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Over 100,000 Released Documents Expose COVID Origin Fraud – Dr. Mercola

This $3.7 million grant from 2014 highlights the truth of what critics have been saying for years.

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  • An investigative report by Vanity Fair contributor Katherine Eban, based on more than 100,000 EcoHealth Alliance documents, shows a disturbing reality of “murky grant agreements, flimsy NIH oversight and pursuit of government grants by pitching increasingly risky global research”
  • In 2014, EcoHealth received a $3.7 million NIAID grant to study the risk of bat coronavirus emergence and the potential for outbreaks in human populations. Nearly $600,000 of that went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was a key collaborator
  • The 2014 grant highlights the truth of what critics of gain-of-function (GOF) research have been saying for years, which is that this kind of research never achieves its aims. They say it needs to be done to prevent and/or get ahead of pandemics, but not a single pandemic has ever been averted and, instead, GOF research may actually be the cause of them
  • EcoHealth president Peter Daszak’s behavior has added fuel to suspicions of a lab leak — potentially of a virus that he himself helped create. In 2015, he warned a global pandemic might occur from a laboratory incident, especially the sort of virus manipulation research being done in Wuhan. Despite this history, in February 2020, Daszak wrote a “scientific consensus statement” published in The Lancet that condemned the lab leak theory as a wild conspiracy theory
  • It appears those who insist SARS-CoV-2 is of natural origin, despite all the evidence to the contrary, are doing so because they don’t want risky virological research to be blamed for the COVID pandemic

In a March 31, 2022, investigative report,1 Vanity Fair contributor Katherine Eban reviewed the contents of more than 100,000 EcoHealth Alliance documents, including meeting minutes and internal emails and reports, most of which predate the COVID-19 pandemic, showing a disturbing reality of “murky grant agreements, flimsy NIH oversight and pursuit of government grants by pitching increasingly risky global research.”2

April 4, 2022, Eban discussed her investigative report with “Rising” cohosts Ryan Grim and Robby Soave (video above). The various documents were released in accordance with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by several parties, including BuzzFeed, The Intercept, U.S. Right to Know, White Coat Waste, GOP Oversight and others.3

EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak admits to “cultivating” government connections for years by attending fancy cocktail parties in Washington D.C., oftentimes giving presentations alongside Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and internal correspondence reveal his obsession with funding — to the point of pitching risky research proposals to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

The Missing Gene Sequence

Eban begins her story with the account of Jesse D. Bloom, Ph.D., a computational virologist and evolutionary biologist with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. June 18, 2021, Bloom sent the draft of a preprint article he’d written to Fauci and Fauci’s boss, Dr. Francis Collins, then-director of the National Institutes of Health.

According to Eban, the paper “contained sensitive revelations” about the NIH, and Bloom wanted Fauci to see it before it went to print and became public knowledge.

“Under ordinary circumstances, the preprint might have sparked a respectful exchange of views. But this was no ordinary preprint, and no ordinary moment,” Eban writes.4

The origin of SARS-CoV-2 was highly contested at this point, with most officials still insisting it had evolved naturally and jumped species, while a growing group of independent investigators kept pointing to genetic discrepancies that made natural evolution highly unlikely.

“A growing contingent were asking if it could have originated inside a nearby laboratory that is known to have conducted risky coronavirus research funded in part by the United States,” Eban writes, referring to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China, where the COVID-19 outbreak first occurred. Eban continues:5

“Bloom’s paper was the product of detective work he’d undertaken after noticing that a number of early SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences mentioned in a published paper from China had somehow vanished without a trace.

The sequences, which map the nucleotides that give a virus its unique genetic identity, are key to tracking when the virus emerged and how it might have evolved.

In Bloom’s view, their disappearance raised the possibility that the Chinese government might be trying to hide evidence about the pandemic’s early spread. Piecing together clues, Bloom established that the NIH itself had deleted the sequences from its own archive at the request of researchers in Wuhan.

Now, he was hoping Fauci and his boss, NIH director Francis Collins, could help him identify other deleted sequences that might shed light on the mystery.”

On a brief side note, The Epoch Times addressed the alleged deletion of genetic sequences from its database at the request of a Chinese researcher in an April 2, 2022, article.6 NIH media branch chief Amanda Fine told The Epoch Times that the sequences were not actually erased; the data were merely removed from public access, so the data is now only available to those who have its accession number.

Contentious Disagreements

Collins responded by scheduling a Zoom meeting for June 20, 2021, to which he invited Fauci, Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., an evolutionary biologist, and Robert Garry, Ph.D., a virologist. Bloom invited evolutionary biologist Sergei Pond, Ph.D., and Rasmus Nielsen, Ph.D., a genetic biologist with expertise in statistical and computational aspects of evolutionary theory and genetics.

The meeting was a contentious one, and it so troubled Bloom that, six months later, he wrote a detailed account of it. After Bloom had described his findings and the questions it raised, Andersen jumped in, saying he found Bloom’s analysis “deeply troubling.” Eban writes:7

“If the Chinese scientists wanted to delete their sequences from the database, which NIH policy entitled them to do, it was unethical for Bloom to analyze them further, he claimed. And there was nothing unusual about the early genomic sequences in Wuhan.

Instantly, Nielsen and Andersen were ‘yelling at each other,’ Bloom wrote, with Nielsen insisting that the early Wuhan sequences were ‘extremely puzzling and unusual.’

Andersen … leveled a third objection. Andersen, Bloom wrote, ‘needed security outside his house, and my pre-print would fuel conspiratorial notions that China was hiding data and thereby lead to more criticism of scientists such as himself.’

Fauci then weighed in, objecting to the preprint’s description of Chinese scientists ‘surreptitiously’ deleting the sequences. The word was loaded, said Fauci, and the reason they’d asked for the deletions was unknown.

That’s when Andersen made a suggestion that surprised Bloom. He said he was a screener at the preprint server, which gave him access to papers that weren’t yet public.

He then offered to either entirely delete the preprint or revise it ‘in a way that would leave no record that this had been done.’ Bloom refused, saying that he doubted either option was appropriate, ‘given the contentious nature of the meeting.’

At that point, both Fauci and Collins distanced themselves from Andersen’s offer, with Fauci saying, as Bloom recalled it, ‘Just for the record, I want to be clear that I never suggested you delete or revise the pre-print.’ They seemed to know that Andersen had gone too far.”

EcoHealth, a Government-Funded Sponsor of Risky Research

The June 20 Zoom call reflected “a siege mentality at the NIH,” Eban writes, “whose cause was much larger than Bloom and the missing sequences.” The NIH had a publicity problem, because it was becoming known that the NIH/NIAID had funded potentially risky gain-of-function (GOF) research at the WIV through the EcoHealth Alliance. Bloom’s questions only ratcheted up an already delicate situation.

In 2014, EcoHealth received a $3.7 million NIAID grant to study the risk of bat coronavirus emergence and the potential for outbreaks in human populations. Nearly $600,000 of that went to the WIV, which was a key collaborator. (By that time, Daszak had already been working with Shi Zhengli, the director of the WIV best known as “the bat woman,” for nine years. In all, since 2005, Shi and Daszak have collaborated on 17 scientific papers.8)

The 2014 grant highlights the truth of what critics of GOF research have been saying for years, which is that this kind of research never achieves its aims.9 They say it needs to be done to prevent and/or get ahead of pandemics, but not a single pandemic has ever been averted, and instead, GOF research may actually be the cause of them.

EcoHealth utterly failed to predict, let alone prevent, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the initial outbreak occurring in the vicinity of the WIV raised suspicions of a lab leak from the start.

The NIH/NIAID’s obvious attempts to hide their involvement with GOF research on bat coronaviruses at the WIV has only worsened such suspicions, as did the Chinese government’s refusal to share raw patient data or participate in efforts to investigate SARS-CoV-2’s origin.

Curiously, in September 2019, three months before COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic, the WIV also took down its virus database, which at the time contained some 22,000 samples of viruses and their genetic sequences, and they’ve refused international requests to restore it ever since.

On the flipside, in what appears to have been an act of beneficent reciprocity to its American allies, the WIV deleted mentions of its collaboration with the NIAID/NIH and other American research partners from its website in March 2021, after Senate members started grilling Fauci about his funding of GOF research at the WIV.10 At the same time, they also deleted a scientific article discussing genetic research on the SARS virus.11

Daszak’s Suspicious Behavior

Daszak’s behavior has also added fuel to suspicions of a lab leak — potentially of a virus that he himself helped create. For example:

  • In an October 2015 Nature article, Daszak warned a global pandemic might occur from a laboratory incident, and that “the risks were greater with the sort of virus manipulation research being carried out in Wuhan.”12

    Earlier that year, he also gave a speech at a National Academies of Science seminar on reducing risk from emerging infectious diseases, and among the material he presented was a paper titled, “Assessing Coronavirus Threats,” which included an examination of the “spillover potential” from “genetic and experimental studies” on viruses.


    Specifically, he highlighted the danger of experimenting on “humanized mice,” meaning lab mice that have been genetically altered to carry human genes, cells or tissues.


    Yet despite his history of such warnings, in February 2020, Daszak wrote a “scientific consensus statement” published in The Lancet that condemned the lab leak theory as nothing more than a wild conspiracy theory.13

  • EcoHealth received funding from the USAID PREDICT program, which was involved in identifying viruses with pandemic potential. The director of that program, Dennis Carroll, is now suspected of having stolen taxpayer funds by using PREDICT funds to pay for expenses related to his own organization, the Global Virome Project (GVP).14

    In March 2019 email, Daszak noted that lawyers had flagged this conflict of interest and had suggested changes to a board of directors’ letter. Daszak wrote: “I realize this isn’t the language you wanted, but it’s safer for us at this sensitive point where we still receive USAID funding … for GVP related activities.”15


    The comment seems to confirm that Daszak was aware that what Carroll was doing was inappropriate and potentially illegal, and he helped cover up Carroll’s improprieties.

  • Nathan Wolfe, a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader graduate, has been on EcoHealth’s editorial board since 2004, and in 2017, they cowrote a study on bat coronaviruses.16 Wolf is the founder of Metabiota, now implicated in the operation of U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine that Russia claims have been conducting secret bioweapons research.17
  • Daszak is also one of the 15 coauthors of the 2015 paper, “SARS-Like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronavirus Pose Threat for Human Emergence,”18 which biowarfare expert Francis Boyle claims is “the smoking gun” that reveals the culprits responsible for the COVID pandemic.

    Other coauthors and funders of that paper include Collins, Fauci and Ralph Baric, Ph.D., who has been doing coronavirus research on humanized mice together with Shi — the very research Daszak had warned could pose the most serious pandemic hazard.

Why the Lack of Transparency From All Involved?

The efforts by Collins, Fauci, Dazak and other members of the scientific community to stifle debate about the genesis of SARS-CoV-2 — most of whom have clear connections to bat coronavirus GOF research and/or the WIV — raises obvious questions about motive.

“Could it have been to protect science from the ravings of conspiracy theorists?” Eban asks.19 “Or to protect against a revelation that could prove fatal to certain risky research that they deem indispensable? Or to protect vast streams of grant money from political interference or government regulation? …

Perhaps more than anyone, Peter Daszak … was uniquely positioned to help the world crack open the origin mystery, not least by sharing what he knew.

But last year, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University economist who oversees the Lancet’s COVID-19 commission, dismissed Daszak from the helm of a task force investigating the virus’s genesis, after he flatly refused to share progress reports from his contested research grant.

(… Daszak said he was ‘simply following NIH guidance’ when he declined Sachs’s request, because the agency was withholding the reports in question ‘until they had adjudicated a FOIA request.’ The reports are now publicly available, he said.)

‘[Daszak] and NIH have acted badly,’ Sachs told Vanity Fair. ‘There has been a lack of transparency …’

He said that the NIH should support an ‘independent scientific investigation’ to examine the ‘possible role’ in the pandemic of the NIH, EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and a partner laboratory at the University of North Carolina. ‘Both hypotheses are still very much with us,’ he said, and ‘need to be investigated seriously and scientifically’ …”

Alarm Bells Went Off in 2016

Getting back to the $3.7 million NIAID grant EcoHealth received in 2014, Eban recounts how warning bells went off in 2016, when EcoHealth was late on submitting its annual progress report. “The agency threatened to withhold funds until he filed it,” she writes, and “The report he finally did submit worried the agency’s grant specialists.”

According to the report, Daszak and his collaborators were seeking to create an infectious clone of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), a novel coronavirus with a 35% mortality rate.

“The report also made clear that the NIH grant had already been used to construct two chimeric coronaviruses similar to the one that caused Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which emerged in 2002 and went on to cause at least 774 deaths worldwide.

(A chimeric virus is one that combines fragments of different viruses.) These revelations prompted the NIH’s grant specialists to ask a critical question: Should the work be subject to a federal moratorium on what was called gain-of-function research?” Eban writes.20

“With that, Daszak’s grant got tangled in a yearslong debate that had divided the virology community. In 2011, two scientists separately announced that they had genetically altered Highly Pathogenic Asian Avian Influenza A (H5N1), the bird flu virus that has killed at least 456 people since 2003.

The scientists gave the virus new functions — enabling it to spread efficiently among ferrets, which are genetically closer to humans than mice — as a way to gauge its risks to people. Both studies had received NIH funding.

The scientific community erupted in conflict over what became known as gain-of-function research. Proponents claimed it could help prevent pandemics by highlighting potential threats.

Critics argued that creating pathogens that didn’t exist in nature ran the risk of unleashing them. As the dispute raged, Fauci worked to strike a middle ground, but ultimately supported the research …

In October 2014, the Obama administration imposed a moratorium on new federal funding for research that could make influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses more virulent or transmissible, while a review took place. But the moratorium, as written, left loopholes, which allowed Daszak to try to save the research.

On June 8, 2016, he wrote to the NIH’s grant specialists that the SARS-like chimeras from the completed experiment were exempt from the moratorium, because the strains used had not previously been known to infect humans …”

NIH Circumvented Moratorium Rules on Gain of Function

In his letter to the NIH, Daszak also referenced a 2015 paper written by Shi and Baric, which detailed an experiment in which they mixed components of SARS-like viruses of different species to create a novel chimera capable of directly infecting human cells. Incidentally, this research was funded by both the NIH and EcoHealth.

According to Daszak, the chimera produced was less lethal than the original SARS, so his chimera would probably be less lethal as well. However, the NIH grant specialists were far from reassured that his MERS chimera wouldn’t be dangerous, as Shi and Baric in that 2015 paper had noted the danger of such experiments, stressing that “scientific review panels may deem similar studies … too risky to pursue.”

“If anything, the MERS study Daszak proposed was even riskier,” Eban writes.21 “So he pitched a compromise to the NIH: that if any of the recombined strains showed 10 times greater growth than a natural virus, ‘we will immediately:

i) stop all experiments with the mutant, ii) inform our NIAID Program Officer and the UNC [Institutional Biosafety Committee] of these results and iii) participate in decision making trees to decide appropriate paths forward.’”

July 7, 2016, the NIH agreed to Daszak’s proposal, which as Eban notes “relied entirely on mutual transparency.” Shi would be responsible for informing Daszak if any of the recombinations had 10 times the growth rate of a natural virus, and Daszak would inform the agency of the results, so they could decide the fate of the experiment.

Jack Nunberg, director of the Montana Biotechnology Center, told Eban that allowing this kind of high-risk research to be pursued at the WIV was “simply crazy.” “Reasons are lack of oversight, lack of regulation, the environment in China … that is what really elevates it to the realm of, ‘No, this shouldn’t happen.’”

“Wain-Hobson has his own hypothesis for what is taking place: The group of scientists pushing the claim of natural origin, he says, ‘want to show that virology is not responsible [for causing the pandemic]. That is their agenda.’” ~ Katherine Eban

Indeed, in January 2021, declassified intelligence from the U.S. State Department claims Chinese military scientists have been working with the WIV since at least 2017, raising questions about whether research at the WIV was serving a dual purpose.

Dangerous DARPA Proposal

In late March 2018, EcoHealth, facing financial troubles, in collaboration with Shi and Baric, pitched a proposal22 to DARPA with the hopes of securing fresh funding.

Part of the proposal included examining SARS-like bat coronaviruses for furin cleavage sites, which is what allows the virus to infect human cells. They also proposed inserting a furin cleavage site, ostensibly to create an infectious coronavirus, and to test it on mice with humanized lungs.

The furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 is one of the curious hallmarks that makes it stand out as a potential manufactured bioweapon, as coronaviruses don’t have this feature naturally, that we know of. They then proposed mapping high-risk areas and testing various substances in an effort to reduce the viral shedding among bats.

“By almost any definition, this was gain-of-function research,” Eban writes.23 “The federal moratorium had been lifted in January 2017 and replaced with a review system called the HHS P3CO Framework (for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight). This required a safety review by the agency funding the research.”

Yet the EcoHealth Alliance, in its DARPA proposal, insisted the research would be exempt from the P3CO framework. DARPA rejected the proposal, and told Eban that part of the reason for the rejection was “because of the horrific lack of common sense” of it.

DARPA grant reviewers viewed EcoHealth as a “ragtag group,” and the WIV was assessed as having subpar safety standards. An unnamed former DARPA official who was there at the time of the proposal told Eban that allowing EcoHealth Alliance to be the prime contractor for a research project with national security risks would be like “having your rental car agency trying to run an armada.”

Importantly, the grant application failed to adequately assess the GOF risks, and the possibility of the work constituting dual-use research of concern (DURC). In other words, EcoHealth didn’t consider how the research might be repurposed as a bioweapon, or how it might endanger national security.

Simon Wain-Hobson, after reviewing the DARPA proposal, has stated it’s “basically a road map to a SARS-CoV-2-like virus.”24 Daszak, however, claims the research was never implemented, not by EcoHealth, Baric or Shi, as far as he’s aware of.

Still, the question remains: Did the GOF research that Shi and Baric published (and EcoHealth funded) in 2015 result in the creation of SARS-CoV-2? While Shi and Baric did that research at Baric’s lab in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, might Shi or others have expounded on the work at the WIV?

Daszak has been unwilling to release certain SARS coronavirus sequences from the work at the WIV, claiming he needs the Chinese government to authorize their release. But this explanation seems to “undercut the entire rationale for having the U.S. government help fund a global collaboration on virus emergence,” Eban notes, adding:25

“Wain-Hobson has his own hypothesis for what is taking place: The group of scientists pushing the claim of natural origin, he says, ‘want to show that virology is not responsible [for causing the pandemic]. That is their agenda.’”

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FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF covid-shot-caused-immunosuppression


  • April 1, 2022, another batch of 11,000 Pfizer documents were released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Pfizer trial data reveal natural immunity was as effective as the jab, and that shot side effects were more severe in those under 55. Since the risk of severe COVID is dramatically lower in younger people, an elevated risk of side effects unacceptable, and the shot should have been restricted to those at high risk of severe COVID
  • The adverse event rate per dose for Pfizer’s mRNA jab, based on their own studies, is nearly 1 in 800, and the myocarditis rate is 10 in 100,000 — far greater than the 2 in 100,000 rate previously reported
  • Pfizer’s consent form specifies that the effect on sperm, fetuses and nursing children are unknown. Yet health authorities and media have espoused as “fact” that the shot does not affect reproductive health or fertility and is perfectly safe for pregnant and nursing mothers
  • Pfizer’s documents show they’ve not ruled out the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement. Vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) is listed as an “Important Potential Risk.” As of February 28, 2021, Pfizer had 138 cases of suspected VAED, 75 of which were severe, resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences or death; a total of 38 cases were lethal and 65 remained unresolved
  • Pfizer and FDA also knew that people of all ages experienced transient suppression of immune function for one week after the first dose

With another batch of 11,000 Pfizer documents, released April 1, 2022, old suspicions have gained fresh support. As reported by “Rising” cohost Kim Iversen (video above), the first bombshell revelation is that natural immunity works, and Pfizer has known it all along.

The clinical trial data showed there was no difference in outcomes between those with previous COVID infection and those who got the shot. Neither group experienced severe infection. Natural immunity was also statistically identical to the shot in terms of the risk of infection.

Younger Adults More Likely to Experience Side Effects

The second revelation is that side effects from the shots were more severe in younger people, aged 18 to 55, than those aged 55 and older. (The risk of side effects also increased with additional doses, so the risk was higher after the second dose than the first.)

As many of us have said all along, the risk of severe COVID is dramatically lower in younger people than those over 60, which makes an elevated risk of side effects unacceptable.

As noted by The Naked Emperor on Substack,1 “with a vaccine that is producing more frequent and more severe reactions and adverse events in younger individuals, the vaccine should have been restricted to those who were actually at risk of severe COVID-19.”

Pfizer Documents Show High Rate of Myocarditis

Interestingly, Pfizer’s documentation also includes medical information that mainstream media and fact checkers have labeled as misinformation or disinformation. A pediatric consent form lists several possible side effects, including a myocarditis rate of 10 in 100,000 — far greater than the 1 in 50,000 (i.e., 2 in 100,000) rate previously reported.

We also know that myocarditis is far more frequent in young males, so for them, the risk is significantly higher than 10 in 100,000, as they make up the bulk of these injuries.

Effects on Reproductive Health Are Unknown

The consent form also specifies that the effect on sperm, fetuses and nursing children are unknown. Yet health authorities and media have espoused as “fact” that the shot does not affect reproductive health or fertility and is perfectly safe for pregnant and nursing mothers.

If an effect is unknown, by definition you cannot claim it to be harmless. If you do, you are lying, plain and simple, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is but one in a long list who is guilty of this. She has repeatedly assured the public that the jab poses no health risks to pregnant women or their babies. Here’s Walensky in May 2021:

And here she is, in October 2021, still claiming there are no risks.

Similarly, in August 2021, when Comirnaty was licensed, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, claimed the COVID jab was safe during pregnancy:

Video may not work on all browsers

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also make definitive statements about safety, claiming “Vaccination may occur in any trimester, and emphasis should be on vaccine receipt as soon as possible to maximize maternal and fetal health.”2 Yet even the Comirnaty label3,4 states that “available data on Comirnaty administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine associated risks in pregnancy.”

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement Has Not Been Ruled Out

Many who have warned about the possibility of mRNA shots causing antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) — a situation in which you end up being more susceptible to serious infection than you would have been otherwise — have been smeared and demonized by media and labeled as disinformation spreaders.

Yet Pfizer’s own consent form clearly states: “Although not seen to date, it cannot yet be ruled out that the studied vaccine can make a later COVID-19 illness more severe.” As noted by Iversen, if ADE truly was of no concern at all, the consent form would not include it. Yet there it is.

Vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) is also listed as an “Important Potential Risk” in Table 5 on page 11 of a document called “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports.”5

As of February 28, 2021, Pfizer had 138 cases of suspected VAED, 75 of which were severe, resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences or death; a total of 38 cases turned out to be lethal and 65 remained unresolved.6,7

Moreover, as noted by the Daily Expose,8 “Phase 3 clinical trials are designed to uncover frequent or severe side effects before a vaccine is approved for use, including ADE. But herein lies the problem, [because] none of the COVID-19 vaccines have completed Phase 3 trials.”

Pfizer’s Phase 3 trial is due to be completed February 8, 20249 — nearly two years from now! Despite that, Pfizer concluded in its FDA submission that “None of the 75 cases could be definitively considered as VAED.”

“[H]ow on earth could they not definitively conclude that VAED was to blame when 75% of the confirmed ‘break-through’ cases reported to them were severe disease resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences of death?” The Daily Expose asks.10

Pfizer Knew About Immunosuppression

Another revealing statement found in the documents is this:

“Clinical laboratory evaluation showed a transient decrease in lymphocytes that was observed in all age and dose groups after Dose 1, which resolved within approximately one week …”

In other words, Pfizer knew that, in the first week after the shot, people of all ages experienced transient immunosuppression, or put another way, a temporary weakening of the immune system, after the first dose.

As noted by Iversen, this may have skewed infection rates, as people were not considered partially vaccinated until 14 days after their first shot,11 and officially fully vaccinated two weeks after the second dose.

If people are susceptible to infection during that first week, yet are counted as unvaccinated during that time, this makes it appear as though the unvaccinated are more prone to infection when that’s simply not true. Pfizer’s own trial showed infection was significantly more common in the vaccine group than the placebo group — 409 versus 287 — within the first seven days of the jab.12

Fully Vaxxed Are More Likely to Die From COVID

The fact that Pfizer and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration were aware the shot caused immunosuppression is incriminating, now that U.K. government data show that, compared to the unvaccinated, those who have received two doses are:13

  • Up to three times more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Twice more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19
  • Three times more likely to die of COVID-19

The Pfizer documents admit there was a temporary drop in immune function after the first dose, but the real-world data showing an increased risk of severe infection and death due to COVID among the double jabbed suggest ADE may indeed be at play later on as well.

The chart below, created by the Daily Expose,14 using data from the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report for week 13, 202215 (pages 40 and 45), reveals who’s more likely to get COVID. And the infection rate for triple-vaxxed is even higher than the double vaxxed.

covid-19 case rate

The next chart was created by the Daily Expose16 using data from pages 41 and 45, comparing COVID hospitalization rates.

covid-19 hospitalization rate

And, finally, there is a comparison of the death rates, based on pages 44 and 45 of the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report for week 13, 2022.17 Anyone over the age of 40 who has been double jabbed is now more likely to die of COVID than an unvaccinated person of the same age.

covid-19 death rate

Negative Vaccine Effectiveness in the Real World

The Daily Expose goes on to calculate and graph the real-world effectiveness rate of the COVID jab, and it’s dire news:18

“If the rates per 100,000 are higher among the vaccinated, which they are, then this means the COVID-19 injections are proving to have a negative effectiveness in the real-world. And by using Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula we can accurately decipher what the real-world effectiveness among each age group actually is.

Pfizer’s vaccine formula: Unvaccinated Rate per 100k – Vaccinated Rate per 100k / Unvaccinated Rate per 100k x 100 = Vaccine Effectiveness …

This data shows that all double vaccinated people over age 18 are between 2 and 3 times more likely to be infected, with a minus-87% vaccine effectiveness among 18 to 29 year olds, and a minus-178% vaccine effectiveness among the over 80’s.

[A]ll double vaccinated people over age 30 are between 0.2 and 2 times more likely to be hospitalized, with a minus-1% vaccine effectiveness among 30 to 39 year olds, and a minus-76% vaccine effectiveness among the over 80’s.

The following chart shows the real world COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against death among the double vaccinated population in England, based on the death rates provided above …

[A]ll double vaccinated people over age 40 are between 2 and 3 times more likely to die of COVID-19, with a minus-90% vaccine effectiveness among 30 to 39 year olds, and a minus-156% vaccine effectiveness among the over 80’s.”

covid-19 vaccine effectiveness

Pfizer Hired 600 to Process Unprecedented Report Load

For the last two years, we’ve been keeping an eye on the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), shaking our heads in disbelief as the numbers shot up by the hundreds every single week, rapidly outpacing injuries for every other vaccine combined over the past 32 years.19

As of March 25, 2022, there were 1,205,753 COVID jab-related reports, including 145,781 hospitalizations and 26,396 deaths.20 There has never been a medical product in modern history that can compare. Nothing has been as injurious and lethal as these experimental injections.

In an earlier batch of documents, we learned Pfizer received 42,086 case reports containing a total of 158,893 events in the first three months of the rollout. In that release, the number of doses shipped was redacted, but in the April 1, 2022, release, it was left unredacted, which means we can now calculate the rate of adverse events reported to Pfizer in those first three months.

Between December 2020 and the end of February 2021, Pfizer shipped out 126,212,580 doses of its mRNA jab worldwide. Divided by 158,000 side effects, we get an adverse event rate per dose of nearly 1 in 800,21 which is just crazy irresponsible.

We now also have documentation showing Pfizer, by the end of February 2021, had hired 600 additional full-time employees to process the unprecedented influx of adverse event reports, and they predicted that by the end of June 2021, they’d end up hiring more than 1,800.22

In the end, the COVID jab will go down in history as the biggest medical malfeasance ever to occur with the willing participation of both drug companies and regulatory agencies. And there’s no end in sight.

In March 2022, the FDA went ahead and authorized doses 4 and 5, based on a preprint study23,24 that found a fourth Moderna shot was 11% effective and caused side effects in 40% of recipients, and a fourth Pfizer shot was 30% effective and caused side effects in 80% of people.

I’m not sure what it’ll take for this public health nightmare to end and for the responsible parties to be held to account for their criminal negligence, but apparently, we’ve not hit critical mass outrage yet.

LIVE: The Assassination of Dr. Bing Liu: Exposing the Biggest Lie in History!

“Watch The Water” hit the world on Monday, April 11th, and absolutely opened our eyes. From the governments’ lies about COVID-19, to Dr. Bing Liu’s alleged assassination at the hands of the CIA, this Stew Peters Network exclusive documentary covers it all!

CrossTalk News meets with the mastermind behind this amazing production, Nicholas Stumphauzer! He is the real-thing when it comes to filmmaking, as well as giving our audience the full truth when it comes to exposing the biggest lie in HISTORY!

Watch this full segment now, and may God keep the truth in our hands!

If you haven’t yet seen the “Watch the Water” documentary, starring Dr. Bryan Ardis, watch through this link:

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LIVE: Patents Prove Ardis Claims of Global Envenomation, Serpent Family Connection to Fauci

Tuesday on the Stew Peters Show, Dr. Aryiana Love brings the patents and receipts PROVING Dr. Ardis’ claims in the Stew Peters Network exclusive documentary “Watch The Water”, exposing a long term plot to envenomate the world.

Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

US Military

Janssen Pharmaceuticals


Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Biontech Us Inc.

Watch the Watch editor, award winning documentarian Nicholas Stumphauzer, joins Stew to discuss the Fauci family snake crest, and the spiritual warfare he endured to deliver the hard hitting truth.


And, James Tracy Guy shares his testimony about taking the fight to the courts with the corrupt, Covid-nazi schools that force our children to wear dirty rags on their faces for 8 hours.

Don’t miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on

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by Timothy Charles Holmseth – War Correspondent – on April 12, 2022, at 12:08 P.M. EST – USA

SPOILER: CIA 101 – once you know you’re not going to get away with it – you need to release the story yourself to control the narrative.

On April 11, 2022, The Stew Peters Show exclusively released “World Premiere: Watch The Water”.

Peters interviewed Dr. Bryan Ardis, D.C. regarding a plot to trick the world into believing in COVID-19, when in fact, people are being mass-murdered through a pure evil plot using “snake venom”.

The scoop magically fell into his lap.

Both men are prior guests of Alex Jones.

Peters reminded everyone he’d recently been “swatted” – then said of Dr. Ardis, “…the number one doctor that Pfizer wants silenced. Silenced forever. If Doctor Ardis actually is at the top of an assassination list we’re not surprised”.

No police report. No 911 call. No documentation. Peters simply threw the word “assassination” in. That’s because people marked for assassination are targeted because they are a TRUE threat.

Peters was bombarded with messages from the public to interview Timothy Holmseth. He was so angry he actually did a video and said he’d “never” interview Holmseth.

Now ponder this.

On November 19, 2021, former judge Randy Lynn Erickson, MN, (Erickson holds licenses and passes regular FBI background checks) petitioned the U.S. Court for Injunctive relief to stop a kidnap, torture, rape, beastiality, and murder plot against her (and Holmseth) supported by written threats and corpse photos sent to Erickson and Holmseth by a CIA-FBI-Paramilitary group claiming association with Gen. Michael Flynn, Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore, Gen. Mark Milley, and President Trump.

Erickson was targeted because she escrowed sworn affidavits of unspeakable crimes against humanity she turned over to the U.S. Military (e.g. Ft. Campbell, KY).

The U.S. Court file shows SEALED files believed to contain the crimes against humanity evidence Erickson escrowed. She NEVER released anything about the contents.

But… Droel Law Firm did.

On February 15, 2022, Droel said, “…as well as several murders by Hillary Rodham Clinton in Chicago in the early 1980s, which included the raping, torturing, and eating of children during satanic rituals”.

Droel said, “…and other high-profile individuals, such as Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Mike Pence, John Kerry, Muammar Gaddafi, Amy Coney Barrett, and Elon Musk to name a few, as being involved in some Satanic cult that tortures, rapes, murders, and eats children.”

Pure evil?

No big story to Peters.

The threats against Erickson/Holmseth link directly to guests and associates of Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer.

Remember… CIA 101 – once you know you’re not going to get away with it – you need to release the story yourself to control the narrative.

Julie Green | What Is God’s Vision for America? Exposure of the Biden, Disney and Gov Corruption?

Learn More:

Hunter Biden Laptop and the Biden Corruption

Exposing the WOKE and Dark Agenda of Disney

Hyper-Inflation / The Break-Down of the Supply Chain

The War Against the Children and Battling Hopelessness

Watch Sean Stone’s Documentary “Best Kept Secret” Today At:

Watch Yuval Noah Harari’s full length May 19th 2019 speech here:

Who is the man leading The Great Reset?
Yuval Noah Harari

Who is Yuval Noah Harari?
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the founder of The World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum Are Implementing “The Great Reset.” Yuval is praised by the likes of Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s latest book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. Harari speaks at the World Economic Forum at Davos, New York Times, Stanford, TED, and TimesTalks. At the time of this writing, his books occupied the top two slots on the New York Times’ nonfiction best-seller list.

The epic battle between good and evil is here. It’s “The Great Reset” versus “The Great ReAwakening.”
Request Tickets to General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour Today At:
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*Myrtle Beach, SC – May 13th & 14th – 341 Tickets Remain
*Virginia Beach, VA – July 8th & 9th – Tickets Now On Sale!!!

General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour Gains Momentum!!!
Eric Trump, Kim Clement’s Daughter (Donné Clement Petruska), Dr. Zelenko, Mel K, Dr. Simone Gold, Sean Feucht, Doctor Dave Martin, Mel K, Dr. Jane Ruby, Charlie Kirk, Roger Stone, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Lance Walnau, Comedian Jim Breuer, & Mike Lindell Join the Tour!!!
**Request Tickets Today At:

ReAwaken America Tour History:
*April – Tulsa, Oklahoma was 100% Sold Out
*June – Tampa, Florida Was 100% Sold Out
*July – Anaheim, California Was 100% Sold Out
*August – Grand Rapids, Michigan Was 100% Sold Out
*September – Colorado Springs, CO Was 100% Sold Out
*November – San Antonio, TX Was 100% Sold Out
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*January – Phoenix, AR Was 100% Sold Out
*February – Canton, OH Was 100% Sold Out
*March – San Diego, CA Was 100% Sold Out
*April – Salem, Oregon Was 100% Sold Out
ReAwaken America Tour Featured / Past Speakers Include:
General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Robert F. Kennedy, Texas Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton, Charlie Kirk, Chad Prather, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ian Smith, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Owen Schroyer, Melissa Tate, Trump-Attorney Jenna Ellis, Dave Scarlett, Senator Wendy Rogers, Doctor Richard Bartlett, Gene Ho, Patrick Byrne, Scott McCay, Anna Khait, Sam Sorbo, Doctor Mark Sherwood, Attorney Thomas Renz, Doctor Stella Emmanuel, Attorney Leigh Dundas, Doctor Jim Meehan, Sheriff Vic Regalado, Joey Gilbert, Doctor Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor Rob Marsh, Leila Centner, Lori Gregory, Kevin Jenkins, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Steve Maxwell, Doctor Eric Nepute, Alfie Oakes, Sidney Powell, Doctor Alan Keyes, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Mike Provenzano, Doctor Shannon Kroner, Doctor Andy Wakefeld, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Amanda Grace, Doctor Cordie Williams, Pastor Mark Burns,etc.

Watch The ReAwaken America Documentary for FREE Today At:

Connect the Dots Between COVID-19 / The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab, 5G, and the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 Vaccines Agenda:

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Get the 100% Affordable & Effective COVID-19 Treatments At: – 7,000 COVID-19 Patients (3 Deaths)
http://www.Sherwood.TV – 9,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 3,200 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 4,500 + COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 1,500 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 10,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – Doctor Richard Bartlett


Who Is the Man Leading the COVID-19 / Great Reset Agenda?
Yuval Noah Harari
“History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.”
– Yuval Noah Harari
(Yuval Noah Harari is often referred to as “the prophet.” He a the Israeli vegan, openly gay, pro-transhumanist who is obsessed with rejecting the God of his fathers and turning humans into gods. He is the lead advisor to Klaus Schwab and is praised by Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Silicon Valley, the New York Times, TED, Stanford, Harvard, the World Economic Forum, James Corden, Natalie Portman, etc.) According to World Economic Forum luminary and historian Yuval Noah Harari, the transition to “digital dictatorships” will have a “big watershed” moment once governments start using “surveillance under the skin.”
Epstein + Biden + Harari = “Pre-Crime Prevention”
The Biden administration asked Congress for $6.5 billion to fund a new biomedical research agency which would merge “national security” with “health security” in such a way as to use both physical and mental health “warning signs” to prevent outbreaks of disease or violence before they occur.
Such a system is a recipe for a technocratic “pre-crime” organization with the potential to criminalize both mental and physical illness as well as “wrongthink. This agency was to be largely guided by Biden’s confirmed top science adviser, ERIC LANDER. LANDER formerly the head of the Silicon Valley-dominated Broad Institute, has been controversial for his ties to eugenicist and child sex trafficker JEFFREY EPSTEIN.
Look Up & Read HR 6666
What Did Yuval Noah Harari Say?
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the founder of The World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum Are Implementing “The Great Reset.” Yuval is praised by the likes of Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s latest book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. Harari speaks at the World Economic Forum at Davos, New York Times, Stanford, TED, and TimesTalks. At the time of this writing, his books occupied the top two slots on the New York Times’ nonfiction best-seller list. – READ –
Free Will Is Over – WATCH –
“16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, 19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.” – Ephesians 1:16-21
Free Will Is a Theological Mistake – WATCH –
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” – Galatians 5:1
“3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
“If You Have the Tools to Overcome Human Biology…Think About the SEX Life.” – WATCH –…think-a.html
NOTE: Yuval (Jubal) in the Hebrew Bible means son of Lamech. Lamech was the Bible’s first polygamist.
“19 And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.” Genesis 4:19
Surveillance Under the Skin? Trusting Science Over Everything Else? – WATCH –
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18
Yuval Noah Harari | Klaus Schwab Advisor: Advocating Genetically Modified Babies – WATCH –
“41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. 44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” – Daniel 2:41-44
Hacking Humans, BEAST System, Ending Free Will & Privacy – WATCH –
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18
Hacking Humans and Shifting Authority from Humans to Algorithms – WATCH –
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” – Genesis 1:26
Yuval Noah Harari | We Need to Work with the BEAST and Not Against It – WATCH –
“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” – Revelation 13:4
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are Upgrading Humans Into Gods” – WATCH –
“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:4
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.” – Genesis Chapter 6: 1-7
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are On the Verge of Creating the First Inorganic Life Forms” – WATCH –
“37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” – Matthew 24: 37-39
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are On the Verge of Creating the First Inorganic Life Forms” – WATCH –
Genesis – “27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” 1:27
Yuval Noah Harari | Creating an Anti-Virus for the Mind & the Basic Premise of Religion Doesn’t Work – WATCH –
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. – James 1:27 –
Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval Advocates Allowing Artificial Intelligence to Vote Instead of Humans – WATCH –
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18
Yuval Noah Harari w/ Huawei CEO Banned by Trump | Hacking Humans, Inheriting Souls & Mind Anti-Virus – WATCH –
“13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” – Revelation 13: 1-7
Yuval Noah Harari | “Surveillance Is Going Under the Skin.” + Choosing Science Over Religion –
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3
Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval States, “Jesus Rising from the Dead and Being the Son of God is FAKE NEWS” – WATCH –
“And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.” – Luke 12:10
Yuval Noah Harari | “Humans Are Hackable Animals…Directly Connecting Brains to Computers” – WATCH –…directly-connecting-brains-.html
“For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 2:16
Why Research Into How to Manipulate the GOD Gene (The VMAT2 gene) Begin? – READ –
December 9, 2019
Technology Is Created to Use mRNA to Deliver CRISPR gene-editing: Cell-Selective Messenger RNA Delivery and CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing by Modulating the Interface of Phenylboronic Acid-Derived Lipid Nanoparticles and Cellular Surface Sialic Acid –
What Is CRISPR? – In China Scientist Jiankui stunned the genetic community when he announced he had already used CRISPR, which hasn’t been proven either safe or effective in human patients, to permanently alter the genomes of twin girls. –
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23
Yuval Noah Harari | “In the Future You Will Face Discrimination Based On a Good Assessment” – WATCH –
“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” – Matthew 7:1-4
Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval Argues Against God’s Existence, Human Rights, National Sovereignty & Money – – WATCH –
“And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.” – Revelation 13:6
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Do “Elites” Often Refer to Yuvah Noah Harari As a Prophet? – WATCH –
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15
Yuval Noval Harari | “Economies in the Future Where Humans Are Not Needed Even As Consumers.” – WATCH –
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” – John 8:44
Yuval Noah Harari | “The COVID Crisis Was the Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin” – WATCH –
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. – Luke 21:25-26
Yuval Noah Harari | “Dictators Always Dreamt About It…It’s NOW Possible to Eliminate Privacy.” – WATCH –…its-now-possible-to-el.html
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23
Yuval Noah Harari | “They Trade and Make Billions of Dollars and You Don’t Use Humans as Consumers” – WATCH –
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” – Genesis 1:27
Yuval Noah Harari Explains the Artificial Intelligence Social Credit Score System Which Is Coming Soon to Determine Who Can Buy or Sell – WATCH –
“And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.” – Daniel Chapter 11:36
Yuvah Noah Harari | “You Cannot Violate the Rules of Nature” | Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab – WATCH –
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” – Galatians 5:16-17
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are In the Process of Becoming Gods” & “We Need Some Type of Global Loyalty” – WATCH –
“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” 2 John 1:7
Yuval Noah Harari | “There Is No Such Thing As Free Will” & “Humans Have Invented God” – WATCH –
“I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O Lord; for it is good.” – Psalm 54:6
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:15
Yuval Noah Harari | “Feelings Are the Ultimate Source of Authority” | Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab – WATCH –
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” – Proverbs 9:10
“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8”
Yuval Noah Harari | Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab Argues Against the Bible and God’s Commandments
“And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” – Mark 8:34
Yuval Noah Harari | Top Advisor for Klaus Schwab Explains “We Need a Antivirus for the Brain” – WATCH –
“3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
Yuval Noah Harari | Interview w/ Mark Zuckerberg “Is Still True That the Voter Knows Best?” – WATCH –
Yuval Noah Harari | “How Can We Get Global Agreement On AI (w/ Putin in Ukraine)?” – WATCH –
“3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
What Does the Name “Yuval” Mean?
Yuval (also Jubal) was the son of Lamech and Adah, a brother of Jabal, a descendant of Cain.
“20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. 21 And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.” – Genesis 4:20-21
Did You Know That Yuval Noah Harari Is Openly Gay?
“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” – Daniel 11:37
Did You Know That Yuval Noah Harari Does Not Eat Meat?
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.” – 1 Timothy 4:3
Where is Yuval Noah Harari from?
Yuval Noah Harari is from Kiryat Ata (Israel)
“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” – Daniel 11:37
Why Did the United Nations place the “Guardian of Nations” statue in front of the United Nations Building located at 405 East 42nd Street New York, New York? – VIEW –
“2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” – Revelation 13:2
“Less than a decade ago, Yuval Noah Harari was a junior professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, stuck teaching a world history survey course because none of the senior faculty would deign to take it on. Today, he’s listened to and praised by the likes of Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s latest book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. Harari speaks at the World Economic Forum at Davos, TED, and TimesTalks. At the time of this writing, his books occupied the top two slots on the New York Times’ nonfiction best-seller list.” –
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the founder of The World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum Are Implementing “The Great Reset.” Yuval is praised by the likes of Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s latest book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. Harari speaks at the World Economic Forum at Davos, TED, and TimesTalks. At the time of this writing, his books occupied the top two slots on the New York Times’ nonfiction best-seller list. – READ –
“3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” – Revelation 17: 3-6
Numerically, What Does the World CORONA mean?
What Legislation Is Being Written to Force Everyone to Take the mRNA-modifying COVID-19 vaccines?
H.R.6666 – COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act –
What Does the World Now Believe to Be the Ultimate Source of Truth?
What Is the Publication Number for the Patent Application Filed by Microsoft for a CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA? – Read –
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor to Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the Founder of the World Economic Forum which is implementing the world wide Great Reset.


Question #1 – Does the Mark of the Beast Technology Now Exist?
Why Did Microsoft File for a Patent for a Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity with a Publication Number WO-2020-060606?
Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 (Revelation was written by John the Apostle While Being Exiled On the Island of Patmos)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals – Methods and Systems Patent #11-107588 –
Why Are There Advanced Nano-Technologies Found Inside the COVID-19 Vaccines? Their Patents Prove Their Nefarious Plan
Patent # 10-703-789-B2 –
Patent # 2010 0216804 –
Patent # 20201859
Patent # 2012 0265001 ?
Down a Vaccination Exemption Form Today At:
Models are false –
PCR tests are false –
COVID is 100% treatable:
Kary Banks Mullis was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year.
Bill Gates Says, “There is no SAVIOR without the (luciferase-mRNA-modifying-nano-technology-filled) vaccines:
Bill Gates Spirit Advisor –
Jeffrey Epstein / Bill Gates Worked to Create Their Own Race –
What Is In the COVID-19 Vaccines?

Question #2 – Why Is Congress Working On Legislation Called H.R.666? – Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2021 Proposed Legislation? –

Question #3 – Why Is Congress Working on Legislation Called H.R.6666? – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act?

Question #4 – Why Is the Centers for Disease Control Calling for the Implementation of Nazi-Style Concentration Camps That They Are Calling Green Zones?
Why Did the Governor of Tennessee Sign an Executive Order Authorizing the State to Remove People from Their Homes? – Read Paragraphs 8, 14 and 18
Why Is Hiring Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants, Isolation, and Vaccine Strike Team Staff?
Lewis County – Centralia, WA Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants (PS2) – Non-Permanent – DOH5814
Thurston County, WA Isolation & Quarantine Facility Staffing – COVID-19 Response via @GovernmentJobs
Columbus, GA COVID-19 Vaccine Strike Team Staff via @GovernmentJobs
Why Does the Centers for Disease Control Have a Section on Their Website Dedicated to Describing Quarantine Stations and Their Jurisdictions?
Bill Gates- and George Soros-Backed Organization Buys Out COVID-19 Testing Company –

Question #5 – Why Are International Celebrities and Powerful People Like Bill Gates Celebrating and Seeking the Satanic Guidance of the Spirit Cooking Marina Abramović Spirit Cooking?
Microsoft Commercial –

Question #6 – Why Are Satanists Suing for Their Religious Right to Ritual Abortions?

Question #7 – Why is Senomyx A Food Additive In the American Food Supply?
Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using “proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems.” These receptors are made from HEK293. HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney cells.
Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?
Company Uses Cells From Abortions to Test Artificial Flavors –
Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?

Question #8 – Why Was Jeffrey Epstein Working to Seed the Human Race With His DNA?
What’s Included In the COVID-19 Shots?
Dr. Jane Ruby
Why is graphene oxide, PEG (Polyethylene Glycol), M-RNA modifying nano-technology, SM-102, luciferase, fetal-tissue cell lines and inside the COVID-19 vaccines? Watch –
VAXXED Patients’ Blood Examined, Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians! –

Question #9 – Why Are Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Others Obsessed with Transhumanism (Mixing Clay with Iron)?
Could Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chips make us all as smart as he is?
“Please consider working at Neuralink! Short-term: solve brain/spine injuries Long-term: human/AI symbiosis. Latter will be species-level important. Work at either at our Bay Area or Austin locations.” –
Daniel Chapter 2: 40 – 43: “40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”

Question #10 – Why The Satanic Temple of Texas files suit to defend its religious right to child sacrifice…tell us more about this?
Why does the Pope’s Audience Hall look like a Snake Head?–paul-vi-pope-john-paul-ii.jpg

Question #11 – Why Did Jeffrey Epstein Have a Satanic Temple on His Island?

Question #12 – Why Did the Billionaire Bill Gates Who Is Developing the Vaccines Choose to Invest His Time with the World’s Most Prolific Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

Question #13 – Why Are Luciferians Obsessed with Wearing Masks and Standing 6 Feet Apart from Each Other During Their Satanic Rituals?

Question #14 – Why Would the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab Write a Book Titled COVID-19 – The Great Reset, Which Advocates for the Complete Destruction of Our God-Given Freedoms, the American Way of Life and the Implementation of a One World Government? Imphttps://

Question #15 – Why Is Moderna Now Referring to Their Vaccines Technology As the “Software of Life”? Technology –

Question #16 – Why is Luciferase Technology Being Developed? An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of a luciferin, causing it to produce a visible glow.

Question #17 – What Is the Statistical Probability of This?
“2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2

Question #18 – Why is graphene oxide, PEG (Polyethylene Glycol), M-RNA modifying nano-technology, SM-102, luciferase, fetal-tissue cell lines and inside the COVID-19 vaccines?
Graphene Oxide – Graphene oxide (GO) is a unique material that can be viewed as a single monomolecular layer of graphite with various oxygen-containing functionalities such as epoxide, carbonyl, carboxyl, and hydroxyl groups.
Learn What Is In the COVID-19 Shots:

Question #19 – Are We Living Through Matthew Chapter 24?
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Mainstream Media
Doctor Fauci
Bill Gates
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Elon Musk’s Starlink to Deliver Internet Nearly Worldwide Within Weeks

Question #20 – If God Has Not Given Us a Spirit of Fear, Who Has Been Giving Us the Spirit of Fear? 2 Timothy 1:7
Where did the fear start?
FACT – The models created by the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute and Neil Ferguson that said that 2.2 million people would die were nefariously false.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7
NOTE: Fear blocks logic by causing your amygdala to become overactive

Question #21 – Why Would the Majority of Pastors Refuse to Teach from the Book of Revelation Chapter 13?
Revelation 13:2 – 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Revelation 13: 9-18 – If any man have an ear, let him hear
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
NOTE: The book of Revelation which warned Christians about “The Mark of the Beast” was written on the island of Patmos by John.
Could It Be That We Are Wrestling Not Against Flesh and Blood, But Against Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the Darkness of this World and Against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places?

Question #22 – Why Is It Only Christians By and Large Who Know the Truth About What Is Really Going On?
FACT – The 100% effective COVID-19 treatments and therapies are being withheld from you for nefarious purposes.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:30-36

Question #23 – COVID-19 = Certificate Of Vaccination ID – 19 (AI)
Why Did MIT Develop Specialized Dye, Delivered Along with a Vaccine That Could Enable “on-patient” Storage of Vaccination History?

Question #24 – Why Did the Military Just Now Develop a New Weapon Called LOCUST?
“15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.” – Revelation 9:15
“9 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.” – Revelation 9: 1-3
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23

Question #25 – Are the Elements Ready to Create the Third Temple?
“25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[a] the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[b] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[c] In the middle of the ‘seven’[d] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[e] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” – Daniel 9:25-27
Daniel 9:25-27
Admit You Are a Sinner
Believe Christ Is Lord and Died for Our Sins
Confess Your Sins
Revelation 11 – “And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.”

Question #26 – Why Is Hydra Bulgares In the COVID-19 Vaccines?
Learn more about Hydra Bulgares


The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.

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Evidence of Pandemic and Bioweapon Cover-Ups – Dr. Joseph Mercola

As evidence emerges of a potential bioweapons cover-up, the players along with some of their motives are being revealed.


  • As evidence of a potential bioweapons cover-up has started emerging, a company called Metabiota is gaining prominence
  • Metabiota’s mission is to make the world more resilient to epidemics by providing “data, analytics, advice and training to prepare for global health threats and mitigate their impacts.” Its founder is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader graduate
  • Metabiota investors include In-Q-Tel, a CIA venture capital firm that specializes in high-tech investments that support or benefit the intelligence capacity of U.S. intelligence agencies, Hunter Biden’s investment fund, Rosemont Seneca and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which contracted Metabiota to run operations in U.S.-connected labs in Ukraine
  • In addition to having close ties to the WEF and its Great Reset agenda, Nathan Wolfe, the founder of Metabiota, has also served on the EcoHealth Alliance’s editorial board since 2004. In 2017, he co-wrote a study on coronaviruses in bats together with EcoHealth president Peter Daszak, Ph.D. EcoHealth worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, where SARS-CoV-2 is suspected of having originated
  • Metabiota’s Global Partnerships are led by Andrew C. Weber, former assistant secretary of defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense, who created the DTRA

As evidence of a potential bioweapons cover-up has started emerging, a company called Metabiota is gaining prominence. The links between Metabiota and several key players in the COVID pandemic and/or the Ukraine labs story are manifold, so there’s no really simple way to unravel it in a logical sequence. That said, let’s start with what Metabiota does and the connections of its founder, and expand from there.

Metabiota’s Mission

Metabiota’s mission is to make the world more resilient to epidemics by providing “data, analytics, advice and training to prepare for global health threats and mitigate their impacts.”1

Through data analysis, they help “decision makers across government and industry” to estimate and mitigate pandemic risks. But they also claim to support “sustainable development,” which seems to have little to do with pandemic risk management.

That term, “sustainable development,” is one promoted by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF). It’s part and parcel of Schwab’s plan for a global Great Reset and transhumanist revolution (aka, the Fourth Industrial Revolution).

It’s not surprising, then, to find out that the founder of Metabiota, Nathan Wolfe, not only has close ties to the WEF, but is also a rising star there. He’s a WEF Young Global Leader graduate and was awarded the WEF’s Technology Pioneer award in 2021.

Metabiota and the Search for Pandemic Viruses

Metabiota was a core partner of a United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Pandemic Threat Program called PREDICT, which sought to identify viruses with pandemic potential.

Contractors funded through this program have included the EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Peter Daszak. The PREDICT program, directed by Dennis Carroll, appears to have served as a proof of concept for the Global Virome Project that Carroll founded.

According to a recent investigation by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK),2 Carroll appears to have diverted government funds from the PREDICT program while he was still running it, to fund this personal side project, which was set up with the intention to collect, identify and catalogue 1 million viruses from wildlife in an effort to predict which ones might cause a human epidemic.

Metabiota’s Funding

Metabiota receives funding from several interconnected organizations and agencies, including:3

  • Pilot Growth Management, cofounded by Neil Callahan. Callahan is also a cofounder of Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and he sits on Metabiota’s board of advisers
  • The Global Virome Project, which reportedly paid (or was planning to pay) Metabiota $341,000 to conduct a cost-benefit analysis4
  • In-Q-Tel, a CIA venture capital firm that specializes in high-tech investments that support or benefit the intelligence capacity of U.S. intelligence agencies
  • The U.S. Department of Defense’s Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).5Specifically, in 2014, DTRA awarded Metabiota $18.4 million in federal contracts for scientific and technical consulting services to the DTRA’s labs in Ukraine and Georgia6

    By outsourcing work to private companies, DTRA is able to circumvent Congressional oversight. Russia is now accusing the U.S. of funding secret and illegal bioweapons research in these Ukraine labs, and claims this was the real reason behind its invasion

  • Rosemont Seneca,7 an investment fund co-managed by Hunter Biden.8 If Russia’s accusations turn out to be true, this tie may prove deeply problematic for the White House, as this means the Biden family was more or less directly involved in the funding of that research

Wolfe has also received more than $20 million in research grants from Google, the NIH and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, just to name a few, and was a friend of now-deceased Jeffrey Epstein. In his 2012 book, “The Viral Storm,” Wolfe thanked friends for their support, including Epstein and Boris Nikolic. Nikolic, a biotech venture capitalist, was named “back-up executor” in Epstein’s will.9

Epstein, who besides being a convicted pedophile and accused child sex trafficker, had a robust interest in eugenics. It’s now well-known that he dreamed of creating a “superhuman” race of his own by impregnating dozens of women at a time at his New Mexico ranch.10 Epstein also managed to secure meetings with Bill Gates,11 whose family history is also marked by an interest in eugenics and population control.

Metabiota’s Founder Tied to Suspect in COVID Pandemic

In addition to having close ties to the WEF and its Great Reset agenda, Wolfe, the founder of Metabiota, has also served on the EcoHealth Alliance’s editorial board since 2004. In 2017, he even co-wrote a study on coronaviruses in bats together with EcoHealth Alliance president, Peter Daszak.

As you may recall, EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization focused on pandemic prevention, worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, where SARS-CoV-2 is suspected of having originated.12

Daszak — who received funding for coronavirus research from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the U.S. State Department13 — subcontracted some of that work to Shi Zheng-li at the WIV. He was also the coauthor on research projects at the WIV.

Once rumors of SARS-CoV-2 being man-made first began, Daszak played a central role in the plot to obscure the lab origin by crafting a scientific statement condemning such inquiries as “conspiracy theory.”14 15 This manufactured “consensus” was then relied on by the media to counter anyone presenting theories and evidence to the contrary.

This, despite the fact that he, in 2015, warned that a global pandemic might occur from a laboratory incident — and that “the risks were greater with the sort of virus manipulation research being carried out in Wuhan”!16

In 2021, two investigations into the origins of the COVID pandemic were opened, one by the World Health Organization17 and another by The Lancet,18 and Daszak somehow managed to end up on both of these committees, despite having openly and repeatedly dismissed the possibility of the pandemic being the result of a lab leak.19

Editor’s note: The WHO reference has been scrubbed from both the agency’s website and internet archives, but several news stories like this one from NPR,20 published after the investigation was launched, are still live and accessible.

Interestingly, one of EcoHealth Alliance’s policy advisers is a former Fort Detrick commander named David Franz. Fort Detrick is the principal U.S. government-run “biodefense” facility, although Franz himself has publicly admitted that “in biology … everything is dual use — the people, the facilities and the equipment.”21

Metabiota and the DTRA

In late May 2016, Metabiota hired Andrew C. Weber,22 a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, to head up its Global Partnerships.23 Between 2009 and 2014, Weber served as assistant secretary of defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense under then-president Obama.

Weber is credited with creating the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) — a combat support agency within the U.S. DoD, specializing in countering weapons of mass destruction, including biological weapons24 25 — and as mentioned earlier, the DTRA has reportedly funded Metabiota to operate U.S.-funded biological research labs in Ukraine.

The DTRA has also issued a number of grants to the EcoHealth Alliance, totaling at least $37.5 million,26 27 including a 2017 grant for $6.5 million to “understand the risk of bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in Western Asia.”28

According to a December 2020 report by The Defender,29 EcoHealth Alliance had tried to hide most of the Pentagon funding that it had received between 2013 and 2020, most of which came from the DTRA.

Metabiota’s Bungled Ebola Response

In 2016, CBS News published a scathing critique of Metabiota’s response to the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa.30 Metabiota had been hired by the WHO and the local government of Sierra Leone to monitor the spread of the epidemic, but according to an investigation by The Associated Press, “some of the company’s actions made an already chaotic situation worse.”

In a July 17, 2014, email obtained by AP, Dr. Eric Bertherat, medical officer at the WHO’s Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response, complained about misdiagnoses and “total confusion” at the small laboratory Metabiota shared with Tulane University in Kenema, Sierra Leone.

According to Bertherat, there was “no tracking of the samples” and “absolutely no control on what is being done.” “This is a situation that WHO can no longer endorse,” he wrote. Similarly, Sylvia Blyden, special executive assistant to the president of Sierra Leone, told AP Metabiota’s response was a disaster:31

“’They messed up the entire region,’ she said. She called Metabiota’s attempt to claim credit for its Ebola work ‘an insult for the memories of thousands of Africans who have died.’”

U.S. health official Austin Demby, who evaluated Metabiota’s and Tulane’s lab work at the request of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the government of Sierra Leone, was also critical.

In one email, Demby noted used needles were left out and there was no ultraviolet light for decontamination. The space was also too small to safely process blood samples. “The cross-contamination potential is huge and quite frankly unacceptable,” he wrote.

Anja Wolz, an emergency coordinator with Doctors Without Borders, told AP she witnessed Metabiota workers entering homes of suspected Ebola patients without protective gear, and leaving high-risk areas without performing any kind of decontamination procedure. She also accused Metabiota of miscalculating the severity of the outbreak, while insisting that they had the situation under control when clearly, they didn’t.

Tulane microbiology professor Bob Garry was also critical of Metabiota’s choice to have Dr. Jean-Paul Gonzalez run the operation, as Gonzalez, in 1994, had accidentally gotten infected with a rare hemorrhagic fever while working in a Yale University lab.

He failed to notify anyone about the exposure for more than a week, a delay that put more than 100 other people at risk. Gonzalez was ordered to take a remedial safety course, but according to Garry, such carelessness was a red flag, and he didn’t think Gonzalez was the right man to teach Sierra Leoneans about Ebola.

“Do you really want the person who infected himself with hemorrhagic fever going around explaining to people how to be safe?” Garry asked in an email to a Metabiota media representative. Wolfe defended his company, saying there was no evidence they’d done anything wrong. Some of the problems he blamed on misunderstandings, and others on commercial rivalry.

Lab Accident ‘Most Likely,’ yet Least Probed Cause of COVID

In a March 28, 2022, report,32 U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) revealed the contents of a 2020 State Department memo33 obtained by the group. USRTK writes:34

“‘Origin of the outbreak: The Wuhan labs remained the most likely but least probed,’ reads the topline. The memo is written as a BLUF — ‘bottom line up front’ — a style of communication used in the military. The identity of the author or authors is unknown …

‘BLUF: There is no direct, smoking gun evidence to prove that a leak from Wuhan labs caused the pandemic, but there is circumstantial evidence to suggest such is the case,’ the memo reads. Apparently drafted in spring 2020, the memo details circumstantial evidence for the ‘lab leak’ theory — the idea that COVID-19 originated at one of the labs in Wuhan, China, the pandemic’s epicenter.

The memo raises concerns about the ‘massive amount’ of research on novel coronaviruses apparently conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the nearby Wuhan Center for Disease Control lab …The memo also flags biosafety lapses at both labs, calling the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s ‘management of deadly viruses and virus-carrying lab animals … appallingly poor and negligent.’

The memo provides an extraordinary window into behind-the-scenes concerns about a lab accident among U.S. foreign policy leaders, even as this line of inquiry was deemed a conspiracy theory by international virologists, some of whom had undisclosed conflicts of interest.

The memo also calls into question these virologists’ impartiality. Shi Zhengli, a Wuhan Institute of Virology coronavirus researcher nicknamed the ‘Bat Woman,’ has forged wide-reaching international collaborations, including with prestigious Western virologists, the memo notes.

‘Suspicion lingers that Shi holds an important and powerful position in the field in China and has extensive cooperation with many [international] virologists who might be doing her a favor,’ it reads …

The memo laments that ‘the most logical place to investigate the virus origin has been completely sealed off from inquiry by the [Chinese Communist Party]’… The memo even suggests that other hypotheses may have served as a distraction from a probe of the city’s extensive research on novel coronaviruses. ‘All other theories are likely to be a decoy to prevent an inquiry [into] the WCDC and WIV,’ it states …

The memo cites a 2015 paper35 coauthored by Shi titled ‘A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence’ that described creating a ‘chimera,’ or engineered virus, with the spike protein of a coronavirus from a Chinese horseshoe bat.

Editors at Nature Medicine added a note in March 2020 cautioning that the article was ‘being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered’ … But the memo shows that the State Department indeed considered the paper relevant to the pandemic’s origins.”

NIH Retracted Gene Sequence at WIV Researcher’s Request

While we’ve yet to obtain bulletproof evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was developed as a bioweapon, there’s plenty of circumstantial evidence that points in that direction. Disturbingly, as time goes on, more and more of this circumstantial evidence seems to highlight the United States’ involvement. If one proverbial finger is pointing at China, four others are pointing back at us.

This is profoundly bad news, but it really ought to strengthen our resolve to get to the bottom of it. None of us are safe until the mad scientists responsible for this pandemic are brought to justice. It doesn’t matter who they are. In all likelihood, we’ll find that blame cannot be pinned on a single nation. At bare minimum, the U.S. and China appear to be covering for each other.

As just one example, there are the deletions of information that have occurred both at the National Institutes of Health and the WIV, either at the other’s request, or as what appears to be a favor.

As reported by Just the News,36 NIH deleted a genetic sequencing submission of SARS-CoV-2 from its Sequence Read Archive (SRA) at the request of a researcher at the WIV. Emails37 obtained via FOIA request to the NIH by Empower Oversight show a WIV researcher who had submitted two genetic sequences to the SRA, one in March 2020, and a second in June 2020, asked to have the last one retracted.

NIH initially stated that it would be better to edit or replace the submission rather than retracting it, but the researcher insisted it be removed, which they did. To be fair, the NIH also states it has retracted at least eight SRA submissions in total, most from American researchers, at their request. However, emails also show the NIH directed reporters on how to provide more favorable and less sensationalized coverage of the deletion of the Chinese sequence. Just the News writes:38

“[Empower Oversight] says one of the most disconcerting elements of the emails is evidence showing the NIH has refused to participate in a transparent process to examine data on the deleted sequences.

‘Most importantly, why has NIH refused to examine archival copies of deleted sequences in an open scientific process to determine whether any of that information might be able to shed light on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic?’ the group asked.

However, that argument was dismissed by NIH official Steve Sherry. Although sequences are never fully deleted, according to the agency, Sherry told a researcher who asked for transparency, ‘As you know, when data sets are withdrawn from the database, that status does not permit use for further analyses.’”

WIV Deleted Mentions of US Collaborators

The WIV has also deleted information in what appears to be an effort to shield the NIH. Shortly after Fauci testified in a Senate hearing in March 2021,39 the WIV quietly deleted all mentions of its collaboration with Fauci’s NIAID, the NIH and other American research partners from its website. As reported May 15, 2021, by The National Pulse:40

“March 21st, 2021, the lab’s website listed six U.S.-based research partners: University of Alabama, University of North Texas, EcoHealth Alliance, Harvard University, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the United States, and the National Wildlife Federation.41

One day later, the page was revised to contain just two research partners — EcoHealth Alliance and the University of Alabama.42 By March 23rd, EcoHealth Alliance was the sole partner remaining.43

EcoHealth Alliance is run by long-standing Chinese Communist Party-partner Dr. Peter Daszak, who National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam has repeatedly claimed will be the first ‘fall guy’ of the Wuhan lab debacle …

Beyond establishing a working relationship between the NIH and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, now-deleted posts44 from the site also detail studies bearing the hallmarks of gain-of-function research conducted with the Wuhan-based lab.”

Indeed, a now-deleted WIV web page titled “Will SARS Come Back?” stated that:45

“Prof. Zhengli Shi and Xingyi Ge from WIV, in cooperation with researchers from University of North Carolina, Harvard Medical School, Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology … examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations.

Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, the scientists generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone.

The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV.

Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein.

On the basis of these findings, they synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo …”

The WIV’s deletions of American research partners from its website (with the exception of EcoHealth Alliance), and its deletion of the article discussing genetic research on the SARS virus only served to strengthen suspicions of a cover-up. At the time, the most surprising thing about it was that they were covering up American involvement and not just their own.

Are We the Bad Guys?

Alas, as noted by Maajid Nawaz,46 a former Islamist revolutionary who became an anti-extremism activist, if it turns out that the U.S. did in fact engage in illegal bioweapons development in Ukraine, it might just turn out that we’re the bad guys here. He writes, in part:47

“On the 24th February 2022, the very day of Russia’s invasion, some of us were already worried about the prospect of biological weapons laboratories existing in Ukraine …

The existence of bio-weapons labs on Ukraine’s border with Russia has since been confirmed by both Russia and the US (I say both because the Ukrainian government is essentially serving as a US proxy). The only remaining question is around what we were doing in those laboratories.

It is no longer in doubt that we funded bio-weapons research in the Wuhan lab in China, from where it is now believed that COVID most likely leaked from. So were we doing the same in Ukraine too? Russia has certainly made the allegation …

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov stated48 ‘In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered.’

With this, he released this document drop49 alleging … that these papers substantiated their case. If Russia’s allegations hold up, the US and her proxy Ukrainian regime would be in violation of the first article of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons.50

Russia’s announcement appears to have forced America’s hand to admit that such bio labs do indeed exist. US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland framed this admission by stating that these labs were for defensive research only.

Under Secretary Nuland however continued to make the case that such labs would be dangerous if they fell into Russian hands, without apparently noticing the contradiction inherent in her position that such labs are only dangerous because they can be weaponized …

Matching Russian precision strikes to a map of bio lab locations inside Ukraine certainly does suggest that Putin’s ‘special military operation’ appears to be targeting some of these dangerous labs.”

maps of russian missile
us biolabs in ukraine

Indeed, Nawaz highlights a 2021 Ukrainian petition51 52 to president Zelensky, asking for a) the immediate closure of “American bio-laboratories in the territory of Ukraine,” b) an investigation into the activities of those labs, and c) an investigation into potential Ukrainian participation in the creation of SARS-CoV-2.

In other words, at least some Ukrainians, by 2021, were wondering whether the U.S. labs in their country might have been involved in the creation of this pandemic.

Denouncements Ring Hollow

Not surprisingly, the U.S. State Department took a hard line, denouncing all allegations with the statement that “The United States does not have chemical and biological weapons labs in Ukraine.”53 In another statement,54 the State Department “clarified” that the labs were for “biodefense,” not biological weapons, thus semantically cleansing their criminal activities.

The problem with that is that there’s no hard line between biodefense and bioweapons research. As admitted by EcoHealth Alliance’s policy advisor and former Fort Detrick commander David Franz, it’s all “dual use — the people, the facilities and the equipment.”55 Biodefense implies biowarfare, as it involves the creation of more dangerous pathogens for the alleged purpose of finding treatments against them.

Bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, has also pointed out that most BSL-4 labs are dual use: “They first develop the offensive biological warfare agent and then they develop the supposed vaccine.”56And then, there’s the weapons proliferation agreement57 between the U.S. and Ukraine, signed at the end of August 2005.

agreement between the us and ukraine

Incidentally, former President Barrack Obama spearheaded the project to construct these Ukrainian labs back in 2005, when he was still a senator and, curiously, the online announcement of his involvement in this project has also been deleted from the web.58

According to this agreement, the U.S. Department of Defense will assist the Ministry of Health in Ukraine, at no cost, to prevent “proliferation of technology, pathogens and expertise” found in a number of Ukraine labs, that “could be used in the development of biological weapons.”

The Burning Question of Intent

So, the agreement itself clarifies that they’re working on pathogens that COULD be used as biological weapons, and Nuland’s stated concerns back this up. The only question remaining then is one of intention. What’s the intended use of these pathogens? Defense? Or offense? And is there really a difference?

As noted by Nawaz, the U.S. clinging to the defense of “biodefense” and anti-bioweapons proliferation is “the equivalent of denying that Einstein’s discovery of splitting the atom to generate energy is not also something that could be used to make nuclear weapons. After the COVID outbreak, the notion that bio labs can be weaponized should simply be presumed as a rule.”

“Was ensuring that a ‘next pandemic’ doesn’t occur by taking out these bio labs, what Putin had in mind by his phrase ‘special military operation’?” ~ Maajid Nawaz

Also, consider the network of players reviewed earlier. The Ukrainian-American collaboration to study pathogens capable of weaponization is run by the DTRA, which funds Metabiota, which is run by a WEF leader with close personal ties to the one person — Daszak — suspected of being a key player in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, a go-between of the NIH and the WIV, and a central force in the cover-up of the lab leak theory.

Interestingly, Metabiota is also financially backed by Hunter Biden’s investment company, and let’s not forget that young Biden also collected a six-figure salary from a Ukrainian gas company for doing literally nothing, other than supplying his “powerful name.”59

Circumstantial or not, it just doesn’t look good. And, by now, it should be crystal clear that any lab doing defensive work is equally capable of churning out offensive weapons. Debating that point is just silly, as it all boils down to semantics.

According to Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, Metabiota is a key player in the Ukrainian labs. David Horowitz, a political writer, has noted that Metabiota is “a company that tracks the trajectory of outbreaks and sells pandemic insurance, but also seems to have its hand in the actual labs that … might be the source of some of these outbreaks.”60

In other words, could it be that Metabiota has been producing biological agents under diplomatic cover and then selling pandemic insurance and pandemic trackers to “help countries get ahead of what they are putting out”?61

Nawaz asks, “was ensuring that a ‘next pandemic’ doesn’t occur by taking out these bio labs, what Putin had in mind by his phrase ‘special military operation’?”62 At this point, it seems a valid question.

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Over 100,000 Released Documents Expose COVID Origin Fraud- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF ecohealth-risky-research-pdf


  • An investigative report by Vanity Fair contributor Katherine Eban, based on more than 100,000 EcoHealth Alliance documents, shows a disturbing reality of “murky grant agreements, flimsy NIH oversight and pursuit of government grants by pitching increasingly risky global research”
  • In 2014, EcoHealth received a $3.7 million NIAID grant to study the risk of bat coronavirus emergence and the potential for outbreaks in human populations. Nearly $600,000 of that went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was a key collaborator
  • The 2014 grant highlights the truth of what critics of gain-of-function (GOF) research have been saying for years, which is that this kind of research never achieves its aims. They say it needs to be done to prevent and/or get ahead of pandemics, but not a single pandemic has ever been averted and, instead, GOF research may actually be the cause of them
  • EcoHealth president Peter Daszak’s behavior has added fuel to suspicions of a lab leak — potentially of a virus that he himself helped create. In 2015, he warned a global pandemic might occur from a laboratory incident, especially the sort of virus manipulation research being done in Wuhan. Despite this history, in February 2020, Daszak wrote a “scientific consensus statement” published in The Lancet that condemned the lab leak theory as a wild conspiracy theory
  • It appears those who insist SARS-CoV-2 is of natural origin, despite all the evidence to the contrary, are doing so because they don’t want risky virological research to be blamed for the COVID pandemic

In a March 31, 2022, investigative report,1 Vanity Fair contributor Katherine Eban reviewed the contents of more than 100,000 EcoHealth Alliance documents, including meeting minutes and internal emails and reports, most of which predate the COVID-19 pandemic, showing a disturbing reality of “murky grant agreements, flimsy NIH oversight and pursuit of government grants by pitching increasingly risky global research.”2

April 4, 2022, Eban discussed her investigative report with “Rising” cohosts Ryan Grim and Robby Soave (video above). The various documents were released in accordance with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by several parties, including BuzzFeed, The Intercept, U.S. Right to Know, White Coat Waste, GOP Oversight and others.3

EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak admits to “cultivating” government connections for years by attending fancy cocktail parties in Washington D.C., oftentimes giving presentations alongside Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and internal correspondence reveal his obsession with funding — to the point of pitching risky research proposals to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

The Missing Gene Sequence

Eban begins her story with the account of Jesse D. Bloom, Ph.D., a computational virologist and evolutionary biologist with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. June 18, 2021, Bloom sent the draft of a preprint article he’d written to Fauci and Fauci’s boss, Dr. Francis Collins, then-director of the National Institutes of Health.

According to Eban, the paper “contained sensitive revelations” about the NIH, and Bloom wanted Fauci to see it before it went to print and became public knowledge.

“Under ordinary circumstances, the preprint might have sparked a respectful exchange of views. But this was no ordinary preprint, and no ordinary moment,” Eban writes.4

The origin of SARS-CoV-2 was highly contested at this point, with most officials still insisting it had evolved naturally and jumped species, while a growing group of independent investigators kept pointing to genetic discrepancies that made natural evolution highly unlikely.

“A growing contingent were asking if it could have originated inside a nearby laboratory that is known to have conducted risky coronavirus research funded in part by the United States,” Eban writes, referring to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China, where the COVID-19 outbreak first occurred. Eban continues:5

“Bloom’s paper was the product of detective work he’d undertaken after noticing that a number of early SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences mentioned in a published paper from China had somehow vanished without a trace.

The sequences, which map the nucleotides that give a virus its unique genetic identity, are key to tracking when the virus emerged and how it might have evolved.

In Bloom’s view, their disappearance raised the possibility that the Chinese government might be trying to hide evidence about the pandemic’s early spread. Piecing together clues, Bloom established that the NIH itself had deleted the sequences from its own archive at the request of researchers in Wuhan.

Now, he was hoping Fauci and his boss, NIH director Francis Collins, could help him identify other deleted sequences that might shed light on the mystery.”

On a brief side note, The Epoch Times addressed the alleged deletion of genetic sequences from its database at the request of a Chinese researcher in an April 2, 2022, article.6 NIH media branch chief Amanda Fine told The Epoch Times that the sequences were not actually erased; the data were merely removed from public access, so the data is now only available to those who have its accession number.

Contentious Disagreements

Collins responded by scheduling a Zoom meeting for June 20, 2021, to which he invited Fauci, Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., an evolutionary biologist, and Robert Garry, Ph.D., a virologist. Bloom invited evolutionary biologist Sergei Pond, Ph.D., and Rasmus Nielsen, Ph.D., a genetic biologist with expertise in statistical and computational aspects of evolutionary theory and genetics.

The meeting was a contentious one, and it so troubled Bloom that, six months later, he wrote a detailed account of it. After Bloom had described his findings and the questions it raised, Andersen jumped in, saying he found Bloom’s analysis “deeply troubling.” Eban writes:7

“If the Chinese scientists wanted to delete their sequences from the database, which NIH policy entitled them to do, it was unethical for Bloom to analyze them further, he claimed. And there was nothing unusual about the early genomic sequences in Wuhan.

Instantly, Nielsen and Andersen were ‘yelling at each other,’ Bloom wrote, with Nielsen insisting that the early Wuhan sequences were ‘extremely puzzling and unusual.’

Andersen … leveled a third objection. Andersen, Bloom wrote, ‘needed security outside his house, and my pre-print would fuel conspiratorial notions that China was hiding data and thereby lead to more criticism of scientists such as himself.’

Fauci then weighed in, objecting to the preprint’s description of Chinese scientists ‘surreptitiously’ deleting the sequences. The word was loaded, said Fauci, and the reason they’d asked for the deletions was unknown.

That’s when Andersen made a suggestion that surprised Bloom. He said he was a screener at the preprint server, which gave him access to papers that weren’t yet public.

He then offered to either entirely delete the preprint or revise it ‘in a way that would leave no record that this had been done.’ Bloom refused, saying that he doubted either option was appropriate, ‘given the contentious nature of the meeting.’

At that point, both Fauci and Collins distanced themselves from Andersen’s offer, with Fauci saying, as Bloom recalled it, ‘Just for the record, I want to be clear that I never suggested you delete or revise the pre-print.’ They seemed to know that Andersen had gone too far.”

EcoHealth, a Government-Funded Sponsor of Risky Research

The June 20 Zoom call reflected “a siege mentality at the NIH,” Eban writes, “whose cause was much larger than Bloom and the missing sequences.” The NIH had a publicity problem, because it was becoming known that the NIH/NIAID had funded potentially risky gain-of-function (GOF) research at the WIV through the EcoHealth Alliance. Bloom’s questions only ratcheted up an already delicate situation.

In 2014, EcoHealth received a $3.7 million NIAID grant to study the risk of bat coronavirus emergence and the potential for outbreaks in human populations. Nearly $600,000 of that went to the WIV, which was a key collaborator. (By that time, Daszak had already been working with Shi Zhengli, the director of the WIV best known as “the bat woman,” for nine years. In all, since 2005, Shi and Daszak have collaborated on 17 scientific papers.8)

The 2014 grant highlights the truth of what critics of GOF research have been saying for years, which is that this kind of research never achieves its aims.9 They say it needs to be done to prevent and/or get ahead of pandemics, but not a single pandemic has ever been averted, and instead, GOF research may actually be the cause of them.

EcoHealth utterly failed to predict, let alone prevent, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the initial outbreak occurring in the vicinity of the WIV raised suspicions of a lab leak from the start.

The NIH/NIAID’s obvious attempts to hide their involvement with GOF research on bat coronaviruses at the WIV has only worsened such suspicions, as did the Chinese government’s refusal to share raw patient data or participate in efforts to investigate SARS-CoV-2’s origin.

Curiously, in September 2019, three months before COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic, the WIV also took down its virus database, which at the time contained some 22,000 samples of viruses and their genetic sequences, and they’ve refused international requests to restore it ever since.

On the flipside, in what appears to have been an act of beneficent reciprocity to its American allies, the WIV deleted mentions of its collaboration with the NIAID/NIH and other American research partners from its website in March 2021, after Senate members started grilling Fauci about his funding of GOF research at the WIV.10 At the same time, they also deleted a scientific article discussing genetic research on the SARS virus.11

Daszak’s Suspicious Behavior

Daszak’s behavior has also added fuel to suspicions of a lab leak — potentially of a virus that he himself helped create. For example:

In an October 2015 Nature article, Daszak warned a global pandemic might occur from a laboratory incident, and that “the risks were greater with the sort of virus manipulation research being carried out in Wuhan.”12

Earlier that year, he also gave a speech at a National Academies of Science seminar on reducing risk from emerging infectious diseases, and among the material he presented was a paper titled, “Assessing Coronavirus Threats,” which included an examination of the “spillover potential” from “genetic and experimental studies” on viruses.

Specifically, he highlighted the danger of experimenting on “humanized mice,” meaning lab mice that have been genetically altered to carry human genes, cells or tissues.

Yet despite his history of such warnings, in February 2020, Daszak wrote a “scientific consensus statement” published in The Lancet that condemned the lab leak theory as nothing more than a wild conspiracy theory.13

EcoHealth received funding from the USAID PREDICT program, which was involved in identifying viruses with pandemic potential. The director of that program, Dennis Carroll, is now suspected of having stolen taxpayer funds by using PREDICT funds to pay for expenses related to his own organization, the Global Virome Project (GVP).14

In March 2019 email, Daszak noted that lawyers had flagged this conflict of interest and had suggested changes to a board of directors’ letter. Daszak wrote: “I realize this isn’t the language you wanted, but it’s safer for us at this sensitive point where we still receive USAID funding … for GVP related activities.”15

The comment seems to confirm that Daszak was aware that what Carroll was doing was inappropriate and potentially illegal, and he helped cover up Carroll’s improprieties.

Nathan Wolfe, a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader graduate, has been on EcoHealth’s editorial board since 2004, and in 2017, they cowrote a study on bat coronaviruses.16 Wolf is the founder of Metabiota, now implicated in the operation of U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine that Russia claims have been conducting secret bioweapons research.17

Daszak is also one of the 15 coauthors of the 2015 paper, “SARS-Like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronavirus Pose Threat for Human Emergence,”18 which biowarfare expert Francis Boyle claims is “the smoking gun” that reveals the culprits responsible for the COVID pandemic.

Other coauthors and funders of that paper include Collins, Fauci and Ralph Baric, Ph.D., who has been doing coronavirus research on humanized mice together with Shi — the very research Daszak had warned could pose the most serious pandemic hazard.

Why the Lack of Transparency From All Involved?

The efforts by Collins, Fauci, Dazak and other members of the scientific community to stifle debate about the genesis of SARS-CoV-2 — most of whom have clear connections to bat coronavirus GOF research and/or the WIV — raises obvious questions about motive.

“Could it have been to protect science from the ravings of conspiracy theorists?” Eban asks.19 “Or to protect against a revelation that could prove fatal to certain risky research that they deem indispensable? Or to protect vast streams of grant money from political interference or government regulation? …

Perhaps more than anyone, Peter Daszak … was uniquely positioned to help the world crack open the origin mystery, not least by sharing what he knew.

But last year, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University economist who oversees the Lancet’s COVID-19 commission, dismissed Daszak from the helm of a task force investigating the virus’s genesis, after he flatly refused to share progress reports from his contested research grant.

(… Daszak said he was ‘simply following NIH guidance’ when he declined Sachs’s request, because the agency was withholding the reports in question ‘until they had adjudicated a FOIA request.’ The reports are now publicly available, he said.)

‘[Daszak] and NIH have acted badly,’ Sachs told Vanity Fair. ‘There has been a lack of transparency …’

He said that the NIH should support an ‘independent scientific investigation’ to examine the ‘possible role’ in the pandemic of the NIH, EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and a partner laboratory at the University of North Carolina. ‘Both hypotheses are still very much with us,’ he said, and ‘need to be investigated seriously and scientifically’ …”

Alarm Bells Went Off in 2016

Getting back to the $3.7 million NIAID grant EcoHealth received in 2014, Eban recounts how warning bells went off in 2016, when EcoHealth was late on submitting its annual progress report. “The agency threatened to withhold funds until he filed it,” she writes, and “The report he finally did submit worried the agency’s grant specialists.”

According to the report, Daszak and his collaborators were seeking to create an infectious clone of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), a novel coronavirus with a 35% mortality rate.

“The report also made clear that the NIH grant had already been used to construct two chimeric coronaviruses similar to the one that caused Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which emerged in 2002 and went on to cause at least 774 deaths worldwide.

(A chimeric virus is one that combines fragments of different viruses.) These revelations prompted the NIH’s grant specialists to ask a critical question: Should the work be subject to a federal moratorium on what was called gain-of-function research?” Eban writes.20

“With that, Daszak’s grant got tangled in a yearslong debate that had divided the virology community. In 2011, two scientists separately announced that they had genetically altered Highly Pathogenic Asian Avian Influenza A (H5N1), the bird flu virus that has killed at least 456 people since 2003.

The scientists gave the virus new functions — enabling it to spread efficiently among ferrets, which are genetically closer to humans than mice — as a way to gauge its risks to people. Both studies had received NIH funding.

The scientific community erupted in conflict over what became known as gain-of-function research. Proponents claimed it could help prevent pandemics by highlighting potential threats.

Critics argued that creating pathogens that didn’t exist in nature ran the risk of unleashing them. As the dispute raged, Fauci worked to strike a middle ground, but ultimately supported the research …

In October 2014, the Obama administration imposed a moratorium on new federal funding for research that could make influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses more virulent or transmissible, while a review took place. But the moratorium, as written, left loopholes, which allowed Daszak to try to save the research.

On June 8, 2016, he wrote to the NIH’s grant specialists that the SARS-like chimeras from the completed experiment were exempt from the moratorium, because the strains used had not previously been known to infect humans …”

NIH Circumvented Moratorium Rules on Gain of Function

In his letter to the NIH, Daszak also referenced a 2015 paper written by Shi and Baric, which detailed an experiment in which they mixed components of SARS-like viruses of different species to create a novel chimera capable of directly infecting human cells. Incidentally, this research was funded by both the NIH and EcoHealth.

According to Daszak, the chimera produced was less lethal than the original SARS, so his chimera would probably be less lethal as well. However, the NIH grant specialists were far from reassured that his MERS chimera wouldn’t be dangerous, as Shi and Baric in that 2015 paper had noted the danger of such experiments, stressing that “scientific review panels may deem similar studies … too risky to pursue.”

“If anything, the MERS study Daszak proposed was even riskier,” Eban writes.21 “So he pitched a compromise to the NIH: that if any of the recombined strains showed 10 times greater growth than a natural virus, ‘we will immediately:

i) stop all experiments with the mutant, ii) inform our NIAID Program Officer and the UNC [Institutional Biosafety Committee] of these results and iii) participate in decision making trees to decide appropriate paths forward.’”

July 7, 2016, the NIH agreed to Daszak’s proposal, which as Eban notes “relied entirely on mutual transparency.” Shi would be responsible for informing Daszak if any of the recombinations had 10 times the growth rate of a natural virus, and Daszak would inform the agency of the results, so they could decide the fate of the experiment.

Jack Nunberg, director of the Montana Biotechnology Center, told Eban that allowing this kind of high-risk research to be pursued at the WIV was “simply crazy.” “Reasons are lack of oversight, lack of regulation, the environment in China … that is what really elevates it to the realm of, ‘No, this shouldn’t happen.’”

Indeed, in January 2021, declassified intelligence from the U.S. State Department claims Chinese military scientists have been working with the WIV since at least 2017, raising questions about whether research at the WIV was serving a dual purpose.

Dangerous DARPA Proposal

In late March 2018, EcoHealth, facing financial troubles, in collaboration with Shi and Baric, pitched a proposal22 to DARPA with the hopes of securing fresh funding.

Part of the proposal included examining SARS-like bat coronaviruses for furin cleavage sites, which is what allows the virus to infect human cells. They also proposed inserting a furin cleavage site, ostensibly to create an infectious coronavirus, and to test it on mice with humanized lungs.

The furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 is one of the curious hallmarks that makes it stand out as a potential manufactured bioweapon, as coronaviruses don’t have this feature naturally, that we know of. They then proposed mapping high-risk areas and testing various substances in an effort to reduce the viral shedding among bats.

“By almost any definition, this was gain-of-function research,” Eban writes.23 “The federal moratorium had been lifted in January 2017 and replaced with a review system called the HHS P3CO Framework (for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight). This required a safety review by the agency funding the research.”

Yet the EcoHealth Alliance, in its DARPA proposal, insisted the research would be exempt from the P3CO framework. DARPA rejected the proposal, and told Eban that part of the reason for the rejection was “because of the horrific lack of common sense” of it.

DARPA grant reviewers viewed EcoHealth as a “ragtag group,” and the WIV was assessed as having subpar safety standards. An unnamed former DARPA official who was there at the time of the proposal told Eban that allowing EcoHealth Alliance to be the prime contractor for a research project with national security risks would be like “having your rental car agency trying to run an armada.”

Importantly, the grant application failed to adequately assess the GOF risks, and the possibility of the work constituting dual-use research of concern (DURC). In other words, EcoHealth didn’t consider how the research might be repurposed as a bioweapon, or how it might endanger national security.

Simon Wain-Hobson, after reviewing the DARPA proposal, has stated it’s “basically a road map to a SARS-CoV-2-like virus.”24 Daszak, however, claims the research was never implemented, not by EcoHealth, Baric or Shi, as far as he’s aware of.

Still, the question remains: Did the GOF research that Shi and Baric published (and EcoHealth funded) in 2015 result in the creation of SARS-CoV-2? While Shi and Baric did that research at Baric’s lab in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, might Shi or others have expounded on the work at the WIV?

Daszak has been unwilling to release certain SARS coronavirus sequences from the work at the WIV, claiming he needs the Chinese government to authorize their release. But this explanation seems to “undercut the entire rationale for having the U.S. government help fund a global collaboration on virus emergence,” Eban notes, adding:25

“Wain-Hobson has his own hypothesis for what is taking place: The group of scientists pushing the claim of natural origin, he says, ‘want to show that virology is not responsible [for causing the pandemic]. That is their agenda.’”

Naomi Wolf: Update On Status & Revelations From Pfizer Document Dump

Naomi Wolf gives Steve Bannon an update on the progress being made by 1,500 volunteers and 250 lawyers who are studying the first court-ordered 55,000 page document dump.

Two weeks from now, Wolf plans to present a detailed summary of what her research team has discovered. The lawyers she is working with will take longer to present their discoveries and announce legal actions.

Original Video:


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Naomi Wolf On COVID Tipping Points & Pfizer Document Dump: “This Is A Mass Murder Event!”

Dr. Naomi Wolf appears on Steve Bannon’s War Room. She discusses tipping points in dismantling the COVID narrative, including the extraordinary impact that truckers and individual lawsuits have had in forcing the removal of mandates. She also discusses the recent Pfizer document dump, which she believes provides more evidence that a mass murder event has taken place and there are grounds for criminal prosecution of those responsible.

Original Video:

38-Page Pfizer Appendix: Pfizer Adverse Event Reports Received Through 28-Feb-2021 (pdf)

Pfizer Documents Produced by the FDA in FOIA Litigation


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Pfizer COVID Vaccine Has 1,291 Side Effects Reveals Released Documents
Great Game India
March 5, 2022

When Pfizer applied for FDA approval, they were aware of almost 158,000 adverse events. This really does not paint them in a favorable light. And now, it’s been officially reported that Pfizer’s COVID vaccine has 1,291 side effects according to released documents.

In January, a judge ordered the FDA to provide clinical data on the COVID vaccinations, which resulted in the disclosure of 55,000 pages of documentation.

The FDA had planned to keep the data hidden for 75 years until releasing it in 2096 because, well, the FDA is essentially a criminal conspiracy. The COVID vaccinations never should have been licensed in the first place.

This was clear from the start, when the Trump administration’s ill-fated “Operation War Speed” bypassed animal tests. It’s now definitely true. We’ve got the clinical evidence, and it’s horrifying.

The clinical data for Pfizer’s vaccine is hidden in one appendix (read below), which contains 1,291 unfavorable side effects in alphabetical order. Let’s have a look at some of the negative consequences of taking the Pfizer vaccine that begin with the letter “a”:

1p36 deletion syndrome; 2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria; 5’nucleotidase increased; Acoustic neuritis;Acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency;Acquired epidermolysis bullosa;Acquired epileptic aphasia;Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis;Acute encephalitis with refractory, repetitive partial seizures;Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis;Acute flaccid myelitis;Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis;Acute haemorrhagic oedema of infancy;Acute kidney injury;Acute macular outer retinopathy;Acute motor axonal neuropathy;Acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy;Acute myocardial infarction;Acute respiratory distress syndrome;Acute respiratory failure;Addison’s disease;Administration site thrombosis;Administration site vasculitis;Adrenal thrombosis;Adverse event following immunisation;Ageusia;Agranulocytosis;Air embolism;Alanine aminotransferase abnormal;Alanine aminotransferase increased;Alcoholic seizure;Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis;Allergic oedema;Alloimmune hepatitis;Alopecia areata;Alpers disease;Alveolar proteinosis;Ammonia abnormal;Ammonia increased;Amniotic cavity infection; Amygdalohippocampectomy; Amyloid arthropathy; Amyloidosis; Amyloidosis senile; Anaphylactic reaction; Anaphylactic shock; Anaphylactic transfusion reaction; Anaphylactoid reaction; Anaphylactoid shock; Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy;Angioedema;Angiopathic neuropathy;Ankylosing spondylitis; Anosmia;Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody positive;Anti-actin antibody positive;Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positive;Anti-basal ganglia antibody positive;Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody positive;Anti-epithelial antibody positive;Anti-erythrocyte antibody positive;Anti-exosome complex antibody positive;Anti-GAD antibody negative;Anti-GAD antibody positive;Anti-ganglioside antibody positive;Antigliadin antibody positive;Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody positive;Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease;Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody positive;Anti-HLA antibody test positive;Anti-IA2 antibody positive;Anti-insulin antibody increased;Anti-insulin antibody positive;Anti-insulin receptor antibody increased;Anti-insulin receptor antibody positive;Anti-interferon antibody negative;Anti-interferon antibody positive;Anti-islet cell antibody positive;Antimitochondrial antibody positive;Anti-muscle specific kinase antibody positive;Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies positive;Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein associated polyneuropathy;Antimyocardial antibody positive;Anti-neuronal antibody positive;Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody increased;Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive;Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis;Anti-NMDA antibody positive;Antinuclear antibody increased;Antinuclear antibody positive;Antiphospholipid antibodies positive;Antiphospholipid syndrome;Anti-platelet antibody positive;Anti-prothrombin antibody positive;Antiribosomal P antibody positive;Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody positive;Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody test positive;Anti-sperm antibody positive;Anti-SRP antibody positive;Antisynthetase syndrome;Anti-thyroid antibody positive;Anti-transglutaminase antibody increased;Anti-VGCC antibody positive;Anti-VGKC antibody positive;Anti-vimentin antibody positive;Antiviral prophylaxis;Antiviral treatment;Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody positive;Aortic embolus;Aortic thrombosis;Aortitis;Aplasia pure red cell;Aplastic anaemia;Application site thrombosis;Application site vasculitis;Arrhythmia;Arterial bypass occlusion;Arterial bypass thrombosis;Arterial thrombosis;Arteriovenous fistula thrombosis;Arteriovenous graft site stenosis;Arteriovenous graft thrombosis;Arteritis;Arteritis coronary;Arthralgia;Arthritis;Arthritis enteropathic;Ascites;Aseptic cavernous sinus thrombosis;Aspartate aminotransferase abnormal;Aspartate aminotransferas increased;Aspartate-glutamate-transporter deficiency;AST to platelet ratio index increased;AST/ALT ratio abnormal;Asthma;Asymptomatic COVID-19;Ataxia;Atheroembolism;Atonic seizures;Atrial thrombosis;Atrophic thyroiditis;Atypical benign partial epilepsy;Atypical pneumonia;Aura;Autoantibody positive;Autoimmune anaemia;Autoimmune aplastic anaemia;Autoimmune arthritis;Autoimmune blistering disease;Autoimmune cholangitis;Autoimmune colitis;Autoimmune demyelinating disease;Autoimmune dermatitis;Autoimmune disorder;Autoimmune encephalopathy;Autoimmune endocrine disorder;Autoimmune enteropathy;Autoimmune eye disorder;Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia;Autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia;Autoimmune hepatitis;Autoimmune hyperlipidaemia;Autoimmune hypothyroidism;Autoimmune inner ear disease;Autoimmune lung disease;Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome;Autoimmune myocarditis;Autoimmune myositis;Autoimmune nephritis;Autoimmune neuropathy;Autoimmune neutropenia;Autoimmune pancreatitis;Autoimmune pancytopenia;Autoimmune pericarditis;Autoimmune retinopathy;Autoimmune thyroid disorder;Autoimmune thyroiditis;Autoimmune uveitis;Autoinflammation with infantile enterocolitis;Autoinflammatory disease;Automatism epileptic;Autonomic nervous system imbalance;Autonomic seizure;Axial spondyloarthritis;Axillary vein thrombosis;Axonal and demyelinating polyneuropathy;Axonal neuropathy;

You get my drift. There really are 9 pages of small print adverse effects.

You already recognize that vaccines can cause myocarditis in children, particularly young boys, but you must also consider the serious risks of a brain stem embolism, acute kidney injury, cardiac failure, frontal lobe epilepsy, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, herpes, interstitial lung disease, or Type 1 diabetes mellitus — just to name a few of the many serious side effects.

And therefore don’t tell me you have a low probability of getting hurt. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), a government database, includes over 1 million complaints of “adverse events” to the new vaccinations, with 24,000 of them labelled as “death.”

When Pfizer applied for FDA approval, they were aware of almost 158,000 “adverse events.” People suffered major problems after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, and Pfizer was aware of this before seeking FDA approval. Take a look at this graph created by Pfizer.

Why would the FDA authorize a new vaccination if 15,000 people developed major nervous system illnesses after using it?

There’s simply no incentive to do so.

Alert your friends and relatives that children’s vaccinations must be stopped promptly. Governments have purchased million dosages of this toxin for kids under the age of five without obtaining approval, and it should never be permitted to administer them.

Contact your elected officials, senators, and everyone you know right now to put an end to this.


Leftists terrified, angry after free speech advocate Elon Musk buys massive stake in Twitter, joins board of directors

Natural News) If you still doubted that left-wing Democrats and their voters are not at all fans of free speech, which is protected by our Constitution, you need only to see their reactions to the news that Tesla and SpaceX founder/CEO Elon Musk has purchased a major stake in Twitter and has joined the platform’s board of directors.

Musk, who has famously provided — at no cost — hundreds of his Starlink satellite internet systems to Ukraine and has said he would not censor Russian posts and communications, has always been a real advocate for unlimited free speech. He understands that there really is no such thing as “hate speech,” that it’s a construct of the left used to silence social, cultural and political opponents, and as such, his financial investment and forays into Twitter has the little Stalins who run it and thrive on the platform’s censorship terrified they’ll have to ‘allow’ others to disagree with them.

“There’s interest in billionaires, there’s celebration of the Musk. There’s also fear, I think, sometimes or wariness of — okay, so here’s the richest man on the planet who just bought a big chunk of one of our most important communications tools,” little-watched CNN clown Brian Stelter said earlier this week. “He’s also one of the biggest owners of satellites in the world. So he’s incredibly powerful, incredibly, I don’t know, am I allowed to use the word ‘strange’ when talking about Elon Musk?”

But in fact, left-wing billionaires have been controlling communications and censoring conservative speech for decades now, but Stelter, who works for one of those media companies, has not had a problem with it until now.



Other liberals, however, like investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald, understand the importance of free speech as well as Musk’s new influence on Twitter, and are calling out the critics.

“Bring back the good and benevolent oligarchs to police the internet and our political debates for us. Google loves us and knows what is best for us, not like this irreverent ruffian,” he wrote on the platform in response to a tweet that was critical of Musk.

Cassie Nick Rumbaugh, a data scientist at Twitter, is among the employees and contractors very upset that @elonmusk is now the largest stakeholder in Twitter. ‘A prominent transphobe buying a large stake in Twitter is not at all funny,’ she says,” Ngo tweeted (and by the way, falsely labeling Musk a ‘transphone’ is a typical left-wing tactic — call someone you don’t like a name rather than debate them idea vs. idea, policy vs. policy).

Of course, there is little wonder that the left is upset. According to Statista, their biggest problem with the platform is “inaccurate or misleading information” — that is, information they don’t agree with — while they are least concerned about over “Twitter banning users” (the Democrat left loves tyranny).

“There’s no need to wonder what the US liberal-left thinks about free speech. Polling data proves: they don’t believe in it. Huge majorities want not only tech oligarchs *but also the state* to censor the internet for them. Can’t argue with the data. It’s right here,” Greenwald pointed out in response to a Columbia Bugle tweet noting how the left is terrified of a Twitter that doesn’t censor conservatives.

It’s too early to say what changes to Twitter, if any, Musk will be able to make. But we can already tell the left fears those changes because, in reality, they are the tyrants and Nazis, not the right.

Sources include:

Ever since flu shots were introduced, nothing has changed: Death rates are the same as they were in 1960

(Natural News) When influenza “vaccines” were first introduced in 1980, the claim was that they would put an end to the flu. It has been more than 40 years since, however, and rates of infection and death are about the same as they were back in 1960.

The following image shows flu shot uptake between 1980 and today, as provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

The next image shows monthly influenza mortality counts between 1959 and 2016:

Notice anything wrong with what you see? Despite a massive rise in flu shot uptake over the past 40 years, the same number of people are dying every month from the flu, almost as if the shots are doing absolutely nothing to stop the virus.

“We went from 12 million flu shots in 1980 to almost 200 million in 2020,” writes Alex Berenson on his Substack, adding that nothing has changed as far as flu deaths during that time.

“There is absolutely no relationship between the number of flu ‘vaccines’ we give and deaths from influenza.”

“Vaccine hesitancy” research from 2010 was used to trick more people into taking covid injections 11 years later

It gets worse, though. What is not shown on the second chart are the number of flu deaths in 2017 and 2018. It turns out more people died from the flu during that season than perhaps ever, including during the 1968 Hong Kong flu outbreak.

The New York Times reported that 80,000 Americans of flu died during the winter of 2017-18, which it said was the “highest toll in years.”



“Among the dead were 180 babies, children and teenagers, more than in any year since the CDC began tracking pediatric deaths.”

What this all proves, of course, is that flu shots are just as useless as Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” at “saving lives.” Both injections are also dangerous and come with the risk of serious side effects, though covid injections seem to be far worse.

“Instead of asking if the reason people didn’t want to get jabbed was that the shots manifestly DID NOT WORK, the authorities simply looked for ways to encourage or force people to take them,” Berenson further explains.

“By 2010, research on ‘vaccine hesitancy’ and ‘compliance’ began to accelerate … This is what happens when process – taxpayer-funded process – gets separated from outcome, when too many people have too much money and careers at stake for anyone to ask the question: Does any of this make sense?”

The results of all that research were used to carefully craft and hone the plandemicand how to deal with resisters who refuse to get injected with experimental gene therapy chemicals, also known as mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccines.”

“… when Covid came the vaccinators knew EXACTLY what to do,” Berenson contends. “Except this time the money made the funding for flu shots look like a rounding error. Getting out of this ditch is going to be very, very difficult.

These and other revelations are really starting to make waves in the court of public opinion. People who were once convinced that vaccines are “safe and effective” are now starting to question everything about the official narrative.

“COVID has helped me re-evaluate the entire ‘vaccine’ narrative, and for the first time in years, I did not get a flu shot this winter,” wrote someone who reads Berenson’s work, adding that she did not get the covid injections either.

“Now I feel guilty for past discussions with some of my children and a sibling about how they needed to get the flu shot. I believe that Robert Malone, in one of his interviews, stated that the flu shot is a lot more controversial among vaccine experts than anyone would ever know.”

More related news about flu shots can be found at

Sources for this article include:

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Spanish Researcher Explains How to Detox Graphene Oxide From Your Body After the Covid Jab

Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies, Protocols and Products

Richardo Delgardo, who is a part of La Quinta Columna, has successfully tested an inexpensive way to remove magnetic graphene nano-particles from the human body after they were injected via a covid jab (aka vaccine). If you know someone who has had a Pfizer, Moderna, or Astra Zeneca covid-jab, which all contain graphene oxide nanoparticles, or whose body now sticks to magnets, then they need to see this video so that they can get rid of the magnetic nano-particles. You will see him describe what to do.

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1. Ukraine was planning a limited nuclear strike against Russia
2. Russia is the only super power resisting globalization
3. Ukraine is the world’s largest trafficker of children, 260,000 and rising. Putin vows to destroy network.
4. Ukraine is the money laundering center for American Congress and other US criminals.
5. Bio-Labs, Ukraine has 25+ US owned and funded Extremely Dangerous and Illegal Bio-Labs; Russia is now containing and destroying.

Putin’s February 21, 2022 Letter to the world;
Backup Copy, with video.

NATO Expansion Provoked Putin: Kremlin Reacting to Offensive Posturing

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Household names are being taken to the International Criminal Court for taking part in the greatest genocidal hoax in history.

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  • Seven applicants, on behalf of the British population, have filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), accusing 16 individuals of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression
  • The 16 defendants include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with several other British authorities, as well as the presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum
  • According to the ICC complaint, the 16 defendants have violated the Nuremberg Code and Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21 and 53 of the Rome Statute
  • The Nuremberg Code is a set of medical research ethics principles that grew out of the “Doctors Trial” in Nuremberg following World War II. The war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg established 10 standards to which doctors must conform when performing experiments on human subjects
  • The ICC is a permanent, independent court that investigates crimes that concern the international community. Its activities are governed by an international treaty called the Rome Statute, which has been ratified by more than 120 countries, including the U.S. It can step in when a member state fails to take appropriate action to bring a criminal to justice. In theory, member states are supposed to cooperate with the court

According to The Desert Review, a slew of high-power figures in the COVID-19 pandemic and the push to mandate experimental COVID jabs have been accused of several crimes, including crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the U.K.:1

“In a stunning 46-page legal filing2 to the International Criminal Court on December 6 [2021], an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.”

The Dirty 16

In all, the 16 defendants named in the legal filing are:

  1. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID
  2. Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance
  3. Bill Gates
  4. Melinda Gates
  5. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
  6. Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
  7. Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca
  8. Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson & Johnson
  9. Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO
  10. Boris Johnson, U.K. prime minister
  11. Christopher Whitty, U.K. chief medical adviser
  12. Matthew Hancock, former U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care
  13. Medicines and Healthcare, current U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care
  14. June Raine, U.K. chief executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
  15. Dr. Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation
  16. Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum

The victims, on behalf of whom the complaint was filed, are “the peoples of the United Kingdom.” One of the seven applicants is Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer.

At the end of 2020, he expressed deep concerns about the COVID jabs becoming mandatory, as he could find no medical rationale for their use. In 2021, as we all know, mandates were rolled out around the world. In April 2021, Yeadon went public with concerns that the shots were part of a depopulation agenda.

“I believe [COVID-19 booster shots] are going to be used to damage your health and possibly kill you. I can see no sensible interpretation other than a serious attempt at mass depopulation,” he said in a “Planet Lockdown” interview published in late April 2021.3

What Is the International Criminal Court?

The International Criminal Court4 5 (ICC) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal located in The Hague, Netherlands. Its activities are governed by an international treaty called the Rome Statute, which has been ratified by more than 120 countries, including the U.S.

The ICC is a permanent, independent court that investigates crimes that concern the international community, such as claims of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression. In theory, member states are supposed to cooperate with the court, but that doesn’t always happen.

If warranted, the court can prosecute and try individuals charged with these types of crimes, but it will typically only do so if the member state fails to take the appropriate legal actions against the perpetrator, which can happen if a government tries to shield the individual in question from criminal responsibility. As noted in the complaint:6

“We have tried to raise this case through the local English police and the English Court system without success, we have been unable to even get the case registered either with the police or with the court after several attempts.

The statute for the ICC declares that ‘The ICC is intended to complement, not to replace, national criminal systems; it prosecutes cases only when a State is unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution (Article 17(1)(a)). This is such a case which is why we are addressing the ICC directly.”

Still, the ICC relies on the states’ national law enforcement to arrest individuals, so a member state can still restrict the court’s ability to bring a criminal to justice. The ICC does not have its own police force to carry out warrants or arrests. In this case, defendants are scattered across several countries. According to the ICC complaint, the 16 defendants have violated the Nuremberg Code and four articles of the Rome Statute.

Violation 1 — The Nuremberg Code

The Nuremberg Code is a set of medical research ethics principles that grew out of the “Doctors Trial” in Nuremberg following World War II. The war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg established 10 standards to which doctors must conform when performing experiments on human subjects.7

Foremost among these codes of ethics is the necessity of informed consent to participate in medical experimentation. The Nuremberg Code has also been the basis for other medical ethics guidance and laws, including the Helsinki Declaration of 1965, which binds practicing physicians to “act in the patient’s best interest when providing medical care.”

While not a binding law, the complaint argues that the Nuremberg Code qualifies as a source of international law by way of Article 21(1)(b) of the Rome Statute, which recognizes international law, international treaties, international custom and principles of law recognized by civilized nations as being of equal value.

Violation 2 — Genocide

Article 6 of the Rome Statute refers to acts of genocide, i.e., acts intended to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Here, the group in question is the British population in its entirety, and by extension the world, starting with the elderly, chronically ill and disabled. Genocide can include the acts of:

  • Killing
  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm
  • Imposing measures intended to reduce fertility
  • Deliberately inflicting conditions of life, calculated to bring about whole or partial destruction

All of these definitions apply in this case, and details are provided to support each charge. For example, with regard to “conditions of life calculated to bring about destruction,” this includes both the destruction of businesses and transfer of wealth through imposed lockdowns, and damaging people’s immune systems through the refusal to offer early treatment, mask mandates and coercing people to take the COVID jab.

Violation 3 — Crimes Against Humanity

Article 7 of the Rome Statute covers crimes against humanity, which includes:

  • Murder
  • Extermination
  • Imprisonment or severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law
  • Torture
  • Enforced sterilizations
  • Persecution of any identifiable group
  • Apartheid and other inhumane acts

The specific charges under each are detailed in the complaint, with data to support them.

Violation 4 — War Crimes

War crimes are covered in Article 8 of the Rome Statute. The complaint argues that “a covert war has been waged against the people of the United Kingdom (and the world) through the release of the biological weapon SARS-Cov-2 and the additional bioweapon, m-RNA gene therapy ‘vaccines.” They also include a charge of Mens Rea, meaning the intent to commit a crime, stating that:

“… the members of the UK government and world international leaders against which we have brought this complaint, are knowingly working on behalf of this global agenda for depopulation through the biological weapons known as SARS-Cov-2 and the m-RNA ‘vaccines.’

We submit therefore that the members of the UK government and world leaders against which we have brought this complaint have both knowledge and intent with respect to these alleged crimes.”

War crimes listed in the complaint include:

  • Willful killing by way of the experimental COVID jabs, the use of lethal doses of midazolam in nursing home patients diagnosed with COVID, and the inclusion of graphene hydroxide in the shots.
    Not only are they asking for a full investigation into the inclusion of graphene hydroxide in some of the COVID shots, they also want a full investigation into the suspected assassination of Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist and a top graphene expert. Noack’s doctoral thesis described the conversion of graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide. According to the complaint:

“Professor Dr. Pablo Campra comes from the university of Almeria, and alongside Dr. Andreas Noack he examined the covid ‘vaccines’ for the presence of graphene oxide with the Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, the study of frequencies. According to both doctors, the vaccines don’t contain graphene oxide but do contain graphene hydroxide.

On November 23, 2021, Dr. Andreas Noack released a video explaining what graphene hydroxide is and how the nano structures injected into the human body act as ‘razor blades’ inside the veins of ‘vaccine’ recipients …

On 18th November 2020 Dr. Andreas Noack was on a ‘livestream’ on YouTube discussing the dangers of the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ when he was arrested on camera by armed German police (Appendix 41). On 26th November 2021, just hours after publishing his latest video about graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide (Appendix 42) he was attacked and murdered.

We request a full investigation be done into the inclusion of Graphene hydroxide in theCovid-19 ‘vaccines’ and into the assassination of Dr. Andreas Noack.”

  • Torture by way of forced mask wearing, the use of test swabs containing carcinogenic chemicals, and the release of a manmade bioweapon.
  • Willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health — Examples include the forced use of masks, the closing of doctors’ offices, the COVID jab mandates, the use of psychological warfare, the use of economic warfare, the use of biological warfare, denial of effective medicines, suppression of alternative treatments, use of ventilators despite evidence of harm, and euthanizing elderly COVID patients with midazolam.
  • Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.
  • Intentionally directing attacks against civilians, including those not taking direct part in any hostilities.
  • Intentionally launching an attack, knowing it will cause loss of life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, and/or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment.

Violation 5 — Crimes of Aggression

The last violation is crimes of aggression against the British population, covered under Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute. According to the complaint:

“This is a global criminal conspiracy, which has been planned for several decades. It is now obvious that ‘the plan’ involves the ultrarich and leaders of most nation states, with a few exceptions.

It is also clear that powerful think-tanks including WEF [World Economic Forum] in Davos as well as the Club of Rome, and other NGOs like WHO and GAVI among others, are at the centre of this draconian criminal conspiracy. Under the official slogan; ‘BUILD BACK BETTER,’ used by the President of WHO, the President of USA, as well as the President of WEF, the Prime Minister of the UK as well as countless other world leaders.

The goal of this activity is to create a new world order, through the UN ‘s Agenda 2030, by dismantling all the Democratic Nation States, step by step, controlled by an un-elected elite and to destroy the freedoms and basic human rights of the peoples of the Earth.

In addition to this, the aim is to destroy small and medium sized businesses, moving the market shares to the largest corporations, owned by the Global Elite. The fulfilment of this goal will most likely lead to full enslavement of mankind.

This is being done by means of the threat from both a dangerous biological weapon, the virus, the vaccines, the testing test pins, the mask mandates and all other measures. All of which constitute not only a breach of National laws, but also a fundamental breach of the Charter of the United Nations and the Treaty of Rome and our Fundamental Human rights.

It is of the utmost urgency that ICC take immediate action, taking all of this into account, to stop the rollout of COVID vaccinations, introduction of unlawful vaccination passports and all other types of illegal warfare mentioned herein currently being waged against the people of the United Kingdom by way of a court injunction.”

New Findings Will ‘Dismantle the Entire Vaccine Industry’

In a January 1, 2022, video announcement (featured at the top of this article), Dr. Reiner Fuellmich8 — a U.S.-German consumer protection trial lawyer and cofounder of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss)9 10 11 launched July 10, 2020 — announced the data they now have in their possession is “enough to dismantle the entire vaccine industry.”

Fuellmich is heading up the committee’s corona crisis tort case. Initially, the committee focused on exposing the PCR test fraud, but now they also have evidence that the vaccine makers were using different lot numbers to carry out an experiment within an experiment, unbeknownst to the public.

According to Fuellmich, it looks like an experiment to determine the dosage needed to kill and/or maim people. In other words, people have not been getting identical products. Different lots or batches contain different dosages and even different ingredients.

“There is inescapable evidence, in my view as a lawyer, of there being premeditation.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

According to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, they have “hard evidence” of this. He points to an investigation published in late 2021 showing only 5% of the lots were responsible for 100% of the rapid deaths.12

In the video, Wodarg also shows a graph of 9,500 different Pfizer jab batches, with some having a toxicity, as evidenced by deaths, that is 3,000 times above the baseline. Others have a toxicity that is 2,500 times higher than baseline. Between them are batches with no deaths attributed to them.

Wodarg also claims to have data showing that the vaccine makers appear to have coordinated and synchronized their experimentation, so that only one of them is releasing a potentially deadly batch at a time. But they’re all doing this. They’re all experimenting with dosages and ingredients, Wodarg insists, and the reason they’re able to do this is because there are no review boards overseeing any of them.

There’s now an interesting site where you can search the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data based on your lot number, to see if you got one of the more dangerous batches. You can find that dashboard here.13 The video below explains how to use the dashboard.

new VAERS tableau dashboard

“There is inescapable evidence, in my view as a lawyer, of there being premeditation,” Fuellmich says. And if premeditation can be proven, then there is no legal immunity for anyone anymore. They can all be held liable for injuries and deaths.

Without doubt, the legal battles will be incredibly difficult to pursue, as there are so many powerful people working together on this, protecting each other. But that doesn’t mean we don’t try. On the contrary, we must do everything in our power to bring the criminals behind this global takeover to justice, and hold them accountable for everything that has been done to our economies, our livelihoods, our families, our health and our children’s futures.

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.


mRNA Vaccine Inventor Erased From History Books – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, feels compelled to warn anyone who will listen about its potential risks.


  • June 11, 2021, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, spoke out on the DarkHorse podcast about the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections. The podcast was quickly erased from YouTube
  • Malone is concerned about government not being transparent about risks, and that people are being coerced into taking these experimental injections, which violates bioethics laws
  • He believes the risks outweigh the benefits in children, teens and young adults, and that those who have recovered from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection should not get the injection
  • Five days after his DarkHorse podcast appearance, Malone’s scientific accomplishments and contributions were scrubbed from Wikipedia
  • As recently as June 14, 2021, Malone’s contributions were extensively included in the historical section on RNA vaccines’ Wikipedia page. June 16, his name was removed and his accomplishments attributed to nameless researchers at the Salk Institute, the University of California, and the University of Wisconsin

June 11, 2021, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology,1 Dr. Robert Malone, spoke out on the DarkHorse podcast about the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections, hosted by Bret Weinstein, Ph.D. The podcast was quickly erased from YouTube and Weinstein was issued a warning.

To censor a scientific discussion with the actual inventor of the technology used to manufacture these COVID-19 shots is beyond shocking. But the censorship of Malone goes even further than that. As reported in the video above, Malone’s scientific accomplishments are also being scrubbed.

Wikipedia Scrubs Malone’s Scientific Contributions

As recently as June 14, 2021, Malone’s contributions were extensively included in the historical section on RNA vaccines’ Wikipedia page. He was listed as having co-developed a “high-efficiency in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection system using cationic liposomes” in 1989.

