. So, I was on the lookout for this … when the pandemic was announced, I reached out to Mikovits … and I asked her, ‘What do you think is going on here?’
She started to break it down for me, and it seemed so viable that I said, ‘Let’s stop what we’re doing and go to my studio, sit down and do this on camera, because I think that the world deserves to hear this information.’”
More Than a Billion People Have Seen ‘Plandemic’
“Plandemic Part 1” was released May 4, 2020, and has since been viewed over 1 billion times, a record, for sure, for any documentary. This, despite it being heavily censored. “Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation” has also been viewed more than 200 million times.
One of the keys to the videos’ remarkable successes was Willis’ decision to allow (and encourage) people to download the movie files and upload them anywhere they pleased, without restrictions.
This virtually guaranteed he wouldn’t make any money from the films, but he viewed them as a gift to humanity. Putting the truth out there was more important than making a buck. Besides, hosting the films on any given platform would allow the opposition to simply nuke that one site, ensuring the films wouldn’t be seen by anyone.
‘Plandemic 3’ Will Expose Power Players and Their Intentions
“Plandemic: Indoctornation” features the brilliant David Martin, Ph.D., who has documented and tracked white collar crime for decades and invented technologies that help trace the flow of funding. Willis explains:
“We decided in ‘Plandemic 2’ to really follow the paper trail. And I’m very glad we made that decision because it has been bulletproof. Every single claim that David Martin made in the film has been 100% validated at this point.
He’s the one that actually helped educate [Sens.] Rand Paul and Ron Johnson when they started to go after [Dr. Anthony] Fauci to finally hold him accountable for his decades of crimes.
[Martin] had the paper trail of how much money had been spent, that had been moved through a company called EcoHealth Alliance, and where it ended up in Wuhan at the lab.
But as important as it is to know where the virus originated, it goes so far beyond that in the next [film]. We are, I will announce right now, producing ‘Plandemic 3.’ And that one’s going to go even further into who’s behind this [virus] and why. Is this really about money? The answer is, for the most part, no. The people at the top of the pyramid, they can just print their own money.
It’s really about ultimately creating a state of dependency, through which you can then control the human population. We’re going to go deeper and really show the trail on how that works, the history of that, and how it’s led us to this moment right now.
Psychological diversion has literally brainwashed a great deal of our population into fighting for these very wicked forces, unknowingly, unwittingly.”
After the release of “Plandemic 1,” Willis offered $10,000 to anyone who could debunk any claim made in the film.
“People tried,” he says, “but they would give us these phony fact-checker reports and we would debunk them. And so, they just went away after about six months of me offering that challenge. I really wanted to show people that there’s a whole other world behind the smoke screen of propaganda that is used to get people to ignore important information.
So, with ‘Plandemic 3,’ we’re going to go further. Once again, in real time, we’re going to say, ‘Here’s what we said, here’s what they said about us, now here’s what they’re finally saying one year later.’”
It’s Not Incompetence, It’s a Plan
While many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, the evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all. It was planned this way. Willis says:
“I always want to believe the best in people. So, it took me a long time before I would be willing to say anything out loud about Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci, because I thought:
‘If I’m wrong, and these men are really trying to help the world, then even if they’re doing it in a horrible way, I don’t think I have the [right] to actually slander somebody in that way. If they’re really trying their hardest, I hope somebody educates them so they can do a better job.’
But as I delved into this with a really incredible team of researchers, and started to learn the history of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and many others … I realized that there has to be, at this point, a real knowing of what they’re doing and a plan behind what they’re doing.
As soon as I started looking there, that’s when I saw that every bit of evidence pointed in one direction, and that is, they’re fully aware of what they’re doing. And that’s the sad part of this …
COVID’s plan was to kill all the mom and pop shops, all the personal businesses, so that we’re all dependent upon these multinational corporations that are under the control of the same people that are behind all of this.
They can then make sure that all of our supplies, everything we need to get by in our lives, are controlled by people that are controlled by them so that they can then control our lives. That’s really what this game is about.”
Willis does believe, however, that a great awakening is underway, and that at least half the population, or maybe more, are starting to wake up to the fact that we’re being manipulated by forces that do not have our best interest at heart. As for how this drama will play out, Willis points to the history of human mythology.
We’re in a Mythological Battle
In virtually all myths, there’s a reluctant hero who, faced with a life or death challenge, goes in search of a savior, only to in the end realize that he is the one; that the force to overcome the challenge is within himself, and that he must rise up and face the challenge himself.
“We’re at that point right now,” Willis says. “My prediction is that we haven’t quite reached the fiery crescendo yet that all movies feature, to some degree, in their third act. So, my prediction is it will get worse before it gets better.
We’re going to have a succession of attacks, from cyberattacks, to food chain attacks, to attacks on our power [grid] and perhaps even some form of war that we’ll be engaged in. But the end of that story is that we win. I have no doubt about that.
And everyone I know that really studies this deeply has the same conclusion. In the end, this is the human story. We are the David against the Goliath. The Goliath is incredibly powerful, but will be defeated. But it requires us to do the one thing that we’re all afraid to do right now, and that is to stand up and speak out …
We have to be willing to be uncomfortable, we have to be willing to let our friends go. If we lose friends over us simply speaking our truth, whether it’s 100% accurate or not, then they’re not our friends in the first place. So, we have to get over that, rise up, speak out and deal with the attacks that come.”
How Do We Rebuild?
“Plandemic 3” will also cover ideas for how to rebuild society. This is something Martin and Willis have started collaborating on.
“For me, that’s the most important thing that we can get into right now,” Willis says. “We’re creating new curriculums for schools, where we want to make sure that parents understand what’s being injected into the curriculums of schools around the world.
They’re now attacking our youngest. For decades, they’ve gone after people at the collegiate level, but now they’re going after K through 12.
And when you get into the heads of little people and you convince them that all of America is racist, that white people are bad, that everyone is oppressed just by their skin color, that police are bad … ultimately it leaves people in this place of being easily controlled and subverted to what ultimately will look a lot like communism.
If you understand the history of the way that other nations have been overcome and infiltrated by communist ideologies, and you then take a look at what’s happening here in America, you realize that this is actually what’s taking place here …
It’s almost good that we’re going to go through more suffering … because unfortunately, people need to see that. You can’t just tell them, ‘It would be bad, let’s divert from this.’ They actually have to experience it.
Like right now, people thought Biden was going to come in and save the day, and now they’re going, ‘What is going on here? The border is worse, kids are being treated worse, there’s sex trafficking with young people, the economy’s collapsing. We’re on the verge of new wars.’
They needed to see it, to actually understand that Trump was used as a big boogeyman to get them to look away from what they’re doing. That’s the game of politics. ‘Look over here, look how bad this guy is. Let’s keep him in the press all day long. Look what he said right now.’ All this trivial stuff.
And then over here, we’re actually rearranging your lives, stripping away your civil liberties, changing the structures of your curriculums in your schools, and nobody sees it until it’s too late …
So, for me, one of the first things that we have to do is come to grips with what’s really happening. To say the word ‘communism.’ To understand that we actually have globalists that are working very hard to create a one-world government …
So, we need to identify the people that are behind this, and we need to peacefully use the power of our voice, the power of numbers, to make sure that these people know we’re aware of them, and to find a way to get them out of their powers of position. Then we can start talking about new systems.”
An important part of any new and improved system would be decentralization of power and control. One way to do this could be to form councils where people are represented by an actual peer.
The Last Stand for Freedom
Willis, like many others, is convinced America is the last stand for freedom. He even moved to Texas recently in order to become “a functioning part of the incredible people who have been raised with the constitutional understandings that I knew nothing about, being a California boy.”
Interestingly, Willis was a supporter of the progressive left up until just a few years ago, when he started noticing the creeping in of communist ideologies that he knew can never work.
“I wanted something new, something progressive, not understanding that it’s the history of the foundation of what built this country that makes it so amazing. So, I had to go back and reeducate myself on what the forefathers said.
And there’s some incredible insights, incredibly profound, prophetic words within our constitution and beyond, that were set up to protect us against moments just like this. They knew this was coming. At a certain point, I was all for gun control. And now here I am in Texas, going to the gun range and appreciating the fact that it was set up to protect the people from a tyrannical government.”
On God and Faith
Willis also admits being raised without religion, and that he lived most of his life with a lot of judgment about people who are religious. That all changed over the past year and a half, when he suddenly started appreciating the importance of having faith in something greater than ourselves.
“I found a deeper understanding of my own fate and faith,” he says. “And I have learned that the people that impressed me the most, that are humble, that are not doing this for any kind of profit, but that are simply here to stand for the organism of life, all have some form of a foundation of faith in God in their lives …
We all need to realize that when we think we are the dominant force, then we do things like Bill Gates does and like Anthony Fauci does. And at this point, after knowing what I know now … I really deeply consider that there is some entity of darkness, of evil, that’s behind this agenda.
It’s the only thing that explains to me how people could knowingly allow children to be brutalized the way that they’re, knowingly, just for political power. I mean, if that’s not evil, I don’t know what is.”
More Information
The book “Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus, Truth Is the Cure,” is being released on Amazon October 19, 2021. Pick up your copy here. Interestingly, Willis had hired an investigative journalist to conduct interviews for the book. Three months into the project he found out she initially had not been on his side at all.
“My producer called me and said, ‘I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?’ And I said, ‘Give me the bad.’ And he said our writer is not on our side. ‘She thinks we’re crazy conspiracy theorists …
The good news is, she thought we were crazy, but she has now done the research, and she said her mind is blown because she cannot find any claim made that’s inaccurate. She’s even going deeper now and she’s 100% on our side.’
She’s going to take her name off the book because she’s afraid. Her whole world is left-leaning journalism. She’s afraid that she’ll lose her job. So, it becomes this really interesting story of this woman who is waking up during the process of co-writing the book …
But most importantly, it leaves us very hopeful about what’s happening, and points towards some pathways of how we can get out of this mess, and our necessity to take personal responsibility for how we got here. We slept through this. The alarms have been going off for decades and we kept hitting snooze and it’s time for us to fully wake up and rise up.”
Catherine Austin Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud within the banking industry and government, and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic
We’re seeing a shift of billions of dollars of liability to families for health care, disability, workman’s compensation, unemployment and death, as experimental COVID injections are mandated while drug makers, doctors and corporations have been released from all liability
At present, there is no legally valid vaccine mandate. The shots are still under emergency use authorization, and there’s no official document from government, be it in the form of legislation, law or regulation, that grants a legal basis for the mandate. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration also has not published any rule regarding the mandating of vaccines by private companies
The vaccine passports create a platform for a digital transaction system that documents and tracks all transactions. Once combined with a central bank-controlled digital currency, they will have the ability to block transactions
To prevent the final implementation of this planned control system, we must be ready and willing to sacrifice in the short term. We must be willing to say, “No, I will not comply, no matter what the consequence,” or we’ll lose even our most basic freedoms
Typically, my conversations with experts about the COVID pandemic revolve around the infection and its treatment. Today’s interview with finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts will tackle the COVID topic from a different angle.
Austin Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government, and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic as well.
“I had a very successful career on Wall Street, then went to Washington briefly and was appalled at the mortgage corruption and left,” she says. “I started my own firm, which was very successful, and I got caught up in litigation with the federal government.
Part of that was due to discovering what a criminal enterprise the major media was. I decided during that period that I would stop trying to discuss anything with people through the media. In fact, I would just answer people’s questions directly. That process of just constantly answering people’s questions … turned into two businesses, one of which was an investment advisory business, started in 2007.
I discovered that many of the financial problems and many of the financial challenges that my clients were facing really were generated by health, including many of them from vaccine injury and vaccine adverse events. I’m no longer an investment adviser … I don’t do individual investment advice.
But what I discovered was that it was absolutely imperative, if you wanted to help clients be successful at building family wealth, to integrate the investment in health and wellness with the investment in financial things. I would have people tell me that they put millions of dollars in their brokerage account, but couldn’t afford organic or biodynamic food.
I’m like, are you crazy? So, there was an integration that had to happen. Because of the extraordinary expense of vaccine injury and adverse events, it got me very interested in vaccines. I spent many years reading and studying what was going on and why the lies were so bad.”
According to Austin Fitts, your health and personal finances simply cannot be separated. The two are really like two sides of the same coin, and families who don’t learn to navigate through the lies of the medical and finance industries can end up in very bad shape, both health-wise and financially.
The Injection Fraud
One of the most egregious crimes of this pandemic is the mandating of these experimental COVID jabs while simultaneously giving the drug companies full immunity. They’re not liable for anything, no matter how many people are injured or die. A person can be forced into taking this injection and suffer permanent disability requiring millions of dollars of care, and the patient is responsible for all these costs, even though they were coerced into it.
“Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic I published an article called ‘The Injection Fraud,’1” Austin Fitts says, “and I went through the different liability issues.
The goal of the COVID-19 forms that we’ve published on our website is to try and move the liability back to where it belongs, because you’re watching a shift of billions of dollars of liability to families for health care, disability, workman’s compensation, unemployment, death and on and on. The shift of financial liabilities to individuals is extraordinary.
What we try to do with the COVID-19 forms is give individuals forms that they could use in negotiation with their employers and schools to try and hold them responsible for informed consent … Then it walks through the health care issues, the disability issues, workman comp issues, life insurance issues …
That process started with something called the family financial disclosure form. We had many subscribers who had spouses who wanted to get the injection.
It was very important for me to give people a form they could walk through with their spouse and ensure that an adverse event impacting the spouse would not translate into bankruptcy for the family because there are steps that people can take to protect the family from financial destruction if they’re foolish enough to go take one of these [shots].
So, it started with the family financial form, then it translated into an employer and university form, and I have been told by subscribers that they were able to talk their employers out of requiring [the shot] once they went through the form with them.
It’s incredible, because employers and universities are just flat out lying to people, whether it’s about the adverse events and the potential risks, or about what the law is.
I dare any employer who is trying to say that they’re mandating this when they’re still under emergency use authorization to produce a document from government, whether legislation, law or regulation, that says they have a basis in law to do this. As far as I know, OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] has not published anything yet.”
Is There Conspiracy Blackmail Going On?
While I believe many employers and school administrators are simply ignorant and have fallen victim to the most successful propaganda campaign in modern history, Austin Fitts suspects they know exactly what they’re doing.
“I don’t think it’s the propaganda,” she says. “I think they’re under terrible pressure from both the government and banks … I think there’s RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] conspiracy blackmail going on behind the scenes.
I think they do understand it. And, I think they’re being seriously threatened through the banking system. If you look at the strongest pressure we’re seeing, it’s coming from the central bankers and the financial side.
I’ve spent a lot of time with the Doctors for COVID Ethics over the last year, learning about what those doctors and scientists know, what’s in this [COVID shot] and what it does. There’s a whole portion of the ingredients that we still don’t know what they are.
And, I dare say, I believe it’s connected to why the central bankers are pushing so hard. I think these guys are really depending on the smart grid and creepy technology to help them go to the last steps of financial control, which is what I think they’re pushing for.”
Only One Choice Remains: Slavery or Freedom
To prevent the final implementation of this planned control system, we must be ready and willing to sacrifice in the short term. Everyone must be willing to say, “No, I will not comply, no matter what the consequence, whether if you take away my pension, if you fire me, if you discredit me and I can never work again in my profession.” That’s what it’s going to take to keep even our most basic freedoms.
As noted by Austin Fitts:
“It is slavery or freedom. If you look at what they’re planning, what they’re shooting for, it’s a complete financial and technological control grid. That is slavery. I mean, when the World Economic Forum says it’s 2030 and you have no assets, what is it about that that’s not clear? You have no assets means you’re a slave.”
According to federal statistics in the U.S., the wealth of the bottom half of the population has increased during the pandemic due to housing inflation. “I assure you, that is a ruse,” Austin Fitts says. With respect to liquid assets, somewhere in the neighborhood of 70% to 80% of Americans have virtually no reserve stores of cash at all.
“That’s because what we’ve seen is a tremendous effort to … bankrupt the population and the governments so that it’s much easier for the central bankers to take control. That’s what I’ve been writing about since 1998, that this is a financial coup d’etat.
Now the financial coup d’etat is being consolidated, where the central bankers just serve jurisdiction over the treasury and the tax money. And if they can get the passports in with the CBDC [central bank digital currency], then it will be able to take taxes out of our accounts and take our assets.
So, this is a real coup d’etat, and that’s why if you look broadly at the population, we are the guys who are building the prison. We have the power to stop.”
Why We Must Reject Vaccine Passports
I suspect CBDCs are the crux of this plot, and I’m a firm believer that decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are a powerful alternative and important to counter the central bank control of the financial system. Austin Fitts disagrees, pointing out that all cryptocurrencies operate on systems controlled by the existing system of governance.
“I believe that any blockchain technology under the current governance system is a danger,” she says. “Having litigated with the Department of Justice for 11 years over financial issues and money issues, I think they have the ability to exercise remarkable control over any of them … I mean, they control the hardware, the satellites, the cables … And many people believe the current cryptos are much more private than I believe they are.”
While government does not control private keys and decentralized elements, they still have plenty of ways to get to the private data of targeted individuals. “I’ve watched lots of people get subpoenas and have the FBI arrive at their door, and it’s amazing what they will hand over and go along with,” Austin Fitts says. In short, government’s ability to deliver on a threat when they want something from you is profound, which makes it near-impossible to resist.
“Now, I still believe we have the power to completely turn this around,” she says. “I want to mention one thing though, because the important thing, our danger point, is not CBDCs. CBDCs will take them quite a while to figure out. Our danger point is the vaccine passports.
If they get the passports, then I would argue, as a practical matter, we lose our ability to stop the CBDCs. So, whatever we do, we need to stop the passports. The passports give them the kind of control they need of the digital and financial transactions that then leads into the CBDCs.”
Vaccine Passport Is a Ticket to Financial Enslavement
As explained by Austin Fitts, the vaccine passports create a platform for a digital transaction system that documents and tracks all transactions. Once combined with a central bank controlled digital currency, they will have the ability to block transactions.
If government doesn’t want you to purchase anything more than five miles from your home, they have the ability to prevent you from doing so. If they don’t want you buying pizzas, they have the ability to prevent you from buying pizza.
“So, it’s Step 1 to building that control grid. If you go to and click on Cash Friday — which is a campaign we’re doing to get everybody to use cash on Fridays — you’ll see a 56-second video of the general manager of the Bank of International Settlements explaining how with CBDC, they’ll have the ability to enforce all the rules they want to create about CBDCs and your money.
It’s very chilling and it communicates the control they think they’re going to have when this is over. But to get that control, first you need the entire passport system to come into being. That’s basically the information grid that the CBDCs can then plug into …
If you get a passport system in place that can literally stop your financial transactions unless you get another booster, imagine, with CBDCs, it can stop all your transactions. It can change the amount of money. It can take money out of your bank account. In other words, it’s no longer a currency. It’s a credit that the company stores and the company controls everything …
The passports are now. We need to stop these now. I’ve seen passport apps that show people getting eight or more boosters. Who’s going to worry about CBDCs if you’ve had two of these injections and eight boosters? I mean, the question is, are you going to be alive at that point? I don’t know.”
What Can You Do Now?
So, how can the average person resist this diabolical plan? One strategy would be to move to a state or country that has made vaccine passport requirements illegal. Another strategy is to simply refuse the passport, no matter what the ramifications.
This goes for those who have gotten one or two COVID jabs as well. To maintain a valid passport, you’ll have to take boosters. How many are you willing to take? How many times are you willing to risk your health and life? At some point, you’ll have to make the same decision as everyone who is unvaccinated — freedom or slavery.
What this means is we’ll also need to create alternate and parallel systems for everything we’ll be denied access to if we don’t have a valid vaccine passport. This includes education, food production, services of various kinds, health care and economy.
These parallel systems will be crucial anyway, as the U.S. entitlement programs — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — look like they’ll be out of money by 2028. And, as these programs vanish, they’ll take the drug industry down with them, as they are drug companies’ primary revenue source.
“I discovered there was a whole community of people who did RV living because they just didn’t trust any jurisdiction. They wanted the ability to get up and go, and that group has been growing steadily.
So, my feeling is we have to say no, and we have to do whatever we can do. I went through that decision process during the [government] litigation because I was absolutely convinced that if I kept saying no, chances were very high I could be killed. I was poisoned on many occasions, so I dealt with some pretty severe harassment.
All I can tell you is that saying no turned out to be the smartest thing I ever did. I’m not saying that isn’t difficult. It’s exceptionally inconvenient. I went from being a very wealthy person to having to live through periods of intense poverty. It was pretty gruesome.
But at the same time, you come out the other end and it’s a great life. It’s just a great life to be free … I don’t think there’s any way to get to a free and inspired life other than hurtling into it. You have to say no. And if we don’t say no, we’re going to be slaves. Frankly, I’d rather be dead than take these injections. God knows what’s in them.”
There Is No Legal Vaccine Mandate in the US
Recently, President Biden issued an unconstitutional presidential directive that companies with 100 employees or more are required to mandate the COVID injection for all staff members. The penalty can go as high as $700,000 per incident.
Such stiff fines could quickly bankrupt all but the wealthiest companies if they don’t comply. However, even here, there is choice, because as it stands, there is no LEGAL rule or law dictating vaccination rules for private companies.
“This is genocide,” Austin Fitts says. “There is no OSHA temporary emergency rule. There is no document. If I’m a company and you have no law, no regulation, no emergency regulation — you can’t legislate law by press conference, and you can’t apply civil money penalties out of thin air.
I don’t know on what basis in law you can apply a civil money penalty to a violation of a non-existent law and a non-existent rule. Now, I’m not saying you can’t find a judge and threaten him and scare him into going along with that. But I have to tell you, if there’s anything worth litigating, it’s that.
But let’s talk about whether a company can exist as a political matter. If every company in the world is basically a captive of blackmail of the SPECTRE organization — because this is getting very James Bond — [then] no one can represent the shareholder, because they can’t say no to organized crime.
Then we no longer have an economy. We no longer have a stock market. We no longer have a country. We no longer have a civilization. We just have a mob, right? It’s all gone.
So, to me, I can’t think of anything better to litigate than whether or not we’re going to have law. If everything is just the rule of the mafia, there will be no companies. There will be no stock market. There will be no financial system. And a lot of us are going to die.
So, I think we’re going to have to decide whether we want to have the rule of law or not … I don’t believe that organized crime with all its coercive force has the power to sabotage all whilst people stand up.”
Who’s Behind It All?
As for who’s behind this gigantic scheme, it’s hard to say. I believe the closest we can get the identity of these criminals is the private shareholders of Vanguard, because Vanguard owns most of the companies of the world. Austin Fitts believes it’s the private owners of the central banks of the world. She explains:
“Vanguard is essentially owned by itself. So, the question is, who controls it behind the scenes? I have an online book called ‘Dillon Read and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits.’ I’ve tried to publish it in hard copy three times and each time I’ve been threatened. The last time, they threatened somebody in my family.
So, I’ve left it online. [In that book], I tell the story of how I was a partner and member of the board of Dillon Read. At one point, I was surprised at their choice of the next president of the firm. [There was] a wonderful partner there whose father had run the firm once upon a time, so I said to him, ‘I’m surprised at the choice. He’s not a ‘Nick guy’ at all.’
Nick Brady, the chairman of the firm, had gone to the Senate for a while, which is why they were bringing another president. And my partner said, ‘Nick didn’t choose him. The Rothschilds choose him.’ I said, ‘Wait a minute. We own the firm. What does the Rothschilds have to do with us?’ And he just looked at me and he rolled his eyes … and walked off like I was the dumbest person in America.”
Austin Fitts’ nickname for the committee that runs the world is “Mr. Global.” She admits she doesn’t fully understand how it works at the top, but she does know that the decision-making is highly centralized, it’s most likely run by committee, and the members are the prisoners of 50 years of secrecy.
“There is a tremendous amount of money since World War II that constantly disappears through the financial system,” she says. “It’s almost as though the planet is a REIT [real estate investment trust]. I’ll never forget watching the movie ‘Jupiter Ascending’ and the princess from a faraway galaxy looks at this woman from earth and she says, ‘Earth is just a very small part of a much bigger corporation.’
Actually, if you look at the financial system, that is how it works — as though everybody’s being forced to produce this dividend and it’s become very dysfunctional because of the secrecy.
Now, I have been told on several occasions — and I tend to believe it — that the people who literally run what most people call the Deep State have tried to figure out how they could [increase] the transparency and they run into so many liability issues, they just give up.
If there is one solution we all need, it’s to bring tremendous transparency and reduce the risk of the people at the top. Because I think one of the reasons they’re [pushing for] complete control is … that [they can then] manage things centrally with artificial intelligence …
Complete control is: You’re on a smart grid that’s under 24/7 surveillance and subjects you to all sorts of propaganda and mind control, and they have the power to literally turn off your money if you don’t behave. That can be managed with software, AI and a smart grid [through the vaccine passport and CBDC] …
I would describe it as a slavery system … They can literally collateralize a human being and connect it to the banking system, and they can stop all violent revolution once they have everybody basically digitized and on a financial transaction control system …
I think it’s a terrible mistake. But I think they … don’t know what else to do. If we’re going to get out of this, one, we need to just say no and refuse to go into the box. The other is we need to bring transparency where we can all change. Because we do need a reset. If we keep going the way we’re going, it’s not going to work.”
We Need a Reset, but Not ‘The Great Reset’
Many have pointed out that it’s a mathematical inevitability that the central bank financial system will collapse. You cannot rack up debt in perpetuity. It’s really just a matter of when. As noted by Austin Fitts, we currently have a negative return on investment.
But the financial system can certainly be re-engineered to a positive return on investment. However, to do that, we cannot allow corporations to function above the law. She explains:
“Right now, we have a legal doctrine that says as long as they can make money, they’re free more or less to act above the law. The economy has to be subservient to the society. You cannot let your economic life determine the rule of law. And so, we’ve given basically legal immunity to the big international banks, and through them, the corporations.
The current corporate model, as it currently exists, does not work. What we’re watching is the destruction of society to keep it going, and give them complete control to keep it going. Frankly, you cannot have a healthy economy or society when the financial sector is dominant as opposed to subservient. The financial system should serve society and civilization, not vice versa.”
Signs of Positive Change
There are signs of real change, however — positive change. Austin Fitts notes that, for the first time in her life, she’s seeing extraordinarily talented, well-educated people who have always been reluctant to rock the boat say they want out; they’d rather die than be enslaved by organized crime.
“I remember one really phenomenal scientist and doctor saying to me, ‘I’m ready to start a whole new civilization.’ There’s a wave of talent and gravitas I’ve never seen before saying, ‘I’d rather be part of the new. I’ve had it with this.’
So, I see a tremendous breakout — not just pushback — of people who want to be part of something that is civilized. They realize that corruption has reached a point where there’s no point trying to get along or be in the middle of the road or go along …
The challenge for all of us is, how can we swing our savings and our retirement savings to finance the creation of that new capacity? On one hand, you have students leaving school and needing to homeschool. On the other hand, you have teachers leaving schools because they don’t want to get the injection.
We’ve got to create businesses and networks and websites that help us find each other. If that process occurs in an entrepreneurial way, it could be very positive and very exciting.
That’s what I see in the new media. But it also needs to happen in health care and in education, and it’s going to require enough people realizing that the Titanic is sinking. There’s no way back. They might as well grab some planks and start building arks.
Without integrity, there’s no civilization. So, if you want to be part of something that has integrity, you can’t stay [in the old system]. I say it again, there’s no middle of the road … I say, say yes to science, say yes to integrity, say yes to law.
Every person’s circumstance is different, but find a way to translate that yes into something productive. Be useful. That’s what I tried to do. I had a wonderful life as an investment banker, but I woke up and I couldn’t [continue] … I did billion-dollar deals. I didn’t know how to do a financial plan for somebody who had $25,000.
So, I started by just answering people’s questions and those questions evolved into two businesses, the Solari Report and Solari Investment Advisory Services. It took many years, but I just tried to be useful. So, we each have to start there.
We have to ask, what skills do I have? What skills can I learn? What skills can I evolve? And how can I serve the people around me? What can I do to be useful? And we go from there.
But you have to choose integrity and civilization or choose being a slave of organized crime. You have to make that choice. And you know something? It’s a dangerous choice. I almost didn’t make it. But as I told my old partner, I’d rather die in the wilderness than be in the underground places with you guys.”
More Information
You can access exclusive Solari Report content by signing up as a paid subscriber on To get a taste of what you’ll find in the Solaris Report, you can download this previous 2020 issue.
“Our goal is really to be an intelligence network and a learning network … If you look at the guys on the other side, they spend a fortune on intelligence. So, I think it’s very important that we provide an alternative …
We publish a weekly roundup called Money & Markets, and then an interview every week. We’re constantly posting the best links to other sites, the headlines, and in the news trends and stories section, we publish book reviews and other materials.
Then, we do these quarterly wrap-ups. Our theory is you’re busy. You don’t have time to watch all the news. Our goal is, if you just read those quarterly wrap-ups, over time, you will understand not only what’s going on with current events, but the deeper themes.
I find if you understand things like The Great Reset or the injection fraud, if you understand 20 or 30 different primary trends deeply, you’ll have a very good basis to navigate all the propaganda and disinformation.
One of the things we try very hard to do is filter out the disinformation because I find bad information, bad intelligence is one of the great destroyers of family wealth. So, we try very hard to filter out disinformation and propaganda. And that’s why we’re always looking for new media websites that are trustworthy. And again, thank you for what you’re doing because you’re one of them.”
A service like that of the Solari Report has never been more useful, as trying to find the truth through mainstream media or Google (or other Google-driven search engines) has become virtually impossible.
About 93% of all online searches are done through Google, which gives them near-total monopoly over the information people see, and legacy media have barely spoken a true word over the past two years. So, you need reliable sources that can keep you abreast of what’s really going on. Austin Fitts says:
“The other thing is what I’m hoping to be part of is creating the best and highest possible learning speeds, because this is a war … and nobody wins a war without great intelligence. So, we have to help each other really jump the curve on a high learning speed and high intelligence.”
Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and trained epidemiologist, is now a “hunted doctor” who’s been threatened with disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of his medical license, by the American Board of Internal Medicine for the “dissemination of misinformation”
He stepped forward during the COVID-19 pandemic because he saw something very wrong was going on very early in 2020, and he felt compelled to do something about it
A Toxicology Reports study found COVID-19 injections are deadlier, statistically, than COVID-19
COVID-19 genetic vaccines have an unfavorable safety profile and are not sufficiently effective, thus they cannot be supported in clinical practice at this time
The data are clear that a pivot away from mass injections to early treatment for COVID-19 could save lives, and McCullough and colleagues recommend that you demand early treatment if you have COVID-19, whether or not you’ve been vaccinated
Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and trained epidemiologist, not only sees patients every week but is the editor of two medical journals and has published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers. Prior to the pandemic, he was involved in the interface between heart disease and kidney disease — but that all changed.
McCullough is now a “hunted doctor” who’s been threatened with disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of his medical license, by the American Board of Internal Medicine for the “dissemination of misinformation.”1 He stepped forward during the COVID-19 pandemic because he saw something very wrong was going on early in 2020, and he felt compelled to do something about it.
In the video above, you can view McCullough’s October 2, 2021, presentation at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.2 I urge you to set aside one hour to view it in its entirety, as it’s packed with data that call into question the true motivations behind the mass injection campaign, which he believes should have been shut down in January.
Red Flags Showed Jabs Were Unsafe From the Start
According to McCullough, by January 22, 2021, there had been 186 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database following COVID-19 injection — more than enough to reach the mortality signal of concern to stop the program.
“I know data, and I know safety. The FDA knows I know safety. In fact, I’ve chaired data safety monitoring boards for the National Institutes of Health and Big Pharma,” he said.3 It’s standard to have an external critical event committee, an external data safety monitoring board and a human ethics committee for large clinical trials — such as the mass COVID-19 injection program, but these were not put into place.
“With a program this size, anything over 150 deaths would be an alarm signal,” he said. The U.S. “hit 186 deaths with only 27 million Americans jabbed.” McCullough believes if the proper safety boards had been in place, the COVID-19 jab program would have been shut down in February 2021 based on safety and risk of death.4
Such was the case in 1976, when a fast-tracked injection program against swine flu was halted after an estimated 25 to 32 deaths.5 “We are far beyond that now,” McCullough said.6
While many have been silenced, McCullough found a way to share his concerns via regular contributions to The Hill and, back in August 2020, he warned that putting off early treatment in favor of waiting for an experimental injection was taking a gamble with people’s lives:7
“Warnings and barriers have prevented hundreds of thousands of patients from being treated at home with appropriate non-labelled use of off-target antivirals (zinc, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, doxycycline), steroids (dexamethasone, prednisone, budesonide, colchicine), and antithrombotics (low-molecular weight heparin, oral anticoagulants).
It has become apparent that America has adopted a late-illness hospitalization model while waiting patiently and painfully for the panacea of a COVID-19 vaccine.”
The Jab’s Spike Protein Is a Deadly Protein
The whole world seems to be in lockstep with one narrative — that an injection is the only way out of the pandemic. What’s been kept quiet is the significant health risks that come with the experimental jabs. “Spike protein is a deadly protein,” McCullough said.8 It should be noted that McCullough is not antivaccine — he’s recently had a flu shot. However, the COVID-19 jabs are different:9
“It’s the first time in human medicine that we are injecting vaccines and we’re asking the human body to make a potentially lethal protein. The hope is we make a small enough amount of it and it would create just enough of an immune test that we form immunity to this deadly protein.
The gamble was, what if we make too much? What if we make it for too long of a period of time? What if these lipid nanoparticles go to the wrong organs and don’t stay in the arm, and we start to produce this lethal protein …?”
In August 2021, a large study from Israel10 revealed that the Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab is associated with a threefold increased risk of myocarditis,11 leading to the condition at a rate of one to five events per 100,000 persons.12 Other elevated risks were also identified following the COVID-19 jab, including lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), appendicitis and herpes zoster infection.13
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia is another serious complication of COVID-19 injections,14 and fertility concerns have also been raised. Pfizer’s biodistribution study, which was used to determine where the injected substances go in the body, even showed the COVID spike protein from the shots accumulated in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.15
In May 2021, McCullough was one of 57 authors to sign a paper demanding answers to urgent questions on the jabs’ safety and calling for the mass injection program to be halted immediately if safety cannot be adequately proven and monitored.16
At the very least, McCullough noted, pregnant women, women of childbearing age and COVID-19 survivors shouldn’t have been vaccinated, as these groups were excluded from the jabs’ clinical trials because “they knew they weren’t going to work or would cause excessive harm” in these populations.17
Even with all of these blatant risks, health officials haven’t given any updates or regular briefings on the jabs, such as which one of the three — Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson — works “best” or is preferred. A “vaccine ‘report card’ on safety is long overdue,”18 according to McCullough, who believes, “The disability that we are going to see due to these vaccines will go down in history as an unbelievable atrocity.”19
Injection Deadlier, Statistically, Than COVID-19
People are dying from COVID-19 jabs. In an analysis of COVID-19 vaccine death reports from VAERS, researchers found that 86% of the time, nothing else could have caused the death, and it appears the vaccine was the cause.20 Despite this, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to say that no causal link has been found between COVID-19 and the deaths.21 That’s malfeasance, McCullough says.
Even more shocking is a Toxicology Reports study that found the injections are deadlier, statistically, than COVID-19.22 “Because not everybody gets the respiratory infection, and because the respiratory infection is treatable and manageable, in fact one is more likely to die after the vaccine than just take their choice with forgoing the vaccine and potentially getting COVID-19. Statistically, in every age group, that’s the case,” he stated.23
You can see the data for yourself in the study’s graphical abstract, below. The researchers explained:24
“A novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic. The risk of death from COVID-19 decreases drastically as age decreases, and the longer-term effects of the inoculations on lower age groups will increase their risk-benefit ratio, perhaps substantially.”
Vaccine Failures Can’t Be Denied
Along with the health risks are the undeniable cases of “breakthrough infections,” otherwise known as vaccine failures. As of October 12, 2021, the CDC stated that 31,985 people who were fully injected against COVID-19 were hospitalized or died from COVID-19.25
Yet, media reports keep referring to the pandemic as a crisis of the unvaccinated, which is simply inaccurate since COVID-19 continues to affect and spread among those who have been vaccinated. The CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) posted online July 30, 2021, details an outbreak of COVID-19 that occurred in Barnstable County, Massachusetts — 74% of the cases occurred in fully vaccinated people.26
With breakthrough cases on the rise, on May 1, 2021, the CDC stopped monitoring most COVID-19 infections among vaccinated people.27 “The CDC started to do asymmetric reporting to start to craft a narrative that this was going to be a failure of the unvaccinated, a crisis of the unvaccinated,” McCullough said. “But the CDC data continued to come in showing us just the opposite.”28
Pivot to Early Treatment Is Necessary
The data are clear that a pivot away from mass injections to early treatment for COVID-19 could save lives, and McCullough and colleagues recommend that you demand early treatment if you have COVID-19, whether or not you’ve been vaccinated.29
McCullough’s early treatment regimen initially includes a nutraceutical bundle of zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C and quercetin. While you’re recovering at home, open your windows and get plenty of fresh air and ventilation in your home. If symptoms persist or worsen, he recommends calling your doctor and demanding monoclonal antibody therapy.
The treatment progresses to include anti-infectives like HCQ or ivermectin, antibiotics, steroids and blood thinners. If your doctor refuses to treat COVID-19 in the early stages, find a new one and/or visit a telemedicine clinic that will help, as “the prehospital phase is the time of therapeutic opportunity.” You can also download McCullough’s and colleagues’ Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment.30 He states:31
“I have not let a single one of my high-risk patients get slaughtered by the virus. And any doctor who has — and there’s been a million doctors who have — is immoral, is unethical and, from a clinical and civil perspective, is illegal. And I think there is going to be a price to pay.
It’s going to be years in the future, but there’s going to be a price to pay for all of these patients who have died. And if you look through the records on all of them, I will tell you they were all inadequately treated. Every single one of them.”
Outrage Over Forced Injection Grows
With the injections causing harm and failing to protect as promised, frustrations are mounting worldwide due to increasing injection mandates. McCullough noted:32
“The tension is ratcheting up all over the world as the Delta outbreak continues to flare in many heavily vaccinated regions of the world. When more than 25% of the population takes the ill-advised COVID-19 vaccine, this promotes a super-dominant mutant that can easily evade the vaccines’ weak protection, which has happened with Delta.
… Frustration is coming out in folk songs, and the pop music industry, as shown in Eric Clapton’s ‘Enough is Enough’ and ‘Waking Up’ … Expect more to come as many wake up to the reality that our government agencies have failed us on the science, transparency, and safeguarding Americans from conflict of interest.“
McCullough is among a growing number of experts who believe COVID-19 injections are making the pandemic worse instead of better, while effective solutions are being ignored and intentionally suppressed.
“Early ambulatory therapy with a sequenced, multi-drug regimen is supported by available sources of evidence and has a positive benefit-to-risk profile,” he explains, while “COVID-19 genetic vaccines have an unfavorable safety profile and are not sufficiently effective, thus they cannot be supported in clinical practice at this time.”33
Unfortunately, “censorship and reprisal are working to crush freedom of speech, scientific discourse and medical progress”34 McCullough calls on everyone to stand up against the propaganda, but especially doctors, who he believes can save lives by offering early COVID-19 treatment to their patients.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked
A handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment rms are so enormous, they control the money ow worldwide
While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies
These parent companies, in turn, are owned by shareholders, and the largest shareholders are the same in all of them: Vanguard and Blackrock
No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. In virtually every major company, you nd these names among the top 10 institutional investors
These major investment rms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. One of the most amazing things about this scheme is that the institutional investors also own each other. They’re all shareholders in each other’s companies. At the very top are Vanguard and Blackrock. Blackrock’s largest shareholder is Vanguard, which does not disclose the identity of its shareholders due to its unique structure
Until recently, it appeared economic competition had been driving the rise and fall of small and large companies across the U.S. Supposedly, PepsiCo is Coca Cola’s
competitor, Apple and Android vie for your loyalty and drug companies battle for your health care dollars. However, all of that turns out to be an illusion.
Since the mid-1970s, two corporations — Vanguard and Blackrock — have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America’s strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind.
