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The TWITTER FILES Explained | Why GOD is Using ELON Musk | Satan’s Anger Grows as Corruption Exposed – Pastor Steve Cioccolanti


❤️ Pastor Steve Cioccolanti gives us a #prophetic #Christian perspective on the #History of Twitter & Elon’s release of the Twitter Files1, 2, 3. More to come… join online church to support this community and watch uncensored content Big Tech doesn’t want you to see.

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Bill Gates Plans for New Catastrophic Contagion – Dr. Joseph Mercola


Full Story PDF HERE


  • Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they’re about to do. Table top pandemic simulations, for example, are a form of dress rehearsal
  • In 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario. In October 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201
  • As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, Event 201 involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies
  • October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization cohosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,” involving a novel pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25), which primarily affects children and teens
  • Enterovirus D68 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes. The virus they modeled in the Catastrophic Contagion simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse

Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they’re about to do. They hold dress rehearsals in the form of tabletop exercises, and they’ve revealed their plans in various reports and white papers through the years.

I have been subscribed to the channel that posted the video above for some time now. She only has 10K subscribers but really gets some amazing content. I have no idea how she was able to secure this video as it is not widely circulated. Even more surprising is that her channel is not being taken down.

COVID Dress Rehearsals

For example, in 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario.1 Importantly, the exercise highlighted and stressed “communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures that could plausibly emerge” in a pandemic scenario.

In October 2019, less than three months before the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201.

As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, this exercise involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies.

Social media censorship played prominently in the Event 201 plan, and in the real-world events of 2020 through the present, accurate information about vaccine development, production and injury has indeed been effectively suppressed around the world, thanks to social media companies and Google’s censoring of opposing viewpoints.

We now know this censorship was illegally directed by U.S. government officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was recently deposed2 about his role in the online censoring of COVID information.

Both of these simulations, SPARS and Event 201, foreshadowed what eventually occurred in real life during COVID, so, when Gates hosts yet another pandemic exercise, it’s worth paying attention to the details.

‘Catastrophic Contagion’ Exercise

October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization cohosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,”3,4 involving a novel (and as of now fictional) pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” or SEERS-25 for short.

Enterovirus D685 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes in one or more extremities.

Enteroviruses A71 and A6 are known to cause hand, foot and mouth disease,6 while poliovirus, the prototypical enterovirus, causes polio (poliomyelitis), a potentially life-threatening type of paralysis that primarily affects children under age 5. So, the virus they modeled in this simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse.

Training African Leaders to Go Along With the Narrative

Tellingly, the Catastrophic Contagion exercise focused on getting leadership in African countries involved and trained in following the script. Participants included 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India and Germany, as well as Gates himself.

African nations just so happened to go “off script” more often than others during the COVID pandemic, and didn’t follow in the footsteps of developed nations when it came to pushing the jabs. As a result, vaccine makers now face the problem of having a huge control group, as the COVID jab uptake on the African continent was only 6%.7

Not surprisingly (for those in the know), Africa has fared far better than developed nations with high COVID jab rates in terms of COVID-19 infections and related deaths.8

Now, the Catastrophic Contagion exercise predicts SEERS-25 will kill 20 million people worldwide, including 15 million children, and many who survive the infection will be left with paralysis and/or brain damage. In other words, the “cue” given is that the next pandemic will likely target children rather than the elderly, as was the case with COVID-19.

This is an interesting coincidence, seeing how rates of toddlers and young children hospitalized with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is already spiking.

COVID Jabs Are Destroying People’s Immune Systems

Coincidentally, over the past year, researchers have been warning that the COVID jabs may be dysregulating and destroying people’s immune systems, leaving them vulnerable to all sorts of infections. According to a study9 posted on the preprint server medRxiv in May 2021, the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab “reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses, causing immune depletion.”

In August 2021, a French group of pediatric infectious disease experts also warned that “immunity debt” caused by a lack of exposure to common viruses and bacteria during COVID lockdowns and school closures might predispose children to suffer more infections in the future.10

They predicted the decrease in viral and bacterial exposure that train your child’s immune system may result in a rebound of a variety of infectious diseases, including influenza and RSV) which is precisely what we’re now seeing. If a modified enterovirus gets added into the mix, it’s not difficult to see how parents might get spooked enough to start lining their kids up for more shots — including parents in African nations.

Why Manufactured Pandemics Will Continue

At this point, it’s quite clear that “biosecurity” is the chosen means by which the globalist cabal intends to seize power over the world. The WHO is working on securing sole power over pandemic response globally through its international pandemic treaty which, if implemented, will eradicate the sovereignty of all member nations.

Ultimately, the WHO intends to dictate all health care. December 13, 2022, the WHO announced Sir Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust — who colluded with Dr. Anthony Fauci to suppress the COVID lab-leak narrative — has been chosen as its new chief scientist.11

The WHO’s pandemic treaty is the gateway to a global, top-down totalitarian regime, a one world government. But to secure that power, they will need more pandemics. COVID-19 alone was not enough to get everyone onboard with a centralized pandemic response unit, and they probably knew that from the start.

So, the reason we can be sure there will be additional pandemics, whether manufactured using either fear and hype alone or an actual bioweapon created for this very purpose, is because the takeover plan, aka The Great Reset, is based on the premise that we need global biosecurity surveillance and centralized response.

Biosecurity, in turn, is the justification for an international vaccine passport, which the G20 just signed on to, and that passport will also be your digital identification. That digital ID, then, will be tied to your social credit score, personal carbon footprint tracker, medical records, educational records, work records, social media presence, purchase records, your bank accounts and a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Once all these pieces are fully connected, you’ll be in a digital prison, and the ruling cabal — whether officially a one world government by then or not — will have total control over your life from cradle to grave.

COVID Is a Global Propaganda Operation

In the video above,12,13 initially published in August 2021, professor Piers Robinson, Ph.D., an expert on communication, media, world politics and the role of propaganda, spoke to Asia Pacific Today about propaganda in the age of COVID.

As noted by Robinson, COVID-19 is unquestionably the largest, most sophisticated propaganda operation in history. Psychological techniques were extensively used during 2020 to incite fear in the population, while other persuasion strategies were used to get people to support and defend COVID measures such as masking, isolation, social distancing, lockdowns and jab mandates.

Indeed, propaganda is what allowed for draconian and unscientific COVID measures to be implemented. Without propaganda and simultaneous censorship of opposing views, little of what we’ve been through would have been possible.

As noted by Robinson, while the use of state propaganda could initially be justified as a necessary means to achieve a public health objective — protecting people from COVID-related illness and death — it quickly became apparent that this was not the case, and likely never was.

COVID-19 has instead been used to suspend and strip us of Constitutional rights and civil liberties, and is still being exploited to further social, political and financial restructuring objectives, entirely outside democratic processes and public scrutiny. We also know it’s not about public health since:

  • COVID is now nothing more than another endemic respiratory infection, much like the common cold, and
  • The COVID jabs don’t prevent infection or spread of the virus, which negates the entire premise for vaccine passports, yet they’re being pushed anyway

How Did Gates Become the High Priest of the COVID Narrative?

In related news, Politico recently published a special report14 detailing how Gates, who has no medical expertise whatsoever, ended up controlling the global COVID response with no oversight to speak of.

In the earliest days of the pandemic, four nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) banded together to identify vaccine makers and make “targeted investments in the development of tests, treatments and shots,” Politico explains.

These NGOs were the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi (a Gates organization that provides vaccines to developing nations), the Wellcome Trust (a British research foundation led by Farrar, now selected to be the WHO’s head scientist) and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), an international vaccine research and development group cofounded by Gates and Wellcome in 2017.

In collaboration with the WHO, these four NGOs — three of which were founded by Gates — then set out to create a global distribution plan for the tests, drugs and injections they’d invested in.

Incidentally, Gates at that time was also the largest donor to the WHO, as then-President Trump had pulled the U.S. out of the WHO and stopped funding. It’s hard to imagine a situation with greater conflicts of interest. The four groups also greased the wheels of governments.

Collectively, they spent more than $8.3 million to lobby lawmakers and officials in the U.S. and Europe. A number of U.S. and EU officials, as well as WHO representatives, have also been employed by one or more of these NGOs, which helped solidify their political connections.

A number of civil society organizations that are active in developing countries, including Doctors Without Borders, have objected to Western-dominated groups making life-and-death decisions for poorer nations.

“‘What makes Bill Gates qualified to be giving advice and advising the U.S. government on where they should be putting the tremendous resources?’ asked Kate Elder, senior vaccines policy adviser for the Doctors Without Borders’ Access Campaign,” Politico writes.15

Self-Serving Consortium Is Running Our Pandemic Response

Politico’s special report continues:16

“Now, critics are raising significant questions about the equity and effectiveness of the group’s response to the pandemic — and the serious limitations of outsourcing the pandemic response to unelected, privately-funded groups. ‘I think we should be deeply concerned,’ said Lawrence Gostin, a Georgetown University professor who specializes in public-health law.

‘Putting it in a very crass way, money buys influence. And this is the worst kind of influence. Not just because it’s money — although that’s important, because money shouldn’t dictate policy — but also, because it’s preferential access, behind closed doors.’

Gostin said that such power, even if propelled by good intentions and expertise, is ‘anti-democratic, because it’s extraordinarily non-transparent, and opaque’ and ‘leaves behind ordinary people, communities and civil society’ …

[M]any global health specialists question whether the groups are capable of performing the rigorous post-mortems necessary to build a stronger global response system for the future.

‘No one’s actually holding these actors to account,’ said Sophie Harman, professor of international politics at Queen Mary University of London. ‘And they’re the ones that are really shaping our ability to respond to pandemics’ …

Without governments stepping in to take the lead on pandemic preparedness, the four organizations, along with their partners in the global health community, are the only entities that are in a position to lead in the world’s response to a devastating outbreak — again.

‘They’re funded by their own capabilities and or endowments and trusts. But when they step into multilateral affairs, then who keeps watch over them?’ a former senior U.S. official said. ‘I don’t know the answer to that. That’s quite provocative.'”

Final Thoughts

So, in the final analysis, we already have a pseudo-one world government, in the form of Gates’ NGOs. They are making health care decisions that should be left to individual nations and/or states, and they’re making decisions that will line their own pockets, regardless of what happens to the public health-wise.

They coordinate and synchronize pandemic communication during these simulated practice runs, and then, when the real-world situation emerges that fits the bill, the preplanned script is simply played out verbatim.

African nations failed to follow the script during COVID, which is why they’re focusing on African leaders in the latest simulation. They need to get rid of the African control group by getting them onboard with mass injection and all the rest. It’s basically a recruitment effort.

Lastly, between the G20 declaration to implement an international vaccine passport under the auspice of the WHO, and the WHO’s pandemic treaty, everything is lined up to take control of the next pandemic, and in so doing, further securing the foundation for a one world government.



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‘Died Suddenly’ — World Premiere – Dr. Joseph Mercola


PDF Link  

Backup Video at bottom of page.


  • The unprecedented epidemic of “sudden death” coincides with the rollout of the experimental gene therapies falsely and fraudulently marketed as vaccines against COVID-19
  • The Stew Peters Network documentary, “Died Suddenly,” dissects this frightening trend and digs into the ideology that has shaped the geopolitical landscape for decades, a worldview that says there are too many people in the world, and that population control are necessary for mankind’s survival
  • Embalmers around the world are finding mysterious, never before seen fibrous clots in the circulatory systems of COVID-jabbed individuals who die. These fibrous structures only started occurring after the rollout of the COVID shots
  • In addition to increasing the death rate, the COVID shots are also lowering birth rates. Infertility in men and women is up. Miscarriages, premature births, birth defects and neonatal deaths have all massively increased, and live births have decreased. Most countries report birth rate decreases between 10% and 15%, but in Australia, the birth rate has declined by a shocking 72%
  • Not all feedback on the film has been favorable. Among critics are Dr. Robert Malone, who has pointed out problems with the film

Those paying attention to obituaries over the past two years will have noticed an alarming trend. People of all ages, many of whom had no underlying health conditions, have “died suddenly,” sometimes in their sleep, sometimes while playing sports, sometimes while going about their everyday business.

Without warning, their hearts failed and they dropped dead. Or they suffered sudden multiorgan failure. Or a massive blood clot. Or “unknown causes.” It’s an unprecedented epidemic of “sudden death,” and it coincides with the rollout of experimental gene therapies falsely and fraudulently marketed as vaccines against COVID-19.

The Stew Peters Network documentary, “Died Suddenly,” dissects this frightening trend and digs into the ideology that has shaped the geopolitical landscape for decades, a worldview that says there are too many people in the world, and that population control are necessary for mankind’s survival. Is that what these COVID shots are ultimately all about?

“Died Suddenly” received millions of views within 24 hours of its release. Not all feedback has been favorable, however. I decided to run the video, along with some of the critiques against it. My conclusion is that it’s a worthwhile watch, with the caveat that it cannot be used as proof of any given theory.

The Substack journalist that goes by the moniker A Midwestern Doctor and Dr. Robert Malone are but two individuals in the truth movement who have pointed out problems with the film.

Select Critiques

A Midwestern Doctor writes:1

“I am personally a bit torn on this movie because it covers a lot of important ground and is presented in a highly persuasive manner that will red-pill many who are on the fence, but it also has a variety of errors and tangental conspiratorial content which makes it prone to being debunked and discrediting this message to those who were on the fence about it …

In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, although they have a variety of issues, the unique blood clots they form once observed in autopsies also fulfill that requirement, and hence are a home run for persuasion. Similarly, I felt their section represented by far the most persuasive part of ‘Died Suddenly’ …

Unfortunately … there is one huge issue with this segment. The live clot at the end has nothing to do with the COVID-19 vaccinations (it came from a surgery posted on YouTube a year before the vaccines entered the market).

I suspect this arose because someone re-uploaded that clip and labeled it as being from the vaccines (either as a prank or as clickbait) and then it was re-shared until the Died Suddenly team got it and added it in since it supported their narrative.”

A Midwestern Doctor does, however, confirm that many funeral home directors, when asked off the record, admit seeing the fibrous clots shown in the film, but keep quiet due to fear of losing their livelihood. So, the clots are most certainly occurring. In the article, he goes on to review some of the scientific findings that might explain these clots, which are not part of the film, so for additional information, his article is a good start.

‘Sin of Information Warfare’

Malone has a similar critique:2

“Other commentators (for example ‘The Daily Skeptic‘ and Josh Guetzkow) have appropriately noted that the … video includes segments which are misleading at best, falsely imply one or more cause-effect relationship between a sudden death event and vaccine administration, or otherwise employ cinematic license to stoke outrage.

I have previously written regarding the business model of Stoking Rage … and in my opinion this strategy is fundamentally the same as the ‘fearporn’ business model of corporate media … I reject the assertion that, on the battlefield of the current 21st century unrestricted media and information war which we are immersed in, it is acceptable to employ the tactics of our opponents …

As I have said so many times, in so many lectures, our opponents in this information war, this war on truth and integrity, have no ethical guardrails. Ethics are entirely situational in their world …

There is nothing in this ‘Died Suddenly’ which represents new news, as far as I can tell. This seems to mostly be a sensationalized but well-produced video covering information which has been known for quite some time. While Steve Kirsch was interviewed in the film, he did not fund or sponsor the production, or have any input beyond his personal interview, and neither he or his organization endorses it.”

According to Malone, “one of the apparent breaches of accuracy” in the film involves an example of sudden death that is “demonstrably unelated to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.”

“These types of ‘artistic license’ distortions of truth cause both damage to the credibility of the arguments being made (which may otherwise be valid), and can also cause psychologic pain,” Malone writes.

“Furthermore, these types of errors become weapons which will be deployed against us by our opponents in this unrestricted information war battlefield.”

So, while the film highlights problems that ought to have been part of the public discussion from the start, the unfortunate inclusion of footage that is unrelated to the COVID shots weakens it. I still encourage you to view the film. Just understand that you cannot rely on every detail in the film to be wholly accurate. With all of that in mind, here’s a summary of some of the highlights in the film.

The Malthusian Theory

As explained in the film, the Malthusian population theory,3 introduced by economist Thomas Robert Malthus in 1798, is the idea that unchecked population growth will eventually result in the die-off of mankind.

According to Malthus, the growth of human populations is exponential, while the growth of resources is linear. So, as a population grows larger, living standards are lowered until, finally, the entire population dies from starvation. To keep population growth in balance, we either have to increase the death rate or lower the birth rate — and the COVID shots, we now find, do both.

Vaccine Promoters Obsessed With Population Control

Interestingly, many of the people who are hard at work developing and promoting supposedly life-saving vaccines are also long-time adherents to the Malthusian theory. They believe the world is overpopulated, and that it will lead to the extinction of mankind unless something is done about it.

Bill Gates is a perfect example of someone who claims the vaccine development and distribution he funds is saving the lives of millions, while at the same time being a proponent of population control and eugenics. In a now-infamous TED Talk, he stated that “if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we can lower that by, perhaps, 10 to 15%.”

As noted by funeral director Chad Whisnant, common sense dictates that if a man tells you he intends to reduce the world’s population by 15% using vaccines, probably, a number of people will die because they got a vaccine. And here we are.

People are dropping like flies, yet government and media pretend as if everything’s normal. It’s not. Children and teenagers do not die in their sleep. At no time in history have several hundred athletes dropped dead in a single year.

Healthy people with no history of disease don’t just die. And never before have people had tough fibrous clots, made from some mysterious, yet-to-be-determined elastic substance, in their cardiovascular systems.

The Fibrous Clot Mystery

Richard Hirschman was the first embalmer to go public with his findings of these mysterious fibrous clots, extracted from people who died, starting in 2021. In November that year, he created a spread sheet to keep track of the size and frequency of these clots, and whether the person was known to have received a COVID shot.

During the last quarter of 2021, Hirschman found these clots in about 130 people. In all, just under 14% of the people he embalmed in that period had no significant clotting; 86% did.

In more recent months, other embalmers have joined Hirschman and started speaking out publicly about these strange fibrous structures they’re now finding. Anna Foster, an embalmer in the U.S., describes pulling out a 3-foot-long fibrous clot out of the carotid artery of one body.

Brenton Faithful, an embalmer in New Zealand, is also seeing them. Another embalmer, Wallace Hooker, gave a presentation on these odd structures at the 2022 Ohio embalmers convention. About 100 embalmers were in attendance, and nearly all of them reported that they too are coming across them.

None of these embalmers have ever, in their many decades of embalming dead bodies, seen these structures before. They only started occurring after the rollout of the COVID shots.

Funeral directors are also starting to speak out. Among them are John O’Looney, a funeral director in the U.K., whose embalmer complained to him that he was having a lot of problems getting the embalming fluid through the body of many. Like Hirschman, this embalmer pulled out long, white, stretchy, fibrous clots, which O’Looney described as having the consistency of calamari.

A Canadian embalmer, whose identity is concealed, reports finding them in 100% of the bodies embalmed over the past year. These clots are not blood clots. They’re white, stringy, stretchy, fibrous structures, but they appear to “feed” on, or grow from, blood clots attached to the ends of them. “And they are massive,” the embalmer says.

The structures take the shape of the vessel they’re forming in, starting off as a tube-shape, like a second lining inside the vessel, and over time fill in, eventually forming a massive blockage.

Aside from heart damage, which we now know is a rather common side effect of the COVID shots, it appears these fibrous structures growing in the arteries and veins of people are another reason for why people are dying suddenly. As they grow larger, they block blood flow, resulting in death.

Other Blood-Related Anomalies

Mysterious structures in the circulatory system is not the only medical mystery that has embalmers concerned. Hirschman also noticed that some deceased have “dirty blood” — small as-yet unidentified particles that look like fine grains of sand, coffee grounds or rust particles.

These are concerning, as they can enter into and accumulate in capillaries, starving tissues and organs of the oxygen they need. Embalmer Nicky Rupright King describes another similar, yet slightly different, phenomenon. The consistency of blood is different. It’s sticky. She describes the action of the blood on the table as “blood on beach sand.”

Yet another embalmer, whose identity is concealed, describes blood mysteriously separating into a clear liquid with pools or clots of blood in it. (For more information about the potential mechanisms behind this, see A Midwestern Doctor’s critique of the film.4) In other cases, the blood congeals into a jelly-like substance. Needless to say, your body cannot function if your blood is like jelly.

As noted by Hirschman, the reason his and other embalmers’ testimony is so important is because people who die are rarely autopsied, so the embalmers are the only people who get to see these anomalies.

Something Beyond Catastrophic Is Happening

As noted by Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, a U.S. Army flight surgeon and whistleblower, insurance companies predict that if something truly catastrophic occurred in the U.S., we could expect a 10% increase in all-cause mortality.

In the third quarter of 2021, OneAmerica, a national mutual life insurance company based in Indianapolis, reported that the all-cause death rate of working-age Americans (18 to 64) was 40% higher than prepandemic levels, and these deaths are not related to COVID-19.5

As noted by Long, no modeling or calculations have ever been done to account for such a massive increase in all-cause mortality. “It’s apocalyptic,” she says.

In her career as an Army flight surgeon, she also has never before seen such a litany of health problems among soldiers. After the rollout of the COVID shots, soldiers started having strokes, heart attacks, myocarditis, rapid onset cancer, multiple sclerosis, cognitive impairment, miscarriages and much more, at unprecedented rates.

Long suspects that the COVID shots were developed as a lethal weapon, and that they’re doing exactly what they were designed to do. She fears the United States won’t have a standing army five years from now, thanks to the effects of these shots, which were forced onto every rank within the military.

Army Data Reveal Shocking Truth

When Long’s concerns were ignored, she, along with Lt. Col. Dr. Peter Chambers, another Army whistleblower, contacted attorney Thomas Renz. They shared with him data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED),6 one of the most well-kept and most heavily-relied upon medical databases in the world.

The data showed that, compared to the previous five-year averages, miscarriages were up 279% among Department of Defense (DOD) personnel in 2021, breast cancer went up 487%, nervous system disorders 1,048%, male infertility 350%, female infertility 471%, ovarian dysfunction 437%. The list goes on.

As noted by Renz during U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson’s “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel (see video below):7

“The Whistleblower data, this DMED database, has provided a control group of sorts. It’s military records dating back several years that supply medical codes for various medical issues that our military face such as cancers, miscarriages, neurological disorders etc.

These records provided by three military doctors … show a historical baseline of what the health of the American military was like before 2021, the year the COVID vaccine was released. What you see is quite disturbing.

From 2016 to 2020 all variations of medical conditions stay consistent. But in 2021, when the variable of the vaccine is mandated, the spike in cancers, miscarriages, infertility, you name it, jumps by factors of hundreds to thousands of percent.

Let me be crystal clear. These vaccines are injuring and sometimes even killing our military, and those in the public that are buying the ‘safe and effective’ marketing. These numbers prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

Johnson put the DOD on notice, demanding these data be preserved and analyzed. But instead, the exact opposite happened. Within 24 hours, the database was taken offline, allegedly to “identify and correct” a supposed data corruption problem, and when it came back, the data had been altered to hide these glaringly obvious safety signals.8 Someone inside the DOD intentionally destroyed one of the best health databases in the world. Why?

The Sudden Cancer Explosion

The original DMED data showed cancers tripled among servicemen and their family members after the rollout of the COVID shots. Exploding cancer rates are also seen elsewhere. One of the first to warn that the shots might cause cancer was Dr. Ryan Cole.

He believes the shots are primarily accelerating already existing cancers, by way of immune dysregulation.9 He noticed that cancers that could normally be controlled and kept in check, giving the patient several years of quality life, once they got the COVID jab, the cancer would suddenly grow out of control and rapidly lead to death.

Swedish pathologist, researcher and senior physician at Lund’s University, Dr. Ute Kruger, has also observed an explosion in rapidly advancing cancers in the wake of the COVID shots. For example, she’s noticed:10,11

  • Cancer patients are getting younger — The largest increase is among 30- to 50-year-olds
  • Tumor sizes are dramatically larger — Historically, 3-centimeter tumors were commonly found at the time of cancer diagnosis. Now, the tumors they’re finding are regularly 4 to 12 centimeters, which suggests they’re growing at a much faster rate than normal
  • Multiple tumors in multiple organs are becoming more common
  • Recurrence and metastasis are increasing — Kruger points out that many of the cancer patients she’s seeing have been in remission for years, only to suddenly be beset with uncontrollable cancer growth and metastasis shortly after their COVID jab

These “turbo-cancers,” as Kruger calls them, cannot be explained by delayed cancer screenings due to lockdowns and other COVID restrictions, as those days are long gone. Patients, despite having access to medical screenings as in years past, are showing up with grossly exacerbated tumor growths, and she believes this is because the cancers are being “turbo-charged” by the mRNA jabs.

The Great Reset Is a Depopulation Plan

In June 2020, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles formally announced the launch of The Great Reset,12 a eugenicist movement built on the Malthusian premise of global depopulation, thinly veiled under the catch term “sustainable development.”

While most people think of things like recycling, green energy and circular economies when they hear “sustainable development,” the sustainability of world resources is dependent on depopulation.

In the Malthusian equation, you cannot sustain life on planet earth unless you control the population size. So, everything marketed under the banner of sustainable development is part of a eugenics agenda. It’s about depopulation.

In his book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab describes how the pandemic serves as the springboard for a global reset into the sustainable system he and his allies have so long envisioned and worked toward.

We know that adherents to Malthusian principles and long-time eugenicist proponents such as Gates and Schwab have had a hand in planning and directing the pandemic response, which just so happens to focus on a wholly unethical marketing campaign of these experimental COVID shots that are now killing perfectly healthy people and driving birth rates off a cliff. Coincidence?

In the End, Plausible Deniability Will Not Be an Option

As noted by Steve Kirsch, government regulators, those at the very top who bear the ultimate responsibility for making sure these COVID shots are safe, are actively and intentionally refusing to look at the safety data. Why? Because they want plausible deniability. If everything falls apart, they expect to have the chance to say they were unaware. Data were withheld from them. They didn’t know. The data weren’t clear, and so on.

Well, believe me, there will be no plausible deniability for any of these people. Kirsch has personally ensured that part. He contacted nearly 300 people within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, asking them if they would like to review crucial safety data obtained from Israel. Not a single person replied. They all ignored him.

He has offered $1 million to any health official willing to sit down with him, on camera, to review and discuss the data. None has accepted his offer. He then said they could name their price. What would it take to get someone from the CDC or Food and Drug Administration to sit down and simply review the data, on air? There were no takers.

Kirsch pursued Dr. Grace Lee, chair of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the highest representative for vaccine safety in the nation, by phone, email and text.

Finally, he went to her home. When she didn’t answer the door, he left a handwritten note taped to her door, asking if she would be willing to look at the Israeli data showing causality between the COVID shots and systemic injuries. She called the police on him. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that Lee will be able to claim plausible deniability.

Fertility Has Fallen Off a Cliff

In addition to increasing the death rate, the COVID shots are also lowering birth rates. Infertility in both men and women is up. Miscarriages are up. Premature births are up and neonatal deaths are up. Whistleblowers in the film include Michelle Gershon, a registered nurse at a postpartum ward in a major hospital in Fresno, California, and OBGYN Dr. James Thorp, who has been in practice for 43 years.

Gershon blew the whistle when she received an email from the hospital administration stating there had been 22 fetal demises in August 2022, and that fetal demises were projected to increase, month over month. Normally, they would see between one and two fetal demises every two to three months.

Thorp points out that during his career, the number of stillbirths in the U.S. came down from about 10 to 5.8 per 1,000. In 2020, the rate of stillbirths at Gershon’s hospital suddenly started climbing skyward, in 2021 hitting 29.3 per 1,000 — a 40+ sigma standard deviation from the norm. The mathematical probability of this occurring is zero %.

Data from a Canadian hospital is even worse. They’re now at 41.5 fetal demises per 1,000, a 71.4 standard deviation increase. Thorp also reports a 1,200-fold increase in menstrual abnormalities, and a substantial increase in horrific birth defects. He’s also seeing fetuses having heart attacks in the womb.

The thing is, Pfizer’s own trial data revealed shocking outcomes for pregnant women. Out of 274 pregnancy cases, only one birth was reported as normal. Pfizer and the FDA tried to hide the trial data upon which the shots were authorized for 75 years, but were forced by a judge to release them.

Meanwhile, the CDC claims the COVID jab is safe for pregnant women and their babies, and that no safety signals exist. Why did the FDA and Pfizer want to keep the data secret for 75 years? Why is the CDC claiming the complete opposite of what the data show? Is it because depopulation is an expected and desired outcome of the shots?

Across the world, live births have plummeted since the rollout of the shots. Most countries report decreases between 10% and 15%, such as Germany, Norway, Greece, Finland, Sweden and England. Taiwan’s decline is around 23%. Australia, for some reason, has far surpassed everyone else in this regard, reporting a shocking 72% decline in live births, nine months after the COVID jab campaign began.13

What We’re Seeing Are Intended Outcomes

Speaking of the COVID shots, Long says:

“It’s my professional medical opinion that this is a bioweapon, and that this was a bioweapon unleashed against humanity with the intent to depopulate and control the population of the world.”

Dr. Peter McCullough agrees. “It’s achieving its goal,” he says. “If the goal was to reduce the world’s population, it’s working.” O’Looney adds:

“This was well-planned. This is Agenda 2030. This is The Great Reset. This is what it’s all about. One of the hardest things about knowing what I know is accepting that people are going to die, because they’re not going to believe it …

This is probably the most Biblical event anyone could imagine. This is World War III. This is spiritual war — good against evil. And I just hope there’s enough good in the world that we can rally to defeat it, because if we don’t, this will destroy humanity.”



+ Sources and References
Backup Video

Unvaccinated Blood Is Now in Very High Demand – Dr. Joseph Mercola


Read Full PDF HERE


  • A growing number of people in need of blood transfusions are requesting blood that comes from people who haven’t received COVID-19 shots
  • Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole compared the current unknowns regarding “vaccinated blood” with HIV-tainted blood that was used for transfusions in the 1980s
  • Directed donations and autologous donations, or self-donation, are options for receiving blood free of mRNA, but in both cases you’ll need your doctor to submit a Red Cross Special Collections Order form
  • A “Safe Blood” donation campaign has also been formed to match blood donors and recipients who have not had COVID-19 shots

It’s unknown whether blood donated by people who’ve received mRNA COVID-19 shots poses a risk to those who receive it. A growing number of people aren’t willing to take any chances, however, and are requesting blood that comes from unvaccinated patients. One high-profile case involves a 4-month-old baby, Will Savage-Reeves, in New Zealand, who needs surgery for a heart valve disorder.

His parents, Samantha and Cole, requested the infant receive blood only from donors who have not received COVID-19 shots. While unvaccinated blood is available, the doctors and hospital refused to grant the request. The case was heard before a New Zealand court, which sided with the doctors and took guardianship of the child to proceed with the surgery using vaccinated blood.1,2

Hospital Refuses Family’s Request for Unvaccinated Blood

The outcome of baby Will’s case may serve as a harbinger of things to come. The hospital argued that the surgery should proceed using vaccinated blood because of the importance of finding a quality match. A large pool of donor blood raises the possibility of finding the highest quality match.

In addition, according to Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, another of their arguments is, “If there were a safety signal from using vaccinated blood for transfusions, it would have surfaced by now.” They also want to keep up appearances, and allowing one patient to use unvaccinated blood may open the floodgates to others requesting the same. Kirsch noted:3

“If they agree to use unvaccinated blood, it could be interpreted as an admission that vaccinated blood is not safe and could lead to everyone requesting unvaccinated blood which would then create severe blood shortages for a dubious benefit.”

Further, the New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) manages blood donations and collections in New Zealand. Only a specialist doctor can request directed donation for the baby to received unvaccinated blood.

But, Kirsch noted, “The clinicians responsible for the surgery determined that there was insufficient evidence to make a special request … The hospital cannot compel the NZBS to do what it says, e.g., even if the doctors agreed with the parents, NZBS can still refuse to supply the blood if it doesn’t think the request is justified.”4

The hospital also claimed mRNA shots “to date remain safe.”5 According to Kirsch, “The court, lacking the legal and technical ability to second guess the doctors, therefore sided with the expert opinion of the doctors.”6

The media, meanwhile, are painting the reasonable request to honor the precautionary principle as a conspiracy theory and disinformation dreamed up by fringe “anti-vaxxers.” Case in point, The New York Times reported:7

“The case, and the family’s flawed scientific arguments, highlight the continuing dangers of online misinformation and conspiracist narratives, experts say. The dispute has ‘become a cause célèbre in the most toxic way,’ prompting a spike in hate speech on fringe platforms where conspiracy theories run rife, said Sanjana Hattotuwa, a researcher at the Disinformation Project, a New Zealand monitoring group.”