In 1990, he demonstrated that “in-vitro transcribed mRNA could deliver genetic information into the cell to produce proteins within living cell tissue.” Malone was also part of the team that conducted the first mRNA vaccine experiments. In short, his scientific knowledge of mRNA vaccines is unquestionable.

wikipedia entry

Two days later, June 16, 2021, just five days after Malone’s appearance on the DarkHorse podcast, his name was removed from the Wikipedia entry. Now, all of a sudden, the discovery of mRNA drug delivery is accredited to nameless researchers at the Salk Institute and the University of California, and his 1990 research confirming that injected mRNA can produce proteins in cell tissue is accredited to nameless scientists at the University of Wisconsin.

wikipedia entry removed

Hungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko is now suddenly praised by mainstream media as the inventor of mRNA vaccines.2 It’s a convenient choice, considering Kariko is the senior vice president of BioNTech, the creator of Pfizer’s COVID injection. Kariko’s unofficial biography also includes being a communist-era police informant.

As noted in the featured video, this goes beyond censoring. It’s revisionism — a “1984”-style rewriting of history to fit the official narrative of the day. The danger of this trend is incalculable.

What Did Malone Say About mRNA Vaccines?

The take-home messages Malone delivered on Weinstein’s podcast were that government is not being transparent about the risks, that no one should be forced to take these experimental injections, that the risks outweigh the benefits in children, teens and young adults, and that those who have recovered from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection should not get the injection. In a June 24, 2021, interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News (above), Malone said:3

“I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines … My concern is I know there are risks but we don’t have access to the data … We don’t really have the information we need to make a reasonable decision.”

A significant part of why we don’t have adequate data is because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration purposely decided not to require stringent post-vaccination data collection and evaluation. This too was revealed in Malone’s DarkHorse interview.

Why did the FDA opt for lax data capture on a brand-new, never before used technology slated for mass distribution? Clearly, without post-injection data capture, there’s no way to evaluate the safety of these products. You cannot identify danger signals if you don’t have a process for capturing effects data and evaluating all of it.

First Risk-Benefit Analysis of COVID Shots

Malone also points out that risk-benefit analyses have not been done, and that’s another objection he has. What data we do have, however, indicate these COVID-19 injections could be the most dangerous medical product we’ve ever seen.

For example, the reported rate of death from COVID-19 shots now exceeds the reported death rate of more than 70 vaccines combined over the past 30 years, and it’s about 500 times deadlier than the seasonal flu vaccine,4 which historically has been the most hazardous. The COVID shots are also seven times more dangerous than the pandemic H1N1 vaccine, which had a 25-per-million severe side effect rate.5

Coincidentally, a peer-reviewed risk-benefit analysis6 was in fact published in the medical journal Vaccines the same day Malone spoke to Carlson. It revealed that the number needed to vaccinate (NNTV) to prevent one COVID-19 death using the Pfizer injection is between 9,000 and 50,000, and that for every three COVID-19 deaths prevented, two are killed by the injection. According to the authors, “This lack of clear benefit should cause governments to rethink their vaccination policy.”

The Spike Protein Is a Bioactive Cytotoxin

In his DarkHorse interview, Malone noted that he had warned the FDA that the spike protein — which the COVID-19 shots instruct your cells to make — could pose a health risk.

The FDA dismissed his concerns, saying they did not believe the spike protein was biologically active. Besides, the vaccine makers specifically designed the injections so that the spike protein would stick and not float about freely. As it turns out, they were wrong on both accounts.

“The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries. Despite that, Pfizer opted not to perform standard reproductive toxicology studies.”

It’s since been established that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein does not stay near the injection site,7 and that it is biologically active. It is responsible for the most severe effects seen in COVID-19, such as bleeding disorders, blood clots throughout the body, heart problems and neurological damage.

These are the same problems we now see in a staggering number of people having received one or two shots of COVID-19 gene therapy. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries.8 9 10

Despite that, Pfizer opted not to perform standard reproductive toxicology studies. For more in-depth information about how the spike protein can wreck your health, see my interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Judy Mikovits, Ph.D.

COVID Jab Campaign Violates Bioethics Laws

In his interviews with Weinstein and Carlson, Malone stressed that there are bioethical principles and bioethics laws in place to prevent undue risks in medical experimentation, and that those laws are currently being violated. He went into far more detail on this in a May 30, 2021, essay:11

“… the adult public are basically research subjects that are not being required to sign informed consent due to EUA waiver. But that does not mean that they do not deserve the full disclosure of risks that one would normally require in an informed consent document for a clinical trial.

And now some national authorities are calling on the deployment of EUA vaccines to adolescents and the young, which by definition are not able to directly provide informed consent to participate in clinical research — written or otherwise.

The key point here is that what is being done by suppressing open disclosure and debate concerning the profile of adverse events associated with these vaccines violates fundamental bioethical principles for clinical research. This goes back to the Geneva convention and the Helsinki declaration.12 There must be informed consent for experimentation on human subjects.”

Experimentation without proper informed consent also violates the Nuremberg Code,13 which spells out a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation. This set of principles were developed to ensure the medical horrors discovered during the Nuremberg trials at the end of World War II would never take place again.

In the U.S., we also have the Belmont report,14 cited in Malone’s essay, which spells out the ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects of research, covered under the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR 46 (subpart A). The Belmont report describes informed consent as follows:

“Respect for persons requires that subjects, to the degree that they are capable, be given the opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them. This opportunity is provided when adequate standards for informed consent are satisfied.

While the importance of informed consent is unquestioned, controversy prevails over the nature and possibility of an informed consent. Nonetheless, there is widespread agreement that the consent process can be analyzed as containing three elements: information, comprehension and voluntariness.”

Americans, indeed the people of the entire planet, are being prevented from freely accessing and sharing information about these gene therapies. Worse, we are misled by fact checkers and Big Tech platforms that ban or put misinformation labels on anyone and anything discussing them in a critical or questioning way. The same censorship also prevents comprehension of risk.

Lastly, government and any number of vaccine stakeholders are encouraging companies and schools to make these experimental injections mandatory, which violates the rule of voluntariness. Government and private businesses are also creating massive incentives to participate in this experiment, including million-dollar lotteries and full college scholarships. None of this is ethical or even legal. As noted by Malone in his essay:15

“… as these vaccines are not yet market authorized (licensed), coercion of human subjects to participate in medical experimentation is specifically forbidden. Therefore, public health policies which meet generally accepted criteria for coercion to participate in clinical research are forbidden.

For example, if I were to propose a clinical trial involving children and entice participation by giving out ice cream to those willing to participate, any institutional human subjects safety board (IRB) in the United States would reject that protocol.

If I were to propose a clinical research protocol wherein the population of a geographic region would lose personal liberties unless 70% of the population participated in my study, once again, that protocol would be rejected by any US IRB based on coercion of subject participation. No coercion to participate in the study is allowed.

In human subject clinical research, in most countries of the world this is considered a bright line that cannot be crossed. So, now we are told to waive that requirement without even so much as open public discussion being allowed? In conclusion, I hope that you will join me; stop to take a moment and consider for yourself what is going on. The logic seems clear to me.

1) An unlicensed medical product deployed under emergency use authorization (EUA) remains an experimental product under clinical research development.

2) EUA authorized by national authorities basically grants a short-term right to administer the research product to human subjects without written informed consent.

3) The Geneva Convention, the Helsinki declaration, and the entire structure which supports ethical human subjects research requires that research subjects be fully informed of risks and must consent to participation without coercion.”

Clearly, Malone is preeminently qualified to speak on the topic of COVID gene therapy: Not only is he a highly ethical physician committed to integrity, but he actually invented the very technology and performed the first mRNA vaccine studies. The fact that he is now censored by Big Tech and outright being erased from scientific history is a crime in and of itself, and something that should worry just about everyone.

This egregious example of censorship vividly demonstrates just how degenerated the media has become. The only possible explanation is that anyone or any piece of information that interferes with as many people getting the COVID jab is removed. Nothing that counters this narrative is tolerated despite every bit of information is making it clear that these COVID jabs are the biggest crime against mankind in the history of humanity.

If Malone can be erased, what chance do the rest of us have to not encounter the same fate? The parallels between everyday reality and the fictional but uncannily prophetic book “1984” are mounting by the day. Where it will take us is obvious. We’ll end up in a world where faithful adherence to the lies of the day is the only choice. To prevent such a fate, we have to get engaged and expose the lies by sharing facts, data and truth in every which way we can.

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

Banned videos on hydrogen peroxide by – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF DrMercola-DavidBrownstein-AHolisticApproachtoViruses

Read Full PDF Interview-DrDavidBrownstein-UsingNebulizedPeroxidetoCombatRespiratoryInfections
Read Full PDF DrMercola-DrThomasLevy-ThePossibleBenefitsofNebulizedHydrogenPeroxideonRespiratoryInfections


  • According to Collette Martin, a practicing nurse who testified before a Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee hearing December 6, 2021, children are having “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shot, yet her concerns are simply dismissed
  • The average number of adverse event reports following vaccination for the past 10 years has been about 39,000 annually, with an average of 155 deaths. That’s for all available vaccines combined. The COVID jabs alone now account for 983,756 adverse event reports as of December 17, 2021, including 20,622 deaths — and this doesn’t include the underreporting factor, which we know is significant

Archived Comments

By: James DiNicolantonio, Pharm.D

Among elderly patients, she’s noticed an uptick in falls and acute onset of confusion “without any known ideology.” Coworkers are also experiencing side effects, such as vision and cardiovascular problems.

Martin points out that few doctors or nurses are aware the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) even exists, so injury reports are not being filed.1Hospitals also are not gathering data on COVID jab injuries in any other ways, so there’s no data to investigate even if you wanted to. According to Martin:

“We are not just seeing severe acute [short term] reactions with this vaccine, but we have zero idea what any long-term reactions are. Cancers, autoimmune [disorders], infertility. We just don’t know.

We are potentially sacrificing our children for fear of MAYBE dying, getting sick of a virus — a virus with a 99% survival rate. As of now, we have more children that died from the COVID vaccine than COVID itself.

And then, for the Health Department to come out and say the new variant [Omicron] has all the side effects of the vaccine reactions we’re currently seeing — it’s maddening, and I don’t understand why more people don’t see it. I think they do, but they fear speaking out and, even worse, being fired … Which side of history will you be on? I have to know that this madness will stop.”

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

Top Tips to Optimize Your Mitochondrial Health- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Combat any genetic predisposition toward tumors, optimize your mitochondrial health, and starve tumor cells into oblivion. Most oncologists don’t know about or talk about this.


  • Cancer is a metabolic disease, not a genetic one. The genetic mutations observed in some cancers are a downstream effect of defective energy metabolism in the mitochondria (the energy stations inside your cells)
  • As long as your mitochondria remain healthy and functional, your chances of developing cancer are slim
  • Ketogenic therapy calls for restricting net carbs to 50 grams per day and limiting protein; I recommend a limit of 1 gram of protein per kilogram of lean body mass. Fasting glucose needs to be below 70 mg/dL

If you want to avoid becoming a cancer statistic (and who doesn’t?) you’d do well to familiarize yourself with the metabolic theory of cancer. In August 2016, we presented the Game Changer Award to Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D.,1 a professor of biology at Boston College and a leading expert and researcher in the field of cancer metabolism and nutritional ketosis.

Following is a rerun of this popular and important article and interview with Seyfried, in which we discuss his book, “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease” — an important contribution to the field of how cancer starts and can be treated.

Each day, some 1,600 people die from cancer in the United States alone. Worldwide, we’re looking at a death toll of about 21,000 people daily. So many of these deaths are unnecessary — they’re preventable and treatable.

Seyfried is one of the pioneers in the application of nutritional ketosis for cancer, a therapy that stems from the work of Dr. Otto Warburg, who was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant biochemists of the 20th century. Warburg received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for the discovery of metabolism of malignant cells.

Besides being a medical doctor, Warburg held a Ph.D., and was personal friends with Albert Einstein and many of the most prominent scientists of his time. His life’s mission was to find a cure for cancer, and he actually did. Unfortunately, few were able to appreciate the importance of his findings.

Seyfried has followed in Warburg’s scientific footsteps, and is conducting important research to advance this science. He has in fact exceeded Warburg’s initial supposition, shedding important light on the metabolic underpinnings of cancer.

Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

The traditionally held view or dogma is that cancer is a genetic disease, but what Warburg discovered is that cancer is really caused by a defect in the cellular energy metabolism of the cell, primarily related to the function of the mitochondria, which are the little power stations within each cell.

The mitochondria were not well understood in Warburg’s time but, today, we have a much better understanding of how they work.

In my view, this information is the game changer that not only treats cancer but virtually every single disease known to man, because at the core of most serious ailments you find mitochondrial dysfunction. As noted by Seyfried:

“A dogma is considered irrefutable truth, and that cancer is a genetic disease is, no question, a dogma. The problem with dogma is that sometimes it blinds you to alternative views and sets up ideologies that are extremely difficult to change.

All of the major college textbooks talk about cancer as a genetic disease. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) website, the first thing they say is cancer is a genetic disease caused by mutations … [and] if cancer is a genetic disease, everything flows from that concept.

It permeates the pharmaceutical industry, academic industry and textbook industry — the entire knowledge base. There’s very little discussion of alternative views to the genetic view. The argument now is that, yes, metabolic problems occur in cancer cells. No one denies that.

But these are all due to the genetic mutations. Therefore we must maintain ourselves on the established track that all of this metabolic stuff could be resolved if we just understood more about the genetic underpinning of the disease.

Now that would be well and good if it were true. But evidence is accumulating that the mutations we see that are the prime focus and the basis for the genetic theory are actually epiphenomenal.

They’re downstream effects of this disturbance in the metabolism that Warburg originally defined back in the 1920s and ’30s.”

How the Metabolic View Alters Cancer Treatment

As Seyfried notes, the problem today is not that scientists and doctors cannot understand the science; it’s that they cannot accept that this could be the truth behind the nature of the disease, because it changes how you approach treatment.

If defective mitochondria are responsible for the origin of cancer, and defective energy metabolism is responsible for the majority of the phenotypes, i.e., the observable characteristics of the disease that you see, then how do you treat the disease?

In my view, one of Seyfried’s most magnificent contributions to this science was his compilation of research from independent and well-respected scientists within various disciplines, who conducted valuable experiments but had no clue how to interpret the results.

Seyfried put all of their work together, forming a strong scientific foundation for the theory that cancer is indeed a metabolic disease, not a genetic one, and that genetic mutations are a downstream effect of defective energy metabolism in the mitochondria.

“Those nuclear transfer experiments were always present in the literature. They were considered anomalies. They were not consistent with the view that cancer is a nuclear genetic disease … but the observation was not interpreted in light of [being] the origin of cancer.

I bundled all those observations together in a new light, looking at the conclusions of those experiments in light of whether the results would support a nuclear gene-based theory versus a mitochondrial metabolic theory …

It was just interpreting a series of experiments in light of the origin of the disease, and then asking what conclusion would these experiments support. Would it support the nuclear genetic theory of cancer, or would it support the mitochondrial metabolic theory of cancer?

In each of these cases, the results more strongly supported the metabolic theory of cancer than the nuclear genetic theory,” Seyfried says.

What the Nuclear Transfer Experiments Showed

The nuclear transfer experiments in question basically involved transplanting the nuclei of a tumor cell into a healthy and normal cytoplasm (the material within a cell, excluding the cell nucleus), which include the mitochondria, the energy-generating organelle of the cell.

The hypothesis is that if cancer is nuclear-gene driven and the phenotype of cancer is dysregulated cell growth, meaning if genetic mutations are responsible for the observable characteristics of the disease, then those abnormal genes should be expressed in the new cytoplasm. But that’s not what happened.

Again and again, what was observed was that when the nuclei of a cancer cell were transferred into a healthy cytoplasm, the new cytoplasm did NOT form cancer. It remained healthy and normal.

“What was interesting is that in many of these nuclear transfer experiments, the organisms aborted at certain periods of development. That abortion seems to be related to how many mutations were in the nucleus that was transferred,” Seyfried says.

“It was true that these cancer nuclei did contain mutations, but those mutations were not causing the hallmark feature of the disease, that is proliferation. Rather, they were causing abortion at some developmental point of the organism that had those nuclei … On the other hand, when the normal nucleus was transferred back into a cancer cytoplasm [which had defective mitochondria], either the cell died or it formed tumor cells.”

Additional evidence has been produced by Benny Kaipparettu, Ph.D., and colleagues at Baylor University. When they transplanted normal mitochondria (with its nuclei intact) into cancer cell cytoplasm, it caused the cells to stop growing abnormally. It downregulated the oncogenes that were alleged to be driving the tumor and made the cells grow normally again.

On the other hand, when they took the mitochondria from a tumor cell and moved it into a very slow-growing type of cancer cell, the cancer cells began growing very rapidly. As noted by Seyfried, “When you bundle all these experiments together, you come to the conclusion that nuclear mutations cannot be the drivers of the disease.”

What About BRCA1 and Other Inherited Cancer Genes?

A common argument for the genetic theory is that cancer can be inherited; therefore it must have genetic underpinnings. Li-Fraumeni syndrome,2 which raises your risk of developing cancer at a very young age, and BRCA1, which raises your breast cancer risk, are two examples.

“The answer is, yes, on the surface, that would appear to be true,” Seyfried says. “But as Warburg said, there are many secondary causes of cancer but there is only one primary cause, and that’s damage to the respiration. So inherited mutations through the germ lines that cause cancer to affect the mitochondria, it is [still] the mitochondria that is the origin of cancer.

It just so happens that the defect is coming from an inherited gene rather than a chemical carcinogen, radiation, viral infection or an infection of some parasite or whatever, all of which damage respiration; all of which can cause cancer.

Clearly the origin of the disease is a disturbance of the respiratory capacity of that cell which then, if the cell is to survive, must upregulate genes necessary for fermentation. Many of those genes are the so-called oncogenes. The oncogenes are simply fulfilling a rescue event of that cell to function in a fermentation metabolism rather than an oxidative metabolism. We can downregulate oncogenes simply by putting in new respiration.”

If genetic mutations are not the primary cause of cancer but rather a secondary, downstream effect of dysfunctional cell respiration, why and how do mutations occur? As explained by Seyfried, once the cells’ respiration is damaged, that damage then leads to a compensatory fermentation, which requires the upregulation of oncogenes (cancer genes).

Damaged respiration also produces large amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and secondary free radicals that damage DNA proteins and lipids (fats inside your cellular membranes). The ROS also cause mutations in the nuclear genome. So the mutations are the result of defective respiration and subsequent exaggerated ROS production.

Why the War on Cancer Has Not Yet Been Won

At present, the cancer industry is focusing on the downstream effects of the problem, which is why the “war on cancer” has been such a miserable failure.

“Personalized medicines, checkpoint inhibitors, all of these kinds of therapies are basically looking at downstream effects of the disease,” Seyfried says. “Unfortunately, most of the cells in the tumor are all different from each other genetically.

You’re not going to be able to target all of the different cells using these kinds of approaches. Even though you may get success for a few months, or even a year in some people, the majority of people will not respond effectively to these kinds of therapies for the most part.”

Why Being an Efficient Fat Burner Is so Important

The ROS also target the actual mitochondria themselves, where respiration occurs, which brings us to a very important point. ROS are mostly generated through the co-enzyme Q couple in the electron transport chain. Both glucose and fatty acids produce FADH2, which can generate ROS.

In contrast, fat-derived ketone bodies produce only NADH, which increases the redox span of the co-enzyme Q couple and reduces production of ROS. Hence, ketone bodies are considered a more “clean” fuel than is either glucose or fatty acids Today, most people are burning glucose as their primary fuel, thanks to an overabundance of sugar and processed grains in the diet and a deficiency in healthy fats.

If you have less ROS being generated in the mitochondria, you end up with less mitochondrial damage and less DNA damage. So not only is switching the fuel you’re feeding your body the key component of cancer treatment, but in my view it’s the primary way that you prevent cancer from occurring in the first place.

“I think that’s an important point. One of the things that trigger cancer is inflammation. We have inflammation. Chronic high levels of blood sugar create inflammation. This you see in a lot of situations. Glucose itself is not carcinogenic, but elevated dysregulated glucose metabolism can lead to inflammation, and can cause a number of other disturbances in the overall metabolism of the body,” Seyfried says.

“If you fast, if you stop eating, your blood sugar goes down. Your insulin levels go down. The body starts to metabolize fat for energy. But the fatty acids themselves are only one component. The major components of course are the ketone bodies … They are water-soluble fat products. They readily enter cells and they’re metabolized to acetyl-CoA through a series of steps.

These steps generate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), which is a reducing equivalent. But they also keep the coenzyme Q couple in an oxidized state. This is very important because it’s that coenzyme Q couple where ROS are in fact generated in the first place …

Ketones are clean fuel only in the sense that they suppress the formation of ROS, especially when blood sugar levels are low, because if you have very high ketones AND high blood sugar, you have ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening event.”

Do Not Confuse Nutritional Ketosis With Ketoacidosis

Nutritional ketosis should NOT be confused with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), which is not a concern unless you have Type 1 diabetes. It’s rare for a person with normal physiology to elevate their ketones above 7 or 8 millimole (mmol). If you have DKA, your ketones will be about 20 mmol. Additionally, your blood sugars will be very high, while in nutritional ketosis blood sugars are very low. These are clearly two entirely different states.

And whereas ketoacidosis can be life threatening, nutritional ketosis is a healthy state that helps you maintain maximum energy efficiency and reduces ROS production in your body. As noted by Seyfried, “Mitochondria actually get very healthy when ketones are metabolized as opposed to some of the other fuels, especially glucose.”

For the last few decades, most natural health enthusiasts would attempt to circumvent the ROS challenge by taking antioxidants, either through foods high in polyphenols and other natural antioxidants, or supplements. I now believe this is a fatally flawed strategy that has significant drawbacks.

Rather than trying to quell the ROS after they’re produced, it’s far more effective to address the ROS generation at its source, which is the fuel your body is primarily burning for energy. Change the fuel, from sugar to fat, and you will generate fewer ROS.

Ketones Prevent Dysregulated ROS Production

It’s not that ketones don’t generate any ROS; they do, just not as much. And this brings us to yet another crucial point. ROS are not merely agents of destruction; they’re also powerful signaling molecules. If you suppress them indiscriminately, you’ll create biological dysfunction.

So you do not want to eliminate them. You just want to control them to optimal levels so all the signaling can occur without damage. That’s what happens with ketones. When your body is burning ketones as its primary fuel, you more or less ensure that you’re in an ideal therapeutic window with regard to ROS generation, so you have neither too much nor too little ROS.

“There’s no question about that. It’s what we call a homeostatic state,” Seyfried notes.”Ketones prevent dysregulated ROS production … You’re allowing your body to remain healthier for a longer period of time. That’s basically what we’re doing here … Cancer is accelerated entropy. It’s a total disorganization of the homeostatic parameters within cells and outside the cells in the morphogenetic field and in the entire body itself.

Cancer patients have all kinds of disturbances in systemic homeostasis. It’s not just in the cells … When the body has cancer there are a number of ramifications that take place throughout the body.

We’re producing more acidity. There are a lot of responses in the part of hormones and signaling cascades throughout the body as a result of this disease. One has to treat cancer as a systemic [disease]. The whole body has to be treated but in a nontoxic way.”

Indeed, toxicity is one of the biggest failures of current treatment protocols for cancer. The majority of treatments for cancer are extremely toxic, which further exacerbates the problem. Many cancer recurrences are likely due to the initial treatment.

On the other hand, when you view cancer as a metabolic disease, you can target and manage the disease without creating systemic toxicity. As explained by Seyfried, you do this by targeting the fuels the cancer cells are using, primarily glucose and glutamine.

“What we have to recognize … is that if cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease and you get cancer because of mitochondrial failure in certain populations of cells and certain tissues, if you prevent your mitochondria from entering into this dysfunctional state … [then] the probability of getting cancer is going to be significantly reduced.

To what percent? I would say a minimum of 80%. Cancer is probably, as I said in my book, one of the most manageable diseases that we know of …

The problem is that many people don’t want [to take the preventive steps to avoid cancer]. They’re like, ‘I have to therapeutically fast for a week? Oh, I’m not going to. Give me a break’ … An effective prevention is to eat less and move more. A lot of people don’t want to do that … Once you realize what cancer is, that it’s a metabolic disease, you can take charge of those kinds of things. In other words, getting cancer is not God’s will. It’s not bad luck.”

Most Disease Is Rooted in Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Cancer is not the only outcome when mitochondrial respiration goes awry. This kind of dysfunction also plays a role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

It’s also at play in seizure disorders and in diabetes, obesity, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Most of the major diseases we’re currently treating with harsh and toxic drugs can potentially be solved with proper nutritional intervention that addresses your choice of cellular fuels.

How exactly do you do that? According to Seyfried, in order to achieve nutritional ketosis, you need to reduce net carbohydrates (total carbs minus fiber) to less than 100 grams, probably less than 50 grams. I have a slightly different view on this, which I’ll expound on in the next section.

You also need to reduce your amino acid content. Glutamine is the most common amino acid in proteins, and besides glucose, cancer cells can use glutamine for energy and growth as well. The combination of both glucose and glutamine creates a really “supercharged system,” Seyfried notes.

In order to lower glutamine, you have to eat less protein. Also, there’s a threshold for amino acids, above which you will simply stimulate the mTOR pathway, which in conjunction with insulin may wield a more powerful influence on mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrial biogenesis than insulin alone.

How to Assess the Health of Your Mitochondria

How can you assess the health of your mitochondria? There are a couple of ways of doing this. Seyfried has published a paper on the glucose ketone index calculator3(GKIC) in an open access journal, which can be accessed by anyone. You can use that calculator to assess the health and vitality of your mitochondria.

The GKIC looks at your glucose to ketone ratio. Ketones must be measured by blood, not urine, and your glucose must be entered in mmol, not in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). “When you have a glucose ratio of 1.0 or below, you know your mitochondria are in a very healthy zone,” Seyfried says.

Now, getting down to a 1.0 is quite difficult. I’m typically between 2 and 3, and my diet is about 80% healthy fats with minimal net carbs. You may need to do a complete fast in order to get that low. However, you don’t need to remain in that ultralow zone for very long. On the other hand, if you have cancer, you’ll want to hit that mark as much as possible.

“You do a water fast for about three to four days, then you can take some exogenous ketones, and you can get your blood sugars way down,” Seyfried says. “To prevent cancer, you don’t have to stay there [longer than] four or five days every six months or something like this. It’s just a guide,” Seyfried says.

“Some people can get into these zones very quickly and very easily. Other people really struggle. All of this is a biomarker gauge. We’ve done some interesting linear regression analysis on survivability of mice with cancer using the GKIs, the independent variable, the glucose-ketone index.

There definitely is statistical relationship on how long you can keep your GKI [and] how long you can survive with a very aggressive cancer. Clearly, it’s just one biomarker system that allows individuals to help battle their own cancer.”

Therapeutic Ketosis Made Simpler With a Nutrient Tracker

That strategy will likely be too extreme for most folks, unless you’re faced with death or otherwise highly motivated. Rather than doing lengthy water fasting, I believe a more user-friendly strategy would be to restrict your net carbs below 50 grams per day and your protein to below 1 gram per kilogram of lean body mass. Most people eat a lot more net carbs and protein than that.

To make sure you’re actually meeting these targets you need an analytical tool to do a detailed nutritional analysis of what you’re eating. Otherwise, you really don’t know how much fat, carbs and protein you’re getting. This was my motivation for working with the developer of, an online nutrient tracker, to create a Mercola version of the software programmed specifically for nutritional ketosis.

You can sign up and use for free. This software will make all the calculations for you, based on the parameters you enter, such as your height, weight, body fat percentage and waist circumference. You can also enter and track various biomarkers, such as fasting glucose, which is an essential measurement.

You really must keep tabs on your fasting blood sugar. Ideally, you would measure it twice a day; first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed. You want to get your blood sugar below 70 mg/dL, ideally somewhere around 60.

If your fasting blood sugar is significantly higher in the morning than in the afternoon, it’s likely due to glucogenesis, which is a sign you’re not getting enough protein. You need a certain amount of amino acids or else your body will start to metabolize lean body tissue to generate them. In that process, the excess gets shuttled to your liver, which is what generates the extra glucose (hence the elevated reading in the absence of food).

More Information

If you really want to dig deep into the details of therapeutic ketosis, read Seyfried’s book, “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer.” If you want to start with a shorter treatise, you can read through his paper, “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: Implications for Novel Therapeutics,” published in the journal Carcinogenesis in 2014,4 or his 2015 paper in the journal Frontiers.

Hopefully, we’ve inspired you to consider the nutritional roots of cancer and other chronic disease. I can promise you will hear a lot more about this in the months and years to come, as I am convinced addressing mitochondrial dysfunction is the real key to solving most of our current health problems.

The good news is that optimizing mitochondrial function can be effectively accomplished through diet and lifestyle strategies like exercise. No costly drugs or invasive procedures required.

And, while we still have a long way to go, more doctors are starting to pay attention. “This is the tipping point,” Seyfried says. “Many physicians are coming on board. I think things are going to start changing for the best and for the success of people.”

Too many people have died and continue to die needlessly. It’s time to get back on the right track. It’s going to require a lot of education, but the effort is absolutely worth it. The information about how to prevent cancer and other chronic illness already exists. It’s just a matter of applying it.

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The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

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PLANNED STARVATION: Grain deliveries by rail to be partially HALTED, devastating dairy herds and meat operations nationwide – Natural News

Today’s Situation Update podcast (see below) reveals worrisome new intel that describes Joe Biden’s “controlled demolition” of the US food supply as a means to deliberately cause food scarcity, panic and chaos nationwide.

US rail carriers, we have learned, are right now declaring force majeure and cancelling contracts on their obligations to deliver hundreds of thousands of rail cars of bulk grains to cattle and dairy operations in America. Right now, tens of thousands of dairy animals face starvation within weeks, and grain supplies will be gone in many areas in just a few days. Importantly, if dairy animals are culled because of a lack of grain, it will take many years to rebuild dairy operations to the present level.

Say goodbye to affordable milk, cheese, yogurt and whey protein.

Don’t forget this also affects infant formula.

This is all being done on purpose to create mass chaos and civil unrest, of course.

CHEAP meat in the short term due to the mass slaughter of animals that farmers can’t afford to feed

As this logistics catastrophe unfolds, you’re going to see meat prices plummet for a very short period. That’s because farmers and dairy operators will be forced to sell their cows to the slaughter houses because they can’t afford to feed them. This can be caused either be a lack of feed supply or sky-high feed prices.

Meanwhile, skyrocketing fertilizer prices are already in play across the entire planet, and this is going to dramatically hike grain prices in the next harvest. From there, the domino effect kicks in where high grain prices lead many animal ranchers and dairy operators to realize they can’t even afford to keep their herds fed.



The higher prices of milk and meat products at retail won’t be a simple answer to this, in case you were thinking the ranchers and dairy operators could just charge more for everything and get by with increased revenues. You see, dairy and meat products, like almost everything, sees a sharp drop in demand when prices go higher. In economics, this is known as “demand elasticity.” It means that as prices rise, more and more people decide to avoid buying those things. Higher prices = lower demand.

Ultimately, this means that dairy and meat operations in America are going to be significantly smaller in the coming years, which just happens to coincide with the globalist effort to banish all meat and animal products, to be replaced by “cultured meat” which is made from the cloned heart stem blood cells harvested from baby calves, by the way. (It’s not vegan. It’s actually insanely cruel.)

Even non-meat food items are seeing alarming price inflation

With meat and dairy soon getting out of reach for average American consumers, you might think they would be turning to more plant-based diets. The problem there, of course, is that grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and vegetables are also experiencing alarming levels of price inflation. Scarcity in these items is also getting significantly worse.

Topping it all off, fertilizer prices are skyrocketing around the world, which means fewer farmers will even bother to plant crops of any kind, given the much higher financial risk associated with $2,000 / acre fertilizer costs. (Which used to be just $200 / acre two years ago.)

And then you have the rising cost of fuel inputs as well, affecting farm tractors, transportation and even the availability of pesticides.

The bottom line? The world is going to face real starvation beginning in just a few months and lasting for years to come.

By the end of this year, I predict, from one to two billion people on this planet will face the risk of starvation. In America, food prices will likely double year over year. This will continue for at least another 2+ years, meaning you should expect to pay 400% more for food by early 2024, compared to what it was last year.

Rising food prices will lead to riots, civil unrest, food rationing and price controls

We are already seeing the leading edge of all this with food price riots breaking out in Peru in just the last day. Riots are under way in Sri Lanka, and similar events have been reported in Spain and several Middle Eastern countries so far.

This will spread throughout the year. By the end of 2022, dozens of countries will be in the midst of chaotic uprisings. At some point, there will be revolutions. Nations will fall. Chaos will reign. If this all seems like the Force Horsemen of the Apocalypse, that’s because the End Times are now being played out in front of our eyes.

The Prophecy Club has a very informative channel on

There, the host documents prophecies that people are receiving about what’s going to happen in the coming years. Here’s a good overview from last week’s episode:

Walmart raising prices on 6,000 items, including food

Right now, Walmart is in the process of raising prices on over 6,000 items, many of which are food items. I’m told they’re also preparing for a weekly price adjustment in anticipation of rapid hyperinflation kicking in.

This means America’s largest retailer understands that the dollar is collapsing, and in order to stay in business, they’re going to have to rapidly increase prices on a frequency basis. First, it will be monthly, then weekly, then daily. The trillions in money printing will only drive the cycle of collapse into Weimar Republic territory, and at some point the dollar collapses and goes to zero.

This is now inevitable. It’s only a question of how long it takes.

This process might play out over several months or even a few years, but the way things are accelerating, we could also be looking at a “financial catastrophe” tipping point or “Black swan” event that could collapse the system virtually overnight.

Get full details with additional intel in today’s Situation Update podcast:

Ever since flu shots were introduced, nothing has changed: Death rates are the same as they were in 1960, UNTIL THE

When influenza “vaccines” were first introduced in 1980, the claim was that they would put an end to the flu. It has been more than 40 years since, however, and rates of infection and death are about the same as they were back in 1960.

The following image shows flu shot uptake between 1980 and today, as provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

The next image shows monthly influenza mortality counts between 1959 and 2016:

Notice anything wrong with what you see? Despite a massive rise in flu shot uptake over the past 40 years, the same number of people are dying every month from the flu, almost as if the shots are doing absolutely nothing to stop the virus.

“We went from 12 million flu shots in 1980 to almost 200 million in 2020,” writes Alex Berenson on his Substack, adding that nothing has changed as far as flu deaths during that time.

“There is absolutely no relationship between the number of flu ‘vaccines’ we give and deaths from influenza.”

“Vaccine hesitancy” research from 2010 was used to trick more people into taking covid injections 11 years later

It gets worse, though. What is not shown on the second chart are the number of flu deaths in 2017 and 2018. It turns out more people died from the flu during that season than perhaps ever, including during the 1968 Hong Kong flu outbreak.

The New York Times reported that 80,000 Americans of flu died during the winter of 2017-18, which it said was the “highest toll in years.”

Among the dead were 180 babies, children and teenagers, more than in any year since the CDC began tracking pediatric deaths.”

What this all proves, of course, is that flu shots are just as useless as Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” at “saving lives.” Both injections are also dangerous and come with the risk of serious side effects, though covid injections seem to be far worse.

“Instead of asking if the reason people didn’t want to get jabbed was that the shots manifestly DID NOT WORK, the authorities simply looked for ways to encourage or force people to take them,” Berenson further explains.

“By 2010, research on ‘vaccine hesitancy’ and ‘compliance’ began to accelerate … This is what happens when process – taxpayer-funded process – gets separated from outcome, when too many people have too much money and careers at stake for anyone to ask the question: Does any of this make sense?”

The results of all that research were used to carefully craft and hone the plandemicand how to deal with resisters who refuse to get injected with experimental gene therapy chemicals, also known as mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccines.”

“… when Covid came the vaccinators knew EXACTLY what to do,” Berenson contends. “Except this time the money made the funding for flu shots look like a rounding error. Getting out of this ditch is going to be very, very difficult.

These and other revelations are really starting to make waves in the court of public opinion. People who were once convinced that vaccines are “safe and effective” are now starting to question everything about the official narrative.

“COVID has helped me re-evaluate the entire ‘vaccine’ narrative, and for the first time in years, I did not get a flu shot this winter,” wrote someone who reads Berenson’s work, adding that she did not get the covid injections either.

“Now I feel guilty for past discussions with some of my children and a sibling about how they needed to get the flu shot. I believe that Robert Malone, in one of his interviews, stated that the flu shot is a lot more controversial among vaccine experts than anyone would ever know.”

More related news about flu shots can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Truth! Has the US Funded Bioweapons Research in Ukraine? – Dr. Mercola


Do the ‘conspiracy theories’ swirling around Russia’s claims that the US has been helping Ukraine develop a secret bioweapons program hold any truth?


  • According to Russian officials, the U.S. government has been financing and helping Ukraine develop a secret bioweapons program
  • According to the U.S. government, they’ve been working with Ukraine to “eliminate” bioweapons left over from the Soviet era. This was then changed to: The U.S. is helping “secure” former Soviet bioweapons. Other denials have stated that the labs are diagnostic and biodefense laboratories, or that they’re used for vaccine development
  • The concepts of biodefense and biowarfare are largely indistinguishable. “Biodefense” implies tacit biowarfare, as they typically create dangerous pathogens under the guise of finding a cure in case such a pathogen was to develop naturally or be created by an enemy
  • March 8, 2022, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted that “biological research laboratories” in Ukraine have been funded and operated under the direction of the U.S.
  • Nuland stressed that she’s very concerned about the contents of those labs falling into the hands of the Russian military, because Russia may use the pathogens as bioweapons. But the only reason to be concerned about that is if they’re extremely dangerous and NOT former Soviet bioweapons (as Russia would already have them)

According to Russian officials, the U.S. government has been financing and helping Ukraine develop a secret bioweapons program.1 The U.S. State Department has shrugged it off as “total nonsense,”2 and fact checkers have published countless “consensus statements” emphatically denying the Russian claim over the past few weeks.

As usual, it’s difficult to discern the truth, as both sides are churning out propaganda. In the video above, Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson reviews what we’ve come to know so far.

Under Secretary of State Admits US Funding of Ukraine Labs

While the Biden administration has vehemently denied the Russian accusation, March 8, 2022, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, admitted that “biological research laboratories” in Ukraine have in fact been funded and operated under the direction of the U.S.3

She did not admit that they were biological WEAPONS labs. But is it all semantics? While the research and defense industries would like you to believe that there’s a vast difference, and a sharp dividing line, between biological research for health purposes and biological weapons research, most such research can serve dual purposes.

During Nuland’s testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., asked: “Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?” Surprisingly, Nuland, after some hesitation, responded that “there are biological research facilities” in the Ukraine.

Nuland then immediately went on to say that she’s “deeply concerned” the pathogens held in those labs may now fall into the hands of the Russian military. This implies the pathogens are extremely dangerous — and could be deployed as weapons by the Russians.

“Any attempt to claim that Ukraine’s biological facilities are just benign and standard medical labs is negated by Nuland’s explicitly grave concern that ‘Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of’ those facilities.” ~ Glenn Greenwald

the white house game playing denials

As noted by investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald (whose report is also covered by Russel Brand, below):4

“Any hope to depict such ‘facilities’ as benign or banal was immediately destroyed by [her] warning …

Nuland’s bizarre admission that ‘Ukraine has biological research facilities’ that are dangerous enough to warrant concern that they could fall into Russian hands ironically constituted more decisive evidence of the existence of such programs in Ukraine than what was offered in 2002 and 2003 to corroborate U.S. allegations about Saddam’s chemical and biological programs in Iraq …

It should go without saying that the existence of a Ukrainian biological ‘research’ program does not justify an invasion by Russia … But Nuland’s confession does shed critical light on several important issues …

Any attempt to claim that Ukraine’s biological facilities are just benign and standard medical labs is negated by Nuland’s explicitly grave concern that ‘Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of’ those facilities …

Russia has its own advanced medical labs … The only reason to be ‘quite concerned’ about these ‘biological research facilities’ falling into Russian hands is if they contain sophisticated materials that Russian scientists have not yet developed on their own and which could be used for nefarious purposes — i.e., either advanced biological weapons or dual-use ‘research’ that has the potential to be weaponized …

This joint US/Ukraine biological research is, of course, described by the State Department in the most unthreatening way possible. But that again prompts the question of why the U.S. would be so gravely concerned about benign and common research falling into Russian hands.

It also seems very odd, to put it mildly, that Nuland chose to acknowledge and describe the ‘facilities’ in response to a clear, simple question from Sen. Rubio about whether Ukraine possesses chemical and biological weapons.

If these labs are merely designed to find a cure for cancer or create safety measures against pathogens, why, in Nuland’s mind, would it have anything to do with a biological and chemical weapons program in Ukraine? …

The indisputable reality is that — despite long-standing international conventions banning development of biological weapons — all large, powerful countries conduct research that, at the very least, has the capacity to be converted into biological weapons. The work conducted under the guise of ‘defensive research’ can, and sometimes is, easily converted into the banned weapons themselves.”

More Semantics

When Fox News contacted the state department for comment about Nuland’s admissions, they received the following reply:5

“The U.S. Department of Defense does not own or operate biological weapons labs in Ukraine. Under Secretary Nuland was referring to Ukrainian diagnostic and biodefense laboratories during her testimony which are not biological weapons facilities. These institutions counter biological threats throughout the country.”

Again, this seems like someone trying to split hairs and not quite succeeding. The U.S. may not “own,” or “operate” biological weapons labs in Ukraine, but does it fund them? Funding, operating and owning are not the same thing, yet they’re denying the accusation of “funding” these labs by saying they don’t “own or operate” them.

Why the obfuscation? Why not say “we don’t FUND bioweapons labs,” if that is in fact the case? And what is the difference between “biodefense” labs and a “bioweapons” lab? If you were creating a bioweapon, wouldn’t you call it biodefense? As noted in an April 2020 article by independent journalist and analyst for the Institute for Public Accuracy, Sam Husseini:6

“Governments that participate in … biological weapon research generally distinguish between ‘biowarfare’ and ‘biodefense,’ as if to paint such ‘defense’ programs as necessary.

But this is rhetorical sleight-of-hand; the two concepts are largely indistinguishable. ‘Biodefense’ implies tacit biowarfare, breeding more dangerous pathogens for the alleged purpose of finding a way to fight them.”

Bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, has also pointed out that many if not most BSL-4 labs are dual use: “They first develop the offensive biological warfare agent and then they develop the supposed vaccine.”7

Were Pathogens Secured or Not?

Nuland’s statement also raises another question. If the U.S. government feared the pathogens could be used as weapons, why didn’t they secure them before the Russians went into Ukraine? Carlson asks. Clearly, they knew it was going to happen. In fact, President Biden stated February 18 that he was “convinced” Putin would invade Ukraine.8

March 11, 2022, Reuters9 reported that the World Health Organization had advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens to prevent “potential spills” were any of the facilities to be bombed.

Curiously, the WHO declined to say when it made that recommendation. It also did not specify the pathogens Ukraine labs might have. We also don’t know whether the Ukrainians complied with the request.

What Are the Labs Actually Used For?

As reported by Carlson, initially, the Biden administration told members of Congress that the labs in Ukraine were “designed to help the Ukrainians fight tuberculosis” and “various livestock diseases.”

Next, numerous news organizations published “fact checks” stating that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has worked with Ukraine to eliminate bioweapons, some of which were allegedly left behind by the Soviet Union as far back as 2005. The labs are definitely not, however, bioweapons labs, they claim.

“That makes sense,” Carlson says. “But wait; 2005 — that was 17 years ago. How long does it take to eliminate Soviet bioweapons? Seventeen years seems like a long time. With 17 years and ample funding from Congress you can probably remove and catalogue every grain of sand on Waikiki Beach.

And yet, somehow, over that same time period, 17 years, the Pentagon has not finished removing test tubes from Soviet era freezers … When was the Pentagon planning on finishing this important job?”

Narrative No. 2

Perhaps because the first alibi didn’t make sense upon closer reflection, a small correction to the narrative was then rolled out by CNN, which claimed that the labs in Ukraine exist to “secure” — not eliminate — old Soviet bioweapons. But to Carlson, that explanation still doesn’t ring quite true. What does it mean to “secure” bioweapons, and why has it taken 17 years? Moreover, Carlson adds:

“If these are just old Soviet bioweapons, why is Victoria Nuland so worried they’ll wind up in the hands of old Soviet, which already presumably has these very same weapons? They probably don’t need more. It’s absurd, when you think about it.”

Narrative No. 3

Then, the third narrative was rolled out, again by CNN. In a live coverage, CNN showed Russian video footage from 2015, which claimed the U.S. was running biological facilities in Ukraine and Georgia, and were responsible for deadly outbreaks of disease among local livestock.

According to CNN, this story has been “a key part of Russia’s disinformation campaign” to justify its invasion of Ukraine. However, “the claims were debunked several years ago,” CNN states, “when in 2020 the U.S. issued a statement to set the record straight.”

According to that 2020 statement, the facilities were for “vaccine development” and “to report outbreaks of dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats.”

Incriminating Interview

So, did the U.S. fund these labs to help Ukraine combat tuberculosis? Or was it to eliminate former Soviet bioweapons? Was it to “secure” Soviet bioweapons? Or to aid the Ukrainians with vaccine development?

Perhaps it’s all of those things. Or none of them. As reported by Carlson, the day after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists interviewed10 Dr. Robert Pope, director of the DoD’s Cooperative Threat Reduction program.11 Pope has in fact been in charge of securing former Soviet weapons of mass destruction over his 30-year career.

While Pope insisted that the Ukraine labs “conduct peaceful scientific research and disease surveillance,” he also made some interesting statements that raise questions and allow for alternative interpretation. Here’s an excerpt highlighted by Carlson:12

“The pathogens in Ukrainian labs vary by facility, Pope said, but some can be characterized as presenting a concern in the Ukrainian environment. As an example, he cited African swine fever virus, which is highly contagious in pigs and has caused hundreds of outbreaks in Ukraine since 2012.

Some labs, he said, may hold pathogen strains left over from the Soviet bioweapons program, preserved in freezers for research purposes. ‘There is no place that still has any of the sort of infrastructure for researching or producing biological weapons,’ Pope said.

‘Scientists being scientists, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of these strain collections in some of these laboratories still have pathogen strains that go all the way back to the origins of that program.’”

So, in other words, according to Pope, the Ukraine labs may still have former Soviet bioweapons in their freezers — and, “scientists being scientists,” they don’t want to destroy those bioweapons. They want to keep them and use them for research purposes.

When you put those statements together, don’t you end up with “they may be doing bioweapons research”? And if the U.S. is funding such endeavors, doesn’t that mean the U.S. is funding bioweapons research in Ukraine?

Signs of Guilt?

During a March 16, 2022, War Room interview, guest host Peter Navarro asked Dr. Robert Malone, “Why do you think we are funding biolabs in Ukraine and Wuhan?”

Malone’s hypothesis is that the “federal government of the USA, specifically NIAID/HHS and DTRA/DoD, are offshoring risk and legal liability, and trying to circumvent congressional oversight concerning activities that we know we should not be doing.”13 In a Substack article, published that same day, Malone also made the following observation:14

“U.S. politician Tulsi Gabbard (a WEF ‘young leader’ trainee whose WEF webpage was recently removed) raised concerns on Twitter regarding the ‘Biolabs’ issue and was immediately attacked by Mitt Romney (Senator, Utah, Uniparty).

Romney used Twitter to state ‘Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives’ … Here is the text of what constitutes “treasonous lies” according to Mitt.

‘There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed.’

As far as I am concerned, Mitt calling Tulsi Gabbard ‘treasonous’ for pointing out undeniable facts of the well documented US-sponsored Ukrainian biolabs is a tell. If this was a nothingburger, he would have called her a ‘crazy conspiracy theorist’ or some version of that.

But instead he essentially called her a traitor to her country for stating the truth. That is the behavior of someone who is caught in a lie. The words, strategies and tactics (propaganda, gaslighting, character assassination) being used by this administration are most consistent with attempts to hide guilt.”

Why Was This Notice Deleted?

Another finding that has fueled suspicions that the U.S. government is not being transparent about the Ukraine labs include the inexplicable scrubbing of an article announcing then-Sen. Barack Obama leading an effort to build a biolab capable of handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine, back in 2010.

It’s unclear exactly when the announcement was deleted, but as of August 26, 2017, it was gone.15 As reported by The National Pulse:16

“Originally posted on June 18th, 2010, the article ‘Biolab Opens in Ukraine’17 details how Obama, while serving as an Illinois Senator, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa.

The article … also highlighted the work of former Senator Dick Lugar … ‘Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then-Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials …

A 2011 report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Anticipating Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories explained how the Odessa-based laboratory ‘is responsible for the identification of especially dangerous biological pathogens.’”

According to The National Pulse,18 other reports reveal the Odessa-based lab in question was constructed through a cooperative agreement between the U.S. DoD and the Health Ministry of Ukraine. The collaboration reportedly focused on “preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons.”

The lab would also serve as an Interim Central Reference Laboratory and contain collections of pathogens, including bacteria and viruses of the pathogenic groups 1 and 2, which include Ebola.

The scrubbed article is very short. No more than an announcement, really. On the surface, it appears to confirm the U.S. government’s current claim that — at least this particular lab — was for the purpose of preventing the proliferation of bioweapons. When and why was it deleted? We may never know. Hopefully, we’ll have better luck getting to the bottom of what kind of research, really, the U.S. government has been funding in the Ukraine.

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A Mortal Enemy of Your Liver, It’s Not Alcohol – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF fatty-liver-choline-defiency-pdf


  • Choline, found in ample amounts in egg yolks, is an essential nutrient for brain, nervous system, cardiovascular and liver function, and is essential for prevention of fatty liver disease, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • An estimated 90% of the U.S. population are deficient in choline, a nutrient required to move fat out of your liver
  • NAFLD is the most common form of liver disease in the U.S., with an estimated prevalence of 30 to 40% among the adult population
  • Choline deficiency appears to be a far more significant trigger of NAFLD than excess fructose, and the rise in NAFLD may be largely the result of the widespread avoidance of liver and egg yolks
  • In the absence of sufficient choline, even healthy saturated fats can contribute to fatty liver. Choline minimizes liver fat no matter what the source, and the more dietary fat you consume — even if the fat itself is healthy — the higher your requirement for choline

This article was previously published March 4, 2019, and has been updated with new information.

Choline, initially discovered in 1862,1 was officially recognized as an essential nutrient for human health by the Institute of Medicine in 1998.2 This nutrient, which you need to get from your diet, is required for:3

Healthy fetal development4  Choline is required for proper neural tube closure,5 brain development and healthy vision.6 Research shows mothers who get sufficient choline impart lifelong memory enhancement to their child due to changes in the development of the hippocampus (memory center) of the child’s brain.7 Choline deficiency also raises your risk of premature birth, low birth weight and preeclampsia
The synthesis of phospholipids, the most common of which is phosphatidylcholine, better known as lecithin, which constitutes between 40 and 50% of your cellular membranes and 70 to 95% of the phospholipids in lipoproteins and bile8
Nervous system health — Choline is necessary for making acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in healthy muscle, heart and memory performance9
Cell messaging, by producing cell-messaging compounds10
Fat transport and metabolism — Choline is needed to carry cholesterol from your liver, and a choline deficiency could result in excess fat and cholesterol buildup11

DNA synthesis, aiding in the process along with other vitamins, such as folate and B12

Methylation reactions12
Healthy mitochondrial function13

Studies have linked higher choline intake to a range of benefits, including a decreased risk for heart disease,14 a 24% decreased risk for breast cancer,15 and the prevention of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD, which is largely driven by high-sugar diets, as opposed to excess alcohol consumption).

In fact, choline appears to be a key controlling factor in preventing the development of fatty liver by enhancing secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles in your liver,16 required to safely transport fat out of your liver. Research has also discovered evidence of epigenetic mechanisms of choline,17 which also helps explain how choline helps maintain healthy liver function.

Choline Deficiency May Be a Primary Driver of NAFLD

NAFLD is the most common form of liver disease in the U.S., with an estimated prevalence of 3018 to 40%19 among the adult population. Considering about 80% of Americans are likely insulin resistant,20 and an estimated 90% of the U.S. population is deficient in choline,21 the high prevalence of NAFLD is not surprising.

According to Chris Masterjohn, who has a Ph.D. in nutritional science, choline deficiency actually appears to be a far more significant trigger of NAFLD than excess fructose, and in his view, the rise in NAFLD is largely the result of shunning liver and egg yolks.

“More specifically, I currently believe that dietary fat, whether saturated or unsaturated, and anything that the liver likes to turn into fat, like fructose and ethanol, will promote the accumulation of fat as long as we don’t get enough choline,” Masterjohn writes, adding:22

“Once that fat accumulates, the critical factor igniting an inflammatory fire to this fat is the consumption of too much PUFA (polyunsaturated fat from vegetable … oils).”

In his article,23 Masterjohn reviews the medical literature supporting this view. The link between choline and fatty liver initially emerged from research into Type 1 diabetes. Studies in the 1930s demonstrated that lecithin in egg yolk (which contains high amounts of choline) could cure fatty liver disease in Type 1 diabetic dogs. They later found choline alone provided the same benefit. Masterjohn goes on to explain:24

“We now know that choline is necessary to produce a phospholipid called phosphatidylcholine (PC) … a critical component of the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particle, which we need to make in order to export fats from our livers.

The amino acid methionine can act as a precursor to choline and can also be used to convert a different phospholipid called phosphatidylethanolamine directly into PC. Thus, the combined deficiency of choline and methionine will severely impair our abilities to package up the fats in our livers and to send them out into the bloodstream.”

High Saturated Fat Intake Increases Your Choline Requirement

What this means is that in order for your liver to be able to rid itself of excess fat, it needs choline — and the more dietary fat you consume, the higher your requirement for choline. This is true regardless of the type of fat but, interestingly, high saturated fat intake increase your need for choline to a greater degree than unhealthy fat intake such as corn oil.

According to Masterjohn, your “choline requirement is about 30% higher on a 30% butter diet than on a 30% corn oil diet.” That said, the most significant culprit in NAFLD is excessive fructose, as all of it must be metabolized by your liver and is primarily converted into body fat opposed to being used for energy like glucose. According to Masterjohn:25

“In 1949 … researchers showed that sucrose and ethanol had equal potential to cause fatty liver and the resulting inflammatory damage, and that increases in dietary protein, extra methionine and extra choline could all completely protect against this effect.26

Conversely, much more recent research has shown that sucrose is a requirement for the development of fatty liver disease in a methionine- and choline-deficient (MCD) model …

The MCD model produces not only the accumulation of liver fat, but massive inflammation similar to the worst forms of fatty liver disease seen in humans. What no one ever mentions about this diet is that it is primarily composed of sucrose and its fat is composed entirely of corn oil! …

The picture that is clearly emerging from all of these studies is that fat, or anything from which fat is made in the liver, such as fructose and ethanol, [is] required for the development of fatty liver. But in addition to this some factor — overwhelmingly, it appears to be choline deficiency — must deprive the liver of its ability to export that fat.”

However, while carbohydrates, healthy saturated fats and unhealthy PUFA-rich oils all have the ability to contribute to the buildup of fat in your liver, lipid peroxidation and associated inflammation is primarily driven by PUFA-rich oils such as corn oil.27 As noted by Masterjohn:28

“Corn oil probably promotes inflammation both by increasing vulnerability to lipid peroxidation because of its total PUFA content and by decreasing tissue levels of DHA because of its high omega-6-to-omega-3 ratio.”

Healthy Choline Sources

In the ’70s, many doctors told their patients not to eat eggs, or at least egg yolks, to minimize their cholesterol and saturated fat intake. In reality, both of those are good for you, and eggs are one of the most important health foods available.

A single hard-boiled egg can contain anywhere from 113 milligrams29 (mg) to 225 mg30 of choline, or about 25% of your daily requirement, making it one of the best choline sources in the American diet.31 Only grass fed beef liver beats it, with 430 mg of choline per 100-gram serving.32 As noted in the Fatty Liver Diet Guide:33

“Eggs rank very high on the list of foods that are high in either lecithin, which converts to choline, or in choline itself. Note that this is the egg yolks only, not egg whites, which only have traces of this micronutrient.

Choline is essential in the production of phosphatidylcholine, a fat molecule called a phospholipid. But wait! Isn’t all fat bad? No — especially if it is essential to overall health and in particular, liver health. Simply put — if you don’t have enough choline, your liver can’t move out fat. It instead begins to collect within your liver, creating fatty liver.”

Other healthy choline sources include:

Wild-caught Alaskan salmon34
Krill oil — One 2011 study35 found 69 choline-containing phospholipids in krill oil, including 60 phosphatidylcholine substances, which helps protect against liver disease (including hepatitis and cirrhosis in alcoholics), reduce digestive tract inflammation and lessen symptoms associated with ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome
Organic pastured chicken
Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus
Shiitake mushroom
Grass fed beef liver

Are You Getting Enough Choline to Protect Your Health?

While a dietary reference intake value has not yet been established for choline, the Institute of Medicine set an “adequate daily intake” value of 425 mg per day for women, 550 mg for men36 and 250 mg for children37 to help prevent a deficiency and potential organ and muscle damage.

Keep in mind, however, that requirements can vary widely, depending on your overall diet, age, ethnicity38 and genetic makeup. As noted in one paper,39 “People with one of several very common genetic polymorphisms in the genes of choline metabolism are more likely to develop hepatic dysfunction when deprived of choline.”

Another study40 found that in some men, 550 mg of choline per day was insufficient as they still developed organ dysfunction. Postmenopausal women were also more prone to develop signs of organ dysfunction than premenopausal women when deprived of adequate amounts of choline for just under six weeks.

Also, as discussed above, eating a diet high in (otherwise healthy) saturated fats may actually increase your choline requirement. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, athletes and postmenopausal women also need higher amounts.

If you already have NAFLD, you’d be wise to pay careful attention to choline as well. A study on the severity of 664 people with NAFLD found that decreased choline intake significantly increased their symptoms, including fibrosis (the thickening and scarring of connective tissue).41

The tolerable upper intake level for choline is 3.5 grams per day. Side effects of excessive choline include low blood pressure, sweating, diarrhea and a fishy body odor.42 As mentioned, eggs are a primary source of choline in the diet; with more than 100 mg of choline per egg yolk, they’re an easy way to ensure sufficiency. That said, supplementation, including with krill oil, is an option if you’re concerned about getting enough choline from your diet.


INSIDE Ukraine’s Nazi Training Camps! with Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
Originally posted here:

1. Ukraine was planning a limited nuclear strike against Russia
2. Russia is the only super power resisting globalization
3. Ukraine is the world’s largest trafficker of children, 260,000 and rising. Putin vows to destroy network.
4. Ukraine is the money laundering center for American Congress and other US criminals.
5. Bio-Labs, Ukraine has 25+ US owned and funded Extremely Dangerous and Illegal Bio-Labs; Russia is now containing and destroying.

Putin’s February 21, 2022 Letter to the world;
Backup Copy, with video.

Address by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

NATO Expansion Provoked Putin: Kremlin Reacting to Offensive Posturing

Putin’s Secret War: Ukrainian Bioweapon Labs Exposed, US Gov Website Wipes Data


Putin’s Mission Harmful To Globalists: U.S. Deep State Running From Criminal Exposure In Ukraine – Stew Peters

Putin’s Mission Harmful To Globalists: U.S. Deep State Running From Criminal Exposure In Ukraine – Stew Peters

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Claims Putin Saved Hundreds of Thousands of Lives



ANTICHRIST Will Be LOVED by Many CHRISTIANS | 4 Things I LEARNED from Reactions to UKRAINE CRISIS Pastor Steve Cioccolanti Christian Prophecy News

My reaction to your reactions to Zelensky’s video and Ukranian #Crisis. It shows the state of the Western #Church. I learned 4 things about the church and the doctrine of #hypergrace.

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The Failures of Electric Vehicles, the Choice Will Remain Internal Combustion Vehicles

Why Are Car Makers Still Developing Internal Combustion Engines? Subscribe for new videos every Wednesday! – Recommended Books & Car Products – Why are car manufacturers still improving and spending money on combustion engines in the year 2020? Should all development research be going into electric cars and electric vehicle technology? Unfortunate news if you think ICE transportation is going away in the near future to be solely replaced by electric vehicles (EVs). The internal combustion engine is still incredibly relevant today, and can still use further improvements in order to reduce global emissions. In this video we’ll discuss scientific issues facing electric cars, environmental problems with ditching combustion engine research, how cost impacts customer decisions and manufacturer profits, and ultimately how consumer choice plays a large role in this industry. If you’ve ever wondered why combustion engines are still being developed, this video breaks down all the details. Related Videos: Are EVs Actually Cleaner? – Are Teslas Green? – Are Lithium Batteries Bad? – Living With An Electric Car – Engineering Explained is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program. Don’t forget to check out my other pages below! Facebook:… Official Website: Twitter: Instagram:… Car Throttle:… Amazon:… EE Extra:… NEW VIDEO EVERY WEDNESDAY!

Before You Inject Your Child: The Real Risk-Benefit Analysis as Summarized by RFK Jr., 2 Videos & 20 Sources

Before You Inject Your Child: The Real Risk-Benefit Analysis as Summarized by RFK Jr.

-Children have a 99.995% recovery rate from COVID

-In a large study in Germany, there were no deaths among healthy children aged 5–11

-There is a case fatality rate of 3 per million in healthy children without comorbidities

-Only a single child under the age of 5 without comorbidities died from COVID in England and Wales (pop 60M)

-Children’s bodies clear COVID much more easily than adults

-At least 58% of American children already have natural immunity to COVID-19

-The jab is ineffective: only 12% of children have effective immunity against COVID after a seven-week period

“Why would anybody take that vaccine?”

#DcRed8 #BecauseYouShouldKnow #ArtisticMessenger
Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Technology INVENTOR Says “Fully Vaccinated People Are ‘Super-Spreaders” for COVID
THEY ARE KILLING US (eythay areyay illingkay usyay)
Dr. Rashid Buttar – WHISTLEBLOWER
Was it a surprise? Was It Planned? If Planned, Do We Still Call It An Outbreak?

Shifting the planet to a slavery model.
The push for a cashless society and transhumanism.
How they’re connected and what you can do to protect against them.
Catherine Austin Fitts, of
01. Covid-19 Cases Out of Thin Air.

02. Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Robert Young: Covid , Vaccines, and Viruses.

What can I do to eliminate mRNA vaccines from my body? – ‘Nothing’; Dr. Malone finds dangerous mRNA modification


Your DNA is safe, your immune system is not.

  • Creator of mRNA vaccine technology was injured by the vaccines
  • Reports dangerous modification of his technology
  • Insertion of added ingredient prevents normal break down of mRNA in the body
  • Inability to rid body of mRNA associated with severe side effects
  • Side effects include an AIDS like breakdown of the immune system
  • Affected cells too, spread out for targeted treatment
  • DNA strongly protected from attempts to change it

None other than the original inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Professor Robert Malone, MD, is sounding the alarm about a dangerous modification to his technology.

Inventor himself injured

Dr. Malone began heavily researching the mRNA COVID vaccines only after he himself suffered “irregularities of heartbeat, incredible hypertension, pot syndrome, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome” following two doses of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine. VAERS and data from whistleblowers would later reveal millions of adverse events including tens of thousands of deaths following administration of the mRNA vaccines.

What happened?

With his personal experience and mounting evidence of a global disaster, the pioneering Harvard Medical School fellow with some 100 scientific publications and over 12,000 citations, who has sat on or served as chairperson on HHS and DoD medical committees and served as a professor of pathology and surgery, set out to answer this fundamental question:

How did the technology I developed turn so dangerous?

Not the whole story

Dr. Malone found “many short-cuts, database issues, obfuscation and frankly, lies told in the development of the Spike protein-based genetic vaccines,” including his summary of a whistleblower’s report on the manipulation of safety data “at the level of checking the data and reconciling the data and deciding which things go into the database.”

These unethical manipulations of safety data explained the lack of warning of the vaccines’ dangerous side effects, but not their magnitude.

mRNA expected to be safer

The global clinical research scholar felt that there must be more to the vaccine injuries because mRNA shouldn’t stick around long enough to cause blood clots, strokes and swollen hearts. In his new article, When is mRNA not really mRNA?, Malone explains how quickly the body should rid itself of newly injected mRNA.

mRNA is typically degraded quite rapidly once manufactured or released into a cell. mRNA stability is regulated by a number of genetic elements including the length of the “poly A tail”, but typically ranges from ½ to a couple of hours.

Malone was thus not, at first, doubtful of vaccine safety claims and, as mentioned above, even took two doses himself, explaining,

if natural or synthetic mRNA which is degraded by the usual enzymes is introduced into your body, it should only last for a very short time. And this has been the answer which Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna have provided to physicians when asked “how long does the injected mRNA last after injection”.

Government officials and academics repeated this line, specifying that our cells break down and eliminate mRNA within a few days after vaccination.


Despite prior experience with quickly degenerating mRNA, alarming findings now indicate that the mRNA from “the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines… canpersist in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection.”

Not really mRNA

Malone attempts to solve the dilemma of the long lasting mRNA; it’s sticking around so much longer than expected because it’s no ordinary mRNA.

This is not natural, and this is not really mRNA. These molecules have genetic elements similar to those of natural mRNA, but they are clearly far more resistant to the enzymes which normally degrade natural mRNA, seem to be capable of producing high levels of protein for extended periods, and seem to evade normal immunologic mechanisms for eliminating cells which produce foreign proteins which are not normally observed in the body.” [Emphases added].

What’s different? 

Pfizer and Moderna souped up the mRNA in their vaccines by incorporating within them pseudouridine (Ψ), a synthetic nucleotide which is actually prevalent, and harmless, in our natural mRNA, listed as “the most abundant of >150 nucleoside modifications in RNA“.

So what’s different when pharmaceutical companies, instead of our bodies, add it to mRNA? Malone tells us,

This modification [the addition of pseudouridine to mRNA] occurs naturally in the cells of our body, in a highly regulated manner. This is in sharp contrast to the random incorporation of synthetic pseudouridine which occurs with the manufacturing process used for producing the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech (but not CureVac) COVID-19 “mRNA” vaccines. [Emphases added].


. . . the random and uncontrolled insertion of pseudouridine into the manufactured “mRNA”-like molecules administered to so many of us creates a population of polymers which may resemble natural mRNA, but which have a variety of properties which distinguish them in a variety of aspects which are clinically relevant.

While researchers have been adding pseudouridine to mRNA for more than a decade, and noted in 2020 the possibility that this addition, “controls mRNA metabolism in response to changing cellular conditions,” i.e., prevents mRNA degradation, Malone has connected these studies with the above finding of vaccine mRNA persistence in lymph nodes and with adverse event data.

The extensive random incorporation of pseudouridine into the synthetic mRNA-like molecules used for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccines may well account for much or all of the observed immunosuppression, DNA virus reactivation, and remarkable persistence of the synthetic “mRNA” molecules observed in lymph node biopsy tissues.

AIDS-like illness?

The above referenced immunosuppression is,

observed after multiple mRNA vaccine boosters [and] is increasingly referred to as an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS disease.


While the exact nature of the side effects created by mRNA vaccines could not have been known in the absence of long-term safety studies, the fact that there was a great risk for side effects resulting from pseudouridine incorporation should have been, as Dr. Malone concludes,

The question that most troubles and perplexes me at this point is why the biological consequences of these modifications and associated clinical adverse effects were not thoroughly investigated before widespread administration of random pseudouridine-incorporating “mRNA”-like molecules to a global population.

Biology, and particularly molecular biology, is highly complex and matrix-interrelated.  Change one thing over here, and it is really hard to predict what might happen over there. That is why one must do rigorously controlled non-clinical and clinical research.

Once again, it appears to me that the hubris of “elite” high status scientists, physicians and governmental “public health” bureaucrats has overcome common sense, well established regulatory norms have been disregarded, and patients have unnecessarily suffered as a consequence.

What if I already got the jab?

I get asked all the time “what can I do to eliminate the RNA vaccines from my body”, to which I have to answer – nothing. There is no technology that I know of which can eliminate these synthetic “mRNA-like” molecules from your body. The same is true for any of the many “gene therapy” methods currently being used.

You just have to hope that your immune system will attack the cells that have taken up the polynucleotides and degrade (chew up) the offending large molecule that causes your cells to manufacture the toxic protein.

Targeting damaged cells would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Since virtually all current “gene therapy” methods are inefficient, and essentially deliver the genetic material randomly to a small subset of cells, there is no practical way to surgically remove the scattered, relatively rare transgenic cells.

Clearance of genetically modified cells by the cellular immune system (T cells) is the only currently viable method to remove cells that have taken up the foreign genetic information (“transfection” in the case of mRNA or DNA, or “transduction” in the case of a viral vectored gene).

Good news – Pfizer may injure its customers, but it still can’t play God with them

The good news in Dr. Malone’s report is that we don’t need to worry about our DNA being changed by the vaccines.

Can you efficiently get genetic material (“polynucleotides”) into the nucleus of the majority of cells in the human body so that any genetic defects (or transhuman genetic improvements) can be made?

In short, no. Human cells [have] many, many different mechanisms to resist modification by external polynucleotides.  Otherwise we would already be overrun by various forms of parasitic DNA and RNA, viral and otherwise.

This remains a major technical barrier, one which the “transhumanists” continue to overlook in their enthusiastic but naïve rush to play god with the human species.

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Ukraine Is Proof Humanity Is Secretly Run By Superpowers: The Myth Of The Sovereign Nation State Pastor Steve Cioccolanti

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Why Would We Trust This Drug Company to Tell the Truth? – Dr. Mercola

In 2009 this drug company settled the largest health care fraud case in the history of the U.S. Department of Justice. Caught in a mire of bribery and fraud with one of its drugs, what it did for the sake of making a profit harmed and endangered patients.

That company was Pfizer, the same drug company that today wants you to believe that a second booster of its mRNA shot will be good and safe and perfectly appropriate for everyone. What’s worse, evidence shows that the bastion of truth and justice — the Fourth Estate, aka, the press — has been paid off to make only positive reports on the COVID shots.

According to Dr. Robert Malone, when you consider that “Vioxx and opioids were similarly allowed to permeate our society without news media scrutiny or skepticism” and that “25% of drugs approved by the FDA are later pulled from the market” — not to mention the FDA wanted five to seven decades to release Pfizer’s COVID clinical trial data — it makes you wonder why the media is so eager to embrace Pfizer’s word now.

SOURCE: Dr. Robert Malone March 18, 2022

Boosters Stop Boosting After Only 4 Months – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF boosters-stop-boosting-after-4-months-pdf


  • COVID-19 booster shots lose effectiveness rapidly, with protection plummeting by the fourth month post-shot
  • Within four to five months post-booster, protection against COVID-19-related emergency department and urgent care visits decreased to 66%, then fell to just 31% after five months or more post-booster
  • Regulators are already hinting that a fourth COVID-19 shot may be necessary
  • Moderna, Pfizer and other vaccine makers have begun clinical trials for COVID-19 shots that target the Omicron variant specifically, but studies have failed to show any advantage to the new shots
  • Artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated booster shots could lead to health problems, including autoimmune conditions
  • If you’ve had COVID-19, even a mild case, you’ve more than likely got long-term — potentially even lifelong — immunity that’s superior to what existing COVID-19 shots provide

COVID-19 booster shots lose effectiveness rapidly, with protection plummeting by the fourth month post-shot.1 The eye-raising data, presented by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, follows the same dismal pattern of effectiveness displayed by the primary mRNA COVID-19 shot series, whose effectiveness also wanes in a matter of months.

When one or two doses of COVID-19 shots didn’t work to end the pandemic, health officials stressed that a third booster dose was necessary. It now states, “Most people need booster shots,”2 and recommends the Pfizer-BioNTech booster for everyone 12 years and older, at least five months after the first set of shots.3

But with evidence that the booster shots become significantly less effective within just four months, it’s opened the door for ongoing shots in the future, which could have serious ramifications for human health.

Booster Shot Effectiveness Plummets in Four Months

The CDC-funded study involved data from 10 states collected from August 26, 2021, to January 22, 2022, periods during which both Delta and Omicron variants were circulating. Visits to emergency rooms and urgent care facilities, as well as hospitalizations, among people seeking medical care for COVID-19 were analyzed. The study did not include milder COVID-19 cases, for which no medical attention was sought.

While initially vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19-associated emergency department or urgent care visits and hospitalizations was higher after the booster shot, compared to the second COVID-19 injection, effectiveness waned as time passed since vaccination.4 Within two months of the second COVID-19 shot, protection against emergency department and urgent care visits related to COVID-19 was at 69%. This dropped to 37% after five months post-shot.

The low effectiveness five months after the initial shot series is what prompted officials to recommend a booster dose — and the third shot “boosted” effectiveness to 87%. This boost was short-lived, however. Within four to five months post-booster, protection against emergency department (ED) and urgent care (UC) visits decreased to 66%, then fell to just 31% after five months or more post-booster.5

Will There Be Fourth, Fifth and More COVID-19 Shots?

The CDC data confirmed statements made by Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel in January 2022, predicting that the efficacy of the third shot is likely to decline over several months, necessitating another shot soon thereafter.6

“I will be surprised when we get that data in the coming weeks that it’s holding nicely over time — I would expect that it’s not going to hold great,” Bancel said in an interview with Goldman Sachs.7 Conveniently, Moderna is working on an Omicron-specific jab that they hope to release as early as March 20228 — and this is only the beginning.

With the effectiveness of COVID-19 booster shots dropping to just 31% after five months, regulators are already opening the door for another shot. According to the CDC:9

“The finding that protection conferred by mRNA vaccines waned in the months after receipt of a third vaccine dose reinforces the importance of further consideration of additional doses to sustain or improve protection against COVID-19–associated ED/UC encounters and COVID-19 hospitalizations.”

In a press briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), similarly stated, “[T]here may be the need for yet again another boost — in this case, a fourth-dose boost for an individual receiving the mRNA — that could be based on age, as well as underlying conditions.”10

Bancel’s Moderna is “working with public health experts like Dr. Fauci’s team” to come up with a shot for fall of 202211 and annual boosters thereafter, including combination shots. For instance, Moderna is planning to combine a COVID-19 shot, a flu shot and a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) shot into one injection — coming in 2023 — to avoid “compliance issues.” Bancel said:12

“The other piece we’re working on is for 2023, is how do we make it possible from a societal standpoint that people want to be vaccinated?

And we’re going to do this by preparing combinations, we’re working on the flu vaccine, we’re working on an RSV vaccine, and our goal is to be able to have a single annual booster, so that we don’t have compliance issues, where people don’t want to get two to three shots a winter, but they get one dose, where they get a booster for corona, and a booster for flu and RSV, to make sure that people get their vaccine.”

Omicron-Specific Shots Offer No Advantage

Moderna, Pfizer and other vaccine makers have begun clinical trials for COVID-19 shots that target the Omicron variant specifically — a questionable move since they’ll always be one step behind the latest variant. So far, the studies have failed to show any advantage of the new shots.

A study that tested an Omicron-specific shot in macaques concluded, “[A]n Omicron boost may not provide greater immunity or protection compared to a boost with the current mRNA-1273 vaccine.”13 Similar results were found in a study on mice, which revealed “limited differences in efficacy” between Omicron-specific or original mRNA booster shots.14

Even among mice that had not previously received COVID-19 shots, the Omicron-specific jab only produced high levels of antibodies against Omicron and wasn’t effective against other COVID-19 variants.15 As Nature reported:16

“‘What these studies are teaching us are the rules of engagement of the immune system when you boost with a variant vaccine,’ says [COVID-19 shot researcher David] Montefiori. Those rules suggest that single boost of a variant-matched vaccine probably isn’t the solution, he says. ‘There are important questions that still need to be addressed.’”

In fact, training your body to produce singular antibodies for one spike protein cannot compare to the protection provided by natural immunity, which occurs after recovery from an illness. Speaking with Daniel Horowitz, pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole explained that natural infection produces broad immunity that can’t be matched by vaccination:17

“A natural infection induces hundreds upon hundreds of antibodies against all proteins of the virus, including the envelope, the membrane, the nucleocapsid, and the spike. Dozens upon dozens of these antibodies neutralize the virus when encountered again.

Additionally, because of the immune system exposure to these numerous proteins (epitomes), our T cells mount a robust memory, as well. Our T cells are the ‘marines’ of the immune system and the first line of defense against pathogens. T cell memory to those infected with SARSCOV1 is at 17 years and running still.”

Repeated Boosters Come With a Cost

Artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated booster shots signal to your body that you’re always infected, and the resulting immune response could prove to be detrimental to your health, leading to a “death zone” that accelerates the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis, according to tech leader and COVID analyst Marc Girardot.18

Our bodies mount an intense response to infection, which includes a high fever to damage the pathogens, T-cell elevations and increased antibody production to rid your body of “viral debris.” This is supposed to be a temporary response; after the threat is neutralized, your body tamps down its immune response.

This is by design, as a perpetual fever and high levels of antibodies keep your body in a dangerous state. Just as chronic stress, keeping your body in an extended state of “fight or flight mode,” increases disease risks, so, too, do permanently elevated levels of antibodies. Girardot details three reasons why:19

“1. Too long a fever would end up breaking down all healthy cells, and so the remedy would be worse than the illness.

2. Perpetual specialized T-cells are also dangerous as they can start off-target attacks of healthy cells (as often occurs with immune checkpoint blockade treatments against cancer), and would be like leaving your home filled with a battalion of armed soldiers with their guns loaded and pin-less hand-grenades.

3. Finally, very high levels of antibodies with nowhere to go are also extremely dangerous. They can passively bind to receptors of healthy cells, and kickstart a cascade of autoimmune diseases. Land mining where you live.”

Where’s the Buzz About Natural Immunity?

Early data on SARS-CoV-2 found that antibody titers declined rapidly in the first months after recovery from COVID-19, leading some to speculate — incorrectly — that protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 may be short-lived.20 However, declining antibodies shouldn’t be confused with declining immunity. It’s natural for antibodies to go down after acute infection.

They don’t disappear, however — they plateau. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, antibodies decline in the first months after infection, as they should, then level off to about 10% to 20% of the maximum concentration detected.

When a new infection occurs, cells called plasmablasts provide antibodies, but when the virus is cleared, longer-lasting memory B cells move in to monitor blood for signs of reinfection.21 Bone marrow plasma cells (BMPCs) also exist in bones, acting as “persistent and essential sources of protective antibodies.”22

This is why if you’ve had COVID-19, even a mild case, you’ve more than likely got long-term — potentially even lifelong — immunity, according to a team of researchers from Washington University School of Medicine.23 This is something that existing COVID-19 shots and booster shots cannot provide.

A retrospective observational study published August 25, 2021, also found that natural immunity is superior to immunity from COVID-19 shots, with researchers stating, “This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer-lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.”24

Yet, there’s hardly a mention of this powerful immunity provided by nature, upon recovery from COVID-19, by health officials. Even those who are already naturally immune are urged to get COVID-19 shots and a booster dose — with waning effectiveness just four months later — no matter the consequences.

The CDC continues to state that COVID-19 shots and boosters are safe, but this is an unprecedented experiment on humankind. No one knows whether humans’ immune systems, and overall health, will be able to withstand such an ongoing assault, but many have their doubts.

As Girardot put it, “I would like to underscore the absolute lunacy of delivering these products to an entire population every three to four months. It’s nothing short of criminal. In my earnest opinion, repeated vaccine injections can only lead to one outcome: generalized illness and death …”25

What Happens When Assets Are Removed? Exposing The Criminal Syndicate, Define Traitor

 The [DS] is being exposed, the Hunter Biden laptop will not go away and it is now implicating the Biden family in criminal activity with foreign nations. Trump has not trapped the [DS] players. They are trying to fight back by going after Trump and others via the J6 fake investigation, this will not end well for them. The patriots are now in the process of removing all assets leaving the [DS] defenseless. The traitors will be brought to justice.

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Congressman Sessions Exposes REAL WAR On Americans, Prep For Foodegeddon, Vaxx Morphs Genes

Monday on the Stew Peters Show, Texas Representative Pete Sessions delivers a blow to the communist conspiracy which has fostered a generational hatred against white people, and points out how the Ukraine war is simply a distraction from the perpetual torture being carried out against patriotic Americans.

Gun America’s Paul Helinski blasts the lying media for inciting panic among the masses over the looming economic impact from the CIA-backed war on Russia’s doorstep. Paul shares how to prep for the shortage of fertilizer and grain, and avoid the huge cost of panic purchasing.

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Dr. Jane Ruby exposes FDA documents that openly admit the mRNA Covid vaccines are literal gene therapy, evolving mankind into a hysterical shadow of our God-created selves.

And, award winning journalist April Moss exposes the collusion marriage made in hell between Big Pharma and Big Tech, which has had the unholy mission of killing the unvaccinated and destroying our hospitals.

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“Vaccines” Are Delivering Payloads For Mass Genocide and Dehumanization

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane reveals the worldwide agenda behind the forced injections after numerous intel briefings from military and scientific experts, and then she shows you how CRSPR Technology is used to change your God-given genetic code…disrupting centuries of your familial and human lineage. And in the last segment Dr. Jane shares the evidence on Graphene Oxide – why it’s used and just how toxic scientists say it is. WITH Promo Code: RUBY

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Heroes Taking Down Evil: Journalist April Moss Goes Nuclear, Exposes Vaxx Hospitalizations & Murder

Media outlets mass-produce propaganda to control society, silencing those who dare to disrupt their narratives. Award winning journalist and ex-CBS Detroit employee, April Moss joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to expose Big Tech and Big Pharma’s collusion to kill the unvaccinated, the compliance of the nurses, and more. Moss’s upcoming documentary, ‘Bad Medicine’ exposes how the media is killing thousands with the help Big Pharma, and the damage done so far. Visit to find clinics and doctors near you that prescribe ivermectin and effective treatments against the plandemic.

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America’s Frontline Doctor Exposes Moon Landing Fraud & Unveils New Detox Survey

America’s Frontline Doctor Michael Roth joins me for a follow up to my interview with Moon Man Bart Sibrel, whose work in exposing the moon landing as a hoax is known worldwide. Roth presents a few things that Sibrel did not present in his interview with me and then we round out the our with a new survey of a product Roth has produced to rid the body of toxins, specifically graphene and graphene oxide.

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Bayer Chief: mRNA Vaccines Are Gene Therapy- Dr. Joseph Mercola

In a meeting of the World Health Summit that got almost no notice at the time it occurred, the head of Bayer’s Pharmaceutical Division admitted that the “mRNA vaccines are an example” of “cellular gene therapy.”

Not only that, he said that if the public had been surveyed two years earlier, in 2019, on whether they would be willing to take a gene or cell therapy, “we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate.”

Besides making liars out of public officials who, for two years, insisted the shots are not gene therapy, he added that the innovation, research and development in these gene therapies are creating job security and prosperity for those who are investing in them.

SOURCE: YouTube World Health Summit November 11, 2021

How the Pandemic Was Fabricated- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF how-the-pandemic-was-fabricated-pdf


  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and individual states are now backtracking on their COVID death statistics, showing those of us who claimed deaths were being overcounted were right all along
  • March 14, 2022, the CDC removed 72,277 COVID deaths from the tally, including 24% of those attributed to children under 18. They claim a “coding logic error,” a faulty algorithm, had “accidentally” counted deaths that weren’t related to COVID, such as drowning deaths and drug overdoses
  • The CDC used the false death statistics among children to push for COVID shots for 5- to 7-year-olds back in November 2021
  • As of February 2, 2022, the U.S. Health and Human Services is no longer collecting data on hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19
  • Deaths were initially exaggerated for political — both national and geopolitical — purposes, and now they’re being downplayed for the same reason. Democrats know they cannot win in the midterms unless they declare victory over COVID-19

For the past two years, I and many others have detailed the ways in which COVID-19 deaths have been overcounted to create the illusion of the pandemic being far worse than it actually is.

Now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and individual states are backtracking on their death statistics, showing we were right all along. Deaths were initially exaggerated for political purposes, and now they’re being downplayed for the same reason.

CDC Removes More Than 72,000 COVID Deaths

As reported by The Defender,1 March 14, 2022, the CDC had removed 72,277 “COVID deaths” from the tally, including 24% of those attributed to children under 18.2,3 They claim a “coding logic error,” a faulty algorithm, had “accidentally” counted deaths that weren’t related to COVID. As reported by Udumbara:4

“Some of the pediatric deaths attributed to COVID-19, according to a search of the CDC’s Wonder system, include deaths where drowning or drug use was listed as the primary cause of death.”

Meanwhile, the CDC used the false death statistics among children to push for COVID shots for 5- to 7-year-olds. In November 2021, CDC director Rochelle Walensky cited that data to justify the recommendation to issue emergency use authorization for the Pfizer shot for this age group.5

Somehow, we’re supposed to believe that it took the CDC two years to realize this error. It’s simply not believable, and The Epoch Times has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for internal communications relating to the data change.6

Ironically, the adjustment comes on the heels of fact-checking articles “debunking” claims that COVID deaths have been overcounted. For example, in early March, Health Feedback claimed there’s “no evidence COVID deaths have been overcounted,” and that “the evidence suggests the opposite.”7Yet here we are. Deaths were clearly overcounted, not undercounted. That fact check didn’t age well.

CDC Has Been Turned Into a Propaganda Agency

According to Dr. Meryl Nass, a member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee, the CDC is cherry-picking data to justify its public health policies, and when it gets caught, it simply blames its “outdated IT systems.” In a March 19, 2022, article, she wrote:8

“CDC is not a public health agency. It is a public propaganda agency that collects a massive amount of data. CDC marshals its huge data library to create presentations that support the current administration’s public health policies …

A 2007 Senate oversight report on the CDC noted the agency spent $106 million on the Thomas R. Harkin Global Communications (and Visitor) Center, and summarized its 115-page report with the following:

‘A review of how an agency tasked with fighting and preventing disease has spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars for failed prevention efforts, international junkets, and lavish facilities, but cannot demonstrate it is controlling disease.’”

Health Officials End Reporting COVID-19 Deaths

Curiously, three months before the CDC started changing its mortality statistics, the U.S. Health and Human Services stopped collecting data on hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 altogether. The HHS announced9 changes to the reporting requirements for hospitals and acute care facilities January 6, 2022. The new guidelines, which took effect February 2, note “The retirement of fields which are no longer required to be reported,” which include the “previous day’s COVID-19 deaths.”

What are they trying to hide? Are they stopping the flow of data to prevent examination and analysis? According to some, the HHS hospital data are among the best we have in the U.S., so ending that data collection doesn’t make sense. January 2021, Alex C. Madrigal, co-founder of the COVID Tracking Project, wrote:10

“In a series of analyses that we ran over the past several months, we came to nearly the opposite conclusion of other media outlets. The hospitalization data coming out of HHS are now the best and most granular publicly available data on the pandemic.”

An unnamed federal health official spoke with a reporter from WSWS,11 calling the move to stop reporting COVID-29 hospital deaths “incomprehensible.” The official added:

“It is the only consistent, reliable and actionable dataset at the federal level. Ninety-nine percent of hospitals report 100% of the data every day. I don’t know any scientists who want to have less data.”

Changing Definitions Justify the COVID Narrative

From the start of the pandemic, changing definitions have allowed authorities to manipulate data in whatever way they needed. Now, states are starting to change the way they define a “COVID death,” resulting in lowered mortality rates. In Massachusetts, for example, COVID deaths dropped by 3,700 after the state changed its definition to be in alignment with that of the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists.12

As reported by CBS Boston:13

“The state said currently the COVID death definition includes anyone who has the disease listed as a cause of death on their death certificate. It also includes anyone who had a diagnosis within 60 days but did not have it listed as a cause on their death certificate. Under the new definition, the timeframe is changed to 30 days for people without a COVID diagnosis on their death certificate.”

For the record, counting someone who died of any cause as a COVID death simply because they tested positive within 30 days of their death is still a grossly inaccurate way of determining the true death toll from this virus, because we know PCR tests have a false positive rate of about 97% when run at 35 cycles or greater,14 as was the norm from the start.

Results From At-Home Tests Aren’t Reported

Case counts are also being adjusted downward. In mid-January 2022, the Biden administration started distributing half a billion at-home COVID tests to the American public,15 and the results from those are not being reported anywhere.16 As a result, case counts will be skewed downward. According to 13NewsNow:17

“… the fallibility of case counts is the reason health officials track several COVID-19 metrics, like hospitalizations, deaths, and now, even viral samples in the wastewater18 — metrics that do not necessarily rely on people to go get tested or report the results they get at home.”

And yet the HHS is no longer requiring hospitals to report COVID deaths, which is one of the metrics health officials are supposedly focusing on in lieu of tracking cases. Don’t get me wrong, PCR testing was a scam from the start and I’m not suggesting we should pay much attention to those data. The point here is that the tracking of COVID data has been fatally flawed from the start.

What they’re really trying to do is shift toward passive monitoring, starting with wastewater sampling.19 Eventually, the goal is to monitor every person’s biological processes in real-time, and this is part and parcel of the transhumanist Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset.

CDC Hides Data

To make matters even murkier, the CDC is also hiding data on COVID hospitalizations and the COVID jab. The stated justification for not making certain data public is that people are “misinterpreting” the data. In other words, the data show that the COVID jabs don’t work, and the CDC doesn’t want that to be widely known.

It has also collected data on the effectiveness of COVID-19 boosters, but for some reason has not included the data for 18- to 49-year-olds in any of its publications. “Coincidentally,” this is “the group least likely to benefit from extra shots,” the Times pointed out, adding:21

“Much of the withheld information could help state and local health officials better target their efforts to bring the virus under control. Detailed, timely data on hospitalizations by age and race would help health officials identify and help the populations at highest risk. Information on hospitalizations and death by age and vaccination status would have helped inform whether healthy adults needed booster shots.”

COVID Has Served a Purely Political Agenda

Over the past two years, the pandemic has been used to usher in a range of radical changes that would never have been accepted were it not for widespread panic. It was used to implement illegitimate voting rules, which appear to have had an impact on the 2020 elections.

It was used to announce the urgent need for a “Great Reset” and a Fourth Industrial Revolution. It’s been used to strip people of basic human rights, and to justify radical environmental policies that will result in lower standards of living.

It was also used to abruptly transition the vaccine industry from conventional vaccine manufacturing using eggs to the use of risky gene transfer technology. The only thing the pandemic has not been used for is to make recommendations that actually improve public health. And throughout, data have been massaged and manipulated to justify the unjustifiable.

Now, it appears data are being manipulated yet again — this time to artificially end the COVID crisis so that the Biden administration can take credit for it during the upcoming elections. As stated in a February 24, 2022, letter from Impact Research, titled “Taking the Win Over COVID-19”:22,23

“It’s time for Democrats to take credit for ending the COVID crisis phase of the COVID war, point to important victories like vaccine distribution and providing economic stability for Americans, and fully enter the rebuilding phase that comes after any war. Below we lay out some strategic thoughts for Democrats positioning themselves on COVID-19 …”

Strategic positioning includes declaring the crisis phase over; pushing for “feeling and acting more normal;” and taking the side of people who are burned out on COVID and don’t want to hear about it anymore. Not setting a standard of zero COVID as the “victory condition,” and to “stop talking about restrictions and the unknown future ahead.”

“If Democrats continue to hold a posture that prioritizes COVID precautions over learning how to live in a world where COVID exists, but does not dominate, they risk paying dearly for it in November,” the letter states.24

Dr. Anthony Fauci perhaps did not receive this memo, as he is out there signaling that we can expect a return to COVID restrictions at any given point. In a mid-March CNN interview, he stated that “we need to be flexible” and “if we see a resurgence, we have to be able to pivot and go back to any degree of mitigation that is commensurate with what the situation is. We can’t just say ‘We’re done, now we’re going to move on.’”

Based on what we’ve seen so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if this “pivot” back into COVID crisis mode were to occur right before the midterm elections.

rnc research tweet

The Increase Of Cancers Among The Injected Is Skyrocketing

The Sons of Liberty’s nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani joins me in this episode to expose the massive amounts of cancer cases stemming from the experimental COVID shots. Plus, she’ll provide information on the mighty micro biome system and how your gut effects everything. Finally, we’ll touch on the importance of breast milk for babies.

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Life Insurance Company Refuses to Pay Out for COVID Shot ‘Experiment’ – Dr. Mercola

A wealthy man in France who had life insurance got his COVID shot and died. When his family tried to claim the insurance, the company refused to pay out, saying the shot was experimental and they don’t cover medical experiments.

To make matters worse, the judge in the case called the man’s death a suicide because the possible side effects, including death, of the shot are well-known, and since he chose to get it anyway, then he basically chose to commit suicide — nullifying the insurance payment because medical experiments and suicide are not covered in life insurance policies.

If you don’t think that could happen in the U.S., know that the American Council of Life Insurers has announced that life insurance policies may deny payment if you die from the COVID vaccine because they are experimental drugs.

While “fact” checkers claimed this is entirely false, at least one law firm has posted on its website that they are getting calls and emails from people whose claims were denied after a loved one died after the shot.


BitChute Dr. Peterson Pierre March 21, 2022

Fox Business July 12, 2021

Voss Law Firm P.C. March 23, 2022

President in Exile or Devolution Part 2 – Phil Godlewski

Phil dives into the 2nd half of his President in Exile series, which ties the Devolution theory into recent events, and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there IS a current Government in Exile, and Donald Trump has been leading it.

Dr. Roberto Petrella Speaks Out About Covid19 and Its Diabolical Purpose For the Populations

Covid Vaccine Detox:

Covid-19 means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence”, and 19 is the year in which it was created. Covid-19 is not the name of the virus. It is rather the name of the international plan for the control and reduction of populations, which has been developed over the last decades, and launched in 2020. What reactivates the virus, is the immune ground in which it finds itself weakened by former vaccinations. What they intend to inject inside all of us, is going to be the most terrible vaccines of all. It is literally a descent into hell, with the aim of a massive depopulation of over 80% of the population. COVID-19 is a false flag psychological operation Black Swan event intended to kill innocent, trusting people. Do NOT get tested for COVID-19. It’s a trap.

The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010:

COVID19 ~ The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab:

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Kirstie Alley calls out ‘psycho’ Hollywood politics on ‘Tucker Carlson Today’

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Clueless CDC Admits They Never Suspected Waning Vaccines – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF cdc-waning-covid-vaccines-pdf


  • March 3, 2022, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky answered questions at Washington University, revealing she learned of the Pfizer shot efficacy data from CNN, which was a republished press release from the pharmaceutical company
  • Walensky was unaware that the virus may mutate, or that the vaccine would not be effective against mutations, which was a question a financial analyst was astute enough to ask Pfizer
  • Many of the talking points from the CDC originated from the same company that did President Biden’s polling in the 2020 election, which indicates that at least some of the “science” driving public health policy came from Impact Research, who are the “proud pollsters for President Joe Biden”
  • Walensky admits that half the country doesn’t believe what she’s saying and that she’s been warned not to predict what’s happening next. She predicts the coronavirus will kill people every year and we’ll learn to live with it and masks will be here for a while since she hasn’t had a cold “in a really long time”

March 3, 2022, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky answered questions in front of medical students at her alma mater, Washington University. This is an excerpt of the 45-minute presentation,1 during which Walensky made several statements about the public health response to COVID-19 in the past two years, admitting the CDC had relied heavily on vaccines, that she’d learned of the 95% efficacy from CNN and was not told the shots would lose effectiveness.

In fact, much of her presentation is riddled with statements that likely revealed more than she intended. She might not have realized the presentation was being taped or thought a taped presentation in front of medical students wouldn’t be found. Or maybe, the CDC simply doesn’t care that what they say in 2022 is the same information that caused many to be censored or maligned in 2020 and 2021.

It would be an interesting test to repeat her statements on social media today to see if the information would be tagged as misinformation or disinformation now that the CDC has publicly recognized what scientists have been saying for years.

Walensky Admits Her Source Was CNN

Walensky was invited to speak to the medical students at Washington University as the 2022 Gerald Medoff Visiting Professor in the Department of Medicine. During the interview conducted by Dr. William G. Powderly, co-director of the Division of Infectious Diseases, she was asked what the CDC got right and how that might affect the response to future pandemics. Three minutes into her answer, she said:2

“Where could we have improved? Well, you know, I think … I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came that it was 95% effective, um, the vaccine. So many of us wanted it to be helpful. Many of us wanted to say, “OK, this is our ticket out.” Right? Now we’re done.”

This may be a mind-blowing admission — that the head of the CDC’s information came from a CNN news report and not from Pfizer. It turns out the CNN report was a regurgitated Pfizer press release. Investigative journalist Paul Thacker, writing in The Disinformation Chronicle, discusses the timeline of events that led to Walensky believing the Pfizer vaccine was 95% effective.3

It is likely the CNN report Walensky is referring to was published November 18, 20204 by Maggie Fox and Amanda Sealy, who it appears did little to augment the story after pulling information from a Pfizer press release published the same day.5 What is remarkable, and unfortunate, is that a story in CNN influenced Walensky’s thinking about the vaccine and future guidance from the CDC.

It turns out it is even more deplorable since it wasn’t a story but a republished press release. Also interesting is that it took two CNN reporters to present one republished press release/story. As Thacker writes, “The Pfizer press release became CNN headline, became CDC pandemic policy.” Walensky went on to say during the interview:6

“So I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way. I really do. I think all of us wanted this to be done. Nobody said waning, when you know, oh this vaccine is going to work. Oh well, maybe it’ll work — (laughs) it’ll wear off. Nobody said what if the next variant doesn’t, it doesn’t, it’s not as potent against the next variant.”

Thacker dug into the published transcript7 of a Pfizer earnings call held February 2, 2021, in which an analyst from global financial services firm Cantor Fitzgerald asked four pointed questions.

  1. If the COVID vaccine becomes routine, how do you think governments and physicians will choose among these vaccines that have received emergency use authorization?
  2. And then how do you think about that 95% efficacy rate in light of mutations?
  3. And the last question is on your PCV20, if it’s approved, what do you expect the ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] recommendation to be your — what would you ideally like it to be?
  4. And do you think there will be any upgrade for those 65-plus due to the additional serotypes?

It seems interesting that the analyst from Cantor Fitzgerald understood enough to ask about whether the vaccine would be effective against a virus nearly every scientist in the world expected to mutate. And yet, Walensky did not consider the possibility,8 despite having been a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School with years of experience dealing with viruses.9

Where Does the COVID ‘Science’ Come From?

When asked about the ACIP recommendation, Pfizer responded, “And then to your question about ACIP. Of course, we’re working closely with the FDA for approval and with the CDC at the right moments in time to get the right recommendation.”10 Many believe that the “right recommendation” was not given, yet Pfizer likely got exactly what they wanted from the CDC.

Walensky has overruled or avoided asking the ACIP’s advice on COVID booster issues at least three times, according to a STAT News report.11 As Thacker writes, this sequence of events is:12

“… direct evidence of a corporation influencing federal policy by laundering their press release through media outlets like CNN. Further, republishing press releases seems a pervasive practice in how the media covers COVID-19 vaccines — meaning, they don’t do much reporting. This has been obvious since late 2020.”

Walensky’s presentation at Washington University was just days after it was revealed that Biden and the CDC are parroting talking points developed by the same firm that conducted polling for Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.13 The memo sent February 24, 2022, closely matches statements Biden used in the State of the Union Address.

In other words, it appears that at least some of the “science” driving public health policy for COVID-19 and destroying the economy is coming directly from Impact Research,14 who are “the proud pollsters for President Joe Biden” and whose marketing includes “electing Democrats in the toughest districts,” “electing presidents” and “crafting the most authentic and persuasive language for your communications.”

Two days after Walensky spoke at Washington University, former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, wrote,15 “She’s right. Nobody could possibly have known variants might be a problem.” Under this, he posted a tweet dated January 20, 2021, in which he had posted, “Spoiler alert: the vaccines probably don’t work against at least one new variant and they’re going to want you to get vaccinated again next fall.”

By August, Twitter banned Berenson permanently for “repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation rules.”16 The tweet that put Twitter over the edge compared the vaccine to a “therapeutic “with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile.” He also questioned vaccine mandates.”

Data supporting limited efficacy17 and terrible side effects18,19 are not difficult to find. In fact, Walensky admitted the vaccine has limited efficacy to Washington University — will Twitter ban her?

Walensky Knows She’s Wrong for Half the Country

Midway through the interview, Powderly asked how Walensky balances the risks of infectious disease against the mental health and economic risks from decisions the CDC has made. Her response was telling:20

“This is such an important question. The easy answer is I know I’m going to be wrong for half the country (laugh) so now that I’ve accepted that um … some fraction of people will be unhappy.

We are looking under the lamppost of all the cases and all the deaths and there have been so many other things that we’re counting that don’t make the headlines — opioid deaths, mental health challenges, cancer screening. I’ve heard from colleagues of people who came in whose elective surgeries were deferred who now come in with metastatic disease.”

Minutes before, she was asked what she thought the next couple of years would look like. She started by saying, “So this is a safe space because every piece of advice I’ve gotten is don’t predict what’s going to happen.”21 The implication appears to be that she didn’t think what she said would be made public. She went on to predict that in the months ahead she believes:

“… [O]verall immunity is going to hold us in good stead. I don’t know whether we’re going to need another boost and I don’t know when and I don’t know what that’s going to look like but I do think ultimately we will have a good level of population immunity for variants that come our way … Ultimately we will have a coronavirus that will lead to death in some people every season, that we will tolerate in some way.”

This coronavirus that will lead to death every season sounds amazingly like seasonal flu. The final estimates by the CDC22 of the 2017-2018 flu season showed 41 million people were symptomatic with an estimated 18.9 million who received medical care, 710,572 who were hospitalized and 51,646 who died.

She also hinted that mask-wearing may be here to stay, saying, “I haven’t had a cold in a really long time, and I suspect we don’t miss those.”23 Yet, Walensky has also admitted that the CDC’s mask policy for public schools to reopen was influenced by teachers’ unions who were against in-person learning.

In other words, the guidelines for children to wear masks throughout their school day were not developed based on science but, rather, on “hearing firsthand from parents and teachers directly about their experiences and concerns.” and “superintendents, principals, civil rights groups, and all sorts of other folks.”24

Despite History, CDC Is Calling for Transparency

Anyone who has held an opinion that differs from the mainstream narrative has been censored, questioned and fake “fact-checked” so the debate over science would never see the light of day. Mainstream media outlets took up the banner, quashing any information that didn’t neatly fit the story.

If data might demonstrate that the vaccine was not functioning the way it was promised, then the CDC25 withheld the information and Health and Human Services26 stopped tracking hospital deaths related to COVID-19. But they haven’t been able to stop the data coming from Israel,27 the U.K,28 Germany29 and insurance companies.30

During Walensky’s appearance, she said she was “proud of our ability to get data out,”31 in reference to the vaccine. She indicated that they used a “pedal-to-the-metal”32 system to analyze and assimilate data that was published, on average, every 48 hours. Yet, her comments are in direct contradiction to a recent investigative report published in The New York Times33 that shows the CDC was not transparently publishing “large portions” of vaccine data.

In fact, Walensky has also publicly discredited the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is co-administered34 by the FDA and CDC. During her January 11, 2022, testimony before the Senate,35 Walensky clearly stated that any death after a vaccine could be reported to VAERS using the example of an individual who gets vaccinated, hit by a car and dies.

She implied without outright stating that this death would also be recorded in VAERS and logged as a death related to the vaccine. In other words, she skirted the issue without having to outright lie to the Senate.

Just days before she declared her pride in the CDC’s ability to publish accurate and informative data, The New York Times36 revealed that the FDA had been aware the COVID shots were only 12% effective in children under the age of 5. However, they withheld the information before a scheduled meeting on February 15, 2022, which was subsequently canceled. According to the Times:37

“Experts worried that the news would further dissuade hesitant parents from immunizing their children. Other studies have shown the vaccine was not powerfully protective against infection with the Omicron variant in adults, either.”

Will the Gaslighting Stop?

During the interview, Walensky alluded to people in the media who “reject evidence,” saying,38 “You know in the media now, there are a lot of people who are using their voice that may or may not be helpful for public health … then that decreases public health in general so our messaging I think we have to be clear about.”

The information that Walensky revealed during the interview makes you wonder about who’s making public health decisions and why. It’s difficult to imagine and scary to think that after two years, one of the largest and most powerful health care agencies in the U.S. is led by a director who is potentially uninformed, or worse, purposefully misleading the public.

In approximately 35 short minutes Walensky revealed much. While she characterizes those who reject her propaganda as “rejecting evidence” since scientific debate is no longer part of the scientific process according to the CDC, it’s interesting to note that she:

  • Admits learning about the Pfizer 95% efficacy — information which was then used to formulate CDC guidelines — from a CNN report,39 which was nothing more than a republished press release from Big Pharma.40
  • Believes the CDC is transparently publishing data in a “pedal-to-the-metal” scenario41 even though The New York Times uncovered evidence the CDC is withholding data.42
  • Believes that no one told her or the CDC that a virus may mutate and render the vaccine ineffective,43 yet a financial analyst was astute enough to ask the question.44
  • Isn’t sure if we will need another booster45 after Pfizer told the world last year that a fourth dose may be needed sooner than expected.46
  • Blames the “public” at large for believing “the science” is black and white despite her colleague, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who as director of the NIAID, has been the face of COVID-19 for the White House, claiming HE was the science.47 Walensky now admits: “I think the public heard that science is black and white, science is immediate … and the truth is, science is gray.”48

Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF pfizer-documents-reveal-vaccine-dangers-pdf


  • A small batch of documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in mid-November 2021 revealed that in the first three months of the COVID jab rollout, Pfizer received 42,086 adverse event reports that included 1,223 deaths
  • The first really large tranche of Pfizer documents — some 10,000 pages — was released by the FDA March 1, 2022. Included are nine pages of recorded side effects, about 158,000 different health problems in all
  • An initial review of case report forms (CRFs) reveal significant data collection errors and anomalies
  • Problems included patients entered into the “healthy population” group who were far from healthy; serious adverse event (SAE) numbers that were left blank; sample barcodes that were missing; at least one death of a patient the day before being listed as being at a medical checkup; and second doses that were administered outside the three-week protocol window. There also are questions as to whether participants were properly observed for an adequate amount of time; plus adverse events were listed as “not serious” despite extended hospital stay and much more
  • A majority of the CRFs in this release were from Ventavia-run trial sites. Ventavia is currently facing a lawsuit brought by Brook Jackson, a former Ventavia regional director. Jackson was fired shortly after she brought concerns about potential data falsification and poor laboratory management to the attention of the FDA and higher-ups in the company

In September 2021, a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the documentation used to approve Comirnaty, including safety and effectiveness data, adverse reaction reports and lists of active and inactive ingredients.

When, after a month, the FDA still had not responded to the FOIA request, the PHMPT sued.1 Pfizer and the FDA asked the judge to give them 75 years to release all the documents (doling out just 500 pages per month)2 but, fortunately, the judge ruled that they have to release them at a rate of 55,000 pages per month.

COVID Jab Supporter Gets Red-Pilled

In mid-November 2021, the FDA released the first 91 pages,3,4 which alone revealed the FDA has been aware of shocking safety issues since April 30, 2021. For nurse educator John Campbell, featured in the video above, these documents appear to have served as a “red pill,”5 waking him up to the possibility that the jabs may be far more dangerous than anyone expected, but he didn’t get around to reviewing them until now.

In his video, Campbell reviews the documents listed as “5.3.6. Postmarketing Experience,” which were originally marked “confidential.” They reveal that, cumulatively, through February 28, 2021, Pfizer received 42,086 adverse event reports, including 1,223 deaths.

As noted by Campbell, “It would have been good to know about this at the time, wouldn’t it?” referring to the rollout of the jabs. Campbell has been fairly consistent in his support of the “safe and effective” vaccine narrative, but “This has just destroyed trust in authority,” he says.

To have 1,223 fatalities and 42,086 reports of injury in the first three months is a significant safety signal, especially when you consider that the 1976 swine flu vaccine was pulled after only 25 deaths.

Now, the number of doses shipped has been redacted under a FOIA redaction code that stands for “Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential.” Why would the number of doses shipped be confidential?

Campbell is clearly bothered by this redaction, as you cannot calculate the incidence rate or side effects if you don’t know what the denominator is. As noted by Campbell, that number cannot be proprietary. It’s being withheld for some other reason (and I just stated what that might be).

Even without knowing the underreporting factor, Campbell is appalled by the number of reported side effects. It is very clear that this information red-pilled Campbell. For an overview of the types of side effects recorded, check out Campbell’s video. I’ve already reviewed that in previous articles.

Here, we’ll move on to the first really large tranche of Pfizer documents, which was released March 1, 2022. In all, the FDA has some 450,000 pages of data from Pfizer’s COVID jab trials, and we now have just over 10,000 of those pages. You can find them all on

Findings From Early Review of Case Reports

March 7, 2022, investigative journalist Sonia Elijah published a review of her initial findings on Trial Site News,7 having glossed through some of the thousands of newly-released documents.

Her review centers primarily on the case report forms (CRFs). These are documents used in clinical research to record standardized data from each patient, including adverse events. As such, they’re a crucial part of the clinical trial process.

A majority of the CRFs in this release were from Ventavia-run trial sites. Ventavia is currently facing a lawsuit brought by Brook Jackson, a former Ventavia regional director. Jackson was fired shortly after she brought concerns about potential data falsification and poor laboratory management to the attention of the FDA and higher-ups in the company.

Her testimony was published November 2, 2021, in The British Medical Journal — the oldest and most prestigious medical journal in the world — by investigative journalist Paul Thacker.8 Facebook fact checkers actually tried to “debunk” this BMJ article and censored it.

In her review of the CRFs, Elijah found a number of errors and anomalies that seem to corroborate Jackson’s claims, including the following:9

Patients entered into the “healthy population” group who were far from healthy — For example, one such “healthy” participant was a Type 2 diabetic with angina, a cardiac stent and a history of heart attack.
Serious adverse event (SAE) numbers were left blank — Ventavia site No. 1085 has a particularly large number of missing SAE numbers.
Missing barcodes for samples collected — Without those barcodes, you can’t match the sample to the participant.
Suspicious-looking SAE start and end dates — For example, the so-called “healthy” diabetic suffered a “serious” heart attack October 27, 2020. The “end” date is listed as October 28, the next day, which is odd because it was recorded as serious enough to require hospitalization.

Also, on that same day, October 28, the patient was diagnosed with pneumonia, so likely remained hospitalized. “This anomaly raises doubt as to the accuracy of these recorded dates, potentially violating ALOCA-C clinical site documentation guidelines for clinical trials,” Elijah writes.

Unblinded teams were responsible for reviewing adverse event reports for signs of COVID cases, and to review severe COVID cases — Yet in some cases they appear to have dismissed the possibility of an event being COVID-related, such as pneumonia. This despite the fact that Pfizer’s protocol (section 8.2.4) lists “enhanced COVID-19” (i.e., antibody dependent enhancement) as a potential side effect to be on the lookout for. As noted by Elijah:

“Inadvertently, this could have led to bias, as the unblinded teams would have been aware which participants were assigned the placebo and those who received the vaccine. They might have been under pressure by the sponsor for the trial to go a certain way and for events like ‘COVID Pneumonia’ to be classified simply as pneumonia.”

Impossible dating — The diabetic who suffered a heart attack followed by pneumonia (which may have been unacknowledged COVID pneumonia) died, and the date of death is listed as the day before the patient supposedly went for a “COVID ill” visit.

Clearly, it’s impossible for a dead person to attend a medical visit, so something is wrong here. The clinical investigator note states: “There cannot be a date later than date of death. Please remove data from the COVID illness visit and add cough and shortness of breath as AEs (adverse events).” “What kind of pressure was being exerted here?” Elijah asks.

Second dose administered outside the three-week protocol window.
Observation period appears to have been an automatic entry — According to the protocol, each participant was to be observed by staff for a minimum of 30 minutes.

A majority of the CRFs state 30 minutes, which raises the question: Were participants observed for adequate amounts of time, or did they simply put down “30 minutes” as an automatic entry? Why is there so little variety in the observation times? If participants were not adequately observed, their safety were put at risk, which was one of Jackson’s concerns.

Adverse events listed as “not serious” despite extended hospital stay — In one case, the participant fell and suffered facial lacerations the day after the second dose and was hospitalized for 26 days, yet the fall was not reported as serious.

Other anomalies in this particular case include listing the fall as being caused by a “fall” unrelated to the study treatment, and the facial laceration being the result of “hypotension” (low blood pressure). The SAE number is also missing for the facial lacerations.

Elijah writes, “Doubts can be raised over the credibility of this information given the fall and facial lacerations were intrinsically related. So, if facial lacerations were due to ‘hypotension’ then the fall should be due to that too.” Might low blood pressure be an effect of the experimental shot? Possibly. Especially when you consider the patient fell the day after being given the second dose.

Even more suspicious: the causality for the fall was recorded as “related” (to the treatment) on the serious adverse event form, but listed as “not related” on the adverse event CRF. A note states, “Please confirm correct causality.”

Dismissing brand new health problems as unrelated to the treatment — For example, in one case, a female participant with no medical history of impaired kidney function was diagnosed with kidney stones and severe hypokalemia, requiring hospitalization, one month after her second dose. Yet despite her having no history of kidney problems, both events were dismissed as “not related” to the study treatment and no further investigation was done.

In closing, Elijah writes:10

“All the evidence gleaned over a limited time appears to back up whistleblower Jackson’s claims of poor trial site data management and raises questions as to how Ventavia conducted the Pfizer clinical trials.

The errors and anomalies in the CRFs also allude to her claims that the clinical research associates were not trained adequately, with many having had no prior clinical experience history. If such egregious findings are true at these sites, could they manifest at other trial sites around North America and beyond?”

Enormous List of Side Effects

The latest tranche of Pfizer documents also includes a whopping nine pages of recorded side effects — 158,000 in all! The picture below speaks louder than anything I can say about this list.

pfizer list release

Enormous Gap Between What We’ve Been Told and Reality

The Pfizer documents reveal an enormous gap between what we were told about the jab and what the FDA and Pfizer actually knew about it. In a recent article published by The Defender,11 Dr. Meryl Nass asks, “Pfizer, FDA documents contradict official COVID vaccine safety narrative — Is this fraud?”

As noted by Nass, what we’re told in the media is one thing, and what these documents reveal is another. And, importantly, the content of these documents “tell us what information Pfizer and the FDA are willing to stand by.” They also establish what the legal requirements for emergency use authorization and licensing.

“It may come as a shock, but what the FDA said when it issued both the EUA and the license for Pfizer’s vaccines was very different from what you heard from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the media and other sources,” Nass writes.12

One glaring example of official recommendations running counter to the data is the CDC’s recommendation to vaccinate during pregnancy. CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has repeatedly assured the public that the jab poses no health risks to pregnant women or their babies. Here’s Walensky in May 2021:

And here she is, in October 2021, still claiming there are no risks.

Similarly, in August 2021, when Comirnaty was licensed, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, confirmed the COVID jab was safe during pregnancy:

Video may not work on all browsers

How can this be, when as late as December 2021, the FDA and Pfizer claimed there was inadequate information to determine if there are risks in pregnancy? How can Walensky and Fauci make definitive claims about safety when there are no data?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also make definitive statements about safety, claiming “Vaccination may occur in any trimester, and emphasis should be on vaccine receipt as soon as possible to maximize maternal and fetal health.”13

What are they basing this on? The absence of data certainly isn’t a solid basis on which to make safety claims. As noted by Nass:14

“… the CDC, in its own Jan. 7 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,15 stated there was insufficient data to make any determination of COVID vaccine safety in the first trimester.

So, while the federal agencies had no reason to believe the vaccine was safe in pregnancy, and made sure their legal documents said so, they nonetheless advertised the vaccine as safe for pregnant women.

Then ACOG, a nonprofit professional organization of obstetricians, not only provided their members with false information on vaccine safety, but furthermore instructed them on the use of propaganda to convince expectant mothers to take the shot.”

CDC Guidance Contradicts Comirnaty Label

She also lists several instances where CDC statements to the public clearly contradict statements on the Comirnaty label. For example:16,17

While the CDC initially claimed that anaphylactic reactions to the jab occur at approximately the same rate as other vaccines, they’ve since removed that claim, and both the CDC and the Comirnaty label now states that administration of Comirnaty is limited to facilities that can medically manage anaphylactic reactions.

“This is not the case for other vaccines,” Nass says, adding that research from Harvard hospitals reveal the rate of anaphylaxis in employees who got the COVID jab was 50 to 100 times higher than the rate claimed by the CDC, which calculates that rate based on reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Interestingly enough, this matches up with what we believe to be the underreporting factor for VAERS might be.

While the CDC claims post-jab myocarditis is mild and resolves quickly, the Comirnaty label clearly states that “Information is not yet available about potential long-term sequelae.”

The CDC recommends the COVID jab for pregnant women, yet the label states that “available data on Comirnaty administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine associated risks in pregnancy.”

The CDC, FDA and mainstream media contend that the COVID jab cannot cause cancer or fertility problems, yet the Comirnaty label clearly states that “Comirnaty has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of male fertility.” If it has not been evaluated, how can they claim to know that it cannot cause these kinds of problems — especially considering the list of reported side effects, above?

Even though the stated purpose of mass vaccination is to create “herd immunity,” the FDA did not require Pfizer to assess whether the jab could protect against asymptomatic infection or prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

What Was It All For?

With each passing week, the cracks in the official COVID narrative keep multiplying and widening. It’ll be interesting to see what finally breaks the proverbial dam.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is now out there pushing for a fourth shot,18 saying a second booster will be “necessary for most,” as three shots not only can’t protect against variants, but they rapidly wane in strength. For those same reasons, Americans must expect to get an annual booster each fall.

Under normal circumstances, that should have ripped the wool off of people’s eyes, but the COVID brainwashing has been so successful, many still can’t see just how badly they’ve been lied to. I believe the final salvo that will wake up the masses will either be revelations about harms, or the realization of what the planned social credit system would actually mean for the average American.

In 2018, Pfizer proudly partnered with a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) payment platform, Alipay, which was used to implement an early Chinese version of vaccine passports, called the “Internet + Vaccination” initiative, aimed at creating “Disease awareness via mobile devices.”19

According to the U.S. State Department, Alipay is a “tool” used by the CCP in its build-up of “technology-facilitated surveillance and social control” network, also known as a social credit system. The same sort of system is now being rolled out in other parts of the world, including the U.S., so it’s interesting to note Pfizer’s involvement with that early digital vaccine passport initiative.