Indeed, the global economy may be the greatest illusionary trick ever pulled over the eyes of people around the world. To understand what’s really going on, watch Tim Gielen’s hour-long documentary, “MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World?” above.
Corporate Domination
As noted by Gielen, who narrates the lm, a handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment rms are so enormous, they control the money ow worldwide. So, how does this scheme work?
While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies.
Pepsi Co. owns a long list of food, beverage and snack brands, as does Coca-Cola, Nestle, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Unilever, Mars, Kraft Heinz, Mondelez, Danone and Associated British Foods. Together, these parent companies monopolize the packaged food industry, as virtually every food brand available belongs to one of them.
These companies are publicly traded and are run by boards, where the largest shareholders have power over the decision making. This is where it gets interesting, because when you look up who the largest shareholders are, you nd yet another monopoly.
While the topmost shareholders can change from time to time, based on shares bought and sold, two companies are consistently listed among the top institutional holders of these parent companies: The Vanguard Group Inc. and Blackrock Inc.
Pepsi and Coca-Cola — An Example
For example, while there are more than 3,000 shareholders in Pepsi Co., Vanguard and Blackrock’s holdings account for nearly one-third of all shares. Of the top 10 shareholders in Pepsi Co., the top three, Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation, own more shares than the remaining seven.
Now, let’s look at Coca-Cola Co., Pepsi’s top competitor. Who owns Coke? As with Pepsi, the majority of the company shares are held by institutional investors, which number 3,155 (as of the making of the documentary).
As shown in the lm, three of the top four institutional shareholders of Coca-Cola are identical with that of Pepsi: Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation. The No. 1 shareholder of Coca-Cola is Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
These four — Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway — are the four largest investment rms on the planet. “So, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are anything but competitors,” Gielen says. And the same goes for the other packaged food companies. All are owned by the same small group of institutional shareholders.
Big Tech Monopoly
The monopoly of these investment rms isn’t relegated to the packaged food industry. You nd them dominating virtually all other industries as well. Take Big Tech, for example. Among the top 10 largest tech companies we nd Apple, Samsung, Alphabet (parent company of Google), Microsoft, Huawei, Dell, IBM and Sony.
Here, we nd the same Russian nesting doll setup. For example, Facebook owns Whatsapp and Instagram. Alphabet owns Google and all Google-related businesses, including YouTube and Gmail. It’s also the biggest developer of Android, the main
competitor to Apple. Microsoft owns Windows and Xbox. In all, four parent companies produce the software used by virtually all computers, tablets and smartphones in the world. Who, then, owns them? Here’s a sampling:
Facebook — More than 80% of Facebook shares are held by institutional investors, and the top institutional holders are the same as those found in the food industry: Vanguard and Blackrock being the top two, as of the end of March 2021. State Street Corporation is the fth biggest shareholder
Apple — The top four institutional investors are Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation
Microsoft — The top three institutional shareholders are Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation
You can continue going through the list of tech brands — companies that build computers, smart phones, electronics and household appliances — and you’ll repeatedly nd Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation among the top shareholders.
Same Small Group Owns Everything Else Too
The same ownership trend exists in all other industries. Gielen offers yet another example to prove this statement is not an exaggeration:
“Let’s say we want to plan a vacation. On our computer or smart phone, we look for a cheap ight to the sun through websites like Skyscanner and Expedia, both of which are owned by the same group of institutional investors [Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation].
We y with one of the many airlines [American Airlines, Air France, KLM, United Airlines, Delta and Transavia] of which the majority of the shares are often owned by the same investors …
The airline we y [on] is in most cases a Boeing or an Airbus. Again, we see the same [institutional shareholders]. We look for a hotel or an apartment through or Once we arrive at our destination, we go out to dinner and we write a review on Trip Advisor. The same investors are at the basis of every aspect of our journey.
And their power goes even much further, because even the kerosene that fuels the plane comes from one of their many oil companies and reneries. Just like the steel that the plane is made of comes from one of their many mining companies.
This small club of investment companies, banks and mutual funds, are also the largest shareholders in the primary industries, where our raw materials come from.”
The same goes for the agricultural industry that the global food industry depends on, and any other major industry. These institutional investors own Bayer, the world’s largest seed producer; they own the largest textile manufacturers and many of the largest clothing companies.
They own the oil reneries, the largest solar panel producers and the automobile, aircraft and arms industries. They own all the major tobacco companies, and all the major drug companies and scientic institutes too. They also own the big department stores and the online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon and AliExpress.
They even own the payment methods we use, from credit card companies to digital payment platforms, as well as insurance companies, banks, construction companies, telephone companies, restaurant chains, personal care brands and cosmetic brands.
No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. In virtually every major company, you nd these names among the top 10 institutional investors.
Who Owns the Investment Firms of the World?
Diving deeper, we nd that these major investment rms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. One of the most amazing things about this scheme is that the institutional investors — and there are many more than the primary four we’ve focused on here — also own each other. They’re all shareholders in each other’s companies.
“ At the top of the pyramid — the largest”Russian doll of all — we find Vanguard and Blackrock.
“Together, they form an immense network that we can compare to a pyramid,” Gielen says. Smaller institutional investors, such as Citibank, ING and T. Rowe Price, are owned by larger investment rms such as Northern Trust, Capital Group, 3G Capital and KKR.
Those investors in turn are owned by even larger investment rms, like Goldman Sachs and Wellington Market, which are owned by larger rms yet, such as Berkshire Hathaway and State Street. At the top of the pyramid — the largest Russian doll of all — we nd Vanguard and Blackrock.
“The power of these two companies is something we can barely imagine,” Gielen says. “Not only are they the largest institutional investors of every major company on earth, they also own the other institutional investors of those companies, giving them a complete monopoly.”
Gielen cites data from Bloomberg, showing that by 2028, Vanguard and BlackRock are expected to collectively manage $20 trillion-worth of investments. In the process, they will own almost everything on planet Earth.
BlackRock — The Fourth Branch of Government
Bloomberg has also referred to BlackRock as the “fourth branch of government,” due to its close relationship with the central banks. BlackRock actually lends money to the central bank, the federal reserve, and is their principal adviser.
Dozens of BlackRock employees have held senior positions in the White House under the Bush, Obama and Biden administrations. BlackRock also developed the computer system that the central banks use.
Who Owns BlackRock?
While Larry Fink is the gurehead of BlackRock, being its founder, chairman and chief executive ocer, he’s not the sole decision maker, as BlackRock too is owned by shareholders. Here we nd yet another curiosity, as the largest shareholder of BlackRock is Vanguard.
“This is where it gets dark,” Gielen says. Vanguard has a unique structure that blocks us from seeing who the actual shareholders are. “The elite who own Vanguard don’t want anyone to know they are the owners of the most powerful company on earth.” Still, if you dig deep enough, you can nd clues as to who these owners are.
The owners of the wealthiest, most powerful company on Earth can be expected to be among the wealthiest individuals on earth. In 2016, Oxfam reported that the combined wealth of the richest 1% in the world was equal to the wealth of the remaining 99%. In 2018, it was reported that the world’s richest people get 82% of all the money earned around the world in 2017.
In reality, we can assume that the owners of Vanguard are among the 0.001% richest people on the planet. According to Forbes, there were 2,075 billionaires in the world as of March 2020. Gielen cites Oxfam data showing that two-thirds of billionaires obtained their fortunes via inheritance, monopoly and/or cronyism.
“This means that Vanguard is in the hands of the richest families on earth,” Gielen says. Among them we nd the Rothschilds, the DuPont family, the Rockefellers, the Bush family and the Morgan family, just to name a few.
Many belong to royal bloodlines and are the founders of our central banking system, the United Nations and just about every industry on the planet. Gielen goes even further in
his documentary, so I highly recommend watching it in its entirety. I’ve only summarized a small piece of the whole lm here.
A Financial Coup D’etat
Speaking of the central bankers, I recently interviewed nance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, and she believes it’s the central bankers that are at the heart of the global takeover we’re currently seeing. She also believes they are the ones pressuring private companies to implement the clearly illegal COVID jab mandates. Their control is so great, few companies have the ability to take a stand against them.
“I think [the central bankers] are really depending on the smart grid and creepy technology to help them go to the last steps of nancial control, which is what I think they’re pushing for,” she said.
“What we’ve seen is a tremendous effort to bankrupt the population and the governments so that it’s much easier for the central bankers to take control. That’s what I’ve been writing about since 1998, that this is a nancial coup d’etat.
Now the nancial coup d’etat is being consolidated, where the central bankers just serve jurisdiction over the treasury and the tax money. And if they can get the [vaccine] passports in with the CBDC [central bank digital currency], then it will be able to take taxes out of our accounts and take our assets. So, this is a real coup d’etat.”
The Spartacus Letter
Again, I urge you to watch the documentary at the top of this article, and keep an eye out for my interview with Austin Fitts, which will be published in the near future. In closing, I want to highlight a mysterious letter posted by an anonymous individual who goes by the name “Spartacus.”
“COVID-19 — The Spartacus Letter” was originally posted on, but has since been deleted. Another copy can be found on The Automatic Earth2 and ZeroHedge3 have also published the letter in full. The letter starts out saying, “My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough”:
“We are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a ght. We have been told that we will be red and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.”
What follows is a compilation of data showing the COVID pandemic was a biowarfare attack that has been kept going using sophisticated psychological warfare tactics. It also reviews the dangers of the COVID shots, noting that the virus and the “vaccines” were made by the same entities.
A summary of Spartacus’ ndings is as follows. Each summary point is elaborated upon in later sections of the letter, which you can read in any of the three references provided.
COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.
Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator- induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benet constitutes mass murder.
Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.
Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.
The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID- 19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.
Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV-2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.
There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain- computer interface (‘neural lace’) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.
Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present.
The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables.
A Criminal Conspiracy
It’s a long letter, so I won’t reproduce the whole thing here. However, the following sections are of particular interest, with regard to a criminal elite that is orchestrating the destruction of life as we know it, in an effort to usher in a technocracy-led system of global governance and control:4
“In November of 2019, three technicians at the Wuhan Institute of Virology developed symptoms consistent with a u-like illness. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric knew at once what had happened, because back channels exist between this laboratory and our scientists and ocials.
December 12th, 2019, Ralph Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement (essentially, an NDA) to receive Coronavirus mRNA vaccine-related materials co-owned by Moderna and NIH.
It wasn’t until a whole month later, on January 11th, 2020, that China allegedly sent us the sequence to what would become known as SARS-CoV-2. Moderna claims, rather absurdly, that they developed a working vaccine from this sequence in under 48 hours.
Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMerieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Merieux. Alain Merieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 lab.
The sequence given as the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, is not a real virus. It is a forgery. It was made by entering a gene sequence by hand into a database, to create a cover story for the existence of SARS-CoV-2, which is very likely a gain-of-function chimera produced at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and was either leaked by accident or intentionally released. The animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 has never been found.
This is not a conspiracy ‘theory.’ It is an actual criminal conspiracy, in which people connected to the development of Moderna’s mRNA-1273 are directly connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their gain-of-function research by very few degrees of separation, if any. The paper trail is well- established.
The lab-leak theory has been suppressed because pulling that thread leads one to inevitably conclude that there is enough circumstantial evidence to link Moderna, the NIH, the WIV, and both the vaccine and the virus’s creation together.
In a sane country, this would have immediately led to the world’s biggest RICO and mass murder case. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, and Stephane Bancel, and their accomplices, would have been indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Instead, billions of our tax dollars were awarded to the perpetrators.
The FBI raided Allure Medical in Shelby Township north of Detroit for billing insurance for ‘fraudulent COVID-19 cures.’ The treatment they were using? Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. Which, as described above, is an entirely valid treatment for COVID-19-induced sepsis, and indeed, is now part of the MATH+ protocol advanced by Dr. Paul E. Marik.
The FDA banned ranitidine (Zantac) due to supposed NDMA (N- nitrosodimethylamine) contamination. Ranitidine is not only an H2 blocker used as antacid, but also has a powerful antioxidant effect, scavenging hydroxyl radicals. This gives it utility in treating COVID-19.
The FDA also attempted to take N-acetylcysteine, a harmless amino acid supplement and antioxidant, off the shelves, compelling Amazon to remove it from their online storefront. This leaves us with a chilling question: did the FDA knowingly suppress antioxidants useful for treating COVID-19 sepsis as part of a criminal conspiracy against the American public?
The establishment is cooperating with, and facilitating, the worst criminals in human history, and are actively suppressing non-vaccine treatments and therapies in order to compel us to inject these criminals’ products into our bodies …
Conclusions: The current pandemic was produced and perpetuated by the establishment, through the use of a virus engineered in a PLA-connected Chinese biowarfare laboratory, with the aid of American taxpayer dollars and French expertise …
Either through a leak or an intentional release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a deadly SARS strain is now endemic across the globe, after the WHO and CDC and public ocials rst downplayed the risks, and then intentionally incited a panic and lockdowns that jeopardized people’s health and their livelihoods.
This was then used by the utterly depraved and psychopathic aristocratic class who rule over us as an excuse to coerce people into accepting an injected
poison which may be a depopulation agent, a mind control/pacication agent in the form of injectable ‘smart dust,’ or both …
They believe they can get away with this by weaponizing the social stigma of vaccine refusal. They are incorrect. Their motives are clear and obvious to anyone who has been paying attention.
These megalomaniacs have raided the pension funds of the free world. Wall Street is insolvent and has had an ongoing liquidity crisis since the end of 2019. The aim now is to exert total, full-spectrum physical, mental, and nancial control over humanity before we realize just how badly we’ve been extorted by these maniacs. The pandemic and its response served multiple purposes for the Elite:
Concealing a depression brought on by the usurious plunder of our economies conducted by rentier-capitalists and absentee owners who produce absolutely nothing of any value to society whatsoever …
Destroying small businesses and eroding the middle class.
Transferring trillions of dollars of wealth from the American public and into the pockets of billionaires and special interests.
Engaging in insider trading, buying stock in biotech companies and shorting brick-and-mortar businesses and travel companies, with the aim of collapsing face-to-face commerce and tourism and replacing it with e-commerce and servitization.
Creating a casus belli for war with China, encouraging us to attack them, wasting American lives and treasure and driving us to the brink of nuclear Armageddon.
Establishing technological and biosecurity frameworks for population control and technocratic- socialist ‘smart cities’ where everyone’s movements are despotically tracked, all in anticipation of widespread automation, joblessness, and food shortages, by using the false guise of a vaccine to compel cooperation.
… The Elites are trying to pull up the ladder, erase upward mobility for large segments of the population, cull political opponents and other ‘undesirables,’ and put the remainder of humanity on a tight leash, rationing our access to certain goods and services that they have deemed ‘high-impact,’ such as automobile use, tourism, meat consumption, and so on.
Naturally, they will continue to have their own luxuries, as part of a strict caste system akin to feudalism. Why are they doing this? Simple. The Elites are Neo- Malthusians and believe that we are overpopulated and that resource depletion will collapse civilization in a matter of a few short decades.
They are not necessarily incorrect in this belief. We are overpopulated, and we are consuming too many resources. However, orchestrating such a gruesome and murderous power grab in response to a looming crisis demonstrates that they have nothing but the utmost contempt for their fellow man.
To those who are participating in this disgusting farce without any understanding of what they are doing, we have one word for you. Stop. You are causing irreparable harm to your country and to your fellow citizens.
To those who may be reading this warning and have full knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and how it will unjustly harm millions of innocent people, we have a few more words. Damn you to hell. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order. We will make certain of that.”
Sources and References
1, 4 The Spartacus Letter
2 The Automatic Earth September 26, 2021 3 ZeroHedge September 27, 2021
Mass psychosis is dened as “an epidemic of madness” that occurs when a “large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions”
We’re now in the middle of a mass psychosis, induced by relentless fearmongering coupled with data suppression and intimidation tactics
In the U.K., psychiatric referrals for rst-time psychotic episodes increased 75% between April 2019 and April 2021
Rates of anxiety and depression worldwide increased dramatically in 2020. Estimates suggest the COVID pandemic resulted in an additional 76 million cases of anxiety and 53 million cases of major depressive disorder, over and above annual norms, with women and younger individuals being disproportionally affected
Mental health referrals among children have doubled in the U.K. since the start of the pandemic; 16% of children between the ages of 5 and 16 were diagnosed with a mental disorder in 2020, compared to 10.8% in 2017
Mass psychosis is dened as “an epidemic of madness” that occurs when a “large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.” The witch trials of the 16th and 17th centuries are a classic example. We’re now in the middle of another mass psychosis, induced by relentless fearmongering coupled with data suppression and intimidation tactics of all kinds.
The 20-minute video above, “Mass Psychosis — How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill,” created by After Skool and Academy of Ideas,1 explains the tactics used to seed and nurture mental illness on a grand scale.
Fearmongering Breeds Insanity
A number of mental health experts have expressed concern over the blatant panic mongering during the COVID-19 pandemic, warning it can have serious psychiatric effects. For example, in a December 22, 2020, article2 in Evie Magazine, S.G. Cheah discussed the emergence of mass insanity caused by “delusional fear of COVID-19.”
“Even when the statistics point to the extremely low fatality rate among children and young adults (measuring 0.002% at age 10 and 0.01% at 25), the young and the healthy are still terrorized by the chokehold of irrational fear when faced with the coronavirus,” Cheah wrote, adding:3
“Instead of facing reality, the delusional person would rather live in their world of make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality, they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around them also pretends to live in their imaginary world.
In simpler words, the delusional person rejects reality. And in this rejection of reality, others have to play along with how they view the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their world view …
It’s one of the reasons why you’re seeing so many people who’d happily approve the silencing of any medical experts whose views contradict the WHO or CDC guidelines. ‘Obey the rules!’ becomes more important than questioning if the rules were legitimate to begin with.”
In a December 2020 interview (below), psychiatrist and medical legal expert Dr. Mark McDonald4 also went on record stating “the true public health crisis lies in the widespread fear which morphed and evolved into a form of mass delusional psychosis.”
“ We are now well beyond the first profound shocks of this crisis, and it’s deeply concerning that the number of [mental health] referrals remains so high. ~Brian”Dow,DeputychiefexecutiveofRethinkMental Illness
He went so far as to refer to the outside of his home or oce as the “outdoor insane asylum,” where he must assume “that any person that I run into is insane” unless they prove otherwise.5
Reports of Psychotic Episodes Soar in Great Britain
Now, after some 19 months of abnormal “pandemic life,” the data are starting to reect McDonald’s fears. For example, in the U.K., psychiatric referrals for rst-time psychotic episodes have skyrocketed. As reported by The Guardian, October 17, 2021:6
“Cases of psychosis have soared over the past two years in England as an increasing number of people experience hallucinations and delusional thinking amid the stresses of the Covid-19 pandemic.
There was a 29% increase in the number of people referred to mental health services for their rst suspected episode of psychosis between April 2019 and April 2021, NHS data7 shows. The rise continued throughout the spring, with 9,460 referred in May 2021, up 26% from 7,520 in May 2019.
The charity Rethink Mental Illness is urging the government to invest more in early intervention for psychosis to prevent further deterioration in people’s mental health from which it could take them years to recover.
It says the statistics provide some of the rst concrete evidence to indicate the signicant levels of distress experienced across the population during the pandemic.”
Psychosis Takes a Heavy Toll on a Person’s Life
Deputy chief executive of Rethink Mental Illness, Brian Dow, commented on the ndings:8
“Psychosis can have a devastating impact on people’s lives. Swift access to treatment is vital to prevent further deterioration in people’s mental health which could take them years to recover from. These soaring numbers of suspected rst episodes of psychosis are cause for alarm.
We are now well beyond the rst profound shocks of this crisis, and it’s deeply concerning that the number of referrals remains so high. As rst presentations of psychosis typically occur in young adults, this steep rise raises additional concerns about the pressures the younger generation have faced during the pandemic.
The pandemic has had a game changing effect on our mental health and it requires a revolutionary response. Dedicated additional funding for mental health and social care must go to frontline services to help meet the new demand, otherwise thousands of people could bear a catastrophic cost.”
According to a spokesperson for the British Department of Health and Social Care, the agency will expand the NHS mental health services budget by £2.3 billion ($3.1 billion) per year by 2023/2024. They’ve also added £500 million ($691 million) to the 2021 budget to provide services to those hit hardest by pandemic measures.9
Anxiety and Depression Have Increased Dramatically Worldwide
Another study,10,11 looking at the rates of anxiety and depression worldwide, found both conditions increased dramatically in 2020. The researchers estimate the COVID pandemic resulted in an additional 76 million cases of anxiety and 53 million cases of major depressive disorder, over and above annual norms, with women and younger individuals being disproportionally affected. According to The Guardian:12
“… the team estimate there were 246m cases of major depressive disorder and 374m cases of anxiety disorders worldwide in 2020, with the gure for the former 28% higher, and for the latter 26% higher, than would have been expected had the crisis not happened.
About two-thirds of these extra cases of major depressive disorder and 68% of the extra cases of anxiety disorders were among women, while younger people were affected more than older adults, with extra cases greatest among people aged 20-24.”
Lead author Damian Santomauro, Ph.D., of the University of Queensland told The Guardian:13
“We believe [that] is because women are more likely to be affected by the social and economic consequences of the pandemic. Women are more likely to take on additional carer and household responsibilities due to school closures or family members becoming unwell.
Women also tend to have lower salaries, less savings, and less secure employment than men, and so are more likely to be nancially disadvantaged during the pandemic. Youth have been impacted by the closures of schools and higher education facilities, and wider restrictions inhibiting young people from peer interactions.”
Increased prevalence of domestic violence may also be a contributing factor that places women at increased risk of mental problems, while young adults are more likely to become unemployed.
Massive Rise in Mental Health Problems in Children
Children are bearing a particularly heavy burden as adults succumb to irrational fears. It’s not surprising then that mental health referrals for children have nearly doubled in the U.K. since the start of the pandemic.14 According to British authorities, 16% of children between the ages of 5 and 16 were diagnosed with a mental disorder in 2020,
compared to 10.8% in 2017.15 As noted in a September 23, 2021, press release by the Royal College of Psychiatrists:16
“Eighteen months after the rst lockdown and after warnings from the mental health sector about the long-lasting mental health impact of the pandemic, the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ analysis of NHS Digital data found that:
190,271 0–18-year-olds were referred to children and young people’s mental health services between April and June this year, up 134% on the same period last year (81,170) and 96% on 2019 (97,342).
8,552 children and young people were referred for urgent or emergency crisis care between April and June this year, up 80% on the same period last year (4,741) and up 64% on 2019 (5,219).
340,694 children in contact with children and young people’s mental health services at the end of June, up 25% on the same month last year (272,529) and up 51% on June 2019 (225,480).”
Eating disorders are also more prevalent than ever, and the rapid increase has left many children waiting months for treatment — delays that could have life-threatening consequences — as facilities are at capacity. The press release quotes a mother whose teenage daughter relapsed into anorexia during the pandemic:17
“The pandemic has been devastating for my daughter and for our family. She has anorexia and was discharged from an inpatient unit last year, but the disruption to her normal routines and socializing really affected her recovery. She was spending a lot less time doing the things she enjoys and a lot more time alone with her thoughts.
Unfortunately, she relapsed, becoming so unwell she was admitted to hospital and sectioned. After 72 days in hospital with no specialist eating disorder bed becoming available, we brought her home where I had to tube feed her for 10 weeks.
My daughter urgently needed specialist help for this life-threatening illness, but services are completely overwhelmed because so many young people need help. It’s a terrifying situation for patients and families to be in.”
Mass Delusional Psychosis Traumatizes Children
Indeed, the widespread insanity on display among adults can have severe and lasting effects on children as they grow up. According to McDonald (see interview above), the mental states of the children he’s treated during this pandemic are far worse than he’s used to seeing in these age groups. This tells us the trauma inicted by pandemic measures is very serious.
One of the worst traumas inicted on children has been the ridiculous idea that they might kill their parents or grandparents simply by being around them. They’re also being taught to feel guilty about behaviors that would normally be completely normal — as just one example: hysterical adults calling a toddler who refuses to wear a mask a “brat,” when resisting having a restrictive mask put across your face is perfectly normal at that age.
It’s extremely abnormal for children to grow up thinking that they’re a danger to people around them, and that everyone around them is a danger to them. It’s completely abnormal to grow up thinking that facemasks, gloves and physical separation are required to stay alive.
Adults have also twisted irrational fear into a virtue, which is doubly tragic and wrong. Wearing a mask has become a way to demonstrate that you’re a “good person,” someone who cares about others, whereas not wearing a mask brands you as an inconsiderate lout, if not a prospective mass murderer, simply by breathing.
What’s more, by encouraging us to remain in fear and allow it to control and constrain our lives, the fear has become so entrenched that anyone who says we need to be fearless and ght for our freedoms is attacked for being both stupid and dangerous.
Adults Must Be Healed to Save the Children
It’s adults who are mindlessly inicting this emotional trauma on an entire generation. As noted by McDonald in his interview, a primary cause of depression among children is feeling disconnected from family and friends.
Everyone, but children in particular, needs face-to-face contact, physical contact, and emotional intimacy. We need these things to feel safe around others and within our own selves. Digital interactions cannot replace these most basic human needs, and are inherently separating.
McDonald cites U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics showing there was a 400% increase in adolescent depression during 2020 compared to the year before, and in 25% of cases, they contemplated suicide. These are unheard of statistics, he says. Never before have so many teenagers considered committing suicide.
According to McDonald, parents and adults in general are to blame, because they are the ones scaring children to the point they don’t feel life is worth living anymore. This is why we can’t just treat the children. We must also address the psychosis of the adult population that is causing all this trauma.
Mass Delusion Is Leading Us Into Slavery
The mass delusion must also be addressed because it’s driving us all, sane and insane alike, toward a society devoid of all previous freedoms and civil liberties, and the corrupt individuals in charge will not voluntarily relinquish power once we’ve given it to them.
Clearly, many of our political leaders know COVID-19 isn’t the deadly plague it’s been made out to be. They issue stay-at-home orders from their vacation homes in the Caribbean and repeatedly break their own mask and lockdown mandates.
They ride their bikes, stroll through the park, have family gatherings and dine out without a care. They’re simply playing along, following the narrative coming from technocratic strongholds like the World Health Organization, because it benets them.
You could say the ruling class suffers from a different kind of psychosis. As explained in “Mass Psychosis — How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill,” totalitarianism actually begins as psychosis within the ruling class, as the individuals within this class are easily enamored with delusions that augment their power. And no delusion is greater than the delusion that they can, and should control and dominate others.
Whether the totalitarian mindset takes the form of communism, fascism or technocracy, a ruling elite that has succumbed to their own delusions of grandeur then sets about to indoctrinate the masses into their own twisted worldview. All that’s needed to accomplish that reorganization of society is the manipulation of collective feelings.
Sadly, many citizens are unwittingly aiding and abetting the global power grab that will result in our enslavement. Fear fueled hysteria, which led to mass delusional psychosis and group control where citizens themselves support and press for the elimination of basic freedoms.
There’s no doubt at this point that a totalitarian society is the ultimate end of this societal psychosis unless we do something about it. The truth is, we’re as safe now as we ever were. We must not allow our freedoms to be taken from us due to delusional fears. As noted by Cheah in her article:18
“It’s not unthinkable that the nal outcome would be total societal control on every aspect of your life. Consider this — the endpoint of a mentally ill person is for them to be put under a controlled environment (institutionalized like an asylum) where all freedoms are restricted. And it’s looking more and more like that’s the endpoint of where this mass psychosis is heading.”
We Must Restore Sanity
Once a society is rmly in the grip of mass psychosis, totalitarians are free to take the last, decisive step: They can offer a way out, a return to order. The price is your freedom. You must cede control of all aspects of your life to the rulers, because unless they are granted total control, they won’t be able to create the order everyone craves.
This order, however, is a pathological one, devoid of all humanity. It eliminates the spontaneity that brings joy and creativity to one’s life by demanding strict conformity and blind obedience. And despite the promise of safety, a totalitarian society is inherently fearful. It is built on fear, and is maintained by it too. So, giving up your freedom for safety and a sense of order will only lead to more of the same fear and anxiety that allowed the totalitarians to gain control in the rst place.
Knowing this, we must remember to embrace courage, truth, honesty and freedom as we move forward — not just in our thoughts and words but also in our actions. People cannot think logically when in a state of delusional psychosis, which is why sharing information, facts, data and evidence tends to be ineffective except in cases where the person was acting out of peer pressure rather than a delusional belief.
Typically, the best you can do is stand rm and act in alignment with truth and objective reality, much like you would if you were a rst responder faced with an accident victim who is responding hysterically to what you know is only a minor injury.
In short, to help return sanity to an insane world, you rst need to center yourself and live in such a way as to provide inspiration for others to follow — speak and act in such a way as to demonstrate that you are not afraid to live life and return to normalcy.
Sources and References
1 Academy of Ideas
2, 3, 4, 18 Evie Magazine December 22, 2020 (Archived)
5 Target Liberty November 30, 2020
6, 8, 9 The Guardian October 20, 2021
7 NHS Mental Health Services Statistics Provisional August 2021 10 The Lancet October 8, 2021 [Epub ahead of print]
11, 12, 13 The Guardian October 8, 2021
14 The Guardian September 23, 2021
15, 16, 17 September 23, 2021
Current estimates show that people who have taken mRNA-based covid vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) lose about 5 percent of their innate immune function each week. After about 20 weeks, they are characterized as “AIDS patients” who have little to no functioning immunity against in-the-wild pathogens such as common colds and flu viruses.
Beyond merely theoretical, this phenomenon is now being confirmed by the swamping of US hospital emergency rooms with post-vaccine patients who are exhibiting extreme levels of sickness against common health insults. “ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID,” reported yesterday.
“Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms. Doctors and nurses say the severity of illness ranges widely and includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions and suicide attempts, among others.”
These are all vaccine side effects, yet no one in the media will dare report that truth.
The upshot is that emergency rooms are being overrun with vaccine injured patients… and it’s not even November yet. Imagine what the scene looks like in mid-January.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced a $125 million grant to Washington State University to detect “emerging viruses.” Viruses that have not yet “emerged” are those that are manipulated in the lab, aka gain-of-function research
There are 12 partner countries focusing on unknown pathogens from three families, which include coronaviruses (COVID-19), filoviruses (Ebola) and paramyxoviruses (measles and Nipah)
Documents released following a Freedom of Information Act request showed gain-of-function research was performed on two types of coronaviruses to boost pathogenicity and statements from the NIH and NIAID directors before Congress were lies
The August 1, 2021, addendum to the House Foreign Affairs Committee report showed SARS-CoV-2 was released in Wuhan in September and spread through the world using athletes from the 2019 Military Games held in Wuhan in October 2019
Some GOP members are calling for the head of the NIAID to resign or to be fired; Sen. Rand Paul has referred the director’s actions to the Department of Justice for an investigation on possible perjury charges
In early 2020, as scientists were analyzing the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it was theorized the virulence and infectivity could be explained by gain-of-function research. Months of lab analyses and political arguments ensued over whether the virus was leaked from the lab or developed naturally in the wild.
Despite public outcry and denials from top health experts that the virus was created, the preponderance of the evidence indicates the virus was manipulated in the lab.1 Then, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), publicly announced October 5, 2021, they would grant Washington State University $125 million “to detect emerging viruses.”2
This is far greater than the $7.4 million Newsweek3 reported was granted to the NIAID for gain-of-function work on bat coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Dr. Kanta Subbarao is from the Laboratory of Infectious Disease at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).4
According to Subbarao, these experiments “are routine virological methods” and “emphasized that such experiments in virology are fundamental to understanding the biology, ecology and pathogenesis of viruses and added that much basic knowledge is still lacking for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.”
Historically, the NIH had funded gain-of-function research, but this was paused in October 2014. December 19, 2017, the NIH announced they would lift the funding pause on gain-of-function research and stated:5
“We have a responsibility to ensure that research with infectious agents is conducted responsibly, and that we consider the potential biosafety and biosecurity risks associated with such research.”
As Newsweek reported, the “second phase of the project, beginning that year [2019], included additional surveillance work but also gain-of-function research for the purpose of understanding how bat coronaviruses could mutate to attack humans. The project was run by EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit research group, under the direction of president Peter Daszak.”6
After months of public and political debate, argument and division, the U.S. government agency USAID stepped into the spotlight again and awarded millions to a university “to make sure the world is better prepared.”7
University Accepts $125 Million for Gain-of-Function Research
Washington State University published a press release8 October 5, 2021, announcing they had been awarded $125 million from USAID. Called a “cooperative agreement,” the university is heading up a new five-year global project in which they have been asked to9 “… detect and characterize unknown viruses which have the potential to spill over from wildlife and domestic animals to human populations.”
The project will partner with 12 countries throughout Africa, Latin America and Asia. The idea is to carry out animal surveillance within the country’s borders using their facilities. USAID announced the project “to detect unknown viruses with pandemic potential” as part of Discovery & Exploration of Emerging Pathogens Viral Zoonoses (DEEP VZN).10
The organization believes that SARS-CoV-2 has demonstrated how infectious diseases threaten society. This is especially true of viruses that have been manipulated to increase virulence and infectivity in humans.11 The goal of the project is to collect over 800,000 samples over five years from wildlife and then determine the zoonotic potential of these viruses.12
“The project will focus on finding previously unknown pathogens from three viral families that have a large potential for viral spillover from animals to humans: coronaviruses, the family that includes SARS-CoV-2 the virus that causes COVID-19; filoviruses, such as the Ebola virus; and paramyxoviruses which includes the viruses that cause measles and Nipah.”
Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 and has since led to several deadly outbreaks in African countries. The CDC13 writes that scientists do not know where Ebola virus comes from. However, the virus can spread through direct contact with body fluids and tissues of infected animals.
Nipah was first discovered in 199914 and the first outbreak resulted in 300 human cases and more than 100 deaths. The animal host is believed to be the fruit bat that can spread the disease to animals and humans. The infection also spreads from person to person and can range from mild to severe. Up to 70% of those infected between 1998 and 2018 have died.
The project expects to find between 8,000 a nd 12,000 new viruses, “which researchers will then screen and sequence the genomes of the ones that pose the most risk to animal and human health.”15 In case this sounds familiar, as Breaking Points anchor emphasizes, this has been “code” for gain-of-function research,16 or detecting viruses that have not yet “emerged.”
Documents Reveal Virus Was Manipulated to Increase Virulence
An ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation brought by The Intercept17 against the NIH resulted in the release of over 900 pages of previously undisclosed documents that detailed the work of EcoHealth Alliance as a subcontractor of gain-of-function research on bat coronavirus through the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
It’s important to note that the moratorium on federal funding of gain-of-function research instituted in 2014 was initiated on the heels of a high-profile lab mishap at the CDC and controversial experiments over deadly bird flu virus that was manipulated to be more contagious.18
Reportedly, the goal was to determine if bird flu could mutate in the wild and start a pandemic. David Relman, a microbiologist from Stanford University, stated the obvious when he said,19 “I don’t think it’s wise or appropriate for us to create large risks that don’t already exist.”
The new documents released under the FOIA request by The Intercept contained previously unpublished proposals by the NIAID and updates to the EcoHealth Alliance’s research. As reported in The Intercept,20
“The documents contain several critical details about the research in Wuhan, including the fact that key experimental work with humanized mice was conducted at a biosafety level 3 lab at Wuhan University Center for Animal Experiment — and not at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as was previously assumed.
The documents raise additional questions about the theory that the pandemic may have begun in a lab accident, an idea that Daszak has aggressively dismissed.”
According to The Intercept, Richard Ebright, molecular biologist at Rutgers University, also reviewed the documents released in the FOIA. He told The Intercept that the documents contained vital Information about the research being conducted in the Wuhan lab. He wrote:21
“The viruses they constructed were tested for their ability to infect mice that were engineered to display human type receptors on their cell. While they were working on SARS-related coronavirus, they were carrying out a parallel project at the same time on MERS-related coronavirus.”
In other words, the lab was doing parallel research on two types of coronaviruses that were able to infect humanized mice. In a series of posts on Twitter, Ebright goes on to say:22
“The materials further reveal for the first time that one of the resulting novel, laboratory-generated SARS-related coronaviruses — one not been previously disclosed publicly — was more pathogenic to humanized mice than the starting virus from which it was constructed … and thus not only was reasonably anticipated to exhibit enhanced pathogenicity, but, indeed, was *demonstrated* to exhibit enhanced pathogenicity.
The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.”
This new information again questions the origins of COVID-19, which many scientists proposed was from a wet market in China where humans and animals are in close contact. However, bioscience safety experts have long suspected a lab origin. It appears that some in the U.S. government and some scientists have not learned from the gain-of-function research in Wuhan and have brought the problem home to roost.
International Athletes Willfully Exposed to Lab-Leaked Virus
Whether the virus was released intentionally or accidentally is a question for another day. Long before the outbreak, scientists had expressed concerns that these kinds of experiments may end up creating the thing they were reportedly working against. As the Intercept reports,23 in 2014 a grant was awarded to EcoHealth Alliance titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”
Part of the grant money was earmarked to identify and alter bat coronaviruses suspected of being able to infect humans. In the grant the writers acknowledged concerns stating, “Fieldwork involves the highest risk of exposure to SARS or other CoVs, while working in caves with high bat density overhead and the potential for fecal dust to be inhaled.”24
In the USAID announcement, the government agency gives an overview of the goals in one sentence:25 “The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to advancing global health security, international pandemic preparedness and global health resilience.” As the Breaking Points anchor in the video above says,26 “So essentially, we have learned nothing.”
August 1, 2021, Rep Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs committee, published an addendum to the investigation into the origins of SARS-CoV-2. The investigation concluded:27
“… the preponderance of evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally released from a Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory sometime prior to September 12, 2019. The virus, or the viral sequence that was genetically manipulated, was likely collected in a cave in Yunnan province, PRC, between 2012 and 2015.
Researchers at the WIV, officials within the CCP, and potentially American citizens directly engaged in efforts to obfuscate information related to the origins of the virus and to suppress public debate of a possible lab leak.”
By the end of August 2021, the White House released a statement from President Biden essentially calling the intelligence report inconclusive,28 “while this review has concluded, our efforts to understand the origins of this pandemic will not rest.”
Multiple pieces of information led the committee to conclude there was ample evidence to support genetic modification of the coronavirus and there was a cover-up which “likely turned what could have been a local outbreak into a global pandemic.”29 The cover-up involved the 2019 Military Games held October 18, 2019, in Wuhan China.
The report demonstrated that by October 2019, health officials in Wuhan were well aware of an outbreak of infectious disease. The athletes reported that the city appeared to be in lockdown30 while they were there. The games drew over 9,000 athletes from 109 countries. The Chinese government had 236,000 volunteers, 90 hotels, three railroad stations and more than 2,000 drivers available for the athletes.
The report included a quote from a Canadian Armed Forces personnel who participated in the games, which appeared in The Financial Post.31 He was told the lockdown in the city was to make it easier for the participants in the games to get around. Twelve days after arrival in Wuhan, he was sick with fever, chills, vomiting and insomnia.
He reported that on the flight home to Canada, 60 athletes were isolated at the back of the plane for the 12-hour flight with a range of symptoms including coughing and diarrhea. After returning home, the same service member found his family members got ill, which the report finds is:32
“… consistent with both human-to-human transmission of a viral infection and COVID-19. Similar claims about COVID-19 like symptoms have been made by athletes from Germany, France, Italy, and Sweden.”
Following the release of The Intercept report and additional grant documentation, some GOP members are calling for Dr. Anthony Fauci to resign while others want him fired from his position on the White House COVID-19 response team.33
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.., has referred Fauci to the Department of Justice for an investigation for possible perjury charges relating to his Congressional testimony in May 202134 and July 2021,35 when he vehemently denied ever having funded gain-of-function research.
Paul specifically asked the DOJ36 to investigate whether Fauci violated 18 U.S. Code § 10012137 — which makes it a federal crime to make “any materially false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation” as part of “any investigation or review” conducted by Congress — or any other statute.
How much genetic manipulation and gain-of-function research that occurs as a result of the $125 million grant to the university may not come to light for years. However, it is incumbent on our government to ensure biosafety in the labs doing the research and, for the public, to call for a halt of this type of research that “create[s] large risks that don’t already exist.”38
Photo 1 shows the 18 countries in the world that as of the first week in August were more heavily vaccinated than the rest of the world average. Note that “World” is about halfway down, row 19.