Not only did the New Zealand health service refuse the family’s request, but New Zealand’s High Court granted two doctors authority to make medical decisions regarding baby Will.8 It didn’t need to go this far, supporters have stated, since there is ready availability of blood from unvaccinated donors.9

In a similar case in Italy, however, a judge also ruled against parents who requested blood transfusions only from unvaccinated donors be used during their 2-year-old son’s heart surgery.10

Embalmers Find Unusual Clots in Veins Post-Shots

Richard Hirschman, a board-certified embalmer and funeral director with more than 20 years of experience, has come forward stating that, in the time period since COVID-19 shots were rolled out, starting around the middle of 2021, he’s been finding “strange clots” in the bodies of the deceased.

“When I do the embalming, I have to go into the vein. And in order for the embalming process, I have to allow blood to be drained. So I actually pulled this huge, long clot — fibrous looking clot — out prior to an embalming,” Hirschman said.11

The beginning of the clot, which resembles a white, rubbery worm, appears red and like a normal clot. But the majority of the clot is different: It’s composed of a white, fibrous material. “It just isn’t normal,” he said, adding:12

“Typically, a blood clot is smooth; it’s blood that has coagulated together. But when you squeeze it, or touch it or try to pick it up, it generally falls apart … you can almost squeeze it between your fingers and get it back to blood again. But this white fibrous stuff is pretty strong. It’s not weak at all. You can manipulate it, it’s very pliable. It’s not hard … it is not normal. I don’t know how anybody can live with something like this inside of them.”

What’s important to note is embalmers have reported finding unusual clots not only in deceased people who’ve received the shots but also in those who have had a blood transfusion. So while we don’t know what risk there is from receiving blood from someone who’s had COVID-19 shots, “the risk is not zero,” Kirsch said.13

Another case involves a baby, Alexander, who received a vaccinated blood transfusion and developed “an enormous clot that eventually stretched from his left knee, all the way to his heart,” and died.14 According to Kirsch, the hospital then went on to delete all related medical records:15

“Sacred Heart Hospital in Washington State has erased all records of the death of baby Alex who died from a blood clot after receiving a transfusion from a vaccinated patient. So there is no evidence of a problem anymore. They erased it, just like the CDC erased all data linking vaccines and autism. This is how science works nowadays.”

Is the Blood Supply Safe? Nobody Knows

In the U.S., a person is in need of blood every two seconds.16 If you have a medical emergency, getting a blood transfusion can be life-saving. But should patients have the option of choosing to receive blood that hasn’t been exposed to mRNA COVID-19 shots?

The Red Cross states they’re following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s blood donation eligibility guidance, which states, “In most cases, there is no deferral time for individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine as long as they are symptom-free and feeling well at the time of donation.”17

“While the antibodies that are produced by the stimulated immune system in response to vaccination are found throughout the bloodstream, the actual vaccine components are not,” Jessa Merrill, Red Cross director of biomedical communications, told The Daily Beast.18 Further, after speaking to Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist, Kirsch reported:19

“He said he’d take the vaccinated blood because of the critical nature of the matching process. With donor blood, the match quality would not be as good because there is a smaller pool to draw from, and it’s not just blood type that is matched.

Nobody has quantified the risk of using vaccinated blood. He said if the risk were high, it would have been noticed by now (I’m not sure I agree with that; there is a lot of willful blindness for anything associated with the vaccine).”

Many Contracted AIDS Via Tainted Blood Transfusions

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole compared the current unknowns regarding “vaccinated blood” with HIV-tainted blood that was used for transfusions in the 1980s:20

“We don’t know. Nobody knows. I have clots from unvaccinated deceased that were transfused and formed large clots post transfusion and died. No blood bank is checking. ‘One cannot find, that for which they do not look.’ This is akin to blood banks and hemophiliacs and HIV in the 1980s. It may not be a problem.

However, it may be. There are assays academically available to check for circulating spike protein. It is criminal negligence to not assure the safety of the blood supply based on bureaucratic declarations without scientific explorations.”

Similarly, in January 1983, after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed evidence strongly suggesting blood and blood products transmitted AIDS and the disease was sexually transmitted, it recommended blood banks directly question donors about their sexual behavior and run blood donations through a series of screening tests.21

The blood bank community issued a statement soon after, stating “direct or indirect questions about a donor’s sexual preference are inappropriate” and not recommending any laboratory screening tests.22 As noted by

“In fact, in the early years of the disease, many of the people who contracted AIDS were infected through blood transfusions. Because it took more than five years to develop a test to check for AIDS in blood before it was used in a transfusion, many people got the disease in hospitals.

The AIDS epidemic continued to grow in Africa and Asia during the 1990s and even in the early 21st century because many nations were slow to adopt blood testing.”

In the 1980s, increasing fears over tainted transfusions led many people to say they’d refuse donated blood entirely. One man, whose wife died of AIDS contracted through a contaminated transfusion, told the AP in 1985, “You want to play Russian Roulette? Even if it were an emergency — and I had some say in the matter — I wouldn’t take blood out of the pool.”24

Now, decades later, doctors are hearing similar concerns from patients regarding vaccinated blood. Dr. Davinder Sidhu, the division head for transfusion and transplant medicine for southern Alberta, Canada, told CTV News he gets requests for blood from unvaccinated donors “at least once or twice a month over the last several months.”25

Is it Your Right to Receive ‘Unvaccinated’ Blood?

As it stands, blood donation centers may ask about vaccines their donors have received,26 but it’s not guaranteed that this information will be passed on to consumers. The Red Cross also states, “If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name when you come to donate.”27

Still, it’s unlikely that most hospitals will readily divulge this information when it comes to receiving a blood transfusion. So what are your options if you’re looking for blood from a donor that’s hasn’t received a COVID-19 shot? Directed donations, in which a donor donates blood for a specified receiver, are an option, but they’re typically only used in cases where matched blood is unavailable due to extremely rare blood types.28

Autologous donations, or self-donation, is another option, in which you donate blood for your own use, such as before a medical procedure like surgery. In both cases, you’ll need your doctor to submit a Red Cross Special Collections Order form to complete an autologous or directed blood donation.29

A “Safe Blood” donation campaign has also been formed to match blood donors and recipients who have not had COVID-19 shots. For now, they’re acting as a resource to match donors with those in need of blood, but the hope is that an mRNA-free blood bank will be established:30

“There is no blood bank with mRNA-free blood yet, not even with us. And, although we have already asked hundreds of clinics, at the moment — at least in Europe — all of them still refuse to allow the human right of free blood choice with them — or at least do not want to be mentioned, because otherwise they fear reprisals. However, we promise you that we will not give up until we can offer a worldwide network of such clinics.”

As for baby Will, whose parents’ hopes for an mRNA-free blood transfusion have been dashed, Kirsch said:31

“Whatever happened to the precautionary principle of medicine? In my opinion, this isn’t a close call. We can’t know today if the blood supply is safe because nobody wants to even ask the question and do the experiments required to answer it. For that reason, Baby Will’s parents’ request to use unvaccinated blood should be respected.”

Revealed: Despite Everything, NIH Wants to Keep Funding Wuhan Lab – Dr. Joseph Mercola


The secret’s out and there’s no denying it: The National Institutes of Health has been funding gain-of-function research for years. And now, even as all evidence points toward the COVID virus having come from a lab, they are going to do whatever it takes to keep on funding it.

Documents of an NIH presentation from June 2020 show that NIH officials and directors were closely watching at least four pieces of legislation they believed would cut back or shut down continued gain-of-function research. In response, NIH officials derided the legislation as based on conspiracy theories, rather than the blatant truths they are proving to be.

According to Daily Caller, Adrienne Hallett, NIH Associate Director for Legislative Policy and Analysis, told meeting attendees, “A lot of these have to do with policymakers reacting to many of the controversies, many of the conspiracy theories that swirled during the pandemic … There’s a lot of conversation about enhanced pathogens … there’s a lot of conversation about international research, possible restrictions on different kinds of research.”

In other words, it looks like the NIH intends to continue to deny the truths and stick to their crumbling conspiracy claims, all while continuing to pump millions of dollars into dangerous gain-of-function research, both on U.S. soil and in China at the Wuhan lab.



Daily Caller December 13, 2022

Sulfur Consumption Reduces Risk of Death – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Full Read PDF HERE


  • A large epidemiological study found people who took glucosamine supplements daily had a reduced overall mortality to the degree that is conferred by regular exercise
  • One contributing factor may be the sulfate in the supplement. Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, calls sulfur an “unappreciated deficiency” and proposes it may be central to heart disease, muscle wasting and altered glucose metabolism
  • Bone broth and Epsom salt baths are simple and effective strategies to naturally boost your sulfur levels; each also has other health benefits
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a sulfur donor widely used in the treatment of arthritic pain and known to reduce inflammation, balance reactive oxygen species and modulate your immune response

Sulfur is in the top three abundant minerals found in the human body1 and the topic of the interview with Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the video above. An epidemiological study from West Virginia University found glucosamine sulfate supplements may lower overall mortality as much as regular exercise.2 The underlying mechanism may be related to sulfur.

If you’ve ever smelled sulfur gas when it comes up from well water, you won’t forget the smell of rotten eggs. In fact, the natural gas industry adds mercaptan, a component of sulfur, to natural gas — which has no odor — to make it smell like rotten eggs so you can detect a natural gas leak.3

While stinky in gas form, sulfur is an important mineral in the optimal function of your body. Interestingly, you’ll get most of your sulfur from specific amino acids, including methionine, cysteine, cystine, homocysteine, homocysteine and taurine.4 Of these, the two most important are methionine and cysteine. Methionine is an essential amino acid, which means your body can’t synthesize it so it must be supplied through your diet.

Your body can make cysteine from methionine but not from inorganic forms of sulfur. Some individuals are allergic to sulfa drugs and may have concerns about eating sulfur-containing foods. However, since sulfur is an essential element to life, no one is allergic to sulfur. When a sulfonamide molecule from sulfa drugs is metabolized it can bind to a protein that serves as an allergen.5

The sulfonamide molecule in sulfa drugs does have sulfur, but it is embedded in a compound with the unique property of being able to form proteins that cause an allergic reaction in some people. Glucosamine, the subject of the featured publication, is an amino acid that is often combined with sulfate and not known to trigger allergic reactions from the sulfate.6

However, most glucosamine supplements are derived from shellfish and there is some concern of an allergic reaction in people who have an allergy to shellfish.7 There are several forms of glucosamine supplements that are not interchangeable.

They include glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride and n-acetyl glucosamine. Glucosamine sulfate is what is used to help painful arthritis and was the focus of this study.

Study: Glucosamine/Chondroitin Lowers All-Cause Mortality

In an epidemiological study released from West Virginia University, researchers found that individuals using glucosamine supplements had reduced overall mortality to the degree conferred by regular exercise.8 The first author, Dana King, is chair of the department of family medicine at West Virginia University.9

He and his partner, a data analyst, evaluated information from 16,686 adults who had participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The results were from 1999 to 2010 and the data was merged with 2015 mortality figures.

The researchers controlled for a variety of confounding factors, such as age, activity level and smoking status, and found those taking a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement each day for at least a year or longer had a 39% reduced potential of all-cause mortality and a 65% reduction in mortality from cardiovascular-related events.10

King shared that his interest in glucosamine and chondroitin began when he learned many of the cyclists he rode with on weekends used the supplement. King points out that the data are from an epidemiological study and not a clinical trial so it can’t conclusively demonstrate that death is less likely, but goes on to comment:11

“Does this mean that if you get off work at five o’clock one day, you should just skip the gym, take a glucosamine pill and go home instead? That’s not what we suggest. Keep exercising, but the thought that taking a pill would also be beneficial is intriguing.

Once we took everything into account, the impact was pretty significant. In my view, it’s important that people know about this, so they can discuss the findings with their doctor and make an informed choice. Glucosamine is over the counter, so it is readily available.”

The results of this study support previous research published in the BMJ in which researchers engaged 466,039 participants without cardiovascular disease to determine if there was an association between glucosamine use and a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease.12

After adjusting for confounding factors, such as age, body mass index, dietary intake, sex and drug use, researchers found there was a “significantly lower risk” of 9% to 22% of all outcome measures.

The outcome measures included cardiovascular disease events, coronary heart disease and stroke in people who used glucosamine supplements daily. The researchers found that their findings supported past studies that had demonstrated an inverse relationship between glucosamine supplementation and cardiovascular disease risk and mortality.

Interestingly, they also found those taking glucosamine and who were current smokers experienced reductions in cardiovascular disease greater than in those who were past smokers or never smokers. They theorized this was because smokers have a higher level of inflammation and glucosamine is associated with a reduction in C-reactive protein, a marker for systemic inflammation.

Sulfur Deficiency May Contribute to Multiple Conditions

An opinion piece that ran in the same publication points out that the sulfate in glucosamine sulfate supplements, which make up “most glucosamine products available on the market,”13 may have been a contributing factor as it satisfies a potential sulfur deficiency.14

One study analyzing how much sulfur is available in the diet concluded “a significant portion of the population that included disproportionately the aged, may not be receiving sufficient sulfur.”15Scientists are aware that nutrient deficiencies can produce significant health problems.

In one paper in the Journal of the American Heart Association the writers said: “Micronutrients are necessary cofactors for normal cardiac metabolism, and deficiencies have been implicated in the development and progression of HF [heart failure].”16

Seneff and her team proposed the hypothesis that atherosclerosis is the result of a cholesterol sulfate deficiency.17 They proposed that atherosclerosis can be explained by the body using plaque to replenish cholesterol and sulfate to the microvasculature. They argue that insufficient sulfate may increase the risk of high blood pressure and blood clot formation.

Seneff calls sulfur an “unappreciated deficiency” since it is found in several foods and most assume that your diet meets your minimum daily requirements.18 Excellent food sources include eggs, garlic, onions and green leafy vegetables. Nuts, grass fed meat and seafood also contain sulfur.

However, a depletion in the soil creates a deficiency in your fruits and vegetables and may contribute, in part, to sulfur deficiency. She theorizes that a sulfur deficiency is related to rising obesity rates and is connected to glucose metabolism and cardiovascular disease.

In her research, she found people who experience muscle wasting from diseases such as cancer, HIV, sepsis, irritable bowel disease and athletic overtraining may be the result of a deficiency in cysteine and glutathione, two amino acids with sulfur molecules.

MSM Is a Powerful Sulfur Supplement

Sulfur can be found in your muscles, skin and bones. It helps with fat digestion, is needed to make bile acid and required to form collagen.19 The element plays important roles in hundreds of physiological processes. For example, sulfur bonds are needed for proteins to maintain their shape and they determine the biological activity of the protein.

Hair and nails are made of a tough protein called keratin, which is high in sulfur, whereas connective tissue and cartilage have protein with flexible sulfur bonds.20 In addition to proteins, sulfur is also required for the proper structure and biological activity of enzymes.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a sulfur donor and contains 34% elemental sulfur by weight.21Many of the benefits of supplementing with msm are related to the compound’s ability to reduce inflammation, regulate the balance of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes,22 and modulate your immune response.23 It is widely used in the treatment of pain, especially pain associated with arthritis.

In one clinical trial, researchers found people with osteoarthritis of the knee who took three grams of MSM twice a day for 12 weeks experienced a significant reduction in pain and improvement in physical function, as compared to those who took the placebo.24

In another randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study,25 data showed participants with mild-to-moderate osteoarthritis experienced an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect when given oral glucosamine and MSM, both individually and in combination.

In this study, the treatment groups received 500 milligrams (mg) of glucosamine and/or 500 mg of MSM three times a day for 12 weeks. According to the authors:

“Combination therapy showed better efficacy in reducing pain and swelling and in improving the functional ability of joints than the individual agents.

All the treatments were well tolerated. The onset of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity was found to be more rapid with the combination than with glucosamine. It can be concluded that the combination of MSM with glucosamine provides better and more rapid improvement in patients with osteoarthritis.”

The Benefits of Bone Broth and Epsom Salts

In addition to food and MSM supplementation, you may also absorb sulfur from homemade bone broth or a relaxing soak in a warm Epsom salt bath. As I’ve written in the past, bone broth contains other valuable minerals that your body can easily absorb in use, including magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, silicon, sulfur chondroitin and glucosamine.26

Bone broth also helps attract and hold liquids in the digestive system and supports proper digestion. In one study, researchers found that chicken soup has medicinal qualities and significantly mitigated inflammation and infection.27,28 The amino acids in bone broth helps to fight inflammation and courtesy of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, it helps to reduce joint pain and inflammation.29

Bone broth is made from animal bones. It’s important to use homemade bone broth since the store-bought variety is produced by adding chemical-laden bouillon cubes, whereas traditional soups are made by cooking bones and meat for several hours. In its simplest form, it’s made by using bones, vinegar and spices, and simmering in a pot or slow cooker for as long as 24 to 72 hours.

Bone broth made over longer periods of time increases the release of gelatin, minerals and other nutrients from the bones, which are key to many of the benefits and restorative properties.

Epsom salt baths are a simple way of absorbing both magnesium and sulfate. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, which is easily absorbed through your skin. It is also a preferable way of absorbing magnesium and sulfate since it’s readily available to your body without having to be converted as it is when taken orally.

As a general recommendation, use 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salt in a tub of water. The warmer the water, the more the salt will dissolve and the more your body will be able to absorb it.

Some people may experience a negative reaction, such as irritability or hyperactivity. In this case, decrease the amount you use and incrementally raise it based on your tolerance. Alternatively, make a foot bath of one part Epsom salt to two parts water and soak your feet for about 30 minutes.

Media BLACKOUT: Vaxx Deaths & Injuries Surge, Jab Shills Refuse To Engage THX SGANON CLIF HIGH







Tucker Carlson… THE END OF CARS – EV Electric Car Insanity



In its 2022 report, the USGS reports that in 2021, over 70 percent of the global cobalt production required for lithium, came from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and that Southern Congo sits atop an estimated 3.5 million metric tons, which is almost half of the world’s known supply.

The problem, according to UNCTAD, is that dust from cobalt mines often contains toxic metals such as uranium, and DRC mines may contain sulfur minerals that can generate sulfuric acid, according to UNCTAD.

When exposed to air or water, sulfuric acid can lead to acid mine drainage, polluting rivers and drinking water for hundreds of years.

And, up to 40,000 children in the Congo are estimated to be working in these mines under slave labor conditions.

Research and consulting firm Circular Energy Storage reported that emission results can range from 39 kg CO2 equivalent per kilowatt hour to 196 kg CO2e/kWh, which significantly impacts the potential positive impact of electric vehicles. For example; to make an average Tesla battery creates 6,500 tones of CO2. This places the Tesla behind the 3 liter gasoline car by 7 years. You will have to drive your highly polluting electric car for 7 years compared to a gasoline fuel car, before you rack up ANY environmental savings.

“If an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery its embedded emissions from manufacturing would then be equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused by driving a diesel car with a fuel consumption of 5 litre per 100 km in between 11,800 km and 89,400 km before the electric car even has driven one meter.

“While the lower range might not be significant, the latter would mean an electric car would have a positive climate impact first after 7 years for the European average driver,” Circular Energy reports.

SUMMARY: Lithium mining kills children by the thousands, and then destroys the water supply in the land for more than 100 years. Finally you will have to drive your highly polluting electric car for 7 years compared to a gasoline fuel car, before you rack up ANY environmental savings.

SOURCE: The Epoch Times, “Electric Vehicles: Trading One Form of Hazardous Mining for Another”

Also, there are the issues of

1) there is not a sufficient disposal method for spent lithium batteries, and

2) there is extreme danger if EMS responders use water to extinguish fires in car accidents with lithium powered vehicles, toxic gas, fire, and explosion risks exist if water is introduced to the material in these batteries, and

3) the power grid cannot support the kVA demand of charging these vehicles.

Please let us stop this frenzy. Natural Gas production is the only way to get us through our consumption demands until another technology is developed.

Global Warming/Climate Change caused or correctable by humans IS A HOAX.

EV’s Dirty Secret


Toxic Waste



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Asymptomatic People Do Not Spread COVID-19 – Dr. Joseph Mercola


Read PDF Link


  • A vast majority of those testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic. They simply aren’t sick. The PCR test is merely picking up inactive (noninfectious) viral particles
  • In one study, which looked at pregnant women admitted for delivery, 87.5% of the women who tested positive for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 had no symptoms
  • A study looking at PCR test data from nearly 10 million residents in Wuhan city found that not a single one of those who had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual tested positive
  • Of the 34,424 residents with a history of COVID-19, 107 individuals tested positive a second time, but none were symptomatic and none were infectious
  • When asymptomatic patients were tested for antibodies, they discovered that 190 of the 300, or 63.3%, had actually had a “hot” or productive infection resulting in the production of antibodies. Still, none of their contacts had been infected

According to media reports, COVID-19 “cases,” meaning positive PCR test results, are soaring across the U.S. and around the world, leading to the implementation of measures that in some cases are stricter than what we endured during the initial wave.

However, as detailed in several articles, including “Why COVID-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste,” PCR tests are being used incorrectly, resulting in the false appearance of widespread transmission.

In reality, the vast majority of people who end up with a positive test will not develop symptoms and aren’t infectious. Needless to say, if you’re not infectious, you pose no health risk to anyone, and being placed under what amounts to house arrest is nothing but cruel and unusual punishment for no reason whatsoever.

Positive Test Rates Have No Bearing on Mortality Rates

In The Highwire report above, Del Bigtree breaks down how excessively high test sensitivity leads to falsely elevated “case” numbers that in reality tell us nothing about the situation at hand. As noted by Bigtree, what’s missing from the COVID-19 conversation is the actual death rate.

“If COVID is a deadly virus, what should we see when cases increase?” he asks. The answer, of course, is an increase in deaths. However, that’s not what’s happening.

Aside from a small bump at the beginning, when doctors were unsure of the appropriate treatment and some states recklessly and irresponsibly sent infected patients into ill equipped nursing homes, the death rate has remained relatively flat while positive test rates have dramatically risen and fallen in intervals.

In the video, Bigtree features a November 4, 2020, tweet1 by former White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas — who since locked his account so only approved followers can see it — showing the number of positive tests (aka “cases”) in blue and COVID-19 related deaths in red, since the start of the pandemic up until the end of October 2020. As you can see, there’s no correlation between the positive test rate and subsequent deaths.

US COVID-19 cases and deaths

Vast Majority of ‘COVID-19 Patients’ Are Asymptomatic

One of the explanations for why positive test rates and mortality do not go hand in hand is the simple fact that a vast majority of those testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic. They simply aren’t sick. The PCR test is merely picking up inactive (noninfectious) viral particles.

In one study,2 which looked at pregnant women admitted for delivery, 87.9% of the women who tested positive for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 had no symptoms. Another study3 looked at a large homeless shelter in Boston. After a cluster of COVID-19 cases was observed there, researchers conducted symptoms assessments and testing among all guests residing at the shelter over a two-day period.

Of 408 people tested, 147, or 36%, were positive, yet symptoms were conspicuously absent. Cough occurred in only 7.5% of cases, shortness of breath in 1.4% and fever in 0.7%. All symptoms were “uncommon among COVID-positive individuals,” the researchers noted.

Asymptomatic Transmission Is Very Rare

During a June 8, 2020, press briefing, Maria Van Kerkhove, the World Health Organization’s technical lead for the COVID-19 pandemic, made it very clear that asymptomatic transmission is very rare, meaning an individual who tests positive but does not exhibit symptoms is highly unlikely to transmit live virus to others.

“We have a number of reports from countries who are doing very detailed contact tracing. They’re following asymptomatic cases, they’re following contacts, and they’re not finding secondary transmission … it’s very rare, and much of that is not published in the literature,”Van Kerkhove said.

Just one day later, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s emergencies program, backpedaled Van Kerkhove’s statement, saying the remarks were “misinterpreted.”4 Needless to say, when you’re trying to justify the implementation of a vast surveillance network, it’s no good to admit a vast majority of people are having their privacy infringed upon for no good reason whatsoever.

Asymptomatic People Pose No Risk to Others

Most recently, a study5 in Nature Communications assessed the risk posed by asymptomatic people by looking at the data from a mass screening program in Wuhan, China.

The city had been under strict lockdown between January 23 and April 8, 2020. Between May 14 and June 1, 2020, 9,899,828 residents of Wuhan city over the age of 6 underwent PCR testing. In all, 92.9% of the entire city population participated in the testing. Of these, 9,865,404 had no previous diagnosis of COVID-19 and 34,424 were recovered COVID-19 patients.

In all, there were zero symptomatic cases and only 300 asymptomatic cases detected. (The overall detection rate was 0.3 per 10,000.) Importantly, not a single one of the 1,174 people who had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual tested positive.

Additionally, of the 34,424 participants with a history of COVID-19, 107 individuals (0.310%) tested positive again, but none were symptomatic. As noted by the authors:6

“Virus cultures were negative for all asymptomatic positive and repositive cases, indicating no ‘viable virus’ in positive cases detected in this study … The 300 asymptomatic positive persons aged from 10 to 89 years …

The asymptomatic positive rate was the lowest in children or adolescents aged 17 and below (0.124/10,000), and the highest among the elderly aged 60 years and above (0.442/10,000). The asymptomatic positive rate in females (0.355/10,000) was higher than that in males (0.256/10,000).”

Asymptomatic People Have Low Viral Load

Interestingly, when they further tested asymptomatic patients for antibodies, they discovered that 190 of the 300, or 63.3%, had actually had a “hot” or productive infection resulting in the production of antibodies. Still, none of their contacts had been infected.

In other words, even though asymptomatics were (or had been) carriers of apparently live virus, they still did not transmit it to others. As noted by the authors, “there was no evidence of transmission from asymptomatic positive persons to traced close contacts.” They further added:7

“Compared with symptomatic patients, asymptomatic infected persons generally have low quantity of viral loads and a short duration of viral shedding, which decrease the transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2.

In the present study, virus culture was carried out on samples from asymptomatic positive cases, and found no viable SARS-CoV-2 virus. All close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases tested negative, indicating that the asymptomatic positive cases detected in this study were unlikely to be infectious.”

Reinfected Individuals Are Not Infectious Either

The same held true for people who tested positive a second time after having recovered from an active infection.

“Results of virus culturing and contract [sic] tracing found no evidence that repositive cases in recovered COVID-19 patients were infectious, which is consistent with evidence from other sources,” the authors said.8

The researchers also pointed out that virus cultures and genetic studies have shown the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be weakening over time, and that newly infected individuals are more likely to be asymptomatic and have a lower viral load than the cases seen earlier in the outbreak.

What does all of this tell us? It tells us there’s no reason to panic simply because the number of positive tests are on the rise. Remember, the more people you test using a PCR test that is set to an excessive cycle threshold, the more false positives you’ll get.

As explained in “Asymptomatic ‘Casedemic’ Is a Perpetuation of Needless Fear,” by using an excessive cycle threshold that amplifies the viral RNA to the point that it detects inactive (noninfectious) particles is at the heart of this so-called pandemic. It’s what keeps the pandemic narrative going, when in fact it’s long since over.

CDC Uses Questionable Sources to Counter China Study

Interestingly, the same day the China study came out, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidance9 on mask wearing, claiming asymptomatic people account for more than half of all transmissions. Where did they get that from?

The two references listed as support for that claim include a study10 from July 2020, and CDC data that haven’t even been published yet.11 It just says it was “submitted” for publication sometime in 2020, therefore, we are unable to provide any source link. The CDC makes no mention of the China study, which included nearly 10 million individuals.

CNN, which reported the CDC’s update, parroting the idea that asymptomatic spread is why it’s so important to wear a mask, also made no mention of the landmark study from China. Curious, don’t you think? It’s almost as though the CDC doesn’t want us to know we have nothing to fear from healthy people.

German Lawyers Sue Fact Checkers Over Censorship

Many doctors, scientists and lawyers have now become wise to the fact that it is these flawed tests, and their fraudulent use, that is keeping the fear narrative alive — and they’re taking action.

In the video above, Ben Swann talks to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich,12 a consumer protection trial lawyer13and founding member of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss14),15,16 which is seeking to expose how fraudulent testing has been and continues to be used to engineer the appearance of a dangerous pandemic when in fact there is none.

The committee is now filing the first of many lawsuits to come, this one against so-called fact checkers on social media. They opted to file a defamation lawsuit on behalf of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former member of the German Congress and the Council of Europe who has been an outspoken critic of PCR testing, as it cannot be used to diagnose infection.

Social media companies have labeled Wodarg’s statements as “false,” and by filing a defamation suit, the burden of proof now falls on the fact checkers to prove that they are correct. In other words, to win, the fact checkers must prove that PCR tests diagnose active infection. The scientific evidence proves they don’t, so this case could turn out to be pivotal in the fight against the big tech censorship that keeps the fearmongering alive.

COVID-19 Pandemic — The Greatest Psyop in History?

While Fuellmich and his team make no claims about WHY the pandemic is being kept alive using fraudulent science, they are unequivocal in their assertion that it is in fact a fake pandemic and that it has had devastating health and economic consequences around the world.

For the why, we have to turn to the geopolitical scene to see what narratives have rolled out in tandem with the pandemic. What we find is that leaders across the world are now calling for a “reset” of the global economy in the wake of the destruction brought by the pandemic. In reality, of course, it is the global response to the pandemic that created the economic devastation, not the virus itself.

Either way, the call to “build back better” is being heard around the world, and such plans include the elimination of conventional capitalism, free enterprise and private ownership, replacing them with a technocratic resource-based economic system in which energy and social engineering run the economy rather than pricing mechanisms such as supply and demand.

Leaders are also calling for invasive health surveillance, and there appear to be plans in place to use biometric surveillance via vaccines, all of which feed into the technocratic system in which this kind of mass surveillance is not only paramount but also foundational.

The reason surveillance is so crucial is because the functioning of this system hinges on artificial intelligence-driven social engineering and manipulation of the masses. Unless people are locked into what could be described as a digital prison, they won’t comply with what’s coming.

Hook everyone up to a digital centralized banking system, a digital ID and a social credit score, however, and few will have the fortitude to object or speak out against the unelected rulers. Your entire life could easily be upended with the push of a button.

We’ve already seen how many people have not only been deplatformed for speaking out against one thing or another this past year, they’ve also had their digital payment accounts closed down, effectively destroying their ability to earn a living. Imagine if there were nothing but a centralized digital currency system and your accounts got shut down. How would you live?

Fear Is a Highly Effective Manipulation Tool

No person in their right mind would agree to this Great Reset plan if they were aware of all the details and its ultimate implications for humanity as a whole. So, to roll it out, they had to use psychological manipulation, and fear is the most effective tool there is.

As explained by psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, there’s an entire school of public health research that focuses on identifying the most effective ways to frighten people into accepting desired public health measures.

By adding confusion and uncertainty to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety — a state of confusion in which you can no longer think logically — and in this state, you are more easily manipulated. The following graphic illustrates the central role of fearmongering for the successful rollout of the Great Reset.

technocracy and the great reset

In closing, testing asymptomatic people and isolating people who test positive even when they have no symptoms is a key strategy that keeps the fear level high. There simply aren’t enough hospitalized COVID-19 patients to keep the ruse going, and far too few actually die to make the narrative work. That’s why we hear nothing about those statistics anymore.

Instead, all we hear about are the “cases” — the positive tests which have no bearing on mortality rates. Fear of asymptomatics also drive the narrative that we must all wear face masks everywhere we go, because you don’t know who might be infected and not know it. It instills fear of others, as even seemingly healthy people might make you deathly ill.

The featured study from Wuhan demonstrates the fallacy of such fears. People who test positive but have no symptoms are not infectious and pose no risk to others. They don’t need to wear masks and they don’t need to be isolated. In short, we don’t need to fear each other.



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Forced Medication: An Out-of-Control Abuse of Patient Rights – The Epoch Times

Full Story PDF

What medicine should you take? How should you treat any given illness? What preventative measures are most effective for you? Which vaccines do you need?