Mid-March 2022, Bourla gave an interview with Washington Post Live (above), admitting the decision to use mRNA technology in the creation of a COVID “vaccine” was “counterintuitive,” as Pfizer has “good experience” with several other vaccine technologies, but only two years’ worth of experience with mRNA, which had never been used in a commercially available medicine before.

In the end, Bourla may come to regret that decision, as it has turned out to be an incredibly lethal one. Although I guess it will depend on whether he’s ever held to account for those choices.







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Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia-Ukraine, the UK Government quietly published data confirming the Triple Vaccinated are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome


The latest official figures from the UK Health Security Agency show that triple vaccinated people aged 30-70 have now lost at least 70% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of unvaccinated people.

Their immune systems are deteriorating between 10 and 30% per week on average, with the detioration much larger and quicker among the younger age groups.

If this continues at the current rate then all triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds will have 100% immune system degradation by the middle of April 2022, with all other triple vaccinated age-groups following suit not long after.

In other words, official UK Government data strongly suggests the triple vaccinated population are rapidly developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

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England’s Covid-19 figures are produced by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), and the following table showing the number of cases by vaccination status between week 6 and week 9 of 2022, is taken from their Week 10 – 2022 – Vaccine Surveillance Report

As you can see from the above, the triple vaccinated population accounted for the majority of Covid-19 cases in each age group by a country mile, except for the under 18’s. The highest number of cases in those four weeks was recorded among triple jabbed 40-49-year olds, with 111,380 confirmed cases. This compares to just 10,400 cases among unvaccinated 40-49-year-olds.

The UKHSA also conveniently provide the case-rates per 100,000 individuals by vaccination status in their vaccine surveillance reports, and the following table has been stitched together from the case-rate tables found in the Week 3, Week 6 and Week 10 Vaccine Surveillance Reports –

As you can see from the above the case-rates per 100k have been highest among the triple vaccinated population over these 3 months, except for in the under 18’s in all 3 months, and the 18-29-year-olds in the week 3 report only.

Now that we know these we can use Pfizer’s simple vaccine effectiveness formula to calculate the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated.


Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Unvaccinated Case Rate x 100


The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in 4 week periods between Week 51 of 2021 and Week 9 of 2022 –

As you can see the vaccine effectiveness has been falling month and month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 40-49-year-olds at minus-248.92%. But the sharpest decline in jab effectivness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-201.52% by Week 9 of 2022 from +10.19 in Week 51 to Week 2.

However, vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

  • A vaccine effectiveness of +50% would mean that the fully vaccinated are 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated. In other words the fully vaccinated have an immune system that is 50% better at tackling Covid-19.
  • A vaccine effectiveness of 0% would mean that the fully vaccinated are no more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated, meaning the vaccines are ineffective. In other words the fully vaccinated have an immune system that is equal to that of the unvaccinated at tackling Covid-19.
  • But a vaccine effectiveness of -50% would mean that the unvaccinated were 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the fully vaccinated. In other words the immune system performance of the vaccinated is 50% worse than the natural immune system performance of the unvaccinated. Therefore, the Covid-19 vaccines have damaged the immune system.

Thankfully, using the case ratesprovided by UKHSA, we can also calculate the immune system performance. All we need to do is alter the vaccine effectiveness formula slightly for a negative immune system performance, and use the same formula for a positive immune system performance –


Positive Immune System Performance = Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Unvaccinated Case Rate x 100
Negative Immune System Performance = Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Vaccinated Case Rate x 100


The following chart shows the immune system performance of the triple vaccinated population in England by age group in four week periods, compared to the natural immune system of the unvaccinated population –

As you can see the lowest immune system performance is currently among 60-69-year-olds at minus-72.35%, but all triple vaccinated people aged 30 to 59 are not far begind, with an immune system performance ranging from minus-70.83% to minus-71.34%.

Even the 18 to 29-year-olds are within this region at minus-66.84%, falling from an immune system performance of +11.35% between week 51 and week 2, meaning they have suffered the fastest decline in immune system performance.

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the name used to describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when your immune system has been severely damaged.

People with acquired immune deficiency syndrome are at an increased risk for developing certain cancers and for infections that usually occur only in individuals with a weak immune system.

If that immune system performance was to hit around the -95% mark then this would strongly suggest the triple vaccinated population have developed some new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and unfortunately based on the current trend seen over the past 3 months, the youngest age groups do not have long to wait.

The following table shows the decline in immune system performance among each triple vaccinated age group each month as well as the average monthly decline. The average monthly decline has then been used to estimate when each age group will hit 100% immune system degradation, i.e. total immune system failure, based on the known immune system performance as of week 9, 2022.

Click to enlarge

All triple vaccinated adults will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (for viruses and certain cancers) within 5 months, but 18 to 39-year-olds will have lost it by the middle of April 2022, followed by 40-49-year-olds who will have lost it by the middle of May. These people will then effectively have full blown acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

Pfizer originally claimed their mRNA injection had an effectiveness of up to 95%. These figures clearly show that this claim is false, but we don’t think anyone ever imagined the figures would show that the vaccines do not merely lose effectiveness over time down to zero effectiveness, but instead progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realised.


Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated The Exposé March 20, 2022


The latest official Covid-19 figures from the Government of Canada are truly terrifying. They show that the double vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 74% of their immune system capability, and the triple vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 73% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of unvaccinated people.

So much damage has now been done that the figures show the double vaccinated population are on average 3.8 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 and 3.3 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.

But it’s even worse for the triple vaccinated population in terms of their risk of death. The official figures show that they are on average 3.7 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 but 5.1 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.

These figures therefore suggest that both the double and triple vaccinated population in Canada have now had so much damage caused to their immune systems by the Covid-19 injections that they have now developed Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

The Canadian Covid-19 figures are produced by the Government of Canada (see here).

Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.

The Government of Canada is publishing its official Covid-19 data in a way that makes it appear Canada is very much experiencing a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’, and that the Covid-19 vaccines are clearly effective. But this data is a fraud.

Page 20 onwards of the downloadable pdf contains data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths from the very start of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in Canada on 14th Dec 20 all the way through to 27th Feb 22.

The case-rate is deduced by first dividing the total population size of each vaccine group by 100,000. The number of cases in each vaccine group is then divided by the answer to the previous equation to calculate the case-rate.

e.g. –
13.31 million / 100,000 = 133.1
6,932 cases / 133.1 = 52.08 cases per 100,000 individuals

As you can see the case rate has been astronomically higher among both the double and triple vaccinated since at least the 31st Jan 22. Now that we know the case-rates we can use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to work out the real world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among both the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated populations.

That formula is –

Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Unvaccinated Case Rate x 100 = Vaccine Effectiveness %

The following chart shows the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness across Canada among the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated population based on the case-rates above-

In the week ending 6th Feb the real-world vaccine effectiveness among the double vaccinated was an absolutely shocking minus-221.16%. But by the week ending 27th Feb this had fallen even further to minus 276.16%.

But the triple vaccinated population, whilst faring ever so slightly better, have seen a much steeper decline. In the week ending 6th Feb the real world vaccinated effectiveness among the triple vaccinated was still a shocking minus minus-197.79%. But by the week ending 27th Feb this had fallen to minus-269.87%.

This means that on average, the double vaccinated population are 3.8 times more likely to contract Covid-19 than the unvaccinated, and the triple vaccinated population are 3.7 times more likely to contract Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.

But vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

The Covid-19 vaccine is supposed to train your immune system to recognise the spike protein of the original strain of the Covid-19 virus. It does this by instructing your cells to produce the spike protein, then your immune system produces antibodies and remembers to use them later if you encounter the spike part of the Covid-19 virus again.

But the vaccine doesn’t hang around after it’s done the initial training, it leaves your immune system to take care of the rest. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weaken over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

The problem we’re seeing here is that the immune system isn’t returning to its original and natural state. If it was then the outcomes of infection with Covid-19 would be similar to the outcomes among the not-vaccinated population.

Instead, it continues to decline at a rate that means the not-vaccinated population have a better performing immune system, so this means the Covid-19 injections are decimating the immune systems of the fully vaccinated.

The following chart shows the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated immune system performance across Canada vs the natural immune system performance of the unvaccinated population –

The immune system performance is calculated by using a slightly different calculation to the one used to equate vaccine effectiveness, which is as follows –

Unvaccinated case rate – Vaccinated case rate / LARGEST OF EITHER unvaccinated case rate OR vaccinated case rate X 100 = Immune System Performance %
e.g. –
Triple Vaccinated 21st Feb to 27th Feb = 22.83 – 84.44 / 84.44 x 100 = -72.96%

These figures show that the average double vaccinated Canadian has lost 73.42% of their immune system capability, meaning they are down to the last 26.58% of their immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc.

But unfortunately, the third jab hasn’t improved things because these figures show the average triple vaccinated Canadian has lost 72.96% of their immune system capability, meaning they are down to the last 27.04% of their immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc.

However, the figures provided by the Government of Canada are not separated by age-group, instead they provide overall figures for the entire population. And as we know, vaccine effectiveness (which is really immune system performance), is declining by the week.

Therefore, it’s perfectly plausible to assume that those who received the vaccine first will now be suffering much more severe immune system degradation than those who have only just received their second or third jab. And based on the following official figures on death, we propose that many double and triple vaccinated Canadian’s have surpassed the minus-90% to minus-100% immune system performance barrier, meaning they have essentially developed some new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

The following chart shows the total number of Covid-19 deaths per week by vaccination status across Canada between 31st Jan 22 and 27th Feb 22 –

And it is this date parameter that makes the presented data extremely misleading, because there was a huge spike in Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths in January 2021 when just 0.3% of Canada were considered fully vaccinated.

But thanks to the gift of the ‘WayBackMachine’, we can look at previous Government of Canada Covid-19 Daily Epidemiology Update’ reports to deduce who is actually accounting for the majority of these deaths, hospitalisations and cases.

Here are the tables from the January 30th, February 6th, February 13th, February 20th, and February 27th, Government of Canada Covid-19 Daily Epidemiology Update’ reports showing the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status from as far back as 14th December 2020, as well as the total population sizes of each vaccine group at the time of each report –

We have had to group the last two weeks together because the 27th Feb report showed less deaths in all vaccination groups than the 20th Feb report, with the exception of triple vaccinated who saw an increase. So we deduced the number of deaths between the 14th Feb report and 27th Feb report.As you can see, just like with cases there have been far more deaths among both the double and triple vaccinated, but special attention should be paid to the final two weeks.

The following chart shows the population size by vaccination status across Canada between 31st Jan and 27th Feb 22 –

The following chart shows the Covid-19 death-rate per 100,000 individuals by vaccination status across Canada per week between 31st Jan and 27thFeb 22 based on the death figures and population size figures above –

As you cans see the death rate has been lowest among the unvaccinated since at least 31st Jan 22, and highest among the triple vaccinated population. But the death rates shown for 14th Feb to 27th Feb are deeply troubling.The following chart shows the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against death across Canada among the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated population based on the death-rates above-

In the week ending 6th Feb the real-world vaccine effectiveness among the double vaccinated was a troubling minus-10.79%. But by the week ending 27th Feb this had fallen to an absolutely shocking minus-228.52%.But things are far worse for the triple vaccinated. In the week ending 6th Feb the real-world vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated was a disturbing minus-57.25%. But by the week ending 27th Feb this had fallen to devastating minus-414.49%.

This means that on average, the double vaccinated population are 3.3 times more likely to die ofCovid-19 than the unvaccinated, but the triple vaccinated population are a shocking 5.1 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.

But don’t forget vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

The following chart shows the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated immune system performance against death across Canada vs the natural immune system performance of the unvaccinated population –

Double vaccinated individuals across Canada had an immune system performance of minus-69.56% by the 27th Feb 22, but triple vaccinated individuals across Canada had an immune system performance of minus-80.56%. This is what Covid-19 vaccination has done to the people of Canada.AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the name used to describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when your immune system has been severely damaged.

People with acquired immune deficiency syndrome are at an increased risk for developing certain cancers and for infections that usually occur only in individuals with a weak immune system.

Unfortunately, official Government of Canada data indicates that a large proportion of the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated population have now developed Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (AIDS) or a novel condition with similar attributes that can only be described as Covid-19 Vaccine Induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

Dr. Francis Boyle: NATO and the West have used Ukraine to “surround Russia” with biological weapons – Natural News

(Natural News) Dr. Francis Boyle, a human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, says NATO is using Ukraine to “surround Russia” with biological laboratories and biological weapons to use against them. In an interview with Owen Shroyer on Infowars, Dr. Francis Boyle said the United States government and the Pentagon have put policies in place over several years to preposition biological weapons at Russia’s doorstep. In the interview, Dr. Boyle accuses Dr. Tony Fauci, Francis Collins and CDC director Rochelle Walensky of war crimes.

Biden regime desperately trying to protect “Nazi death cult” of bioweapons engineers

The Biden administration has denied that these biological activities are taking place at all, and the official US embassy website removed several facts sheets about the construction and funding of the US Department of Defense biolabs across Ukraine. The administration’s ministry of propaganda (the corporate media and Big Tech) now claim that any mention of biolabs in Ukraine is conspiracy theory. However, the Obama-Biden administration spoke openly about biological activities in Ukraine at a previous Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Symposium. Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs testified at a US Senate hearing that the biolabs do exist, and she is worried the contents of the lab will fall into the hands of the Russians. The Interim Central Reference Laboratory, a level three bio-safety lab, opened in June 2010 in Odessa, Ukraine.

Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations brought forth evidence at a UN Security Council, alleging that the US is operating at least thirty different biolabs in Ukraine, which contain enhancements on highly infectious bacteria strains, coronavirus, plague, anthrax and use bats and fleas as vectors of disease spread.


Dr. Boyle says we must resist medical tyranny and hold death cult scientists accountable

Dr. Boyle did not mince words in the interview, when he labeled Drs. Fauci and Collins “international-transnational Nazi biowarfare death scientists.” “We have an international-transnational cult of Nazi-biowarfare death scientists like Tony Fauci who has been up to his eyeballs in this [since] or Reagan. When I got involved in this around 1983 or 84, Reagan put Fauci in charge of our offensive biological warfare weapons program, and that is how long he has been there,” said Dr. Boyle.

He said that Fauci and Francis Collins (former head of the NIH) “funded the research that led to covid-19, that offensive biological warfare, weapon, with gain-of-function properties.” Dr. Boyle said Collins and Fauci are part of a network of Nazis who operate around the world. “Yes, it’s a cult of these people, including over there in China as well – that Wuhan bat queen. She was trained at the Galveston BSL-4 down there in Texas, which is again, part of the offensive US biological warfare industry. The British are a part of this, the French, the Israelis. So, we have a network and a cult of Nazi biowarfare death scientists.”

Dr. Boyle said these death scientists profit from the lockdowns, coercion, suppression of treatments and from the so-called cures — the forced vaccines and harmful protocol. “We have to resist this Nazi medical tyranny by these death scientists like Fauci, Walensky…we can go through a whole list of these people. They take patents on this technology beforehand, every step of the way, so they can benefit on both sides of the bargain, where they can benefit and make profits off the biological warfare weapon itself and then on the alleged vaccines or therapeutic. So, they got us coming and going and making a killing off of us as they go to the bank.”

If Russia intends to shut these biolabs down, Dr. Boyle said Russian troops “can’t just blow the labs up.” Russian biological warfare experts must secure these sites, because they are extremely dangerous to the world. In the early 1990s, the US military contaminated their own troops with Gulf War sickness after ordering their troops to blow up labs in Iraq. Today, the vilified Russians are in a unique position to hold transnational bio-terrorists accountable.

Watch the full interview:

This video is from the Info Wars channel on

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7 FACTS the Media is Hiding About Russia & Ukraine

It just doesn’t add up. Who really is Zelensky? How is he worth over a billion dollars? Are there US-funded biolabs in Ukraine that Putin is destroying? Are the Nazis a threat… or is that just Putin’s propaganda? Why do so many US politicians have deep financial ties with Ukraine? Join me today at 2PM ET to dig up the dirty truth about Ukraine and Russia.

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“THEY SWITCHED IT ON” It’s Everywhere And Still No One See’s it…

ROTHSCHILD 5G SMART CITIES: A GENOCIDAL EUGENICS PROGRAM — DEBORAH TAVARES – – 23m 55s – 15Mar22 – SGT Report CHARLES M LIEBER – NANOSCALE SENSORS – Aug 5, 2009 – President and Fellows of Harvard College – CHARLES M LIEBER uses viruses, nano technology, and 5G to eradicate humanity —-> 2017 – Harvard’s Charles Lieber Patents Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics Integrate Seamlessly with Minimal Chronic Immune Response in the Brain Systemic delivery of blood-brain barrier-targeted polymeric nanoparticles enhances delivery to BRAIN TISSUE – Jennifer K Saucier-Sawyer, Yang Deng, Young-Eun Seo, Christopher J Cheng, Junwei Zhang, Elias Quijano, W Mark Saltzman – 5G is a target acquiring weapon system – This is not for control but an extermination technology – La Quinta Columna, on connectable Nano Tech jabs – – 10m 39s – 26Dec21 – FalconsCAFE Sharing is caring – use translate to English –

Various Covid and Vaccine Information Links

COVID September 2021 Death Report Shows Millions Dying Worldwide from Government Mandated Shots

New important analysis, The Vaccine Death Report, was recently published by Dr. Zelenko and David Sorensen that outlines with meticulous facts and evidence that millions of deaths and serious adverse events have resulted from the experimental COVID-19 injections. The report is version 1.0, September 2021. They intend to update these reports as the numbers and evidence continues to grow.

They state that the purpose of the report is: “to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.”

Here are some highlights from the report:

1) There are at least 5 times more deaths than what is being reported. Some of the evidence includes:

a) Whistleblower testimony from a CDC healthcare fraud detection expert
b) Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) study showing the actual number of anaphylaxis is 50 to 120 times higher than claimed by the CDC.
c) Corrupt Reporting practices and more

2) Moderna has had at least 300,000 adverse events in 3 month span

a) Internal Moderna whistleblower showed a “Confidential – For internal distribution only” which showed “approximately 300,000 adverse event reports and 30,000 medical information requests in a three month span”
b) Government reporting systems did not publicly report this and neither did Moderna.

3) Less than 1% is being reported; meaning real number of adverse events is 100x higher according to the Lazarus report from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care inc study in 2009

4) Populations are unaware and misinformed about the dangers

a) Under reporting causes are numerous
b) Public continues to see ‘Vaccines are safe and the best way to protect yourself from disease.’ despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
c) Scientists and journalists who speak out are being labeled ‘domestic terrorists’ and are targeted by government and big tech supported censoring methods.
d) Doctors are afraid to report deaths due to liability, financial incentives, and targeting by officials.

5) Tsunami of adverse events are being reported on social media

6) World Top scientists issuing dire warnings

7) Vaccine Deaths Worldwide

a) European Union: 22,000 people died and 2 million suffered side effects, of which 50% are serious.
b) United Kingdom: 100,000 adverse events were reported, including 1260 cases of loss of eyesight (including total blindness). Also miscarriages increased by 366% in only six weeks, for vaccinated mothers. Even more alarming, British Yellow Card reporting system found it unfit to properly reveal the true number of adverse events.
c) Israel: data suggests the true number of deaths in Israel can be estimated around 48,000 and adverse events in general around 375,400.
d) Brazil: Official government numbers show 32,000 deaths during a 5 month period

Here is their reasoning that worldwide genocide is occurring:

When we once again remind ourselves that in general less than 1% of vaccine adverse events is being reported, and of that number the majority (in the USA 500%) is being hidden by the officials, we clearly see that the worldwide genocide is a reality. The aggression with which this verifiable fact is being denied and suppressed by ‘fact checkers’, social media giants, news media, government officials and health agencies, shows the severity of this unprecedented worldwide criminal operation. It is imperative that every person with a conscience stands up against this indescribable crime against humanity.

The report goes on to analyze the science behind whether the vaccine actually works, why deaths and adverse reactions are occurring, and why it is so critical that people become aware of this nightmare situation we find ourselves in.


World Vaccine Polls – Do This Now – WOW!

Hackers apparently hacked into Pfizer and released a ton of info on Covid vaccine batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses due to the Covid 19 vaccine. This site may slow down due to high traffic so a backup site has been created to reduce overload. This is a treasure trove of information.
Original link:
Back up site:

Why Are the Globalists & Corrupt Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates? People Need to Read This!

 IMPORTANT! Thinking of getting the vaccine? You might want to watch this first!

Dr. Jane Ruby ~ EXTREMELY Graphic Images of Postmortem Blood Clots of the Vaccinated
Dr. Jane Ruby is a medical professional and a pharmaceutical drug development expert with over 20 years’ experience in regulatory processes for drug approval with the FDA and the EMA.

People always ask me, “what are Spike Proteins and why are they dangerous? This article does a great job of explaining:

November/2021 ~ Dr. Peter McCullough MD Gives New Information on the Spike Proteins in the Covid Vaccines. It Is WAY Worse Than We Originally Thought!

 Rumble and Bitchute Have Many Videos on Spike Proteins:

COVID VACCINE FRAUD – “Crimes Against Humanity” “The Nuremberg Code” Everybody needs to watch this 5 minute video!!

For illness “Prevention” please visit my Alternative Healing and Health page for powerful products to keep colds/flu and Covid away:

For anyone wanting information and research on the Covid Vaccines you can find tons of it on my website:

June/2021 – Vaccine/Covid Updates and Information:

July/2021 – Vaccine/Covid Updates and Information:

August/2021 – More Vaccine and Covid Updates

August/2021 – More Vaccine/Corruption and Tyranny Updates

September 2021 Updates and New Information

November 2021 Information Updates:

A Pathologist’s Summary of What These Vaccines Do To the Brain and Other Organs

9 Covid Vaccine Concerns ~ PDF


Graphene Oxide Detox – Fully Referenced, Comprehensive


What exactly is Graphene Oxide and why is it in the Covid Vaccinations? Below are links to various articles and videos that can hopefully explain this. I will also add information (below) on how to possibly purge this poison from your body. 

 As always, please do your own research. 

La Quinta Columna has made an urgent announcement, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials. It has also been found on the swabs and on face masks. Graphene Oxide is a toxic bioweapon, and the real cause of COVID-19.

Microscopy Expert: Vials Contain Graphene Oxide, Parasites, Stainless Steel
Dr. Robert Young, a microscopy expert holding two PhD’s says he has examined the contents of the four publicly-available CoV-19 “vaccines”, and determined the vials to contain graphene oxide, deadly parasites and stainless steel, among other metals and contents.

Microscopy Expert: Vials Contain Graphene Oxide, Parasites, Stainless Steel! – Must Video

Graphene Oxide Main Ingredient In Covid Shots.
A former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the key ingredient in Biotech’s Covid-19 serums.

Ex Pfizer Employee Confirms Graphene Oxide In the Vaccines and Shows the Documentation to Prove it



Graphene oxide aerogel and graphene aerogel, as well as preparation methods and environmental application of graphene oxide aerogel and graphene aerogel

Various Graphene Oxide Info:

Graphene Oxide
In this video, Ricardo Delgado, founder and director of La Quinta Columna, reveals what he and his research partner, Dr. José Luis Sevillano, discovered after submitting a sealed vial of the Pfizer “vaccine” to a lab for analysis.–WiaAax6yb6UaMEJv74GPEuBAJpV8

Informative Guide for the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated RE: Graphine Oxide (PDF)

Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

Graphene Oxide
In this video, Ricardo Delgado, founder and director of La Quinta Columna, reveals what he and his research partner, Dr. José Luis Sevillano, discovered after submitting a sealed vial of the Pfizer “vaccine” to a lab for analysis.–WiaAax6yb6UaMEJv74GPEuBAJpV8

Ann Vandersteel and Nicholas Veniamin Discusses Graphine Oxide in the Vaccines and Who Really Runs the World and How It’s Being Destroyed:

Spanish Researchers Find a Way to Remove Magnetic Graphine Oxide From the Body After a Covid Jab

Graphene oxide found in capsule of Flucloxacillin anti-biotic

La Quinta Columna: ‘98% to 99% of the vaccination vial is graphene oxide’

Urgent Announcement: COVID-19 Is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body. Today, La Quinta Columna has made an urgent announcement that they hope will reach as many people as possible, especially those involved in health and legal services, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.

What Is Graphene Oxide? by David Icke (in the Covid “Vaccines”)

American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid Injections

Graphene Oxide: a Vial Concoction for Mass Murder

With an increasing number of people becoming aware of graphene oxide being identified in covid vaccines, a company called INBRAIN Neuroelectronics demonstrates that graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology using AI-powered neuroelectronics is very real.

This is how the Vaccine (nano-dust), Spike Protein, Graphene oxide + 5g Control your brain

COVID-19 Caused by Graphene Oxide: Introduced by Several Ways into the Body

Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension

Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19?’

Graphene Oxide Found in Pfizer Vaccine, Researchers Claim

Purging Graphene Oxide From Your Body

Richardo Delgardo, who is a part of La Quinta Columna, has successfully tested an inexpensive way to remove magnetic graphene nano-particles from the human body after they were injected via a covid jab (aka vaccine). If you know someone who has had a Pfizer, Moderna, or Astra Zeneca covid-jab, which all contain graphene oxide nanoparticles, or whose body now sticks to magnets, then they need to see this video so that they can get rid of the magnetic nano-particles. You will see him describe what to do. This video contains subtitles. I have listed the products he mentions and also Amazon links if you wish to purchase online.

Laquinta Columna Informative Guide ~ PDF

Here’s the list of products spoken about in the video:

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) (do not get the carnitine) 750 mg
You can also purchase at iHerb

NAC is sometimes hard to find online, I found a great selection at my local health food store.


Zinc – 50 mg


Astaxanthin – 5 mg

Quercetin – read the lable

Vitamin D3 – read the lable

Milk Thistle – read the lable

Melatonin – read the lable is another great site to order supplements online:

ASEA Redox signaling molecules is called the ‘Water of Life’ because it reactivates gene signalling pathways which get shut off by Graphene Oxide Toxicity. ASEA Redox enables your cells to increase the endogenous glutathione production by a whopping 500-800%, thus detoxifying Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and spike protein, optimally. According to scientific research, ASEA Redox signaling molecules increase the capacity of cells to detox by 4 fold and may increase mitochondria production by 30% after a fortnight. This meta anti-oxidant has the potency of an antidote and because it’s native to the body, the benefits of consuming ASEA will increase with continued use.
Purchase at Amazon:

Shocking Findings on Increased Deaths in 25- to 44-Year-Olds- Dr. Joseph Mercola

In this video portfolio manager Edward Dowd uses the CDC’s own data to show that excess mortalities are occurring in the 25- to 44-year-old age group, to the tune of an 84% increase. The acceleration in deaths correlates with the mandates and boosters of the COVID-19 shots in the fall, he points out.

The news is “shocking,” Dowd says. “It’s the worst excess mortality, I think, in history. Basically, the millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.”

Could COVID Jabs Age Blood Vessels 50 Years in 6 Months?- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Evidence shows that the COVID shots “clearly can disrupt calcification inhibitors,” and that at least one study done in Hong Kong shows that the calcification can begin within two days of the injections.

Add that to “repeated jabs, tight muscular mass, leaky blood vessels and injection close to/in either the circulatory, or the lymphatic system, are all factors that would increment the vascular damage,” and you have a recipe for devastating aging to the vessels.

“One can only imagine the same process can occur more slowly, and possibly in a more diffuse manner with calcium-phosphate crystals circulating in the blood stream, in ever growing number. That would translate necessarily into unimaginable Gout-like symptoms … which I nevertheless found in VAERS in 2,255 instances,” says science and biotech analyst Marc Girardot.


SOURCE: Marc Girardot March 12, 2022t


Mirror. Source
Breaking: 10 Month Old Medically Kidnapped By CPC Child Trafficking Syndicate

Quote: “The Stew Peters Show broke one of the most horrifying medical emergency cases yet – a 10-month-old is a hospital hostage, kidnapped from his family. Diego Rodriguez joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to detail the case from the perspective of a grandfather watching insanity unfold in front of his family. Diego listed the names of the individuals who stole Cyrus, leaving the family is shambles. Visit to find more information on Cyrus and his family, and to see the contact information of the people who worked to kidnap Cyrus: Meridian Police Department: 208-888-6678 Meridian Police Detective Hanson #3534 Meridian Police Detective Fuller #3138 St Luke’s Hospital, Boise, Idaho: 208-706-5437 Dr. Aaron Dykstra, Functional Medicine of Idaho, 208-385-7711 Support Baby Cyrus through this GiveSendGo: Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: Follow Stew on social media: See all of Stew’s content at https://StewPeters.TV Watch full episodes here: Check out Stew’s store: Support our efforts to keep truth alive: Advertise with Red Voice Media:

The cover up continues – Share this with all vaccinated, who have been lied to by their doctors ~ Whistleblower: Hospitals killing for organs, “This is absolutely evil and a crime against humanity!” ~ Bombshell: Pfizer vaccine study’s massive list of “Adverse events of interest”

Lee Garrett court case, no case no answer, COVID cover up Nightingale Hospital / Vax centre, lies ~ They are chipping and tracking people with 5G so they can be attacked once they get the kill shot ~ The 5G Vaccine Centre at Sunderland Nightingale Hospital – Court proceedings explained ~ Lee Garrett

Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal Get this shared all over – Action time is now Here is the science link, the crime ref# is 6029679/21

Expert Report – Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions in the context of Nanometal-contaminated Vaccines that include Covid-19 with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas – ​By Mark Steele ~ This needs to go out to all who have been jabbed They need to start making those criminal complainst Barrie Trower & Mark Steele on 5G (+8dB) ~ Electromagnetic pulse causes man’s death ~ 5G is a target acquiring weapon system – This is not for control but an extermination technology ~ Microtechnology in Pfizer’s vaccine ~ Complex Microtechnology in Pfizer vaccine vial ~ Facial recognition and direct energy weapons: Gearing up to take out the vaxxinated ~ Gangstalker Wars: Security Industry Specialist Tells All ~ Gangstalker Wars: Details of Social Engineering Program Exposed

Streetlight weaponization 5G LED toxic ecocide – Lots of people asking for this banned video ~ Gateshead mass murder – 5G kill grid installed – sore eyes bleeding eyes nose etc.

If you don’t know what causes what they call a virus you will never know unless you read the science

Dr. David Martin | Exposing the coup d’etat & the plot to steal America ~ Live: Dr. David Martin explosive COVID analysis: Best of 2021 most viral moments and interviews! ~ DAVID E. MARTIN – Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctornation Reveals the Truth ~ Dr. David Martin speech at Wise Traditions Conference ~ November 5th 2021 ~ Dr. David Martin: COVID treasonous acts ~ Published November 4th 2021 ~ Google { david martin exposes names faces }

COVID-19 test fraud, also carcinogenic ~ The China-NHS lateral flow test, massive fraud, for those that lost work.. or murdered on COVID ward

VAERS analysis reveals irrefutable data showing criminal collusion between vaccine companies

Pulitzer Prize Winning New York Times Reporter: January 6 Media Coverage ‘Overreaction,’ FBI Involved, Event Was Not Organized Despite Ongoing Narrative – Project Veritas


  • NYT National Security Correspondent, Matthew Rosenberg, contradicts his own January 6 reporting: “There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol.”
  • Rosenberg: “It was like, me and two other colleagues who were there [January 6] outside and we were just having fun!”
  • Rosenberg: “I know I’m supposed to be traumatized, but like, all these colleagues who were in the [Capitol] building and are like ‘Oh my God it was so scary!’  I’m like, ‘f*ck off!’”
  • Rosenberg: “I’m like come on, it’s not the kind place I can tell someone to man up but I kind of want to be like, ‘dude come on, you were not in any danger.’”
  • Rosenberg: “These f*cking little dweebs who keep going on about their trauma. Shut the f*ck up. They’re f*cking b*tches.”
  • Rosenberg: “They were making too big a deal. They were making this an organized thing that it wasn’t.”
  • Rosenberg RESPONDS: “Will I stand by those comments? Absolutely.”

[NEW YORK – Mar. 8, 2022] Project Veritas published a bombshell video on Tuesday showing Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times correspondent, Matthew Rosenberg, speaking about the events of January 6, 2021, in a way that contradicts his own reporting.

Rosenberg, who covers national security matters for the Times says on the undercover video that “there were a ton of FBI informants among the people who attacked the Capitol.”

This revelation is a break from Rosenberg’s reporting on the matter where he characterized such a notion of FBI informants in the crowd as a “reimagining of Jan. 6.”

This was not the only time Rosenberg’s commentary to Project Veritas’ undercover reporter directly contradicted his own published words. Despite telling a Veritas journalist that January 6 was “no big deal,” his article says that downplaying the events of that day was “the next big lie.”

Soundbites of Rosenberg published Tuesday show him saying, “It’s not a big deal as they [media] are making it, because they were making too big a deal. They were making this an organized thing that it wasn’t.”

Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe revealed that Rosenberg’s article titled, “The Next Big Lies: Jan 6 was No Big Deal, or A Left-Wing Plot,” was written around the same time as he was making contradictory statements to a Project Veritas undercover reporter.

In the video, Rosenberg also revealed that January 6 was “fun,” a contradiction to his reporting that January 6 was “a violent interruption to the transition of power in American history.”

Rosenberg said, “It was like, me and two other colleagues who were there outside and we were just having fun.”

He even appears to make fun of his New York Times colleagues in one soundbite saying, “I know I’m supposed to be traumatized, but like, all these colleagues who were in the [Capitol] building, and are like, ‘Oh my God it was so scary!’ I’m like, ‘f*ck off!’” He adds, “I’m like come on, it’s not the kind place I can tell someone to man up but I kind of want to be like, ‘dude come on, you were not in any danger.’”

Rosenberg concludes, “These f*cking little dweebs who keep going on about their trauma. Shut the f*ck up. They’re f*cking b*tches.”

About Project Veritas

James O’Keefe established Project Veritas in 2010 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to continue his undercover reporting work. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society and to engage in litigation to: protect, defend and expand human and civil rights secured by law, specifically First Amendment rights including promoting the free exchange of ideas in a digital world; combat and defeat censorship of any ideology; promote truthful reporting; and defend freedom of speech and association issues including the right to anonymity. O’Keefe serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board so that he can continue to lead and teach his fellow journalists, as well as protect and nurture the Project Veritas culture.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues raised through its investigations.  Donate now to support our mission.

Vengeance Is Coming: Nineteenth Day Of Military Operations In Ukraine

On the morning of March 15, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that Russian forces had established full control of the region of Kherson in the south of Ukraine. The Russians took control of the key regional cities of Kherson and Melitopol in the first stage of the advance. Nonetheless, security operations in the region took additional time. Now, it seems that they are nearing its end and the main focus of the advancing Russian force will finally be shifted towards the city of Mykolaiv, the provincial capital of the Mykolaiv Region. Currently, the city is blocked from the southern and eastern directions and partially blocked from the northeast. No active offensive operations have been reported there recently. Russian forces are mostly focused on consolidating their previous gains in the area and conducting pinpoint strikes on military infrastructure targets around Mykolaiv.

At the same time, intense clashes are taking place in eastern regions of Ukraine and around Kyiv. In the outskirts of Kyiv, Russian forces work to reinforce their positions and eliminate units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces operating there in order to create conditions for the full blockading of the city.

In the Donbass region, the joint forces of the DPR, LPR and Russia are slowly but steadily eliminating the grouping of Kyiv’s forces that was involved in the siege of Donbass in the previous year.

Intense fighting is ongoing in the city of Mariupol. On March 14, the Russian military reported that the main positions of Ukrainian nationalists in residential areas around the city were eliminated. This allowed to secure humanitarian corridors for civilians and to begin the mass evacuation of the population that had been held hostage by Ukrainian radicals. As of March 15, Russian and DPR units already operate inside Mariupol advancing towards the city center. The main successes were achieved in the western part of the city.

The strategic situation in the Donbass remains the same. The joint forces of Russia, DPR and LPR keep the initiative but they have still not solved the task of encircling and defeating the main UAF grouping in the region. On March 14, advances were reported in the south, where the joint forces reached the villages of Vodyanoe, Sladkoe, Stepnoe, Taramchuk and Slavnoe. On March 15, they took control of the settlement of Panteleymonovka and reached the Verkhnetoretskoye-Novoselovka-2 line. The Russian troops are heading towards the town of Kurakhovo, where fierce clashes may break out soon, as the town is a large fortified node in the near rear of the Ukrainian group of forces near Donetsk. Simultaneously, an operation is ongoing to fully encircle Kyiv’s forces in the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk area. Intense fighting is ongoing in Popasnaya.

The March 14 civilian massacre when a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile equipped with cluster munitions was intentionally launched at the Donetsk city center killing at least 20 and injuring 26 other civilians, including children, once again confirmed that it is a must to push the forces of the Kyiv government away from residential areas. In response to this terrorist attack, DPR artillery units and the Russian Aerospace Forces severely pounded targets in the village of Avdeevka, a well-known stronghold of pro-Kyiv forces. This foretells the nature the upcoming offensive to eliminate the threat to civilians from this direction.

Some tactical successes of Russian forces were reported in the area of Izyum. Fighting continues for the control over the southern outskirts and the crossing of the Seversky Donets river. Russian assault units reportedly reached the area north of Barvenkovo.

On top of this, in response to the continued intentional strikes on civilian targets by Kyiv’s forces, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that from now on it will actively target objects of the Ukrainian military industrial complex and warned civilians to stay away from them. The first round of such strikes took place on the evening of March 14 and early on March 15.

Summing up the developments of the last few days, Russian, DPR and LPR forces have achieved more local tactical successes in the region of Donbass, in the south of Ukraine and around Kyiv. Nonetheless, the total number of Russian armed forces in Ukraine is objectively insufficient for fast and decisive flank coverage and encirclement of thousands of Ukrainian troops in fortified positions. Therefore, the Russian military changed its initial tactics of a “cavalry charge” to the systematic destruction of enemy forces and means by using its advantages in aviation and artillery.

Representative “Rim Job” Ousted: Graphic Texts, Congressman Affair With Isis Bride – Stew Peters

Despite the loss in the 2022 Texas Primary, some good news prevailed – perverted poser Republican, Van Taylor resigned. Cullen McCue joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to expose in depth details of Taylor’s devious voting record, his support for the J6 witch-hunt, and more. McCue warned about the lies of the press, their compliance, and the dangers of “Republicans” like Taylor.

Check out Stew’s store:
Support Stew’s efforts to keep truth alive:

Mirrored – Stew Peters TV

Pfizer Worker Knew About Covid Attack: Doctor Knew About Covid, Says “Far More is on the Way” Stew Peters

The secretes of the deadly injection and Big Pharma affiliates like Pizer are rapidly unfolding. Expert Dr. Christina Rahm joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to expose the inner workings of Big Pharma’s plandemic, their preparations, cures, and tactics. Dr. Rahm warns about smallpox and rabies outbreaks, the Deep State, and more genetically engineered warfare due to hit the world.

Check out Stew’s store:
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Mirrored – Stew Peters TV

Putin’s Mission Harmful To Globalists: U.S. Deep State Running From Criminal Exposure In Ukraine – Stew Peters

Media elites and corrupt government figures are inching the U.S. closer to a nuclear war with Russia, dangerously sensationalizing the scenario. Edward Szall joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to discuss the details of oil crisis, relations with Saudi Arabia, and the active collapse of the U.S. Szall affirmed that Christianity is being threatened, as the Deep State meddles with the stability and foundational principles of America.

Check out Stew’s store:
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Mirrored – Stew Peters TV

U.S. Funded Bio Weapons In Ukraine And Criminal Evidence Exposed In Pfizer Docs

Yes the U.S. funded bio weapons in Ukraine and anyone who says they didn’t is a liar. Also Pfizer Documents seem to show criminal activity.  These people lie to themselves and think they are good. They don’t think of themselves as evil. But, I do not let them deceive themselves and I expose their evil ways.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Video Sources:
Tulsi Gabbard Exposes Mitt Romney and the Globalist lies on Ukraine Bio Weapons labs;

Dr. Francis Boyle on Ukraine Bio Weapons Labs

Gateway Pundit headline

Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Criminal Evidence Exposed In Pfizer Docs

OBAMA’s Link to UKRAINE’s Bio Labs & The GREAT RESET’s Plot to Kill Your Free Will – AntiChrist Rise

Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

❤️🍀 Barack Obama’s connection to Ukraine’s bio labs exposed. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti continues his series on the Theology of War and Justice. ✝️ FULL WEEKLY MESSAGES are available to online church members at ▶️ STREAM Christian videos-on-demand via VIMEO:

La Quinta Columna and Deadly Graphene in Covid Vaccines

Dr. Andreas Kalcker on how CDS helps reverse vaccine-triggered blood clotting by Removing Graphene

“Moderna” Vaxxination = “99.5% Graphene Oxide”, Spectroscopy Analysis (La Quinta Columna)

La Quinta Columna’s Dr. PAblo Campra On Graphene Oxide In COVID Shots

Pfizer Covid Injection [Special Report] Graphene, Micro-Technology, Teslaphoresis (Quinta Columna) English Subtitles

EXCLUSIVE: La Quinta Columna 1-On-1: Spanish Researcher First to Reveal Graphene Oxide

BREAKING: Doctors Become MURDER Suspects, Pilot Issues WARNING, La Quinta Columna LIVE

La Quinta Columna on Pandemic Babies
Comparison of microtechnology found by researchers from New Zealand and those taken by La Quinta Columna – English Subtitles

How Graphene-Oxide & Emfs Create The So Called ‘Covid Lung’ (Quinta Columna)

ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 3/13/22 • Pro-Pedophile Groups Assault Reporter In Downtown Austin, Texas

Trump Promises A Reckoning – From Real Raw News – Real Raw News


A Mar-a-Lago source speaking to Real Raw News under promise of anonymity said on Saturday that President Donald J. Trump has spent much time in private council with his most trusted advisors ever since Russian Vladimir Putin began sacking biolabs and freeing imprisoned children in Ukraine.

RRN was the first outlet to report a liaison between Trump and the Russian leader, a sentiment now echoed by many alternative news sites across the net.

Trump has privately applauded Putin’s resolve to cleanse the corrupt nation of bioweapon labs and child trafficking rings that appeared across the Ukrainian countryside at once after it declared independence from the USSR on 24 August 1991. Within months of the dissolution of the USSR, Western money squirted into Ukraine like water from a high-pressure hose. Millions of dollars from the U.S., Germany, and Israel poured into the private coffer of then-president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk who happily accepted American cash in exchange for allowing foreign powers to build bioweapon labs on foreign soil.

On Saturday evening, shortly after Trump concluded a “Save America” rally in Florence,  he told his inner circle that the United States would soon experience a “very big reckoning” similar to what is occurring in Ukraine.

“Trump said it was almost time for the reckoning, a time the nation will be made aware of what’s really going on and the actions he has taken to once and for all wage war against the Deep State cabal, both in the U.S. and abroad. While it may seem hard to believe, he’s been working alongside Putin and Xi Jinping to rid the world of not only the bioweapon labs but the infestation of child pedo rings that have literally swamped the world. China says that the U.S. has set up biolabs in Taiwan, too, and that’s one reason they’ve shown interest in retaking it,” our source said.

President Trump, he added, told his circle he has irrefutable proof Vladimir Putin had indeed blown to smithereens 11 Fauci-funded bioweapon labs in central Ukraine.

“Trust me, we’ll soon have an unbelievable reckoning here the likes of which no one has ever seen. It will be unbelievable, and the haters and loosers in the Lamestream Media will deny it, but the truth will be made public,” Trump reportedly said. “Don’t believe Fake News. I’ve never gone anywhere. I’m not coming back. I’ve been here all along.”

“Soon, very soon, the country will know the truth about what’s going in Russia and Ukraine, it will be tremendous, and the truth about 9/11 and so much more. Those tremendous frauds are nasty hells of catastrophe,” Trump continued.

Amazing things will soon replace the despair and despondency so many Americans have faced, our source said.

RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.
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There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine – Tulsi Gabbard

There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, which if breached, would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed. Of course, Putin knows.

The globalist EXTERMINATION war against humanity will never end until THEY are ended, Health Ranger

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Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Claims Putin Saved Hundreds of Thousands of Lives


A former Prime Minister of Ukraine, Nikolai Azarov, released a message on Facebook claiming that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was planning a nuclear attack on Russia. In response to their potential attack, Russia decided to stop the situation and restore order in Ukraine.

“NATO wanted to unleash a third world war by using nuclear weapons against Russia,” Azarov stated. “Since December 2021, Russia has been receiving information about NATO plans to deploy four military brigades (2 land, one navy, one air) on the territory of Ukraine.” One of those brigades could carry nuclear warheads.

World War III

NATO wanted to deploy troops in the summer of 2022. “In order to prevent the Third World War and the attack on Russia with the use of nuclear weapons, the Russian government decided to stop this situation and restore order in Ukraine,” writes Azarov, who served as prime minister in 2004, 2005, and 2010.

He states that the Ukrainian army also planned to launch a military operation in Donbass and wipe out the Russian-speaking population. The attack was coordinated with the United States and was set to launch on February 25, 2022.

Russia, which has a long tradition of purveying disinformation for foreign consumption, released several interviews with people from the Donbass region who claim the Ukrainian military has been attacking Donbass Russians for eight years. As a result, there have been thousands killed and many more wounded.

Watch the following Interviews with residents of Donbass:

Lives Saved

Russian President Vladimir Putin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives in Donetsk and Luhansk (known collectively as The Donbass region) by ordering a special military operation in Ukraine, states the former prime minister. Azarov also remarked that a week before Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine, the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) forces seized a Ukrainian Army map, which detailed a large-scale attack on the Donbass republics.

Investigative Journalist: Banned in parts of Europe, Wanted by Islamic countries, Threatened by terror groups, Hunted by left-wing media, Smeared by Hollywood elites & Fake religious leaders.

Shocking Findings on Increased Deaths in 25- to 44-Year-Olds – Dr. Joseph Mercola

In this video portfolio manager Edward Dowd uses the CDC’s own data to show that excess mortalities are occurring in the 25- to 44-year-old age group, to the tune of an 84% increase. The acceleration in deaths correlates with the mandates and boosters of the COVID-19 shots in the fall, he points out.

The news is “shocking,” Dowd says. “It’s the worst excess mortality, I think, in history. Basically, the millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.”



Deleted Web Pages Show US Was Involved in Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Amid a flurry of conflicting reports on whether the U.S. was actively involved in operating bioweapon labs in Ukraine, it turns out that the U.S. embassy quietly deleted all their bioweapon lab documents from its website.

The topic has been intensely debated, from Dr. Robert Malone raising the issue of the World Economic Forum’s “meddling in all of this,” to The National Pulse’s discovery that former President Obama spearheaded an agreement to construct bioweapons labs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine, to Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland reluctantly admitting that, “uh, Ukraine has, uh, biological research facilities.”



Glenn Greenwald March 9, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone March 9, 2022

The National Pulse March 8, 2022

News Punch February 22, 2022

MUST READ Health Officials End Reporting COVID-19 Deaths- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF health-officials-end-reporting-covid-deaths-pdf


  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has stopped mandatory hospital reporting of COVID-19 deaths and the CDC is hiding data about the effectiveness of the booster shots in people aged 18 to 64, or those least likely to benefit from the shot
  • The New York Post notes the FDA overruled an expert advisory committee and the CDC overruled their own experts to promote the booster to all age groups. Scientists must use Israeli data, which show little to no difference in those boosted or not boosted until people are over age 65
  • The CDC justifies not releasing the data saying it was “not ready for prime time,” as it would be misinterpreted and is based on 10% of the population, or the same sample size that has been used for influenza statistics for years
  • Data from independent researchers and insurance companies recording all-cause death rates show the number who have died in 2021 after the release of the vaccine far exceeds the all-cause death rate in 2020 during the height of the infection
  • It is easy to understand why the HHS and CDC want to hide this data from scrutiny as it’s more difficult to ignore with each passing day that the infection didn’t kill the number of people health experts claimed and that the vaccine is killing far more than the virus is

Data is the foundation of scientific analysis. Without data, researchers are left unable to draw conclusions, which leaves public health experts unable to accurately make recommendations. But that appears to be exactly what the CDC1 and Health and Human Services (HHS)2 are doing. The CDC is hiding data and the HHS is no longer collecting data, which one U.S. official has called “incomprehensible.”3

Since the World Health Organization announced a pandemic, multiple organizations began tracking data, including the number of people who were sick with COVID-19, in the hospital with or had died from it. As I have written, later the number of “cases” was reported. These were people who had a positive PCR test and did not necessarily have symptoms.

Whistleblowers working with attorney Thomas Renz, who is investigating hospital abuses,4 have reported that hospitals are incentivized to admit PCR positive patients, prescribe remdesivir,5 place patients on ventilators and include COVID on death certificates. All told, some believe hospitals could receive up to $100,000 for each patient who meets all the incentivized criteria.6

Of course, “fact” checkers immediately jumped on that claim in an effort to “debunk” what they call “false” information.7,8 But they simply contradicted themselves in the “fact” checking by changing the semantics of how COVID deaths are counted and rewording of how hospitals are compensated for COVID patients from “paid more” to receiving a “bump” in payment. So what’s the difference? They’re still getting paid more for COVID patients.

In analyzing this, it’s important to look at how data of all sorts are collected on you and everyone else in the world. For example:

Nearly everything people do is digitally recorded, analyzed and extrapolated for decision making. You leave a digital footprint each time you use your smartphone or computer. One study showed digital cookies may have lifetimes up to 8,000 years.9 In 2010, it was estimated there were 2 zettabytes (ZB) of data created.10

To put this into perspective, it would take 184 million football fields of 1 GB thumb drives laid end to end to contain the information. Data is so important that the organization that appears to be leading The Great Reset — the World Economic Forum — is also interested in data and estimates there would be 44 ZB of data collected in 2020.11

So, with all that in mind, in a world where data is king12,13,14 the HHS decision to hide COVID-19 data begs the question: What do they want to hide? Are they stopping the flow of data, as opposed to hiding data like the CDC, to reach the same end, where the data are not available for examination and analysis?

HHS Ends Hospital COVID Death Reports

January 6, 2022, the HHS announced15 changes to the reporting requirements for hospitals and acute care facilities. The new guidelines note “The retirement of fields which are no longer required to be reported,” which include the “previous day’s COVID-19 deaths.”

However, according to one news report, the guideline did not receive public attention until January 14, 2022, when it was tweeted by Dr. Jorge Caballero,16 who asked why the government no longer wanted these daily reports beginning February 2, 2022. By January 28, 2022, just like they did with the report on COVID-19 hospital reimbursements, fact-checkers were busy posting viral social media posts claiming Caballero’s conclusions were not correct.

Yet, as I mentioned, the announcement was published on the HHS website — so how could it be false? You can go to the website17 and read it for yourself. Under the section, “The retirement of fields which are no longer required to be reported,” it says: “previous day’s COVID-19 deaths.” So how could fact-checkers “debunk” that?

To create a fact check that claimed this was “false,” the fact-checkers simply changed the headline. So, while the HHS publicly announced they would no longer require hospitals to report deaths from COVID-19, fact-checkers reported the U.S. government was not ending daily COVID death reporting.

MSN18 fact-checkers reported that Nancy Foster from the American Hospital Association had suggested the change could “streamline data collection.” Yet, the HHS system used direct reporting from ICD medical diagnosis codes entered into the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system.

In an emailed statement, Foster reported that she believes the HHS was no longer collecting data because they were receiving comprehensive data from public health agencies, including death certificates reported to the National Center for Health Statistics and used by the CDC in its death data reporting. Despite supporting the HHS decision, the agency did not respond to a request by MSN on the reason for the change.

HHS had worked with major electronic medical records (EMR) manufacturers, so 85% of hospital reporting was programmed into their computer, and you can’t get more streamlined than that. January 2021, Alex C. Madrigal, co-founder of the COVID Tracking Project,19 wrote:20

“In a series of analyses that we ran over the past several months, we came to nearly the opposite conclusion of other media outlets. The hospitalization data coming out of HHS are now the best and most granular publicly available data on the pandemic. This information has changed the response to the pandemic for the better.”

An unnamed federal health official spoke with a reporter from WSWS,21 calling the move to stop reporting COVID-29 hospital deaths “incomprehensible.” The official added, “It is the only consistent, reliable and actionable dataset at the federal level. Ninety-nine percent of hospitals report 100% of the data every day. I don’t know any scientists who want to have less data.”

CDC Is Hiding Data on Booster Shots

February 20, 2022, The New York Times22 reported that the CDC has not published large parts of the data they collected during the COVID pandemic. In fact, most of the information they collected in the past year on hospitalizations has not been made public.

The CDC published data on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 boosters in people younger than 65 in early February 2022. However, as The New York Times points out, the data did not cover individuals from 18 to 49 years old.23 This also is the group least likely to benefit from the genetic therapy shot, since CDC data24 demonstrate they have some of the lowest rates of severe disease and death.

The New York Post25 notes that the FDA overruled an expert advisory committee and the CDC overruled their own experts to promote the boosters for all age groups. After ensuring the boosters would be open to all people, the CDC then did not release much of the data despite pleas from scientists.

A look at the published data for those 50 to 65 years shows the booster reduces the risk of death from 4 in 1 million to 1 in 1 million. Further analysis shows that 75% of the additional three people out of 1 million who are helped by the booster shot have at least four comorbidities.26

Unfortunately, since the CDC has not released the raw data, U.S. scientists have had to rely on Israeli data. One study27 published in The New England Journal of Medicine gathered information from 4.6 million people 16 years and older who had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. They then compared severe illness and death between those who had had a booster dose and those who had not.

The data showed the group of individuals from 16 to 29 years had zero deaths whether they were boosted or not boosted. Likewise, the group from 30 to 39 years had one death whether they were boosted or not boosted. In fact, the difference in death rate did not rise until the participants were 60 to 69 years, at which point the non-boosted group had 44 deaths and the boosted group had 32 deaths.

In addition to the number of deaths rising in the boosted and non-boosted groups, the percentage of people in those age categories also declined, much like you would find in the general population where the death rate rises as people age.

CDC Claims Data May Be Misinterpreted

Kristen Nordlund is a spokeswoman for the CDC. In her comments to The New York Times,28 she said the data are being slowly released since, “basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” Another reason she cited was the information may be misinterpreted to mean the vaccines are ineffective.

Nordlund gave a third reason for not releasing the data, saying that the data they have is based on 10% of the U.S. population, which the Times reporter points out is the same sample size used to track influenza each year. Jessica Malaty Rivera is an epidemiologist. She spoke with the Times, saying,29 “We have been begging for that sort of granularity of data for two years.”

She went on to say, “We are at a much greater risk of misinterpreting the data with data vacuums, than sharing the data with proper science, communication and caveats.” In an opinion piece, Staten Island Advance’s Tom Wrobleski characterizes the CDC’s decision, writing about what has happened to most people who have been willing to speak out:30

“We’re told to have faith in the CDC, in Dr. Anthony Fauci, in all the experts who are trained to handle public health crises. But we can’t have trust if vital information is withheld from us.

Because then it becomes a case of, “Shut up and do what we say. We’re the experts. You don’t need to know how we come to our decisions. We know what’s best.” And if you question the received wisdom, you’re suddenly a dangerous person. You’re likened to a terrorist. You’re told you want people to die. You get banned from social media.

If you dare protest, you can have your bank account frozen and your vehicle insurance suspended, as we saw during the Freedom Convoy protest in Canada. You can get trampled by police on horseback.

Withholding information only makes people more skeptical. It breeds suspicion. Or mere doubt. The CDC needs to do better if it wants our trust.”

The Jab Is Deadlier Than COVID if You’re Under 80

With the end of the HHS COVID death reporting system, the only means of tracking COVID deaths will now rely on the collection of data from death certificates at the state level. However, as the unnamed official told the WSWS reporter:31

“… deaths are reported by the counties/states but the process is very slow and many coroners are actually not wanting to cite COVID as the reason, while hospitals rely on diagnoses.”

This last part of the sentence may refer to the hospital incentives for a COVID diagnosis, which increases the potential it would be listed in the ICD codes that were communicated to the HHS. Although the CDC and HHS would like the data to remain hidden, a cost-benefit analysis32 by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and independent researcher Kathy Dopp revealed the jab is deadlier than the infection in anyone under the age of 80.

The analysis looked at publicly available official data from the U.S. and U.K. for all age groups and compared all-cause mortality to the risk of dying from COVID-19. Seneff and Dopp wrote:33

“As of 6 February 2022, based on publicly available official UK and US data, all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death.

All age groups under 80 years old have virtually no benefit from receiving a COVID-19 inoculation, and the younger ages incur significant risk. This analysis is conservative because it ignores the fact that inoculation-induced adverse events such as thrombosis, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, and other vaccine-induced injuries can lead to shortened life span.”

Their analysis is upheld by OneAmerica’s announcement34 that the death rate in working-age Americans from 18 to 64 years in the third quarter of 2021 was 40% higher than prepandemic levels. This finding is stunning since one of the most reliable data points we have is all-cause mortality.

It is a very hard statistic to massage since people are either dead or they’re not. Their inclusion in the national death index database is based on one primary criterion — they’ve died — regardless of the cause. As noted in a (not peer-reviewed) study led by scientist Denis Rancourt, who looked at U.S. mortality between March 2020 and October 2021:35

“All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable data for detecting true catastrophic events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge in deaths from any cause.”

Other Insurance Companies Recording Similar Results

Other insurance companies that are citing higher mortality rates36 include Hartford Insurance Group, which announced mortality increased 32% from 2019 and 20% from 2020 before the shots. Lincoln National also reported death claims have increased 13.7% year over year and 54% in quarter 4 compared to 2019. Funeral homes are posting an increase in burials and cremations in 2021 over 2020.37

Similar numbers are also being reported in other countries. A large German health insurance company reported38,39 company data were nearly 14 times greater than the number of deaths reported by the German government. The insurance data are gathered directly from doctors applying for payment from a sample of 10.9 million people.

Despite mass injection campaigns, Silicon Valley software engineer Ben M. (@USMortality) revealed that in the 13 weeks before November 28, 2021, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% vaccination rate.40

He also used data from the CDC, and his own calculations to show excess deaths rising in Vermont, even as the majority of adults have been injected. “Vermont had 71% of their entire population vaccinated by June 1, 2021,” he tweeted. “That’s 83% of their adult population, yet they are seeing the most excess deaths now since the pandemic!”41

It is easy to see why the HHS and CDC would like to hide these numbers from scrutiny. It is becoming more difficult to ignore with each passing day that the infection didn’t kill the number of people health experts claimed and the vaccine is killing far more than the virus.

Russia says Ukraine is littered with U.S.-financed bioweapons labs Friday, March 11, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Up until a few days ago, the United States denied the existence of all those Pentagon-run bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine. Now the deep state admits that these biolabs do exist, however the latest deflection is that they are just “research” facilities, and that big, bad Russia is the real threat trying to take them over in order to unleash a biological attack.

Russia’s Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov blew the lid on the existence of the biolabs in a recent speech. His admissions fully explain why the military-industrial complex of the West is now scrambling to censor all Russian media outlets – but the cat is already out of the bag.

Not only did the U.S., with the help of its NATO allies, try to cover up the existence of the biolabs, but now it is lying to the public about their purpose. The deep state is also preemptively blaming Russia for a biological attack that has not even happened yet, which suggests that the Pentagon is planning to launch another false flag attack that it will blame on Vladimir Putin.

As many as 30 biological laboratories actively cooperating with the U.S. military have been established in Ukraine, Kirillov revealed. These laboratories’ partners include the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), the latter of which is the largest biomedical research facility run by the U.S. military.

Many of these biolabs have been active since the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine, in which U.S. interests removed Ukraine’s formerly neutral-on-Russia president (Oleksandr Turchynov) and replaced him with a Russia-hating one (Petro Poroshenko). Ukraine’s current president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is also anti-Russia (as well as an actor).


“… their emergence in the country has coincided with a spike in infectious diseases in the region, including German measles, diphtheria and tuberculosis,” writes William Bowles about Ukraine’s Pentagon-run biolabs, citing the Russian military.

“After the Russian forces launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24, these laboratories started hastily destroying the materials they had been working on, including the highly pathogenic bacterial and viral agents, Kirillov has said, adding that Moscow has obtained documents related to that process.”

How many people have been injured or killed by U.S.-NATO bioweapons created in Ukraine’s Pentagon-run biolabs?

It turns out that these same Ukrainian biolabs have been working with even deadlier pathogens such as anthrax and the plague. All sorts of horrific things have been tampered with and created in these facilities over the years, unleashing disease and death across the planet.

“Assortment and the excessive quantity of the biological agents suggest that the work done in these laboratories had been part of some military biological programs,” Kirillov explained, adding that one such laboratory in the western Ukrainian city of Lvov has destroyed as many as 320 containers with pathogens that cause the plague, swamp fever and Malta fever.

“If these collections fall into the hands of the Russian experts, they will highly likely prove Ukraine and the U.S. have been in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention,” Kirillov went on to state, adding that “this is the only reason that can explain the hasty destruction.”

As you can see, these revelations are damning for the military-industrial complex and its deep state network of biological terrorists. They want us all to believe that Russia is the threat when the reality is that Washington, D.C., and those allied with it are the true parasitical scourge on this planet.

“Moscow has been raising alarm about the activities of the US-financed biological laboratories located in the former Soviet states for quite some time. Earlier, it pointed to the Lugar Research Center – a U.S.-funded laboratory in Georgia – as a place where some dangerous experiments are being conducted,” Bowles says.

“The Pentagon brushed off such accusations as a ‘Russian disinformation campaign’ at that time.”

More related news coverage about the deep state’s war against Russia can be found at

Sources for this article include:

The FOOD RIOTS of 2022 have already begun… they will spread globally… new intel on scarcity of food, minerals, telecom equipment and more Mike Adams

(Natural News) Food riots have already begun in Iraq (Al Jazeera). Lebanon has announced rationing of wheat (Irish Times). Ukraine has halted all exports of most grains, while Russia has halted exports of fertilizer and many sources of natural gas.

The world is being plunged into an engineered global starvation scenario, and in North America, we only have a few months of abundant food still in the supply line.

Agricultural experts have told me the May and June crop yield reports for 2022 will be “catastrophic.” By July, it will become obvious to even the deniers that food availability — even in America — is severely hampered. Empty shelves will plague US grocery retailers throughout the second half of this year.

Yesterday on the Alex Jones Show, I predicted that 1-2 billion people on planet Earth will face risk of starvation by the end of this year. Without fossil fuel-based fertilizers, 4 billion people would die (about half the current population).

Get ready for food rationing passports and armed guards at grocery stores

As I explain in my HRR podcast below, this crisis will lead to:

  • Robberies and flash mob looting of grocery stores.
  • Grocery stores responding by beefing up security with armed guard and security checkpoints.
  • Government initiating food rationing passports that will eventually be tied to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

In other words, tyrannical governments are going to use this engineered crisis to force people into CBDCs and food rationing control systems. If you want to eat, you will be forced to use their digital wallet system, where they have total surveillance and control over your spending behavior.


Oh, and by the way, they will collapse the dollar during all this in order to exacerbate the panic and destroy whatever assets people are foolishly keeping in dollars.

This is all covered in the 56-minute Situation Update at the bottom of this article.

Intel on scarcity of ammo, satellite phones, bulk food supplies and more

I’ve also posted a 20-minute intel update based on information received from an ammunition retailer, a satellite phone retailer and our own direct experience attempting to purchase bulk food resources by the pallet (many thousands of pounds at a time):

  • All satellite phones are blown out of inventory, across the world, and now sat phones that once cost just $900 are fetching $3500 on the open market.
  • Ammunition sales have spiked 166% according to one prominent retailer, following the Feb 24th Russian action on Ukraine.
  • The future supply of sat phones will see at least a 40% increase in price due to supply chain demand and disruptions. There are currently waiting lists to receive sat phones toward the end of April.
  • Food commodities used in the preparedness food industry are skyrocketing in price while supply is heavily strained. The supply hasn’t yet collapsed, as we still have a few months’ buffer of raw materials in the pipeline, but we expect catastrophic shortages to begin this summer.

Tomorrow (Saturday) a Food Grow Network webinar is being offered by Marjorie Wildcraft, who I just interviewed yesterday. The webinar teaches “emergency gardening” skills, meaning you’ll learn how to grow food when your life depends on it. It’s a free webinar, with registration required, which will add you to her email list. Register and watch at (our affiliate link). My full interview with Marjorie will be posted later today on my video channel.

Here’s the full Situation Update podcast covering all this and more. (I will have weekend podcast updates this weekend for certain, so check the Brighteon channel Saturday and Sunday for most updates.)

Discover more information-packaged podcasts each day, along with special reports, interviews and emergency updates, at:

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Jan 6 Medic Says Feds Killed Patriots, Planted Pipe Bombs, Biblical Floods Hit Vaxxed Australia

Thursday on the Stew Peters Show, veteran Chris Alberts, who served as a medic on January 6th at the Capitol, speaks out about the murderous involvement of the FBI, CIA, and other Fed operatives who attempted to soil that patriotic day, and how he is an eyewitness to government murder, including the man the left lionized, strike-victim officer Brian Sicknick. He’s being attacked, and facing legal trouble, but the enemy cant silence him!

Visit Chris Alberts’ Give Send Go to support him and his family:

Investigative journalist and soon-to-be ROAR nation show host Maria Zeee addresses the unnatural floods and outbreaks of encephalitis that may signify the coming End Times warned about by Jesus Christ.

Christian Post reporter Brandon Showalter exposes the depopulation goals of the satanic transgender movement, and details who funds the radical demons who are hell-bent on sterilizing children and silencing the masses.

Wendy Heineck raises the alarm on another death-care hospital in Mississippi, who are killing her husband through endless Covid bureaucracy, and mysterious blood clots materializing after massive transfusions of blood from vaccinated zombies.

And, dont miss Stew blasting holes in the atrocity porn narrative being pushed by bought-and-paid-for ‘journalists’ about an alleged hospital attack in Ukraine which likely involved the Nazi-SS obsessed Azov battalion.


Tucker Blasts Secret U.S.-Ukraine Bio Labs & Big Media Fact Checker Cover Up With Both Barrels

‘Russian Disinformation’ frantically disseminated by QANON… oh wait…

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Pfizer’s Released Documents Show 158,000+ Side Effects – Dr. Mercola

Forced to release crucial clinical trial information on its COVID-19 jab, Pfizer has revealed that they recorded more than 158,000 adverse events during the trials — so many that the list, single-spaced, flows down several sheets of paper.

From cardiogenic shock to neonatal death to cardiac arrest and failure and much, much more, the list is almost endless with the effects Pfizer recorded, but initially wanted 75 years to make public.

SOURCE: Express March 9, 2022

Dr. Peter McCullough: Findings From Early COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Potentially Alarming


‘This is getting into human chromosomes’
By Beth Brelje
March 8, 2022 Updated: March 8, 2022

How safe are COVID-19 vaccines? Should everyone be taking them? Are people who get vaccines more likely to get COVID-19? Can genetic material in the vaccines be incorporated into the human genome? These are some of the unknown questions that researchers around the world are currently investigating.

With more initial findings and hypotheses now released to the public, a group of free speech and information advocates last week during a presentation in Pennsylvania gave their “uncensored” take of the current science. They are currently traveling around the United States sharing concerns about how public health policy and debate throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been handled.

The speakers were Dr. Peter McCullough, a renowned cardiologist whose own research is highly-cited; Dr. Bryan Ardis, a chiropractor; attorney Thomas Renz; and Steve Kirsch, a Silicon Valley philanthropist who supported early efforts searching for COVID-19 treatments in medicines already on the market. They were invited by the “Lions for Liberty,” a group of Penn State University students, faculty, and staff that sprang up in response to the university’s pandemic mitigation policies that require employees to get vaccinated for COVID-19.

The four spoke on numerous occasions; at the HUB-Alumni Hall in University Park on March 3 and at Hershey Lodge on March 4 before which they testified at the Capitol Building in Harrisburg in a hearing hosted by state Sen. Doug Mastriano, who is a Republican running for governor.

They presented data from peer-reviewed studies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and government documents, and expressed their concerns that the COVID-19 vaccines recommended for all Americans were problematic from the start.

“It was clear vaccines weren’t sufficiently tested and important groups were excluded, like pregnant women,” McCullough said in Hershey. “With no data on safety and efficacy, pregnant women were encouraged, then later forced, to take the vaccines.”

He called the results of a newly released study disturbing. The study, titled  “Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination,” shows that messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) from the vaccine stays in the body much longer than expected. Messenger RNA is a single-stranded molecule that carries genetic code, usually from the DNA in a cell’s nucleus, to ribosomes, the cell’s protein-making area.

“It shows the messenger RNA is in the lymph nodes months after the vaccine had been received. This is proven,” McCullough said. “The vaccines are not leaving the body. It’s found in the lymph nodes at 60 days. The thought in the FDA briefing book was that these vaccines were going to be in the body for a day or two, generate immunity, and then be out.”

He cited another paper published in February by a team of researchers led by Associate Prof. Yang De Marinis at the Department of Clinical Sciences of Lund University, Sweden, that shows “reverse transcription” is happening—that is, an enzyme makes a copy of DNA from RNA.

“This is getting into human chromosomes, at least this segment is. If it turns out that the entire code goes into human chromosomes, and if it expresses spike protein within cells—spike protein is an abnormal protein, it is not a human protein— if this protein is expressed within human cells on a regular basis or on demand, and it’s passed from parent cells to daughter cells, and it’s passed to the developing embryo, we’re in trouble.”

Now, the race is on to confirm this finding with additional studies, McCullough said.

“On the CDC website, it says the vaccines don’t change the human genome. This paper that just broke in the last week is strongly suggesting the CDC was gravely wrong,” McCullough said. “We should have had monthly safety reports to America. If we’re going to ask Americans to take an experimental vaccine or investigational vaccine, there should have been a safety report.”

Coming out of the clinical trials, what was reported in the briefing booklet looked OK, McCullough said. Through October, over 220 million people took a vaccine.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has now recorded as many as 24,000 reports of people dying shortly after taking a COVID-19 vaccine, over 34,000 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis after taking a vaccine, and 44,000 reports from people permanently disabled with a host of conditions after taking a vaccine. These reports, which can be made by any member of the public, have yet to be definitively linked to COVID-19 vaccines and further research is needed to quantify the risk.

Now, a new study in The Lancet is pointing to potential multi-inflammatory syndrome in COVID-19 vaccinated children, McCullough said. “Some kids are on ventilators. These were perfectly healthy kids and now they’re on the ventilator fighting for their life.”

State Legislation

During the hearing in Harrisburg, a number of COVID-related bills were mentioned.

Mastriano is the prime sponsor of Senate Bill 471, dubbed the Medical Freedom Act, which proposed that the state government shall not impose a vaccination requirement on adults or children without consent. It also proposed to make it illegal for the government to mandate employers to require vaccination of their staff and ensures unemployment compensation for unvaccinated workers. The bill moved out of the Health and Human Services Committee in November, committee chair state Sen. Michele Brooks said at the hearing. She also advocated for her own legislation, Senate Bill 937, which prohibits the state from requiring COVID-19 vaccines for students in kindergarten through grade 12. It is now in the House Education Committee, Brooks said.

A companion bill, SB 1091/HB 1741 would increase access to off-label FDA approved medications in the early stages of COVID-19. This would allow physicians and pharmacists to prescribe and dispense drugs already approved by the FDA for off-label treatment of COVID-19, without penalty from licensing boards. And it would clarify that a pharmacy may not decline to fill a prescription of a COVID-19 early treatment drug based solely on their opinion of the drug. Mastriano is the prime sponsor of this Senate bill and Rep. Dawn Keefer sponsors the House version.

Ardis made a plea to lawmakers at the hearing, on behalf of doctors.

“Please let them practice medicine. Never in the history of the world has there been one protocol for every human. We are all genetically different,” Ardis said. “Please allow doctors, once again, to be protected to practice medicine. They are the only ones that have known the history of their patients. You cannot tell me there’s one solution or protocol for every American who gets a respiratory infection right now; it’s impossible. And then you’re going to take their license from them, destroy their livelihood and then slander them with their reputation, because they’re holding to their oath to do no harm? Please. Put legislation in place that they can never be punished for doing their best to do no harm, to treat their patients.”

Penn State Snubbed Event

Lions for Liberty invited two university policy makers, Penn State President Eric Barron and Provost Nick Jones, to attend the forum. But Barron and Jones were not among the combined 700 attendees.

“It is disconcerting, to say the least, that leadership from the university’s administration were unwilling to attend or engage in either of these events,” Arielle Girouard, Lions for Liberty press secretary told The Epoch Times. “It is unfortunate that one of the nation’s top universities in research, education, and innovation has repeatedly denied our attempts to have a discussion on the science that has driven public health and institutional, including university, policies over the past two years. President Barron acknowledges a growing lack of public trust in higher education. It is hard to see how refusal to engage with credentialed academics and professionals, from both within and outside of the Penn State community, does anything but sow further distrust in the public. Regardless, Lions for Liberty isn’t going anywhere. We are committed to fostering a community, open to all who seek truth, so we may make well-informed decisions regarding our health, among other individual liberties.”

Penn State did not respond to a request from The Epoch Times to explain why they did not attend.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and the Penn State chapter of Turning Point USA co-hosted the speakers with Lions for Liberty.

Feds Secretly Paid the Media to Promote COVID Shots – Dr. Mercola

In a $1 billion, taxpayer-funded media campaign, the U.S. government made direct payments to all major media outlets in an effort to push ads for COVID shots on the public. Meanwhile, the same news outlets literally gushed with positive coverage on the shots.

The expenditures were disclosed after The Blaze filed a Freedom of Information Act request from Department of Health and Human Services.

“The Biden administration purchased ads on TV, radio, in print and on social media to build vaccine confidence, timing this effort with the increasing availability of the vaccines,” The Blaze said. “The government also relied on earned media featuring ‘influencers’ from ‘communities hit hard by COVID-19’ and ‘experts’ like White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci and other academics to be interviewed and promote vaccination in the news.”


The Defender March 9, 2022

The Blaze March 3, 2022

Who Needs the Fake Fact-Checkers? FDA Thrown Under Bus – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF fake-fact-checkers-pdf


  • Facebook has admitted in a court of law that its fact checkers are not asserting facts but, rather, First Amendment-protected opinions
  • Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, recorded a phone call with a fact checker from PolitiFact, showing just how ignorant the fact checker is about the facts, and how unwilling she is to look at the data
  • There are three sources for vaccine injury data: The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Wonder site; OpenVAERS; and MedAlerts, created by the National Vaccine Information Center. Of these, MedAlerts has the easiest-to-use interface if you want to search and collate data
  • What makes VAERS so valuable is the fact that you can find important safety signals that would otherwise be missed. This is its intended function, and it works quite well for that
  • Fact checkers are now trying to dismiss VAERS data as unreliable at best and useless at worst. But they have a serious problem. The U.S. government had a clear duty, enshrined in law, to create a system to detect potential vaccine injuries. If VAERS is useless, then government broke the law. In their zeal to protect Big Pharma, fact checkers may be inadvertently throwing government agencies under the bus

If you thought fact checkers were a source of unbiased facts, think again. Earlier this year, Facebook admitted, in a court of law, that its fact checkers are not asserting facts but rather “First Amendment-protected opinions.”1,2

A recent telephone recording by Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, in which he responds to a fact checker from PolitiFact, is equally revealing. The young woman clearly has no idea what she’s talking about, yet she’s been put into a position where she gets to be the sole and final arbiter of truth.

Why Use MedAlerts?

The PolitiFact fact checker, Gabrielle Settles, contacted Kirsch with a number of questions. First, she wanted to know why he uses MedAlerts3 as a source rather than the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Wonder site.

VAERS was an outgrowth of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, a law that Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), helped fight for. As you likely know, this site and many of you have supported NVIC with donations, which allows them to carry on their terrific work, including their MedAlerts VAERS database query tool.

Between 1990 and 2001, VAERS data were accessible only by filing a Freedom of Information Act request. In 2001, a VAERS website was created,4 and in 2006 the database was moved to CDC Wonder. The MedAlerts VAERS interface was created by the NVIC, which is the reason why fact checkers attack it. It went online April 9, 2003.

In response to Settles’ question, Kirsch explained that MedAlerts simply has a more user-friendly interface, while providing the same exact data as VAERS and OpenVAERS.

Are VAERS Data Valid?

Settles then moved on to question the validity of VAERS data in general. She pointed out that raw VAERS reports are not vetted and verified for accuracy, and that they cannot be used to prove causation. In other words, the fact that there are more than 24,400 deaths5 reported post-jab does not automatically mean that the shot was the cause of all those deaths.

Kirsch countered by pointing out that what makes VAERS so valuable is the fact that you can find important safety signals that would otherwise be missed. This is its intended function, and it works quite well for that.

For example, looking at the dosing data for myocarditis, you find that after the first dose, there are relatively few myocarditis cases reported, but after the second dose, reports explode. This kind of consistency in the data is very telling and not easily dismissed.

Fact checkers are now trying to dismiss VAERS data as unreliable at best and useless at worst. But they have a serious problem because the U.S. government had a clear duty, enshrined in law, to create a system to detect potential vaccine injuries.

If they now want to throw VAERS out, then the government is in a real pickle, because that means they did not create a functional and useful system. If VAERS is so seriously flawed as to be useless, then government has broken the law, and are duty bound to replace it with something that actually works. It’s a real Catch-22. In their zeal to protect Big Pharma, fact checkers may be inadvertently throwing government agencies under the bus.

Weak Hit Piece Tries to Salvage the Narrative

PolitiFact published its NVIC/MedAlerts article February 28, 2022, under the title, “How an Alternative Gateway to VAERS Data Helps Fuel Vaccine Misinformation.”6 While clearly meant as a hit piece, it actually provides NVIC some much-needed publicity, even giving links to both its About Us and Reporting Options pages.

The main point of contention, however, is so weak it smacks of desperation. According to Settles, the government’s disclaimer — which states that VAERS reports can include information that is incomplete or inaccurate and doesn’t provide enough information to determine causation — isn’t prominent enough on the MedAlert’s website.

“Users who go to MedAlerts can search through VAERS reports without ever reading a government disclaimer,” Settles contends, adding that “unlike the CDC’s Wonder database, users on MedAlerts who don’t notice or click on the links won’t see the warnings about what they read.”

Without a clear understanding of the limitations of VAERS, MedAlert’s search results are “vulnerable … to misinterpretation by members of the public who are not trained to evaluate the information,” Settles insists. She goes on, “When government researchers use and interpret VAERS reports, they are not drawing conclusions based on the numbers alone but, rather, looking for patterns that warrant further study.”

The irony is that this is precisely what Kirsch and many others have been doing. VAERS is a tool that can help identify potential safety issues by looking at patterns and trends, but the total number of reports of a specific problem cannot be discounted because it’s part of the signal.

The fact of the matter is that there are many safety signals in the VAERS data, but those tasked with investigating them are refusing to do it. At this point, one wonders whether any U.S. agency can actually be trusted to conduct an unbiased investigation even if they decided to do one.

Settles also attacks Kirsch personally, dismissing his safety concerns by stating that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has chalked his claims up as being “not based in science.” Essentially, Settles’ article can be summed up as a desperate attempt to redirect people back to the CDC and FDA propaganda, which dismisses the now outlandishly large number of post-jab VAERS reports as being of no consequence.

Post-Jab Neurological Issues Were Under Investigation in 2021

Meanwhile, The Epoch Times recently reported7 that “Two U.S. agencies have been quietly studying neurological problems that have appeared in people who have had COVID-19 vaccines.”

According to emails reviewed by The Epoch Times, Dr. Janet Woodcock, principal deputy director of the FDA, “has been personally evaluating neurologic side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines since at least Sept. 13, 2021.” In a November 16, 2021, email, Woodcock wrote:8

“We are having difficulty pinning down these nervous system-related events that have been brought to our attention. I’ve asked for specific searches of the reports we get both from here and ex-U.S. (as these vaccines have been used in many countries) as well as from trials, where oversight of participants is greater.”

Emails from Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, which is in charge of the regulation of vaccines, suggest other FDA epidemiologists were also looking into it, as were a team at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), which belongs to the National Institutes of Health. The NINDS supposedly started seeing vaccine injured patients in early 2021. According to The Epoch Times:9

“Dr. Avindra Nath, clinical director of the NIH’s NINDS, headed a team that examined patients who experienced serious neurological issues … Nath and Dr. Farinaz Safavi, one of Nath’s top deputies, have said they believe the issues are linked to the vaccines.

‘We started an effort at NIH to look at neurological side effects of COVID-19 vaccines,’ Safavi said in an email to one of the patients on March 3, 2021. ‘We believe the symptoms to be real. That is the reason we have been treating patients,’ Nath said in a different message on July 27, 2021.”

Were Patients Abandoned to Protect Big Pharma Profits?

While it’s tempting to see this as good news, there’s something really strange going on. For starters, none of these investigations was ever publicly announced. Why not?

What’s worse, as 2021 wore on, the research appears to have stalled and then been abandoned altogether. It’s hard to find another explanation for this other than they don’t want to do anything that might force them to take the COVID jab off the market.

“Even among those examined, the excitement of connecting with top researchers and government officials turned to disappointment and frustration when repeated queries yielded few signs of progress on research into post-vaccination problems,” The Epoch Times writes.10

“Woodcock and Marks would often only provide updates after being prodded … Nath and Safavi also grew distant as 2021 wore on. They eventually stopped examining patients.”

Brianne Dressen, who had been examined by Nath and given a diagnosis of “post-vaccine neuropathy,” suddenly hit a dead end as 2021 drew to a close. Nath would do no more for her, and also told her to stop referring patients to him, saying they did “not have any clinical trial for vaccine-related complications.” Epoch Times writes:

“Dressen responded in January that she will ‘always be indebted to you and what you did for me,’ crediting Nath … with keeping her alive. However, she added, her ‘heart is shattered.’

‘I am more confused now than ever about what my active and willing engagement in the scientific process actually meant, or has led to,’ she wrote … ‘Looking back on this, I can see how unethical it was even when they were helping us,’ Dressen told The Epoch Times.”

Another vaccine injured patient, Dr. Danice Hertz, who was seen virtually by NIH experts in early 2021, expressed similar feelings to The Epoch Times.

“Hertz described being shocked about the lack of public acknowledgement of the post-vaccination issues by the FDA … ‘They refuse to acknowledge what’s happening to so many thousands of people,’ Hertz told The Epoch Times. ‘We’ve been completely abandoned. And we’re despondent over it.’”11

Who Is Responsible to Investigate and Treat Side Effects?

People who have been injured by the COVID jab are now in an incredibly tough situation, as doctors, government agencies and the vaccine makers are all refusing responsibility. In a September 16, 2021, email to Dressen, Nath wrote:12

“Ordinarily when any drug is released, it is the manufacturers responsibility to investigate and treat the side effects. Where are the vaccine manufacturers in all of this? Have you tried contacting them? It cannot be the government’s responsibility to pick up after them. They are a [for] profit company and they should be the ones taking change [sic]. Don’t you think?”

But vaccine makers are not investigating or treating side effects either. Why would they? They’ve been granted total immunity against liability. The only way they can be held responsible for damages is if they’re found guilty of willful misconduct or fraud.

Unfortunately, the FDA, CDC and NIH aren’t looking for misconduct or fraud. They’re covering it up. And mainstream media, including so-called “fact” checkers, have been bought wholesale by an industry that has every intention of obfuscating and hiding the truth about their products.

Why Media Have Embraced Censorship

As noted by independent journalist Paul Thacker,13 mainstream media are refusing to call big tech censorship for what it is, in large part because they support, and indeed need, fake fact checks:

“Disinformation doesn’t have to be sophisticated when people believe what they read. Once this belief is established, censors ensure that disinformation remains strong, followed by denial that there is censoring. That way inconvenient facts do not mar the chosen story.”

In the COVID era, the chosen story includes the fantasy that the COVID jabs are safe and effective and have harmed no one, and there’s simply no way to prop up that story without fake fact checks.

Who Funds the Fake Fact Checkers?

It should come as no surprise then that fact checking organizations are funded by Big Pharma and Big Pharma PR companies like the Publicis Groupe, which also happens to be a partner of both Google14,15 and the World Economic Forum (WEF).16

Pfizer, for example, funds Facebook’s fact checking operation.17 Is it any wonder then that Facebook rejects anything that criticizes the COVID jabs? Pfizer also has significant conflicts of interest with Reuters. Reuters chairman (and former CEO) James Smith is both a top investor and board member of Pfizer.18 Might he have a vested interest in keeping Pfizer’s media record clear of incriminating details?

Many fact checking organizations also belong to the International Fact-Checking Network,19 which is financed by George Soros (through his Open Society Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy), Google and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation20 — all of whom are part of the WEF’s technocratic cabal that is pushing for a Great Reset.

Truth Tellers Have Data, Liars Have None

To end where we began, with the fact check on Kirsch and the NVIC’s MedAlert, a few days after posting his conversation with Settles, he received an email from PolitiFact’s editor-in-chief, Angie Holan, asking him to remove the recording. He refused. In a February 25, 2022, Substack post, Kirsch wrote:21

“Gabrielle asked if she could record the call and I consented, so that entitles all parties to record the call. PolitiFact did not deny that we both consented. She wrote, ‘I am not in the least embarrassed by how she conducted the interview. I’m asking that you remove the video as a professional courtesy because the reporter did not consent to be recorded.’

First of all, she should be embarrassed by the interview. The interviewer was clearly focused on proving an agenda and showed no interest in exploring evidence that was counter her agenda. I gave her the story of the century if she would just follow up on what I suggested she do.

Secondly with respect to permission, by asking me if it was OK to record the call, she is giving implied consent for the call to be recorded since she is doing the asking. All parties on the call consented to being recorded meaning the conversation is no longer private and all parties can record the call.

I then raised the stakes: I challenged PolitiFact to a debate to settle the matter once and for all in front of a live Internet audience as to who are the liars and who are the truth tellers …

Of course, the problem with a debate is that usually one side wins. If it is the misinformation spreaders, the narrative is crushed. This is why nobody wants a debate: they can’t take the risk.

PolitiFact can’t win a fair debate. There is way too much information out now on how dangerous the vaccines are that is impossible for them to explain. This is why I don’t think that there is a snowball’s chance in hell they will accept.”

Indeed, the chances of PolitiFact accepting an invitation to debate someone like Kirsch, who has all of his ducks in a row, is slim to none. In fact, it’s probably because of the excellent data analysis of Kirsch and others that the CDC has started withholding certain data on COVID jab injuries and hospitalizations. The reason given is that “they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.” But as noted by Kirsch:22

“The only way the vaccine data could be interpreted as ineffective by us ‘misinformation spreaders’ is if the data shows the vaccines don’t work … The CDC long-standing policy is that no information can be released that may threaten the national vaccination initiative.

This isn’t about public safety. This is about not letting the public know the vaccines are killing them … Let’s be clear. The CDC hid the data because the data proves they were lying to us. That’s the real reason.”

Ballot Bombshells: 20 episodes exposing fraud, illegalities and irregularities in 2020 election Illegal rule changes, ballot harvesting, Iranian voter hack are among the many now-confirmed serious irregularities, putting the lie to the “perfect election” narrative.

After the 2020 election ended with President Trump’s defeat, the federal cybersecurity agency declared it was a perfectly secure vote. Months later, federal prosecutors admitted two Iranian nationals hacked into a state’s database and stole the identities of 100,000 voters in an effort to influence the election.

Likewise, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers declared it was “outrageous” to think his state’s 2020 election needed to be investigated. Now, two separate courts have concluded that state election regulators illegally changed rules, allowing tens of thousands to cast ballots in an unlawful manner.

And that probe Evers so stubbornly resisted just provided evidence of fraudulent vote-collecting operations that exploited vulnerable residents in nursing homes.

Georgia’s elections chief similarly expresses confidence to this day in his state’s declaration that Joe Biden won in 2020, but he now admits the state’s largest county ran a vote counting operation so dysfunctional that the state may take over the county. He also has launched a probe into potential illegal harvesting of ballots that he says may result in prosecutions.

And Arizona, one of the first states to move to no-excuse mail-in voting years ago, has now begun an urgent effort to return to traditional in-person voting with paper ballots after investigations called into question more than 50,000 ballots cast in November 2020 and tens of thousands more verification signatures.

For more than a year, Democrats and their allies in the corporate media have decried what they call the “Big Lie” that America’s 2020 election was flawed or stolen. But almost weekly now, revelations are emerging that the election was, in fact, marred by illegalities, irregularities and mismanagement, leaving a nation increasingly doubting the reliability of its election system.

A recent poll found that 40% of Americans no longer believe in the legitimacy of the winner of either of the last two presidential elections, a stunning number for a country globally held as the gold standard for constitutional republics built on democracy.

“We have a lot of work to do,” former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell told Just the News on Wednesday. “And so I never sugarcoat this, because there’s substantial voter dissatisfaction with the the lack of security of our ballots. And they are very concerned that folks who are voting are folks who are not eligible to vote. And so you can’t have a system where illegal ballots negate the casting of legal ballots.”

The 2020 election results almost certainly won’t be reversed, no matter how widespread the calls for decertification grow. But the opportunity to take the many failures of the last election seriously to improve Americans’ confidence in voting in the 2022 and 2024 elections looms large, experts told Just the News.

“We need to make sure our voting rolls are clean,” Wisconsin State Rep. Janel Brandtjen told Just the News. She oversees the Assembly committee on election integrity and blasted Democratic Gov. Tony Evers for vetoing legislation designed to fix many problems identified in the Dairy State.

“At this point, there is no downside to cheating in Wisconsin, when you have a governor that’s shutting down a lot of the things that we’ve thought in the past as Republicans and Democrats that would make a fair and transparent election,” she added.

Here are 20 of the most important revelations uncovered by Just the News over the last 15 months of reporting, complete with substantiating evidence and links”

  1. A Foreign Intrusion. Federal authorities have confirmed that two Iranian nationals successfully hacked into a state computer election system, stole 100,000 voter registrations and used the data to carry out a cyber-intimidation campaign that targeted GOP members of Congress, Trump campaign officials and Democratic voters in the November 2020 election in one of the largest foreign intrusions in U.S. election history. The defendants “were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the U.S. presidential election,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams declared in an indictment.
  2. Alleged Bribery. The former state Supreme Court justice appointed by the Wisconsin Legislature to investigate the 2020 election concluded that millions of dollars in donations to election administrators in five Democrat-heavy municipalities from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life violated state anti-bribery laws and corrupted election practices by turning public election authorities into liberal get-out-the-vote activists. “The Zuckerberg-funded CTCL/ Zuckerberg 5 scheme would prove to be an effective way to accomplish the partisan effort to ‘turnout’ their desired voters and it was done with the active support of the very people and the governmental institution (WEC) that were supposed to be guarding the Wisconsin elections administrative process from the partisan activities they facilitated,” Justice Michael Gableman wrote.
  3. Illegal ballot harvesting in Wisconsin. Gableman also exposed an extensive vote collection operation, known as ballot harvesting, in nursing homes in which third-party activists illegally collected the ballots of vulnerable residents, some of whom lacked the mental or physical capacity to vote or were forbidden from voting by guardianship agreements. State election regulators “unlawfully directed the municipal clerks not to send out the legally required special voting deputies to nursing homes, resulting in many nursing homes’ registered residents voting at 100% rates and many ineligible residents voting, despite a guardianship order or incapacity,” Gableman wrote in his explosive report.
  4. Ballot harvesting probe in the Peach State. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has announced he has opened a criminal investigation into allegations that liberal activists engaged in illegal ballot harvesting, collecting ballots from voters and delivering them in violation of state law. Raffensperger said he is planning to issue subpoenas to identify a whistleblower who admitted he engaged in the operation, and there could be prosecutions. The True the Vote election integrity group says in a formal state complaint that the man, identified as John Doe, admitted his role and identified nonprofits who funded it at $10 per ballot delivered. The watchdog group also claims it has assembled cell phone location records pinpointing the alleged harvesting by as many as 240 activists.
  5. Bad voter signatures? A review of Maricopa County’s mail-in ballots in Arizona’s 2020 presidential election estimated that more than 200,000 ballots with signatures that did not match voter files were counted without being reviewed, more than eight times the number the county acknowledged.
  6. 50,000 Arizona ballots called into question. An extensive audit by Arizona’s Senate officially called into question more than 50,000 ballots cast in the 2020 election, including voters who cast ballots from residences they had left. The tally in question is nearly five times the margin of Joe Biden’s victory in the state.
  7. Illegal ballot drop boxes. A Wisconsin judge has ruled the widespread use of ballot drop boxes in 2020 was unlawful, and the state Supreme Court let that ruling stand. That means drop boxes can’t be used in future elections starting in April. It also means that tens of thousands of ballots in the 2020 election were cast unlawfully.
  8. Foreign voters found on Texas rolls. An audit of Texas voter rolls identified nearly 12,000 noncitizens suspected of illegally registering to vote and nearly 600 cases in which ballots may have been cast in the name of a dead resident or by a voter who may also have voted in another state. Officials are now in the process of removing the foreign voters and deciding whether prosecutions are warranted.
  9. Foreign voters found on Georgia  rolls. An audit by Georgia’s Secretary of State has identified more than 2,000 suspected foreigners who tried to register to vote in the state, though none reached the point of casting ballots. Raffensperger says prosecutions may be forthcoming.
  10. Unconstitutional mail-in voting. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has concluded the state law that opened the door to no-excuse mail-in voting in 2020 was unconstitutional and that mail-in voting can only be enacted by a constitutional amendment. “A constitutional amendment must be presented to the people and adopted into our fundamental law before legislation authorizing no-excuse mail-in voting can be placed upon our statute books,” the court ruled. About 2.5 million voted by mail in Pennsylvania in 2020, votes now called into question by the ruling.
  11. More noncitizen voters. The Gableman investigation in Wisconsin also found noncitizens had made it onto the state voters rolls in violation of state law. The Wisconsin Election Commission failed “to record non-citizens in the WisVote voter database, thereby permitting non-citizens to vote, even though Wisconsin law requires citizenship to vote — all in violation of the Help America Vote Act,” the investigator wrote.
  12. Ballot chain of custody issues. The Georgia Secretary of State’s office has opened an investigation into the handling of drop box ballots last November in one of the state’s Democratic strongholds following a media report that there were problems with chain of custody documentation in DeKalb County.
  13. Fulton County irregularities. Georgia’s handpicked election monitor for Fulton County, the state’s largest voting district, documented two dozen pages of mismanagement and irregularities during vote counting in Atlanta in November 2020, including double-scanning of ballots, insecure transport of ballots and violations of voter privacy. The revelations prompted the state to take steps to possibly put Fulton County in receivership, empowering state officials to run the elections. Most of Fulton County’s election officials have left their jobs.
  14. Errant vote counting. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp referred the audited November 2020 election results in Fulton County to the State Election Board after multiple reviews found three dozen significant problems with absentee ballot counting, including duplicate tallies, math errors and transposed data. Kemp’s referral calls into question hundreds of ballots in the official count.
  15. Dirty voter rolls. Michigan’s official state auditor has found that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson failed to adhere to state election law by properly updating and reconciling Michigan’s qualified voter roll. This oversight, according to the audit, increased the risk of ineligible voters casting ballots.
  16. Illegal exemptions from voter ID. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled as many as 200,000 voters were allowed to illegally skip voter ID for absentee ballots by claiming they were indefinitely confined by COVID when there was no such legal authority to do so. Biden beat Trump by about 20,000 votes in the state.
  17. Uneven enforcement of election laws. The Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau identified more than 30 problems with the administration of elections in 2020, including unlawful orders and uneven enforcement of the law and urged  lawmakers to make sweeping improvements.
  18. More illegal harvesting. In Arizona, a half dozen people have already been indicted on charges of illegal harvesting in a probe by Attorney General Mark Brnovich that shows signs of expanding. It comes after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Democrats’ arguments and concluded Arizona’s ban on harvesting was constitutional.
  19. Voter fraud in MichiganMichigan charged three women in connection with voter fraud schemes, including efforts to cast ballots on behalf of non-consenting nursing home residents.
  20. Still more nursing home fraud. In Wisconsin, Racine County Sheriff  Christopher Schmaling announced his investigators have secured evidence that eight out of 42 residents at a local nursing home had been recorded as casting absentee ballots that their families said was not possible because the residents didn’t possess the cognitive ability to vote.


Wisconsin Voter Fraud Report

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Address by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin


President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Citizens of Russia, friends,

My address concerns the events in Ukraine and why this is so important for us, for Russia. Of course, my message is also addressed to our compatriots in Ukraine.

The matter is very serious and needs to be discussed in depth.

The situation in Donbass has reached a critical, acute stage. I am speaking to you directly today not only to explain what is happening but also to inform you of the decisions being made as well as potential further steps.

I would like to emphasise again that Ukraine is not just a neighbouring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space. These are our comrades, those dearest to us – not only colleagues, friends and people who once served together, but also relatives, people bound by blood, by family ties.

Since time immemorial, the people living in the south-west of what has historically been Russian land have called themselves Russians and Orthodox Christians. This was the case before the 17th century, when a portion of this territory rejoined the Russian state, and after.

It seems to us that, generally speaking, we all know these facts, that this is common knowledge. Still, it is necessary to say at least a few words about the history of this issue in order to understand what is happening today, to explain the motives behind Russia’s actions and what we aim to achieve.

So, I will start with the fact that modern Ukraine was entirely created by Russia or, to be more precise, by Bolshevik, Communist Russia. This process started practically right after the 1917 revolution, and Lenin and his associates did it in a way that was extremely harsh on Russia – by separating, severing what is historically Russian land. Nobody asked the millions of people living there what they thought.

Then, both before and after the Great Patriotic War, Stalin incorporated in the USSR and transferred to Ukraine some lands that previously belonged to Poland, Romania and Hungary. In the process, he gave Poland part of what was traditionally German land as compensation, and in 1954, Khrushchev took Crimea away from Russia for some reason and also gave it to Ukraine. In effect, this is how the territory of modern Ukraine was formed.

But now I would like to focus attention on the initial period of the USSR’s formation. I believe this is extremely important for us. I will have to approach it from a distance, so to speak.

I will remind you that after the 1917 October Revolution and the subsequent Civil War, the Bolsheviks set about creating a new statehood. They had rather serious disagreements among themselves on this point. In 1922, Stalin occupied the positions of both the General Secretary of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the People’s Commissar for Ethnic Affairs. He suggested building the country on the principles of autonomisation that is, giving the republics – the future administrative and territorial entities – broad powers upon joining a unified state.

Lenin criticised this plan and suggested making concessions to the nationalists, whom he called “independents” at that time. Lenin’s ideas of what amounted in essence to a confederative state arrangement and a slogan about the right of nations to self-determination, up to secession, were laid in the foundation of Soviet statehood. Initially they were confirmed in the Declaration on the Formation of the USSR in 1922, and later on, after Lenin’s death, were enshrined in the 1924 Soviet Constitution.

This immediately raises many questions. The first is really the main one: why was it necessary to appease the nationalists, to satisfy the ceaselessly growing nationalist ambitions on the outskirts of the former empire? What was the point of transferring to the newly, often arbitrarily formed administrative units – the union republics – vast territories that had nothing to do with them? Let me repeat that these territories were transferred along with the population of what was historically Russia.

Moreover, these administrative units were de facto given the status and form of national state entities. That raises another question: why was it necessary to make such generous gifts, beyond the wildest dreams of the most zealous nationalists and, on top of all that, give the republics the right to secede from the unified state without any conditions?

At first glance, this looks absolutely incomprehensible, even crazy. But only at first glance. There is an explanation. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks’ main goal was to stay in power at all costs, absolutely at all costs. They did everything for this purpose: accepted the humiliating Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, although the military and economic situation in Kaiser Germany and its allies was dramatic and the outcome of the First World War was a foregone conclusion, and satisfied any demands and wishes of the nationalists within the country.

When it comes to the historical destiny of Russia and its peoples, Lenin’s principles of state development were not just a mistake; they were worse than a mistake, as the saying goes. This became patently clear after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Of course, we cannot change past events, but we must at least admit them openly and honestly, without any reservations or politicking. Personally, I can add that no political factors, however impressive or profitable they may seem at any given moment, can or may be used as the fundamental principles of statehood.

I am not trying to put the blame on anyone. The situation in the country at that time, both before and after the Civil War, was extremely complicated; it was critical. The only thing I would like to say today is that this is exactly how it was. It is a historical fact. Actually, as I have already said, Soviet Ukraine is the result of the Bolsheviks’ policy and can be rightfully called “Vladimir Lenin’s Ukraine.” He was its creator and architect. This is fully and comprehensively corroborated by archival documents, including Lenin’s harsh instructions regarding Donbass, which was actually shoved into Ukraine. And today the “grateful progeny” has overturned monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. They call it decommunization.

You want decommunization? Very well, this suits us just fine. But why stop halfway? We are ready to show what real decommunizations would mean for Ukraine.

Going back to history, I would like to repeat that the Soviet Union was established in the place of the former Russian Empire in 1922. But practice showed immediately that it was impossible to preserve or govern such a vast and complex territory on the amorphous principles that amounted to confederation. They were far removed from reality and the historical tradition.

It is logical that the Red Terror and a rapid slide into Stalin’s dictatorship, the domination of the communist ideology and the Communist Party’s monopoly on power, nationalisation and the planned economy – all this transformed the formally declared but ineffective principles of government into a mere declaration. In reality, the union republics did not have any sovereign rights, none at all. The practical result was the creation of a tightly centralised and absolutely unitary state.

In fact, what Stalin fully implemented was not Lenin’s but his own principles of government. But he did not make the relevant amendments to the cornerstone documents, to the Constitution, and he did not formally revise Lenin’s principles underlying the Soviet Union. From the look of it, there seemed to be no need for that, because everything seemed to be working well in conditions of the totalitarian regime, and outwardly it looked wonderful, attractive and even super-democratic.

And yet, it is a great pity that the fundamental and formally legal foundations of our state were not promptly cleansed of the odious and utopian fantasies inspired by the revolution, which are absolutely destructive for any normal state. As it often happened in our country before, nobody gave any thought to the future.

It seems that the Communist Party leaders were convinced that they had created a solid system of government and that their policies had settled the ethnic issue for good. But falsification, misconception, and tampering with public opinion have a high cost. The virus of nationalist ambitions is still with us, and the mine laid at the initial stage to destroy state immunity to the disease of nationalism was ticking. As I have already said, the mine was the right of secession from the Soviet Union.

In the mid-1980s, the increasing socioeconomic problems and the apparent crisis of the planned economy aggravated the ethnic issue, which essentially was not based on any expectations or unfulfilled dreams of the Soviet peoples but primarily the growing appetites of the local elites.

However, instead of analysing the situation, taking appropriate measures, first of all in the economy, and gradually transforming the political system and government in a well-considered and balanced manner, the Communist Party leadership only engaged in open doubletalk about the revival of the Leninist principle of national self-determination.

Moreover, in the course of power struggle within the Communist Party itself, each of the opposing sides, in a bid to expand its support base, started to thoughtlessly incite and encourage nationalist sentiments, manipulating them and promising their potential supporters whatever they wished. Against the backdrop of the superficial and populist rhetoric about democracy and a bright future based either on a market or a planned economy, but amid a true impoverishment of people and widespread shortages, no one among the powers that be was thinking about the inevitable tragic consequences for the country.

Next, they entirely embarked on the track beaten at the inception of the USSR and pandering to the ambitions of the nationalist elites nurtured within their own party ranks. But in so doing, they forgot that the CPSU no longer had – thank God – the tools for retaining power and the country itself, tools such as state terror and a Stalinist-type dictatorship, and that the notorious guiding role of the party was disappearing without a trace, like a morning mist, right before their eyes.

And then, the September 1989 plenary session of the CPSU Central Committee approved a truly fatal document, the so-called ethnic policy of the party in modern conditions, the CPSU platform. It included the following provisions, I quote: “The republics of the USSR shall possess all the rights appropriate to their status as sovereign socialist states.”

The next point: “The supreme representative bodies of power of the USSR republics can challenge and suspend the operation of the USSR Government’s resolutions and directives in their territory.”

And finally: “Each republic of the USSR shall have citizenship of its own, which shall apply to all of its residents.”

Wasn’t it clear what these formulas and decisions would lead to?

Now is not the time or place to go into matters pertaining to state or constitutional law, or define the concept of citizenship. But one may wonder: why was it necessary to rock the country even more in that already complicated situation? The facts remain.

Even two years before the collapse of the USSR, its fate was actually predetermined. It is now that radicals and nationalists, including and primarily those in Ukraine, are taking credit for having gained independence. As we can see, this is absolutely wrong. The disintegration of our united country was brought about by the historic, strategic mistakes on the part of the Bolshevik leaders and the CPSU leadership, mistakes committed at different times in state-building and in economic and ethnic policies. The collapse of the historical Russia known as the USSR is on their conscience.

Despite all these injustices, lies and outright pillage of Russia, it was our people who accepted the new geopolitical reality that took shape after the dissolution of the USSR, and recognised the new independent states. Not only did Russia recognise these countries, but helped its CIS partners, even though it faced a very dire situation itself. This included our Ukrainian colleagues, who turned to us for financial support many times from the very moment they declared independence. Our country provided this assistance while respecting Ukraine’s dignity and sovereignty.

According to expert assessments, confirmed by a simple calculation of our energy prices, the subsidised loans Russia provided to Ukraine along with economic and trade preferences, the overall benefit for the Ukrainian budget in the period from 1991 to 2013 amounted to $250 billion.

However, there was more to it than that. By the end of 1991, the USSR owed some $100 billion to other countries and international funds. Initially, there was this idea that all former Soviet republics will pay back these loans together, in the spirit of solidarity and proportionally to their economic potential. However, Russia undertook to pay back all Soviet debts and delivered on this promise by completing this process in 2017.

In exchange for that, the newly independent states had to hand over to Russia part of the Soviet foreign assets. An agreement to this effect was reached with Ukraine in December 1994. However, Kiev failed to ratify these agreements and later simply refused to honour them by making demands for a share of the Diamond Treasury, gold reserves, as well as former USSR property and other assets abroad.

Nevertheless, despite all these challenges, Russia always worked with Ukraine in an open and honest manner and, as I have already said, with respect for its interests. We developed our ties in multiple fields. Thus, in 2011, bilateral trade exceeded $50 billion. Let me note that in 2019, that is before the pandemic, Ukraine’s trade with all EU countries combined was below this indicator.

At the same time, it was striking how the Ukrainian authorities always preferred dealing with Russia in a way that ensured that they enjoy all the rights and privileges while remaining free from any obligations.

The officials in Kiev replaced partnership with a parasitic attitude acting at times in an extremely brash manner. Suffice it to recall the continuous blackmail on energy transits and the fact that they literally stole gas.

I can add that Kiev tried to use dialogue with Russia as a bargaining chip in its relations with the West, using the threat of closer ties with Russia for blackmailing the West to secure preferences by claiming that otherwise Russia would have a bigger influence in Ukraine.

At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities – I would like to emphasise this – began by building their statehood on the negation of everything that united us, trying to distort the mentality and historical memory of millions of people, of entire generations living in Ukraine. It is not surprising that Ukrainian society was faced with the rise of far-right nationalism, which rapidly developed into aggressive Russophobia and neo-Nazism. This resulted in the participation of Ukrainian nationalists and neo-Nazis in the terrorist groups in the North Caucasus and the increasingly loud territorial claims to Russia.

A role in this was played by external forces, which used a ramified network of NGOs and special services to nurture their clients in Ukraine and to bring their representatives to the seats of authority.

It should be noted that Ukraine actually never had stable traditions of real statehood. And, therefore, in 1991 it opted for mindlessly emulating foreign models, which have no relation to history or Ukrainian realities. Political government institutions were readjusted many times to the rapidly growing clans and their self-serving interests, which had nothing to do with the interests of the Ukrainian people.

Essentially, the so-called pro-Western civilisational choice made by the oligarchic Ukrainian authorities was not and is not aimed at creating better conditions in the interests of people’s well-being but at keeping the billions of dollars that the oligarchs have stolen from the Ukrainians and are holding in their accounts in Western banks, while reverently accommodating the geopolitical rivals of Russia.

Some industrial and financial groups and the parties and politicians on their payroll relied on the nationalists and radicals from the very beginning. Others claimed to be in favour of good relations with Russia and cultural and language diversity, coming to power with the help of their citizens who sincerely supported their declared aspirations, including the millions of people in the south-eastern regions. But after getting the positions they coveted, these people immediately betrayed their voters, going back on their election promises and instead steering a policy prompted by the radicals and sometimes even persecuting their former allies – the public organisations that supported bilingualism and cooperation with Russia. These people took advantage of the fact that their voters were mostly law-abiding citizens with moderate views who trusted the authorities, and that, unlike the radicals, they would not act aggressively or make use of illegal instruments.

Meanwhile, the radicals became increasingly brazen in their actions and made more demands every year. They found it easy to force their will on the weak authorities, which were infected with the virus of nationalism and corruption as well and which artfully replaced the real cultural, economic and social interests of the people and Ukraine’s true sovereignty with various ethnic speculations and formal ethnic attributes.

A stable statehood has never developed in Ukraine; its electoral and other political procedures just serve as a cover, a screen for the redistribution of power and property between various oligarchic clans.

Corruption, which is certainly a challenge and a problem for many countries, including Russia, has gone beyond the usual scope in Ukraine. It has literally permeated and corroded Ukrainian statehood, the entire system, and all branches of power.

Radical nationalists took advantage of the justified public discontent and saddled the Maidan protest, escalating it to a coup d’état in 2014. They also had direct assistance from foreign states. According to reports, the US Embassy provided $1 million a day to support the so-called protest camp on Independence Square in Kiev. In addition, large amounts were impudently transferred directly to the opposition leaders’ bank accounts, tens of millions of dollars. But the people who actually suffered, the families of those who died in the clashes provoked in the streets and squares of Kiev and other cities, how much did they get in the end? Better not ask.

The nationalists who have seized power have unleashed a persecution, a real terror campaign against those who opposed their anti-constitutional actions. Politicians, journalists, and public activists were harassed and publicly humiliated. A wave of violence swept Ukrainian cities, including a series of high-profile and unpunished murders. One shudders at the memories of the terrible tragedy in Odessa, where peaceful protesters were brutally murdered, burned alive in the House of Trade Unions. The criminals who committed that atrocity have never been punished, and no one is even looking for them. But we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice.

Maidan did not bring Ukraine any closer to democracy and progress. Having accomplished a coup d’état, the nationalists and those political forces that supported them eventually led Ukraine into an impasse, pushed the country into the abyss of civil war. Eight years later, the country is split. Ukraine is struggling with an acute socioeconomic crisis.

According to international organisations, in 2019, almost 6 million Ukrainians – I emphasise – about 15 percent, not of the wokrforce, but of the entire population of that country, had to go abroad to find work. Most of them do odd jobs. The following fact is also revealing: since 2020, over 60,000 doctors and other health workers have left the country amid the pandemic.

Since 2014, water bills increased by almost a third, and energy bills grew several times, while the price of gas for households surged several dozen times. Many people simply do not have the money to pay for utilities. They literally struggle to survive.

What happened? Why is this all happening? The answer is obvious. They spent and embezzled the legacy inherited not only from the Soviet era, but also from the Russian Empire. They lost tens, hundreds of thousands of jobs which enabled people to earn a reliable income and generate tax revenue, among other things thanks to close cooperation with Russia. Sectors including machine building, instrument engineering, electronics, ship and aircraft building have been undermined or destroyed altogether. There was a time, however, when not only Ukraine, but the entire Soviet Union took pride in these companies.

In 2021, the Black Sea Shipyard in Nikolayev went out of business. Its first docks date back to Catherine the Great. Antonov, the famous manufacturer, has not made a single commercial aircraft since 2016, while Yuzhmash, a factory specialising in missile and space equipment, is nearly bankrupt. The Kremenchug Steel Plant is in a similar situation. This sad list goes on and on.

As for the gas transportation system, it was built in its entirety by the Soviet Union, and it has now deteriorated to an extent that using it creates major risks and comes at a high cost for the environment.

This situation begs the question: poverty, lack of opportunity, and lost industrial and technological potential – is this the pro-Western civilisational choice they have been using for many years to fool millions of people with promises of heavenly pastures?

It all came down to a Ukrainian economy in tatters and an outright pillage of the country’s citizens, while Ukraine itself was placed under external control, directed not only from the Western capitals, but also on the ground, as the saying goes, through an entire network of foreign advisors, NGOs and other institutions present in Ukraine. They have a direct bearing on all the key appointments and dismissals and on all branches of power at all levels, from the central government down to municipalities, as well as on state-owned companies and corporations, including Naftogaz, Ukrenergo, Ukrainian Railways, Ukroboronprom, Ukrposhta, and the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority.

There is no independent judiciary in Ukraine. The Kiev authorities, at the West’s demand, delegated the priority right to select members of the supreme judicial bodies, the Council of Justice and the High Qualifications Commission of Judges, to international organisations.

In addition, the United States directly controls the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and the High Anti-Corruption Court. All this is done under the noble pretext of invigorating efforts against corruption. All right, but where are the results? Corruption is flourishing like never before.

Are the Ukrainian people aware that this is how their country is managed? Do they realise that their country has turned not even into a political or economic protectorate but has been reduced to a colony with a puppet regime? The state was privatised. As a result, the government, which designates itself as the “power of patriots” no longer acts in a national capacity and consistently pushes Ukraine towards losing its sovereignty.

The policy to root out the Russian language and culture and promote assimilation carries on. The Verkhovna Rada has generated a steady flow of discriminatory bills, and the law on the so-called indigenous people has already come into force. People who identify as Russians and want to preserve their identity, language and culture are getting the signal that they are not wanted in Ukraine.

Under the laws on education and the Ukrainian language as a state language, the Russian language has no place in schools or public spaces, even in ordinary shops. The law on the so-called vetting of officials and purging their ranks created a pathway for dealing with unwanted civil servants.

There are more and more acts enabling the Ukrainian military and law enforcement agencies to crack down on the freedom of speech, dissent, and going after the opposition. The world knows the deplorable practice of imposing unilateral illegitimate sanctions against other countries, foreign individuals and legal entities. Ukraine has outperformed its Western masters by inventing sanctions against its own citizens, companies, television channels, other media outlets and even members of parliament.

Kiev continues to prepare the destruction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. This is not an emotional judgement; proof of this can be found in concrete decisions and documents. The Ukrainian authorities have cynically turned the tragedy of the schism into an instrument of state policy. The current authorities do not react to the Ukrainian people’s appeals to abolish the laws that are infringing on believers’ rights. Moreover, new draft laws directed against the clergy and millions of parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate have been registered in the Verkhovna Rada.

A few words about Crimea. The people of the peninsula freely made their choice to be with Russia. The Kiev authorities cannot challenge the clearly stated choice of the people, which is why they have opted for aggressive action, for activating extremist cells, including radical Islamist organisations, for sending subversives to stage terrorist attacks at critical infrastructure facilities, and for kidnapping Russian citizens. We have factual proof that such aggressive actions are being taken with support from Western security services.

In March 2021, a new Military Strategy was adopted in Ukraine. This document is almost entirely dedicated to confrontation with Russia and sets the goal of involving foreign states in a conflict with our country. The strategy stipulates the organisation of what can be described as a terrorist underground movement in Russia’s Crimea and in Donbass. It also sets out the contours of a potential war, which should end, according to the Kiev strategists, “with the assistance of the international community on favourable terms for Ukraine,” as well as – listen carefully, please – “with foreign military support in the geopolitical confrontation with the Russian Federation.” In fact, this is nothing other than preparation for hostilities against our country, Russia.

As we know, it has already been stated today that Ukraine intends to create its own nuclear weapons, and this is not just bragging. Ukraine has the nuclear technologies created back in the Soviet times and delivery vehicles for such weapons, including aircraft, as well as the Soviet-designed Tochka-U precision tactical missiles with a range of over 100 kilometres. But they can do more; it is only a matter of time. They have had the groundwork for this since the Soviet era.

In other words, acquiring tactical nuclear weapons will be much easier for Ukraine than for some other states I am not going to mention here, which are conducting such research, especially if Kiev receives foreign technological support. We cannot rule this out either.

If Ukraine acquires weapons of mass destruction, the situation in the world and in Europe will drastically change, especially for us, for Russia. We cannot but react to this real danger, all the more so since, let me repeat, Ukraine’s Western patrons may help it acquire these weapons to create yet another threat to our country. We are seeing how persistently the Kiev regime is being pumped with arms. Since 2014, the United States alone has spent billions of dollars for this purpose, including supplies of arms and equipment and training of specialists. In the last few months, there has been a constant flow of Western weapons to Ukraine, ostentatiously, with the entire world watching. Foreign advisors supervise the activities of Ukraine’s armed forces and special services and we are well aware of this.

Over the past few years, military contingents of NATO countries have been almost constantly present on Ukrainian territory under the pretext of exercises. The Ukrainian troop control system has already been integrated into NATO. This means that NATO headquarters can issue direct commands to the Ukrainian armed forces, even to their separate units and squads.

The United States and NATO have started an impudent development of Ukrainian territory as a theatre of potential military operations. Their regular joint exercises are obviously anti-Russian. Last year alone, over 23,000 troops and more than a thousand units of hardware were involved.

A law has already been adopted that allows foreign troops to come to Ukraine in 2022 to take part in multinational drills. Understandably, these are primarily NATO troops. This year, at least ten of these joint drills are planned.

Obviously, such undertakings are designed to be a cover-up for a rapid buildup of the NATO military group on Ukrainian territory. This is all the more so since the network of airfields upgraded with US help in Borispol, Ivano-Frankovsk, Chuguyev and Odessa, to name a few, is capable of transferring army units in a very short time. Ukraine’s airspace is open to flights by US strategic and reconnaissance aircraft and drones that conduct surveillance over Russian territory.

I will add that the US-built Maritime Operations Centre in Ochakov makes it possible to support activity by NATO warships, including the use of precision weapons, against the Russian Black Sea Fleet and our infrastructure on the entire Black Sea Coast.

At one time, the United States intended to build similar facilities in Crimea as well but the Crimeans and residents of Sevastopol wrecked these plans. We will always remember this.