Photo 2 shows that of the 18 most heavily vax countries, 8 of the 18 recently ranked Level 4 for spread of COVID, 7 ranked Level 3. ( Marked with a red line to the right of the Country) .
The top half of Photo 2 shows that for 15 countries with more than 60% vax, 10 of the countries are on the worst CDC travel warning list for COVID ( Level 4 and Level 3) .
Why do the long-term trends over the last 2 months show the most heavily vax countries having the worst COVID problems?
BONUS TOPIC: I’m pretty sure that in reality United States should be in the warning list so it’s really 16 out of 18. Remember back on May 1, the CDC announced that they would stop counting all vax breakthroughs that did not require hospitalization….So the number of cases per million should be WAY higher for the U.S. than what is officially shown – and U.S. would have been a Level 3 or Level 4 ranking.
EXTRA BONUS TOPIC: If indeed the vaccine keeps most people from having such severe symptoms and they’re rarely hospitalized, why with such a success story are they so strongly pushing a third dose now?
Your thoughts?
SOURCE: CDC and Our World In Data per Johns Hopkins University.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling for employers to be held liable if their employees suffer injuries from mandated vaccines — even if the mandates were a result of federal edicts.
“We need to take action to protect Florida jobs and we have a situation now, unfortunately, in our country where we have a federal government that is very much trying to use the heavy hand of government to force a lot of these injections,” DeSantis said.
Saying he and his constituents believe in “basic medical freedom and individual choice,” and that “your right to earn a living should not be contingent upon COVID shots,” DeSantis said
If OSHA ends up coming out with the mandate dictated by President Biden, he plans to contest it, DeSantis added. He also plans to contest federal mandates on contractors that work with the federal government, but also work on the state level.
He also plans to contest the mandate that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are talking about handing down on hospitals and health care providers that accept Medicare and Medicaid.
“So what we’re going to be doing in addition to mounting aggressive legal challenges to federal mandates [is to] be taking legislative action to add protections for people.”
One paper compared Merck’s data on molnupiravir against peer-reviewed data on ivermectin and found ivermectin has a low side effect profile, costs less than molnupiravir and is more effective against SARS-CoV-2
Clinical Trials data show Merck gathered 1,850 participants but released data on only 762 in the non-hospitalized arm of the study. The study with hospitalized patients anticipated 1,300 participants, but enrolled 304 before terminating for “business reasons”
Merck has applied for emergency use authorization for molnupiravir against COVID-19. Some are excited about an antiviral that may be effective against the virus, but the exclusion criteria for participants in the study may mean few will qualify to take the drug
For many, prophylaxis and early treatment do not require prescription medication. Optimize your vitamin D level to help prevent the illness, and use nebulized hydrogen peroxide after exposure or in combination with nutraceuticals for early treatment
In the video above retired nurse lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D., reports on a comparative analysis of molnurpirivir and ivermectin published in the Austin Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics.1 The first is Merck’s new antiviral drug and the second is the much vilified and maligned2,3 antiparasitic drug used in humans since 19874 and approved for human use in the U.S. in 1996.5,6
Campbell compares the efficacy, safety and cost using available data for ivermectin published in peer reviewed studies and the first interim data for molnupiravir published by Merck. Molnupiravir, also known as EIDD-2801/MK-44827 has data published as early as October 2019 that showed it was a clinical candidate for monotherapy in influenza viruses.8
And yet, Merck’s investigation into the oral antiviral medication against SARS-CoV-2 was not logged with Clinical Trials until October 5, 2020.9 While Gilead raced to release remdesivir, posting their first clinical trial February 5, 2020,10 Merck appeared to be slow off the mark. Gilead suspended or terminated the early trials for remdesivir. The reasons given included:
“The epidemic of COVID-19 has been controlled well at present, no eligible patients can be recruited.”11
“The epidemic of COVID-19 has been controlled well in China, no eligible patients can be enrolled at present.”12
The advantage molnupiravir has over remdesivir is that it is administered orally and can be used for early treatment in an outpatient setting. However, as we review the comparison between the drugs, it’s important to remember that the early data on molnupiravir has been published in a press release.13
How Do Ivermectin and Molnupiravir Stack Up Against COVID-19?
In the video Campbell reviews a paper published in the Austin Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics14 that was a chemical comparison of the pharmacological effects of molnupiravir and ivermectin. Looking at the two ways science uses to develop new treatments when a new condition arises,15 Campbell explains the first is to create a new drug and the second is to repurpose medications used for other conditions.
For example, aspirin originally was used to treat fever. Once it became evident that it was also effective against pain, doctors began recommending it to relieve headaches and other minor aches and pains. Subsequently, it was found that aspirin was an effective antiplatelet, as well, and this function was added to the known uses for aspirin.
According to the paper,16 Ivermectin is the “most studied, ‘repurposed’ medication globally, in randomized clinical trials, retrospective studies and meta-analysis.” Ivermectin is an FDA-approved, broad spectrum antiparasitic17 with known anti-inflammatory properties.18
As Campbell reviews, an in vitro study19 demonstrated that a single treatment with ivermectin effectively reduced viral load 5,000 times in 48 hours in cell culture. By comparison, Merck claims molnupiravir is a broad-spectrum antiviral that is active against the Gamma, Delta and Mu SARS-CoV-2 variants.20
The data in the comparison paper show molnupiravir is more potent in-vitro than ivermectin,21 which means it needs less drug to work with a lower tissue concentration.22 The amount of time the maximum drug dose is found in the serum is one to 1.75 hours for molnupiravir and four to six hours for ivermectin.
Interestingly, the half-life for Merck’s drug is seven hours and the half-life for ivermectin is 81 to 91 hours. This is the amount of time it takes for your body to reduce the active ingredients in the drug by half. Campbell also reviews the following factors:
•Safety — No matter how well a drug works, if it’s not safe for use, it cannot be effective. Offering some examples of how ivermectin’s safety compares to other drugs, according to Campbell23 the global database of the World Health Organization, VigiBase, recorded 5,593 adverse events from ivermectin after 3.7 billion doses were administered to humans.
For comparison, VigiBase recorded 136,222 adverse events for amoxicillin and 165,479 for ibuprofen. At this time there is no VigiBase data available for molnupiravir, so no comparisons can be made for that drug yet. To take the example one step further, an outside look at acetaminophen adverse events shows that this drug (aka Tylenol) is many times more dangerous than ivermectin.
In the U.S. alone24 the National Institutes of Health’s STATPearls manual reports that there are 2,600 hospitalizations, 56,000 emergency room visits and 500 deaths each year for acetaminophen overdoses as of July 2021. And, the drug is the second leading cause of liver transplantation worldwide and the leading cause of transplantation in the U.S.
•Efficacy — According to interim data from Merck,25 molnupiravir reduced hospitalizations or deaths by 50% in 385 participants who had at least one risk factor associated with poor disease outcome. A meta-analysis of 15 trials26 that included 2,438 participants demonstrated that ivermectin could reduce the risk of death by 62%.
According to an ongoing collection from published data,27 across all studies ivermectin is 86% effective prophylactically, 66% effective in early treatment and 36% effective in late treatment. By comparison, a Cochrane review of the literature28 that Campbell references in the video found the data did not determine if ivermectin leads to more or less infections, worsened or improved infection, or increased or decreased unwanted events.
•Cost — According to a Forbes report,29 the raw material for the active pharmaceutical ingredients in molnupiravir costs about $2.50 per treatment. The cost of manufacturing the product would be $20, which is 35 times less than the price set by Merck of $700 per treatment. Additionally, Forbes reports that initially the drug will be purchased using federal funds.
According to the treatment protocol by the FLCCC,30 ivermectin is dosed at 0.4 to 0.6 mg/kg of body weight per dose once daily for five days. For an average person 160 pounds (72.5 kg), the dose is 29 mg to 43.5 mg per day for five days.
The average cost for 30 tablets of 3 mg of ivermectin in the U.S. can run as high as $108 or as little as $29.72 with a drug discount program — a fraction of molnupiravir’s prices.31
Peer Reviewed Study May Answer Molnupiravir Questions
As I mentioned, according to the data released by Merck, molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by 50% as compared to the placebo group.32 According to the numbers in their study, 28 people in the intervention group died or were hospitalized by Day 29 while 53 in the placebo treated group were hospitalized or died.
Merck did not identify the placebo in either their press release33 or in the Clinical Trials data.34 Dr. James Lyons-Weiler also evaluated the results of the trial and asked some very pertinent questions, such as:35
•Why were patients taking a placebo allowed to die?
“When there is a vast amount of published research on clear winners are the early treatment protocols as described by the medical authorities on the matter? Merck and NIH allowed 14.1% of people in the control arms to develop severe COVID-19 and die with no treatment. None. Just placebo.
How did the NIH and the FDA let this happen in the face of the evidence of efficacy of early treatment? How could they? Because that’s the standard of care for early COVID-19: go home, incubate, get sick, and die if you must. But don’t call us until you are seriously ill.”
•Why are the number of participants low? — When the study was first listed on Clinical Trials36 the team initially anticipated 1,450 patients in a parallel phase 2/3 randomized, placebo-controlled study. This changed May 25, 2021, to 1,850 participants anticipated.37
At the completion of the study when they were no longer recruiting participants, they reported data on 762 participants in the press release38 from 173 locations. What happened to the data from the rest of the participants?
•Why was the second study for hospitalized patients terminated? — A second study39 was ongoing during the same time period for hospitalized patients, having started October 5, 2020, and last updated September 9, 2021.
They anticipated enrolling 1,300 patients but terminated the study for “business reasons” after enrolling 304. What happened to cause the company to close this arm of the study after enrolling so few patients and what happened to the data?
Lyons-Weiler is a senior research scientist at the University of Pittsburgh.40 He also listed the numerous exclusion criteria for participants in the study and went on to write:41
“If, by any stretch of reason, FDA approval is made using the one interim analysis of (potentially) cherry-picked data in a cherry-picked study published as a press release without peer review, ignoring the data from the study not mentioned at all- their guidance should carry restrictions disallowing the use of the drug on or by patients in all of the excluded groups, including those who are hospitalized.
If by some miracle the rules on full reporting are enforced for the buried molnupiravir trial, the identified data from the trials need to be audited to make sure patients with an undesirable outcome under one trial were not excluded because they were enrolled in another trial focused on studying that same outcome. That would point to more scientific chicanery, and we’ve all had more than enough of that.”
CBS News42 reports that Merck has asked U.S. regulators for emergency use authorization for the drug against COVID-19. The decision could come in just a few weeks and “The FDA will scrutinize company data on the safety and effectiveness of the drug, molnupiravir, before rendering a decision.” It is hoped the FDA has access to all the data.
Do We Really Need a Vaccine and a Treatment?
Although Campbell adamantly defends the need for both a vaccine and treatment,43 he also points to diseases such as the bubonic plague for which we have adequate treatment but do not have a vaccine,44 even for areas of the world where it may have greater incidence.45
Campbell also believes that if there is a good quality antiviral medication, there would be less of an impact from COVID in countries where the vaccine rollout is patchy.
And yet, data show that the number of confirmed cases of COVID in countries where much of the population is unvaccinated is not higher than in countries where nearly 100% have been given the jab. For example, as of October 13, 2021, according to the CNN COVID-19 vaccination tracker46 and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center:47
Vaccination Rate
% Population Infected
United Arab Emirates
United States
In the past, according to the CDC’s definition, a vaccination program used a product that “stimulates a person’s immune system to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”49 But today, CDC’s new definition says vaccines are only meant to “stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”50 You’ll note that the new definition says a vaccine isn’t responsible for stimulating the immune system or protecting against any specific illness.
According to COVID-19 statistics from the CDC,51 people over 65 carry the greatest burden of mortality. In 2020 this population accounted for 80.7% of deaths and thus far in 2021 this age range accounts for 71.2% of deaths in the U.S. However, these percentages are highly skewed since, to date, large populations of people are not offered or treated with successful protocols.
This begs the question: How high has the CDC and FDA allowed the death rate to go by suppressing effective treatments that are readily available and economical?
Prophylaxis and Early Treatment May Not Require Medication
While ivermectin has demonstrated it is a useful strategy, it’s not my primary recommendation. You don’t necessarily need prescribed medication to help prevent, and in the early treatment of, COVID-19.
I believe your best option to fighting the onset of any disease is to optimize your vitamin D level, as your body requires this for a wide variety of functions, including a healthy immune response.52,53 Then, for early treatment, or after you’ve been exposed to someone with COVID, I recommend using nebulized hydrogen peroxide treatment.54
This treatment is inexpensive, highly effective, can easily be done at home and is completely harmless when you’re using the low (0.04% to 0.1%) peroxide concentration recommended. In the video below I demonstrate how to make a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide at home and how to use your nebulizer. You’ll find my interviews with Dr. Thomas Levy55 and Dr. David Brownstein56 about this treatment on Bitchute.
Li-Meng Yan, M.D., Ph.D., escaped from China to the United States to expose China’s cover-up of the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic
According to Yan, SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese military lab. The Third Military Medical University and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command discovered a bat coronavirus called ZC45. She’s convinced that ZC45 was used as a template and/or backbone to create SARS-CoV-2
While the Chinese military may be responsible for the physical creation of the virus, there’s ample evidence showing the U.S. funded at least some of the research that resulted in this pandemic
The COVID shots and the vaccine passports fit into the CCP agenda by making the whole world accept and adopt the CCP’s social control system
Yan urges Americans to realize the destructiveness of communism, and to resist it in any way possible. This includes refusing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports
Today, we continue our discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic and its origin with a fascinating guest who has been a leader exposing the corruption and fraud with respect to the origin of the virus. Li-Meng Yan is both an M.D. and Ph.D., with specific training in coronaviruses. She escaped from China’s influence while in Hong Kong to the United States to warn us of what she believes is a massive cover-up.
Yan went to medical school, followed by a Ph.D. program in ophthalmology. The school where she got her Ph.D. was originally a military medical university, which helps explain some of her personal network. She has contacts in both civilian and military research laboratories and hospitals in mainland China.
After finishing her studies, she decided to pursue research. For two years, she worked in an ophthalmology lab in the University of Hong Kong, where she researched stem cells, drugs and artificial tissue development. She was then invited to join the lab of professor Malik Peiris.
Yan’s husband had worked with him and Peiris was impressed with Yan’s skillset. She jumped at the chance to learn more about emerging infectious diseases. She worked with Peiris for five years, until she escaped to the U.S. in April 2020.
“I worked on the influenza virus, universal influenza vaccine development, and then focused on the SARS-CoV-2 after the outbreak,” she says.
SARS-CoV-2 Was Made in a Chinese Military Lab
At the end of December 2019, Yan’s supervisor, Dr. Leo Poon, who is also an emerging infectious disease expert with the World Health Organization, assigned her to conduct a confidential investigation into a mysterious new pneumonia-like infection.
Colleagues and friends at universities and hospitals around China gave her information, which she forwarded to Peiris and Poon. They did not follow up on it, however, which she says “shows that they want [to] help China to cover it up.”
In January 2020, Poon asked her to look into whether the raccoon dog, a civet cat-like animal, which was a host for the original SARS virus, might also be an intermediary host for SARS-CoV-2. Yan’s research, however, was indicating that the virus did not come from nature. Poon warned her to keep silent or “you will be disappeared.”
According to Yan, SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese military lab. The Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China, and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command in Nanjing, had discovered a bat coronavirus called ZC45. The discovery of ZC45 was published in early 2018.
“If you compare this virus genome and the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome, you will realize [this is the] smoking gun,” Yan says. She’s convinced that ZC45 was used as a template and/or backbone to create SARS-CoV-2.
In mid-May 2020, shortly after she’d left Hong Kong, the journal Nature published a paper1 Yan had co-written, detailing the pathogenesis and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in golden hamsters. This experiment showed SARS-CoV-2 primarily spreads via aerosol.
In mid-September 2020, Yan published an open access paper2 on Zenodo, in which she and her two co-authors laid out the evidence and their theory for SARS-CoV-2 being manmade.
Almost immediately, four “reviewers” of her work denounced it as being an “opinion” piece that was “flawed” and not scientifically in line with currently accepted knowledge of the origin of the virus. One reviewer3 said, “The manuscript attempts to refute our current understanding of the origins of SARS-CoV-2. Briefly, the consensus is that SARS-CoV-2 is a zoonosis and originated in bats with perhaps an intermediate host before spilling over into humans.”
A year later, in 2021, numerous indicators4,5 show that dismissing the lab leak hypothesis was premature and there is no “consensus” of a zoonosis origin.
Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by The Intercept6 also point directly to a lab origin, so much so that the WHO’s director general, Tedros Ghebreyesus, called for a new investigation into it, writing in the October 13, 2021, edition of the journal Science,7 “A lab accident cannot be ruled out until there is sufficient evidence to do so and those results are openly shared.”
The Escape From China
Initially, Yan had released information via an American YouTube blogger that was very popular in China. By the end of April 2020, a colleague warned Yan she was at risk of being “disappeared.” That’s when she decided to flee to the U.S. Luckily, she already had a valid visa. Her husband was deeply opposed to her leaving, as you might imagine. She explains:
“I didn’t know it would happen like [it did]. From January to April [2020], I didn’t tell him what I had done. I tried to protect him, because at that time, in Hong Kong, there were a lot of people fighting against government for democracy and freedom. They can get disappeared easily.
But if their family don’t know what they have done, it’s kind of safe for the family. That’s why I tried to protect him. But when I heard that I need leave, I tried to bring him with me. He’s not Chinese. He’s from Sri Lanka. When I told him, he was outraged, which was really not like him. He warned me, saying ‘We can go nowhere. They are everywhere. We can do nothing.'”
Her husband even threatened to have her killed if she left. The next two weeks were a dangerous time for Yan. Her husband kept her under surveillance, and she developed a sudden heart problem. The day before she left, she went for a checkup. She had a resting heart rate of 130, which is a sign of sinus tachycardia.
Yan suspects foul play, saying the Chinese government prefers to “disappear” people by making it look like a natural death. “Like this virus,” she says. According to Yan, infections and heart attacks are common strategies used to get rid of dissenters. Yan also suspects her husband may have been helping them.
Fortunately, since entering the U.S., the attacks have been relegated to discrediting her and ruining her reputation. “For example, they created thousands of fake accounts on social media, using at least seven languages, to spread [lies about me] and attacks to discredit me,” she says.
According to Yan, this has been verified by FireEye, a cybersecurity company that also does work for American intelligence agencies. Her family, who are in mainland China, friends and even alumni are also under strict surveillance by the Chinese government, she says.
While the whole world denied the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade for over a year, in recent months, the truth has finally entered the mainstream. A number of reporters have wrestled with excuses, trying to justify or explain away their long-held denials.
“Last year in July, when I was first on Fox News, I told them the WHO and the CCP are corrupted and are in the cover-up together,” Yan says. “At that time, it was a bombshell. Now, most people realize [the virus] is not from nature. That is a very good turning, and I keep helping other people to realize the evidence.
I explain to them the CCP’s style and the evidence. Now, I see that even some mainstream media are starting to talk about the possibility of [it being a] bioweapon. I think it is very encouraging. Because people need to realize that China is using this virus together with their misinformation campaign and propaganda to attack all over the world.”
Who’s Running the Show?
While the Chinese military may be responsible for the physical creation of the virus, there’s ample evidence showing the U.S. funded at least some of the research that resulted in this pandemic.
The flow of money from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the EcoHealth Alliance run by Peter Daszak and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is well-documented. Ralph Baric, Ph.D., at the University of North Carolina has also conducted research that appears to have been applied to SARS-CoV-2.
The sequence of events is confusing, however, and it’s unclear just who is the real string-puller in all of this. When asked what her take is, and who she believes might be running the show, Yan replies that even without American funding, China certainly would still have managed to create this virus.
“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) … they are a giant octopus and they have tentacles. The brain is the CCP. Those scientists, especially the military scientists and coronavirus experts [such as] my previous supervisor, Dr. Malik Pieris, they are the ones that had the real evil ideas.
They enjoy it, and they want to command this knowledge … Even China cannot use their tentacles … if they cannot use infiltration to get your money, they will still manage to get your technology and do it in China. That’s the key point. The money from American taxpayers, it looks a lot. Yes, it’s millions [of dollars]. However, compared to the money donated by the Chinese government, it’s just a very small piece …
They developed this virus and other things in their unrestricted bioweapons program. They want to destroy Americans’ economic and social order, destroy your civilization. [While the virus has attacked worldwide], they always list America as a primary enemy and the biggest problem.
So, when they show you this kind of propaganda, through TikTok and other social media [where Chinese citizens] tell you, ‘Oh, in China we control the outcome and it’s good, and we love our government.’ American people will feel, ‘Yeah, maybe we should give up our democracy and turn to try communism.’ That’s all they want to do.”
Chinese Data Collection
Since the start of the pandemic, it’s been near-impossible to determine how many Chinese have actually been affected. According to Yan, the CCP will only release data that benefits itself.
“Chinese people all know not to trust any data that comes from our government,” she says. “They don’t do statistics. They just sit there. Whatever data they want, they write it down. That’s how they [produce] data.”
According to Yan, the CCP has been using the converse strategy used in the U.S. and elsewhere. Rather than inflate case numbers, they’ve been suppressing them. One way they’ve been doing this is by delaying diagnosis, so deaths are not listed as COVID-19 deaths.
“It’s totally opposite,” she says. “For example, in America, once a person has been diagnosed with COVID, even if they later died of some other problem, they still will be [counted] as a COVID case.
But in China, they can use a ventilator to make the patient survive until the test comes out negative. They have thousands of ways to handle it. Importantly, they also gave early treatment, including hydroxychloroquine and other drugs.”
According to Yan, military scientists in China have also filed a patent to use hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. “That made them earn the top anti-COVID award by Chairman Xi last year,” she says. Hydroxychloroquine is also sold over the counter in China, so it’s easy to get a hold of. She believes part of the reason why the death toll in the U.S. has been so high is because hydroxychloroquine was suppressed and censored.
Is There a Connection Between the COVID Shots and the CCP?
The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly been capitalized upon by greedy drug companies, and the suppression of early treatment drugs appears to have been an intentional strategy to make the COVID shot — which is turning out to be extraordinarily hazardous to your health — the only alternative. How does the COVID “vaccine” tie into the theory that SARS-CoV-2 is a CCP bioweapon? Yan says:
“Definitely there is a clear connection between the vaccine and the CCP’s strategies … Some people … try to explain that the vaccine will kill people, and therefore it is another bioweapon. But this is not an accurate reason. First China released the virus they developed in the military labs. This virus doesn’t have a high death rate … That’s why I called it an unrestricted bioweapon. It looks like it’s natural occurring.
Once you realize something is wrong, they use misinformation and denial to confuse you. So, when China released it — and China controls the scientific community to spread misinformation, and censored [information] to let people believe it’s come from nature — what will people do?
They will think about drugs, the drugs they already have. The other way is a vaccine, because people are educated to accept a vaccine can end a pandemic.
In this case, useful drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are so cheap. How could they use this to earn huge profits? The CCP also had a lot of stock shares from Pfizer, Moderna and other big pharmaceutical companies. Check the money they put in … And then big pharmaceutical companies, they all say, ‘OK, now we can use this chance to make money.'”
Clearly, many who support and push the COVID shot know full well that they’re bound to cause health problems. Yan herself was asked to work on a COVID vaccine but she declined after looking into the available science. No coronavirus vaccine has ever been released, despite scientists working on it for two decades.
The reason? The vaccines cause too many injuries. They’re lethal. Yan did not believe these problems could be overcome for SARS-CoV-2. Peiris himself discovered antibody-dependent enhancement during efforts to develop a vaccine against the original SARS virus. Still, when money is being thrown at scientists, they’re usually not going to turn it down.
Vaccine Passports Will Usher in a Social Credit System
Of course, the COVID shots and the vaccine passports also fit into the CCP agenda by making the whole world accept and adopt the CCP’s social control system. The vaccine passports are clearly designed to usher in a social credit system like they have in China. And with that, you get 24/7 digital surveillance and an unbelievable amount of control over every single person.
As explained by Yan, in China, the digital surveillance system is so advanced, if your phone GPS shows you were near an infected person, you are automatically ordered into isolation.
What’s more, if parents or grandparents fail to get the COVID shot, the family’s children are barred from school, even if they got the shot. Every aspect of life is linked together through this system, so a poor social credit score will also have financial ramifications, and will dictate if, where and how you’re allowed to travel.
Yan points out that Americans, being unaware of the Chinese surveillance system, don’t understand that by agreeing with vaccine mandates and passports, they are saying yes to a total surveillance system that will dictate their entire lives. They’re also saying yes to being guinea pigs for an endless stream of questionable vaccines.
“Once you support mandate for two doses, then you have to support for the booster, and then support 60 boosters, 199 boosters. It [will be] endless,” she says. “And you’ll be tied into this [social] credit system you built.”
China Wants World Dominance by 2035
According to Yan, China’s goal is to achieve world dominance by 2035. With that aim in mind, they’ve spent decades developing unrestricted bioweapons. With COVID-19, they’re well on their way.
“They want to use all this to overcome the world, and America is their primary enemy,” Yan says. “So we have to stand up for the future, for our next generations. We cannot keep silent. This will be the last chance we have to fight against such communist evil plans, and to save all of us. And, most importantly, we have to all work together to stop the next pandemic or attack that comes out of China …
[Just look at] what’s happening in Hong Kong now. In two years, from 2019 until now, China destroyed the systems of law, democracy and freedom in Hong Kong. They also enacted national security laws. Basically, they own your privacy. They own your freedom, and you are forced to listen to them.
There is no reason they can’t do whatever [they want] to you. Basically, you are a slave living in a modern society. No doubt, once China overcomes America, it will be the same here, and maybe worse because they will have other technology at that time.”
When asked what actions Yan believes we need to take to resist and derail this plan, she says:
“I want Americans to know that, first, adults should realize the evilness of Communism, Maoism, Marxism, no matter what name it changes to … And once you realize that, speak out about it, because they are using propaganda to brainwash people, to brainwash the kids.
Also, you must let your policymakers, legislators, know this. I’m a foreigner, but you are an American citizen. You can vote, so you must let them understand the importance and push them to do something. Don’t believe the Chinese government and don’t give any mercy to the CCP.
Also, you have to update your own system. Study the weakness in your whole system, [the weakness that allows them] to divide America. Once you do all these things, hold them accountable and don’t let them do more. That’s the end of the pandemic.”
You can follow Yan on Twitter for frequent updates and breaking information. Her only authentic Twitter account is @Dr.LiMengYan1.
Mainstream media have incorrectly insinuated that ivermectin is purely a veterinary drug that could be dangerous to humans; CNN falsely stated that Joe Rogan took “horse dewormer”
Rogan recently interviewed CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, getting him to admit CNN lied
The FDA started the “horse dewormer” fallacy based on a Mississippi health department report that said 70% of poison control calls were related to veterinary ivermectin. It was actually 70% of ivermectin-related calls, six in all, four of which were about accidental use of ivermectin in livestock. Overall, these calls made up only 2% of all poison control calls
A total of 20 deaths have been linked to ivermectin since 1992. Compare that safety profile to Remdesivir, the primary drug used by hospitals across the U.S. against COVID-19. Since the spring of 2020, VigiAccess has received 7,491 adverse events in all attributed to the drug, including 560 deaths, 550 serious cardiac disorders and 475 acute kidney injuries
Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson has issued a legal opinion on the off-label use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. According to this legal opinion, health care providers in Nebraska can legally prescribe these medications for off-label use for the treatment of COVID, provided they have informed consent from the patient. The only causes for disciplinary action are failure to obtain informed consent, deception and/or prescribing excessively high doses
In early September 2021, Oklahoma’s KFOR news ran a falsified story about emergency rooms being overrun with patients who had overdosed on horse ivermectin.1 Other mainstream media followed suit — all incorrectly referring to ivermectin as a dangerous veterinary drug.
In the real world, ivermectin is a human drug that has been safely used by 3.7 billion people since the early 1990s.2 In 2016, three scientists received the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for their discovery of ivermectin against parasitic infections in humans.3 It’s also on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines.4
There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever to disparage ivermectin as a “horse dewormer” that only a loony person would consider taking. Yet that’s what mainstream media have done, virtually without exception.
When comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan revealed5 he’d treated his bout of COVID-19 with ivermectin and other remedies — fully recovering within three days — NPR reported Rogan had taken “ivermectin, a deworming veterinary drug that is formulated for use in cows and horses,” adding that “the Food and Drug Administration is urging people to stop ingesting” the medication, saying animal doses of the drug can cause nausea, vomiting and in some cases severe hepatitis.6
Sanjay Gupta Admits CNN Lied
CNN, among many others, also reported on Rogan’s use of “horse dewormer.” In mid-October 2021, Rogan interviewed CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, grilling him on why CNN would outright lie about his use of ivermectin.
“It’s a lie on a news network,” Rogan said, “and it’s a lie that they’re conscious of. It’s not a mistake. They’re unfavorably framing it as a veterinary medicine …
Don’t you think a lie like that is dangerous … when they know they’re lying? They know I took medicine [for humans] … Dude, they lied. They said I was taking horse dewormer. It was prescribed to me by a doctor, along with a bunch of other medications.”
Gupta finally relents and agrees that ivermectin should not be called horse dewormer. When asked, “Does it bother you that the news network you work for out and out lied about me taking horse dewormer?” Gupta replied, “They shouldn’t have said that.”
When asked why they would lie about such an important medical issue, Gupta replied “I don’t know.” Gupta also admits he never asked why they did it, even though he’s their top medical correspondent.
FDA Attacks Ivermectin
While CNN and mainstream media are certainly at fault for spreading disinformation here, they got the idea from a supposedly reputable source — the FDA. In an August 21, 2021, tweet,7 the FDA linked to an agency article warning against the use of ivermectin, saying “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
This blatantly misleading post seeded the lie that then spread across mainstream media. In an article posted on RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo substack, two independent investigative health journalists, Mary Beth Pfeiffer and Linda Bonvie, detail how the FDA’s anti-ivermectin campaign began:8
“Within two days, 23.7 million people had seen that Pulitzer-worthy bit of Twitter talk. Hundreds of thousands more got the message on Facebook, LinkedIn, and from the Today Show’s 3 million-follower Instagram account.
‘That was great!’ declared FDA Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock in an email to her media team. ‘Even I saw it!’ For the FDA, the ‘not-a-horse’ tweet was ‘a unique viral moment,’ a senior FDA official wrote to Woodcock, ‘in a time of incredible misinformation’ …
When CNN retweeted ‘not-a-horse,’ FDA was gleeful. ‘The numbers are racking up and I laughed out loud,’ wrote FDA Associate Commissioner Erica Jefferson in one email … There was one problem, however. The tweet was a direct outgrowth of wrong data — call it misinformation — put out the day before by the Mississippi health department.
The FDA did not vet the data, according to our review of emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and questions to FDA officials. Instead, it saw Mississippi, as one email said, as ‘an opportunity to remind the public of our own warnings for ivermectin.’”
In my 2021 Bulletproof biohacking lecture, I addressed simple cost-effective ways to safeguard and improve your health in these troubled times
One of my top recommendations is to optimize your vitamin D level. There’s a strong correlation between your vitamin D level and your risk of dying from COVID-19. At a level of 17 ng/mL, the death rate is nearly 100%. At a level of 35 ng/mL, the death rate is near zero
Another foundational health principle is physical exercise. Strength training in particular is crucial and only becomes more important with age, as it prevents frailty
Other hacks include time-restricted eating, optimizing your NAD+ level with exercise, and avoiding omega-6 linoleic acid, which may be the most detrimental ingredient in the modern diet
If you enjoyed my lecture you can sign up now for next year’s Biohacking conference. Between now and September 15, 2022, you can get 40% off your attendance fee, plus another $100 discount if you use the discount code MERCOLA
My absolute favorite event to speak at is Dave Asprey’s Biohacking event. He was kind enough to allow me to run my presentation at this year’s event in Orlando. To say it was beyond fantastic is a serious understatement. I learned so much and had a chance to personally connect with over 1,000 people. It was beyond great.
In my video above, I review how COVID gene therapy injections will almost assuredly be granted emergency use authorization for children and babies before this year is over, despite having been linked to serious blood disorders and heart inflammation. Third booster shots have already been rolled out in the U.S. for those older than 65 and anyone at high risk for exposure due to their profession.
We’re also facing vaccine mandates around the country, and vaccine passports are being implemented in certain areas. I predict it won’t be long before a social credit system is rolled out as well, which will be tied together with the vaccine passports and a digital economy.
While times are dire, I firmly believe that, in the end, we will win and sanity will be restored. Unfortunately, things may get a whole lot worse before they get better. With that in mind, what can you do? How can you prepare? How do we keep fighting the good fight for freedom?
Take Control of Your Health
“Take control of your health” has been my catchphrase since I started this website, and right now, that is perhaps the best advice anyone can follow. You need to stay healthy and out of the hospitals.
One of my top recommendations for safeguarding your health at this time is to optimize your vitamin D level. In my lecture, I show a graph that clearly illustrates the correlation between higher vitamin D levels and your risk of dying from COVID-19. At a level of 17 ng/mL, the death rate is nearly 100%. At a level of 35 ng/mL, which is still below the ideal minimum of 40 ng/mL, the death rate is near zero.
Similarly, your vitamin D level is also strongly correlated with COVID-19 severity. In one study, cited in the lecture, 96% of critical and severe cases had low vitamin D levels (below 29 ng/mL) and 93% of moderate cases were deficient. Meanwhile, 98% of those with mild cases had a vitamin D level of 30 ng/mL or higher.
The evidence for vitamin D in COVID-19 is so compelling, I wrote a paper1 on it together with William Grant, Ph.D., and Dr. Carol Wagner, which was published in the peer-review journal Nutrients at the end of October 2020. The paper is titled “Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity.”
Vitamin D and Your Risk for COVID
As noted in our paper, dark skin color, increased age, preexisting chronic conditions and vitamin D deficiency are all features of severe COVID disease, and of these, vitamin D deficiency is the only factor that is readily and easily modifiable.
You may be able to reverse chronic disease, but that typically takes time. Optimizing your vitamin D, on the other hand, can be achieved in just a few weeks, thereby significantly lowering your risk of severe COVID-19.
In our paper, we review several of the mechanisms by which vitamin D can reduce your risk of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections, including but not limited to the following:2
Reducing the survival and replication of viruses3
Reducing inflammatory cytokine production
Maintaining endothelial integrity — Endothelial dysfunction contributes to vascular inflammation and impaired blood clotting, two hallmarks of severe COVID-19
Increasing angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) concentrations, which prevents the virus from entering cells via the ACE2 receptor — ACE2 is downregulated by SARS-CoV-2 infection, and by increasing ACE2, you also avoid excessive accumulation of angiotensin II, a peptide hormone known to increase the severity of COVID-19
Vitamin D is also an important component of COVID-19 prevention and treatment for the fact that it:
Boosts your overall immune function by modulating your innate and adaptive immune responses
Reduces respiratory distress4
Improves overall lung function
Helps produce surfactants in your lungs that aid in fluid clearance5
Lowers your risk of comorbidities associated with poor COVID-19 prognosis, including obesity,6 Type 2 diabetes,7 high blood pressure8 and heart disease9
Other Health Benefits of Vitamin D
Aside from its benefits against infections, vitamin D also has many other health benefits through both direct and indirect activities. Among its direct actions are:
Reducing DNA damage
Improving central nervous system functions
Improving cognition and depression
Reducing risk of cardiovascular disorders, including heart attacks and strokes
Indirectly, vitamin D also:
Improves your mitochondrial function
Reduces obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes
Improves autoimmunity
Through these direct and indirect actions, plus its ability to control oxidative stress, vitamin D helps to both facilitate healthy aging and prevent pulmonary diseases, falls, cancer and sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss).
How to Optimize Your Vitamin D
While most people would probably benefit from a vitamin D3 supplement, it’s important to get your vitamin D level tested before you start supplementing. The reason for this is because you cannot rely on blanket dosing recommendations. The crucial factor here is your blood level, not the dose, as the dose you need is dependent on several individual factors, including your baseline blood level.
Data from GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action studies suggest the optimal level for health and disease prevention is between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL, while the cutoff for sufficiency appears to be around 40 ng/mL. In Europe, the measurements you’re looking for are 150 to 200 nmol/L and 100 nmol/L respectively.
I’ve published a comprehensive vitamin D report in which I detail vitamin D’s mechanisms of action and how to ensure optimal levels. I recommend downloading and sharing that report with everyone you know. A quick summary of the key steps is as follows:
1.First, measure your vitamin D level — One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of measuring your vitamin D level is to participate in the GrassrootsHealth’s personalized nutrition project, which includes a vitamin D testing kit.
Once you know what your blood level is, you can assess the dose needed to maintain or improve your level. If you cannot get enough vitamin D from the sun (you can use the DMinder app10 to see how much vitamin D your body can make depending on your location and other individual factors), then you’ll need an oral supplement.
2.Assess your individualized vitamin D dosage — To do that, you can either use the chart below, or use GrassrootsHealth’s Vitamin D*calculator. To convert ng/mL into the European measurement (nmol/L), simply multiply the ng/mL measurement by 2.5. To calculate how much vitamin D you may be getting from regular sun exposure in addition to your supplemental intake, use the DMinder app.11
3.Retest in three to six months — Lastly, you’ll need to remeasure your vitamin D level in three to six months, to evaluate how your sun exposure and/or supplement dose is working for you.
Take Your Vitamin D With Magnesium and K2
It’s strongly recommended to take magnesium and K2 concomitant with oral vitamin D. Data from nearly 3,000 individuals reveal you need 244% more oral vitamin D if you’re not also taking magnesium and vitamin K2.12
What this means in practical terms is that if you take all three supplements in combination, you need far less oral vitamin D in order to achieve a healthy vitamin D level.
The Importance of Exercise
Another foundational health principle is physical exercise. I’ve been exercising for nearly 50 years now, and I recently set a new personal record, at the age of 67. In 2021, I was able to deadlift 400 pounds.
I’m not saying you need to be able to lift hundreds of pounds, but strength training in general, even if using light weights, is absolutely crucial for optimal health and only becomes more so as you age. The reason for this is because strength training helps you avoid frailty.
Many don’t realize that frailty is lethal. Frailty is an umbrella term that encompasses several age-related clinical conditions involving deterioration of strength and malfunctions in the body, which then makes you more vulnerable to disease and hampers recovery from illness. I am very familiar with this as both my parents died from frailty.
According to Chinese research13 published in August 2021, 59.9% of seniors aged 65 to 79 in China had signs of pre-frailty, while 95% of centenarians (those older than 100) were frail. As noted by the authors:
“Both pre-frailty and frailty were associated with the increased risk of multiple adverse outcomes, such as incident limited physical performance, cognitive decline and dependence, respectively.
Frail males were more vulnerable to the risk of mortality (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.3 …) compared with frail females (HR = 1.9 …). The strongest association between frailty and mortality was observed among the young-old (HR = 3.6 …).
Exhaustion was the most common domain among patients with pre-frailty (74.8%) or frailty (83.2%), followed by shrink (32.3%) in pre-frailty and low mobility (83.0%) in frailty. Inactivity among females aged 65–79 years showed the strongest association with the risk of mortality (HR = 3.50 …).”
The Case for Blood Flow Restriction Training
The most profound and effective type of strength training I know of is called blood flow restriction (BFR) training. It was invented in 1966 in Japan, and introduced in the U.S. in 2010.
BFR involves exercising your muscles using no or very light weights while partially slowing arterial inflow and modifying venous outflow in either both proximal arms or legs using thin elastic pneumatic (inflatable) KAATSU bands.14
By modifying the venous blood flow, you create a relatively hypoxic (low oxygen) environment in the exercising muscle, which in turn triggers a number of physiological benefits. One of the reasons I’m so passionate about BFR training is because it has the ability to prevent and widely treat sarcopenia (skeletal muscle loss) like no other type of training.
Importantly, it allows you to use very light weights, which makes it suitable for the elderly and those who are already frail or recovering from an injury. And, since you’re using very light weights, you don’t damage the muscle and therefore don’t need to recover as long.
