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Uncensored News – Tru News

Why Would We Trust This Drug Company to Tell the Truth? – Dr. Mercola

In 2009 this drug company settled the largest health care fraud case in the history of the U.S. Department of Justice. Caught in a mire of bribery and fraud with one of its drugs, what it did for the sake of making a profit harmed and endangered patients.

That company was Pfizer, the same drug company that today wants you to believe that a second booster of its mRNA shot will be good and safe and perfectly appropriate for everyone. What’s worse, evidence shows that the bastion of truth and justice — the Fourth Estate, aka, the press — has been paid off to make only positive reports on the COVID shots.

According to Dr. Robert Malone, when you consider that “Vioxx and opioids were similarly allowed to permeate our society without news media scrutiny or skepticism” and that “25% of drugs approved by the FDA are later pulled from the market” — not to mention the FDA wanted five to seven decades to release Pfizer’s COVID clinical trial data — it makes you wonder why the media is so eager to embrace Pfizer’s word now.

SOURCE: Dr. Robert Malone March 18, 2022