I would like to repeat that today such a centre has already been deployed in Ochakov. In the 18th century, soldiers of Alexander Suvorov fought for this city. Owing to their courage, it became part of Russia. Also in the 18th century, the lands of the Black Sea littoral, incorporated in Russia as a result of wars with the Ottoman Empire, were given the name of Novorossiya (New Russia). Now attempts are being made to condemn these landmarks of history to oblivion, along with the names of state and military figures of the Russian Empire without whose efforts modern Ukraine would not have many big cities or even access to the Black Sea.

A monument to Alexander Suvorov was recently demolished in Poltava. What is there to say? Are you renouncing your own past? The so-called colonial heritage of the Russian Empire? Well, in this case, be consistent.

Next, notably, Article 17 of the Constitution of Ukraine stipulates that deploying foreign military bases on its territory is illegal. However, as it turns out, this is just a conventionality that can be easily circumvented.

Ukraine is home to NATO training missions which are, in fact, foreign military bases. They just called a base a mission and were done with it.

Kiev has long proclaimed a strategic course on joining NATO. Indeed, each country is entitled to pick its own security system and enter into military alliances. There would be no problem with that, if it were not for one “but.” International documents expressly stipulate the principle of equal and indivisible security, which includes obligations not to strengthen one’s own security at the expense of the security of other states. This is stated in the 1999 OSCE Charter for European Security adopted in Istanbul and the 2010 OSCE Astana Declaration.

In other words, the choice of pathways towards ensuring security should not pose a threat to other states, whereas Ukraine joining NATO is a direct threat to Russia’s security.

Let me remind you that at the Bucharest NATO summit held in April 2008, the United States pushed through a decision to the effect that Ukraine and, by the way, Georgia would become NATO members. Many European allies of the United States were well aware of the risks associated with this prospect already then, but were forced to put up with the will of their senior partner. The Americans simply used them to carry out a clearly anti-Russian policy.

A number of NATO member states are still very sceptical about Ukraine joining NATO. We are getting signals from some European capitals telling us not to worry since it will not happen literally overnight. In fact, our US partners are saying the same thing as well. “All right, then” we respond, “if it does not happen tomorrow, then it will happen the day after tomorrow. What does it change from the historical perspective? Nothing at all.”

Furthermore, we are aware of the US leadership’s position and words that active hostilities in eastern Ukraine do not rule out the possibility of that country joining NATO if it meets NATO criteria and overcomes corruption.

All the while, they are trying to convince us over and over again that NATO is a peace-loving and purely defensive alliance that poses no threat to Russia. Again, they want us to take their word for it. But we are well aware of the real value of these words. In 1990, when German unification was discussed, the United States promised the Soviet leadership that NATO jurisdiction or military presence will not expand one inch to the east and that the unification of Germany will not lead to the spread of NATO’s military organisation to the east. This is a quote.

They issued lots of verbal assurances, all of which turned out to be empty phrases. Later, they began to assure us that the accession to NATO by Central and Eastern European countries would only improve relations with Moscow, relieve these countries of the fears steeped in their bitter historical legacy, and even create a belt of countries that are friendly towards Russia.

However, the exact opposite happened. The governments of certain Eastern European countries, speculating on Russophobia, brought their complexes and stereotypes about the Russian threat to the Alliance and insisted on building up the collective defence potentials and deploying them primarily against Russia. Worse still, that happened in the 1990s and the early 2000s when, thanks to our openness and goodwill, relations between Russia and the West had reached a high level.

Russia has fulfilled all of its obligations, including the pullout from Germany, from Central and Eastern Europe, making an immense contribution to overcoming the legacy of the Cold War. We have consistently proposed various cooperation options, including in the NATO-Russia Council and the OSCE formats.

Moreover, I will say something I have never said publicly, I will say it now for the first time. When then outgoing US President Bill Clinton visited Moscow in 2000, I asked him how America would feel about admitting Russia to NATO.

I will not reveal all the details of that conversation, but the reaction to my question was, let us say, quite restrained, and the Americans’ true attitude to that possibility can actually be seen from their subsequent steps with regard to our country. I am referring to the overt support for terrorists in the North Caucasus, the disregard for our security demands and concerns, NATO’s continued expansion, withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, and so on. It raises the question: why? What is all this about, what is the purpose? All right, you do not want to see us as friends or allies, but why make us an enemy?

There can be only one answer – this is not about our political regime or anything like that. They just do not need a big and independent country like Russia around. This is the answer to all questions. This is the source of America’s traditional policy towards Russia. Hence the attitude to all our security proposals

Today, one glance at the map is enough to see to what extent Western countries have kept their promise to refrain from NATO’s eastward expansion. They just cheated. We have seen five waves of NATO expansion, one after another – Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary were admitted in 1999; Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia in 2004; Albania and Croatia in 2009; Montenegro in 2017; and North Macedonia in 2020.

As a result, the Alliance, its military infrastructure has reached Russia’s borders. This is one of the key causes of the European security crisis; it has had the most negative impact on the entire system of international relations and led to the loss of mutual trust.

The situation continues to deteriorate, including in the strategic area. Thus, positioning areas for interceptor missiles are being established in Romania and Poland as part of the US project to create a global missile defence system. It is common knowledge that the launchers deployed there can be used for Tomahawk cruise missiles – offensive strike systems.

In addition, the United States is developing its all-purpose Standard Missile-6, which can provide air and missile defence, as well as strike ground and surface targets. In other words, the allegedly defensive US missile defence system is developing and expanding its new offensive capabilities.

The information we have gives us good reason to believe that Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the subsequent deployment of NATO facilities has already been decided and is only a matter of time. We clearly understand that given this scenario, the level of military threats to Russia will increase dramatically, several times over. And I would like to emphasise at this point that the risk of a sudden strike at our country will multiply.

I will explain that American strategic planning documents confirm the possibility of a so-called preemptive strike at enemy missile systems. We also know the main adversary of the United States and NATO. It is Russia. NATO documents officially declare our country to be the main threat to Euro-Atlantic security. Ukraine will serve as an advanced bridgehead for such a strike. If our ancestors heard about this, they would probably simply not believe this. We do not want to believe this today either, but it is what it is. I would like people in Russia and Ukraine to understand this.

Many Ukrainian airfields are located not far from our borders. NATO’s tactical aviation deployed there, including precision weapon carriers, will be capable of striking at our territory to the depth of the Volgograd-Kazan-Samara-Astrakhan line. The deployment of reconnaissance radars on Ukrainian territory will allow NATO to tightly control Russia’s airspace up to the Urals.

Finally, after the US destroyed the INF Treaty, the Pentagon has been openly developing many land-based attack weapons, including ballistic missiles that are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 5,500 km. If deployed in Ukraine, such systems will be able to hit targets in Russia’s entire European part. The flying time of Tomahawk cruise missiles to Moscow will be less than 35 minutes; ballistic missiles from Kharkov will take seven to eight minutes; and hypersonic assault weapons, four to five minutes. It is like a knife to the throat. I have no doubt that they hope to carry out these plans, as they did many times in the past, expanding NATO eastward, moving their military infrastructure to Russian borders and fully ignoring our concerns, protests and warnings. Excuse me, but they simply did not care at all about such things and did whatever they deemed necessary.

Of course, they are going to behave in the same way in the future, following a well-known proverb: “The dogs bark but the caravan goes on.” Let me say right away – we do not accept this behaviour and will never accept it. That said, Russia has always advocated the resolution of the most complicated problems by political and diplomatic means, at the negotiating table.

We are well aware of our enormous responsibility when it comes to regional and global stability. Back in 2008, Russia put forth an initiative to conclude a European Security Treaty under which not a single Euro-Atlantic state or international organisation could strengthen their security at the expense of the security of others. However, our proposal was rejected right off the bat on the pretext that Russia should not be allowed to put limits on NATO activities.

Furthermore, it was made explicitly clear to us that only NATO members can have legally binding security guarantees.

Last December, we handed over to our Western partners a draft treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on security guarantees, as well as a draft agreement on measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation and NATO member states.

The United States and NATO responded with general statements. There were kernels of rationality in them as well, but they concerned matters of secondary importance and it all looked like an attempt to drag the issue out and to lead the discussion astray.

We responded to this accordingly and pointed out that we were ready to follow the path of negotiations, provided, however, that all issues are considered as a package that includes Russia’s core proposals which contain three key points. First, to prevent further NATO expansion. Second, to have the Alliance refrain from deploying assault weapon systems on Russian borders. And finally, rolling back the bloc’s military capability and infrastructure in Europe to where they were in 1997, when the NATO-Russia Founding Act was signed.

These principled proposals of ours have been ignored. To reiterate, our Western partners have once again vocalised the all-too-familiar formulas that each state is entitled to freely choose ways to ensure its security or to join any military union or alliance. That is, nothing has changed in their stance, and we keep hearing the same old references to NATO’s notorious “open door” policy. Moreover, they are again trying to blackmail us and are threatening us with sanctions, which, by the way, they will introduce no matter what as Russia continues to strengthen its sovereignty and its Armed Forces. To be sure, they will never think twice before coming up with or just fabricating a pretext for yet another sanction attack regardless of the developments in Ukraine. Their one and only goal is to hold back the development of Russia. And they will keep doing so, just as they did before, even without any formal pretext just because we exist and will never compromise our sovereignty, national interests or values.

I would like to be clear and straightforward: in the current circumstances, when our proposals for an equal dialogue on fundamental issues have actually remained unanswered by the United States and NATO, when the level of threats to our country has increased significantly, Russia has every right to respond in order to ensure its security. That is exactly what we will do.

With regard to the state of affairs in Donbass, we see that the ruling Kiev elites never stop publicly making clear their unwillingness to comply with the Minsk Package of Measures to settle the conflict and are not interested in a peaceful settlement. On the contrary, they are trying to orchestrate a blitzkrieg in Donbass as was the case in 2014 and 2015. We all know how these reckless schemes ended.

Not a single day goes by without Donbass communities coming under shelling attacks. The recently formed large military force makes use of attack drones, heavy equipment, missiles, artillery and multiple rocket launchers. The killing of civilians, the blockade, the abuse of people, including children, women and the elderly, continues unabated. As we say, there is no end in sight to this.

Meanwhile, the so-called civilised world, which our Western colleagues proclaimed themselves the only representatives of, prefers not to see this, as if this horror and genocide, which almost 4 million people are facing, do not exist. But they do exist and only because these people did not agree with the West-supported coup in Ukraine in 2014 and opposed the transition towards the Neanderthal and aggressive nationalism and neo-Nazism which have been elevated in Ukraine to the rank of national policy. They are fighting for their elementary right to live on their own land, to speak their own language, and to preserve their culture and traditions.

How long can this tragedy continue? How much longer can one put up with this? Russia has done everything to preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity. All these years, it has persistently and patiently pushed for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2202 of February 17, 2015, which consolidated the Minsk Package of Measures of February 12, 2015, to settle the situation in Donbass.

Everything was in vain. Presidents and Rada deputies come and go, but deep down the aggressive and nationalistic regime that seized power in Kiev remains unchanged. It is entirely a product of the 2014 coup, and those who then embarked on the path of violence, bloodshed and lawlessness did not recognise then and do not recognise now any solution to the Donbass issue other than a military one.

In this regard, I consider it necessary to take a long overdue decision and to immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.

I would like to ask the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to support this decision and then ratify the Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance with both republics. These two documents will be prepared and signed shortly.

We want those who seized and continue to hold power in Kiev to immediately stop hostilities. Otherwise, the responsibility for the possible continuation of the bloodshed will lie entirely on the conscience of Ukraine’s ruling regime.

As I announce the decisions taken today, I remain confident in the support of Russia’s citizens and the country’s patriotic forces.

Thank you.

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New Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Other Options

Tested on the Omicron variant, ivermectin outperformed 10 medications, including one approved for emergency use. Early treatment can lower hospitalization, mortality and symptoms of long COVID.

At nearly no other time in history has there been this level of fear generated across the world as experienced thus far in 2020 and 2021. The depth and breadth of the strategies used to stoke those fears has been overwhelming.

Emergency use authorizations for drugs that have not proven to be effective in trials, public mask mandates for which there is no scientific evidence and the suppression and censorship of health information has boosted public fear over a viral illness with a survival rate of over 99%.

Unfortunately, many of the early effective treatment strategies that can be used at home have also fallen victim to censorship. Ivermectin is one of those strategies. In a computational analysis of the Omicron variant against several therapeutic agents, data show that ivermectin had the best results.

Yet, as you look objectively at what’s been happening across the world, the fear being generated is not one-sided. The suppression of information by corporations, government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry is one indication of their concern and how far they’re willing to go to ensure the level of fear remains high enough to manipulate behavior.

Consider the statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2019, 4.6% of the U.S. population was diagnosed with heart disease. The population at the end of 2019 was 328,239,523. This means there were 15,099,018 people with heart disease in the U.S. in 2019. There were 696,962 people who died that year from heart disease, which is a death rate of 4.6%.

This is 20 times greater than the death rate from COVID-19. Yet these same agencies were not lobbying for mandates against soda or sugar-laden foods; they weren’t banning smoking and they weren’t mandating exercise — all heart disease risk factors.

The censorship and suppression of information has hobbled early treatment of COVID-19 in many western nations. Through 2020, public health experts and the mainstream media warned against the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Both are on the World Health Organization’s list of essential drugs, but the benefits have been ignored by public health officials and buried by the media.

Newest Ivermectin Study Showed Best Results Against COVID

This study on Cornell University’s preprint website has not yet been peer-reviewed. Researchers used a computational analysis to look at the Omicron variant, which has demonstrated a lower clinical presentation and lower hospital admission rates.

After having retrieved the complete genome sequence and collecting 30 variants from the database, the researchers analyzed 10 drugs against the virus, including:

  • Nirmatrelvir
  • Ritonvir
  • Ivermectin
  • Lopinavir
  • Boceprevir
  • MPro 13b
  • MPro N3
  • GC-373
  • GC376
  • PF-00835231

The researchers found that each of the drugs had some degree of effectiveness against the virus and most were currently in clinical trials. They used molecular docking to find that the mutations in the Omicron variant didn’t significantly affect the interaction between the drugs and the main protease.

An analysis of all 10 drugs found that ivermectin was the most effective drug candidate against the Omicron variant. The testing included Nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid), which is the new protease inhibitor for which the FDA provided an emergency use authorization against COVID in December 2021.

In other words, Pfizer released a new drug which cost the U.S. taxpayers $5.29 billion or $529 per course of treatment and which received an EUA despite the availability of a similar drug that has proven to be more effective and is cheaper, priced between $48 and $95 for 20 pills depending on your location.

How Ivermectin Works

Ivermectin is best known for its antiparasitic properties. Yet, the drug also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that ivermectin helps to lower the viral load by inhibiting replication. A single dose of ivermectin can kill 99.8% of the virus within 48 hours.

A meta-analysis in the American Journal of Therapeutics showed the drug reduced infection by an average of 86% when used preventively. An observational study in Bangladesh evaluated the effectiveness of ivermectin as a prophylaxis for COVID-19 in health care workers.

The data showed four of the 58 volunteers who took 12 mg of ivermectin once a month for four months developed mild COVID symptoms as compared to 44 of the 60 health care workers who declined the medication.

Ivermectin has also been shown to speed recovery, in part by inhibiting inflammation and protecting against organ damage.27 This pathway also lowers the risk of hospitalization and death. Meta analyses have shown an average reduction in mortality that ranges from 75%28 to 83%.29 30

Additionally, the drug also prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure.31 Added together, these benefits make it clear that ivermectin could all but eliminate this pandemic.

Early Intervention Lowers Long COVID and Hospitalization

Some people who have had COVID-19 seem to be unable to fully recover and complain of lingering symptoms of chronic fatigue. Others struggle with mental health problems. One study, in November 2020, found 18.1% of people who had COVID-19 received their first psychiatric diagnosis in the 14 to 90 days after recovery. Most commonly diagnosed conditions were anxiety disorders, insomnia and dementia.

These symptoms have come to be called long COVID, long-haul COVID, post-COVID syndrome, chronic COVID or long-haul syndrome. They all refer to symptoms that persist for four more weeks after an initial COVID-19 infection. According to Dr. Peter McCullough, board-certified internist and cardiologist, 50% of those who have been sick enough to be hospitalized will have symptoms of long COVID:

“So, the sicker someone is, and the longer the duration of COVID, the more likely they are to have long COVID syndrome. That’s the reason why we like early treatment. We shorten the duration of symptoms and there’s less of a chance for long COVID syndrome.”

Some of the common symptoms of long COVID include shortness of breath, joint pain, memory, concentration or sleeping problems, muscle pain or headache and loss of smell or taste. According to McCullough, a paper presented by Dr. Bruce Patterson at the International COVID Summit in Rome, September 11 to 14, 2021:

“… showed that in individuals who’ve had significant COVID illness, 15 months later the s1 segment of the spike protein is recoverable from human monocytes. That means the body literally has been sprayed with the virus and it spends 15 months, in a sense, trying to clean out the spike protein from our tissues. No wonder people have long COVID syndrome.”

It should come as no surprise that studies have also confirmed that early intervention improves mortality and reduces hospitalizations. Perhaps one of the greatest crimes in this whole pandemic is the refusal by reigning health authorities to issue early treatment guidance.

Instead, they’ve done everything possible to suppress remedies shown to work. Patients were simply told to stay home and do nothing. Once the infection had worsened to the point of near-death, patients were told to go to the hospital, where most were routinely placed on mechanical ventilation — a practice that was quickly discovered to be lethal.

However, as the featured study and others have demonstrated, ivermectin is one of the successful treatment protocols that can be used against SARS-CoV-2.

Africa Has Lowest Case and Death Rate, Likely From Ivermectin

Across the world, countries have taken different approaches to address the spread of the virus. The steps taken in Africa varied depending on the country, yet the infection and death rates were relatively stable and low across the continent.

In the last year there have been reports of small areas in the world where the number of infections, deaths or case-fatality rates have been significantly lower than the rest of the world. For example, India’s Uttar Pradesh State reported a recovery rate of 98.6% and no further infections.

However, the entire continent of Africa appears to have sidestepped the massive number of infections and deaths predicted for these poorly funded countries with overcrowded cities. Early estimations were that millions would die, but that scenario has not materialized. The World Health Organization has called Africa “one of the least affected regions in the world.”

There are several factors that may influence the infection rate in Africa. A study from Japan demonstrates that after just 12 days that doctors were allowed to legally prescribe Ivermectin to their patients, the cases dropped dramatically.

The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Associatio had noticed the low number of infections and deaths in Africa, where many use ivermectin prophylactically and as the core strategy to treat onchocerciasis, a parasitic disease also known as river blindness. More than 99% of people infected with river blindness live in 31 African countries.

In addition to ivermectin use in Africa, other medications are also commonly available, such as hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, which have long been used in the treatment and prevention of malaria, also endemic in Africa. In America, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has published successful results using hydroxychloroquine and zinc against COVID-19.

Finally, Artemisia annua, also known as sweet wormwood, is an herb used in combination therapies to treat malaria. It was used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years to treat fever. Today artemisinin, a metabolite of Artemisia, is the current therapeutic option for malaria. The plant has also been studied since the 2003 SARS outbreak for the treatment of coronaviruses, with good results.

In other words, whether by design or default, the medications that have proven to be successful against the virus are commonly used in Africa for other health conditions. While Pfizer tests the short- and long-term effects of a genetic experiment on Israel’s population, it appears one continent has demonstrated administration of a 30-year-old, inexpensive drug with a known safety profile could reduce the cases, severity and mortality from this infection.

The question that must be asked and answered to get to the bottom of this pandemic is what is blinding mainstream media, government agencies, public health experts, medical associations, doctors, nurses, and your next-door neighbor from recognizing and speaking out in support of science?


Global crop collapse now a certainty… widespread famine to plague planet Earth from 2022 – 2024… it is set in motion and cannot be stopped. Natural News

(Natural News) A convergence of horrifying events have set into a motion an irreversible collapse of food production and crop harvests that will lead to global famine all the way through 2024. These events cannot be stopped for the simple reason that plants take time to grow. You can’t create crops instantly, and if they don’t get planted (or they get destroyed), there’s no instant replacement.

The reasons for the coming global famine include:

Floods and droughts causing sharp drops in crop production in China, Russia and the USA, among other nations.
Economic sanctions against Russia causing a halting of exports for food and fertilizer.
War in Ukraine, leading to a halting of the 2022 planting season for wheat, corn, soy and other crops.
War in the Black Sea, blocking ship movements in the ports (such as Odessa) which normally export crops.
The Biden admin’s shutting down of fossil duel production in the USA, adding significant costs to fertilizers and agricultural operations.
Global fiat currency money printing, making food inflation reach atrocious levels.
Importantly, all this coalesces into two primary problems that will now accelerate across the world:

Scarcity, of course, means there’s no remaining supply no matter what the cost. Inflation means the food that is available will be significantly higher in price. Both of them cause people to panic, ultimately leading to widespread civil unrest (see below).

Understanding farm and crop inputs

Farmers are right now reporting a roughly 300% increase in their cost to produce crops such as wheat. This is due to three primary inputs:

The cost of fertilizer and seed.
The cost of fuel to power agricultural equipment.
The availability of tractors and other equipment (and their parts) in order to carry out mechanized agricultural operations.
Importantly, all three of these inputs are heavily strained due to the conditions mentioned above.

In addition to these factors, fuel costs significantly elevate transportation expenses to transport grains to grain storage and milling providers. Thus, rising fuel costs hit farmers twice: First for the cost of running their equipment, and secondly in the transportation costs.

Sadly, it looks like diesel fuel is headed toward $6 / gallon, and this is going to put severe upward pressure on food prices across the board. As I say in the podcast, elections have consequences… and rigged elections have dire consequences. (Joe Biden is punishing America with economic sanctions against our entire energy sector while having no such sanctions on Russia’s energy exports.)

Fertilizer costs have tripled, and fertilizer supply is growing scarce

Fertilizer prices have tripled and will likely go higher, especially as Russia has halted fertilizer exports and shut down natural gas pipelines to Western Europe. As a result, the fertilizer supply is growing scarce. About 5 billion people on the planet depend on fossil fuel-created fertilizer for their primary source of food. Thus, without fertilizer — if it were to go to zero — about 5 billion people starve to death.

I am not predicting the starvation of 5 billion people, since fertilizer production isn’t zero. But it is easily down by 25% – 30% right now, perhaps more, and that means somewhere approaching 2 billion people (or more) are going to face real famine / starvation in the crop seasons ahead. Very few people understand that food comes from fertilizer which is made using hydrocarbons. This is why left-wing activists are so eager to shut down pipelines, having no clue this will shut down their own food production as a result.

Extreme food scarcity to become apparent at the retail level this summer

There is a delay time between crop yield collapse and food scarcity at retail (grocery stores). Right now in March, we are eating the winter harvest of wheat. By late summer, we will be depending on wheat from the spring wheat crops around the world, and those crops just aren’t getting planted at the level necessary to feed the world.

The website recently published a good overview of what they call the “wheat apocalypse.” From that article:

The wheat outlook looks grim… All over the world…

A limited supply of soft white wheat, the primary type of wheat grown in the Inland Northwest, has helped lead to a six-year low for wheat exports from the United States. That’s according to the USDA wheat report for February. The report also states that 71 percent of U.S. winter wheat is being hit by drought in 2022.

Egypt’s food security crisis now poses an existential threat to its economy. The fragile state of Egypt’s food security stems from the agricultural sector’s inability to produce enough cereal grains, especially wheat, and oilseeds to meet even half of the country’s domestic demand.

[China’s] Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian said that rare heavy rainfall last year delayed the planting of about one-third of the normal wheat acreage.

Drought has shriveled Canada’s wheat crop to its smallest in 14 years, and its canola harvest to a nine-year low, a government report showed on Monday.

Parched soils and record-hot temperatures in Canada’s western crop belt sharply reduced farm yields of one of the world’s biggest wheat-exporting countries and largest canola-growing nation. The drought has forced millers and bakers to pay more for spring wheat, and drove canola prices to record highs.

On top of all that, Hungary has halted all grain exports in order to protect its domestic supply. In this article on Natural News, author JD Heyes lists the countries most likely to experience serious disruptions due to food scarcity. They include Egypt, Thailand and the Philippines.

By this summer, food shelves are going to look frighteningly empty across America, Canada and Western Europe

The upshot of all this is that food shelves are going to look downright frightening in 2022, and for the shelves that actually have food, it’s going to cost perhaps twice as much. Some items might see prices triple.

Even Reuters is now openly reporting that a United Nations agency says food inflation has hit 20%. And those are slightly old numbers. By the time they factor in the summer and fall of 2022, it’s going to be much closer to 50%.

Shockingly, food basics are going to require a larger and larger percentage of workers’ paychecks, taking away their ability to pay for fuel (which is also skyrocketing) or to purchase clothing, housing, etc.

The only factor that may actually reduce the demand for global food is the global vaccine die-off caused by mRNA / spike protein injections that are killing people are record numbers. The covid bioweapon, after all, is a depopulation weapon.

The net result is going to be global uprisings and social unrest on a scale we’ve never seen before

As covered in today’s podcast (below), the net effect of all this is going to be global uprisings, chaos and social unrest on an unprecedented scale.

Ever heard the saying about “nine meals from anarchy?” That’s what we’re about to witness later this year, in 2022.

It doesn’t mean that every city will collapse into instant chaos, but food scarcity, food inflation and energy inflation will create conditions of extreme poverty and desperation among the population. As a result, you’re going to witness more of the following:

Flash mob looting of grocery stores, followed by increased security at grocery retailers.
Gunpoint robberies of people exiting grocery stores, carrying groceries.
Highway robberies of transport trucks that are delivering goods to grocery retailers (ripped right out of Venezuela).
Increased carjackings, home invasions and crime derived from desperation and starvation. (While Democrats continue to “defund the police.”)
My full analysis brings you more details. Listen to this very important podcast to learn about what’s coming and how to prepare:

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NATO Expansion Provoked Putin: Kremlin Reacting to Offensive Posturing

Stew Peters Show.
27 year veteran Jarome Bell joins the Stew Peters Show to discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine, as NATO continues to feign intervention while Kiev spreads propaganda and refuses to surrender.
Jarome is running for Congress in Virginia and is using his experience to tell the truth about the horrors of the military industrial complex.

Check out his campaign through this website:

Don’t miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on

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The World Health Organization Is Planning to Give Itself Sweeping Powers – Dr. Mercola

In a plan dubbed “The World Together,” the World Health Organization, through the World Health Assembly, has launched a scheme to give the WHO sweeping powers for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

On the WHO’s website, “Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, said the decision by the World Health Assembly was historic in nature, vital in its mission, and represented a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the global health architecture to protect and promote the well-being of all people.”

The Health Assembly is coordinating the effort with a newly-appointed intergovernmental negotiating body (INB), which will draft the proposition for the global accord, which organizers said will address vaccines and other pandemic management strategies.


DCAT Value Chain Insights December 2, 2021

World Health Organization December 1, 2021

9 Out of Every 10 COVID-19 Deaths in UK Were Fully Vaccinated – Dr. Mercola

Reports coming out of the United Kingdom’s Health Security Agency not only show that COVID-19 deaths are dramatically rising among the fully vaccinated, but that 9 out of 10 were fully vaccinated. Not only that, 4 out of every 5 of those were triple-vaccinated.

If that’s not enough to shake the world of epidemiology and vaccine pushers, at the same time deaths are “declining steadily among the not-vaccinated,” The Expose reports.

Many may have missed the report in the wake of the Russia invasion in Ukraine, but according to The Expose, “page 41 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in England between 24th Jan and 20th Feb 22, and it confirms the vast majority were recorded among the triple vaccinated population.”

SOURCE: The Expose March 1, 2022

Nonstop Ear Ringing: Can COVID-19 Lead to Tinnitus? – Dr. Mercola

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  • Tinnitus is a noise you hear in one or both ears triggered inside the auditory system; it is a symptom of an abnormality or injury and not a specific disease
  • Tinnitus is one symptom of long COVID and from the COVID shot. How the symptom is triggered is still being studied; the virus can infect inner ear cells and the spike protein can disrupt blood supply to the sensitive structures responsible for hearing
  • One study found 53% of those with mild to moderate COVID had sensorineural hearing loss, which was present in all patients who took remdesivir. Other long COVID symptoms include fatigue, memory problems, depression or anxiety, mood changes and joint pain
  • One of the key strategies to preventing infection and treating long-haul symptoms is to protect and support your gut microbiome. Doctors also prescribe holistic support, rest and a gradual increase in activity

Since the start of 2020, people who have gotten COVID-19 have not all recovered immediately. Some have experienced symptoms for several weeks or months after recovering from the infection. These symptoms have been called chronic COVID, long COVID, long-haul syndrome, long-haul COVID, and post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC).1

One of the symptoms is tinnitus, or a consistent ringing in the ears. Doctors have also noticed that the constellation of symptoms from long COVID is strikingly similar to myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS.2 Doctors at Columbia University have asked if these two conditions could be closely related or one and the same.

Mady Hornig, a psychiatrist from Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, has contributed influential research from over a decade of studying ME/CFS and helped to establish the condition is a biological disease. In an interview, she stated the next few years could bring an unprecedented wave of ME/CFS-like illness.3

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is not a specific disease, but rather a symptom of an abnormality or injury to the auditory system. The auditory system begins with the external ear and ends with the auditory nerve that leads to the brain. Between these are multiple small structures that carry air vibrations which are interpreted as specific sounds by the brain.4

People with tinnitus describe it as ringing in the ears. However, others also may hear roaring, clicking, hissing or buzzing. Several health conditions can trigger tinnitus, or the condition may be as simple as an obstruction blocking the ear canal, such as ear wax.5

Health conditions that are known to trigger tinnitus include ear and sinus infections, cardiovascular disease, brain tumors, hormonal changes in women and thyroid abnormalities. It is sometimes the first sign of hearing loss, or it can be the side effect of a medication.

Cleveland Clinic notes tinnitus is not completely understood.6 Audiologist Sarah Sydlowski compares the condition to phantom limb pain, which is pain that feels like it’s coming from a part of the body that is no longer there, such as a leg or an arm. She says:

“Commonly, tinnitus is the result of your inner ear (cochlea) being damaged in some way. When this happens, the cochlea doesn’t stop working. It still tries to function so you’re able to hear certain sounds. And when your inner ear isn’t working correctly, it starts producing sounds to replace what you’re supposed to hear naturally. It’s a phantom sound.”

This area of the auditory system is highly vascularized with tiny arteries that provide the cochlea and other sensory cells with nutrition and oxygen.7 An interruption in the blood supply can damage these structures, which is how cardiovascular disease and diabetes can have a significant impact on hearing.

At this point, researchers are still investigating how COVID-19 may affect the auditory system. Some have hypothesized that nerve inflammation may be the cause of tinnitus after a COVID-19 shot. However, it is also known that the spike protein from the virus8 can cause endothelial damage. This could then impact blood supply to the auditory system.

Symptom of Long-Haul Syndrome and Shot

A January 2021 systematic review of the literature evaluated the effect COVID-19 has on the auditory system. The study9 looked at 28 case reports or series and 28 cross-sectional studies that included reports of hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo.

The researchers pooled estimates of the prevalence of these conditions based on the patient’s recall of their symptoms. They discovered that in this patient cohort that had COVID-19, 7.6% reported hearing loss, 14.8% reported tinnitus and 7.2% reported rotary vertigo.

In October 2021, scientists from Stanford medicine published a study10 in Communications Medicine that linked an infection with SARS-CoV-2 to hearing and balance disorders. Dr. Konstantina Stankovic, otolaryngologist and inner ear researcher, led the study after finding many of her patients in her Massachusetts Clinic were complaining of tinnitus, dizziness and hearing loss.

The researchers used a cellular model of human and mouse inner ear cells. They found a mechanistic explanation for the dysfunction to the cells that allowed the virus entry, specifically infecting human inner ear cells. They believe their findings may be the underlying pathway the virus uses to affect hearing and balance. Stankovic commented in a press release:11

“Our study showed evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 can directly infect the inner ear. During the peak of the pandemic, when patients were having more life-threatening complications, they weren’t paying much attention to whether their hearing was reduced or whether they had vertigo. It was easy to dismiss these symptoms as just being a coincidence, and routine testing for SARS-CoV-2 was not yet available.”

Another study12 published in the Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery in December 2021, assessed hearing in 100 individuals who had a mild to moderate infection of COVID-19. In that group, 22 had received remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19.

The researchers found 31 of the 100 participants had ear symptoms, the most common of which was tinnitus, followed closely by new onset hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry was measured, and sensorineural hearing loss was present in 53 patients. The hearing loss was present in all who received remdesivir.

The testing was done as an initial workup and the researchers plan to follow these patients at regular intervals of three and six months for repeat evaluations. It is important to note that the percentage of patients with tinnitus is similar to what has been found in other studies. These patients were also evaluated for high-frequency hearing loss, a symptom that has not been consistently addressed in other studies.13

In a search for tinnitus in the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) using data published through January 28, 2022, the system returned 18,349 reports following the COVID-19 shot.14 To date there were 1,088,558 reports filed, which means the reported incidence of tinnitus after the shot was 1.8%, or lower than what is reported after an infection with SARS-CoV-2.

Treatment Strategies for Tinnitus

It is important you do not overlook any new ringing or buzzing in your ears that lasts for more than a day. Starting treatment early can help reduce the effects and an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor can rule out other issues that may have occurred coincidentally at the same time. An audiologist will also do a hearing check to rule out hearing loss.

Tinnitus following COVID can resolve in months, but there are strategies an ENT may prescribe to help improve the symptoms. If tinnitus is a symptom of hearing loss, hearing aids can help. An audiologist may suggest a white noise machine to help produce a background noise, thus making the symptoms of tinnitus less noticeable.15

Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps teach coping strategies and relaxation techniques that can reduce the distress tinnitus triggers. You may also find relief from tinnitus retraining therapy. This is sometimes called auditory habituation therapy and consists of two modalities.16

The first is a low-level sound generator that is delivered through a hearing aid type of device. This can help desensitize patients who are sensitive to sound and may help retrain the brain to de-emphasize the noise from tinnitus. Secondly, patients undergo directive counseling to help cope with the stress and which is used to help retrain the brain in conjunction with the sound generator.

Music therapy is another form of treatment for tinnitus that can help lower the negative reactions a patient has and stimulate the auditory cortex simultaneously. The University of California San Francisco17 also uses neuromonics acoustic desensitization protocol. This incorporates a processor connected to earphones that deliver music individualized to the person’s hearing loss, as well as counseling.

The American Tinnitus Association18 stresses that these are treatments and not cures since they cannot repair the underlying cause nor eliminate the signal to the brain. It is important to recognize that each case of tinnitus must be approached individually since no two cases are the same.

More Long-Haul Symptoms

Tinnitus is one of many common long COVID symptoms that can persist for four or more weeks after you are diagnosed with COVID-19. In an interview19 with cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, October 2021, he discussed long COVID and the symptoms he’s seen in his practice. According to McCullough, 50% of this group will have manifestations of long COVID syndrome:20

“So, the sicker someone is, and the longer the duration of COVID, the more likely they are to have long COVID syndrome. That’s the reason why we like early treatment. We shorten the duration of symptoms and there’s less of a chance for long COVID syndrome.”

According to McCullough, a paper presented by pathologist Dr. Bruce Patterson at the International COVID Summit in Rome, September 12 to 14, 2021, showed that in “individuals who’ve had significant COVID illness, 15 months later the s1 segment of the spike protein is recoverable from human monocytes.” He added:21

“That means the body literally has been sprayed with the virus and it spends 15 months, in a sense, trying to clean out the spike protein from our tissues. No wonder people have long COVID syndrome.”

These symptoms are a result of damage to the following body systems:22

  1. Pulmonary/lungs
  2. Immune/allergy
  3. Mitochondria/energy system
  4. Heart
  5. Central/Peripheral nervous system

As of July 2021, people with symptoms of long COVID may now qualify under the Americans with Disability Act,23 Titles II and III that affect state and local government and public accommodations.

If the symptoms substantially limit one or more major life activities, it can also be a disability under Section 504 and section 1557, which protect against discrimination and provide additional resources. Signs and symptoms that persist for four or more weeks after diagnosis of COVID-19 include:24,25

Fatigue Cough Joint pain
Chest pain Dizziness when you stand Mood changes Depression or anxiety
Loss of smell or taste Fast or pounding heartbeat Change in smell or taste
Pins-and-needles feeling Sleep problems Dizziness on standing
Muscle pain or headache Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Memory, concentration or sleep problems
Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities Changes in menstrual period cycles

Strategies to Improve Symptoms of Long COVID

One of the key strategies to preventing infection and treating long-haul symptoms is to protect and support your gut microbiome. According to an article in The BMJ published August 11, 2020, many long COVID patients recover spontaneously “with holistic support, rest, symptomatic treatment and gradual increase in activity.” To support recovery, the article suggests:26

“… patients should be managed pragmatically and symptomatically with an emphasis on holistic support while avoiding over-investigation. Fever, for example, may be treated symptomatically with paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Monitoring functional status in post-acute COVID-19 patients is not yet an exact science. A post-COVID-19 functional status scale has been developed pragmatically but not formally validated …

Referral to a specialist rehabilitation service does not seem to be needed for most patients, who can expect a gradual, if sometimes protracted, improvement in energy levels and breathlessness, aided by careful pacing, prioritization, and modest goal setting.

In our experience, most but not all patients who were not admitted to hospital recover well with four to six weeks of light aerobic exercise (such as walking or Pilates), gradually increasing in intensity as tolerated. Those returning to employment may need support to negotiate a phased return.”

One Swedish study27 demonstrated that taking probiotics for 14 days could help alleviate some of the symptoms of long COVID, namely muscle soreness and brain fog. I also recommend optimizing your gut microbiome by avoiding processed vegetable oils, processed foods and conventionally raised meats in animal products.

Consider increasing your soluble and insoluble fiber intake which are necessary nutrients for beneficial bacteria and eat plenty of traditionally fermented foods, such as fermented grass-fed organic milk products, fermented vegetables and natto.

Understanding Today’s Hybrid War – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF hybrid-war-pdf


  • In an interview with Joe Rogan, Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist revolutionary who became an anti-extremism activist, discusses the manufacturing of consent around things that aren’t true
  • Nawaz believes we’re in a hybrid war where information is the primary weapon
  • Relativism, the idea that truth is relative and personally subjective, is dangerous because without objective truth, there’s no objective reality, and without objective reality, whoever has the power gets to dictate reality. In the end, you end up with authoritarianism
  • The reason why government leaders have repeatedly shifted the goal post and then played with our memories of what they promised is to disorient and confuse people to the point that they don’t have the strength to question government
  • Another control mechanism will be the implementation of programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) — digital cash that can be programmed so that it can only be spent on goods or services that an employer or government agrees with or deems sensible

In the video above, podcaster Joe Rogan interviews Maajid Nawaz, author of “Radical,” a former Islamist revolutionary who eventually became an anti-extremism activist. This is another three-hour-long interview. If you want, you can skip the first hour as it gets more applicable to current day issues after the first hour.

Nawaz’s past experience with recruiting extremists to infiltrate and overthrow Western governments helped him to more clearly recognize the psychological mind games waged against the civilian public during the COVID pandemic. He’s basically spent much of his later life opposing “the manufacturing of consent around something that isn’t true.”

According to Nawaz, we’re in a “hybrid war.” It’s basically an information war, because the primary weapon is information, and whoever gets to define reality with their narrative wins.

He explains how, when recruiting extremists for your cause, you first have to dismantle and destroy their current view of the world. After that, you can then indoctrinate them with your view of the world.

Big Tech obviously plays a crucial role in this war, as they have the technology and the algorithms to influence, manipulate and mold people’s minds by deciding what narratives they’re allowed to see. Social media platforms can easily make it appear as though a minority, fringe position is actually backed by a majority.

Ironically, as Rogan points out, the people who are being brainwashed are in many cases fiercely defending the right of these companies to mold and manipulate them. They support the censorship, they support cancel culture, seemingly not understanding the impact it’s having on their view and understanding of reality and the world at large.

Power Grabs Through ‘Emergency Powers’

One answer to how we got to where we are today is that governments have invoked emergency powers, and those emergency powers often end up becoming permanent. That’s why they were invoked in the first place.

As explained by Nawaz, “emergencies are always used by the state for power grabs.” Once they’ve been able to expand a power under the banner of a national emergency, they keep it. They don’t roll it back. So, when, in 2020, the COVID pandemic was used to suspend human rights, Nawaz knew we were on a slippery slope.

And, as he feared, we’re now experiencing a very radical shift in our social contract with the state. Before the pandemic, the social contract, the generally accepted modus operandi, was that everyone has the right to bodily autonomy. While it’s good to donate blood, for example, you are not required to do so — even if someone’s life hangs in the balance.

No one can demand that you donate a kidney because you have two functioning kidneys and someone else needs one. You have the right to keep both of your kidneys, even if it means the other person dies for lack of organ donation.

Also, if someone is vulnerable to illness due to preexisting conditions, that person has always been expected to take their own precautions. If you have a peanut allergy, you make sure you don’t eat anything with peanuts, for example, and others are encouraged, but not mandated or required, to make accommodations for and be considerate of those who are vulnerable.

What we have never done, Nawaz notes, is make other people responsible for our comorbidities and preexisting conditions and force them to submit to a medical intervention that could harm or kill them in order to improve our chances of survival.

A Radical Shift in Our Social Contract

If the state is going to tell us that we must get vaccinated because it is our duty to protect other people, then that is a very deep and radical shift of our social contract.

So much so, Nawaz argues, that it should require serious public dialogue followed by a democratic mandate. But that’s not happening. We’re now told that we must surrender our bodily autonomy for the common good. If you disagree, you’re simply canceled and eliminated from the public forum.

While not specifically discussed in this interview, this new social contract, sprung on us during the COVID crisis, is actually part and parcel of The Great Reset.1 The surrendering of individual rights — some for now, but eventually all of them — is the “new social contract” that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has envisioned and is pushing out to the world through his installed leaders.

As noted by Nawaz, at the end of the day, it comes down to what kind of society, what kind of world, we want to live in, and “We can’t go from democracy to a ‘papers please’ society … without having any consultation with the public on this,” he says. We need to have a “proper conversation about how this will permanently change the structure of our society.”

The fundamental problem here is that we’re told we must simply trust that the government knows what’s best and always acts in our best interest. Yet we know the state can get things very wrong indeed. In the interview, Nawaz recounts many examples where governments lied and acted against the best interest of their people.

The same goes for Big Pharma. We’re told to trust their products, their science and that they’re working to protect our health, always. Yet for those of us who know the criminal history of some of these drug companies, that’s a tall order.

As noted by Nawaz, the largest criminal fine in history was levied against Pfizer. They have a very long rap sheet, yet we’re to take their experimental gene transfer product on faith alone. Moreover, we’re told to ignore all the data that suggests Pfizer is not, in fact, being entirely honest about the benefits and risks of their product.

When There’s No Truth, Power Gets to Define Reality

One of the primary ways debate is shut down is by throwing labels at people. It doesn’t matter whether they’re factually correct or not. Nawaz has been called an “anti-vaxxer” for questioning vaccine mandates, yet he’s double jabbed. He’s been called an “anti-Muslim extremist,” despite spending four years in prison for his Muslim extremism.

“But there’s a deeper point here,” Nawaz says. For many years, we’ve been shifting into relativism, this idea that truth is relative, that it’s subjective and based on your personal experience. Your truth doesn’t have to be what my truth is. You decide what your truth is and there’s no such thing as “reality.”

This, Nawaz argues, has had devastating consequences because without objective truth, there’s no objective reality, and without objective reality, whomever has the power gets to dictate what reality is — because you have no way to determine whether that power is telling the truth or not. In the end, you end up with authoritarianism.

“When you promote the idea that there is no such thing as truth, and when you shut down debate that is seeking truth — not that it claims truth but it’s seeking it — in aid of this idea that truth is relative … what happens when you do that?

When there’s no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality. And when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power … because power gets to define reality,” he says. “Power steps into that void when reason no longer exists, and defines reality for you, from up above.”

Psychological Warfare

You can see then, how and why information is the most powerful weapon in this fight for power. As noted by Nawaz, most people work full-time jobs and have families and simply don’t have the time to do the research required to discern the truth.

Instead, they turn to trusted voices in the media to give them their best interpretation of what the truth and reality is. The problem we now have is that the media are peddling the narratives of those trying to get more power. And without truthful information, it becomes difficult to define reality, which makes it difficult to challenge government.

This is also why leaders have repeatedly shifted the goal post and then played with our memories of what they promised. The goal is to disorient and confuse people to the point that they don’t have the strength to question their government. This is psychological warfare.

The harsh reality that everyone must face now is that once rights have been taken from you, government never voluntarily gives them back. The only option people have is to TAKE their rights back through peaceful activism.

Coming Next: Financial Warfare

Nawaz and Rogan also discuss how the global cabal is planning to control the world population through the use of programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

Programmable currency is digital cash that can be programmed such that it can only be spent on certain goods or services that an employer or government deem sensible.2 In other words, the issuer of the money can control how the recipient spends it. With that, the issuer would have near-total control over your behavior.

As noted by Nawaz, with a programmable CBDC, government would have complete control over anyone who disagrees with their policies or activities. If someone expresses dissent, the government could simply restrict how they can use their money, or shut down their bank account altogether.

For example, if the government didn’t want Nawaz to appear on Rogan’s show, they could simply reprogram his CBDCs with the click of a button, such that he would not be allowed to purchase a plane ticket.

What the globalists are now fighting to implement is a platform that will give them complete control over people — something that will tie everything in your life together in one central spot, such as your employment records, medical records, financial records and more.

This is why they’re fighting so hard for vaccine passports, even though it’s clear that they are completely irrational. What good is a vaccine passport when the “vaccine” doesn’t prevent infection or spread?

Some nations are now scrapping the vaccine passports and shifting to digital IDs instead. It’s important to realize that digital IDs serve the same exact purpose as the vaccine passport, so the fight for freedom is far from over, even if your government has publicly said no to vaccine passports. As explained by Nawaz, we’re also seeing evidence of a digital credit score being set into place.

Global Leadership Has Been Infiltrated

Nawaz also discusses how governments around the world have been infiltrated by World Economic Forum (WEF) members whose agenda it is to implement global authoritarianism, using the psychological, information war techniques summarized above.

As noted by Nawaz, Schwab has worked on “embedding people in government who are subscribed to The Great Reset agenda,” and in his 2020 book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab openly argues that the COVID-19 response should be used to “revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

The WEF has also clearly articulated3 its interest in developing a global digital ID system. So, what we can look forward to is a never-ending process where the goal post keeps moving toward more and more authoritarianism. And they’ve told us this, openly, Nawaz says. All we need to do is believe them.

Due to the vast scope of this interview, I really encourage you to listen to it in its entirety. If you don’t have much time then just skip the first hour.

Alec Baldwin ‘Rust’ set shooting recreated in video simulation

In support of their wrongful death lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and numerous others involved in the “Rust” movie production, lawyers for the family of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins released a video simulation of the on-set gunshot that left her dead in Santa Fe in October.

“The morning that Halyna Hutchins was shot and killed, tensions among the crew and cast regarding safety on the ‘Rust’ set had boiled over,” the narrator says, before text messages between an upset cameraman who quit the film and the movie’s unit production manager scroll across the screen.

The digitally rendered clip is almost 10 minutes long. It breaks down a series of allegations in the lawsuit claiming Baldwin and other people involved with the movie failed to meet at least 15 industry standards for safe weapons handling – including failing to treat the gun at all times as if it were loaded.

The Origins of AIDS Full Documentary from 2004

Watch The Origins of AIDS (2004) Full Documentary on TheGrapevine A documentary about the hypothesis that HIV may have been caused by mass vaccination against Polio, in Congo, between 1957 and 1960. Directors: Peter Chappell, Catherine Peix Eyrolle (as Catherine Peix) Writers: Peter Chappell, Stéphane Horel Stars: Cecil Fox, Simon Wain-Hobson, Joseph Vandepitte Visit our website for more shows and movies: Download TheArchive app on Apple:… Download TheArchive app on Roku:… Download TheArchive app on Amazon Fire:

Putin’s Secret War: Ukrainian Bioweapon Labs Exposed, US Gov Website Wipes Data

Dr. Ariyana Love joins the Stew Peter Show to discuss Putin’s purging of bioweapon labs in Syria and now in Ukraine. Ariyana addresses the elephant in the room, and the question of whether Russia may be right to protect its country and conquer a corrupt government, especially after the Biden junta declared war on patriots and Christians at home.

NATO Expansion Provoked Putin: Kremlin Reacting To Offensive Posturing – Stew Peters

27 year veteran Jarome Bell joins the Stew Peters Show to discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine, as NATO continues to feign intervention while Kiev spreads propaganda and refuses to surrender.
Jarome is running for Congress in Virginia and is using his experience to tell the truth about the horrors of the military industrial complex.

Check out his campaign through this website:

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Mirrored – Stew Peters TV


The stage is set for the [DS], they are going to be trapped and the people are going to see how the [D]’s explain why they support Ukraine and not Taiwan. The people will see the truth. The Ukraine operation is not against the people or the country it is against the [DS] people. The [DS] in the end will blackout the country using a communication blackout. The patriots have countermeasures in place, we are now witnessing the second revolution but this time it is an information war.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.

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Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks

Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

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Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.

US Unprecedented Excess Death Toll Keeps Climbing – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF us-excess-deaths-pdf


  • More than 1 million excess deaths have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began nearly two years ago
  • These deaths are not all due to COVID-19, as higher numbers of deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and other illnesses occurred during the pandemic
  • In separate research, a 22.9% increase in all-cause mortality was reported from March 1, 2020, to January 2, 2021, and an increase in death rates from non-COVID-19 diseases — including heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s — was noted
  • As of January 27, 2022, U.S. excess mortality for 2021 was about 16%, compared to 13.6% in 2020; that is, excess mortality increased in 2021 — the year COVID-19 shots became prevalent
  • Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd has documented a spike in mortality among younger, working-age individuals that coincided with vaccine mandates

More than 1 million excess deaths have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began nearly two years ago, according to data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These deaths are not all due to COVID-19, however, as higher numbers of deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and other illnesses occurred during the pandemic.1

“We’ve never seen anything like it,” Robert Anderson, CDC’s head of mortality statistics, told The Washington Post.2 Health officials would have you believe that the majority of these excess deaths were due to COVID-19, but even the CDC states, on their webpage tracking provisional death counts for COVID-19:3

“Finally, the estimates of excess deaths reported here may not be due to COVID-19, either directly or indirectly. The pandemic may have changed mortality patterns for other causes of death. Upward trends in other causes of death (e.g., suicide, drug overdose, heart disease) may contribute to excess deaths in some jurisdictions. Future analyses of cause-specific excess mortality may provide additional information about these patterns.”

Excess Deaths ‘Only Partly Explained’ by COVID-19

In a study analyzing U.S. mortality data from March 2020 to July 2020, a 20% increase in excess deaths was found, but it was “only partly explained” by COVID-19. “Surges in excess deaths varied in timing and duration across states and were accompanied by increased mortality from non–COVID-19 causes,” researchers noted in a research letter published in JAMA.4

In an update to the analysis, using data for the remainder of 2020, a 22.9% increase in all-cause mortality was reported from March 1, 2020, to January 2, 2021, and an increase in death rates from non-COVID-19 diseases — including heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s — was noted.5

In another example, excess mortality — that is, deaths in excess of the historical average — due to causes other than COVID-19 has also risen among males and minorities, particularly black males.

“Early evidence suggests a combination of factors, including deaths of despair, murders, uninfected Alzheimer’s patients, reduced health care use, and economic dislocation” were responsible for the significant increase in excess mortality among minorities, with researchers writing in PNAS, “Nearly half of the excess life years lost in 2020 are due to non–COVID-19 causes.”6

Excess Deaths Not Caused by COVID-19 Are Their Own Pandemic

University of Warwick researchers looked into the determinants of extra deaths that occurred during the pandemic, which were not due to COVID-19. Referring to these deaths as “collateral damage of the pandemic,” they found that “the scale of excess non-COVID deaths is large enough for it to be seen as its own pandemic.”7

Causes of the rise in non-COVID excess deaths include avoidance of health care facilities due to fear of COVID-19 and delayed diagnosis and treatment for other conditions. Non-COVID excess deaths were higher in areas with more stringent pandemic responses, like lockdowns, with researchers noting:8

“It lends some initial evidence to the theory that lockdowns increase excess deaths by providing a barrier to healthcare, worsening mental health and increasing domestic abuse and alcohol consumption.”

On Twitter, Silicon Valley software engineer Ben M. (@USMortality) revealed that, as of January 27, 2022, U.S. excess mortality for 2021 was about 16%, compared to 13.6% in 2020.9 That is, excess mortality increased in 2021 — the year COVID-19 shots became prevalent.

He tweeted, “2022 starting off with almost the same slope as 2021 … Excess mortality remains high even in 2022. Currently at around +23% for the latest week 2/2022.” In absolute numbers, he said, it comes down to nearly 15,000 more people dying per week than expected.

Previously, Ben M. revealed that in a 13-week period in late 2021, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% vaccination rate.10 In another example, he used data from the CDC, and his own calculations to show excess deaths rising in Vermont even as the majority of adults have been injected.

“Vermont had 71% of their entire population vaccinated by June 1, 2021,” he tweeted in November. “That’s 83% of their adult population, yet they are seeing the most excess deaths now since the pandemic!”11

Deaths Increasing Despite Mass Injections

Excess deaths continuing into 2021, after widespread COVID-19 injections that were supposed to end the pandemic and save lives, is revealing. In one snapshot, in the week ending November 12, 2021, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019. COVID-19 was listed on the death certificates for only 1,197 people.12

Further, since July 2021, non-COVID deaths in the U.K. have been higher than the weekly average in the five years prior to the pandemic.

Heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths, with the Financial Times reporting, “The new phase of excess deaths raises the possibility that since the summer more people have been losing their lives as a result of strains on the NHS or lack of early diagnosis of serious illness …”13

An investigation by The Exposé, using official data from NHS and the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), found that deaths among teenagers increased 47% since they started getting COVID-19 shots.14

Between the week ending June 26, 2020, and the week ending September 18, 2020, 148 deaths were reported among 15- to 19-year-olds. However, between the week ending June 25, 2021, and the week ending September 17, 2021, 217 deaths occurred among 15- to 19-year-olds. According to the investigation:15

“This shows that the number of deaths between June 19th 2021 and September 17th 2021 among teens aged 15 and over were 47% higher than the number of deaths in this age group during the same period in 2020, and the increase in deaths began at precisely the same time teens started receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

Our investigation of ONS data also revealed further concerns about Covid-19 deaths in people between the age of 15 and 19. The same 2021 ONS dataset shows that since teens started getting the Covid-19 vaccine there has been at least one Covid-19 related death recorded in seven of the thirteen weeks between June 19th and September 17th 2021. A total of 8 deaths in this time frame.

Yet in the fifteen weeks prior to teens over the age of 15 receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, just a single death was recorded associated with Covid-19 among this age group.

Correlation does not equal causation, but it is extremely concerning to see that deaths have increased by 47% among teens over the age of 15, and Covid-19 deaths have also increased among this age group since they started receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, and it is perhaps one coincidence too far.”

More Younger Working-Age People Are Dying

Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd has also pointed out “a spike in mortality among younger, working-age individuals [that] coincided with vaccine mandates. The spike in younger deaths peaked in Q3 2021 when COVID deaths were extremely low (but rising into the end of September).”16

Dowd also reported data from public funeral home company Carriage Services, which announced a 28% increase in September 2021 compared to September 2020, while August had a 13% increase. He tweeted:

“Business has been quite good since the introduction of the vaccines & the stock was up 106% in 2021. Curious no? Guys this is shocking as 89% of Funeral homes are private in US. We are seeing the tip of the iceberg.”17,18

Life insurance and disability claims, along with hospital death rates, are also revealing, and all have seen an uptick. Scott Davison, the CEO of Indiana-based insurance company OneAmerica, is among those who reported disturbing statistics — the death rate for 18- to 64-year-olds has risen 40% compared to before the pandemic.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” Davison said, adding, “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.”19 Further, most of the deaths are not due to COVID-19. He said:20

“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”

Mortality Rates and Death Claims Rising Post-Shots

Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, confirmed that hospitals are also seeing widespread ill health and rising death rates. Zero Hedge reported:21

“Brian Tabor, the president of the Indiana Hospital Association, said that hospitals across the state are being flooded with patients “with many different conditions,” saying “unfortunately, the average Hoosiers’ health has declined during the pandemic.”

In a follow-up call, he said he did not have a breakdown showing why so many people in the state are being hospitalized – for what conditions or ailments. But he said the extraordinarily high death rate quoted by Davison matched what hospitals in the state are seeing. “What it confirmed for me is it bore out what we’re seeing on the front end …” he said.”

Other insurance companies citing higher mortality rates include Hartford Insurance Group, which announced mortality increased 32% from 2019 and 20% from 2020 prior to the shots. Lincoln National also stated death claims have increased 13.7% year over year and 54% in quarter 4 compared to 2019.22 Dowd tweeted:23

“Randy Frietag CFO just explained that in 2021 the share of young people dying from covid doubled in the back half of the year & that’s driven the result for Lincoln & its peers. He cited 40% in 3Q and 35% in 4Q were below the age of 65 … Mandates are killing folks … This shouldn’t be happening with miracle vaccines in a working age population period and a mild Omicron.”

US Seeks Additional $30 Billion to Fight COVID-19

Meanwhile, the White House is seeking another $30 billion to fight COVID-19, including $17.9 billion for vaccines and treatments, $4.9 billion for testing, $3 billion to cover coronavirus care for uninsured people, and $3.7 billion to prepare for future variants.24

The news comes amid a bombshell release by The New York Times, which revealed that the CDC has been collecting important data about COVID-19 all along, but hasn’t released most of it to the public. Information such as U.S. hospitalizations for COVID-19 according to age, race and injection status have been kept quiet, as has the effectiveness of COVID-19 booster shots among 18- to 49-year-olds.25

“Let’s be clear,” Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation wrote. “The CDC hid the data because the data proves they were lying to us. That’s the real reason. If the data was favorable, I guarantee you, they would be releasing it.”26

Clarity on excess death data — specifically how many are truly attributable to COVID-19 and how many to other causes — is also essential for the public to make informed decisions about health care, shots and lifestyle during the pandemic, but such clarity is clearly lacking from the CDC.

The fully vaccinated makeup 90% of covid-19 fatalities in England; the majority are triple vaccinated, March 03, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson


(Natural News) The UK Health Security Agency came out with their Week 8 report, which includes data on covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths from January 24 to February 22. People who have been vaccinated with spike protein mRNA currently makeup 90 percent of covid-19 fatalities in England! A shocking 80 percent of these fatalities occur in people who have been vaccinated THREE times with spike protein mRNA. The data is taken from the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report.

Covid-19 vaccines never stopped transmission and replication of coronaviruses and were NEVER 95 percent effective at preventing hospitalization and death, as was advertised. According to the data here, covid-19 vaccines are based on medical fraud and are a depopulation weapon that perpetuates disease and death.

Winter of 2022 becomes “winter of death” for the fully vaccinated

The official narrative is collapsing. The winter of 2022 was supposed to be a “winter of death” for the unvaccinated. However, the unvaccinated makeup only 27 percent of the caseload, 25 percent of hospitalizations, and roughly 10 percent of the deaths in England now. The United Kingdom is officially living in a pandemic of the “fully vaccinated.” To make matters worse, deaths continue to surge for populations that are triply vaccinated, proving that the third shot is not an immune booster in the slightest. This third shot is just another inflammatory dose of spike proteins – a game of Russian roulette that causes more blood clots and heart inflammation, leading to further immune system depletion, sickness and death.


While the Week 8 report paints a harrowing picture of vaccine failure, vaccine damage and propaganda exposed, the report also states, “this raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness.” In other words, the raw data should be ignored and the covid-19 vaccination narrative should still be blindly and arrogantly believed.

According to the data, roughly 400,000 unvaccinated people tested positive for covid-19 and over one million VACCINATED people tested positive. A total of 752,126 of these cases were recorded in triply vaccinated individuals. This data is shocking because the unvaccinated are the ones who are typically coerced to take covid-19 PCR tests as a prerequisite to interact with the public. If the unvaccinated want to partake in certain public events and travel, they are more likely to be contact traced and forcibly swabbed as if they have no freedom or due process rights.

In contrast, most vaccinated individuals in the UK (who haven’t been disabled, sickened, hospitalized or killed by the vaccine) are able to show proof of vaccination and then go about their lives. However, no matter how many times the vaccinated are boosted and rebranded with vaccine passport updates, this is the group that is testing positive more often and showing up in the hospital.

Most of the positive covid-19 cases in the unvaccinated cohort (303,107) were recorded in children. This is because the children are routinely swabbed, isolated and shamed as subhuman disease spreaders. Additionally, children are classified as covid positive within 28 days of a hospital admission that had nothing to do with covid-19! According to the data, almost all of the children exhibit mild symptoms and recover. However, among the vaccinated hospitalizations, the survival rate is much lower.

The vaccinated are the ones taking up hospital beds and are the 90 percent majority who are dying

Vaccinated individuals have accounted for 73 percent of all covid-19 cases in England over the past month and are the obvious driving factor for viral transmission. The vaccinated are also the ones crowding the hospitals. There were 2,341 unvaccinated hospitalizations last month (a number that is falling rapidly). However, there were 6,889 hospitalizations for the vaccinated (a number that is rapidly increasing). Most of these hospitalizations are occurring in triply vaccinated individuals (4,936). In all, 75 percent of all Covid-19 hospitalizations are observed in the vaccinated.

When it comes to fatalities, the unvaccinated cohort is improving. The unvaccinated accounted for 559 deaths in the last reporting period and the vaccinated accounted for 4,302 deaths, with the majority of fatalities occurring in the triply vaccinated (3,120). The vaccinated population now accounts for 90 percent of the deaths overall. The triply vaccinated account for 4 of every 5 of these fatalities!

To put these figures in perspective, take a look at the Week 51 Vaccine Surveillance Report for 2021. From November 22 to December 19, 2021, there were 889 unvaccinated deaths and 2,913 vaccinated deaths. This shows that the fatality rate for the unvaccinated population is going down, while the fatality rate for the vaccinated population is getting severely worse. So, why hasn’t a strict moratorium been placed on this destructive vaccine?

Sources include: [PDF]

Study: Pfizer mRNA Shot Does Too Go Into Your DNA – Dr. Mercola

Time and again, health experts and Pharma have denied that the mRNA shots go anywhere other than directly into the muscle into which they are injected. But now, a Swedish study has found that “ARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells.”

What that means is they not only can enter your DNA but, according to the study, can do it within six hours of a person getting the shot.


The Rio Times February 28, 2022

Current Issues in Molecular Biology February 25, 2022

2 Million Children Must Be Jabbed to Prevent 1 ICU Admission – CRIMINAL – Dr. Mercola


Read Full PDF 2-million-kids-jabbed-prevent-1-icu-admission-pdf


  • A cost-benefit analysis shows the COVID jab increases children’s risk of dying from COVID infection. Children under 18 are also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID infection if not vaccinated
  • Four million doses must be administered to children, 5 to 11 years of age, to prevent a single ICU admission in this age group. Assuming two doses per child, that means 2 million children must risk potentially serious side effects to prevent a single child from requiring intensive care due to COVID-19
  • The Israeli Ministry of Health recently surveyed people who had received a third booster to determine the actual rate of side effects. Of the 2,068 interviewed individuals, 0.3% required hospitalization for an adverse event; three times more women than men (6.9% versus 2.1%) experienced neurological problems; 9.6% of women under the age of 54 experienced menstrual irregularities; 26.4% of those with preexisting anxiety disorder or depression experienced a worsening of their symptoms, as did 24.2% of those with preexisting autoimmune disorders
  • German health insurance data also show an alarming trend. After analyzing the medical data of 10.9 million insured individuals, one large health insurance company concluded that 400,000 doctors’ visits could be realistically attributed to jab side effects. Extrapolated to the total population of Germany, the total number of jab side effects requiring medical care would be 3 million, about 1,000% higher than admitted by the German Ministry of Health
  • Two autopsies of teenage boys who died within days of their COVID jabs revealed the shot caused their deaths

In mid-February 2022, the U.K. started rolling out the COVID jab for children aged 5 to 11. In the U.S., the shot has been recommended for this age group since October 2021.1

The question raised in a Nick De Bois interview with Jamie Jenkins,2 former head of health and labor market analysis at the British Office for National Statistics (above), is ‘Why bother injecting kids this young?’ The risk COVID-19 presents to children is minuscule.

What’s more, the British Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) estimates that by the end of January 2022, 85% of children aged 5 to 11 already had natural immunity.3 Add to that the fact that the prevailing variant, Omicron, is far milder than previous strains, causing only mild cold symptoms in most people, including children.

Together, these three facts ought to make it clear that children don’t need this jab. A cost-benefit analysis4 by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and researcher Kathy Dopp, also shows the COVID jab actually increases children’s risk of dying from COVID infection. Children under 18 are also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID if not vaccinated.

Bill Gates Saddened by Widespread Natural Immunity

Bill Gates has even gone on record acknowledging that Omicron is creating widespread immunity. What’s so remarkable and revealing about his comment is the way he said it. He actually bemoaned the effectiveness of Omicron, as if it’s a horrible thing, saying:5

“SADLY, the virus itself, particularly the variant called Omicron, is a type of vaccine, in that it creates both T cell and B cell immunity, and it’s done a better job of getting out to the population than we have with vaccines.”

As noted by Jenkins, “What’s so sad about that?”6

Four Million Doses Required to Prevent a Single ICU Admission

An astounding statistic Jenkins does bring up is that 4 million doses must be administered to children, 5 to 11 years of age, to prevent a single ICU admission in this age group.7 Assuming two doses per child, that means 2 million children must take their chances with serious and potentially lifelong side effects to prevent a single child from requiring intensive care due to COVID-19. How is this justified? As explained in Jenkins’ website:8

“JCVI has said that vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years who are not in a clinical risk group would prevent a relatively small number of hospitalizations or intensive care admissions. For a variant like Omicron, it would take around four million vaccine doses to two million children to prevent one admission to ICU.

For less severe illnesses, 58,000 child vaccinations would prevent one-child hospitalization. Children admitted recently to hospital with COVID had an average length of stay of 1-2 days. The Omicron wave saw no more children in hospital than before Omicron hit the UK.”

Pfizer Backs Off Shots for Children Under 5

While vaccine makers and health agencies have been pushing forward with COVID jabs for babies as young as 6 months, parents with children under 5 can, for now, draw a sigh of relief, as plans to roll out shots for the under-5 age group have been suspended, at least temporarily.

February 11, 2022, Pfizer withdrew its U.S. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application for children under 5.9,10 According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer, they want to collect more data on the effects of a third dose, as two doses did not produce expected immunity in 2- to 5-year-olds.11

Three days later, former FDA Commissioner and current Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb told CNBC12 the EUA application was pulled because COVID cases are so low among young children that the shot couldn’t be shown to provide much of a benefit.

Considering you have to give the jab to some 2 million children to prevent a single ICU stay, it’s no wonder they can’t show effectiveness in studies that have just a few thousand children. Pfizer’s youth trial on 5- to 11-year-olds had just 2,268 participants, and only two-thirds of those received the real COVID jab.13

However, the OpenVAERS team suspects there may be something far more problematic behind Pfizer’s withdrawal. In a February 21, 2022, email notice to subscribers, OpenVAERS stated:

“None of these explanations suffice because all of that information was known prior to Pfizer submitting this EUA to the FDA on February 1 [2022]. It makes one wonder whether adverse events in the treatment group might be the factor that neither Pfizer nor the FDA want to talk about?

So, we decided to look at reports of injury associated with COVID-19 vaccines in children 17 and younger. Remember, these shots have only been on the market for a short while and only children 5 to 17 are eligible. We created a separate page called Child Reports that will update automatically as new reports come in.

We were shocked by what we found — 34,223 VAERS reports in the U.S. in this age range, including infants harmed through transmission from the mother via breast milk, lots of reports of kids receiving shots who were too young (either the parents lied about their age or the doctor/pharmacy made a mistake with screening or dosing), and heartbreaking reports of myocarditis and death.”

Shocking Data From Israel Show Extent of Side Effects

While health agencies and mainstream media still insist that side effects from the COVID jab are “rare,” real-world data show a different story. An English translation of the report can be downloaded from Galileo Is Back on Substack.14 As noted in the report:

“On December 20, 2020, a vaccination program was launched in Israel using Pfizer’s vaccine for COVID-19. By the end of March 2021, more than half of the population had been vaccinated with two vaccine doses.

The decrease in immunity over time and emergence of new variants led to a renewed increase in morbidity in Israel in the summer of 2021. By the end of July 2021, a third shot of the vaccine (booster shot) was authorized for everyone who had received two shots and at least five months had passed from the second shot.

From data collection by medical teams or self-reporting by the public of side-effects in temporal proximity (passive monitoring), it appears that there is underreporting; therefore, it is important to identify side-effects in temporal proximity to vaccination with the booster in an active manner via a dedicated survey.

General goals: To determine the frequency of side-effects which appeared within 21-30 days from vaccination with the third Pfizer shot (booster) against COVID-19 among citizens above 18 years of age.

Specific goals: Examine the prevalence of side-effects in temporal proximity to the third shot grouped according to age and gender. Examine the time of onset relative to administration of the vaccine and the duration thereof, and to compare it with the side-effects of previous vaccines.”

In all, 2,894 people were contacted and 2,068 agreed to be interviewed (response rate: 71.4%). Of those 2,068 boosted individuals:

  • 0.3% required hospitalization for an adverse event
  • 4.5% experienced one or more neurological problems (2.1% of men and 6.9% of women), such as tingling or itching sensation, Bell’s palsy, vision damage, memory deterioration, hearing damage, convulsions, loss of consciousness and more
  • 9.6% of women under the age of 54 experienced menstrual irregularities. Of those, “39% suffered from similar side-effects after prior COVID-19 vaccinations; however most (67%) indicated that the side-effects waned prior to the third vaccination and returned after receiving it”
  • 26.4% of those with preexisting anxiety disorder or depression experienced a worsening of their symptoms
  • 24.2% of those with preexisting autoimmune disorders experienced exacerbation of disease

Between 6.3% and 9.3% of those with preexisting high blood pressure, lung disease, diabetes and heart disease also reported that their condition was exacerbated after the third booster. A small number of women, but no men, also reported herpes infections (0.4% for herpes simplex infections and 0.3% for herpes zoster). Other key take-home’s from this Israeli report are that:

  • Side-effects are more common among women and younger people
  • 1 in 10 women suffer menstrual irregularities
  • Neurological side effects typically don’t appear until about a month after the jab
  • In the majority of cases, the occurrence of a given side effect was not more severe after the third shot compared to the two previous doses. Put another way, the severity of side effects tends to be the same, regardless of the number of doses, so these finding can perhaps be applied to doses 1 and 2 as well

German Health Insurance Data Show Alarming Side Effect Rates

German health insurance data are also triggering alarms. Andreas Schöfbeck, a board member of a large insurance company called BKK ProVita, shared the data with Die Welt.15

They analyzed the medical data of 10.9 million insured individuals, looking for potential COVID jab side effects. To their horror, they found 400,000 doctors’ visits could be realistically attributed to the jab. According to Schöfbeck, extrapolated to the total population of Germany, the total number of doctors’ visits attributable to jab side effects would be 3 million.

“The number that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers [by the Ministry of Health]. It would be unethical not to talk about it,” Schöfbeck told Die Welt, adding that the data are “an alarming signal.” As reported by Die Welt (translated from German):16

“From January to August 2021 … around 217,000 of just under 11 million BBK policyholders had to be treated for vaccination side effects — while the Paul Ehrlich Institute keeps only 244,576 side effect reports based on 61.4 million vaccinated …

Thus, the number of vaccine side effects would be more than 1,000 percent higher than the PEI reports … With his analysis, Schöfbeck turned to a wide range of institutions — from the German Medical Association and the StiKo to the Paul Ehrlich Institute itself.

He said the figures were a ‘strong alarm signal’ that ‘absolutely must be taken into account in the further use of vaccines.’ His figures could be validated by the same data analyses of other health insurance companies, he says …

Since ‘danger to human life cannot be ruled out,’ he set a deadline of 6 p.m. Tuesday [February 22, 2022] to respond to his letter. As this passed, they turned to the public.”

Autopsy Results in Teens Reveal Heart Damage

Getting back to the issue of children and the danger we’re putting them in by giving them this shot, two autopsies of teenage boys who died within days of their COVID jabs revealed the shot caused their deaths. As reported by The Defender:17

“The three pathologists, two of whom are medical examiners, published their findings Feb. 14 in an early online release article,18 ‘Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose,’ in the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

The authors’ findings were conclusive. Two teenage boys were pronounced dead in their homes three and four days after receiving the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose. There was no evidence of active or previous COVID-19 infection. The teens had negative toxicology screens (i.e., no drugs or poisons were present in their bodies). These boys died from the vaccine.”

Histopathological examination revealed that neither of the boys’ hearts had signs of typical myocarditis. Instead, what they found were changes consistent with catecholamine-mediated stress cardiomyopathy, also known as toxic cardiomyopathy.

This is a temporary kind of heart injury that can develop in response to extreme physical, chemical or emotional stressors. Another common term for this kind of injury is “broken heart syndrome.” Hyperinflammatory states such as severe COVID-19 infection can also cause this kind of injury to the heart.

More details about the medical history of each of the boys and their autopsy findings are reviewed by Pam Popper of Wellness Forum Health in the video above. Curiously, neither of the boys had any symptoms of myocarditis before they died. One had complained of a headache and upset stomach. The other had not mentioned any symptoms. As noted by The Defender:19

“This is extremely concerning. These boys had smoldering, catastrophic heart injuries with no symptoms. How many others have insidious cardiac involvement from vaccination that won’t manifest until they get a serious case of COVID-19 or the flu? Or perhaps when they subject themselves to the physical stress of competitive sports?

These findings suggest a significant subset of COVID-19 deaths in the vaccinated could be due to the vaccines themselves. Furthermore, it raises this question: How often does this condition exist in a latent form in vaccinated individuals?”

Myocarditis Risk in Young Men Is Not Rare

U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data also raise questions about the risk of potentially lethal myocarditis, especially in boys. The following slide was presented during a June 23, 2021, meeting convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), to discuss the risk of myopericarditis.20

As you can see, the observed rates of myocarditis and/or pericarditis for several age groups, and especially among males, are significantly higher than the expected background rate.

This is a loud and clear safety signal, yet the ACIP proceeded to recommend the shot to preteens and teens anyway, and in a public statement21 insisted that myopericarditis is “an extremely rare side effect” that “only an exceedingly small number of people will experience after vaccination.” How can they say that with data like this right in front of their noses?

preliminary reports vaers

Based on this VAERS data, the rate of myocarditis is about 6.5 per 100,000 doses in 12- to 17-year-olds. Going back to where we started, 4 million doses are required to prevent a single child, 5 to 11 years of age, from being admitted to the ICU for COVID.

Assuming the rate of myocarditis in 5- to 11-year-olds is identical to that of 12- to 17-year-olds, we could potentially be looking at 260 cases of myocarditis for every ICU admission for COVID that we prevent. On the whole, the COVID jab provides only risk for children under 18, so there’s absolutely no justification for it.

The Pandemic Has Proven Democracy Is an Illusion – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF pandemic-has-proven-democracy-is-an-illusion-Mercola


  • As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pulled out all the stops to quash the trucker protest against vaccine mandates, it became clear that democracy has been an illusion
  • For many years, the technocratic elite, with their global authoritarianism goals, have infiltrated governments around the world and pushed for surveillance and national security tools intended to suppress dissent
  • A key part of that dissent-crushing system is the surveillance apparatus that has been erected. While sold as a tool to hunt down dangerous criminals, its primary purpose is to stifle dissent among peaceful, law-abiding citizens. Financial warfare — banning people from using financial services — is another
  • Dissent is also stifled by applying criminal terms to those who disagree with the narrative. Case in point: “Anti-vaxxers” and anyone who disagrees with pandemic measures are now labeled domestic terrorists or domestic extremists. Using terms of criminality allows those in power to justify the use of unconstitutional repression and punishment
  • The U.S. must repeal both the Patriot Act and the new biopreparedness initiative, or else all privacy and freedom will be destroyed

As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pulled out all the stops to quash the trucker protest against vaccine mandates, without ever having actually listened to their complaints, a truth emerged, clear as day. Democracy has been an illusion. That’s the conclusion drawn by Canadian journalist Matthew Ehret in a February 18, 2022, Strategic Culture article.1

“Who would have thought that Canada would ever be a spark plug for a freedom movement against tyranny?” Ehret asks.

“Countless thousands of patriots have driven across the country to bunker down in Ottawa in peace and high festive spirits which I had to see with my own eyes to believe demanding something so simple and un-tainted by ideology: freedom to work, provide for families and a respect for basic rights as laid out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms …

Mainstream media and political hacks have been working overtime to paint the Freedom convoy that converged on Ottawa on January 29 as an ‘insurrectionist movement’ full of ‘white supremacists,’ ‘Russian stooges,’ and ‘Nazis’ out to ‘overthrow the government.’

Even the Bank of England’s former governor (and World Economic Forum Trustee) Mark Carney chimed in on February 7 stating that ‘this is sedition’ and that ‘those who are still helping to extend this occupation must be identified and punished to the full force of the law’ …

Faced with an organic civil rights movement of blue-collar truckers, farmers and tens of thousands of supporters who have convened on Canada’s capital to demand a restoration of their basic freedoms, the current Liberal government has failed to show even an ounce of humanity or capacity to negotiate.

This shouldn’t be a surprise for those who have seen the hypocrisy of neo-liberal ‘rules-based’ order ideologues in action over the past few years who are quick to celebrate the ‘liberty’ of citizens of Ukraine, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang when the outcome benefits the geopolitical aims of detached technocrats hungry for global hegemony.

The moment genuine self-organized labor movements arise demanding basic rights be recognized, then the masks come off and the rage of tyrants show their true faces.”

Tyrants Are Showing Their True Colors

As reported by Ehret, the Deep State of Canada is now using the Emergency Measures Act to do precisely what Carney called for, namely identify and punish anyone who dares stand up for freedom.

The Act grants extraordinary powers to the banking industry to search people’s social media accounts and private bank records, and to seize the bank accounts of anyone suspected of supporting the Freedom Convoy, either in spirit or through online donations, including cryptocurrencies.

Victims will have no recourse, as the banks have been given full legal protection from lawsuits by those whose lives they destroy. Business owners in Canada who support freedom can also have their insurance policies canceled, and truckers can lose their drivers’ licenses, either temporarily or permanently.

Still, the protesters did not give up. If anything, the threats appeared to have had the opposite effect. According to Ehret, the protestors were “renewing their commitments to remain in place,” which they did until Trudeau sent in police2 to arrest protestors and tow their trucks.

While Trudeau remained dictatorial until the truckers had been cleared from the Parliament area, the political establishment, on the other hand, showed signs of cracking. Two Liberal Party members, MP Joel Lightbound and MP Yves Robillard broke with party ranks, calling for an end to the unpopular and unnecessary COVID measures.3 Then, finally, in a surprise turnabout, Trudeau buckled February 23, 2022, and said he would revoke the Emergencies Act he’d invoked earlier.4

On a global scale, the silence of leaders of democracies and republics around the world is as informative as Trudeau’s power grab. By now, we would have expected leaders of the U.S., the U.K., France and any number of others, to have stepped up to the microphone to denounce the Canadian government’s actions.

But they haven’t, and that tells you everything you need to know about where they stand on the issues of democracy and freedom. Worse, some have vocalized support for Trudeau’s dictatorial actions.

In a February 10, 2022, tweet, Juliette Kayyem, former assistant secretary of Homeland Security under U.S. President Obama and a frequent CNN commentator, suggested the Canadian regime ought to slash the truckers’ tires, empty their gas tanks, arrest the drivers, move the trucks, cancel their insurance, suspend their drivers’ licenses and prohibit their recertification in the future. In her own words, “I will not run out of ways to make this hurt.”5

The Illusion of Liberal Democracy Has Collapsed

As noted by Ehret, while we don’t yet know how it will end, one thing we can be sure of is that “the illusion of liberal democracy … has collapsed.”6 That doesn’t mean the globalist cabal will pack up their briefcases and retire. No, they’re going to fight to stay in power until the bitter end.

But the hill they’re standing on is getting steeper and slipperier by the day. Everyone can see that they’re saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. You can’t lay claim to being a defender of democracy, freedom and equal rights for all while simultaneously declaring peaceful citizens the enemy of the state. It’s just not credible. As noted by historically left-leaning journalist Glenn Greenwald:7

“When it comes to distant and adversarial countries, we are taught to recognize tyranny through the use of telltale tactics of repression. Dissent from orthodoxies is censored.

Protests against the state are outlawed. Dissenters are harshly punished with no due process. Long prison terms are doled out for political transgressions rather than crimes of violence. Journalists are treated as criminals and spies. Opposition to the policies of political leaders are recast as crimes against the state.

When a government that is adverse to the West engages in such conduct, it is not just easy but obligatory to malign it as despotic. Thus can one find, on a virtually daily basis, articles in the Western press citing the government’s use of those tactics in Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and whatever other countries the West has an interest in disparaging …

That the use of these repressive tactics render these countries and their populations subject to autocratic regimes is considered undebatable. But when these weapons are wielded by Western governments, the precise opposite framework is imposed: describing them as despotic is no longer obligatory but virtually prohibited.

That tyranny exists only in Western adversaries but never in the West itself is treated as a permanent axiom of international affairs, as if Western democracies are divinely shielded from the temptations of genuine repression.

Indeed, to suggest that a Western democracy has descended to the same level of authoritarian repression as the West’s official enemies is to assert a proposition deemed intrinsically absurd or even vaguely treasonous.

The implicit guarantor of this comforting framework is democracy. Western countries, according to this mythology, can never be as repressive as their enemies because Western governments are at least elected democratically. This assurance, superficially appealing though it may be, completely collapses with the slightest critical scrutiny.”

The Dangers of Majority Despotism

As explained by Greenwald, the premise of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights is that “majoritarian despotism is dangerous in the extreme.” “Despotism” means government in which a single entity rules with absolute power. Usually, this entity is an individual, but despotism can also arise out of majority rule.

It’s interesting to note that while the Founding Fathers probably had no term for what we now know as the psychology of “mass formation,” they were clearly aware of the dangers posed by an irrational majority.

As noted by Greenwald, “the Bill of Rights consists of little more than limitations imposed on the tyrannical measures majorities might seek to democratically enact.”

For example, even if a majority of people agree that certain ideas and views should be criminalized, the Bill of Rights prohibits it. The Bill of Rights also prohibits the abolishment of religious freedom, even if a majority were to support it. Likewise, “life and liberty cannot be deprived without due process even if 9 out of 10 citizens favor doing so.”

The Founding Fathers were clever enough to realize that majority rule can easily become just as destructively despotic as any dictatorship. Hence, they ensured that individual freedoms were enshrined in such a way that even if you’re the last person in the country who wants to practice religion, you have the right to do so. The majority cannot take that away from you.

Waking Up to Reality as It Is

Greenwald goes on to explain how the signs of tyranny in the West have been evident for well over a decade. We just weren’t paying attention. Only now, as we stare tyranny in the face first-hand, are we starting to really see it for what it is:

“The decade-long repression of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, standing alone, demonstrates how grave neoliberal attacks on dissent have become. Many are aware of key parts of this repression … but have forgotten or, due to media malfeasance, never knew several of the most extreme aspects.

While the Obama DOJ under Attorney General Eric Holder failed to find evidence of criminality after convening a years-long Grand Jury investigation, the then-Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), succeeded in pressuring financial services companies such as MasterCard, Visa, PayPal and Bank of America to terminate WikiLeaks’ accounts and thus banish them from the financial system, choking off their ability to receive funds from supporters or pay their bills.

Lieberman and his neocon allies also pressured Amazon to remove WikiLeaks from its hosting services, causing the whistleblower group to be temporarily offline.

All of that succeeded in crippling WikiLeaks’ ability to operate despite being charged with no crime: indeed, as the DOJ admitted, it could not prove that the group committed any crimes, yet this extra-legal punishment was nonetheless meted out.

Those tactics pioneered against WikiLeaks — excluding dissenters from the financial system and coercing tech companies to deny them internet access without a whiff of due process — have now become standard weapons. Trudeau’s government seizes and freezes bank accounts with no judicial process.

The ‘charity’ fundraising site GoFundMe first blocked the millions of dollars raised for the truckers and announced it would redirect those funds to other charities, then refunded the donations when people pointed out, rightly, that their original plan amounted to a form of stealing. When an alternative fundraising site, GiveSendGo, raised millions more for the truckers, Canadian courts blocked its distribution.”

Greenwald also highlights how American politicians have pressured Big Tech monopolies and the financial system to act as a joint censorship arm of government. Blocking people and companies from being able to use servers and financial transaction services have been key strategies to silence critical voices.

Why Assange Was Targeted

According to Greenwald, Assange’s capture was precipitated by his denouncement of the Spanish government’s violence against citizens of Catalonia in 2017 and 2019. Catalonia wanted autonomy from the Madrid-based Spanish government, and the government responded with shocking force.

“Spain treated the activists not as domestic protesters exercising their civic rights but as terrorists, seditionists and insurrectionists,” Greenwald writes. “Violence was used to sweep up Catalans in mass arrests, and their leaders were charged with terrorism and sedition and given lengthy prison sentences.”

Assange did not actually express support for Catalonian independence. He objected to the Spanish government’s violent assault on civil liberties. This was why Ecuador rescinded Assange’s asylum and handed him over to British authorities in April 2020. Since then, Assange has been held in a high-security prison in Belmarsh, even though he’s never been convicted of a crime.

“All of this reflects, and stems from, a clear and growing Western intolerance for dissent,” Greenwald writes.8 “This last decade of history is crucial to understand the dissent-eliminating framework that has been constructed and implemented in the West. This framework has culminated, thus far, with the stunning multi-pronged attacks on Canadian truckers by the Trudeau government.

But it has been a long time in the making, and it is inevitable that it will find still-more extreme expressions. It is, after all, based in the central recognition that there is mass, widespread anger and even hatred toward the neoliberal ruling class throughout the West.”

Surveillance Apparatus Was Created to Crush Dissent

In response to the growing anger against the ruling class, the technocratic cabal has “opted for force, a system that crushes all forms of dissent as soon as they emerge in anything resembling an effective, meaningful or potent form,” Greenwald notes.

A key part of that dissent-crushing system is the surveillance apparatus that has been erected all around us.9 While sold as a tool to hunt down dangerous criminals, we’ve come to realize that rarely is the system ever used to go after true criminals. Instead, it’s used to identify people who disagree with a given narrative. Its primary purpose is to stifle dissent among citizens.

As noted by the ACLU,10 while most Americans think the Patriot Act’s surveillance powers are there to facilitate the identification and roundup of terrorists, it “actually turns regular citizens into suspects.” Dissent is also stifled by applying criminal terms to those who disagree with the narrative. Case in point: “Anti-vaxxers” and anyone who disagrees with pandemic measures are now labeled domestic terrorists or domestic extremists. As noted by Greenwald:

“Applying terms of criminality renders justifiable any subsequent acts of repression: we are trained to accept that core liberties are forfeited upon the commission of crimes. What is most notable, though, is that this alleged criminality is not adjudicated through judicial proceedings — with all the accompanying protections of judges, juries, rules of evidence and requirements of due process — but simply by decree …

Few things are more dangerous than a political leader who convinces themselves that they are so benevolent and well-intentioned that anything they do is inherently justified in light of their noble character and their enlightened ends …

Within the logical world where one is convinced that they really are fighting a white nationalist, fascistic, insurrectionary global movement to overthrow liberal democracy, then all the weapons we were long taught to view as despotic suddenly become ennobled …

And it is through this self-glorifying tale which Western neoliberals are telling themselves that they have become exactly what they shrilly insist they are battling.”

We Must Repeal the Patriot Act and Pandemic Powers

In September 2021, the White House announced a $65 billion biopreparedness initiative as part of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan.11 As I’ve explained in many previous articles, Build Back Better is part and parcel of The Great Reset, which in turn is a technocrat-led attempt to implement global authoritarianism. As reported by Biospace:12

“The first goal is to transform medical defense, including an improvement and expansion of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics against known threats, and lay the groundwork for unknown pathogens … Secondly, the plan calls for ensuring ‘situational awareness’ regarding infectious disease threats. This includes early warning and real-time monitoring of these viral threats.”

In a nutshell, what this biopreparedness initiative entails is more invasive biosurveillance — meaning, the monitoring of your internal biology. Right now, claims that government wants to monitor people down to their body chemistry will earn you the title of paranoid conspiracy theorist, yet the writing is on the wall. That’s where we’re headed, even if we’re not there yet.

I believe the U.S. must repeal both the Patriot Act and the biopreparedness initiative, or else all privacy and freedom will be destroyed.

Health Agencies Admit to Hiding COVID Data – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF cdc-covid-data-Mercola


  • Data such as U.S. hospitalizations for COVID-19 according to age, race and injection status have been collected by the CDC for more than a year but most of it hasn’t been made public
  • The CDC published data on boosters’ effectiveness in adults under 65, but didn’t include data for 18- to 49-year-olds, “the group least likely to benefit from extra shots”
  • The CDC didn’t publish the data over concerns that it would be “misinterpreted,” but the only way the data could be interpreted as ineffective is if they show the shots don’t work
  • Dr. Robert Malone believes that the CDC withholding evidence about COVID-19 shot safety is scientific fraud
  • Malone is calling on Americans to demand the full COVID-19 data from the CDC and FDA, and for those in government who have lied to the American people to be held legally accountable

If you’ve felt like crucial data about COVID-19 have been missing since the start of the pandemic, it’s not in your head. An exposé by The New York Times has revealed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has actually been collecting data all along — it just hasn’t published most of it.1

Data such as U.S. hospitalizations for COVID-19 according to age, race and injection status would have certainly been of interest to a large portion of the U.S. population. The CDC has been collecting such data for more than a year but hasn’t made the bulk of it public, the Times reported. What else has the CDC been keeping from the public?

For one thing, data on the effectiveness of COVID-19 boosters are missing. While the CDC published data on boosters’ effectiveness in adults under 65, this didn’t include data for 18- to 49-year-olds, a sizeable percentage of the population that also — coincidentally? — is “the group least likely to benefit from extra shots,” the Times pointed out.2

CDC Has Released ‘Only a Fraction’ of Its COVID Data

According to CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund, the agency hasn’t released all of the data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.”3 But, the Times reported, “Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.”4

Among the additional data that the CDC kept quiet was wastewater data, which can give insight into COVID-19 case numbers in different areas. The CDC only recently released a wastewater data dashboard, even though certain states and cities have been providing such data to them since the pandemic began.5 Reportedly, several sources told the Times that the CDC “has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected.”

As the Times put it, the CDC’s refusal to post pertinent data left state and local health departments at a disadvantage:6

“Much of the withheld information could help state and local health officials better target their efforts to bring the virus under control. Detailed, timely data on hospitalizations by age and race would help health officials identify and help the populations at highest risk.

Information on hospitalizations and death by age and vaccination status would have helped inform whether healthy adults needed booster shots. And wastewater surveillance across the nation would spot outbreaks and emerging variants early.”

Data Withheld Over Fears of Creating ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’

The Times spoke with public health experts who said they had begged the CDC to release this type of COVID-19 data for two years and were “stunned” when they found out the agency had it all along.

The rational conclusion is that, had the data revealed what the CDC wanted, it would have released it. In their official reasoning, however, Nordlund said the data represents only 10% of the U.S. population, using that as an argument for why they didn’t release it. “But the CDC has relied on the same level of sampling to track influenza for years,” the Times pointed out. Further, it noted:7

“[T]he C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.”

Misinterpreted? “Let’s be clear,” Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation wrote.8 “The only way the vaccine data could be interpreted as ineffective by us ‘misinformation spreaders’ is if the data shows the vaccines don’t work … The truth is the data didn’t support their narrative so they hid it. Do you think they would hide the data if it showed the vaccines worked? Of course not!”

In short, he wrote, the “CDC admits it withheld data from the public because they didn’t want to create vaccine hesitancy.”9 Transparency with data is key to building public trust and fostering open scientific debate, not to mention making sound public health guidelines. We now know the CDC has been hiding data, likely because its numbers don’t support the story they’ve been churning. The Gateway Pundit wrote:10

“So much for the bogus lie that has been pushed by public health officials for months, claiming that breakthrough infections weren’t being tracked at all. The medical elites just decided to hide the data because it didn’t fit the approved narrative, and, naturally, blamed the potential for ‘misinformation’ as justification for the coverup.”

In a tweet, Dr. Nicole Saphier, with the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, shared her dismay in finding out that the CDC has been actively censoring which data to share with the public:11

“The CDC’s response when questioned about their withholding of Covid data and lack of transparency is essentially “we don’t trust you to be able to understand the truth.” The condescension is palpable. The wheels are finally coming off.”

Scotland to Stop Publishing COVID Data by Injection Status

It’s not only in the U.S. that health officials are cherry-picking data to support one agenda. Public Health Scotland (PHS) announced in February 2022 that it would stop publishing COVID-19 death and hospitalization data according to injection status. Like the CDC, their reasoning was concern that the data would be misrepresented by anti-vaxxers.12

The thing about data is, however, that it doesn’t lie — assuming it’s presented in full, unadulterated form. The only way such data could increase concerns about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 shots is if it showed that they’re ineffective and unsafe.

Now, instead of publishing full data for the public to analyze and have informed consent, the CDC plans to “do a lot more on the vaccine effectiveness side and try and make people understand how effective the vaccine is.”13 It’s this type of unified front across the globe that has many patriots, including former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd, calling foul. He said:14

“The responses from governments to this virus that doesn’t kill 99.9% of us makes no sense. And they’re all unified in their determination to put in these systems — these digital vaccination/passport systems. They’re all globally synced. They all want us to get these jabs, and it’s too unified. I suspect there’s a problem coming down the road.”

The CDC Withholding Data Is Scientific Fraud

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, believes that the CDC withholding evidence about COVID-19 shot safety is scientific fraud.15 He is calling on Americans to demand the full COVID-19 data from the CDC, and for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and those in government who have lied to the American people to be held legally accountable:16

“If the CDC released the age stratified data for COVID, it would be clear that a vaccine for most Americans is not necessary. If the vaccine risk ratio of those vaccinated and hospitalized were published for Omicron — it would be clear that the vaccine benefit is not observed.

The FDA have not revealed what the efficacy of the boosters for children is. They have not released the safety data. They have withheld the safety data on the vaccines for children and adults.

This must stop. We are deep into outright Scientific Fraud territory. Let’s remember where this started … We have been manipulated from the VERY start of this pandemic. The government has been deciding what has been written, removed, censored by media and the big tech giants. This is propaganda.”

Even Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics’s (AAP) Committee on Infectious Diseases, told The New York Times that they had been asking the CDC for data on children hospitalized with COVID-19, such as the proportion who have underlying medical conditions. On an information call with the CDC, they were told the data were unavailable.17

AAP also tried to find out from the CDC on multiple occasions how contagious people are five days after COVID-19 symptoms begin, to no avail, only to find out the information from a New York Times article they tracked down in December 2021. “They’ve known this for over a year and a half, right, and they haven’t told us,” she told the Times. “I mean, you can’t find out anything from them.”18

Should US Encourage Booster Shots for Children?

Malone is among those who have called COVID-19 injection mandates “completely unjustified” for children19 and recommends that youth who have received COVID-19 injections have their heart checked for damage,20 given the real risk of myocarditis and heart damage.

The U.S. is also an outlier globally in recommending that children ages 12 years and older should not only get COVID-19 shots but also a booster shot.21 While many countries are urging caution in COVID-19 shots and boosters for children, the CDC is moving full steam ahead, all while hiding data that could help U.S. parents make an informed decision for their children.

In the video above, author David Zweig explains that he interviewed a member of the CDC’s advisory committee and learned that a primary motivation for the agency recommending COVID-19 shots to kids isn’t to prevent severe illness, but to prevent mild or even asymptomatic infection. What’s more, an official told him that even this would likely only be beneficial for around two months, before the antibody boost begins to wane.22

Data presented at the meeting also showed that for young males, the shots increased the risk of injection-induced myocarditis enough so that it canceled out any benefit in avoiding hospitalizations from COVID-19. “So we have to really think through whether this is a worthwhile endeavor, and certainly one that should be mandated,” Zweig said.

Interestingly, the CDC officials spent one hour of the meeting discussing whether they should use the word “may” or “should” when it comes to recommending COVID-19 shots for children, and they settled on “should.” This term, Zweig said, is what can ultimately lead to mandates as the next step.23

Given the bombshell news that the CDC has been hiding COVID-19 data from the American people, parents and individuals must look beyond these official sources in their search for the truth. As Kirsch put it, “Let’s be clear. The CDC hid the data because the data proves they were lying to us. That’s the real reason. If the data was favorable, I guarantee you, they would be releasing it.”24


COVID Jab Deadlier Than COVID for Anyone Under 80 – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF covid-jab-deadlier-than-covid-Mercola


  • Recent data analysis shows the COVID jab is deadlier than COVID-19 itself for anyone under the age of 80. For younger adults and children, there’s no benefit, only risk
  • All age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of dying after receiving a COVID jab than an unvaccinated person is at risk of dying from COVID-19
  • For those under 18, the COVID jab increases their risk of dying from COVID-19. They’re also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID if not vaccinated
  • Only when you get into the 60 and older categories do the risks between the jab and COVID infection become about even. In the 60 to 69 age group, the shot will kill one person for every person it saves from dying of COVID, so it’s a tossup as to whether it might be worth it for any given person
  • Data suggest U.S. deaths reported to VAERS are underreported by a factor of 20

According to a cost-benefit analysis by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and independent researcher Kathy Dopp, the COVID jab is deadlier than COVID-19 itself for anyone under the age of 80. The cost-benefit analysis1 looked at publicly available official data from the U.S. and U.K. for all age groups, and compared all-cause mortality to the risk of dying from COVID-19.

“All age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death,” Seneff and Dopp conclude. For younger adults and children, there’s no benefit, only risk.

“This analysis is conservative,” the authors note, “because it ignores the fact that inoculation-induced adverse events such as thrombosis, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, and other vaccine-induced injuries can lead to shortened life span.

When one takes into consideration the fact that there is approximately a 90% decrease in risk of COVID-19 death if early treatment is provided to all symptomatic high-risk persons, one can only conclude that mandates of COVID-19 inoculations are ill-advised.

Considering the emergence of antibody-resistant variants like Delta and Omicron, for most age groups COVID-19 vaccine inoculations result in higher death rates than COVID-19 does for the unvaccinated.”

Real-Life Risk Reduction Is Negligible

The analysis is also conservative in the sense that it only considers COVID jab fatalities that occur within one month of injection. Looking at the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), we’re now seeing that many of those who are dying got the jab around April 2021 or earlier, so we know the shots can significantly cut your life short even if they don’t kill you in the first month. As detailed in Seneff’s and Dopp’s paper:

“Absolute real-life risk reductions (ARRs) … from COVID inoculations vary from a low of negative 0.00007% (an increased risk of a COVID death from inoculation) for children under age 18 to a positive 0.183% (0.00183) risk reduction of a COVID death for persons over age 80 …

COVID vaccine inoculations increase risk of death and produce a net negative benefit, aka increased risk of death … for all age groups younger than 60 years old. In other words, the COVID inoculations cause a net increase, rather than decrease, in the likelihood of death for all persons under 60 years old.

For those over 60 years old, the benefit of COVID inoculations is negligible, ranging from a 0.0016% reduction in likelihood of death for a 60- to 69-year-old persons to a 0.125% reduction in likelihood of death for those over 80 years old. Because preventative treatments are often given to well persons, a vaccine is supposed to provide very small risk compared to benefit.

Thus, such high fatality risks (VFRs) versus low benefit of risk reduction (ARRs) from the COVID inoculations are not acceptable, especially considering that low-cost, effective treatments are available that would additionally reduce COVID-19 death rates by as much as 90% or more if provided as soon as symptoms appear in high-risk persons.”

Meanwhile, data from an analysis2 by researchers Spiro Pantazatos and Herve Seligmann suggest U.S. deaths reported to VAERS are underreported by a factor of 20. Their analysis was used to calculate vaccine fatality rates (VFR), the number needed to treat/vaccinate (NNT) to prevent one COVID death, the expected number of vaccine fatalities to prevent one COVID death, and the expected number of vaccine fatalities compared to COVID fatalities by age group:3

Age group VFR — Vaccine fatality rate NNT to prevent one COVID death Expected vaccine fatalities to prevent one COVID death Expected number of vaccine fatalities compared to COVID fatalities
Under 18 0.004% Vaccine causes higher COVID death rate Vaccine causes higher COVID death rate 51
18 to 29 0.005% 318,497 16 8
30 to 39 0.009% 164,538 15 7
40 to 49 0.017% 55,516 9 5
50 to 59 0.016% 11,760 2 1
60 to 69 0.026% 3,624 1 1
70 to 79 0.048% 1,300 1 0
80 to 89 0.057% 547 0 0

Summary Findings

In summary, key findings in this paper include the following:

  • For those under 18, the COVID jab increases their risk of dying from COVID-19; those under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
  • In those aged 18 to 29, the COVID jab is 16 times more likely to kill a person than save their life if they get COVID. They’re also eight times more likely to die from the jab than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
  • Those aged 30 to 39 are 15 times more likely to die from the COVID jab than prevent their death, and they’re seven times more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
  • Those aged 40 to 49 are nine times more likely to die from the COVID jab than having it prevent their death, and they’re five times more likely to die from the jab than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.
  • Those aged 50 to 59 are twice (2 times) more likely to die from the COVID inoculation than to prevent one COVID death, while their risk of dying from the jab or dying from COVID if unvaccinated is about the same.

Only when you get into the 60 and older categories do the risks between the jab and COVID infection even out. In the 60 to 69 age group, the shot will kill one person for every person it saves from dying of COVID, so it’s a tossup as to whether it might be worth it for any given person.

Cost-Benefit Analysis Must Drive Public Health Policy

Common sense tells us that COVID-19 vaccination policy ought to be rooted in a rational evaluation of the true costs and benefits, and to do that, we need to assess whether the jabs are beneficial or harmful, and to what extent. So far, governments have completely ignored the cost of this mass injection campaign, focusing solely on perceived or imagined (not proven) benefit.

As a result, we’re looking at the worst public health disaster in known history. The greatest tragedy of all is that none of our public health officials has bothered to protect even the youngest among us.

The OpenVAERS team recently started looking at injury reports in children aged 17 and younger, and to their shock, they found 34,223 U.S. reports involving this age group through February 11, 2022. You can find the Child’s Report here.4 This is a staggering number, considering the 12- to 17-year-olds have only been eligible for the shot since May 2021, and 5- to 11-year-olds since October 2021.5

Pfizer Withdraws EUA Application for Children Under 5

Interestingly, February 11, 2022, Pfizer abruptly withdrew its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application for children under 5.6,7 The question is why? According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer, they want to collect more data on the effects of a third dose, as two doses did not produce expected immunity in 2- to 5-year-olds.8

Three days later, former FDA Commissioner and current Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC9 the EUA application was pulled because COVID cases are so low among young children that the shot couldn’t be shown to provide much of a benefit.

But according in an email notice to subscribers, OpenVAERS stated, “None of these explanations suffice because all of that information was known prior to Pfizer submitting this EUA to the FDA on February 1 [2022]. It makes one wonder whether adverse events in the treatment group might be the factor that neither Pfizer nor the FDA want to talk about?”

Those Who Should Be in the Know Don’t Know a Thing

In related news, Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel, highlighted a February 5, 2022, Freedom of Information Request sent to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Australian equivalent of the FDA.10 The inquiry asked for documents relating to the TGA’s assessment of:

  • The presence and risk of micro-RNA sequences within the Comirnaty mRNA active ingredient (the mRNA genomic sequence)
  • The presence and risk of oncomirs (cancer-causing micro-RNA) in Comirnaty
  • The presence and risk of stop codon read-through (suppression of codon activity) arising as a result of the use of pseudouridine in Comirnaty
  • The composition of the final protein product (molecular weight and amino acid sequence) produced following injection of the Comirnaty mRNA product in human subjects
  • The risk of the use of AES-mtRNR1 3’ untranslated region of the Comirnaty mRNA product in human subjects

As it turns out, the TGA has none of these documents, because they’ve not assessed any of these risks. Why does this matter? Well, as explained by Rose:

“Micro-RNA (miRNAs) are small (20-22 nucleotides) single-stranded non-coding RNA molecules that function to interrupt or suppress gene expression at transcriptional or translational levels to regulate gene expression.”

Considering micro-RNA can alter gene expression, wouldn’t we want to know if micro-RNAs are present in the shot, considering we’re injecting hundreds of millions of people, including teenagers and children? The same goes for oncomirs, the suppression of codon activity, protein products and the rest.

“Stephanie Seneff has warned11 of two miRNAs that disrupt the type-1 interferon response in any cell, including immune cells: miR-148a and miR-590,” Rose continues.

“I don’t know what potential connections there are here yet, but it is safe to say that any tech that involves the introduction of foreign mRNA to be mass-produced by human cells must be thoroughly safety tested.

The fact that none of these documents ‘exist’ is proof positive that they either have no idea what the potential effects of what they made are because they did no bench work/investigations/studies, or, that they know and are hiding the results. Either choice is beyond criminal.”

The Critical Design Flaw

In an August 2021 Substack article,12 British cybersecurity researcher Ehden Biber homed in on the potential risks of using pseudouridine to optimize the codon.

The COVID shots do not contain the identical mRNA found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The mRNA has been genetically manipulated in a process called “codon optimization,” and this process is actually known to create unexpected and detrimental side effects.

“How come Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen etc. are using a technology that both they and the regulators know will cause unknown results?” Biber asked. The reason codon optimization was used is because it’s pretty difficult to get your body to produce a given protein by injecting mRNA.

It’s a slow and generally inefficient process. In order for the injection to work, they need higher levels of protein expression than is naturally possible. Scientists bypass this problem by making substitutions in the genetic instructions. They’ve discovered that you can swap out certain nucleotides (three nucleotides make up a codon) and still end up with the same protein in the end. But the increased efficiency comes at a terrible cost.

When substituting parts of the code in this way, the resulting protein can easily get misfolded, and this has been linked to a variety of chronic diseases,13 including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and heart failure.14 As explained by Biber:15

“Turns out the protein which was manufactured when codon optimization has different ways it folds and a different 3D shape, and it ‘could cause immunogenicity, for example, which wouldn’t be seen until late-stage clinical trials or even after approval.’ This statement relates to the NORMAL approval cycle. The COVID vaccines went via an accelerated one.”

Now, the FDA has been fully aware of these problems since 2011, when Chava Kimchi Sarfaty, Ph.D., a principal investigator at the FDA, stated that “We do not believe that you can optimize codons and have the protein behave as it did in its native form.”

She went on to warn, “The changed form could cause immunogenicity, for example, which wouldn’t be seen until late-stage clinical trials or even after approval.”16

If the FDA knew all this back in 2011, why have they not raised objections against codon optimization being used in the making of the COVID jabs? The same question needs to be asked of the Australian TGA.

The FOIA requester was likely thinking of the March 2021 paper, “BNT162b2 Vaccine: Possible Codons Misreading, Errors in Protein Synthesis and Alternative Splicing Anomalies”17 when they put together that inquiry, because that paper highlights Pfizer’s extensive codon optimization using pseudouridine, which has known adverse effects, as well as the use of 3’-UTR sequence, the consequences of which are still unknown.

The fact that the TGA has no data on the risks of these modifications just goes to show that they, like the U.S. FDA, are not actually working to ensure these jabs are safe. They’re protecting the profits of the drug companies.

Pfizer even admits, in its BNT162b2/Comirnaty Risk Management Plan submitted to the FDA to get EUA, that the codon optimization they did resulted in elevated gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT),18 which is an early marker of heart failure. Elevated GGT is also an indicator of insulin resistance, cardiometabolic disease,19 liver disease20 and chronic kidney disease.21

That alone should have raised some questions, were the FDA actually looking out for public health. All in all, there’s more reason than ever to question the COVID jab mandates and the use of these shots in children.


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Author James Perloff returns to SGT Report in this 2016 rewind, this was the most watched interview on my YouTube channel, ever. Nearly 4 million views before the video along with my entire channel was nuked without cause or warning on October 15, 2020. So James asked me to repost it, and I thought that was a pretty good idea. Thanks for tuning in.

There’s Some Very STRANGE THINGS About CERN (2015)



Tägliche politische und Geoengineering-Nachrichten
Meine Kanäle:

My personal greetings from Germany go to all patriots in the world:


Ukraine is one of the most prominent countries in Europe for trafficking humans, with over 260,000 Ukrainian trafficking victims in the last 30 years. Soros and Hunter Biden are directly connected to these human trafficking rings, making millions off of other peoples misery.

‘The COVID Cartel Lied; People Died; It’s Your Fault’ – Dr. Mercola

For more than two years major media have been using their so-called “respected” fact-checkers to debunk any information on the COVID pandemic that doesn’t agree with the CDC’s and WHO’s drumbeat press releases.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson was just one person that The Washington Post’s fact checker, Salvador Rizzo, gave four Pinocchios to for “lying” about COVID vaccine information. Specifically, Johnson was called out for giving “false” information on the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The only thing was, Johnson was the one telling the truth. It was Rizzo who was giving out false information, by trying to turn truth into lies and lies into truth. And, while people died, he and his Fourth Estate cohorts continued to spread lies as truths, including blaming the unvaccinated with natural immunity for the ongoing pandemic.

SOURCE: The Federalist February 24, 2022

The Washington Post July 16, 2021

Johnson & Johnson Settles Huge Opioid Lawsuit, $26B

Johnson & Johnson has agreed to pay $26 billion to settle 3,000 state and local government claims that they helped contribute to the deathly opioid crisis.

In a second part of the settlement, the drug giant agreed never to sell opioid products again. “The companies said they are not admitting wrongdoing and are continuing to defend themselves against claims that they helped cause the opioid crisis that was brought by entities that are not involved in the settlements,” The Epoch Times said.

SOURCE: The Epoch Times February 25, 2022

Top 5 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF signs-of-vitamin-d-deficiency-Mercola


  • Top 5 signs you may have a vitamin D deficiency that you will notice as an individual include ongoing musculoskeletal pain, frequent or intense colds and flus, neurological symptoms such as depression, impaired cognition and headaches, unrelenting fatigue and head sweating
  • As a society, three key things that indicate a vitamin D deficiency are increasing or stable rates of the incidence of breast cancer, the increase in the number of preterm births and, now, an increase in the incidence of Type 1 diabetes
  • An estimated 40% of Americans are profoundly vitamin D deficient, defined as having a serum level below 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L); 75% of American adults and teens are deficient when a sufficiency level of 30 ng/mL is used. If the sufficiency cutoff is moved to a healthy 40 to 60 ng/mL (100 to 150 nmol/L), as recommended by the GrassrootsHealth panel of 48 vitamin D researchers, deficiency rates in the U.S. would likely be in the high 90% bracket
  • 20 ng/mL is grossly insufficient for good health and disease prevention. Rather, a vitamin D level between 60 and 80 ng/mL (150 to 200 nmol/L) appears to offer the greatest protection against cancer and other chronic diseases
  • Pregnant women need a minimum vitamin D level of 40 ng/mL (100 nmol/L) to help prevent premature birth and other pregnancy complications
  • Optimizing your vitamin D levels may help you prevent cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, infections, neurodegenerative diseases and much more. Optimizing it is extremely simple and can be measured for success using an in-home test and some form of intake

This article was previously published January 1, 2019, and has been updated with new information.

Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common around the world, but many mistakenly believe they aren’t at risk because they consume vitamin D-fortified foods, such as milk. However, few foods have therapeutic levels of vitamin D naturally, and even fortified foods do not contain enough vitamin D to support your health needs.

Despite its name, vitamin D is actually a steroid hormone that you obtain primarily through sun exposure, not via your diet. Since most dermatologists and other doctors recommend avoiding the sun and using sunscreen before venturing outdoors, vitamin D deficiency has reached truly epidemic proportions around the world.

Unfortunately, while the justification for sun avoidance is that it may reduce your risk of skin cancer, by avoiding sun exposure you risk vitamin D deficiency, which in turn raises your risk for many cancers — not only internal ones but also skin cancer, as well as a whole host of chronic diseases.

Considering the importance of vitamin D for disease prevention, strict sun avoidance is likely doing far more harm than good. The major problem with sun exposure is burning, not overall exposure. And, the easily treatable forms of skin cancer — squamous and basal cell carcinomas — are the ones most likely to form.

Definition of Vitamin D Deficiency

According to research1 published in June 2018, an estimated 40% of Americans are profoundly vitamin D deficient, defined as having a serum (blood) level of vitamin D below 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L). Sufficiency is defined as having a level of 20 ng/mL or higher.

Calling someone with a vitamin D level of less than 20 ng/ml vitamin D deficient is like calling someone over 400 pounds simply overweight — in both cases a grossly serious understatement.

Seventy-five percent of American adults and teens are deficient in vitamin D when a sufficiency level of 30 ng/mL is used.2 If the sufficiency cutoff were to be moved to 40 to 60 ng/mL, sufficiency rates in the U.S. would likely be in the high 90% bracket.

It’s important to realize that 20 ng/mL has repeatedly been shown to be grossly insufficient for good health and disease prevention and, really, anything below 40 ng/mL (100 nmol/L) should be suspect. For example, research has shown that once you reach a minimum serum vitamin D level of 40 ng/mL, your risk for cancer diminishes by 67%, compared to having a level of 20 ng/mL or less.3

Most cancers occur in people with a vitamin D blood level between 10 and 40 ng/mL (25 to 100 nmol/L), and the optimal level for cancer protection now appears to be between 60 and 80 ng/mL (150 to 200 nmol/L).

Several studies also show that these higher vitamin D levels are protective against breast cancer specifically. Importantly, a 2005 study4 showed women with vitamin D levels above 60 ng/mL have an 83% lower risk of breast cancer than those below 20 ng/mL! I cannot think of any other strategy that can offer that kind of risk reduction.

More recently, a pooled analysis5 published in June 2018 of two randomized trials and a prospective cohort study came to a near-identical conclusion. The objective was to assess whether there are any benefits to having a vitamin D level above 40 ng/mL, as most studies do not venture into these higher levels.

Indeed, mirroring the 2005 findings, women with vitamin D levels at or above 60 ng/mL had an 82% lower incidence rate of breast cancer than those with levels of 20 ng/mL or less. Published research by GrassrootsHealth reveal as much as 80% of all breast cancer incidence could be prevented simply by optimizing vitamin D and nothing else.

breast cancer

Top 5 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

The only way to definitively identify vitamin D deficiency is via blood testing. However, there are some general signs and symptoms to be aware of as well. If any of the following apply to you, you should get your vitamin D levels tested sooner than later, and take proactive steps to boost your level into the 60 to 80 ng/mL range:

1.Ongoing musculoskeletal pain and achy bones — According to vitamin D researcher Dr. Michael Holick, whom I interviewed a few years ago, many who see their doctor for aches and pains, especially in combination with fatigue, end up being misdiagnosed as having fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

“Many of these symptoms are classic signs of vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia,6 which is different from the vitamin D deficiency that causes osteoporosis in adults,” Holick told me. “What’s happening is that the vitamin D deficiency causes a defect in putting calcium into the collagen matrix into your skeleton. As a result, you have throbbing, aching bone pain.”

2.Frequent illness/infections — Vitamin D regulates the expression of genes that influence your immune system to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses, so frequent illness and infections of all kinds, including colds and flu, is a tipoff that your immune function is subpar, which likely means you’re low on vitamin D.

3.Neurological symptoms — This includes depression, feeling blue, cognitive impairment, headaches and migraines. In 2006, scientists evaluated the effects of vitamin D on the mental health of 80 elderly patients and found those with the lowest levels of vitamin D were 11 times more prone to be depressed than those who received healthy doses.7

The same study also found low vitamin D was linked to poor cognitive performance. Several other studies8 have also linked vitamin D deficiency with poor mental function, confusion, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating. Headaches and migraines are also associated with low vitamin D.9,10

4.Fatigue and daytime sleepiness — Studies have linked low vitamin D to persistent fatigue.11,12 In one case, a woman struggling with chronic fatigue, daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia), low back pain and daily headaches was found to have a vitamin D level below 6 ng/mL.

Her symptoms resolved once she raised it to 39 ng/mL.13 Another study14 found women with vitamin D levels below 29 ng/mL were more likely to complain of fatigue than those with levels above 30 ng/mL.

5.Head sweating — According to Holick, a classic sign of vitamin D deficiency is a sweaty head. In fact, physicians used to ask new mothers about head sweating in their newborns for this very reason. Excessive sweating in newborns due to neuromuscular irritability is still described as a common, early symptom of vitamin D deficiency.15

Top 5 Risk Factors for Vitamin D Deficiency

Several factors will influence your risk for vitamin D deficiency, including the following:

  • Rarely spending time outdoors and/or always wearing sunscreen — Researchers have noted that vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in adults of all ages who always wear sun protection (which blocks vitamin D production) or limit their outdoor activities.16 The ideal time for sun exposure is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the UVB rays are present.
  • Darker skin — Your skin pigment acts as a natural sunscreen, so the more pigment you have, the more time you’ll need to spend in the sun to make adequate amounts of vitamin D. If you have dark skin, you may need as much as 10 times more sun exposure to produce the same amount of vitamin D as a person with pale skin.
  • Being 50 or older — As you get older, your skin doesn’t make as much vitamin D in response to sun exposure. At the same time, your kidneys become less efficient at converting vitamin D into its active form. Older adults also tend to spend more time indoors (i.e., getting even less sun exposure and therefore vitamin D).
  • Obesity — Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, body fat acts as a “sink” by collecting it. If you’re overweight or obese, you’re therefore likely going to need more vitamin D than a slimmer person. In one recent study,17 vitamin D deficiency was three times more prevalent in obese individuals.
  • Gastrointestinal problems — Since vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means if you have a gastrointestinal condition that affects your ability to absorb fat, you may have lower absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin D as well. This includes gut conditions like Crohn’s, celiac and nonceliac gluten sensitivity and inflammatory bowel disease.