While most elderly cannot engage in high-intensity exercise or heavy weightlifting, even extraordinarily fit individuals in their 60s, 70s and 80s who can do conventional training will be limited in terms of the benefits they can achieve, thanks to decreased microcirculation. This is because your microcirculation tends to decrease with age.
With age, your capillary growth diminishes, and capillary blood flow is essential to supply blood to your muscle stem cells, specifically the fast twitch Type II muscle fiber stem cells. If they don’t have enough blood flow — even though they’re getting the signal from the conventional strength training — they’re not going to grow and you’re not going to get muscle hypertrophy and strength.
BFR, because of the local hypoxia created, stimulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha and, secondarily, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which acts as “fertilizer” for your blood vessels. VEGF allows your stem cells to function the way they were designed to when they were younger.
The hypoxia also triggers vascular endothelial growth factor, which enhances the capillarization of the muscle and likely the veins in the arteries as well. Building muscle and improving blood vessel function are related, which is why BFR offers such powerful stimulus for reversing sarcopenia.
In short, BFR has a systemic or crossover training effect. While you’re only restricting blood flow to your extremities, once you release the bands, the metabolic variables created by the hypoxia flow into your blood — lactate and VEGF being two of them — thereby spreading this “metabolic magic” throughout your entire system.
You can learn more about KAATSU by viewing the video below. You can get most of the benefits by purchasing inexpensive bands like this on Amazon. If you are hardcore like me, you can go all out and get the best that many professional athletes use. For a limited time, you can get 10% off the KAATSU band by using this link:
The Power of Time-Restricted Eating
A third biohack that will put your health on the right track is intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating, where you eat all your meals for the day within a six- to eight-hour window. It’s a powerful intervention for reducing insulin resistance, restoring metabolic flexibility and losing excess body fat.
Aside from old age, obesity — which is often rooted in insulin resistance — has been identified as one of the primary risk factors for being hospitalized with COVID-19. It doubled the risk of hospitalization in patients under the age of 60 in one study,15 even if the individual had no other obesity-related health problems. A French study16,17 also found obese patients treated for COVID-19 were more likely to require mechanical ventilation.
One hypothesis for why obesity is worsening COVID-19 has to do with the fact that obesity causes chronic inflammation.18 Having more proinflammatory cytokines in circulation increases your risk of experiencing a cytokine storm. Remarkably, as illustrated in my lecture, 42.4% of Americans are now obese, not just overweight. Compare that to the obesity rate 115 years ago, which was 1.2%.
Benefits of NAD+
You’ll also want to make sure you’re eating at least three hours before bedtime. One of the reasons for this advice is because avoiding late-night eating will increase your nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels, which are important for a variety of bodily functions. Sirtuins, so-called longevity hormones, are also dependent on NAD+.
It will also have a negative impact on your nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) level, which is essentially the true cellular battery of your cell and has the reductive potential to recharge your antioxidants. The largest consumer of NADPH is the creation of fatty acids.
If you’re eating close to bedtime, then you’re not going to be able to use the NADPH to burn those calories as energy. Instead, they must be stored some way. To store them, you have to create fat, so you’re basically radically lowering your NADPH levels when you eat late at night because they are being consumed to store your extra calories by creating fat.
Aside from avoiding late-night eating and snacking, the best way to raise your NAD+ level is — intense resistance exercise! Exercise such as BFR training raises the rate limiting enzyme for remaking NAD+, NAMPT. Merely by exercising very intensely, you can raise your NAD+ level by 20 to 30 times more than using precursors.
The problem, though, is that most are unwilling to train this hard. I have found that BFR training is highly effective for increasing NAD+ levels, which is why I rarely use precursor supplementation.
Avoid This Dangerous Fat
Another super-simple biohack that can add years to your life is to avoid one of the most dangerous foods in the modern diet, namely the omega-6 fat linoleic acid (LA). Dietary fats are a crucial component of a healthy diet, but the devil’s in the details and the type of fats you choose can make a world of difference.
LA makes up the bulk — about 80% — of the omega-6 consumed and is the primary contributor to nearly all chronic diseases. Nothing will destroy your health faster than excess LA, which acts as a metabolic poison. To avoid this dangerous fat, you’ll want to cut down, avoid or eliminate:
Conventionally raised chicken and pork
Processed seed oils such as corn oil, soybean oil, sunflower and canola oil, as well as most olive oils and avocado oils
All processed foods, including virtually all restaurant sauces
Virtually all seeds and nuts
Virtually all pastries unless butter is substituted for vegetable oil
Seed oils, all of which contain double-digit percentages of LA,19 have been linked to heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel disorder, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, certain cancers20 and even COVID-19.
A compelling report21 in the journal Gastroenterology showed a person’s unsaturated fat intake is associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, primarily by promoting life-threatening organ failure. On the bright side, they suggested early treatment with inexpensive calcium and egg albumin might reduce rates of organ failure and ICU admissions.
Since diet-related comorbidities are responsible for 94% of all COVID-19-related deaths,22 taking control of your diet is a simple, commonsense strategy to lower the risks associated with this infection. To determine how much LA you’re getting from your diet, use a nutritional calculator such as Cronometer.
With everything going on in the world and with all the threats now facing us, there’s never been a better time to grab the proverbial bull by the horns and start to safeguard and build your health. The biohacks I review in my lecture are deceptively simple ways to do that without spending a fortune.
Many on this channel already know this. However ‘Nicole’ provides a great low level discussion which may resonate with those who are not ‘awake’.
Credit to Nicole (where ever and whom ever she is)
Vaccine-Induced Mortality 2 In a two-part series, Matthew Crawford of the Rounding the Earth Newsletter, examined mortality statistics before and after the rollout of the COVID shots. In Part 1, he revealed the shots killed an estimated 1,018 people per million doses administered (note, this is doses, not the number of individuals vaccinated) during the rst 30 days of the European vaccination campaign. 3 “Between 800,000 and 2 million so-called ‘COVID19 deaths’ may in fact be vaccine-induced deaths. ”
After adjusting for deaths categorized as COVID-19 deaths, he came up with an estimate of 200 to 500 deaths per million doses administered. With 4 billion doses having been administered around the world, that means 800,000 to 2 million so-called “COVID-19 deaths” may in fact be vaccine-induced deaths.
As explained by Crawford: 4 “This does not even include vaccine-induced deaths that have not been recorded as COVID cases, though I suspect that latter number is smaller since the only good way to hide the vaccine mortality signal is to smuggle deaths through the already-established COVID death toll.”
Corroborating Crawford’s calculations are data from Norway, where 23 deaths were reported following the COVID jab at a time when only 40,000 Norwegians had received the shot.
A bombshell report published by The Expose (UK) is entitled, “A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.” Since this is being instigated by vaccine injections, I’m calling it “Injected Immunodeficiency Syndrome,” or “IIDS.”
A former New York Times editor gave a no-holds-barred interview on CNN, leaving the network scrambling to do damage control over … the truth.
When Bari Weiss sat down with CNN’s Brian Stelter to give examples of how the world has gone mad, she barreled into a stream of politically incorrect, uncomfortable truths, such as:
When you have the chief reporter on the beat of COVID for The New York Times talking about how questioning or pursuing the question of the lab leak;
When you’re not able to say out loud and in public there are differences between men and women;
When we’re not allowed to acknowledge that rioting is rioting and it is bad and that silence is not violence, but violence is violence;
When you’re not able to say the Hunter Biden laptop is a story worth pursuing;
When, in the name of progress, young school children, as young as kindergarten, are being separated in public schools because of their race, and that is called progress instead of segregation, the world has gone mad. There are dozens of examples.”
So who’s responsible for all this madness? Stelter asks. Again, Weiss goes “there,” pointing her finger directly at the media, saying, “People that work at networks like, frankly, like the one I’m speaking on right now, who try and claim that it was racist to investigate the lab leak theory.”
A stunning report on natural immunity against COVID versus immunity imparted by one of the shots not only shows that natural immunity is long-lasting, but that those who have recovered from a COVID infection are unlikely to benefit from the shot.
In a review of published works, the Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research found 81 research studies showing that natural infection beats vaccination when it comes to sustained protection.
The findings are particularly intriguing, since researchers now know that the vaccinated are showing signs of waning immunity, and are experiencing increasing numbers of breakthrough infections, not to mention that the vaccinated can still transmit the disease to others.
What this means, according to Brownstone, is that public health officials are “misleading the public” in their push for vaccination as the only answer to ending COVID.
“These studies also revealed that the personal protective equipment (PPE) and masks were essentially ineffective in the healthcare setting,” Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D., said. Alexander is a former assistant professor in evidence-based medicine and research methods who also worked as senior adviser to the COVID Pandemic policy in the U.S. Health and Human Services.
Across America, even left-wing Biden voters in blue cities are now joining protests against vaccine mandates and Biden’s heavy handed tactics that violate medical choice / human rights.
Over just the last few days, we’ve seen protests by teachers in New York City, Boeing employees protesting in Seattle, Southwest Airlines workers protesting in Dallas, California parents protesting vaccines mandates in schools and a law enforcement revolt against coercive vaccine mandates in Chicago.
Your body substitutes glyphosate for glycine, and in so doing, poisons your body’s machinery for creating proteins
In normal physiology, processes in your mitochondria ensure deuterium depletion. If your mitochondria are damaged by glyphosate, they’re not going to be able to eliminate the deuterium properly and the buildup of deuterium may contribute to chronic disease
Glyphosate may play an important role in cases of severe COVID-19. If you’ve accumulated a lot of glyphosate in your tissues, your immune cells will be impaired, making it difficult to clear the virus
To avoid glyphosate exposure, the most important strategy is to eat certified organic foods whenever possible, and eat/drink more sulfur-containing foods, organic grass fed milk and butter, glacier water, animal fats and probiotic foods
To help mitigate the toxic effects of glyphosate, you can take an inexpensive glycine supplement
This article was previously published February 28, 2021, and has been updated with new information.
In this interview, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT, reviews the health impacts of glyphosate. She has just finished writing a book about glyphosate called “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying Our Health and the Environment,” which is expected to be published in June 2021.
For years, glyphosate was assumed safe and claims of toxicity were vehemently denied. But in recent years, studies on glyphosate have been demonstrating toxicity even at very low levels. Seneff also believes glyphosate exposure may be a key player in cases of severe COVID-19, which we’ll unravel in this interview.
Glyphosate’s Mechanism of Action
The “gly” in glyphosate actually stands for the amino acid glycine. The glycine amino acid in glyphosate has a methylphosphonate group attached to its nitrogen atom, which is responsible for its effects and toxicity.
After studying the research literature on glyphosate, Seneff has reached the conclusion that your body sometimes substitutes glyphosate for the amino acid glycine when it is constructing proteins, and this can have devastating consequences in some cases. The proteins created with glyphosate instead of glycine simply don’t work because glyphosate is much larger than glycine and also negatively charged, and as a result this alters important physical characteristics.
Monsanto’s own research, dating back to the late 1980s, shows that glyphosate accumulates in various tissues, even though they claim it doesn’t.1 The Monsanto researchers proposed that it was “incorporated into” the proteins in the tissues. This is not widely appreciated, even in the natural health community.
Now, if you have a distorted analog of glycine (in the form of glyphosate), the protein constructed from it is not going to work like it’s supposed to. In her book, Seneff details the amino acids in proteins that are most susceptible to damage because of what she calls a “glyphosate susceptible motif.”
“It’s really fascinating biology and so terrifying when you think of the potential consequences, if I’m right,” she says. “It matches so well with all the diseases that are going up dramatically in our society that I really think I’m onto something huge here.”
An aromatic amino acid called EPSP synthase is a critical enzyme that almost surely gets disrupted by glyphosate through this mechanism of substituting for glycine. This gets a bit technical, but it is important. The plant version of EPSP synthase binds a phosphate group in its substrate phosphoenolpyruvate at a site where there is a highly-conserved glycine residue (highly conserved usually means that it is critical for proper function).
It has been shown experimentally that, if you change the DNA code so that the glycine is substituted by an amino acid called alanine (one extra methyl group), the enzyme becomes completely insensitive to glyphosate at any concentration. It also takes a hit on phosphate binding because of the extra methyl group, but you can tweak another amino acid nearby to fix this problem, while still keeping its insensitivity to glyphosate.
Researchers from Dow-Dupont did exactly this to a maize version of EPSP synthase using CRISPR technology and were able to create synthetically a version of the maize’s own EPSP synthase that was completely resistant to glyphosate. The title of this paper is: “Desensitizing Plant EPSP Synthase to Glyphosate: Optimized Global Sequence Context Accommodates a Glycine-to-Alanine Change in the Active Site.”2
The shikimate pathway is the pathway that produces aromatic amino acids, which are essential to humans as we cannot create these amino acids in our body. The argument is we’re not susceptible to glyphosate because our cells don’t have EPSP synthase — in fact, they don’t have the entire shikimate pathway.
However, our gut microbes do have that pathway, and they use it to make essential amino acids for the host. So, our gut microbes are indeed affected by glyphosate, and when they’re damaged, our health can suffer in any number of ways.
But what might be an even more devastating problem with glyphosate is the way it probably messes up a large number of proteins that bind phosphate at a site where there is at least one, and often three, highly conserved glycine residues. Glyphosate slips its methylphosphonate group into the spot that is supposed to be where phosphate from the substrate fits snugly. Phosphate can’t bind because glyphosate is in the way.
The arguments for why glyphosate specifically disrupts proteins that depend on glycine for phosphate binding are described more fully in a paper Seneff published together with colleagues arguing that glyphosate is a major factor in kidney failure among young agricultural workers in Central America.3
The Importance of Deuterium
Laszlo Boros is a professor of pediatrics at UCLA and an expert on deutenomics, “the science of autonomic deuterium discrimination in nature.”4 After reading one of Seneff’s papers, he contacted her, suggesting she look into deuterium.
“I was blown away, and I immediately saw the connection to glyphosate,” she says.“This was a year ago in December, and I’ve just been reading everything I can on deuterium since then and hooking it to glyphosate. It’s just astonishing what I found, even, ultimately, [linking it] to COVID-19.
It’s been quite a year for me in terms of major breakthroughs in my understanding of how metabolism works and how it’s getting messed up by glyphosate, and then how that’s causing us to not be able to effectively deal with COVID-19.”
In normal physiology, your cells, specifically the mitochondria, function to help deplete your body of deuterium. Deuterium is a naturally occurring isotope of hydrogen. If you didn’t already know, deuterium is also known as heavy hydrogen, because it has a neutron in addition to the proton and electron in the hydrogen atom.
Provided your cell is healthy, it has deuterium-depleting enzymes and organelles that help remove deuterium from your cells. If your mitochondria are damaged by glyphosate, they’re not going to be able to eliminate the deuterium properly.
Deuterium is like iron in the way that it’s both essential in the right amounts and toxic in excess. Hydrogen is the smallest atom and by far the most common atom in your body. Deuterium, being a heavy hydrogen, has one extra neutron, in addition to the normal proton and electron that regular hydrogen has.
Now, your cells are surrounded by structured water, which is negatively charged and contributes to your body’s energy production by supplying deuterium-depleted hydrogen to lysosomes and mitochondria. The structured water is maintained by sulfates, which makes sulfate extremely important for health. Sulfate is made dysfunctional by glyphosate, which in turn destroys structured water, resulting in impaired energy production in the cell.5
“The mitochondria have [a] membrane, which has a part inside the membrane that’s really, really important,” Seneff says. “That’s where you have those protons, and you really don’t want it to be deuterons. This is what Laszlo brought home to me.”
How Your Body Creates Deuterium-Depleted Water
Endothelial NOS (eNOS) makes nitric oxide (NO), and for every molecule of NO that it makes, it produces two molecules of water, which are deuterium depleted. Stephanie believes the NO created by eNOS may act as a signal that deuterium-depleted water has been created. Interestingly enough, deuterium-depleted water is also created during the inflammatory process.
“The inflammation is there for a good reason, and the reason is to produce deuterium-depleted water,” Seneff says. “It’s all because the mitochondria are failing in their task of producing their own deuterium-depleted water, which they get in part through the structured water from the sulfate [and] through enzymes that are highly skilled at choosing hydrogen over deuterium …
NADH and NADPH are also fascinating. I’ve been chasing them through all the proteins. They are interesting because they are the carriers of that wonderful hydrogen that’s not deuterium. When you trace what’s doing what, where, you realize that the cytoplasm is producing NADH and handing it over to the mitochondria.
The mitochondria then take that H [hydrogen atom] off and throw it into the intermembrane space. So, the whole process ends up with the intermembrane space being assured that this is H [hydrogen] and not D [deuterium].
This is crucial because then those protons, once they build up, come back through the ATPase [ATP synthase] pump. If they are deuterons, they are going to wreck the pump … You release reactive oxygen species [that] break it, and of course, then you can’t make ATP.”
For clarification, the ATP synthase pump works like a mini-motor. When a hydrogen atom with one proton goes through it, it works flawlessly and generates ATP. If deuterium enters it, which has one neutron and one proton, making it twice the weight of hydrogen, it breaks that motor.
Interestingly, deuterium is everywhere, naturally, but your body has developed an intricate way to make it harmless by trapping it in the structured water, where it’s beneficial, as it actually supports the creation of structured water.
Problems arise when you cannot make enough structured water to sequester it all. Then, the deuterium gets loose, causing mitochondrial dysfunction, impairing energy production and contributing to chronic disease.
Glyphosate Damages Health in Many Ways
As noted by Seneff, glyphosate harms your health in a number of ways. For example, she cites a recent paper showing it causes endocrine disruption, which can lead to breast cancer, reproductive issues, obesity and thyroid problems.6
Another paper shows glyphosate sensitizes cells to be more receptive to cancer after exposure to other chemicals.7 “Glyphosate makes everything else more toxic than it would otherwise be,” Seneff says. “It disrupts your defense system against toxic chemicals.” Other research shows epigenetic and generational effects, even when no apparent problems can be found in the first generation exposed.8
Glyphosate also impairs flavoproteins — proteins that bind flavins. Many of these proteins play a crucial role in transferring hydrogen from NADH or NADPH to other molecules, essentially supporting the delivery of pure hydrogen to the mitochondria. Flavoproteins have a characteristic GxGxxG motif at the site where they bind phosphate in the flavins. The ‘G’ stands for glycine and the ‘x’ is a wildcard — any amino acid, including glycine.
This means they have at least three susceptible glycines at this critical region of the protein. Flavoproteins are molecules that facilitate the transfer of protons and electrons, and know how to avoid deuterium, by exploiting a special feature of hydrogen called proton tunneling.
All of them can be expected to be disrupted by glyphosate. A critical flavoprotein is succinate dehydrogenase, and several papers have shown it is adversely affected by glyphosate, Seneff says. It is the only enzyme that plays a role in both oxidative phosphorylation and the citric acid cycle in the mitochondria.
In addition to aromatic amino acids, the shikimate pathway is essential for riboflavin synthesis, and riboflavin, a B vitamin, is the main precursor to flavins. This means that riboflavin deficiency can be triggered from glyphosate exposure as well. Glyphosate also causes damage by:
Increasing calcium uptake in cells, which causes toxicity to neurons
Interfering with the ability to take glutamate out of your synapses
Making manganese unavailable — This in turn disrupts and prevents glutamate from being turned into nontoxic glutamine after it’s removed from your synapses. The enzyme responsible for the conversion is also highly dependent on glycine, which could be replaced by glyphosate
Deuterium-Depleted Water May Be Central to Metabolism
According to Seneff, it appears deuterium-depleted water plays a central, hitherto unappreciated role in metabolism, as your body has so many ways to create it. For example, deuterium-depleted water is created through:
• Fatty acid synthesis and metabolism — The enzymes that synthesize fatty acids incorporate hydrogen that is carried by NADPH. This hydrogen atom has been carefully selected to be assured not to be deuterium. Interestingly, lipoxygenase is a protein expressed during conditions of stress, and according to Seneff, it has the greatest ability to select protons over deuterons of any protein.
It is highly upregulated in severe COVID-19 infection. It appears the virus triggers an increase in lipoxygenase because the virus captures linoleic acid (LA) in pockets in the viral membrane. However, lipoxygenase is not a flavoprotein, and it also doesn’t bind heme — this makes it resistant to damage from glyphosate. So, its activation becomes an alternative pathway to fix the mitochondrial deuterium problem.
SARS-CoV-2 picks up the omega-6 LA as it crosses the cellular membrane, and the LA then triggers the production of lipoxygenase that modifies the LA into leukotrienes — signaling molecules that bring in damaging macrophages.
But deuterium-depleted water is also produced in this process, by yanking two hydrogen atoms out of the fat and combining them with oxygen to make water. Note that this is just yet another way that excess LA damages your body, but with an ulterior motive that we often fail to appreciate.
• Sterol synthesis and metabolism — including cholesterol, vitamin D, cortisol, and sex hormones.
• Aromatic amino acid derivatives — including melatonin and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, as well as thyroid hormone.
“All these molecules that go through these complicated steps are all focused on delivering deuterium-depleted water to the mitochondria,” Seneff says. “I mean, it’s an absolute obsession that the cell has.” She goes on to review how processes that may appear to have nothing but harmful effects are actually an effort to heal the body. This, for example, seems to be the case in COVID-19:
“I believe that whatever biology is doing, it’s doing it for a good reason. There may be damage, but there’s a good reason why you need that damage in order to survive long term. It’s trying to fix a problem that’s very serious, and that’s what I think is happening with [SARS-CoV-2].
Not only does it induce this lipoxygenase, which produces deuterium-depleted water, it then creates this inflammatory environment, which brings in the platelets and the macrophages, the immune cells and the stem cells. All these are having a big party in there in all this fluid that’s building up inside the lungs.
Meanwhile, it also increases the production of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is able to trap deuterium-depleted water. It makes structured water. So, you get structured water inside the alveoli of the lungs, and then you get fluid water in the interstitial spaces.
The blood vessels are leaky, the capillaries are leaky. Everything’s coming out of the capillaries into this interstitial space where there’s this fluid water, and you’ve got this lipoxygenase making deuterium-depleted water.
So, you’re producing this environment of deuterium-depleted water, inviting the macrophages to come in, and the platelets release their mitochondria … the stem cells also come in and release their mitochondria, and then macrophages sweep up the mitochondria — and all this is happening in the interstitial space in the lungs where the fluid is. This is why you cannot breathe. You’re drowning.
Maybe one of the most important things platelets do is hang on to mitochondria that they can deliver to the macrophages under conditions of stress. So, what happens is all these mitochondria get released in that interstitial space, and the macrophages induce this macropinocytosis, where they actually sweep up the water and everything that’s in it and bring it inside the macrophage, including the mitochondria.
It’s actually been shown that platelets can release mitochondria into the environment, and macrophages can take them up and use them as perfectly functioning mitochondria. It’s astonishing. So, what they’re doing is restoring the mitochondrial health to the immune cells.”
Glyphosate Damage May Be a Factor in Severe COVID-19
As explained by Seneff, your immune cells are impaired by glyphosate, so the older you are, the more likely you’ve been exposed to glyphosate for decades and therefore have poorly functioning immune cells. Interestingly, Seneff points out that the comorbidities of COVID-19 — obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure — are also diseases whose prevalence is going up dramatically over time, exactly in step with glyphosate usage on core crops.
“So, I think it’s mostly about glyphosate,” she says. “If you’ve accumulated a lot of glyphosate in your tissues, you’re not going to do well with COVID-19, and that’s because [your body] is trying to repair the mitochondria in the immune cells so that the immune cells can actually clear the virus. If they can’t make ATP, they can’t do their job, and the virus flourishes.”
The key take-home message here is that this is yet another reason to clean up your diet to make sure you’re not exposed to glyphosate. It basically wrecks your immune cells, and the cascading damage that takes place in severe cases of COVID-19 appears to be your body’s response to salvage or repair those poorly functioning immune cells.
Dietary Recommendations
The answer to this problem is, first of all, to eat certified organic foods whenever possible. “We won’t buy it if we can’t find certified organic, and we’ve really seen health improvements since we’ve started doing that,” Seneff says. “I really swear by it, and I try to get all my friends to do the same. I think if you can eliminate glyphosate, you can really see great improvements in your health no matter what your problems are.” Other dietary recommendations include eating/drinking more:
Sulfur-containing foods such as organic eggs and seafood
Organic grass fed milk and butter. Butter is one of the lowest deuterium foods available
Glacier water, which is naturally low in deuterium
Animal fats, which are also low in deuterium
Molecular hydrogen
Probiotics foods such as sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar
To help “push” glyphosate out of your body and mitigate its toxicity, you can take an inexpensive glycine supplement. I take between 5 and 10 grams a day. It has a light, sweet taste, so you can actually use it as a sweetener.
“It makes sense because it’s basically going to outnumber the glyphosate molecules,” Seneff says. “Remember, glyphosate’s going to compete with glycine in building the protein. If there’s a lot of glycine around, then it’s much less likely that glyphosate will get in there.”
The other glaring issue is there’s no mention of natural immunity. It’s the elephant in the room that the mainstream COVID-19 narrative refuses to acknowledge. A sizable number of Americans already have natural immunity from a prior COVID-19 infection.
How can you threaten a person with fines or loss of employment to get an injection for a disease to which they’re already immune? This is likely to prompt more than a few lawsuits, especially since it’s been shown that natural immunity may protect you significantly better than an injection.
Data presented July 17, 2021, to the Israeli Health Ministry revealed that, of the more than 7,700 COVID-19 cases reported since May 2021, only 72 occurred in people who had previously had COVID-19 — a rate of less than 1%. In contrast, more than 3,000 cases — or approximately 40% — occurred in people who had received a COVID-19 vaccine.29
It’s important to keep your eyes open at this point in history and resist the insidious removal of freedoms from society that’s currently occurring. In their place are empty promises to give you your freedom back if you submit to an injection, a mask, a lockdown.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for example, recently stated that vaccine passports are “all about” letting you know that “if you’ve done the right things, you get to be safe” wherever you go.30 And those who refuse to do “the right thing,” well, they simply aren’t entitled to those same “freedoms.”
The disease countermeasures we currently see for COVID-19 won’t end with COVID-19, and fines for business owners who choose not to force their employees to make a certain medical decision are only the beginning. We must not continue down this rabbit hole. Now is the time to speak out in peaceful protest in order to compel positive changes in support of health and overall freedom.
Newly leaked documents released by research group DRASTIC include a March 2018 grant proposal from the EcoHealth Alliance filed with the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
The proposal aimed to collaborate with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to “carry out advanced and dangerous human pathogenicity bat coronavirus research”
According to DRASTIC, the proposal involved “injecting deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology into humanized and ‘batified’ mice”
The proposal involved the introduction of human-specific cleavage sites to bat coronaviruses; the existence of a novel furin cleavage site is a significant reason why many believe SARS-CoV-2 was created through gain-of-function (GOF) research
EcoHealth Alliance requested $14 million from DARPA for what it expected to be a 3.5-year project; DARPA rejected the proposal but that doesn’t mean the research wasn’t ultimately carried out
The revelations further erode the credibility of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has denied funding GOF research at WIV, and EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak, who called claims that SARS-CoV-2 may have come from a lab “conspiracy theory”
Yet another smoking gun has been found in the origin of COVID-19, courtesy of newly leaked documents released by research group DRASTIC, or Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19.
The documents include a March 2018 grant proposal that EcoHealth Alliance filed with the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to collaborate with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to “carry out advanced and dangerous human pathogenicity bat coronavirus research.”1
The proposal was reportedly rejected by DARPA for being too risky, but the revelations further erode the credibility of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has denied funding gain-of-function (GOF) research at WIV,2 and EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak, who called claims that SARS-CoV-2 may have come from a lab “conspiracy theory.”3
DARPA Rejected the Risky Research Proposal
According to DRASTIC, the proposal rejected by DARPA involved “injecting deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology into humanized and ‘batified’ mice” and aimed to “defuse the potential for spillover of novel bat-origin high-zoonotic risk SARS-related coronaviruses in Asia.”4 As reported by Newsweek:5
“Thanks to DRASTIC, the world now knows that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had an extensive collection of coronaviruses gathered over many years of foraging in the bat caves, and that many of them — including the closest known relative to the pandemic virus, SARS-CoV-2 — came from a mineshaft where three men died from a suspected SARS-like disease in 2012.
It knows that the Institute was actively working with these viruses, using inadequate safety protocols, in ways that could have triggered the pandemic, and that the lab and Chinese authorities have gone to great lengths to conceal these activities.”
EcoHealth Alliance requested $14 million from DARPA for what it expected to be a 3.5-year project. DARPA, however — despite stating the project had a “good running start” — rejected the proposal, citing “several weaknesses,” including “concern that vaccine approaches may lack sufficient epitope coverage to effectively protect against the diverse and evolving quasi species of the many coronaviruses found in the bat caves.”6
Still, even though DARPA denied the grant proposal, and has denied funding the EcoHealth Alliance and WIV,7 it doesn’t mean the research wasn’t ultimately carried out. As the Daily Mail put it, “The $14.2 million (£10.5 million) grant bid was rejected. But did another funder pick up the proposal? At the very least, this proves the researchers were toying with precisely the sort of risky science that could have cooked up a virus eerily similar to the one behind the pandemic.”8
Proposal Involved Search for Novel Furin Cleavage Site
To gain entry into your cells, SARS-CoV-2 must first bind to an ACE2 or CD147 receptor on the cell. Next, the S2 spike protein subunit must be proteolytically cleaved (cut). Without this protein cleavage, the virus would simply attach to the receptor and not get any further.
“The furin site is why the virus is so transmissible, and why it invades the heart, the brain and the blood vessels,” Dr. Steven Quay, a physician and scientist, explained at a GOP House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing.9
While furin cleavage sites do exist in other viruses like Ebola, HIV, zika and yellow fever, they’re not naturally found in coronaviruses. The entire group of coronaviruses to which SARS-CoV-2 belongs does not contain a single example of a furin cleavage site, Quay said, and is a significant reason why many believe SARS-CoV-2 was created through GOF research.
In a jaw-dropping turn of events, DRASTIC’s research revealed that EcoHealth Alliance’s 2018 proposal involved the introduction of human-specific cleavage sites to bat coronaviruses. As noted by The Intercept:10
“[T]he proposal describes the process of looking for novel furin cleavage sites in bat coronaviruses the scientists had sampled and inserting them into the spikes of SARS-related viruses in the laboratory.
‘We will introduce appropriate human-specific cleavage sites and evaluate growth potential in [a type of mammalian cell commonly used in microbiology] and HAE cultures,’ referring to cells found in the lining of the human airway, the proposal states.”
COVID-19 Lab Origin: ‘A Threshold Has Been Crossed’
A number of scientists speaking with The Intercept told the news outlet that the furin cleavage site information unveiled in the 2018 proposal has tipped the scales in the search for COVID-19’s origins. Scientist Alina Chan stated:
“Some kind of threshold has been crossed … Let’s look at the big picture: A novel SARS coronavirus emerges in Wuhan with a novel cleavage site in it. We now have evidence that, in early 2018, they had pitched inserting novel cleavage sites into novel SARS-related viruses in their lab. This definitely tips the scales for me. And I think it should do that for many other scientists too.”
Previously, Richard Ebright, board of governors professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University and laboratory director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, said that additional documents released by a FOIA lawsuit show without doubt that grants from NIH were used to fund GOF research at WIV, and that Fauci lied about it:11
“The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement in Wuhan are untruthful.”
Much of the controversial research was carried out by the EcoHealth Alliance. Fauci told a House Appropriations subcommittee that more than $600,000 was given to EcoHealth Alliance, which funneled the money to WIV, over a five-year period for the purpose of studying bat coronaviruses and whether they could be transmitted to humans.12,13 Regarding the latest documents uncovered by DRASTIC, Ebright told The Intercept:14
“The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction [the place where two subunits of the spike protein meet] … And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018, proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab-generated coronaviruses.”
32 Emails — Almost Every Word Redacted
The U.K.’s Daily Mail also obtained key documents — a total of 32 emails — that could shed light on a secretive teleconference held among British and U.S. health officials at the beginning of the pandemic February 1, 2020. But the emails, which were obtained via a FOIA request, were nearly entirely blacked out.15
The call was organized by Fauci and Jeremy Farrar, director of The Wellcome Trust, and attended by Patrick Vallance, Britain’s chief scientific adviser, and others, “to address several aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 genome that pointed towards an artificial origin, by means of generating adaptive changes through passaging and/or direct manipulation of the genome.”16
Charles Rixey, a COVID-19 analyst who combed through 100,000 pages of FOIA documents and reviewed more than 1,000 research articles, stated:17
“[C]ompletely obscured is the fact that at least one, and very likely all, of the people on the conference call were aware of the existence of the FCS … It’s even worse when you consider that 18 months later, they still can’t explain it — the Proximals refuse to respond to the fact that the FCS doesn’t exist within the sarbecovirus sub-genus that SARS-CoV-2 falls under.
This is a problem, because members of the sub-genus are too distinct to recombine with the varieties of SARS-like viruses from other branches that do contain the FCS.”
The “Proximals” Rixey refers to are the five editors of “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,”18 a paper published in Nature Medicine in March 2020 that became the preeminent “proof” that SARS-CoV-2 had a natural origin and couldn’t possibly have come from a lab.
It was later revealed that Fauci, Farrar and Dr. Francis Collins, NIH director, had a hand in the paper, as one of its authors wrote a March 6, 2020, email to the trio and colleagues, thanking them for their “advice and leadership.”19
Did Pivotal Call Change the Pandemic Narrative?
January 31, 2020, virologist Kristian Andersen — one of the Proximals, whose paper found the virus could not have been created in a lab — emailed Fauci, cc’ing Farrar, stating, “The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome (<0.1%) so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered.”20
It was clear that Andersen and others on the February 1 call thought the virus looked engineered. According to the Daily Mail:21
“He [Andersen] said the binding mechanism ‘looked too good to be true, like a perfect key for entering human cells’ while its furin cleavage site — a feature not found on similar types of coronavirus that allows it to enter efficiently into human cells — might be expected ‘if someone had set out to adapt an animal coronavirus to humans by taking a specific suit of genetic material from elsewhere and inserting it.’
Farrar opened the discussion, which was then led by Andersen and Eddie Holmes, an Australian-based virologist who told the Wellcome chief before the call he was ‘80% sure this thing had come out of a lab.’ Yet after their conference call, these same experts played leading roles in efforts to dismiss such fears as conspiracy theories in science journals and on social media.”
The Daily Mail requested emails, notes or transcripts relating to the February 1 call as well as WIV or Shi Zhengli, Ph.D., the director of WIV’s Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, also known as “bat woman,” but the government rejected the request due to “costs,” even though they stated, “We hold the information that you have requested.”22
This, together with the heavily redacted emails and abrupt change in scientists’ opinions regarding COVID-19’s origins, “begs an obvious question,” Bob Seely, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said. “Just as with China’s secrecy: why would officials not share such information if there was nothing to hide?”23
As early as March 2020, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko boasted a near-100% success rate treating COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), azithromycin and zinc sulfate for five days
Zelenko has now treated 3,000 patients with COVID-19 symptoms and only three high-risk patients have died
Misinformation and outright lies were spun about HCQ, including fabricated research, in an apparent effort to suppress and prevent widespread use
Early treatment is crucial. During the first five days of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the viral load remains fairly steady. Around Day 5, it exponentially increases, potentially overwhelming your immune system. To prevent complications, treatment needs to begin within the first five days of symptom onset
Early treatment is also crucial to prevent “long-haul” symptoms after recovery. None of Zelenko’s patients who started their treatment within the first five days went on to develop long-haul symptoms
This article was previously published March 14, 2021, and has been updated with new information.
Many doctors around the world started using the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) early on in the COVID-19 pandemic. Among them is Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a practicing physician in a Jewish community in Monroe, New York.
He garnered national attention in March 2020 when he told radio host Sean Hannity that he’d had a near-100% success rate treating COVID-19 patients with HCQ, azithromycin and zinc sulfate for five days.1 “I’ve seen remarkable results; it really prevents progression of disease, and patients get better,” he said at the time.
In response, county health officials said Zelenko’s claims were “unsubstantiated” and urged residents to listen to public health officials.2 In this interview, he explains how HCQ works against COVID-19, and discusses the lies spun about the drug to suppress its widespread use. Zelenko had a very active Twitter account and would get millions of views on his tweets, and like many other truth tellers in this crazy pandemic, he was censored and recently removed from Twitter.
“When we have a large population of people that need to be treated, it has to be oral, cheap, safe and effective,” he says. “By the way, this is not new. This information was known in 2005 — even before.
There are papers with [Dr. Anthony] Fauci’s name on it, calling [HCQ] a miracle drug. Fauci called HCQ a vaccine. There’s a paper in which he called it an absolute dream treatment and vaccine. So, it’s conveniently forgotten but that’s what it is. It’s a matter of scientific record.”
What is most impressive to me is that he, through deep research and trial and error in the trenches, determined an incredibly effective protocol, and he did this under enormous personal health challenges. During the spring of last year, he was diagnosed with a type of pulmonary sarcoma that is typically considered terminal, and although improved, he continues to be under treatment for this condition.
Finding Solutions to Avoid a Death Trap
As SARS-CoV-2 swept through his tight-knit Jewish community, Zelenko was seeing anywhere from 50 to 250 patients per day. At this point, he’s treated more than 3,000 patients with COVID-19-related symptoms. Only one-third of them actually received the triple-drug regimen. The remaining two-thirds were in low-risk categories and did not need drug treatment.
In all, Zelenko has only had 15 patients who ended up requiring hospitalization, four of whom were intubated. All were eventually successfully extubated and have recovered. The remaining 11 were admitted for intravenous antibiotics for pneumonia. In all, only three of his high-risk patients died from COVID-19, which puts the mortality rate for this treatment at just 0.3%.
“You cannot ignore that. That’s not even counting the risk stratification patients, which I chose not to treat. In other words, I was able to tell these patients, ‘I know you’re going to be fine. Go home, and you’ll be fine.’ And that has value.
If you include those, the mortality rate is even less. And this has been reproduced. You don’t have to listen to me. You can call it anecdotal all you want, but there are now Harvard professors of virology with 4,000 patient experiences.
Dr. George Fareed, for example, or Dr. Harvey Risch from Yale School of Epidemiology, who has shown that it’s absolutely statistically proven that HCQ used in the prehospital setting is absolutely effective. It’s impossible for it to be a mistake,” he says.
Why HCQ?
Zelenko tells the story of how he got started treating COVID-19 patients with HCQ:
“Hospitals were near capacity and all the outpatient services were closed. Half my staff was sick and all of a sudden I had a war zone. I basically started learning triage medicine, trying to save as many people as possible.
At that time, the whole world had been focusing on building respirators and hospital capacity [instead of putting] emphasis on prehospital care. I found that bizarre because that’s never what we do in medicine. We [use] common sense and intervene in the earliest stages.
It’s much easier to fix a small problem than a large problem. For example, someone has cancer, we don’t wait for it to become metastatic disease. We treat as soon as possible. Someone has a small infection. We put the infection out.
If you look at the CDC, they recommend starting the treatment of influenza with antiviral drugs within the first 48 hours, not the week, except when it came to COVID-19. We were told to send patients home, and when they get sicker, send them to the hospital, where there was a good chance they were going to get intubated, especially in March and April.
At that point, in the city, they had mortality rates above 80%. So, it was a death sentence. None of that made sense to me at all. So, I quickly started to brush up on my virology.
I wanted to understand how this virus works and more importantly, what I can do about it. A series on YouTube called MedCram, Episode 34, saved the world. It explains the biology behind how zinc inhibits RNA polymerase, and the fact that zinc can’t get into the cell. So, it needs help.”
Zelenko goes on to describe how he settled on HCQ, a so-called zinc ionophore, meaning it shuttles zinc into the cell. He decided to treat high-risk patients as early as possible, and this turned out to be key. Early treatment really saves lives when it comes to COVID-19. This is not a situation where the wait-and-see strategy is well-advised.
According to Zelenko, during the first five days of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the viral load remains fairly steady. Around Day 5, it exponentially increases, potentially overwhelming the immune system. This also meant he could not afford to wait for test results, which took about five days. By then, most patients would already have progressed too far.
So, if a patient exhibited symptoms, especially if they reported loss of taste or smell as well, he’d start treatment immediately. In hindsight, about 90% of the tests of people experiencing symptoms had a positive test.