These are questions that patients face every day. While many simply go along with the doctor’s “orders,” others find themselves making decisions about their health that are at odds with the medical establishment.

Dr. David J. Alfandre, an associate professor in the Department of Medicine at New York University has described patients going against medical advice as a “common and vexing problem,” expressing a sentiment many clinicians feel.

But American law actually requires physicians to respect patients’ autonomy. A federal court case decided in 1972, “Canterbury v. Spence,” specified that doctors must give patients all the information needed to understand the risks and benefits of a recommended medical intervention, as well as reasonable alternatives—including doing no intervention.

Despite these ethical stipulations, there seems to be a growing trend toward forcing people to take medicine they feel is harmful to them as well as to take vaccines they do not want. Medicating people against their will appears to be an ominous tendency, according to both the peer-reviewed scientific literature and people’s recent experience with the COVID-19 vaccines.

Forced to Take Antipsychotics

In an article published in 2020, two Danish researchers assessed the medical records of 30 people who had been forced to take antipsychotics against their will.

In many of the cases, the patients reported having suffered from side effects of the antipsychotics, which, they felt, did not help their mental well-being. However, their doctors disagreed.

According to the study, the harm caused by these medications was not taken into account, other gentler options—including anti-anxiety medicine and talk therapy—were never offered, and “the power imbalance was extreme.”

All 30 patients had appealed the medical orders forcing them to take antipsychotic medication to the Psychiatric Appeals Board in Denmark. However, they were afforded no legal protection. In every instance, the judges sided with the psychiatrists.

Patients felt misunderstood and ignored, the study found.

“Their legal protection was a sham, and the harm done was immense. The violation of patient rights is a global problem. We suggest that forced medication be abandoned,” the authors wrote.

While this study was done in Denmark, forcing or involuntarily medicating a person against their will affects anyone who needs psychiatric care.

The Right to Refuse

The concept of informed consent is encoded in the American Medical Association’s Code of Ethics.

According to the AMA, your health and well-being depend on a “collaborative effort” between you, the patient, and your physician, “in a mutually respectful alliance.”

In order to have a respectful alliance, your doctor must inform you of the benefits, risks, costs, and alternatives to the treatment—whether that is a medication, operation, or vaccine—that he is recommending to you.

One of the options your doctor is required to discuss with you is the benefits and risks of doing nothing.

The Right to Force Medicine

But when someone is struggling with their mental health or has been diagnosed with a severe psychiatric disorder, providing informed consent becomes much more difficult.

As a 30-page overview published by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services explains, someone who has a psychiatric disturbance may not be aware that they are ill, and when they are not taking their medication they may become dangerous to themselves or endanger other people.

In addition, if someone is at risk of self-harm, they may also need emergency medication to which they may not be able to consent.

In 2003, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the government is allowed to administer antipsychotics involuntarily to a criminal who is mentally ill in order for that criminal to be well enough to stand trial.

That decision, “Sell v. United States,” led to “Sell Hearings”—hearings where lawyers request a judge to involuntarily medicate a person in order for them to be mentally competent to stand trial.

‘Not Ethically Defensible,’ Danish Doctor Says

Danish physician and medical researcher, Peter C. Gøtzsche, is one of the most cited medical scholars in the world. A prolific and well-published researcher with a long track record, Gøtzsche has published over 500 peer-reviewed scientific articles, been cited nearly 200,000 times, and has also written several books on the subject of corruption in medical ethics and treatment.

The former director of the Nordic Cochrane Center, Gøtzsche is a level-headed but outspoken critic of the pharmaceutical industry in general and of psychiatric drugs in particular.

“Is force ethically defensible? Certainly not. It violates informed consent, and antipsychotics kill and cripple many people … So to force people into treatment with something like this against their will is not ethically defensible,” Gøtzsche insisted in a 2015 talk.

If Your Dog Eats Dry Food (Most Dog Owners Don't Know This)

Then, in 2016, Gøtzsche testified in an Alaskan legal proceeding regarding the forced medication of a psychiatric patient. He reviewed four other such petitions and found them strikingly similar: he found that the courts failed to protect patients’ rights, as determined by two precedent-setting lawsuits.

Disturbed by the apparent disregard for legal precedent and patients’ rights evidenced in the Alaskan files, Gøtzsche decided to do a more formal investigation as to whether those legal requirements were being systematically ignored.

New Study Finds Systematic Violations of Patients’ Rights and Safety

The results of Gøtzsche’s most recent investigation have been published in November as a preprint on “Systematic Violations of Patients’ Rights and Safety: Forced Medication of a Cohort of 30 Patients in Alaska,” co-written by Dr. Gail Tasch, a psychiatrist based in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, who has over 20 years of clinical experience, and Peter Gøtzsche.

A pre-print is a study that has not yet been peer-reviewed.

This new study examines the records of 30 consecutive petitions for involuntary commitment and psychiatric medication in Anchorage, Alaska. These records are confidential, and it was very difficult for the researchers to gain access to them. 

In fact, both the hospital and the Alaska Public Defender’s office, which handled nearly all the petitions on behalf of the patients, objected to releasing the records. It took four years—and two trips to the Alaska Supreme Court—before they were finally able to obtain heavily redacted records.

Despite the fact that the two studies took place in jurisdictions more than 4,000 miles apart, the researchers found the legal proceedings in Alaska remarkably similar to the legal proceedings in Denmark.

We are not told why these cases were being reviewed by judges in each instance. But in both sets of patients, the courts seem to have completely disregarded patients’ wishes, ignored their individual medical histories, discounted their previous adverse reactionsto medication, and showed nearly complete bias in favor of the petitioning psychiatrists over the patients themselves.  

According to the authors, in some cases, patients’ symptoms could actually have been due to withdrawal symptoms brought on by abruptly stopping the medication. But none of the patients appear to have been warned that stopping psychosis medication can sometimes trigger psychosis. 

“It is particularly bad medicine,” the researchers wrote, “to try to force two psychosis drugs on a patient, as psychosis drugs double the risk of death and as this harm is clearly dose related.”

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COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

“We didn’t want them, but our daughter said we had to or we couldn’t see our grandkids.”

“My doctor said I had to since I was a heart patient. I didn’t know I had a choice.”

We are all too familiar with comments like these as public health authorities, educational institutions, and our employers have forced COVID-19 vaccine mandates upon us.

Public Health has insisted that the COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective,” and that they must be taken for the greater good.

“I want to be able to travel,” Benjamin Gordon Goodman told his dad and stepmom. He was pronounced dead at 6:05 a.m. the next day, 14 hours after getting a J&J COVID-19 vaccine.

Goodman was 32 years old. The cause listed on his death certificate is “febrile reaction following COVID-19 vaccination.”

When you start talking to people about COVID-19 vaccines, you find out that many who got the COVID-19 vaccines did not want them. But they felt extremely pressured, given ultimatums by their family, friends, or medical providers. Many subsequently experienced severe side effects and now regret being coerced into getting the vaccine.

The Supreme Court decision “Sell v. United States” allowed forced medication only because the patient was a mentally ill criminal who needs to be cognitively competent to stand trial. Now that we know that vaccines do not stop transmission but can cause very serious side effects, including death, what is the justification for mandating COVID-19 vaccines on the general public?

Top lawmakers are now insisting that the Biden Administration “take immediate action to remove and prohibit” its COVID-19 mandate for the military, as reported by The Hill.

These lawmakers insist that a forced medical mandate of this kind harms national security risk, leading service members to leave the military and discouraging new recruits from joining.

Drs. Gail Tasch and Peter Gøtzsche are right: Forced medication is bad medicine. It is not ethical to coerce people into taking a medication or a vaccination that may do them harm.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. Epoch Health welcomes professional discussion and friendly debate. To submit an opinion piece, please follow these guidelines and submit through our form here.

Joe Wang

Emotional Sobriety Workshop with Dave F and Mark H – Conference

Best Conference Ever, IMHO
Listen or Download MP3 files: (allow 10 seconds to load each mp3 audio file)
CD #1

CD #2

CD #3

CD #4

CD #5

CD #6

CD #7

CD #8

CD #9

CD #10

CD #11

AA Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Fellowship Of The Spirit Conference With Mark H. and Dave F.
With Saturday night speaker Chris R
Dave F and Mark Houston
Part 1
Part 2, Step 1
Emotional Sobriety Workshop – Dave F and Mark H, have 11 speaker tapes. This is the best emotional sobriety workshops that I’ve heard anywhere. I hope you enjoy them. You can listen with your phone screen off, because it’s not YouTube. Patience, it’s slow to load.
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 1
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 2 (Step 1, Spiritual Malady examined)
Next Steps – Step 2 – (Part 3)
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 4
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 5
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 6
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 7
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 8 (with Chris R)
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 9
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 10
Next Steps – Emotional Sobriety – Part 11
On Youtube, playlist of 11
Emotional Sobriety A.A. Workshop, Dave F and Mark H
This is the best emotional sobriety workshops that I’ve heard anywhere. I hope you enjoy them.
26 Pages of Conference Notes PDF
Youtube Playlist

Lies Surrounding the Ukraine War – Dr. Joseph Mercola



  • Jeffrey Sachs, a professor of economics who’s been involved in diplomacy in more than 100 countries for decades, spoke to Russell Brand, an English comedian and actor, about lies surrounding the Ukraine War
  • Extreme censorship has silenced any open discussion that goes against the official narrative on the war in Ukraine
  • The mainstream media is clear in its message that the Ukraine war is the result of an unprovoked and unjustified invasion, but there’s a history to it
  • Western officials and media have by and large blamed Russia for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, but the other side to the story suggests the U.S. did it
  • The U.S. continues to flex its imperialist muscles, this time by apparently seeking to escalate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

As we know, “the U.S. lies for a living,”1 says Jeffrey Sachs, the former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia.2 Sachs is also an adviser to the United Nations and a professor of economics who’s been involved in diplomacy in more than 100 countries for decades.3 He made this comment to Russell Brand, an English comedian and actor, in their interview above, which covers media lies, including about the Ukraine War.

“The mainstream media do nothing about [the lies],” Sachs continued, “just amplifies them. And it’s getting pretty dangerous. That’s the real problem. It’s a very dangerous time right now because we seem not to be able to have an adult conversation about almost anything, in the mainstream.”4

Over the past several months, the U.S. has poured billions of tax dollars into Ukraine, ostensibly to help Ukraine fight for freedom and preserve democracy. This despite the fact that Ukraine has long been deemed one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and no one knows where all this money is actually going.

America’s meddling in the Ukraine conflict also reveals that it is not willing to relinquish its imperialistic tendencies. But extreme censorship has silenced any open discussion that goes against the official narrative on the war in Ukraine.

Extreme Censorship Is Shaping Reality

Sachs tells Brand that when he grew up, newspapers enjoyed dissing on political figures. But now, “these papers don’t do anything but repeat the lies. And it’s extremely strange to me.”5 Due to his experience, Sachs knows a lot of reporters, and they actually tell him that they’re unable to report freely:6

“They tell me privately, ‘Yeah, what you’re saying is right, but our editor is not so interested in it’ … Corporate ownership, yes, it’s definitely part of it. But the complete collapse of professionalism in journalism in these mainstream media — not everywhere, because there are some really brave people out there — but in, what we call the mainstream, it’s pathetic and very dangerous.”

Even as the war grows increasingly dangerous, there is no open discussion — only a one-sided dictate that’s spread over the airwaves. Sachs explained:7

“We’re deep into a war that is escalating and we can’t even have a decent discussion about what the sources of this war are and how to end it. I’ve had the experience. I wrote for one project syndicate for 20 years. I was their most-published writer. But they wouldn’t print the pieces that I wrote that were contrary to the official line about this war. It was pretty amazing to me after 20 years. I couldn’t post a piece. And that’s not good, in my view.”

What does this level of censorship and control suggest? The clues can be found in our heavily militarized government, which is the overarching theme across party lines:8

“I’ve been involved with dozens of governments across the world for 40 years now. Basically, the neocons took over U.S. foreign policy 30 years ago. And it hasn’t really mattered whether it’s democrats or republicans … the mainstream of our political system in both parties is militarized, and our foreign policy is largely based on secrecy. So we don’t even see what our government is doing.

Nothing is explained, nothing is debated anymore, and that’s been true for a long time. It’s been true across the administration, so it’s not a partisan thing.”

Was the Ukraine War Really Unprovoked?

The mainstream media is clear in its message that the Ukraine war is the result of an unprovoked and unjustified invasion. But was it really? Further, if you’re still thinking this war is only between the Ukraine and Russia, think again.

“Now we’re in a war in Ukraine. And we are in it. This is absolutely a war between the United States and Russia. It’s extraordinarily dangerous. We’re told every day in the mainstream media — an unprovoked war that started on February 24, 2022, which is false,” Sachs said. “There’s a history to this. There was a way to avoid this war. Biden didn’t choose it. But none of it is properly debated at all. That’s really what we’re facing.”9

Sachs, in fact, pleaded with the White House to negotiate peace and discourage Ukraine from joining NATO. They refused, saying anyone has the right to join NATO if they want to. But as astutely noted by Sachs, this isn’t about the “right” of Ukraine to join NATO, it’s about the threat that poses to its neighbors, Russia in particular.

Russia has long been very clear about the fact that it will not allow Ukraine to join NATO, for the simple fact that it would place a NATO military presence right on its border. Russia wants Ukraine to remain an independent “buffer zone” between itself and NATO countries.

Would the U.S. be fine with Mexico forming a military alliance with China, installing Chinese military at our southern border? Sachs wonders. That’s highly unlikely, yet that’s what they’re pursuing in Ukraine.

Since Russia’s entry into Ukraine, the U.S. has done nothing but push for the escalation of conflict, to the point that we’re now hearing predictions about nuclear war. Why would we take such risks? To take a stand for Ukraine’s “right” to join NATO? It’s beyond irrational, but that’s where we are.

Who Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipelines?

Another piece to the puzzle lies with who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. September 26, 2022, massive “leaks” were detected in two Russian pipelines, Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, which deliver natural gas from Russia to Europe underneath the Baltic Sea. Within a couple of days, several countries, including Russia, agreed the leaks were the result of intentional sabotage or an act of terrorism. But the question remains: Who did it?

Western officials and media have by and large blamed Russia itself. The Washington Post suggested Russian President Vladimir Putin is “fully weaponizing the Nord Stream pipelines.” Bob Rae, Canada’s ambassador to the United Nations, accused Russia of “using pollution as an act of war.”10

The Center for Strategic and International Studies admitted that Russia’s motives for attacking its own pipelines are unclear, but that it “may be warning and signaling to Europe and the West that it is willing to target civilian infrastructure.”11 Putin has dismissed such allegations as “stupid,” and is placing the blame on the West, the U.S. in particular.12 Sachs weighed in with his take on who did it:13

“It’s pretty interesting who blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline. One president, I know, said if Russia invades, that’s the end of the pipeline.14 And then when asked, ‘Well, what do you mean Mr. President,’ he said, ‘Well, we have our ways.’ Then after the pipeline is blown up, the Secretary of State said this is a tremendous opportunity to wean Europe from Russia. Well, what’s the narrative?

The narrative is Russia did it. And the newspapers say, ‘U.S. officials say Russia did it.’ Russia blew up its own pipeline. Its own billions of dollars of infrastructure. The pipeline that carries Russian energy to European markets … whereas the other side said they were going to do it. This narrative business, it’s really pretty clear.”

Who stands to gain from the pipelines’ demise? Russia lost a multibillion-dollar investment, long-term wealth potential and hence geopolitical power, and present-day leverage against NATO sanctions.

Aside from “sending a message” that it’s willing to destroy civilian infrastructure, it gains nothing from sabotaging its own pipelines. Such a message would have been far clearer and more rational had they attacked someone else’s infrastructure and not its own.

The U.S., however, certainly appears to have both motive and intention. U.S. officials have publicly stated they would “one way or another” eliminate Nord Stream 2 if Russia decided to invade Ukraine, which, of course, it did.

By sabotaging the pipelines, the U.S. stands to gain financially by increasing its own natural gas exports, and it gains by weakening Russia’s income potential and leverage over Europe. The loss of the pipelines also benefits the U.S. by putting Europe in a situation where it cannot be tempted to leave America’s side against Russia. As noted by The American Conservative:15

“Winter is soon arriving in Europe. If European peoples get tired of being cold, and/or paying a fortune for heating, they may take to the streets to demand that their governments push for peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, so that the flow of Russian gas can start again. But now, with the Nord Stream pipelines badly damaged, that possibility has been foreclosed …”

Is War What They Want?

Ukraine has long been used as a pathway — during WWI and WWII — for Western powers as they attempted to conquer the East. But, as noted in “Ukraine on Fire,” a 2016 documentary produced by Oliver Stone, “every time, Ukrainians ended up paying the highest price for these grand games of power.”16 As a result, Ukraine, being surrounded by greater powers on all sides, had to master the art of changing sides.

The U.S., meanwhile, has long meddled in the affairs of other countries against the wishes of the very populations we claim to have “rescued.” As explained in a “Democracy Now!” video titled “Overthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling and Regime Change,” “By one count, the United States has interfered in more than 80 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. And that doesn’t count U.S.-backed coups and invasions.”17

As Brand put it, “In case after case, we are seeing, whether it’s the war, NATO expansionism, meddling in foreign democracies, a sort of psychotic, vampiric recklessness, followed by maddening lies.”18 Indeed, even now, the U.S. is still flexing its imperialist muscles, this time by apparently seeking to escalate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. And ultimately, imperialism, which the U.S. has perfected, is globalism.

As explained by investigative journalist Whitney Webb, the Ukraine-Russia conflict may be “the opening act for the newest iteration of the seemingly endless ‘War on Terror,’”19 leading to further fear among the population. A fearful people, in turn, will willingly give emergency powers to leaders, who will use them to take your rights away “for your own safety.”

NEPHILIM AMONG US – Steve Cioccolanti


The Gods of Greek, Roman, Norse Mythology & Astronomy


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Politicians Make New Attempt to Ban Supplements – Dr. Joseph Mercola


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  • Proposed legislation is calling for a federal database for dietary supplements, which requires supplement makers to submit information to the FDA
  • Known as mandatory product listing (MPL) for dietary supplements, supporters claim it’s a way for the FDA to know what products are on the market and what ingredients they include
  • Opponents suggest the move, which is redundant and burdensome for small supplement companies, could ultimately give the FDA more power to ban supplements from the market
  • MPL could pave the way for the FDA to gain premarket approval power — changing access to supplements as we know it
  • Multinational companies like Bayer, Nestle, Unilever, Proctor & Gamble and Clorox have also been buying up supplement companies at a frenzied pace. In 2018, there were 83 such transactions; this rose to 137 in 2021

The U.S. supplement market was valued at $48.4 billion in 2021, with an expected compounded annual growth rate of 8.9%.1 In the U.S., where 80% of Americans use dietary supplements, the industry is viewed as trustworthy by the majority of adults (79%).2 However, access to high-quality supplements is continually being threatened by legislation, along with corporate mergers and acquisitions.

Proposed legislation is calling for a federal database for dietary supplements, which could pave the way for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to gain premarket approval power — changing access to supplements as we know it.

Mandatory Product Listing for Supplements May Be Coming

In April 2022, Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Mike Braun, R-Ind., introduced the Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022.3 The Act would require supplement makers to provide information about their products to the FDA, including (but not limited to):4

  • A list of all ingredients
  • An electronic copy of the label
  • Allergen statements
  • Health and structure/function claims

Known as mandatory product listing (MPL) for dietary supplements, supporters claim it’s a way for the FDA to know what products are on the market and what ingredients they include. But opponents suggest the move, which is burdensome for small supplement companies, could ultimately give the FDA more power to ban supplements from the market. According to Natural Products Insider:5

“Pete Evich, vice president of the lobbying firm Van Scoyoc Associates in the nation’s capital, cited ‘immense pressure’ from MPL proponents to get the proposal into an omnibus bill … Durbin is expected to lobby aggressively for MPL during the lame-duck session.”

Why the Push for Mandatory Product Listing?

The information that MPL would require is already available via existing sources, including facility registrations and product labels, which include ingredients and dosing information readily available for the public to see. The National Institutes of Health Dietary Supplement Label Database also contains some supplement label information.

Michael McGuffin, president of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), told Nutritional Outlook, “We keep … wonder[ing] why the reporting requirement is so redundant. It requires submission of not just the label but also a whole bunch of information that’s already on the label … You gotta ask this question: Should American taxpayers pay for two databases?”6

Meanwhile, a prominent concern is that along with being unnecessary and burdensome, MPL could turn into a tool for premarket approval, which the FDA could use to keep dietary supplements off the market. Daniel Fabricant, president and CEO of the Natural Products Association (NPA), explained to Nutritional Outlook:7

“The thing is, if the safeguards were there” — meaning language built into the bill to clearly state that the law doesn’t let FDA reject any database submissions — “they would be specifically spelled out. They would say, ‘Hey, nothing in this act would allow the Secretary to remove an ingredient that isn’t the subject of final agency action.’

… That would give you a safe harbor, but we haven’t seen any language here that would present that [in the current bills]. And, again, if the goal is … to get FDA labels? OK, those would meet that goal.

Now, if the goal is something else, well then people need to be honest about what that goal is. If that goal is to get FDA an administrative tool that’s in effect premarket approval? Yeah, that’s not going to work at all. Everyone is opposed to that.”

There’s also the possibility that MPL would bring the U.S. closer to adopting universal limits on supplement dosages and formulas — a move that would also restrict consumer’s access to therapeutic levels of such products. According to Alliance for Natural Health USA:8

“As we’ve seen in issues like GMO-labeling, where some states required labeling of GMO foods and others didn’t until federal law pre-empted state labeling laws, big companies don’t like dealing with a patchwork of regulations.

Mega-corporations doing business across the world would likely welcome harmonized levels of supplements so they can sell their products on the world market without having to change formulations or labels.

Higher-end products would be eliminated because they wouldn’t meet the ‘harmonized’ nutrient levels, and all that would be left are the most basic, cookie-cutter products that don’t support patient needs but make the most money — think of the supplements you see at CVS, or Walgreen’s, etc.”

‘We Need To Be Aware of FDA’s History’

Given FDA’s history of attacking dietary supplements, MPL needs to be viewed with extreme caution, particularly with regard to what it could morph into in the years to come via “regulatory drift.”9

Supporters have claimed an MPL database would help protect consumers by keeping fraudulent or adulterated products off the market, but even this is misleading, since criminals could easily submit fraudulent labels. AHPA’s McGuffin explained:10

“Again, we don’t see any words in there that say, ‘This is premarket approval.’ We don’t see any words in there that say, ‘This could never become premarket approval.’

And that’s why we’ve continued to push back on that detail. If the language is cleaned up, then we’d be back to, ‘Could somebody please clarify with a great deal of certainty why this is needed, because we’re still at that point of we don’t really see the need. We think it’s redundant to FDA’s existing authority to get as many labels as it wants.’

We think it’s unlikely to work because … the companies that we really want pushed out of the market are those creepy-creeps that sell products that say ‘dietary supplements’ and contain undeclared drugs. But we don’t think that this will fix that, because they’ll just register. And then, apparently, they’re compliant.

And then we’re also concerned about potential regulatory drift. Where does FDA go with this over the next 10 or 15 years? It’s not crazy to think, or I would be naïve to think, that based on decades and decades of history, we should assume that FDA will treat this exactly as we think it should be treated.

I think anybody with experience in the trade would have to agree that we need to be aware of FDA’s history, which is to seek narrowing of availability of natural products and dietary supplements …”

Another Threat: FDA’s ‘New Dietary Ingredient’ Guidance

Another threat to dietary supplements that could also turn into a preapproval system is the FDA’s New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) Guidance.11 An NDI, under the FDA’s definition, is any “dietary ingredient that was not marketed in the United States in a dietary supplement before October 15, 1994.” Manufacturers that want to market a dietary supplement containing an NDI must notify the FDA about the ingredients.

While large corporations will have no problem complying with FDA’s burdensome NDI requirements, many small supplement makers may be pushed out of the market as a result. Alliance for Natural Health USA noted:12

“Simply put, the FDA is trying to install a quasi pre-approval system for ‘new’ supplements — those introduced to the market after 1994. In its revised guidance document explaining how they intend to implement this provision of the law, the FDA has signaled its intention to treat many, many common supplements as ‘new’ and thus subject to the onerous NDI requirements before they can come to market.

Note that the law passed by Congress only calls for a premarket notification system for ‘new’ supplements, but the FDA has tried to usurp power to turn this into a premarket approval system like the one they have for drugs. An economic analysis estimated that, if implemented as is, the NDI guidance could lead to the elimination of over 41,000 products from store shelves.”

Is the FDA Intent on Turning Supplements Into ‘Drugs’?

The FDA recently concluded that beta-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), an antiaging ingredient, cannot be marketed or sold in dietary supplements,13 because it was investigated as a pharmaceutical drug.14

The conclusion came in response to an NDI notification submitted for NMN. The takedown of NMN is a harbinger of things to come, according to Chris Masterjohn, who has a Ph.D. in nutritional sciences. He tweeted that the FDA’s ruling that NMN is “an article authorized for investigation as a new drug,” is a “backdoor into essentially banning all supplements that do anything useful.”15

The key narrative continues to be the FDA honing in on the most successful supplements and essentially turning them into pharmaceutical products. Masterjohn continued:16

“I am not a lawyer and I am not an expert on FDA regulations, but I believe the FDA’s interpretation … means that the following will happen: a) company A wants to make a health claim for a supplement. They have to fill out an IND [investigational new drug]. b) company B does not want to do that.

They want to sell their supplement and make no claims. However, company A filled out an IND. Now, FDA concludes company B’s supplement is a drug.

With this interpretation, what will happen is slowly but surely everything on the market will be chipped off from “dietary supplements” and stacked onto “drugs” because companies that want to do research studies to show health effects will have to fill out INDs.

Once they fill out an IND, according to FDA’s current interpretation, that thing has become a drug, can no longer be a supplement, and is no longer a nutrient or food. In short, the FDA is completely unhinged.”

Big Corporations Taking Over Supplement Companies

Meanwhile, multinational companies like Bayer, Nestle, Unilever, Proctor & Gamble and Clorox have been buying up supplement companies at a frenzied pace. In 2018, there were 83 such transactions. This rose to 137 in 2021.17 For instance, Nestle Health Science, a division of Nestle, now owns:18

Pure Encapsulations Douglas Foods
Garden of Life Vital Proteins
Nuun Wobenzym
Persona Nutrition Genestra
Orthica Minami
AOV Klean Athlete
Bountiful, which owns Solgar, Osteo Bi-Flex, Puritan’s Pride, Ester-C and Sundown

“Several of these brands are higher quality supplement companies,” Alliance for Natural Health USA noted.

“What will happen to them now that they are owned by mega-corporations that have not historically had core natural health principles as the foundation of their businesses? We’ve spoken to several of the largest and highest quality brands that have not been purchased; they have confirmed that larger companies have made several unsuccessful attempts to purchase them.”19

Why are there continued attempts to make supplements drugs and for mega-corporations to acquire their makers? “Where there’s money to be made, big players will want to cash in,” Alliance for Natural Health explained.20 The end result for consumers could be disastrous, however, including restricted access to supplements and inferior products on the market:21

“Overall, this level of consolidation isn’t good for competition, because just a small number of companies can make decisions that affect our supplement access, and many of them do not share the values of small, independent companies who go into business to fill a need in the natural health sector.

Issues over quality of supplements and access to higher dosages become the decision of a smaller and smaller contingent of companies — this is not good from a health freedom standpoint.”

Vitamin D Level Is Directly Correlated to COVID-19 Outcome – Dr. Joseph Mercola


Full Story PDF Click Here for PDF


  • An analysis of medical records revealed a direct correlation between levels of vitamin D and the severity of illness in people infected with SARS-CoV-2
  • Low vitamin D levels are normally found in people with dark skin. This may be a compelling factor in the higher rates of COVID-19 illness and mortality
  • The U.K. recommends vitamin D supplementation during this pandemic, concerned people are not getting enough sunlight; yet the U.S. continues to focus on drugs and vaccine production
  • Vitamin D needs vary widely, so it’s important to get your levels tested before deciding how much vitamin D3 supplement you should take

There is strong scientific evidence vitamin D plays a central role in your immune response and your ability to fight infections. In this video, Ivor Cummins, biochemist and chief program officer for Irish Heart Disease Awareness, explains how recent studies supporting higher levels of vitamin D may reduce your risk of negative outcomes from COVID-19.

He also singles out some of the conditions associated with low vitamin D levels, such as low sun exposure, insulin resistance and high levels of inflammation.

In 2017, a review of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials using vitamin D2 or D3 was published in the BMJ.1 The data revealed vitamin D supplementation was “safe and it protected against acute respiratory tract infection overall.” They found people who were most deficient experienced the greatest benefit.

I am beyond excited to announce a groundbreaking new study by an organization that we have supported for over 15 years, GrassRootsHealth. Many of you have ordered their vitamin D test in the past, and the funds from that were used to do this clinical trial that could change the entire treatment strategy for COVID-19.

A recent clinical trial to investigate the efficacy of vitamin D against COVID-19 was announced April 3, 2020.2 Days later, Mark Alipio — who received no funding for his work — published a preprint letter3 in which he released data from an analysis of 212 people with lab-confirmed COVID-19 and for whom there were serum 25(OH)D levels available. You can read Alipio’s full study here.

Using a classification of symptoms based on previous research, he employed statistical analysis to compare the differences in clinical outcomes against the levels of vitamin D. Of the 212 people, 49 had mild disease; 59 had ordinary disease; 56 were severe and 48 were critical.

vitamin d covid-19 severity

In the initial study group of 212 patients (see Table 1 below), 55 had normal vitamin D levels, which Alipio defined as greater than 30 ng/ml; 80 had insufficient levels of 21 to 29 ng/ml and 77 had deficient levels of less than 20 ng/ml. Vitamin D levels were strongly correlated to the severity of the illness experienced. It is important to note that most experts consider 30 ng/ml half of what an optimum vitamin D level should be, which is 60 to 80 ng/ml.

descriptive statistics

Of the 49 with mild illness, 47 had normal vitamin D levels. For those of you who are not good with math that means that 96% of the patients with mild illness had “normal” levels of vitamin D. Note again this “normal” level was above 30, and most experts would raise that to 60.

Of the combined 104 with severe or critical illness, only four had normal levels of vitamin D. That is 4% or the reciprocal of the mild group. How much stronger a correlation could one hope for? Alipio concluded:4

“… this study provides substantial information to clinicians and health policy-makers. Vitamin D supplementation could possibly improve clinical outcomes of patients infected with Covid-2019 based on increasing odds ratio of having a mild outcome when serum (OH)D level increases. Further research may conduct randomized controlled trials and large population studies to evaluate this recommendation.”

Further Evidence Vitamin D Significantly Impacts Outcomes

The writers of a recent editorial in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics5 used a different metric, but arrived at similar results. They argued a marked variation in mortality occurs above or below 35 degrees North latitude. This is also the line above which it is not possible for people to get enough sunlight to retain vitamin D during the winter months.

When the mortality per million is plotted against latitude, the results suggest vitamin D plays a role in the outcome of infection with SARS-CoV-2. Data were gathered from countries reporting more than 150 people infected by April 15, 2020.

Although Nordic countries are far north of the demarcation line, vitamin D deficiency is also relatively low, potentially from widespread use of supplements. In countries where deficiency is common, such as Spain and Italy, mortality rates have been higher. The writers stress the importance of vitamin D on the outcome of infection, concluding that, while there is modest evidence, it protects against infection:6

“… the hypothesis is not that vitamin D would protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection but that it could be very important in preventing the cytokine storm and subsequent acute respiratory distress syndrome that is commonly the cause of mortality.”

A second paper7 published in April 2020 hypothesized that vitamin D protects the body against SARS-CoV-2 infections and sought to assess if there was an association between vitamin D levels and the number of COVID-19 infections. The data included only European countries and found a significant relationship between the mean (average) vitamin D level and the number of infections.8

People who were most vulnerable to this respiratory infection were the most deficient. They concluded the results support the advice to supplement with vitamin D to protect against the SARS-CoV-2 infection. These results support the 2017 review of studies published in the BMJ noted above.9

Yet another paper evaluated the role vitamin D deficiency plays in preventing respiratory infections and found similar results.10 The researchers wrote that vitamin D had “a significant protective effect” and reduced the risk of an acute respiratory infection from 60% to 32% in participants. The researchers also wrote vitamin D may help prevent respiratory infections and lower antibiotic use.