Health Benefits of Vitamin D Optimization

Optimizing your vitamin D levels has been shown to have a powerful effect on health, helping protect against a wide variety of diseases. Among them:

Dry eye syndromes18,19
Macular degeneration,20,21 which is the No. 1 cause of blindness in the elderly.
Autoimmune diseases — Vitamin D is a potent immune modulator, making it very important for the prevention of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis, just to name a few.
Gastrointestinal diseases22 — Dysbiosis of your gut microbiome, inflammatory bowel disease and colitis are all disorders connected to vitamin D deficiency.
Infectious diseases, including influenza and HIV23,24
Inflammatory rheumatic diseases25 such as rheumatoid arthritis — A 2020 study showed that “vitamin D supplementation seemed to be an effective intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Different doses of vitamin D and durations of intervention produce different effects.”
Osteoporosis and hip fractures
Cardiovascular disease — Vitamin D is very important for reducing hypertension, atherosclerotic heart disease, heart attack and stroke, as it plays a vital role in protecting and repairing damage to your endothelium.26

It also helps trigger production of nitric oxide — which improves blood flow and prevents blood clot formation — and significantly reduces oxidative stress in your vascular system, all of which are important to help prevent the development and/or progression of cardiovascular disease.

According to Holick, vitamin D deficiency increases your risk of heart attack by 50%, and if you have a heart attack and you’re vitamin D deficient, your risk of dying from that heart attack is virtually guaranteed.

Indeed, a Norwegian study27 published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found “a normal intake of vitamin D” significantly reduces your risk of death if you have cardiovascular disease.

Neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease28,29 and epilepsy — In one study,30 epileptics given a one-time megadose of vitamin D3, ranging from 40,000 IUs all the way up to 200,000 IUs, followed by a daily dose of 2,000 to 2,600 IUs a day for three months to bring each individual’s vitamin D status to at least 30 ng/mL, resulted in significant improvements.

Ten out of 13 had a decrease in the number of seizures, five of whom experienced more than a 50% reduction. Overall, the group had a 40% reduction in the number of seizures.

Lupus — According to researchers in Cairo,31 most patients with systemic lupus erythematosus have some level of vitamin D deficiency, defined as a level of 10 ng/mL or less, or insufficiency, a level between 10 and 30 ng/mL.
Obstructive sleep apnea — In one study, 98% of patients with sleep apnea had vitamin D deficiency, and the more severe the sleep apnea, the more severe the deficiency.32
Bone health, falls and fractures — A 2006 review33 looking at vitamin D intakes and health outcomes such as bone mineral density, dental health, risk of falls, fractures and colorectal cancer, found “the most advantageous serum concentrations of 25(OH)D begin at 30 ng/mL, and the best are between 36 to 40 ng/mL.”
Obesity and diabetes — Research34 has shown vitamin D supplementation (4,000 IUs/day) combined with resistance training helps decrease your waist-to-hip ratio, a measurement that is far better at determining your risk for Type 2 diabetes and heart disease than body mass index.
Type 1 diabetes — Data from GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action project to prevent Type 1 diabetes35 suggests maintaining a vitamin D level between 40 and 60 ng/mL (100 to 150 nmol/L) may prevent Type 1 diabetes, and stop the progression of the disease, which is a growing problem.
Neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis (MS)36 — Research shows MS patients with higher levels of vitamin D tend to experience less disabling symptoms.37 Vitamin D deficiency is also common among patients with Parkinson’s38 and seniors with severe vitamin D deficiency may raise their risk for dementia by 125%.39
DNA repair and metabolic processes — One of Holick’s studies showed healthy volunteers taking 2,000 IUs of vitamin D per day for a few months upregulated 291 different genes that control up to 80 different metabolic processes, including DNA repair and autoxidation (oxidation that occurs in the presence of oxygen and/or UV radiation, which has implications for aging and cancer).
Preterm birth — A level of 40 ng/mL has also been shown to offer powerful protection against preterm birth if you’re pregnant.40 Women with a vitamin D level of at least 40 ng/mL may lower their risk of preterm birth by as much as 62%, compared to having a level of just 20 ng/mL. Women with a history of preterm birth gain even greater protection — an 80% reduction — when raising their vitamin D level above 40 ng/mL.
Pregnancy complications — Having a vitamin D level above 40 ng/mL also protects the mother by reducing her risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and prenatal infections by approximately 50%.41
All-cause mortality — Studies have also linked higher vitamin D levels with lowered mortality from all causes.42,43,44

Vitamin D Levels Can Affect COVID Risk

Evidence showing vitamin D lowers your risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalization, severe complications and death continues to mount, with study after study showing that your vitamin D status before you become infected can greatly affect not only your risk of getting COVID, but how well you recover (or don’t) from it.

Included in those studies is a scientific review45 in the journal Nutrients, which I co-wrote with William Grant, Ph.D., and Dr. Carol Wagner, both of whom are part of the GrassrootsHealth expert vitamin D panel. We found that at least 14 observational studies offer evidence that serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are inversely correlated with the incidence or severity of COVID-19.

The evidence to date generally satisfies Hill’s criteria for causality in a biological system, namely, strength of association, consistency, temporality, biological gradient, plausibility (e.g., mechanisms), and coherence, although experimental verification is lacking. Thus, the evidence seems strong enough that people and physicians can use or recommend vitamin D supplements to prevent or treat COVID-19 in light of their safety and wide therapeutic window.

As of October 31, 2021, our paper, “Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity” — which you can download and read for free — was the second most downloaded study from this journal in the previous 12 months. It was also No. 2 in citations and No. 4 for views.

Other studies have also confirmed that higher vitamin D levels lower your risk of complications and death from COVID-19. Among them is an August 2020 study46,47 published in the journal Nutrients, which found patients who had a vitamin D level below 12 ng/mL (30 nmol/L) had a 6.12 times higher risk of severe disease requiring invasive mechanical ventilation, and a 14.7 times higher risk of death compared to those with a vitamin D level above 12 ng/mL.

Other Conditions Affected by Vitamin D Levels

In January 2022 Mayo Clinic research on vitamin D was featured by WEAU 13 News in Wisconsin. The clinic’s list of conditions affected by vitamin D include:48

Cognitive health — Research shows that low levels of vitamin D in the blood are associated with cognitive decline.
Inherited bone disorders — Vitamin D supplements can be used to help treat inherited disorders resulting from an inability to absorb or process vitamin D, such as familial hypophosphatemia.
Multiple sclerosis — Research suggests that long-term vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis.
Osteomalacia — Vitamin D supplements are used to treat adults with severe vitamin D deficiency, resulting in loss of bone mineral content, bone pain, muscle weakness and soft bones (osteomalacia).
Osteoporosis — Studies suggest that people who get enough vitamin D and calcium in their diets can slow bone mineral loss, help prevent osteoporosis and reduce bone fractures. Ask your doctor if you need a calcium and vitamin D supplement to prevent or treat osteoporosis.
Psoriasis — Applying vitamin D or a topical preparation that contains a vitamin D compound called calcipotriene to the skin can treat plaque-type psoriasis in some people.
Rickets — This rare condition develops in children with vitamin D deficiency.

Check Your Vitamin D Level Twice a Year

Regular, sensible sun exposure is the best way to optimize your vitamin D status, but many will need to take an oral vitamin D3 supplement, especially during winter months.

The only way to gauge whether you might need to supplement, and how much, is to get your level tested, ideally twice a year, in the early spring, after the winter, and early fall when you level is at its peak and low point. This is particularly important if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy, or if you have cancer.

Again, the level you’re aiming for is between 60 and 80 ng/mL, with 40 ng/mL being the low cutoff point for sufficiency to prevent a wide range of diseases, including cancer.

GrassrootsHealth makes testing easy by offering an inexpensive vitamin D testing kit as part of its consumer-sponsored research. By signing up, you are helping further vital health research that can help millions in coming years. (All revenues from these kits go directly to GrassrootsHealth. I make no profit from these kits and only provide them as a service of convenience to my readers.)

All women are also encouraged to enroll in the Breast Cancer Prevention project,49 to track your vitamin D level and help prevent an initial cancer occurrence, or, if you’ve already had it, to help prevent a recurrence. In addition, anyone affected by Type 1 Diabetes is invited to enroll in the Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Project.

Required Dosage Is Highly Individual

Research50 suggests it would require 9,600 IUs of vitamin D per day to get 97% of the population to reach 40 ng/mL, but individual requirements can vary widely, and you need to take whatever dosage required to get you into the optimal range.

In 2018 I interviewed Carole Baggerly, director and founder of GrassrootsHealth, a nonprofit public health research organization dedicated to moving public health messages regarding vitamin D from research into practice, and she said:

“Our first paper, published in 2011, showed the dose response relationship. You can easily see that two people taking the same dose (e.g., 4,000 IU/day) could have very different results. That’s why testing … is so important.”

serum level vs intake

If you’ve been taking a certain amount of vitamin D3 for a number of months and retesting reveals you’re still not within the recommended range, then you know you need to increase your dosage.

Over time, with continued testing, you’ll find your individual sweet spot and have a good idea of how much you need to take to maintain an ideal level year-round. GrassrootsHealth also has an online vitamin D calculator you can use to estimate your vitamin D3 dosage once you know your current serum level.

Additional Guidelines When Using Oral Vitamin D3

Aside from determining your ideal dose of vitamin D3, you also need to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin K2 (to avoid complications associated with excessive calcification in your arteries), calcium and magnesium.

Research51,52 has shown that if you’re taking high doses of vitamin D while having an insufficient magnesium level, your body cannot properly utilize the vitamin D you’re taking. The reason for this is because magnesium is required for the actual activation of vitamin D. If your magnesium level is too low, the vitamin D may simply get stored in its inactive form.

This may actually help explain why many need rather high doses of vitamin D to optimize their levels. According to this scientific review, as many as 50% of Americans taking vitamin D supplements may not get significant benefit due to insufficient magnesium levels.

On the other hand, when you have an optimal magnesium level, your vitamin D level will rise even if you’re taking a much lower dose.53 In fact, previous research54 has indicated that higher magnesium intake helps reduce your risk of vitamin D deficiency — likely by activating more of it.

The Plandemic Enters Final Stage, Real Purpose Exposed – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF plandemic-purpose-exposed-Mercola


  • February 21, 2022, the Canadian Parliament approved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the peaceful trucker protest against vaccine mandates
  • Under the Act, Canadian banks can seize the personal bank accounts of anyone suspected of participating in or supporting the protest, and these financial surveillance powers are intended to become permanent
  • February 14, 2022, Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland said the government was using the Emergencies Act to broaden Canada’s anti-money-laundering and terrorist financing rules to cover crowdfunding platforms and their payment service providers. The broadened surveillance power requires all digital transactions, including cryptocurrencies, to be reported to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Canada. (Fintrac)
  • What’s happening in Canada should be a sobering wakeup call for the whole world. Governments intend to control dissent through financial blackmail, which is why they’re also pushing for programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)
  • Programmable currency is digital cash programmed to ensure it can only be spent on essentials or goods that an employer or government deems to be sensible. In other words, the issuer of the money would have complete control over how you spend your own money, and could punish you for undesirable opinions or behavior by restricting your purchasing ability or seizing your funds altogether

February 21, 2022, the Canadian Parliament approved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act, with 185 votes for and 151 against, in response to the peaceful trucker protest against vaccine mandates.While Trudeau in a February 14, 2022, press conference (above) promised the Act would be limited in time, geographical location and scope, he’s already reneging on that promise.

Financial Surveillance Powers Will Be Permanently Expanded

The act was invoked to allow the government to physically disperse the trucker convoy without actually listening to their complaint, and to punish anyone who has supported the protest.

Under the act, banks are empowered to seize the personal bank accounts of anyone suspected of participating in the protest, or supporting it with as little as a $25 donation. Disturbingly, the surveillance powers over financial transactions granted by the act are actually intended to become permanent. As reported by National Review:2

“In a February 14 news conference, Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland said that the government was using the Emergencies Act to broaden ‘the scope of Canada’s anti-money-laundering and terrorist financing rules so that they cover crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use.’

That broadened power requires all forms of digital transactions, including cryptocurrencies, to be reported to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Canada. (I.e., ‘Fintrac’).

‘As of today, all crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use must register with Fintrac, and they must report large and suspicious transactions to Fintrac,’ Freeland said.

She justified the move as a way to ‘mitigate the risk’ of ‘illicit funds’ and ‘increase the quality and quantity of intelligence received by Fintrac and make more information available to support investigations by law enforcement’ …

Freeland said the trucker convoy, which had assembled to protest coronavirus restrictions, had ‘highlighted the fact’ that digital assets and funding mechanisms ‘weren’t captured’ by the Canadian government’s pre-existing surveillance powers.

As a result, she said, ‘the government will also bring forward legislation to provide these authorities to FinTrac on a permanent basis.’”

As noted by the National Review, we can already tell what the Canadian government will do with those expanded surveillance powers. We’re seeing their intentions in action. By invoking the Act, Trudeau has given himself the unilateral power to destroy the lives of Canadians who happen to disagree with him, regardless of the issue at hand.

Without court order or due process, the government can now freeze bank accounts, cancel insurance policies and revoke drivers’ licenses, and the victims have no recourse or remedy.

“All this, of course, flies in the face of Trudeau’s promise that the Emergencies Act powers would be temporary,” National Review notes, adding:3

“When he announced his invocation of the order, he promised the Canadian people that his expanded authorities would ‘be time-limited, geographically targeted, as well as reasonable and proportionate to the threats they are meant to address.’ Not a single part of that sentence has proved to be true.”

Government Wants to Decide How You Spend Your Money

What’s happening in Canada should be a sobering wakeup call for the whole world. They’re showing us exactly what’s in store for all of us. Governments will basically control dissent through financial tyranny and blackmail.

The next step in that direction is the implementation of programmable digital currencies, worldwide. As reported by The Telegraph in June 2021, the Bank of England has already started moving on a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC), and there’s no doubt that this is the plan of all central banks worldwide.4

Executive board member of the European Central Bank, Fabio Panetta, mentioned it in his December 10, 2021, lecture on the future of digital money in Rome, Italy.5

What’s meant by a “programmable” currency? As explained by The Telegraph,6 “Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or government deems to be sensible.” In other words, the issuer of the money would have complete control over how you, the recipient, spend it.

“Tom Mutton, a director at the Bank of England, said during a conference … that programming could become a key feature of any future central bank digital currency …” The Telegraph reported.7

“He said … what happens if one of the participants in a transaction puts a restriction on [future use of the money]? There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way. But at the same time it could be a restriction on people’s freedoms.’”

Absolute Control Through Financial Slavery

That programmable currency might restrict freedom is probably the understatement of the century. It’s an absolute given. Imagine your employer, your government and the central bank itself having the privilege to dictate how you spend your own money!

Imagine a third party deciding how much you’re allowed to spend on rent, what kind of food or clothing you’re allowed to buy, or what hobbies you’re allowed to spend money on and when. That’s the power they intend to obtain, and current events in Canada prove it.

The “socially beneficial outcomes” Mutton is hinting at are basically that an unelected cabal will have the ability to micromanage your personal finances, and hence dictate your behavior in every area of your life. As noted by British activist and radio presenter Maajid Nawaz in the Joe Rogan clip above, with a programmable CBDC, the British government would have complete control over anyone who disagrees with their policies or activities.

For example, with other surveillance, they could determine that he was planning to appear on Rogan’s show and simply reprogram his CBDCs with the click of a button, such that he would not be allowed to purchase a plane ticket. So much for that plan then.

Of course, CBDCs will exist by themselves. They’re designed to be used together with digital ID and a social credit score, like that in China. The COVID vaccine passports are one type of platform that could be used for this, but even if a state or country rejects vaccine passports, don’t for a moment think you’re out of the woods, not by a long-shot. Chances are, they’ll introduce a digital ID system instead, which will serve the exact same function.

Global Leadership Has Been Infiltrated

In the full Rogan interview, Nawaz goes on to discuss how governments around the world have been infiltrated by World Economic Forum (WEF) members whose agenda it is to implement global authoritarianism. As reported by Life Site News:8

“… the WEF has installed its members in national leadership roles around the world to further the organization’s sprawling authoritarian agenda. Explaining that government leaders worldwide have begun lifting COVID-19 mandates and restrictions while leaving in place an apparatus of digital tracking and identification that forms the embryonic stages of a digital social credit score.

Nawaz said the WEF under Schwab has worked on ‘embedding people in government who are subscribed to’ the Great Reset agenda. ‘That’s what they say themselves,’ Nawaz said, pointing out that the so-called Great Reset, whose advocates have famously asserted that by 2030 people will ‘own nothing and be happy,’ is explained in detail on the WEF’s website.9

In a 2020 book entitled ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset,’ Schwab openly argued that the COVID-19 response should be used to ‘revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions’ …

The WEF has clearly articulated10 its interest in pursuing a global digital ID system. ‘So this is going to be this never-ending process to slowly move the goal posts,’ Rogan surmised. ‘Towards more and more authoritarianism,’ Nawaz added. ‘Checkpoint society. It’s all there. They’ve told us this.’”

How exactly has the WEF infiltrated governments and leadership roles around the world? In part by getting members of its Young Global Leaders group elected or installed in key positions. Would it surprise you to learn that Trudeau went through Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program?

Other members whose dictatorial mindset cannot be disguised any longer are New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and French President Emmanuel Macron. Bill Gates and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have also gone through the program, and both are clearly supporting and promoting The Great Reset agenda through their respective business ventures.

Globalists Plan to Seize Control of Health Systems Worldwide

Your money isn’t the only thing the globalist cabal wants to control, however. In a February 18, 2022, article, Dr. Peter Breggin, author of “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey,”11 warns that the next move in the globalists’ war on humanity is to seize control over the health care systems of the entire world:12

“We have discovered the next move of the global predators — already in progress — in their escalating assaults against individual and political freedom. The next big assault on human freedom involves a legalized takeover of national healthcare systems by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This stealth attack — with its initial plans already backed by many nations — will begin full implementation in 2024 if it is not quickly recognized and fought! … The Chinese Communist influence over WHO has been solid for more than a decade, and the party was able to install Tedros without any competition.

He became the first and only Director-General who is not a physician and instead is a communist politician. Now the Director-General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus — known simply as Tedros — has unveiled plans to take charge of all global health.

While addressing the WHO Executive Committee on January 24, 2022, Director-General Tedros spelled out his global health plan, including his final priority for his enormous scheme: ‘The fifth priority is to urgently strengthen WHO as the leading and directing authority on global health, at the center of the global health architecture.’

Tedros’s closing words to his report to the executive committee are chilling in their grandiosity and echo Marxist exhortations to cheering mobs by a Stalin, Mao, or Xi Jinping: ‘We are one world, we have one health, we are one WHO.’ Tedros seeks to become super-Fauci for the world, and, like Fauci, he will do it on behalf of the global predators.”

Health Fascism

As explained by Breggin, the global health care takeover really began with Gates’ Decade of Vaccines, announced in 2010 at the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos. At that time, Gates installed Dr. Anthony Fauci on his vaccine advisory board, thereby guaranteeing his plans would receive support from the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Fauci is the head of. Breggin continues:13

“A theme for the Decade of Vaccines was ‘Public-Private Partnerships Drive Progress in Vaccine Development, Delivery’ — essentially the precursor to the Great Reset establishing a world governance of public and private health united in the spirit of fascism.

By 2012, Gates achieved official UN approval for his scheme, establishing a broad network of global predators aimed at exploiting and dominating humanity through public health. Communist China would play a prominent role through its control over the UN and WHO and through its close relationships with global predators like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Mike Bloomberg, Big Tech executives, and many other billionaires and world leaders.

A decade and more later, during COVID-19, WHO has proven its usefulness to the predators in orchestrating science, medicine, and public health in the suppression of human freedom and the generation of wealth and power for the globalists.”

Under the guise of a global pandemic, the WHO, the WEF and all of its installed leaders in government and private business, were able to roll out a plan that has been decades in the making. The pandemic was a perfect cover. In the name of keeping everyone “safe” from infection, the globalists have justified unprecedented attacks on democracy, civil liberties and personal freedoms, including the right to choose your own medical treatment.

Now, the WHO is gearing up to make its pandemic leadership permanent, and to extend it into the health care systems of every nation. “The idea is ‘the principle of health for all’ — universal health care organized by WHO as part of the Great Reset,” Breggin explains.

Pandemic Treaty Is Being Established

May 24, 2021, the European Council announced it supported the establishment of an international Pandemic Treaty, under which the WHO would have the power to replace the constitutions of individual nations with its own constitution under the banner of “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”14

“The world has already seen how any pandemic emergency, real or concocted, now or in the future, could then justify WHO taking over the entirety of government operations of sovereign nations, robbing all individuals of their freedoms, and fully crushing the democratic republics of the world,” Breggin warns.15

“The spirit of Communism can be felt throughout the document. We are told that the ‘purpose’ of the new strategy will be ‘guided by a spirit of solidarity, anchored in the principles of fairness, inclusion, and transparency.’ Notice, as in all pronouncements by global predators; there is no mention of individual rights, political liberty, or national sovereignty.

The great engine of human progress, human freedom, will be replaced by the great destroyer of humanity, collectivism, under the rule of the elite. Tucked into the report were the real goals … Here are three main purposes or goals of the proposed treaty:

1.response to any future pandemics, in particular by ensuring universal and equitable access to medical solutions, such as vaccines, medicines, and diagnostics

2.a stronger international health framework with the WHO as the coordinating authority on global health matters

3.the ‘One Health’ approach, connecting the health of humans, animals, and our planet

The report adds, ‘More specifically, such an instrument can enhance international cooperation in a number of priority areas, such as surveillance, alerts, and response, but also in general trust in the international health system.’ Clearly, they were building support for Tedros’s January 24, 2022 announcement that WHO would take over the international health care system.”

Even Your Food Will Be Under Their Control

In addition to your finances and your health care, the global cabal also intend to control the food supply and dictate what you can and cannot eat, in the name of combating climate change and saving the planet. The Great Reset16 is indeed the reset of life and society as we know it. Not a single area will be left untouched.

Sustainable development, Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, the New Urban Agenda, the Fourth Industrial Revolution,17 “Build Back Better,”18 green economy, the Green New Deal, the Paris Climate Agreement and the global warming movement in general all refer to and are part of The Great Reset agenda and its resource-based economics.

The common goal of all these movements and agendas is to capture all of the resources of the world — the ownership of them — for a small global cabal that has the know-how to program the computer systems that will ultimately dictate the lives of everyone.

When they talk about “wealth redistribution,” what they’re really referring to is the redistribution of resources from us to them. The goal is for you to own nothing. Everything you need, from the shirt on your back to a roof over your head, you’ll have to rent from the globalist owners.

Even the food you put into your mouth is planned to be under their complete control. To this end, the WEF has partnered with the EAT Forum, which will set the political agenda for global food production. The EAT Forum was cofounded by the Wellcome Trust, which in turn was established with the financial help of GlaxoSmithKline.

EAT collaborates with nearly 40 city governments across Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America and Australia, and maintains close relationships with imitation meat companies such as Impossible Foods, which was cofunded by Google, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.19 Gates has also been gobbling up farmland, becoming one of the largest private land owners in the U.S.20

EAT has developed a “Planetary Health Diet” that is designed to be applied to the global population and entails cutting meat and dairy intake by up to 90%, replacing it largely with foods made in laboratories, along with cereals and oil.21

Not surprisingly, Gates is on record urging Western nations to stop eating real meat altogether,22 and articles have been published in the past three years insisting people need to get used to eating bugs and drinking reclaimed sewage,23 all in the name of sustainability and saving the planet.

Being able to see the globalists’ plan as clearly as we can see it now, we have an obligation to future generations to resist, denounce and refuse any and all implementations of the technocratic agenda. We can win, for the simple fact that there are more of us than there are of them, but we have to be vocal about it — we need to join forces and present a united front, resisting peacefully, like the Canadian truckers.




2017 Video Of Explosion At Ukraine Military Depot Shared As Recent Attack by fake news.

2017 Video Of Explosion At Ukraine Military Depot Shared As Recent Attack by fake news.

BOOM found that the video shows explosions at a military ammunition depot in central Ukraine in 2017.

A video showing a massive explosion at a military depot in Ukraine in 2017, has been revived and is being shared as recent footage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The video is being shared in the backdrop of full-scale invasion of Ukraine launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the early hours of February 24, 2022. Social media has been inundated with unrelated images and videos passed off as the ongoing war. The caption with one such video reads as, “Massive explosion at Ukraine #RussiaUkraineConflict”.

BOOM did a reverse image search on one of the key frames of the video using Yandex – a Russian search engine. We found the same image in an article by the Irish Times, published on September 27, 2017. The caption with the video says, “Explosions at a military ammunition depot in central Ukraine were seen in the early hours of Wednesday, September 27th, 240 km from the capital. Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said ‘external factors’ were behind the incident.” Taking a cue from this, we performed a related keyword search on the internet and found several news articles about the incident. According to a Reuters report published on September 28, 2017, “Massive explosions at a military depot in the Vynnytsya region, 270 km (170 miles) west of Kiev, forced the authorities to evacuate 24,000 people…” The report further stated, “It is not clear if the explosions were accidents or sabotage, either of which would underscore poor security at the bases, but officials traded blame for the resulting losses.” The Guardian also uploaded the video on its official YouTube channel on September 28, 2017. The same clip has been used in the viral posts.

Patel Talks Durham, Ukraine’s Nazi Regime, National Vaccine Pass Rolls Out

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Is Russia Actually In Ukraine To Take Out US Biolabs?

It may well be that Russia is saving the world from new American made bioweapons, being more enriched in Ukraine. If it comes out who are behind these biolabs and what kind of bioweapons are being developed and for what purpose, Putin will very likely be able to flip the entire narrative that will boomerang and hit the EU and Americans badly. Most people will be up for a surprise about how much their politicians really care for them and who is calling the shots. Ultimately, the focus has to be on the Satanic banking cartel at the top of society, and the few banking families at the very top.

The REAL aggressors attacking humanity are the vaccine pushers, covid propagandists and governments that terrorize their own citizens


(Natural News) The financial sanctions Biden has announced against Putin are nothing compared to the Canadian government’s own financial terrorism that it has unleashed against its own peaceful citizens. Donate just $20 to the freedom convoy and all your bank funds can be stolen without notice, completely outside of due process. But we’re told that Putin is the worst villain on the planet. Yet Putin hasn’t stolen anyone’s bank accounts in the USA or Canada (for starters).

For the record, I don’t see Putin demanding Americans and Canadians be injected with spike protein bioweapons that have already killed nearly one million Americans right here at home, either. Those demands came from our own corrupt governments, media propagandists, fraudulent science institutions and pharma-infiltrated Big Tech giants.

Similarly, when the fake Biden president decries Putin’s violation of Ukraine’s “sovereign borders,” the corporate media is utterly silent about America’s invasions, attacks and military violence committed against Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria and dozens of other countries. Over the years, the media cheered those attacks, never once caring about how many innocent people would be “displaced” in those countries.

When America attacks innocent nations, it’s never described by the western media as a “brutal onslaught that’s killing innocents.” It’s always described as an effort to “defend freedom.”

Funny, isn’t it, how America’s violence is dressed up as “peace,” but when anybody else does it around the world, suddenly it’s a “brutal onslaught.”


The corporate media is so dishonest in its coverage of conflict that if Ukraine were being invaded by Black Lives Matter with the exact same weapons as the Russian military, we would all be told the incursion was “mostly peaceful” with only “rare” episodes of bombs or missiles.

The lying media has been complicit in the vaccine holocaust that has already killed millions around the globe

Missiles and bombs aren’t the only forms of violence that kill people. Vaccine violence is another concept that’s become crystal clear these days as literally millions of people are now dead from the covid vaccines that were pushed onto innocent people by pharma-controlled governments and complicit corporate media giants over the last 18 months or so.

Thanks to a bombshell “smoking gun” analysis of the covid-19 spike protein, it turns out that Moderna actually patented a particular genetic sequence three years before the covid outbreak… and that sequence is found in the covid-19 spike protein. This is proof that Moderna helped synthesize the virus that got released onto the world, which in turns generated tens of billions of dollars in revenues for Moderna.

In other words, the entire covid outbreak and all its damage — lives lost, economies destroyed, liberties demolished — was done on purpose and was engineered by powerful corporations and governments (NIH, Fauci) in order to deliberately harm humanity. In the world of pure evil, Putin doesn’t even hold a candle to Fauci.

That crime against humanity dwarfs the current events in Ukraine, as devastating as they are. While Putin has launched missiles at targets in Ukraine, global governments and pharma corporations launched a deadly biological weapon against the entire planet, causing untold death, suffering and destruction on a scale that has never been witnessed in the history of human civilization.

Big Media, Big Tech, Big Science, Big Government and Big Pharma all went along with it. They pushed the false narrative that “vaccines are safe and effective” while deliberately conspiring to destroy the reputation of ivermectin and other interventions that could save lives. In a world where Joe Biden claims Russia is “attacking the people of Ukraine,” it was actually Biden’s own government (and Trump’s before) that attacked the people of America with a biological weapon and a fraudulent “vaccine.”

So to anyone that’s going to scream about Putin and Russia, get your crisis hierarchy sorted out correctly so that you at least recognize that Putin’s attack of Ukraine pales in comparison to the USA / CCP attack on the entire world via biological weapons and deadly jabs that transform the bodies of innocent people into spike protein weapons factories.

For the record, we are opposed to all forms of violence against innocent people. That includes kinetic violence, of course, but it must also consider vaccine violence, medical violence, hospital homicide and gain-of-function biological weapons development. Yes, war is bad. Kinetic war is horrible. But so is biological warfare, economic warfare, censorship, government propaganda, journo-terrorism and everything else we’ve all been subjected to under the fraudulent covid narrative.

Putin didn’t make our children wear masks and lock our elderly in nursing homes and hospital beds where you’re not even allowed to visit them. America’s own medical tyrants did that. And they tried to force deadly spike protein shots on everyone, all in the effort to achieve global depopulation and extermination of the human race.

Remember that when you’re watching the propaganda media whine about Russia. CNN has killed far more Americans than Putin has Ukrainians, just from the network’s vaccine propaganda alone.

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My personal greetings from Germany go to all patriots in the world:

400,000 Cases of COVID Vaccine Injuries Found in Data Analyzed by German Health Insurer


A German health insurer BKK ProVita said an analysis of data collected from more than 10 million people suggests COVID vaccine side effects are “significantly” underreported. The company said its analysis revealed a “significant alarm signal” and said “a risk to human life cannot be ruled out.”


A German health insurance company this week said an analysis of data collected from more than 10 million people suggests COVID vaccine side effects are “significantly” underreported.

A German health insurance company this week said an analysis of data collected from more than 10 million people suggests COVID vaccine side effects are “significantly” underreported.

The company, BKK ProVita (BKK), said its analysis revealed a “significant alarm signal” and that “a risk to human life cannot be ruled out.”

Based on the data collected, BKK said the number of vaccine side effects is many times higher than the number officially announced by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), Germany’s federal health agency that monitors the safety of vaccines and biomedicines.

The PEI announced in a press release there were 244,576 suspected cases of vaccine side effects reported in 2021 following COVID vaccination, but BKK said its analysis revealed more than 400,000 cases.

BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck told WELT, a German news publication, “The numbers determined are significant and urgently need to be checked for plausibility.”

In a letter, Schöfbeck said BKK analyzed doctors’ billing data from 10.9 million insured people and found 217,000 people received medical treatment due to vaccine side effects.

“In our opinion, there is a significant underreporting of the side effects of the vaccination,” said Schöfbeck. “According to our calculations, we consider 400,000 visits to the doctor by our insured persons due to vaccination complications to be realistic to date.”

Schöfbeck said if figures are extrapolated over a year for the entire German population of 83 million people, it is likely 2.5 – 3 million people in Germany received medical treatment for COVID vaccine adverse events.

“The data available to our company gives us reason to believe that there is a very considerable under-recording of suspected cases of vaccination side-effects after they received the [COVID-19] vaccine,” Schöfbeck wrote.

Schöfbeck sent the letter to PEI President Dr. Klaus Cichutek, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds, the German Medical Association, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the Standing Vaccination Commission and BKK’s umbrella organization.

In another letter, the company suggested vaccine side effects across Germany are at least 10 times more common than what was reported by the PEI, the German newspaper Nordkurier reported Wednesday.

The letters did not disclose symptoms, the severity of adverse events or which vaccines caused the side effects.

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Germany’s drug regulator approved COVID vaccines from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & JohnsonNovavax and Moderna.

Federal health officials in the U.S. and Germany have emphasized the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh the potential risks, and side effects are rare.

In the U.S. last month, an executive at an Indiana life insurance company reported a “stunning” 40% increase in the death rate among 18- to 64-year-old adults compared to pre-pandemic levels, The Defender reported.

During the same call, OneAmerica’s CEO J. Scott Davison also described a major uptick in both short- and long-term disability claims.

The insurance executive rated the extraordinarily high death rate as “the highest … we have seen in the history of this business,” adding the trend is “consistent across every player in that business.”

To further underscore the import of his statements, Davison said, “Just to give you an idea of how bad [40%] is, a … one-in-200 catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.”

Contrary to what the public might assume — given the media’s unremitting coverage of COVID-19 — Davison reported most of the death claims listed causes of death other than COVID.

Commenting on the news, Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundationwrote, “It would take something REALLY BIG to have an effect this big.”

Moreover, Kirsch said, the culprit would have to be something first introduced in 2021 — “something new … that a huge number of people would be exposed to” — such as COVID shots.

Vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone and statistician Jessica Rose, Ph.D., agreed that experimental COVID injections should be considered prime suspects.

Horowitz: The Israeli data that nukes the Pfizer vaccine: What did Pfizer know and when did they know it?


Last year, Philip Dormitzer, the chief scientific officer at Pfizer, described Israel as “a sort of laboratory” to “see the effect” of his company’s vaccines. Well, it took over a year into the vaccine drive that injected most Israelis with three shots and some with four to finally publish information on adverse events. What Israel published earlier this month based on a health ministry survey of 2,049 people who got booster shots is not only damning, but unmistakably revealing that there is no way Pfizer did not see these adverse events during the clinical trials in 2020. What did they know and when did they know it?

On Feb. 10, the Israeli Health Ministry published (English version here) the results of a survey of adverse events among roughly 2,000 random Israelis who received booster shots. It’s shocking that it took this long for them to conduct such a survey and didn’t do this a year ago, but it’s better late than never. Just the top-line numbers from the survey should alarm us all. A total of 75% of women and 58% of men reported experiencing at least one side effect within the 21- to 30-day follow-up period of the interview. Obviously, the majority of these were minor, but 51% of the women and 35% of the men who experienced a side effect reported that as a result, they had difficulty performing daily activities.

Full stop right there. Even before we get into more serious problems. Just the fact that the shot knocked out such a massive percentage of people clearly violates the informed consent through which the shots were marketed and most certainly makes any mandate immoral. Right off the bat, it’s clear that this is not like taking a vitamin D pill. Moreover, the fact that we have zero long-term studies, but such a massive percentage get at least a sick feeling from it in the short run should concern everyone. Again, why wasn’t such a survey done in January 2021 after the first dose?

Just take a look at the massive percentage of reports, especially for females, experiencing weakness, muscle ache, shaking, high temperature, and even dizziness and vomiting.

That is a massive percentage for a product ubiquitously marketed, endorsed, distributed, and then mandated by global governments as the safest and most effective vaccine of all time. And all for a virus that, with most younger people, would cause roughly the same symptoms anyway even after being vaccinated. The fact that this shot was even marketed to younger and healthier people is insane. Yes, some people might have willingly taken a shot if they thought they’d get some flu-like symptoms, but that confidence – that the flu-like symptoms don’t portend more severe long-term damage – can only work for an established vaccine that already has long-term safety data.

Now, let’s get to some of the more serious or potentially serious issues. The same table shows that 5.5% reported experiencing chest pain. We already know that there are major safety concerns for cardiovascular issues and that the spike protein is very pro-inflammatory and potentially thrombotic. And remember, this is 5.5% of just one dose. If you extrapolate that to America, where 551 million doses have been administered, that would be approximately 30 million cases of chest pain! It doesn’t necessarily mean that it causes short-term or long-term damage, but again, with a new vaccine with a novel and dangerous mechanism of action and no long-term safety studies, how can this be allowed to continue without further study?

A total of 4.5% of those who received booster doses reported neurological side effects. Assuming the doses are all relatively the same, that would extrapolate to roughly 25 million cases of neurological side effects in the United States. It would lend a lot of credence to the military whistleblowers who reportseeing more than a tenfold increase in nervous system diagnoses in 2021 and leaves no doubt that the DOD was bluffing when it responded with “revised” data showing not even a modest increase.

There’s no doubt that the spike protein of the pathogen causes nervous system disorders in some people, just like it causes cardiovascular disorders, but clearly the shots do as well, and remember they don’t prevent you from getting the pathogen.

Most of the nervous system disorder reports, on the surface, don’t appear to be that serious, but 0.5% reported Bell’s palsy, which certainly can become very serious. If 0.5% of doses caused Bell’s palsy in the U.S., that would account for 2.7 million doses!

Moving on to more serious issues, 0.29% reported being hospitalized within 30 days. That might sound like a small number, but that is a huge deal for a shot being pushed upon an entire country at once and mandated for many. Assuming the boosters aren’t worse than the previous doses, that would extrapolate to 1.6 million hospitalizations in the U.S. since the beginning of the vaccines 14 months ago, and 270,000 for the boosters, which certainly harmonizes with recent German health insurance claims data, life insurance claims increases in 2021, and Medicare billing data.

Additionally, roughly 24% of people with pre-existing autoimmune disorders, and 5%-10% of those with diabetes, hypertension, and lung and heart disease, also reported a worsening of their condition. Auto-antibodies and autoimmune disorders are always a concern with novel antibody therapies, especially one like this for which the manufacturers brag about a hyper-antibody response.

Also, roughly 10% of women under 54 experienced menstrual irregularities, for which 31% sought medical attention. Delayed menstruation was the most common side effect. While we can’t say definitively that this will cause reproductive issues, such a safety signal is not normal, and in conjunction with the Japanese biodistribution document from Pfizer’s animal study showing lipid nanoparticles, which are pro-inflammatory, depositing in the ovaries, it is the job of the government to prove conclusively that this is not a problem, not the other way around.

And remember, this is all just a survey of the first month following the shots. There is no study on the long-term effects of micro-clotting, heart inflammation, neurological inflammation, immune suppression, antibody-dependent disease enhancement, or auto-immune disorders. We already know that the spike protein circulates potentially for months in some people.

To be clear, this is a randomized survey, not concrete proof of diagnosis. So for those “fact checkers” out there, we are not asserting based on scientific law that the shots absolutely cause X percentage of specific adverse events. But that is not our job. We are not the ones endorsing, marketing, distributing, and mandating the shots. It is their job, after multiple avenues of safety signals showing unprecedented issues, to clean up their act before even continuing the distribution, much less making it mandatory.

There is no way the public would have initially embraced the shots had they been told even the most conservative estimate of adverse events we likely experienced, not to mention the waning efficacy. Which begs the question: What did Pfizer know and when did they know it?

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Gitmo At Max Capacity! The Swamp is Being Drained! The End Won’t Be For Everyone!


Pfizer & Moderna Investors Run for the Exits – Pay attention to this. Wall Street is waking up. You’ve watched that with the steep plunge in the pharma stocks.

It’s because the life insurance industry is starting to prove there’s a lot of excess deaths happening and it’s not related to covid.

And Wall Street analysts are paying attention to that, many of those Wall Street analysts got vaccinated believing the party line that it was safe and effective, and they’re really pissed off now that they’re finding out the truth.

And yes the vaccine manufacturers were granted liability immunity for the EUA, however as Wall Street knows, if you made a contractual agreement where fraud was occurring then the agreement is null and void.

So if big pharma fudged the clinical test data to get the FDA’s EUA approval, and the vaccine actually caused more deaths in the vaccinated test group, then there was fraud.

So the liability ends up back on the pharma companies.

The life insurance industry dwarfs the pharmaceutical industry and will be looking to place the blame correctly for the liability. Wall Street knows this.

Read this through to its entirety, you’re going to want to see how this plays out.


Wall Street investors are dumping their Moderna and Pfizer stock faster than the world can drop the mandates. Moderna is down 70 percent from its high, while Pfizer is off 19 percent. Former Blackrock Executive and investment adviser Edward Dowd calls for Moderna to go to zero and Pfizer to end under ten dollars per share.

How is this possible given that Pfizer now enjoys record earnings per share and a market capitalization of some $270 billion, making it the 29th largest corporation globally? With nothing but profits in sight for the Pharmaceutical giant, what could be the problem?

After all, in December, a Forbes’ headline read, “The Vaccine Maker Can Dominate The Covid Market For Years to Come, Wells Fargo Predicts.” In addition to the enormously profitable mRNA vaccines, Pfizer is rolling out potent antivirals like Paxlovid, which could earn $22 billion in 2022.

Compared to the $81 billion in 2021 revenue, the earnings from the vaccines and the antivirals could top $102 billion for 2022, which is music to shareholders’ ears. However some are hearing shrieks, and these happen to be Wall Street’s finest, the smart money that beats the rest of the herd to the exits like clockwork.

These sophisticated investors make it their business to not go with the conventional wisdom but to do their own research, which often pays spectacular dividends.

Edward Dowd is one such investor. He saw the dot com bubble ready to burst and acted accordingly. But, unfortunately, other not-so-savvy investors later saw their dot com heavy portfolios collapse as the NASDAQ Composite Index lost 40% of its value in 2000.

Dowd, a graduate of Notre Dame University and former Portfolio Manager at Blackrock, grew his fund from $2 billion to $14 billion and commanded the respect of his investment community peers.

Today, after semi-retiring to the shores of South Maui, he remains a voice of stock market wisdom that many hedge funds continue to rely upon. LinkedIn lists him as a Consultant to Founder & Partner of Symphonic Capital, LLC.

But the dot com collapse is not the only one Dowd successfully navigated. While many other portfolio managers placed their client’s money in highly rated and lucrative mortgage-backed securities, Dowd hesitated and questioned. He considered that those might be grossly over-rated, and he was correct.

It turns out that the mortgage rating system was corrupted by the high profitability of predatory financial products tied to home mortgages. According to Edward Dowd, a large portion of the blame was shouldered by the rating agencies, those trusted organizations whose job it was to judge the risk of these subprime mortgage-backed securities – agencies like Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch.

Dowd says they turned a blind eye to the true risk because it was profitable. So, in essence, these rating agencies were captured by the institutions backing these risky subprime securities.

Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, put it this way, “The incentive structure of the ratings agencies also proved perverse. Agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s are paid by the very people they are supposed to grade. As a result, they’ve had every reason to give companies high ratings, in a financial version of what college professors know as grade inflation.”

Dowd has sounded the alarm on Moderna and Pfizer as sinking ships that investors need to abandon. So what does the man who foresaw the dot com and the subprime mortgage crisis have to say about Moderna and Pfizer, and what trouble could exist in the paradise of COVID vaccine profits?

Here are Dowd’s words:

I want to liken here to what’s gone on in the Great Financial Crisis. We had rating agencies, third-party verification sources that were able to perpetuate the fraud because the money got too big, their institutions became corrupted with the institutional imperative, and they got triple-A ratings which we all know in hindsight were not triple-A ratings – let’s move forward to today. 

The FDA is the trusted third-party verification of pharmaceutical products. 50% of their budget comes from Pharma…due to the institutional imperative that was in place at the time and the speed with which they tried to approve these unproven products with this unproven technology, fraud did occur, and what’s my proof of that? The FDA, together with Pfizer, were trying to hide the clinical data. 

And it’s come out recently…that the all-cause mortality for the Pfizer product failed – that means there were more deaths in the vaccine group than the placebo group. Normally in such a case, you have NO drug approval for such drugs. It’s the gold standard. I’ve been told by all my people in the Biotech Industry they were horrified… See mark 25:10.

And unfortunately, that is not all. Dowd feels that although he has successfully predicted three large frauds in his career, he now expects a global financial market collapse with the debt bubble getting ready to burst.

“So I’ve seen three frauds; the corporate fraud of the dot com boom, the bank fraud of the Great Financial Recession, and I believe the fraud has moved on to central banks and governments – because that’s the nature of our monetary system – you have to constantly create credit to keep this thing going.” See mark 2:22.

“The global debt bubble is at its peak…we are at the end…we are going to see lots of crazy things in the financial markets…we are going to see the credit markets become unhinged, the equity markets become unhinged. The Fed got a reprieve…under the cover of COVID, they were able to print 65% more money to keep this thing afloat, but we are at the end days here.” See mark 3:41.

He clarifies that the emergence of global totalitarianism is not purely about power and profit. Instead Dowd feels it is to control the masses when they realize the economy is collapsing – the ramifications of which may be the loss of pensions and social security income.

“A lot of what you are seeing in the response of global governments is setting up a system – under the guise of medical tyranny – to prevent the riots that are going to ensue once this thing all unwinds – that’s my personal belief…” See mark 4:04.

For the skeptics, consider that Pfizer stock lost $20 billion in market capitalization on February 8, 2022, when their record earnings fell short of more optimistic expectations.

Also consider that Moderna’s stock is down some 70 percent from its high of $484 on August 9, 2021, wiping out almost $ 140 billion in investment.

Dowd predicts Moderna will drop to zero with bankruptcy as fraud related to concealing the COVID vaccine dangers surfaces, and he predicts Pfizer will become a sub-ten-dollar stock. Dowd explains that the smart money has already left Moderna and will soon be exiting Pfizer.

Dowd foresees an avalanche of lawsuits coming as the insurance industry continues to uncover the legions of mounting deaths coming from the complications of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Dowd teamed up with an insurance industry analyst and researched the life insurance claims. They found that since OneAmerica shocked the world by announcing a 40% rise in non-COVID deaths in younger working-class employees, multiple other insurance companies worldwide have seen the same thing – massive rises in non-COVID deaths. And the evidence inescapably points to the vaccines as the cause. See mark 13:16.—dr-robert-malone-s-chilling-analysis/article_d24bccac-6f38-11ec-912f-1f6d8fc5fac4.html

Meanwhile, the funeral company stocks have outperformed the S&P. “Funeral Home companies are growth stocks. They had a great year in 2021 compared to 2020, and they outperformed the S&P 500. The peer group of Funeral Home stocks was up 40 plus percent while the S&P was up 26 percent – and they started accelerating price-wise in 2021 during the roll-out of the vaccines – You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to connect the dots here.” See mark 5:55.

Other insurance companies have reported the same or worse death numbers as OneAmerica. For example, “Unum Insurance is up 36%, Lincoln National plus 57%, Prudential plus 41%, Reinsurance Group of America plus 21%, Hartford plus 32%, Met Life plus 24%, and Aegon – which is a Dutch insurer – saw in their US arm plus 57% in the 4th quarter – in the 3rd quarter they saw a 258% increase in death claims.” See mark 07:55.

“They raised (mortality) expectations 300,000 for 2022 over 2021 due to COVID plus ‘indirect COVID,’ which I think we know what that’s code for… They (Aegon) did a

$1.4 billion reinsurance deal with Wilton Reinsurance…what they were reinsuring were high face amount individual policies from 1 million to 10 million… (So) I think there is an asymmetric information situation going on in the insurance industry where some people have figured out something’s going on. They are off-loading their risk – they are not going to say what it is as they don’t want that information to get out as they unload the risk.” See mark 08:49.

“Someone is going to be the bag holder here.” And Dowd is confident it won’t be the insurance industry. A court in France has already held that a life insurance company cannot be held liable for a death because of the mRNA vaccine.

But that does not explain how mRNA manufacturers can be held responsible for an emergency product they were told was liability-free. Aren’t the vaccine manufacturers immunized from lawsuits?

After all, they were granted EUA, the specialized Emergency Use Authorization, which means they cannot be held legally accountable for deaths or adverse effects stemming from the experimental vaccines.

The idea is that no company – upon government request – should have to pay for unforeseen complications resulting from an emergency product that they released to the world out of their goodness of the hearts, with the best of intentions. Right?

Wrong – not when your company accomplishes this through deceit, also known as fraud.

Fraud undoes all these protections. If a company or person intentionally deceives another to profit, we have fraud. If Pfizer’s data showed increased all-cause mortality and hid this to motivate people to take the vaccine while claiming it was safe, then fraud exists.

Under common law, the required elements to prove fraud amount to:

#1. A materially false statement or purposeful failure to state or release material facts which non-disclosure makes other statements misleading.

#2. The false statement is made to induce Plaintiff to act.

#3. The Plaintiff relied upon the false statement, and the injury resulted from this reliance.

#4. Damages include a punitive award as a punishment that serves as a public example to discourage any future similar fraud. Punitive damages are generally proportional to the Defendant’s assets.

Dowd has been researching the COVID-19 vaccines and what he considers obvious evidence of knowing concealment of the actual risks of death – and he points to the Herculean efforts of Pfizer with FDA in withholding their data despite legal challenges to release it. He likens the FDA today to the rating agencies during the Mortgage Crisis.

“FDA is the trusted third party, just like the rating agencies were. And a lot of doctors in this country, a lot of local governments are placing their trust in the FDA which gets 50 percent of its budget from large cap pharma. It wasn’t any one person…I think they overlooked things…An all-cause mortality end-point should have stopped this thing in its tracks – and it didn’t.” See mark 1:51.

There were more deaths in the vaxxed group than in the unvaxxed. Dowd assumes fraud based upon the FDA backing Pfizer in not releasing their data. He believes this is a knowing attempt to conceal the deaths.

“When one party enters into a contract…and fraud was occurring when they entered into that contract, and the other party did not know that – the contract is void and null. There’s no indemnity if this can be proven, and I think it will be.” See mark 4:45.

“Pfizer got blanket immunity with EUA. If fraud occurred, to my mind and what I’m seeing from their refusal to release the data – if there is fraud and it comes out – and we need whistleblowers – and it’s looking more apparent that this product is deadly –

fraud eviscerates all contracts – that’s case law. So you go down the daisy chain, and that’s liability – that’s bankruptcy for Moderna, definitely Pfizer.” See mark 00:51.

Dowd remarks that no matter the effort, one cannot hide the bodies – and “the bodies are piling up.” See mark 12:56.

He notes that the deaths skyrocketed after the vaccine rollout when they should have dropped. And the deaths are what distinguished the 2021-2022 vaccine scandal as far worse than what happened with Enron.

“People are dying and being maimed. This is a fraud that goes beyond the pale…We have the VAERS data…We have the DoD leak…And now we have the insurance company results and the funeral home results…We don’t need to think too hard about this…Deaths should have gone down after the vaccines rolled out. This is the most egregious fraud in history of the nation – and it’s global…Pfizer’s involved, and they committed fraud,” Dowd explained. See mark 10:25.

“My job is to be ahead of the news and be a lead steer…when I use my stock picking skills outside the realm of stock picking, I am called a conspiracy theorist.” See mark 6:45.

Dowd emphasized that he is not short on Pfizer or Moderna stock. He explained that he does not profit from their share prices dropping. He also points out that his predictions are not the cause of the steep declines as these occurred before he came out with this analysis. See mark 13:45.

“Let me make a point here. The mainstream media may ignore this. Wall Street is not.” See mark 2:16.

“This is the most interesting hallucination I’ve ever seen in the financial markets.” See mark 12:06.

“So we don’t need the mainstream media…And I want you to know – Wall Street is rallying to this – I’m getting lots of inquiries from former colleagues. Nothing will convince a sleeping public more than red stocks or collapsing stocks. My goal is to awaken the country by seeing something is going on. And Wall Street is AWAKE!” See mark 2:33.

If money is any indicator, Edward Dowd is correct that insurance will win a fight between the insurance and the vaccine industries. The life insurance market in the US is worth some $900 billion, while the vaccine market pales in comparison.

If someone is left holding the bag, it will not be the insurance industry, but it just might be you and me, the average citizen.  However, there is one major caveat – if Edward Dowd succeeds in awakening the citizens, then they – the oligarchs – cannot get away with this – the Vaccine Fraud, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Global Totalitarianism.

“There’s lots of people who got the jabs that didn’t understand what was going on. A lot of them are in the investment world. A lot of them are smart people – they were duped too. Some of these people that got the jab are doing the work on shorting these stocks because – you know, you can guess – because they are mad as hell – and you’ve awakened the sleeping giant known as Wall Street. And Wall Street is on the move. The smart money is moving first – as always there’s lead steers. Nothing gets going faster than a red momentum down-trending stock.” See mark 3:26.

Those of you who still think nothing’s going on, you don’t want to be – what I call – the bag holder. You don’t want to be the guy taking the fourth jab booster and holding these stocks (on their way) down – Moderna’s going to zero – I think Pfizer goes sub ten dollars once the lawsuits come out. ” See mark 4:06.

Dowd’s forecast can awaken not only Wall Street but the ordinary citizen. We are those sleeping giants of the world, those who can move mountains with the force of our stock sales and non-violent protests, the great silent majority who can remove dictators from power and elect new and fair leaders.

There is power in numbers, as the Canadian Truckers recently found. Courage is contagious as freedom convoys have sprung up everywhere. We hold the power if we choose to exercise it while we lose that power if we passively comply.

As this Freedom Trucker fireman said, “I don’t know what happened to our country. It’s disgusting. There’s nothing that’s going to be taken from us here today that they’re not going to take anyways – And people need to stand. With enough of us, they can’t do this.” See mark 1:58:10.

If enough of us speak out NOW, collectively, we have the power to not only end the mandates, but to restore ALL freedoms in Canada, Australia, the UK, Europe and the United States, and we will win the day. We will never consent to authoritarian rule.

We will not leave a world of slavery to our children and grandchildren. We will protest every single day until the government realizes who truly is in charge. We believe in government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The cure for 1984 remains 1776.

Edward Dowd cautions those who continue to slumber, “If you are long these two stocks, you are long mandates, you are long government control, and you are long the selling of your freedoms.” Let us get everyone on board the freedom train. See mark 15:16.

With enough of us (awake), they can’t do this. Americans and Canadians are united in Freedom!

“Consciousness grenade” explodes across the planet as globalist tyrants revealed to be ILLUSIONISTS and FAKERS

One of the most important realizations emerging from the fake Ottawa “police” (many of whom turned out to be UN troops with no legal authority whatsoever) is that the globalist cabal doesn’t have enough people to carry out their tyranny. They have to recruit mercenaries from other regions and pay them to brutalize the local people under tyrannical authoritarianism.


0:00 Intro
9:25 Powerful Dream
17:07 The Consciousness Grenade
46:48 Bill Gates
53:18 Energy Supply Collapse
1:02:25 Voice Comedy
1:20:05 Ukraine

For more updates, visit:

Understanding MMS or CDS Chlorine Dioxide (with Jim Humble) DETOX VAX – a cheap and effective cure for virtually every ailment!

PDF 1 MMS-Jim-Humble-TheSolutionsBook
PDF 2 MMS-Simple-instructions
4 Videos

Is this the Holy Grail in Medicine?
Denied by Big Pharma, MMS has proven to be a cheap and effective treatment/cure for virtually every ailment under the sun!
Trump was right… chlorine dioxide cures. It is NOT Bleach as the media claimed, it is safe and natural.
This documentary (mirror) produced by Adam Abraham working with Jim Humble in Mexico tells the story of MMS and many of the accomplishments that has occurred since Jim first wrote the book that is sold on his site – The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century. There are excerpts and testimony from doctors and scientists in Mexico and the US.
Jim is an ex miner who first witnessed it’s use for treating malaria and has since gone on to investigate the possibility of treating a variety of other ailments and diseases ranging from coughs and colds, flu, tuberculosis, lime disease, psoriasis and cancer.
Quite a number of other people give their opinions and observations who all attest to the effectiveness of MMS.
This documentary is very professional done and it gives you a very interesting look into the new world of MMS. The observations and happenings are all factual.
Please enjoy this documentary and share it with all your friends and family.

I got mine from ebay sold as “water purification drops” but the suppliers also have a website
Good luck.

All credit to the original author.

The Universal Antidote Getting Started Series-Complete Series

Training Video 6 – How to Make the Acid Activator

Training Video 5 – How to make 22.4% Sodium Chlorite Solution (MMS)

How to make fresh cds every day
Last updated 02/23/22

Vaccination Detox

MMS/ Jim Humble/ sodium chlorite- Great Detox claims it cures cancer… ALSO DEACTIVATES GRAPHENE FUNCTION. I do use MMS on a daily basis, be very careful start off with 2 drops of each solution. Add 2 drops MMS then 2 drops activator in small glass, swirl for 30 sec, add 4 oz of water, drink on empty stomach, no food 1 hour before/after. Move up to 3 drops after a couple weeks. Read Jim’s book above. 

Detox Bath Recipe Removes: Radiation Poisoning / Pesticides / Heavy Metals / Parasites / Nano Bots / Graphene Oxide (Black Goo) / Chemtrails / Jabs & More
A. External Detox
Take a hot bath with:
2 cups of Baking Soda
2 cups of Epsom Salt
1 cup of Bentonite Clay (Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay)
1 cup of Borax (removes Nano Bots)
Scrub down for 20 minutes.
Then shower with Dr Bonner peppermint liquid soap and scrub your body after soaking.

Cure 4 the VAXXED to DETOX Toxic Chemicals
100 mg of Zinc per day. A virus cannot replicate in the cell when there is enough Zinc in the cell.
Preventative dosage:
* IVERMECTIN: 12 mg / wHCQ: 300 mg / w
* Vitamin C – minimum 5000 mg / d (work upto 10000 mg / d)
* Magnesium – 500 mg / d

* Selenium – 200 mcg / d
* Apple Pectin – 700 mg x 2 / d for the jabbed 6 months.
* Zinc – 100 mg / d

* Vitamin D – minimum 5000 IU / d

Pass this around I hope and pray it works for the vaxxed! We can also do the detox even if you did not take the jab. We all have nanobots and will help with the spreading of spike proteins from the jabbed.

My Secret Weapon for Cold & Flu Season (hydrogen peroxide)

My Secret Weapon for Cold & Flu Season (Updated 2/23/22)


ARTICLE: Hydrogen Peroxide Gargling & Nasal Rinses May Prevent Viral Infection

What I use and recommend: (Links Below)
Portable Nebulizer:
Saline Solution for Inhalation:
2% Iodine Lugol’s Solution:
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3%:
Medicine Dropper:
Fingertip Pulse Oximeter:
Amazon Brand Hydrogen Peroxide 3%:
Fine Mist Plastic Spray Bottle: Essential Oil Diffuser:
Whole-House Evaporative Humidifier:

I share what I’ve learned and do using nebulized hydrogen peroxide against colds, flus and upper respetory infection.


I used these to make .5% H2O2, less than $15 for both.
Walmart for Saline $1.20


Updated 02/23/22
Read Full PDF nebulized-hydrogen-peroxide-pdf

 Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is a safe, inexpensive and incredibly effective way to prevent and treat viral illnesses of all kinds
 While hydrogen peroxide kills viruses, it also kills other pathogens that can contribute to an unhealthy gut and/or oral microbiome. As such, it may also improve your microbiome and help resolve a wide variety of other chronic ailments, including gut problems and periodontitis
 Hydrogen peroxide is part of your body’s natural defense against pathogens. So, when you nebulize hydrogen peroxide, you’re really just augmenting your body’s natural defense system
 Being able to treat yourself at home at the rst signs of COVID-19 symptoms will also virtually eliminate your risk of long-haul syndrome. So far, medical doctors who have treated COVID-19 patients agree that if treatment begins early enough, patients almost always fully recover and have no longstanding side effects from the infection
 Buy the required supplies before you need them, so you have everything and can treat yourself at the rst signs of symptoms. Most of the time, after two or three treatments, the infection will be stopped in its tracks.

I used these to make .5% H2O2, less than $15 for both.
Walmart for Saline $1.20

ARTICLE: Hydrogen Peroxide Gargling & Nasal Rinses May Prevent Viral Infection

BLATANT FRAUD: Public Health Scotland scrubs covid case rate data now that it “demonstrates conclusively” that the jabs aren’t working

(Natural News) From now on, Public Health Scotland (PHS) will no longer publish its weekly data reports on Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “cases,” hospitalizations, and deaths because the government agency claims that the information is being “misused” by people who oppose the “vaccines.”

The announcement came after a former adviser to the Trump administration told a United States Senate committee hearing that data from Scotland “demonstrates conclusively that the vaccine is driving massive infections in the vaccinated,” which is clearly seen in the numbers.

Paul E. Alexander, an epidemiologist and Canadian health researcher, has long advocated for a strategy of mass infection of the public, rather than mass injection, in order to build herd immunity. His strategy rings truer than ever amid growing evidence that the jabs are sickening and killing people.

During a hearing chaired by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), Alexander explained how the PHS data is a “big, big problem” because it clearly shows that the shots, which were introduced by Donald Trump under Operation Warp Speed, are dangerous and ineffective at preventing infection.

Alexander presented PHS data for the week beginning on January 22 showing that the age-standardized covid case rate per 100,000 in Scotland was 381.5 among the unvaccinated compared to 570 in the double injected. In the triple injected, that figure was 447 per 100,000.

“It was the first time that the case rate among boosted individuals had overtaken the unvaccinated, with the case rate among the double-vaccinated first pulling ahead of the unvaccinated group in December as the Omicron wave exploded,” reports Herald Scotland.


“Similar patterns are being seen in other countries including England and Ontario in Canada, but PHS officials stress that it has been misunderstood.”

Scotland now intentionally concealing jab injuries, deaths

PHS still plans to publish data monthly rather than weekly, however that data will change to report information on jab efficacy against infection based on trials and real-world studies, reports explain.

Scottish officials are accepting the fact that these sudden changes will be viewed as a “cover-up” by people who are paying attention to the situation, but they simply do not care what people think anymore.

Another thing to consider is that the decision to scrap the old ways of reporting occurred after the hospitalization and mortality rate doubled among the vaccinated in Scotland, overtaking the unvaccinated for the first time during the spread of omicron (moronic).

Because this clearly showed that the jabs were not working, Scotland scrapped the reporting and is now switching to something less damning for the injections.

“The main important point around all of the analysis is we understand whether the vaccines are working against catching it and against getting severe Covid, and that’s where the vaccine effectiveness studies come in which are a completely different methodology,” claimed a spokesman for PHS.

“The case rates, hospitalisation rates, the death rates are very simple statistics, whereas for the vaccine effectiveness studies we use modelling, we compare people who have tested negative to those who have tested positive and match them on their underlining co-morbidities.”

The spokesman went on to claim that the new method is “much more robust and that’s what we want people to focus on.”

In other words, the authorities do not want people focusing on the truth, but rather the deflection. Anything to make the jabs look good rather than bad is on the table as an option moving forward.

“The problem is this vaccine does not stop transmission, does not sterilise the virus … you can never get the population herd immunity to 100% with these vaccines – impossible,” stated Alexander during the Johnson hearing.

More of the latest news about covid injections can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Israeli Health Findings: COVID Shot Reactions Are ‘Absolutely Devastating’ – Dr. Mercola

A survey conducted by the Israeli Minister of Health found so many reports of serious adverse events after getting the COVID-19 shots that they started wiping them from their Facebook page.

Literally thousands of comments had piled up before the ministry started deleting them. What’s concerning is that instead of investigating the reports or asking why so many weren’t returning for their second shots, the ministry simply erased the reports. Then, to add insult to injury, the ministry claimed they’d received “so few reports” after the booster shots that it showed that getting a booster was “extremely safe.”

Interestingly, a look at publicly available data tell a different story, with tens of thousands of reports of major injuries such as Bell’s palsy, seizures, shingles, neurological problems and worsening of diabetes, hypertension and heart and lung disease after receiving the shots.

SOURCE: Jackanapes Junction Blog February 18, 2022

New Evidence on Vaccine-Induced Fatality Shows Risk of Death Is High – Dr. Mercola

A ground-breaking review of U.S. and U.K. data shows that all age groups under age 50 are at greater risk of dying after the COVID-19 shots than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death.

Not only that, the younger ages “incur significant risk,” the study finds. Specifically, the results by age cohort are that within the same or subsequent month of receiving a COVID “vaccine” inoculation:

• For those under age 18, vaccination increases their COVID death rate, and those under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.

• Those aged 18 to 29 are 16 times more likely to die from COVID vaccination than to prevent one COVID death and are eight times more likely to die from vaccination than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.

• Those aged 30 to 39 are 15 times more likely to die from COVID inoculation than to prevent one COVID death, and seven times more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.

• Those aged 40 to 49 are nine times more likely to die from the COVID inoculation than likely to prevent one COVID death in this age group, and five times more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.

• Those aged 50 to 59 are twice (two times) more likely to die from the COVID inoculation than to prevent one COVID death and are slightly more likely to die from the inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.

• Those aged 60 to 79 are virtually equally likely to die from the COVID inoculation as to prevent one COVID death or die from COVID if not vaccinated.

• Those aged 80+ are 0.13% less likely to die from the COVID inoculation than to die from COVID if not vaccinated.

SOURCE: Steve Kirsch-Stephanie Seneff February 13, 2022

From Corrupted to Trusted: Shifting Perceptions of the FDA – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF americas-shifting-perceptions-of-the-fda-Mercola

This article was written by John Roulac and originally published here.

Until recently, most Americans had little trust in the FDA. But when COVID arrived in early 2020, a scared nation deepened in tribal identity and then turned its faith and trust over to FDA and CDC. Interestingly, during COVID, medical professionals’ trust in the FDA and CDC plummeted. Let’s explore how American perceptions of the FDA have changed and what this faith has delivered to our nation.

medical science

In 2008 I obtained a letter written by an FDA official, which was sent to a competitor of Nutiva (the organic foods brand I founded in 1999). It warned firms to remove any reference to ‘non-GMO’ on food labels. Virtually every natural food brand quickly changed their labels. As CEO of Nutiva I determined that the warning was not based on any FDA regulation, but was an illegal abuse of power by an FDA official serving the interests of the GMO industry.

We chose to ignore the letter, and luckily I never heard from the agency. This is just one of many examples of the FDA’s suspect moves over the past decades.

FDA Laid-Siege

The FDA has failed to regulate a toxic food system of dis-ease, inflammation, and the destruction of nature via harsh pesticides, leaving Americans with weakened immunity and vulnerability to pathogens. Tragically the U.S.A. has one of the highest COVID death rates in the world.

The FDA Has Been a Case Study of a Captured Agency

From the 1980’s thru 2019, the FDA was not considered trustworthy by the American people and was often described as “corrupt, filled with cronyism, or a captured agency”.

During the 1980s groundswell of the organic food movement, many Americans realized that Monsanto and the chemical industry’s cozy relationship with the FDA was a major issue. Most liberals were not happy with FDA policies that became the target of many legal campaigns over the safety and efficacy of GMO foods, pesticides and drugs.

In 1990, the FDA set out to make dietary supplements prescription only. The industry unified and rallied to pass the DSHE Act, legalizing supplements as foods.

There has been a revolving door of chemical and pharma executives between the FDA and industry, as was the case in 2009 when ex-Monsanto executive Michael R. Taylor was hired as the FDA’s food czar. Corn oil and corn syrup were given a pass, while eggs and beef were considered unhealthy.

Then came Scott Gottlieb MD, the former FDA Commissioner from 2017 to April 2019, where in June of 2019, he became a Director at Pfizer and Chair of their Regulatory and Compliance Committee.

In fact, as documented by the international news organization Quartz, “as of 2019, nine out of the last 10 FDA commissioners – representing nearly four decades of agency leadership – have gone on to work for pharmaceutical companies.

FDA approval of dangerous drugs such as Prozac and Vioxx has been standard operating procedure. Back in 2012, CBS’ 60 Minutes exposed collusion between the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA on anti-depressants. The majority of FDA’s drug budget is in fact funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

In 2013, a report published in the Journal of Law and Medicine summarized by Dr. Donald W. Light highlighted that ‘about 90 percent of all new FDA approved drugs over the previous 30 years were found to be little or no more effective for patients than existing drugs’, that ‘the bar for “safe” was equally low, even when properly prescribed’, and that ‘125K excess deaths occurred in the United States each year among people taking properly prescribed drugs to be healthier.’

A fall 2019 Gallup Poll ranked the pharmaceutical industry as the most poorly regarded industry in Americans’ eyes. Americans were more than twice as likely to rate the pharmaceutical industry negatively (58%) as positively (27%).

In 2020, as fears of COVID swept the land, the constant drumbeat of fear, isolation, and extreme polarization helped cultivate a “collective trauma” for the American people. Humans are social animals shaped by cultural context.

The deepening of tribal identities, Trump zig-zagging at the helm of the pandemic response, and the presence of the QAnon conspiracy movement caused an even deeper distrust of anything associated with Trump, including the FDA. By October 2020, trust in the FDA was at an all-time low.

Shifting Tides

Ironically, this all changed when Joe Biden assumed office. Liberals and democrats flipped rapidly from FDA skeptics to FDA cheerleaders in a matter of months, the perverse logic seeming to be “We hate Trump and now we are on Team FDA-Pharma”.

In May 2021, a Pew Research Poll found that the share of adults who are “basically content” with the federal government had risen to the highest point since 2004, driven by Democrats. In July 2021, an Annenberg Public Policy Center Poll found that 77% of Americans were confident that the FDA was providing trustworthy information about treating and preventing COVID-19.

Dr Paul Marik Defeat the Mandates

Interestingly enough, at the exact same time that the general public’s trust in the FDA and CDC was soaring, healthcare professionals’ trust in the FDA and CDC was dramatically decreasing. A group of 20 + medical professionals spoke at a U.S. Senate Roundtable on January 24, 2022 (skip ahead to 51:28).

Perhaps the views of many of these healthcare professionals have not been able to reach the general public because MDs and nurses regularly face termination or threat of medical board decertification for publicly speaking of vaccine injuries, low cost effective treatment protocols, or on other matters that don’t fit the current approved narratives.

The FDA Now Is Trustworthy, Credible and Authoritative … Really?

It appears the majority of left-leaning Americans believe that the FDA has their best interests at heart regarding COVID policies and are obeying them without question. As leading clinical MDs remind me, much of what Americans base their opinion on is often simply pharma marketing claims disguised as medical science.

In a world of corruption, brainwashing, and dishonesty, it’s not easy to know whom to trust. It’s a classic example of mass formation psychosis, where people adhere to groupthink in order to find meaning and resolution in uncertain times, no matter how irrational.

John F. Kennedy

It’s a stunning sociological study to see a mass population trusting leaders of companies with very low ethical standards. Just months ago, most would never agree to be injected with an experimental genetic drug therapy every six months based on FDA edicts. Upon shot five or six under threat of job loss or travel ban, and mounting vaccine injury reports, will more Americans resume asking good questions?

Repeat After Me …

Many Americans are repeating the FDA and the pharma sector’s slogan of “Vaccines are Safe and Effective”, almost like the pledge of allegiance to the flag, while ridiculing or ignoring other proven preventative and early treatment measures (as outlined in my recent article ‘Pharma’s Culture War’).’

Thousands of practicing MDs along with the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) agree that having more tools in the toolkit is wise and that “Early Treatment of COVID is Safe and VERY Effective”.

COVID Tunnel Vision

MDs and countries from around the world who focus on early treatment send very few patients to the hospitals, whereas countries with high vaccine rates such as the EU, UK, and the U.S.A. have some of the highest death rates in the world. Regions such as Africa and Northern India (until recently) had very low rates of vaccination and very low COVID cases and deaths.

Tokyo, Japan and Delhi, India’s COVID cases in the latter half of 2021 were 175 to 2000 times less than London or NYC (see graphic and data below) and their COVID hospital beds were virtually empty. These regions often used early treatment protocols to reduce the spread.

Cumulative U.S. COVID-19 Deaths per Capita

Oddly many Americans cheering on the FDA have little awareness of why other countries are doing much better than the USA. Why is that not in the news? What is the connection of early treatment, inflammation, diet, toxic pesticides, soil health, gut biome and industrial agriculture?

Tale of 4 Cities

Suppression of Safe and Effective Treatments

The FDA, media, and the pharma sector have ignored the overwhelming benefits of Vitamin D and lifestyle choices. An Israeli study offers the strongest proof yet of Vitamin D’s power to fight COVID. “We found it striking, to see the difference in the chances of becoming a severe patient when you are lacking in Vitamin D compared to when you’re not,” said Dr. Amiel Dror, a Galilee Medical Center physician.

The U.S. media virtually never publishes positive articles on Vitamin D, which often appear in international media. Why has the FDA and the media not published statistical COVID hospitalization and death data on Vitamin D levels or on inflammation? Why have most Americans not bothered to pay attention to their Vitamin D levels?

Before COVID, the FDA never issued edicts preventing doctors from prescribing low cost and re-purposed medicines. 20% of all medicines prescribed in the U.S.A. today are generic repurposed, (e.g. a heart drug given to a cancer patient). Clinicians do this every day and no long term studies are required, since safety data is already established.

Pierre Kory The case of fluvoxamine

Fluvoxamine!vermect!n, Nitazoxanide and Hydroxychloroquine are safe, commonly prescribed medicines and are part of the FLCCC COVID treatment protocols. According to Pierre Kory, MD “Since the summer of 2020, U.S. public health agencies have continually shut down the use of generic treatments.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded 20 large research studies of patented pharmaceutical industry drugs before only recently agreeing to study repurposed generic medicines.”

The fact that doctors at the bedside are being fired or prevented from providing life saving vitamins and medicines is truly a black mark in America and has likely contributed to a significant number of unnecessary deaths. Instead they are told to use the highly toxic Remdesivir which can cause renal failure and hospitals are paid bonuses for treating COVID patients with this drug.

Censorship Is Now a Liberal Value?

Censorship Is Now a Liberal Value

Many liberals now want to cancel, restrict or censor their perceived ‘tribal enemies’. Some scream about medical issues that they have little or no training in as if they are judge and jury, and maybe even represent science itself as Dr. Fauci has alluded to. Easily triggered, they often refuse to even listen to the world-renowned MDs and scientists that they are criticizing or read the published science themselves.

Recently, Joe Rogan’s podcast came under fire, accused of promoting ‘COVID misinformation’, for hosting Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone. Dr. Peter McCullough is the former Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and is one of the most published authors in his field with 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

Dr. Robert Malone is one of the principle inventors of mRNA vaccine technology. Both hold views on COVID treatment and COVID vaccines that fall outside the mainstream ‘FDA-and-CDC-approved’ narratives, though neither are anti-vaccine. Neil Young and Joni Mitchell jumped in (unsuccessfully) to help ‘cancel’ Joe’s podcast as other artists followed with support from the woke mob (see: Not Your Cuppa Joe? Here’s a Thought: Move ON).

The Real Anthony Fauci book

It seems absurd, yet Americans and our media now tar and feather anyone who dare question the approved narratives. Wokeism is now becoming the tip of the spear for the pharma industrial complex to cancel those that fall out of line. Facebook is now even starting to ‘fact check’ regenerative agriculture posts that mention holistic grazing with climate benefits.

Dissent = Misinformation

Dissent Misinformation

Dissent, and even skepticism is now being dangerously characterized as “misinformation”, while pharma marketing claims are now often labeled as “science”. It’s almost as if Orwell’s ‘newspeak’ is coming to life in realtime.

And the latest news is even more Orwellian as the Biden Administration mentions ‘misleading COVID narratives’. Disagree With Government Policy? Homeland Security Says You’re a ‘Terrorist’ if You Speak Out.

To even question the “Vaccines are Safe and Effective” narrative means possible loss of work or family drama. The ‘take the vaccine not for your health but to protect your mother’ mantra was repeated ad nauseum, despite the fact that you can still get COVID, spread COVID, and die from COVID even if you are vaccinated.

What Does “Safe and Effective” Really Mean?

Mirriam Webster defines “safe” as: 1 : free from harm or risk: unhurt. Vaccine injuries are generally under-reported but the numbers related to the COVID vaccine are staggering and increasing rapidly. From altering menstrual cycles in women to heart disease in boys and men, and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, the expanding list goes on.

With the growing vaccine injury issues of the mRNA jabs, Israel (which currently has one of the highest COVID death rates in the world- despite 4 jab booster regime) recently ordered 5 million non-genetic, non mRNA ‘old school’ Novavax vaccines.

A report reviewing data in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, co-authored by Dr. McCullough and Dr. Jessica Rose, a virologist and epidemiologist in Canada, found that the relative risk for myocarditis is increased by 19-fold in age 12 to 15-year-old males following the second mRNA vaccination compared to background myocarditis rates for this age group.

Interestingly, the report was pulled without a clear reason or explanation one week before the CDC deadline to review vaccine safety data in children.

recent preprint from Kaiser Permanente Northwest also concluded that ‘the true incidence of myopericarditis is markedly higher than the incidence reported to US advisory committees’ and that ‘the VSD should validate its search algorithm to improve its sensitivity for myopericarditis.’

“Vaccine effectiveness” is another interesting term. Early epidemiological data is showing reduced rates of hospitalization and death in groups that are at higher-risk for developing severe COVID. However, there is now overwhelming evidence that the vaccines are not effective in preventing you from getting or transmitting COVID. Thus is this term ‘safe and effective’ based on sound science or should it have a qualifying statement to go along with it?

Weaponization of Vaccination Status

Professor Udi Qimron

Mandates and vaccine passports based on experimental genetic vaccines (many of which were never officially approved by the FDA) are violations of the Geneva Convention, and arguably violations of the Nuremberg Code and human rights in general. One’s right to a job or going to your favorite café is now dependent on draconian and ever-changing rules.

California governor Gavin Newsom’s announcement of the lifting of indoor mask mandates only for those vaccinated, besides not being based on science, is divisive and antagonistic. Two shots were not enough and shortly three will be required to be a “member of society”, and soon perhaps four, five or more. Do Americans still have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? 

Waking Up (From the Woke?)

It’s truly strange times when your close friends or family would unwittingly rather have untold numbers of Americans die of a treatable disease (which must all be “misinformation”). However, a growing number of people are beginning to question the failed COVID policies.

SwedenSwitzerlandDenmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands and the UK have all started to lift COVID restrictions. Remember when liberals used to suggest the U.S.A. should follow Scandinavian countries like Denmark?

Every day more people learn of the growing vaccine injuries or censorship of low cost repurposed medicines. Many are beginning to worry about the lack of transparency, misleading narratives, mandates and censorship, yet are afraid to say anything for fear of attacks on their reputation.


food is thy medicine

It’s certainly fascinating to watch this unfold. Will public support fade for vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, school masking, and firing MDs for practicing medicine at the bedside? Will we gain the understanding of the linkage between soil health, pesticides, our gut biome health and regenerative agriculture (my 2021 article discusses this issue in more depth) as a key to boosting our personal and planet’s health?

As we shift from this pandemic to endemic phase, let’s make an extra effort to play more and nurture ourselves and our community. It’s time. Let’s regenerate.


What’s Behind the New AIDS Scare? – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF aids-scare-Mercola


  • As the media are abandoning COVID, they’re taking aim at AIDS instead. The timing of AIDS-related articles and announcements is indicative of a coordinated PR campaign, which must have a specific purpose
  • While Prince Harry’s fame is milked for all it’s worth to get people to start thinking about getting HIV-tested, the discovery of a new HIV variant in The Netherlands has also been announced. The variant is more contagious, and causes more severe disease, twice as fast. There are 109 known cases of the HIV variant in The Netherlands
  • The COVID jab may be causing AIDS-like illness by decimating immune function. Researchers have also warned the COVID jab may raise your risk of HIV infection. Is the media’s focus on AIDS an attempt to cover up COVID jab effects?
  • The same week as Prince Harry’s media appearance and the publication of the new HIV strain, Moderna announced its launch of a human trial for the world’s first mRNA HIV vaccine
  • The parallels between Dr. Anthony Fauci’s AIDS campaign in the ‘80s and COVID are strikingly similar. In the ‘80s, Fauci pushed the deadly drug AZT as the only permissible way to treat AIDS. During the COVID pandemic, Fauci’s failed and lethal Ebola drug remdesivir got the greenlight at the expense of far safer treatment alternatives. Fauci has also been pushing for a transition from conventional vaccines to the mRNA platform

When media start raising an issue all at the same time, it’s usually a coordinated campaign directed by a PR company on the behalf of a client. There’s a reason for it, and the reason is to sow a desired narrative in the minds of people. They plant ideas so that when something happens, people are already prepped with certain prejudices or assumptions.

So, what then might be the reason for everyone suddenly talking about AIDS? In December 2021, President Biden announced a White House plan to “end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030.”1 The same exact vow had been announced by the British Health Security Agency a week earlier.2

Meanwhile, Prince Harry was out there urging everyone to get an HIV test, and Dutch researchers announced the discovery of a concerning HIV strain. All of this is happening at the same time that COVID is starting to fade out.

As noted by Off-Guardian,3 “just because they’re giving slack on COVID does not mean the agenda behind COVID is gone. Far from it. In fact, even as they seek to dump this pandemic in a shallow grave, they are already prepping the public for the next health scare — AIDS.”

Prince Harry Urges Everyone to Get Tested for HIV

In recent weeks, Prince Harry has been making the rounds urging people to get an HIV test. According to a February 10, 2022, report by the BBC,4 “the Duke of Sussex … wants to continue his mum’s ‘unfinished’ work in removing the stigma around the virus.”

Prince Harry has pointed out that during the last two years, HIV testing among heterosexual men and women in the U.K. has dropped by 33%, compared to just 7% lower testing rates among gays and bisexuals. At the same time, AIDS diagnoses among heterosexuals are outpacing those among gays for the first time in a decade.5

Similarly, a February 9, 2022, opinion piece by Ian Green, chief executive of the Terrence Higgins Trust (a British charity that provides HIV-related services), in The Guardian highlighted the need for a “new strategy” to combat HIV. “Continuing to solely target those traditionally most at risk won’t work,” he said. The answer, according to Green, is more widespread testing of all people, regardless of preconceived assumptions about risk.

New, More Infectious HIV Variant Discovered

While Prince Harry’s fame is milked for all it’s worth to get people to start thinking about getting HIV-tested, the discovery of a new HIV variant in The Netherlands has also been announced.6 Is that a coincidence?

According to researchers, this mutated HIV virus, dubbed the VB variant, is more infectious and causes more severe illness, twice as fast. As of early February 2022, there were 109 known cases of the VB variant in The Netherlands. Curiously, scientists said the variant had been circulating for decades. As reported by NPR, February 4, 2022:7

“They discovered a total of 109 people who had this particular variant and never knew it, dating all the way back to 1992. The variant probably emerged in the late ’80s … picking up steam around 2000 and then eventually slowing down around 2010.

People with this variant have a viral load that is three to four times higher than usual for those with HIV. This characteristic means the virus progresses into serious illness twice as fast — and also makes it more contagious …

There’s no need to develop special treatments for this variant … It shows no signs at all of resisting medications, as some HIV variants do. But because the variant moves quickly, people need to receive medicine as fast as possible.”

Researchers said they also observed a large rise in viral load in individuals with this variant by a 3.5 to 5.5 point increase. What this means is that infected persons could develop AIDS faster without immediate treatment; which could explain the sudden call for mass testing, They wrote:8

“By the time they were diagnosed, these individuals were vulnerable to developing AIDS within 2 to 3 years … Without treatment, advanced HIV — CD4 cell counts below 350 cells per cubic millimeter, with long-term clinical consequences — is expected to be reached, on average, 9 months after diagnosis for individuals in their thirties with this variant.”

Are We Looking at Vaccine-Induced AIDS?

To all of this we can also add the concern that the COVID jab may be causing AIDS-like illness by decimating immune function.9 This is not to imply the shot is causing HIV/AIDS.10,11 Rather, a Lancet preprint12 that compared outcomes among “vaccinated” and unvaccinated Swedes found that six months’ post-jab, some of the more vulnerable vaccinated groups were at greater risk for symptomatic COVID than their unvaccinated peers.

Clearly, the jabs are making some people MORE prone to infection and serious disease rather than less so. According to a December 2021 article posted by the American Frontline Doctors:13

“Doctors are calling this phenomena in the repeatedly vaccinated ‘immune erosion’ or ‘acquired immune deficiency,’ accounting for elevated incidence of myocarditis and other post-vaccine illnesses that either affect them more rapidly, resulting in death, or more slowly, resulting in chronic illness.”

In other words, they suspect myocarditis and other chronic health problems associated with the jabs could be the result of vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or “VAIDS,” which is basically very similar to AIDS. The main difference is the initial trigger. In November 2021, the U.K. also reported a 50% increase in ICU admissions of patients with immune system problems in the preceding two months.14

America’s Frontline Doctors warn the shots are creating “vaccine addicts,” in the sense that their immune system won’t be able to ward off COVID without them. However, it’s still a losing venture, as each shot only worsens the immune erosion, making you ever more vulnerable to all kinds of infections — including HIV! As reported by Off-Guardian:15

“We have already seen a plethora of predictions of increases in strokes and heart attacks, all attributed to very much non-vaccine causes. Everything from increased energy prices to lockdown-related depression has been blamed. That certainly appears to be pre-emptive ass-covering behavior. And this ‘new variant’ of AIDS could be too.

If the COVID ‘vaccines’ cause millions of people to suddenly develop dysfunctional immune systems, or some kind of antibody-dependent enhancement a ‘more dangerous new strain of AIDS’ is a pretty good cover story, don’t you think? …

In October 2020 one group of researchers, quoted in Forbes, warned that any potential COVID ‘vaccine’ could increase your risk of being infected with HIV.

One of the few abandoned COVID vaccine candidates, from the University of Queensland, actually used a protein from HIV as a ‘molecular clamp’ to bind their artificial spike proteins together, the researchers claimed. This potential ‘vaccine’ was apparently discarded after test subjects returned ‘false positives’ on HIV tests.16

What’s the PR Campaign Trying to Hide?

We’re looking at several big puzzle pieces here:

  1. Prince Harry and others reminding everyone about the importance to get tested for HIV
  2. U.K. and U.S. governments simultaneously promising to eradicate AIDS by 2030
  3. The discovery of a new, more infectious and dangerous HIV strain
  4. Emerging data suggesting the COVID jabs erode your immune function
  5. The theoretical possibility that the COVID jab might raise people’s risk of HIV infection, thus possibly triggering an avalanche of AIDS cases in the near future

Could the focus on HIV testing, especially in combination with the warning of a new HIV strain, be an effort to hide the fact that the COVID jabs are destroying people’s immune function, and possibly promoting HIV infection?

Perhaps. But there’s also another possibility. The same week as Prince Harry’s media appearance and the publication of the new HIV strain, Moderna also announced its launch of a human trial for the world’s first mRNA HIV vaccine. The timing of all of these reports strongly indicate that this is a coordinated PR plan.

Human Trial for mRNA HIV Vaccine Is Underway

As reported by Bloomberg:17

“Like Moderna’s COVID vaccine, the shot uses mRNA technology to deliver the instructions for key proteins needed to build an immune response … Researchers have spent decades working out a possible way to inoculate people against HIV, and mRNA will make it possible to test the theory much faster than expected.

This work should help companies including Pfizer, BioNTech and Sanofi, all accelerating their own efforts to design and test mRNA vaccines, to understand when the technology can — and can’t — make a difference in disease prevention …

Creating an mRNA vaccine for HIV is trickier than making the kind of SARS-CoV-2 shots we’ve become familiar with. The mRNA COVID vaccines deliver the recipe for the spike protein … This causes immune cells to produce neutralizing antibodies against COVID, much as they would do if they had experienced a COVID infection.

With HIV, there’s no such simple recipe. HIV’s equivalent to the spike protein — its envelope glycoprotein — is wilier. It hides its vulnerable aspects, making it difficult for immune cells to generate antibodies against it. An even bigger problem is that HIV starts to mutate within hours of infecting someone …

HIV behaves like ‘a swarm of slightly different viruses’ … People with HIV rarely develop neutralizing antibodies, and in the very few who do, the antibodies take years to evolve — far too long for them to effectively fight the virus. The immune system can’t keep up.

But what if the immune system could be given a head start? That’s the idea behind the Moderna/IAVI vaccine … The researchers will administer a series of shots to try to coax the immune system along that years-long process ahead of time so that when it is exposed to HIV, it can spring into action.”

Hiding Injuries or Manufacturing Need for Vaccine, or Both?

So, to recap, the media’s focus on AIDS testing and the emergence of a more infectious strain of HIV may well be a coordinated effort to both:

a)Hide devastating COVID jab effects, and

b)Manufacture the perception that we have an urgent need for an HIV vaccine

If true, just think how sick that is. A widely-pushed mRNA injection for one pandemic causes a second pandemic that is worse than the first, allowing them to roll out a second mRNA “vaccine.” That second injection then erodes immune function even more, giving rise to a third epidemic and another injection. Where does it end? This plan has failure written all over it.

When I first learned of the mRNA COVID jab, it immediately struck me as a bad idea. There were several blatantly obvious mechanisms by which they might cause harm. Today, those concerns are borne out in injury and death statistics. The possibility for things to go wrong with an mRNA HIV vaccine is also assured, if you ask me. As reported by Bloomberg, the entire premise behind it is speculative.

The Moderna HIV vaccine will target a certain subset of B-cells known to loosely bind to HIV. The idea is that by prodding these B-cells with mRNA instructions, delivered through a series of shots, they might develop the capacity to produce neutralizing antibodies against HIV.

My fear here is that if the COVID shot can cause immune depletion after repeated doses, what kind of dysfunction might a series of HIV shots trigger? Endless COVID-19 booster shots are being presented as the solution to the pandemic, as repeated injections increase the level of antibodies in your body,18 but artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated booster shots signal to your body that you’re always infected.

The resulting immune response may actually do more harm than good, and may accelerate the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis, for example.19 Will an HIV vaccine based on a similar process be any safer? I doubt it.

The Fauci Connection

As noted by James Corbett in the video at the top of this article, there’s another interesting parallel between COVID and AIDS, namely Dr. Anthony Fauci himself. He was in charge of both of these epidemics, and without doubt — unless our justice system wakes up before then — he’ll be in charge of the coming AIDS campaign as well.

The parallels between Fauci’s AIDS campaign in the ‘80s and COVID are so strikingly similar, it’s almost like a handbook that’s being repeated, Corbett says. In the ‘80s, Fauci pushed the deadly drug AZT as the only permissible way to treat AIDS. During the COVID pandemic, Fauci’s failed and lethal Ebola drug remdesivir got the greenlight at the expense of far safer treatment alternatives.

Fauci is also a connecting link between the COVID shots and the HIV jab, as he’s been eagerly pushing for a transition from conventional vaccines to this new mRNA platform. As recently as October 2019, he participated in a panel discussion about how this transition might be achieved in light of regulatory hurdles and public distrust of gene transfer technologies.20

Fauci acknowledged it would indeed be very difficult to change people’s perception about vaccines (in this particular case he was referring to the flu vaccine). His advice? “Do it from within and say, ‘I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem.’”

Not only does Fauci not care about public perception, he doesn’t care who he hurts either. He didn’t care about AIDS patients in the ‘80s, and he doesn’t care about COVID patients today. If he did, he’d insist on doctors using whatever works, and not just the products that he’s personally vested in.

HIV Discoverer Dies

An odd coincidence in the middle of all this is the unexpected death of Dr. Luc Montagnier, who together with Harald zur Hausen and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi in 2008 won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).21

Montagnier, who was 89 years old, died February 8, 2022, at the American Hospital of Paris in Neuilly-sur-Seine. No specifics about the cause of death have been released.22 Montagnier was an outspoken critic of the COVID jab from the start. He also suspected SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered, as the spike protein shared similarities with HIV.23

Is the AIDS Hype a Real Threat?

So, does the emerging AIDS hype reflect a real threat? Is it just an attempt to keep the population in fear? Or are they simply trying to cover up COVID jab effects? If it’s a cover-up, was HIV infection an accidental consequence or an intentional effect of the jab?

Might the new HIV variant actually be the result of mass COVID injection? After all, the timing of this “super strain” of HIV is interesting, to say the least. Why did it take 40 years for it to emerge?

Will HIV testing now be pushed the way COVID testing has been, and if so, why? As noted by Off-Guardian,24 for all we know, AIDS screening may simply be another way of monitoring this massive health experiment. For now, we have far more questions than answers, but if we keep asking them, eventually we’re bound to unearth the truth.

Funeral Home Stocks (and bodies) Surge, Death and Disability Payouts Soar – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF funeral-home-stocks-surge-payouts-soar-Mercola


  • Business is booming at funeral homes across the U.S. as death rates creep up, particularly among young, working-age individuals
  • Ex-Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd has been analyzing data about mortality rates before and after COVID-19 shots became widespread, and found that death rates worsened in 2021 — after the shots became prevalent — compared to 2020
  • Insurance companies are seeing increases in payouts for death and disability; Lincoln National stated death claims have increased 13.7% year over year and 54% in quarter 4 compared to 2019
  • Scott Davison, the CEO of insurance company OneAmerica, reported the death rate for 18- to 64-year-olds has risen 40% compared to before the pandemic
  • A study by Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues suggests people who’ve received COVID-19 shots may have damage to their innate immune system that’s leading to a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Business is booming at funeral homes across the U.S., as death rates creep up, particularly among young, working-age individuals.1 Ex-Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd has been analyzing data about mortality rates before and after COVID-19 shots became widespread, and found that death rates worsened in 2021 — after the shots became prevalent — compared to 2020.

As reported by Zero Hedge, Dowd pointed out “a spike in mortality among younger, working-age individuals coincided with vaccine mandates. The spike in younger deaths peaked in Q3 2021 when COVID deaths were extremely low (but rising into the end of September).”2

Dowd also reported data from public funeral home company Carriage Services, which announced a 28% increase in September 2021 compared to September 2020, while August had a 13% increase. He tweeted:3,4

“Business has been quite good since the introduction of the vaccines & the stock was up 106% in 2021. Curious no? Guys this is shocking as 89% of Funeral homes are private in US. We are seeing the tip of the iceberg.”

Life Insurance Payouts on the Rise

Insurance companies are also seeing increases in payouts for death and disability. Dowd tweeted February 1, 2022, that financial insurance company Unum reported a 9% increase in their benefit ratio (payouts versus premiums) in their life segment.5 Dowd tweeted:6

“In 2021 they saw a 17.4% increase vs 2020. This is higher than the 13.3% increase vs 2019. So the higher payouts in 21 are occurring with a miracle vaccine & less virulent strains … In 2019 the unit had $266 million profit, last year a profit of $82 million & this year a loss of -$192 million. A swing of $458 million lower over 2 years. Important to remember these are employed working age folks.”

Scott Davison, the CEO of Indiana-based insurance company OneAmerica, also reported disturbing statistics — the death rate for 18- to 64-year-olds has risen 40% compared to before the pandemic.7

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” Davison said, adding, “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.” Further, most of the deaths are not due to COVID-19. He said:8

“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”

Disability Claims and Hospital Death Rates Rise

Disability claims, initially short-term claims and now long-term claims, have also seen an “uptick.” At a news conference where Davison spoke, Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, confirmed that hospitals are also seeing widespread ill health and rising death rates. Zero Hedge reported:9

“Brian Tabor, the president of the Indiana Hospital Association, said that hospitals across the state are being flooded with patients ‘with many different conditions,’ saying ‘unfortunately, the average Hoosiers’ health has declined during the pandemic.’

In a follow-up call, he said he did not have a breakdown showing why so many people in the state are being hospitalized — for what conditions or ailments. But he said the extraordinarily high death rate quoted by Davison matched what hospitals in the state are seeing. ‘What it confirmed for me is it bore out what we’re seeing on the front end …’ he said.”

Other insurance companies citing higher mortality rates include Hartford Insurance Group, which announced mortality increased 32% from 2019 and 20% from 2020 prior to the shots. Lincoln National also stated death claims have increased 13.7% year over year and 54% in quarter 4 compared to 2019.10 Dowd tweeted:11

“Randy Frietag CFO just explained that in 2021 the share of young people dying from covid doubled in the back half of the year & that’s driven the result for Lincoln & its peers. He cited 40% in 3Q and 35% in 4Q were below the age of 65 … Mandates are killing folks … This shouldn’t be happening with miracle vaccines in a working age population period and a mild Omicron.”

As ZeroHedge noted, what we need to know from the insurance companies is what the leading causes of death were for 2020 and 2021, as well as how many received COVID-19 shots among those who died.

It continued, “Reinsurance Group of America, for example, reported a profit in Q4 2020 when the most of the population was unvaccinated and amid a deadlier strain of Covid-19, yet they registered a loss in Q4 2021 with more than 60% of the country fully vaccinated (and around 75% who have received at least one dose).”12

In other words, they paid out more in death and disability benefits in late 2021, after the shots became widespread, then they did at the peak of the pandemic, when no shots (or only a small number) had been issued.

Deaths Keep Rising Despite Mass Injection Campaign

Around the globe, it’s become clear that excess deaths continue to explode, despite the mass injection campaign that was supposed to save us. In the week ending November 12, 2021, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019.

However, COVID-19 cannot be entirely to blame, as it was listed on the death certificates for only 1,197 people.13 Further, since July, non-COVID deaths in the U.K. have been higher than the weekly average in the five years prior to the pandemic.

Heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths, with Financial Times reporting, “The new phase of excess deaths raises the possibility that since the summer more people have been losing their lives as a result of strains on the NHS or lack of early diagnosis of serious illness …”14

On Twitter, Silicon Valley software engineer Ben M. (@USMortality) similarly revealed that in a 13-week period alone, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% vaccination rate.15 In another example, he used data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and his own calculations to show excess deaths rising in Vermont even as the majority of adults have been injected.

“Vermont had 71% of their entire population vaccinated by June 1, 2021,” he tweeted. “That’s 83% of their adult population, yet they are seeing the most excess deaths now since the pandemic!”16

An investigation by The Exposé, using official data from NHS and the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), also found that deaths among teenagers increased 47% since they started getting COVID-19 shots.17 Not only that, but deaths from COVID-19 also went up among 15- to 19-year-olds after the shots were rolled out for this age group.

COVID-19 Shots Causing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

A study by board-certified internist and cardiologist, and editor of two medical journals, Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues suggests people who’ve received COVID-19 shots may have damage to their innate immune system that’s leading to a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.18

The mRNA COVID-19 shots use genetically modified mRNA encoding spike proteins. This results in mRNA being hidden from cellular defenses, “promote[s] a longer biological half-life for the proteins, and provoke[s] higher overall spike protein production,” the study suggests.19

The researchers state that experimental and observational evidence show that the human immune response to COVID-19 shots is very different than the response induced by exposure to SARS-CoV-2:20

“[T]he genetic modifications introduced by the vaccine are likely the source of these differential responses. In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health.

We explain the mechanism by which immune cells release into the circulation large quantities of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites.

We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage.”

The study includes evidence from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to support its hypothesis. While health officials refuse to acknowledge that COVID-19 shots have caused deaths, clinically trained reviewers analyzed a sample of COVID-19 vaccine deaths reported in VAERS and found that only 14% of them were certainly not due to the vaccine.21

This means that the remaining 86% may have been related to the shots. Further, while it’s often stated that VAERS reports are made by laypeople, and therefore suggested to be unreliable, the review found that at least 67% of the COVID-19 vaccine death reports they analyzed were made by health service employees.22

Overall, McCullough and colleagues warn that COVID-19 shots subvert innate immunity, which could reduce the ability to combat future infections. Further, once damaged by the shots, the immune system may be less able to detect and prevent malignant transformation within cells.

They also suggest that exposure to spike protein-containing exosomes and mRNAs may induce an inflammatory cascade that further leads to disease. In concluding that COVID-19 shots are not positive contributors to public health, the study notes:23

“In the end, we are not exaggerating to say that billions of lives are at stake. We call on the public health institutions to demonstrate, with evidence, why the issues discussed in this paper are not relevant to public health, or to acknowledge that they are and to act accordingly.

Until our public health institutions do what is right in this regard, we encourage all individuals to make their own health care decisions with this information as a contributing factor in those decisions.”

Can You Lessen the Potential Damage?

Those considering COVID-19 shots must carefully weigh the evidence of risks before making a decision. But if you’ve already been injected and want to reduce your risk of any potential complications, there are a few basic strategies I recommend:

  • Measure your vitamin D level and take enough vitamin D orally (typically about 8,000 units/day for most adults) and/or get sensible sun exposure to make sure your level is 60 to 80 ng/ml (150 to 2000 nmol/l).
  • Eliminate all vegetable (seed) oils in your diet, which involves eliminating nearly all processed foods and most meals in restaurants unless you can be sure the chef is cooking only with butter. Avoid any sauces or salad dressings in restaurants, as they are loaded with seed oils. Also avoid chicken and pork, as they are rich in linoleic acid, the omega-6 fat that nearly everyone consumes far too much of and contributes to oxidative stress.
  • Consider taking around 500 milligrams a day of NAC, as it helps prevent blood clots and is a precursor for your body to produce the important antioxidant glutathione.
  • Consider taking fibrinolytic enzymes, which digest the fibrin that leads to blood clots, strokes and pulmonary embolisms. The dose is typically two, twice a day, but must be taken on an empty stomach, either an hour before or two hours after a meal. Otherwise, the enzymes will digest your food and not the fibrin in the blood clot.

Why Are Professional Athletes Collapsing on the Field? – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF why-are-athletes-collapsing-and-dying-Mercola


  • U.K. football legend and sports commentator, Matt Le Tissier, has been speaking out about the large number of athletes who have collapsed or died on the field, and has lost his job as a result
  • Le Tissier says he has never seen anything like it in the 17 years he played football; he is calling for an investigation into the events and says ignoring it is a “massive dereliction of duty” by the officials
  • Fact-checkers and government officials are trying to negate or discredit information that supports the theory that mRNA injections are behind the sudden onslaught of injury and death, and they are studiously ignoring investigating the allegations
  • The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reflects injuries to athletes in the general population, but it’s possible that the reports are nowhere near current

With every passing day, the list of people suffering tragic consequences from the COVID mRNA shots grows longer. Data1 show 23,149 people have died after a COVID jab as of January 28, 2022. There also are 13,575 reports of people with Bell’s palsy, 41,163 who are permanently disabled, 31,185 with myocarditis, 11,765 who have had heart attacks and 3,903 women who have lost their babies after getting the shots.

Many of these people and their stories have remained hidden from public view. YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms have censored the personal stories and videos of individuals documenting their injuries and permanent disabilities, so those who only read mainstream media are unaware of the overwhelming damage being done in the name of science.

However, there is a population of people whose injuries and death have been made public. In the past six months, a slew of professional and amateur athletes have collapsed and died on the field. Yet, mainstream media appear to take this in stride, acting as if what is happening is completely normal.

But, as described by Matt Le Tissier in the first seconds of the video above, this is far from normal. Le Tissier was a soccer legend2 (a sport called football in the U.K.). His prowess on the field earned him the nickname “Le God”3 before leaving the sport to become a sports commentator, most recently with Sky Sports.

As he describes in the interview, he lost that job for speaking out and bringing attention to the large number of unexplained sudden cardiac deaths happening to professional and amateur athletes around the world.

Athletes Are Dying on the Field in Large Numbers

Red Voice Media asks in a headline, “400 Athletes Collapsing & Dying Just in the Last 6 Months?”4 then mentions “small stories coming out about perfectly healthy athletes mysteriously dying.” During the interview, Le Tissier is asked about his thoughts on the surge of cardiac events in the sporting world, to which he responds:5

“I’ve never seen anything like it. I played for 17 years. I don’t think I saw one person in 17 years have to come off the football pitch with breathing difficulties, clutching their heart, heart problems …

The last year, it’s just been unbelievable how many people, not just footballers but sports people in general, tennis players, cricketers, basketball players, just how many are just keeling over. And at some point, surely you have to say this isn’t right, this needs to be investigated.”

Le Tissier acknowledges there may be other factors that have caused this massive rise in cardiac events in athletes. He mentions that the athletes may have had COVID, and this could be a consequence of the illness, or it could be the vaccine. But the point he makes is that it should be investigated and it’s not.

This may cause you to wonder why health experts are not placing blame on the infection, but are in fact ignoring the issue completely. It begs the question: Do they already know the answer?

Le Tissier goes on to talk about player safety and how the sport protects the players from playing too long or too many games, yet they are watching players collapse on the field and apparently are content acting as if this is normal. He calls it a “massive dereliction of duty” that no one in a position of power is calling for an investigation.6

“It’s absolutely disgusting that they can sit there and do nothing about the increase in the amount of sports people who are collapsing on the field of play. And it’s not just what I’ve noticed this season as well. Again, in my career, I don’t remember a single game being halted because of an emergency in the crowd, a medical emergency in the crowd …

I would like somebody to look into that and go well, hang on a minute, can we go back for the last 15 or 20 years and … have a look and see how many times it happened 10 years ago and then how many times it happened in the last year. I’ve been watching a lot of sports and a lot of reports on football, and I’ve never seen anything like it, the amount of games that have been interrupted because of emergencies in the crowd.”

The interviewer pointed out that correlation does not necessarily mean causation, to which Le Tissier agreed, but stressed that an investigation is required to find out if it does. “To my naked eye, this is happening a lot more than it has in the past. I can’t be the only one who is seeing this.”7

Who Are These Athletes?

While an overwhelming number of professional and amateur athletes have collapsed on the field, they are not just numbers. They all have a high probability of having one thing in common — they took the COVID shot. This four-minute video features a compilation of athletes who “suddenly” collapsed within a six-month period.

Kyle Warner is one of those athletes.8 He’s 29 years old and at the peak of his career as a professional mountain bike racer. After getting a second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA jab in June 2021, he suffered a reaction so severe that by October he was still spending many of his days in bed.

In an effort to get the word out that COVID-19 shots are not always as safe as you have been led to believe, Warner shared his experience with retired nurse educator John Campbell in November 2021. Warner, in his 20s and in peak physical condition, was still severely harmed by the shot.

“I believe where there is risk, there needs to be choice,” he says.9 But right now, people are being misled. “People are being coerced into making a decision based on lack of information versus being convinced of a decision based on total information transparency.”10

Warner’s story is not unlike many others’: As Campbell learned in this interview, many doctors are unwilling to acknowledge that the COVID-19 shots might be related to patients’ injury complaints. While health officials have begun to acknowledge that myocarditis may be related to the injections, they continue to ignore other adverse events.

Vaccine Injured Unlikely to Get Help

Fact-checkers are quick to negate the possibility that an overwhelming number of deaths and injuries in professional and amateur athletes is not related to the COVID shots,11 but embalmers are telling12 a different story.

Funeral director Richard Hirschman has been a professional, board-certified embalmer since 2004 and currently travels to several funeral homes to embalm bodies. He appeared on the “Dr. Jane Ruby” show to share some shocking findings he’s been seeing in his work the past few months.13

In mid-2021, he began noticing some individuals who died of heart attacks and strokes had strange clots in their veins and arteries. He showed images of fibrous-looking clots he’d pulled out of the patients’ bodies, some of which are the length of a person’s leg, and explained that normal clots usually fall apart when handled. These fibrous clots — which he said he’s seeing more and more of — maintain their integrity and can be manipulated without disintegrating.

Unfortunately, whether they die or not, when it comes to getting help for someone who believes they’re injured by the COVID shots, it’s unlikely that they get it without intensive efforts. One reason is because, while people are increasingly calling for support for the vaccine-injured, the only way to get recompense is through the obscure Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).14

To give a little background, injury claims for regular vaccines go through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

Initially set up as a “no-fault” system to resolve injury claims, this U.S. law ultimately protects drug companies with a complete liability shield, and if you win through this vaccine “court,” payouts come from a special fund set up just for that purpose, sparing vaccine makers, their insurance companies and vaccine providers from costly payouts for vaccine injuries and deaths.15

However, if you believe you’ve been injured by a COVID shot, and you want compensation for it, you have to go through a different vaccine “court” run by what Fortune describes as an “obscure office within the U.S. Health and Human Services Department.” And, this system not only protects manufacturers and health care providers from liability, but has hoops to jump through and limits to it that make compensation much more difficult than going through the NVICP.

The bottom line is, even if you can prove you were injured by a COVID shot, you can’t sue the drug company and the compensation you receive from the program is capped at $50,000 for lost wages and $370,376 for wrongful death.16

Officials Try to Discredit VAERS

The law that protects Big Pharma from regular vaccine injury claims is the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.17 The CICP claim process for COVID shots is conducted under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, passed in 2005,18 which authorizes the government to take countermeasures against a public health emergency. The latest declaration under this Act was issued March 17, 2020, that provided:19

“… liability immunity to certain individuals and entities (Covered Persons) against any claim of loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the manufacture, distribution, administration, or use of medical countermeasures (Covered Countermeasures), except for claims involving “willful misconduct” as defined in the PREP Act.”

In other words, unless willful misconduct can be proven, any person covered by the act also has indemnity against claims from citizens. This is not limited to manufacturers and Big Pharma, but can also include government officials. The thing is, both claims systems are actually at the tail end of the process and don’t reflect all the possible injuries that might be occurring.

So how can you tell how many actual injuries may be occurring with a certain vaccine? That’s where another system kicks in: the National Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).20 As I’ll explain later, anyone can make a report to VAERS, and it’s this key component that critics use to claim that VAERS can contain errors and even false claims.

While the system has a mechanism to help weed out false reports, top government officials, such as NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci and CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, have attempted to discredit it. Most notably, this occurred during a Senate hearing when both individuals implied that if a person had been vaccinated and was then killed in a car accident, it’s possible it could be recorded in VAERS as a vaccine injury.21

It is important to note that the VAERS system is coadministered by the CDC and the FDA.22 However, as David Martin, whose self-described work involves ethical engagement and stewardship of community and commons-based value interests,23 points out in an interview excerpt posted on Twitter:24,25

“The fact is, that as much as the CDC and the FDA try to hide behind what they reportedly say is an error in the VAERS database, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, what they don’t seem to realize is that by saying that there are errors they are violating the 1986 Act …

If you go back and read that [the ACT] what you’ll find is that manufacturers of vaccines are required to keep VAERS accurate. That’s actually a statutory requirement. So, if they are telling you that it is not accurate, they are admitting to violating the law.”

By law, VAERS26 is a mandatory reporting system for health care professionals. The system is not set up to analyze causation, but may be used as raw data for detecting unexpected adverse events that may indicate a safety signal.

In total, the system must be maintained by health care professionals and drug manufacturers as a statutory requirement for maintaining indemnity against vaccine injury. Martin points out:27

“And that’s the quid pro quo in getting the immunity. If VAERS is wrong, then the immunity is pierced because it’s the manufacturer’s legal responsibility to make sure VAERS is accurate.”

VAERS Is Overwhelmed With Reports

Anyone can make a report to VAERS — both patients and health professionals can use this system to report health concerns they suspect may be connected to any vaccine, including the COVID shots. But since the system is passive, whether the reports get filed depends entirely on each individual living up to that responsibility.

The reports must contain all hospital records and any other relevant medical information. Unfortunately, as Brittany Galvin, a young woman who says she was injured by a COVID shot, succinctly notes in a video,28 the system is not efficient, and the data may be woefully out of date. This has a significant impact on monitoring the effects of the COVID inoculation program since it’s possible what you see on any given day in the VAERS database isn’t anywhere near current.

Galvin has created several videos talking about the journey she’s been on trying to report her adverse events to VAERS. In a video posted in January 2022,29 she recorded her phone conversation with an investigator from VAERS to discuss why her report filed in late May 2021 had not yet been counted in the system.

In one conversation she learned that the process takes many steps through different departments. The first stop for the VAERS reports is in a department with only 50 employees.30 Once the package of information is completed by this department, it is sent to a team of nurses who read and review every page.

If the staff have any concerns or if they feel they need more information, the package will be sent back to the first department for further information gathering.31 Galvin expressed her concern that there were hundreds of thousands of people like her and just 50 VAERS employees trying to process these reports.32

“Meanwhile the whole government is trying to force everyone to get this thing. Lying to the people telling them that “no one has gotten GBS from it” but here I sit barely able to walk and my case isn’t going to be ‘technically’ reported because the CDC hasn’t investigated yet because the hospitals are dragging their feet … it’s like a revolving crazy door and all of us humans on this planet and in this country are being lied to, and it’s unfair.”

At the end of the conversation with the investigator, Galvin learned that while her report was filed in May 2021, it wasn’t assigned to someone at VAERS until September or November 2021.33 It could be many months before the CDC receives the report of her vaccine injuries that can be published.34

Was Peter Daszak Working For The Central Intelligence Agency? An EcoHealth Alliance whistleblower steps forward.

Dr. Shi Zhengli, Dr. Peter Daszak, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.



“We found other coronaviruses in bats, a whole host of them, some of them looked very similar to SARS. So we sequenced the spike protein: the protein that attaches to cells. Then we… Well, I didn’t do this work, but my colleagues in China did the work. You create pseudo particles, you insert the spike proteins from those viruses, see if they bind to human cells. At each step of this, you move closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic in people. You end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers.”

This statement was said by EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak at a 2016 forum discussing “emerging infectious diseases and the next pandemic”. Daszak, who received more than $118 million in grants and contracts from federal agencies, including $53 million from USAID, $42 million from DOD, and $15 million from HHS, appeared to boast about the manipulation of “killer” SARS-like coronaviruses carried out by his “colleagues in China” at the now infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.

According to investigative research done by independent-journalist Sam Husseini and The Intercept, much of the money awarded to EcoHealth Alliance did not focus on health or ecology, but rather on biowarfare, bioterrorism, and other dangerous uses of deadly pathogens.

EcoHealth Alliance received the majority of its funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a State Department subsidiary that serves as a frequent cover for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Their second largest source of funding was from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which is a branch of the Department of Defense (DOD) which states it is tasked to “counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks.”

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has a long history of acting as a contract vehicle for various CIA covert activities. With an annual budget of over $27 billion and operations in over 100 countries, one former USAID director, John Gilligan, once admitted it was “infiltrated from top to bottom with CIA people.” Gilligan explained that “the idea was to plant operatives in every kind of activity we had overseas; government, volunteer, religious, every kind.”

In 2013, a US cable published by WikiLeaks outlined the U.S. strategy to undermine Venezuela’s government through USAID by “penetrating Chavez’s political base”, “dividing Chavismo”, and “isolating Chavez internationally.” In 2014, the Associated Press disclosed that USAID contracted out a project to develop a rival to Twitter in order to foment a rebellion in Cuba.

From 2009 to 2019, USAID partnered with EcoHealth Alliance on their PREDICT program which identified over 1,200 new viruses, including over 160 coronavirus strains; trained roughly 5,000 people around the world to identify new diseases; and improved or developed 60 research laboratories.

What better way for the CIA to collect intelligence on the world’s biological warfare capabilities?

Source: The Intercept

Dr. Andrew Huff received his Ph.D. in Environmental Health specializing in emerging diseases before becoming an Associate Vice President at EcoHealth Alliance, where he developed novel methods of bio-surveillance, data analytics, and visualization for disease detection.

On January 12, 2022, Dr. Andrew Huff issued a public statement (on Twitter) in which he claimed, Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance, told him that he was working for the CIA.

Dr. Andrew Huff’s full statement below:

Source: Dr. Andrew Huff

Dr. Huff continued, “…I wouldn’t be surprised if the CIA / IC community orchestrated the COVID coverup acting as an intermediary between Fauci, Collins, Daszak, Baric, and many others. At best, it was the biggest criminal conspiracy in US history by bureaucrats or political appointees.”

What exactly did they cover-up?

Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance—financed by USAID, DOD, and other U.S. Government agencies—partnered with Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina and Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses.

Baric successfully created a “chimeric” coronavirus in 2015. There is a well-documented scientific paper trail that details how Dr. Baric and Dr. Zhengli continued to collaborate on gain-of-function research together to create what went on to be a potential precursor to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Peter Daszak, who were proponents of this type of international collaboration on gain-of-function research were heavily incentivized to cover up the possibility of a lab origin because they previously had funneled U.S. taxpayer money to the Chinese lab.

At the start of 2020, there was a lot of chatter about where the virus SARS-CoV-2 actually originated from. Two papers published in March 2020—one in Nature Medicine and one in The Lancet—controlled the direction of the dialogue on the origin of the virus.

Both papers were repeatedly cited by Fauci, Collins, Daszak, the corporate media, and big tech as evidence to shut down and even censor any discussion of the possibility that the virus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Only later through redacted emails released by FOIA did we learn that Fauci, Collins, and Daszak were intimately involved in crafting the two papers which dismissed the lab origin hypotheses as “conspiracy theory.”

In February 2020, Daszak told University of North Carolina coronavirus researcher Dr. Ralph Baric that they should not sign the statement condemning the lab-leak theory so that it seems more independent and credible. “You, me and him should not sign this statement, so it has some distance from us and therefore doesn’t work in a counterproductive way,” Daszak wrote.

More unredacted emails have revealed that while these scientists held the private belief that the lab release was the most likely scenario, they still worked to seed the natural origin narrative for the public through the papers published in Nature Medicine and The Lancet.

In April 2020, Daszak opposed the public release of Covid-19-related virus sequence data that has been gathered from China, as part of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) PREDICT program because he said it would bring “very unwelcome attention” to the aforementioned “PREDICT and USAID” programs.


In September 2020, scientists were outraged when Daszak was chosen to lead the World Health Organization task force examining the possibility that Covid-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Despite many clear attempts to cut off a legitimate scientific inquiry into the Wuhan lab origin hypothesis, the theory continued to persist predominantly due to the fact that the Chinese government was unable to provide a single shred of evidence in support of the natural origin theory.

In May 2021, the narrative turned when, Nicholas Wade, a former science reporter at the New York Times published his seminal column outlining the case for the Covid lab-leak theory.

For SARS1, an intermediary host species was identified within four months of the epidemic’s outbreak and the host of MERS was identified within nine months. Yet some 15 months after the SARS2 outbreak began, and a presumably intensive search, Chinese researchers had failed to find either the original bat population, or the intermediate species to which SARS2 might have jumped, or any serological evidence of a natural origin.

Every step of the way, Fauci, Collins, and Daszak have done everything in their power to obfuscate, mislead, and misinform the world about the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 originating at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

If Dr. Andrew Huff is telling the truth, Fauci, Collins, and Daszak are not covering up the lab origin only for themselves, but also for the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Government.



Dr. Robert Malone Publishes Photograph Of Uttar Pradesh Ivermectin Covid Kit: Densely populated, relatively poor, and they have absolutely crushed the COVID-19 death curve. Malone was able to acquire a photograph of a treatment kit that included; Paracetamol, Multivitamin W/ Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin, and Doxycycline. Read more.