The Synergy of HCQ and Zinc
Zelenko likens HCQ and zinc to a gun and a bullet. HCQ is the gun that shoots the zinc into the cell. Zinc is the silver bullet that kills the virus by inhibiting an enzyme associated with viral replication inside the cell. The antibiotic azithromycin is given to prevent bacterial pneumonia and other secondary bacterial infections that are common in COVID-19.
Today, we have even more information, of course, which means there are more tools available besides HCQ, zinc and antibiotics. Ivermectin, for example, appears very useful, especially for prevention, as do steroids and blood thinners. So, Zelenko will now tweak the treatment of individual patients based on their symptoms.
“It’s not a cookie cutter approach, but what is absolutely the same is that high-risk patients must be treated as soon as possible, within the first five days from onset of symptoms, and they all survive,” he says.
The Psychological Operation Against HCQ
Unfortunately, as discussed by Zelenko, there was essentially a “psychological operation” put into place to scare people away from HCQ. A big part of that was turning it into a political issue. From the start, doctors who used the drug were threatened with the loss of their medical license, which is unheard of for a drug with such a long history of safe use.
The U.S. government made matters worse by only issuing emergency use authorization for in-hospital use and not for outpatient settings. Meanwhile, HCQ has been used for about 60 years in people with chronic conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
“So, the hypocrisy, the loss of common sense, the outright indoctrination killed a lot of people,” Zelenko says. “The root cause of it is the way we educate people. It used to be that higher education was about teaching critical thought and deductive reasoning, analytical analysis.
Now we indoctrinate people into responding to stimuli like dogs, like automatons, like robots. Common sense no longer matters. That’s my critique of higher education and why I think many physicians fell into the trap. Also, this country was traumatized. Even if a doctor was willing to give it, patients were afraid to take it.”
The biggest reason for the fear was unfortunately due to falsified studies and trials using toxic doses. It’s difficult to not suspect an ulterior motive in light of those facts. As noted by Zelenko, a main component of pandemic response, namely prehospital or outpatient treatment, was suppressed.
The question is why? One obvious reason was that it was a presidential election year, and then-president Trump came out in support of HCQ in March 2020. His announcement sparked immediate backlash from a chronically hostile media. “There were plenty of people willing to use every possible way to vilify the president and to discredit anything that might give him a win,” Zelenko says.
Then, of course, there were financial interests at play. Millions of dollars were being invested into new drugs like remdesivir, for example — a drug that costs more than $3,000 per treatment and is only for in-hospital use.
Hospitals were also paid tens of thousands of dollars more for COVID-19 patients, so there was no lack of incentive to get people into the hospital and keep them there either. Meanwhile, Zelenko’s early outpatient treatment costs about $20.
Fraudulent Studies Fueled Distrust
As for the fraudulent and misleading studies, the first to raise alarm was a VA study in Virginia, which found HCQ didn’t prevent death. However, they only used it on late-stage patients who were already on ventilators. From there, they incorrectly extrapolated that it would not be helpful in earlier stages, which simply isn’t true. Other trials simply used the wrong dosage.
While doctors reporting success with the drug are using standard doses around 200 mg to 400 mg per day for either a few days or maybe a couple of weeks, studies such as the Bill & Melinda Gates-funded3 Recovery Trial used 2,400 mg of hydroxychloroquine during the first 24 hours — three to six times higher than the daily dosage recommended4 — followed by 400 mg every 12 hours for nine more days for a cumulative dose of 9,200 mg over 10 days.
Similarly, the Solidarity Trial,5 led by the World Health Organization, used 2,000 mg on the first day, and a cumulative dose of 8,800 mg over 10 days. These doses are simply too high. More is not necessarily better. Too much, and guess what? You might kill the patient. As noted by Zelenko, these doses are “enough to kill an elephant.”
It’s really unclear as to why these studies used such enormous doses, seeing how the dosages this drug is normally prescribed in, for a range of conditions, never go that high. “All those studies did was prove that if you poison someone with lethal doses of a drug, they’re going to die,” Zelenko says.
Then there was the famous Lancet study that the World Health Organization used to justify essentially banning HCQ. This study was withdrawn when it was discovered that the data had been completely and utterly fabricated with falsely generated data from a fly-by-night company. It was supposed to be a meta-analysis of about 90,000 patients, which showed HCQ had lethal effects.
Unfortunately, before it was withdrawn, this fake study resulted in the WHO (or to quote Zelenko, the “world homicide organization”) putting a moratorium on the use of HCQ, which didn’t improve public trust in the drug. Even more egregious, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration used that fake paper as one of its justifications for removing the emergency use authorization for HCQ, even though the study had already been retracted.
Suppression of HCQ Needlessly Killed Tens of Thousands
According to Zelenko, “HCQ is the safest medication in the history of medicine, azithromycin is one of the most common antibiotics used in medicine, and zinc is a mineral that’s well-known and well-tolerated. These drugs were affordable and available to take at home, which was very important. And they worked.”
June 30, 2020, Zelenko and two co-authors published a study6 showing that treating COVID-19 patients who had confirmed positive test results “as early as possible after symptom onset” with zinc, low dose HCQ and azithromycin reduced odds of hospitalization by 84% and all-cause death by 500% compared to no treatment at all.
Crazy enough, even though Zelenko went to great lengths to share his clinical findings with the White House and the National Institutes of Health, he received no support and was told they had no use for it.
“What’s happened over the last 20 years is that the academic elite and pharmaceutical industry have bred a monopoly on medical truth,” he says.
“They feel only data generated through randomized control trials, pharmaceutical sponsored trials, or those that are coming out of major academic institutions are to be viewed as truth. Anything coming from a frontline country doctor must be anecdotal.
That’s the crime here. And they created artificial barriers that prevented the flow of common sense and lifesaving information. You know which countries did take it seriously? See, this is a disease of affluence because the rich countries could afford the waste of money. The poor countries like Honduras … they had no options.
They couldn’t afford respirators. They didn’t have enough hospital capacity. So, they gravitated towards the cheap generic approaches. And those are the ones that have the best outcomes.”
Zelenko highlights Uganda, which has a population of about 50 million people, yet has recorded just 325 deaths.7 “I think this was a genocide against the elderly and a crime against humanity,” he says. “There are plenty of people who have blood on their hands, including the media.”
Coordinated Effort to Cause Harm
He also stresses that the pandemic response, including the suppression of HCQ, has clearly been a global coordinated effort.
“You have to ask yourself, who benefits from a destabilized world? Who benefits from chaos on the streets, from anarchy, from financial despair, from psychological trauma? … In some parts of this country, suicide rates are up 600%.
I speak to my colleagues in emergency rooms — the amount of child abuse and spousal abuse they’ve seen is absolutely ridiculous. The amount of collateral damage from preventable illnesses, like heart disease and cancer that are skyrocketing because people are not getting access to routine care.
A lot of people weren’t getting elective surgeries on time. So, there’s been a lot of collateral damage. The shutdown is killing more people than the virus. The virus is not dangerous if you approach it correctly. If you treat it in the right timeframe, it’s no different than a bad flu. You can deal with it. You don’t have to shut down the world.”
The True Agenda Coming Into Plain Sight
Indeed, the world is becoming increasingly black and white and it’s becoming easier and easier to see that global and national systems are not benefiting but, rather, enslaving the population, and how they’re doing it. As noted by Zelenko:
“I see the world now with such clarity … It’s no longer confusing. It’s a binary choice. It’s very clear who’s on what side. And here are the teams: There are those who want to live a life of God, conscious … Our lives have sanctity. They’re priceless and they should be preserved at all costs. And no one has the right to enslave another human being. That’s one approach.
The other is [internment] … an attempt to enslave, psychologically, and even more so physically, the world population. Do you want to know what’s coming? Look at Justin Trudeau statements. Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, just announced that anyone who tests positive will be quarantined in a government-run facility, until the government deems you safe to return back to society.
That’s [also] what Cuomo wants to do in New York. And I’ll tell you what I think. For what I’m about to say, I’m going to be labeled as a conspiracy theorist. But you know what? I don’t care because, eventually, the truth will come out and history will prove it right.
If you look at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, they have a plan. They have a 30-year plan, they have 100-year plan. That’s all spelled out in their charter. Just look at it.
So there’s a plan called the 2030 plan. You can go to the World Economic Forum and look at their own words. It’s being run by Klaus Schwab and his group. He wrote a book called ‘The Great Reset.’ That’s where the term comes from.
Now, all the governments are quoting him, like Justin Trudeau, Prince Charles, the Australian prime minister. There’s a myriad of other politicians calling for the great reset. So, what is the great reset? What are they asking for?
No. 1, I mean it’s absolutely ridiculous, but they’re saying, ‘You will own nothing and you will be happy.’ That is their mission. No. 2, America will no longer be a superpower. No. 3, there will be a small group of nations that determine the direction of where the world goes. No. 4, you won’t eat meat except as an occasional treat.
No. 5, there’ll be a global tax on fossil fuels to eradicate the reliance on oil. No. 6, a billion refugees will be displaced [and] we’re going to have to incorporate them and absorb them into our society. These are their stated goals.
Now, how do you take the world’s biggest country, most powerful country, richest country and make it no longer a world superpower? Well, that’s exactly what they’re doing. The economy is in shambles.
You’ve put in a government now that is passing foreign relief aid to China, Russia, Syria, Iran, the Palestinian Authority. They’re sending billions of dollars now to financially support these countries. So, you have to ask yourself, what is going on here?
This all started many years ago, but when Trump went to Davos, in the first few years of his presidency, he said, ‘I’m not part of your globalist agenda. I’m going to put my national interest first.’ That was a poke in the eye of the globalists. That’s the point when George Soros came out and said that Trump is one of the most dangerous people on the planet and he needs to be brought down.
He was dangerous to their agenda. So, what we’re really fighting for is the soul of man. God is testing us, in my opinion. Every person is being asked one simple question, either bow down to God and have the divine presence protect you or you’re going to bow down to Bill Gates … I’m calling for Nuremberg 2.0. These people need to be brought to justice.”
There’s No Rational Justification for COVID-19 Vaccines
Zelenko also shares his views on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. He points out that while Gates is pushing COVID-19 vaccines, ostensibly to save lives, he’s on record saying he feels the world population needs to be reduced.
“If someone was a eugenicist and feels that the world population needs to be reduced, why would I take his vaccine for my health?” he asks. “The logical inconsistencies here are absolutely perverse.
I’m so pro-vaccine you can’t imagine. I’ve given tens of thousands of patients vaccinations. I give it to myself and to my children. However, I’m not COVID-19 vaccine positive. And I’ll tell you why: Because the majority of patients under the age of 45 have a near-100% recovery rate with a mild, runny nose from COVID-19. Why would I vaccinate someone with an experimental vaccine? The answer is not for medical reasons.
Another question, why would I give someone a vaccine, even if they are at high risk, if I can give them prophylaxis and/or early prehospital treatment and have a 100% recovery rate? Not for medical reasons.
Another question: Why would I give a vaccine to someone who’s already had COVID-19 and has antibodies? Not for medical reasons. And why would I give a very specific vaccine to someone who is going to be exposed to a ton of different variants and strains and mutations?
I wouldn’t. What I would use is an approach that inhibits RNA replication of RNA viruses, which works for all the strains, including, potentially, influenza. That’s the big dirty secret here.”
It’s Safe to Stop Living in Fear
Zelenko, who was born in a communist country and whose family suffered under communist and fascist rule, is quite sensitive to the signs of these authoritarian regimes. He recounts a story told in the book “The Gulag Archipelago,” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Stalin wanted to dig a canal from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The work, done in the middle of winter, led to the death of 400,000 prison workers, as they weren’t given the appropriate clothes or tools. The bodies were thrown into the cement and became a permanent part of the canal.
“No ship ever used the canal because it was too shallow. So, the question was, why was this canal built? And the answer is: So that 400,000 people would die,” Zelenko says.
“I’m not attacking the vaccine. I’m attacking the need for the vaccine. I have not enough information to say it’s good or bad. And I don’t like to guess. But what I can tell you is that I know for a fact that 99.98% of young and healthy people under the age of 45 recover, with no treatment.
I also know for a fact, from my own real-world battle-tested evidence, which has been reproduced now on hundreds of thousands of patients, that if you intervene early, you essentially eliminate hospitalization and death. And, I’ve now treated two waves. I have not seen one patient who’s had COVID-19 in the first wave, get it again …
So, the need for the vaccine doesn’t exist. It’s … been artificially conflated … offering people an artificial false hope solution in order to enslave them to be codependent on government. You know why my approach is so dangerous? Because not only does it treat COVID-19, [but] it treats anxiety. It tells people you don’t need to worry.
My statement to the American people or whoever’s listening is: Return to normal living. You do not need to worry. And by the way, there are nonprescription options … that can replace HCQ if your government or doctor are too stupid or vicious to give it to you. So, you don’t have to rely on them. You can buy over-the-counter things that will save your own life. So, my point is, return back to normal life …
It’s unbelievable the crime that’s been done on the human psyche. I’m screaming to humanity: Don’t be scared! Be cautious. Be smart. Use common sense. But don’t be scared. Return back to life. Reengage in life.”
HCQ Mechanisms of Action and Alternatives
Over-the-counter alternatives to HCQ include EGCG (green tea extract) and quercetin, both of which are zinc ionophores and therefore work much like HCQ does. Quercetin works best when taken in conjunction with vitamin C, however, as the vitamin C helps activate it. Zelenko recommends taking 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C with it.
Now, HCQ does have other mechanisms of action beside being a zinc ionophore, so it’s a better choice, but if you simply cannot get it, EGCG or quercetin are viable stand-ins. Additional benefits of HCQ include:
Inhibiting viral entry into the cytoplasm, in part by changing the pH
Inhibiting cytokine storms through anti-inflammatory properties
Stabilizing red blood cells, which improves oxygenation
“Since it has four different mechanisms of action, it’s a very effective drug, and it has a half-life of 50 days in plasma,” Zelenko says. “But if you can’t get it, you can’t get it. So, I’ll take quercetin or EGCG.”
The caveat here is you must implement this treatment within the right timeframe. It can be helpful to recognize we are in essence dealing with two diseases, or stages of disease, here.
First, there’s the viral infection, and second, there’s the immune over-response that leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines and agents that can cause blood clots. The key is to prevent the progression from the first stage to the second.
Prescription Help Is Available
Like many others who have dared run the gauntlet that is HCQ promotion, Zelenko has been attacked from several angles. His character has been assassinated in the press, his medical credentials questioned and threatened, and his online presence silenced.
“I had had zero media experience before March 2020. I am of a quiet doctor who was taking care of his patients, living a serene life. All of a sudden, this all exploded on me …
I was on Twitter, getting 10 million impressions per tweet. They shut me down last month for platform manipulation. I’m not even sure what that means. So, I had to develop my own website. It’s free and has my protocols in 20 different languages.”
To learn more about Zelenko’s protocol, be sure to visit his website, There, you’ll find protocols not only for early treatment but also prophylaxis, along with studies that document the rationale for each of the treatment components and patient testimonials.
His website also includes access to telemedicine via “Speak With an MD,” which can overnight your medication. “So, if you live in a state that’s tyrannical, you can have a consultation with Dr. Fields,” Zelenko says. “I had to develop this because there were patients around the country who didn’t have access [to HCQ].”
HCQ should be available to most people in the U.S. at this point, but you do need a prescription, and some doctors are still unwilling or resistant to prescribe it. Other times, pharmacies can create roadblocks. “It may take some diligence but none of my patients goes without the medication written for them,” he says.
Early Treatment Prevents ‘Long Haul’ Side Effects
In closing, it’s worth noting that when you treat early, your risk of developing long-term side effects, commonly referred to as “long-haulers,” is virtually nil. Not a single one of Zelenko’s patients who received treatment within the first five days of symptom onset went on to develop long-haul symptoms afterward.
“I had patients that were long-haulers, but they came to me after that window, and they were already advanced in the inflammatory process. At that point, the cytokine storm had already taken hold. They had developed blood clots, some of them had pulmonary infarct, or strokes actually.
Others developed ARDS or catastrophic lung damage and pneumonias, and others just are not themselves. I don’t know how to describe it, but it ate away part of their souls. They’re not the same people. There’s depression, there’s lack of energy. There’s a psychological impact as well.
So, it’s not that I don’t deal with long-haulers, I do. But the way to prevent the long-hauler syndrome is to intervene within the first five days, with appropriate antiviral medication in high-risk patients. That is 100% successful,” he says.
The Light of Truth Will Prevail
Zelenko refers to the COVID-19 pandemic and everything surrounding it as an information war, a propaganda war, and his primary objective and agenda in this war is to educate and speak truth.
“There’s a lot of false narrative being pumped into the heads of people, to create fear,” he says. “In the Psalms of David, it says, ‘With crooked people, you have to deal crookedly.’ It also says you should learn from a thief.
So, I learned from the enemy, and I use their tactics to counter them. The main tactic is to spread truth. By the way, it’s no longer dependent on me. I have second and third and fourth generation leaders that have taken on the mission and are really spreading the knowledge worldwide.
It’s unstoppable. They could try to slow it down, and they are. But the truth will come out. The truth is coming out. And when the truth will be revealed, the people that try to obstruct it and use lies to slaughter, will be destroyed by it, God willing.
I am now more optimistic than I’ve ever been, simply because there’s no more confusion. Life was very confusing. You didn’t know what was good, what was bad. Now, it’s very clear. There’s much more bad, that’s true. But I know where it is. I know where the enemy is. And I know where the good is. And a little light pushes away a lot of darkness.”
Vegetable oils, more accurately called seed oils, are likely the most important metabolic toxin in your diet. They are the unifying mechanism behind westernized chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes
Heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity were virtually unknown in the 19th century but have skyrocketed today; the introduction of processed foods with sugar, refined flour, trans fats and, primarily, industrially processed seed oils, are the culprits
Seed oils, also misleadingly known as “vegetable oils,” are industrially processed, proinflammatory and driving oxidation in your body that drives chronic disease and obesity
While ancestral populations have had their health protected by not consuming seed oils, other populations, like Japan and ancient Egypt, have had declines in health that correspond to increasing consumption of these toxic oils
If you were to make one change today to lower your risk of chronic diseases, eliminating virtually all seed oils from your diet would be the top choice
The majority of Americans are being misled by official health recommendations to eat “healthy” vegetable oils. Even the term “vegetable oil” is misleading because it gives you the impression that you are receiving vegetable micronutrients when these oils are actually highly toxic, industrially-processed seed oils. Seed oils are some of the most dangerous items you could eat.
This is even more of an issue today as the high amounts of oxidative stress these oils cause seriously impair your immune function and radically increase your risk of all infections including COVID-19. In my view, eliminating all seed oils is every bit as important as optimizing your vitamin D level to decrease your risk of COVID-19.
In the video above, Dr. Chris Knobbe, an ophthalmologist and founder and president of the Cure AMD Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to the prevention of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), gives an excellent synopsis of why seed oils are the unifying mechanism behind westernized chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes.1
While most have heard about the health risks of eating processed sugars, net carbs and trans fats, seed oils far surpass all of these in the damage they cause to your health. If you were to make one change today to lower your risk of chronic diseases, eliminating all seed oils from your diet would be the highest priority.
By 2006, 88% of Americans Were Metabolically Sick
Heart disease, now the leading cause of death in the U.S.,2 was virtually unknown in the 19th century. The same goes for cancer, which caused 0.5% of deaths in 1811 and 5.8% of deaths in 1900 — spiking to more than 31% of deaths in 2010.3 A similar pattern emerged for diabetes, which rare in the 19th century and had a prevalence of 0.37% in 1935. By 2020, there was a 28-fold increase in 85 years, to a prevalence of 10.5%.
Obesity? Same story. With a prevalence of just 1.2% in the 19th century, obesity increased 33-fold in 115 years, to a prevalence of 39.8% in 2015.4 By 1990, meanwhile, 24% of U.S. adults were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and visceral obesity.
By 2009-2015, 88% of U.S. adults did not meet five criteria for metabolic health, measured by blood glucose, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, blood pressure and waist circumference.5
Macular degeneration and osteoarthritis followed similar striking increases, with Knobbe asking the question of what was so ubiquitous during this time that could have prompted these changes. Dietary history provides the answer, with the introduction of four primary processed foods — sugar, industrially processed seed oils, refined flour and trans fats — acting as the culprits.
“I believe this is a global human experiment for which no one gave consent. Nobody saw this coming. They wouldn’t have signed up for it,” he says.6 Knobbe also cites the work of Weston A. Price, the dentist who wrote the classic book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.” In the 1900s, Price did extensive research on the link between oral health and physical diseases.
He was one of the major nutritional pioneers of all time, and his research revealed native tribes that still ate their traditional diet had nearly perfect teeth and were almost 100% free of tooth decay.
But when these tribal populations were introduced to refined sugar and white flour, their health, and their perfect teeth, rapidly deteriorated. “Weston Price connected these foods, these very foods essentially, to physical degenerative disease in 1939. Nobody listened,” Knobbe says.7 Knobbe seems to be the 21st century equivalent of Price.
Why Seed Oils Are Like Arsenic
The problem with seed oils is that they’re industrially processed, proinflammatory and drive oxidation in your body. Health officials like to state that seed oils are great for you because they lower cholesterol, but as Knobbe says, so does arsenic. The two toxins actually have quite a bit in common:8
“We may think this is a joke, but actually, incredibly, there’s many parallels between [arsenic] and seed oils, not the least of which is the fact that arsenic is fantastically oxidative, pro-oxidative. And this is exactly how seed oils get us. They drive the oxidation. They’re pro-oxidative, proinflammatory and toxic, but of all of these, it is oxidation. That is by far the worst.”
You’ll find seed oils in most processed foods, including fast food and even many expensive restaurants. “Even the finest restaurants are using seed oils because they’re about one-sixth the cost of butter,” Knobbe says.
The reason they’ve been able to remain in the food supply, despite their high toxicity, is because they’re not acute biological poisons but chronic ones:9 A solid strategy when eating at a restaurant is to avoid ALL the sauces and dressings, as they are virtually all loaded with seed oils.
“They were brought in slowly, beginning in the 1860s. And they were first used to adulterate lard and butter, and then gradually they were used to supplant and replace lard, butter and beef tallow. And that’s how they got away with this. And so we gradually became overweight and sick, and they’ve kept them in the food supply that way.”
In addition to being proinflammatory, Knobbe points out, these seed oil poisons are also:10
One-Third of US Caloric Intake Is Seed Oils
Knobbe’s published data show that seed oils, which were introduced into the U.S. diet in 1866, made up 32% of Americans’ diet by 2010, which amounts to 80 grams per person per day.11 In contrast, in 1865, most people would have only about 2% to 3% of their caloric intake from omega-6 linoleic acid, found in seed oils, which would have come from butter, lard and beef tallow.
Ancestrally raised animals had very low omega-6, but this changes when animals are raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) the way they are today. CAFO pork may contain 20% omega-6 fats, for comparison.12 Knobbe highlights several native populations that have very low rates of chronic diseases and comparatively low consumption of linoleic acid, such as the Maasai Tribe of Kenya and Tanzania.
They eat primarily milk, meat and blood — a diet that’s 66% animal fat (33% to 45% saturated animal fat), 17% carbohydrate and only 1.7% omega-6 linoleic acid (LA). They have no heart disease, yet the American Heart Association continues to tell Americans to limit saturated fat to no more than 5% to 6% of daily calories.13
Americans, based on a 24% to 32% of daily caloric intake from seed oils, are getting 8% to 12% or higher of their daily calories from linoleic acid alone. In another example, Tokelauans, who live in a territory near New Zealand, eat a very different diet with 54% to 62% of calories from coconut, which amounts to 53% fat, 48% of which is saturated fat.
Only about 1% of their diet or less is omega-6 fats, and they also have no heart disease and virtually no obesity or diabetes.14 “If we look at these populations,” Knobbe says, “and you can look at all of them, ancestrally living populations, what they don’t have is refined sugar, refined wheat, and of course they don’t have vegetable oils”:15
“… So what about the omega-6 LA in these traditional populations? It is 0.6 to about 1.7%, I think all are under 2%, to the best of my knowledge, where our westernized populations — seven to 12% omega-6 linoleic acid alone. This again is the key takeaway point. So what happens to this omega-6? We accumulated it in our body fat.”
Japanese, Egyptians Plagued by Seed Oils
While ancestral populations have had their health protected by not consuming seed oils, other populations, like Japan, have had declines in health that correspond to increasing consumption of these toxic oils. Since 1960, Japan has had marked increases in obesity, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, multiple cancers and age-related macular degeneration.
Meanwhile, in 1950, the Japanese were consuming only 3 grams a day of seed oils, which rose to 39 grams a day by 2004. As a percentage of total calories, omega-6 increased from 1.55 in 1950 to 6.2% in 2004. “That’s the main problem right there,” Knobbe says.16 “So Japan’s declining health is most likely due to a 13-fold, 1,200% increase in highly pro-oxidative, proinflammatory, toxic and nutrient-deficient seed oils.”17
In the video above, Dr. Paul Saladino, the author of “The Carnivore Code,” a book on nose-to-tail animal-based eating, and “The Carnivore Code Cookbook,” coming out in December 2021, also explains why he believes the ancient Egyptians became overweight and sick from eating seed oils.
Hemiunu, a man who lived in ancient Egypt and is believed to have been the architect of the Great Pyramid of Giza, is depicted in a statue as being overweight. There’s also an ancient Egyptian queen who was confirmed, via a mummy, to have been obese and suffering from cancer.18
The Egyptians were an outlier among ancient civilizations because they also had instances of coronary artery disease. Saladino argues that civilizations such as Egypt, which had boats, were more likely to visit villages where they could purchase “processed” foods, including seed oils.
Not only may the Egyptians have been the first population to use seed oils en masse, but the ruling class may have been more likely to have had these expensive refined oils, hence, the obesity occurring among the higher class.
Seed Oils Are the Missing Link to Rising Chronic Diseases
According to Saladino, it was the introduction of linoleic acid in their diets that made the ancient Egyptians fat and sick. He also refers to a report by Jeff Nobbs,19 which found that 6 in 10 Americans have a chronic disease, and heart disease, asthma, cancer and diabetes have increased 700% since 1935.
During this time, Americans have been smoking and drinking less, exercising more and eating “healthier” according to conventional guidelines to lower saturated fat and sodium. Nobbs, too, believes vegetable oil is the missing link that explains why Americans keep getting sicker:
“[C]hronic disease and obesity rates continue to rise. All the while, vegetable oil has steadily and stealthily made its way into our pantries, restaurants, and packaged foods, now contributing 699 calories per day to our diets, or about 20% of everything we eat.
Is vegetable oil the missing link? If vegetable oil is indeed the hidden culprit behind today’s chronic disease epidemic, it’s an elegant and simple solution to explain why chronic disease and obesity continue to rise, even as we adhere to public health advice.
I’m convinced that our wars against red meat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium may be misguided. Fighting those battles may be like focusing on the sidekicks when the true villain pulling all the strings is still hiding in the shadows. It’s time to shine a light on that slippery villain, our possible public health enemy number one: vegetable oil.”
No. 1 Health Tip: Prepare Your Food at Home
It is vital that you reduce your intake of industrially processed seed oils as much as you can. This means eliminating all of the following oils:
Grape seed
Rice bran
Olive and avocado oil should also be on the list, as they are commonly adulterated, and even pure olive oil is loaded with linoleic acid. To do this, you’ll need to avoid nearly all ultraprocessed foods, fast foods and restaurant foods. This is why it is so important to prepare as much of your food as you can in your home so you know what you are eating and, in the case of seed oils — what you’re not.
About 70% of the UK population is vaccinated, and per hundred thousand people there are TWICE as many cases occurring in the vaccinated.
And that shows consistently for all 6 age groups above age 30.
This is not a pandemic of the non-vaccinated, it is a pandemic of the non-immune.
And 2/3 of the sick in UK are the vaccinated.
Looking like the vaccination must be weakening the immune system compared to the people that are not vaccinated. If so, will this be true for other diseases the immune system tries to fight also?
What can be done to improve the immune system of those that are vaccinated?
And where are the long-term major Safety studies on the vax?
In the early 2000s, David Martin, Ph.D., founder of M-CAM International, started finding large numbers of patents that violate biological and chemical weapons laws
In 1999, Dr. Anthony Fauci funded research to create “an infectious replication-defective recombinant coronavirus.” In 2002, Ralph Baric, Ph.D. and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, filed a patent on recombinant coronavirus, and within a year, we got the world’s first SARS outbreak
Since 1999, at least 4,000 patents involving coronavirus have been filed, including patents detailing key features of the so-called “novel” SARS-CoV-2 virus
The 2001 anthrax attack, which came out of medical and defense research, led to the passage of the PREP Act, which removed liability for manufacturers of emergency medical countermeasures
The funds for entitlement programs and pensions will dry up by 2028, at which point the drug industry will go bankrupt as well. With a burgeoning population that is sick from the COVID jabs, we need to prepare new systems to care for each other
In this interview, we continue our coverage of the COVID “plandemic” by speaking to David Martin, Ph.D., who has done a phenomenal job uncovering the paper trail behind the virus now known as SARS-CoV-2. As it turns out, this is not a novel virus at all, as patents and government grants detailing key features of the virus go back two decades.
Martin finished his doctorate at the University of Virginia in 1995, after which he was hired on to the medical school faculty in radiology and orthopedic surgery. In 2006, he set up the first medical device clinical trials organization for the University of Virginia — a company called IDEAmed — which conducted medical device clinical trials for U.S. Food and Drug Administration submission. So, he has an extensive background working with FDA clinical trials.
Monitoring Biological Weapons Violations
In 1998, he founded another company called M-CAM International, which is focused on finding ways to bring intellectual property into conventional finance. M-CAM also started auditing the U.S. patent system at the request of the U.S. Congress.
In the early 2000s, M-CAM worked with the Senate Banking Committee and was a contractor for the United States Treasury to expose white collar criminal activity around intellectual property and tax fraud. In doing that work, Martin also discovered something else.
“Quite alarmingly, we found an enormous number of patents [detailing] biological and chemical weapon violations,” Martin says. “That was not something we were looking for. I let people know this was not something we set out to find. This is something that landed in our lap.
I developed a technology a decade earlier called linguistic genomics, which is a means by which you can look at unstructured text data and find the metaphoric meaning inside of what is being communicated. As you can imagine, if people of ill intent are trying to do something, they often hide what they’re doing in plain sight, but they use language that is not conventional.
So, when you find a patent, for example, on a blast-resistant pathogen from a rocket-propelled grenade — did you hear what I just said? ‘A blast-resistant pathogen from a rocket-propelled grenade.’ Does that sound like it’s a common way to inoculate a population or does that sound like [a bioweapon]?
And so, finding a number of bioweapons patents, we started taking into account some very serious things. I published once a year the literal global phonebook of every biological and chemical weapon violation that took place anywhere in the world.
[It tells you] the who, the where, the who funded it, what their addresses are. It was … used by U.S. law enforcement, intelligence communities and elsewhere around the world to track things that were being done inappropriately. And, it was in 1999 [that] we started detecting that there seemed to be an alarming event around coronavirus, which we’re going to get into.”
Coronavirus Identified as a Potential Vaccine Vector
As explained by Martin, in 1999, the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, identified coronavirus as a possible vaccine vector.
At the time, the disclosed rationale was to try to come up with an HIV vaccine, and to that end, Fauci, in 1999, funded research to create “an infectious replication-defective recombinant coronavirus.”
In 2002, Ralph Baric, Ph.D. and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, filed a patent on recombinant coronavirus, and within a year, we got the world’s first SARS outbreak.
The Real Tony Fauci
For more background on Fauci, be sure to read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book “The Real Tony Fauci,” which details how Fauci’s promotion of AZT during the 1980s ended up killing hundreds of thousands of people. And the pattern we’re seeing with coronavirus is basically a repeat of previous behavior. Martin says:
“It’s important to realize that at the time [in 1984 when Fauci became director of the NIAID] we were transitioning from an STD environment in which syphilis and gonorrhea and those types of STDs were the things that we were concerned about …
HIV became a political and social hot potato because it was associated in many respects with lifestyle branding, and as a result it became a political issue to essentially identify a class of the population that could be the basis for research without consideration.
The notion by Fauci was that people with HIV had already made decisions that somehow entitled them to less humanity. As a result, the clinical trials around developing both management techniques as well as potential treatments … were done in a very reckless fashion. Numerous people died in [those] clinical trials, and by the way, still are …
He has been obsessed about this HIV situation as a platform to, essentially, use humans that he determines to be some form of sub-human for clinical trials. It is a horrific blight on the United States’ medical establishment that we have been willing to allow this to go on in the name of science, in the name of health promotion, since 1984, without any significant disruption or check.”
The First SARS Outbreak
The first SARS outbreak occurred in late 2002 going into 2003 in China. Curiously, before Baric’s team invented and patented a recombinant infectious replication-defective coronavirus, no one had ever heard of SARS.
“I’m not drawing a causal relationship,” Martin says. “I’m making an observation that humans and what we call coronavirus seem to have cohabitated this earth for hundreds of thousands of years.
And then we manipulate that [virus] in 1999. We start playing around with putting it into different animals and different human cell line models, and then in 2003, we have SARS. Like a lot of other things, it’s an observation worth noting.
What makes the observation more problematic, obviously, is this was happening during the unfortunate results of the 2001 anthrax attack, which as you know came out of federal labs …
[It] became very clear that this was not [due to] a bad actor, per se. This was medical and defense research gone bad that got into the public and people died. But the real benefit, if you will, of the anthrax attack was the passage of the PREP Act.”
Anthrax Attack Provided Desired Liability Removal
Inside the PREP Act we now have the carte blanche removal of liability for manufacturers of medical countermeasures. As noted by Martin, the PREP Act has “made pharmaceutical companies much more capable of instilling terror in the population, coercing a population into taking an untested measure, and doing so with absolute impunity.”
Curiously, while Martin’s annual report on bioweapons patents was, with only a few exceptions, appreciated and used by agencies around the world, when it comes to the information he has amassed on coronavirus, not a single agency anywhere in the world has been willing to address it.
“No one … seems to be willing to look at the fact that beginning in 2016 we started seeing very alarming language being used, which was ‘coronavirus poised for human emergence.’ This was in patents, but also in scientific publications. And when you start referring to a coronavirus allegedly poised for human emergence, after the World Health Organization has declared SARS eradicated, there’s something desperately wrong with that picture.”
Racketeering and Organized Crime
The biggest alarm bell was published February 12, 2016, by EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak1 who, according to Martin, has been “the money laundering agent” for gain-of-function research coronaviruses after the U.S. implemented a moratorium on that kind of research in 2014. Rather than close it down, this research was simply moved over to China instead. In 2015, Daszak stated:2
“To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan influenza or a pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”
That statement was made by Daszak in 2015, and was published in the spring of 2016. The statement “set off alarm bells very loudly within my organization,” Martin says, “because when you have somebody who is promoting gain-of-function research, and clearly blurring the line on what is even legal … saying we need ‘media to create the hype’ … and ‘investors will follow if they see profit’ … that doesn’t sound like public health.
To me, that sounds like organized crime. That sounds like racketeering, and we need to raise this issue.”
What the Coronavirus Patents Show
In all, since 2002, some 4,000 patents have been filed on the genome, vaccines and detection of coronavirus. According to Martin, this is alarming, “because you don’t file patents on something that you don’t intend to commercialize.” Evidence of intended commercialization can also be found by looking at the dates of certain patents by certain companies.
April 28, 2003, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention filed a patent on the genome of the SARS coronavirus. Five days later, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals received a $935,000 grant and filed U.S. Patent 7151163 for a treatment for that same virus. How can you file a patent for the treatment of a virus that was only discovered five days earlier?
“That sounds like an inside job,” Martin says. “Because you cannot have a pathogen identified and a cure for it in five days, when all of the information was held from the public, because when the CDC filed its patent on the genome of coronavirus, it paid to keep that patent secret.
So, somebody somewhere knows that this thing was going to turn out to be a moneymaker … The proliferation of proprietary controls around SARS Coronavirus probably exceeds at least by two or three times most other pathogens …
Dana Farber had a monoclonal antibody patent system that came out of three NIH grants. Their patent 7750123 on the monoclonal antibody for SARS-Cov treatment took place in 2003.”
So, while we’ve been told that SARS-CoV-2 is something we’ve never seen before, there are 4,000 patents and patent applications that say otherwise. The same can be said for the testing and the COVID shots. For example, Pfizer filed the first S1 spike protein vaccine patent on coronavirus in 1990 — 30 years ago.
“Regardless of what part of the story we look at, the patent record is full of thousands of patents where commercial interests funded by NIAID and the National Institutes of Health have been building the economic cabal around coronavirus. This is not a new thing. It hasn’t been a new thing.
And regrettably, we’re being told continuously that somehow or another there’s something novel about this experience, despite the fact that every single part of what we are told is being detected with PCR … the injections, every single one of those things has been known and isolated for over 30 years.”
How Did We Get Here?
How did we get to a point where taxpayers are funding research on pathogens that are being designed to sicken and kill us, only to drive profits into the drug industry and all these various patent holders, which include the government itself?
In large part, it goes back to the implementation of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, which allows the beneficiaries of federal grants to file patents on work derived from federally funded research. The idea was that the economy would benefit by allowing scientists to be entrepreneurs first, rather than simply publishing their research.
This piece of legislation has undermined health care by bringing the patent office, the FDA and CDC into an unholy trinity that serves and promotes private pharmaceutical concerns. So, what we have now is an insidious funding loop. Martin explains:
“Corporations and pharma lobby to get people elected. Once they’re elected, the lobbyists flow an enormous amount of money into the various NIH programs. In the case of NIAID, since Fauci took over [in 1984], $191 billion have gone through his fingers. Now, is that because he’s successful?
No, as a matter of fact, under his watch, allergies and infectious diseases have increased over 60 times. Yet somehow or another, he’s still the director of a failed [agency] that’s gotten $191 billion to solve a problem that is getting worse every single year.
If it was a company, we would have fired him. The problem is, it’s not a company. It’s a money laundering agency. It moves public funds through the hands of a federal agency into the research laboratories, which ultimately are going to conduct research that is then licensed back to the benefactors, which are the pharmaceutical companies that paid to get people into office in the first place.
So, this is a revolving door problem, and the Bayh-Dole Act created an insidious incentive that said that the only research that was going to be conducted was going to be research that ultimately would flow back to the pharmaceutical industry and create juggernauts, where the risk of R&D was taken by the public and the benefit for that R&D was taken by the private. That’s a horrible thing, and that is exactly what Fauci has run.”
Why Did Fauci Pick Moderna as Vaccine Frontrunner?
Martin also points out that Fauci has also lied to Congress about the NIAID’s financial interests in drugs. During this pandemic, Congress and the Congressional Budget Office asked for an accounting of NIH-owned patents where they have potential commercial interest in the drugs being produced. Fauci did not disclose any of them. Instead he lied and said there are none.
“The evidence is stacked a mile long,” Martin says. “Moderna stands alone as the only recipient of NIAID funding that fails to comply with the law and fails to disclose the federal government’s interest in their intellectual property.
Despite the fact that everyone knew Moderna failed to disclose the federal government’s interest in its research, Fauci picked Moderna to be the frontrunner for an untested, commercially unsuccessful and entirely unproven mRNA vaccine technology in the spring of 2020.
There was no rational justification for that, and there would have been less rational justification, given the fact that Moderna is on record as having violated the federal law, the Bayh-Dole Act, 141 times at the time they were picked to be the winner.
This is a known fact, but it was overlooked entirely, and not a single law enforcement agent anywhere in the United States has decided that having a criminal organization supply a product sounds like a bad idea.”
Violations of Law Everywhere
Since the beginning of this pandemic, the number of rules, laws and regulations that have been broken in the name of public health boggle the mind. Even laws that are absolutely clear and in no way ambiguous are being broken. For example, under Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, section 50, no one can be forced or coerced into a clinical trial of an experimental medical product, even if it’s a pandemic countermeasure.
“It’s black and white, and this clinical trial does not end until 2023 in the first best instance. So, there is no such thing as an approved or even authorized use of a [COVID ‘vaccine’] that can be compelled on the population,” Martin says.