African-Americans Experiencing Higher Rates of Infection

A letter to the editor was then published in the BMJ, signed by 30 scientists from around the world, including Alipio.11 They pointed out the disproportionately high number of individuals who are Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME), or those living in care homes in the U.K. who die from COVID-19.

They also identified obesity as another risk factor, with co-morbid conditions including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Each group of people — those living in care homes, BAME and obese — also tends to have lower levels of vitamin D.

The letter included the research results from Alipio’s preprint letter, indicating the 30 scientists agreed with how the data was collected and analyzed, as well as the conclusions. The group identified the lengthy process vaccines require and the 100 years of research on vitamin D.

They hypothesized that vitamin D has clinical relevance to COVID-19 and may reduce the number of fatalities. Although there is a need for clear clinical evidence with research, it’s important to note the widespread vitamin D deficiency, including the risk groups mentioned. They quote Dr. Hugh Sinclair, who nearly 100 years ago observed:12

“The deficiency of any nutrient which is essential for every tissue will eventually lead to abnormal function in every tissue. That is so incontrovertibly obvious that I am continually astonished it must be repeatedly forcefully restated.”

They then went on to give a reason for why vitamins have so often been overlooked:13

“Human nature is such that simple solutions to complex issues, for example vitamin C for scurvy, and hand washing prior to baby delivery, are often not readily embraced; but surely the scale and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic demands all avenues are fully explored; more so when no other effective treatment strategies as yet exist.

A safe simple step, the correction of a deficiency state, vitamin D this time, convincingly holds out a potential, significant, feasible ‘COVID-19 mitigation remedy.”

Others connect the heavy toll in the African-American community with an increased prevalence of obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure, which are risk factors for increased severity of COVID-19.14 In the states of Maryland and Louisiana and the metropolises of New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C., the percentages of BAME individuals dying from probable COVID-19 are higher than the percentages of BAME who live in the area.

However, while there is a correlation between the higher prevalence of health conditions that increase disease severity in the African-American population, there is also a higher prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency due to reduced production.15 Darker pigmentation produces less vitamin D with exposure to the sun.

Vitamin D in COVID-19 Treatment

Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)16 and a vitamin D review paper17 published in the journal Nutrients, April 2, 2020, also suggest vitamin D deficiency could have serious implications for COVID-19. As reported by Medical Xpress, April 6, 2020:18

“The report,19 ‘Vitamin D deficiency in Ireland — Implications for COVID-19. Results from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA),’ finds that vitamin D plays a critical role in preventing respiratory infections, reducing antibiotic use, and boosting the immune system response to infections.

With one in eight Irish adults under 50 deficient in vitamin D, the report highlights the importance of increasing intake … TILDA researchers recommend that adults over 50 should take supplements — not just in winter, but all year round if they don’t get enough sun …

Professor Rose Anne Kenny, principal investigator of TILDA, said: ‘We have evidence to support a role for vitamin D in the prevention of chest infections, particularly in older adults who have low levels. In one study Vitamin D reduced the risk of chest infections to half in people who took supplements.

Though we do not know specifically of the role of vitamin D in COVID infections, given its wider implications for improving immune responses … at-risk cohorts should ensure they have an adequate intake of vitamin D.'”

The second paper, published in the journal Nutrients, carries the telling title, “Evidence That Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Death.”20 As reported in the abstract:

“This article reviews the roles of vitamin D in reducing the risk of respiratory tract infections, knowledge about the epidemiology of influenza and COVID-19, and how vitamin D supplementation might be a useful measure to reduce risk. Through several mechanisms, vitamin D can reduce risk of infections.

Those mechanisms include inducing cathelicidins and defensins that can lower viral replication rates and reducing concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines that produce the inflammation that injures the lining of the lungs, leading to pneumonia, as well as increasing concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines …

Evidence supporting the role of vitamin D in reducing risk of COVID-19 includes that the outbreak occurred in winter, a time when 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations are lowest; that the number of cases in the Southern Hemisphere near the end of summer are low …

Vitamin D deficiency has been found to contribute to acute respiratory distress syndrome; and … case-fatality rates increase with age and with chronic disease comorbidity, both of which are associated with lower 25(OH)D concentration.

To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended that people at risk of influenza and/or COVID-19 consider taking 10,000 IU/d of vitamin D3 for a few weeks to rapidly raise 25(OH)D concentrations, followed by 5000 IU/d. The goal should be to raise 25(OH)D concentrations above 40–60 ng/mL (100–150 nmol/L). For treatment of people who become infected with COVID-19, higher vitamin D3 doses might be useful.”

UK Recommends Supplementation

Public Health England is recommending their citizens take a vitamin D supplement while they are spending more time indoors.21 The National Health Service22 routinely recommends their citizens take a supplement during the fall and winter months. They also recommend a supplement all year round for those who aren’t outdoors, are in a care home, usually cover all their skin or have dark skin.

The chief nutritionist at Public Health England is concerned that Britons may not be getting enough vitamin D from sunlight as they spend more time indoors. They counsel their citizens that while an adequate amount of vitamin D cannot stop an infection, it does have benefits, including improved outcomes in those who are deficient.23

Yet, despite radical changes in the way people are living during the pandemic, the guidelines in the U.S. have not changed. The National Institutes of Health recommends that most people get their nutrients from food and beverages, including fortified food products. However, dietary intake is not sufficient to maintain healthy levels:24

“Dietary intake of vitamin D from natural foods traditionally plays only a minor role with few available natural sources: animal sources such as fatty fish, cod liver oil, or egg yolks contain vitamin D3, and fungal sources such as mushrooms and yeast exposed to sunlight or UV radiation contain vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).”

The U.S. health agencies appear to have little interest in helping the public support their immune system through appropriate nutrition but would rather rely on drugs and vaccines.

Some Public Health Officials Recognize Value of Vitamin D

Although the official recommendation from government agencies is to wait for drugs and a vaccine, some are speaking out. Former CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden wrote an opinion piece for Fox News in which he suggests vitamin D may reduce COVID-19 mortality rates, especially in those who are deficient.25

He goes on to say supplementation has reduced the “risk of respiratory infections, regulates cytokine production and can limit the risk of other viruses such as influenza.” Much of the damage from COVID-19 occurs with a “cytokine storm,” during which the body’s inflammatory system goes into high gear, damaging organs and increasing mortality rates.

The evidence of seasonality of some viral infections may be related to vitamin D production that declines during the winter months. Seasonal changes in infection rates are more evident in northern climates, and little or none in areas that are warm all year. He concluded:26

“We can do lots of things to improve our resistance to infection. These include getting regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, stopping smoking and other tobacco use, and, for people living with diabetes, getting it under control. Taking a multivitamin that includes Vitamin D, or a Vitamin D supplement, probably can’t hurt, and it might help.

As we continue to work to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, anything we can do to strengthen our resistance is a step in the right direction.”

Dr. John C. Umhau was a public health specialist at the National Institutes of Health for over 20 years. In an article in MedPageToday he referenced his review in which he argued there were groups who were more likely to have vitamin D deficiency, including those who are obese, the elderly and those with dark skin. Yet vitamin D is one of the:27

“… most studied and most important host factor impacting survival from COVID-19 … A government-sponsored research strategy to address this issue has not been developed, as officials explained that there was no mandate to explore an alternative to the existing vaccination program.

However, other researchers picked up the ball and provided convincing evidence that vitamin D could reduce the incidence of acute respiratory infection.”

In further evidence published in Nutrients,28 scientists reviewed how vitamin D can reduce the risk of infection by lowering the rate at which the virus replicates and reduce the pro-inflammatory cytokines that damage the lungs, leading to pneumonia. Vitamin D also helps increase concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines that may help protect the lungs. The researchers recommended those at risk take:

“… 10,000 IU/d of vitamin D3 for a few weeks to rapidly raise 25(OH)D concentrations, followed by 5000 IU/d. The goal should be to raise 25(OH)D concentrations above 40–60 ng/mL (100–150 nmol/L).”

Individuals Dosages Vary Widely — Test To Be Sure

Although the researchers recommended a specific amount of vitamin D3 to take, it’s impossible to predict how much supplementation you personally may need unless your blood level is measured. Typically, ranges are from 2,000 to 10,000 units (IUs) per day, but there are many variables that contribute to this dose — that is why testing is so important.

By testing at home you can stay away from hospitals unless you’re having symptoms of a worsening respiratory infection, such as difficulty breathing. Ideally, you’d like your level to be 60 ng/mL.

GrassrootsHealth makes testing easy by offering an inexpensive vitamin D testing kit as part of its consumer-sponsored research. All revenues from these kits go directly to GrassrootsHealth. I make no profit from these kits and only provide them as a service of convenience to my readers.

For more information about supporting your immune system, fighting the SARS-CoV-2 virus and additional nutraceuticals that have demonstrated a positive effect on your immune system or fighting viral infections, see “Quercetin and Vitamin D — Allies Against Coronavirus?

Interesting Note on Fauci and Vitamin D

As reviewed in an earlier article, long before SARS-CoV-2 became part of everyday life, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), believed vitamin C and D were important strategies for enhancing your body’s immune system. Just four years ago, he was interviewed by a reporter from Washingtonian on how to avoid getting sick.

He explained the importance of washing your hands, clipping your nails and getting enough sleep. A fourth strategy he discussed was using vitamin C and D supplements:29

“It can enhance your body’s defense against microbes. I take 1,000 milligrams a day. Many people also do not get enough vitamin D, which affects a lot of body functions, so that would be helpful, too.”

In the current pandemic, the U.S. has placed inexpensive, patent-free nutritional supplements in second place to drugs and vaccines, which come with a high price tag in addition to unwelcome side effects.

In a more recent interview with RealClearPolitics, Fauci appeared to hedge his opinion. He stressed the viability of vitamin C as an antioxidant that’s “essentially totally harmless unless you take in a ridiculous amount.”

But when asked whether vitamin D might mitigate some respiratory infections, he said: there’s “no definitive proof.” He did point out, though, that you’re not likely to get hurt by it.30 Still, his answers suggest an unwillingness to admit vitamin D plays a proven and important role in infectious disease.

Might Fauci’s backpedaling on vitamins C and D have anything to do with the fact that he serves on the Leadership Council for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Vaccine Action Plan? He describes his litmus test for safety and effectiveness as being tied to randomized control trials:31

“That’s why you keep hearing me over and over again saying the best optimal way is to do a randomized control trial to determine as quickly as possible whether something works, and if it does, get it out there. If it doesn’t, get it off the table.”

In what appears contradictory to this statement, Fauci said a vaccine may be released in the next 12 to 18 months.32 However, the standard steps to develop a relatively “safe” vaccine averages five years. It begins with two to four years of laboratory research, followed by one to two years of preclinical studies, and then Phase I, II and III trials.33


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CRIMINAL, MASSIVE Machine Failures And Voter Disenfranchisement In Red Districts Of Maricopa County “Could Not Arise Absent INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT” Says IT and Elections Expert


Kari Lake’s historic lawsuit contesting the 2022 election includes sworn testimony from former voting machine tester and IT expert Clay Parikh, who stated that the massive printer and voting machine failures on election day “could not arise absent intentional misconduct.”

Kari Lake put out a press release today highlighting critical findings from the lawsuit she filed on Friday, seeking to nullify and overturn the election or hold a new election free from conflicts of interest.

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Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths – Dr. Joseph Mercola

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  • In his new book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd details data showing the COVID shots are a crime against humanity
  • Insurance industry research in 2016 concluded that group life policyholders die at one-third the rate of the general U.S. population, so they’re the healthiest among us. Group life policyholders are those employed with Fortune 500 companies, who tend to be younger and well-educated
  • In 2020, the general U.S. population had higher excess mortality than group life holders, but in 2021, that flipped. Ages 25 through 64 of the group life policyholders suddenly experienced 40% excess mortality, compared to 32% in the general population. In short, a far healthier subset of the population suddenly died at a higher rate than the general population
  • American disability statistics are equally revealing. In the five years before COVID, the monthly disability rate was between 29 million and 30 million. After the COVID jabs, the disability trend changed dramatically. As of September 2022, there were 33.2 million disabled Americans — an extra 3.2 million to 4.2 million — a three standard deviation rate of change since May 2021
  • Since May 2021, the overall U.S. population has experienced an 11% increase in disabilities, while the employed — which is about 98 million out of a total population of about 320 million — experienced 26% increased rate of disability. So, something was introduced into the workforce that caused working age people to die

In this video, I interview repeat guest Edward (Ed) Dowd, a former analyst and fund manager with BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world. With more than $10 trillion in assets, BlackRock wields greater financial power than any country in the world with the exception of the U.S. and China.

Dowd has a knack for seeing trends, and was able to grow the assets he managed during his time at BlackRock from $2 billion to $14 billion. Ten years ago, he left BlackRock, moved to Maui and became an entrepreneur. More recently, he’s come out as a whistleblower against the COVID shots and Big Pharma corruption.

In our last interview, we discussed the mathematical certainty of a financial collapse, and how COVID provided a convenient smoke screen to hide this reality.

Data Reveals Crimes Against Humanity

Dowd has now published a book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” in which he details the data showing the shots are a crime against humanity.

“When this product [the COVID shots] came to market, I was very suspicious because I know a lot about health care,” Dowd says. “I was on Wall Street and I used to analyze health care stocks. I knew that normal vaccines took seven to 10 years to prove effectiveness and safety.

This was an experimental vaccine, a nontraditional gene therapy that had never been tested on humans. I read the literature on the animal tests and they were an abomination. Then, this thing was approved in 28 days. They got rid of the control group. I knew it was Operation Warp Speed, so I was highly suspicious of this whole thing from the get-go.

Then in early 2021, I started hearing anecdotes that people were getting sick and/or injured, or died, from distant friends and relatives. I started reading about sudden athlete deaths, [and] suspected the vaccine right away. I didn’t have the data that I have now, but I said to myself, ‘You know, I’m going to look at insurance company results, funeral home results.’

That eventually led to excess mortality statistics … I’m known as ‘the excess mortality guy’ right now. What I’ve learned through my own personal experience is that Pharma is, on the whole, mostly fraudulent. Most drugs that have been approved by the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] aren’t really all that safe and effective.

They have to recall so many drugs every year. The FDA has been wholly captured by the pharma industry. Seventy to 75% of the drug approval pharma arm of the FDA comes from pharma fees, directly from the companies, so this has been corrupted for a long time.

It’s now exposed primarily because [the COVID shot] is [injuring and killing] such a large amount of people. It’s hard to hide this one … This fraud is unveiled and out there for people to see, but it’s only in the echo chamber. Mainstream media is still beholden to Big Pharma because of all the ad spend and the government policymakers … [who] want this to go away.

There’s a giant cover-up going on as far as I’m concerned. The data that I’m going to talk about today is there for the global health authorities to see. They see what I see, and at this point it’s negligence, malfeasance, a cover-up and a crime.

That’s why I’m here, because I don’t believe anybody has a right to tell me what to do with my body, and I can’t believe this actually happened. The numbers I’m going to reveal to you are now a national security concern.”

Group Life Insurance Statistics Tell a Curious Story

Dowd’s concerns are based on a variety of statistics, including but not limited to government mortality and disability data, as well as data from private insurance companies, such as group life insurance data. As explained by Dowd, group life policies are policies given to large Fortune 500 corporations and mid-sized companies.

Basically, when you start to work at one of these companies, you sign onto a policy from Day 1 that includes a health care plan and life insurance plan (death benefit), which is typically one or two times your annual salary. The only way you can get a claim on these policies is if you die while employed. If you quit or get fired, you don’t get this claim.

Group life insurance is a lucrative business for insurance companies because the death rates have historically been highly predictable. In the U.S., the available civilian labor force is about 164 million people in total. Of those, 98 million are actually employed, and of those 98 million, only small subset actually has group life insurance.

“These people are a tiny subset of the 98 million because these are the workers at the best corporations with access to the best health care. They’re highly educated and employed, and you have to have some measure of health to be employed.

The industry did research in 2016 to determine how healthy this population is compared to the general U.S. population … This report said that in any given year, the group life policyholders die at one-third the rate of the general U.S. population. They experience a third the mortality rate of the general U.S. population, so they’re healthy.

What happened in 2021 to this group? Well, let’s talk about what happened in 2020. COVID affected everybody, and the general U.S. population experienced more excess mortality from COVID pre-vaccine than the group life holders, so that relationship helped. Well, in 2021 that flipped. Ages 25 through 64 of the group life policyholders, as reported by the Society of Actuaries, experienced 40% excess mortality.

The general U.S. population in 2021 experienced 32% excess mortality. This is year two of the pandemic with miracle vaccines. Isn’t that interesting? A much healthier subset of the population died at a higher rate than the general population.”

Disability Stats Reveal Jabs Are a National Security Concern

American disability statistics are equally revealing. Every month, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts surveys on disability. In the five years before COVID, the monthly disability rate was between 29 million and 30 million. Those are absolute numbers.

After the COVID jabs, starting in May 2021, the disability trend changed dramatically. As of September 2022, there were 33.2 million disabled Americans. That’s an extra 3.2 million or 4.2 million, depending on whether you’re using the 29 million or 30 million baseline. That’s a three standard deviation rate of change since May 2021.

A three standard deviation means that the chance of this happening is 0.03%, so something happened around May 2021 that was highly unusual. Since then, the overall U.S. population has experienced an 11% rate of increase in disabilities, while the employed — which is about 98 million out of a total population of about 320 million — experienced 26% increased rate of disability.

“So, we have two different databases suggesting the same thing,” Dowd says. “It was detrimental to your health to be employed in 2021 and 2022 … Something is happening to the most able-bodied amongst us, college students, those employed, those in the military, the frontline workers …

Those who are employed are getting disabled faster than the general U.S. population. That shouldn’t happen. The employed amongst us are healthier, generally speaking … If you have a job, you tend to be able to show up at work. Basically, the bottom line is this. The only explanation for this that I can see is mandates for experimental biological inoculations …

One of my whistleblowers from the insurance [industry] told me that as of August 2022, the millennial cohort of the group life holders is still experiencing 36% excess mortality.

People in Fortune 500 companies are dying at a much more excessive rate than those who are not employed there, so this has implications for years to come. It’s a national security concern as far as I can tell … We seem to have poisoned the most able-bodied amongst us through [COVID jab] mandates.”

The same trends are seen in Europe. Excess mortality amongst the young has gone up. In the first year of the pandemic, old people died. In the second year, it suddenly shifted to younger working folks.

A Disaster in the Making

For now, the excess mortality trend in the U.S. has leveled out between 15% to 20% for the general population. In the U.K. and Europe, the excess mortality trend in the general population is between 10% and 20%. Meanwhile, American millennials in the workforce with group life policies have an excess death rate of 36% as of August 2022.

As noted by Dowd, if you’re employed at a Fortune 500 company that mandate boosters, it makes sense that your excess mortality will be higher than the general population if the shots are harming people.

Many in the general population are too young to take the shots, are self-employed, work for small companies that aren’t obliged to mandate shots, or are retired. In short, the general population has had greater choice when it comes to taking the shots or not. If these trends continue at this same rate, it’s an absolute disaster for our economy and society at large.

“The CEO of OneAmerica, Scott Davison, said a 10% rise in excess mortality amongst younger-age working people is a three standard deviation event, or a once in a 200-year flood. That’s just 10%. He said the 40% they saw in 2021 was just unfathomable. They couldn’t even calculate what that meant.

We’re above 10%, so we’re well above the three standard deviation event. What we don’t know is the long-term trends. Anecdotally, one young woman I know, [aged] 30, got it in December 2021.

She’s presenting with heart issues now, in the month of October [2022]. She’s got a heart rate beat per minute of 30, so she’s got problems. I’m hearing about lots and lots of heart issues in my millennial friends’ circles that have presented themselves well after the shot.”

As detailed in “Is Long-COVID the Elephant in the Room?” recent research1 from Switzerland found the rate of subclinical myocarditis is hundreds of times more common than clinical myocarditis. In fact, 100% of those who got the jab suffered some level of heart injury, even if they were asymptomatic, as they all had elevated troponin levels (an indicator of or biomarker for heart damage).

Stock Trading as an Analogy for COVID Jab Uptake

The good news is that the uptake of the latest bivalent boosters is only 10%, which means 90% of those eligible for it have not gotten it. Hopefully, this is a sign of sanity returning. However, many remain stuck in the pro-mandate box for the simple reason that their egos are wrapped up in it.

Many didn’t take and push the shots for personal health reasons. As noted by Dowd, “They did it for virtue signaling tribal reasons, and they wanted to feel superior to other people.” To break the spell, they must come to the realization that they were duped, they were fooled, and that’s painful.

“If you buy a stock and your investment thesis is proven wrong, what you should do is pull a 180 and sell the stock, because you’re wrong. What I found, even with some of the greatest investors, is that if their ego was attached to it, they would ignore clear evidence that the thesis was compromised. Sometimes fraud would even be involved in some of these companies, but they would continue to buy the stock all the way down.

That’s an analogy for what taking boosters is at this point — taking boosters for a product that doesn’t work at all, doesn’t prevent COVID nor transmission. Let’s say you think it’s safe and effective. But now there are serious safety concerns that are proven, so it’s literally your ego that’s going to kill you. We call that ‘dumb money’ on Wall Street, so think of this like a trade.

You either long [i.e., take a long position on] the vaccine or short the vaccine. Those of us who didn’t take it are short. Those who are long have an opportunity to pull a 180 on this and not get boosters. That would be the equivalent of selling stock.

Those who continue to get boosters are getting longer as more and more evidence [against the COVID shots] rolls out. [Editor’s note: In stock trading, a long position is held with the expectation that the stock will rise in value in the future. If the value goes down, you lose money.]

This is the greatest asymmetric information gap I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, and it’s due to a whole host of factors — media blackouts, government corruption, regulator corruption and ego, people’s individual ego. This is the greatest trade of my lifetime and, what side of the trade do you want to be on?

My hope is to convince people to cut their losses and stop taking this thing and then look at ways to heal the damage that’s been done. The good news is there does seem to be people working on protocols to at least mitigate and hopefully reverse some of the damage.”

Impacts on US Infrastructure

If excess mortality and disability rates remain catastrophically elevated, the impacts on our infrastructure will be severe. Dowd estimates 2 million to 3 million Americans have already been disabled by the shots. Officially, the unemployment rate is 3%, but if you add in the excess disabilities, you find that the real unemployment rate is actually around 6%.

“Why is that important? We have 3% unemployment yet we have help wanted signs everywhere. Well, the reason you have help wanted signs is because people who used to be able to work, able-boded Americans, are no longer able to work, so it’s creating shortages.

There’s also not complete disability. Some people are sucking it up and dragging their ass to work, but they’re also missing days. A lot of people are calling in and missing days … I can also talk about what I’m seeing with supply chain with automobiles. My car was hit July 14th [2022]. My left headlight panel was destroyed and the radiator was damaged.

It took 10 days to get a police report because my police department has staff shortages. Then, I called around and there are shortages of parts all across the globe and the body shops are backed up. I couldn’t even get a tow to a body shop until November, so I couldn’t get an estimate to give to my insurance company. I had to do a photo estimate.

It took them about a month to get back to me, and then when I put in [a claim for] the repairs, my insurance company said, ‘We’re going to junk your car. It’s a total loss. We’ll cut you a check.’ Now, the reason they did that was because they’re making money off my junk car.

They’re going to sell the parts, [which is why] they gave me more money than the Blue Book value … This is kind of the glacial beginning, what I call the ‘glacial Mad Max’ scenario.

Goods and services that we used to take for granted are going to start to disappear. Uber Eats, that’s going to go the way of the dodo bird. There’s just not going to be enough people to fill these jobs and it’s going to become increasingly more difficult to get things. Supply chains are already broken. They’re going to become more broken with less people on the margin.

Remember, supply chains are all done just-in-time. That was a big thing when I was on Wall Street. ‘Just-in-time supply chain, super-efficient.’ Well, just-in-time was algorithmically designed to use the least amount of people. Now, you just need a couple of people to call in sick or disappear, and everything gets backed up. So, this is beginning.

I think it’s going to get worse and worse. What I’m hearing about the medium-term impacts scare me. Because of the uptake in boosters has lessened, we should have seen excess mortality start to drop into single digits. But it’s not.

It’s still running [high], and I suspect when the numbers are in from the flu season this winter, excess mortality will trend up again because people’s immune systems are compromised. Illnesses that would have been easy to withstand are going to knock some people out.”

Life Expectancy Has Plummeted

At the end of August 2022, we also discovered that life expectancy in the U.S. dropped precipitously during 2020 and 2021,2 which further supports the hypothesis that the shots are prematurely killing people.

As I was preparing for my interview with Ed, I realized I wanted to discuss the worst decrease in life expectancy in the U.S. in over 100 years with him, as he had not discussed it in his book. I used a few of the non-Google search engines and could not find it at all. Then I realized I saved a copy of the story in one of my PowerPoint lectures (see below):

US life expectancy has plummeted

If I had not saved this screenshot and not had the precise headline to search for I would likely have never found the article.

In 2019, the average life span of Americans of all ethnicities was nearly 79 years. By the end of 2021, life expectancy had dropped to 76 — a loss of nearly three years. Typically, a drop in life expectancy by a mere month or two is a big deal, so a three-year loss is a sign that something catastrophic has occurred.

It’s also rather incriminating that The New York Times article3 that reported this historical decline in life expectancy was quickly deleted, as were all reposts. To me, the decrease in life expectancy is prima facie evidence that the COVID shots are a dangerous fraud. Probably, the article was scrubbed to protect the pro-jab narrative.

This is a classic illustration of what the global cabal is doing, and I discussed it in great depth with an upcoming interview with Whitney Webb. It is clear this censorship and removal of important information will only worsen with time. So if you value a video or article it would be really helpful to download it to your personal drives as it very well may be gone the next time you go to look for it.

More Information

To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of Dowd’s book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.” To stay abreast on Dowd’s ongoing work, you can also follow him on GETTR.

“I’m not a scientist. I’m not a doctor. I’m a financial capital markets expert,” Dowd notes. “What do we do in financial capital markets? We accumulate information edges over other people to make decisions on asset classes, to make money before everybody else sees the trend change. That’s how you make money.

I live in the world between perception, reality and timing of that switch from perception to reality. Right now, the perception by 90% of the population seems to be that the COVID shot is a safe and effective and I’m crazy. Well, my data suggests that I’m not crazy. Not only am I not crazy, you’re so wrong it’s going to be detrimental to your health.

The book is a journey through how I think. I present the theory of the case. It’s simple deductive reasoning. You don’t have to believe me, but you have to ask this question: ‘If 2020 was so exciting to the media and the health officials that counted all the deaths with such glee, why are they not talking about the excessive death rates we’re now seeing globally, especially amongst the younger age working folks and the employed folks?’

There seems to be crickets on that, so you have to ask yourself, ‘If that’s not a national security concern and a national health crisis, then what is?’ Why the silence? Well, prima facie evidence of a cover-up is my thesis … Look at my book as a stock thesis. It’s my investment case on why I would pitch a stock to you … I’m just pitching you a trade.

Get out of the vaccine. Stop taking them. You’re on the wrong side of the trade, and if you don’t listen to me, instead of losing money, you’re probably going to lose your health and/or life.”

A Red Pill for Christmas

A great feature of “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022” is that it’s not going to overwhelm you with complex statistical analysis. It’s a simple read with lots of pictures and graphs. It also includes QR codes to references so you can rapidly confirm them.

“Everything I sourced,” Dowd says. “It’s a powerful book. It’s a book that I hope changes the marginal mind … I think it makes a great Christmas gift for the family member who doesn’t see the reality we see and, again, it’s coming from a Wall Street guy, laid out as an investment thesis. You can disagree, but all the stuff that I put in the book is sourced and the data is the data …

What we don’t do in the book is we don’t get into the who and why. We don’t want to assault someone’s worldview, but the data’s so compelling, we do say at the end of the book … ‘There’s a cover-up going on and malfeasance.’

Jessica Rose, Ph.D., said in an interview with me, and I put her quote in the book, ‘Some things are worse than death.’ The most acute adverse reaction is death. But there are other ones that can make your life pretty miserable for a long, long time, and also make other people’s lives miserable that have to take care of you.

When you think about labor statistics, if there’s someone in the house that’s disabled severely, the person who’s not disabled loses work hours and work weeks taking care of that person, taking them to hospital visits, what have you.

Also, think about the hospital infrastructure that’s going to be overwhelmed, especially with the health care workers who were mandated to take all these jabs. We’re going to have a health care crisis, whether you know it or not.

It’s coming, and you’re not going to have access to health care … That’s why I think people need to look at holistic health themselves and get as healthy as possible right now … Do what you can outside the medical system because soon it’s not going to be there for you.”


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The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury – Dr. Joseph Mercola

PDF Link


  • In “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The Role of G-quadruplexes, Exosomes and MicroRNAs,” Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Drs. Peter McCullough, Greg Nigh and Anthony Kyriakopoulos explain how the COVID shots suppress your innate immune function, and how they may cause neurological diseases
  • Their landmark paper was the source of major controversy in that the prominent journal in which it was published receive much negative feedback and the editor of the journal was forced to resign although the paper has not been retracted at this time
  • G4s are genome-wide targets of transcriptional regulation. The “G” stands for guanine. G4 is DNA sequence of four guanines, which plays an important role in diseases such as cancers and neurological disorders. The COVID jab spike protein produces far more G-quadruplexes (G4) than the virus. The G4 causes prion protein to misfold, which can result in prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Alzheimer’s
  • Two specific microRNA have been found in people who got the jab, and these microRNA’s interfere with Type 1 interferon response, which is a key part of your immune system. When Type 1 interferon is suppressed, you become more prone to infection and chronic disease
  • The COVID jab produces high levels of immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies, which are associated with autoimmune disease. It does not produce mucosal antibodies
  • Antibodies against the spike protein may be responsible for cases in which patients developed highly aggressive prion disease after their second jab

In this interview, return guest Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT for over five decades,1 discusses her paper,2 “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The Role of G-quadruplexes, Exosomes and MicroRNAs,” published in the June 2022 issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology.

The paper was co-written with Drs. Peter McCullough, Greg Nigh and Anthony Kyriakopoulos. In May 2021, Nigh and Seneff published a paper3 detailing the differences between the spike protein and the COVID jab spike protein.

In the “Innate Immune Suppression” paper, they and their other co-authors delve deep into the mechanisms of the COVID shots, showing how they suppress your innate immune system.

The paper caused quite a stir when it was first posted, prior to publication. A campaign was launched to have it retracted on the premise that it would discourage people from getting these life-saving shots — regardless of whether the mechanisms described were true or not.

Ultimately, the controversy led to the resignation of the editor of the journal. Many have also tried to discredit Seneff, and McCullough has since been stripped of his medical credentials.4

Understanding G-Quadruplexes

G-quadruplexes (G4) are genomewide targets of transcriptional regulation, and as such as a novel target for drug design. The “G” in G4 stands for guanine, so G4 is DNA sequence of four guanines. It’s one of the four nucleotides — the basic code — in DNA, and it’s known to play an important role in diseases such as cancers and neurological disorders.5

As explained by Seneff, prions, when misfolded, build beta sheets and precipitate out of the cytoplasm, causing plaque to form. This plaque is a hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans, such as Mad Cow disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, scrapie (which affects sheep) and chronic wasting disease in deer.

“So, there are all these debilitating neurodegenerative diseases that come out of the prion protein, and the prion protein actually binds to its own G4s, which are in its own RNA,” Seneff explains. “In so doing, it promotes [the prion protein] to misfold into the wrong shape … [which] causes prion disease.

The [COVID jabs] produce a version of the messenger RNA (mRNA) that codes for the spike protein. Their version is enriched in guanines — it produces a lot more G4s than the original mRNA that the virus produces — so, it’s a different form.

And there’s lots of mRNA in the [COVID jab]. It’s a big dose of this mRNA that is enriched in G4s … which then … causes the cell to produce the prion protein. So, the cell is producing the prion protein in the context of a situation with lots of G4s lying around from the mRNA from vaccine. That’s a really dangerous situation for causing the prion protein to misfold and causing prion disease.”