Dr. Tyson And Dr. Fareed Publish #1 New Release In Communicable Diseases: Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed publish their new book, Overcoming The Covid Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7,000 Patients. The book tells the stories of how the doctors used early treatment protocols to successfully treat 7,000 (now 8,000) Covid-19 patients. Read more.

UChicago Must End Its Booster Mandate—We Are Not Lab Rats: The Editorial Board of The Chicago Thinker publishes an immaculately sourced scientific takedown of booster mandates for university students. We will not play pretend— COVID is not the plague, the vaccine is still experimental, and the risk of myocarditis and menstrual cycle issues is very real for young people. Read more.

Defeat The Mandates In D.C. On Sunday, January 23 Starting At 11:30 AM: Featured speakers include RFK, Jr., Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Del Bigtree, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Bret Weinstein, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Chris Martenson, Dr. Ryan Cole, Steve Kirsch, and more. Read more.

Situation Update, Feb 17, 2022 – Canadian BANK RUNS begin + CDC admits covid test swabs were genetically SCANNED

Thanks to the tyrannical actions of Chrystia Freeland — a Davos group devotee and the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada — the people of Canada are now rapidly withdrawing their funds from Canada’s largest banks. Two days ago, Freeland announced that Canada’s financial terrorism laws would be expanded to seize all funds — bank accounts, crypto, crowdfunding hubs, etc. — belonging to individuals who supported the peaceful convoy trucker protest… even if that person merely donated $10 to the convoy.


0:00 Intro
2:10 Canada
38:05 USA
43:10 CDC Swab Tests
46:50 Project Veritas Story

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How COVID Patients Were Over-Treated to Death- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF covid-patients-over-treated-to-death-pdf covid-patients-over-treated-to-death-pdf


  • Around the U.S., COVID-19 patients are being killed by inappropriate medical protocols, and they have no say-so in the treatment they receive. They’ve literally been stripped of their patient rights
  • COVID patients are refused basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids. They’re even denied basic nutrition and fluids, which amounts to a war crime. Instead, COVID patients are over-treated with remdesivir, narcotics and mechanical ventilation, a combination that more often than not results in death
  • Hospitals are paid by the government for COVID tests, COVID diagnoses, admission of COVID patients, use of remdesivir and ventilation, and COVID deaths. This payment scheme has created a kind of institutionalized killing machine, where hospital revenue is tied to patients dying in-hospital with a COVID label, be it true or false
  • The Canadian press reports that COVID-19 patients are often given excessive doses of medications such as opioids, benzodiazepines and anticholinergics that could result in a lethal overdose, and in the U.K., senior care homes have been accused of killing off COVID patients with midazolam, a powerful sedative
  • Collectively, patient neglect, mistreatment, overtreatment and the COVID jabs have resulted in massive disability and death. Deaths among working age Americans (18 to 64) as of the third quarter of 2021 were 40% higher than prepandemic rates. Compare that to the 15.4% increase seen between 2019 and 2020, which was reported as the highest life insurance payout increase in 100 years

Something truly unthinkable is happening in America’s hospitals. Around the country, COVID-19 patients are being killed by inappropriate medical protocols, and they have no say-so in the treatment they receive. They’ve literally been stripped of their patient rights.

They’re refused basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids. They’re even denied basic nutrition and fluids, which amounts to a war crime under Rules 531 and 1182 of the Geneva Convention, which state you may not starve a person and you must provide basic necessities even to prisoners.

Instead, COVID patients are over-treated with dangerous and ineffective therapies like remdesivir, narcotics and mechanical ventilation, a combination that more often than not results in death. Many doctors who understand the importance of early and appropriate treatment are perplexed and horrified by what they’re seeing, and for good reason. It’s truly beyond comprehension at this point.

A Case of Medical Kidnapping for COVID Bounty?

Perhaps the most shocking example I’ve come across is the case of a perfectly healthy man involved in a car accident. In a talk with Stew Peters on Rumble, Benjamin Gord claims to have been given an unknown knock-out drug by the attending EMT and woke up on life support in a COVID ward.

He pulled out the vent all by himself, as he was unharmed from the accident. When he demanded to know why he’d been placed on mechanical ventilation, the shocked staff told him he was being treated for COVID.

In other cases, patients have been put on COVID standard care even though they came in for something else. Patients are also being denied release and are basically held as prisoners in the hospital. Many are refused the right to deny treatment.

On the other hand, they’re forced to accept do-not-resuscitate orders that they don’t want. There are also reports of COVID patients being given potent central nervous system respiratory depressants otherwise known as “euthanasia cocktails” — combinations of sedatives like morphine, fentanyl and midazolam.3

The medical kidnapping and mistreatment of patients against their will has become so widespread, human rights attorney Thomas Renz asked the Truth for Health Foundation to set up a medical advisory team, called the COVID Care Strategy Team, to help families physically liberate their loved ones from hospitals where they’re kept captive.4

Incentivizing the Killing of Patients

While one can speculate about the ethics of hospital administrators and doctors all day long, one of the most obvious answers to how this could have happened is that hospitals are receiving massive incentives to over-treat COVID patients to death. In the simplest terms, every patient has what amounts to a $100,000+ bounty on their head. Hospitals receive bonus payments for:5,6

COVID testing and COVID diagnoses — Hospitals receive a 20% “bonus” on top of the standard cost for the treatment of a COVID patient7

Admission of a “COVID patient”

Use of remdesivir — The U.S. government actually pays hospitals an additional bonus when they use remdesivir,8,9,10 and that’s in addition to the 20% upcharge. Remdesivir was developed as an antiviral drug and tested during the Ebola breakout in 2014. Results were beyond disappointing. In the early months of 2020, the drug was entered into COVID trials.11

Those trials were also beyond disappointing.12,13,14 Not only was the drug ineffective against the infection but it also had significant and life-threatening side effects, including kidney failure and liver damage.15 Despite its clear dangers and lack of effectiveness, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized remdesivir for emergency use against COVID in May 2020,16 and then gave it full approval in October 2020.17

Use of mechanical ventilation, which CMS whistleblowers claim kill 84.9% of COVID patients within as few as 96 hours,18 typically due to barotrauma19 (trauma to the lungs from the elevated pressure).

COVID deaths — In August 2020, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, agreed hospitals had a financial incentive to overcount COVID deaths.20

According to Renz, hospitals are raking in a minimum of $100,000 extra for each and every “COVID patient” when they follow the directive to only treat with remdesivir and ventilation. On the other hand, hospitals that refuse to follow this deadly protocol and use things like ivermectin, antibiotics and steroids forfeit all government payments.

Still, financial incentives dictating drug treatment don’t explain why some hospitals are now withholding basic nutrition and fluids, quite literally torturing — starving — the patients to death. Such cases make it clear that death simply must be the desired outcome. Why else would you withhold food and water?

Initially, these COVID incentives were justified as a way to make sure hospitals would not be financially destroyed by the pandemic as they were losing revenue from routine care and elective surgeries they could no longer provide.21

Now, however, it seems this payment scheme has created a kind of institutionalized killing machine, where hospital revenue is tied to patients dying in-hospital with a COVID label, be it true or false.

Excessive Drugging of COVID Patients

Other countries are reporting similar trends. The Canadian press reports that COVID-19 patients are often given excessive doses of medications such as opioids, benzodiazepines and anticholinergics that could result in a lethal overdose.22

In the U.K., senior care homes have been accused of killing off COVID patients with midazolam, a powerful sedative. In April 2020, 38,352 out-of-hospital prescriptions for midazolam were issued, while the monthly average for the five years before was only 15,000, which is explained in detail in the above video.

“Midazolam depresses respiration and it hastens death. It changes end-of-life care into euthanasia,” retired neurologist Dr. Patrick Pullicino told MailOnline.23

And speaking of euthanasia, at the end of 2021, the government of New Zealand OK’d “voluntary euthanasia” by lethal injection for COVID patients if the doctor believes the COVID patient won’t recover.24 The doctor performing the euthanasia gets paid $1,087 by the government for this service.25

Deadly Prevention

Everywhere you look, the focus seems to be on maximizing the death toll, not saving lives. That includes the COVID jabs, which are touted as the only way to prevent serious infection and death. Yet data from the U.S. Department of Defense suggest the jabs are causing unprecedented injuries and deaths. The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) data were obtained by Renz from DOD whistleblowers, and was released on the Renz Law website.26

The data show that, compared to the previous five-year averages, miscarriages were up 279% among DOD personnel in 2021, breast cancer went up 487%, nervous system disorders 1,048%, male infertility 350%, female infertility 471%, ovarian dysfunction 437% and on and on. As noted by Renz during U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson’s “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel:27

“The Whistleblower data, this DMED database, has provided a control group of sorts. It’s military records dating back several years that supply medical codes for various medical issues that our military face such as cancers, miscarriages, neurological disorders etc.

These records provided by three military doctors … show a historical baseline of what the health of the American military was like before 2021, the year the COVID vaccine was released. What you see is quite disturbing.

From 2016 to 2020 all variations of medical conditions stay consistent. But in 2021, when the variable of the vaccine is mandated, the spike in cancers, miscarriages, infertility, you name it, jumps by factors of hundreds to thousands of percent.

Let me be crystal clear. These vaccines are injuring and sometimes even killing our military, and those in the public that are buying the ‘safe and effective’ marketing. These numbers prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

Pentagon’s Response — An Even Bigger Story

In response to the leaked DMED data, the Pentagon is now claiming that “a glitch” in the database resulted in incomplete data sets being shown for the five years Renz is using as a baseline. The real medical diagnoses for 2016 through 2020 are far higher, they claim, and that made the 2021 numbers appear falsely elevated.

According to Maj. Charlie Dietz, a task force public affairs officer for the DOD, the DMED was taken offline “to identify and correct the root cause of the data corruption.” Once the supposed “missing” medical diagnoses were added back in, the reported number of diseases and injuries for 2021 were 3% LOWER than 2020, and the lowest it’s been in six years. As reported by The Blaze:28

“Where those true numbers existed, why they weren’t in the system for five years, what exactly was in the system, and why the 2021 numbers were accurate according to the DOD account remain a mystery.

However, one by one, the military public health officials have been adding back random numbers to the 2016 through 2020 codes. I’m told by Renz and two of the whistleblowers that throughout the past week, they have queried the same data again, and in most of the ICD categories, they have found that the numbers from 2016 through 2020 were ‘increased’ exponentially to look as though 2021 was not an abnormal year.

This has been done without any transparency, any press release, any statement of narrative, and sloppily in a way that makes the already unbelievable narrative simply impossible to believe.

In addition to believing that every epidemiological report for five years was somehow completely tainted with false data … we would have to believe that the minute they discovered this from Renz, they suddenly discovered the exact numbers. A five-year mistake fixed overnight!”

Incompetence, Corruption, Both — or Worse?

Making this clown show even more indefensible is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has admitted that they’ve been monitoring the DMED data from the start.29

Either way you slice it, we have a serious problem. If the DoD just now discovered corrupted data in the DMED, then there’s incompetence in its ranks. And if ACIP was looking at the DMED data and kept pushing for vaccination despite alarming safety signals, then ACIP is incompetent — or worse.

If there’s nothing wrong with the database and the numbers Renz initially obtained were accurate, then people within the DOD are falsifying data to cover up COVID jab injuries and sacrificing our military to protect Big Pharma profits — an action that, if true, seems dangerously close to treason.

As noted by Steve Kirsch,30 founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, the DOD’s “explanation” for the discrepancy in its 2021 injury statistics is just riddled with holes. First of all, they’ve not explained why 2016 through 2020 data were affected, yet 2021 was not.

Secondly, they’ve not explained how they were able to correct “underreporting” of health problems in 2016 through 2020. How did they know there was underreporting? And why didn’t they fix it earlier? Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly:

“Only symptoms that were elevated by the vaccine were affected; that’s impossible for a computer glitch to have caused that … That makes their ‘corruption’ explanation hard to explain. Very hard to explain.”

Pfizer Warns Investors of Possible Business Impacts

Meanwhile, Pfizer appears poised for the emergence of bad news. In its fourth quarter earnings release and risk disclosure,31,32 the company admits that “the possibility of unfavorable new preclinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing preclinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of preclinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection” could impact earnings.

They also note challenges related to public confidence, concerns about clinical data integrity, and prescriber and pharmacy education as potential risks, and that’s in addition to the possibility that COVID-19 might “diminish in severity or prevalence, or disappear entirely.”

All-Cause Deaths Soared in 2021

Collectively, patient neglect, mistreatment, overtreatment and the COVID jabs have resulted in massive disability and death. In early January 2022, OneAmerica, a national mutual life insurance company based in Indianapolis, reported deaths among working-age Americans (18 to 64) as of the third quarter of 2021 were 40% higher than prepandemic rates — and they’re not dying from COVID.

Compare that to the 15.4% increase seen between 2019 and 2020. In December 2021, Fortune magazine reported this as the highest life insurance payout increase in 100 years.33 Well, they ain’t seen nothing yet, as the saying goes. OneAmerica CEO Scott Davidson said:34

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business — not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.

And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic. Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So, 40% is just unheard of.”

At the same time, OneAmerica has also noticed an uptick in disability claims. Initially, there was a rise in short-term disability claims, but now most claims are for long-term disabilities. The company expects the rise in claims will cost them “well over $100 million,” an unexpected expense that will be passed on to employers buying group life insurance policies.

Globally, the life insurance industry was hit with claims amounting to $5.5 billion in the first nine months of 2021, which is when the COVID jabs were most aggressively rolled out. During all of 2020, the height of the pandemic, claims only reached $3.5 billion.35 According to one insurance broker cited by Reuters, the industry was caught off-guard, as they expected the mass vaccination campaign to result in lower payouts in 2021. Reuters also reports that:36

  • The Dutch insurer Aegon, which does two-thirds of its business in the U.S., saw U.S. claims rise from $31 million in 2020, to $111 million 2021
  • U.S. insurers MetLife and Prudential Financial also reported an increase in claims for 2021 compared to 2020 and prepandemic years
  • Reinsurer Munich Re raised its 2021 estimate of COVID-19 life and health claims from 400 million euros to 600 million euros

Treat COVID Symptoms Immediately and Aggressively

We live in heartbreaking times —so much unnecessary pain, suffering and death. The fact that so many of these atrocities are occurring in our hospitals make the situation all the more disconcerting. This, truly, is not the time to go to the hospital unless your life depends on it.

That’s the last place you want to be right now, for any reason. It’s beyond tragic, but you simply cannot count on hospitals to give unconflicted care like you could in the past, and that could lead to your premature demise.

Your best alternative is to be prepared. Create a “COVID survival kit,” much like you would a tornado or hurricane kit, so you can spring into action and treat yourself immediately at first symptoms. Perhaps it’s the common cold or regular influenza; maybe it’s the much milder Omicron, but since it’s hard to tell them apart, your best bet is to treat all cold/flu symptoms as you would treat earlier forms of COVID.

And, remember, this advice applies for those who have gotten the jab as well, since you’re just as likely to get infected — and perhaps even more so. Early treatment protocols with demonstrated effectiveness include:

Based on my review of these protocols, I’ve developed the following summary of the treatment specifics I believe are the easiest and most effective.


Blackrock Portfolio Manager Exposes Pfizer Fraud – Dr. Mercola

A former Blackrock portfolio manager, Edward Dowd, has come forward to explain what’s really going on behind the pandemic shutdowns and mandates — and it’s all about money and a pending global collapse of the financial industry.

“We have a global debt problem,” Dowd says. “And it’s been since 2008 kind of a clarion call … they know you can’t keep it afloat forever.” With that in mind, he says when he saw the “COVID thing go down,” he immediately was suspicious that what was happening wasn’t about COVID at all.

“It was a perfect cover for central banks to print money for an emergency … and put in place medical tyranny systems as cover for a collapse of the financial system to prevent riots … All the pensions are broke, he says — and “it’s just a system of control.” Where Pfizer is concerned, he became suspicious when he was looking at clinical trial reports and FOIA-requested documents.

What he saw was that in the vaccine clinical trial groups, there were more deaths than in the placebo group. He also noticed that biotech industry executives who saw that were suddenly refusing the boosters and those who hadn’t yet been vaccinated were deciding not to get the shots.


Rumble KLIM News February 15, 2022

Twitter, Edward Dowd February 3, 2022

Dr. Andreas Kalcker on how CDS helps reverse vaccine-triggered blood clotting by Removing Graphene

Biophysics researcher Dr. Andreas Kalcker discussed the blood clotting that many vaccinees experience and how CDS helps degrade the micro clots responsible for this condition.

A testimony that has impacted Dr. Kalcker is that of Manu, a tattoo artist who has been tattooing people for 25 years and who claims that when he performs his art on people’s skin they no longer bleed. Dr. Kalcker pointed out that this is a sign of coagulation that can be solved thanks to chlorine dioxide.

Dr. Andreas Kalcker: I’m very happy because, right now, the question that a lot of people are asking is “What’s going on?” So, the things is… So, the thing is, of course, they’re saying, “What’s going on with me now?” Because of course, a lot of people —most people, in fact—, have been inoculated. And then, they’ve been told one thing and then another. Because, of course, they’re told that it’s a vaccine and, really, what they’ve really received is a genetic experiment. And those who have become aware of it are tired, without strength and defenses. In other words, people catch colds very easily and from anything.

And, of course, there’s a very obvious truth. It’s much easier to deceive than to wait for the deceived to realize the trap. And of course, people ask, “What now?” “What am I going to do? I’m already (inoculated).”

So, the fantastic thing that we have, and we already have a certainty, is that dioxide also works for precisely what we’re seeing. Because what we’re seeing is coagulation in the blood. What’s coagulation? It’s very simple. For example, you get bitten by a snake. And then you take, for example, a blood test, and you add the snake venom factor, the blood coagulates. So this is a well-known thing. There are many references. Many. And then, of course, blood coagulation is a factor that, from conventional medicine, what will be done? Well, prescribe an anticoagulant, such as warfarin, which is a substance equal to rat poison. And which, in the long term, will cause strokes, etc. It’s not a solution at all. However, chlorine dioxide is a solution because we have seen that it directly dissolves these mini clots before they get bigger. And this is what people are seeing all over the world.

Yesterday, I received a message from a tattoo artist telling me, “Andreas, I have been tattooing for 25 years, and something strange is going on.” And I asked him, “Well, what’s going on?” “Normally, when I’m tattooing, little drops of blood come out, but now, not anymore.” “Not anymore.” “The skin doesn’t react. It’s a very strange thing that I’m seeing.” And that’s, obviously, one of the first signs of micro-coagulation. That’s how it starts. Then, it gradually gets worse.

And then, well, people who are already taking the dioxide from the beginning, in this way, it dissolves these micro-clots because we have seen it under a microscope. And of course, people can see it on my website and other places, as well. It really is capable of doing this. So what are the COMUSAV doctors saying quite correctly? You have to take it. You have to take it for three to six months. Or longer in severe cases. And it’s okay because, really, even if you take it for a year or 15, like me, you’re not going to die. You’re not going to have serious side effects either.

So, it’s taking protocol C if I don’t know anything. And with this, I’m already getting rid of these clots. And if I can, if I’m more advanced in this, I can also do the AI (Anti Inoculation) protocol that’s on COMUSAV’s website. This is a fact, and we have a solution. That is, people many times, and on many, many websites, are complaining, complaining, complaining. And whether it’s this or that. Complaining isn’t a solution. Nobody gets cured. So we must know and let all the people around the world know that there’s a solution. And that solution exists, and it isn’t toxic. And it’s being taken by millions of people at this point.

Injected microtechnology stops working if graphene is removed from the body

Dr. Martín Monteverde reported for OMV (World Organization for Life) that although there isn’t yet a known way to remove the injected microcircuitry from the body, removal of the graphene oxide causes it to stop working.




Learn more about CDS & MMS Here:



Baicalin & Baicalein: Potential Benefits & Upcoming Research, Benzo Like Effects?


Baicalin and baicalein are flavones under investigation for potential benefits to the nervous system & in rheumatoid arthritis. Learn more here.

What are Baicalin and Baicalein?

Baicalein is a flavone, a type of polyphenolic flavonoid, that is extracted from the roots of Scutellaria baicalensis and Scutellaria lateriflora that have a wide variety of health benefits.

Baicalin is a flavone glycoside, the glucuronide of baicalein, which is obtained through the binding of glucuronic acid to baicalein. It is primarily used in Asian countries as an herbal supplement.

Potential Health Benefits

Baicalin and baicalein supplements have not been approved by the FDA for medical use and generally, lack solid clinical research. Regulations set manufacturing standards for them but don’t guarantee that they’re safe or effective. Speak with your doctor before supplementing.

Possibly Effective For

1) Rheumatoid Arthritis & CAD

In one study of 374 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and coronary artery disease (which are frequently comorbid), 500 mg of baicalin per day significantly reduced blood lipids and markers of inflammation [1].

Animal Research (Lacking Evidence)

No clinical evidence supports the use of baicalin for any of the conditions listed in this section. Below is a summary of the existing animal and cell-based research, which should guide further investigational efforts. However, the studies listed below should not be interpreted as supportive of any health benefit.

2) Anxiety

Baicalein and baicalin inhibited the action potential of the neurons that raise anxiety [2].

In mice, baicalin produced anxiety-lowering effects without causing drowsiness or muscle relaxation [3].

3) Neuroprotection

Baicalin improved cognitive dysfunction in mice via its anti-neuroinflammatory activity, leading authors to suggest it as a potential candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) [4].

It improved Amyloid beta-induced learning and memory deficit, hippocampus injury and neuron apoptosis (mice) [5].

Baicalin improved learning and memory impairment induced by brain injury in mammals [6].

Treatment with this flavonoid in animals, post-stroke, promoted neuron development in damaged sections of the brain, including the new formation of cells in the hippocampus [7].

4) Liver

Baicalin administered in rats reduced the effects of fatty liver disease (by increasing PPAR gamma and insulin receptors) [8].

It decreased cholesterol, alanine transaminase, low-density lipoproteins, and TNF levels.

Rats with alcohol-induced liver damage treated with this flavonoid before consuming alcohol had protective effects on the liver. It also decreased liver cell apoptosis [9].

5) Lung Function

Pure baicalin improved lung function in rats suffering from allergic diseases [10].

When administered to rats suffering from asthma as a pretreatment, baicalin stimulated a healthy remodeling of the airway [11].

Baicalein reduced lung inflammation by inhibiting Th17 cells in the lungs [12].

6) Eyes

Daily intake of baicalin or baicalein helped prevent eye diseases such as cataracts or age-related macular degeneration in animals [13].

Baicalin is found in traditional Japanese herbal medicines for eye health [14].

7) Fertility

In animals, baicalin significantly enhanced endometrial reproduction [15].

In mouse embryos, it increased the development and quality of blastocysts [16].

Cancer Research

Baicalin and baicalein are currently under investigation in the following types of cancers:

  • Ovarian cancer [17]
  • Breast cancer [18]
  • Colorectal cancer [19, 20]

These experiments are currently limited to cell studies, however; such studies are often irrelevant for animal or human trials.

Baicalin ingested at a dose of 100 mg/kg for 28 days decreases tumor growth and replication in mice with colon cancer cells [21].

When taken orally in rats for 7 days it increases the activity of T helper cells and T regulatory cells to fight chemically-induced colon cancer [22].


There are a variety of limitations that should be kept in mind when reading this research.

  • Almost all of the studies conducted with baicalin are in animals, and it’s not clear if any of these benefits would occur in humans.
  • Flavonoids usually have poor bioavailability, and baicalin is no exception [23]. It’s unclear if any of these benefits would be seen in humans given the bioavailability issues. When given to animals, it’s often injected, which bypasses the bioavailability problem that humans would have.


There is no safe and effective dose of baicalin or baicalein because no sufficiently powered study has been conducted to find one.

Baicalein and baicalin supplements can be taken by healthy individuals. The healthy dose should be 200-800 mg in multiple doses, once in the morning and once again at night, without any side effects.

Liver Damage Is a Growing Epidemic – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF liver-damage-growing-epidemic-Mercola


  • Between 2000 and 2016, the annual death toll from liver cancer in the U.S. rose by 43% for men and 40% for women. Globally, hepatocellular carcinoma is the third leading cause of cancer death
  • Other liver-related diseases such as cirrhosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are also becoming more prevalent, both of which raise your risk of liver cancer
  • Between 2001 and 2013, diagnosed cirrhosis cases nearly doubled; deaths from cirrhosis increased by 65% between 1999 and 2016. The greatest increase was among those between the ages of 25 and 34, where alcoholic cirrhosis has become rampant
  • Alcohol-induced cirrhosis and NAFLD can be reversed in their early stages by quitting drinking and cutting out processed fructose, respectively
  • Folate, milk thistle, NAC, coffee and broccoli all help promote healthy liver function

This article was previously published August 1, 2018, and has been updated with new information.

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS),1 liver cancer affects an estimated 41,260 Americans each year, and prevalence is rising.2 Between 2000 and 2016, the annual death toll from liver cancer rose by 43% for men and 40% for women,3 killing more than 11,000 people in 2016.4

In January 2022, the ACS estimates that 30,520 people will die from liver cancer in this year alone, adding, “Liver cancer incidence rates have more than tripled since 1980, while the death rates have more than doubled during this time.”

The five-year survival rate for localized liver cancer is 34 percent,5 while regional cancer that has spread to other organs and distant liver cancer have survival rates of just 12 percent and 3 percent respectively.

Globally, the liver cancer hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third leading cause of cancer death6 due to the high prevalence and difficulty of treatment. Researchers warn that by 2030, the global rate of liver cancer will double, affecting upward of 1.2 million.7

Other liver-related diseases such as cirrhosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)8 are also becoming more prevalent. Between 2001 and 2013, the number of diagnosed cirrhosis cases nearly doubled,9 and deaths from cirrhosis increased by 65 percent between 1999 and 2016.10 The greatest increase (10.5 percent) was among those between the ages of 25 and 34, where alcoholic cirrhosis has become rampant.11,12

As a precursor for cancer, cirrhosis causes more than 1 million deaths a year worldwide,13 with the incidence of NASH more than doubling from 1990 to 2017.

Excess Alcohol Consumption Drives Risk of Liver Damage

According to researchers, the rise in cirrhosis mortality is entirely driven by excess alcohol consumption by young adults. While, historically, alcohol-related liver cirrhosis has been regarded as a condition that develops after two or three decades of heavy drinking, these newer statistics reveal it doesn’t have to take that long at all, as it’s now occurring in (and killing) 20- and 30-year-olds.

In the 25 to 34 age group, death from alcohol-related liver disease nearly tripled between 1999 and 2016. This increase parallels statistics14 showing a rise in binge drinking between 2002 and 2012. It also correlates with the global financial crisis in 2008, after which more people began dying from cirrhosis. Researchers believe financial worries and unemployment may be significant contributing factors, causing more people to drink more heavily.

Cirrhosis (irreversible scarring of your liver) can also be caused by obesity, NAFLD and hepatitis, and can in turn lead to fatal liver failure and/or liver cancer. Men are particularly at risk, in large part because they’re five times more likely to develop NAFLD than women.

Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, weight, smoking and alcohol consumption also play important roles in exacerbating (as well as reducing) your chances of developing some form of liver disease.

People at increased risk also include those who have an autoimmune disease, chronic liver inflammation and those whose livers have been damaged due to bouts of hepatitis B or C. The good news is that alcohol-related liver cirrhosis can be reversed if caught early enough — and provided you quit drinking.

Excess Sugar Consumption Drives Rising NAFLD Rates

While alcohol-related cirrhosis is driving up mortality rates, rising prevalence of NAFLD is contributing to the overall burden of liver-related diseases. In the case of NAFLD, the fatty liver occurs in the absence of significant alcohol consumption, and is driven instead by excess sugar, which is why this condition is now found even in young children.

NAFLD often has no symptoms, although it may cause fatigue, jaundice, swelling in the legs and abdomen, mental confusion and more. If left untreated, it can cause your liver to swell, called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and can lead to liver cancer or liver failure. As with alcohol-related cirrhosis, however, NAFLD can be reversed in its early stages by healthy eating and exercising.

Most importantly, you need to eliminate processed fructose and other added sugars from your diet. Fructose actually affects your liver in ways that are very similar to alcohol. Unlike glucose, which can be used by virtually every cell in your body, fructose can only be metabolized by your liver, as your liver is the only organ that has the transporter for it.

Since all fructose gets shuttled to your liver, if you consume high amounts of it, fructose ends up taxing and damaging your liver in the same way alcohol and other toxins do. The way your liver metabolizes fructose is also very similar to that of alcohol,15 as both serve as substrates for converting carbohydrates into fat, which promotes insulin resistance, dyslipidemia (abnormal fat levels in the bloodstream) and fatty liver.

Fructose also undergoes the Maillard reaction with proteins, leading to the formation of superoxide free radicals that can result in liver inflammation similar to acetaldehyde, an intermediary metabolite of ethanol. According to Dr. Robert Lustig, a neuroendocrinologist in the division of endocrinology at the University of California, fructose is a “chronic, dose-dependent liver toxin.”

Excess Glucose Converts to Fructose and Decimates Your NAD+

A few years ago I read an excellent review16 on NAD that helped me understand the basic biochemistry far better, and it makes perfect sense. I learned that excess fructose in processed foods isn’t the only problem, as excess glucose is ultimately converted to fructose by your body in an effort to metabolize glucose for energy. Let me explain it to you.

When your body is exposed to chronic glucose excess, the first enzyme in breaking down glucose is hexokinase, and this enzyme becomes saturated and can’t break down any more glucose. Once this occurs, glucose will then be metabolized through the polyol pathway, in which glucose is metabolized to sorbitol by aldose reductase, and sorbitol is subsequently metabolized to fructose by sorbitol dehydrogenase (see figure below).

It is estimated when you are healthy, only about 3% of glucose goes through the pathway below, but at least 30 percent of glucose flows through this pathway in chronic hyperglycemia,17 creating a vicious cycle of excess fructose.

This metabolic catastrophe is the net redox result of the trading of one molecule of NADPH for one molecule of NADH. This is precisely what you don’t want to happen, as NADPH is used as a reductive reservoir for your antioxidants and is necessary to make your steroid hormones and fats. When you have low levels you are in deep trouble.

Complicating it further, you increase NADH and worsen your NAD+/NADH ratio. As fuel supply outstrips metabolic demand, mitochondrial and cytoplasmic NAD/NADH ratios fall. The ensuing mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization perpetuates electron leakage and excessive oxidative stress.

nad nadh ratio

Fortunately, the good news is that there is a simple inexpensive solution that should radically improve this metabolic catastrophe. The first, of course, is to clean up your diet as we have previously discussed many times, so your body can burn fat for fuel. But you can also take NAD precursors like simple nontimed-release niacin.

That should help increase the NAD+/NADH ratio and NADPH levels. As noted in one recent paper,18 “Oral administration of nicotinamide riboside, a natural NAD+ precursor, completely corrected these NAFLD phenotypes induced by NAD+ deficiency.”

I would start non-timed release niacin at 25 to 50 milligrams a few times a day, as any dose higher will likely cause a harmless but relatively annoying flushing sensation. It would also be helpful to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields, as that also consumes NAD+ through PARP hyperactivation and will worsen the metabolic condition.

Low-Level Chemical Exposures Linked to Liver Damage

While there’s no data on this, it’s possible that alcohol-induced cirrhosis is now occurring sooner as a result of liver damage caused by chemical exposures. Researchers have shown that even small amounts of chemicals from food, pharmaceuticals and personal care products can in fact cause liver damage.

One such experiment19 was designed to evaluate the effects of chemical combinations at low doses from environmental sources such as food, pharmaceuticals and personal care products.20

Using four groups of Sprague-Dawley rats, the researchers administered a mix of chemicals found in everyday products in their drinking water at varying doses for a period of six months. The control group received chemical-free water.

Of the three treatment groups, the low-dose group received 25% of the European Union (EU) acceptable daily intake for the chemicals in question, the medium-dose group received exactly the acceptable daily intake defined by the EU, while the high-dose group received five times the acceptable daily intake.21

After six months, body weight and biochemistry markers were evaluated, revealing the animals’ weight increased more than 10% in all male groups, compared to controls.22 Modest increases were found in females given medium and high doses of the chemicals.

They also discovered adverse liver effects — especially at the low-dose level and primarily in the males. Overall, the results suggest exposure to low doses may induce liver damage as a result of the combination of different toxic mechanisms, and support previous research showing that chemical cocktails, even at low levels,23 can damage liver function24 and trigger cancer.25

Roundup Damages Liver at Ultralow Doses

Roundup, the most heavily-used weed killer in the world, has also been linked to liver damage. Disturbingly, urine levels of glyphosate have skyrocketed in the past couple of decades, suggesting widespread, chronic exposure, most likely from food. Between 1993 and 2016, levels of the chemical in human urine increased 1,200 percent.26 Food testing also reveals that many foods sold in the U.S. are contaminated with glyphosate.27

This is of significant concern, as research suggests Roundup can cause significant liver damage even at ultralow doses. The study,28 published in the journal Scientific Reports, looked at the effects of glyphosate exposures of 4 nanograms per kilogram of body weight per day, which is 75,000 and 437,500 times below EU and U.S. permitted levels, respectively.

After a two-year period, female rats showed signs of liver damage, specifically NAFLD and progression to nonalcoholic steatohepatosis (NASH). Study author Michael Antoniou, Ph.D., told Sustainable Pulse:29

“The findings of our study are very worrying as they demonstrate for the first time a causative link between an environmentally relevant level of Roundup consumption over the long-term and a serious disease — namely nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Our results also suggest that regulators should reconsider the safety evaluation of glyphosate-based herbicides.”

Milk Thistle Helps Prevent Liver Damage

Milk thistle is an herb that has been used for thousands of years to support liver, kidney and gallbladder health. In modern times, silymarin has been used to treat alcoholic liver disease, acute and chronic viral hepatitis and toxin-induced liver diseases.

The active ingredient, a flavonoid called silymarin, is thought to be responsible for the beneficial effects attributed to milk thistle, including liver protection, antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. In your liver, silymarin works as an antifibrotic, thereby preventing tissue scarring, and blocks toxins by inhibiting the binding of toxins to liver cell membrane receptors. Silymarin also protects your liver and promotes healthy liver function by:

  • Suppressing cellular inflammation30
  • Inhibiting the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a pathway that, when overactivated, increases your risk of cancer31
  • Activating AMPK (activated AMP-activated protein kinase),32 an enzyme inside your cells. AMPK is sometimes referred to as a “metabolic master switch,” as it plays an important role in regulating metabolism and energy homeostasis.33 AMPK produces many of the same benefits as you would get from exercise and weight loss, both of which benefit your liver health
  • Reducing liver injury caused by a number of drugs and environmental toxins, including acetaminophen, chemotherapy, psychotropic drugs and alcohol
  • Increasing glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that plays a role in the detoxification of heavy metals and other harmful substances

N-acetylcysteine Supplement Supports Your Liver Health

Another powerful liver protectant is N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor needed for glutathione biosynthesis. In fact, research suggests NAC may be a better alternative for supporting liver health in those with hepatitis C and other chronic liver diseases than the antioxidant resveratrol.34

Alcohol and acetaminophen are two common compounds metabolized through the liver that are associated with liver damage. NAC supplementation has been effective in minimizing damage associated with alcohol consumption when taken prior to alcohol ingestion.35

NAC is also used as an antidote for acetaminophen toxicity, which causes liver damage by depleting glutathione.36 Research published in Hepatitis Monthly37 has also shown NAC supplementation helps improve liver function in patients with NASH.

Folate Deficiency Worsens Severity of NASH

Increasing your intake of folate can also help protect your liver function. In a study38 involving 83 patients with NASH, researchers found levels of folate and vitamin B12 were inversely related to the development of fibrosis or the formation of scar tissue. Past research has identified an association between low levels of vitamins and chronic liver disease, but this is the first to find an association between folate and vitamin B12 level to NASH severity.

Studies have also shown folate deficiency can increase your risk for liver cancer.39,40 In one, which involved hepatitis B-positive patients (who are at higher risk for liver damage), higher folate levels were associated with a 67 percent lower risk of liver cancer.41

According to the authors, increased folate in humans appear to be inversely associated with the development of liver damage and hepatocarcinoma, and that folate can offer the liver some degree of protection against damage. Folate may also mitigate against pesticide-related damage, including autism.

Your body stores approximately 10 to 30 milligrams of folate at a time, nearly 50 percent of which is in your liver. Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9 found in foods and once referred to as folacin. The word was derived from the Latin “folium,” meaning leaf. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are abundant sources of folate, as are asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and spinach.42 Broccoli is perhaps ideal, as research43 has confirmed it helps protect against NAFLD.

Avoid folic acid supplements however. While readily absorbed, this synthetic form is not converted in the intestines like folate is. Instead, it is converted in your liver. This means folic acid can reach saturation quicker, which may result in overexposure if you’re taking supplements.

Coffee May Cut Risk of Liver Cancer

Last but not least, if you’re a coffee drinker, you may be relieved to find out that coffee appears to have a protective effect against HCC, a serious form of liver cancer and the third-most prevalent cause of death from cancer in the world. Drinking a single cup of coffee every day cuts your risk of HCC by one-fifth.44,45

If you drink more than that in a day, your risk for liver cancer is even lower. Two cups of coffee a day cut the risk by 35%, and five cups cut the risk in half. That said, excessive coffee consumption can have certain adverse effects. As noted by lead author Dr. Oliver Kennedy from the U.K.’s University of Southampton:46

“We’re not suggesting that everyone should start drinking five cups of coffee a day though. There needs to be more investigation into the potential harms of high coffee-caffeine intake, and there is evidence it should be avoided in certain groups, such as pregnant women.”

To optimize your health benefits from coffee, make sure it’s organic, and drink it black, without milk or sugar. A far better alternative would be “bulletproof coffee,” where you add butter or MCT oil to the coffee instead of sweeteners.

New Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Other Options – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF ivermectin-outperforms-other-medications-mercola


  • Researchers used computational analyses to evaluate the performance of 10 medications against the Omicron variant, finding that ivermectin outperformed all of them, including nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid) a new drug from Pfizer that has cost taxpayers $5.29 billion and costs $529 per course of treatment
  • Ivermectin lowers the viral load by inhibiting replication, reduces infection by 86% when used preventively, speeds recovery, protects against organ damage, lowers the risk of hospitalization and death and costs between $48 and $95 for a course of treatment depending on your location
  • Early treatment lowers your risk of long COVID, which includes physical and mental health conditions. According to cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, 50% of those sick enough to be hospitalized have symptoms of long COVID
  • Africa has a lower number of cases, severity of disease, hospitalizations and deaths than other areas of the world, which may be due to using prophylactic medications for endemic infections that have successfully treated COVID

At nearly no other time in history has there been this level of fear generated across the world as experienced thus far in 2020 and 2021. The depth and breadth of the strategies used to stoke those fears has been overwhelming.

Emergency use authorizations for drugs that have not proven to be effective in trials,1,2 public mask mandates for which there is no scientific evidence3,4,5 and the suppression and censorship of health information has boosted public fear over a viral illness with a survival rate of over 99%.6

Unfortunately, many of the early effective treatment strategies that can be used at home have also fallen victim to censorship. Ivermectin is one of those strategies. In a computational analysis of the Omicron variant against several therapeutic agents, data show that ivermectin had the best results.7

Yet, as you look objectively at what’s been happening across the world, the fear being generated is not one-sided. The suppression of information by corporations, government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry is one indication of their concern and how far they’re willing to go to ensure the level of fear remains high enough to manipulate behavior.

Consider the statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2019, 4.6% of the U.S. population was diagnosed with heart disease.8 The population at the end of 2019 was 328,239,523.9 This means there were 15,099,018 people with heart disease in the U.S. in 2019. There were 696,962 people who died that year from heart disease,10 which is a death rate of 4.6%.

This is 20 times greater than the death rate from COVID-19. Yet these same agencies were not lobbying for mandates against soda or sugar-laden foods; they weren’t banning smoking and they weren’t mandating exercise — all heart disease risk factors.11

The censorship and suppression of information has hobbled early treatment of COVID-19 in many western nations. Through 2020, public health experts12,13 and the mainstream media14,15 warned against the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Both are on the World Health Organization’s list of essential drugs,16 but the benefits have been ignored by public health officials and buried by the media.

Newest Ivermectin Study Showed Best Results Against COVID

This study on Cornell University’s preprint website has not yet been peer-reviewed. Researchers used a computational analysis to look at the Omicron variant, which has demonstrated a lower clinical presentation and lower hospital admission rates.17

After having retrieved the complete genome sequence and collecting 30 variants from the database, the researchers analyzed 10 drugs against the virus, including:

Nirmatrelvir Ritonvir
Ivermectin Lopinavir
Boceprevir MPro 13b
MPro N3 GC-373
GC376 PF-00835231

The researchers found that each of the drugs had some degree of effectiveness against the virus and most were currently in clinical trials. They used molecular docking to find that the mutations in the Omicron variant didn’t significantly affect the interaction between the drugs and the main protease.

An analysis of all 10 drugs found that ivermectin was the most effective drug candidate against the Omicron variant. The testing included Nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid), which is the new protease inhibitor for which the FDA provided an emergency use authorization against COVID in December 2021.18

In other words, Pfizer released a new drug which cost the U.S. taxpayers $5.29 billion or $529 per course of treatment19 and which received an EUA despite the availability of a similar drug that has proven to be more effective and is cheaper, priced between $4820 and $9521 for 20 pills depending on your location.

How Ivermectin Works

Ivermectin is best known for its antiparasitic properties.22 Yet, the drug also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that ivermectin helps to lower the viral load by inhibiting replication.23 A single dose of ivermectin can kill 99.8% of the virus within 48 hours.24

A meta-analysis in the American Journal of Therapeutics25 showed the drug reduced infection by an average of 86% when used preventively. An observational study26 in Bangladesh evaluated the effectiveness of ivermectin as a prophylaxis for COVID-19 in health care workers.

The data showed four of the 58 volunteers who took 12 mg of ivermectin once a month for four months developed mild COVID symptoms as compared to 44 of the 60 health care workers who declined the medication.

Ivermectin has also been shown to speed recovery, in part by inhibiting inflammation and protecting against organ damage.27 This pathway also lowers the risk of hospitalization and death. Meta analyses have shown an average reduction in mortality that ranges from 75%28 to 83%.29,30

Additionally, the drug also prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure.31 Added together, these benefits make it clear that ivermectin could all but eliminate this pandemic.

Early Intervention Lowers Long COVID and Hospitalization

Some people who have had COVID-19 seem to be unable to fully recover and complain of lingering symptoms of chronic fatigue. Others struggle with mental health problems. One study,32,33 in November 2020, found 18.1% of people who had COVID-19 received their first psychiatric diagnosis in the 14 to 90 days after recovery. Most commonly diagnosed conditions were anxiety disorders, insomnia and dementia.

These symptoms have come to be called long COVID, long-haul COVID, post-COVID syndrome, chronic COVID or long-haul syndrome. They all refer to symptoms that persist for four more weeks after an initial COVID-19 infection. According to Dr. Peter McCullough, board-certified internist and cardiologist, 50% of those who have been sick enough to be hospitalized will have symptoms of long COVID:34

“So, the sicker someone is, and the longer the duration of COVID, the more likely they are to have long COVID syndrome. That’s the reason why we like early treatment. We shorten the duration of symptoms and there’s less of a chance for long COVID syndrome.”

Some of the common symptoms of long COVID include shortness of breath, joint pain, memory, concentration or sleeping problems, muscle pain or headache and loss of smell or taste. According to McCullough, a paper presented by Dr. Bruce Patterson at the International COVID Summit in Rome, September 11 to 14,35 2021:36

“… showed that in individuals who’ve had significant COVID illness, 15 months later the s1 segment of the spike protein is recoverable from human monocytes. That means the body literally has been sprayed with the virus and it spends 15 months, in a sense, trying to clean out the spike protein from our tissues. No wonder people have long COVID syndrome.”

It should come as no surprise that studies have also confirmed that early intervention improves mortality37 and reduces hospitalizations.38 Perhaps one of the greatest crimes in this whole pandemic is the refusal by reigning health authorities to issue early treatment guidance.

Instead, they’ve done everything possible to suppress remedies shown to work. Patients were simply told to stay home and do nothing. Once the infection had worsened to the point of near-death, patients were told to go to the hospital, where most were routinely placed on mechanical ventilation — a practice that was quickly discovered to be lethal.

However, as the featured study39 and others have demonstrated,40 ivermectin is one of the successful treatment protocols that can be used against SARS-CoV-2.

Africa Has Lowest Case and Death Rate, Likely From Ivermectin

Across the world, countries have taken different approaches to address the spread of the virus.41 The steps taken in Africa varied depending on the country, yet the infection and death rates were relatively stable and low across the continent.42

In the last year there have been reports of small areas in the world where the number of infections, deaths or case-fatality rates have been significantly lower than the rest of the world. For example, India’s Uttar Pradesh State43 reported a recovery rate of 98.6% and no further infections.

However, the entire continent of Africa appears to have sidestepped the massive number of infections and deaths predicted for these poorly funded countries with overcrowded cities. Early estimations were that millions would die, but that scenario has not materialized. The World Health Organization has called Africa “one of the least affected regions in the world.”44

There are several factors that may influence the infection rate in Africa. A study from Japan demonstrates that after just 12 days that doctors were allowed to legally prescribe Ivermectin to their patients, the cases dropped dramatically.45

The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association46 had noticed the low number of infections and deaths in Africa, where many use ivermectin prophylactically and as the core strategy to treat onchocerciasis,47 a parasitic disease also known as river blindness. More than 99% of people infected with river blindness live in 31 African countries.

In addition to ivermectin use in Africa, other medications are also commonly available, such as hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, which have long been used in the treatment and prevention of malaria,48 also endemic in Africa.49 In America, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has published successful results using hydroxychloroquine and zinc against COVID-19.50,51,52

Finally, Artemisia annua, also known as sweet wormwood, is an herb used in combination therapies to treat malaria.53 It was used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years to treat fever. Today artemisinin, a metabolite of Artemisia, is the current therapeutic option for malaria. The plant has also been studied since the 2003 SARS outbreak for the treatment of coronaviruses, with good results.54,55

In other words, whether by design or default, the medications that have proven to be successful against the virus are commonly used in Africa for other health conditions. While Pfizer tests the short- and long-term effects of a genetic experiment on Israel’s population,56 it appears one continent has demonstrated administration of a 30-year-old, inexpensive drug with a known safety profile could reduce the cases, severity and mortality from this infection.

The question that must be asked and answered to get to the bottom of this plandemic is what is blinding mainstream media, government agencies, public health experts, medical associations, doctors, nurses, and your next-door neighbor from recognizing and speaking out in support of science?

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Global Alert News – #340 – Dane Wigington – One hour weekly broadcast for Saturday February 12, 2022
Absolutely confirmed, graphene is an ingredient that [they] are spraying into our atmosphere on which all life depends. It’s in our rain and snow. It’s an ingredient in the clot-shots they’re desperately trying to jab into everyone. There’s a very bad reason for it.

Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts: It’s Happening Now! Global Control Coup

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts
As She Reveals The Global Control Coup!

#Fitts #CBDC #CentralBank #BlackBudget

Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Dillon Read & Co. Partner Catherine Austin Fitts returns to the Dark Journalist show and reveals how the Central Bankers and the Deep State have implemented a worldwide surveillance and transaction tracking infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, financially and spiritually. Catherine sees this as a time to choose between freedom and tyranny and suggests we have a limited time to restore the Constitution and Rule of Law.

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Medical Murder: How “Covid Protocols” are Being Used for Eugenics

Scott Schara is sharing the heartbreaking details of how hospital staff mistreated his daughter with Downs Syndrome and ultimately left her to die while he cried out for them to step in. You won’t believe all of the rules, regulations, and laws the hospital broke with seemingly impunity because of CARES ACT dictates that give the doctors immunity from liability. Don’t miss his warning to others so that no family has to go through what his has.

The COVID Vaccine Travels Everywhere in the Body, Killing, Consuming

Source: The Highwire
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WINNING: Saturday 2/12/22: The Day That the World Put the Tyrannical Leaders of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset on Notice

I was surfing @gettr today (great content on there by the way) and I came acroos a poster named kim Neville and I want to give her a big shoutout for posting all great content today and I used her protest content in this video. All I can say is that if I lived in France I would be livid at the heavy handedness of Macron’s thug cops in dealing with their protesters. I can guarantee you that if it gets like that here in Canada when they go to removing the protesters Canada will erupt like it will be a bench clearing brawl in hockey. These Davos Table of Rome, New World Order Dictatators days are numbered Netherlands Mark Rutte, France’s Emmanuel Macron, Trudeau here in Canada, and Australia’s Scott Morrison.

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BLOCKBUSTER: Mark Your Calendars! February 11th, 2022 Is The Day The Attempted Global Government Covid Power Grab Officially COLLAPSED – FULL SHOW 2/11/22 Alex Jones


Across the world, from Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America, globalists are forced to back down after facing massive public pressure and raw facts of science! Alex Jones is taking calls & laying out all the incredible developments on the NEW giant trucker convoy’s journey to DC! The chain reaction for liberty has begun as people are waking up and discovering the horrible truths of what REALLY happened over the last two years!

Spontaneous Abortions Skyrocket: Genocidal Demons Focus on Global Depopulation


Stew Peters Show
Mother of three, co-founder of the Health Freedom Summit, and a fierce fighter against the oppressive and unjust mandates, Alanah Newman joined the Stew Peters Show on Friday to discuss the rising infertility rate, the mRNA shot, and her focus to break through the mass formation that plagues our society.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:

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Public Health Child Abuse: Masks, Fear and Harmful Vaccines- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF public-health-child-abuse-pdf

Podcaster and certified industrial hygienist, Stephen Petty, is encouraged by statements recently made by former commissioner of the FDA, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, in which he said that masks don’t provide a lot of protection
National data from 2016 to 2019 show that relational and social risks increase the likelihood of mental, emotional and behavioral health issues in children. Children have experienced a rise in both factors throughout 2020 and 2021
A Canadian public school teacher wrote about her high school students’ behavior in the past two years, citing disengagement, shame, a fundamental alteration in their understanding of themselves, learning loss and an unwillingness to continue “living like this”
Not all educators are interested in protecting the mental health of their charges, as demonstrated by one principal at Garrison Elementary School in Washington, D.C., who is proud of the shaming he does as a vaccine “advocate” for his school, which boasts an 80% shot rate
One U.K. Freedom of Information Act request showed there were three deaths caused solely by COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic in children under 17, as compared to the 38,966 injuries and 79 deaths in the same age group reported in VAERS
As Stephen Petty, certified professional engineer, industrial hygienist and safety professional, points out in this short 11-minute podcast, the truth about masks and the Plandemic is slowly leaking out. However, since mainstream media are not universally covering these stories, it is incumbent on us to ensure that our friends and family are informed.

January 2, 2022, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who had served as the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration until 2019 and is now a special partner at Pfizer, was interviewed on Face the Nation. When asked about cloth masks, Gottlieb said they “aren’t going to provide a lot of protection, that’s the bottom line. This is an airborne illness. It could protect better through droplet transmission … but not something like this coronavirus.”1

Despite documentation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of January 26, 20222 that just 770 children aged 17 and under had died in two years, between 2020 and 2022, from COVID-19 — 0.00023369% of the U.S. population — Gottlieb continues to promote the idea that COVID-19 may be a serious threat to young children.

Yet, the atrocities being perpetrated on children in the name of public health is not warranted based on the number of children affected. Collette Martin, a practicing nurse, testified before a Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee hearing December 6, 2021.3

She claimed she and her colleagues have witnessed “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shots among children — including blood clots, heart attacks, encephalopathy and arrhythmias — yet their concerns are simply dismissed.

Each of these issues present short-term and long-term challenges for children’s physical, mental and emotional health. Essentially, how society has treated the children during the last two years amounts to child abuse.

Children Demonstrating Harm From Mandatory Mask Policies
National data4 from 2016 to 2019 revealed children who experienced relational and social risks had a four times higher likelihood of having mental, emotional or behavioral problems. The researchers also found that children who experienced only relational risks were more likely to have mental, emotional and behavioral health concerns than children who experienced social risks.

Relational risks are concerned with opportunistic behavior that occur within a cooperative effort, such as a family,5 for example, substance abuse within the family. Social risk factors are a significant influence over morbidity and mortality through behavioral pathways.6 These can include socioeconomic status, social network and social support.

Children have experienced a rise in both these risk factors throughout 2020 and 2021 and the evidence of damage can be found all around you. For example, ZeroHedge reported that one speech therapist said the number of children being treated in their clinic has soared by 364% during the pandemic as compared to before the pandemic.

ZeroHedge reports, “Parents are describing their children’s speech problems as “COVID delayed,” with face coverings the primary cause of their speaking skills being seriously impaired.”7 In an article published in The Washington Post,8 three experienced infectious disease physicians and parents of school-age children, noted a pattern of behavior from children in what they call a “punitive mask culture.”9

A journalist at the San Francisco Chronicle recalls that a self-portrait her 8-year-old son drew at school had no nose or mouth.10 According to data that viral immunologist Dr. Scott Balsitis11 pulled from the CDC, children have died from flu each winter, ranging in number from 200 to over 1,000.

So,12 the 770 deaths in children from birth to 17 years since the start of the pandemic have not been greater than what has been experienced in the past from flu.

While any death is tragic, masking until all children are “safe” means ineffective and damaging masks will become a permanent part of society and will continue to drive up the number of children and students who suffer from depression,13 anxiety,14 speech problems15 and who get behind in their schoolwork.16

School Teacher Identifies More Issues
Stacey Lance is a Canadian public school teacher. She has 15 years of experience at the high school level and writes about what she has seen in the last two years during lockdowns, mandatory masking and fearmongering. In an essay called, “The Kids Aren’t Alright,” she writes:17

“It also became increasingly clear that the response to the pandemic would have immense consequences for students who were already on the path to long-term disengagement, potentially altering their lives permanently.”
She believes research data has overlooked the shame that she has watched her students suffer. Throughout the pandemic, children have been made to think their schools are “hubs for infection and themselves as vectors of disease. This has fundamentally altered their understanding of themselves.”18

She describes the times when students were physically in school during the pandemic as feeling “cold and soulless.” The learning loss was noticeable, and the students had trouble concentrating. The older students weren’t allowed a lunch break and the freshmen and sophomores had to eat while facing the front of the classroom.

Lance compares that to the kids outside of school who are “going to restaurants with their families and to each other’s houses, making the rules at school feel punitive and nonsensical.”19 Lance shared the experience of one student that appeared to echo the experience of the rest of the class, writing:20

“I try to take time at the beginning of class to ask my kids how they’re doing. Recently, one of my 11th grade students raised his hand and said that he wasn’t doing well, that he doesn’t want to keep living like this, but that he knows that no one is coming to save them. The other kids all nodded in agreement. They feel lied to — and I can’t blame them.”
Lance writes that she is more worried about the shame and worry students are feeling over breaking the rules, and how that may impact their community and families. She cites information as of the time of her writing:21

“What am I supposed to say? That 23 children22 have died from Covid in Canada during the whole of the pandemic and she is much more likely to kill someone driving a car? That kids in Scandinavia, Sweden, and the Netherlands largely haven’t had to wear masks at school and haven’t seen outbreaks because of it?
That masks are not a magic shield against the virus, and that even if she were to pass it along to a classmate, the risk of them getting seriously sick is minuscule?
I want to tell her that she can remove her mask and socialize with her friends without being worried. But I am expected to enforce the rules … It’s true that humans, by nature, are very resilient. But they also break. And my students are breaking. Some have already broken.
When we look at the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of history, I believe it will be clear that we betrayed our children. The risks of this pandemic were never to them, but they were forced to carry the burden of it.”
‘Experts’ Use Fear to Drive Vaccine Programs
But not all educators feel the same way about protecting your children. In fact, some are at the forefront of nagging and shaming parents and students into taking a shot that has not demonstrated any effectiveness and, as you’ll read below, it has caused more injury and death than the illness.

Brigham Kiplinger, the principal at Garrison Elementary School in Washington D.C., is one such educator who spends his day combing through a call list of parents who have not vaccinated their children.23 He is described by The New York Times as a “vaccine advocate,” a job that the reporter admits is usually handled by public health officials or medical professionals.

However, he is being applauded for taking this as his central role. The reporter writes, “Largely through Mr. Kiplinger’s skill as a parent-vax whisperer, Garrison Elementary has turned into a public health anomaly: 80% of the 250 Garrison Wildcats in grades kindergarten through fifth grade now have at least one shot …”24

Kiplinger uses common shaming techniques. For example, at lunch he gets the children who have been vaccinated to raise their hand and then applauds them for their actions and urges them to keep prodding others to do the same.25

The reporter believes the genetic therapy experiment is “crucial not only to sustaining in-person education but also to containing the pandemic overall.”26 Interestingly, the reporter mentions the only reason many working parents have not vaccinated their children is logistical rather than philosophical, without mentioning parents may also be fearful of the medical challenges and risks to their child.

Organizations that have been relied on for medical education and information in the past are now putting out talking points for pediatricians and parents to encourage them to vaccinate their children.27,28 Johns Hopkins School of Public Health29 has gone as far as to post a free online training course to give parents the language needed to approach friends who are resistant to injecting their children with an experiment.

The Times reports that tips offered in the Johns Hopkins training course include sharing personal stories and to “normalize Covid vaccination by proudly telling friends and family when children get COVID shots.”30 Yet, sharing personal stories is exactly what social media platforms is censoring when it comes to COVID shot injuries.

More Children Are Dying From the Shot Than the Illness
Judging from the COVID numbers in children I discussed earlier, it is apparent that school educators and many public health and medical experts have completely ignored the data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) demonstrating children are being harmed by the shot in large numbers.

In fact, if you give any credence at all to VAERS, they are being injured by the vaccine in larger numbers than by the disease itself. It’s important to note the CDC makes the distinction that these deaths involved COVID-19 and were not necessarily the direct result of COVID-19.

In the U.K., a Freedom of Information Act request asked for “deaths caused solely by COVID-19, where COVID is the only cause of death listed on the death certificate, broken down by age group and gender between February 2020 up to and including December 2021.”31 The data show that in children from birth to age 19, there were three deaths in the U.K. from February 2020 to December 31, 2021.

Based on the U.K. and CDC data, it makes no sense that policymakers want to mandate a vaccine for children. According to Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund,32 the FDA justified the vaccine based on assumptions made for a statistical model.33 Kirsch also points out the U.K. has now stopped any mask mandates, social distancing and lockdowns.

However, in Santa Clara County, California, where Kirsch lives, the mask mandate, vaccines and distancing rules remain. As he writes, “Same virus, different policymakers.”34 Kirsch was part of a team that used an engineering estimate to find the underreporting factor in VAERS was likely near 41.35 This means the number of reports in VAERS can be multiplied by 41 to reach the number likely injured by the vaccine.

When VAERS is filtered to find children from birth to 17 years, it reveals 38,966 reports and 79 deaths.36 If you extrapolate those numbers using the underreporting factor, you discover there could be roughly 1.6 million injuries and 3,239 deaths.

Underreporting to the system can happen for several reasons. Martin and others have explained that most doctors are not familiar with the system37 and filling out the VAERS report is time-consuming. As Debra Conrad found out, many hospitals do not want to report all the injuries to the system, and as Brittney Galvin revealed in a recorded conversation with a VAERS investigator,38 they are as much as one year behind in publishing reports.

A search on OpenVAERS for records of vaccine adverse events from 1990 to 202039 reveals 821,470 total reports of injuries to children in 30 years. However, since the rollout of the emergency use vaccine, the system has received a total of 1,071,854 reports in adults and children in 13 months.40

The Shot Increases Risk of Lifelong Damage
British data also show deaths among teenagers have spiked since that age group became eligible for the COVID shots,41 by an increase of 47%. Children are also at risk for potentially lifelong health problems from the experimental shot, as there are absolutely no long-term safety data on this. One of the most common problems that has emerged so far in children is myocarditis.42

This is an inflammation of the heart muscle that can cause ongoing heart problems and may even require a heart transplant. In October 2021, cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough and Jessica Rose, Ph.D., research fellow at the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel, submitted a paper on myocarditis cases to the journal Current Problems in Cardiology.

The paper was ready to be published when the journal suddenly took it down. You can find the preprint on Rose’s website,43 which clearly shows that myocarditis is inversely correlated to age. This means that the risk is higher in younger individuals. The risk is also dose-dependent. The data showed boys had a six times greater risk of myocarditis after the second dose of the vaccine.

Damage to the heart muscle is often permanent and, historically, the three- to five-year survival rate has ranged from 56% to 83%.44 The data do not support the push to vaccinate children who are not experiencing severity of disease and death.

Additionally, research does not support the use of masks to filter viruses45,46,47 and even the boxes are labeled: “will not provide any protection against COVID … or any viruses or contaminants.”48 Fact checkers get around this statement by acknowledging that the box is labeled as such, but that “does not mean masks should not be worn.”49

Politifact goes one step further to extrapolate a whole new meaning, writing, “Such disclaimers don’t mean that the masks are ineffective at slowing the spread of the disease, but that they don’t protect the wearer as well as medical respirators such as the N95 recommended for use by health care professionals.”50 When:

Masks don’t work
The shot increases the risk of death and long-term health damage in children
Educators take on the role of “parent-vaccine whisperer”
There is a rising number of children and teens suffering from depression and anxiety
Children have fallen behind in their studies
You must ask yourself, ultimately, what is the goal here? Why are agencies pushing for behavior and choices that have demonstrably damaged children and may result in life-long physical and emotional disability?

BREAKTHROUGH: Doctors Against Fauci Authors of Barrington Declaration Speak Out- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF the-great-barrington-declaration-pdf

October 4, 2020, three public health scientists launched The Great Barrington Declaration — a public health proposal that calls for focused protection of the most vulnerable while letting the rest of the world resume normal life
The Great Barrington Declaration has been signed by more than 920,000 individuals, including 46,412 medical practitioners and 15,707 scientists
It was recently revealed that Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and his former boss, now retired National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, colluded behind the scenes to quash the declaration from Day 1
Focused protection is based on longstanding basic principles of public health that we have followed for decades, while lockdowns are novel, experimental strategies with no history of usefulness
Fauci and Collins had nothing in terms of actual science. They could not defend lockdowns or anything else based on science alone. So, they turned to propaganda, PR and smear tactics
October 4, 2020, three public health scientists launched The Great Barrington Declaration1 — a public health proposal that calls for focused protection of the most vulnerable while letting the rest of the world resume normal life. The declaration has since garnered more than 920,000 signatures by doctors, scientists and other health professionals who agree with its premises. The founding trio include:

Martin Kulldorf, Ph.D., a biostatistician, epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations, and a professor of medicine at Harvard University
Sunetra Gupta, Ph.D., professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases
Jay Bhattacharya, MD, Ph.D., professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations
In the video above, Jimmy Dore interviews Kulldorf and Bhattacharya about the declaration, and the recent revelation that Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and his former boss, now retired National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins, colluded behind the scenes to quash the declaration from day one.2

Focused Protection
The Great Barrington Declaration points out some key basic facts. First of all, it stresses that pandemic measures such as lockdowns “cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.” Second, it highlights the fact that the risk of death from COVID is not equal to all.

“We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.”3
Furthermore, as natural immunity within a population grows, the overall risk of infection declines. So, allowing those at low risk for complications and death to live normally, and potentially get sick but recover, actually helps protect those at greatest risk.

By having everyone isolate at home and avoid contact with others, herd immunity is postponed and the pandemic prolonged. “Our goal should … be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity,” the declaration explains, adding:4

“The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.
Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19. By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized.
Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.
Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching.
Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open.
Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.”

Fauci’s False Consensus
As noted by Bhattacharya in the interview above, while Fauci tried his best to create the illusion of scientific consensus — that most all scientists agreed with lockdowns, masking, social distancing and so on — there were and are just as many if not more who disagree.

The Great Barrington Declaration has been signed by more than 920,000, including 46,412 medical practitioners and 15,707 scientists. “We posed a significant problem for them,” Bhattacharya says, “because they couldn’t dismiss us as fringe.” Well, Collins certainly tried. In fact, in an October 8, 2020, email to Fauci, Collins wrote:5,6,7,8

“The proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention … There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises …”
“Don’t worry, I got this,” Fauci replied. Later, Fauci sent Collins links to newly published articles refuting the focused protection solution, including an op-ed in Wired magazine, and an article in The Nation, titled “Focused Protection, Herd Immunity and Other Deadly Delusions.”

When They Can’t Win an Argument, They Slander
As noted by Bhattacharya, Fauci and Collins had nothing in terms of actual science. They could not defend lockdowns or anything else based on science alone. So, they turned to propaganda, PR and smear tactics.

“Focused protection is based on longstanding basic principles of public health that we have followed for decades,” Kulldorf says. “Lockdowns is a new experimental thing. So, the problem for Dr. Fauci and Collins is that they don’t really have any good public health arguments. Collins is a geneticist and Fauci is an immunologist, so their experience with epidemiology and public health is limited.
You can see that in this email where Fauci was quoting Wired magazine as a take-down of The Great Barrington Declaration. They didn’t really have any good public health arguments. There were no arguments to keep the schools closed.
So, the only thing that remains then is to use slander, or smearing, or mischaracterizing your opponents, and that’s what they did. They called focused protection a ‘let it rip strategy,’ even though it’s the very opposite [of that].”
The very same tactic has been used to shut down all other counternarratives as well, be it evidence showing that masks don’t work, that the COVID shots cause harm, or that vaccine passports are moot since the shots don’t prevent you from getting infected or transmitting the virus and therefore cannot protect others, cannot confer vaccine-induced “herd immunity” and cannot end the pandemic.

COVID Jab Risk-Benefit Analysis
Unfortunately, Dore, Kulldorf and Bhattacharya all claim that the COVID shot is beneficial, or at least can be for some, and is saving lives. Kulldorf goes so far as to say that “older people who have not had COVID should certainly — a no-brainer — take this vaccine.”

While I respect their expertise, I strongly disagree with such statements. Importantly, they are not comparing the effectiveness of and protection you get from the shot, to the protection and effectiveness of preventive measures and aggressive early treatment.

I have never seen any professional make this recommendation and compare it to the alternative of optimizing vitamin D levels and providing early treatment, ideally on the first day. They are comparing it to doing nothing, which makes no sense as it should be compared to another intervention.

If you don’t take the shot, your risk of getting COVID is not 100%. If you take the shot, however, you’re 100% exposed to its risks, which are significant. Seeing how we have several different early treatment protocols with demonstrable effectiveness, reducing the risk of death even among the seriously ill by 80%, why take an experimental shot that can devastate your health, if not acutely, then over the long term?

Now, I’m not indifferent to the clearly delicate position they’re in. It’s at least possible (although far from certain) that their enthusiastic pro-jab stance is a concession to avoid the anti-vax label in order to be able to engage in the larger conversation about other pandemic measures. If they failed to take this position they would likely be even more censored.

It’s easy for the establishment to attack and smear those who express concerns about the COVID jab. It’s more difficult to sink the reputations of those who agree that the jab is “fantastic” but have concerns about other measures.

That said, Bhattacharya does point out some basic data — published by the World Health Organization — to clarify for whom the benefit of the jab might outweigh its unknown risks:

A 53-year-old has a 0.2% mortality rate from COVID, i.e., they have a 99.8% chance of surviving the infection
For every seven years of age above 53, the mortality rate doubles, so a 60-year-old has a 0.4% risk of dying from COVID, a 67-year-old risk’s is 0.8% and for a 74-year-old, it’s 1.6%
For every seven years of age below 53, the mortality rate is halved, so a 46-year-old has a 0.1% risk of dying from COVID and it dwindles into statistical zero for teens and children
80% of COVID deaths in the U.S. occur in people over 65
The average age of COVID death is above the national life expectancy
Why Vaccine Mandates Make No Sense
As Dore points out, the facts simply don’t support vaccine mandates. “I don’t see how you can be for mandates after you have this information,” he says.

The COVID jabs do not prevent transmission, and vaccinated people have just as high or higher viral load as the unvaccinated, making them just as contagious, or more so
Even if the jab reduces symptoms, they do not prevent you from contracting the virus
With Omicron being so highly contagious, the consensus seems to be that just about everyone will be exposed and contract it, thereby producing herd immunity
“If everyone’s going to get it, what does it matter who you get it from, a vaccinated or an unvaccinated person?” Dore asks. “So, how can they justify a mandate?”

COVID Jab Mandates Are Cruel and Unethical
According to Kulldorf, the establishment pushing for vaccine mandates are ignoring basic public health science. They’re also acting unethically. Demanding that a 25-year-old who already had COVID take the experimental jab that won’t provide them with a clear benefit is medically unethical.

Meanwhile, elderly people in underdeveloped countries that might benefit aren’t able to get it and that, too, Kulldorf says, is unethical. Bhattacharya agrees, saying “it’s a cruel thing we’ve done with the mandates.” People who risked their lives during the first year of the pandemic, when little was known about the infection, are now being fired because they don’t want a shot they don’t need.

The vaccine does not stop transmission. Given that, what logic is there for a mandate? There isn’t any. It’s just cruel and unethical. ~ Dr. Jay Bhattacharia
Doctors, nurses, first responders, truckers, grocery store clerks — they all worked through 2020 and were exposed on the frontlines. Those who recovered and have natural immunity are now being discarded like yesterday’s trash for no good reason.

Naturally immune health care workers, for example, would normally be invaluable. Now they’re being fired and replaced with workers who have fragile and temporary protection at best, which is beyond irrational if you’re trying to prevent outbreaks.

“The vaccine does not stop transmission,” Bhattacharya says. “Given that, what logic is there for a mandate? There isn’t any. It’s just cruel and unethical.”
The Bizarre Disappearance of Natural Immunity
Kulldorf points out that we’ve known about natural immunity for 2,500 years, and there’s absolutely no reason to assume that this virus would be completely different from any other virus and fail to confer robust immunity after you’ve recovered.

But even if you were unsure, real-world data confirm that it does confer immunity. He cites data from Israel, showing people who have received the jab are 27 times more likely to come down with symptomatic infection compared to those who had prior COVID infection. So, we know that natural immunity is far better than the jab.

It’s a very curious phenomenon that has occurred, and Bhattacharya and Kulldorf both admit being very confused by it, and that is that seemingly hundreds of scientists have sided with narratives that everyone knows to be false — such as the denial of natural immunity.

Bhattacharya describes being utterly shocked reading a statement signed by 100 scientists declaring that natural immunity did not occur after COVID infection. He believes the scientific community was so caught up in the fear of being “canceled” that they either silenced themselves or went along with things they knew were untrue.

He also points out that the World Health Organization went so far as to change the definition of herd immunity after The Great Barrington Declaration was published. The new definition basically denies the existence of natural herd immunity and pretends that it can only be achieved through mass vaccination, which has never been the case.

“It’s a weird power we have,” Bhattacharya says, tongue-in-cheek. “We released [The Great Barrington Declaration] and we made the World Health Organization stupider.”
Blatant Lies Being Told About Children’s Risk of COVID
Dore also highlights other blatant lies. Two-thirds of parents are very reluctant to give their children the COVID jab, so the propaganda machine is in full swing trying to make parents more afraid of COVID than they are of the shot. He plays a news clip in which it’s claimed that:

Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 8,000 children have been hospitalized with COVID, a third of those ending up in the ICU
146,000 children have died from COVID since the beginning of the pandemic
COVID is now in the Top 10 causes of death among children
“That’s just false,” Bhattachary says. The news clip goes on to claim that:

The shot has been proven safe for children
That there are “no side effects” in children
Side effects only occur within the first couple of months after the jab, and
“Long-term concerns are very theoretical” and would be “rare at the most” whereas the effects of COVID itself “could be devastating”
“He just said there are NO side effects from the vaccine,” Dore says. “[That’s] also a lie!” Bhattacharya commented on the clip calling it “absolutely shocking, filled with absolute lies.” Aside from the lack of proven safety, they also lied about COVID causing long-term problems in children. Bhattacharya cites a recent large-scale study that concluded “long-COVID in children were of short duration.”

“They’re creating this sense of panic in parents, and it’s just evil,” Bhattacharya says. “What happens is the parents then end up making decisions for their kids that end up harming them, on the basis of this false information.”
Aggressive Early Treatment Is Key
I hope you take the time to listen to the full interview, as they cover far more than I’ve reviewed here. It’s an interesting conversation and Jimmy is profoundly entertaining as he educates us on the facts. In the latter half of the interview, they also discuss the issue of treatment, and the irrational stance that discussing and using effective treatment will result in people not getting the COVID jab.

Bhattacharya expresses exasperation at this, noting that when a patient is ill, you have to do everything in your power to treat them. You can’t ignore treatment for fear they might not want a vaccine later. And you can’t not treat people simply because others might decide they don’t want the vaccine because they know they can get treated if they get sick.

Indeed, the suppression and denial of early treatment is perhaps the most egregious and deadly lie of all. At first signs of symptoms, you need to begin treatment. We now know that treating early and aggressively will prevent the vast majority from needing hospital care or dying. Early treatment also radically lowers your risk of long-COVID. At this point, we have several early treatment protocols with demonstrated effectiveness, including:

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’s (FLCCC’s) prevention and early at-home treatment protocol. They also have an in-hospital protocol and long-term management guidance for long-haul COVID-19 syndrome. You can find a listing of doctors who can prescribe ivermectin and other necessary medicines on the FLCCC website
The AAPS protocol
Tess Laurie’s World Council for Health protocol
America’s Frontline Doctors
Based on my review of these protocols, I’ve developed the following summary of the treatment specifics I believe are the easiest and most effective.

MAJOR NEWS : The Alarming Reason Why Some People Die From Flu- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF how-influenza-can-lead-to-sepsis-pdf


  • While influenza can indeed be deadly in rare cases, these deaths are typically the result of secondary infections, not the flu virus itself
  • Research has highlighted the link between influenza and severe sepsis (blood poisoning). Symptoms of sepsis can mimic flu, and are often overlooked. Without prompt treatment, the condition can be deadly
  • Use of intravenous vitamin C, hydrocortisone and thiamine has been shown to reduce sepsis mortality nearly fivefold, from 40 to 8.5 percent
  • Optimizing your vitamin D level is a far more potent preventive strategy than getting a seasonal flu vaccine. People with significant vitamin D levels may reduce their risk of respiratory infections such as influenza by 50%
  • People with higher vitamin D levels may also benefit from additional vitamin D, reducing their risk of flu by 10%, which equals the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccine, including this year’s vaccine

This article was previously published February 1, 2018, and has been updated with new information.

As the COVID pandemic enters its second year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is ramping back up on its influenza recommendations, and stressing that it’s important to get a flu vaccine along with your COVID shots and boosters.1 The CDC is urging everyone aged 6 months and older to get a flu shot, with rare exceptions.2

During the height of the pandemic, influenza cases appeared to drop or nearly disappear, but with the 2021-2022 flu season, more flu cases are being reported. By the end of December 2021, the CDC reported that two children had already died of flu, and that flu hospitalizations were rising quickly.3 But how many deaths and hospitalizations are actually due to flu?

Many Flu ‘Deaths’ Are Actually From Secondary Infections

While influenza can indeed be deadly in rare cases, what most health experts fail to tell you is that these deaths are typically the result of secondary infections, not the flu virus itself. Importantly, research has highlighted the link between influenza and severe sepsis — a progressive disease process initiated by an aggressive, dysfunctional immune response to an infection in the bloodstream (which is why it’s sometimes referred to as blood poisoning).

Symptoms of sepsis are often overlooked, even by health professionals, and without prompt treatment, the condition can be deadly. Not only that, sepsis also goes hand in hand with COVID-19 infection, particularly in patients in intensive care with COVID.4

Unfortunately, conventional treatments often fail, and most hospitals have yet to embrace the use of intravenous (IV) vitamin C, hydrocortisone and thiamine,5 which has been shown to reduce sepsis mortality from 40% to a mere 8.5%.6,7

How Influenza May Cause Lethal Sepsis

A decade and more ago, severe sepsis was generally associated with bacterial infections, but by 2013, viral infections like flu, and now COVID, had become a prominent cause of sepsis.8 To complicate matter even more, as noted in the video above, some sepsis symptoms also resemble influenza, which can lead to tragedy. The video offers guidelines on how to tell the difference between the two.

Sepsis, without doubt, requires immediate medical attention, whereas most people will successfully recover from the flu with a few days to a week of bedrest and fluids. Just how influenza can lead to sepsis is a somewhat complex affair, described as follows:9

“Regardless of the etiologic agent, the inflammatory response is highly interconnected with infection. In the initial response to an infection, severe sepsis is characterized by a pro-inflammatory state, while a progression to an anti-inflammatory state develops and favors secondary infections …

In the predominant pro-inflammatory state, Th1 cells activated by microorganisms increase transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interferon-γ (INF-γ), and interleukin-2 (IL-2).

[C]ytokines … released from endothelial cells and subsequently from macrophages can induce lymphocyte activation and infiltration at the sites of infection and will exert direct antiviral effects. Subsequently, with the shift toward an anti-inflammatory state, activated Th2 cells secrete interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interleukin-10 (IL-10).

In certain situations, T cells can become anergic, failing to proliferate and produce cytokines. Type I IFN has a potent anti-influenza virus activity; it induces transcription of several interferon stimulated genes, which in turn restrict viral replication. However, influenza virus developed several mechanisms to evade IFN response …

Viral infections such as the influenza virus can also trigger deregulation of the innate immune system with excessive cytokines release and potential harmful consequences. An abnormal immune response to influenza can lead to endothelial damage … deregulation of coagulation, and the consequent alteration of microvascular permeability, tissue edema, and shock.”

Signs and Symptoms of Sepsis

Common signs and symptoms of sepsis to watch out for include:10

  • A high fever
  • Inability to keep fluids down
  • Rapid heartbeat; rapid, shallow breathing and/or shortness of breath
  • Lethargy and/or confusion
  • Slurred speech, often resembling intoxication

Should a few or all of these be present, seek immediate medical attention to rule out sepsis. Also inform the medical staff that you suspect sepsis, as time is of the essence when it comes to treatment. As noted in the featured video, hydration is of utmost importance, as much of the damage caused by sepsis begins with fluid loss.

Preventive Strategies to Reduce Your Chances of Infections

Your immune system is your first-line defense against all types of infections, be they bacterial or viral, so the most effective way to avoid coming down with flu is to bolster your immune function. While health officials claim getting an annual flu shot is the best way to ward off influenza, the medical literature actually suggests vitamin D optimization may be a far more effective strategy, and the evidence for this goes back at least a decade.

Dr. John Cannell, founder of the Vitamin D Council, was one of the first to introduce the idea that vitamin D deficiency may actually be a causative factor in influenza. His hypothesis11 was initially published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection in 2006.12 It was subsequently followed up with another study published in the Virology Journal in 2008.13

The following year, a large, nationally representative study14 confirmed that people with the lowest vitamin D levels indeed reported having significantly more colds or cases of the flu. Similar findings have been reported with vitamin D status and COVID, with several studies showing that persons with low vitamin D levels not only are more likely to be susceptible to the infection, but have a higher risk of hospitalization and death.15,16,17

With flu, a number of studies confirm the importance of your vitamin D status in fighting this viral infection. In 2017, for example, a scientific review18,19 concluded that vitamin D supplementation boosts immunity and cuts rates of both cold and flu.

In all, 25 randomized controlled trials were included in the review, involving nearly 11,000 individuals from more than a dozen countries. People with significant vitamin D deficiency (blood levels below 10 ng/mL), taking a vitamin D supplement reduced their risk of respiratory infections such as influenza by 50%.

People with higher vitamin D levels also benefited, although not as greatly. Overall, they reduced their risk by about 10%, which the researchers stated was about equal to the effect of flu vaccines. Coincidentally, 10% was the effectiveness rate of the 2017-2018 flu vaccine.20

The take-home message here is that vitamin D supplementation far exceeds the flu vaccine in terms of effectiveness, and the more deficient you are, the greater its protective effects when you supplement.

Aside from vitamin D, loading up on vitamins B1 and C may go a long way toward keeping you healthy through the flu season and beyond. Influenza has been successfully treated with high-dose vitamin C.21 Taking zinc lozenges at the first sign of a cold or flu can also be helpful.

Zinc boosts immune function and plays a vital role in activating your body’s T cells (white blood cells tasked with destroying infected cells). If you fall victim to frequent bacterial infections or colds, your body might be trying to tell you it needs more zinc.

Be Aware of This Lifesaving IV Protocol

If you or a loved one contracts sepsis, whether caused by influenza or some other infection, please remember that a protocol of IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and thiamine (vitamin B1) can be lifesaving.22 So, urge your doctor to use it. Chances are, they might not even be aware of it.

This sepsis treatment protocol was developed Dr. Paul Marik23,24 when he was a critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in East Virginia, and clinical use has proven it to be remarkably effective for the treatment of sepsis, reducing mortality nearly fivefold.

Marik’s retrospective before-after clinical study showed that giving patients IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and vitamin B1 for two days reduced mortality from 40% to 8.5%. Of the 50 patients treated, only four died, and all of them died from their underlying disease, not sepsis. Importantly, the treatment has no side effects and is inexpensive, readily available and simple to administer, so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

The only contraindication is if you are glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient (a genetic disorder).25 G6PD is an enzyme your red blood cells need to maintain membrane integrity.

High-dose IV vitamin C is a strong pro-oxidant, and giving a pro-oxidant to a G6PD-deficient individual can cause their red blood cells to rupture, which could have disastrous consequences. Fortunately, G6PC deficiency is relatively uncommon, and can be tested for.

People of Mediterranean and African decent are at greater risk of being G6PC deficient. Worldwide, G6PD deficiency is thought to affect 400 million individuals, and in the U.S., an estimated 1 in 10 African-American males have it.26

Flu Vaccines Don’t Usually Live Up to Their Hype

Sadly, flu deaths are inevitably used to incite fear, and the recommended remedy is annual flu vaccination, even when statistics show the vaccines don’t perform the way they’re hyped.

For example, in January 2015, U.S. government officials admitted that, in most years, flu shots are — at best — 50 to 60% effective at preventing lab confirmed type A or B influenza requiring medical care.27 And, as mentioned, the 2017-2018 flu vaccine had an effectiveness rating of just 10%, due to it being poorly matched, yet the call for flu vaccination remained.

Many also gloss over the fact that flu deaths also occur in those who have been vaccinated. Such was the case with this 8-year-old boy in Arkansas, featured in this CNN report.

Yet, despite year after year of dismal efficacy numbers, the CDC continues to push the flu vaccine. In December 2021, they said that, despite indications that the H3N2 protection for this season’s vaccine may not live up to expectations, they still recommend getting the shot, as flu could be more serious in the 2021-2022 season:28

“Flu vaccination has many benefits yet early data suggest the number of people who have been vaccinated so far this season is down, especially among certain higher risk groups such as pregnant people and children.

Lower vaccination rates and reduced population immunity resulting from historic low flu activity since March 2020 could lead to widespread flu, with more serious illnesses. With ongoing COVID-19 activity, hospitals could be further stressed this winter.”

But, considering the many studies showing flu vaccines have a dismal success rate even when well-matched to circulating viral strains, the fact that vaccination continues to be touted as your first line of defense against influenza suggests this annual campaign is more about generating conformity for profit, opposed to actually improving and protecting public health.

Flu Vaccine Likely Raises Your Risk of Illness

The fact that flu vaccines offer negligible protection against flu is bad enough, but evidence suggests the vaccine may even make you more susceptible to the disease. For example, Canadian researchers found that annual flu vaccination appears to increase your risk of pandemic illness, and cause more serious bouts of illness.

Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009 to 2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who had not received a flu shot.29

A well-publicized ferret study30 confirmed these results. Research31 published more than a decade ago, in 2011, also warned that the seasonal flu vaccine appears to weaken children’s immune systems and increases their chances of getting sick from influenza viruses not included in the vaccine.

Some health experts claim flu vaccination will help you develop resistance against strains that are not included in the vaccine, but research has actually shown the complete opposite to be true.

When blood samples from healthy, unvaccinated children and children who had received an annual flu shot were compared, the unvaccinated group had naturally built up more antibodies across a wider variety of influenza strains compared to the vaccinated group.32 Flu vaccines are also associated with debilitating and potentially lifelong side effects such as Guillain–Barré syndrome and chronic shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA).33

But what about the claim that you might contract influenza from your flu shot? There are many anecdotal reports of people developing the worst bout of influenza they’ve ever had following a routine flu vaccination and, indeed, a Chinese study34 published in 2012 appears to support such claims, finding that children had a 4.4 higher chance of contracting a viral upper respiratory infection following seasonal flu vaccine administration.

Researchers have also highlighted the influence of bias in studies looking at influenza vaccine effectiveness. As noted in one 2010 study,35 ”Forgoing vaccination predicted death in those who had received vaccinations in the previous five years, but it predicted survival in patients who had never before received a vaccination. We conclude that bias is inherent in studies of influenza vaccination and death among elderly patients.”

Beware: Tamiflu Can Trigger Psychosis

Should you or your child come down with the flu and your doctor or pediatrician recommends Tamiflu,0 you should know this antiviral drug has been shown to shorten the duration of flu symptoms by less than 17 hours36,37 It also does not reduce viral transmission and does not lower your risk of complications from the flu, such as pneumonia.38,39 Scientist have also warned that the risks far outweigh the benefits.40

These risks include convulsions, brain infections, psychosis and other neuropsychiatric problems. Tamiflu made recent headlines after a 6-year-old girl started hallucinating and attempted to jump out a second story window.41 “I don’t think the 16 hours of symptom relief from the flu is worth the possible side effects that we went through,” the girl’s father told ABC7 News.42

Indeed, a number of studies have observed that Tamiflu may cause psychiatric symptoms. Research43 published in 2015 reported the case of a 22-year-old man who “complained of mood swings, suicidal feelings, auditory hallucinations, memory deterioration and insomnia” after taking the drug. Other studies44 have found more than half of all children taking Tamiflu suffer side effects from the drug.45

Dangerous Lies Told by the CDC

Prior to the global H1N1 scare, the U.S. government stockpiled $1.5 billion of this basically useless antiviral — money that could have been spent in far better ways than merely enriching Roche’s company pockets. As noted in an article about Tamiflu by The Atlantic, “The only people helped by the proven-to-be-ineffective drug are its manufacturers.”46

A 2013 Forbes article47 also spelled out a number of flaws in the science behind Tamiflu, and how benefits were overstated. Despite all of this overwhelming evidence, the CDC to this day continues to recommend both flu vaccines and antiviral drugs like Tamiflu.48,49 They even continue to claim antiviral drugs “may prevent serious flu complications” — though the evidence clearly shows Tamiflu does no such thing.

The take-home message here is to do your homework, and not blindly follow public health recommendations. Also avoid falling prey to unreasonable fears. All deaths are tragic, but people die from influenza with and without flu vaccines. People also die without certain drugs, and from drugs.

Remember, optimizing your vitamin D to a level of 60 to 80 ng/mL may be one of the most effective flu prevention strategies out there. Also familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of sepsis, and urge your doctor to administer Marik’s IV vitamin C protocol should you or a loved one be diagnosed with sepsis. It just might save your life.

Denial of Natural Immunity in Vaccine Mandates Unprecedented- Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF unprecedented-denial-of-covid-natural-immunity-pdf


  • People with natural COVID-19 immunity continue to be discriminated against and are still expected to get double- or triple-jabbed in order to comply with vaccine mandates — an unprecedented move in history
  • New data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that prior COVID-19 infection, i.e., natural immunity, is more protective than COVID-19 injections
  • The U.S. Supreme Court recently upheld a vaccine mandate at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS), which affects 10.4 million health care workers employed at 76,000 medical facilities, making no exceptions for those who have natural immunity to COVID-19 due to prior infection
  • One study found that the risk of reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 decreased by 80.5% to 100% among people who had previously had COVID-19
  • In Switzerland, residents who have had COVID-19 in the past 12 months are considered to be equally as protected as those who’ve been injected

COVID-19 injection mandates raise glaring questions, with a key one revolving around natural immunity. Your immune system is designed to work in response to exposure to an infectious agent. Your adaptive immune system, specifically, generates antibodies that are used to fight pathogens that your body has previously encountered.1

If you’ve had COVID-19, the research is strong that you’re well protected against reinfection. New data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even show that prior COVID-19 infection, i.e., natural immunity, is more protective than COVID-19 injections.2

However, people with natural immunity continue to be discriminated against and are still expected to get double- or triple-jabbed in order to comply with vaccine mandates — an unprecedented move in history.

‘Unprecedented’ Denial of Natural Immunity

The U.S. Supreme Court recently upheld a vaccine mandate at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS), which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The mandate affects 10.4 million health care workers employed at 76,000 medical facilities,3 making no exceptions for those who have natural immunity to COVID-19 due to prior infection.

Speaking with The Epoch Times, Dr. Scott Atlas, a former White House COVID-19 Task Force adviser, called the SCOTUS ruling “another denial of scientific fact,” adding:4

“Our continued denial of superior protection in recovered individuals, with or without vaccination, compared to vaccinated individuals who’ve never had the infection … the denial of that is simply unprecedented in modern history. Proven fact and decades of fundamental immunology are somehow denied. If we are a society where the leaders repeatedly deny the fact, I’m very concerned about the future of such a society.”

While upholding the vaccine mandate for medical facilities that accept Medicare or Medicaid payments, SCOTUS blocked a White House mandate that would have required private companies with 100 or more employees to ensure staff have gotten a COVID-19 injection or were tested regularly for COVID-19 — or face steep fines.

The Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was supposed to be in charge of enforcing the rule, which would have affected more than 80 million U.S. workers.5 Of their decision, the court noted:6

“Although Congress has indisputably given OSHA the power to regulate occupational dangers, it has not given that agency the power to regulate public health more broadly. Requiring the vaccination of 84 million Americans, selected simply because they work for employers with more than 100 employees, certainly falls in the latter category.”

Despite the private business vaccine mandate being struck down, the White House urged states and businesses to voluntarily enact sweeping vaccine mandates,7 again ignoring the fact that many people are already naturally immune.

World No. 1 tennis player Novak Djokovic is a prime example — despite previously having COVID-19, and therefore having acquired natural immunity, he was barred from playing at the Australian Open because he didn’t get the COVID-19 injection.8

Natural COVID-19 Immunity Superior to Shot-Derived Immunity

Data from New York and California health officials, published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, show that people who had previously had COVID-19 were far better protected against COVID-19 infection with the Delta variant than people who had been jabbed. The report states:9

“By the week beginning October 3, compared with COVID-19 cases rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, case rates among vaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis were 6.2-fold (California) and 4.5-fold (New York) lower; rates were substantially lower among both groups with previous COVID-19 diagnoses, including 29.0-fold (California) and 14.7-fold lower (New York) among unvaccinated persons with a previous diagnosis, and 32.5-fold (California) and 19.8-fold lower (New York) among vaccinated persons with a previous diagnosis of COVID-19.

During the same period, compared with hospitalization rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, hospitalization rates in California followed a similar pattern. These results demonstrate that vaccination protects against COVID-19 and related hospitalization, and that surviving a previous infection protects against a reinfection and related hospitalization.

Importantly, infection-derived protection was higher after the Delta variant became predominant, a time when vaccine-induced immunity for many persons declined because of immune evasion and immunologic waning.”

In another study,10 researchers reviewed studies published in PubMed and found that the risk of reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 decreased by 80.5% to 100% among people who had previously had COVID-19. Additional research cited in their review found:11

  • Among 9,119 people who had previously had COVID-19, only 0.7% became reinfected.
  • At the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, the incidence rate of COVID-19 among those who had not previously been infected was 4.3 per 100 people; the COVID-19 incidence rate among those who had previously been infected was zero per 100 people.
  • The frequency of hospitalization due to a repeated COVID-19 infection was five per14,840 people, or .03%, according to an Austrian study; the frequency of death due to a repeated infection was one per 14,840 people, or .01%.

Given these findings, the researchers concluded that previous infection status should be documented and recovered patients counseled on their risk for reinfection. They stated:12

“Given the evidence of immunity from previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, however, policy makers should consider recovery from previous SARS-CoV-2 infection equal to immunity from vaccination for purposes related to entry to public events, businesses, and the workplace, or travel requirements.”

It’s Rare to Get Reinfected by SARS-CoV-2

In a letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Roberto Bertollini of the Ministry of Public Health in Doha, Qatar, and colleagues estimated the efficacy of natural immunity against reinfection by comparing data in the national cohort.

They found that immunity acquired from previous infection was 92.3% effective against reinfection with the beta variant and 97.6% effective against reinfection with the alpha variant.13 Protection persisted even one year after the primary infection.

Researchers from Ireland14 also conducted a systematic review including 615,777 people who had recovered from COVID-19, with a maximum duration of follow-up of more than 10 months. “Reinfection was an uncommon event,” they noted, “… with no study reporting an increase in the risk of reinfection over time.” The absolute reinfection rate ranged from zero percent to 1.1%, while the median reinfection rate was just 0.27%.15,16,17

Another study revealed similarly reassuring results. It followed 43,044 SARS-CoV-2 antibody-positive people for up to 35 weeks, and only 0.7% were reinfected. When genome sequencing was applied to estimate population-level risk of reinfection, the risk was estimated at 0.1%.18

Again, there was no indication of waning immunity over seven months of follow-up, with the researchers concluding, “Reinfection is rare. Natural infection appears to elicit strong protection against reinfection with an efficacy >90% for at least seven months.”19

Another study from Israel also had researchers questioning “the need to vaccinate previously-infected individuals,” after their analysis showed similar risks of reinfection among those with vaccine-induced or natural immunity. Specifically, vaccination had an overall estimated efficacy of preventing reinfection of 92.8%, compared to 94.8% for natural immunity acquired via prior infection.20

Evidence from Washington University School of Medicine also shows long-lasting immunity to COVID-19 exists in those who’ve recovered from the natural infection.21 At both seven months and 11 months after infection, most of the participants had bone marrow plasma cells (BMPCs) that secreted antibodies specific for the spike protein encoded by SARS-CoV-2.

The BMPCs were found in amounts similar to those found in people who had been vaccinated against tetanus or diphtheria, which are considered to provide long-lasting immunity. “Overall, our data provide strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans robustly establishes the two arms of humoral immune memory: long-lived BMPCs and memory B cells,” the researchers noted.22

This is among the best available evidence of long-lasting immunity, because this immunological memory is a distinct part of the immune system that’s essential to long-term protection, beyond the initial immune response to the virus.23

Getting the Shot May Be Worse After Prior Infection

If you’ve had COVID-19, getting injected may pose an even greater risk, to the extent that Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, Ph.D., a cardiac surgeon and patient advocate, has repeatedly warned the FDA that “clear and present danger” exists for those who have had COVID-19 and subsequently get the injection.24

At issue are viral antigens that remain in your body after you are naturally infected. The immune response reactivated by the COVID-19 injection can trigger inflammation in tissues where the viral antigens are present. The inner lining of blood vessels, the lungs and the brain may be particularly at risk of such inflammation and damage.25 Writing in Lancet Infectious Diseases, researchers also explained:26

“Some people who have recovered from COVID-19 might not benefit from COVID-19 vaccination. In fact, one study found that previous COVID-19 was associated with increased adverse events following vaccination with the Comirnaty BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer–BioNTech). In addition, there are rare reports of serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination.”

As it stands, the U.S. CDC continues to push universal injections, despite past infection status, and natural immunity is not considered adequate to enter the growing number of venues requiring vaccine passports. This isn’t the case in Switzerland, where residents who have had COVID-19 in the past 12 months are considered to be equally as protected as those who’ve been injected.27

The end-goal of vaccine passports, though, isn’t to simply track one shot. Your entire identity, including your medical history, finances, sexual orientation and much more, could soon be stored in a mobile app that’s increasingly required to partake in society. While some might call this convenience, others would call it oppression.

You can fight back against vaccine mandates and their related vaccine passports by not supporting establishments that require proof of a shot or a negative test, and avoiding all digital identities and vaccine ID passports offered as a means of increasing “access” or “convenience.”28

Global Trucker Convoys Protest Mandates- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF trucker-convoys-protest-mandates-pdf


  • The Canadian “Freedom Convoy” started pulling into Ottawa January 29, 2022, gathering in front of the Parliament building. They have vowed to stay put until the Canadian government agrees to roll back all federal mandates, including the vaccine mandate and the vaccine passport
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has tried to downplay the protest, referring to it as a “small fringe minority” of people “who hold unacceptable views” and don’t represent the views of Canadians
  • As the convoy descended on Ottawa, Trudeau moved out of his residence and then claimed to have contracted COVID and that he would remain in isolation for a week
  • Inspired and encouraged by the Canadian trucker movement, truckers in other countries are now organizing their own Freedom Convoys. In Europe, a European Freedom Convoy will meet up in Brussels, February 14, 2022, and remain there “until vaccination passports and associated restrictions are abolished” across the European Union
  • Australia also organized a Freedom Convoy to gather outside the Parliament House in Canberra, starting January 31, 2022, and in the U.S., American truckers are planning a DC Freedom Convoy

Did you know there’s a massive trucker convoy protesting COVID jab mandates in Ottawa, Canada? You’re forgiven if you missed it, because this gigantic movement received very minimal coverage in the conventional press for the first week or so. Ditto for similar trucker protests forming in other countries, such as Australia and Germany.

The Canadian Freedom Convoy

The Canadian “Freedom Convoy” started pulling into Ottawa January 29, 2022, gathering in front of the Parliament building. According to The New York Times:1

“The convoy was organized in response to a regulation, implemented this month, that requires truckers returning from the United States to show proof of vaccination. But in recent days, it has broadened to include Canadians critical of pandemic restrictions in general, and of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau …

Private cars and pickup trucks greatly outnumbered the heavy trucks that made up the convoy in its first days. Throughout Saturday, the vehicles clogged the streets in and around Parliament, most of them bearing flags or signs denouncing public health measures related to the pandemic.

Thousands of protesters on foot, many carrying handmade signs on hockey sticks, wandered through the parked vehicles and the slow-moving traffic or gathered on the lawn in front of Parliament … Few people appeared to be following Ontario’s rules requiring social distancing and masks at crowded, outdoor gatherings …

Several Canadian news outlets reported that Mr. Trudeau and his family had been moved out of their official residence by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as a precaution.”

Trudeau Shows His True Colors

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau initially tried to downplay the protest, referring to it as a “small fringe minority” of people “who hold unacceptable views” and don’t represent the views of Canadians. It boggles the mind to think how rapidly our countries have spiraled into authoritarianism where the very idea of freedom is now “unacceptable.”

We can’t be surprised, however. It’s no secret that the World Economic Forum, which is leading the technocratic takeover of the whole world, has penetrated the cabinet of Trudeau and many other countries. WEF head and founder Klaus Schwab admitted it in 2017.2

Once this “fringe minority” descended on Ottawa, however, Trudeau ran. Not only was he escorted out of his official residence, as reported by The New York Times, he’s also said to have tested positive for COVID and will be in isolation for a week.3

Countless videos illustrate just how out of touch Trudeau’s comments are, and that’s putting it kindly. Along highways and overpasses, in the city and outside of it, Canadians have gathered in astounding numbers to cheer the truckers on, everywhere thanking them for taking up this peaceful fight for freedom.

While the actual number of trucks involved is still unknown, it seems reasonable to assume it’s in the thousands. According to Local 12 News,4 the convoy could be a “world-record setter” in terms of its size — an estimated 70 kilometers or some 43.5 miles.

The truckers have vowed to stay put until the Canadian government agrees to roll back all federal mandates, including the vaccine mandate and the vaccine passport.5

Covert Surveillance Is Here

In the video above, Jimmy Dore plays an interview with Benjamin Dichter, one of the organizers of the Freedom Convoy, who describes how Canada has already rolled out previously unknown technology that scans and reads a trucker’s passport and vaccine status on approach, without them actually having to show any papers or display their vaccine QR code on their phone.

Their cell phones pop up automatically on the border agent’s screen as they approach the station, and the cell phone is automatically linked to the driver’s passport and vaccine card, which are also displayed automatically.

So much for right to medical privacy! The secret surveillance and tracking we’ve been warning about is here, or at the least at the Canadian border. The question is, where else it might be deployed without our knowledge?

Google Runs Is Part and Parcel of the Surveillance State

For years, I’ve warned people about the creeping surveillance state, of which Google is a significant part. If you still haven’t ditched Google products from your life (which include Android), now’s a good time to start. In early 2020, I interviewed Robert Epstein, Ph.D., who for the last decade has helped expose Google’s manipulative and deceptive practices. As noted by Epstein, Google’s powers pose three very specific threats to society:

1. They’re a surveillance agency with significant yet hidden surveillance powers — The Google search engine, Google Wallet, Google Docs, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Chrome browser, YouTube, Android phones, Google home devices like Nest and Google wearables like Fitbit are all surveillance platforms that work together.

Android cell phones, for example, which are a Google-owned operating system, can track you even when you’re not connected to the internet, whether you have geo tracking enabled or not, and even if your phone is turned off.

As soon as you reconnect to the internet, all that information stored in your phone is sent to Google. So, even though you may think you’ve just spent the day incognito, the moment you reconnect, every step you’ve made is shared (provided you had your phone with you).

Google is also tracking your movements online even if you’re not using their products, because most websites use Google Analytics, which tracks everything you do on a website. And, you have no way of knowing whether a website uses Google Analytics or not. The only way to protect yourself against this would be to use a VPN.

2. They’re a censoring agency — Google has a unique ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet, thus deciding what people can and cannot see. They even have the ability to block access to entire countries and the internet as a whole.

The most crushing problem with this kind of internet censorship is that you don’t know what you don’t know. If a certain type of information is removed from your search, and you don’t know it should exist somewhere, you’ll never go looking for it. And, when searching for information online, how would you know that certain websites or pages have been removed from the search results in the first place? The answer is, you don’t.

For example, Google has been investing in DNA repositories for quite a long time, and are adding DNA information to our profiles. According to Epstein, Google has taken over the national DNA repository, but articles about that — which he has cited in his own writings — have all vanished.

3. They have the power to manipulate public opinion through search rankings and other means — In so doing, they have the ability to shape the opinions, beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, purchases, behavior and votes of billions of people, all without anyone realizing they’re being manipulated. They don’t even leave a paper trail for authorities to trace. As noted by Epstein:

“They’re using new techniques of manipulation that have never existed before in human history and they are for the most part, subliminal … but they don’t produce tiny shifts. They produce enormous shifts in people’s thinking, very rapidly. Some of the techniques I’ve discovered are among the largest behavioral effects ever discovered in the behavioral sciences.”

In his article6 “Seven Simple Steps Toward Online Privacy,” Epstein outlines his recommendations for protecting your privacy while surfing the web, most of which don’t cost anything.

Vaxxed or Unvaxxed — People Want Freedom

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Jimmy Dore as we both grew up in a poor neighborhood in Chicago and I love his humor. But for the record, while Dore tells his audience that the COVID jab will protect you from severe illness and death, I disagree. Mounting evidence suggests it might actually destroy your natural immune function, especially after the third dose.

Be that as it may, Dore rightfully states that being against mandates and vaccine passports isn’t a cause restricted to the unvaccinated. He, Dichter and countless others who have received the jab did so because they wanted to protect themselves, but they’re not willing to give up their freedoms and live in a totalitarian state.

A Political Tsunami

The good news is that, for whatever reason, the Canadian Freedom Convoy has captured the attention and hearts of the global population — even with mainstream media ignoring and/or minimizing it for days. As noted by Ron Paul in the Liberty Report above, it’s turning into “a political tsunami.”

Truck driver is one of the most common jobs in North America, and perhaps around the world, which might explain the wide appeal of this movement, and how news of it spread so rapidly and organically despite media blackouts and social media censorship. Another reason is probably because people recognize the leverage truckers as a group have.

For example, nearly 70% of all goods freight transported annually in the U.S. are delivered by truck.7In Canada, that percentage is closer to 90%.8 When thousands of truck drivers stop delivering goods and instead honk their air horns outside a government building, the effects are bound to rapidly become noticeable in the form of empty shelves.

Anyone tired of living in Orwellian dystopia recognizes that this kind of leverage over the political class is far more significant than people marching in the streets with signs — which is what Europeans have been doing every weekend for months on end, to no avail.

The Rise of Global Freedom Convoys

Inspired and encouraged by the Canadian trucker movement, truckers in other countries are now organizing their own Freedom Convoys.9 In Europe, a European Freedom Convoy will meet up in Brussels, February 14, 2022, and remain there “until vaccination passports and associated restrictions are abolished” across the European Union.10,11

Australia also rapidly started organizing a Freedom Convoy to gather outside the Parliament House in Canberra, starting January 31, 2022.12,13 Within days, the Official Convoy to Canberra Facebook page had gathered 170,400 members.14 Facebook has now removed the group.

In the U.S., American truckers are planning a DC Freedom Convoy. Facebook was quick in deleting their page, though — a move its organizers blasted as “Censorship at its finest.” As reported by Fox News:15

“The group, titled ‘Convoy to D.C. 2022,’ acted as a place for truckers to plan and coordinate their trek from California to Washington, D.C. Jeremy Johnson, who set up the Facebook group, said his personal account was also removed, prompting him to contact a civil rights attorney to discuss the next steps …

[Mike] Landis, a trucker involved in the freedom convoy, told host Carley Shimkus that this movement is ‘a long time coming.’ He said Americans are tired of the ‘government overreach’ and criticized politicians for, as he believes, not following the Constitution.

‘The presence of that amount of people that show that they are unhappy with what’s going on is a good way to hopefully get their attention,’ he said. Johnson and Brase anticipate a wide range of Americans, not only truckers, will come out to support their cause.

‘This crosses all genders, all races, all sexual orientations, all occupations,’ Brase said. ‘Truckers might be standing up, but it’s not about the truckers. It’s about America.’ The group’s goal is to end vaccine mandates through peaceful protests. ‘The government needs to really take a look at what the American people want,’ Johnson said. ‘And they don’t want mandates.'”

The globalists have LOST – Humanity withdraws consent from the tyrants and lets the system crash and burn NATURAL NEWS

(Natural News) The Canadian truckers and freedom protesters deserve huge credit for bringing humanity to a tipping point against tyranny. Thanks to the courage, determination and dedication to peace that’s demonstrated by Canada’s protesters, humanity is withdrawing its consent from government tyrants all over the world.

Globalism is crashing, and centralization of power is being ripped to shreds. The entire model of globalism is dead, and no human being that’s aware and alive right now wants to return to a society structured as a top-down, totalitarian, centralized control system of global enslavement run by a few hundred hyper-wealthy freakazoids like Zuckerberg and Gates.

What I’m trying to explain here is that this is about much more than covid vaccines or lockdowns. This is about humanity rising up against the very idea of centralized government, corporations, media and tech giants. The era of centralization has come to an end, and the free people of the world have begun the process of dismantling it by simply withdrawing their consent.

Consider the impact of the realizations now spreading across the world:

  • Government failed the people.
  • Corporations murdered people for profit.
  • Doctors, hospitals and the medical system betrayed the people.
  • Big Tech platforms silenced the truth, costing millions of lives.
  • Big Media was complicit in the plandemic and the vaccine biowar against humanity.
  • The institution of science deceived the people and proved it is hopelessly corrupt and evil.

What we’ve all lived through over the last two years is corrupt, deceptive, anti-human institutions waging war against truth and humanity, showing their true cards and exposing the depth of their evil.


And that’s why the people of the world are now peacefully rising up and demanding an end to the entire centralization structure of globalism. It is the centralized control over media, information, government and “science” that brought us all to the brink of destruction. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and for the past several generations, the people have handed over far too much power to governments, science journals, media giants and tech platforms.

Now, the people are taking their power back.

And they’re doing it, ironically, by mimicking the mRNA spike protein blood clots in the real world: Clogging bridges, roadways and cities, bringing society to a standstill with nothing but trucks, horns and raw courage.

The message is clear: You try to put clots into our blood and we’ll put traffic clots across your cities.

The evil governments, predictably, call these peaceful protesters “terrorists” — even as the governments themselves are carrying out acts of terrorism and mass murder against their own people. So let’s take a look at some of the very real people behind the Ottawa protests. The masterful portrait photos shown here are from Dan Aponte, a Canadian photographer who brilliantly captures the humanity of the freedom protesters in Ottawa. This is flat-out the most impactful photography I’ve seen in years. Read more details about these truckers and peaceful protesters at:

Brock Hobb:

Katie Hepburn:

Nabil Yaghi:

Odia Jean Pierre:


Sebastian Fortin:

From Bari Weiss at

The solidarity was infectious. There were copycat protests popping up in Helsinki, Finland, and Wellington, New Zealand and Nice, France (they planned to hit Paris and Brussels). There were truckers organizing in the Netherlands, Australia and the United States. Among the Americans who had driven up to Ottawa there was talk that soon the big rigs would descend on Washington, D.C.

“Seeing the country fall apart like this is heartbreaking,” Sim said. “For me, this is the line in the sand. If we lose this battle, I’d like to move out of Canada.” He said that he was thinking of maybe heading to Florida. A lot of the truckers were thinking about the States. But not yet. “I feel that I owe it to me and others that share my values to, at least, fight for this.”

Learn more about how humanity defeats globalism and centralization, dismantling the whole damned system

Today’s Situation Update podcast covers all this in more detail. Definitely hear the last 30 minutes of the podcast for an inspiring analysis of why we’re all here right now in this pivotal time of human history:

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COVID Vaccine Production Quietly Suspended at Johnson & Johnson + More – The DEFENDER

Johnson & Johnson temporarily halted production of its COVID-19 vaccine in The Netherlands, the only manufacturing hub making usable doses for the pharmaceutical company, according to a New York Times report on Tuesday.

The company stopped production of the vaccine at its facility in the Dutch city of Leiden at the end of 2021 and has instead turned its attention to making another vaccine for an unrelated virus, The Times reported. The pause is temporary and expected to last just a month — but it could reduce Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine supply by a few hundred million doses.

While the Johnson & Johnson vaccine from Janssen Pharmaceuticals has been linked to rare blood clots and is considered less effective than Pfizer and Moderna‘s shots by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the vaccines are extremely important in Africa and other low-income countries, which rely on the simpler one-dose shot.

Novavax Inc (NVAX.O) said on Monday U.S. government funding for its COVID-19 vaccine had been expanded to cover a late-stage study in adolescents with a booster component.

Novavax in July 2020 had received $1.6 billion in funding to develop its protein-based vaccine under a government program aimed at accelerating access to coronavirus vaccines and treatments, formerly called Operation Warp Speed.

Novavax’s two-dose shot has received authorizations from the European Union and the World Health Organization and was recently cleared for use in adults in Britain and New Zealand. Novavax last year started testing its vaccine in adolescents aged 12 to 17.

A group of young children in Ireland experienced no major reactions after mistakenly being given adult-sized shots of Pfizer‘s COVID-19 vaccine.

The mistake was noticed by staff at a mass vaccination center where the children came for the second dose of Pfizer‘s two-shot vaccine, the Irish Examiner reported Monday. Only one of the seven children had a mild adverse effect, the paper reports, citing regulators.

Children are supposed to be given a 10-milligram dose of Pfizer’s vaccine, known as Comirnaty, according to Health Service Executive’s National Immunization Office. For adults, the dose is 30 milligrams.

It’s not the first time health workers have confused doses. Kaiser Permanente warned in January that nearly 4,000 patients had received an insufficient dose of the vaccine.

Pfizer made nearly $37 billion (£27bn) in sales from its COVID-19 vaccine last year — making it one of the most lucrative products in history — and has forecast another bumper year in 2022, with a big boost coming from its COVID-19 pill Paxlovid.

The U.S. drugmaker’s overall revenues in 2021 doubled to $81.3 billion, and it expects to make record revenues of $98 billion to $102 billion this year.

The bumper sales prompted accusations from campaigners of “pandemic profiteering”. The group Global Justice Now said the annual revenue of $81 billion was more than the GDP of most countries and accused Pfizer of “ripping off public health systems”.

The European Union’s drug regulator launched a review to evaluate whether the Pfizer/BioNTech (PFE.N)(22UAy.DE) COVID-19 vaccine can be used as a third booster shot in adolescents aged 12 to 15, even after several countries in the region have already started such a campaign.

In its statement on Tuesday, the European Medicines Agency added that a review of booster shots given to 16- and 17-year-old teenagers was ongoing.

Germany’s vaccine committee last month recommended that all children between the ages of 12 and 17 receive a booster, following the initial two-shot course, as infection rates continue to soar among youngsters in particular. Other states in the region followed suit.

Pediatric mental health visits to physicians increased during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada, according to a population-wide study.

Starting in July 2020, rates of visits to mental health services were consistently 6% to 15% above expected levels — based on prior years — and were sustained as of February 2021 (adjusted relative rate [aRR] 1.15, 95% CI 1.13-1.17), reported Natasha Ruth Saunders, MD, MSc, of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, and colleagues.

The largest increase in physician-based mental health visits was recorded for adolescent girls (aRR 1.26, 95% CI 1.25-1.28), they noted in JAMA Pediatrics.

Just 10% of Americans now expect that COVID-19 will be eradicated by this time next year, according to a new poll released Tuesday by Axios-Ipsos.

One in 3 survey takers said they expect to catch COVID-19 within the next month as the results show an American public that is starting to process the concept of living with the coronavirus. The poll does show that Americans are divided on how to live with COVID-19.

Axios reports that there are four fairly evenly split groups on how to go forward with the virus: open up and end all restrictions, open up with precautions, keep precautions and requirements in place, and increase mask and vaccine requirements.

A sub-variant of the Omicron variant of COVID is spreading rapidly in Europe and Asia and could become the dominant variant of the virus. The so-called “stealth” Omicron COVID sub-variant BA.2 has now been found in 67 countries.

Speaking to The Jerusalem Post, Dr. Dorit Nitzan, regional director for the World Health Organization (WHO), said that the expected trajectory of BA.2 will see the sub-variant become the new dominant variant of COVID once it passes a certain threshold as is being seen in Denmark and the U.K.

Research Director, Co-Director of the MPH Global Health Epidemiology Program CE, and an epidemiologist in Copenhagen, Lone Simonsen, told Newsweek: “BA.2 is already dominant in Denmark, but we see no rise in severe illness and ICU admissions are dropping. My take is BA.2 is a faster but not more deadly variant.”

Pet hamsters can transmit COVID to humans and are the likely source of a recent outbreak of the Delta variant in Hong Kong, data suggests.

The research confirms fears that a pet shop was the source of a recent COVID outbreak in the city, which has seen at least 50 people infected and led to the culling of more than 2,200 hamsters.

However, virologists emphasized that, although the pet trade could provide a route for viral spread, existing pet hamsters are unlikely to pose a threat to their owners and should not be harmed.

Pfizer Forced to Warn Investors of Investors of Safety Data – Dr. Mercola

In the wake of the FDA being forced to release massive amounts of data on Pfizer’s mRNA COVID shot clinical trials, the drug company has revised its fourth quarter investors report to reflect concerns about that data.

Quite noticeably, Pfizer’s now tempering their previously glowing predictions of $54 billion in sales in 2022 with new disclosures of unfavorable safety data that may come to light under audits or inspections. As noted by Twitter posts and ZeroHedge, some of the notations are buried “deep in its business risk disclosures.”

At the same time, Pfizer is also acknowledging to investors that the pandemic may “diminish in severity or prevalence, or disappear entirely.”

SOURCE: ZeroHedge February 9, 2022

Thousands Want Answers for Their COVID Shot Injuries – Dr. Mercola

More than 10,000 Americans have reported tinnitus as a possible side effect of the COVID-19 jab, and some are now questioning why the FDA and CDC are not taking a deeper look into their claims about hearing problems.

The problem is, no matter how many people report the side effects — which one man said rendered him nearly deaf — they are being told this is not a side effect of the shots. The victims, however, just want answers.

SOURCE: YouTube ABC 15 Arizona September 17, 2021

It’s Time for a Second Look at Convalescent Plasma to Treat COVID – Dr. Mercola

In a ground-breaking story for mainstream media, Minnesota’s StarTribune suggests that the state’s political leaders “could — and should — join the call” to reevaluate the value of using convalescent plasma to treat COVID patients.

The plasma, donated by persons who have recovered from a COVID-19 infection, is a therapy that not only is natural, but could be given promptly to patients to lower the possibility of a hospital admission, the paper said:

“Convalescent plasma has a long history helping combat disease. Before there were antibiotics and antivirals, physicians recognized that recovering patients could help others from becoming seriously ill. The reason: the antibodies they naturally manufactured.

Blood donated by these patients can be ‘processed to remove blood cells, leaving behind liquid (plasma) and antibodies,’ according to the Mayo Clinic. The antibodies can then be infused into the newly ill. It’s like having a seasoned platoon show up to assist immune system soldiers.”

SOURCE: StarTribune February 6, 202

How You’ve Been Misled About Statins – Dr. Mercola

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  • More than 35 million Americans are on a statin drug, making it one of the most commonly prescribed medicines in the U.S. Lipitor — which is just one of several brand name statin drugs — is one of the most profitable drugs in the history of medicine
  • The “statin empire” is built on prescribing these drugs to people who really don’t need them and are likely to suffer side effects without getting any benefits
  • By simply revising the definition of “high cholesterol,” which was done in 2000 and again in 2004 in the U.S., millions of people became eligible for statin treatment, without any evidence whatsoever that it would actually benefit them
  • In 2013, the American College of Cardiology and AHA revised their statin guideline to include a CVD risk calculation rather than a single cholesterol number. This resulted in another 12.8 million Americans being put on statin treatment even though they didn’t have any real risk factors for CVD
  • Industry-biased research, the hiding of raw study data, deceptive statistical tricks, silencing of dissenters, censoring of critics and the use of fear-based PR are other strategies employed to manipulate public opinion and doctors to keep prescribing statins to an ever-widening population base

This article was previously published March 11, 2020, and has been updated with new information.

Statins are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors; that is, they block the enzyme in your liver responsible for making cholesterol (HMG-CoA reductase). According to, more than 35 million Americans are on a statin drug, making it one of the most commonly prescribed medicines in the U.S.1

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data suggest 47.6% of seniors over the age of 75 are on a statin drug.2 Lipitor — which is just one of several brand name statin drugs — is one of the most profitable drugs in the history of medicine.3,4

Collectively, statins have earned over $1 trillion since they were introduced.5 This, despite their being off patent. There is simply no doubt that selling them is big business with major financial incentives to distort the truth to continue their sales.