And yet they’re bribing, threatening and coercing people everywhere. The drug companies also violated basic principles by eliminating all of the controls and giving the test vaccine to everyone in the trials, leaving us nothing against which to compare side effects. They also do not have an independent investigational review board, or the statutorily required approval processes for the protocol.
The companies themselves decided to modify their protocols midstream, which simply isn’t how it’s done. Basically, we do not have an actual clinical trial on these COVID shots, because so many of the basic principles of clinical medical research were violated.
Collapsed Judicial System Has Put Big Pharma in Charge
The federal government is also violating the False Claims Act by telling you the COVID shots are safe and effective, when the studies are still years from being completed, and have been undermined in all the ways just mentioned.
“What we have is a situation where the deaths are actually considered to be acceptable,” Martin says. “I don’t know what world you have to come from to find that term even remotely speakable. I think the utterance of that phrase is horrific … We are killing people willfully, and we are doing it with impunity in the name of what we call a love affair with science.
The only problem is we’ve desecrated science in the process because it turns out that when I did randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, you know what I had to do? I had to keep the populations blinded. I had to keep it placebo-controlled for the whole clinical trial. And the reason I had to do that is because that’s what the statute requires.
This entire process has been willful acts of harm to humanity. And the only hope we have is a very small note in the Department of Justice opinion that took place under the Trump administration, which says that if this was based on felony acts, then the entire emergency use authorization and all its benefits would collapse.
In other words, if we can show that a felony has occurred — racketeering, lying to Congress, the public coercion … [and] in the Fauci dossier3 I outline dozens of felony violations — [it] would bring this entire thing to its knees, because the moment the PREP Act protection falls away from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and others, I can guarantee you [Fauci] will not be promoting a vaccine.
If they are liable for a single injury or death, they’ll pull the plug on what they know to be unsafe. That requires law enforcement to do its job. And somewhere there has to be a prosecutor who’s willing to do their job … Right now, I genuinely do not think we have three tiers of government. I don’t think there is a Department of Justice.
The judiciary is functionally gone … When we allow the judiciary to be an arm of the executive [branch], then what happens is we’ve actually lost the three-tiered structure of government. And, as a result, the system collapses. The judiciary was the only thing that was explicitly independent. We don’t allow judges to get sponsorship in campaign finance. We don’t allow judges to be elected.
We appoint them, we go through an approval process. We do all sorts of things to try to make sure the judiciary is independent. So, the only risk to the pharmaceutical industry, the only risk to an executive out of control, was the judiciary.
By collapsing the judicial system in the United States, we have effectively made the government a servant of its benefactors — and that is the pharmaceutical industry.”
How Will It End?
With what appears to be a near-total collapse of the judicial system, it looks like we’re on a straight path to global tyranny, with no routes of escape. Martin, however, believes there may be a way out, but it will require action on behalf of rational individuals blessed with foresight. He explains:
“You have to have currency to buy off politicians. Back in 2008, when we had the global financial crisis … we instituted a policy that [will] functionally bankrupt our entitlement program (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) in 2028 [or 2033] …
The best math we have is that the annuities and pension programs of the United States functionally run out of their trust fund in 2028. What does that mean? Well, one of the things that people overlook is there’s an unholy alliance between the insurance companies and what we call health care.
Insurance companies are long-dated asset holders. These are the people who have to have money today to cover issues in the future. That’s what a long-dated asset holder is. The problem is that the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank and other central banks have suppressed the value of the return on funds, so the funds are running out of money faster than expected …
You know as well as anybody else that for a politician to stand up and say, ‘I’m going to abolish or significantly alter Social Security’ is the death knell to any political aspiration. Tiny problem. But whether they say it or not, the trust fund runs out of money in 2028.
Now, here comes the kicker: So does the pharmaceutical industry because it turns out that the money that’s going into that system is actually paying for the drug dependency of this country.
And if we go all the way back to 1604 — to the establishment of the British East India Company and the establishment of the Virginia Company — we’ll realize that the 400-plus-year tradition that we have, where we have built nation states on the back of the drug trade, is coming to its end.
The good news for all of us is it’s going to end around 2028, because we have a convergence that they didn’t figure out how to cover up. The convergence is that the people with the money, the big pharmaceutical players, are the beneficiaries of a system that is going to bankrupt itself by virtue of their actions.
This is the brontosaurus that ate too much because it was the biggest dinosaur. And the great news is they have the brain the size of a pea, just like the brontosaurus. They are not smart. And the best thing we have going for us furry humans is that we actually are nimble.
Now, does that mean that we are not going to have an ounce of pain through the process? Absolutely not. There is social disruption that we can’t even imagine on the horizon in 2026, 2027 and 2028, because 86 million people will lose what they thought was going to be their retirement funds.
When we see that number now go to 100 million people, and the 100 million people are sicker because of what we’ve injected today … those people who are going to require greater health care then are going to be faced with a bankrupt system incapable of supporting their life and their livelihood. And that is the death knell of this story.
The best news about this is we have time if people of good conscience get together and say, ‘We’re not going to let that apocalypse arrive because we have time to start building communities that actually care for each other. We have time to start building accountability structures.
We have time to start doing things that bring our social fabric together so that when that system collapses, we can come back to a rational view of what life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness is’ because, until we can reclaim the sovereignty of our health, we cannot celebrate the sovereignty of our life.”
What About the 2030 Agenda?
By now, you’ve probably heard of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, which includes the transition to a Central Bank Digital Currency. With that, they can abolish the dollar and “reset” the entire global economy that is now tottering on its last leg. However, even here there may be kink in the plan that can save us.
“Like a good [James] Bond villain, he’s actually ignorant of history,” Martin says. The reason Martin remains optimistic that the Great Reset doesn’t have a chance at all to succeed is because there’s no way the global public will embrace an all-digital system that can be annihilated by an electromagnetic pulse or electromagnetic disruption.
This year alone, we’ve seen internet failures, power outages and digital finance hacks that would leave people stranded without a single penny were they reliant on an all-digital financial system.
“The digital currency illusion is the most bizarre and pathetic Dr. Evil plan anybody’s ever concocted,” Martin says. “The fact of the matter is the digital currency craze is one of those fantastical illusions that unfortunately has a single-point failure.
We live in a world where actors of both anarchist intent, and very, very laudable privateers and pirates are more than happy to make sure that digital currency never sees the light of day because they will, in fact, hack, crack and disrupt every system out there.
And so, I look at the whole Great Reset as great theater … But the entire illusion is being run because they’re out of ideas. And … when the incumbency is out of bad ideas, they try desperately to force you into a behavior that you would not otherwise accept. All you have to do is just say no. Just don’t play along.”
The Financial Incentive for Depopulation
Is it possible that the COVID jabs might cause premature death and be an intentional form of depopulation? Well, since we’re following the money, there’s certainly a financial incentive for such a scenario. As noted by Martin, if you’ve made financial promises to people who are closing in on retirement, the fewer there are of them the better.
“The financial interest for depopulation is a thoroughly compelling argument,” Martin says. He recently reviewed this argument in a lecture given at the Church of Glad Tidings in Yuba City, which you can view above.
In short, having people live long enough to tap into their Social Security benefits and live to the full maturity of their life insurance policies is problematic with respect to the financial collapse that is looming.
Based on these financial realities — which certainly are not advertised or publicly discussed — there’s clearly an economic incentive to shrink the population and get rid of as many people as possible before 2028. Unfortunately, based on previous lipid nanoparticle and mRNA trials, the chance of a mass casualty event is high.
“There is no question … they jumped over animal trials for a very important reason,” Martin says. “We’ve been told it was to save time, but it wasn’t to save time.
It was to put this particular pathogen into humanity, so that a lot of people suffer and ultimately die of effects that we could have picked up if we had done it the traditional way, which is seven to eight years of safety studies, before we decide to put it in the arms of humans.
That’s not what we did. And if we look at the safety data from animal studies on mRNA, and on the lipid nanoparticle, there is no question that there is going to be a fatality increase because of this …
But the concern I have, [which may be] more egregious [than] the death … is the malingering morbidity, people who will require around the clock medical care is going to be a drain that will infect our economy so deeply that we may not recover.
Because if we have people who have to stay at home with children who are sick, if we have people who have to care for elderly parents who are sick, if we have people who are caring for a spouse or a family member who are sick, that means we do not have the ability to enjoy life and liberty. And the fact is that I think we’re going to have a bigger morbidity than mortality event.”
Now, as if all of that weren’t enough, Martin has also discovered CRISPR patents that describe how they can “clip” the effects of mRNA/DNA-based vaccines from people. He believes they may be building a pathogen set that is then introduced into the population so that they can later introduce a more expensive technology that can fix what was broken. This, unfortunately, could mean survival may be based on your ability to pay.
Were There Excess Deaths Due to COVID-19?
To backtrack for a moment, while we’ve been told COVID-19 caused excess deaths in 2020, one way to double-check that is to look at the number of life insurance policies paid. And in 2020, there were actually fewer life insurance policies paid out than normal, according to Martin.
“Whose numbers are you going to believe? Are you going to believe the CDC who’s trying to pump and dump this terror campaign of people dying, and therefore you need to have your mask on, you need to socially distance, you need to vaccinate?
Or are you going to believe the numbers from the people who actually pay claims when real human life ends? It turns out that if you look at the audited financial statements of the world’s largest life insurance companies, we can find no excess death evidence. Is COVID so smart that it only kills the uninsured? Is that what we’re supposed to believe?”
Live Consciously, Aligned With Health
In closing, I, like Martin, believe we can survive this and keep our freedom. But we must act. Individually, every single person needs to take actions that are in line with pro-life and liberty morals and ethics. As suggested by Martin, spend your money on certified organic foods and locally grown foods to help build a healthier food system.
Make sure that what you put into your body is aligned to your health. Make sure that what you do with your body is aligned to your health. And then as you do that, invite other people into living a life that in fact models that behavior, so that we start building communities of consciousness. ~ David Martin, Ph.D.
Spend time with friends and family and share information. Start building a sense of community again, in whatever way makes sense to you. When you make a purchasing decision, analyze whether you’re supporting the evil being perpetrated, or choking its money supply. We need to start building micro-economies that can later grow into alternative economies. We need to start building support structures for when the financial and health care systems break.
“The fact is we are in a very unique moment in human history, and it probably is as close to the story of Joseph in Egypt as you can get. You know the seven fat years and then the seven skinny years? Well, guess what? We have a couple of fat years left. You know what we should be doing?
We should be investing in our networks of relationship. We should be investing in our networks of community. We should be building those resilient fibers that hold us together because we know that there is a famine coming. And we are in a unique position right now to actually do something about it.
So, start with yourself. Make sure that what you put into your body is aligned to your health. Make sure that what you do with your body is aligned to your health. And then as you do that, invite other people into living a life that in fact models that behavior, so that we start building communities of consciousness. And as we build those communities, we will start building currencies of consciousness …
There are a bunch of ways that we can solve these problems, and we can do it using the market. We can do it using our consciousness, but we need our consciousness, we need our community, and we need our currency to be organically aligned to humanity again.”
How to Break the Propaganda Cycle
Doing the things mentioned above will also further another task at hand, which is to break the propaganda cycle. The key, really, is to simply live your life as healthily and joyously as possible, so that people around you can see there are others out there who aren’t living in fear. Eventually, they’ll start seeing they actually have a choice.
“Listen, propaganda cannot stand against the truth of a life well lived,” Martin says. “It can never stand against that truth. What we’re trying to do is the wrong energy. We’re trying to confront irrationality with rationality. But what we need to be doing is being persistent in showing up and living in a way that people look at it and say, ‘I’ll have what she’s having.’
This is your ‘Harry Met Sally’ moment. This is that restaurant scene. This is your moment to be a person who outlasts the half-life of the propaganda reflex. And I’ve seen way too many people try to engage energetically in the debate where they enter into conflict and it destroys their well-being.
Don’t be the miserable angry one. Be the one at the table who is the one worth looking at and going, ‘I’ll have what he’s having. I’ll have what she’s having.’ Live a life that is desirable, and you’ll see propaganda become emasculated instantaneously …
All the time while Gov. [Ralph] Northam here in Virginia was telling us that we could not have gatherings, we continued our workshops. We had our table full of 15, 20, 25 people, and our official policy was that if you signed up for our workshop, for the time you were in our home we adopted you as family, because the legal exemption in Virginia was that family didn’t count.
So, we adopted everybody for the week. We had every kind of cousin, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, child, granny. It was all family. We went through the entire shutdown having a table full of fellowship. And you know what? Everybody in the neighborhood said, ‘I’d love to have what they’re having.’”
Your body substitutes glyphosate for glycine, and in so doing, poisons your body’s machinery for creating proteins
In normal physiology, processes in your mitochondria ensure deuterium depletion. If your mitochondria are damaged by glyphosate, they’re not going to be able to eliminate the deuterium properly and the buildup of deuterium may contribute to chronic disease
Glyphosate may play an important role in cases of severe COVID-19. If you’ve accumulated a lot of glyphosate in your tissues, your immune cells will be impaired, making it difficult to clear the virus
To avoid glyphosate exposure, the most important strategy is to eat certified organic foods whenever possible, and eat/drink more sulfur-containing foods, organic grass fed milk and butter, glacier water, animal fats and probiotic foods
To help mitigate the toxic effects of glyphosate, you can take an inexpensive glycine supplement
This article was previously published February 28, 2021, and has been updated with new information.
In this interview, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT, reviews the health impacts of glyphosate. She has just finished writing a book about glyphosate called “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying Our Health and the Environment,” which is expected to be published in June 2021.
For years, glyphosate was assumed safe and claims of toxicity were vehemently denied. But in recent years, studies on glyphosate have been demonstrating toxicity even at very low levels. Seneff also believes glyphosate exposure may be a key player in cases of severe COVID-19, which we’ll unravel in this interview.
Glyphosate’s Mechanism of Action
The “gly” in glyphosate actually stands for the amino acid glycine. The glycine amino acid in glyphosate has a methylphosphonate group attached to its nitrogen atom, which is responsible for its effects and toxicity.
After studying the research literature on glyphosate, Seneff has reached the conclusion that your body sometimes substitutes glyphosate for the amino acid glycine when it is constructing proteins, and this can have devastating consequences in some cases. The proteins created with glyphosate instead of glycine simply don’t work because glyphosate is much larger than glycine and also negatively charged, and as a result this alters important physical characteristics.
Monsanto’s own research, dating back to the late 1980s, shows that glyphosate accumulates in various tissues, even though they claim it doesn’t.1 The Monsanto researchers proposed that it was “incorporated into” the proteins in the tissues. This is not widely appreciated, even in the natural health community.
Now, if you have a distorted analog of glycine (in the form of glyphosate), the protein constructed from it is not going to work like it’s supposed to. In her book, Seneff details the amino acids in proteins that are most susceptible to damage because of what she calls a “glyphosate susceptible motif.”
“It’s really fascinating biology and so terrifying when you think of the potential consequences, if I’m right,” she says. “It matches so well with all the diseases that are going up dramatically in our society that I really think I’m onto something huge here.”
An aromatic amino acid called EPSP synthase is a critical enzyme that almost surely gets disrupted by glyphosate through this mechanism of substituting for glycine. This gets a bit technical, but it is important. The plant version of EPSP synthase binds a phosphate group in its substrate phosphoenolpyruvate at a site where there is a highly-conserved glycine residue (highly conserved usually means that it is critical for proper function).
It has been shown experimentally that, if you change the DNA code so that the glycine is substituted by an amino acid called alanine (one extra methyl group), the enzyme becomes completely insensitive to glyphosate at any concentration. It also takes a hit on phosphate binding because of the extra methyl group, but you can tweak another amino acid nearby to fix this problem, while still keeping its insensitivity to glyphosate.
Researchers from Dow-Dupont did exactly this to a maize version of EPSP synthase using CRISPR technology and were able to create synthetically a version of the maize’s own EPSP synthase that was completely resistant to glyphosate. The title of this paper is: “Desensitizing Plant EPSP Synthase to Glyphosate: Optimized Global Sequence Context Accommodates a Glycine-to-Alanine Change in the Active Site.”2
The shikimate pathway is the pathway that produces aromatic amino acids, which are essential to humans as we cannot create these amino acids in our body. The argument is we’re not susceptible to glyphosate because our cells don’t have EPSP synthase — in fact, they don’t have the entire shikimate pathway.
However, our gut microbes do have that pathway, and they use it to make essential amino acids for the host. So, our gut microbes are indeed affected by glyphosate, and when they’re damaged, our health can suffer in any number of ways.
But what might be an even more devastating problem with glyphosate is the way it probably messes up a large number of proteins that bind phosphate at a site where there is at least one, and often three, highly conserved glycine residues. Glyphosate slips its methylphosphonate group into the spot that is supposed to be where phosphate from the substrate fits snugly. Phosphate can’t bind because glyphosate is in the way.
The arguments for why glyphosate specifically disrupts proteins that depend on glycine for phosphate binding are described more fully in a paper Seneff published together with colleagues arguing that glyphosate is a major factor in kidney failure among young agricultural workers in Central America.3
The Importance of Deuterium
Laszlo Boros is a professor of pediatrics at UCLA and an expert on deutenomics, “the science of autonomic deuterium discrimination in nature.”4 After reading one of Seneff’s papers, he contacted her, suggesting she look into deuterium.
“I was blown away, and I immediately saw the connection to glyphosate,” she says.“This was a year ago in December, and I’ve just been reading everything I can on deuterium since then and hooking it to glyphosate. It’s just astonishing what I found, even, ultimately, [linking it] to COVID-19.
It’s been quite a year for me in terms of major breakthroughs in my understanding of how metabolism works and how it’s getting messed up by glyphosate, and then how that’s causing us to not be able to effectively deal with COVID-19.”
In normal physiology, your cells, specifically the mitochondria, function to help deplete your body of deuterium. Deuterium is a naturally occurring isotope of hydrogen. If you didn’t already know, deuterium is also known as heavy hydrogen, because it has a neutron in addition to the proton and electron in the hydrogen atom.
Provided your cell is healthy, it has deuterium-depleting enzymes and organelles that help remove deuterium from your cells. If your mitochondria are damaged by glyphosate, they’re not going to be able to eliminate the deuterium properly.
Deuterium is like iron in the way that it’s both essential in the right amounts and toxic in excess. Hydrogen is the smallest atom and by far the most common atom in your body. Deuterium, being a heavy hydrogen, has one extra neutron, in addition to the normal proton and electron that regular hydrogen has.
Now, your cells are surrounded by structured water, which is negatively charged and contributes to your body’s energy production by supplying deuterium-depleted hydrogen to lysosomes and mitochondria. The structured water is maintained by sulfates, which makes sulfate extremely important for health. Sulfate is made dysfunctional by glyphosate, which in turn destroys structured water, resulting in impaired energy production in the cell.5
“The mitochondria have [a] membrane, which has a part inside the membrane that’s really, really important,” Seneff says. “That’s where you have those protons, and you really don’t want it to be deuterons. This is what Laszlo brought home to me.”
How Your Body Creates Deuterium-Depleted Water
Endothelial NOS (eNOS) makes nitric oxide (NO), and for every molecule of NO that it makes, it produces two molecules of water, which are deuterium depleted. Stephanie believes the NO created by eNOS may act as a signal that deuterium-depleted water has been created. Interestingly enough, deuterium-depleted water is also created during the inflammatory process.
“The inflammation is there for a good reason, and the reason is to produce deuterium-depleted water,” Seneff says. “It’s all because the mitochondria are failing in their task of producing their own deuterium-depleted water, which they get in part through the structured water from the sulfate [and] through enzymes that are highly skilled at choosing hydrogen over deuterium …
NADH and NADPH are also fascinating. I’ve been chasing them through all the proteins. They are interesting because they are the carriers of that wonderful hydrogen that’s not deuterium. When you trace what’s doing what, where, you realize that the cytoplasm is producing NADH and handing it over to the mitochondria.
The mitochondria then take that H [hydrogen atom] off and throw it into the intermembrane space. So, the whole process ends up with the intermembrane space being assured that this is H [hydrogen] and not D [deuterium].
This is crucial because then those protons, once they build up, come back through the ATPase [ATP synthase] pump. If they are deuterons, they are going to wreck the pump … You release reactive oxygen species [that] break it, and of course, then you can’t make ATP.”
For clarification, the ATP synthase pump works like a mini-motor. When a hydrogen atom with one proton goes through it, it works flawlessly and generates ATP. If deuterium enters it, which has one neutron and one proton, making it twice the weight of hydrogen, it breaks that motor.
Interestingly, deuterium is everywhere, naturally, but your body has developed an intricate way to make it harmless by trapping it in the structured water, where it’s beneficial, as it actually supports the creation of structured water.
Problems arise when you cannot make enough structured water to sequester it all. Then, the deuterium gets loose, causing mitochondrial dysfunction, impairing energy production and contributing to chronic disease.
Glyphosate Damages Health in Many Ways
As noted by Seneff, glyphosate harms your health in a number of ways. For example, she cites a recent paper showing it causes endocrine disruption, which can lead to breast cancer, reproductive issues, obesity and thyroid problems.6
Another paper shows glyphosate sensitizes cells to be more receptive to cancer after exposure to other chemicals.7 “Glyphosate makes everything else more toxic than it would otherwise be,” Seneff says. “It disrupts your defense system against toxic chemicals.” Other research shows epigenetic and generational effects, even when no apparent problems can be found in the first generation exposed.8
Glyphosate also impairs flavoproteins — proteins that bind flavins. Many of these proteins play a crucial role in transferring hydrogen from NADH or NADPH to other molecules, essentially supporting the delivery of pure hydrogen to the mitochondria. Flavoproteins have a characteristic GxGxxG motif at the site where they bind phosphate in the flavins. The ‘G’ stands for glycine and the ‘x’ is a wildcard — any amino acid, including glycine.
This means they have at least three susceptible glycines at this critical region of the protein. Flavoproteins are molecules that facilitate the transfer of protons and electrons, and know how to avoid deuterium, by exploiting a special feature of hydrogen called proton tunneling.
All of them can be expected to be disrupted by glyphosate. A critical flavoprotein is succinate dehydrogenase, and several papers have shown it is adversely affected by glyphosate, Seneff says. It is the only enzyme that plays a role in both oxidative phosphorylation and the citric acid cycle in the mitochondria.
In addition to aromatic amino acids, the shikimate pathway is essential for riboflavin synthesis, and riboflavin, a B vitamin, is the main precursor to flavins. This means that riboflavin deficiency can be triggered from glyphosate exposure as well. Glyphosate also causes damage by:
Increasing calcium uptake in cells, which causes toxicity to neurons
Interfering with the ability to take glutamate out of your synapses
Making manganese unavailable — This in turn disrupts and prevents glutamate from being turned into nontoxic glutamine after it’s removed from your synapses. The enzyme responsible for the conversion is also highly dependent on glycine, which could be replaced by glyphosate
Deuterium-Depleted Water May Be Central to Metabolism
According to Seneff, it appears deuterium-depleted water plays a central, hitherto unappreciated role in metabolism, as your body has so many ways to create it. For example, deuterium-depleted water is created through:
• Fatty acid synthesis and metabolism — The enzymes that synthesize fatty acids incorporate hydrogen that is carried by NADPH. This hydrogen atom has been carefully selected to be assured not to be deuterium. Interestingly, lipoxygenase is a protein expressed during conditions of stress, and according to Seneff, it has the greatest ability to select protons over deuterons of any protein.
It is highly upregulated in severe COVID-19 infection. It appears the virus triggers an increase in lipoxygenase because the virus captures linoleic acid (LA) in pockets in the viral membrane. However, lipoxygenase is not a flavoprotein, and it also doesn’t bind heme — this makes it resistant to damage from glyphosate. So, its activation becomes an alternative pathway to fix the mitochondrial deuterium problem.
SARS-CoV-2 picks up the omega-6 LA as it crosses the cellular membrane, and the LA then triggers the production of lipoxygenase that modifies the LA into leukotrienes — signaling molecules that bring in damaging macrophages.
But deuterium-depleted water is also produced in this process, by yanking two hydrogen atoms out of the fat and combining them with oxygen to make water. Note that this is just yet another way that excess LA damages your body, but with an ulterior motive that we often fail to appreciate.
• Sterol synthesis and metabolism — including cholesterol, vitamin D, cortisol, and sex hormones.
• Aromatic amino acid derivatives — including melatonin and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, as well as thyroid hormone.
“All these molecules that go through these complicated steps are all focused on delivering deuterium-depleted water to the mitochondria,” Seneff says. “I mean, it’s an absolute obsession that the cell has.” She goes on to review how processes that may appear to have nothing but harmful effects are actually an effort to heal the body. This, for example, seems to be the case in COVID-19:
“I believe that whatever biology is doing, it’s doing it for a good reason. There may be damage, but there’s a good reason why you need that damage in order to survive long term. It’s trying to fix a problem that’s very serious, and that’s what I think is happening with [SARS-CoV-2].
Not only does it induce this lipoxygenase, which produces deuterium-depleted water, it then creates this inflammatory environment, which brings in the platelets and the macrophages, the immune cells and the stem cells. All these are having a big party in there in all this fluid that’s building up inside the lungs.
Meanwhile, it also increases the production of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is able to trap deuterium-depleted water. It makes structured water. So, you get structured water inside the alveoli of the lungs, and then you get fluid water in the interstitial spaces.
The blood vessels are leaky, the capillaries are leaky. Everything’s coming out of the capillaries into this interstitial space where there’s this fluid water, and you’ve got this lipoxygenase making deuterium-depleted water.
So, you’re producing this environment of deuterium-depleted water, inviting the macrophages to come in, and the platelets release their mitochondria … the stem cells also come in and release their mitochondria, and then macrophages sweep up the mitochondria — and all this is happening in the interstitial space in the lungs where the fluid is. This is why you cannot breathe. You’re drowning.
Maybe one of the most important things platelets do is hang on to mitochondria that they can deliver to the macrophages under conditions of stress. So, what happens is all these mitochondria get released in that interstitial space, and the macrophages induce this macropinocytosis, where they actually sweep up the water and everything that’s in it and bring it inside the macrophage, including the mitochondria.
It’s actually been shown that platelets can release mitochondria into the environment, and macrophages can take them up and use them as perfectly functioning mitochondria. It’s astonishing. So, what they’re doing is restoring the mitochondrial health to the immune cells.”
Glyphosate Damage May Be a Factor in Severe COVID-19
As explained by Seneff, your immune cells are impaired by glyphosate, so the older you are, the more likely you’ve been exposed to glyphosate for decades and therefore have poorly functioning immune cells. Interestingly, Seneff points out that the comorbidities of COVID-19 — obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure — are also diseases whose prevalence is going up dramatically over time, exactly in step with glyphosate usage on core crops.
“So, I think it’s mostly about glyphosate,” she says. “If you’ve accumulated a lot of glyphosate in your tissues, you’re not going to do well with COVID-19, and that’s because [your body] is trying to repair the mitochondria in the immune cells so that the immune cells can actually clear the virus. If they can’t make ATP, they can’t do their job, and the virus flourishes.”
The key take-home message here is that this is yet another reason to clean up your diet to make sure you’re not exposed to glyphosate. It basically wrecks your immune cells, and the cascading damage that takes place in severe cases of COVID-19 appears to be your body’s response to salvage or repair those poorly functioning immune cells.
Dietary Recommendations
The answer to this problem is, first of all, to eat certified organic foods whenever possible. “We won’t buy it if we can’t find certified organic, and we’ve really seen health improvements since we’ve started doing that,” Seneff says. “I really swear by it, and I try to get all my friends to do the same. I think if you can eliminate glyphosate, you can really see great improvements in your health no matter what your problems are.” Other dietary recommendations include eating/drinking more:
Sulfur-containing foods such as organic eggs and seafood
Organic grass fed milk and butter. Butter is one of the lowest deuterium foods available
Glacier water, which is naturally low in deuterium
Animal fats, which are also low in deuterium
Molecular hydrogen
Probiotics foods such as sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar
To help “push” glyphosate out of your body and mitigate its toxicity, you can take an inexpensive glycine supplement. I take between 5 and 10 grams a day. It has a light, sweet taste, so you can actually use it as a sweetener.
“It makes sense because it’s basically going to outnumber the glyphosate molecules,” Seneff says. “Remember, glyphosate’s going to compete with glycine in building the protein. If there’s a lot of glycine around, then it’s much less likely that glyphosate will get in there.”
This is a haemorrhaging fever similar to Ebola with an 88% mortality rate.
Now firstly don’t worry, the ones pushing this agenda won’t release anything that would kill them.
This will be fake Marburg.
Many of the covid vaccine injured are displaying clots and uncontrollable bleeding.
This will be claimed to be Marburg.
GAVI and the WEF are already making announcements about the virus.
They’ve already developed a PCR test for Marburg, even though there is no official ‘pandemic’ yet.
More worryingly, they’re already rushing through a ‘vaccine’ for Marburg.
Even more worryingly, the main ingredient in the new vaccine is Ricin. One of the most toxic poisons on the planet.
They will allow the vaccinated to travel globally this Christmas. They’ll need a cover for people bringing ‘the virus’ back to their home countries.
A new pandemic will be declared, they’ll claim there is asymptomatic spread. The media will pump fear harder than we’ve ever seen.
People will lose their minds believing that there is a pandemic of something with an 88% chance of making them bleed out and die.
At this stage jabs will be mandatory and the police and military goon squads will be in full force trying to ‘save humanity’ and dragging off people who refuse the Marburg vaccine to the now built concentration camps to be forcibly injected.
The Ricin ‘vaccine’ is the real death shot and there will be billions of people lining up for it and fighting to be at the front of the lines.
Why is this happening? she asks. Blogger and political analyst Mike Whitney provides some disturbing answers. “The vaccines are an attack on the body’s critical infrastructure, the vascular system, and particularly the thin tapestry of cells that line the walls of the blood vessels,” Whitney says. “The vaccines trigger bleeding, blood clots and autoimmune disease.”
And, just in case someone counters with the idea that most people aren’t suffering with heart problems after their shots, Whitney shoots back, “the impact is likely to be just as devastating in the long-run …when antibodies attach to spike-producing endothelial cells on vessel walls following vaccine administration, activated complement proteins can be expected attach to the endothelial cells, and perforate their cell membranes … [and will create] a catastrophic microvascular injury syndrome mediated by activation of complement.”
Summarizing, he says this means “the vaccine creates a situation where your body viciously attacks your own circulatory system generating blood clots and leaky blood vessels. Do you think you can live with a damaged vascular system? Do you think you will enjoy a long and happy life with an immune system that is programed to attack and kill healthy cells that now produce the pathogenic “spike protein”? If so, then for how long; how long do you think you can survive that type of internal warfare? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years?”
In other words, those who have taken the shots and not reported any adverse events yet have only to wait a matter of time and then it will hit them, too.
New Study Proves the Vaccinated Are Dragging Out the Pandemic
October 11, 2021
A leaked Department of Defense slide show presentation that was quickly removed from the internet, but has been preserved in archives and on private websites shows that the shots are not meeting experts’ expectations.
Using hospitalization records from 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries who were fully vaccinated, the researchers found that 148,000 fully vaccinated individuals age 65 and older came down with COVID anyway; 30,000 were hospitalized in an intensive care unit and 9,400 were admitted to an intensive care unit. The death rate was 2.2%.
In the slide show, authors point out that the vaccine effectiveness against infection and hospitalization “is lower than reported in smaller studies.” Specifically, using metrics showing that 80% of persons over age 65 as vaccinated, “73% of COVID-19 cases occurred in fully vaccinated individuals.”
Not only that, according to Slide 8, “Breakthrough infection rates five to six months post vaccination are twice as high as three to four months post vaccination.” The waning immunity was observed in both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots.
And — contrary to “official” reports in the media — Slide 12 says it was the VACCINATED driving the high infection numbers during the summer of 2021, as “61% of COVID-19 of COVID-19 hospitalizations occurred in fully vaccinated individuals in the week of July 24 alone.
The study concluded that the jabs are more effective at preventing hospitalization than infection, and that “prior COVID-19 infection has a major protective effect against breakthrough hospitalization.” The study was done by the Defense Department’s Project Salus.
NYT Issues Massive Correction on Children’s COVID Hospitalizations
October 11, 2021
There’s a big difference between 900,000 and 63,000 but, apparently, The New York Times didn’t notice when they published a story about children hospitalized for COVID-19. Actually, only 63,000 were hospitalized from August 2020 to October 2021.
The Times’ October 6, 2021, article was riddled with other errors, too, that they acknowledged the next day. From incorrectly describing how regulators in Sweden and Denmark are handling the pandemic to giving the wrong date for the FDA’s planned meeting to discuss authorizing Pfizer’s vaccine for children, the Times was replete with mistakes.
In a criticism of the sloppy reporting, columnist and policy analyst Phil Kerpen curtly commented, “I see the NYT reporter is meeting her usual standards today.”
Underneath their correction, the NYT noted that the reporter, who focuses on science and global health, was “the 2019 winner of the Victor Cohn Prize for Excellence in Medical Science Reporting.”
So far, the CDC has not determined that any death was directly caused by the COVID shot, but that doesn’t mean the injections haven’t killed anyone. Calculations using VAERS data suggest the COVID shots have resulted in 212,000 excess deaths in the U.S.
An estimated 300,000 Americans suffered permanent disability from the COVID shots, and anywhere from 2 million to 5 million may have suffered adverse reactions
If you’re under the age of 50, your risk of dying from the vaccine is greater than your chance of dying from COVID-19
Dr. Peter Schirmacher, chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, who is recognized as one of the top 100 pathologists in the world, autopsied 40 patients who died within two weeks of their COVID jab, and found 30% to 40% of the deaths were conclusively due to the shot
One top neurologist claims to have 2,000 reportable vaccine injuries in 2021, compared to zero in the last 11 years. In all, 5% of her existing patients now have suspected vaccine injuries, but she has only filed two VAERS reports due to the complexity of the filing
Yesterday, October 8, 2021, I published a Highwire exclusive interview with Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant who is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries, and the fact that these injuries are rarely reported because of a faulty VAERS database design.
Today you’re in for yet another bombshell video: “Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis.” It’s the first episode of “The False Narrative Takedown Series,” produced by Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund.
“Vaccine Secrets” complements and supports everything Conrad shared in her interview, so I highly recommend saving these files on your computer and watching both of them. Both are available on Bitchute.
How Many Have Died From the COVID Jabs?
According to Kirsch, the COVID shots have already killed an estimated 200,000 Americans, a far higher number than the 15,386 deaths reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of September 17, 2021.1 You can find all the research for Episode 1 of the “False Narrative Takedown” series on
As noted by Kirsch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky claims no causative link has been found for any of these deaths. She’s not lying, per se. But she’s also not telling the whole truth.
So far, the CDC has not determined that any death was directly caused by the COVID shot, but that doesn’t mean the injections haven’t killed anyone. In this episode, Kirsch sets out to determine whether evidence of causality exists, and if so, what the actual death toll is likely to be.
Can VAERS Data Demonstrate Causality?
The big disconnect, Kirsch points out, is that the CDC insists that VAERS, as an early warning system, cannot prove (or disprove) causality. Kirsch argues that this is false. The idea that VAERS cannot show causality is part of how and why the CDC can claim none of the deaths is attributable to the COVID shot.
To prove his point, Kirsch gives the following analogy: Suppose you give a two-dose vaccine. After the first dose, nothing happens, but after the second dose, people die within 24 hours of a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). When you look at the VAERS data, what you would find is no reports associated with the first dose, and a rash of deaths after the second dose, and all within the same timeframe and with the same cause of death.
According to the CDC, you cannot ascribe any causality at all from that. To them, it’s just random chance that everyone died after the second dose, and from the same condition, and not the first dose or from another condition.
Kirsch argues that causality CAN be identified from this kind of data. It’s very difficult to come up with another explanation for why people die exactly 24 hours after their second dose.
For example, is it reasonable to assume that people with, say, undiagnosed heart conditions would die exactly 24 hours after getting a second dose of vaccine? Or that people with undiagnosed diabetes would die exactly 24 hours after their second dose?
Why not after the first dose, or two months after the second dose, or any other random number of hours or days, or for other random cause of death? Why would people randomly die of the same condition at the exact same time, over and over again?
Vaccine Program Needs To Be Halted Immediately
According to Kirsch, the vaccination program should be immediately halted, as the VAERS data suggest more than 200,000 Americans have already died, and more than 2 million have been seriously injured by the vaccines. Interestingly enough, Kirsch and his entire family took the COVID shot early on, so he’s not coming from an “anti-vax” position.
Ending the vaccinations would not spell disaster in terms of allowing COVID-19 to run rampant, as we now know there are safe and effective early treatment protocols that everyone can use, both at home and in the hospital. These treatments also work for all variants.
According to Kirsch, the CDC, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health are all “spreading misinformation about the vaccine versus early treatment.” In a nutshell, these agencies are saying the complete opposite of what is true — classic Orwellian doublespeak.
They claim the COVID shots are safe and effective, when the data show they’re neither, and they say there is no safe and effective early treatment, which is clearly false. At the same time, our medical freedoms are being stripped away under the guise of public health — all while an immense death toll is allowed to take place right before our eyes.
Kirsch is so confident in his analyses, he’s offered a $1 million academic grant to anyone who can show his analysis is flawed by a factor of four or more. So far, no one has stepped up to claim the prize. He’s even offered $1 million to any official willing to simply have a public debate with him about the data, and none has accepted the challenge.
As noted by Kirsch, “we’ve replaced debates as a way to settle scientific disagreements … with government-driven censorship and intimidation.” Medical recommendations are now also driven by the White House rather than medical experts and doctors themselves.
False Narratives Overview
In this episode, Kirsch goes through five false narratives about COVID jab safety, namely that:
The shots are safe and effective
No one has died from the COVID shot
You cannot use VAERS to determine causality
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is harmless
Only a few adverse events are associated with the shots and they’re all “mild”
He also reviews the five false narratives about what the solutions are:
Vaccines are the only way to end the pandemic
Vaccine mandates are therefore needed
Masks work
Early treatments do not work
Ivermectin is dangerous
COVID Shot Kills Five Times More People Than It Saves
Kirsch cites information from Dr. Peter Schirmacher, chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, who is recognized as one of the top 100 pathologists in the world.
Schirmacher did autopsies on 40 patients who died within two weeks of their COVID jab, and found 30% to 40% of them were conclusively due to the shot, as there was no other underlying pathology that could have caused the deaths. Now, he did not rule out that 100% of the deaths could have been caused by the shots. He just could not conclusively prove it.
There’s also Pfizer’s six-month study, which included 44,000 people. During the blinded period of the study, the deaths were just about even — 15 deaths in the vaccine group and 14 in the control group. So, one life was saved by the shot.
But then, after the study was unblinded and controls were offered the vaccine, another three in the original vaccine group died along with two original placebo recipients who opted to get the shot. None of these deaths was considered related to the Pfizer “vaccine,” yet no one knows what they actually died from.
So, the final tally ended up being 20 deaths in the vaccine group and 14 deaths in the control group. What this tells us is the Pfizer shot offers no all-cause mortality benefit. The shot saved one life, and killed six, which gives us a net-negative mortality rate. The reality is that five times more people are killed by the shot than are saved by it.
How to Calculate Excess Mortality
In the video, Kirsch explains how anyone can calculate the number of COVID shot deaths using VAERS data. What we’re looking at here is excess deaths, not background deaths of people who were going to die from a natural cause, such as old age, anyway. In summary, this is done by:
Determining the propensity to report
Determining the number of domestic deaths in the VAERS database
Determining the underreporting factor for serious events
Determining the background death rate, i.e., all deaths reported to VAERS by year
Calculating the number of excess deaths
Lastly, you would validate your findings using independent methods or comparing it to what others have found. Step-by-step instructions and calculations can be found in the document called “Estimating the Number of Vaccine Deaths in America.”3
More Than 200,000 Have Likely Been Killed by the Jabs
Between the documentation on his website and the video, you get a detailed in-depth understanding of how to do this and how Kirsch came to the conclusions made. Here, I will simply provide a summary rundown of Kirsch calculations and conclusions:
Propensity to report = same as in previous years
Number of domestic deaths in the VAERS database = 6,167 as of August 27, 2021
Under-reporting factor for serious events = 41 (i.e., for every 41 events, only one is reported)
Background VAERS death rate = 500 per year (this background death number will be subtracted twice, as most COVID jab recipients are receiving two doses. This gives us a very conservative estimate)
Excess deaths calculation = (6,167 – 2 x 500) x 41 = 212,000 excess deaths
Using the same calculation methods, Kirsch conservatively estimates more than 300,000 Americans have also been permanently disabled by the COVID shots. These estimates have been validated by four teams of researchers using other methods. (None of them used VAERS data.)