How the COVID Jab Can Induce Autoimmune Disease

As explained by Seneff, the mRNA in the jab is taken into your lymph system and spleen, germinal centers where antibodies are produced, and in order to produce the antibodies, these germinal centers release exosomes. This can help explain the phenomenon of “shedding,” but it also helps explain the immune destruction we see occurring. Seneff explains:

“The exosomes are part of the process by which the cells communicate to induce the antibody production, which is the goal of the [COVID jab]. The [jab] does a fantastic job of producing high levels of IgG [immunoglobulin] antibodies, which are the ones that are associated with autoimmune disease.

It doesn’t make the mucosal antibodies. It makes IgG, which is actually much more dangerous if there are too many antibodies. They can cause autoimmune disease through molecular mimicry, and that’s another aspect that I think is going on.

That’s why you’re getting this platelet problem where platelet count goes down to zero, because you get antibodies to the platelets by molecular mimicry, or even because the spike protein is binding to the platelets. They’re getting antibodies to the complex and you’re wiping out the platelets.

Some people are getting thrombocytopenia and VITT [vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia], conditions that can be life-threatening. And there’s a huge signal for thrombosis. The paper talks about thrombosis. We have … seven tables for different aspects of the symptoms of the vaccine.

There’s a table on the liver, there’s a table on thrombosis, there’s a table on cancer, there’s a table on the vagus nerve, and all of the inflammations of the nerves because those exosomes are traveling up the vagus nerve, making their way to the heart, brain and liver.

They’re causing disease in all of those organs, and you see that very clearly in the various databases — 98%, 99% of the [adverse event] reports in 2021 for these conditions were [from the] COVID shots and 1% was all the other vaccines combined.”

Mechanism of Action

Swiss researchers recently reported finding elevated troponin levels in 100% of COVID jabbed individuals, indicating everyone is suffering some degree of heart damage, even if they’re asymptomatic.6,7 Seneff explains the mechanism by which the COVID shot damages your heart.

“I think the whole issue is the spike protein being released by the immune cells in the germinal centers — the lymph system and the spleen releasing these exosomes that then travel along their fibers and reach all these critical organs.

The spleen has a very good connectivity with the liver, heart, brain and gut via the nerve system, starting with the splanchnic nerve and then hooking up to the vagus nerve … So, these exosomes are migrating along the vagus nerve and they’re arriving at these organs and are getting taken up by cells there. And everywhere they go, they cause inflammation.

The spike protein is very good at causing inflammation. That’s been shown in multiple studies … It causes the immune cells to migrate to the heart, and that’s how you get myocarditis, this inflammation in the heart.

You also get inflammation in the muscles. I was looking at myositis, which is muscle inflammation, and that’s another issue. I’ve been in contact with multiple people who suffered severe muscle damage from the spike protein, even to the point of being debilitated because of [inflammation in the] muscles.

So, not just the heart, but the skeletal muscles are also affected in a really bad way. Inflammation in the brain also causes neurons to be damaged and that’s causing cognitive disorders.

So, I think the long COVID is caused by the spike protein reaching the brain. Many papers have talked about long COVID, and they think it’s the spike protein, not the virus, but the spike protein itself [that is causing it].”

The Role of MicroRNAs

Another piece of the puzzle is related to the role of microRNAs, which are embedded in the exosomes that travel to the tissues. MicroRNAs should not be confused with mRNA. They’re two different things. The microRNAs are short pieces of RNA, about 22 nucleotides long. Unlike mRNA, microRNA do not code for protein.

The mRNA in the jabs are designed to be extremely resilient. Normally, mRNA lasts a few hours, but the mRNA in the jabs stick around producing protein in cells for several months, at minimum primarily because of the substitution of the nucleotide uridine with pseudouridine.

Because the mRNA is so resilient, spleen cells have to try to cope with all the spike protein that they cannot stop making, and one way they do that is by pushing the spike protein out in the form of exosomes. Those exosomes also contain microRNAs. Indian researchers found two specific microRNAs in people who got the jab, and these microRNAs interfere with Type 1 interferon response.

“This is a big topic of our paper,” Seneff says. “We talk about innate immune suppression … due to the effect of these microRNAs that are packaged up with the spike protein.

Everywhere [the exosomes] go, they deliver these microRNAs, which disrupt the immune cell’s ability to respond to Type 1 interferon. These microRNAs actually have a very high-level controlling role in the regulatory process of biology. They control which genes are expressed.”

Hypothesis to Explain Post-Jab Sudden Death

Seneff goes on to cite animal research from 2005, in which mice were exposed to a virus that causes myocarditis. They wanted to see what would happen if the mice were suffering from myocarditis and then got a shot of adrenaline. So, the mice were infected with the myocarditis-inducing virus, and then, 120 days later, they injected them with adrenaline.

The dose given killed 70% of them. Meanwhile, control mice that did not have myocarditis suffered no ill effect when injected with the same dose of adrenaline. The mice that died, died of heart failure. Basically, their hearts were too damaged to withstand the adrenaline rush. Today, we’re seeing a similar effect in athletes, who are dropping dead while exerting themselves.

Digging for other papers, Seneff found one that detailed the Type 1 interferon response in chromaffin cells, the cells that make adrenaline. Type 1 interferon inhibits and reduces their production of adrenaline.

Seneff’s theory is that the COVID jabs interferes with your body’s ability to respond to Type 1 interferon, thereby allowing too much adrenaline to be released. If your heart has been damaged by the spike protein, the outcome could be lethal, as we’ve seen.

“I think that could be what’s going on with the sudden death problem, because we certainly are seeing lots of young people suddenly dying of heart issues,” she says.

At the same time, microthrombi (micro blood clots) are activated by the spike protein, which could have lethal effects, and endothelial cells (the cells lining your blood vessels) are also inflamed. So, there’s not just one mechanism by which the jabs could kill you.

Spike Protein Creates Incredibly Tough Blood Clots

According to Seneff, blood clots are also connected to the prion aspect. Many different proteins are amyloidogenic and can misfold, causing them to precipitate out, including proteins in your blood. Blood clots are tough to break down, and when you add spike protein into them, they become even tougher.

Seneff suspects the spike protein binds to fibrin, causing it then to misfold in a way that makes it very resistant to breaking down. The same thing happens with prion proteins. When they misfold, they create a gel that becomes denser over time, eventually becoming completely inaccessible to the water base.

“It just precipitates out as this thing that just sits there for the rest of your life,” Seneff says. “Nothing can get at it. The immune cells can’t break it down. It just stays there. It can’t be cleared.”

This is why I recommend taking fibrinolytic enzymes like lumbrokinase (which is the most effective), serrapeptase and nattokinase, several times a day one hour before or two hours after a meal, if you’re struggling with long COVID, as they help break down the fibrin. To work, you have to take them between meals, on an empty stomach, or else they’ll just act as a digestive enzyme to break down food.

Another technique is to use a near-infrared sauna, which will help address the misfolding of proteins by encouraging autophagy, your body’s natural clean-out process.

The Role of Antibodies in Prion Disease

Antibodies may also play a role in the devastating side effects from the COVID jab. We know that prion protein is upregulated in cells that produce it under stress, and the COVID jab spike protein has been shown to cause cells to make more prion protein. One possibility is that antibodies to a particular part of the spike protein end up binding to the prion protein through molecular mimicry.

As explained by Seneff, researchers have discovered that if you produce antibodies to the C-terminal end of the prion protein, it can cause disease that looks a lot like prion disease but develops much faster.

As it turns out, the antibodies to the C-terminal end of the prion protein prevent the prion protein from going into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where it needs to go in order to do its job. Instead, the antibodies keep the prion in the cytoplasm.

Subsequently, the cell gets sick because of these antibodies. The late Luc Montagnier posted a case study with 26 people who developed symptoms of prion disease within the first month after their second vaccine. All died, many within three months of their diagnosis. All were dead within a year, from what was basically an extremely aggressive form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (the human Mad Cow disease equivalent).

Seneff believes antibodies against the spike protein are to blame, because it didn’t happen until they got their second dose. Antibodies developed after that first dose, which primed the cells. Then, after the second dose the cells started making loads of spike protein again, which the antibodies bound to.

This exosome package then traveled up the vagus nerve to the brain, where neurons took them up. Seneff suspects this explains the disease process on those 26 patients.

“It would be explained completely by this model of spike protein antibodies binding to the C-terminal domain and preventing the prion protein from going into the ER,” she says, “and then, it causes [the prion protein] to break down.

It gets broken down by the proteasome and disappears. So, it’s causing a loss of function problem for the prion protein in the neuron at a very accelerated rate, much faster than what goes on with the normal prion disease …

Montagnier and his team identified a segment of the spike protein that they thought had characteristic prion-like features. Within that segment is a piece that has five amino acids, YQRGS.

The prion protein has [the same] piece … Except for the middle one, the other four [amino acids] are all identical with this piece near the C-terminal end of the prion protein. So, it’s really perfect. It’s a place where, if you get antibodies to that, it’s basically a death sentence.”

COVID Jabs Impair Your Immune Function

To circle back to where we began, it seems the reason so many jabbed individuals are now contracting COVID and other infections, and are dying from them, is because Type 1 interferon is suppressed. That suppresses your immune function, making you more prone to contracting infections.

In the interview, Seneff also reviews how chronic exposure to glyphosate is a predisposing condition for bad COVID-19 outcomes, as glyphosate disrupts the immune system. For more details on that, please listen to the interview in its entirety. We also review how glycine supplementation can help displace glyphosate in your body, thereby limiting its damaging influence.

Shedding Concerns: “It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated”


What are the risks to the unvaccinated? Could you actually take a vaccine inadvertently through close contact, kissing, sexual contact, or breastfeeding?

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=== Backup Videos Below ===
November 25, 2022 DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.
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P.O. BOX 1252




DEAD “Big Pharma WHISTLEBLOWER” ‘Brandy Vaughan’ Exposes The Medical Industry


Brandy Vaughan Was a Big Pharma (Vaccine) Whistleblower ~ She Died an American Hero on December 7/2020

Covid-19 News November 4, 2022

‘Brandy Vaughan’ educates a room of medical practitioners and demonstrates just how corrupt and dangerous Big Pharma really is. Brandy Vaughan, 44, was initially a pharmaceutical employee who sold Vioxx, a painkiller medication sold by the company Merck. It eventually came to light that Vioxx was found to double the risk of stroke and heart attacks in people. Merck, knowingly continued to distribute the painkillers, knowing its prospective dangers. The medical journal Lancet estimates that 88,000 Americans had heart attacks from taking Vioxx, and 38,000 of them died. Merck, eventually had to settle the biggest pharma lawsuit in history, to the tune of 4.85 billion dollars to thousands of people.

Article: Brandy Vaughn, a Merck whistleblower (she began her career as a top Merck rep) who became an outspoken advocate for safe vaccines, founded Learn The Risk to fight the wave of mandatory vaccination laws initiated by the pharmaceutical industry. Brandy died suddenly on Dec. 7:

Beating Covid 19 –
November 4, 2022

‘Vaccine Safety Research Foundation’
Beating Covid in the Courts. ‘V.S.R.F’

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation – V.S.R.F November 3, 2022

Thursday, November – the VSRF Weekly Update.

Bobbie Anne Cox, a NYC attorney fighting Covid mandates, will be joining us.
She is a speaker at the upcoming Brownstone Institute conference in Miami in December. In April 2022, Ms. Cox filed a lawsuit against NY Governor Kathy Hochul’s executive regulation setting up infection quarantine camps in New York — and in July 2022 Cox won the case striking down the regulation. The NY Attorney General immediately appealed the decision, and no one is talking about it!
Also joining us, will be former U.S. Marine Captain and military attorney Dale Saran, who is fighting to end the Pentagon’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate. He is representing over a thousand service members in two separate legal cases.
Tracy Henderson is a California attorney and founder of the California Parents’ Union.
Bring your questions for these legal experts!

Donate to the VSRF here:

VSRF Weekly Update with Steve Kirsch
Every Thursday 7 PM Eastern / 4 PM Pacific
Register at

Dr ‘Sucharit Bhakdi’ COVID-19 Vaccine Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People

Dr ‘Sucharit Bhakdi’ The COVID-19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People




Germany Sees HUGE Spike In Excess Deaths After Vaccine Rollout as the German Death Rate rises in the vaccinated!

Big Pharma’s ‘mRNA’ Technology
Big Pharma & The CDC Are A CHILD DEATH CULT.

Covid-19 News November 4, 2022.

Big Pharma’s Secret Plan EXPOSED: All Vaccines To Soon Use LETHAL mRNA Technology

CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide child sacrifice ritual disguised as “immunization”

Nov. 04, 2022 Covid 19 News!

Big Pharma wants us to be full of mRNA!
Dr. Bryan Ardis joins to expose how mRNA will be included into ALL medical necessities, and it’s dangerous! Now, snake venom peptides are creeping into everything, causing disaster!

NOTE: Covid-19 restrictions and ever tightening mandates our not in our interest, especially our children, and we have to fight back and demand our leaders act. As of today, I have gotten no response from our Chancery Office or any of their supporting documentation (including informed consent info) I requested. Of course not, there is absolutely no medical evidence whatsoever in favour of the Covid-19 vaccine or mandates.

Florida Surgeon General The ‘MRNA’ ‘Covid-19’ Vaccine Findings Are Disturbing” Dr. ‘Joseph Ladapo’

“Florida Surgeon General” ‘Florida’s Vaccine Findings On MRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Are Disturbing! Dr. ‘Joseph Ladapo’

‘Florida’s Medical Findings On MRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Are Disturbing! Dr. ‘Joseph Ladapo’

Covid-19 Update October 30, 2022

‘Florida’ Surgeon General Dr. ‘Joseph Ladapo’ walks us through the state’s disturbing findings from their safety study on the Covid19 MRNA vaccines,

Dr. ‘Jose Nasser’ ‘Covid-19’ Update! “The ‘Covid’ Pandemic” in ‘Brazil’ ‘Aga Wilson’ Oct 30, 2022
October 30, 2022

Dr. ‘Jose Nasser’ ‘Covid-19’ Update! “The ‘Covid’ Pandemic” in ‘Brazil’ ‘Aga Wilson’
October 29th, 2022

In this episode, Aga Wilson interviewed Dr. Jose Nasser who updates me on the current covid response in Brazil and the newly approved administration of Covid19 vaccines for children from the age of 6 months.

We also discuss the ongoing elections in Brazil and the political influence of the pandemic. We also get into early treatment and health protocols that may help people with the disease as well as injured people. Dr. Nasser has been speaking out about the measures and the approach to mass vaccination since the beginning of the pandemic and has been a leading voice in Brazil and globally.

COVID-19 current death toll
COVID19 Results, The COVID-19 Situation
Doctor Warrick Bishop

Covid Mass-Medication Benefits versus Harms – What is the Current Situation?

COVID-19 666 Vaccines Luciferase Glows White In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Vials – 10-26-2022

WHY ‘Covid-19’ & Climate Agenda Is Ruining Our World! The ‘World Economic Forum’

WHY ‘Covid-19’ & Climate Agenda Is Ruining Our World! The World Economic Forum. ( Full Explanation)

Covid October 26, 2022
the history of WEF, Rockefeller, and all the institutions which have corrupted our world. This one needs to be shared with maximum prejudice , as it fully explains Covid19, the Climate Change Agenda, and so much more. A catastrophic loss of our freedoms will occur unless the people understand what is happening, and WHY.

Covid-19, The Climate Change Agenda, Ruining Our World, The World Economic Forum, WEF, Global Leaders, Covid-19 Exposed, Bilderberg Members, The ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic,

Covid-19 Exposed The 150 ‘Bilderbergers’ Who Influenced & controlled The ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic

‘Pfizer’ To Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Were Not Tested to Stop Transmission

‘Robert Roos’ Gets ‘Pfizer’ To Admit COVID-19 Vaccines Were Not Tested to Stop Transmission

Robert Roos – Dutch MEP – Calls Pfizer on Pfizer to answer the question of whether or not they actually tested their Vaccine for Protection of Transmission before bringing it to Market. The Response is a Laughable No for the Pfizer Exec.

Pfizer Press Conference ‘Pfizer’ CEO ‘Albert Bourla’ Blows Off The European Parliament

Press Conference After ‘Pfizer’ CEO ‘Albert Bourla’ Refused To Answer In Front Of European Parliament October 13th, 2022

Six members of the European Parliament held a press conference on October 11, 2022, one day after Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, refused to participate in the Covid committee and answer questions.

Pfizer exposed!
Pgizer Whistleblower ‘Brook Jackson’ Exposes Massive Problems In Covid-19 Vaccines & FDA’s Approval
Phizer Whistleblower ‘Brook Jackson’ Exposes Massive Problems In Covid-19 Vaccines & FDA’s Approval

PHIZER BUSTED! Media Crimes Exposed

Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ WARNS Something Strange Is Happening Worldwide, Tearing Our Movement Apart
Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ WARNS Something Strange Is Happening Worldwide, Tearing Our Movement Apart

The COVID Vaccinated Are Suffering Strange Hallucinations Before Collapsing
The COVID Vaccinated Are Suffering Strange Hallucinations Before Collapsing


Dr. ‘McCullough’ & Dr. ‘Ryan Cole’ Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, & WEF’s Depopulation Plan

Dr. ‘McCullough’ & Dr. ‘Ryan Cole’ Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, & WEF’s Depopulation Plan

‘The Dr. Ardis Show’ Dr. ‘Ted Fogarty’ MD & Dr. ‘Brad Myer’ “HYPERBARIC OXYGEN TREATMENT” Phenomenon
‘The Dr. Ardis Show’
“Hospitals Are Killing Factories Now”! ‘Scott Shara’ “The Hospital Killed My Daughter Grace”

COVID-19 Deep Dive! Reviewing The Pandemic Data Together With Dr. ‘Hannelie’
COVID-19 Deep Dive! Reviewing The Pandemic Data Together With Dr. ‘Hannelie’

“247% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Deaths” Dr ‘Mobeen Syed’ Reacts to New Vaccine Study Data Shows
“247% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Deaths” Dr ‘Mobeen Syed’ Reacts to New Vaccine Study Data Shows
Dr. ‘Bryan Ardis’ & ‘Laura-Lynn’ S.I.D.S ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ Snake Venom & Covid Vaccines
Dr. ‘Bryan Ardis’ & ‘Laura-Lynn’ S.I.D.S ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ Snake Venom & Covid Vaccines

MRNA Injections
“MRNA Injections” How They Kill You! Dr. ‘Sucharit Bhakdi’ ‘Athens, Greece’
“Big Pharma’s Killing Us” Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ Explosion of Long Term Covid-19 Jab Side Effects

“Big Pharma’s Killing Us” Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ Explosion of Long Term Covid-19 Jab Side Effects

“Its A Death Shot” Harvard & Johns Hopkins Scientific Medical Studies, Prove The Vaccines Kill You
“ITts A Death Shot” Harvard & Johns Hopkins Scientific Medical Studies, Prove The Vaccines Kill You

Legal Case Against Dr. ‘Anthony Fauci’ Explained By Attorney ‘Thomas Renz’
Legal Case Against Dr. ‘Anthony Fauci’ Explained By Attorney ‘Thomas Renz’

Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ ‘COVID-19’ Q&A. ‘Better Way Media Conference’, Vienna, Austria)
Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ ‘COVID-19’ Q&A. ‘Better Way Media Conference’, Vienna, Austria)

Doctors Explain! “62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots
Doctors Explain! “62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots


Dr. ‘David E Martin’ ‘Covid-19’ Murder Case Information! Canadian ‘Covid-19’ Zoom Meeting

Dr. ‘David E Martin’ ‘Covid-19’ Murder Case Information! Canadian ‘Covid-19’ Zoom Meeting

Dr. ‘Lee Merritt’ Exposes the True Destroys The Lies Of The ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic HOAX
Dr. ‘Lee Merritt’ Exposes the True Destroys The Lies Of The ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic HOAX


Dr. ‘Judy Mikovits’ ‘Karen Kingston’ & ‘Andrew Serafini’ Working To Stop COVID-19 Medical Tyranny

Dr. ‘Judy Mikovits’ ‘Karen Kingston’ & ‘Andrew Serafini’ Working To Stop COVID-19 Medical Tyranny

Phizer did not test vaccines.
the antivaxxers passed the test

the vaccine tattoo.
the vaccine tattoo will VERIFY that you took lucifer’s mark

what masks do to you.
if you had the vaccine.
if you had the vaccine you are going to need to know this!

Canadian Doctors Speak Out! On ‘Covid-19’ Vaccine Disaster & Sudden Deaths Of 80 CDN Doctors


Canadian Doctors Discuss the “Covid Vaccine Disaster” Sudden Deaths, Turbo Cancer & Deaths Of 80 Canadian Doctors

Nov. 12, 2022 Covid-19 News

Canadian Doctors Speak Out On “Covid Vaccine Disaster” Turbo Cancer & Sudden Deaths Of 80 Canadian Doctors

Doctors Charles Hoffe, Stephen Malthouse, Christopher Shaw and guest doctor William Makis discuss the mysterious sudden deaths of 80+ Canadian doctors and the rapid turbo cancers they are now seeing in patients. They also discuss deleted death data, smear campaigns, case studies and more.

The latest flu vaccine / booster scheduled for release in Autumn 2022 contains mRNA for producing three variants of spike protein + the flu vaccine combined into one shot. FDA and CDC have exempted these shots from ALL safety testing. The spike protein causes extensive damage to internal organs, and effects fetal development. Please exercise parental oversight and extreme caution. Despite being hounded by multiple controversies, vaccine maker Pfizer pushed through with clinical trial for its mRNA flu vaccine. The new shot utilizes the mRNA technology that can be found in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) Shots.

Real lives, real experiences of the Covid Vaccine injured. Remember, these people all took the vaccine to help stop this pandemic! Now they are being marginalized, abandoned and ignored. This is an amazing website:

The COVID-19 Tyranny” Was The Largest Psychological Operation In Human History! ReallyGraceful
November 12, 2022




REMEMBER THE COVID-19 TYRANNY” The Largest Psychological Operation In Human History! ReallyGraceful

HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN 2020? | The Game’s Afoot ReallyGraceful
The Game’s Afoot Podcast Episode 4

Remember when the most effective psychological operation in modern history occurred in tandem with the controlled demolition of our economy…? Well, it seems like many have forgotten, because we’ve just moved on as a society like nothing happened, the arrows in the grocery store aisles vanishing alongside justice and the ability to hold our leaders and politicians accountable for the irreversible damage they’ve done…..

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DEAD “Big Pharma WHISTLEBLOWER” ‘Brandy Vaughan’ Exposes The Medical Industry
November 12, 2022

Big Pharma (Vaccines)

Covid-19 News November 12, 2022

‘Brandy Vaughan’ educates a room of medical practitioners and demonstrates just how corrupt and dangerous Big Pharma really is. Brandy Vaughan, 44, was initially a pharmaceutical employee who sold Vioxx, a painkiller medication sold by the company Merck. It eventually came to light that Vioxx was found to double the risk of stroke an

‘Vaccine Safety Research Foundation’
Beating Covid in the Courts. ‘V.S.R.F’

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation – V.S.R.F Nov. 12, 2022

Bobbie Anne Cox, a NYC attorney fighting Covid mandates, will be joining us.
She is a speaker at the upcoming Brownstone Institute conference in Miami in December. In April 2022, Ms. Cox filed a lawsuit against NY Governor Kathy Hochul’s executive regulation setting up infection quarantine camps in New York — U.S. Marine Captain fighting to end the Pentagon’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

Dr ‘Sucharit Bhakdi’ COVID-19 Vaccine Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People

Dr ‘Sucharit Bhakdi’ The COVID-19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People




Germany Sees HUGE Spike In Excess Deaths After Vaccine Rollout as the German Death Rate rises in the vaccinated!

Big Pharma’s ‘mRNA’ Technology
Big Pharma & The CDC Are A CHILD DEATH CULT.

Covid-19 News November 12, 2022.

Big Pharma’s Secret Plan EXPOSED: All Vaccines To Soon Use LETHAL mRNA Technology

CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide child sacrifice ritual disguised as “immunization”

Nov. 04, 12th 2022 Covid 19 News!

Big Pharma wants us to be full of mRNA!
Dr. Bryan Ardis joins to expose how mRNA will be included into ALL medical necessities, and it’s dangerous! Now, snake venom peptides are creeping into everything, causing disaster!

NOTE: Covid-19 restrictions and ever tightening mandates our not in our interest, especially our children, and we have to fight back and demand our leaders act. As of today, I have gotten no response from our Chancery Office or any of their supporting documentation (including informed consent info) I requested. Of course not, there is absolutely no medical evidence whatsoever in favour of the Covid-19 vaccine or mandates.

Florida Surgeon General The ‘MRNA’ ‘Covid-19’ Vaccine Findings Are Disturbing” Dr. ‘Joseph Ladapo’

‘Florida’s Medical Findings On MRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Are Disturbing! Dr. ‘Joseph Ladapo’

Covid-19 Update October 30, 2022

‘Florida’ Surgeon General Dr. ‘Joseph Ladapo’ walks us through the state’s disturbing findings from their safety study on the Covid19 MRNA vaccines,

Dr. ‘Jose Nasser’ ‘Covid-19’ Update! “The ‘Covid’ Pandemic” Covid-19′ Update!

In this episode, Aga Wilson interviewed Dr. Jose Nasser who updates me on the current covid response in Brazil and the newly approved administration of Covid19 vaccines for children from the age of 6 months.

We also discuss the ongoing elections in Brazil and the political influence of the pandemic. We also get into early treatment and health protocols that may help people with the disease as well as injured people. speaking out about the measures and the approach to mass vaccination since the beginning of the pandemic

COVID-19 current death toll
COVID19 Results, The COVID-19 Situation
Doctor Warrick Bishop

Covid Mass-Medication Benefits versus Harms – What is the Current Situation?

COVID-19 666 Vaccines Luciferase Glows White In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Vials – 10-26-2022

WHY ‘Covid-19’ & Climate Agenda Is Ruining Our World! The ‘World Economic Forum’

WHY ‘Covid-19’ & Climate Agenda Is Ruining Our World! The World Economic Forum. ( Full Explanation)

Covid October 26, 2022
the history of WEF, Rockefeller, and all the institutions which have corrupted our world. This one needs to be shared with maximum prejudice , as it fully explains Covid19, the Climate Change Agenda, and so much more. A catastrophic loss of our freedoms will occur unless the people understand what is happening, and WHY.

Covid-19, The Climate Change Agenda, Ruining Our World, The World Economic Forum, WEF, Global Leaders, Covid-19 Exposed, Bilderberg Members, The ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic,

Covid-19 Exposed The 150 ‘Bilderbergers’ Who Influenced & controlled The ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic

‘Pfizer’ To Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Were Not Tested to Stop Transmission

‘Robert Roos’ Gets ‘Pfizer’ To Admit COVID-19 Vaccines Were Not Tested to Stop Transmission

Robert Roos – Dutch MEP – Calls Pfizer on Pfizer to answer the question of whether or not they actually tested their Vaccine for Protection of Transmission before bringing it to Market. The Response is a Laughable No for the Pfizer Exec.

Pfizer Press Conference ‘Pfizer’ CEO ‘Albert Bourla’ Blows Off The European Parliament

Press Conference After ‘Pfizer’ CEO ‘Albert Bourla’ Refused To Answer In Front Of European Parliament October 13th, 2022

Six members of the European Parliament held a press conference on October 11, 2022, one day after Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, refused to participate in the Covid committee and answer questions.

Pfizer exposed!
Pgizer Whistleblower ‘Brook Jackson’ Exposes Massive Problems In Covid-19 Vaccines & FDA’s Approval
Phizer Whistleblower ‘Brook Jackson’ Exposes Massive Problems In Covid-19 Vaccines & FDA’s Approval

PHIZER BUSTED! Media Crimes Exposed

Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ WARNS Something Strange Is Happening Worldwide, Tearing Our Movement Apart
Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ WARNS Something Strange Is Happening Worldwide, Tearing Our Movement Apart

The COVID Vaccinated Are Suffering Strange Hallucinations Before Collapsing
The COVID Vaccinated Are Suffering Strange Hallucinations Before Collapsing


Dr. ‘McCullough’ & Dr. ‘Ryan Cole’ Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, & WEF’s Depopulation Plan

Dr. ‘McCullough’ & Dr. ‘Ryan Cole’ Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, & WEF’s Depopulation Plan

‘The Dr. Ardis Show’ Dr. ‘Ted Fogarty’ MD & Dr. ‘Brad Myer’ “HYPERBARIC OXYGEN TREATMENT” Phenomenon
‘The Dr. Ardis Show’
“Hospitals Are Killing Factories Now”! ‘Scott Shara’ “The Hospital Killed My Daughter Grace”

COVID-19 Deep Dive! Reviewing The Pandemic Data Together With Dr. ‘Hannelie’
COVID-19 Deep Dive! Reviewing The Pandemic Data Together With Dr. ‘Hannelie’

“247% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Deaths” Dr ‘Mobeen Syed’ Reacts to New Vaccine Study Data Shows
“247% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Deaths” Dr ‘Mobeen Syed’ Reacts to New Vaccine Study Data Shows
Dr. ‘Bryan Ardis’ & ‘Laura-Lynn’ S.I.D.S ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ Snake Venom & Covid Vaccines
Dr. ‘Bryan Ardis’ & ‘Laura-Lynn’ S.I.D.S ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ Snake Venom & Covid Vaccines

MRNA Injections
“MRNA Injections” How They Kill You! Dr. ‘Sucharit Bhakdi’ ‘Athens, Greece’
“Big Pharma’s Killing Us” Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ Explosion of Long Term Covid-19 Jab Side Effects

“Big Pharma’s Killing Us” Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ Explosion of Long Term Covid-19 Jab Side Effects

“Its A Death Shot” Harvard & Johns Hopkins Scientific Medical Studies, Prove The Vaccines Kill You
“ITts A Death Shot” Harvard & Johns Hopkins Scientific Medical Studies, Prove The Vaccines Kill You

Legal Case Against Dr. ‘Anthony Fauci’ Explained By Attorney ‘Thomas Renz’
Legal Case Against Dr. ‘Anthony Fauci’ Explained By Attorney ‘Thomas Renz’

Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ ‘COVID-19’ Q&A. ‘Better Way Media Conference’, Vienna, Austria)
Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ ‘COVID-19’ Q&A. ‘Better Way Media Conference’, Vienna, Austria)

Doctors Explain! “62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots
Doctors Explain! “62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots


Dr. ‘David E Martin’ ‘Covid-19’ Murder Case Information! Canadian ‘Covid-19’ Zoom Meeting

Dr. ‘David E Martin’ ‘Covid-19’ Murder Case Information! Canadian ‘Covid-19’ Zoom Meeting

Dr. ‘Lee Merritt’ Exposes the True Destroys The Lies Of The ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic HOAX
Dr. ‘Lee Merritt’ Exposes the True Destroys The Lies Of The ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic HOAX


Dr. ‘Judy Mikovits’ ‘Karen Kingston’ & ‘Andrew Serafini’ Working To Stop COVID-19 Medical Tyranny

Dr. ‘Judy Mikovits’ ‘Karen Kingston’ & ‘Andrew Serafini’ Working To Stop COVID-19 Medical Tyranny

Phizer did not test vaccines.
the antivaxxers passed the test

the vaccine tattoo.
the vaccine tattoo will VERIFY that you took lucifer’s mark

what masks do to you.
if you had the vaccine.
if you had the vaccine you are going to need to know this!

Musk Twitter Takeover.
Dr. ‘McCullough’ & Dr. ‘Ryan Cole’ Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, World Economic Forum Depopulation Plan
Dr. ‘McCullough’ & Dr. ‘Ryan Cole’ Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, & WEF’s Depopulation Plan

Dr. John Campbell – Viral transmission not tested in Pfizer trials.
Cardiac Arrest Deaths
247% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Deaths. Dr ‘Mobeen Syed’ Reacts to New Vaccine Study Data Shows

Dr. ‘Bryan Ardis’ & ‘Laura-Lynn’ S.I.D.S ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ Snake Venom & Covid Vaccines
Dr. ‘Bryan Ardis’ & ‘Laura-Lynn’ S.I.D.S ‘Sudden Infant Death syndrome.