Statin recommendations have become fairly complex, as they’re recommended for various age groups under different circumstances, and whether they’re used as primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD), or secondary prevention. Guidelines also vary slightly depending on the organization providing the recommendation and the country you’re in.6

In the U.S., the two guidelines available are from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF),7 and the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association.8,9 The USPSTF guidelines recommend using a statin for the primary prevention of CVD when a patient:10

  • Is between the age of 40 to 75
  • Has one or more CVD risk factors (dyslipidemia, diabetes, hypertension or smoking)
  • Has a calculated 10-year risk of a cardiovascular event of 10% or greater

In secondary prevention of CVD, statins are “a mainstay,” according to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.11 Secondary prevention means the drug is used to prevent a recurrence of a heart attack or stroke in patients who have already had one.

Regulators’ Role Questioned

A February 2020 analysis12 in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine (paywall) brings up the fact that while the use of statins in primary prevention of CVD “has been controversial” and there’s ongoing debate as to “whether the benefits outweigh the harms,” drug regulators around the world — which have approved statins for the prevention of CVD — have stayed out of the debate. Should they? The analysis goes on to note:

“Our aim was to navigate the decision-making processes of European drug regulators and ultimately request the data upon which statins were approved. Our findings revealed a system of fragmented regulation in which many countries licensed statins but did not analyze the data themselves.

There is no easily accessible archive containing information about the licensing approval of statins or a central location for holding the trial data. This is an unsustainable model and serves neither the general public, nor researchers.”

Have We Been Misled by the Evidence?

In her 2018 peer-reviewed narrative review,13 “Statin Wars: Have We Been Misled About the Evidence?” published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., a former medical science major turned investigative health reporter, delves into some of these ongoing controversies.

“A bitter dispute has erupted among doctors over suggestions that statins should be prescribed to millions of healthy people at low risk of heart disease. There are concerns that the benefits have been exaggerated and the risks have been underplayed.

Also, the raw data on the efficacy and safety of statins are being kept secret and have not been subjected to scrutiny by other scientists. This lack of transparency has led to an erosion of public confidence.

Doctors and patients are being misled about the true benefits and harms of statins, and it is now a matter of urgency that the raw data from the clinical trials are released,” Demasi writes.14

While Demasi’s paper is behind a paywall, she reviews her arguments in the featured video above. Among them is the fact that the “statin empire” is built on prescribing these drugs to people who really don’t need them and are likely to suffer side effects without getting any benefits.

For example, some have recommended statins should be given to everyone over the age of 50, regardless of their cholesterol level. Others have suggested screening and dosing young children.

Even more outrageous suggestions over the past few years include statin “‘condiments’ in burger outlets to counter the negative effects of a fast food meal,'” and adding statins to the municipal water supply.

Simple Tricks, Big Payoffs

Medical professionals are now largely divided into two camps, one saying statins are lifesaving and safe enough for everyone, and the other saying they’re largely unnecessary and harmful to boot. How did such a divide arise, when all have access to the same research and data?

Demasi suggests that in order to understand how health professionals can be so divided on this issue, you have to follow the money. The cost of developing and getting market approval for a new drug exceeds $2.5 billion. “A more effective way to fast-track company profits is to broaden the use of an existing drug,” Demasi says, and this is precisely what happened with statins.

By simply revising the definition of “high cholesterol,” which was done in 2000 and again in 2004, millions of people became eligible for statin treatment, without any evidence whatsoever that it would actually benefit them.

As it turns out, eight of the nine members on the U.S. National Cholesterol Education Program panel responsible for these revisions had “direct ties to statin manufacturers,” Demasi says, and that public revelation sowed the first seed of suspicion in many people’s minds.

Skepticism ratcheted up even more when, in 2013, the American College of Cardiology and AHA revised their statin guideline to include a CVD risk calculation rather than a single cholesterol number. U.S. patients with a 7.5% risk of developing CVD in the next 10 years were now put on a statin. (In the U.K., the percentage used was a more reasonable 20%.)

This resulted in another 12.8 million Americans being put on statin treatment even though they didn’t have any real risk factors for CVD. Worse, a majority of these were older people without heart disease — the very population that stand to gain the least from these medications.

What’s worse, 4 of 5 calculators were eventually found to overestimate the risk of CVD, some by as much as 115%, which means the rate of overprescription was even greater than previously suspected.

Industry Bias

While simple revisions of the definitions of high cholesterol and CVD risk massively augmented the statin market, industry-funded studies have further fueled the overprescription trend. As noted by Demasi, when U.S. President Ronald Reagan cut funding to the National Institutes of Health, private industry moved in to sponsor their own clinical trials.

The vast majority of statin trials are funded by the manufacturers, and research has repeatedly found that funding plays a major role in research outcomes. It’s not surprising then that most statin studies overestimate drug benefits and underestimate risks.

Demasi quotes Dr. Peter Gøtzsche, a Danish physician-researcher who in 1993 co-founded the Cochrane Collaboration and later launched the Nordic Cochrane Centre:

“When drug industry sponsored trials cannot be examined and questioned by independent researchers, science ceases to exist and it becomes nothing more than marketing.”

“The very nature of science is its contestability,” Demasi notes. “We need to be able to challenge and rechallenge scientific results to ensure they’re reproducible and legitimate.” However, there’s been a “cloud of secrecy” around clinical statin trials, Demasi says, as the raw data on side effects have never been released to the public, nor other scientists.

The data are being held by the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists (CTT) Collaboration at CTSU Oxford, headed by Rory Collins, which periodically publishes meta-analyses of the otherwise inaccessible data. While the CTT claims to be an independent organization, it has received more than £260 million from statin makers.

Inevitably, its conclusions end up promoting wider use of statins, and no independent review is possible to contest or confirm the CTT Collaboration’s conclusions.

Tricks Used to Minimize Harms in Clinical Trials

As explained by Demasi, there are many ways in which researchers can influence the outcome of a drug trial. One is by designing the study in such a way that it minimizes the chances of finding harm. The example she gives in her lecture is the Heart Protection Study.

Before the trial got started, all participants were given a statin drug for six weeks. By the end of that run-in period, 36% of the participants had dropped out due to side effects or lack of compliance. Once they had this “freshly culled” population, where those suffering side effects had already been eliminated, that’s when the trial actually started.

Now, patients were divided into statin and placebo groups. But since everyone had already taken a statin before the trial began, the side effects found in the statin and placebo groups by the end of the trial were relatively similar.

In short, this strategy grossly underestimates the percentage of the population that will experience side effects, and this “may explain why the rate of side effects in statin trials is wildly different from the rate of side effects seen in real-world observations,” Demasi says.

Deception Through Statistics

Public opinion can also be influenced by exaggerating statistics. A common statistic used to promote statins is that they lower your risk of heart attack by about 36%.15 This statistic is derived from a 2008 study16 in the European Heart Journal. One of the authors on this study is Rory Collins, who heads up the CTT Collaboration.

Table 4 in this study shows the rate of heart attack in the placebo group was 3.1% while the statin group’s rate was 2% — a 36% reduction in relative risk. However, the absolute risk reduction — the actual difference between the two groups, i.e., 3.1% minus 2% — is only 1.1%, which really isn’t very impressive.

In other words, in the real world, if you take a statin, your chance of a heart attack is only 1.1% lower than if you’re not taking it. At the end of the day, what really matters is what your risk of death is the absolute risk. The study, however, only stresses the relative risk (36%), not the absolute risk (1.1%).

As noted in the review,17 “How Statistical Deception Created the Appearance That Statins Are Safe and Effective in Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease,” it’s very easy to confuse and mislead people with relative risks. You can learn more about absolute and relative risk in my 2015 interview with David Diamond, Ph.D., who co-wrote that paper.

Silencing Dissenters and Fear-Based PR

Yet another strategy used to mislead people is to create the illusion of “consensus” by silencing dissenters, discrediting critics and/or censoring differing views.

In her lecture, Demasi quotes Collins of the CTT Collaboration saying that “those who questioned statin side effects were ‘far worse’ and had probably ‘killed more people’ than ‘the paper on the MMR vaccine'” … “Accusing you of murdering people is an effective way [to] discredit you,” she says.

Demasi also highlights the case of a French cardiologist who questioned the value of statins in his book. It received widespread attention in the French press, until critics started saying the book and resulting press coverage posed a danger to public health.

One report blamed the book for causing a 50% increase in statin discontinuation, which was predicted would lead to the death of 10,000 people. On this particular occasion, however, researchers analyzed the number of actual deaths based on national statistics, and found the actual death toll decreased in the year following the release of the book.

The authors, Demasi says, noted that it was “‘not evidence-based to claim that statin discontinuation increases mortality,’ and that in the future, scientists should assess ‘real effects of statin discontinuation rather than making dubious extrapolations and calculations.'”

Trillion-Dollar Business Based on Flimsy Evidence

Statins, originally introduced three decades ago as secondary prevention for those with established CVD and patients with congenital and familial hyperlipidemias, have now vastly expanded thanks to the strategies summarized above.

Tens if not hundreds of millions of people are now on these drugs, without any scientific evidence to show they will actually benefit from them. As noted in the EBM analysis, “Statins for Primary Prevention: What Is the Regulator’s Role?”:18

“The central clinical controversy has been a fierce debate over whether their benefits in primary prevention outweigh their harms … The largest known statin usage survey conducted in the USA found that 75% of new statin users discontinued their therapy by the end of the first year, with 62% of them saying it was because of the side effects.

Regardless of what level of prevention statin prescription is aimed at, the proposed widening of the population to over 75s de facto includes people with multiple pathologies, whether symptomatic or not, and bypasses the distinction between primary and secondary prevention …

The CTT Collaboration estimates the frequency of myopathy is quite rare, at five cases per 10,000 statin users over five years. But others have contended that the CTT Collaboration’s work ‘simply does not match clinical experience’ … [Muscle-related adverse events] reportedly occur with a frequency of … as many as 20% of patients in clinical practice.”

Regulators Have a Duty to Create Transparency

Considering the discrepancy in reported side effects between statin trials, clinical practice and statin usage surveys, what responsibility do regulators have?

According to “Statins for Primary Prevention: What Is the Regulator’s Role?”19 regulators have a responsibility to “engage and publicly articulate their position on the controversy and make the evidence base underlying those judgments available to third parties for independent scrutiny,” none of which has been done to date. The paper adds:

“Regulators holding clinical trial data, particularly for public health drugs, should make these data available in searchable format with curated and dedicated web-based resource. If national regulators are not resourced for this, pooling or centralizing resources may be necessary.

The isolation of regulators from the realities of prescribing medications based on incomplete or distorted information is not enshrined in law but is a product of a subculture in which commercial confidentiality is more important than people. This also needs to change.”

Do Your Homework Before Taking a Statin

There’s a lot of evidence to suggest drug company-sponsored statin research and its PR cannot be trusted, and that few of the millions of people currently taking these drugs actually benefit from them.

Some of the research questioning the veracity of oft-cited statin trials is reviewed in “Statins’ Flawed Studies and Flawed Advertising” and “Statins Shown to Extend Life by Mere Days.”

To learn more about the potential harms of statins, see “Statins Double Diabetes Rates,” “Statins Trigger Brain Changes With Devastating Effects,” and “5 Great Reasons You Should Not Take Statins.”

How COVID Shots Suppress Your Immune System – Dr. Mercola

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  • In a non-peer-reviewed research paper just this week published, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., describes a mechanism of the COVID shots that results in the suppression of your innate immune system. It does this by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway
  • The COVID jab can cause neurons in your brain to produce toxic spike protein, or take up circulating spike protein, and the neurons try to eliminate the spike protein by transmitting them through exosomes. The exosomes are picked up by microglia, immune cells in your brain, which activate an inflammatory response, which can contribute to degenerative brain disorders
  • Two microRNAs, miR-148a and miR-590, are central in this process. These microRNAs — excreted in the exosomes along with the spike protein — significantly disrupt the type-1 interferon response in any cell, including immune cells
  • On average, there are twice as many reports of cancer following the COVID shots compared to all other vaccines combined over the last 31 years
  • The fact that the signal is that strong is even more remarkable when you consider that most people don’t think the COVID shot could be a variable in their cancer emergence, so they never report it

In this interview, return guest Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT who has been at MIT for over five decades, discusses her latest paper, “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations. The Role of G-quadruplexes, Exosomes and MicroRNAs,” co-written with Dr. Peter McCullough, along with two other authors, Dr. Greg Nigh and Dr. Anthony Kyriakopoulos.

Previously, Nigh and Seneff co-wrote an entire paper detailing the differences between the spike protein and the COVID jab spike protein. In a non-peer-reviewed research paper just this week published on the pre-print service authorea, they and their other co-authors delve deeply into the mechanisms of the COVID shots, showing how they absolutely, in no way, shape or form, are safe or effective. The shots actually suppress your innate immune system.

“I think McCullough is fantastic and I’m so happy to have him collaborate with me,” Seneff says. “I really hope we will be able to find a journal that is willing to publish it. We may have to seek some kind of alternative media to get it published.

It’s really incredible the amount of censorship that’s going on right now. I’m in a state of shock all the time. I just keep thinking it’s not going to get any worse, and it’s truly going to get better, and it just seems to keep on getting worse and worse.

I don’t know where the end is. It’s very discouraging … Pharma has so much money behind [them] and they’ve got it all set up to make sure that nothing gets past them …

We’re hoping to put it up as a preprint, but … remarkably, they can reject it at the level of preprint as well. We’re working on that angle, but it’s not easy. When you’re writing something this radical, they really fight hard to keep it off the web.”

On January 16, 2022, the pre-print service Authorea published this paper on its web site, assigning it a DOI, thus making it official.

Exceptionally Strong Safety Signals

As noted by Seneff, when you look at the various databases for adverse effects, you can see an exceptionally strong safety signal — and the COVID shot developers know that. “The numbers are out of sight,” Seneff says, and this goes for all levels of side effects, from mild to catastrophic.

Seneff has been looking at the cancer data, for example, and on average, there are twice as many reports of cancer following the COVID shots compared to all other vaccines combined over the last 31 years.

“It’s just amazing, because it’s overall two times [higher]. Breast cancer, for example, is three times [higher] for these vaccines in one year, as they are for all the other vaccines for 31 years. It’s a hugely strong signal,” Seneff says.

“Lymphoma is also showing up much more frequently with these [COVID shots]. There’s just an amazing signal there in VAERS [the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System].”

The fact that the signal is that strong is even more remarkable when you consider that most people don’t think the COVID shot could be a variable in their cancer emergence, so they never report it. “It puzzles me that they’re willing to do such damage to the health of the whole population of the world. I don’t understand that degree of evilness,” Seneff says.

Type-1 Interferon Disruption

The shots suppress your innate immune system by inhibiting type-1 interferon. One of the first studies to tip off Seneff and McCullough to this was an Indian study, in which human cells grown in a culture were exposed to the DNA nanoparticles that instruct them to make SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, much like the COVID shots do.1

The cell strain is called HEK-293. These are cells that were taken from the kidneys of an aborted fetus in the 1980s and are frequently used in research. While taken from the kidneys, these cells have neuron-like properties. When programmed to make spike protein, these cells release that spike protein inside exosomes — lipid nanoparticles inside which the spike protein is packaged.

Exosomes act as a communication network for cells. When a cell is under stress, it releases exosomes containing some of the molecules that are stressing it. So, in the case of the COVID shots, the exosomes contain spike protein and microRNA. MicroRNAs are signaling molecules that are able to influence cell function. They cause the cell to change its behavior or metabolism. Typically, they do this by suppressing certain enzymes.

The Indian study found two specific microRNAs inside the exosomes released by these neuron-like cells: miR-148a and miR-590. The researchers then exposed microglia (immune cells in your brain) to these exosomes. So, as explained by Seneff, you’ve got neurons in your brain producing spike protein, or taking up spike protein that is in circulation, and reacting to it by releasing exosomes.

The exosomes are then picked up by microglia, the immune cells in your brain. When the immune cells receive those exosomes, they turn on an inflammatory response. This is primarily a response to those microRNAs, the miR-148a and miR-590. Of course, you also have the toxic spike protein there.

Combined, they cause inflammation in the brain, which damages neurons. This inflammation, in turn, can contribute to a number of degenerative brain disorders. The lipid particles in the COVID shot, which contain the mRNA, are similar to exosomes, but not identical. They’re also very similar to low-density lipid (LDL) particles.

“I think the exosomes are probably quite a bit smaller. The vaccine particles are bigger. They’re more like an LDL particle. The vaccine particles have cholesterol in their membrane, and they have lipoprotein. So, they’re made to look like an LDL particle.

But then they throw in this cationic lipid, which is really, really toxic — a synthetic cationic lipid that makes it positively charged. Experimentally, they’ve found that this lipid, when the particle is taken up by the cell, is released into the cytoplasm, [where] that mRNA then makes spike protein.

[The COVID shots] are very cleverly designed, both in terms of protecting the RNA from getting broken down, and in terms of making the RNA be very efficient at making spike protein. It’s very different from the mRNA that the virus makes, even though it codes for the same protein.”

Seneff wrote an entire paper2 detailing the differences between the viral spike protein and the COVID jab spike protein, together with Greg Nigh, which was published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research in May 2021. It basically serves as a primer for understanding what we discuss here.

Getting back to the Indian paper cited above, they found that the microglia ended up producing inflammation in the brain, and the two microRNAs were central in this process. The miR-148a and miR-590 were put into those exosomes with the spike protein, and these two microRNAs are able to significantly disrupt the type-1 interferon response in any cell, including immune cells.

Type-1 interferon also keeps latent viruses like herpes and varicella (which causes shingles) viruses in check, so if your interferon pathway is suppressed, these latent viruses can also start to emerge. The VAERS database reveals many who have been jabbed do report these kinds of infections. Suppressed interferon also raises your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Type-1 Interferon Response Is Crucial in Viral Infections

As explained by Seneff, the type-1 interferon response is absolutely crucial as the first-stage response to a viral infection. When a cell is invaded by a virus, it releases type-1 interferon alpha and type-1 interferon beta. They act as signaling molecules that tell the cell that it’s been infected.

That, in turn, launches the immune response and gets it going early in the viral infection. It’s been shown that people who end up with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection have a compromised type-1 interferon response. As noted by Seneff:

“It’s ironic that the vaccines are being given to protect you from COVID, yet, they produce a situation where your immune cells are ill-equipped to fight SARS-CoV-2 if it gets into the cell. The trick is, the vaccine produces a tremendous antibody response, and that’s typical of severe disease.

So, the [COVID shot] fools your immune system into thinking that you’ve had a severe case of COVID. It’s really interesting that way, because it’s gotten past the mucosal barrier of the lungs, it’s gotten past the vascular barrier of the blood, into the muscle. Also, it’s been disguised.

The RNA doesn’t look like a virus RNA, it looks like a human RNA molecule. Part of the modifications [made to the mRNA in the jab] was to make it very sturdy, so it can’t be broken down. It’s also very good at making [spike] protein fast, which also has a problem because it leads to a lot of errors, which is another issue …

The immune cells take up the nanoparticles and carry them through the lymph system into the spleen. Multiple studies have shown that it ends up in the spleen … the ovaries, the liver, the bone marrow … The spleen, of course, is very important for producing antibodies.”

Importantly, the antibody response you get from the COVID shot is exponentially higher than what you get from natural infection, and research has shown that the level of antibody response rises with disease severity. So, the shot basically mimics severe infection. In mild infection, you may not produce any antibodies at all, because the innate immune cells are strong enough to fight off the infection without them.

It’s when your innate immune system is weak that you get into trouble, and part of that weakness is a suppressed type-1 interferon response. If your type-1 interferon response is deficient, your immune cells are not very capable of stopping the spread of the virus in your body.

According to Seneff, the reason type-1 interferon supplementation has not been recommended thus far is because you have to time it perfectly in order for the immune cascade to function properly. Type-1 interferon plays a definitive role only at the very earliest stage of the infection. Once you’ve entered a moderate or severe infection stage, it’s too late to use it.

COVID Shots Confuse Your Immune System

As noted by Seneff, the COVID shots are so unnatural that your immune system doesn’t quite know what to do anymore.

“My impression is that the immune cells don’t know what the hell’s going on. There’s this toxic protein being produced in massive amounts by the immune cells. That’s extremely unusual. There’s no sign of any kind of viral infection because these RNAs look like human RNAs.

It’s as if the human immune cells suddenly decided to make a really toxic protein, and make lots of it — which is exactly what they’re doing — and the immune system is completely baffled by this. The immune cells have no clue what to do with it.

Of course, these immune cells that are overloaded with all this spike protein, they say, ‘I’ve got to get rid of this stuff,’ so they ship it out as these exosomes. The microRNAs [in the exosomes] think that the recipient cells are going to need those particular signaling molecules to help it do whatever it needs to do to cope with this toxic load.

So, you’re spreading the spike protein around to the rest of the body, just to dissipate the toxicity you’re coping with in the spleen, I think. Those exosomes are also very good for training antibodies. There was a nice paper that showed the exosomes being released [have] spike protein in their membrane, the exterior of the exosome.

It’s quite cool that the spike protein is displayed there, because this allows the immune cells — the B-cells and the T-cells that need to get up close and personal to it — to figure out how to shape their antibodies. The antibodies get shaped to match the toxic protein that’s exposed on the surface of the exosomes.

After something like 14 days of the second [jab], the exosomes induced an antibody response. [The researchers] felt the exosomes played a critical role in this extreme antibody response that was produced by the B-cells and the T-cells, the adaptive immune system.

But I think the way the vaccine works is that there’s no game that you can choose other than to make antibodies. It’s the only way you can fight this. It’s a toxic protein that’s being produced and released by these immune cells, and the only thing you can do to stop it is to make antibodies.

They try to make lots and lots of antibodies that will glue onto those toxic spike proteins and block them from being able to get in through the ACE2 receptor. That’s the job of the antibodies. They do a good job of it, initially … It’s true that they do protect you from disease. Unfortunately, the antibody levels drop pretty dramatically, pretty quickly.”

There are also antibodies that enhance disease rather than fight it, and the level of these antibodies declines at a slower pace than the protective antibodies. So, after a number of months you end up with a NEGATIVE immune response. In other words, you’re now more prone to infection than ever before. As explained by Seneff:

“There’s a crossover point at which the enhancing antibodies can be stronger than the protective antibodies, and that’s when you can get this antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) that people have seen in the past with [other] coronavirus vaccines. We’re still trying to see if that’s the case with [the COVID jabs]. There is some evidence here and there, but it’s not [conclusive yet].”

The Importance of Cytotoxic T-Cells

After the India study tipped off Seneff and McCullough to the interferon problem, they came across a Chinese study3 that tracked the effect of the COVID jab on the immune system over time. Here, they discovered that the infection caused an increase in CD8+ T-cells, important cytotoxic T-cells that actually remove infected cells.

As noted by Seneff, the CD8+ cells are an important part of the defense against SARS-CoV-2. Importantly, CD8+ T-cells were enhanced in response to natural infection, but not in response to the COVID shot. They too found type-1 interferon suppression post-jab. So, in the aftermath of the jab, not only is your first-line response depressed — the type-1 interferon response — but you’re also missing the part of the immune response that cleans away infected cells.

The microRNA That Influences Myocarditis Risk

A third microRNA (mRNA) created by natural SARS-CoV-2 infection is miR-155, and it plays an important role in heart health. Early on in the pandemic, there were reports of COVID-19 causing heart problems.

Seneff suspects the miR-155-containing exosomes may also be present post-jab, and may play a role in the heart damage that’s being reported. Specifically, miR-155 is associated with myocarditis. As mentioned earlier, microRNA suppresses certain proteins that then cause a complicated cascade response. When a particular protein that is a critical player gets suppressed by a microRNA, then a whole different cascade takes place.

Why Autoimmune Problems May Arise Post-Jab

The antibodies produced by the jab also have several short peptide sequences in them that have previously been found in several human cells that are related to autoimmune disease. Seneff explains:

“Kanduc has written a lot about this. She’s an expert on these antibodies … The [SARS-CoV-2] spike protein is very overlapped with human protein. That means when you build a really strong antibody response to the spike protein, those antibodies can get confused and they can attack a human protein that has a similar sequence.

That’s a classic form of autoimmune disease. It’s called molecular mimicry. There were many different proteins that matched. It was quite surprising … It seems to be very well designed to induce autoimmune disease, if you produce antibodies to those sequences in the spike protein.”

Neurological Problems in Women

The shots are also tightly associated with neurological problems such as uncontrollable tremors and shaking. Curiously, this side effect disproportionally affects women. The mechanism here again involves the exosomes. Seneff explains:

“I feel there’s a very strong signal for the idea, which I’m pushing, that you have those immune cells in the spleen making spike protein and releasing it in exosomes. It’s been shown in studies on Parkinson’s disease that those exosomes travel along nerve fibers.

They’ll go along the splanchnic nerve, they’ll hook up with the vagus nerve, they’ll go up to the brain and get into all these different nerves in the brain. When you look at the VAERS database, you see tremendous signals for all kinds of things that suggest different nerves are being inflamed.

For example, there are 12,000 cases of tinnitus associated with the COVID-19 vaccine, and that’s only what’s reported. Tinnitus is a strong signal. Tinnitus is going to be inflammation of the auditory nerve. This means you have to go all the way from the spleen, up the vagus nerve, and then connect to the auditory nerve to cause tinnitus.

Then you have Bell’s palsy, which is inflammation of the facial nerve. You have migraine headache. There are over 8,000 cases of migraine headache, which is linked to an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

It probably also goes, I suspect, along the nerve fibers of the spinal column, which may be causing some of these cases where they’re finding paralysis. People have a lot of mobility issues connected with these vaccines.

I see the possibility of causing a lot of disturbances to the myelin sheath, and we talk about that in the paper. It involves, again, complex signaling. You can get to the myelin sheath problem through the type-1 interferon disruption.

That, again, involves something called interferon response factor 9 IRF9. This protein triggers the production of sulfatide in the liver, and this protein gets suppressed by these microRNAs that I mentioned earlier.”

Sulfatide, an important lipid carrier, is the only sulfonated lipid in the human body. Your liver makes most of the sulfatide, which is then carried by your platelets (blood cells) to other areas in your body. The myelin sheath contains high amounts of sulfatide. It’s part of what protects the myelin sheath. In demyelinating diseases, that sulfatide erodes, ultimately allowing the myelin to be attacked.4

Seneff believes the COVID jab results in significant myelin damage, thanks to these inflammatory exosomes. This damage does not necessarily show up right away, although some jab recipients experience acutely devastating effects. It could take 10 years or more before a demyelinating disease sets in.

“I think we’re going to see people getting these neurodegenerative diseases earlier and earlier in life than they used to,” Seneff says, “and I think anybody who already has any of these diseases is going to have accelerated progression.”

We May Soon See an Explosion of Parkinson’s Cases

Disturbingly, loss of smell and dysphagia, the inability to swallow, are both signs of Parkinson’s disease, and both of these conditions are being reported post-jab by the thousands. So, in years to come, we could be looking at an explosion of Parkinson’s.

“Parkinson’s studies have shown that you can get pathogens in the gut that produce a prion-like protein, which is what the spike protein is. The immune cells then take it up and take it to the spleen. This, of course, causes stress.

A stressed immune cell in the spleen upregulates and produces more alpha-synuclein. Alpha-synuclein is a molecule that fights infection, and that’s the molecule that misfolds in association with Parkinson’s disease.

I’m fascinated with all of these molecules that are prion-like. There’s the prion protein itself, which is associated with CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, but then there’s the alpha-synuclein and amyloid beta, there’s TDP-43, which is associated with ALS.

All of those diseases are overrepresented in the VAERS database for the COVID shots, compared to all the other vaccines combined over 31 years. It’s just completely out of line.

There are 58 cases of Alzheimer’s in association with the COVID vaccines, and 13 in association with all the other vaccines over 31 years. That’s several times more — 58 versus 13.

CJD is also much more common. It’s almost seven times as common in the COVID vaccine cases. CJD is a terrible disease. You get very crippled and die after a few years. That’s the classic prion protein [disease]. It’s extremely rare. Only 1 in 1 million gets CJD.

There was a person who contacted me from France whose wife got CJD just a few weeks after the second vaccine. He was absolutely convinced the vaccine caused it. There are actually 27 cases [of CJD] reported in VAERS for the COVID-19 vaccines, against only four cases over the entire history of all other vaccines combined.”

Health Problems We Can Expect to See More Of

In time, Seneff predicts we’ll see a dramatic increase in infections and cancers of all types, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and reproductive issues. As mentioned, research has demonstrated that the spike protein accumulates in the spleen and women’s ovaries.

Without doubt, inflammation in the ovaries is not a good thing. Men also report swollen testes, and that could be indicative of inflammation as well. Preliminary data show women who get the jab within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy have a miscarriage rate of 82% to 91%.5 There are also VAERS reports describing fetal damage. Of course, it could also impair future fertility.

As described earlier, some antibodies produced by the jab can react to human proteins. One protein that is similar to the spike protein that the antibodies attack is syncytin, which is essential for the fertilization of the egg. The concern is that the antibodies might attack and destroy syncytin, thereby disrupting and preventing implantation in the placenta.

Omicron — A Blessing in Disguise?

The jabs also perpetuate COVID, with ever-new variants of the virus.

“In the first paper that Greg and I wrote, we predicted the vaccines would cause an increased emergence of variants of spike protein, altered versions of the virus, under the pressure of the vaccine,” Seneff says.

“Indeed, it looks to me like that’s what’s happening. But I’m really hopeful with Omicron, because Omicron looks like it’s a milder virus, but incredibly infectious. It’ll flash through the population and give everybody, essentially, a vaccine. It’s kind of like a natural vaccine, I think.

[Research] showed that … having had Omicron, you were protected, to some extent, from Delta. Delta’s disappearing anyway, because Omicron is chasing it out. It’s really great. I think Omicron is God’s gift from heaven.”

That blessing may be canceled out in those who have received multiple COVID jabs, however. Each dose erodes your immune response, such that it becomes increasingly compromised with each jab. Again, this has to do with the suppression of type-1 interferon, discussed earlier.

What Catalyzes Damage in Athletes?

More than 400 cases of serious heart problems and death have also been reported among professional athletes,6 who are some of the healthiest people on the planet. What mechanism can account for this phenomenon? How is it that the COVID jabs can cause enough damage to take out young people with optimized biology?

Seneff suspects that being fit might cause you to have more ACE2 receptors in the heart, and the S1 portion of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor. She believes the spike protein is being delivered to the heart via exosomes, by way of the vagus nerve, and, again, the miR-155 exosome is associated with heart problems.7

Additionally, when the S1 spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor,8 it disables the receptor. When you disable ACE2, you get an increase in ACE, which causes high blood pressure and elevates angiotensin 2. When angiotensin 2 is overexpressed, you can get intense inflammation in the heart. If you’re engaging in intense exertion and your heart is inflamed, you can trigger cardiac arrest, which is what we see in many of these athlete cases. They’re collapsing on the field.


Another focus of Seneff’s and McCullough’s paper is something called G4 or G-quadruplexes.

“G-quadruplexes are really fascinating, and I don’t have a handle on them at all,” Seneff says. “It’s hard biology, even harder than a lot of the other stuff that I’ve been reading …

G4s are basically an arrangement of [guanines]. Guanines are one of the four nucleotides that make up DNA or RNA. Guanine is the G in the G4. What happens is that a sequence of nucleotides on a DNA or an RNA string can fold in on itself and form G-quadruplexes. It’s four guanines, at different places on the protein, winding back around and sticking together.

There’s a metal in the middle — often potassium or calcium — that helps to stabilize these G4s. The interesting thing about them is that they make the water around them structured. They make gelled water [aka exclusion zone (EZ) water] …

Those G4s can form in the DNA, and that actually keeps it from becoming active. [The DNA] doesn’t get converted into RNA, and it doesn’t make protein if it has those G4s. Probably, the EZ water doesn’t allow anything to get close. Think of it as being stuck in a gel.

There are a lot of G4s in the promoter regions of these DNA sequences, and there are lots of proteins that have these G4s in their promoter region. Interestingly, there are certain proteins that can unravel them. There are proteins that can bind to them and cause the G4 to undo, and that activates or allows the protein to be expressed.

It’s a regulatory element that controls which proteins get to be expressed from the DNA. Many of the proteins that have these G4s in their promoter are cancer oncogenes. As long as they stay gelled, they’re inactive, but if they become ungelled, they become active.

It turns out that prion proteins … [are] made from RNA, and the RNA has these G4s. The protein can bind to the G4s in the RNA and both of them react. The theory is that the protein becomes prion-like. These prion proteins have two ways to be, one is safe and one is not safe, and the G4s increase the risk for prion protein misfolding.

The presence of those G4s, and the meeting with those G4s, increases the risk of misfolding in the prion-like configuration.9 The interesting thing about that is that spike protein is a prion-like protein. The RNA they built for the [COVID jab], they did something called codon optimization, which involved putting a lot more guanines into the RNA than [found] in the original [virus]. They enhanced the guanine.

Enhancing the guanine means increasing the number of G4s, which means increasing the risk of the spike protein misfolding into a prion like protein. I think that the G4s increase the risk, the danger of spike protein [acting] as a prion-like protein.

But we don’t really know what the consequence of having all these G4 RNAs in the cytoplasm will be. We have massive numbers of these RNAs sitting there with their G4s. What is that going to do to the rest of the G4 regulatory process? We do not know. Nobody knows. Nobody has a clue.”


To summarize the central point of Seneff’s latest paper, the COVID jab causes alpha interferon suppression, which weakens your immune system. Indeed, regulators in the European Union are now warning that repeat COVID shots can weaken overall immunity.10

The primary mechanism is the impairment of alpha interferon response, which is essential for the proper activation of your innate immune system, your cellular immunity, mostly your T-cells and killer cells. When functioning properly, the cell launches the type-1 interferon response as soon as it’s infected with a virus.

It triggers the immune cells to come in, kill the virus and remove the debris. This activates the humoral component of your immune system, the antibody production, which takes longer. (That’s why they say you are not protected until 14 days after the injection.)

How is type-1 interferon suppressed by the jab? It’s suppressed because type-1 interferon responds to viral RNA, and viral RNA is not present in the COVID shot. The RNA is modified to look like human RNA molecule, so the interferon pathway is not triggered. Worse, the interferon pathway is actively suppressed by the large number of spike proteins produced from the mRNA in the shot, and by the microRNAs in the exosomes released by the stressed immune cells.


Maybe they should call it CANOLA JOES instead of Trader Joes since nearly all of their processed products contain rapeseed oil – Natural News

Image: Maybe they should call it CANOLA JOES instead of Trader Joes since nearly all of their processed products contain rapeseed oil

(Natural News) Many decades ago a Canadian scientist figured out how to turn deadly rapeseed oil, a known insecticide, into a cheap, “FDA-approved” oil to be used as a preservative in foods. Now canola oil is a top export from Canada to the USA, and several “natural food” stores, including Trader Joes and Whole Foods, are putting it in thousands of products because most Americans, even many natural health advocates, have no idea the damage it does to the body and brain.

Some consumers think canola oil must be okay if it’s certified organic, or expeller-pressed, or simply sold at a “natural foods” store, but they would be dead wrong. Comprehensive studies done on canola oil, sourced in this article, reveal damage that’s done to the heart and brain, not to mention that rapeseed oil causes memory loss and mass weight gain. So where might this far-from-nutritious oil be found? One would need to write an entire book to list all the products, but let’s start here.

Whole Foods and Trader Joes put canola oil in thousands of their products — it’s cheap and hardly anyone knows it causes weight gain and memory loss

Head on out to a “Canola Joes” in your town and start flipping over nearly every processed and prepared product in the store, and read the ingredients carefully. Remember, the closer to the beginning of the ingredients list you find it, the more the product has in it, compared to other ingredients.

Start with prepared hummus, potato salad, salad dressings, soups, mayonnaise (even vegan), and most prepared foods that are mixed up in a creamy way. Even bugs won’t eat this stuff. This is done because it keeps the food from spoiling so fast, so Trader Joes can keep it all on the shelves much longer, making them more money while unknowing Americans suffer the health consequences, all while thinking they’re buying “healthier” food.


Don’t forget to also check for canola oil in chip bags, breads, cookies, cakes, nuts, seeds, most desserts and nearly all the frozen prepared meals that contain rice, vegetables, fried meats and more.

Canola study reveals direct link to heart lesions and a decrease in working memory 

Here’s what happens when you consume canola oil regularly. Scientists have discovered a DIRECT LINK to a loss of working memory, heart lesions and cardiovascular problems. Rats that consume it also experience rapid weight gain. Maybe that’s why every third American is overweight, and half of those folks are considered obese. Canola is the opposite of “heart healthy” as the lying corporate labels imply. Plus, more than 90 percent of canola oil is genetically modified to contain even more pesticides.

How does canola oil mess up your brain? Researchers concluded canola oil increases plaque build-up that causes degenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Memory function for rats tested decreased while body weight increased significantly. Most restaurants in America use canola oil also, because it’s so cheap and they don’t have to reveal it on the menus.

If you’re ever driving and see huge fields of yellow flowers, especially in Europe, you are probably looking at rapeseed flowers. The toxic oil that comes from processing rapeseed is called erucic oil, and it’s still present in canola oil. It raises bad cholesterol in humans, both young and adult.

If you still feel you must micro-shop at Canola Joes or Canola Foods stores, be sure not to purchase any products that contain canola oil, or you might lose so much memory that you don’t even remember reading this article.

Tune your internet dial to for updates on contaminants purposely put in the American food supply, so you don’t eat them anymore.

Sources for this article include:

Criminal complaint filed in Texas accuses COVID-19 vaccine makers and pushers of “murder” and “crimes against humanity”

Criminal complaint filed in Texas accuses COVID-19 vaccine makers and pushers of “murder” and “crimes against humanity”

Image: Criminal complaint filed in Texas accuses COVID-19 vaccine makers and pushers of “murder” and “crimes against humanity”

(Natural News) A massive criminal complaint filed last week with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office accuses the makers of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as all corporate and government officials involved in pushing and distributing them, with “murder” and “crimes against humanity.”

The complaint, which was filed by Harris County resident Jack E. Boteler, represents “all interested parties and subscribed citizens and residents of the United States of America who received any Emergency Use Authorization investigational injection of genetic biologic material (mRNA or adenoviral DNA) coding for the Wuhan spike protein known to be the pathogenic structure of SARS-CoV-2 designed to provoke the human body to produce antibodies for Covid 19, commonly referred to as the ‘Covid 19 vaccines.’”

Some of those specifically named in the complaint include:

— Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden;

— George Soros, billionaire financier and globalist counter-revolutionary

— Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump

— Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization

— Dr. Francis Collins, former director of the National Institutes of Health

— CNN founder and billionaire media mogul Ted Turner

— Billionaire Microsoft founder and noted vaccine pusher Bill Gates

— The directors and principals of the Food and Drug Administration, Dept. of Health and Human Services; the NIH, NIAID, and several other U.S. government agencies;

— Big Pharma

— Anyone else associated with manufacturing, marketing, and distributing COVID vaccines.

“This Complaint alleges murder and crimes against humanity arising from a collection of facts, observations, expert opinions, media reports and eye-witness testimony,” Boteler’s complaint continues.

“It will show that Defendants planned and executed, jointly and/or severely, the development and release of a bio warfare toxin, referred to herein as either “SARS-CoV-2” or “Covid 19” and/or as the ‘Spike Protein’ component with the dual objectives of: 1) global depopulation, and 2) population control leading to a one-world government by inducing panic, economic hardship, terror, death and injury to global populations,” it adds.

Boteler also explained:

By employing psychological warfare mechanisms, including but not limited to media reports, public policy, coercion, deceit, mandates, bribes, travel restrictions, employment restrictions, free speech restrictions and liberty restrictions, this complaint will also show that Defendants seek to induce the global population into receiving a pre-planned experimental gene therapy commonly referred to as “Covid 19 Vaccines” in furtherance of their aforementioned objectives.

The complaint then laid out cases against Fauci, Gates and others who are listed as defendants, citing reams of data, several reports and a timeline of events spanning decades and leading up to what the complaint alleges was the purposeful release of SARS-CoV-2 after it was manufactured in a Wuhan, China lab. It also cites Fauci for allegedly funding “gain of function research” that creates hyper-infectious viruses, ostensibly for the purpose of research.

It also quotes Fauci, who reportedly met with then-President-elect Donald Trump to warn: “There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases. … The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years.”

The complaint concludes, “The overwhelming sum of information presented herein, much of it incontrovertible, offers more than sufficient probable cause to believe that one or more of the named Defendants has committed the offenses alleged in this Criminal Complaint, specifically mass murder through the commission of crimes against humanity.”

Defendants “planned, coordinated, colluded and collaborated among two or more named and unnamed Defendants to design a criminal enterprise” surrounding the creation of COVID-19, says the complaint, adding they also conspired to create a biological weapon which was eventually unleashed on the world.


Piece by piece, the official covid narrative is rapidly disintegrating – Natural News

Source Link: Piece by piece, the official covid narrative is rapidly disintegrating

Image: Piece by piece, the official covid narrative is rapidly disintegrating

(Natural News) As the narrative surrounding the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) global psy-op (psychological operation) continues to break down, here are five things you need to know (as explained by Steve Kirsch):

1) Even the World Health Organization (WHO) is warning against covid “booster” shots

It made sense to some people to just go along with it when it was just one or two doses. But now that governments want people to take a third or even a fourth injection for the Fauci Flu, many are saying enough is enough.

Both EEU regulators and officials at WHO now admit that booster shots do not make sense, which is why they are advising the public against taking them. There is no evidence to support a booster shot program and everybody knows it.

2) More jabs means more infections

They have been trying to hide this fact from the public, but the data clearly shows that the more shots people get, the more likely they are to develop symptoms associated with “covid.”

The unvaccinated, meanwhile, are healthier, on average, compared to their “fully vaccinated” counterparts.

3) Covid jabs are NOT safe

On top of not working as claimed, covid injections are also unsafe. Many formerly pro-vaccine doctors and other health experts are speaking out against the shots, warning that they do not work.

“This is great news,” Kirsch writes. “Nobody is going public yet, but they are all [upset] and realize they have been misled. It will not be pretty. This is of course great news.”

4) Face masks do not protect against disease (hint: they spread MORE of it)

It took a long time to get to this point, but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has finally admitted that cloth masks are useless at preventing the spread of covid or any other disease.


Corrupt CDC head Rochelle Walensky had no way out of fessing up to this truth after data was published showing that face veils are more of a religious rite than a viable medical intervention.

“The other mask types don’t work either, but it will take them longer to figure out the obvious,” Kirsh says.

“P100 respirators do work but only a small percentage of people know that. I can’t wait to see Rochelle Walensky wear a P100 respirator; after all, she should be modelling best practices.”

5) Young people especially should not be getting “boosted”

Even though Tony Fauci claims otherwise, there is zero evidence to suggest that covid injections are safe or effective for young people.

In fact, many doctors and other health experts are warning against parents getting their children “boosted,” despite the fact that leftist colleges and universities all across the country are demanding them of students who wish to return to campus.

“Someone is very wrong here and for once it isn’t the WHO,” Kirsh says.

A few other things Kirsch says people should know is that remdesivir is dangerous and ineffective. It has become standard procedure to administer this drug to covid patients at hospitals across America, but only because Fauci makes money every time remdesivir is injected into a patient’s body.

Also, social distancing is a farce. MIT came out with a study back in April which found that avoiding other people and treating them like the walking plague does nothing to stop the spread of disease.

“6 feet or 60 feet made no difference,” Kirsch writes. “People still haven’t figured this out.”

One of Kirsch’s subscribers pointed out that it was obvious from the beginning that all of this was nonsense. But better late than never, right?

The latest news about the Fauci Flu can be found at

Sources for this article include:

379,000 Dead From Jab In America

Too many people submitted to the mandates to save their jobs.
For some, that has meant injury or death.
The numbers are still a mystery due to lack of transparency by our medical-industrial complex.
Steve Kirsch (Executive Director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation) has the data.
He used a government database and the CDC’s methodology for determining number of deaths, because VAERS is under-reported.
He discovered that 150K to 400K people are being killed — to save fewer than 10K lives.

The Stew Peters Show | 14 January 2022

It’s a Pandemic of the Vaccinated!

Watch health care workers and other professionals blow the cover off the false narrative that normal people are spreading sickness. Normal people are being referred to as “the unvaccinated” while it’s the injected people who are getting sick and clogging the hospitals.

It’s a Pandemic of the VACCINATED … Follow the SCIENCE!

The FACTS and Data tell the TRUTH … those who are INFECTED and SICK in the Hospitals are the VACCINATED! The BIO-WEAPON is doing what it was designed to do … Genetically Modify People, Destroy their Immune System and Depopulate Humanity … causing CHAOS … which will lead to a the NWO RESET!
Source: Paul Joseph Watson$/invite/@FearlessNation:7

We are all explorers trying to find ourselves…
Some people around you will not understand your journey. They don’t need to; it’s not for them.

The WHITE HOUSE day of days! The [DS] BLUNDERS caught on tape! Go TIME! PRAY!

White House demolition?

5G danger news

Green means go

Martine Geddes GO TIME

Austria approves mandatory vax

Portrait of Biden

Stanley Plotkin evil vaccine

Remove the mandate


Psaki covering for Biden

Student mocks adults

Man preaching

Student in UK..damage done

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England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions – Dr. Mercola

Beginning January 27, 2022, England will no longer require COVID vaccine passports for entry into certain public places and events. They also are ending mask mandates, including those for schoolchildren. Work-from-home requirements are also being dropped.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the abrupt change in COVID-19 policies to cheers and applause from House of Commons members. He also is dropping testing rules for vaccinated UK-bound travelers.

Only Britain’s health care workers will still be under a vaccine mandate.


The Epoch Times January 19, 2022

YouTube January 19, 2022


16 Reasons Why the Narrative Is Crumbling – Dr. Mercola

In a compilation of the propaganda-filled narratives that the NIH and other public health and government officials have been feeding the world during the pandemic, Awaken With JP points out 16 ways their narrative is now falling apart.

From a stunning revelation uncovered by Project Veritas to the real reason so many children are hospitalized to pointing out the CDC’s mistakes made through Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Awaken With JP tells it all.

“People are intelligent enough that you can’t fool them forever,” he says.

SOURCE: AwakenWithJP January 15, 2022

BBC Radio Broadcaster Dies After Her First COVID Shot – Dr. Mercola

A British radio presenter, Lisa Shaw, died in May 2021, three weeks after taking her first dose of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine.

She initially developed severe headaches, then went to the hospital for help, where she later died. Doctors confirmed Shaw died from the shot, saying, “it was clearly established Lisa’s death was caused by vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia, blood clots and swelling to the brain.”
SOURCE: Odysee January 4, 2022

YouTube Removes Suspended Doctor Interview Within 5 Minutes – Dr. Mercola

A video interviewing an American doctor whose license to practice was suspended because of “misconduct” that included prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 was removed by YouTube almost as soon as it was published.

Dr. Meryl Nass was interviewed by journalist Tessa Lena, who then posted it to YouTube. Lena said YouTube pulled removed the video after only five minutes so she had to repost it to Rumble, where freedom of speech is still free. Nass, who early in the pandemic concluded that the virus was lab-originated, made a post of her own, commenting that an online news magazine, American Thinker, had covered her case with “balance.”

For the record, Nass also broke the news that the hydroxychloroquine used in a study that “proved” it was lethal and didn’t work was actually administered at near-lethal doses — ensuring that the study would “prove” HCQ was “dangerous.”

Along with her suspension, Nass was also ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.


Tessa Lena January 18, 2022

Dr. Meryl Nass January 17, 2022

American Thinker January 17, 2022

Observations of an Experienced Nurse About the COVID Jabs – Dr. Mercola

Have you ever wondered what differentiates the COVID jabs from normal vaccines that you are more familiar with, such as measles, chickenpox and mumps? In an astutely written commentary, an anonymous nurse has compiled a provocative list comparing regular vaccines to the shots for COVID.

For example, she says: “I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated … I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends. I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school.”

Her list is longer, but blogger and vaccine investigator Steve Kirsch has more of his own thoughts to add, including “It does all these things except IMMUNIZATION.” He adds, “If we still need a booster dose after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to get a negative test after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to wear a mask after we are fully vaccinated, and still be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated, it will likely come to “It’s time for us to admit that we’ve been completely deceived.”

He adds a few more, which are well worth reading, including thoughts on the lockdowns and deaths as a result of the shots.

SOURCE: Steve Kirsch Newsletter January 18, 2022

Can Totalitarianism Happen in America? – Dr. Mercola

In this short video we learn why freedom is a value, not an instinct, and why every new generation must be taught the supreme importance of freedom.

We also must learn how to distinguish totalitarianism from true empathy, as many oppressors will say what they’re doing to you is only done in the name of compassion — a type of faux compassion that actually means your freedoms are being compressed and eliminated one step at a time.

In essence, by acquiescing, you are allowing someone else to squelch you into submission and silence until your freedoms are gone.

SOURCE:  PragerU January 3, 2022

Study: Cannabis Compounds Block COVID Infection – Dr. Mercola

Compelling research published in the January 2022 issue of Journal of Natural Products shows that certain compounds found in cannabis can block COVID-19’s entry into cells.

Specifically, as summarized by Forbes, “two cannabinoid acids commonly found in hemp varietals of cannabis, cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, also known as CBDA, can bind to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. By binding to the spike protein, the compounds can prevent the virus from entering cells and causing infection, potentially offering new avenues to prevent and treat the disease.”

Since these compounds are abundant in hemp and hemp extracts, they are not controlled substances like THC in marijuana, Forbes explains. Plus, “they have a good safety profile.”


SOURCE: Forbes January 11, 2022

How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF how-anthony-fauci-controls-science-globally-Mercola


  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. succinctly summarizes how Dr. Anthony Fauci wields his power to control and manipulate science across the globe
  • It’s Fauci’s job to conduct research on chronic diseases to figure out their etiology and environmental causes to protect public health, but instead he turned the NIAID into an incubator for pharmaceuticals
  • Fauci has a $7.6 billion annual budget that he uses to develop new drugs, which he then farms out to universities
  • Fauci’s control — in collusion with that of Bill Gates — has rendered the majority of global scientific research nothing more than pharmaceutical propaganda
  • Fauci shares drug patents with universities, sells them to drug companies, splits the patents with them, and walks those drugs through the FDA approval process, which he also controls; once approved, Fauci himself often profits

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. succinctly summarizes how Dr. Anthony Fauci wields his power to control and manipulate science in this riveting episode of The Jimmy Dore Show.1 Fauci has been painted as a hero throughout the pandemic, an image that is not only misleading but wildly inaccurate, as detailed in Kennedy’s best-selling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.”

“I wrote the book because so many Americans were looking at Tony Fauci as this kind of savior,” Kennedy said. “… [T]he man on the white horse, or in the white lab coat, that would ride us out of this coronavirus crises but I knew from the beginning … that he does not do public health and has not done public health since the 1980s.”2,3

Rather than looking out for public health, Fauci and his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), prioritize pharmaceutical promotion. Kennedy refers to Fauci as the “leader of the pack” when it comes to those promoting pharmaceutical products, profiteering from Big Pharma and promoting their own personal power.

Public Health Plummeted During Fauci’s Reign

In 1984, when Fauci was appointed director of NIAID, 11.8% of Americans had chronic disease, but this has risen sharply since.4 Fauci doesn’t talk about this public health failure — at least not publicly — but as Kennedy noted, it was Fauci’s job to figure out why cases of autism, food allergies, ADHD, sleep disorders, juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and many other chronic and infectious diseases have skyrocketed.

It was Fauci’s job to conduct research on these diseases to figure out their etiology and environmental causes to protect public health, but instead he turned the NIAID into an incubator for pharmaceuticals. According to Kennedy:5

“When Tony Fauci came in, 6% of American children had chronic disease. By 2006, 54% had it. We went from being the healthiest country in the world with the healthiest children to the sickest. Literally, we do not even qualify as a developed nation. We are 79th in the world, behind Nicaragua and Costa Rica in terms of our health outcomes.

And why did that happen? Well, the one figure who is more responsible for that than anybody else in the world is Tony Fauci. He is the reason we take more pharmaceutical drugs than any other nation in the world. Three times the average among western countries. We pay the highest prices and have the worst outcomes.”

Fauci’s Multibillion-Dollar Budget Gives Him Immense Power

Fauci has a $7.6 billion annual budget, which in total during his entire tenure is more than half a trillion dollars that he’s been in control of. Instead of using that to reveal the environmental issues leading to outbreaks of chronic disease, he uses the money to develop new drugs, Kennedy explains, which he then farms out to universities:6

“He shares the patents with them, and then he sells them to the drug companies, splits the patents with them, and he walks those drugs through the FDA approval process, which he completely controls from the bottom up. And then he gets them approved and in many cases he himself profits. People within his agency can collect $150,000 a year from royalties off each of these products.”

The NIH owns half the patent for Moderna’s COVID-19 injection, which means that it stands to make billions of dollars as a result. Four of Fauci’s top deputies will also collect $150,000 a year for life as a result — from a product they’re responsible for regulating, an obvious massive conflict of interests.

“The mercantile and commercial interests have overwhelmed the regulatory function at that agency and it no longer does public health — it does pharmaceutical promotion,” Kennedy said.7 As an example, between 2009 and 2016 there were 240 new drugs approved by the FDA, all of which came out of Fauci’s “shop,” he added. “He is the incubator for the whole pharmaceutical industry.”8

How Fauci Controls Science Globally

Fauci has spread the notion that he is untouchable, going so far as to tell MSNBC that an attack on him is an attack on science:9

“It’s very dangerous … because a lot of what you’re seeing as attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science, because all of the things that I have spoken about consistently from the very beginning, have been fundamentally based on science.”

Throughout the pandemic, “trusting the science” has become a cultural statement and propaganda tool, but one that’s far from what true science is all about. Far from being a source of independent science, in essence Fauci’s control — in collusion with that of Bill Gates — has rendered the majority of global scientific research nothing more than pharmaceutical propaganda. Kennedy explains:10

“Every virologist in the world knew that the coronavirus was engineered. All you have to do is look at the genome. Everybody knew that and they kept silent for a year, and here’s how. He gives away $7.6 billion a year. That’s two to three times what [Bill] Gates gives away. Him and Gates work tandemly. They partner up on everything. They talk together a couple times a week.

They are business partners … in 2000, in Gates’ library, the two of them got together and they formally formed a partnership. You take those two and one other guy — Jeremey Farrar — who is their other de facto partner who is the head of the Wellcome Trust, which is the U.K. version of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Between those three men, they control 61% of the biomedical research funding on Earth.

So if you want to get your study funded, you’ve got to go to those guys. Not only can they give you the money, but they also can kill a study because they control all of the other funding sources. They can kill a study, they can ruin a career, they can bankrupt colleges who do science that they don’t want done. So they are able to really dictate virtually all the science on the globe.”

Drug Companies and Universities All Benefit

Kennedy gives a theoretical example of how Fauci yields his immense power to influence science: In his lab, Fauci develops a molecule that kills a virus. This is done by scientists dropping molecules onto one of countless viruses — influenza, Ebola, coronaviruses, zika and others — in petri dishes and test tubes to see if it kills them. If the molecule works to kill the virus in a petri dish, they move on to testing it on rats infected with the virus.

“If the rats don’t die, now he’s got a drug,” he says. “It’s an antiviral and it’s usable in mammals because it will kill the virus but it won’t kill the mammal. Then he farms it out to the university.”11There, a PI, or principal investigator, who is usually a person of power, such as the dean of a department, does a phase I trial, experimenting on animals and around 100 humans. Kennedy explains:12

“For each of the humans that he recruits — he’s a medical doctor, he brings in patients, persuades them to take part in the study — Tony Fauci’s agency gives him $15,000 for every one of those patients. The university keeps 50% of that so now they’re also part of this process. And then if the drug gets through that phase I, then they move on to phase 2 and phase 3. So now they have to bring in 20,000 or 30,000 people.

They bring in a drug company as a partner, and they go through the phase 2 and phase 3 [trials], and then at the end of it, they all split up the patents. So the drug company owns half, Tony Fauci’s agency may get part of it and he and his cronies take little slivers of it so they get paid for life. The university gets a part of it, so now you have all the medical schools in the country … dependent on this income stream.”

‘Independent Panels’ Aren’t Independent

At this point, the new drug still has to get regulatory approval, which brings it before a supposedly independent panel of experts. But this panel isn’t made up of independent scientists looking for the truth about whether or not the drug is safe and effective; it’s made up of Fauci’s and Gates’ PIs, who often have drugs of their own in development. Kennedy continues:13

“When this drug goes to FDA to get approved, it goes to a panel. Tony Fauci’s always saying it’s an independent panel who decides, based upon real science, whether or not this drug is worthy of approval. It’s not an independent science. They’re virtually all his PIs or Gates’ PIs.

Those guys go sit on that panel for a year, and they know that they’ve got their own drugs back at Baylor University they’re working on, or Berkeley or Columbia, that they know are going to be in front of that same panel next year. And they’re all scratching each other’s backs. And they approve that drug and then they go off the panel, finish their drug, and then that drug goes in front of a panel that’s similarly constituted and populated.”

These principal scientists act as gatekeepers to the public, spreading the official narrative under the guise of independent science, often pushing questionable COVID-19 policies. “These PIs control the journals, they control the public debate, they’re on TV all over the world, and these are the people that form the narrative, that protect the orthodoxy,” Kennedy says.14

“If you look at Tony Fauci as the pope, the PIs are the cardinals, the bishops and the archbishops. And they’re the ones that protect the orthodoxy, that make sure that the heretics burn, that doctors who disagree are … delicensed, that they get discredited, that they get gaslighted and vilified and marginalized. They’re the army that controls the narrative.”15

Waking up to Fauci’s façade is necessary to understand the orchestrated planned use of pandemics to clamp down totalitarian control. You can find even more details about the coalition of sinister forces — intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media and the military — that are intent on obliterating constitutional rights globally in “The Real Anthony Fauci.”

Kennedy’s book has been a best seller for two months now and if you haven’t already picked up a copy I would encourage you to do so now.


Eric Trump, Lance Walnau, Dr. David Martin, Comedian Jim Breuer, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Del Bigtree, Dr. Peter McCullough, Sean Feucht, Karen Kingston, Debbie G. Are Joining the ReAwaken America Tour!!!

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Connecting “The Great Reset” Dots (Part 2): Nano-Tech, the 060606 Patent, 5G, Transhumanism:

Learn the History of Inflation Today At:

Project Veritas Report Exposes Government Funded Gain-of-Function Research –

The Historical Price of Gold:
Price Per Ounce – 1971 – $44.60
Price Per Ounce – 1999 – $278.86
Price Per Ounce – 2006 – $604.34
Price Per Ounce – 2021 – $1,895.50

The Biggest Weapon Threats Facing America:

General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour Gains Momentum!!!
Eric Trump, Kim Clement’s Daughter (Donné Clement Petruska), Dr. Zelenko, Sean Feucht, Dr. Jane Ruby, Charlie Kirk, Roger Stone, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Lance Walnau, Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy, Comedian Jim Breuer, & Dr. Martin Join the Tour…
Request Tickets Today At:
*Phoenix, AZ – January 14th & 15th – 12 Tickets Remain
*Canton, OH – February 18th & 19th – Tickets On Sale
*San Diego, CA – March 11th & 12th – Tickets On Sale
*Redmond, OR – April 1st & 2nd – Tickets On Sale
ReAwaken America Tour History:
*April – Tulsa, Oklahoma was 100% Sold Out
*June – Tampa, Florida Was 100% Sold Out
*July – Anaheim, California Was 100% Sold Out
*August – Grand Rapids, Michigan Was 100% Sold Out
*September – Colorado Springs, CO Was 100% Sold Out
*November – San Antonio, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*December – Dallas, TX Was 100% Sold Out
ReAwaken America Tour Featured / Past Speakers Include:
General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Robert F. Kennedy, Texas Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton, Charlie Kirk, Chad Prather, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ian Smith, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Owen Schroyer, Melissa Tate, Trump-Attorney Jenna Ellis, Dave Scarlett, Senator Wendy Rogers, Doctor Richard Bartlett, Gene Ho, Patrick Byrne, Scott McCay, Anna Khait, Sam Sorbo, Doctor Mark Sherwood, Attorney Thomas Renz, Doctor Stella Emmanuel, Attorney Leigh Dundas, Doctor Jim Meehan, Sheriff Vic Regalado, Joey Gilbert, Doctor Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor Rob Marsh, Leila Centner, Lori Gregory, Kevin Jenkins, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Steve Maxwell, Doctor Eric Nepute, Alfie Oakes, Sidney Powell, Doctor Alan Keyes, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Mike Provenzano, Doctor Shannon Kroner, Doctor Andy Wakefeld, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Amanda Grace, Doctor Cordie Williams, Pastor Mark Burns,etc.
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution and genetically modified humans –
Question #1 – Does the Mark of the Beast Technology Now Exist?
Why Did Microsoft File for a Patent for a Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity with a Publication Number WO-2020-060606?
Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 (Revelation was written by John the Apostle While Being Exiled On the Island of Patmos)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals – Methods and Systems Patent #11-107588 –
Why Are There Advanced Nano-Technologies Found Inside the COVID-19 Vaccines? Their Patents Prove Their Nefarious Plan
Patent # 10-703-789-B2 –
Patent # 2010 0216804 –
Patent # 20201859
Patent # 2012 0265001 ?
Down a Vaccination Exemption Form Today At:
Models are false –
PCR tests are false –
COVID is 100% treatable
Kary Banks Mullis was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year.
There is no SAVIOR without the luciferase vaccines:
Bill Gates Spirit Advisor –
Jeffrey Epstein / Bill Gates Worked to Create Their Own Race –
What Is In the COVID-19 Vaccines?
Question #2 – Why Is Congress Working On Legislation Called H.R.666? – Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2021 Proposed Legislation? –
Question #3 – Why Is Congress Working on Legislation Called H.R.6666? – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act?
Question #4 – Why Is the Centers for Disease Control Calling for the Implementation of Nazi-Style Concentration Camps That They Are Calling Green Zones?
Why Did the Governor of Tennessee Sign an Executive Order Authorizing the State to Remove People from Their Homes? – Read Paragraphs 8, 14 and 18
Why Is Hiring Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants, Isolation, and Vaccine Strike Team Staff?
Lewis County – Centralia, WA Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants (PS2) – Non-Permanent – DOH5814
Thurston County, WA Isolation & Quarantine Facility Staffing – COVID-19 Response via @GovernmentJobs
Columbus, GA COVID-19 Vaccine Strike Team Staff via @GovernmentJobs
Why Does the Centers for Disease Control Have a Section on Their Website Dedicated to Describing Quarantine Stations and Their Jurisdictions?
Bill Gates- and George Soros-Backed Organization Buys Out COVID-19 Testing Company –
Question #5 – Why Are International Celebrities and Powerful People Like Bill Gates Celebrating and Seeking the Satanic Guidance of the Spirit Cooking Marina Abramović Spirit Cooking?
Microsoft Commercial –
Question #6 – Why Are Satanists Suing for Their Religious Right to Ritual Abortions?
Question #7 – Why is Senomyx A Food Additive In the American Food Supply?
Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using “proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems.” These receptors are made from HEK293. HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney cells.
Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?
Company Uses Cells From Abortions to Test Artificial Flavors –
Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?
Question #8 – Why Was Jeffrey Epstein Working to Seed the Human Race With His DNA?
What’s Included In the COVID-19 Shots?
Dr. Jane Ruby
Why is graphene oxide, PEG (Polyethylene Glycol), M-RNA modifying nano-technology, SM-102, luciferase, fetal-tissue cell lines and inside the COVID-19 vaccines? Watch –
VAXXED Patients’ Blood Examined, Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians! –
Question #9 – Why Are Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Others Obsessed with Transhumanism (Mixing Clay with Iron)?
Could Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chips make us all as smart as he is?
“Please consider working at Neuralink! Short-term: solve brain/spine injuries Long-term: human/AI symbiosis. Latter will be species-level important. Work at either at our Bay Area or Austin locations.” –
Daniel Chapter 2: 40 – 43: “40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”
Question #10 – Why The Satanic Temple of Texas files suit to defend its religious right to child sacrifice…tell us more about this?
Why does the Pope’s Audience Hall look like a Snake Head?–paul-vi-pope-john-paul-ii.jpg
Question #11 – Why Did Jeffrey Epstein Have a Satanic Temple on His Island?
Question #12 – Why Did the Billionaire Bill Gates Who Is Developing the Vaccines Choose to Invest His Time with the World’s Most Prolific Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?
Question #13 – Why Are Luciferians Obsessed with Wearing Masks and Standing 6 Feet Apart from Each Other During Their Satanic Rituals?
Question #14 – Why Would the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab Write a Book Titled COVID-19 – The Great Reset, Which Advocates for the Complete Destruction of Our God-Given Freedoms, the American Way of Life and the Implementation of a One World Government? Imphttps://
Question #15 – Why Is Moderna Now Referring to Their Vaccines Technology As the “Software of Life”? Technology –
Question #16 – Why is Luciferase Technology Being Developed? An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of a luciferin, causing it to produce a visible glow.
Question #17 – What Is the Statistical Probability of This?
“2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2
Question #18 – Why is graphene oxide, PEG (Polyethylene Glycol), M-RNA modifying nano-technology, SM-102, luciferase, fetal-tissue cell lines and inside the COVID-19 vaccines?
Graphene Oxide – Graphene oxide (GO) is a unique material that can be viewed as a single monomolecular layer of graphite with various oxygen-containing functionalities such as epoxide, carbonyl, carboxyl, and hydroxyl groups.
Learn What Is In the COVID-19 Shots:
Question #19 – Are We Living Through Matthew Chapter 24?
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Mainstream Media
Doctor Fauci
Bill Gates
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Elon Musk’s Starlink to Deliver Internet Nearly Worldwide Within Weeks
Question #20 – If God Has Not Given Us a Spirit of Fear, Who Has Been Giving Us the Spirit of Fear? 2 Timothy 1:7
Where did the fear start?
FACT – The models created by the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute and Neil Ferguson that said that 2.2 million people would die were nefariously false.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7
NOTE: Fear blocks logic by causing your amygdala to become overactive
Question #21 – Why Would the Majority of Pastors Refuse to Teach from the Book of Revelation Chapter 13?
Revelation 13:2 – 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Revelation 13: 9-18 – If any man have an ear, let him hear
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
NOTE: The book of Revelation which warned Christians about “The Mark of the Beast” was written on the island of Patmos by John.
Could It Be That We Are Wrestling Not Against Flesh and Blood, But Against Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the Darkness of this World and Against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places?
Question #22 – Why Is It Only Christians By and Large Who Know the Truth About What Is Really Going On?
FACT – The 100% effective COVID-19 treatments and therapies are being withheld from you for nefarious purposes.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:30-36
Question #23 – COVID-19 = Certificate Of Vaccination ID – 19 (AI)
Why Did MIT Develop Specialized Dye, Delivered Along with a Vaccine That Could Enable “on-patient” Storage of Vaccination History?
Question #24 – Why Did the Military Just Now Develop a New Weapon Called LOCUST?
“15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.” – Revelation 9:15
“9 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.” – Revelation 9: 1-3
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23
Question #25 – Are the Elements Ready to Create the Third Temple?
“25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[a] the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[b] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[c] In the middle of the ‘seven’[d] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[e] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” – Daniel 9:25-27
Daniel 9:25-27
Admit You Are a Sinner
Believe Christ Is Lord and Died for Our Sins
Confess Your Sins
Revelation 11 – “And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.”
Question #26 – Why Is Hydra Bulgares In the COVID-19 Vaccines?
Learn more about Hydra Bulgares
Listen to Kim Clement Prophecies:
The Poem Referenced by Dr. Zelenko:
“Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”
“Nonsense” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”
The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”
The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”
The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”
The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one has ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”
“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”
The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”
The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”
Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”
To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and you really listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”
– Útmutató a Léleknek


Eric Trump, Lance Walnau, Dr. David Martin, Comedian Jim Breuer, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Del Bigtree, Dr. Peter McCullough, Sean Feucht, Karen Kingston, Debbie G. Are Joining the ReAwaken America Tour!!!

Request Tickets At:

Connecting “The Great Reset” Dots (Part 2): Nano-Tech, the 060606 Patent, 5G, Transhumanism:

Learn the History of Inflation Today At:

Project Veritas Report Exposes Government Funded Gain-of-Function Research –

14 High Profile Doctors Rip Vaccine Narrative to Shreds – Article

The Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable is a sign of wakefulness and hope during times of censorship and suppression
It includes honest opinions and expertise from 14 high-profile doctors, including myself, with a focus on the potential dangers being posed by the experimental mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign
Experts discuss how COVID-19 vaccines may cause a coming tsunami of hospitalization and deaths, along with debilitating chronic disease, early signs of which are already appearing
All agree that there’s enough evidence to halt the global COVID-19 vaccination campaign, either for everyone or — particularly — for those to whom the vaccines pose the greatest risks with little to no benefit, namely children and young people, pregnant women and those who have already recovered from COVID-19
In this time of extreme censorship and suppression of scientific debate, The Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable,1 hosted by Katherine Macbean of the Awareness Foundation, is a sign of wakefulness and hope. It includes honest opinions and expertise from 14 high-profile doctors, including myself, with a focus on the potential dangers being posed by the experimental mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

Each has faced censorship when speaking out, and though there are some differing viewpoints, all agree that there’s enough evidence to halt the global COVID-19 vaccination campaign, either for everyone or — particularly — for those to whom the vaccines pose the greatest risks with little to no benefit. This includes children and young people, pregnant women and those who have already recovered from COVID-19.

I highly recommend setting aside two hours to watch this roundtable discussion in full — it’s a rarity in the present day to hear such candor and open debate. However, I’ve also compiled some of the highlights below, which include warnings about the dangers these experimental vaccines may pose to society.

A Tsunami of Chronic Disease and Death
Will COVID-19 vaccines cause a coming tsunami of hospitalization and deaths, along with debilitating chronic disease? One expert on the panel, Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas with a master’s degree in public health, said he’s focused more on the short-term adverse effects from the shot. These nonfatal injuries fall into four major categories:

“What I’m seeing is just the late emergence of various neurologic syndromes. And it probably depends on where the seeding occurs of, uh, of, you know, the uptake of the genetic material in the brain or support cells in the brain, but there’s a whole variety of cerebral, cerebellar, even peripheral nervous system abnormalities,” McCullough said, adding:2

“I’ve seen it in my clinic and they seem to be emerging three, four or five, six months later after vaccination … So I’m getting increasingly alarmed here that this is not just a simple one- or two-day problem. And so there’s great concern, particularly in younger kids that over a course of three or six or nine months, they’ll end up with heart failure or cardiac death.

… What I see is, potentially from these signals, not mass death, but just a large number of Americans and people around the world with a new chronic disease of some sort of neurodegenerative disease or cardiac disease. The patients that I’m aware of, these problems seem to be quite disabling.”

Another panel member, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who has treated thousands of COVID-19 patients using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), azithromycin and zinc sulfate,3 with great success, has a different take. He believes there is a very distinct possibility that everyone who receives the COVID jab may die from complications in the next two to three years:4

“I’m just going to give you the perspective of a clinician who deals with people that are dying … 4 million dead people can testify to the unique clinical syndrome to put them there. Basically, a natural animal virus was changed to infect humans, and then its lethality was augmented to cause blood clots and lung damage.

And in concept here, we’re dealing with a Hitler/Stalin type of mentality with weapons of mass destruction and the way to win this war — and it’s very winnable — is in the following manner. It’s a narrative war. So we need to spread the following two ideas … Don’t give into the fear and choose to destroy yourself, No. 1. No. 2, treat your problem early. If these two ideas could penetrate the fixed calls of humanity, then it’s really the end of this crisis.”

Dr. Tess Lawrie, whose company The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy has worked with the World Health Organization, agreed that the vaccines are unsafe for children and adults alike:5

“They’re actually not safe for anybody, and it’s clear. The databases are screaming. The databases are early warning systems, and the databases around the world are screaming that we are facing a tsunami of chronic disease.”

Inflammatory Disorders, Cancer Markers on the Rise
Dr. Richard Urso, an ophthalmologist in Houston, Texas, is also concerned:6

“Early on, we were seeing things, mostly thrombotic, but later, as we get into two and three months [after vaccination], we’re seeing a lot of inflammatory issues. I’ve had a host of people with inflammatory ocular disorders, as well as having orbital inflammatory diseases.

I typically don’t see this rash number of people. For people who don’t know, my clinical practice is probably one of the largest in the United States, if not the largest, and we get a tremendous number, in volume, of patients who come through our office. And I’m seeing late inflammatory disease, and it responds quite well to inflammatory medicines.”

Some have brushed off the notion that the virus could be a bioweapon because it didn’t cause sudden, mass deaths. But this is a misconception. A successful bioweapon can be something that causes long-term, progressive, chronic-type diseases, noted Dr. Richard Fleming, a physicist, nuclear cardiologist and attorney.

In 1994, Fleming introduced the theory of inflammation and vascular disease, which explains why these inflammable thrombotic diseases, and the causes, including viruses like SARS-CoV-2, produce disease states like COVID-19.

“As I laid out in the theory in 1994,” Fleming said, “you’re going to see an inflammable thrombotic response. That’s the primary thing that people are noticing, be that heart disease or retinol disease.” The other factor is a prion component of this virus, “which is also a chronic smoldering disease.” Fleming noted:7

“If you’re going to actually develop something that’s going to have a massive effect on your ‘enemy,’ your goal isn’t to kill the enemy any more than it was the goal of the United States in Vietnam to kill the enemy.

The goal was to maim the enemy so that more of the enemy would be taken off the field. What we’ve seen is something that’s been implemented that is an ideal by a weapon designed to demoralize and to feed people the enemy, and to cause a slow smoldering process.”

Fleming cited data from Pfizer that showed in the 12 to 14 days following the second injection of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, elderly individuals had a 2.6-fold increase in symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. “This is an inflammable thrombotic process affecting every organ system and prion diseases that not only affect the brain, but also affect the heart and other vital organs of the body.”8

Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic-trained, triple-boarded pathologist, also said that he’s seeing potential cancer-causing changes, including decreases in receptors that keep cancer in check, and other adverse events post-vaccine:9

“I’m seeing countless adverse reactions … it’s really post-vaccine immunodeficiency syndrome … I’m seeing a marked increase in herpetic family viruses, human papilloma viruses in the post-vaccinated. I’m seeing a marked uptick in a laboratory setting from what I see year over year of an increase of usually quiescent diseases.

In addition to that — and correlation is not causation — but in the last six months I have seen — you know, I read a fair amount of women’s health biopsies — about a 10- to 20-fold increase of uterine cancer compared to what I see on an annual basis. Now we know that the CD8 cells are one of our T-cells to keep our cancers in check.

I am seeing early signals … what I’m seeing is an early signal in the laboratory setting that post-vaccinated patients are having diseases that we normally don’t see at rates that are already early considerably alarming.”

Do the Vaccinated Pose a Risk to the Unvaccinated?
Sherri Tenpenny has heard thousands of anecdotal reports that something is being transmitted from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated:10

“We’re injecting a synthetically made messenger RNA and strips of synthetically made double-stranded DNA by different mechanisms, and if that transmission goes to the other person, they don’t get COVID, they don’t get COVID symptoms that we typically recognize as COVID. They get bleeding, they get blood clots, they get headaches, they get heart disease, they get all of these different things.”

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,11 doesn’t agree that anything is being “passed” from vaccinated people to others, adding that while it may be possible for mRNA to be shed through breast milk to nursing infants, possibly causing gastrointestinal symptoms, anything else is just speculation.

Others suggest it could be more of a hormonal or pheromonal issue than some type of “shedding,” which may help explain why women are also reporting abnormalities with their menstrual cycles following vaccination. Dr. Lee Merritt, an orthopedic and spinal surgeon, brought up a 2015 report by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which looked at “shedding” in mRNA vaccines, which they call gene therapies.12 She explained:13

“They talk about, they’re very concerned about the shedding — and they do call it shedding, whether that’s technically correct … And they tell you in this thing who to protect, they tell you to protect neonates, immunocompromised people and elderly with bad immune systems.

They also say, we don’t know what’s being shed. They say it could be genetic material. It could be activated viruses and it could be a recombinant product. This is what’s in the FDA data.”

Immediately Halt the Vaccine Program
All of the experts agreed that evidence suggests the mass COVID-19 vaccination program should be halted. “There is enough evidence now just from the European Medicines Agency alone, 1.7 million in reported adverse events and 17,000 deaths that the four clinical trials should be stopped,” said Dolores Cahill, a professor at the school of medicine at the University College Dublin.

“They are detailed in the classifications, cardiac related immune, uh neuropathological and fertility associated.

So I think we all have duties as doctors and scientists to say, if something is causing more harm than good, which this clearly is, we should, I think, unify and called for a stop to the clinical trials worldwide, and also that any individual prime ministers and regulators that continue the trial would have to be liable for any adverse events.”

Malone believes that the vaccines have merit for certain populations, namely the elderly, but is advocating for prohibition on vaccination for infants and newborns, through young adults up to ages 30 to 35. “And specifically,” he said, “I’m trying to stop this crazy effort to force universities and schools to have universal vaccination.” In addition, he added:

“We can argue about risk-benefit for elderly, but the risk-benefit ratio for newborns through young adults is explicitly clear. It is upside down. It’s not subtle there. You’re going to kill more. And, and personally, I also feel that we can dig in really hard on the reproductive health in pregnancy, in women, that there just aren’t data to support the use of this product because of the potential female reproductive health consequences.”

Dr. Urso added the other significant population that has far more to risk than gain from vaccination: the COVID-recovered. “The immune status should be more important than the vaccination status,” he said.

“So I think there’s three groups that are easily winnable arguments [to avoid vaccination]: pregnant women, the young and … the COVID recovered … I mean, that’s a, that’s a lousy thing to do to get all these people that are COVID recovered, good immune status and give them a vaccination for something they don’t need.”

How to End Fear and Optimize Your Immune System
The roundtable participants are planning to continue their discussion offline to formally request an end to mass COVID-19 vaccination for the mentioned groups as well as create a statement to end government interference with the practice of medicine. Many physicians have had their hands tied when it comes to prescribing early treatments for COVID-19, like ivermectin. As Fleming noted:

“… The reason why people die with COVID is because they’re not receiving treatment, so I would argue that we need to make certain that people, the physicians, are allowed to treat without government interference and that we put a hold on the dissemination of the vaccines at this point in time, until we can further investigate them safely.”

Dr. Sam White, whose reputation has been under attack since he released a video on social media detailing his concerns about the suppression of the science around therapeutics in the U.K., added:

“We could end the fear overnight by allowing access to therapeutics and changing the mainstream media narrative that there’s no need for masks. There’s no need for lock downs. This is more treatable than flu, as far as I’m concerned, we’re just not allowed to do any treatment. If the public knew that it changes the narrative overnight.”

While we work on changing the narrative, or at least opening up discussions of science outside of the narrative, it’s always a good idea to optimize your immune system.

Toward this end, I recommend optimizing your vitamin D levels to 60 to 80 nanograms per milliliter and improving your metabolic flexibility so your body can seamlessly transition between burning fats and glucose as your primary fuel. One way to do this is to condense your eating window to about six to eight hours a day.

Even without changing your calories, this can make a profound difference, but from a perspective of choosing the right foods, one of the most important strategies that I’ve learned over my four decades of studying this is to avoid processed foods, nearly all of which are loaded with vegetable, or seed, oils.

These oils have a high content of linoleic acid, which contributes to mitochondrial instability and increases susceptibility to oxidative stress. This, in turn, increases immune dysfunction and mitochondrial dysfunction. These are simple strategies I recommend, as they’re useful to improve your overall health and resiliency to fight any infection.

As mentioned, I highly recommend listening to the discussion in full to get all of the details that weren’t included here. At the next meeting, the group plans to discuss how to move forward to challenge the narrative in greater detail, including fighting back against the organizations, such as the Wellcome Trust and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, that are heavily investing in this.

Nobel prize winner Professor Luc Montagnier: “The non vaccinated will save humanity”.

French virologist & Nobel prize winner Professor Luc Montagnier gets the hero’s welcome on his arrival to today’s protest;
Montagnier: “The non vaccinated will save humanity”.

“There are images, also extraordinary for me, of small bacteria even in the intestine, which are full of viruses. And this is a battle between bacteria and viruses, which must be defeated even with proper nutrition and hygiene. It is not just the vaccine that will cure it, but it is the combination of treatments that will eliminate this disease. There was a huge strategic mistake, something was synthesized and isolated, a huge strategic mistake.

Contrary to what was said at the beginning, these vaccines do not protect absolutely, and this is coming slowly. This is scientifically recognized by all today.

I ask all my colleagues to absolutely stop vaccinating with this type of vaccine.

Doctors today are perfectly informed of what I am saying, and therefore they should intervene immediately because the future of humanity is at stake. Many countries have forgotten about treatments, there is not only the vaccine, there are drugs that have not been used and that work very well, such as antibiotics.

It depends on you, above all on you not vaccinated that a tomorrow they will be able to save humanity. Only the unvaccinated will be able to save the vaccinated.

Vaccinated who will, in any case, contact the medical centers to be saved.

We must avoid listening and giving a voice to those who do not have the right to do so and let science speak. I repeat: it is the unvaccinated who will be able to save humanity.

At the beginning, the large pharmaceutical multinationals were very interested in vaccines for an economic issue.

The research continues, and I and my whole team continue to research this virus. The research does not stop, we have not yet reached the point. Man will win if he focuses on the law of nature and only on that. Every citizen is free and must also follow political ideas, take advantage of the upcoming elections to express your opinion.

What would I say to a young person today? You absolutely must act, each of you, and find the truth hidden behind the lies. Long live freedom “.

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The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF new-world-order-slave-system-Mercola


  • Dozens of peer-reviewed studies show that when COVID-19 is treated within the first few days of symptom onset, there’s an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death
  • With Omicron, we have been gifted a best-case scenario. The highly contagious virus can rip through the population, causing only mild cold symptoms, thus producing herd immunity without the risk of mass casualties
  • Two months before the rollout of the COVID shots, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that they could cause serious problems, including heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, blood clots, neurological problems and more, yet they pushed them anyway
  • Dr. Vladimir Zelenko believes SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon. Patents spanning two decades support this view. Those who created the weapon also investigated and identified antidotes, which includes the zinc ionophore hydroxychloroquine
  • The antidote to COVID was intentionally suppressed to encourage people to get the COVID jab, which Zelenko believes is a tool to tag people for the New World Order slave system

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, whom I’ve interviewed twice previously, was among the first U.S. physicians to develop an early treatment program for the novel SARS-CoV-2 infection. He popularized the use of hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and when hydroxychloroquine became increasingly difficult to obtain, he was also among the first to identify quercetin as a viable alternative.

When the pandemic started, Zelenko was practicing in New York. He has since moved to Florida, where he’s been giving interviews for several hours a day, trying to spread the word about early treatment and prevention. As noted by Zelenko:

“It’s a very treatable infection — or should I say bioweapon? — if done within the first few days, because COVID is two diseases. It’s the infectious stage of the virus, and then a week later, you have the pathogenic inflammatory reaction that does all the damage to the lungs and causes blood clots.

So, it’s all about timing. And the data is very clear. There are dozens of peer-reviewed studies that prove if you treat COVID within the first few days, you have an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death. It’s a no-brainer. You could have saved 700,000 people from going to the hospital out of 800,000.”

While licensed to practice medicine in Florida, Zelenko now spends most of his time educating the public and other doctors. He’s also available via telemedicine, but his passion has become researching and developing simple, natural approaches to complex health problems — including his own.

The Road Less Traveled

Zelenko has a rare type of cancer called pulmonary artery sarcoma, which is typically fatal. He’s also undergone two open-heart surgeries and three years of chemo and radiation, none of which has resolved his problems.

“Almost four years ago, I was diagnosed with pulmonary artery sarcoma. There are only 10 cases on average per year, and they’re all found at autopsy. In my case, they thought it was a blood clot that didn’t respond to blood-thinning medication.

So, the decision was made to do an embolectomy, open my chest, go into the pulmonary artery and take out the blood clot. But when they did that, they saw it was a tumor, and it had completely destroyed my right lung. So, I lost my right lung. And they resected a large part of the pulmonary artery and had to reconstruct it because you need that artery to live.

Then I was in chemo … I was pretty good for two years, and then it came back and had spread to my hip as well. And so, I had another open-heart surgery. They had to replace one of my heart valves, pulmonic valve. Then I went for radiation to my hip [followed by] really heavy chemo.

After two months on that, I went into congestive heart failure and developed cardiomyopathy … I recovered from that, and was put on heart failure medication … A month after that … I developed COVID pneumonia … I was pretty sure I was going to leave in a box, yet I recovered.

A few months later, I went for another CT scan, and they found, again, the tumor was back in the pulmonary artery, but this time, no doctor wanted to operate on me. A third open-heart procedure is very dangerous. They estimated more than 50% likelihood I would die on the table, which I didn’t like. So, I ended up having pretty intense radiation to my mediastinum, where the tumor was.

That’s when you came into the picture, in terms of advising me about treatment. I ended up having immunotherapy in Europe for two months with checkpoint inhibitors, but also hyperthermia and mistletoe injections, and alpha lipoic acid, high-dose vitamin C [infusions] and different other modalities. And I feel better than ever.

I had a CT scan last week, and it showed the tumor shrank by one-third. I spoke to the radiation oncologist who told me that a good result would’ve been the same size or smaller. It takes years to resolve. So, time will tell, but it’s easier for me to walk, and hemodynamically I’m more stable, and I feel good. Amen.”

The Surprising Role of Immunotherapy in Cancer

Overall, the “COVID story has completely changed the way I look at life,” Zelenko says. When he saw how natural, effective, over-the-counter solutions for COVID were suppressed, while experimental gene transfer shots were pushed, he realized other treatments might also be suppressed, such as cancer treatments.

“Probably, effective approaches were marginalized in lieu of the more expensive pharmaceutical approaches,” he says. “I’ll give you one example. Dr. [William] Coley was an oncological surgeon who lived around 100 years ago, maybe 120 years ago. He noticed that he would operate on his patients, and the tumor would come back and they would die. And then he observed something very interesting.

He had a patient with pancreatic cancer, Stage 4, inoperable. That patient got very sick with an infection and became septic. He almost died, but he recovered and his tumor went away. He noticed that type of phenomenon a few more times, and realized that there must be some immune reaction, immune response to the infection that wakes up the immune system to also attack the tumor.

So basically, in my opinion, that was the birth of immunotherapy. Fever seems to play a role. It seems to have antitumor properties, as well as activating certain parts of your immune system. So, it’s fascinating. And that information was buried for a good long time — 50, 60 years — until some doctors rediscovered it and started doing research. And I benefited from that in Europe.”

Hyperthermic Treatment for Cancer

We’ve come a long way since the days of Coley, who used toxins to trigger infection and fever. Today, hyperthermic treatment is used instead. Basically, it’s all about raising your body temperature to about 104 degrees Fahrenheit for four to six hours. Zelenko describes the treatment he underwent:

“It was quite an experience, having a temperature around 40 Celsius, let’s say 104 degrees Fahrenheit, for five hours. You become a little loopy and a little anxious, but I drank a lot of fluids and had a nurse with me all the time. It was a pretty interesting experience.

There were whole-body hyperthermia machines and localized hyperthermia. Both are basically a fancy sauna. It was like a spa actually. I did enjoy the treatment in most cases.”

As an aside, I sincerely believe sauna bathing is one of the most powerful biohacks available. I do it four times a week. I get my temperature up to about 102 degrees F. or so, for 20 minutes. I’ve found it to be a profoundly effective health habit to nip infections in the bud, and may also help put the brakes on any potential malignancies. I am currently using a prototype full-spectrum SaunaSpace sauna that is EMF-free, has eight 250 watt bulbs and will likely be available later this year.

Omicron Is Unstoppable, But Not To Be Feared

Getting back to the issue of COVID, over the past two years, the SARS-CoV-2 infection has gone through a number of changes. Omicron, for example, is far more contagious, but has far less severe symptoms. As noted by Zelenko:

“Omicron is unstoppable. It’s more infectious than measles. Everyone’s going to get it. Sorry, but that’s the case. However, it seems to attack only the upper airway in most cases, and there are very few deaths. It’s very responsive to treatment as well, so there’s no reason to be afraid of it.”

In fact, we appear to have been gifted a best-case scenario, in which a highly contagious virus will rip through the population, causing only mild cold symptoms, thus producing herd immunity without the risk of mass casualties. “When two-thirds of the population gets through it, it essentially shuts down the pandemic,” Zelenko says.

Vaccinating During a Pandemic Breeds Variants

In the interview, Zelenko explains how the many variants we’ve seen have probably been a result of the mass “vaccination” campaign.

Three respected immunologists, Dr. Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his discovery of the HIV virus), Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, the most published immunologist in history, and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a top immunologist in The Netherlands, have all warned that when you mass vaccinate in the middle of an active outbreak, you cause variants to emerge.

“You exert evolutionary pressure and breed more varying viruses,” Zelenko says. “Now, there are two or three possibilities. One could be that it was unintentional. Good, well-meaning people developed what they thought would help — a vaccine. However, giving it to people during a pandemic has been an absolute failure. ‘Oops, we’re sorry.’ That’s one possibility.

The other possibility is that whoever has orchestrated this knows exactly what they’re doing, and they are doing it on purpose to maintain the new variants and the consequences of that, which is essentially a psyop [to cause] a global psychosis due to fear, lockdowns and wearing a face diaper.

There’s one more possibility. There’s no dispute; everyone who knows the facts and has studied the issue knows that COVID-19 is a weapon made in a laboratory. Gain-of-function research is nothing more than making a weapon of mass destruction and genocide, and there’s a patent trail 20 years long that documents the different stages of development of this weapon.

And here’s my supposition. I have no evidence of this, but I could say the following: If I could make the original virus, I could make variants. It’s very easy. You just change a few sequences of the code that goes with the spike protein. You change its three-dimensional shape, and if you do it enough, eliminate existing antibodies.

So again, I don’t have evidence for that, but I do have evidence that [SARS-CoV-2] is an artificially-made bioweapon. So why wouldn’t it be possible to make variants the same way? I think it’s kind of a combination, multifactorial cause of variants — the natural God factor, the evolutionary pressure exerted by vaccinating people during an active pandemic, and then just outright making them.”

Antidotes to the Bioweapon Were Developed Beforehand

Zelenko goes on to recount a relatively recent realization. Back in March 2020, he saw a MedCram video, episode 34,1 in which Dr. Roger Seheult explained some of the principles that he then ended up building his COVID protocol on. Seheult specifically quoted a paper that explained the functioning of zinc ionophores.

That mechanism is what Zelenko relied upon when developing his own protocol. However, he didn’t realize until December 2021 that the author of that central paper was Dr. Ralph Baric. Why does that matter? Zelenko explains:

“In 1999, Ralph Baric, funded by the U.S. government, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, figured out how to take an animal virus and have it be able to infect other species, different animals, in other words, cross-species infection.

In 2015, the same Dr. Ralph Baric, and Dr. Zhengli [at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China], funded by the National Institutes of Health, figured out how to make a corona bat virus infect human beings, and augmented its lethality to human lives. That was in 2015. But in 2010, Baric published that paper that I’m referring to.

So, the development of the weapon happened in stages, but before it was unleashed onto the human population, or the development of it being able to infect human beings, an antidote was made. Research paid for by the government was published.

The same people that made the bomb, let’s say, also created the antidote to diffuse the bomb. And then, when the pandemic arrived, doctors like myself, out of necessity, came up with creative solutions, based — in my case, unknowingly — on this work. And immediately, that information was marginalized and suppressed, and doctors were deplatformed for advocating for it.

So, the government who made the bomb also knew about the solution. And the reason why is they didn’t want to die. The stakeholders here don’t want their families to die. But for you and for me, they have a different agenda. So, they had that information.

I have knowledge that the Google executives are all taking hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for prophylaxis, as is half of Congress. And so, the people that have orchestrated this knew the answer, and use it for themselves. Even doctors know the answer for themselves.

They prescribe [these drugs] for themselves, or they call me. But when patients come, they say there’s no treatment, go home, take Tylenol. So, this is mass murder.”

The COVID Jabs — Another Crime Against Humanity

In addition to killing untold numbers of people by denying and suppressing early treatment options, governments around the world are also killing people with the COVID jabs. A year into the aggressive campaign to inject as many people as possible, it’s likely the shots have killed more people than have died from the infection. It’s very difficult to tell, unfortunately, because the data are so seriously manipulated.

Zelenko estimates somewhere between 500,000 to 1 million Americans have been killed by the shots to date. Disturbingly, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that the shots could have serious consequences, yet they pushed them anyway. What’s more, they refuse to address the mindboggling number of adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The safety signal couldn’t possibly be clearer.

“In October, 2020, two months before the vaccine rollout, there was an internal presentation in the FDA to its scientists, and on slide 16 of that presentation, there was a list of side effects: death, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, horrific neurological diseases, myocarditis and many, many more,” Zelenko says.

“Now keep in mind, this is two months prior to the rollout. After the vaccines were rolled out, and a few months into it, when the VAERS database started showing the side effects that people were experiencing, there’s a 100% correlation with what that slide said would happen, and what actually happened to human beings.

That is premeditated mass murder. FDA knew exactly what it was doing. They knew exactly the side effects, and they released it anyway …”

What’s the Real Agenda?

Why would the FDA behave this way? Why aren’t they safeguarding public health from a clearly lethal treatment? And on the other hand, why aren’t they allowing doctors to help people with early treatment? Zelenko explains:

“In the mid-‘90s, it became obvious that the American economy was doomed. The Medicare and Social Security systems would become insolvent, and that would cause a tsunami-like effect nationally and internationally. And it was unstoppable. It was [mathematically inevitable].

Medicare, according to Congressional Budget Office, in 2027 will begin the process towards bankruptcy. So, security as of today [will last until] 2034. Now, the major stakeholders in the world economies saw an existential threat. They understood that their power and wealth was in real jeopardy.

And so a plan was developed, which was beyond the technology at that time, but the technology was being developed. So, for example, the Human Genome Project was mapped and completed.

Then CRISPR technology was developed, which is gene editing or gene splicing in very precise ways. That was sold as a way to cure genetic diseases. There’s a defective gene. You can just cut it out and splice in, cut and paste, basically, a healthy gene.

That’s the upside. The downside is that it creates possibilities to do gene editing for nefarious reasons. In 2015, Bill Gates said that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% through the use of vaccines because of global warming.

The same Bill Gates in 2020 said 7 billion people must be vaccinated. So, the obvious rhetorical question is, ‘Why would I take a vaccine for my health from someone who’s advocating the use of vaccines to reduce the world population?’

In 2016, Klaus Schwab, in an interview said something very strange. He said that within 10 years, by 2026, every single human being will be tagged with a digital identifier. What does that mean, and why?

Let’s go through the sequence of events. A bioweapon is made with an antidote, which is being suppressed and hidden. [The bioweapon] is released. It’s extremely easy to treat. However, that information is being suppressed, and access to those medications is being suppressed, and doctors who are advocating for it are being persecuted.

Anything that seems to give people hope, lessen anxiety, encourage reintegration with your loved ones seems to be immediately vilified, even early intervention. If you look at the NIH, they recommend, as of today, not to treat COVID unless they’re in the hospital with lung damage. Don’t do that.

And so, I was wondering, what is really going on? And why this incessant push to vaccinate everyone? Why jail doctors for using meds at work? Because it encourages the vaccine hesitancy.

Then I realized something. There were two patents that I became aware of. They’re separated by a year, but they’re linked in the puzzle, in the concept. One was August 31, 2021, that describes … nanotechnology engineering.2 It basically describes the following:

That there is the capability, the technology, already existing, in these vaccines that allows for the measurement of biometric data, meaning your heart rate, your respiratory rate, temperature, and then the transmission of that data with your location to a third party.

That didn’t even make sense to me. Like what? But then I realized there’s another patent owned by Microsoft. This one I remember by heart. It’s an international patent, WO202060606. You can’t make this stuff up. That patent describes linkage of biometric data transmission to cryptocurrency.

Then I got it. And by the way, 2026, when everyone’s supposed to be tagged with a digital ID, let’s call it an internal Auschwitz tattoo, is a year before the beginning of the insolvency of Medicare and the beginning of economic collapse. And so, the real agenda has become obvious to me.

It’s never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate in the new cryptocurrency-based system, the system that the world will use for finance.

Fiat currency and all the traditional ways of transactions will be gone. The only way that you actually will be able to participate in transactions, of buying bread, let’s say, is having a transmitting sensor of information with your location. It’s the mark of the beast, if you really want to know. With that, you can then buy bread for your family …

Gates and Schwab [are] both talking talk about how these vaccines change who you are. What does that mean? They explain it. [With] the gene editing technology, they are making the human better. That’s transhumanism. I call it Human 2.0. Human 1.0 is the version made by God. We are is imprinted [with God] in our genetic code. We’re made in the image of God because we have his code in us.

Now, would you give Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab the password to your home security system? Why would we give him access to our genetic code? Human 2.0, in the demented, depraved, deranged minds of these people is the next step up in the evolution of human beings. And I’m saying that if you allow that to happen to yourself, you’re no longer made in the image of God. You’re made in the image of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.”

A Ploy to Tag Us for the NWO’s Slave System

So, in summary, Zelenko believes that everything we’ve experienced so far — the aggressive marketing of the shots, the coercion and threats made to get as many injected as possible — has all been a ploy to “tag” as many people as possible in preparation for the New World Order’s cryptocurrency system, which will be managed by a small select group, and used to enslave all of humanity.

As noted by Zelenko, the World Economic Forum has publicly announced that by 2030, the U.S. will no longer be a superpower, and a few countries will be in charge of global governance. Now, how do you destabilize an economic engine like the U.S.?

“You create a pandemic,” Zelenko says. “You lock down middle class businesses, small businesses … But you leave Walmart and Home Depot open … It’s a wealth transfer from the middle class to the people in power. It’s a robbery, basically.

This is one big attempt at enslaving humanity. It’s a brilliant plan, by the way. It’s evil, but it’s brilliant because slavery has always been the most lucrative industry and asset throughout human history. Now is no different. And so, you have a few sociopaths who believe in their immortality and think that they’ll transfer their consciousness to some cyborg, enjoying the whole world as their playground.”

Zelenko goes on to discuss the statements inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones, a huge granite monument erected anonymously in a small town in Georgia, which lays out 10 commandments. The first one is that the world population should be reduced to and maintained at 500 million. If the COVID shots continue, it’s not inconceivable that the human population might be reduced to that size.

The Why Behind the Genocide

A few months ago, Elon Musk debuted his humanoid robots, saying that since these robots will eliminate 90% of the workforce, we therefore need universal basic income. This too is part of The Great Reset plan, which embraces both technocracy and transhumanism.

“Keep in mind that in the minds of these people, we’re not made in the divine [image]. We’re cockroaches. And they’re not going to throw endless universal income resources at cockroaches for too long. They’ll do it initially to identify the useless eaters, and then they will be liquidated. This has happened before.

Just 80 years ago you had the Nazi ideology based on eugenics, which created three classes of people. You have the ubermensch, what Nietzsche would call Superman. Then the mensch, which is the human, and then the untermensch, which is the subhuman. In the [Nazi] model, the [Nazis were] Supermen, descendants of Aryan gods. That gave them the power to enslave others.

So, for example, the Anglo-Saxons, basically Europeans, were meant to be slaves to the Aryans. And the subhumans, which I belong to — Jews, gypsies, Slavs, handicapped, political prisoners — we were meant to be vaporized, become dust.

That ideology did not go away. It resurfaced with the nuance that is not antisemitic right now. In a kind of an abstract way, we’re all Jews this time, because the hierarchy here is not based on religion or identity, but rather on the deranged belief that they’ve evolved, the Superman of this generation, into a higher level of consciousness.

They’re woke and they understand and are enlightened about the nature of the human condition. They’re custodians of the planet, and therefore it’s their responsibility to make sure the planet has solvency, that it continues to exist. And therefore, we have to reduce the world population.”

Cause for Optimism

While humanity is in a most precarious situation, Zelenko is optimistic about the future.

“I’ll tell you what I really think is going on,” he says. “There’s what we see, and then there’s the, let’s call it spiritual physics, at play. Karl Jung, the famous psychoanalyst, wrote, ‘The moral degradation of society begins with the degradation of the individual.’ From that, we can actually learn that moral improvement of society begins with improvement of the individual.

We, as a society, over the last 50, 60 years, have made some very bad choices. For example, we’ve desanctified or defiled gender roles … Marriage has lost its sanctity. The unborn are being massacred. In the Bible, there are two cities that were destroyed, Sodom and Gomorrah, and there’s an analysis why that happened. It wasn’t because of the immorality, because the whole world was immoral.

It was because they codified immorality into the law of the land. That’s exactly what has happened in [the U.S.] We’ve devolved … We worship the God of science, the god of technology, the god of money, god of power. Anything but [the true] God. And we are clearly practicing child sacrifice.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, told me personally, and then he actually publicized it, that for every one child that dies of COVID, 100 die from the vaccine. The [COVID shot] is 100 times more lethal to children than COVID. What do you call that? That’s child sacrifice.

So, I feel that, by way of analogy, we’re in the generation of flood. The house is going to get cleaned, and each individual is given a choice to get on the ark or not.

Or, to make it simpler, who do you bow down to? Do you bow down to your creator, who makes you in every instant of time? Do you ask [God] for fortitude, endurance, strength, resolve, the ability to deal with the unknown and fear? Or are you going to give in to the fear and bow down to corrupt sociopaths, oligarchs, corrupt governments, and the false promise of the golden calf of these vaccines?

Because at this point, in this country at least, no one’s holding you down and putting a needle into your arm. The majority of people, they want to travel by plane. They don’t want to lose their job. They want to go to school. It’s all these kinds of quality of life decisions. In other words, in a normal society, the parents sacrifice for the well-being of the children. In pagan societies, we sacrifice the children for the purpose of the adults.”

Peaceful Civil Disobedience Is the Answer

So, what’s the answer? Can we stop this transhumanist trajectory that threatens the very core of what makes us human? Can we prevent this plan for our enslavement from coming to fruition? Zelenko believes there is a way, as do I.

“The answer is we need organized civil disobedience. Do not comply. They can’t imprison everyone. They can’t fire everyone. They can’t expel everyone. They can’t lock down everyone. There’s many more of us than them. And actually, let me speak to the military leaders, to the police, to people that are charged to protect society.

You also have children. You also have parents. And we are relying on you to do what’s best for the citizens of this country, to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. All we need to do is to coalesce with like-minded people. Take your kids out of school. Homeschool them. You can teach them morality.

The World Health Organization came out with an edict that if your kids go to school, that’s implied consent for the vaccine because you could have not sent them. And since you sent them to school, that’s implying that you’re consenting for them to be vaccinated, even without your knowledge.

Basically, we have to make small pockets, like cities of refuge, in a sense, of like-minded people; create an alternate society; do commerce with ourselves. I know there are forces really working hard to create an alternate cryptocurrency or blockchain system that is decentralized and would allow for people who don’t want to be tagged with a digital identifier to transact with each other.”

As noted by Zelenko, it’s becoming more and more obvious that the pandemic measures were never about protecting us from COVID. It was always about creating a new world order. It was about setting the stage for a Great Reset to “Build Back Better.”

But better for whom? The Build Back Better plan is about building “a society run by a few sociopaths and the rest of us enslaved,” Zelenko says. The good news is that more and more people are now starting to see this plan, and “once that realization reaches a certain threshold of people, countries are going to change and fall like dominoes,” he says.

As for when we might get our freedom back, that depends on us. As noted by Zelenko, “freedom isn’t free.” We were free (at least up until 2020) because our forefathers had the courage to confront tyranny. If we want our children to be free, we now have to display that same courage.

“Whether or not our children will be free depends on whether or not we are ready to sacrifice,” Zelenko says. “Are we ready, in this generation, to pay the price to ensure that our children thrive in freedom and have the ability to maintain God consciousness?

It’s going to happen. The unknown variable is to body count. I would hope that this interview reaches the consciousness of every single human being. People must choose to say no from this point on.”


In real time the human race and its modern civilization are being setup for premeditated extinction and collapse. Yet the bureaucratic country club members elected by We The People continue their comfortable compliance onslaught of the greatest national security threat the United States has ever known. Using the power afforded them to turn their backs and unleash the horrors of the Great Reset upon American citizens. All for a fleeting taste of power that will ultimately result in their own doom.
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Read Full PDF peter-mccullough-covid-spike-protein-lecture-Mercola


  • The COVID shots are based on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is the most pathogenic part of the virus, responsible for the worst symptoms of COVID-19, such as the abnormal blood clotting seen in severely ill patients
  • Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA shots, and Janssen’s vector DNA shot, all inject genetic material into your body that program your cells to start producing this spike protein. They’re gene transfer technologies that instruct your body to produce a dangerous protein inside its own tissues
  • A Pfizer biodistribution study showed both the mRNA and spike protein is widely distributed in the body. In particular, it accumulates in the ovaries. Despite that, reproductive toxicology studies were eliminated in the interest of speed
  • The average number of adverse event reports following vaccination for the past 10 years has been about 39,000 annually for all vaccines combined, with an average of 155 deaths. The COVID jabs alone now account for 701,126 adverse events in U.S. territories as of December 17, 2021, including 9,476 deaths
  • Cases of myocarditis explode after the second shot, and disproportionally affect boys; 90% of post-jab myocarditis reports are males, and 85% of reports occurred after the second dose. Cases are also inversely correlated to age, with younger boys being at greater risk. The estimated incidence for post-jab cardiac adverse events is 162 per million for boys aged 12 through 15, and 94 per million for boys aged 16 to 17

In the video presentation above, Dr. Peter McCullough, a highly credentialed and published cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist, and one of the primary physicians leading the charge to provide commonsense clinical wisdom into COVID treatments, explains what the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is and how it harms human biology — whether it comes from a natural SARS-CoV-2 infection or a COVID jab.

The presentation was given at the Burleson, Texas, COVID Symposium: A Legal Perspective, which streamed live December 3, 2021. He begins by addressing the necessity for safety whenever a new biologic product is launched. Safety is not something we can simply ignore, no matter what else is at stake. We must demand that whatever we’re given actually meets some kind of safety standard.

Warning bells started ringing in McCullough’s ears in the summer of 2020, long before the COVID shots were rolled out. “I was telling lawmakers that we’ve got a problem,” McCullough says, because corners were being cut that might result in a dangerous product. Safety studies, for example, were truncated down to a mere two months, which doesn’t allow for adequate evaluation.

Why Did They Use Spike Protein?

He also had several other concerns about the development program. Notably, the shots were based on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which by then we already realized is the most pathogenic part of the virus, responsible for the worst symptoms of COVID-19, such as the abnormal blood clotting seen in severely ill patients.

As explained by McCullough, the virus can be illustrated as a ball with spike-like protrusions on its surface. Those spikes are what’s causing the problems.

“They had been genetically altered and engineered in a lab in Wuhan, China” McCullough says, “to be particularly infectious, and to be particularly dangerous when they get into the human body.

The last thing you want in your body is one of those [spike proteins], let alone billions of them because [they] damage the brain, they damage the heart, they damage bone marrow, they can tear up platelets and red blood cells. Very importantly, they damage blood vessels and cause blood clotting.”

Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA shots, and Janssen’s vector DNA shot, all inject genetic material into your body that programs your cells to start producing the spike protein. They’re gene transfer technologies.

In short, the shots instruct your body to produce a dangerous protein inside its own tissues. “We’ve never done that before in the history of medicine,” McCullough says, and for good reason: It’s a bad idea. “It’s almost like a science fiction story going bad,” he says.

The idea is that by making your body produce this damaging spike protein, your body will react and fight it off, thereby creating immunity. However, in the process, the spike protein can do near-incomprehensible damage. In some people, the spike protein is lethal.

Uncontrolled Spike Protein Production

What’s more, we have uncontrolled production of spike protein, both in terms of quantity and time. The May 2021 paper,1 “Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients,” proved the spike protein circulated in the blood stream for an average of 15 days’ post-injection. The longest was 29 days.

This refuted the claim that the mRNA simply stayed in the arm and didn’t circulate out of the injection site. Logically, that claim doesn’t make much sense, and the Japanese government, early on, demanded Pfizer do a study to show them where the injected mRNA actually goes.

Pfizer did that biodistribution study,2 which showed both the mRNA and spike protein were widely distributed in animals’ bodies. In particular, it was found to accumulate in the ovaries. Despite that, the Pfizer biodistribution data package reveals reproductive toxicology studies were eliminated in the interest of speed.

June 25, 2021, a paper was posted on the preprint server BioRxiv, showing the S1 portion of the spike protein remains detectable for up to 15 months after you recover from COVID-19.

“No wonder people have long-COVID syndrome,” McCullough says. “The body is trying to clean out this spike protein that’s not supposed to be there, 15 months after you’ve had the infection.”

McCullough points out that Bruce Patterson, the Stanford scientist who led that study, also continues to find the whole spike protein — both the S1 and S2 segments — in patients who got the COVID jab, months post-injection.

So, as of right now, we don’t know when the spike protein production ceases. What we do know, with great certainty, is that the spike protein damages the human body and contributes to both acute and chronic health conditions and diseases.

Australia has already purchased 14 doses of the COVID jabs for every person. This is meant to cover them for seven years, at one dose every six months. As noted by McCullough, some people simply aren’t going to survive that kind of continuous and ever-increasing onslaught of spike protein.

Urgent Questions on Vaccine Safety

Clear danger signals were apparent in April 2021, and May 24, 2021, McCullough published a paper along with 56 other international scientists in the journal Authorea.3

The paper, “SARS-CoV-2 Mass Vaccination: Urgent Questions on Vaccine Safety that Demand Answers from International Health Agencies, Regulatory Authorities, Governments and Vaccine Developers,” demanded the injections be pulled from the market unless or until safety concerns are addressed. Key clinical concerns raised include:

The potentially hazardous mechanisms of action of the shots resulting in cell, tissue and organ damage
The presence of harmful spike protein in donated blood
Lack of genotoxicity, teratogenicity and oncogenicity studies
The effects of bioaccumulation in women’s ovaries
The potential for reduced fertility
The lack of a data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) to oversee clinical trials and post-market surveillance
The lack of human ethics committee to oversee clinical trials
The lack of restrictions on exempted groups from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) such as pregnant women, women of childbearing potential, COVID survivors (previously immune)
The lack of risk stratification for hospitalization and death in the clinical trials
The lack of data transparency
The lack of public risk mitigation (early and at-home treatment options)

The paper was sent to every health and regulatory agency in the world. Here we are in early 2022 and, well, you can see what the response was. It’s been nonexistent.

A Critical Appraisal of VAERS

In October 2021, Jessica Rose, Ph.D., with the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel, published a report in the Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law journal.4 The report, “Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) a Functioning Pharmacovigilance System?” details three primary problems found:

  1. Deleted adverse event reports involving COVID jab injuries
  2. Delayed entry of reports
  3. Recoding of Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MeDRA) terms from severe to mild

It also includes bar plots showing the extreme difference between the COVID shots compared to all other vaccines on the market. If the shots were safe, the number of VAERS reports would remain relatively steady, not varying much from previous years, but what we see is a staggering spike in vaccine injuries reported in 2021.

The average number of adverse event reports following vaccination for the past 10 years has been about 39,000 annually, with an average of 155 deaths. That’s for all available vaccines combined.

The COVID jabs alone now account for 701,126 adverse events in U.S. territories as of December 17, 2021, including 9,476 deaths. If you include international reports that make their way into the VAERS system, we’re looking at 983,756 adverse event reports and 20,622 deaths.5

As staggering as these numbers are, they are just the tip of the iceberg. When you add in the underreporting factor, which is believed to be anywhere from five to 40, the numbers are simply astronomical.

VAERS is an early warning system and is supposed to alert our government to potentially hazardous vaccines once they’ve been rolled out. The signal from VAERS is so clear there’s simply no doubt we have a safety problem on our hands.

Can COVID Shots Cause Death?

As noted by McCullough, there’s a very tight temporality to the shots in most deaths. Half have occurred within 48 hours of injection, and 80% have died within one week of their jab (be it the first, second or third dose).6

Temporality is one of the 10 Bradford Hill criteria used to establish causal relationship. In order to be causative, one event must occur before another, and the shorter the duration between the two events, the higher the likelihood of a causative effect.

In June 2021, Scott McLachlan, Ph.D., at the University of London published an analysis7 of VAERS death reports concluding that 86% of post-jab deaths could be attributed to the shots. There was no other explanation for the deaths. McLachlan also looked at who’s getting killed by the shots and, sadly, it’s the same people the shots are intended to protect — our seniors.

In September 2021, Ronald Kostoff, Ph.D., published a report8 that also showed seniors were dying from the jab at far higher rates than other age groups. As noted by McCullough, this makes perfect sense because people die from COVID-19 due to the impact of the spike protein. Why would anyone assume they will survive having it produced in their own bodies?

Using the best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis, Kostoff estimates that people aged 65 and older are five times more likely to die of the COVID shot than from COVID-19 itself.

The reason for this is because if you take the shot, you’re guaranteed to be exposed to its risks, but you’re not guaranteed to get COVID-19 if you don’t take the shot. You may be exposed, or you may not. And not everyone develops a severe infection even when directly exposed.

COVID Jab-Associated Myocarditis in Children

In early September 2021, Tracy Beth Hoeg and colleagues posted an analysis9 of VAERS data on the preprint server medRxiv, showing that more than 86% of the children aged 12 to 17 who reported symptoms of myocarditis were severe enough to require hospitalization.

They also concluded that healthy boys have a “considerably higher” chance of being hospitalized with myocarditis post-jab than they are of requiring hospitalization for COVID-19.

According to McCullough, the FDA has heard these data twice in 2021 and never disputed them. Yet they’ve proceeded with recommendations to give the COVID jab to anyone with a pulse over the age of 5. It’s just shocking. Historically, as a rule, we’ve never given drugs to people when they’re more likely to harm than provide a benefit.

What Hoeg et. al.10 showed is that cases of myocarditis explode after the second shot, and disproportionally affect boys. A full 90% of post-jab myocarditis reports are males, and 85% of reports occurred after the second dose. According to Hoeg et. al.:11

“The estimated incidence of CAEs [cardiac adverse events] among boys aged 12-15 years following the second dose was 162 per million; the incidence among boys aged 16-17 years was 94 per million. The estimated incidence of CAEs among girls was 13 per million in both age groups.

The incidence of CAEs was considerably lower after the first dose across all age and sex groups. Median peak troponin was 5.2 ng/mL among boys aged 12-15 years, 11.6 ng/mL among boys aged 16-17 years, 0.8 ng/mL among girls aged 12-15 years, and 7.3 ng/mL among girls aged 16-17 years.”

Troponin Levels Reveal Massive Heart Damage

Troponin is a protein that helps regulate contractions of your heart and skeletal muscles. It’s a biomarker for heart damage, as your heart releases troponin in response to an injury. Elevated troponin is used to assess whether you’ve had a heart attack, for example.

Normal troponin levels are nearly undetectable, so even small increases can indicate heart damage. A level above 0.4 ng/mL is typically indicative of a heart attack and anything between 0.04 ng/mL and 0.4 ng/mL indicates there’s some kind of problem with the heart.12

So, the sky high post-jab troponin levels in these adolescent boys is anything but inconsequential. It can absolutely be life-threatening. Myocarditis can result in sudden death, as illustrated in an October 2021 case report13 from Korea, where the death of a 22-year-old man from acute myocarditis was causally linked to the Pfizer shot.

“Without a doubt, it will kill kids,” McCullough says. Even if not acutely lethal, myocarditis can significantly lower your life expectancy. Historically, the three- to five-year survival rate for myocarditis has ranged from 56% to 83%.14 That means a certain percentage don’t make it past five years because their heart is too damaged.

McCullough and Rose have also tried to publish an analysis on this topic. They submitted a paper15on myocarditis cases in VAERS following the COVID jabs to the journal Current Problems in Cardiology. But after initially accepting the paper, the journal suddenly changed its mind.

You can still find the pre-proof on Rose’s website though. What they show is that post-jab myocarditis is inversely correlated to age, so the risk gets higher the younger you are. They too found there’s a dose-dependent risk, with boys having a six-fold greater risk of myocarditis following the second dose.

Mortality in Adolescents Is Skyrocketing

McCullough’s assertion that the shot will kill some children is also starting to show in statistics. British data, for example, shows deaths among teenagers have spiked since that age group became eligible for the COVID shots.16

Between the week ending June 26 and the week ending September 18, 2020, 148 deaths were reported among 15- to 19-year-olds. During that same time period in 2021, 217 deaths occurred in that age group. That’s an increase of 47%, which has yet to be explained.

Deaths from COVID-19 also went up among 15- to 19-year-olds after the shots were rolled out. Significant concerns have been raised about the possibility that COVID jabs might worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).17 Is that what’s going on here? As reported by The Exposé, which conducted the investigation:18

“Correlation does not equal causation, but it is extremely concerning to see that deaths have increased by 47% among teens over the age of 15, and COVID-19 deaths have also increased among this age group since they started receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, and it is perhaps one coincidence too far.”

COVID Jabs Double Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome

Aside from troponin levels, researchers have also found Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 shots dramatically increase other biomarkers associated with thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following injection.19

People who had received two doses of the mRNA jab more than doubled their five-year risk of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), the researchers found, driving it from an average of 11% to 25%. ACS is an umbrella term that includes not only heart attacks, but also a range of other conditions involving abruptly reduced blood flow to your heart.

In Months, the Jabs’ Effectiveness Wanes to Zero

As should be evident by now, there are significant risks to these COVID shots. But what about the benefit side of the equation? As noted by McCullough, while the shots reduce the risk of death from COVID-19, the benefit is vanishingly small.

A number of papers have been published calculating the absolute risk reduction of the shots, showing the four available COVID jabs in the U.S. provide an absolute risk reduction between just 0.7% and 1.3%.20,21

McCullough goes on to cite a December 1, 2021, New England Journal of Medicine study22 that compared the effectiveness of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s injections among hospitalized veterans. Here too, they found that the shots had an effectiveness of less than 1% against all COVID-19 events, over the course of six months.

As of the end of October 2021, we had 22 studies showing the shots’ efficacy against all variants rapidly wane over the course of three to six months, eventually hitting zero.

For example, a Swedish study23 published October 25, 2021, looked at data from 842,974 pairs, where each person who had received two COVID jabs was paired and compared against an unvaccinated individual, to see if the vaccinated had fewer symptomatic cases and hospitalizations.