If you’re under the age of 50, your risk of dying from the vaccine is greater than your chance of dying from COVID-19.
Kirsch also demonstrates another calculation to show the COVID shots kill more people than the actual COVID-19 infection does. That calculation also shows that if you’re under the age of 50, your risk of dying from the vaccine is greater than your chance of dying from COVID-19, so it makes no sense from a risk-benefit perspective to get the jab if you’re younger than 50.
What’s more, since your risk of natural infection exponentially decreases over time (as natural herd immunity grows, your chance of infection approximately halves each year), the risks of the COVID shot rapidly outgrow any potential benefit with each passing year.
Examples of Adverse Events
Kirsch has also analyzed adverse events by symptom, calculating the rate at which they occur after the COVID shots compared to the average rate seen for all other vaccines combined from 2015- to 2019 for ages 20 to 60. Here’s a sampling:4
Pulmonary embolism, occurs at a rate 473 times higher than the normal incidence rate (i.e., if there was one pulmonary embolism event reported in VAERS on average for all vaccines, there were 473 events following a COVID injection)
Stroke, 326 times higher
Deep vein thrombosis 264.3 times higher
Appendicitis 145.5 times higher
Parkinson’s disease 55 times higher
Blindness 29.1 times higher
Deafness 44.7 times higher
Death 58.1 times higher
Interestingly, the most common cause of death in children aged 12 to 17 who got the COVID shot was pulmonary embolism. This was determined by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) after analyzing the deaths of 14 children. Coincidence? Or evidence of causality?
Anecdotes and Other Data Consistent With High Death Rate
Kirsch also cites anecdotal data that can clue us into what’s happening. One top neurologist claims to have 2,000 reportable vaccine injuries in 2021, compared to zero in the last 11 years.
In all, 5% of her existing patients now have suspected vaccine injuries. Yet this neurologist has only reported two of them, because she got so frustrated with the VAERS system. So, in this instance, the under-reporting rate is not 41, but 1,000. And she’s not alone. This is another classic real-world illustration of what the PA Deborah Conrad shared in yesterday’s article.
Canadian physician Dr. Charles Hoffe has also reported that 60% of his COVID jabbed patients have elevated D-dimer levels, which is indicative of blood clotting, and levels in many cases remained elevated for up to three months.
This too is evidence of causation, because your D-dimer level is a marker for blood clotting. Even if you don’t have obvious symptoms of clotting, it can indicate the presence of microclots. Hoffe discusses this in the video below.
Dr. Peter McCullough has also reported that troponin levels are elevated in many vaccinated patients. Troponin is a marker for heart damage, such as when you’re having a heart attack or myocarditis (heart inflammation). A level between 1 and 4 is indicative of an acute or recent heart attack. In case of a serious heart attack, troponin can remain elevated for five days.
In many patients who have received the COVID jab, the troponin level is between 35 and 50(!) and remains at that level for up to two months, which suggests massive damage is occurring to the heart. Yet this is what they’re routinely labeling as “mild” myocarditis. There’s absolutely nothing mild about this level of heart damage.
No Rate of Injury or Death Is Too Great
Unbelievably, there seems to be no ceiling above which the death and disability toll is deemed too great. Why aren’t the FDA and CDC concerned about safety when more than half a million side effect reports have been filed? How come nearly 15,000 reported deaths5 haven’t set off emergency alarms and in-depth investigations? Historically, 50 deaths have been the cutoff point at which a vaccine is pulled.
Considering the unprecedented risks of these shots, I urge you to review as much data as you can before you jump on the booster bandwagon. Based on everything I’ve seen, I believe the risk of side effects is likely going to exponentially increase with each dose.
If you need a refresher on the potential mechanisms of harm, download and read Stephanie Seneff’s excellent paper,6 “Worse Than The Disease: Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19,” published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research in collaboration with Dr. Greg Nigh.
To Conspire: a general agreement to keep silent about a subject for the purpose of keeping it secret…the actitivity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal
The term “conspiracy theorist” was a term made by the CIA to stop critical thinkers from asking questions.
The Public private partnership
This graphic above shows connections between the Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, WHO, GAVI and other NGOs and Big Pharma…
It contains round about 6500 objects including like Persons, NGOs, Companies, Documents, etc. It also includes more than 7200 links between them, including the payment flows and, in part, the amounts that have flowed.
In the case of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, you can already see on page 4 of the document that this foundation spent around $ 43 billion in the US alone between 1994 and 2021 and distributed around half a billion in funds in Germany during this period .
Bayer’s troubled past links with the Nazis’ most notorious death camp – Auschwitz.
It was Bayer, together with two other chemical giants, BASF and Hoechst, which developed the terrible chlorine gas used in World War I.
In 1925, the three formed a giant cartel, IG Farben, which became the world’s leader in pharmaceuticals, dyes, and chemicals.
In 1939 a “Drug Trust” alliance was formed by the Rockefeller empire and the German chemical company I.G. Farben (Bayer) and I.G. Farben was dismantled into separate corporations as General Mills, Kellogg, Nestle, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Procter and Gamble, Roche and Hoechst (Sanofi-Aventis).
The Rockefeller empire, in tandem with Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase), owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States.
It is the largest drug manufacturing combine in the world.
Popular Pharmaceutical Company Bayer Bought Concentration Camp Victims in WWII
Bayer bought many of these prisoners from the Auschwitz camp who were to be used for the testing of a new sleeping pill or unmarked medicines were injected into the test subjects, causing them all to die.
Since WWII, the pharmaceutical industry has steadily netted increasing profits to become the world’s second largest manufacturing industry; after the arms industry.
The estimated worldwide sales for pharmaceuticals prescription was about $400 billion in 2002 while Americans spent roughly 200 billion dollars.
This reminds us that the lab origins of the current pandemic are hardly novel; that every “pandemic” has had lab origins since 1984, when Anthony Fauci started working at the NIAID, starting with AIDS.
“We’ve been lied to for 40 years…[HIV] was spread by a Hepatitis vaccination program with a contaminated vaccine. Who dies in the first wave of HIV? All the people that had HIV and XMRV; mouse viruses from a contaminated blood supply. This is what our book showed…
You can’t mix animal tissue, aborted fetal tissue; that you’re actually injecting into the most vulnerable people another animal’s virome..And other viruses..
Dr Judy Mikovits joins Mike Adams and she’s dismayed, that despite all of her best efforts to warn people for the past year and the best efforts of people like Dr Luc Montagnier, Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and many others who predicted this mass murder, and yet it happened, anyway.
To understand what Fauci did….”HIV Has Never Been Isolated”!!!
– Channel 4 News (1998) The same happened now again with Sars-Cov / Covid!!!
There is no isolated virus that causes Covid-19; the vaccine causes Covid-19 spike protein!
Understand the Enemy, not only who they are, but what they have done and plan to do ….
HORROR: FDA Bought Fetal Heads for Humanized Mice Experiments
Judicial Watch received 198 pages of records and communications from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) involving “humanized mice” research with human fetal heads, organs and tissue, including communications and contracts with human fetal tissue provider Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR). Most of the records are communications and related attachments between Perrin Larton, a procurement manager for ABR, and research veterinary medical officer Dr. Kristina Howard of the FDA.
Seize Ownership to get control of your body, your land, your earnings …
Pfizer seizes HMAS Stirling Naval Base after Morrison fails to meet vaccination targets
Pfizer has taken control of HMAS Stirling Naval Base in Western Australia, after EZFKA Prime Minister Scott Morrison failed to meet vaccination targets for the third month in a row.
“If you were wondering why Ivermectin was suppressed, well it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to excape their contract, which states that even if a drug will be found to treat COVID 19 the contract cannot be voided”
The CDC & FDA knew all this side-effects would happen and still pushing this vax.
That means this is intentionally.
All under the authority happening of the World Economic Forum and the UN partnership where every country has a membership and accept this dictatorship!
Do you read:
“More Evidence That They Know the Covid Vaccine Is Killing and Maiming People and Yet They Continue Their Death Program” Here is a doctor and chief RN in a US Department of Health & Human Services Hospital reporting that the official protocol is NOT to report adverse reactions to the vaccine, NOT to treat Covid patients with safe and effective Ivermectin, indeed, it is impermissible to do so and you are fired if you save lives with Ivermectin, and NOT to permit staff to refuse inoculation based on informed consent from seeing the deadly effects of the vaccine on patients!!!
This is not happening from incompetence and lack of knowledge.
People are being systematically murdered, and Covid is being blamed. All adverse vaccine reactions are blamed on Covid, not on the vaccine, and this lie is used to justify not reporting the adverse event.
IMPORTANT for all vaccinated
For those of you who are having graphene oxide poisoning symptoms, doctors are finding that it is very important to start on the Fennel Seed Tea and drink it TWICE per day, am and pm.
If you missed why Fennel Seed Tea is important continue reading: Suramin:
Dr. Judy Mikovitz who has studied viruses her entire career (she worked on the Aids Virus with NO MASKS OR PPE equipment because she understands how viruses are actually transmitted…) has talked about Pine Needle tea as a possible antidote for the vax due to it having Suramin.
However, a Food Chemist and Product Formulator who is also a neurosurgeon by trade has warned me against using (or recommending others)
Pine Needle tea due to Creosote being an active ingredient in Pine Needle Tea. Creosote damages the liver so if a person is already immune compromised, then pine needle tea can cause big problems.
He has instead recommended Fennel Seed Tea which also has Suramin but is much safer to take. A great article written about how this antidote is thought to work:
Nurses Launch Underground COVID Treatment as Hospitals Commit Murder
While hospitals intentionally kill patients by ignoring effective early treatment and administering poisonous experimental drugs, some nurses are living up to their life-saving oath!
Prepare yourself mentally and physically with food, water, benzine, candles etc.
Millitairy is the only way to arrest all who conspire against us.
AUSTRALIA IS EXPLODING!!! Government still forcing the Vaxx
With thanks to all articles shared by researching patriots around the world, to make this compilation of news articles…you all shine light on the dark..
With gratitude to you all. Let’s help each other to conquer the dark.
Comfort and guide all who are waking up.
In an opinion piece for the LaCross Tribune, the education commissioner for New Hampshire poses what some vaccine-focused health officials on the COVID front lines might call a radical idea: Why not work on getting healthy to fight COVID?
“It’s not an anti-vaccination statement to say, vaccinating Americans will not make Americans healthy,” Frank Edelblut begins. He then cites studies showing that COVID patients with a range of comorbidities are more at risk for both getting COVID and having a severe case of it, and even dying.
And, he adds, most of the comorbidities are diseases directly connected with poor lifestyle choices, beginning with obesity, which he says is “the top health condition to death with a 30% higher chance of death, and diabetes with complications with a 26% higher chance of death.”
All of the health choices are ones that support focusing on getting healthy to fight COVID, Edelblut says: “If ever you needed a reason to make a commitment to get healthy, a global pandemic could be just the ticket.”
We’re told to “trust the science” and “follow the science.” But what science are we supposed to follow? There’s plenty of scientific evidence refuting everything we’re told to accept as “fact,” including the claim that masks work, that lockdowns slow down the spread, that school closures protect children, that there are no effective early treatments for COVID-19, and that the fast-tracked COVID shots are safe, effective and necessary even if you have natural immunity
Four whistleblowers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently stepped forward to expose corruption within the EPA that is allowing dangerous chemicals to be approved
The EPA, according to these whistleblowers, is violating the Toxic Substances Control Act, and when staffers actually follow the science wherever it leads, they are punished
Scientists have sounded the alarm, saying our reproductive capability is so severely impacted by toxic environmental factors that by 2045, all couples will require fertility treatment. If true, this signals a true existential emergency, but the declining sperm count findings are now being reframed as a racist, “far right” ideological issue
Two philosophy professors are trying to debunk the work of reproductive health scientists who have spent their entire careers looking at this issue simply by interjecting their own ideology into the mix, all while accusing the actual scientists of ideology-based hype — and media are uncritically reporting it. This is why you cannot trust just any science
In the featured video,1 James Corbett of The Corbett Report explores what it means to “trust the science,” demolishing along the way the notion that science can ever be “settled” and beyond question. This is important, because scientific deception will continue to be used in the biosecurity state being built around us.
What Science Should You Trust?
With increasing frequency, we’re told to “trust the science” and “follow the science.” Yet what science are we supposed to follow? Exactly who’s an expert and who’s not, and who decides which is which? As I’ve been writing about for nearly two years now, there’s plenty of scientific evidence refuting everything we’re being told to accept as “fact.”
This includes the claim that masks protect against viral infection, that lockdowns slow down the spread, that school closures protect children, that there are no effective early treatments for COVID-19, and that the fast-tracked COVID shots are safe, effective and necessary even if you have natural immunity.
Whistleblowers Expose Corruption at the EPA
Corbett starts out by reviewing a recent Intercept story, published in two parts: “Whistleblowers Expose Corruption in EPA Chemical Safety Office,”2 published July 2, 2021, and “Leaked Audio Shows Pressure to Overrule Scientists in ‘Hair-On-Fire’ Cases,”3 published August 4, 2021.
According to four whistleblowers — Elyse Osterweil, Martin Phillips, Sarah Gallagher and William Irwin, all of whom are scientists employed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and hold doctorates in toxicology, chemistry, biochemistry and medicinal chemistry — managers and career staffers in the EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention have tampered with the risk assessments of dozens of chemicals to hide their dangers. According to The Intercept:4
“The whistleblowers, whose jobs involve identifying the potential harms posed by new chemicals, provided The Intercept with detailed evidence of pressure within the agency to minimize or remove evidence of potential adverse effects of the chemicals, including neurological effects, birth defects, and cancer.
On several occasions, information about hazards was deleted from agency assessments without informing or seeking the consent of the scientists who authored them.
Some of these cases led the EPA to withhold critical information from the public about potentially dangerous chemical exposures. In other cases, the removal of the hazard information or the altering of the scientists’ conclusions in reports paved the way for the use of chemicals, which otherwise would not have been allowed on the market.”
At the EPA, Following the Science Is a Punishable Offense
The EPA, according to these whistleblowers, is violating the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and when staffers actually do follow the science wherever it leads, they are punished.
In a statement to The Intercept and Rep. Ro Khanna, chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, the EPA whistleblowers state that they fear “their actions (or inactions) at the direction of management are resulting in harm to human health and the environment.”
They certainly have cause for concern. For example, one recent study5 warns exposure to organochlorine pesticides and polybrominated diphenyl ethers during pregnancy can cause the chemicals to accumulate in multiple fetal organs and contribute to chronic health problems. This is the first study to demonstrate that toxic chemicals can be present in the fetus even if the mother does not have detectable levels in her blood. As noted by Beyond Pesticides:6
“… studies like these help government and health officials better identify fetal exposure contaminants and subsequent health concerns otherwise missed by current chemical monitoring methods.”
In Part 27 of its report, The Intercept discusses a particular chemical that Irwin had been assessing. He had concerns that the unnamed chemical in question was analogous to bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical now recognized for its detrimental effects on reproduction, fertility and human hormones.
When he refused to sign off on the chemical as safe, he was removed from the assessment, and the chemical was approved, despite the potential harms he’d uncovered.
So, what scientists should we trust? Scientists like these four whistleblowers? Or “the EPA” as a catchall designation, where corrupt career managers have overruled the scientists doing the actual work and who have the actual science credentials?
Believing (the Wrong) Science Now Proves You’re Racist
As noted by Corbett, this issue is no small matter. Determining what science is “valid” and what’s not has enormous repercussions for society. To illustrate his point, he goes on to review the issue of hormone-disrupting chemicals and their reproductive effects.
Some scientists have sounded the alarm, saying our reproductive capability is so severely impacted by toxic environmental factors that by 2045, all couples will require fertility treatment if they want to conceive. Sperm counts have dropped precipitously ever since the 1970s, and the trend is showing no signs of leveling off.
If true, this signals a true existential emergency, but as has become the norm over the past couple of years, the declining sperm count issue is now being reframed as a racist, “far right” issue. This in and of itself ought to signal that we’ve left science and moved into ideology, but no.
The narrative we’re asked to swallow is the complete opposite: That the scientists who made these discoveries used sham science to fit an ideological narrative rooted in white supremacy. Meanwhile, “the science” offered by nonscientists says there’s no problem here, and that’s that.
Corbett cites a Quillette article by Geoffrey Kabat, “The Sperm Count Culture War,” published mid-June 2021, which states:8
“The latest entry in the sperm count debate comes from a Harvard-MIT research team led by philosophy professors Marion Boulicault and Sarah Richardson.
They recently published a paper in the journal Human Fertility entitled ‘The Future of Sperm Variability for Understanding Global Sperm Count Trends.’ They also published an article in Slate9 summarizing their findings for a lay audience.
While the scientific paper is dense and difficult to navigate, the Slate article gets straight to the point with its title: ‘The Doomsday Sperm Theory Embraced by the Far Right.’
Its subheading elaborates: ‘The idea that male fertility is on the decline is an old myth dressed up as science.’ The authors tell us why they believe the accepted science on declining sperm counts should be rejected:
‘The human species is in grave reproductive danger, according to recent headlines. Some scientists say that sperm counts in men around the world have been plummeting, with Western men approaching total infertility by 2045.
Far-right ‘Great Replacement’ theorists, who fear that people of color are ‘replacing’ the white population, have taken up the research with gusto …
The narrative that white, Western men are in danger of emasculation and disappearance has deep roots in white nationalist discourse. It is tied to a nostalgic cultural myth of a past in which white men held unchallenged power.'”
Human Extinction Concerns Dismissed as Fearmongering
As noted by Kabat, the two philosophy professors “all but ignore the science to focus on what they believe is more important — the ideological framing of the issue in socio-cultural discourse.”
Interestingly, the paper they published is in response to “what is widely considered to be the most definitive research on science of sperm count decline,” Kabat notes, and perhaps that’s why they did it. It’s real science being debunked as “science driven by ideology,” by nonscientists who have an ideological agenda but pretend not to!
Here we have two philosophy professors trying to debunk 50 years of research by some of the most respected researchers in the field — by declaring the whole investigation racist, misogynistic and “overtly white supremacist.” They roundly dismiss concerns about impending global infertility and thus human extinction, stating:10
“What these anxieties have in common with the threat of sperm count decline is the premise that, in an environmentally clean and appropriately-gendered social past, there existed an optimal and natural manifestation of masculinity …
It is all too easy for scientific institutions, with majority-white researchers, to center white people and further these myths, which circulate often unconsciously … The recent sperm count decline research demonstrates how racist, sexist, and Eurocentric ideas can get embedded in the categories that scientists use to analyze data.”
In their paper, Boulicault offer their own hypothesis to explain and dismiss the decline in sperm count as a natural variation that has no bearing on fertility or health — none of which is accurate or true.
Expertise Matters
The take-home message here is that philosophy professors can depose (or at least attempt to depose) a team of reproductive health scientists who have spent their entire careers looking at this issue, simply by interjecting their own ideology into the mix, all while accusing the actual scientists of ideology-based hype. And here’s how mainstream media covered this clearly insufficient debunking attempt:11
Yahoo! News — “Freaking Out About Declining Sperm Count? Don’t, Harvard Researchers Say.”
The Telegraph — “Threat of Human Extinction from Falling Sperm Counts Greatly Exaggerated.”
Haaretz — “Spermaggedon in the West? Relax, Harvard Has Good News for You.”
Vox — “Sperm Counts Are Falling. This Isn’t the Reproductive Apocalypse — Yet.”
Kabat writes:12
“None of the news stories … so much as remarked on the inflammatory rhetoric of the Boulicault paper, which will appear to the fair-minded reader as an activist manifesto masquerading as a scientific hypothesis. Even the New York Times fumbled this. It provided a useful discussion of some of the questions raised by the Harvard study and presented different points of view …
But it treated the study as a serious critique of the sperm count controversy, giving no indication of Boulicault and colleagues’ ideological framing of the issue or that their alternative hypothesis has little to do with science …
It is difficult to explain the deference paid to the Harvard paper by various commentators. Perhaps we are in a time in which even trained scientists are reluctant to call out an uninformed but ideologically fashionable treatment of a high-profile issue.”
Are You Seeing How This Applies to the COVID Narrative?
These stories tell us a lot about our current situation, where ideological gatekeepers are commanding us to “look here, not there.” Actual, reproducible science by bonafide scientists is being dismissed as “ideology masquerading as science,” while fake or flimsy science is being held up as the only science worthy of that designation.
If you chose to trust science that counters the technocratic transhumanist Deep State narrative, well, then you’re labeled a racist, a misogynist, a white supremacist, a domestic terrorist or some other unpleasant and derogatory term, the only purpose of which is to shame and shut you up.
As noted by Corbett, when politicians and health authorities urge us to “trust the science,” they are referring to select agency-branded science, meaning science that has the stamp of approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization, for example.
The assumption we’re supposed to accept is that these organizations aren’t tainted by the kind of corruption we’re now told exists within the EPA — financially driven corruption that sidelines actual scientists, even within those organizations, that may have serious concerns. But regulatory capture is a longstanding problem, and there’s no evidence to suggest it’s been rooted out of the agencies we’re now told to trust without question. As noted by Corbett:
“As ‘The Science’ more and more dictates whether you can step outside your own home, or what kind of experimental interventions you are forced or coerced into putting into your body against your will, I hope you understand that the stakes have been raised to the point where this is not some mere philosophical concern. This is the heart of the biosecurity state that we are being steeped in.”
In a stunning Project Veritas report, a nurse working for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services blows the whistle on how health officials are ignoring and covering up COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
Jodi O’Malley says she’s seen “dozens of people come in with adverse reactions,” including myocarditis, congestive heart failure and deaths, yet the reactions are not being reported even though the FDA and CDC say they are required to.
So if everyone is supposed to gather this data and report it, but no one is reporting it, how will anyone know the vaccine is truly safe? They don’t, O’Malley says. Instead, health officials are saying “just get the vaccine” and it will soon be over.
Why is O’Malley coming forward? One reason is that one of her coworkers who was forced to take the vaccine even though she didn’t want to, died after taking it. “Nobody should have to decide between their livelihood or take the vaccine,” she says.
O’Malley also expresses disbelief that people are being forced to take the vaccine when there are medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that have shown to be safe and effective against the virus, yet health officials who use it or allow others to use it can lose their jobs.
“This is evil,” she says. “This is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC that are both supposed to be protecting us and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”
New research shows that a simple saline solution stops replication of SARS-CoV-2 — the virus that causes COVID-19 — almost in its tracks.
The study began in early 2020 and was reported on the preprint server bioRxiV in August 2020. It’s now published in the journal Pharmacology & Translational Science, with the authors saying “In this study, we found that 1.5% NaCl inhibited virus replication by 100% in Vero cells, and 1.1% NaCl was sufficient to inhibit virus replication by 88% in Calu-3 cells.”
The researchers based their work on previous confirmed success with in vitro activity of sodium chloride (NaCl) against other RNA viruses such as mengovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza A, human coronavirus 229E and coxsackievirus B3.
The solution they used is considered “hypertonic,” in other words, it has a higher concentration of dissolved NaCl in it than would normally be found in an NaCl solution. Using the formula on monkey kidney cells, they found it’s possible that “hypertonic solutions could be investigated as a prophylaxis or an alternative treatment for COVID-19 patients.”
Noting that “nebulized 3% hypertonic saline treatment for infants with moderate to severe bronchiolitis is safe without any adverse events, such as bronchospasm, cough, or wheezing aggravation” and that previous studies show that “hypertonic saline nasal irrigation and gargling may have played a role in reducing symptoms and duration of illness caused by COVID-19,” they proposed that COVID treatment could involve a hypertonic form of nasal saline.
SOURCES: September 22, 2021
Pharmacology & Translational Science March 15, 2021
In a stunning Project Veritas report, a nurse working for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services blows the whistle on how health officials are ignoring and covering up COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
Jodi O’Malley says she’s seen “dozens of people come in with adverse reactions,” including myocarditis, congestive heart failure and deaths, yet the reactions are not being reported even though the FDA and CDC say they are required to.
So if everyone is supposed to gather this data and report it, but no one is reporting it, how will anyone know the vaccine is truly safe? They don’t, O’Malley says. Instead, health officials are saying “just get the vaccine” and it will soon be over.
Why is O’Malley coming forward? One reason is that one of her coworkers who was forced to take the vaccine even though she didn’t want to, died after taking it. “Nobody should have to decide between their livelihood or take the vaccine,” she says.
O’Malley also expresses disbelief that people are being forced to take the vaccine when there are medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that have shown to be safe and effective against the virus, yet health officials who use it or allow others to use it can lose their jobs.
“This is evil,” she says. “This is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC that are both supposed to be protecting us and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”
Cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough discusses why a key aspect of care — early treatment — has been missing from the pandemic
With no hope of early treatment, McCullough believes that most people became conditioned to wait for an injection
COVID-19 injections are waning in effectiveness and linked to an unacceptable number of serious injuries and deaths
McCullough is among a growing number of experts who believe COVID-19 injections are making the pandemic worse; indiscriminate vaccination is driving mutations, as the virus is mutating wildly to evade the injections
At 53:40 in the video, you can view McCullough’s early treatment regimen, which initially includes a nutraceutical bundle, progressing to monoclonal antibody therapy, anti-infectives like HCQ or ivermectin, antibiotics, steroids and blood thinners
The video above,1 featuring cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, is packed with sound logic, data and action steps that have the potential to turn the pandemic around — if only more people would listen.
Recorded at the Andrews University Village Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan, August 20, 2021, this presentation deserves to be heard, and I urge you to listen to it in its entirety. It will make you question why a key aspect of care — early treatment — has been missing from the pandemic.
McCullough, editor of two medical journals who has published 650 peer-reviewed papers, said this has been the first time in his career when he saw medical providers not offering early treatment for a disease.
Early COVID Treatment Saves Lives
The standard of care for COVID-19 has been to withhold treatment until a person is sick enough to be hospitalized. It typically takes two to three weeks for someone with COVID-19 to get sick enough to be hospitalized, and during that time early treatment can be lifesaving.
The rationale was that there have been no large, randomized trials conducted to know which treatments are safe and effective, but as McCullough said, “We can’t wait for large randomized trials … Something got in the minds of doctors and nurses and everyone to not treat COVID-19. I couldn’t stand it.” He and colleagues worked feverishly to figure out a treatment — why didn’t national health organizations do so also?
“Our government and other governments, and the entire world, has not lifted a finger to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death anywhere,” McCullough said, pointing out the irony: “If there was a kid with asthma, would we let the kid wheeze and choke for two weeks before the kid has to go to the hospital? No, we give the child medications. We don’t have randomized trials for every single thing that we do.”2
McCullough and colleagues realized that there are three major phases to COVID-19. It starts with virus replication, which then triggers inflammation, or a cytokine storm. This, in turn, leads to blood clotting. If enough micro blood clots form in the lungs, a person can’t get enough oxygen and dies. It’s a complex process, and no single drug is going to work to treat it, which is why McCullough uses a combination of drugs, as is done to treat HIV, staph and other infections.
Only about 6% of doctors’ decisions in cardiology are based on randomized trials. “Medicine is an art and a science, it takes judgment. What was happening is, I think out of global fear, no judgement was happening,” McCullough said,3 referring to doctors’ refusal to treat COVID-19 patients early on in the disease process.
Doctors Threatened for Treating COVID-19
Around the world, the unthinkable is happening: Doctors are being threatened with loss of their license or even prison for trying to help their patients. French doctor Didier Raoult suggested, early on, putting up a tent to try to treat covid-19 patients. He was put on house arrest. He has promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which initially was available over the counter — until France made it prescription only.4
In Australia, if a doctor attempts to treat a COVID-19 patient with HCQ, they could be put in prison. “Since when does a doctor get put in prison to try to help a patient with a simple generic drug?” McCullough said. In South Africa, he added, a doctor was put in prison for prescribing ivermectin.
In August 2020, McCullough’s landmark paper “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection” was published online in the American Journal of Medicine.5
The follow-up paper is titled “Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)” and was published in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine in December 2020.6 It became the basis for the home treatment guide.
While some physician organizations have stepped up and are treating COVID-19 patients, “The ivory tower today still is not treating patients. The party line in my health system is, do not treat a COVID-19 patient as an outpatient. Wait for them to get sick enough to be admitted. Because my health system … follows the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control, period.”
Conditioned to Wait for an Injection
With no hope of early treatment, McCullough believes that most people became conditioned to wait for an injection. “We became conditioned, after about May or so, to wear a mask, wait in isolation and be saved by the vaccine. And wait for the vaccine. And all we could hear about is the vaccine.”
The injections were developed, but they’re different than any prior vaccines and have been losing effectiveness while causing an unacceptable number of serious injuries and deaths. For comparison, in 1976, a fast-tracked injection program against swine flu was halted after an estimated 25 to 32 deaths.7
According to McCullough in the video, if a new drug comes on the market and five deaths occur, the standard is to issue a black box warning stating the medication may cause death. With 50 deaths, the product is pulled from the market, he says. Now consider this: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database showed that — for all vaccines combined before 2020 — there were about 158 total deaths reported per year.
By January 22, 2021, there were already 182 deaths reported for COVID-19 injections, with just 27.1 million people vaccinated. This was more than enough to reach the mortality signal of concern to stop the program, McCullough said.
“We’ve already crossed the line of concern January 22. And if there was a data safety monitoring board — I know, because I do this work — we would have had an emergency meeting and said, wait a minute, people are dying after the vaccine. We’ve got to figure out why.”8
It’s standard to have an external critical event committee, an external data safety monitoring board and a human ethics committee for large clinical trials — such as the mass COVID-19 injection program, but these were not put into place.
“This is something we’ve never seen in human medicine — a new product introduced and just going full-steam ahead with no check on why people are dying after the vaccine,” McCullough said. On two occasions, the CDC and FDA — in March and in June — reviewed the data and said none of the deaths are related to the vaccines. “I think this is malfeasance,” he stated.
Fast-forward to July 30, 2021, and VAERS data showed 12,366 Americans have died after a COVID0-19 injection.9 In an analysis of COVID-19 vaccine death reports from VAERS, researchers found that 86% of the time, nothing else could have caused the death, and it appears the vaccine was the cause.10
The Spike Protein Is Dangerous
Your body recognizes the spike protein in COVID-19 jabs as foreign, so it begins to manufacture antibodies to protect you against COVID-19, or so the theory goes. But there’s a problem. The spike protein itself is dangerous and known to circulate in your body at least for weeks and more likely months11 — perhaps much longer — after the COVID jab.
In your cells, the spike protein damages blood vessels and can lead to the development of blood clots.12 It can go into your brain, adrenal glands, ovaries, heart, skeletal muscles and nerves, causing inflammation, scarring and damage in organs over time. McCullough also believes that the spike protein is present in donated blood, and they’ve notified the Red Cross and the American Association of Blood Banking.
Messenger RNA (mRNA) platforms have been under study for years, in most cases being designed to replace a defective gene, which could potentially be used for cancer or heart failure treatment, for example.
In November 2020, however, Pfizer, in a joint venture with Germany-based BioNTech, announced that their mRNA-based injection was “more than 90% effective” in a Phase 3 trial.13 This does not mean that 90% of people who get injected will be protected from COVID-19, as it’s based on relative risk reduction (RRR).
The absolute risk reduction (ARR) for the jab is less than 1%. “Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the jab, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a jab, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs,” researchers wrote in The Lancet Microbe in April 2021.14
McCullough believes the mass injection campaign is an incredible violation of human ethics, in part because no one should be pressured, coerced or threatened into using an investigational product.
No attempts have been made to present or mitigate risks to the public, such as giving it only to people who really need it — not to low risk groups like children and young people and those who are naturally immune to COVID-19 due to prior infection. “I think this is the most disturbing thing,” he said.
The Injections Don’t Stop COVID-19, Can Be Deadly
The CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) posted online July 30, 2021, details an outbreak of COVID-19 that occurred in Barnstable County, Massachusetts — 74% of the cases occurred in fully vaccinated people.15
Indiscriminate vaccination is driving mutations, as the virus is mutating wildly to evade the injections. Their effectiveness, too, is rapidly waning. A study published in medRxiv, using data from the Mayo Clinic Health System, revealed that during periods of Alpha and Delta variant prevalence, Moderna’s injection was 76% effective while Pfizer’s effectiveness was only 42%.16
A little-known fact is that Moderna’s jab has three times the dose of Pfizer’s, but, curiously, health officials aren’t even discussing this or giving the public updates on which of the three injections work “best.” The narrative is simple and straightforward — get an injection, any injection.
Yet, as McCullough noted, the virus has mutated, and the vaccines aren’t working the way health officials had hoped: “The vaccines don’t stop COVID-19, at least not completely, and they’re not a shield against mortality.”17
Similar to VAERS, the U.K. maintains a “Yellow Card” reporting site to report adverse effects to vaccines and medications.18
Tess Lawrie, whose company The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy has worked with the World Health Organization, analyzed U.K. Yellow Card data and concluded that there’s more than enough evidence to pull the injections from the market because they’re not safe for human use. The report stated:19
“It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest include thromboembolism, multisystem inflammatory disease, immune suppression, autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).”
Early Treatment Is Crucial
McCullough is trying to get the word out about the importance of early treatment of COVID-19. Early ambulatory therapy with a sequenced-multidrug regimen is supported by available sources of evidence and has a positive benefit-to-risk profile to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.
At 53:40 in the video, you can view McCullough’s early treatment regimen, which initially includes a nutraceutical bundle. While you’re recovering at home, open your windows and get plenty of fresh air and ventilation in your home.
If symptoms persist or worsen, he recommends calling your doctor and demanding monoclonal antibody therapy. The treatment progresses to include anti-infectives like HCQ or ivermectin, antibiotics, steroids and blood thinners.
If your doctor refuses to treat COVID-19 in the early stages, find a new one and/or visit a telemedicine clinic that will help, as “the prehospital phase is the time of therapeutic opportunity.”
McCullough’s early treatment regimen
McCullough is among a growing number of experts who believe COVID-19 injections are making the pandemic worse. They “have an unfavorable safety profile and are not clinically effective, thus they cannot be generally supported in clinical practice at this time.”
Logically, this is clear, but McCullough believes we’re dealing with a mass psychosis that is preventing people from seeing the light. “The whole world is in a trance,” he said, adding:20
“Things are getting disturbingly out of control and it’s in the context of the virus. It is clear … we are in a very special time in the history of mankind. Whatever is going on, it is the entire world … every human being in the world. It appears to have a program.
The program … is happening to promote as much fear, isolation, suffering, hospitalization and death in order to get a needle in every arm, at all costs. That is what’s going on, and no one in this room can disagree.”
The goal post for “public safety” has been moved further and further away. At regular intervals during the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been another Chicken Little warning that the sky is still falling and that we must not let down our guard
In a Wall Street Journal essay, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis urges readers not to trust “the elites,” pointing out that “Influential people in public health, government and the media” have “failed to rise to the moment”
In a recent U.S. Senate hearing, Sen. Rand Paul confronted Dr. Anthony Fauci, calling him out for the “theatre” of wearing a mask after being vaccinated
BBC News reports mask wearing and social distancing in the U.K. may need to continue for “several years;” Britons must wait for other nations to get fully vaccinated before they can go back to any sense of normalcy
The more you give in and obey, the more you have to give in and obey
This article was previously published April 2, 2021, and has been updated with new information.
While COVID-19 can hardly be called a major public health threat anymore, having now reached endemic status (like the seasonal flu), the fearmongerers who need this crisis to continue in order to complete the implementation of a Great Reset to “build back better” the global economy and social structure aren’t letting up.
In a mid-March 2021 appearance on MSNBC News, National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins expressed dismay at the public’s display of independence, saying:
“Oh my God, Florida, stay out of the bars with your masks off! What are you doing? This is exactly the wrong thing to be doing unless you want to end up where Europe is.”
He’s referring to a new variant of SARS-CoV-2 that is, allegedly — now known as Delta — “causing so many problems” in Europe. But is it really? To be clear, there will be many new variants of this virus, just as the seasonal flu changes and evolves from year to year. The thing is, as viruses mutate within a population over time, they tend to become more benign.
Mutations: ‘Much Ado About Nothing’
As reported by Mary Petrone, Ph.D., and Nathan Grubaugh, assistant professor in the department of epidemiology and microbial diseases at Yale, in a March 2020 CNN Health article:1
“A recent scientific article suggested that the novel coronavirus responsible for the Covid-19 epidemic has mutated into a more ‘aggressive’ form. Is this something we need to worry about? No, and here’s why …
The effects of mutation in real life are nuanced and generally innocuous. Using the idea of mutation to incite fear is harmful, especially in the midst of an epidemic like COVID-19 …
The genetic material of the virus is RNA, not DNA like in humans. Unlike with human DNA, when viruses copy their genetic material, it does not proofread its work. Because RNA viruses essentially operate without a spell-check, they often make mistakes.
These ‘mistakes’ are mutations, and viruses mutate rapidly compared to other organisms. While this might sound frightening, mistakes during replication usually produce changes that are neutral or even harmful to the newly generated virus. Neutral mutations, which neither improve nor hinder viruses’ survival, may continue to circulate without any noticeable change in the people they infect.
Mutations that are harmful to the viruses are less likely to survive and are eliminated through natural selection. Fortunately, when mutations occur that help a virus spread or survive better, they are unlikely to make a difference in the course of an outbreak.
Viral traits such as infectiousness and disease severity are controlled by multiple genes, and each of those genes may affect the virus’ ability to spread in multiple ways. For example, a virus that causes severe symptoms may be less likely to be transmitted if infected people are sick enough to stay in bed.
As such, these traits are like blocks in a Rubik’s cube; a change in one characteristic will change another. The chances of a virus navigating these complex series of trade-offs to become more severe during the short timescale of an outbreak are extremely low.”
The Ever-Moving Goal Post
If you’ve paid attention, you’ve likely noticed that the goal post for “public safety” has been moved further and further away as we’ve gone along. At regular intervals, there’s been another Chicken Little warning that the sky is still falling and that we must not let down our guard.
First it was the number of deaths that was cause for alarm. Now we know that many of the so-called COVID-19 deaths were not, in fact, caused by the virus, while erroneous epidemiological models predicted millions of deaths lest drastic measures were taken.
As PCR testing took off, rising “case” loads seemed to confirm such dire predictions, sparking widespread panic. With 20/20 hindsight, we now realize that the cycle thresholds of these tests were set so high that even healthy, uninfected and noninfectious people tested positive.
This, in turn, allowed for the myth of asymptomatic spread to take root, and that then became the fear trigger, with everyone being a potential threat, no matter how healthy they appear.
The solution offered was for everyone to wear a mask at all times. Or two. Or perhaps three. Fortunately, even the experts backed off from suggestions of four layers. Yet, from the start, we knew, based on published science, that masks don’t work against viruses.
As “cases” skyrocketed in tandem with fraudulent PCR testing, we were then told the best thing to do is shut everything down for two weeks to prevent overloading hospitals. The message was: Stay home, save a life, let the virus die out.
But even though hospitals remained at functional capacity in most areas, as “cases” (read false positives) continued to rise, two-week lockdowns were turned into three weeks, then four. In some areas, lockdowns dragged on for months, yet it didn’t seem to have the desired effect on the case load. By this time, hospital capacity was entirely forgotten.
As lockdowns continued and people started to grumble, the “experts” in charge of this global organization (or more accurately, reorganization) warned that this was the new normal. The new message was now: Settle in. Get used to it. The virus doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, so our only hope is a vaccine. We just have to keep it together until then, and then we’ll all be safe again.
Alas, flies in the ointment appeared in the form of inexpensive treatments that worked just fine, and scientists and medical doctors sharing concerns about these novel “vaccines” that really aren’t and the public health dangers of lockdowns.
Censorship unlike anything the world has ever seen before was launched, and vaccine-deniers became the new enemy — worse even than those pesky asymptomatic healthy people that refuse to wear a mask.