UK – England – London (Rally against Vaccinepassports) [August 9, 2021] #ArrestBillGates
UK – England – London (Rally against Vaccinepassports) [August 9, 2021] #ArrestBillGates

“Its A Death Shot” Harvard & Johns Hopkins Scientific Medical Studies, Prove The Vaccines Kill You

“ITts A Death Shot” Harvard & Johns Hopkins Medical Studies, Prove Vaccines Kill You

1Zelensky Threatens WW3 if NATO Does Not Start WW3

vaccine injured – no more third shot!
vaccine injured – no more third shot!
Doctors Explain! “62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots
Doctors Explain! “62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots

Do not let your kids go through this. Parents, your kids need YOU. Some are fighting harder than the grownups.
Do not let your kids go through this. Parents, your kids need YOU. Some are fighting harder than the grownups.

Dr Carrie Madej – Urgent Information On Covid HUMAN GENE PATENTING
Dr Carrie Madej – Urgent Information On Covid19 Vaccine – HUMAN GENE PATENTING



yup! the vaccine changed my DNA l
yup! the vaccines change your DNA and kill you.

New world Order Members, WEF Members,
Bilderberg Group, Bilderbergers Influenced COVID-19, WEF controlled The Pandemic, COVID-19 Leaders, Pfizer Breaking News, Pfizer Busted, Pfizer Exposed, Press Conference, ‘Pfizer’ CEO ‘Albert Bourla’, European Parliament, Phizers, Pfizer Vaccines, Phizer Vaccines Were Not Tested, Dr. Robert Malone, Something Strange is Happening, Worldwide, Anthony Fauci, Studies, Medical Papers, COVID-19 Vaccines, Covid Expose, ‘COVID-19’ Pandemic, Covid19 HOAX, PFIZER, moderns, j &j, PFIZER Whistleblower Brook Jackson, Covid19 Vaccine Trials, FDA, Approval Process, Medical Interview, Dr. Bryan Ardis, LIVE SPEECH, Hospital Protocols, Remdesivir, Hospitals Murdering Patients, COVID Patients, Dr. Ardis Show, The Dr Ardis Show, Ardis Show, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Doctor Bryan Ardis, Dr Bryan, Dr Bryan Ardis, JasonShurka, Jason Shurka, Dr. Ardis, DC interviews, AndreCorbeil, Health Apps, W.E.F, Weapon For Globalist Population Control, Popular, Health Apps, Trojan Horse, Population Control, WEF, Medical Lies, Dr. Anthony Fauci, The NIH, Covid Ninja Variant, New NinjaVariant, NinjaVariant, Ninja Variant, Covid Vaccine Shedding, Ninja Variant, Covid-19 Variants, The Sick, “Vaccine Shedding” ‘Covid-19, The Ninja Variant’ Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, MONKEY POX DEBUNKED, Dr. Robert Malone, Monkey Pox May 2022, Monkey Pox, Monkey, Pox, Robert Malone, Monkey Pox Virus, Monkey Pox Outbreak, Vaccine Parasites, Parasites In Vaccines, COVID Jab Parasites, FOOTAGE, INSIDE VACCINES, WATCH THE WATER,COVID ORIGINS DOCUMENTARY, Dr Brian Ardis, Snake Venom 19,COVID Snake Venom, Dr Judy Mikovits, Judy Mikovits, Doctors Warning, Dr Warns, Big Pharma, Ivermectin, Hydroxy Chloroquine, Medicine, Health, Wellbeing, Society & Culture, ‘The Dr. Ardis Show’ Drugs, The Sick, Killing Patients, Dr Robert Malone, Doctor Robert Malone, Dr Malone, Doctor Malone, Robert Malone, Viralogist, Scientist, Dr, Doctor, Doctors, Medical Physicians, Big Pharma, Healthcare, Vaccine Autopsies, Auto Immune Attacks, Killer Lymphocytes, Vital Organs, Vaccine adverse reactions, AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine, J&J covid-19 vaccine, Phizer covid-19 vaccine, adverse vaccine effects, AstraZeneca, Phizer, J&J, Moderna, injured after vaccines, covid injections, Dr. ‘Judy Mikovits Interview, Damning Covid 19 Evidence, Shocking Interview, Covid 19 Jabs, Covid Vaccines, Covid Vaccination, Vaccinated Getting Sick, Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Problems With The Vaccines, Vaccine Data Reveals, Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Medical Speeches, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Nurses, Dr.s,
AndreCorbeil, COVID-19 Documentary, Coronavirus, Documentary, Corona Investigative Committee, AndreCorbeil, Covid19 Death shots, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Publish Scientific Study, Medical Studies, Medical Papers,
Robert Roos, Pfizer Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Were Not Tested.

“Pfizer was forced to release their findings by a Texas federal judge in January 2022. Within that first tranche of documents, you will find Table 3–Safety Concerns.
“The first identified risk is anaphylaxis. In a risk survey …

Covid-19 News: October 26, 2022

On Wednesday, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to make Covid shots part of the childhood immunization schedule. The CDC, which always follows the ACIP’s advice, will almost certainly move forward with updating the schedule. Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo reaffirmed his recommendation against healthy children receiving experimental Covid shots.

Dr.s Rejecting ‘CDC’s ‘Covid-19’ Shots Becoming Part Of Childhood Vaccination Schedule
In this interview with The New American, Dr. Ladapo argued that at this point in the pandemic, when an overwhelming majority of children have contracted Covid and considering the lack of long-term safety data on the shots and available data on adverse reactions, the risks far outweigh the benefits for this cohort.




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Situation Update, Nov 26, 2022 – Medical journal claims anti-vaxxers cause deadly clots in vaccinated people by SCARING them about vaccine dangers – Natural News


0:00 Intro

2:40 Breaking News

21:45 Male FertilitY

42:43 Calorado Shooter

1:01:45 Andy Schectman

– Anti-vaxxers accused of causing CLOTS in the vaccinated by speaking to them

– Medical “science” has gone full clown world

– Do non-vaccinated people have psychic / JEDI powers to alter physiology of the vaxxed?

– Beware of unvaccinated psychic clot assassins

– CDC excess death numbers reveal 1.1 million Americans likely died from vaccines

– Sperm counts plummeting 62% around the world as infertility skyrockets

– #Vaccine deaths being spread out across multiple means of death: Cancer, heart attacks, strokes, etc.

– “Died Suddenly” needs a sequel called “Died Gradually” because some of it takes a while

– Trans CNN guest declares she can tell if other trans people are “real” trans just by looking at them

– Trans “purists” become the new intolerant racists who judge people by the way they look

– Elon Musk declares general amnesty and promises to bring back unfairly banned accounts

– Elon hints at releasing his own phone hardware to bypass iPhone / Google censorship

– Interview with Andy Schectman

For more updates, visit:

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Your Thoughts Created the World You See. Meditation. GregS


The power of decision is my own.
No one can suffer loss, or pain, or grief, or fear, or sickness unless it be his own decision. And no one dies without his own consent.
Nothing occurs but represents your wish, and nothing is omitted that you choose. Here is your world, complete in all details. Here is its whole reality for you. And it is only here salvation is. Lesson 152

Pain is impossible. There is no grief with any cause at all. And suffering of any kind is nothing but a dream. This is the truth, at first to be said and then repeated many times; and next to be accepted as partly true, with many reservations. Then to be considered seriously more and more, and finally accepted as the truth. W-284

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C-19 Injections: Massive Regulatory and Manufacturing Fraud – Dr. Joseph Mercola



  • Alexandra Latypova is an ex-pharmaceutical industry and biotech executive with a lot of experience in the areas of drug safety and clinical trials
  • Early on, she discovered that, based on the number of reported deaths and adverse events per lot, there was unprecedented variability in the toxicity of the product
  • According to Alexandra, the mRNA shots do not conform to their label specifications, and “in practice, both ‘blank’ and ‘lethal’ vials and anything in between is produced”
  • Having analyzed massive amounts of publicly available data, as well as documents that became available as a result of FOIA requests and other sources, she has found strong evidence of manufacturing and regulatory fraud

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Alexandra Latypova, an ex-pharmaceutical industry and biotech executive, who has been investigating and exposing manufacturing and regulatory fraud related to COVID injections.

We talked about the industry standards that were not adhered to during the clinical trials and the manufacturing of those injections, about the vial content quality testing procedures that had not been put in place, about the “hot batches” and their geographical distribution, about signs of fraud at every stage of testing and manufacturing the product, and about the general condition of living in a world run by a mob.

The latter was the lightest part of our conversation — evoking a lot of dark Eastern European humor — since both of us are Soviet expats, and in 2020, neither of us required a whole lot of imagination to embrace the existential possibility of living in a world run by a mob. We had seen it in the past without a disguise — and when something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, maybe it’s just a duck!

Alexandra Latypova’s Background

Alexandra grew up in Soviet Ukraine and immigrated to America in the late 1990s. She received her MBA from Dartmouth College and the spent about twenty five years in pharmaceutical industry and biotech (including in the areas of drug safety and clinical trials).

Alexandra has had a very gratifying entrepreneurial career. She has founded a number of successful startups, sold them — all before COVID — and retired, hoping to focus on enjoying her life and especially painting, which she does masterfully.

When 2020 knocked on the door with a whole bag of ugly and weird “new normal” treats, Sasha smelled the rat right away. Initially, she became alarmed by the abnormalities in “COVID response,” including the very conspicuous campaign to prevent effective treatment of COVID.

Compelled to understand what was going on, Alexandra got to work. She looked at VAERS and discovered huge discrepancies between the lots, where some batches had just a few reported severe adverse events, and some had over 1500 (she later learned from FOIA’ed documents that lot sizes were in a relatively similar range, and thus the discrepancies could not be explained by the lot size).

And when it comes to VAERS, let’s not forget the 2010 Harvard Pilgrim study showing that VAERS was severely underreported — NOT overreported — capturing less than 1% of adverse events.

“Hot Batches”

Early on, Alexandra discovered the existence of “hot batches.” She is one of team members behind the famous “How Bad Is My Batch” webpage where people can look up the number of severe adverse events reported to VAERS associated with a COVID injection lot number. Other fearless members of the team are Dr Mike Yeadon, ex-head of Pfizer Respiratory Research, Jessica Rose, statistician, Craig Paardekooper, researcher, and Walter Wagner, lawyer.

The slide below show the unprecedented variability of serious adverse events and deaths in the U.S. per batch. Note the comparison to the variability of the flu vaccine lots.

covid-19 vaccines serious ae and deaths

In the interview, Alexandra also mentioned the uneven distribution of deaths per a hundred thousand doses from batch to batch in the U.S. The coasts did much better than some of the Midwestern states that showed a very high numbers of reported deaths per a hundred thousand doses. The worst state is South Dakota (30+ reported deaths per 100,000 doses).

The areas that did even worse, according to Alexandra, were some of the U.S. territories with high percentage of indigenous population. (The latter data became available after the presentation was created, not reflected in the slide.)

vaers deaths 100k after vaccination

“Garbage Soup”: Non-Compliance With Good Manufacturing Practices

In the interview, Alexandra calls the COVID injections products “garbage soup,” both due to the massive non-compliance of the vial content to the specifications (per multiple independently done tests) — as well as due to their non-compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices. Wait, are the manufacturers trolling us? Are telling us that they do not comply (but we must)?!

There are many theories about what’s behind for such wild inconsistency between batches, from manufacturing defects to deliberate toxicity testing — and anything in-between. In her TrialSiteNews article, Alexandra tackles one important angle of the challenge that so many of us had to “explain” when talking to the friends of a more mainstream persuasion:

“Many of us are familiar with the following conundrum: on one hand, highly credentialed scientists and doctors have written numerous research papers explaining the dangerous mechanisms of action underlying mRNA/DNA “platform” technologies. The papers are meticulously researched and depict, correctly in my opinion, many terrifying consequences of the technology that breaches the innate protective mechanisms of human cells.”

“Furthermore, these theoretical papers are validated by the observed outcomes, such as for example, increases in all-cause mortality in high correlation with increases in rates of vaccination in a given territory, unprecedented increases in the adverse events and deaths recorded by various passive reporting systems, astonishingly high reports of the adverse events and deaths from the pharmas’ own pharmacovigilance systems, and autopsy findings in vaccinated post-mortem showing the mechanisms of mRNA technology damage in histopathologic evaluations.

On the other hand, many who have received the injections report no adverse effects and deem the points above a ‘crazy conspiracy.'”

“The question from the uninjured seems to be – why don’t we see MORE deaths if what you say about mRNA products is true? Setting aside ethical limitations of this question, here is a possible answer why: The mRNA shots do not conform to their label specifications. In practice both “blank” and “lethal” vials and anything in between is produced [emphasis mine].”

Like I wrote earlier on my Substack, “remarkably, some analyzed vials were reported to contain left over magnetic beads (magnetic beads are used in production of mRNA). Remember the “crazy” videos of some people developing magnetism in the place of injection? Now we have a new, ‘non-conspiratorial’ explanation for the ‘conspiratorial’ videos! Yay, following the science!”

According to Alexandra, vials of mRNA injections are not routinely tested by the manufacturers for conformity to the label. She notes that “the more they conform to the mRNA specification, the deadlier they seem.”

The only vial-level tests specified, for instance, by Pfizer, in leaked Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls documents, are the vial weight at filling, manual inspection for large visible particles, and some tests related to integrity such as vial capping.

The documents don’t describe no routing vial or dose tests verifying the ingredients. Each Pfizer dose is supposed to contain 30 mcg of mRNA, as stated on the label, but there is no information about any testing done to verify that.

“The ingredient conformity tests described in Pfizer CMC package are based on the bulk product batch testing – an upstream manufacturing process step.

It is a regulatory requirement to retain samples of each batch produced, and these samples of vials should exist and be available for examination. Per contracts with the US Government/DOD, the product is shipped to the DOD who retains the ownership of the vials until the product is injected into people.”

Alexandra notes that those contracts are very detailed and specify manufacturing data to be delivered to the DOD, however, she not find any descriptions of sampling of the vials for purposes of verification of their contents vs the label. “Furthermore, it is expressly forbidden by the international vaccine supply contracts to perform the vial tests for label conformity.”

Evidence of Collusion

In the interview, as well as in this article, Alexandra talks about the evidence of collusion between the manufacturers, the global regulatory agencies, and the US Department of Defense.

Having analyzed various public data from CDC’s VAERS database as well as various documents that have been obtained through FOIA releases and other source, she concluded that such collusion “led to the commercial release of the Covid-19 countermeasures that do not comply with the current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).”

Evidence that Alexandra talks about includes Moderna’s non-clinical study summaries, Pfizer’s Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls documentation, and contracts between pharma and the DOD for supply of the mRNA/DNA products. According to her, “it reveals disregard for established safety rules, regulations, and safety practices throughout the development, manufacture, and distribution of these products.”

Moderna Red Flags

As reported by Children’s Health Defense, Alexandra reviewed 700 pages of documents that Moderna submitted to the FDA as part of its application process and obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request.

And according to her, “out of nearly 700 pages, about 400 pages are irrelevant studies that Moderna repeated multiple times. Moderna also submitted three versions of a single module, she said. And one module contained only narrative summaries of Moderna’s studies, but no actual study results.” Alexandra’s conclusion is that we are missing a large number of results, such as full reports that would support their narrative.

“The FDA ‘obviously did not object’ to any of this, she said. ‘That’s evidence of collusion to me with the manufacturer.'”

Other “abnormalities” that Alexandra highlighted both in the interview and in the Children’s Health Defense article, were Moderna’s clinical trials timeline and the fact that their product has two — not one — Investigational New Drug (IND) number.

Normally, there is one IND application for one product. “In this case, however, there are two IND applications — one belonging to Moderna, and one belonging to the National Institutes of Health, which partnered with Moderna on its COVID-19 vaccine.”

“The Investigational New Drug (IND) application meeting is supposed to occur with the FDA when the company initiates human clinical trials. Moderna and the FDA had a pre-IND meeting on Feb. 19, 2020, and the IND application was formally opened the next day. The global pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020.”

In the words of Alexandra, “Somehow these visionaries could predict the future with such certainty that they opened a clinical trial for the vaccine, for which a pandemic was announced a month later.”

Pfizer Red Flags

As Alexandra notes in her article titled, “Did Pfizer Perform Adequate Safety Testing for its Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine in Preclinical Studies? Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud,” “both the manufacturer and the regulators behaved in a highly dishonest manner and conspired to push an entirely novel technology and product on millions of people without carrying out a single well designed safety assessment.”

For example, she points out that a review of clinical studies released by FOIA uncovered that at least 4 different variants of active ingredient were included in the single Investigational New Drug application by Pfizer IND#19736:

  • BNT162a1 — Unmodified mRNA (uRNA; variant RBL063.3)
  • BNT162b1 — Methylpseudouridine-modified mRNA (modRNA; variant RBP020.3)
  • BNT162b2 — Methylpseudouridine-modified RNA (modRNA; variant RBP020.2)
  • BNT162c2 — Self-amplifying unmodified mRNA (saRNA; variant RBS004.2)

Alexandra writes that while the use of multiple versions of a product in the early stages of development is often inevitable, each chemical or biological entity is nevertheless deemed legally distinct for the purpose of product approval.

“Therefore, studies conducted with versions of the product that don’t conform to the exact specification of the final version may serve only as supporting information for the approval of the latter, but they should never be deemed definitive and sufficient tests for claims of safety or efficacy pertaining to the final product.”

She further mentions that in September 2021, the FDA issued a draft guidance entitled “Studying Multiple Versions of a Cellular or Gene Therapy Product in an Early-Phase Clinical Trial,” which states that each version of product requires a separate IND application.

However, stunningly, “a footnote in this guideline exempts ‘vaccines intended to prevent infectious diseases’ from this requirement. No explanation is given as to why this exemption is made, and no conceivable scientific or legal basis exists for this exemption, other than that the FDA had already arbitrarily allowed this unprecedented deviation from the regulatory standard and later needed to cover their tracks.

In fact, arguably this regulatory ‘exception’ does not even apply to Pfizer’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine,’ since the product does not prevent infection or transmission of the disease. Is intent to prevent illness alone a sufficient condition? After all, every new drug is intended to do something like preventing an illness, but only few successfully do so.”

Alexandra’s article is very detailed, and I highly recommend reading it in full. You can also find Alexandra on TrialSiteNews and on her Bitchute channel. To summarize her take on Pfizer, she make the following points:

Pfizer’s program did not include a comprehensive end-to-end test of all components of the final approved product (the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine). Instead, the studies included in the document package submitted to the FDA employed several variants and analogues of the product, whose comparability to the actual COVID-19 vaccine was not demonstrated or evaluated.

Thus, no comprehensive assessment of product safety can be made on the basis of these studies.

A key determinant of a drug’s toxicity is its distribution within the body. However, with the mRNA active ingredient of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, this crucial aspect was never studied!

Pfizer claimed absence of potential for “vaccine-elicited disease enhancement” based on studies of an animal species that does not get sick from SARS-CoV-2.

The CDC, the FDA and Pfizer all lied about “vaccine staying at the injection site;” they knew all along that distribution of the vaccine throughout the body had to be expected.

Pfizer skipped major categories of safety testing altogether.

Pfizer used dishonest and self-serving interpretation of regulatory guidelines to justify the shortcuts it took in routine safety testing.

Both FDA and Pfizer knew about major toxicities associated with gene-therapy medicines in general, and they therefore cannot claim lack of anticipatory knowledge of these risks with the particular gene therapy medicine that is Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. This points to intentional fraud and collusion between Pfizer and the regulators, who conspired to push this untested dangerous product on the market.

Yes, They Are Trolling Us — But We Are Not Helpless

Even though it is rather disheartening to know we live in a world that run by a mob, the challenge is centuries old, and remembering it can bring us much needed perspective and balance. The novel and “sudden” part of the challenge is that is happening to us, here and now, in broad daylight. That’s shocking! But throughout history, many of our ancestors had to deal with tyrants, and today, it is our turn to be brave. May our brave ancestors be our inspiration.

I would like to end this story with a short quote from my earlier article titled, “Is Our World Run Like a Mafia? So What Do We Do?:”

“Good news: As the mafia bosses do their predatory thing, something mysterious is happening the hearts of those of us who insist on love. Under pressure, we are forced to remember that we are not theirs.” We are not theirs. It is true.

About the Author

To find more of Tessa Lena’s work, be sure to check out her bio, Tessa Fights Robots.


Pfizer’s Financial Supernova and the Art of Really Big Lies – Dr. Joseph Mercola




  • Pfizer’s annual revenue is expected to reach $101.3 billion in 2022, thanks to its COVID jab, which doesn’t prevent infection or spread, and Paxlovid, an ineffective and dangerous COVID antiviral that causes rebound
  • Pfizer got plenty of free help from the federal government, which bullied and harassed people into getting the shots, and implemented rules that ensure hospitals and pharmacies will only prescribe certain COVID drugs, Paxlovid being one of them
  • The key to getting away with a really big lie is making it so divorced from reality that the listener will assume their own perception is flawed, and then repeating it over and over again. This strategy has been used to great effect over the past three years, resulting in a massive shift from fact-based public health orthodoxy to irrational fantasy-based dogma
  • Centralized top-down health care is far more attractive to Big Pharma investors than patient-centered care. The primary obstacle to the corporatization and monetization of public health has been truth, and this obstacle was finally overcome during the COVID pandemic
  • The Big Lies told during the pandemic work because they veer so sharply from the truth. This break from factual reality is what makes it so difficult to question them, because if you do, you’re now questioning the entire hierarchy of public health

The manufactured COVID pandemic has been a proverbial golden egg-laying goose for Pfizer. Its annual revenue is expected to reach $101.3 billion in 2022,1 thanks to its COVID jab, which doesn’t prevent infection or spread, and Paxlovid, an ineffective and dangerous COVID antiviral that causes rebound. It would be comical if it weren’t so egregious.

And, Pfizer’s coffers are more or less guaranteed to continue being filled to the brim as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has now added COVID-19 shots to the U.S. childhood, adolescent and adult vaccine schedules.2

With this action, the CDC has secured Pfizer’s (and Moderna’s) permanent liability shield so that no one can sue them for damages for injuries and deaths occurring as a result of the shots. It also opens the door for states to mandate the jab for school children, which guarantees a continuous revenue stream.

That revenue stream may even exceed previous profits, as Pfizer raised the price on its COVID jab by about 400%,3 from $304 per jab to somewhere between $110 and $130, on the same day ACIP voted to add the shot to the vaccine schedule. That price hike will take effect once the current U.S. purchase program expires.

Pfizer Hunts for the Next Blockbuster

As reported by Kaiser Health News (KHN),5 “a fortune amassed in the COVID pandemic is now paving the path to pharma nirvana: a weight loss pill likely worth hundreds of billions.” Pfizer is also hoping to develop blockbuster drugs for diabetes, migraines, ulcerative colitis, prostate cancer and sickle cell disease, and is gobbling up smaller drug companies with promising product portfolios.

A blockbuster drug may rake in billions, but that doesn’t mean it’s a blockbuster in the sense that it’s effective, as we’ve seen with Paxlovid and the mRNA COVID shot. Pfizer gets around this in large part by being a “remarkable marketing machine,” to quote Timothy Calkins, a professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.6

Not only is Pfizer spending big bucks on splashy advertising, they also work with contract research firms like ICON, which run medical research trials for drug companies and federal agencies alike, thereby giving the drug companies the inside track on drug approvals.7,8

Pfizer also gets plenty of free help from the federal government which, in the case of COVID, coerced millions with job loss threats into getting the shots, and implemented rules that ensure hospitals and pharmacies will only prescribe certain COVID drugs, Paxlovid being one of them.

The Art of Really Big Lies

In a November 4, 2022, article,9 clinical and public health physician Dr. David Bell discusses the art — and price — of lying, noting that the more divorced a lie is from reality, the more likely it is to succeed, thanks to the quirks of human nature and normal psychology:

“In a former role I had a boss who lied a lot. The lies were pure fantasy, but massive in scope and delivered with sincerity. They were very successful.

This success was based on the reluctance of most people to consider that someone in a position of authority in a humanitarian organization would completely ignore all semblance of reality. People assumed the claims must be true as fabricating information to that extent in those circumstances seemed to defy logic.

The principle of Really Big Lies is based on the lies being so divorced from reality that the listener will assume their own perception must be flawed, rather than doubt the claims of the person telling the lies. Only an insane or ridiculous person would make such outlandish claims, and a credible institution would not employ such a person.

Therefore, given that the institution is apparently credible, the statements must also be credible, and the listener’s prior perception of reality was therefore flawed. Lesser lies, by contrast, are likely to be perceived as sufficiently close to known reality to be demonstrably wrong. Inventing truth can be more effective than bending it.”

I believe this is precisely the strategy employed by Big Pharma, health agencies, government officials and the deep state propaganda arm over the past three years. Their claims have been so far from any semblance of reality, anyone aware of the facts has been left feeling more than a little crazy.

Unfortunately, while most humans have a moral and ethical compass, few end up following it when confronted by psychopaths in authority and the peer pressure to conform. As noted by Bell, good team players almost always end up supporting false narratives, and those who refuse to go along with what are clearly lies tend to be but a tiny minority.

Profit Through Deception

For decades, patient-centered health care has been the norm, and patients not only had the right, but the duty, to participate in the planning and implementation of their care. This was enshrined in the 1978 Declaration of Alma Ata10 — a declaration adopted by the World Health Organization “as the key to achieving an acceptable level of health throughout the world.”

However, as noted by Bell, centralized top-down health care is far more attractive to Big Pharma investors. The primary obstacle to the corporatization and monetization of public health was truth, and this obstacle was finally (and formidably) overcome during the COVID pandemic. Bell explains:11

“COVID-19 proved that even this impediment to progress can be expunged through consistent lying and the vilification of truth-tellers, backed by a well-managed behavioral psychology campaign.

This pandemic response provided a template not only for vastly-increased corporate income, but for job certainty and expansion of opportunity for the army of mostly-Western bureaucrats and health professionals filling the offices, meeting rooms and business-class seats of its implementing organizations. COVID-19 made corporate colonialism respectable again.

Superficially, COVID-19 appears a poor disease choice to facilitate a fundamental societal reset.

Death is heavily concentrated in old age … Severe cases are generally confined to those with life expectancies already shortened by metabolic diseases … Countries that failed to implement measures to restrict and impoverish their people … had COVID-19 outcomes similar to those that opted for lockdowns and other trappings of medical fascism.

Average hospital admissions in the UK and USA declined during the pandemic, not what the public expects when a pathogen wreaks havoc. Lockdowns devastated economies … COVID vaccines have also been unhelpful as high vaccination rates failed to noticeably impact infection and transmission …

Thus, COVID-19 provided a hard bucket of facts to deal with, but this is just the situation in which Really Big Lies can work. These were needed both to fool the public, and to provide a structure within which health professionals could implement the policy.

Largely by playing on fear, divorcing data from context, and disseminating false information widely and incessantly, a whole new belief system has been constructed in public health to replace the evidence-based orthodoxy of former years.

Reality has been replaced with dogma so divorced from any basis in fact that it is easier to go with the propaganda than deal with the dissonance that would otherwise result.”

The New Fantasy-Based Dogmas

The new fantasy-based beliefs that health care workers, patients, researchers, academics and public health employees are now forced to embrace include the following, quoted from Bell’s article:12

  • Disease burden should be measured in raw mortality, and not include metrics such as life-years lost. Hence an 85-year-old dying of a respiratory virus is equivalent to a 5-year-old dying of malaria in terms of burden and urgency;
  • Medium and long-term harms due to poverty and reduced healthcare access should not be considered when assessing the value of an intervention. A modelled effect on the target pathogen is the only relevant metric;
  • It is appropriate to misinform the public on age-related risk and relative disease burden and better to instill fear in order to achieve compliance with public-health directives;
  • Growth of viral transmission in a community follows an exponential curve, rather than a steady deceleration (e.g. Gompertz curve) as the proportion of recovered (immune) people accumulate;
  • Banning students from school for a year protects the elderly, while not locking in generational poverty;
  • Cloth and surgical masks stop aerosolized virus transmission, and all meta-analyses of randomized control trials (that show minimal or no effect) should be ignored;
  • Post-infection immunity to respiratory viruses is expected to be poor and short-lived, whilst vaccines to a single viral protein will somehow produce much stronger immunity;
  • Immunity to viruses is best measured by antibody concentrations rather than T-cell response or clinical outcomes;
  • Informed consent for vaccination should not include information on demonstrated risks, as this could promote ‘vaccine hesitancy’;
  • It is appropriate to give a new gene-based pharmaceutical class in pregnancy that crosses the placenta without any pregnancy trial data, toxicology studies, or long-term outcomes data (in anyone);
  • Irrespective of the Convention on the Rights of the Child ‘In all actions concerning children … the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration,’ it is appropriate to inject children with drugs lacking long-term safety data in order to protect the elderly;
  • Pandemics are becoming more frequent and more deadly, despite the historical record, and the progress of modern medicine, indicating quite the opposite.

Refusing the False Narratives Has Real Consequences

As Bell correctly points out, these new public health positions are not just slightly incorrect. They’re all “either unethical or clear nonsense, contradicted by prior public health orthodoxy.” Indeed, most are classical Orwellian doublespeak and 180 degrees from the truth.

But it’s the sharp break from factual reality that makes it impossible to question them because, if you do, you’re now questioning “the entire current hierarchy of public health,” Bell says.

To quote Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re not attacking him when you question his irrational flip-flopping, you’re questioning science itself. If you question any of these fantasy-based beliefs, you’re now a science-denier, and you’re putting your employment and reputation at risk. Unfortunately, those risks are not imaginary.

The punishment for refusing these false narratives is very real and very severe. Many doctors and scientists whose reputations and contributions to public health have been beyond reproach for decades have been stripped of their medical licenses and lost their jobs for speaking out against these COVID fallacies.

So, where do we go from here? How do we end the madness and return to reality-based public health?

“Whilst growing their industry’s finances, public health professionals are degrading themselves and betraying society,” Bell writes.13 “The betrayal, based on incessant lying, is something for which they will inevitably face consequences …

Eventually, even the most dedicated followers will begin to question the sense of putting on a mask at a restaurant door only to remove it 10 steps later, or vaccinating vast populations against a disease to which they are already immune whilst they die of other readily preventable diseases.

The way out of this is simply to refuse to lie, or cover for the lies of others … [The] truth will catch up, one day, with those who don’t … It is far better to leave early and live with dignity.”

Evil Genius: Creating the Market

If you’re paying attention, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that many drug companies, Pfizer in particular, are in the business of creating their own markets. Pfizer released a COVID jab that neither protects against infection nor prevents spread, thereby necessitating multiple boosters. Its antiviral COVID drug Paxlovid causes rebound, necessitating multiple doses.

Now we find that the COVID jabs are also associated with increased rates of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children, and like clockwork, Pfizer and Moderna start working on RSV jabs. The CDC also aids by recommending kids get additional COVID shots. Is this a racket or what!?

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) is now demanding answers from the CDC about the off-season spike in RSV rates,14 which mysteriously arose in the wake of childhood injections against COVID.

Moderna’s pediatric COVID jab trial showed those who got the jab had higher rates of RSV than the placebo group. RSV was also one of the primary serious side effects in Pfizer’s pediatric trial. Now, all of a sudden, we’re seeing out-of-season RSV spikes in children. Coincidence? Make them prove it. In a legal update, ICAN reports:

“The issue is so serious that even the FDA’s vaccine committee, VRBPAC, which normally cheerleads even the most dangerous vaccine, noted the correlation and ‘stressed the importance of continued post-authorization safety surveillance, in particular for … certain respiratory infections (RSV and pneumonia) in the youngest age group …’15

Despite the noted importance of surveilling RSV post-authorization, no one at CDC or FDA seems to be drawing a connection between the increase in RSV and the COVID-19 vaccines being administered to children.

Incredibly, the CDC just issued an ‘Official Health Advisory’16 about the increase RSV and respiratory virus cases and, in it, the CDC recommends all individuals 6 months and up receive an influenza vaccine and a COVID-19 vaccine!

Not surprisingly, the press has missed the mark, too. While there are numerous articles detailing the troubling increase in sick children, none reference COVID-19 vaccination despite the data from the manufacturers’ trials.

To get to the bottom of this, on October 26, 2022, ICAN’s attorneys sent a letter17 to the CDC observing the clinical trial data showing a correlation between increased RSV cases and receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine. ICAN’s letter demanded to know the percentage of children who tested positive for RSV and who had received a COVID-19 vaccine prior to their RSV diagnosis.”