Early on, the double-jabbed appeared to have decent protection, but that quickly changed. The Pfizer jab went from 92% effectiveness at Day 15 through 30, to 47% at Day 121 through 180, and zero from Day 201 onward. The Moderna shot had a similar trajectory, being estimated at 59% from Day 181 onward.

The AstraZeneca injection had a lower effectiveness out of the gate, waned faster than the mRNA shots, and had no detectable effectiveness as of Day 121. All the while, millions of Americans have already had COVID24 and have natural immunity that doesn’t wane in this manner.

“Vaccines aren’t viable if they can’t last a year!” McCullough exclaims. “The minimum criteria to accept a vaccine … is 50% coverage and it must last one year. These [COVID shots] aren’t cutting it. None of them are viable to be commercial products.”

The COVID-Jabbed Are Just as Infectious as the Unvaccinated

COVID jab mandates are even more irrational when you take into account the fact that they don’t prevent you from being infected, and studies have repeatedly shown that when you are infected, you have the same or higher viral load as unvaccinated individuals. What that means is you’re just as infectious as an unvaccinated person.

What’s more, as noted in a letter25 to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, the shots also have only minor influence on viral clearance. If you get the COVID shot and come down with COVID, you might be sick for a day or so less than someone who is unvaccinated.

We Must Treat COVID Patients Early

McCullough closes out his presentation going over the all-important issue of early treatment. You need to treat COVID early and aggressively. You also need to hit it from multiple sides. No single drug can effectively treat all aspects of this infection (although the Omicron variant does not appear to have any of the blood clotting and low oxygen issues associated with the earliest strains).

Very few people need die from COVID as long as they get appropriate treatment early enough. The fact that our health authorities are to this day refusing to acknowledge successful treatment protocols is nothing short of a crime.

If you want to live, and if you want your family and friends to live, you’d be wise to ignore the CDC’s and FDA’s recommendation to wait until you can’t breathe and then go to the hospital, where they’ll give you toxic remdesivir and lethal ventilation. Instead, arm yourself with one or more early treatment protocols and make sure you have the basics in your medicine cabinet. Protocols you can use include:

I reviewed all of these protocols and believe the FLCCC’s is the easiest and most effective. I’ve posted a summary of it below. However, I’ve altered some of the recommendations. Specifically, I recommend:

Decreasing zinc dose from 100 mg to 50 mg elemental zinc, but only for three days, then decrease to 15 mg elemental zinc.
Increasing quercetin from 250 mg to 500 mg.
Add NAC to 500 mg per day.
When using vitamin C, I recommend liposomal vitamin C, 1,000 to 2,000 mg, four to six times per day.
When using honey, make sure it’s raw, not normal honey from the grocery store. Raw honey can be obtained online or at a health food store.
Add fibrinolytic enzymes like lumbrokinase, serrapeptidase or nattokinase, two to four tablets, two to three times a day, on an empty stomach (one hour before or two hours after a meal). This will help break down any microclots and can be used in lieu of aspirin.

I’ve also added a couple of therapies that they have yet to include:

  • Nebulized hydrogen peroxide — Nebulize 5 ml of 0.1% peroxide dissolved in 0.9% normal saline every hour or two. It’s best to use a nebulizer that plugs into the wall, as these are more effective than battery operated ones.
  • Intravenous ozone administered by a trained ozone physician.


The World Doctors Alliance – An Introduction

An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences…

Bombshell Admission — The COVID Tests Don’t Work – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF covid-pcr-tests-dont-work-Mercola


  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, experts have warned that the PCR test is not as a valid diagnostic and produces far too many false positives, as it can pick up on “dead,” nonreplicating viral debris
  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now admits the PCR test can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after infection. For this reason, they say most people don’t need to retest negative before ending their quarantine
  • The CDC also admits the PCR cannot identify active infection or measure contagiousness
  • People who are double-jabbed or unvaccinated and test positive for SARS-CoV-2, or have known exposure, but remain asymptomatic, now only need to isolate for five days rather than 10, but should wear a mask for another five days when at work or in public. People who are triple-jabbed do not need to isolate after exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days
  • Health care workers who test positive for COVID but remain asymptomatic can return to work after seven days with a negative test, but isolation time can be cut to five days if there are staffing shortages

From the earliest days of the COVID pandemic, the PCR test has been a source of unrelenting controversy, with experts repeatedly pointing out that it’s not a valid diagnostic and produces inordinate amounts of false positives.

Importantly, a PCR test cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive (noninfectious) viral particles. This is why it cannot be used as a diagnostic tool. As explained by Dr. Lee Merritt in her August 2020 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness1 lecture, media and public health officials appear to have purposefully conflated “cases” or positive tests with the actual illness in order to create the appearance of a pandemic.

Furthermore, a PCR test cannot confirm that SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent for clinical symptoms as the test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens. The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for his work, explains this in the video above.

Almost universally, health authorities have also instructed labs to use excessively high cycle thresholds (CTs) — i.e., the number of amplification cycles used to detect RNA particles — thereby ensuring a maximum of false positives.

From the start, experts noted that a CT over 35 is scientifically unjustifiable,2,3,4 yet the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended running PCR tests at a CT of 40,5 and the World Health Organization recommended a CT of 45.

The pandemic of false positives was then used by world governments to implement pandemic countermeasures that have destroyed the global economy, ruined countless lives, decimated the education of an entire generation and stripped us of basic human rights and freedoms.

Time and again, the goal post for ending the pandemic theatre has been moved, and the justifications for continuing the life-destroying countermeasures have become increasingly laughable. The fearmongering over Omicron, for example, makes no rational sense based on the data available, which shows the variant is among the mildest so far, and far less likely to infect and damage the lungs.6

CDC Cuts Isolation Recommendation in Half

In the last days of December 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued yet another illogical protocol change.7 People who test positive for SARS-CoV-2, or have known exposure, but remain asymptomatic, now only need to isolate for five days rather than the previous 10, but should wear a mask for another five days when at work or in public. Also, they don’t need to get retested at the end of their quarantine. The stated reason? Because:

  1. The majority of viral transmission (85% to 90%8) occurs in the first day or two before symptom onset, and two to three days after symptom onset9
  2. The PCR test can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after you’ve recovered from the infection10,11

How is it that the CDC didn’t realize until now that the PCR test was picking up dead viral debris for three months after infection? The facts that the test, a) was far too sensitive, and b) couldn’t identify active infection, were criticisms from the start. What the CDC’s belated admission means is that, for the past two years, Americans have unnecessarily wasted time in self-isolation — perhaps weeks — waiting for a negative test.

In a December 30, 2021, appearance on MSNBC, Dr. Anthony Fauci responded to questions about the updated CDC guidance. CDC director Rochelle Walensky also tried to make sense of the new guidance in a December 29, 2021, ABC News interview (see videos above).12

Neither of them offered any explanation as for why the CDC didn’t change the rules sooner, and only now decided that keeping noninfectious people in isolation for days and weeks on end might not be so good after all.

Walensky did make a rather telling comment on CNN, though, when asked about the reasoning behind the shortened isolation guidance. “It really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate,” she said.13 Some have understandably translated that as “how much tyranny we thought people would be able to tolerate.”14

Differing Rules for Health Care Workers

The CDC has not given up on making the guidance as confusing as possible though. December 23, 2021, they also updated guidance for health care workers,15 stating that “Health care workers with COVID-19 who are asymptomatic can return to work after seven days with a negative test, and that isolation time can be cut further if there are staffing shortages.”16

In his MSNBC interview, Fauci was asked why health care workers are being treated differently, having to isolate for seven days rather than five, and still have to get a negative test, when the test can falsely remain positive for up to 12 weeks? What data supports this, and is it publicly available?

According to Fauci, the data to support this difference “is internal to the CDC,” but really, there’s “no specific data” to back it up, he adds. The CDC merely made “a judgment call.”

Double-Jabbed Treated the Same as Unvaccinated

The CDC’s updated guidance also puts those who have received two doses of the COVID shot in the same category as the unvaccinated, so when it comes to isolating after exposure, they have to follow the same rules, whereas those who have received a booster shot follow a different set of guidelines. As explained by the CDC:17

“For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days.

Alternatively, if a 5-day quarantine is not feasible, it is imperative that an exposed person wear a well-fitting mask at all times when around others for 10 days after exposure. Individuals who have received their booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure.

For all those exposed, best practice would also include a test for SARS-CoV-2 at day 5 after exposure. If symptoms occur, individuals should immediately quarantine until a negative test confirms symptoms are not attributable to COVID-19.”

Fauci defended the decision to treat the double-jabbed as if they’re unvaccinated saying that those who have received a booster shot have far greater protection against the Omicron variant, compared to those who have only received one or two doses.

“When you’re infected, you’re infected,” Fauci said, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re vaccinated or not. The viral load is the same, so the risk of spreading the infection is the same. Those who have been boosted are less likely to be infected or carry a large viral load, hence they don’t need to isolate.

PCR Cannot Tell You Anything About Contagiousness

Fauci was also asked about how one can measure contagiousness. If the PCR can register positive for 12 weeks after an infection, it can’t be a reliable indicator of infectiousness. This was precisely the point that Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, attempted to make in the video at the top with respect to PCR and HIV.

So, how can we tell if we’re infectious or not? Fauci confirmed that the PCR can only tell you there’s a presence or absence of viral fragments, not whether it’s an active infection, or whether you’re actually infectious. He did not, however, provide an answer to the question as to how one can measure contagiousness.

Rapid Test Doesn’t Pick Up Omicron

Yet another confounding factor in this mess is that the rapid test apparently doesn’t pick up Omicron very well.18 Your viral load needs to be very high at the time of testing in order for the rapid test to recognize it.

This admission came within days of president Biden’s announcement that the federal government will distribute half a billion free rapid tests to homes around the country in 2022.19

It seems like a waste of resources, seeing how Omicron is starting to take over, but who knows, maybe it will pick up the common cold instead, allowing the “case” count to remain high enough to keep the charade going.

What’s the Real Death Count?

The CDC’s belated admission that the PCR test can’t identify active infection raises another question: What does this mean for those who died with a positive test? Did they actually have an active infection? If not, should they have been designated as COVID deaths?

The obvious answer to the last two questions is, of course, no. The vast majority were likely false positives, and the real death toll from COVID-19 considerably lower than we’re led to believe. The CDC undoubtedly knew this all along, seeing how they’ve been relentlessly criticized for their recommendation to run the PCR at a CT of 40. They’re trying to pretend that they just realized this, but that’s simply not believable.

Nobel Prize Winner Warns Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants, Urges Public to Reject Jabs

France’s Luc Montagnier / AP Images

Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), has recently exposed the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines. Montagnier discussed the issue in an interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media earlier this month, which was exclusively translated from French into English for RAIR Foundation USA.

The vaccines don’t stop the virus, argues the prominent virologist, they do the opposite — they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.

During the interview, professor Montagnier referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an “unacceptable mistake.” Mass vaccinations are a “scientific error as well as a medical error,” he said. “The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.” Montagnier explained that “there are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” forcing the virus to “find another solution” or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants that “are a production and result from the vaccination.”

Montagnier details that the mutation and strengthening of the virus occurs owing to the phenomenon known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). ADE is a mechanism that increases the ability of a virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of the disease. ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.

In America, routinely recommended vaccines do not cause ADE. If they did, they would be removed from circulation. Phase III clinical trials of new vaccines are designed to uncover frequent or severe side effects before the vaccine is approved for use. Typically, it takes 2-4 years to assess whether a vaccine is safe, but with COVID-19 vaccines, manufacturers are spending around six months or less for testing.

According to the Cambridge University, ADE occurs in SARS-CoV-1, MERS, HIV, Zika, and Dengue virus infection and vaccination.

Data from around the world confirms ADE occurs in SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, says Montagnier. “You see it in each country, it’s the same: the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths. I’m following this closely and I am doing experiments at the Institute with patients who became sick with Corona after being vaccinated.”

In a medical documentary Hold Up: Return of the Chaos, released in France on November 11, 2020, Montagnier rejected the then-upcoming vaccine against COVID, saying he will not be vaccinated. “My conscience tells me not to,” he said. Montagnier also addressed his French colleagues, urging them “to uphold their [medical] titles as doctors, not as the sheep.”

The movie discusses the origins of the virus, criticizes harmful and irrational mask mandates as well as lockdowns, quarantines, abuses of government overreach, and explores effective COVID treatments such as hydroxychloroquine. The video was banned on YouTube, possibly because the creators imply the World Economic Forum used the pandemic to establish world dominance as a part of a global plan that is known as the Great Reset.

Montagnier has been a vocal critic of the mass vaccination campaign. In a letter to the President and Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel, which unrolled the world’s speediest and the most massive vaccination campaign, Montagnier urged for its suspension:

I would like to summarize the potential dangers of these vaccines in a mass vaccination policy.

1. Short-term side effects: these are not the normal local reactions found for any vaccination, but serious reactions involve the life of the recipient such as anaphylactic shock linked to a component of the vaccine mixture, or severe allergies or an autoimmune reaction up to cell aplasia.

2. Lack of vaccine protection:

2.1 Induction of facilitating antibodies  – the induced antibodies do not neutralize a viral infection, but on the contrary facilitate it depending on the recipient. The latter may have already been exposed to the virus asymptomatically. A low level of naturally induced antibodies may compete with the antibodies induced by the vaccine.

2.2 The production of antibodies induced by vaccination in a population highly exposed to the virus will lead to the selection of variants resistant to these antibodies. These variants can be more virulent or more transmissible. This is what we are seeing now. An endless virus-vaccine race that will always turn to the advantage for the virus.

3. Long-term effects: Contrary to the claims of the manufacturers of messenger RNA vaccines, there is a risk of integration of viral RNA into the human genome. Indeed, each of our cells has endogenous retroviruses with the ability to reverse transcriptase from RNA into DNA. Although this is a rare event, its passage through the DNA of germ cells and its transmission to future generations cannot be excluded.

“Faced with an unpredictable future, it is better to abstain.” 

Earlier last year, Montagnier presented a powerful case proving that SARS-CoV2 could only be a genetically engineered coronavirus, therefore the vaccine strategy should be based on that fact.

As reported by French Soir, in his television interview of April 17, 2020, Montagnier drew attention to the presence of at least half a dozen mini-sequences of the HIV virus grouped together in a short segment of the SARS-Cov2 genome. This observation was published by the mathematician Jean-Claude Perez in February 2020 under the title “Synthetic origin of Covid-19 and Evolution.” These mini-sequences, researchers believe, could be exogenous information elements (EIA), that is, they can have genetic significance. They assert that this unmistakable presence of concentrated EIAs, in relation to HIV but also with the Yoeli Plasmodium parasite, the agent responsible for malaria, would not be natural and therefore would require an adequate strategy to develop a safe and effective vaccine. Montagnier and Perez explain the scientific challenges and complexity to develop vaccines against HIV and malaria, both of which still have no vaccines to combat infection.

Montagnier argues the coronavirus had escaped in an “industrial accident,” while Chinese scientists at the Wuhan city laboratory were trying to develop a vaccine against HIV.

Back in April 2020, Montagnier urged people to refuse vaccines against COVID-19 when they become available, because “instead of preventing the infection, they [would] accelerate infection.” Today, the newly occurring variants of SARS-CoV-2 that affect vaccinated people prove his thesis. In this case, mass vaccination may cause a new, more deadly wave of pandemic.

The same thesis is shared by the Belgium virologist Vanden Bossche, who is also calling for a halt to the mass-vaccination programs. He believes that if the jabs are not halted, they could lead to the evolution of stronger and stronger variants of the virus until a “supervirus” takes hold and wipes out huge numbers of people.

Smoking gun DARPA documents prove Fauci lied under oath, funded the development of a deadly bioweapon and helped unleash it on the world, killing millions Natural News

(Natural News) Thanks to a bombshell new revelation via Project Veritas, we now have smoking gun proof that Fauci lied under oath and funded the gain-of-function research that led to the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon being developed in Wuhan and unleashed upon the world.

The military documents acquired by Project Veritas confirm what we’ve been reporting for months: That EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA and requested funding for an experiment involving the aerosolized release of skin penetrating toxic spike protein nanoparticles into wild bat caves in China. DARPA refuse the request, noting that such an experiment would be wildly dangerous and would violate restrictions on biological weapons research.

After DARPA rejected the funding, Fauci and others at the NIH and NIAID found a funding workaround and deliberately circumvented the gain-of-function research restrictions in order to funnel money to Wuhan and affect the open air release of this biological weapon. Since then, millions have died (so far) around the world, and many hundreds of millions will likely die from the vaccine mandates spurred by the covid plandemic.

That’s because the spike protein bioweapon is the key ingredient in covid vaccines, too. For mRNA vaccines, the mRNA instructions tell your body to manufacture spike protein toxic nanoparticles, the very same bioweapons that DARPA said would be too dangerous to release in bat caves.

These documents prove that Fauci is a mass murderer.

As Naomi Wolf recently explained on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” broadcast, these actions on the part of Fauci and his co-conspirators are, in every way, “premeditated manslaughter of millions of people, coordinated at the highest levels.”

Fauci is guilty of mass murder and treason

This is smoking gun proof that Fauci knew he was funding a biological weapon, and he circumvented government restrictions in order to make sure China’s military-run lab got the funding and technical knowledge it needed to build this bioweapon. China then released the bioweapon on the world as an act of war to target the US economy and civil liberties of western nations.

Fauci is not merely a mass murderer, he is guilty of treason against the United States of America.

For protecting Fauci, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Government and Big Pharma are complicit in fraud, murder and treason. They must all be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

This is why Washington State — and soon, followed by other states — are activating their covid death camps. They will use them to target conservatives to be rounded up under “public health” authority (at gunpoint) and thrown into covid concentration camps which will soon be transformed into active death camps.

Power-hungry, tyrannical Democrats realize the only way they can hold on to power is to start committing genocide against their political opponents. I explain this in the following 18-minute podcast:

My full Situation Update podcast, below, delves into more detail about the covid death camps and why the Biden regime is so rushed to carry out mass genocide (and launch another deadly bioweapon) before the 2022 mid-terms.

There is a high chance that Fauci will oversee the release of a hemorrhagic fever pandemic to spread mass panic and kill even more people

The most likely candidate for what they’ll launch next is a hemorrhagic fever virus such as Marburg or weaponized Ebola. They will try to produce a very high fatality rate to leap to the next level of panic and hysteria, under which they will declare medical martial law and institute domestic travel checkpoints (show me your vaccine papers) and mandatory covid quarantines for the unvaccinated.

It won’t be long before Democrats start cranking up the incineration ovens and just start shoving conservatives, Christians, patriots, gun owners and Trump supporters into those ovens for as long as they are allowed to get away with it.

Naturally, they will have a fight on their hands, because conservative Americans aren’t simply going to walk blindly into death camps and surrender to tyrants. They are going to fight as if their lives depend on it… because they do.

The government has declared war on We the People, and their goal is now mass extermination. We have entered the death camp / incineration oven phase of the government’s betrayal of humanity.

The really crazy part is that once they eliminate as many conservatives as they can, these same government goons will turn their guns on the Democrats because global extermination is the real agenda, regardless of political affiliation.

In other words, all the Democrats going along with this will find themselves exterminated, too, unless armed conservatives manage to stop this holocaust. And yes, it’s Democrats who took most of the vaccines, so about a third of them have already been sentenced to death by lethal injection and will die off over the next decade from vaccine side effects.

If we stop all this today and halt vaccines this very minute, around 1.5 billion human beings will still be killed from the vaccines already administered. For each day that this vaccine holocaust continues, another 10 million are condemned to die.

Get full details in today’s Situation Update podcast:

Find a new podcast each day — plus interviews and special reports — at:

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A study of 260,000 unvaccinated people – newly published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Confirming That Natural Immunity Is Vastly Superior To Vax


Wow. A study of 260,000 unvaccinated people – newly published in the New England Journal of Medicine

Confirming that natural immunity is vastly superior to vax. Natural immunity provided good protection against reinfection and also very robust protection against severe disease or death.

1. Reinfections were rare— only about 0.5%

2. 0ut of the 260,000 there were 1,304 patients with reinfection, only 4 were admitted to the hospital; none needed ICU treatment, and none died.

Naturally acquired immunity protects from severe COVID upon reinfection: statistical evidence from Quatar


Senate Committee on State Affairs on Covid-19 Vaccine (Needs to be shared).

Senator Hall had 5 Simple Questions Regarding the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines

1. Question: With your experience going back to 1999, has there been another vaccine that had the high incidence of hospitalizations and deaths that this vaccine is now showing?
A. Answer: Not to this extent. Not even close.

2. Question: Would any other vaccine had been pulled from the market?
A. Answer: Absolutely. It would have been pulled within the first few, just as we have seen from the past.

3 Question: Have you seen any other vaccine that was put out to the public that skipped the animal tests?
A. Answer: Never before. Especially for children.

4. Question: What I have read is that they actually started the animal studies and discontinued because the animals were all dying they stopped the test?
A. Answer: Right.

He says: “Folks I think it is important to understand that the American people are the Guinea Pigs, this is the test that is going on.” “They didn’t do the human testing and they stopped the animal tests because the animals were dying and then they turned it out to the public.” “Now we are looking at businesses that want to mandate that this experimental vaccine be given to people as a condition of their employment. Yet we have this death count that continues to rise and be completely ignored.”

5. Question: Do you agree with what I am saying?
A. Answer: Absolutely.

Medical Murder Delayed By Court: Mercy Hospital Forced to Keep Patient Alive for Now – Stew Peters

UPDATE: Thanks to your efforts with blowing up Mercy Hospital’s phone lines, we have established enough pressure on the would-be murders to stall for time until Monday while attorney’s fight for Scott Quiner’s right to live. His attorneys join us.
Keep up the pressure!
Mercy Hospital
4050 Coon Rapids Blvd
Coon Rapids MN 55433
Main line 763-236-6000
Scott Quiner is in the Heart and Vascular Center
Their number is 763-236-8800
Heather is the Care Coordinator

Magnesium L-Threonate for Depression and Anxiety – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF magnesium-l-threonate-for-depression-and-anxiety-Marcola


  • Social confinement can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress and depressed mood and this can lead to other negative health consequences. Although people can exercise and seek counseling, nutrients can make a difference with the most important one being magnesium
  • A substantial percent of the population is likely magnesium deficient and may benefit by taking an additional 150 to 200 mg of magnesium through supplementation
  • Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include many mental issues such as depression, confusion and agitation
  • Magnesium L-threonate has improved effectiveness for increasing cerebrospinal fluid magnesium levels
  • Only magnesium L-threonate, as opposed to magnesium chloride or magnesium gluconate, increases cerebrospinal fluid magnesium levels and improves cognition in animal models

This article was previously published June 4, 2020, and has been updated with new information.

The recent coronavirus pandemic has infected over 5 million people and has caused over 300,000 deaths. This pandemic has also caused school and business closings, social distancing, and has forced millions of people to be confined to their homes.

Social confinement can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress and depressed mood, and this can lead to other negative health consequences. Although people can exercise and seek counseling, nutrients can make a difference with the most important one being magnesium.

Approximately 50% of American adults are not getting the estimated average requirement for magnesium (around 400 mg of magnesium/day).1 Indeed, most Americans are only consuming around 250 mg of magnesium per day.2

Thus, a substantial percent of the population is likely magnesium deficient and may benefit by taking an additional 150 to 200 mg of magnesium through supplementation.

In fact, up to 30% of the population is magnesium deficient based on low serum magnesium levels, and up to 84% of certain patient populations are magnesium deficient when using the gold standard IV magnesium load test.3

Thus, subclinical magnesium deficiency is common and leads to numerous mental health issues. This brief review will cover the potential benefits of magnesium, particularly magnesium L-threonate, for mood and anxiety.

Magnesium L-Threonate to the Rescue

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include many mental issues such as depression, confusion and agitation.4 Individuals with depression are known to have

  • Lower magnesium levels in the blood5 and the brain.6
  • Low cerebral spinal fluid magnesium.7

Unfortunately, cerebral spinal fluid magnesium levels are tightly controlled, whereby boosting blood levels of magnesium by 300% only increases cerebrospinal fluid levels by approximately 10 to 19%.8 However:

  • Magnesium L-threonate has improved effectiveness for increasing cerebrospinal fluid magnesium levels.9
  • Only magnesium L-threonate, as opposed to magnesium chloride or magnesium gluconate, increases cerebrospinal fluid magnesium levels and improves cognition in animal models.10

The first report of magnesium for improving mood was published in 1921, showing success in 220 out of 250 cases.11 Since then, numerous case reports have found rapid improvements in mood with the use of magnesium supplementation without side effects.12 Additionally:

  • A randomized equivalent trial found that oral magnesium supplementation was just as effective as an antidepressant for improving mood.13

Thus, clinical studies in humans suggests that magnesium supplementation is beneficial for improving mood. Approximately 60% of individuals who have a depressed mood are considered treatment-resistant and this may be due to magnesium deficiency.14 Moreover:

  • Low magnesium levels correlate with poor outcomes in individuals with a depressed mood who do not respond to medications.15
  • Higher magnesium intakes are associated with better mood scores.16
  • All of this suggests a potential role for magnesium, especially magnesium L-threonate, for mental health.

In summary, depressed mood may simply be a sign of magnesium deficiency in the brain. Boosting brain magnesium levels, particularly with the use of magnesium L-threonate, may have profound benefits on mood.

Importantly, magnesium is needed to make the three primary neurotransmitters in the brain, i.e., serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline and melatonin, which is important for sleep.

Magnesium L-Threonate for Anxiety Support

High levels of stress can lead to magnesium deficiency by increasing the amount of magnesium that is lost in the urine.17,18
Moreover, magnesium deficiency enhances the stress response.19
Magnesium deficiency increases stress-induced mortality in animals,20 whereas compensation for magnesium deficiency improves the ability of the nervous system to resist stress.21
In other words, stress leads to magnesium deficiency and magnesium deficiency leads to stress.
Animals receiving diets low in magnesium display increased anxiety-related behavior,22 and this may be due to hyper-excitability in the brain and increased cortisol production.23
Importantly, two studies have shown that supplementing animals with magnesium L-threonate reduces anxiety.24,25

Thus, magnesium L-threonate may have a central role in anxiety support. In summary, anxiety can cause magnesium deficiency and vice versa. Considering that most people in the United States are not consuming an adequate amount of magnesium from the diet, supplementation with magnesium L-threonate may have an important role for anxiety support.

Melatonin Significantly Reduces COVID-19 Mortality – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF melatonin-reduces-covid-mortality-Mercola


  • While most well-known as a natural sleep regulator, melatonin also has many other important functions. It boosts immune function, helps recharge glutathione and may improve treatment of certain bacterial diseases; it has anticonvulsant and antiexcitotoxic properties, and is a potent antioxidant with the rare ability to enter your mitochondria
  • In viral infections, melatonin lowers the overreaction of the host cells to the pathogen, thereby raising the host’s tolerance to the virus. This gives the host time to develop the adaptive immune response and eradicate the invading pathogen
  • Melatonin attenuates several pathological features of COVID-19, including excessive oxidative stress and inflammation, exaggerated immune response resulting in a cytokine storm, acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • An October 2021 study found melatonin significantly lowered mortality when given to severely infected COVID patients. In the standard care only group, 13 of the 76 patients died (17.1%), compared to just one of the 82 patients (1.2%) who received melatonin in addition to standard care — a reduction in mortality of 93%
  • During the second week of infection, a time when severely infected patients can take a drastic turn for the worse, the melatonin group fared much better than the standard care only group, with only two patients developing sepsis, compared to eight in the standard care only group

Melatonin is a hormone synthesized in your pineal gland and several other organs,1 indeed in most cells, including human lung monocytes and macrophages, as it is actually synthesized in your mitochondria.2

While most well-known as a natural sleep regulator, melatonin also has many other important functions.3 Notably, it plays an important role in cancer prevention4 and may prevent or improve certain autoimmune diseases, such as Type 1 diabetes.5

It also has anticonvulsant and antiexcitotoxic properties,6 and is a potent antioxidant7 with the rare ability to enter your mitochondria,8 where it helps prevent mitochondrial impairment, energy failure and the death of mitochondria damaged by oxidation.9 It also:

  • Boosts immune function
  • Helps recharge glutathione10 (and glutathione deficiency has been linked to COVID-19 severity)
  • May improve the treatment of certain bacterial diseases, including tuberculosis11
  • Helps regulate gene expression via a series of enzymes12

As noted in the Journal of Critical Care:13

“Melatonin is a versatile molecule … Melatonin plays an important physiologic role in sleep and circadian rhythm regulation, immunoregulation, antioxidant and mitochondrial-protective functions, reproductive control, and regulation of mood. Melatonin has also been reported as effective in combating various bacterial and viral infections.”

Melatonin Also Has Important Role in COVID-19 Treatment

Over the past two years, melatonin has emerged as a surprise weapon against COVID-19. It’s been shown to play a role in viral, bacterial and fungal infections14 and as early as June 2020, researchers suggested it might be an important adjunct to COVID-19 treatment.15,16,17 According to the authors of that paper, melatonin attenuates several pathological features of COVID-19, including:18

  • Excessive oxidative stress and inflammation
  • Exaggerated immune response resulting in a cytokine storm
  • Acute lung injury
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome

In October 2020, a scientific review,19 “Melatonin Potentials Against Viral Infections Including COVID-19: Current Evidence and New Findings,” summarized the mechanisms by which melatonin can protect against and ameliorate viral infections such as respiratory syncytial virus, viral hepatitis, viral myocarditis, Ebola, West Nile virus and dengue virus.

Based on these collective findings, they hypothesized melatonin may offer similar protection against SARS-CoV-2. One mechanistic basis for this relates to melatonin’s effects on p21-activated kinases (PAKs), a family of serine and threonine kinases. The authors explain:20

“In the last decade, PAKs have acquired great attention in medicine due to their contribution to a diversity of cellular functions. Among them, PAK1 is considered as a pathogenic enzyme and its unusual activation could be responsible for a broad range of pathologic conditions such as aging, inflammation, malaria, cancers immunopathology, viral infections, etc …

Interestingly, melatonin exerts a spectrum of important anti-PAK1 properties … It has been proposed that coronaviruses could trigger CK2/RAS-PAK1-RAF-AP1 signaling pathway via binding to ACE2 receptor.

Although it is not scientifically confirmed as yet, PAK1-inhibitors could theoretically exert as potential agents for the management of a recent outbreak of COVID-19 infection. Indeed, Russel Reiter, a leading pioneer in melatonin research, has recently emphasized that melatonin may be incorporated into the treatment of COVID-19 as an alternative or adjuvant.”

Melatonin Lowers COVID-19 Mortality

Then, on the last day of 2021, Melatonin Research published a research commentary21 discussing an October 2021 study22 by Hasan et. al., which found melatonin significantly lowered mortality when given to severely infected COVID patients. According to the authors:

“In a single-center, open-label, randomized clinical trial, it was observed that melatonin treatment lowered the mortality rate by 93% in severely-infected COVID-19 patients compared with the control group.

This is seemingly the first report to show such a huge mortality reduction in severe COVID-19 infected individuals with a simple treatment. If this observation is confirmed by more rigorous clinical trials, melatonin could become an important weapon to combat this pandemic.”

The commentators point out that, at less than $5 per course of treatment, melatonin is a cost-effective addition to any treatment plan. For comparison, Regeneron monoclonal antibodies cost about $2,100 per dose and remdesivir is $3,100 per treatment. Melatonin also has no serious side effects, so it can be universally used.

The Hasan trial23 included 158 hospitalized COVID patients between the ages of 18 and 80. All had confirmed severe SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Eighty-two of the patients were enrolled in the melatonin arm and received 10 milligrams (mg) of melatonin half an hour before bedtime for 14 days, in addition to standard therapeutic care, which included oxygen intubation, remdesivir, levofloxacin (an antibiotic for protection against secondary bacterial infections), dexamethasone (an anti-inflammatory) and enoxaparin (an anticoagulant).

In the standard care only group, 13 of the 76 patients died (17.1%), compared to just one of the 82 patients (1.2%) who received melatonin in addition to everything else. That’s a reduction in mortality of 93%, which is quite remarkable. Three mechanisms of action responsible for this success appears to be a combination of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory activities.24

During the second week of infection, a time when severely infected patients can take a drastic turn for the worse, the melatonin group fared much better than the standard care only group, with only two patients developing sepsis, compared to eight in the standard care only group.25

The Hasan trial also supports findings from a clinical case series26 published in 2020, where patients diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia received 36 mg to 72 mg of melatonin intravenously per day, in four divided doses, as an adjunct therapy to standard of care.

All of the patients given melatonin improved within four to five days, and all survived. On average, those given melatonin were discharged from the hospital after 7.3 days, compared to 13 days for those who did not get melatonin.

How Melatonin Prevents Sepsis

This isn’t the first time melatonin has been highlighted for its ability to prevent and treat sepsis. A 2010 paper27 in The Journal of Critical Care noted that melatonin helps prevent and reverse septic shock symptoms by:28

  • Decreasing synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines
  • Preventing lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced oxidative damage, endotoxemia and metabolic alterations
  • Suppressing gene expression of the bad form of nitric oxide, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
  • Preventing apoptosis (cell death)

Similarly, a 2014 study29 in the Journal of Pineal Research pointed out that melatonin accumulates in mitochondria, and has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity that could be useful in the treatment of sepsis.

This was a Phase 1 dose escalation study in healthy volunteers to evaluate the tolerability and health effects of melatonin at various dosages. They also assessed the effect of melatonin in an ex vivo whole blood model mimicking sepsis.

No adverse effects were reported for dosages ranging from 20 mg to 100 mg, and the blood model testing revealed melatonin and its metabolite 6-hydroxymelatonin “had beneficial effects on sepsis-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and cytokine responses …” The authors further explained:30

“Mitochondrial dysfunction initiated by oxidative stress drives inflammation and is generally accepted as playing a major role in sepsis-induced organ failure. It has been recognized that exogenous antioxidants may be useful in sepsis, and more recently, the potential for antioxidants acting specifically in mitochondria has been highlighted.

We showed previously that antioxidants targeted to mitochondria, including melatonin, reduced organ damage in a rat model of sepsis … In vitro models of sepsis show that melatonin and its major hydroxylated metabolite, 6-hydroxymelatonin, are both effective at reducing the levels of key inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction.

In rat models of sepsis, melatonin reduces oxidative damage and organ dysfunction and also decreases mortality.

The dose needed for antioxidant action is thought to be considerably higher than that given for modulation of the sleep–wake cycle, but the actual dose required in man is unclear, particularly because the major bioactive effects of oral melatonin in the context of inflammation are likely to be mediated primarily by metabolite levels.”

Melatonin Has Many Mechanisms of Action

When it comes to viral infections, melatonin doesn’t actually target the virus itself. It primarily aids the host, lowering the overreaction of the host cells to the pathogen, thereby raising the host’s tolerance to the virus. As explained in the featured Melatonin Research commentary,31 “This tolerance allows the host sufficient time to develop the adaptive immune response and finally eradicate the invading pathogens.”

By regulating your immune responses, melatonin also helps prevent cytokine storms,32 which is what ultimately kills some patients with serious SARS-CoV-2 infection. Melatonin is also a known cytoprotector with neuroprotective properties that can potentially reduce the neurological sequelae documented in patients infected with COVID-19.33

Part of melatonin’s benefit against COVID may also have to do with the fact that it enhances vitamin D signaling34 and, together, melatonin and vitamin D synergistically enhance your mitochondrial function. In fact, your mitochondria are the final common targets for both.35

I’ve written many articles detailing the importance of vitamin D optimization to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and more serious COVID-19 illness. The evidence for this is frankly overwhelming, and raising vitamin D levels among the general population may be one of the most important prevention strategies available to us. To learn more, download my vitamin D report, available for free on Melatonin may also combat SARS-CoV-2 infection by:36

Having an antibacterial effect on white blood cells called neutrophils37 (a high neutrophil count is an indicator for infection)
Suppressing oxidative stress38
Regulating blood pressure (a risk factor for severe COVID-19)
Improving metabolic defects associated with diabetes and insulin resistance (risk factors for severe COVID-19) via inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS)
Protecting mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs, which have been shown to ameliorate severe SARS-CoV-2 infection) against injuries and improving their biological activities
Promoting both cell-mediated and humoral immunity
Promoting synthesis of progenitor cells for macrophages and granulocytes, natural killer (NK) cells and T-helper cells, specifically CD4+ cells
Inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasomes39 — Inflammasomes are part of your natural immune response. When a pathogen is detected, inflammasomes are activated and start releasing proinflammatory cytokines. The inflammasome NLRP3, specifically, has been identified as a key culprit in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and acute lung injury, both of which are potential outcomes of COVID-19 infection40

Melatonin Reduces Risk of Positive COVID-19 Test

Data41,42 from Cleveland Clinic also supports the use of melatonin. Here, the researchers analyzed patient data from the Cleveland Clinic’s COVID-19 registry using an artificial intelligence platform designed to identify drugs that may be repurposed.43,44

By identifying clinical manifestations and pathologies shared by COVID-19 and 64 other diseases, they were able to conclude that certain proteins associated with chronic diseases are highly connected with SARS-CoV-2 proteins. Put another way, a number of proteins appear to play a key role in the pathologies seen both in COVID-19 and other chronic diseases.

These connections suggest that drugs already in use for a chronic disease may be repurposed and used in the treatment of COVID-19, as it acts on one or more shared biological targets. Melatonin stood out in this regard. Patients who used melatonin as a supplement had, on average, a 28% lower risk of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2. Blacks who used melatonin were 52% less likely to test positive for the virus.

Unfortunately, two key data points missing from the analysis are the dosage used and the length of supplementation. These data were not included in the patient registry, so we don’t know how much melatonin is required, or how long you need to take it, to lower your risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection to the degree found in this study.

Melatonin Is an Integral Part of Front Line Protocol

Early in 2020, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)45 developed preventive, outpatient treatment and inpatient protocols46 based on the insights of the founding critical care doctors. Dr. Paul Marik,47 a critical care doctor known for his life-saving vitamin C sepsis protocol,48 is one of those doctors.

Marik published a paper in the Journal of Thoracic Disease in February 202049 giving the scientific rationale for using melatonin to help regulate the oxidative imbalance and mitochondrial dysfunction that are commonly found in sepsis.

This was followed by a paper published in the Frontiers in Medicine in May 2020,50 in which he and a team of scientists presented a therapeutic algorithm for melatonin in the treatment of COVID-19 specifically. “Melatonin’s multiple actions as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral (against other viruses) make it a reasonable choice for use,” they wrote.

Based on its known mechanisms of action, the FLCCC has included melatonin in its early treatment and hospital treatment protocols from the start. You can download the latest protocols on the FLCCC’s website.51

As a supportive therapy, the FLCCC recommends taking 6 mg before bed if you’re treating early or mild symptomatic COVID-19. The hospital treatment protocol calls for anywhere from 6 mg to 12 mg of melatonin at night, until discharge.

For patients treating long-haul COVID-19 syndrome (LHCS), they recommend taking between 2 mg and 12 mg nightly. Begin with a low dose and work your way up as tolerated. If your sleep is disturbed, lower your dose. (Low doses of melatonin will help make you sleepy, while higher doses can trigger sleeplessness.)

General Guidance for Supplementation

While the doses suggested when used against COVID are significantly higher than what you’d normally take to improve your sleep, there does not appear to be any danger to these doses. Research has found no adverse effects for dosages ranging from 20 mg up to 100 mg.52

These dose ranges are up to 100 times more than what a typical conservative dose of 0.5 mg, but it is encouraging that no adverse effects were observed at these high doses. It would still be prudent however to only use doses this high for limited times when you might need them.

Whatever dose you take — and I recommend starting low, at 1 mg or less — be sure to take melatonin at night, before bed. Rising melatonin levels is the reason you feel sleepy in the evening, so it’s ill advised to take it in the morning or during the day, when your natural level is (and should be) low.

Melatonin is also best taken sublingually, either in the form of a spray or sublingual tablet. Sublingually, it can enter your blood stream directly and doesn’t have to go through the digestive tract. As a result, its effect will be felt more rapidly.

Swiss Policy Research On the Treatment of Covid-19 – Prevention and Cure

Updated: January 2021
Based on the available scientific evidence and current clinical experience, the SPR Collaboration recommends that physicians and authorities consider the following covid-19 treatment protocol for the prophylactic and early treatment of people at high risk or high exposure.

Numerous international studies have shown that prophylactic and early treatment can significantly reduce the risk of severe and fatal covid-19 (see scientific references below).

Note: Patients are asked to consult a doctor.

Treatment protocol


Goal: Supporting immune system, reducing viral load if infected.

  1. Vitamin D3 (2000 IU per day)
  2. Vitamin C (500mg per day)
  3. Zinc (20mg to 30mg per day)
  4. Quercetin (250mg per day)
  5. Mouthwashes and nasal spray

Early treatment (*)

Goal: Preventing disease progression (anti-viral, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory).

  1. Zinc (75mg to 100mg per day)
  2. Quercetin (500mg per day)
  3. Aspirin (325mg per day)*
  4. Bromhexine (48mg per day)*
  5. Arginine (3g to 5g per day)
  6. Artemisia annua (tea/powder)
  7. Mouthwashes and nasal spray

Prescription only

Goal: Preventing or reversing disease progression.

  1. High-dose calcifediol*
  2. Sulodexide (LMW heparin)
  3. Fluvoxamine or cyproheptadine*
  4. Steroids: Budesonide or prednisone*
  5. Anti-androgen treatment
  6. Amantadine
  7. Ivermectin (see below)

Novel drugs

Goal: Targeted anti-viral treatment.

  1. Monoclonal antibodies
  2. Paxlovid (Pfizer)
  3. Molnupiravir (Merck)*

(*) Notes

  • The early treatment phase includes post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).
  • Bromhexine is available prescription-free in most of Europe, but not in the US.
  • Steroids and cyproheptadine are only used if respiratory symptoms develop.
  • Molnupiravir (the Merck pill) is not a recommended treatment (see below).
  • Counterindications and maximum dosages must be observed for all drugs.
  • On hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), see Severe covid: A postviral autoimmune attack

See also

General notes

The early treatment of patients as soon as the first typical symptoms appear and even without a PCR test is essential to prevent progression of the disease. In contrast, isolating infected high-risk patients at home and without early treatment until they develop serious respiratory problems, as often happened during lockdowns, may be counterproductive.

People at high risk living in an epidemically active area should consider prophylactic treatment together with their doctor. The reason for this is the long incubation period of covid (up to 10 days): when patients first notice that they contracted the disease, the viral load is already at a maximum and there are often only a few days left to react with an early treatment intervention.

Early treatment based on the above protocol is intended to avoid hospitalization. If hospitalization nevertheless becomes necessary, it is recommended to avoid invasive ventilation (intubation) whenever possible and to use oxygen therapy (HFNC) instead.

Treatment studies

Results of trials and studies on the early treatment of covid.


Ivermectin (an antiparasitic drug) has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Several controlled and observational studies on ivermectin found anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects and a significant reduction in covid morbidity and mortality.
  • However, several positive ivermectin studies turned out to be unreliable or fraudulent.
  • Once low-quality studies are excluded from the analysis, the benefit of ivermectin is no longer statistically significant, although a moderate benefit might still be possible.
  • Read more: The Ivermectin Debate (SPR)
Zinc and quercetin

Zinc inhibits RNA polymerase activity of coronaviruses and thus inhibits virus replication. Quercetin (a plant polyphenol) supports the cellular absorption of zinc and has additional anti-viral properties.

  • A Spanish study found that low plasma zinc levels (below 50mcg/dl) increased the risk of in-hospital death of covid patients by 130%.
  • US studies found an 84% decrease in hospitalizations and a 45% decrease in mortality based on risk-stratified early treatment with zinc and HCQ.
  • A US case study reported a rapid resolution of covid symptoms, such as shortness of breath, based on early outpatient treatment with high-dose zinc.
  • An Italian randomized trial found a significantly reduced hospitalization rate and mortality in covid patients receiving quercetin.

Bromhexine (a mucolytic cough medication) inhibits the expression of cellular TMPRSS2 protease and thus the entry of the virus into the cell, as first described in 2017.

  • A randomized Iranian trial with 78 patients found a decrease in intensive care treatments of 82%, a decrease in intubations of 89%, and a decrease in deaths of 100%.
  • A Chinese trial found a 50% reduction in intubations in patients receiving bromhexine.
  • A Russian study found a faster recovery in hospitalized patients receiving bromhexine.
  • A Russian prophylaxis study found a reduction in symptomatic covid from 20% to 0%.
Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 supports and improves the immune system response to infections.

  • A Spanish randomized controlled trial found a 96% reduction in the risk of requiring intensive care in patients receiving high-dose vitamin D (100,000 IU).
  • Another Spanish study with 930 hospitalized patients found a 87% reduction in ICU treatment and a 79% reduction in mortality in patients receiving high-dose vitamin D.
  • A study in a French nursing home found an 89% decrease in mortality in residents who had received high-dose vitamin D either shortly before or during covid-19 disease.
  • A retrospective British study of approximately 1000 hospitalized covid patients found an 80% reduction in mortality with high-dose vitamin D.
  • A large Israeli study found a strong link between vitamin D deficiency and covid-19 severity.
  • For an overview of all covid-19 vitamin D studies, see here.
Aspirin and heparin

Aspirin and heparin have anti-platelet and anti-thrombotic effects.

  • A meta-study including 15,000 patients found a reduction in covid mortality of 53% in patients who were receiving aspirin as early or prophylactic treatment.
  • A study published in PLOS One found a reduction in covid mortality at 30 days from 10.5% (control group) to 4.3% (with aspirin) in 70,000 US veterans taking aspirin.
  • A retrospective US study with 400 patients found a reduction in ICU treatments by 43% and a reduction in mortality by 47% in the group of patients treated early with aspirin.
  • A Mexican randomized controlled trial found a 40% reduction in hospitalization in patients receiving sulodexide (a heparin combination).

Arginine is an amino acid supporting endothelial function, immune regulation, and tissue repair.

  • A small randomized controlled trial, published in The Lancet E-Clinical Medicine, found that hospitalized covid patients receiving 3g of arginine per day had a significantly reduced need of respiratory support at 10 days and a significantly shorter length of hospitalization.
  • A metabolomic analysis in covid ICU patients, published in Critical Care Explorations, found that low levels of arginine very strongly predicted the risk of death.
  • A report published in PNAS found that plasma arginine and arginine bioavailability were significantly lower in adult and pediatric covid patients compared to controls.
  • See also: l-Arginine and COVID-19: An Update (Nutrients, November 2021)
Artemisia annua (tea, powder, or extract)

Artemisia annua plant extract has known antimalarial and antiviral properties.

  • An in vitro study by the German Max Planck Institute, published in Nature Scientific Reports, found artemisia annua to be effective against SARS-CoV-2at realistic doses.
  • An in vitro study by US researchers, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, found artemisia annua hot-water extracts to be effective against SARS-CoV-2 replication.
  • In a small clinical trial, published in Antimicrobial Agents, the viral load decreased significantly faster in covid patients treated with artemisinin-piperaquine.
  • In a 2005 in vitro study, published in Antiviral Research, artemisia annua was already identified as effective against the original SARS-1 virus.
  • In Madagascar, the first country to apply artemisia annua extract against covid, covid mortality and excess mortality have remained very low, even for African standards.
  • In a simulation study by a Harvard research group, the anti-malaria drug amodiaquine was identified as most effective against SARS-CoV-2 replication.
Mouthwashes and nasal sprays

Mouthwashes and nasal sprays target the initial infection and viral replication.

  • Several small studies found that mouthwashes (gargling) based on povidone-iodine and nasal sprays based on povidone-iodine or nitric oxide may prevent a coronavirus infection or reduce its duration or symptoms (more about this).
  • The German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DGKH) recommends anti-viral mouthwashes and nasal sprays for prophylaxis and early treatment.
  • Some observers argued that traditional nasal rinsing and gargling practicesin South East Asia may have helped successfully limiting coronavirus infections in these countries.
  • Israel started mass production of nasal sprays based on nitric oxide in early 2021.
Anti-androgen treatment

Anti-androgen treatment inhibits the expression of the TMPRSS2 cellular protease used by SARS-CoV-2, which is driven by androgen hormones (i.e. male sexual hormones).

  • A first randomized, double-blinded and placebo-controlled trial in Brazil found that proxalutamide reduced hospitalization rates in male patients by 91%.
  • Another randomized, double-blinded and placebo-controlled trial in Brazil found that proxalutamide reduced mortality in hospitalized patients (male and female) by 78%.
  • However, the two Brazilian trials have been criticized by other researchers.
  • Previous studies found that men receiving anti-androgens – typically used against prostate cancer or hair loss – were at a much lower risk of severe covid.
Fluvoxamine and Cyproheptadine

These drugs inhibit serotonin-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction.

  • The TOGETHER trial found that fluvoxamine outpatient treatment of covid patients reduced disease progression (hospitalizations or ER visits) significantly by 32%.
  • The results of two preliminary US trials indicate that early treatment with fluvoxamine may strongly reduce the risk of severe covid, hospitalization and death.
  • In a small US case study, cyproheptadine rapidly improved the condition of hospitalized covid patients
  • Fluvoxamine and cyproheptadine target serotonin metabolism and serotonin-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction, which according to emerging evidence may be a key mechanism driving severe covid and covid-related respiratory failure.
  • Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and reducesplatelet serotonin concentration; cyproheptadine is a direct serotonin receptor antagonist. In addition, fluvoxamine is a sigma-1 receptor antagonist and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone, budesonide) reduce covid-related inflammation.

  • A study by the University of Oxford, published in the Lancet, found a significant reduction in urgent care visits and hospitalizations in patients receiving budesonide (an asthma drug).
  • The British PRINCIPLE trial found that budesonide accelerated recovery by 3 days and reduced hospitalizations and deaths from 10.3% to 8.5%.
  • The early outpatient treatment protocol developed by McCullough et al. recommends the use of prednisone if (and only if) covid-related respiratory symptoms develop.

Amantadine is a medication used against influenza and some neurological conditions.

  • A Danish study, published in December 2021 in Nature communications biology, showed that amantadine inhibits two of the four ion channels of SARS-CoV-2.
  • A study by the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI), published in March 2021 in Viruses, showed that amantadine inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in cell culture. However, according to the RKI the required dose can only be achieved via inhalation.
  • A small Polish observational study, published in December 2021 by Medpress, found that covid patients receiving amantadine had a low hospitalization rate.
  • A small Polish study, published in July 2020, found that patients receiving amantadine against neurological conditions had mostly asymptomatic covid.
Monoclonal antibodies, Molnupiravir, Paxlovid

These novel drugs have direct anti-viral properties.

  • Monoclonal antibodies have been shown to be effective in early treatment but ineffective in the treatment of already hospitalized patients (post-viral phase). In addition, monoclonal antibodies rapidly lose efficacy against new viral variants.
  • Plasma from convalescents has been shown to be ineffective in both early and late treatment of covid patients.
  • Molnupiravir (Merck) has a questionable efficacy record. In addition, the mechanism of action is potentially DNA-toxic and may promote dangerous mutations of the virus. French health authorities rejected authorization of the drug.
  • Paxlovid (Pfizer) directly inhibits viral replication and, according to initial data, has been shown to be very effective in early treatment (reducing hospitalizations and deaths in at-risk groups by nearly 90%). Paxlovid, however, will not be available until mid-2022.

See also

New Evidence Contradicts Fauci’s Sworn Testimony – Dr. Mercola

In a tell-all video, Project Veritas shows evidence that the U.S. government, with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NIAID, the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance, secretly discussed avenues on how to conduct dangerous gain-of-function research.

According to a Veritas summary, ”Dr. Fauci has repeatedly maintained, under oath, that the NIH and NAIAD have not been involved in gain-of-function research with the EcoHealth Alliance program. But according to the documents obtained by Project Veritas which outline why EcoHealth Alliance’s proposal was rejected, DARPA certainly classified the research as gain of function.”

The documents also show “the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines,” the summary says.

SOURCE:  Project Veritas January 1, 2022

Massive Study Shows Sharp Increase in COVID After the Shots – Dr. Mercola

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout was supposed to signal the beginning of the end of the pandemic but, instead, a massive study indicates a sharp increase in COVID cases and deaths erupted in the wake of the jabs.

In the U.S. alone, cases jumped by 38% and deaths by 31%. In total, researchers found that 89.4% of 145 countries experienced this surprising, negative effect.


The Gateway Pundit January 9, 2022

Research Gate November 2021

Remdesivir: An Epidemic Failure – Swiss Policy Research

Remdesivir: An Epidemic Failure – Swiss Policy Research

SPR and ther independent experts warned early on that the very expensive “anti-viral” drug remdesivir, produced by Gilead and promoted by the media, is a failure. Dr. Paul Marik, author of the EVMS Covid-19 Critical Care Protocol, called remdesivir a “particularly useless drug” and Gilead’s aggressive marketing campaign “Wall Street centered, not patient-centered”.

The newly published results of the global WHO Solidarity trial now confirm that remdesivir reduces neither hospital stay (time to recovery) nor mortality. But remdesivir is not just a “useless drug”, it may in fact be a dangerous one, as its liver and kidney toxicity in covid patients has been widely documented and is currently being investigated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva recently revealed how Gilead paid more than $200 million to US doctors and hospitals to promote its drugs despite several hundred drug-related deaths (this is referring to Gilead’s hepatitis C drug, in particular).

Moreover, several of the fraudulent anti-HCQ studies were published by researchers linked to or paid by remdesivir producer Gilead. The WHO trial itself used toxic overdoses of HCQ, as first revealed by US doctor and biohazard expert Meryl Nass in June (the WHO trial was halted thereafter).

(Update: As the Guardian reports, Gilead knew about the negative WHO trial results since September 23, but nevertheless signed a $1 billion deal for 500,000 doses of remdesivir with the European Commission, which did not yet know about the results, on October 8.)

Based on current scientific and clinical evidence, it is best to treat high-risk covid patients as early as possible to avoid disease progression and hospitalization. For more information, see the recent video presentation on ambulatory treatment of covid by Dr. Peter McCullough.

MoreWorld’s top intensive care body advises against remdesivir (Reuters)

See also

Why Did US Deaths Shoot Up 40% Above Normal Last Year? – Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • OneAmerica, a national life insurance company based in Indianapolis, reports working age people (18 to 64) are dying at a rate that is 40% higher than prepandemic rates
  • There’s also been an uptick in disability claims. Initially, there was a rise in short-term disability claims, but now most claims are for long-term disabilities
  • Hospitalizations in Indiana are also higher than before the COVID shots were rolled out in in 2021, and the highest they’ve been in five years
  • The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India also reports a 41% rise in death claims in 2021
  • COVID-19 deaths were significantly lower in 2021 than 2020, so COVID-19 can be ruled out as the cause for this historical rise in excess deaths and disabilities. Right now, the most probable cause is the experimental COVID jabs

As we’ve seen over the past two years, data and statistics can be manipulated and skewed in a wide variety of ways. COVID cases, for example, have clearly been overinflated by including people with no symptoms (likely false positives) and diagnosing anyone entering the hospital for an unrelated issue as a COVID patient if they test positive (again, falsely) for SARS-CoV-2.

One of the most reliable data points we have is all-cause mortality. It’s very hard to massage that statistic, as people are either dead or they’re not. Their inclusion in the national death index database is based on one primary criteria — they’ve died — regardless of the cause.

From there, their cause of death, as identified on their death certificate, is added in to more granular statistics, such as the number of people who died from cancer and heart disease in any given year, for example. But while the cause of any given death can be manipulated and altered, the fact that there was a death is more certain. What’s more, death rates tend to be very stable.

As noted in a (not peer-reviewed) study led by scientist Denis Rancourt, who looked at U.S. mortality between March 2020 and October 2021,1 “All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable data for detecting true catastrophic events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge in deaths from any cause.”

40% Rise in Deaths Among Working Americans

With that in mind, OneAmerica’s announcement that the death rate of working-age Americans (18 to 64), in the third quarter of 2021, was 40% higher than prepandemic levels is rather stunning. OneAmerica is a national mutual life insurance company based in Indianapolis. During an early January 2022 press conference, CEO Scott Davidson said:2

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business — not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.

And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic. Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So, 40% is just unheard of.”

According to Davidson, a majority of the death claims filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, so something else is driving up the death rate. As reported by The Center Square:3

“The CDC weekly death counts, which reflect the information on death certificates and so have a lag of up to eight weeks or longer, show that for the week ending Nov. 6, there were far fewer deaths from COVID-19 in Indiana compared to a year ago — 195 verses 336 — but more deaths from other causes — 1,350 versus 1,319.”

Disability Claims Have Also Risen

At the same time, OneAmerica has also noticed an uptick in disability claims. Initially, there was a rise in short-term disability claims, but now most claims are for long-term disabilities. The company expects the rise in claims will cost them “well over $100 million,” an unexpected expense that will be passed on to employers buying group life insurance policies.

During that press conference, Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, confirmed Indiana hospitals are seeing a dramatic increase in both deaths and hospitalizations for a wide variety of conditions.4

Not only are the number of hospitalizations in Indiana higher than it was before the COVID shots were rolled out in in 2021, it’s the highest it’s been in five years.5 Meanwhile, the daily deaths from COVID-19 are less than half that of 2020.

What’s Killing Younger Healthy Americans?

Since COVID-19 isn’t killing younger, healthy Americans, what is? What changed in 2021 that might have such a devastating effect on people’s health? Well, the most obvious change is that more than 100 million Americans got the experimental COVID shots, and doctors and scientists have elucidated several mechanisms by which these gene transfer technologies might injure or kill. As reported by vaccine safety blogger Steve Kirsch:6

“Normally death rates don’t change at all. They are very stable. It would take something REALLY BIG to have an effect this big. The effect size is 12-sigma.7 That is an event that would happen by pure chance every 2.832 years. That’s very rare. It’s basically never.

The universe is only 14 billion years old which is 1.413. In other words, the event that happened is not a statistical ‘fluke.’ Something caused a very big change … Whatever it is that is causing this, it is bigger and deadlier than COVID and it’s affecting nearly everyone.”

Kirsch lists 14 clues as to what this deadly “something” might be, including the following:8

The rise in deaths began after the rollout of the COVID shots
It’s primarily working age people (18 to 64) who are dying
There are more excess deaths than any time in history, which suggests they’re caused by a novel threat
COVID deaths have significantly diminished, so COVID-19 can be ruled out
People are dying from a wide variety of causes, so most pathogens can be ruled out
To get an effect size this high, the lethal agent must affect massive numbers of people. “It is something new affecting at least half the population,” Kirsch writes, “like a new mandated vaccine for example”
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has been, and continues to, push to get everyone injected
Since other life insurance companies are seeing the same trend, the causative factor is national in scope
The dramatic rise in disabilities suggests that many who aren’t killed by this novel threat are seriously injured, often long-term. As mentioned, doctors and scientists have detailed several mechanisms of action by which the COVID shots can maim or kill

Adverse Events May Be More Underreported Than Calculated

Kirsch continues:9

“We know that about 3M people die a year in the U.S.10 75% are over 65 years old, so that leaves us with 750K deaths per year for under 65. If that jumped by 40% from pre-pandemic levels in Q3 and Q4, we should assume that Q2 was the ramp up period (we’ll assume a linear ramp up in Q2).

So that is 75K deaths per quarter for Q3 and Q4 and half of that, 37K deaths in Q2. So that means roughly 187K excess deaths are probably happening for ages 18-64 due to some new cause.”

He then goes on to compare that rough estimate of 187,000 excess deaths to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which, as of the December 24, 2021, data release, included 2,156 deaths between the ages of 17 and 65.

Subtracting the background death rate of 40 from 2,156, multiplied by Kirsch’s calculated underreporting factor (URF) of 4111 gives us 87,000 deaths. In other words, assuming vaccine injuries are underreported by a factor of 41, the real death toll from the COVID jab would be 87,000. However, that’s 100,000 short of the 187,000 excess death rate calculated above.

This means “either there is another effect at play which is actually killing more people 18 to 64 than the vaccine is, (unlikely but possible),” Kirsch writes, or “my URF of 41 is underestimating deaths by a factor of 2.15.” Kirsch is not alone in suspecting the novel COVID shots are the causative factor for this dramatic rise in excess deaths.

A Government Imposed Health Disaster Looms Large

Dr. Robert Malone addressed OneAmerica’s finding in a Substack article, stating:12

“AT A MINIMUM, based on my reading, one has to conclude that if this report holds and is confirmed by others in the dry world of life insurance actuaries, we have both a huge human tragedy and a profound public policy failure of the U.S. Government and U.S. HHS system to serve and protect the citizens that pay for this ‘service.’

IF this holds true, then the genetic vaccines so aggressively promoted have failed, and the clear federal campaign to prevent early treatment with lifesaving drugs has contributed to a massive, avoidable loss of life.

AT WORST, this report implies that the federal workplace vaccine mandates have driven what appears to be a true crime against humanity. Massive loss of life in (presumably) workers that have been forced to accept a toxic vaccine at higher frequency relative to the general population of Indiana.”

Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel, also weighed in on the new data:13

“So what does this tell us? It tells us that we are potentially in a huge steaming pile of shit. To be frank. These indications from our friend at the insurance company are simply that — indications.

If what we are seeing in VAERS, and the other adverse event reporting systems, is the mere reflection of what is actually going on with regards to injuries, which I presume it is, then we ain’t seen nothing yet.

And if what is being reported with regards to immune deficiencies associated with these injections is not simply anecdotal or representative of a small sub-cohort of individuals, we could be looking at a government-imposed complete health disaster.”

The Defender also reported other studies and data suggesting the COVID shots are causing massive harm:14

“In a September study15 described as ‘narrative-shattering,’ Harvard, Tufts and Veterans Affairs researchers reported that approximately half of hospitalized patients ‘showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021’ had likely been admitted ‘for another reason entirely.’

In Ventura County, California, which is witnessing a startling spike in non-COVID-related hospitalizations,16 nurse whistleblowers argue the vaccines should be one of the first explanations considered. Why else, they ask, would otherwise healthy adults be showing up in droves with brain bleeds, heart attacks, autoimmune issues and lung abnormalities?

Autopsies17 of individuals who died following COVID vaccination reveal shocking pathological alterations most frequently affecting the heart and lungs but also the brain and other organs …

Far from being willing to contemplate the elephant in the room, the Indiana insurance executive indicated he plans to require all OneAmerica employees to get vaccinated. Somewhat counterintuitively, the industry’s ability to pass along costs for elevated claims activity by raising premiums now has analysts rosily predicting the insurance industry is ‘buckled up to accelerate growth in 2022’ …

On the consumer side of the fence, the picture is far less rosy — for both the unvaccinated and vaccinated. For example, New York State Assemblyman Patrick Burke (D-Buffalo) proposed punitive legislation that would permit insurers to deny COVID-related treatment coverage for individuals who choose not to get vaccinated.

Adding insult to injury, there are also reports of insurance companies imposing premium increases on employers in counties with low vaccination rates. Meanwhile, many of those injured by COVID vaccines report18 denials of health and disability insurance coverage.”

Same Trend Seen in Many Other States and Countries

As noted by Davidson, OneAmerica is not alone in seeing an unprecedented spike in excess deaths. It’s also not limited to the United States. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, for example, also reports a 41% rise in death claims in 2021.19 That’s near-identical to the 40% increase reported by OneAmerica.

According to Kirsch, Phoenix, Arizona, is reporting a 100% rise in the death rate among city employees. In 2021, it was double that of the 10-year average.20 “There is clearly something going on that is not unique to Indiana,” he writes, adding:

“Excess mortality figures in Europe21 and the UK seem to show younger people are dying faster than the elderly, and that people 0-14 are dying faster in the second half of 2021 as compared to the first. More evidence showing that the vaccines are killing kids.”

You may recall that at the end of October 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a ridiculous “study”22 that would have even failed a seventh-grade science experiment that claimed to show the COVID shot reduced the risk of death from all causes, including accidents, by 34%.

The CDC can lie up and down all day long and attempt to confuse people with fraudulent studies, but what they are simply unable to do at this point is to manipulate the death rates. Independent third-party insurance carriers are now validating the depth of the CDC cover-up and fraud. The real-world excess deaths we’re now seeing clearly refute the CDC’s attempt to prop up the COVID jab narrative with manipulated data.

Safety Signal Is Indisputable

As cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has repeatedly stated, we had a clear safety signal all the way back in February 2021, and it’s only gotten more pronounced over time. Despite that, not a single safety review has been conducted, and our health authorities refuse to address the astronomical death toll.

At this point, anyone who says the COVID shots are “safe and effective,” full stop, immediately loses all credibility. There’s not a shred of data to suggest either is true. Everything we have points to these injections being the most lethal drugs ever used in modern medical history.

Perhaps the saddest part of it all is that they’re completely unnecessary. Doctors have identified several effective treatment options that can slash the COVID death rate by 85% or more. There’s no medical reason to include the global population in a novel drug experiment. We could have avoided all these excess deaths by making sure early treatment was given, rather than exclusively relying on an experimental “vaccine.”

Early Treatment Options

While the overall risk of COVID-19 has been grossly exaggerated, early treatment is key, both for preventing severe infection and preventing “long-haul COVID.” Here are a few suggestions:

Oral-nasal decontamination — The virus, especially the Delta variant, replicates rapidly in the nasal cavity and mouth for three to five days before spreading to the rest of the body, so you want to strike where it’s most likely to be found right from the start.

Research23 has demonstrated that irrigating your nasal passages with 2.5 milliliters of 10% povidone-iodine (an antimicrobial) and standard saline, twice a day, is an effective remedy.

Another option that was slightly less effective was using a mixture of saline with half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (an alkalizer). You can also gargle with these to kill viruses in your mouth and throat. When done routinely, it can be a very effective preventive strategy. You can find printable treatment guides on

Nebulized peroxide — A similar strategy is to use nebulized hydrogen peroxide, diluted with saline to a 0.1% solution. Both hydrogen peroxide and saline24,25 have antiviral effects. You can view my previous videos on this on BitChute.

In a May 10, 2021, Orthomolecular Medicine press release,26 Dr. Thomas E. Levy — board-certified in internal medicine and cardiology — discussed the use of this treatment for COVID-19 specifically. Levy has in fact written an entire book on peroxide nebulization called “Rapid Virus Recovery,” which you can download for free from MedFox Publishing.

Vitamin D optimization — Research has shown having a vitamin D level above 50 ng/mL brings the risk of COVID mortality down to near-zero.27

Other key nutraceuticals — Vitamin C, zinc, quercetin and NAC all have scientific backing.

Key drugs — For acute infection, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or monoclonal antibodies can be used. While monoclonal antibodies and hydroxychloroquine must be used early on in the disease process, ivermectin has been shown to be effective in all stages of the infection.

Doxycycline or azithromycin are typically added as well, to address any secondary bacterial infection, as well as inhaled budesonide (a steroid). Oral steroids are used on and after the fifth day for pulmonary weakness and aspirin or NAC can be added to reduce the risk of clotting.

Full-strength aspirin is also typically recommended, but I believe lumbrokinase and serrapeptase may be a better, at least safer, alternative, as they help break down and prevent blood clots naturally.

Is the Drop in US Life Expectancy as Bad as the Media Are Making It? – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Life expectancy for the U.S. fell in 2020 from 78.8 in 2019 to “just” 77 in 2020, and major media are having a field day talking about the precipitous “cliff” of death that the pandemic has created.

It’s a drop of 2.3%. But is it really as bad as it sounds? Ryan McMaken of the Mises Institute explains it in terms of relativity, i.e., what the drop means relative to what the life expectancy has been in the past 20 years.

And his conclusion is that, first, “life expectancy in the U.S. had already all but screeched to a halt in the decade leading up to 2020,” and second, that when taken in context and “even considering recent data on life expectancy and mortality, it remains extremely unclear why 2020’s changes in these metrics would justify the extreme panic and human rights violations that resulted from stay-at-home edicts and coerced medication.”

.SOURCE: Mises Institute December 22, 2021

PCR Test Is Not Useful in Determining COVID Infectiousness – Dr. Joseph Mercola

One reason the CDC has changed its rules to not require retesting for COVID-19 infection after quarantine is that the PCR tests used to determine infectivity can stay positive for up to 12 weeks.

The rapid antigen tests also may be less sensitive to the Omicron variant, according to CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, but even so, if you test negative on the rapid test and you have symptoms, you need to get the PCR test anyway.

Then, if you have symptoms and test positive on the PCR test, you just don’t have to retest after you’ve quarantined, as the long positivity rates for the PCR tests “would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs,” she told ABC News.

SOURCE: ABC News December 29, 2021

Insurance Exec: Deaths Among 18- to 64-Year-Olds Up by 40% – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Death rates among working-age adults in the U.S. went up a “stunning” 40% compared to prepandemic levels.

Scott Davison, CEO of life insurance company OneAmerica, told The Center Square, “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business — not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

He added that “40% is just unheard of.” Curiously, the death certificates aren’t reflecting COVID as a cause of death, he said. Also interesting is there is an uptick in disability claims.

SOURCE: The Center Square January 1, 2022

Record Numbers of Pregnant Women Dying From High Blood Pressure- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Pregnant and postpartum women are dying in record numbers from chronic high blood pressure, MedicineNet reports.

Specifically, blood pressure-related causes of death multiplied by a factor of 15 over a 39-year period. Black women were affected three to four times as much, the study found.

While deaths due to preeclampsia actually fell during that same time period, study authors explained that deaths due to chronic high blood pressure increased, with one-third occurring before delivery, a third the day of delivery or the week following and one-third occurring one week to a year after.


MedicineNet January 5, 2022

 Hypertension September 13, 2021

Censored mRNA Platform Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Tells All on Rogan Show- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF censored-mrna-vaccine-inventor-tells-all-Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • December 30, 2021, Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA gene transfer technology. YouTube and Twitter promptly deleted the interview
  • Google has also been caught red-handed manipulating search results such that Malone’s Rogan interview won’t show up when searching for “mass formation psychosis”
  • Malone was permanently banned from Twitter December 29, 2021, likely triggered by a post that included a video by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, which reviewed Pfizer data showing the COVID jab causes more illness than it prevents, and that the Pfizer trial was flawed both in design and construction
  • Alternatively, Malone may have been banned due to a post showing how the World Economic Forum controls the global media narrative
  • A Physicians Declaration by the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, signed by more than 16,000 doctors and scientists, states that “healthy children shall not be subjected to forced vaccination” as their clinical risk from SARS-CoV-2 infection is negligible and long term safety of the shots cannot be determined prior to such policies being enacted

December 30, 2021, Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA gene transfer technology. YouTube and Twitter promptly deleted the interview and mainstream media published a rash of articles attacking Malone and Rogan in the most disparaging terms possible.1

In addition to censoring Malone, Google has also been caught red-handed manipulating search results such that Malone’s Rogan interview won’t show up when searching for “mass formation psychosis.”2 That search term also won’t give you any of the interviews given by psychologist Mattias Desmet, who was the first to use that term as a diagnosis for why so many are buying an obviously flawed, if not ridiculous, COVID narrative.

In response to the obvious Big Tech censorship, Congressman Troy Nehls, R-Texas, entered the transcript of the podcast (the Joe Rogan Experience #17573) into the Congressional Record with the following statement:4

“By deplatforming Dr. Robert Malone for voicing opposition and removing the interview, Twitter and YouTube are once again proving that they don’t work for their users but for big Pharma, big media, and the elites.

When we stray away from our core principles of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of debate, democracy is lost. Today, I entered the transcript of the Joe Rogan Experience #1757 into the Congressional Record to preserve the podcast forever. Big Tech may be able to censor information on their own platforms, but they cannot censor the Congressional Record.”

Malone Permanently Banned From Twitter

Malone had been permanently banned from Twitter the day before, December 29, 2021. He suspects his ban was triggered by one of the two last posts he made. One was a link to the Canadian COVID Care Alliance’s website,5 with the comment:6

“Pfizer 6 month data which shows that Pfizer’s Covid-19 inoculations cause more illness than they prevent. Plus, an overview of the Pfizer trial flaws in both design and execution.”

The video, featured on the Canadian COVID Care Alliance’s website, reviews that Pfizer data. We will feature this excellent video later and go into far more details of how they exposed the fraud of Pfizer’s clinical COVID jab trial.

The other tweet that might have triggered the ban was a post about how the World Economic Forum manages global media in a lockstep fashion. Either way, Malone was permanently banned from the social media platform either for highlighting Pfizer’s own science — the very science we’re told to “trust” — or highlighting the WEF’s central role in the global censorship campaign.

Mainstream Media Are Losing the Information War

Interestingly, Rogan has become something of a key workaround to the universal mainstream media censorship. While Malone lost 512,000 followers on Twitter when they suspended his account, it’s rumored his interview with Rogan has garnered some 50 MILLION views across alternative free-speech platforms.7 As noted in a January 3, 2022, ZeroHedge article:8

“… nowadays when you make it on JRE, you’ve officially ‘made it.’ Putting aside the obvious irony of Twitter attempting to ban somebody and the person in question going viral as a result, I also thought about how, despite the fact that Malone’s opinions put him at odds with the mainstream media … Joe Rogan launched him past the usual media suspects and into the real ‘mainstream’ …

[In] 2022, the mainstream media as we know it today (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc.) is going to be forced to change its narrative on COVID. The idea of the media being forced to change its tune on Covid is something I touched upon a couple of days ago when I wrote about the Omicron variant and how the media is creating a mass hysteria mountain out of a mole hill.

But after listening to Dr. Robert Malone‘s well reasoned arguments, delivered for three straight hours, concisely and calmly, it became clear to me that the entire mainstream media machine could wind up falling at the hands of content creators like Joe Rogan.

Rogan generates so many views and has grown so quickly — strictly because he allows open dialogue, civil discourse and approaches things with honest intent … One issue for media and political elites to consider is the fact that Rogan has supporters on both sides of the aisle.

These supporters watch him because he routinely touches on topics that are considered faux pas or irreverent … Rogan has thrived, whether intentionally (bringing on people specifically because they are being censored) or unintentionally (shooting the shit with people he finds interesting), from the start, by shining light in the dark areas that the mainstream media refuses to discuss.”

While Malone’s Twitter feed has been erased, you can still follow him on Gab, GETTR and Substack. A Gab mirror with the last 400 tweets from Malone’s Twitter feed is also available. January 2, 2022, when Rogan joined GETTR, he urged his 7.8 million Twitter followers to join him there “in case s**t over at Twitter gets even dumber.”9,10

Cliff Notes From the Rogan Interview

Many Rogan fans agree that Malone’s interview is among the best interviews Rogan has ever done. I know, many of you are saying to yourself, I don’t have three hours to watch this interview. Well, let me encourage you to find the time. If 50 million people have watched this video, it is likely you could find the time.

Trust me on this one. You won’t regret it. It is such a pure joy and pleasure to listen to Malone’s relaxed, eloquent, masterfully precise language as he destroys the mainstream COVID narrative. You can watch it in bits and pieces, but this is clearly the best interview Malone has done and is on par with the Peter McCullough interview with Rogan a few weeks ago.

As explained by Malone, he has been involved in vaccine development and distribution for more than three decades, and played a crucial role in the development of the very technology that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID shots are based upon, so “If it’s not OK for me to be part of the conversation … who can be allowed?” Malone asked.

Indeed, as noted by Rogan, with its ban of Malone, Twitter basically banned “one of the most qualified people in the world to talk about vaccines.” Malone said he has attorneys looking at potentially filing some sort of lawsuit over the ban.

Of course, mainstream media and “fact checkers” (now legally defined by recent Facebook litigation as opinion promoters) call him a liar for saying he invented the mRNA technology currently used, but his name on 10 patents proves otherwise.

“No one can dispute that I played a major role in this tech,” Malone said. “And virtually all other voices that have that background have financial conflicts of interest. I think I’m the only one that doesn’t. I’m not getting any money out of this.”

Some of the cliff notes from Malone’s interview include the following:11

Government responses — Malone believes the U.S. government is “out of control” and “lawless” in their COVID response and that their actions have resulted in, probably, half a million excess deaths. COVID jab mandates are “explicitly illegal” as the shots are experimental. What’s more, people are not getting the information they need to be able to make an informed decision about the risks they’re taking by participating in this experiment.
Social psychology of the times — Malone believes the irrational behavior we’re witnessing is the result of “mass formation psychosis,” a societal diagnosis first presented by Desmet at the end of 2021.
Natural immunity — Natural immunity is more robust than “vaccine” induced immunity, and people with natural immunity also have a higher risk of adverse events from the COVID jab.
COVID jab risks — Malone actually took the Moderna shot, thinking it might help with some long-COVID symptoms he was having after getting seriously ill with COVID-19 in February 2020. He says he suffered some side effects from the shot, but that those effects have since resolved.

Malone expresses concern about post-jab myocarditis rates and the possibility of fertility problems. When it comes to reproductive health, he warns that the lipid nanoparticles in the COVID shots can have adverse effects on the ovaries.

He also reviews how the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can cause blood clots, regardless of whether they come from natural infection or the COVID jab, and how the spike protein can disrupt the blood-brain-barrier.

Malone believes the reason some experience no or few adverse effects from the COVID shot has to do with phenotypic or genetic differences. He points out that diabetics and those with high blood sugar levels tend to be more affected by spike protein effects, for example.

Suppression of early treatment — Early treatment with drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin is very effective and both drugs have also been safely administered for several decades. The Chinese anti-COVID protocol, obtained by Malone in February 2020, actually included hydroxychloroquine. When he got COVID-19, Malone also self-treated with femotadine (Pepsid). He’s now leading a clinical trial to assess its usefulness in the treatment of COVID.
Narrative management and global coordination of censorship — The Trusted News Initiative led by the BBC is central to the censorship campaign, according to Malone. It labels anyone who disagrees with the official narrative on vaccines as an “anti-vaxxer,” and suppresses anything that goes against “approved” sources such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization.

He also points out that Thomson-Reuters, which has ties to Pfizer, is a primary fact checker of Twitter. Since they in part decide what’s allowed to be discussed on Twitter, Pfizer has this hidden influence as well (not to mention that James C. Smith, chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation, also has been a director at Pfizer and chair of their compensation committee since 201412).

COVID jab efficacy — Malone notes the window of effectiveness is ever shrinking, with some studies, such as one from Denmark,13 showing negative effectiveness against Omicron.

According to Malone, we’re administering a “mismatched vaccine” and driving the B and T memory cells toward a virus that is no longer in circulation. His hypothesis for why the shots stop working so quickly is because of this original antigenic sin. He explains:

“We’ve got a new pathogen [Omicron] but it’s got a series of overlaps with the old ones that we’ve seen before, and our immune system is biased to respond as if it’s the old one.

Now, to make matters worse, we’re taking the spike protein — only one of the proteins the dominant immunologically dominant protein — and we’re jabbing everybody multiple times, and driving memory cells and effector cells to a virus that is not the one we’re encountering.

So it could very well be that as you’re taking more jabs, you’re further skewing your immune response in a way that’s dysfunctional for infection to Omicron … When you see a signal this strong, it’s saying something’s going on you ought to pay attention to it in my opinion.”


Malone also sat down with InfoWars reporter Kristi Leigh within days of his Twitter ban.14 A highlight reel15 from the 80-minute interview is embedded above. In it, Malone described being “multidimensionally red-pilled” by the current censorship. He also discusses his journey of “coming to terms with what the World Economic Forum represents.”

Initially he resisted the idea that there was a global agenda underway aimed at stripping us of our rights and freedoms. He thought The Great Reset was fantasy — until he started looking into claims for himself and found this supposed “conspiracy theory” is fully documented and laid out for the world to see on the WEF’s own website. “And then you see [the plan] deployed,” he says.

Malone’s Warning to Parents

In another recent interview with the WND,16 Malone discussed two grassroots projects that he’s gotten involved with. The first is the Unity Project, which opposes vaccine mandates, and the second is the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, launched by the Global COVID Summit.17

Malone also highlighted the second Physicians Declaration18 by the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, dated October 29, 2021, in an article for The Defender.19

The declaration has been signed by more than 16,000 doctors and scientists, and states that “healthy children shall not be subjected to forced vaccination” as their clinical risk from SARS-CoV-2 infection is negligible and long term safety of the shots cannot be determined prior to such policies being enacted.

Not only are children at high risk for severe adverse events, but having healthy, unvaccinated children in the population is crucial to achieving herd immunity. The declaration also demands that health agencies and institutions “cease interfering with physicians treating individual patients.”

In the article, Malone also warned parents that the decision to inject their children is “irreversible,” and that they need to be aware of “the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created.” Here’s an excerpt from that written warning:20

“Before you inject your child — a decision that is irreversible — I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created.

There are three issues parents need to understand: The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including:

  • Their brain and nervous system.
  • Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots.
  • Their reproductive system.
  • This vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system.

The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable:

  • You can’t fix the lesions within their brain.
  • You can’t repair heart tissue scarring.
  • You can’t repair a genetically reset immune system.
  • This vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family.

The second thing you need to know about is the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested. We need at least 5 years of testing/research before we can really understand the risks. Harms and risks from new medicines often become revealed many years later.”

Again, I urge you to listen to Malone’s interview with Rogan, embedded at the top of this article, in its entirety. He covers a lot of ground, and does so in his calm and well-reasoned way. I can confidently assure you that you won’t have any regrets for making the time investment.

How to Win the War Against Tyranny- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF how-to-win-the-war-against-tyranny-pdf


  • Make Americans Free Again, led by Pam Popper, is fighting to preserve American freedoms and has a proven strategy that ensures we can win
  • They are launching strategic legal challenges across the U.S. Rather than arguing the unconstitutionality of mandates, they challenge the legal basis of the emergency declaration that allowed the mandates to be rolled out in the first place
  • They also teach Americans everywhere how to start and build their own local parallel societies where members take care of each other and work toward the same goal
  • The short-, medium- and long-term goals of Make Americans Free Again are to free Americans from government tyranny, address all medical mandates and, ultimately, design and launch a superior medical system
  • Even if you don’t start your own freedom group, consider making a donation to Make Americans Free Again’s legal fund

Pam Popper is the president of Wellness Forum Health and cofounder of Make Americans Free Again, which plays a significant role in the fight to help preserve American freedoms. An important part of that task is building a powerful community and, as noted by Popper, “COVID has brought some people together who probably should know each other better,” and that includes us.

Popper and I are aligned with respect to our desire to educate the public about fundamental health principles, including foundational basics for preventing and treating COVID-19.

We are also in agreement that the COVID pandemic is a cover for something else entirely — a global takeover by powerful and profit-hungry interests. And finally, we both agree that participating in protest marches and signing petitions doesn’t really achieve much, and that there are far more effective strategies, as she has demonstrated.

COVID Operation

In 2020, Popper published the book “COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What’s Next,” which she wrote with financial and private wealth adviser Shane Prier, in which they detail the backstory behind the COVID-19 hoax.

“The background on the situation is my company, Wellness Forum Health, is about 27 years old, and our niche is informed medical decision making. In other words, we don’t tell people what to do. [We teach people] how to make decisions about health the way they make decisions about cars and houses and retirement accounts and other things that are important to them …

Now, the medical profession has become the Wild West. Medical journals are filled with inaccurate information. So, we added … rules for filtering evidence, and we teach people the rules. The rules are things like: Conflicts of interest have to be considered.

We have to understand the difference between a correlation, and a cause and effect relationship, [and] something that is statistically significant but clinically meaningless. You get the idea.

If you’re looking at a lot of information, you have to filter it based on rules, just like you have to play football based on rules … So, for 27 years, I’ve been talking about the problems in health care, which is [that] nobody abides by any rules. There isn’t any informed decision making. Doctors tell people to do things and they say, ‘OK, that’s called consenting.’

But that’s not consenting at all, in my opinion. And so, a lot of my research really was based on [that], and the books I wrote revealed the incompetence of big medicine, big food, big pharma, some of the criminal intentions, and that this [the COVID scam] isn’t new, it’s just a bigger version of it.

The second week in March of 2020, I knew what this was because I had covered fake pandemics in the past. There was one in the 1950s, there was one in the 1970s, another one in 2009. These are just the big ones that got a lot of attention. So, I knew what this was. I do some business in China; I knew what they were up to.

So, I put out this very controversial

. I didn’t think it was going to be controversial. I was just reporting the news, which I had done on video twice a week for [years].

Instead of the usual few dozen responses, I got 3,500 responses to this video and they included death threats and hysteria — ‘You’re going to be responsible for killing people’ — the whole 9 yards. And I thought, wow, this is just something else. So that’s how this all started.

If you go back and watch that original video, I said that this took place in China, they did it deliberately, that they had reasons and motivations for doing this, that this was a fake pandemic and the end game was forced vaccination. It was a 15-minute video, but that was the bottom line. And unfortunately, it turned out to all be true. I wish I’d been wrong about it.

As [the pandemic] went on, I just kept doing more and more research, posting more and more videos. And at some point, probably late spring or early summer, I realized the breadth and depth of this whole thing and knew that they were never going to stop, and we had to do something about it. That’s when we formed Make Americans Free Again.”

Litigation Efforts

One of the primary ways in which Make Americans Free Again is fighting the tyranny is by filing lawsuits against mask and COVID jab mandates. She explains:

“We have three branches of government, and the executive branch — with very few exceptions, for example, Ron DeSantis in Florida — has gone completely rogue. They now operate as emperors and empresses, rulers over their people. So, you can’t deal with those people. The legislatures up until recently have been fairly useless.

The only reason they’re doing anything now is really to protect themselves, in my opinion, not because they’re looking out for people. So, you have one branch of government left, which is the courts. We [knew] we were going to have to use that in order to a) get our freedoms back and b) go after these people for what they did, which is committing fraud and hurting and killing people.”

By early summer 2020, a slew of lawsuits had been filed across the U.S. Unfortunately, it was highly uncoordinated. People weren’t thinking things through. There was no cohesive strategy, and that was their downfall, Popper says. She estimates some 6,000 lawsuits have failed in court, causing many to give up on the judicial system as well. Not Popper, though.

“We’ve been winning in court and I’ll tell you how in a minute. But it is better to stop, think and [then] do something. Less activity, more deliberately performed, is a better idea.

Interestingly enough, I heard from this lawyer in Florida who had made the same observation as me. This hurry up and file strategy isn’t working, so why don’t we look at these lawsuits and figure out what they’re doing wrong? And this is very, very important for anybody listening to this who just wants to hurry up and file.

What people were doing was filing the lawsuit against the government saying, ‘You are violating our constitutional rights.’ And you know what the government would say? ‘Oh, we know we are, but we don’t have any choice because it’s an emergency.’ And then the judge would rule in the government’s favor.

We filed the very first lawsuit challenging the emergency declaration itself in Ohio, accusing our governor of fraud. We said, ‘There is no emergency. You declared this fraudulently, and therefore all the actions that you’ve taken are not warranted.’ And the thing that I think people don’t realize, not living in Ohio, is that we were the model state.

People think it’s California [or] New York, but we were the first to shut down, first to close the schools, first to cancel events, first to close bars and restaurants. Why is that? Because the criminals behind this needed a very popular conservative governor who could do well on Fox and CNBC and MSNBC. Every Sunday, our little criminal was the toast of the Washington shows. He was so responsible, taking care of his people.

By the time we filed our lawsuit on August 31 [2020], we knew a second shutdown was coming. By this point in time, we had some intelligence coming from government employees and that sort of thing. We never got locked down a second time.

We won when we filed, because we avoided the second lockdown. I think that the people behind this told the emperor, DeWine, ‘Let this alone, don’t do something that would make this judge just snap his fingers and order discovery.’ So, we didn’t get a shutdown.

The other thing that happened is there was virtually no enforcement of the restrictions that were left in terms of gathering limits and that sort of thing … Because of that, we thought, OK, this is a good strategy. So, we started doing more of it and we filed several lawsuits in several states.

For those people who don’t have confidence in the court, first of all, look at some of the lawsuits that have been filed. They’re bad ones. If I was the judge, I would throw them out too, because the judge can’t make law. The judge has to go with what the law says.

The second thing is that there are bad judges and bad courts, but our strategy has been to file with a coordinated legal team, because the most important thing they want to avoid, and we’ve seen this in every lawsuit, is discovery, because discovery is where we get to depose Mr. Fauci; discovery is where the CDC has to give us the documents. I don’t need them 36 times. I need them one time and then the whole legal team gets them.

One judge in the United States of America someplace is going to give us discovery. I can’t talk about where, but we think that’s in the process of happening right now in one of the court cases, and then everybody will [have that information].”

Progress Report

Cases Make Americans Free Again have won include one in which they represented the New York City police. They won an injunction until trial on the COVID jab mandate for the police force. In Florida, their attorney won a lawsuit against the City of Gainesville, which was implementing a “vaccinate or terminate” policy.

They’ve also seen general changes in behavior as a result of these and other lawsuits. “We’ve put the criminals on notice that now judges are watching, so everything you do is subject to being hauled back into court and saying, ‘Look at what these people are doing.’” Popper says.

Across the U.S., they’re challenging the emergency orders, demanding the state prove there’s an actual emergency afoot. So far, none has been able to provide any evidence that COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Instead of proving an emergency exists, state defense lawyers have spent all their energy on motions to have the cases thrown out.

In Ohio, Popper feels they have been successful by applying pressure on the governor through the courts. DeWine converted the Ohio State Fair to a virtual event, and it appeared that he was planning to restrict or cancel big summer events. But in what many people considered a surprise, he lifted the emergency declaration and made Ohio a free state. We’ll never know, but it might have been because our case was still pending in court. We then withdrew it because we got our way.

Popper is also planning to make some still yet unrevealed announcements. “We’re getting ready for some really wonderful first of the year surprises for the criminals in charge,” she says, “so stay tuned.”

Rampant Lawlessness

Of course, they’re now trying to convince everyone that Omicron is a lethal threat, hence the emergency powers must remain in place, but even in the absence of a clear threat — as many now see through the fearmongering — they’re likely to keep pushing for more restrictions, vaccine passports, mask mandates and everything else. As noted by Popper:

“They don’t seem to require any justification for anything, they just do what they want. We’ve degenerated to living in a completely lawless society where people get up every morning and decide what they’re going to do, much the way that communist leaders and totalitarian dictators do.

I mean, our government resembles more the government of China or North Korea than it does what we used to have. So, I don’t think that they really need to justify the emergency use authorization. If they decide they’re going to do it, they’ll just do it, and they’ve stopped giving reasons.

To that point, I thought it was very interesting when Rochelle Walensky, the head of the CDC, said, ‘We’re going to cut the quarantine back to five days because that’s about all we can get people to do.’ So, in other words, our new policy is as much tyranny as the public will swallow.

She also made a stunning admission that their research showed that the compliance with quarantine was less than 30%. That goes to what I’ve been saying all along, which is that the resistance is much bigger than most people realize.

This is certainly what I’m experiencing building our organization. They do a great job of making it look like everybody’s on board, but everybody’s not on board. And I still contend that the vaccination rate is very, very low. I think they can’t even get to 60%. It was under 50% last summer. I was able to prove it with their data …

The compliance rate has been exaggerated and it was all a mirage to try and get people to say, ‘Well, if everybody else is doing it, I’ll do it too. It must be OK,’ because at that point in time, last summer, people didn’t know a lot of people who’d been injured or died. I think everybody knows somebody who’s been injured or died from this now.”

The number of parents refusing to jab their children is also a clear majority. According to Popper, parents have taken their children out of schools that mandate the COVID jabs, and some schools have had to reverse course as a result. Case in point: The Los Angeles school system dropped the COVID jab requirement when they realized they had 30,000 unvaccinated students and if they all left, the whole school system would cease to exist.

“Even The New York Times covered a school in Brooklyn that had eight teachers with nobody to teach,” Popper says. “That’s the level of resistance.” Meanwhile, media are trying their best to make it seem as though compliance is high across the board. She recounts one example, where a local paper claimed compliance with the mask mandate was nearly 100%, when wherever you went, the vast majority were maskless.

“So that is the level of propaganda. All you have to do is walk into a store and know that there is no compliance. And then the newspaper, obviously, that was a preprint sent to them a long time ago, [telling them that] at such and such a time, you’re supposed to publish this. It’s just laughable.”

Building Community and Parallel Societies

Popper has also made great strides in community building, which I believe is a crucial strategy for safeguarding our freedoms in the long term. This was a natural outgrowth of the legal work. They realized they needed a lot of people to contribute funds, so they needed to connect with people who were willing to pitch in to save our freedoms.

“We had the first meeting in my office last summer and there were five people there — me and two people who I work with, and two guests. And so, we agreed to do it next week, and those two people brought people. And something happened that I did not plan. I’m going to be very honest about this. I’d love to tell you that I preconceived all of this and then acted on it.

But people would come into the meeting and they would have that shell-shocked look — like my church is closed, my neighbor’s not speaking to me, I’m realizing what’s going on with my kids, it’s ridiculous. The organizations I used to be involved with, they don’t exist anymore.

And so now they’re starting to make friends, and people who have their kids at home are starting to connect with each other, and all this kind of stuff. And I had this epiphany one night. The No. 1 thing these people don’t want us to do is congregate, which means the most important thing for us to do is congregate.

So, that was the beginning of building not only the body of people it would take to fund what we need to do, but what I call the Make Americans Free Again parallel society. A year and a half later, we now start a new group every three or four hours in the United States. I’m not kidding. They’re all over all 50 states. They’re everywhere.

Here’s the way this works. It is a parallel society, so, the first thing is, everything you need, you can get your group. People found out that there were churches that didn’t close, because none of this gets advertised. You try to stay under the radar screen. So, churches that were not closed, you could go there and you didn’t have to wear a mask.

People found doctors, dentists that didn’t make you wear a mask … So, we lived a parallel life. During the worst of everything in Ohio, our people lived a pretty normal life. We had a fundraiser with 400 people when the gathering limits were 10, because we knew where to do it. One of the members of our group owned a place where we could do it.

People have also found new jobs … It is a very much cloistered society where we do business with one another. We homeschool our kids together, we pool our resources to fund these lawsuits, our social life is together.

We did this program called Small Business Rescue where we would support businesses in our community. The government doesn’t have any plan for these people, so we buy local, we support them. So, it is a parallel society.”

Make Americans Free Again societies are also looking for and finding doctors who are operating cash practices (so they’re not reporting to or taking orders from anybody) and who will provide early treatment for COVID.

“So, everything you need, you get from your group … and I can tell you right now, I can say this with a great deal of confidence, if I needed something, a place to live, if I didn’t have any food, if I needed money, if I needed medical care, if I needed a job, you know where I get that?

From my Thursday Group and the Thursday Group network. [Editor’s note: It’s called Thursday Group because the group meets on Thursdays.] This is what is missing. If this had all been in place [before the pandemic], they could never have done this to us. They took advantage of the fact that society’s quite fractured, that you don’t have these local connections.

People beat me up sometimes a little bit. ‘Why won’t you let people have Zoom meetings?’ Here’s why. If we need to save a business in Worthington, Ohio, somebody in Portland, Oregon can’t help us do that. You can’t eat at this restaurant every week and support them. It has to be local, local, and it has to be in person.”

2022 Prognosis

In the interview, Popper describes the many homeschooling benefits and successes members are reporting, which is profoundly encouraging. Overall, the community building, the parallel structures being created across the U.S. give her an optimistic outlook on the future. They’re proof positive that the whole takeover agenda is backfiring on the technocratic deep state.

“I’m optimistic with a qualifier,” she says. “I always want people to understand that I understand the gravity of the situation. If you have a spouse in the hospital right now who’s being slaughtered with ventilators and remdesivir, my rosy prognosis might strike you like nails on a chalkboard.

I want people to know the reason I get up every morning — the reason I invest so much of my own money and time, and I’ve risked my own life to do this — is to make that right.

Having said that, with that disclaimer, my outlook for this year is really positive and optimistic. The reason I say that is [because] we have a quantifiable enemy. We know what they’re up to. I am watching them scramble and fail. There is only one reason why they would be issuing all these edicts and Biden would say something like, ‘I’m losing patience’ … is because they’re not getting their way.

I think the best example of that is the CDC walking back the recommendations on the quarantine, because we just can’t get people to do it. It’s a stunning admission really to the public. So, I think this is going to be a year when this goes away.

Even the Israeli government is saying we’re going to make everybody get a fourth shot, but maybe we’re just going to have to let everybody go out and mingle and get some herd immunity. There is an awakening of the government that they need to change course …

I like an enemy that’s on the defensive. It’s gone from the offensive to the defensive. That means, and I’ll give you another caveat, that there are probably more horrifying things in store as they flail about and try to hang onto their power.

A couple things I’ll recommend. Scott Atlas was a speaker at our conference this last year and he’s the former adviser to President Trump. He wrote a book called ‘A Plague Upon Our House.’ It’s a horrifying book, mainly because he reveals the stupidity and ineptitude of people like Fauci and Birx.

Atlas told us that Fauci can’t even pronounce medical terms properly and Birx doesn’t understand statistics. Most eighth graders have a better grasp of math than she does. What people like that do is they flail about when they are failing because they don’t have the skill set to do anything else … So we’re going to see some of that kind of behavior, but at the end of the day, this time next year, I think we will be in an entirely different situation.

A lot of our freedoms will be restored and a lot of the nonsense will go away. Then it just is a matter of spending the rest of our lives, just like we’ve done with the Nazis, tracking these people down and making them pay for what they did. And believe it or not, last fall, they were trying a 100-year-old Nazi in Berlin for what he did. So, it’ll be the same thing. We’ll be looking for them in South America, in China and every place else to bring them to justice.”

How to Start Your Own ‘Thursday Group’

For liability and other reasons, Make Americans Free Again cannot connect you with already existing groups. You have to start your own, which is what they teach you. Popper explains:

“It’s easy. We provide everything you need. My email address is [email protected]. You can email me. I hold conference calls every week during which I share our entire strategy and tell people how to get started working with us … Get engaged with us, donate money if you can.

Do what you need to do to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind, and starting a group and gathering a group of like-minded people is important … We can go from having felt quite powerless to being the most powerful people in the country, if we’re smart about it.

You start with one other person. People forget, I’m leading a group with hundreds of thousands of people, but it started with two guests. So, you just start with somebody who sees things the way you do. We give you a meeting format. We have training programs for our meeting leaders.

We have meeting leader conference calls every other week. We have a meeting leader coordinator in the office … Every Thursday, we send out the update, what the agenda is going to be, here’s the video you’re going to show, so nobody has to spend all day researching what am I going to talk about. We follow the same format every week, so we make it as easy as possible. And that’s how you start.

I heard a lot from people when this all began, ‘I don’t know anybody and it’s too hard, this is outside of my comfort zone.’ The longer this has gone on, the more people have said, ‘What’s going on is so far outside of my comfort zone that starting this group seems like it’s easy by comparison.’ So, I promise you, if you do this, we’ll support you in every way possible, and you can’t mess it up if you just follow our format.

We have a strategy that means we win at stuff. We don’t take on things that don’t result in winning. For example, I don’t have any particular objection to petitions and declarations, but I haven’t seen them solve this.

The Great Barrington Declaration got half a million signatures and tens of thousands were doctors and well-respected health professionals. It did nothing. Great statement, but it doesn’t change anything.

The biggest protests in the world are in Germany and Australia. Take a look over there, that doesn’t change anything. Protests are great for people to get together, but when you promise people that it’s going to make a difference and it doesn’t, it demoralizes them.

We have people who are demoralized. They need to feel like they’re winning, and when people come to our groups, what they see is winning. You save a business, you win. You get a kid out of school, you win. You raise money and file a lawsuit, you win. Winning is what we need for people to feel good. Getting them involved in more stuff that results in failure, not so good. So, we’re really focused and disciplined.”

More Information

I really encourage you to consider creating your own Thursday Group. To do that, send an email to Popper at [email protected] and ask to be added to her weekly conference call.

For more information, you can also visit Even if you don’t start your own group, consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Wellness Forum Foundation, a 501c3 organization, which pays for Make Americans Free Again’s legal expenses. (Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the Donation link.)

Is This the Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections? – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF nebulized-hydrogen-peroxide-Dr-Mercola


Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is a safe, inexpensive and incredibly effective way to prevent and treat viral illnesses of all kinds

While hydrogen peroxide kills viruses, it also kills other pathogens that can contribute to an unhealthy gut and/or oral microbiome. As such, it may also improve your microbiome and help resolve a wide variety of other chronic ailments, including gut problems and periodontitis

Hydrogen peroxide is part of your body’s natural defense against pathogens. So, when you nebulize hydrogen peroxide, you’re really just augmenting your body’s natural defense system

Being able to treat yourself at home at the Lrst signs of COVID-19 symptoms will also virtually eliminate your risk of long-haul syndrome. So far, medical doctors who have treated COVID-19 patients agree that if treatment begins early enough, patients almost always fully recover and have no longstanding side effects from the infection

Buy the required supplies before you need them, so you have everything and can treat yourself at the rst signs of symptoms. Most of the time, after two or three treatments, the infection will be stopped in its tracks

In this interview, Dr. Thomas Levy, a board-certi ed cardiologist perhaps best known for his work with vitamin C, discusses nebulized hydrogen peroxide, which has become my favorite intervention for viral illnesses, including COVID-19. In his latest book, “Rapid Virus Recovery,” Levy details this treatment. Best of all, he’s giving the e-book away for free. The 321-page physical book will be available soon online. It’s also available in Spanish.

Levy has suffered with lifelong sinus problems and about a year and a half ago, while doing research for his book on magnesium, he came across nebulization with magnesium chloride, which sparked his interest.

As a result of his research, he began nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide and noticed “incredible changes in my health” almost immediately, including the reversal of his chronic sinus problems. So, after nishing his magnesium book, he took a deep dive into nebulization. “Rapid Virus Recovery” is the result of that journey.

“Just about the time the pandemic hit was when I really had my most compelling compilation of evidence for what nebulization with hydrogen peroxide can do,” he says. “And as I point out in the book, this is not just for common cold. It is for any respiratory virus.

I make the assertion — and I don’t generally make assertions that I can’t back up — that nobody needs to suffer with a cold or the u again, unless you wait too long before nebulizing. Nevertheless, you’ll still recover much quicker after you do this.”

Levy also points out that if you can easily prevent or cure a viral infection, then vaccination becomes irrelevant. “Why vaccinate for a disease that you can prevent or easily cure after you have it?” he asks.

As for why he’s giving the book away for free, the answer is simple. “I want to stop this pandemic,” he says, “and nebulized hydrogen peroxide is not only simple to administer by yourself and universally effective, but it’s also inexpensive and readily available around the entire world, including in areas where other remedies such as vitamin C or ozone can be hard to come by.”

Early Treatment Virtually Eliminates Complications

Being able to treat yourself at home at the Lrst signs of COVID-19 symptoms will also virtually eliminate your risk of long-haul syndrome. So far, medical doctors who have treated COVID-19 patients agree that if treatment begins early enough, patients almost always fully recover and have no longstanding side effects from the infection.

The reason for this is because the virus replicates wildly during the first few days of infection, and this is the time during which it can cause longstanding damage. So, it’s important to be prepared.

Buy the required supplies before you need them, so you have everything and can treat yourself at the rst signs of symptoms. Most of the time, after two or three treatments, the infection will be stopped in its tracks. As noted by Levy, you get same-day resolution, which is almost unheard of in clinical medicine.

My personal experience with friends and family also mirrors these type of dramatic results. In all my years of practicing medicine, I have never seen such an effective intervention for the nearly immediate resolution of viral illnesses, so long as it’s implemented shortly after the symptoms start.

If you miss that early window and start developing more pronounced symptoms of in uenza or COVID-19, nebulized peroxide is still an excellent adjunct to any other treatment you may be doing.

“I want to emphasize that because to the best of my knowledge, and I’ve done quite a bit of research on this, I see no circumstance in which hydrogen peroxide nebulization interferes with or lessens the impact of any other positive intervention,” Levy says.

One such intervention is vitamin C, which Levy describes as “the perfect physiological partner” with hydrogen peroxide, as they have powerful synergistic effects that facilitate rapid resolution of the infection.

Hydrogen Peroxide Is Part of Your Body’s Natural Defenses

Hydrogen peroxide is part of your body’s natural defense against pathogens and is found in virtually all cells. Your body requires it. It’s a powerful signaling molecule, and there are organelles in your cells that use it to kill pathogens directly. So, when you nebulize hydrogen peroxide, you’re really just augmenting your body’s natural defense system.

“Hydrogen peroxide serves as an incredible storage form for oxygen to your body. That’s actually what sort of happens once you activate hydrogen peroxide, and there’s nothing in your body, pathological speaking, that oxygen is not good for. ~ Dr. Thomas Levy”

Levy explains:

“One of the interesting things I found in the course of this research is that up to 5% of the oxygen you inhale gets incorporated into producing new hydrogen peroxide inside your body. Also, contrary to much scienti c thought, except in the wrong microenvironment, hydrogen peroxide is very stable. It doesn’t do a lot of spontaneous breaking down or spontaneous oxidation.

So, it serves as an incredible storage form for oxygen to your body. That’s actually what sort of happens once you activate hydrogen peroxide, and there’s nothing in your body, pathological speaking, that oxygen is not good for.

This is what makes peroxide a perfect therapeutic agent. It not only kills pathogens extremely ePciently — virus, fungus, protozoa, bacteria, you name it — but it also leaves behind, as metabolic byproducts, water and oxygen.”

Once the infection is resolved, the water and oxygen will both help heal any tissue damage caused by the pathogen. The water will also help dilute the acidity introduced

by the infection. “So, it’s very clear, at least to me, that the best way to refer to hydrogen peroxide is as nature’s naturally designed antibiotic,” Levy says.

How Hydrogen Peroxide Works

Hydrogen peroxide can impact a variety of bene cial pathways in your body, but in terms of pathogens, one of the most prominent ones appear to be through the Fenton reaction inside the pathogens and the infected host cells. As explained by Levy:

“The Fenton reaction1 is a way of getting hydrogen peroxide to break down into a hydroxyl radical, which is the most potent oxidizing agent known to science … In a nutshell, oxidation is disease, and limiting and reducing oxidation brings you back to health.

That might sound like an oversimpli cation, but not so much … When you want to kill a pathogen or kill an infected cell, you want to continue the inYux and the power of that oxidative action until there’s so much oxidative stress that the cell ruptures and dies, or the pathogen ruptures.

So, you need unlimited supplies of vitamin C, unlimited supplies of iron, and unlimited supplies of peroxide. That’s the only way to keep the Fenton reaction going inde nitely until it does the task … This is why high-dose vitamin C given intravenously is so powerful …

It powerfully promotes the production of new hydrogen peroxide, which because of its small ionic nature is able to diffuse into the cell. At the same time, the vitamin C goes into the cell. It produces more peroxide that goes into the cell with it.

The third part of the equation [is that] the hydrogen peroxide works to mobilize iron from the storage forms inside the cell … Furthermore, the pathogens self-target themselves by actively accumulating iron in order to proliferate and make themselves iron-rich.

So, there you have all three components: electron donor, electron transfer, electron receiver … and this proceeds until you get complete resolution of the infection.”

Your primary pathogen-killing immune cells, macrophages, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes, also bring vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide in massive amounts to the site of in ammation or infection.

How to Prepare Your Nebulizing Solution

One of the most important parts of the treatment, however, is to make sure you have the equipment BEFORE you need it. So, if you haven’t already purchased your nebulizer supplies, please put that on your to-do list now. To be prepared for any eventuality, you’ll want to buy the following items so that you have them on hand:

An electric, plug-in tabletop jet nebulizer (small battery-driven hand-held devices tend to be ineffective due to their reduced power)

Food-grade hydrogen peroxide (which does not contain any harmful stabilizers)

Normal saline (0.9%) solution (alternatively, you can easily make your own at home)

Optional — 5% Lugol’s iodine (Dr. David Brownstein’s nebulized peroxide protocol includes one drop of iodine to the nal peroxide solution)

The peroxide needs to be diluted with saline, not tap water or distilled water, as this could potentially in ame the mucosal cells. You need the salt in there. As noted by Levy, “The literature shows that water by itself does aggravate, or can cause, an irritating cough if you nebulize it by itself.”

I recommend diluting the peroxide down to 0.1%. Brownstein recommends using an ultralow dilution of 0.04% while Levy recommends 3% or less, depending on individual patient tolerance and how sick the patient already is.

If you don’t have access to saline, you could make your own by mixing one teaspoon of unprocessed salt (such as Himalayan salt, Celtic salt or Redmond’s real salt) into a pint of distilled water. This will give you a 0.9% saline solution, which is about the concentration found in body fluids. Using that saline, you will then dilute the hydrogen peroxide as described in this chart.

With regard to the dilution, Levy offers the following commentary:

“I don’t think there’s any evidence really that 0.04% nebulization as a monotherapy is going to get the job done. I want something that anybody on the planet can use to resolve [their infection] without having to add vitamin C, without having to add iodine, without having availability of ozone.

And when you start taking the concentration down, you’re going to get less antipathogenic impact by de nition. That, combined with the fact that for a year now, I’ve been getting an incredible amount of positive feedback. I’ve had no negative feedback. Most people use 3%. Some get too much tingling in the nose and they’ll go down to 1.5% or even 1%.

I think it’s a whole different thing as to what concentration you might want to use for the maintenance therapy that we’re talking about. But I think there’s no good reason at all not to take your rst shot at 3% when you’re already having symptoms, or if you have a COVID-positive test.

I see no reason to dance lightly, especially in the fact that we have no negative feedback. Also, a recent article showed that people who routinely gargle with 3% peroxide show zero microscopic abnormalities in the tissue after a six-month period …

I never advise somebody to tolerate symptoms that they nd uncomfortable. I always say, nd a concentration of whatever you’re nebulizing that’s comfortable. But that said, I still think when you clearly have an infection, hit it hard the first few times, I don’t think you’re going to do any damage.”

Other Health BeneEts of Nebulized Peroxide

Aside from Qghting infections, nebulized peroxide also has other health beneXts, including treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is a common side effect of smoking, and emphysema. As noted by Levy, while it doesn’t necessarily repair the anatomy of your air sacs, it does address the chronic infections and mucus production caused by these conditions.

“I’ve had a lot of feedback from chronic lung patients that are pretty much ecstatic that they were able to incorporate this into their long-term medical treatment protocols,” Levy says.

Another interesting beneKt of this therapy is its ability to improve your gut microbiome.

Levy appears to have been the Rrst one to discover and discuss this benefit:

“The Lrst time I nebulized with, at that time, regular over-the-counter 3% peroxide, the next morning I had the most incredibly normal, well-formed bowel movement of my life. I said, ‘Good grief. What is going on here?’ The only thing I did different was the peroxide nebulization the day before, and that got me to thinking about how all disease is oxidation versus reduction.”

As noted by Levy, chronic infection is a primary source of toxins in the body for most people, be it from infected tonsils, teeth, gums or anything else, and this also affects your microbiome.

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide, by addressing these chronic infections, may therefore also help reestablish a healthier bacterial balance in your gut. Levy recounts how patients with chronic irritable bowel syndrome were able to reverse their condition in as little as one week of nebulization.

“I don’t want to oversimplify what’s going on in the gut,” he says. “I know it’s a very complex process, but bottom line is that what keeps any tissue in a state of ‘disease’ is increased pro-oxidant factors coming in and the degree to which you can stop those pro-oxidant factors.

With my bowel habits changing in less than 12 hours, that really tells me, intuitively, how readily a leaky gut can heal if you stop the 24/7 onslaught of new toxins and pathogens getting dumped into the gut …

I don’t think nebulization is directly putting a clinically signi cant amount of peroxide in and around the gut. Its primary role is killing the pathogens that chronically grow there in the nose and throat, preventing a continual swallowing of pro-oxidant pathogens and their associated toxins.

There’s a concept in my book called chronic pathogen colonization, where those bugs are covered with bioXlms, and … peroxide destroys the bio lm quickly and then kills the pathogens underneath …

I think peroxide nebulization should be a routine part of any treatment protocol for any medical condition because of the positive impact it has on the microbiome and leaky gut, which makes any chronic disease you have worse.”

Hydrogen Peroxide for Periodontitis

A third benefit is its ability to address gum disease (periodontitis) and all the various health conditions associated with or worsened by it. As just one example, if you have severe asthma and advanced periodontitis, when your periodontitis ares, so will your asthma. Once you start to resolve the periodontitis, your asthma will typically improve as well.

“What’s unique about periodontitis is the nature of the pathogens,” Levy explains. “Often it’s caused by a bug called Porphyromonas gingivalis. They’re now finding this pathogen by advanced PCR testing to be present in many different tissues in the body, and to be present in tissues that are diseased.

They’ve identified it in Alzheimer’s tissue, in different neurological tissues. It’s been identiMed in the coronary artery linings of patients that have coronary artery disease …

That’s all coronary artery disease is — a chronic immune response that’s never extinguished because the seeding of bugs from the mouth is never extinguished … The reason smokers have such a high incidence of heart disease is because all of them have induced periodontitis that has the type of pathogen that metastasizes to the coronary artery lining.”

On a personal note, last year during a health checkup at SanoViv in Mexico, I learned I had periodontitis, which surprised me considering I don’t smoke and have a very healthy lifestyle. It goes to show how easily it can happen and, according to Levy, one of the reasons for this is depleted vitamin C stores. I was able to completely reverse it using ozone therapy, but as noted by Levy, the depleted vitamin C also needs to be addressed. He says:

“One main de ciency of things like ozone and other bio-oxidative therapies is they’re highly effective at killing the pathogen, but they’ve got nothing to do with restoring the antioxidant vitamin C status that resulted from the pathogen being present. All these viruses that we get acutely rapidly destroy our vitamin C stores.

Things like Ebola, where people die of hemorrhage, that’s really acute scurvy. In fact, it’s my opinion that long-haul COVID-19 is simply because of the fact that you so effectively nuked a large amount of your nutrients, especially vitamin C, that unless you undergo an accelerated plan of restitution, not a maintenance plan, but an accelerated plan of restitution, you’re never going to get back to baseline.

Same thing with periodontitis. Any dentist will tell you, they’ve never seen a smoker with normal gums. It just doesn’t occur. But the point is that smoke is metabolizing the vitamin C rapidly in the gums themselves.”

While you would get some bene t by nebulizing hydrogen peroxide through your mouth (i.e., breathing through your mouth rather than your nose), Levy recommends using a water irrigation (Waterpik™) device for this. Use warm water or warmed saline and add one-half to 1 or even 2 tablespoons of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide to the water tank.

“Those pathogens get knocked out quick. When you have advanced periodontitis, you no longer have the little peaks of gum tissue between the teeth. They’ve just resorbed completely.

But even in that type of gum, I’ve seen new gum grow in quite nicely in a couple of weeks. So basically, when you take the ongoing infective presence out of there, they will regenerate rapidly, especially if you’re not smoking while maintaining a good vitamin C intake.”

More Information

If you don’t have any chronic medical condition, Levy suggests nebulizing hydrogen peroxide two to three times a week for one to three minutes. If you have a chronic health condition, you’ll want to do it more frequently. For acute symptoms, you’ll typically want to nebulize for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

For more details, be sure to download Levy’s book, “Rapid Virus Recovery.” It’s a free download. Also be sure to share it with your friends, family and social networks. Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is a simple, inexpensive way to improve your health and safeguard against viral infections of all kinds, and anyone can use it.

“Send the link to as many people as possible,” Levy says. “That’s the whole reason for this book. I can’t imagine anybody being offended by the offer of a free book.”

Sources and Reference

1 Fenton’s Reaction

12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation

12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.
The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its many health benefits.
You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration.
People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns, and even increased pain tolerance.

1. Reduces stress
Many styles of meditation can help reduce stress. Meditation can likewise reduce symptoms in people with stress-triggered medical conditions.

2. Controls anxiety
Meditation can reduce stress levels, which translates to less anxiety. Habitual meditation can help reduce anxiety and improve stress reactivity and coping skills.

3. Promotes emotional health
Meditation can improve depression and reduce negative thoughts. It may also decrease levels of inflammatory cytokines, which could contribute to depression.

4. Enhances self-awareness
Meditation may help you develop a stronger understanding of yourself, helping you grow into your best self. Self-inquiry and related styles of meditation can help you “know yourself.” This can be a starting point for making other positive changes.

5. Lengthens attention span
Focused-attention meditation is like weight lifting for your attention span. It helps increase the strength and endurance of your attention. Meditation may build your ability to redirect and maintain attention.

6. May reduce age-related memory loss.
Improvements in attention and clarity of thinking may help keep your mind young. The improved focus you can gain through regular meditation may boost your memory and mental clarity. These benefits can help fight age-related memory loss and dementia.

7. Can generate kindness.
Metta, or loving-kindness meditation, is a practice of developing positive feelings, first toward yourself and then toward others. Metta increases positivity, empathy, and compassionate behavior toward others.

8. May help fight addictions.
The mental discipline you can develop through meditation may help you break dependencies by increasing your self-control and awareness of triggers for addictive behaviors. Meditation develops mental awareness and can help you manage triggers for unwanted impulses. This can help you recover from addiction, manage unhealthy eating, and redirect other unwanted habits.

9. Improves sleep.
Nearly half of the population will struggle with insomnia at some point.
A variety of meditation techniques can help you relax and control runaway thoughts that can interfere with sleep. This can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep and increase sleep quality.

10. Helps control pain
Your perception of pain is connected to your state of mind, and it can be elevated in stressful conditions. Meditation can diminish the perception of pain in the brain. This may help treat chronic pain when used to supplement medical care or physical therapy.

11. Can decrease blood pressure
Meditation can also improve physical health by reducing strain on the heart. Blood pressure decreases not only during meditation but also over time in individuals who meditate regularly. This can reduce strain on the heart and arteries, helping prevent heart disease.

12. Accessible anywhere
People practice many different forms of meditation, most of which don’t require specialized equipment or space. You can practice with just a few minutes daily.

There are many styles of meditation.
We are going to focus on Centering Prayer.

The Guidelines
1. Choose A Sacred Word As The
Symbol Of Your Intention To Consent
To God’s Presence And Action Within.

2. Sitting Comfortably And With Eyes
Closed, Settle Briefly, And Silently
Introduce The Sacred Word As The
Symbol Of Your Consent To God’s
Presence And Action Within.

3. When You Become Aware Of
Thoughts, Return Ever-So-Gently To
The Sacred Word.

4. At The End Of The Prayer Period,
Remain In Silence With Eyes Closed
For A Couple Of Minutes.

The bottom line
Meditation is something everyone can do to improve their mental and emotional health.
You can do it anywhere, without special equipment or memberships.
Alternatively, meditation courses and support groups are widely available.