Something had to be done about free thinkers and question-raisers, and so the goal post was moved again. That’s when the message changed to: The whole world, all 7-plus billion people, must get vaccinated, or else we’re all toast. This way, people will turn on each other and force each other to comply and stop with the questioning.
We cannot simply undo the harm caused by flawed policies advocated by our elites, but we can resolve that we never let this happen to our country again. ~ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
And so it continues. The sky hasn’t fallen yet, but we’re promised that unless we comply, it surely will. The latest message is: Any day now. Just a matter of time. Obey, and the experts will make sure we survive the inevitable pandemonium. Now, vaccine passports are being rolled out, and both private companies and entire nations are considering restricting any sense of normalcy to vaccinated-only. Are you tired of chasing the goal post yet?
Chicken Little’s Puppet Masters
In a Wall Street Journal essay2 published March 18, 2021, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis urged readers not to trust “the elites,” pointing out that “Influential people in public health, government and the media” have “failed to rise to the moment.” He went on:
“The COVID-19 pandemic represented a test of elites in the U.S., from public-health experts to the corporate media. The results have been disappointing. Policy makers who bucked the elites and challenged the narrative have been proven right to do so.
To begin with, highly publicized epidemiological models were as consequential as they were wrong … The lockdowns failed to stop the virus but did a great deal of societal damage along the way — damage that a more targeted approach, seeking to reduce total harms, would have been able to avoid (and did, in places like Sweden and Florida) …
Elites sent conflicting messages about the efficacy of cloth masks, the uniformity of risk across age brackets, the danger of outdoor transmission … Perhaps most damaging to public trust was the public-health campaign urging ‘15 Days to Slow the Spread’ … Going from ‘save the hospitals’ to ‘zero COVID’ represents one of the greatest instances in history of moving the goal post …
While it was abundantly clear by May that schools represented low-risk environments for the spread of COVID and that the consequences of prolonged school closures were potentially catastrophic, the corporate media did its best to obscure the data and stoke fear and panic among parents and teachers.
Had the media presented the data on schools in a rational fashion with proper context and perspective … millions of students would be in markedly better shape academically and socially.
For months we were told to ‘trust the experts,’ but far too often over the past year those who were most influential in our society — in public health, government and media — proved incapable of rising to the moment … We cannot simply undo the harm caused by flawed policies advocated by our elites, but we can resolve that we never let this happen to our country again.”
Who’s in Charge, Really?
DeSantis’ definition of “elites” is basically prominent public health and corporate media leaders. That may be appropriate for the critique offered in his article, but even these influential individuals are mere foot soldiers in the bigger scheme of things.
Above them towers a pyramidical power structure populated by globalist entities — nongovernmental organizations, think-tanks, private corporations and billionaire philanthropists — many of which we’ve never even heard of, and who rule without being seen.
In fact, the motto of one of the most influential yet universally overlooked global powerhouses, the Swedish Wallenberg family dynasty, is “Esse non videri,” or in Swedish, “Att verka utan att synas,”3 which translates into “To operate without being seen.”
The Wallenbergs’ involvement in banking, and technological and power infrastructure grants them immense power over entire nations, not to mention the global intelligence and surveillance apparatus as a whole.
I suspect that in the final analysis, we will find the little country of Sweden may actually be a most significant power player in the Great Reset. The hope, of course, is that by exposing this nefarious global takeover plan, we can stop it and reverse course.
Fauci Called Out for His Theatrical Performance
More locally we have Dr. Anthony Fauci, who surely qualifies as an elitist pharmaceutical priest, of sorts, whose advice we ought to balance with more rational perspectives. In a recent U.S. Senate hearing over the COVID-19 pandemic, Sen. Rand Paul confronted Fauci about his mask recommendations, saying:4,5
“You’re telling everybody to wear a mask, whether they’ve had an infection or a vaccine. What I’m saying is that they have immunity, and everybody agrees they have immunity.
What studies do you have that people that have had the vaccine or have had the infection … are spreading the infection? If we’re not spreading the infection, isn’t it just theater? You’ve had the vaccine and you’re wearing two masks, isn’t that theater?”
When Fauci tries to defend his position by bringing up the issue of new variants that the vaccine may or may not defend against, which he says necessitates the use of a mask even if vaccinated, Paul strikes back saying:
“What studies show significant reinfection, hospitalization and death from the variants? None in our country. Zero. You’re making your policy based on conjecture. You have the conjecture that we’re going to get variants so you want people to wear a mask for another couple of years.
You’ve been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show. You can’t get it again … You’re defying everything we know about immunity by telling people to wear masks who have been vaccinated … If you have immunity, [wearing a mask] is theater. You’re wearing a mask to give comfort to others. You’re not wearing a mask because of any science.”
Masks and Social Distancing Here to Stay?
In related news, BBC News reported in April 2021 that mask wearing and social distancing in the U.K. may need to continue for “several years.”6 So said Mary Ramsay, head of immunization at Public Health England. Another extension on the foreign holiday (vacation) ban was also being considered.
The reason, again, was that no one can be free until the whole world has gotten vaccinated. The idea being presented, as DeSantis pointed out, is that we now have to reach a COVID-free state before we can start living life again. Meaning, as long as there’s a single specimen of SARS-CoV-2 anywhere on the planet, the whole world is at risk, as it will spread and grow, so no one can live as they please until the virus has been eradicated.
The goal post is now so far in the future, we can’t even see a glimmer of it in the distance anymore. The old saying, “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile,” seems apt at this point.
At some stage, you must realize that the more you give in and obey, the more you have to give in and obey. There really is no end to what they can take from you, and holding on to the belief that your government would never [fill in the blank] is becoming more dangerous by the day.
It’s also important to realize that your government isn’t the ultimate power. Our government officials take orders too, believe it or not, from what is now commonly known as the deep state. It’s not a government at all, but a global, hidden power structure that is accountable to no one, while influencing and manipulating everyone to bring about a new world order.
The New World Order
In years past, this shadowy cabal of power brokers were referred to under the term the New World Order. In 2020, the World Economic Forum came out on the public stage and announced the Great Reset, which is nothing but the NWO rebranded. So, it’s a conspiracy no more.
In the video above, investigative journalist Harry Vox talks about disease outbreaks, quarantines and curfews being essential tools in the ruling class’ toolkit, and how these tools were planned to be used to usher in the next phase of control.
The interview, which took place in 2014, sounds more than a little prophetic today, as these three indispensable tools for totalitarian control have been part of our reality for the entire first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. In it, Vox also refers to “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” a document by the Rockefeller Foundation, in which they lay out their “Lockstep” scenario, which details the global response to a lethal pandemic.
The Lockstep Scenario
While the name and origin of the virus differ, the scenario laid out in this document matches many of the details of our present. A deadly viral pandemic. A deadly effect on economies. International mobility coming to a screeching halt, debilitating industries, tourism and global supply chains. “Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers,” the document reads.
“In the absence of official containment protocols,” the virus spread like wildfire. In this narrative, the U.S. administration’s failure to place strict travel restrictions on its citizens proved to be a fatal flaw, as it allowed the virus to spread past its borders. China, on the other hand, fared particularly well due to its rapid imposition of universal quarantines of all citizens, which proved effective for curbing the spread of the virus.
Many other nations where leaders “flexed their authority” and imposed severe restrictions on their citizens — “from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries of communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets” — also fared well.
Listen to the disbelief in the interviewer’s voice when he asks if Vox actually believes that such a thing could happen, that we would have to stand in line to get our temperature checked before entering a building.
Well, every single one of us has now had to do this at least a few times, so we know it’s possible. And if that’s possible, why not the rest of the Lockstep plan, which tells us that: “Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck, and even intensified.”
We can no longer afford to disbelieve the lengths to which the globalist elites, the unelected deep state, can and will go to seize total control over our global resources and people. They’ve already told us what the ultimate plan is — to use bioterrorism to take control of the world’s resources, wealth and people.
All we need to do is to believe it, and realize that the only thing giving them the power to impose their will is our fear. As long as we choose fear and demand our government keep us safe from pathogens, they have every chance of winning.
Natural Immunity wains at only 5% per month.
Vaccine Immunity wains at 40% per month
More than 15 studies now show the natural immunity you get after recovering from COVID-19 is far superior and more long-lasting than what you get from the COVID shot
Lawsuits challenge vaccine requirements that fail to accept natural immunity as an alternative to the COVID injection
Todd Zywicki, a law professor at George Mason University in Virginia, sued over the school’s vaccine mandate, which did not recognize natural immunity. The school settled out of court, granting Zywicki a medical exemption. They did not, however, change their general policy to recognize other staff and students who have natural immunity
Some of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against Rutgers University in New Jersey also object to the vaccine mandate on the basis that they have natural immunity. This lawsuit is still pending
Since COVID shots do not prevent infection or spread of the virus, and COVID-jabbed individuals carry the same viral load when symptomatic as unvaccinated individuals, the argument that vaccine passports will identify and separate “public health threats” from those who are “safe” to be around simply falls apart
While governments around the world are going full steam ahead with plans for vaccine passports, two key things have occurred that blow irreparable holes in the whole argument.
First, more than 15 studies now show the natural immunity you get after recovering from COVID-19 is far superior and longer-lasting than what you get from the COVID shot, and secondly, lawsuits have challenged vaccine requirements that fail to accept natural immunity as an alternative to the COVID injection. Other lawsuits highlighting the illegalities of vaccine mandates have also been filed.
The Zywicki Case
As reported by the New York Post,1 August 4, 2021, when George Mason University in Virginia decided to implement a vaccine mandate, law professor Todd Zywicki sued.2 Mason recovered from COVID-19 in 2020 and has natural immunity, as demonstrated by several antibody tests. One of his attorneys, Harriet Hageman, stated:
“Common sense and medical science should underpin GMU’s actions. Both have gone missing with this latest effort to force a distinguished professor to take a vaccine that he does not need — not for his own protection nor for anyone else’s safety at Scalia Law School.”
The lawsuit pointed out that people with natural immunity have an increased risk of adverse reactions to the COVID shot — according to one study3 up to 4.4 times the risk of clinically significant side effects — and that the requirement not only violates due process rights and the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment, but is not compliant with the Emergency Use Authorization.4
A Win for GMU Professor but No Legal Precedent
August 17, 2021, George Mason University caved before the case went to trial and granted Zywicki a medical exemption to the vaccine requirement.5 Unfortunately, and irrationally, the school did not revise its general policy. As reported by Citizens Journal:6
“The school’s acknowledgment of natural immunity is significant given the serial case of amnesia that seems to have overtaken the world on this basic point of biology.
However, the school still maintains the vaccination requirement for all other members of the GMU community, regardless of naturally acquired immunity. At the time of this writing, the same medical exemption has not been offered on a broader scale.
Furthermore, the lawsuit would have served as an interesting test case for vaccine mandate-related litigation, which will become more prevalent as time goes on. Regardless, the victory still serves as a sliver of hope that some universities will entertain reasonable arguments and that individuals can fight back with litigation …
With the GMU case resolved without trial, many critical legal arguments went untested. For example, does the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause apply to vaccine mandates, or does the state have the ability to suspend such rights when responding to a public health emergency?
How does the reliability of natural immunity affect the constitutionality of policies that fail to recognize it? Can the government simply cherry-pick whatever science it wants to justify its policies? According to the court filing,7
‘The Supreme Court has recognized that the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to privacy. A ‘forcible injection … into a nonconsenting person’s body represents a substantial interference with that person’s liberty[.]’ Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210, 229 (1990).’
Given this precedent, as well as the state’s police powers to suspend individual rights under compelling circumstances, how will this apply to Covid-19 in a low-risk environment such as a college campus?
If the right still holds, how will it apply to city-wide vaccine passport programs, given that Covid-19 is a relatively mild disease? … The move is also mysterious, given the relevance of the matter. As a result, it did not create a binding legal precedent.”
In a statement, lead counsel Jenin Younes with the New Civil Liberties Alliance, said:8
“NCLA is pleased that GMU granted Professor Zywicki’s medical exemption, which we believe it only did because he filed this lawsuit. According to GMU, with the medical exemption, Prof. Zywicki may continue serving the GMU community, as he has for more than two decades, without receiving a medically unnecessary vaccine and without undue burden.
Nevertheless, NCLA remains dismayed by GMU’s refusal — along with many other public and private universities and other employers — to recognize that the science establishes beyond any doubt that natural immunity is as robust or more so than vaccine immunity.”
Other Lawsuits Challenging Schools’ Vaccine Mandates
While not specifically centered around the validity of natural immunity, a lawsuit filed by more than a dozen students and Children’s Health Defense against Rutgers University in New Jersey does include this aspect, as some of the plaintiffs object to the mandate on the basis that they have natural immunity. This lawsuit was filed in mid-August 20219 and is still pending.
According to the Mayo Clinic, as of July 2021, Pfizer’s COVID injection was only 42% effective against infection, which doesn’t even meet the Food and Drug Administration’s requirement of 50% efficacy for vaccines.
Earlier this year, in April 2021, the Los Angeles Unified School District was sued over its vaccine requirement by California Educators for Medical Freedom and the Health Freedom Defense Fund.10 July 27, a California court dismissed the lawsuit without prejudice, as it concluded the LAUSD had voluntarily abandoned its mandatory vaccine requirement. As reported by The Defender:11
“This is a BIG win — because of the lawsuit, LAUSD represented to the court on the record that it does not have a policy requiring vaccination with EUA products. Since the court has now confirmed the absence of any policy requiring vaccination at LAUSD, all teachers and staff are safe to return to work without vaccination or furnishing proof of vaccination in the fall.”
Time will tell if the Children’s Health Defense case against Rutgers University will bring the legal precedent needed to more effectively thwart this tyrannical trend. Still, even smaller wins like Zywicki’s are important and demonstrate there are ways we can fight back, if only we’re willing.
Natural Immunity Surpasses Vaccine-Induced Protection
While vaccine passports are immoral and unconstitutional in and of themselves, medical science is also proving them useless and irrational. As reported by Daniel Horowitz in an August 25, 2021, article in The Blaze,12 there are at least 15 studies that show natural immunity from previous infection is more robust and longer-lasting than what you get from the COVID shot. He writes:
“The debate over forced vaccination with an ever-waning vaccine is cresting right around the time when the debate should be moot for a lot of people. Among the most fraudulent messages of the CDC’s campaign of deceit is to force the vaccine on those with prior infection, who have a greater degree of protection against all version of the virus than those with any of the vaccines.
It’s time to set the record straight once and for all that natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is broader, more durable, and longer-lasting than any of the shots on the market today. Our policies must reflect that reality.”
We now have data showing vaccine immunity rapidly wanes regardless of variants, but especially when a new variant becomes predominant. According to the Mayo Clinic, as of July 2021, Pfizer’s COVID injection was only 42% effective against infection,13 which doesn’t even meet the Food and Drug Administration’s requirement of 50% efficacy14 for COVID vaccines.
This matches Israeli data, which show Pfizer’s shot went from a 95% effectiveness at the outset, to 64% in early July 2021 and 39% by late July, when the Delta strain became predominant.15,16 Pfizer’s own trial data also demonstrate rapidly waning effectiveness. BMJ associate editor Peter Doshi discussed this in an August 23, 2021, blog.17
By the fifth month into the trial, efficacy had dropped from 96% to 84%, and this drop could not be due to the emergence of the Delta variant since 77% of trial participants were in the U.S., where the Delta variant didn’t emerge until months later. So, even without a predominance of a new variant, effectiveness drops off. In an August 20, 2021, report, BPR noted:18
“‘The data we will publish today and next week demonstrate the vaccine effectiveness against SARS COVID 2 infection is waning,’ the CDC director [Rochelle Walensky] began … She cited reports of international colleagues, including Israel ‘suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early’ …
‘In the context of these concerns, we are planning for Americans to receive booster shots starting next month to maximize vaccine induced protection. Our plan is to protect the American people and to stay ahead of this virus,’ Walensky shared …
The CDC director appears to all but admit that the vaccine’s efficacy rate has a strict time limit, and its protections are limited in the ever-changing environment.”
You’re Far Safer Around a Naturally Immune Person
Add to this a) the fact that the COVID shots do not prevent infection or spread of the virus and b) the fact that COVID-jabbed individuals carry the same viral load when symptomatic as unvaccinated individuals,19,20 and the whole argument that vaccine passports will identify and separate “public health threats” from those who are “safe” to be around simply fails miserably.
As noted by Horowitz, anyone capable of rational thought understands that a person with natural immunity from a previous infection is “exponentially safer to be around than someone who had the vaccines but not prior infection.”21
As for the unvaccinated who do not have natural immunity from prior infection, well, their status poses no increased risk to anyone but themselves. Conversely, since the COVID shot cannot prevent infection or transmission, and only promises to reduce your risk of serious illness, the only one who can benefit from the shot is the one who got it. It protects no one else.
In fact, you may actually pose an increased risk to others, because if your symptoms are mild or nonexistent, but your viral load high, you’re more likely to walk around as usual. Rather than staying home because you suspect you’re infected and infectious, you’re out spreading the virus around to others, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.
What Does the Research Say?
In his article, Horowitz reviews 15 studies that should, once and for all, settle the debate about whether people who have had COVID are now immune and whether that immunity is comparable to that of the COVID shots. Here’s a select handful of those studies. For the rest, please see the original Blaze article.22
•Immunity May 202123 — New York University researchers concluded that while both SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination elicit potent immune responses, the immunity you get when you’ve recovered from natural infection is more durable and quicker to respond.
The reason for this is because natural immunity conveys more innate immunity involving T cells and antibodies, whereas vaccine-induced immunity primarily stimulates adaptive immunity involving antibodies.
•Nature May 202124 — This research dispels fears that SARS-CoV-2 infection might not produce long-lasting immunity. Even in people with mild COVID-19 infection, whose anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S) antibodies levels might rapidly decline in the months’ post-recovery, persistent and long-lived bone marrow plasma cells start churning out new antibodies when the virus is encountered a second time.
According to the authors, “Consistently, circulating resting memory B cells directed against SARS-CoV-2 S were detected in the convalescent individuals. Overall, our results indicate that mild infection with SARS-CoV-2 induces robust antigen-specific, long-lived humoral immune memory in humans.”
•Nature July 202025 — The Nature findings above support findings from Singapore published in July 2020, which found patients who had recovered from SARS in 2002/2003 had robust immunity against SARS-CoV-2 17 years later.
•Cell Medicine July 202126 — Here, they found that most previously infected patients produced durable antibodies and memory B cells, along with durable polyfunctional CD4 and CD8 T cells that target multiple parts of the virus.
According to the authors: “Taken together, these results suggest that broad and effective immunity may persist long-term in recovered COVID-19 patients.” The same clearly cannot be said for vaccine-induced immunity.
•BioRxiv July 202127 — Echoing the Cell Medicine findings above, University of California researchers concluded that “Natural infection induced expansion of larger CD8 T cell clones occupied distinct clusters, likely due to the recognition of a broader set of viral epitopes presented by the virus not seen in the mRNA vaccine.”
We’re Creating a Pandemic of the Vaccinated
If natural immunity is better than vaccine-induced antibodies, you’d expect to see fewer reinfections among those who have already had COVID-19, compared to breakthrough infections occurring among those who got the COVID shot. And that’s precisely what we see.
In a preprint titled “Necessity of COVID-19 Vaccination in Previously Infected Individuals,”28 the researchers looked at reinfection rates among previously infected health care workers in the Cleveland Clinic system.
Of the 1,359 frontline workers with natural immunity from previous infection, not a single one was reinfected 10 months into the pandemic, despite heavy exposure to COVID-19-positive patients.
A second preprint,29 posted August 25, 2021, compared SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity by looking at reinfection and breakthrough rates. Four outcomes were evaluated: SARS-CoV-2 infection, symptomatic disease, COVID-19-related hospitalization and death.
Results showed that, compared to those with natural immunity, SARS-CoV-2-naïve individuals who had received a two-dose regimen of Pfizer’s COVID shot had:30
A 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection
A 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease
A 13.06-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant
A higher risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations
After adjusting for comorbidities, SARS-CoV-2-naïve individuals who had received two Pfizer doses were 27.02 times more likely to experience symptomatic breakthrough infection than those with natural immunity.31 No deaths were reported in either of the groups. In closing the authors concluded:32
“This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.”
Majority of Hospitalizations Are Actually in the Vaccinated
The oft-repeated refrain is that we’re in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” meaning those who have not received the COVID jab make up the bulk of those hospitalized and dying from the Delta variant. However, we’re already seeing a shift in hospitalization rates from the unvaccinated to those who have gotten one or two injections.
For example, in Israel, the fully “vaccinated” made up the bulk of serious cases and COVID-related deaths in July 2021, as illustrated in the graphs below.33 The red is unvaccinated, yellow refers to partially “vaccinated” and green fully “vaccinated” with two doses. By mid-August, 59% of serious cases were among those who had received two COVID injections.34
Could a Simple Nasal Spray Be the Answer to COVID-19?
August 26, 2021
A nasal spray containing nitric oxide has been shown to reduce the viral load in COVID-19 cases by 95% within 24 hours, and 99% in 72 hours. The research, published in the Journal of Infection, is now in Phase II clinical trials.
Study authors said the treatment “was found to be effective and safe in reducing the viral load in patients with mild, symptomatic COVID-19 infection.”
Other studies with nasal sprays are also ongoing. For example, an in vitro study conducted jointly by researchers at Northwestern University and Utah State University found that a single blast of the over-the-counter sinus spray Xlear, made with grapefruit seed extract and xylitol, could reduce and nearly eliminate SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
In a press release Xlear study authors said the study breaks new ground because they found the spray could also help stave off H1N1 and emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. On its website, indicates the spray can be purchased at dozens of pharmacies and grocery stores.
Children with nowhere else to go because of the nature of their illness occupy a third of acute-care hospital beds in England. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, these children are suffering from mental health and neurological problems.
Some have violent or self-harming behavior; others have severe neurodevelopment disorders. Still others are there due to an eating disorder. Yet, despite their individual needs, many have no specific psychiatric diagnosis.
And, without a diagnosis, they don’t qualify for a bed in a true psychiatric ward, even when they are so violent that they become a danger not only to themselves, but to everyone around them. What this means is these children end living at a regular hospital, sometimes for months.
What’s even more concerning is that since the pandemic began, the number of children in these beds has increased dramatically.
In the U.S., “children’s hospitals around the country say they have seen a meteoric rise in the number of children who need mental health help,” CNN said. “Several children’s hospitals said the supply of inpatient psychiatric beds has been so short, they’ve had to board kids in their emergency departments — sometimes for weeks.”
In an about-face in favor of persons who had COVID and now have natural antibodies, Spectrum Health, Michigan, said it would lift vaccine mandates for anyone who can prove they have natural immunity to COVID-19.
All individuals with a positive PCR or antigen test for COVID-19 plus a positive antibody test from within the past three months can qualify for the exemption. Spectrum also allows medical and religious exemptions. The policy could change if future evidence shows natural protection is either waning or longer-lasting, depending on the circumstances, Spectrum said.
In reference, two different studies on natural immunity had different outcomes. Cleveland Clinic, which isn’t making vaccination mandatory for its employees, studied 50,000 of its employees and found that none who had been previously infected were reinfected.
On the other hand, the CDC did a study in Kentucky of those with previous infections but were unvaccinated as per CDC’s definition versus those who had both natural infection and were vaccinated and found that those who had natural infection but were not fully vaccinated were 2.34 times as likely to get reinfected than those who had both the infection and the shots.
The CDC had just 246 fully vaccinated patients in the case study and nearly twice as many unvaccinated — 492 — in the control “unvaccinated” group to come up with that number. The CDC’s definition of “fully” vaccinated only applies to individuals who have received the full recommended doses of vaccine, and then only if 14 days or more have passed since receipt of the last dose.
A Northern District Court of New York judge has given a temporary reprieve to health care workers who are protesting COVID vaccine mandates. Judge David Hurd handed down a restraining order September 14, 2021, in their favor.
“Thomas More Society filed a lawsuit on behalf of several doctors, nurses, therapists and technologists against Governor Kathy Hochul, Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard A. Zucker and Attorney General Letitia James,” Liberty Counsel reported. The lawsuit alleges that the state’s mandates eliminating religious exemptions and considerations is unconstitutional.
Hurd’s order prevents the New York Department of Health from enforcing the rejection of exemptions and from interfering with the granting of them.
In other news, Newsmax reported that New York City’s teachers received a reprieve of their own, with city mediator Martin Scheinman ruling that “teachers who cite medical conditions or religious beliefs keeping them from getting a COVID-19 vaccination must be allowed either unpaid leave or a severance package, rather than being fired.
A Tennessee State University golf athlete is sending a message from his hospital bed, warning of the dangers of taking the COVID-19 vaccine. John Stokes, who also is an Academic Medal of Honor student, posted a TikTok video after he came down with myocarditis and was told he was out of competition for the season.
Sadly, this is Stokes’ final year in school, so he most likely won’t be playing college golf anymore. Stokes, 21, came down with myocarditis four days after his second dose of vaccine, and ended up in the hospital. In the video he says he knows other players who have had to have either heart surgery or have cardiac problems after their shots, too.
In his TikTok video he urges the NCAA to stop mandating the vaccine for athletes. “I wish someone would have told me” about the risks of taking the vaccine, he says. “It isn’t right for people to be forced to take the vaccine because there are actual side effects like this that could happen to you.”
North Carolina health care officials are in the hot seat after someone leaked a video of a Zoom meeting in which the officials discussed “scary” ways to increase the counts for their COVID-19 inpatient numbers.
As posted by National File, the recording shows Dr. Mary Rudyk saying she wants hospitals to become more “scary” to the public “by inflating the number of COVID-19 patients and by using messaging that falsely tells individuals ‘if you don’t get vaccinated, you’re going to die.’”
After National File posted the video on Twitter September 10, 2021, it was retweeted 5,255 times — and counting quickly — by the morning of September 16. Thousands of quote tweets have been added to the post, including comments asking whether the officials involved should be fired and questioning why there isn’t a nationwide standard for counting COVID numbers.
Some of the same drug companies now responsible for developing and manufacturing fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccines were also responsible for creating the opioid crisis in the U.S., which has killed as many Americans as have died from COVID-19
Most have also been convicted of other unethical and criminal activities over the years, any of which puts their ethical fitness into question
In 2019, an Oklahoma court found Johnson & Johnson partially liable for the “human and financial costs” of the opioid epidemic in the U.S. and ordered the company to pay $572 million
Two other COVID-19 vaccine makers, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, are habitual offenders, having repeatedly engaged in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribery and science suppression. Pfizer’s vaccine plant, where COVID-19 vaccine vials are to be filled, also has a long history of quality control problems Research confirms the suspicion that the lipid nanoparticles used in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines are highly inflammatory, and may be responsible for many of the adverse effects reported
This article was previously published on March 24, 2021, and has been updated with new information.
As noted by Russel Brand in a recent video commentary (above), some of the same drug companies now responsible for developing and manufacturing fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccines were also responsible for creating the opioid crisis in the U.S., which has killed as many Americans as have died from COVID-19.
Most have also been convicted of other unethical and criminal activities over the years, any of which puts their ethical fitness into question. Not surprisingly, opioid addiction and overdose deaths skyrocketed during 2020 lockdowns and, now, COVID-19 vaccines are taking their toll as well.
Johnson & Johnson Found Partly Liable for Opioid Crisis
In 2019, Johnson & Johnson was found partially liable for the “human and financial costs” of the opioid epidemic in the U.S. and was ordered to pay $572 million to the state of Oklahoma. While the company denied any wrongdoing, “data revealed during the trial proved a culture of downplaying the risks of opioids to customers and physicians,” Cassiobury Court reported, adding:1
“Sales representatives were trained to tell doctors that the risk of addiction was 2.6% or less if the drugs were prescribed by a doctor and, most shockingly, doctors were specifically targeted as ‘key customers’ if they had a history of prescribing a high amount of opioids.”
In “Capitalism Gone Wrong: How Big Pharma Created America’s Opioid Carnage,” published in The Guardian July 24, 2019, Chris McGreal, author of “American Overdose, the Opioid Tragedy in Three Acts,” wrote:2
“Oklahoma’s attorney general accused the company of a ‘cunning, cynical and deceitful scheme’ to ramp up narcotic painkiller sales as one of a web of firms that created the biggest drug epidemic in American history as profits surged. The companies worked in step to change medical culture and practice by influencing doctors, researchers, federal regulators and politicians.”
Curiously, as noted by Brand, Johnson & Johnson’s stock price rose by 5% immediately following that verdict. What this means, he suggests, is that we’ve created systems that encourage malpractice. Profit motives override all other concerns, including lethal effects.
When companies engage in unethical behavior, especially the falsification and manipulation of science, they create distrust and cynicism. This should be obvious, and it’s nobody’s fault but their own.
Importantly, Johnson & Johnson made false claims about the safety of its opioid, going so far as to manipulate scientific papers to support its assertion that the risk of addiction was less than 2.6%.3 As Brand points out, when companies engage in unethical behavior, especially the falsification and manipulation of science, they create distrust and cynicism.
This should be obvious, and it’s nobody’s fault but their own. We can point to these very specific examples and say, “Look here. They manipulated and falsified science to make money. When they were caught, all they had to do was pay a manageable fine, which they recouped through a rise in stock price.”
If it happened once (and believe me, it’s happened more than once), it can happen again. And if it can happen at all, why couldn’t this unethical behavior occur when creating what is expected to be a phenomenally profitable pandemic vaccine? We’re told we must not question the safety or effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, yet the histories of the makers are such that not questioning everything they do would be naïve in the extreme.
Johnson & Johnson has also been involved in a long list of product safety and contamination issues, marketing and safety violations, government contract violations and foreign corrupt practices resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. You can find their rap sheet on the Corporate Research Project’s website.4
Pfizer’s Long History of Unethical Behavior
Another COVID-19 vaccine maker, Pfizer, has been sued in multiple venues over unethical behavior,5 including unethical drug testing and illegal marketing practices.
In 2014, it was ordered to pay $75 million to settle charges relating to its testing of a new broad spectrum antibiotic on critically ill Nigerian children. As reported by the Independent6 at the time, Pfizer sent a team of doctors into Nigeria in the midst of a meningitis epidemic.
For two weeks, the team set up “within meters” of a medical station run by Doctors Without Borders and began dispensing the experimental drug, Trovan. Of the 200 children picked, half got the experimental drug and the other half the already licensed antibiotic Rocephin. Eleven of the children treated by the Pfizer team died, and many others suffered side effects such as brain damage and organ failure.
Pfizer denied wrongdoing. According to the company, only five of the children given Trovan died, compared to six who received Rocephin, so their drug was not to blame. The problem was they apparently never told the parents that their children were being given an experimental drug.
What’s more, while Pfizer produced a permission letter from a Nigerian ethics committee, the letter turned out to have been backdated. The ethics committee itself wasn’t set up until a year after the trial had already taken place.
In his 2010 paper,7 “Tough on Crime? Pfizer and the CIHR,” Robert G. Evans, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor at Vancouver School of Economics, described Pfizer as “a ‘habitual offender,’ persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results.” Between 2002 and 2010 alone, Pfizer and its subsidiaries were fined $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards.
Such sums did nothing to deter bad behavior. In 2011, Pfizer agreed to pay $14.5 million to settle federal charges of illegal marketing,8 and in 2014 they settled federal charges relating to improper marketing of the kidney transplant drug Rapamune to the tune of $35 million.9
The Corporate Research Project also details Pfizer’s history of bribery, environmental violations, labor and worker safety violations and more.10 Pfizer has also been bullying countries to put up sovereign assets as collateral for expected vaccine injury lawsuits resulting from its vaccine.11
Pfizer’s Vaccine Plant Has History of Recalls
A March 10, 2021, article12 by KHN also highlights persistent, long-standing problems at Pfizer’s vaccine plant in Kansas, which is slated to start producing COVID-19 vaccines:
“The McPherson, Kansas, facility, which FDA inspectors wrote is the nation’s largest manufacturer of sterile injectable controlled substances, has a long, troubled history. Nearly a decade’s worth of FDA inspection reports, recalls and reprimands reviewed by KHN show the facility as a repeat offender.
FDA investigators have repeatedly noted in reports that the plant has failed to control quality and contamination or fully investigate after production failures.
The 1970s-era manufacturing site has had persistent mold concerns over the years and been the focus of at least four intense FDA inspections since Pfizer took over its operations in late 2015, when it acquired Hospira.”
The plant is going to be a fill-and-finish site for the Pfizer vaccine. The question is whether the site has really cleaned up its act, or whether contamination might become an issue.
“The facility’s record of recalls and field alerts include vials of medication that contained glass and cardboard particles and, as one customer complained, a ‘small insect or speck of dust,'” KHN reports.
“A 2017 FDA warning letter … said the contaminants such as cardboard and glass found in vials posed a ‘severe risk of harm to patients’ and indicated that the facility’s process for manufacturing sterile injectable products was ‘out of control.’”
AstraZeneca’s Extensive Rap Sheet
Then there’s AstraZeneca, whose director of research for the drug Seroquel, Wayne MacFadden, confessed to entering into multiple sexual affairs for the sole purpose of obtaining information and favors that might benefit the company.13
Aside from that eyebrow-raising scandal, AstraZeneca has been brought into the halls of justice more than once. Below is but a sampling of its criminal history. Even more can be found on the Corporate Research Project’s “AstraZeneca: Corporate Rap Sheet” page:14
In 2003, AstraZeneca was fined $355 million to settle Medicare fraud charges relating to its marketing of the cancer drug Zoladex.15,16 Among the many charges they pleaded guilty to was that they had encouraged doctors to illegally request Medicare reimbursements. Four years later, in 2007, the company was ordered to pay another $12.9 million in damages for its overcharging Medicare and private insurance for Zoladex17
In 2005, the European Commission fined AstraZeneca 60 million euros for misusing the patent system to delay market entry of competing generics18,19
In 2010, AstraZeneca was fined $520 million for off-label drug marketing20
Also in 2010, the company agreed to pay $198 million to settle more than 25,000 lawsuits filed by patients harmed by three of its psychiatric drugs21
In 2016, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission fined the company $4.3 million for improperly influencing and rewarding prescribers to use their products, in other words, bribery22
AstraZeneca’s Vaccine Is For-Profit After All
Now, AstraZeneca has made a big deal about its vow not to profit from its COVID-19 vaccine. Adrian Hill, director of Oxford’s Jenner Institute and the co-developer of the AstraZeneca vaccine, has gone on record saying “I personally don’t believe that in a time of pandemic there should be exclusive licenses.”23 As reported by KHN:24
“Oxford University surprised and pleased advocates of overhauling the vaccine business in April by promising to donate the rights to its promising coronavirus vaccine to any drugmaker. The idea was to provide medicines preventing or treating COVID-19 at a low cost or free of charge, the British university said …
‘We actually thought they were going to do that,’ James Love, director of Knowledge Ecology International, a nonprofit that works to expand access to medical technology, said of Oxford’s pledge. ‘Why wouldn’t people agree to let everyone have access to the best vaccines possible?’”
The fantasy didn’t last long. A few weeks later, Oxford University caved to the urgings of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and signed an exclusive contract with AstraZeneca. According to an article in The Nation,25 “Gates himself describes his foundation as intimately involved in the partnership between AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.”
This vaccine deal gives AstraZeneca “sole rights and no guarantee of low prices,” KHN writes.26 Indeed, the not-for-profit vow expires once the pandemic is over, and AstraZeneca itself appears to have a say when it comes to declaring the end date. It could be as early as July 1, 2021, according to a company memo obtained by the Financial Times.27
As explained by investigative journalist Whitney Webb in a Corbett Report interview,28 the actual patents and royalties for the AstraZeneca vaccine are held by a private company called Vaccitech, which has been quite open about the future profit potential with its shareholders, noting that the COVID-19 vaccine will most likely become an annual vaccine that is updated each season. Oxford University itself also stands to make millions from the deal. According to KHN:29
“Other companies working on coronavirus vaccines have followed the same line, collecting billions in government grants, hoarding patents, revealing as little as possible about their deals — and planning to charge up to $37 a dose for potentially hundreds of millions of shots.”
All of this tells you that the same greed that drove these drug companies into criminal acts before is still at play today, and they have repeatedly proven that profit potential wins over harm potential every time.
Leaked Data Warn of mRNA Instability
A recent feature investigation30 by journalist Serena Tinari published in The BMJ reviews the content of leaked — possibly hacked — documents showing the European Medicines Agency (EMA) had concerns about early batches of the Pfizer vaccine having lower than expected levels of intact mRNA:
“EMA scientists tasked with ensuring manufacturing quality — the chemistry, manufacturing, and control aspects of Pfizer’s submission to the EMA — worried about ‘truncated and modified mRNA species present in the finished product.’
Among the many files leaked to The BMJ, an email dated 23 November [2020] by a high ranking EMA official outlined a raft of issues. In short, commercial manufacturing was not producing vaccines to the specifications expected, and regulators were unsure of the implications. EMA responded by filing two ‘major objections’ with Pfizer, along with a host of other questions it wanted addressed.
The email identified ‘a significant difference in % RNA integrity/truncated species’ between the clinical batches and proposed commercial batches — from around 78% to 55%. The root cause was unknown and the impact of this loss of RNA integrity on safety and efficacy of the vaccine was ‘yet to be defined,’ the email said.”
Considering the delivery of intact mRNA is of crucial importance for the efficacy of this vaccine, the suspicion is that the lower levels might render the vaccine ineffective.
One problem is that while the EMA has authorized Pfizer’s vaccine and issued a public assessment stating the quality is “considered to be sufficiently consistent and acceptable,” it’s not clear if and how the agency’s concerns about inadequate mRNA levels were actually corrected.
The EMA has explained away the issue by stating that some of the leaked information was “partially doctored” by essentially cutting and pasting data from different users into valid emails.
“But the documents offer the broader medical community a chance to reflect on the complexities of quality assurance for novel mRNA vaccines,” Tinari writes, “which include everything from the quantification and integrity of mRNA and carrier lipids to measuring the distribution of particle sizes and encapsulation efficiency.”
It’s well-recognized that RNA instability is of the utmost importance when it comes to this kind of technology, as even minor degradation anywhere along the RNA strand can slow the translation performance and result in the incomplete expression of the target antigen (in this case the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein).
One problem is there’s no regulatory guidance for mRNA based “vaccines.” Yet another problem is that the data currently available are so scant that regulators probably wouldn’t be able to make an appropriate assessment about the percentage of intact mRNA required for efficacy.
Lipid Nanoparticles Are Highly Inflammatory
mRNA fragility and instability are the reasons why Pfizer and Moderna use a lipid nanoparticle delivery system, which brings a whole separate set of problems. Scientist and researcher Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., believes the nanoparticle allows the mRNA to escape the normal degradation by enzymes that normally remove mRNA, thereby allowing it to persist in your tissues for a long time, continuing to produce spike proteins all the while.
As previously suspected, research31 posted March 4, 2021, on the preprint server bioRxiv now warns that the lipid nanoparticle component of these mRNA vaccines is in fact “highly inflammatory” and may be responsible for many of the side effects being reported. According to the authors:
“Vaccines based on mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are a promising new platform used by two leading vaccines … Clinical trials and ongoing vaccinations present with very high protection levels and varying degrees of side effects. However, the nature of the reported side effects remains poorly defined.
Here we present evidence that LNPs used in many preclinical studies are highly inflammatory in mice.
Intradermal injection of these LNPs led to rapid and robust inflammatory responses, characterized by massive neutrophil infiltration, activation of diverse inflammatory pathways, and production of various inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. The same dose of LNP delivered intranasally led to similar inflammatory responses in the lung and resulted in a high mortality rate …
Their potent adjuvant activity and reported superiority comparing to other adjuvants in supporting the induction of adaptive immune responses could stem from their inflammatory nature. Furthermore, the preclinical LNPs are similar to the ones used for human vaccines, which could also explain the observed side effects in humans using this platform.”
Can You Trust Big Pharma to Safeguard Your Health?
Considering their long histories of unethical, illegal and criminal behaviors, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are hardly beacons of hope for mankind when it comes to COVID-19 — or any other pandemic, for that matter.
Sadly, the rapidly escalating reports of serious side effects and deaths from these injections, and the companies’ dismissal of these events as coincidental or insignificant further prove that profit is still the primary driver. If they can make a buck by ignoring a problem, they will.