Study Calls for Reevaluation of Jab Campaigns

In related news, we also have a November 2022 study18 in Nature Communications, which questions the rationale of current booster campaigns. According to the authors:

“An important aspect of vaccine effectiveness is its impact on pathogen transmissibility, harboring major implications for public health policies. As viral load is a prominent factor affecting infectivity, its laboratory surrogate, qRT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct), can be used to investigate the infectivity-related component of vaccine effectiveness …

By analyzing results of more than 460,000 individuals, we show that while recent vaccination reduces Omicron viral load, its effect wanes rapidly. In contrast, a significantly slower waning rate is demonstrated for recovered COVID-19 individuals.

Thus, while the vaccine is effective in decreasing morbidity and mortality, its relatively small effect on transmissibility of Omicron (as measured here by Ct) and its rapid waning call for reassessment of future booster campaigns.”

Considering the theoretical protection of these shots last for just 70 days (according to this study), are the risks associated with the shots really worth it? So far, several risk-benefit analyses have all come to the conclusion that the risks far outweigh any potential benefit.

Unfortunately, it seems we have to rely on scientists outside the U.S. to do this kind of bench science, as all we seem get from American research institutions are analyses of how to get “anti-vaxxers” to buy the false narrative and roll up their sleeves.


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P.O. BOX 1252






I have Divine Life. I am well, I am whole, I am healthy, I am strong, I am perfect, lacking nothing because God made me that way. I am invulnerable. Nothing outside my body can harm me. Nothing inside my body can harm me. I am invulnerable. I have Divine Life. I have a sound mind, a quiet mind. God is my physician. Heaven is as close as quieting my mind. The Holy Spirit’s function is to remove the works of the ego. I will to awaken. I set aside all illusions. Truth is given me. How long does it take to become what I already am? There is no death of any kind. Fear is an illusion. The separation Never occurred. I am one with God eternally. God has laid upon my heart his heart. I am precious to him because I am himself. Be glad today how very easily is hell undone. You need but tell yourself:
I am the holy Son of God Himself. I cannot suffer, cannot be in pain; I cannot suffer loss, nor fail to do all that salvation asks.
And in that thought is everything you look on wholly changed. You are the holy Son of God Himself. Remember this, and all the world is free. Remember this, and earth and Heaven are one. Today I chose Joy over pain. All Power in Heaven and Earth belongs to God. God is Love. God’s mercy endures Forever.
God is Formless, Infinite Being. Only God is Real. You are Eternally One with God.
Forgetting this has given rise to a world of lack, limitation, and pain in your mind.
Remembering this and be restored to the natural Love, Peace, and Joy of your Limitless Being in God.
The only purpose that the world that you perceive has for you is to be forgiven your perception of separation from God.
Forgiving the world is how you remember that you are One with God. There is no peace except the peace of God. Let me not wander from the way of peace, for I am lost on other roads than this. But let me follow Him Who leads me home, and peace is certain as the Love of God. I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.



I have Divine Life. I am well, I am whole, I am healthy, I am strong, I am perfect, lacking nothing because God made me that way. I am invulnerable. Nothing outside my body can harm me. Nothing inside my body can harm me. I am invulnerable. I have Divine Life. I have a sound mind, a quiet mind. God is my physician. Heaven is as close as quieting my mind. The Holy Spirit’s function is to remove the works of the ego. I will to awaken. I set aside all illusions. Truth is given me. How long does it take to become what I already am? There is no death of any kind. Fear is an illusion. The separation Never occurred. I am one with God eternally. God has laid upon my heart his heart. I am precious to him because I am himself. Be glad today how very easily is hell undone. You need but tell yourself:
I am the holy Son of God Himself. I cannot suffer, cannot be in pain; I cannot suffer loss, nor fail to do all that salvation asks.
And in that thought is everything you look on wholly changed. You are the holy Son of God Himself. Remember this, and all the world is free. Remember this, and earth and Heaven are one. Today I chose Joy over pain. All Power in Heaven and Earth belongs to God. God is Love. God’s mercy endures Forever.
God is Formless, Infinite Being. Only God is Real. You are Eternally One with God.
Forgetting this has given rise to a world of lack, limitation, and pain in your mind.
Remembering this and be restored to the natural Love, Peace, and Joy of your Limitless Being in God.
The only purpose that the world that you perceive has for you is to be forgiven your perception of separation from God.
Forgiving the world is how you remember that you are One with God. There is no peace except the peace of God. Let me not wander from the way of peace, for I am lost on other roads than this. But let me follow Him Who leads me home, and peace is certain as the Love of God. I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.



P.O. BOX 1252






Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion – Dr. Joseph Mercola




  • In “Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion,” a documentary by Oracle Films, COVID-19 shot injuries and deaths are highlighted, along with the systemic failings that allowed them to happen
  • Government, Big Tech companies and the media only added to the scandal by suppressing free speech and open debate about the safety and effectiveness of the shots
  • In November 2020, Pfizer claimed their COVID-19 shot was 95% effective against COVID-19, but this was highly misleading; the absolute risk was a mere 0.84%
  • The U.K.’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) had a “nudge” unit, also known as SPI-B, that researched and analyzed options for increasing adherence to COVID-19 lockdown measures
  • If open debate and the right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to getting the COVID shots had been allowed, it would have potentially resulted in fewer injuries but, instead, the population was subjected to psychological manipulation in an attempt to perpetuate the false assumption that the COVID shots are “safe and effective”
  • The film includes several tragic stories of lives lost or forever changed by these supposedly “safe” shots; their stories have also been largely suppressed and denied by governments and media

The global public has been assured COVID-19 jabs are safe and effective — but as deaths and disabilities mount, it’s time for a second opinion. In Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion, a documentary by Oracle Films, COVID-19 shot injuries and deaths are highlighted, along with the systemic failings that allowed them to happen.

Big Tech companies and the media only added to the scandal by suppressing free speech and open debate on the shots. Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra has spoken openly about the shots’ downfalls. He said in the film:1

“Having been double jabbed and being one of the first to take the Pfizer vaccine, I have — after several months critically appraising the data, speaking to eminent scientists in Oxford, Stanford and Harvard, speaking to two investigative medical journalists and being contacted by two Pfizer whistleblowers — reluctantly concluded that this vaccine is not completely safe and has unprecedented harms, which leads me to conclude that it needs to be suspended until all the raw data has been released for independent analysis.”

Giving a Voice to Those Injured by COVID Jabs

Federal governments have largely dismissed data suggesting COVID-19 shots cause harm. But the stories of those personally affected cannot be denied. While Big Tech has tried to censor these stories and keep them from getting out, eventually the truth will be heard. The film includes several tragic stories of lives lost or forever changed by these supposedly “safe” shots:

Georgia Segal, 35 — Collapsed after the second Pfizer jab, experienced ongoing tremors and couldn’t walk properly without her legs giving out. As a result, she had to use a walker and wheelchair. “I still suffer now; I suffer with a lot of fainting. I suffer with my legs giving way as a result of the damage that the vaccine has done to me. I’ve ended up registered disabled.”2

Alex Mitchell, 57 — Experienced blood clots after his first AstraZeneca jab. He was previously healthy. Doctors told him that the blood clots in his system should have been fatal. He lost his left leg as a result and now uses a wheelchair. “I’m now going blind in my right eye,” he said. “Thanks AstraZeneca. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. That’s the honest answer.”3

Charlotte Wright — Her husband Stephen, 32, died after his first AstraZeneca jab after suffering from a stroke. She received a vaccine damage payment from the British government, which accepts as some vindication. However, the amount — £120,000 ($136,530) — isn’t nearly enough. She’s still awaiting an inquest.

Caroline Pover, 50 — Experienced multiple symptoms after her first AstraZeneca jab. “Life has completely changed. It’s unrecognizable compared to how it was,” she said.

“For about five months, I did hardly anything, I couldn’t function at all. I was exhausted constantly. I was in constant pain. Head and eye pain was relentless. I couldn’t function. I couldn’t walk very far. I couldn’t read things … I had trouble processing information …

And I didn’t have any physical strength. I’ve now got to the stage where I can function at about 30% of how I could function before the vaccine. On a good day, I can maybe do a couple of hours in the kitchen. But then after a while I have such chest pain that I have to come and lie down.”4

Across the U.K. coroners have confirmed deaths linked to the shots. “They are usually framed as very rare,” the film notes, “but how rare?”5 Adverse reactions are supposed to be reported to the Yellow Card scheme operated by the U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

As of August 24, 2022, they reported 432,819 adverse reactions, of which 2,240 were fatal. In the U.S., the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had received reports of 1,400,350 adverse reactions to the shots as of September 2, 2022, including 30,796 fatalities.6

“Not all these reports will be confirmed as vaccine-induced,” the film continued. “But then again, not all reactions are reported. The figures surely demand investigation.”7 Dr. Clare Craig, a diagnostic pathologist, explained:8

“I don’t think anybody can deny that there has been harm. You can argue about how much, but you can’t deny that there has been harm. It’s just a scandal of such epic proportions that I think people don’t know where to begin with it. It’s frightening to even approach it.”

Sir Christopher Chope, Member of Parliament (MP) in the U.K. is pursuing a bill to speed up compensation for victims and increase the maximum amount from £120,000. He said:9

“Other jurisdictions have taken the view that … those who do the right thing for public health reasons by having a bad vaccine should be looked after by the state if the consequences of having that vaccine result in disability or injury.

This approach is taken in order to promote vaccine confidence amongst those who might otherwise be hesitant about having a vaccine. This government’s approach, however, seems to be to try and promote vaccine confidence by covering up the adverse consequences for some of having been vaccinated.”

Pfizer Shot — 119 People Jabbed to Prevent One COVID Case

One mechanism of harm from the mRNA COVID-19 shots is the delivery of synthetic messenger RNA (mRNA) encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles that forces the body’s cells to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which vaccine developers initially stated would remain localized to the arm. However, research shows that it actually migrates throughout the body to every major organ system, causing direct toxicity and/or autoimmune reactions.10

The development of the genetically engineered biological product was fast-tracked at an unprecedented pace without long-term clinical trials to assess the true extent and severity of adverse effects before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, the two mRNA COVID shot manufacturers, an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to distribute it.

At the same time, the U.S. and other governments indemnified the manufacturers against any liability for deaths and injuries caused by the COVID shots. In November 2020, Pfizer claimed their COVID-19 shot was 95% effective against COVID-19, but this was highly misleading and, according to Malhotra, based on flawed methodology:11

“‘Relative risk reduction is a way of exaggerating the benefits of any intervention … which would be in the interest of people trying to sell you something — in this case, the pharmaceutical industry.

So if, for example, you have 1,000 people in a trial that didn’t have the vaccine versus 1,000 people that did in the placebo group … you may have two people dying. And in the intervention group, you may have just one person dying. And that’s a reduction of 50%. One over two is a 50% relative risk reduction. But actually, you’ve only saved one life out of 1,000.

So the absolute risk reduction is only 1 in 1,000. It’s a big difference. The guidance has been for many years that we must always use absolute risk reduction in conversations with patients, not just relative risk reduction alone; otherwise, it’s considered unethical,’ Malhotra said.

The accusation is that governments acted on Pfizer’s relative risk figure of 95% efficacy, when the absolute risk was a mere 0.84%. In other words, you’d have to vaccinate 119 people to prevent just one from catching COVID. ‘So we were basically sold on something that ultimately, and in retrospect now, was very, very misleading.’”

Raising more red flags, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Pfizer attempted to hide the COVID-19 shot clinical trial data they did have for 75 years. But the FDA was ordered by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas to release redacted versions of trial documents on a much faster schedule. Alexandra Latypova, a research specialist in clinical trials, is one of a group of experts who studied the documents.

Her investigation revealed that Pfizer skipped major categories of safety testing, and the toxicity of the mRNA shots was not studied. “The FDA and Pfizer knew about major toxicities associated with the gene therapy class of medicines. The CDC, FDA and Pfizer lied about vaccine staying in the injection site. My examination of leaked Moderna documents also revealed that vaccine-induced antibody-enhanced disease was identified as a serious risk,” she said.12

Shots Saved 20 Million? ‘Implausible,’ ‘Science Fiction’

Instead of commenting on the controversies over the shots’ effectiveness and serious adverse effects, most scientists, governments and media instead promote inaccurate and misleading information, such as stating COVID-19 shots have saved at least 20 million lives. This statistic is “science fiction, not scientific fact,” Malhotra said, as it’s based on a poor-quality observational study.13

“When you look at a higher quality level of evidence, in fact, even Pfizer’s own randomized controlled trial didn’t show any reduction in COVID mortality of statistical significance,” Malhotra said. “It showed no reduction in all-cause mortality. So this really this statement is almost implausible. To be honest, it sounds more like an advert from the drug industry than true science.”14

Meanwhile, the government continued to promote COVID-19 shots aggressively, even after data showed the product did not prevent infection or transmission — and the vast majority of the population wasn’t at risk of serious illness.15 Even physicians who were typically pro-vaccination began to question it. One consultant pediatrician who spoke in the film warned, “Children are at low risk. They don’t need this vaccine, and the harms are real.”16

Data also show that deaths from any cause among 15- to 44-year-olds in England and Wales increased significantly in 2021, the year COVID-19 shots became widely available. There have been concerning reports of myocarditis (heart inflammation), including sudden deaths and collapse, that have occurred in young people and athletes aged 18 to 24.17

Data from the Office of National Statistics also reveal that more people than usual are dying in 2022. Deaths among 10- to 14-year-olds increased 11.75%, while deaths among 55- to 59-year-olds rose 15%. The film notes:18

“Overall, that could equate to over 75,000 excess deaths in England and Wales this year, and not from COVID. The Daily Telegraph is reporting the deaths in the aftermath of lockdown could be greater than COVID itself.

There are calls for an investigation mentioning lack of health care, stress, long COVID, even the cost of living. Why on earth isn’t COVID vaccination under suspicion when there are so many reports of adverse reactions here and around the world?”

Psychological Techniques Used to Force Compliance

The U.K.’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) had a “nudge” unit, also known as SPI-B, that researched and analyzed options for increasing adherence to COVID-19 social distancing and lockdown measures.19 It discussed increasing the perceived level of personal threat using “hard-hitting emotional messaging” and “social approval for desired behaviors.”

The messaging must “emphasize and explain the duty to protect others,” and actions framed “in terms of protecting oneself and the community.” Those who don’t comply could be faced with fines and other punishments.

“I think what’s important to understand is, over the last two years, there has been the promotion of unethical psychological techniques to encourage behavioral change, such as the use of fear, artificially increasing the sense of being afraid, in order to get people to change their behaviors,” said Christian Buckland, a psychotherapist and counselor.20

The only way out, the government said, was to get the shots. The COVID-19 shot campaign went into overdrive, but when millions still avoided them, the threats began. Without a COVID-19 shot, you could lose your job, vaccine passports became required to go about daily life, and anyone who spoke out against the shots was dubbed an anti-vaxxer. Buckland continued:21

“When you use unethical psychology on a population, you actually start to see splits and divisions occurring. And that’s really dangerous because you also encourage ‘othering,’ or the demonization of people. So we see … not just fear being raised but also anger being raised as well.”

When public protests and marches drawing thousands of people were organized to speak out against the threats to personal freedom, the media ignored the major events and even stated they would not debate with “anti-vaxxers” — even if they were right.22 The Trusted News Initiative was formed, which included the BBC, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft, to stop the spread of what the online platforms labeled “misinformation.”

“It sounds laudable,” the film notes. “But what it really means is that governments, the media, and the big tech companies are working to a common script, their script, their version of the truth … The real truth is that anybody who questions the official narrative is generally suppressed and canceled or labeled as a spreader of disinformation on social media. And that includes eminent scientists, doctors and, disgracefully, the vaccine injured.”23

Open Debate That Could Have Led to the Truth Suppressed

If open debate and the right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to getting the COVID shots had been allowed, it would have potentially resulted in fewer injuries. Instead, the population was subjected to psychological manipulation in an attempt to perpetuate the false assumption that the COVID shots are “safe and effective.” So what’s the truth? The film wraps up with some sobering facts and statistics that make it clear:24

  • Between January 1 and May 31, 2022, 15,113 people died with COVID-19 in England — 90% of them had received at least one COVID-19 shot
  • In 2021, Pfizer doubled its annual revenue to $81 billion — it’s 2022 annual revenue is expected to surpass $100 billion
  • U.S. research revealed that up to 98 young people could be injured by COVID-19 shots for every one prevented from hospitalization25 — one of the authors is the director of Harvard Medical School’s Center for Global Health Delivery
  • A U.S. judge ruled that the White House must release correspondence regarding a “massive censorship enterprise” with Big Tech; it’s alleged that federal agencies communicated with social media companies to suppress private speech during the pandemic.

Stand Up for Your Right to Make Informed Vaccine Choices

The 13th Annual Vaccine Awareness Week from November 13 to November 19, 2022, will feature important information about vaccine science, policy and law that you can share with your family and friends.

With every donation you make during Vaccine Awareness Week, you can help support the legal right to make an informed, voluntary decision about vaccinations. During this week, we’ll match your donations up to $100,000 to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a nonprofit charity advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent rights since 1982.

During the COVID pandemic, government has collaborated with pharmaceutical corporations, medical trade groups and businesses to promote COVID-19 vaccine mandates and has partnered with Silicon Valley and corporate media to censor public conversations about vaccination and health. It is critical that you take action now to protect your legal right to make informed, voluntary vaccine choices.

Thankfully, for 40 years NVIC has been providing the public with independent, well-referenced information on vaccination and advocating for the inclusion of vaccine safety and informed consent protections in public health policies and laws.

NVIC’s work in state legislatures over the past decade through the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal is one big reason why no state legislature mandated the COVID vaccine in 2021 or 2022.

Just before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted vaccine manufacturers an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to distribute experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in December 2020, NVIC sponsored the groundbreaking 5th International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health & Autonomy in the 21st Century featuring 51 speakers. You can watch or listen to the conference for free here.

Resources Where You Can Learn More

NVIC Advocacy Portal — Become a registered user of this unique free online communications network that electronically connects you directly with your own legislators and emails you action alerts with talking points so you can be an effective vaccine choice advocate in your state.

You can use it to inform your legislators about why it is necessary to protect vaccine exemptions and your legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions for yourself and your children.

Ask 8 Vaccine Information Kiosk — Download brochures and reports on vaccination and how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms, as well as posters and web badges that you can share with your family and friends. Access the illustrated and fully referenced “Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law” to educate your legislator when you advocate for vaccine informed consent rights.
State Law & Vaccine Requirements — You can easily obtain your state’s current vaccine policies and laws here.
Vaccine Reaction Reporting — Search for and read descriptions of vaccine reaction reports made to the federal vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS). Make a vaccine reaction report to NVIC.
Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall — Read real life stories from people who have been threatened, bullied and sanctioned for trying to make voluntary decisions about vaccination for themselves or their minor children. Post your own experience.
Guide to Flu & Flu Vaccines — This “Mini Guide to influenza & Flu Vaccines” is a brief summary of facts about influenza and influenza vaccines.


Sources and References

Will You Survive the ‘Tripledemic’? – Dr. Joseph Mercola



  • According to mainstream media, hospitalizations for respiratory infections are on the rise and “experts” warn of a potential “tripledemic” this winter, as COVID, seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are all in circulation
  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports a 1% increase in new admissions of patients with confirmed COVID-19. Maine — which has one of the nation’s highest COVID jab rates — has the most COVID hospitalizations. RSV cases are also unseasonably high
  • “Health experts” are now calling for voluntary indoor masking again, even though all the evidence garnered over the past three years confirms that face masks cannot prevent viral infection and spread
  • The first-ever RSV vaccines are now in the pipeline, directed at pregnant women, newborns and seniors. Some of them are based on mRNA technology
  • No vaccine for RSV has ever been successfully developed before, because the vaccines had a persistent tendency to cause worse disease, a phenomenon known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)

According to mainstream media, hospitalizations for respiratory infections are on the rise and “experts” warn of a potential “tripledemic” this winter, as people contract COVID,1 seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).2

“The CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] reports a 1% increase in new admissions of patients with confirmed COVID-19 in the U.S.,” Yahoo! News reported at the end of October 2022.3

Far from being a pandemic of the unvaccinated, however, most COVID patients are now, in fact, fully jabbed. As noted by Yahoo! News (before urging everyone to stay up to date on their boosters):

“The state with the most COVID hospitalizations is Maine even though it has one of the country’s highest full vaccination rates, which means a person has received their primary series of vaccinations (whether that’s one or two doses) and two weeks have passed since their last dose.”

RSV cases are also unseasonably high.4 According to Dr. Margaret R. Moon, co-director of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, the hospital “is experiencing a surge of patients due to an increase in cases of RSV, as well as other reasons, and many surrounding hospitals are facing the same.”5

Scare Tactics to Sell You on RSV Vaccine

Fear sells, they say, and that’s certainly the adage used by Big Pharma when it comes to vaccines. A perfect example of this was recently published by Vox.6 “New RSV Vaccines Are Coming. This Is Very, Very Good News,” the headline states. Why good news? Because RSV is a “baddie responsible for much of the mayhem” now seen in hospitals. Vox publishes classic fear porn:

“RSV generally causes cold symptoms but can also lead to severe lung inflammation or infection in very young and very old people. And it’s started off cold season with a bang:

As of October 22, babies under a year old were being hospitalized at rates six times higher than they were at the same point in 2019, and the overall hospitalization rate was seven times higher for people of all ages.

Every year, hundreds of children die of RSV, and tens of thousands more are hospitalized … RSV disease is one of the first pediatric illnesses that young pediatricians learn to fear, said [Amy] Edwards [a pediatric infectious disease specialist in Cleveland].

Babies with the infection have terrible coughs and make wheezing noises as they struggle to move air through their swollen airways. ‘Once you’ve seen it, it’s like you never forget it,’ she said …

In the US, the infection leads to about 58,000 hospitalizations and 100 to 300 deaths among young children each year, making it the country’s top cause of hospitalization in infants.

Although it’s a particularly risky infection for babies born prematurely and for those with lung problems or heart abnormalities, about 40 percent of American infants who died of RSV over the past few decades were otherwise healthy.

However bad RSV is in the United States, it’s worse globally. Every year, it causes an estimated 120,000 infant deaths worldwide … There is currently no approved antiviral treatment for RSV in either adults or children, and the one preventive option that currently exists is far from perfect …

Babies need something better — something affordable that can protect all infants, not just the highest-risk ones, from this seasonal scourge. Adults, too, need something to protect them from a virus that reliably causes an immense amount of disease — ideally, something that’s as good as a flu shot, or better.”

“Something as good as a flu shot.” Really? The 2017/2018 seasonal influenza vaccine’s adjusted overall effectiveness for the U.S. was just 36% against influenza A and influenza B virus infection,7,8and between 2005 and 2015, the flu vaccine’s adjusted overall effectiveness was less than 50% more than half the time — with a low of only 10% in the 2004-05 season.9,10

Other than the COVID jab, it’s difficult to find another example of where a commercial product can fail to work more than half the time and still be recommended and even mandated. Not to worry, though, because according to Vox, “RSV vaccines are super effective.” Where have we heard that before?

Expect Insane COVID Measures to Resume

As predicted, “health experts” are starting to call for voluntary indoor masking again,11 even though all the evidence garnered over the past three years confirms what we already knew in 2020, which is that face masks do nothing to stop viral infections.

And, as before, in the absence of actual scientific evidence the narrative focuses instead on virtue. Masking up is said to be a way to protect everyone,12 so just “do your part” and wear it, even though, in reality, it protects no one.

The same goes for vaccination. Both the flu vaccine and the COVID shots are proven ineffective, yet the recommendation13 to get them continues. And this season, you’re expected to get both!

First-Ever RSV Vaccines Expected in 2023

The fact that RSV is now being highlighted as a severe risk is understandable in light of the fact that the first-ever RSV vaccines are now in the pipeline. According to CNN,14 four different RSV shots are “nearing review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration” and more than a dozen others are in trials.

This includes a “long-acting injection” specifically for babies, to be given “right after birth” to protect them from RSV “for as long as six months.” If that’s not a perfect example of how media tries to change the perception of the basic meaning of a term, I don’t know what is. Six months is hardly long-acting!

Historically, most vaccines have at least offered antibody-only “protection” for years, not months. Please recognize all vaccines fail to use cellular immunity to protect you, which is far more important than humoral antibody protection. This extremely short duration of antibody-only protection appears to be a hallmark of mRNA technology however, and indeed, at least some of these new RSV shots are mRNA based.

Moderna has announced it is working on an mRNA jab for RSV, which is scheduled for release in 2023.15 They’re also working on a combination mRNA jab for COVID, RSV and the flu. (Ultimately, Moderna wants to create an annual mRNA shot that covers all of the top 10 viruses that result in hospitalizations each year.16)

Janssen is also working on an RSV shot using an adenovirus vector, the same technology used in its COVID shot, while Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) are testing “protein subunit” RSV vaccines for pregnant women and seniors.17

According to Forbes,18 Pfizer announced November 1, 2022, that it is ready to seek FDA authorization for its RSV vaccine. In clinical trials this shot was given to pregnant mothers and the efficacy was measured not by whether it prevented RSV, but by severity of the infection in hospitalized babies during their first months of life.19

Why No RSV Vaccine Ever Made It to Market

No vaccine for RSV has ever been successfully developed before. Why? Because the vaccines had a persistent tendency to cause worse disease, a phenomenon known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). As explained by CNN:20

“The hunt for an effective way to protect against RSV stalled for decades after two children died in a disastrous vaccine trial in the 1960s.

That study tested a vaccine made with an RSV virus that had been chemically treated to render it inert and mixed with an ingredient called alum, to wake up the immune system and help it respond. It was tested at clinical trial sites in the US between 1966 and 1968.

At first, everything looked good. The vaccine was tested in animals, who tolerated it well, and then given to children, who also appeared to respond well.

‘Unfortunately, that fall, when RSV season started, many of the children that were vaccinated required hospitalization and got more severe RSV disease than what would have normally occurred,’ said Steven Varga, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Iowa, who has been studying RSV for more than 20 years and is developing a nanoparticle vaccine against the virus.

A study21 published on the trial found that 80% of the vaccinated children who caught RSV later required hospitalization, compared with only 5% of the children who got a placebo. Two of the babies who had participated in the trial died.

The outcomes of the trial were a seismic shock to vaccine science. Efforts to develop new vaccines and treatments against RSV halted as researchers tried to untangle what went so wrong … ‘It is in fact, in many ways, why we have some of the things that we have in place today to monitor vaccine safety,’ Varga said.”

Is Anyone Monitoring Vaccine Safety?

The sad irony here is that while we do have vaccine safety monitoring tools in place, the data are not being properly evaluated and used in the decision-making process. So, no, we do NOT have a functioning vaccine safety monitoring in the U.S. If the FDA and CDC were actually monitoring safety, using the tools at their disposal as intended, the COVID shots would have been withdrawn within months of their release.

They are, by any measure, the most dangerous and lethal injections ever released in history. Yet the FDA and CDC have ignored all safety signals and recently added the COVID jab to the childhood vaccination schedule. If there’s no safety monitoring for the COVID jab, there’s no reason to expect safety monitoring for any other new vaccine or mRNA shot.

What’s more, there’s no reason to assume researchers have actually figured out how to make an RSV shot that doesn’t cause ADE or immune imprinting, both of which pervert your immune response to subsequent exposures of the pathogen “immunized” against so you actually get sicker than if you had never been jabbed.

Public health technocrats foolishly believe mRNA technology will circumvent the problem encountered previously, but considering we’re now seeing signs of ADE and immune imprinting — or original antigenic sin — in those who got the COVID jab, there’s no precedent to assume such a thing.

It’s important to realize that the COVID pandemic has radically altered the authorization and approval processes for medical interventions. Everything is now on the fast track, which opens the floodgates for quick profits.

Instead of requiring trials that span a decade or more, mRNA shots are being rolled out after mere months of testing, and much of the safety is assumed based on the alleged safety of the COVID shots.

“Alleged safety” are the key words here, as more than 1.4 million adverse event reports following the COVID jab have been logged in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including well over 31,600 deaths.22 According to the FDA and CDC, NONE of these deaths are attributable to the shots, which is a statistical impossibility.

Fearmongering Is a Tool to Foster Obedience

The biosecurity crisis needs to continue indefinitely because it’s the primary justification behind The Great Reset. That’s why, over the past three years, the goal post for “public safety” has been moved further and further away as we’ve gone along. At regular intervals, there’s been another Chicken Little warning that the sky is still falling and that we must not let down our guard.

As fall and winter set in, we’ll see another wave of doom and gloom being predicted for anyone refusing to wear a mask and get all the shots. At some stage, you must realize that the more you give in and obey, the more you have to give in and obey. There really is no end to what they can and will take from you, and holding on to the belief that your government would never [fill in the blank] is becoming more dangerous by the day.

It’s also important to realize that your government isn’t the ultimate power. Our government officials take orders too, from what is often referred to as the deep state. It’s not a government at all, but a global, hidden power structure that is accountable to no one, while influencing and manipulating everyone to bring about a new world order.

In years past, this shadowy cabal of power brokers were referred to under the term the New World Order. In 2020, the World Economic Forum came out on the public stage and announced The Great Reset, which is nothing but the NWO rebranded.

In the video above, investigative journalist Harry Vox talks about disease outbreaks, quarantines and curfews being essential tools in the ruling class’ toolkit, and how these tools were planned to be used to usher in the next phase of control.

The interview, which took place in 2014, sounds more than a little prophetic today, as these three indispensable tools for totalitarian control have been part of our reality for three years. In it, Vox also refers to “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,”23 a document by the Rockefeller Foundation, in which they laid out a “Lockstep” scenario, which details the global response to a fictional pandemic.

They’ve Already Told You What the End Game Is

While the name and origin of the virus differ, the scenario laid out in “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”24 closely matches what we’ve gone through in the era of COVID, especially its deadly effect on economies.

The scenario predicted international mobility coming to a screeching halt, debilitating industries, tourism and global supply chains. “Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers,” the document reads.

In the Rockefeller narrative, China is hailed for its rapid imposition of universal quarantines of all citizens which proved effective for curbing the spread of the virus. It’s important to note that universal quarantining — lockdowns of healthy people — has never ever been used in infectious disease control before, and there’s a reason for that. We already knew it doesn’t work.

Many other nations where leaders “flexed their authority” and imposed severe restrictions on their citizens — “from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries of communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets” — also fared well, in this Rockefeller scenario.

Listen to the disbelief in the interviewer’s voice when he asks if Vox actually believes that such a thing could happen, that we would have to stand in line to get our temperature checked before entering a building.

Well, every single one of us has now had to do this, so we know it’s possible. And if that’s possible, why not the rest of the Lockstep plan, which tells us that: “Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck, and even intensified.”

Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice …

We can no longer afford to disbelieve the lengths to which the globalist elites, the unelected deep state, can and will go to seize total control. They’ve already told us what the ultimate plan is — to use bioterrorism to take control of the world’s resources, wealth and people.

All we need to do is to believe it, and realize that the only thing giving them the power to impose their will is our fear. As long as we choose fear and demand our government keep us safe, they have every chance of winning. Hopefully, a clear majority of people will have learned this lesson by now, and won’t fall for the same tricks a second time.

Will they be using the same playbook this winter? You bet. Already, we’re seeing the call to virtue. They’re telling us mask wearing and vaccination are voluntary but recommended, “to protect others.” That’s how it all started in 2020, and look where we ended up.

Do you really want to go through all of that again? If not, just say “no” from the start. Say no to masks. Say no to social distancing. Say no to canceling the holidays. Say no to lockdowns. Say no to flu vaccines and COVID shots. Just say “NO” to their fearmongering and live your life. Fear is a tool used to control you, but that only works if you buy into it.

Ditch the Fear and Just Take Control of Your Health

While influenza, RSV and COVID can be problematic and dangerous for certain high-risk individuals, the overall risks associated with them are negligible for most. Just think back on your life — how many times have you had a cold or flu? Are you still here? How many people do you know who died from a cold or flu?

At this point, the vast majority of people have also had COVID, and are here to attest to its nonlethality. Unfortunately, those who have gotten several COVID shots are now in the high-risk category and may in fact experience more severe infection. For the unjabbed, the latest variants pose exceptionally low risk.

