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Uncensored News – Tru News

The Plan for a Global System of Slavery

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  • A slavery system, steeped in the ideologies of transhumanism and technocracy, is being created right before our eyes — and the current lockdowns, closing of small businesses and the redefinition of “normal” are all part of a planned global governance system that will end sovereignty and individual rights
  • How do you implement a financial system that no one wants? You frighten people with an invisible enemy such as a virus, and then capitalize on that fear, saying that this new system is necessary because the pandemic destroyed the old system
  • The pandemic also allows for the implementation of new, more invasive surveillance systems
  • The riots in the U.S. were not random. It appears more likely that they were part of a real estate acquisition plan
  • Pandemic measures have severely limited people’s ability to congregate and share information face-to-face. Internet censorship by Big Tech has decimated information sharing even further. Ultimately, they’re trying to get people to buy into a solution before they understand the full ramifications of doing so.

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