Keeping your immune system strong is the best way to protect yourself against all infections, and there are many effective ways to do that, including the following. For more details, follow the hyperlinks provided.

Optimize your vitamin D level Higher levels of vitamin D have been shown to decrease your risk of developing a severe case of, and dying from, COVID-19. Vitamin D supplementation has also been shown to reduce your risk of colds25 and influenza,26,27 as it boosts your innate immunity.

Time-restricted eating (TRE) and intermittent fasting — Both have been linked to less severe COVID infection.

Immune-boosting nutraceuticals such as vitamin C, quercetin with zinc and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) Zinc is a potent broad-spectrum antiviral and quercetin helps transport it into the cell, where it’s needed. Vitamin C is also a premiere treatment for many infections and helps boost overall immune function.

NAC, meanwhile, is a precursor to reduced glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19 specifically. Benefits of NAC include inhibiting expression of proinflammatory cytokines, improving T cell response and inhibiting the hypercoagulation that can result in stroke and/or blood clots that impair the ability to exchange oxygen in the lungs.

Stand Up for Your Right to Make Informed Vaccine Choices

The 13th Annual Vaccine Awareness Week from November 13 to November 19, 2022, will feature important information about vaccine science, policy and law that you can share with your family and friends.

With every donation you make during Vaccine Awareness Week, you can help support the legal right to make an informed, voluntary decision about vaccinations. During this week, we’ll match your donations up to $100,000 to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a nonprofit charity advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent rights since 1982.

During the COVID pandemic, government has collaborated with pharmaceutical corporations, medical trade groups and businesses to promote COVID-19 vaccine mandates and has partnered with Silicon Valley and corporate media to censor public conversations about vaccination and health. It is critical that you take action now to protect your legal right to make informed, voluntary vaccine choices.

Thankfully, for 40 years NVIC has been providing the public with independent, well-referenced information on vaccination and advocating for the inclusion of vaccine safety and informed consent protections in public health policies and laws.

NVIC’s work in state legislatures over the past decade through the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal is one big reason why no state legislature mandated the COVID vaccine in 2021 or 2022.

Just before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted vaccine manufacturers an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to distribute experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in December 2020, NVIC sponsored the groundbreaking 5th International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health & Autonomy in the 21st Century featuring 51 speakers. You can watch or listen to the conference for free here.

Resources Where You Can Learn More

NVIC Advocacy Portal — Become a registered user of this unique free online communications network that electronically connects you directly with your own legislators and emails you action alerts with talking points so you can be an effective vaccine choice advocate in your state.

You can use it to inform your legislators about why it is necessary to protect vaccine exemptions and your legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions for yourself and your children.

Ask 8 Vaccine Information Kiosk — Download brochures and reports on vaccination and how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms, as well as posters and web badges that you can share with your family and friends. Access the illustrated and fully referenced “Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law” to educate your legislator when you advocate for vaccine informed consent rights.
State Law & Vaccine Requirements — You can easily obtain your state’s current vaccine policies and laws here.
Vaccine Reaction Reporting — Search for and read descriptions of vaccine reaction reports made to the federal vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS). Make a vaccine reaction report to NVIC.
Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall — Read real life stories from people who have been threatened, bullied and sanctioned for trying to make voluntary decisions about vaccination for themselves or their minor children. Post your own experience.
Guide to Flu & Flu Vaccines — This “Mini Guide to influenza & Flu Vaccines” is a brief summary of facts about influenza and influenza vaccines.
Sources and References

The Importance of Melatonin for Optimal Health – Dr. Joseph Mercola



  • Your circadian rhythm is largely dictated by your pineal gland, located near the center of your brain, which produces melatonin, a hormone that is crucial for the regulation of your sleep cycle
  • Melatonin is also an important energy hormone and a potent antioxidant that appears to play an important role in cancer prevention. It also benefits your brain, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health, and has been shown to boost immune function
  • Melatonin helps protect your mitochondria, which generate energy inside your cells. Melatonin appears to be the most powerful antioxidant in this regard, as it has the ability to enter into your mitochondria. It also recharges glutathione
  • Melatonin works synergistically with vitamin D to optimize mitochondrial function. It also enhances vitamin D signaling
  • Multiple sclerosis, cancer, neuropsychiatric disorders and high blood pressure are all examples of diseases that appear strongly linked to and affected by your vitamin D and melatonin status

Sleeping well is an essential strategy to optimize your health, and at the heart of it is your circadian rhythm. This is also known as your body clock. It’s a natural, biological timer present in every one of your cells that helps your body recognize sleepiness and wakefulness over a period of 24 hours.

Your circadian rhythm is largely dictated by your pineal gland, located near the center of your brain, which produces melatonin, a hormone that is crucial for the regulation of your sleep cycle.

If you have had enough exposure to bright light in the daytime, your pineal gland typically starts secreting melatonin around 9 p.m.1 As the amount of melatonin in your brain increases, sleepiness sets in as your body begins to prepare for sleep.

If you stay awake past dark, artificial light — especially that emitted by electronic devices — will inhibit your body’s melatonin production, so, ideally, you would stop using electronics at least an hour or two before bedtime to help increase melatonin production and maintain a steady circadian rhythm.

Melatonin Does More Than Control Sleep

While melatonin works as a natural sleep regulator, its biological effects don’t end there.2 It’s also a potent antioxidant3 that plays an important role in cancer prevention.4 It’s also thought to be important for brain, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health,5 and has been shown to boost your immune function in a variety of ways.

In one study,6 researchers suggested melatonin may even improve the treatment of bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis. In another, melatonin was identified as a potential tool against inflammation and autoimmune diseases, including Type 1 diabetes.7

Melatonin is also an important energy hormone. As noted in the Stanford University course paper “Melatonin and Energy Levels:”8

“… decreasing the melatonin in the blood stream, consistent with the body’s natural response to suppress the secretion in the presence of light, causes the body to function at a higher energy level … An increase in the melatonin levels leads to a subsequent decrease in energy levels.

As such, understanding how to control and optimize the secretion and suppression of the melatonin for optimal hours of the day could help improve the treatment of sleep disorders and positively impact the energy levels of individuals.”

In short, if your sleep efficiency is impaired, meaning you’re not sleeping as deeply as you should, for as long as is ideal, then your energy level is going to be adversely affected.

Conversely, spending most of your daytime hours in poorly lit rooms, especially if you’re also exposed to excessive light after sunset, can impair your melatonin production, causing you to not sleep well.

Melatonin Protects Your Mitochondria

Importantly, the antioxidant activity of melatonin also helps protect your mitochondria, the tiny organelles inside your cells that generate most of the ATP or energy currency of your body. As noted in a 2007 paper in the Frontiers of Bioscience:9

“Melatonin is an ancient molecule present in unicellular organisms at the very early moment of life … The best-known actions of melatonin, currently supported by experimental and clinical data, include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities, some of them involving genomic regulation of a series of enzymes.

Besides, melatonin displays anticonvulsant and antiexcitotoxic properties. Most of the beneficial consequences resulting from melatonin administration may depend on its effects on mitochondrial physiology.”

In fact, melatonin appears to be the most powerful antioxidant in this regard, as it has the ability to actually enter into your mitochondria.10 This is an ability that not all antioxidants have. According to this Frontiers of Bioscience paper,11 melatonin helps “prevent mitochondrial impairment, energy failure and apoptosis in oxidatively-damaged mitochondria.”

One of the things that makes melatonin so powerful is that it doesn’t just act as an antioxidant in and of itself; it also interacts with your body’s innate antioxidant system where it recharges glutathione.12 However, this brings us back to the importance of sleep.

Since melatonin is only released in response to darkness, and is easily and significantly inhibited by light (such as regular room lighting and electronic screens, after dark), your mitochondrial health will suffer if you do not take steps to optimize your sleep.

Aside from worsening your sleep quality and decreasing your sleep quantity, low melatonin production also increases oxidative stress, speeds up the aging process and raises your risk of degenerative diseases and chronic fatigue, thanks to its influence over your mitochondria.

How Mitochondrial Melatonin Is Generated

Mitochondrial melatonin production is one of the reasons why regular sun exposure is so crucial. Most people understand that sun exposure on bare skin generates vitamin D, courtesy of UVB (ultraviolet B radiation). Few, however, understand that the near-infrared spectrum, when hitting your skin, triggers the generation of melatonin in your mitochondria.

Russel Reiter, Ph.D. is a world-class expert on melatonin. With some 1,600 papers to his credit, as well as three honorary doctor of medicine13 degrees, he’s published more studies on melatonin than anyone else alive. In a previous interview, he explained how the near-infrared spectrum triggers the generation of melatonin in your mitochondria:

“Every one of those cells contains mitochondria and it appears that near-infrared radiation that is detected in fact induces melatonin production. That is important, because we now think that melatonin within mitochondria is inducible under a lot of stressful conditions.

That is not definitively proven, but it appears that under stress, all cells may upregulate their ability to produce melatonin because it’s so highly productive. And typically, under stress, free radicals are generated. That is emphasized by the [fact] that in plants … that happens.

In other words, if you expose plants to drought, heat, cold, to metal toxicity, the first thing they do is upregulate their melatonin, because all of those situations generate free radicals. And we suspect, although that has not yet been definitely proven, in animal cells as well, including human [cells].”

For more information on how this works, see my article, “What You Need to Know About Melatonin,” which includes my interview with Reiter.

Melatonin Works Synergistically With Vitamin D

In my February 2, 2020, article “The Importance of Vitamin D for Optimal Sleep,” which features my interview with neurologist and sleep coach Dr. Stasha Gominak, I review the hidden influence vitamin D has on your sleep.

A paper14 published in the May 2020 issue of The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology — which I was able to review early, parts of which I’m sharing with you here — sheds further light on this connection. Not only does melatonin enhance vitamin D signaling, the two molecules act synergistically to optimize your mitochondrial function.

As noted in this paper,15 “The biosynthetic pathways of vitamin D and melatonin are inversely related relative to sun exposure,” meaning both are dependent on properly timed exposure to the sun.

A hypothesis presented by the researchers is that vitamin D and melatonin “play an essential role as modulators of mitochondrial function and adaptation to circadian and seasonal variations.”

Additionally, “both molecules are involved in the homeostatic functioning of the mitochondria,” the authors point out, stressing that the mitochondria are, in fact, “the final common target for melatonin and vitamin D.” Furthermore:

“A deficiency of these molecules has been associated with the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, including arterial hypertension, neurodegenerative diseases, sleep disorders, kidney diseases, cancer, psychiatric disorders, bone diseases, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes, among others.

During aging, the intake and cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D, as well as the endogenous synthesis of melatonin are remarkably depleted, therefore, producing a state characterized by an increase of oxidative stress, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction …

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been related to the etiologies of many complex diseases where overactivation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), vitamin D deficiency and the reduction of melatonin synthesis converge.

In this sense, experimental and clinical evidence indicates that inflammation, oxidative stress, as in mitochondrial dysfunction, are consistent with low levels of melatonin and vitamin D, and also represent risk factors connected with development and maintenance of prevalent acute and chronic pathologies.”

Melatonin-Vitamin D Combo Produces Strong Synergistic Effects

According to the 2020 paper in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,16multiple sclerosis, cancer, neuropsychiatric disorders and high blood pressure are all examples of diseases that appear strongly linked to and affected by your vitamin D and melatonin status.

Interestingly, a 2012 study17 pointed out melatonin is “an overlooked factor in schizophrenia and in the inhibition of antipsychotic side effects.” Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to a higher risk of schizophrenia,18,19 especially when levels are low during development.20

When combined in treatment, melatonin and vitamin D produce strong synergistic effects against cancer. Two separate studies21,22 have demonstrated the combination induces apoptosis and inhibits growth and division of breast cancer cells. In one of them, the combination resulted in “an almost complete cell growth arrest at 144 hours.”23

These effects were attributed (at least in part) to enhanced release of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1), a type of cytokine that controls cell growth, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Melatonin in combination with vitamin D has also been shown to protect against apoptotic ischemia-reperfusion injury in the kidney.24

Simple Ways to Optimize Your Melatonin and Vitamin D

The evidence suggests optimizing your melatonin production by making sure you sleep well at night may be a hidden key to maintaining mitochondrial health, which in turn is paramount for longevity and the prevention of virtually all chronic health problems.

However, while there are likely many benefits to supplementing with vitamin D and melatonin, it makes no sense to do so unless you are seeking to optimize your body’s own production.

The good news is it’s relatively simple and inexpensive to increase your melatonin and vitamin D levels. To optimize your vitamin D, I recommend getting sensible sun exposure on large portions of your body on a regular basis, ideally daily.

If for whatever reason you cannot get sufficient amounts of sun exposure, consider taking a vitamin D3 supplement (along with a little extra vitamin K2 to maintain a healthy ratio between these two nutrients).

I personally have not taken any oral vitamin D for well over 10 years and my levels are typically over 70 ng/mL, even in the winter, but I have started taking sublingual melatonin as I am now older than 65, and believe there are benefits for such, even though I sleep in pitch dark and get bright sun exposure around 85% of the time during the day.

Optimizing your melatonin production starts with getting plenty of bright sunlight during the day, as this helps “set” your circadian clock. Then, as the evening wears on and the sun sets, you’ll want to avoid bright lighting.

Blue light from electronic screens and LED light bulbs is particularly problematic and inhibits melatonin the most. If you need lighting, opt for incandescent light bulbs, candles or salt lamps. The blue light from electronic screens can be counteracted by installing blue-blocking software such as Iris,25 or wearing blue-blocking glasses.

Additionally, an interesting paper26 in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, published in 2017, highlights the usefulness of time-restricted eating to improve your sleep cycle. As noted in this paper:

“The robustness of the circadian clock deteriorates with aging. Two new studies show that aging reprograms the circadian transcriptome in a cell-type-dependent manner and that such rewiring can be reversed by caloric restriction …

Surprisingly, the expression of core clock genes and clock-controlled genes remained unchanged with aging, despite the drastic circadian reprogramming. Thus, the core clock machinery remains largely intact in old age, giving hope for the prospect of reversing aging-associated circadian reprogramming to potentially improve physiological functions.

Indeed, CR-induced robust reprogramming of the circadian transcriptome partially overlaps with the circadian transcriptome in young mice. Thus, the profound physiological impact of CR may be, in part, mediated by the reprogramming of the circadian clock …

Given that aging-associated accumulation of DNA damage in stem cells originates from exposure to mitochondrial stress and that the mitochondrial protective programs are repressed in aged adult stem cells, it is tempting to speculate that reactivating the mitochondrial protective programs may provide a means to reduce the accumulation of cellular damage and reverse aging-associated circadian reprogramming.”

When They Are Trying to Kill Us, Do Their Motives Matter? – Dr. Joseph Mercola



  • From new potentially deadly synthetic pathogens to blocking the sun, our aspiring masters are attacking life from multiple angles
  • A recent preprint reports on a new engineered variant that showed an 80% disease mortality rate in humanized mice
  • While that particular result was based on humanized mice, so was the approval of the new bivalent boosters
  • In practical terms, debates about the crazies’ motives matter less than protecting ourselves from their assaults, whether they think of themselves as saviors or just like killing people
  • The paradox of this moment is that under pressure, we have a chance to remember why we are here and to celebrate and honor our life’s purpose

This story is about living in a world run by crazy people with access to powerful technology. This is the world we are in. We are in a world run by genocidal maniacs. It is our life. It is our challenge. So what do we do? I’ll get to my personal answer to this question at the end of the article but first, let’s look at a paper about a new artificially created pathogen with high transmissibility rate and the disease mortality rate of 80%.

“Disease Morality Rate of 80%”

Recently, a preprint came out of the paper titled, “Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 Omicron.”

role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of omicron

Here is what the preprint is saying (the emphases are mine): “The recently identified, globally predominant SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (BA.1) is highly transmissible, even in fully vaccinated individuals, and causes attenuated disease compared with other major viral variants recognized to date. The Omicron spike (S) protein, with an unusually large number of mutations, is considered the major driver of these phenotypes.

We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 encoding the S gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate and compared this virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant.

The Omicron S-bearing virus robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity, mainly due to mutations in the receptor-binding motif (RBM), yet unlike naturally occurring Omicron, efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells.

In K18-hACE2 mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80%. This indicates that while the vaccine escape of Omicron is defined by mutations in S, major determinants of viral pathogenicity reside outside of S.”

I would like to quote Dr. Paul Alexander whose response says it all: “The question is why? Is anyone policing these crazy idiots? Is this bioweaponry?” Now, the fatality rate of the chimera was determined based on the results in “humanized mice” … but so was the approval of the bivalent boosters!

And again, like I said many times before, I am far less interested in the motives of the crazies than I am in the practical implications. Our society is very compartmentalized, the left hand never knows what the right hand is doing, and a large number of people never even tried to think about the big philosophical picture.

So the scientists might be excited about the “power over nature,” and the scientists; sponsors might be genocidal, and each participant might practice their own style of being destructive to the human species — but in the end, the really important question is the one that Dr. Alexander is asking: “Who is policing these crazy idiots”?

To quote more of Dr. Alexander, “Menachery and Baric et al. in 2015 told us they just created the very situation we faced with COVID virus, in 2015 and they did not stop.

They went stir crazy raving mad in 2015 and beyond, inserting furin cleavage sites (a 9 amino acid genetic sequence just in-between the junction of the S1 and S2 subunits of the spike glycoprotein) into any and every bat coronavirus and chimera they could produce, stitching together parts of coronaviruses or whole viruses to see the ‘spillover’, zoonotic jump from animal to human, to test how infectious and lethal they could make the spike. They did and it seems there are more MADMEN around.”

Mad Ambition

Whenever I think about synthetic biology, my mind goes back to the obnoxious article on the World Economic Forum titled, “From synthetic life to engineering the climate – how we’re learning to manage the Earth.”

“It is common to think about “process” in commerce, industry, and society. A well-designed, well-managed process is essential for producing “products” that are desirable across numerous social and business realms …

If Earth’s products are the magnificent array of species that populate the Earth, together with the mountains, deserts, and oceans where they dwell, then its processes are the major biological, geological, and physical forces responsible for creating these products in the first place.”

“So, what would it mean to talk about “well-designed” and “well-managed” Earthen processes? The question is an odd one because these processes … originated without us and they continue to operate independently of us.

Short of the idea of some sort of divine architect responsible for setting them up in the first place, any talk of a management or design seems entirely out of place. Gravity, photosynthesis, and genetic mutation have never been in our species’ wheelhouse. They are the timeless and independent backdrop against which every civilization has been fashioned …

Despite the startling impact of humanity on Earth’s products, the processes that shape it have not yet fallen into human hands. Not, that is, until now.

New technologies are fast arriving that will permit the management of fundamental Earth-shaping processes. Two examples of these technologies are climate engineering and synthetic biology.”

How is that one going?

Multiple Mechanism of Harm = “Safe and Effective”

Here is a thought experiment. For a long time, Dr. Marin Pall has been screaming from the rooftops saying that the rollout of 5G was not a good idea at all and that if the rollout occurs, it could cause disease on a massive scale.

Massive scale 5G rollout has happened, and even before the vaccines rolled out — and especially after they rolled out — many people got sick with mysterious ailments. But because there can be more than one factor impacting our health (what a revolutionary concept), we are not allowed to even think in the direction of 5G without sounding crazy.

It is like poisoning one’s soup with arsenic while simultaneously poisoning one’s wine with a cyanide while also trying to nuke their house, and then not being able to identify the cause of death because, according to experts, arsenic, cyanide, and nukes are safe and effective. And it’s written right there, in black and white, in an official paper, sponsored by the investors into the companies manufacturing arsenic, cyanide, and green nuclear weapons!

Crazies With a “Savior Complex” or Genocidal Maniacs?

One of the main objections from respectable people is that there could be corruption — even bad corruption — but surely, no evil motives, and the reason for that is that we live in a “normal” world in which large scale conspiracies don’t happen. When I get to that part of the conversation, I usually say, very sincerely, that I don’t care if the people bringing destruction to our species think of themselves as saviors or just like killing.

In my recent article called, “What is a Conspiracy?” I argued that “it is possible that Klaus Schwab believes his own b*****t and thinks that the Great Reset is good for our species. But does it matter? Most likely, even classic serial killers follow their own internal logic that makes them “not villains” — but none the less they are killing, and conspiring to do so! And, on a side note, there is nothing new about the practice of combining one’s “missionary obsession” with personal profit!”

The history of our species is proof that genocides are not a figment of imagination and not an abstraction — and while it is usually hard to scholastically “prove” a genocide in real time due to the proximity and the narrow view of the observer, people in the West seem to be dying at a higher rate than usual and giving birth at a slower rate than usual. And it’s only been two years of the “new normal!”

Is it a genocide in the making? It is a case of careless poisoning of human beings? Honestly, talking about this in a scholarly manner feels like a request to please be a good girl, take a spade, and dig out a hole in the ground that may or may not be used as our own grave. Sorry this is not normal. Not normal!

And when it comes to the likelihood of evil motives, of course the world is complex! Of course there can be many players with many motives! If you are curious, please check out deeper dives: “The Mind of a Global Owner: Does Depopulation Make Sense?” and Betrayal and Extermination of Property Owners: A Thought Experiment.

And on the final note about conspiracy theories, Igor Chudov recently wrote a fantastic articleshowing, side by side, the evolution of “crazy conspiracies.” I think the comparisons are potent!

pfizer covid vaccine impact on transmission
bill gates funding efforts to block the sun
baseless conspiracy theories

How to Handle Too Much “Crazy”?

It’s never easy. I promised to give my personal answer to coping with an onslaught of “crazy.” My personal answer is faith in the power of the universe and praying for courage, clarity, and protection. It sounds simple but it takes a lot of work to leave behind the intellectual habits of “smart, educated people” and go back the primal feeling of how people felt about the world for maybe millions of years.

When you are here, between the Earth and the sky, and you have no idea what’s ahead — but you know that you are a good person, a dignified person, that you are here for a reason, surrounded by good energy, and that you have an obligation to walk your path with dignity and self-respect, to be grateful to the higher powers for all the joyous things, and to not be afraid of anything. This is the only way I know how to do it.

It’s raw. It’s in the moment. But it’s very beautiful, and we are not alone, we are guided and protected, and no villain in the world can break our spirit without our permission. They cannot break our spirit without our permission. I don’t give my permission. I don’t. They can’t have it.

May the destructive ones eat each other! May we find the sweetest way toward truth and healing — and heal completely! There will come a day, now or in a thousand years, when the cruel transhumanist crazies will be a myth, a bad dream. It’ll come. And our descendants will thank us. May we stand with courage. May it be so.

About the Author

To find more of Tessa Lena’s work, be sure to check out her bio, Tessa Fights Robots.

Is Your Body the Legal Property of Big Pharma? – Dr. Joseph Mercola


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  • The political corruption we see today has grown out of a long-term unholy alliance between U.S. intelligence agencies and organized crime syndicates
  • This intelligence/organized crime ring is setting into place a technocratic form of feudalism, a transhumanist slavery system
  • Transhumanism is eugenics rebranded, and the merger of Silicon Valley companies with Big Pharma is eugenics framed as health care. COVID has now shown us that this rebranded form of eugenics can be forced on us
  • While transhumanism is sold to us as a way to provide health equity for all, the reality is the complete opposite. Military reports confirm that the emergence of augmented cyborgs will not create equity but rather increase disparities. Unless you’re in an elite class, transhumanism will not benefit you. Instead, you’re destined to be a lab rat to help perfect transhumanist tech, as we’re seeing right now with the COVID shots

In the video above, Glenn Beck interviews investigative journalist Whitney Webb about her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” Parts 1 and 2.

These books provide the necessary framework to understand not just Jeffrey Epstein’s geopolitical role and function, but also, more broadly, the deep connections between the U.S. intelligence community and organized crime.

The political corruption we see today grew out of this unholy alliance, which has led to blackmail and bribery being two key strategies by which the wealthy self-described “elites” maintain power and influence from behind the scenes.

As noted by Beck, Webb “is a massive threat to powerful people. If people will listen and … explore what she’s saying, the game is up.” I agree. People need to understand how the system we thought we knew actually works, how it’s been used against us, and what the end game is.

Organized Crime at the Highest Levels

Epstein’s pedophilia and sexual blackmail enterprise was a central cog in this network of corruption for decades. He was also involved in many other questionable and/or criminal enterprises, including financial crimes, but he wasn’t necessarily at the top level in any of them. Webb describes him more as a middle-management-type of character, carrying out orders from higher-ups, including U.S. intelligence.

Overall, these “higher-ups” are people who favor globalism and global governance, and who don’t want the United States to have a monopoly on power. This is part of why the power of the U.S. is now being dismantled before our eyes, but the undermining and infiltration have been going on for decades.

As noted by Beck and Webb, our government is basically being run by organized crime, and this organized crime ring is setting into place a technocratic form of feudalism, a digital slavery system.

The reason Epstein’s financial crimes matter is because they’re like a microcosm of what has been going on in the U.S. for decades. According to Catherine Austin Fitts and Mark Skidmore, an estimated $21 trillion of U.S. taxpayer money have already been looted, stolen and siphoned out. Where did all that money go? Who took it?

Against that background of having already been looted, we’re now facing a radical degradation of our standard of living, with rising inflation and manufactured energy and food crises piled on top of each other.

All of these things, Webb says, are part of a plan to coerce us into accepting the unacceptable. Making sure people are cold, hungry, destitute and desperate is a surefire way to get people to cooperate with the globalist takeover, which includes a radical transition into transhumanism.

Transhumanism Is Eugenics Rebranded

In the interview, Webb reviews the history of transhumanism, the roots of which go back to Julian Huxley, brother of the famous author Aldous Huxley. Julian was president of the British Eugenics Society.

When the United Nations was created after World War II, he was put in charge of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the stated aim of which is to promote world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.

But in writing about his vision for UNESCO, Julian said about eugenics, “We need to make the unthinkable thinkable again.” Ten years later, in 1957, he coined the term “transhumanism,” and described it as eugenics through the merging of man with machine.

So, transhumanism is eugenics rebranded. This is also corroborated by the fact that the same people, families and organizations that in the past supported eugenics now support transhumanism. Likewise, the merger of Silicon Valley companies with Big Pharma is nothing other than eugenics framed as health care. And COVID has now shown us that this rebranded form of eugenics can be forced on us.

Transhumanism Is Not for Betterment of the Average Person

As noted by Webb, while transhumanism is sold to us as a way for all people to obtain health and longevity — health equity for all! — the reality will be far from equitable.

She points out that science fiction writer H.G Wells once described the transhumanist future as one in which there is a physically and intellectually augmented elite class, and squat, dwarf-like, slave underclass that eats bugs and doesn’t even have the cognitive capacity to rebel.

Sound familiar? The World Economic Forum and their allied networks are pushing for a transition from real meat to insects. One of the primary side effects of the bioweapon referred to as the “COVID-19 vaccine,” aside from early death, is neurological dysfunction, and the masking, lockdowns and shuttering of schools have resulted in children who are nonverbal, cognitively impaired and/or years behind on core reading and math skills.

The Transhumanist Plan Is Being Fast-Tracked

As detailed in “The Plan to Turn You Into a Genetically Edited Human Cyborg,” a 2021 report by the U.K. Ministry of Defense and the German Bundeswehr Office for Defense Planning offers shocking insights into the dystopian cybernetics future that global technocrats are pushing us toward.

The report, “Human Augmentation — The Dawn of a New Paradigm, a Strategic Implications Project,”1 reviews the scientific goals of the U.K. and German defense ministries, and they are precisely what the title suggests. Human augmentation is stressed as being a key area of development.

It’s worth noting that anything released to the public is a decade or more behind current capabilities, so everything in this report can be considered dated news, even though it reads like pure science fiction.

Importantly, the report notes that “Human augmentation has the potential to … change the meaning of what it means to be a human.” This is precisely what Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has stated is the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution.2

Schwab has stated that “the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities.”3 Beyond your own “enhanced” 5G cloud-connected self, the WEF foresees a near future in which everyone’s digital identity is connected to each other through an “Internet of Bodies” (IoB).4,5

The fact that we’re moving at lightning speed into the transhumanist future envisioned by the WEF and militaries around the world is also evidenced by President Biden’s September 2022 Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology, which places development of genetic engineering techniques “to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology” on the fast-track.

US Defense Department Is Also Working on Human Cyborgs

In a September 14, 2022, Substack article,6 Dr. Robert Malone also reviewed the U.S. DoD’s plans for an army of human cyborgs. Certain report titles alone tell the story, such as the Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance Council’s report7 “Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD.” According to the assessment abstract:

“The primary objective of this effort was to forecast and evaluate the military implications of machines that are physically integrated with the human body to augment and enhance human performance over the next 30 years.

This report summarizes this assessment and findings; identifies four potential military-use cases for new technologies in this area; and assesses their impact upon the DOD organizational structure, warfighter doctrine and tactics, and interoperability with U.S. allies and civil society.”

Human augmentation technologies deemed technically feasible by 2050 at the latest include ocular enhancements to improve sight and situational awareness, optogenetic bodysuit to restore or improve muscular strength and control, auditory enhancements, and neural enhancement of the brain for two-way data transfers and brain-to-brain communication.

With H.G. Wells’ description of our transhumanist future in mind (the two-tiered society of augmented super humans and bug-eating devolved slaves), it’s worth noting that both the DoD’s “Cyborg Soldier” report and the British/German “Human Augmentation” report address the fact that human augmentation will inevitably widen already existing disparities, inequalities and inequities — not close them! — and therefore, “efforts should be undertaken to reverse negative cultural narratives of enhancement technologies.”8

In other words, don’t let people come to the conclusion that human “borgs” are a bad idea, because at worst that might prevent their development, and at best, it’ll pitch regular people against the augmented elite, making their efforts to rule more difficult. Combating negative narratives about the borgification of mankind is also necessary in order to maintain the lie that transhumanism is about leveling the playing field and allowing everyone to live longer and have lifelong health.

Final Thoughts

I don’t know what it will take to prevent the dystopian post-human world envisioned by technocratic transhumanist elitists, but I suspect education would be a cornerstone of such an endeavor. In order for there to be a resistance, enough people need to be aware of what the plan is, and where we’re actually being led with all these novel therapies and inventions.

In the shorter term, it’s crucial to realize that the fast-tracking of “genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers” means they’re going to cut corners. Loads of them.

Testing is basically going to be done on the population at large, just as they’ve done with the COVID jabs. The results of such experimentation are relatively predictable. People will be seriously injured and many will die.

We also still don’t know what the legal standing of people whose genetics are altered by RNA might be, now or in the future, since that has yet to be established.

So please, think long and hard before you agree to take any of these forthcoming gene therapies, be they COVID boosters or any other “vaccines.” They’re not vaccines. They’re gene transfer technologies that alter your DNA.9,10 They’re part of the transhumanist agenda, the Fourth Industrial Revolution — and remember, transhumanism is a eugenics agenda. Same agenda, just new tools.

1 in 5 Young Adults Dies From Excessive Alcohol Consumption – Dr. Joseph Mercola

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  • Deaths attributed to excessive alcohol consumption in the U.S. are trending upward. Between 2015 and 2019, 1 in 5 deaths (20.3%) in the 20- to 49-year age group was related to excessive alcohol intake. The percentage of men dying from excess alcohol consumption (15%) was higher than that of women (9.4%), but both are on the rise
  • Common types of alcohol-related deaths include alcohol poisoning, motor vehicle accidents, suicides, falls and alcohol-related liver disease or pancreas failure
  • Other data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest the rate of deaths directly attributed to alcohol rose by more than 25% in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, when many were self-isolating and working from home. The trend continued into 2021, by then up 34% from prepandemic levels
  • Researchers have established a clear link between isolation, loneliness and alcohol abuse and addiction so, clearly, health officials did not have public health in mind when they declared liquor stores to be an “essential business” during the pandemic, while churches, gyms and even parks and beaches were shut down
  • Two alcoholic drinks per day or less for men and one drink or less for women is considered “moderate” consumption. Binge drinking is defined as having five or more alcoholic drinks on a single occasion for men, or four or more for women. A “drink” is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor

Recent research1,2 looking at deaths attributable to excessive alcohol consumption in the U.S. has found rates are trending upward. Between 2015 and 2019, 1 in 5 deaths (20.3%) in the 20- to 49-year age group was related to excessive alcohol intake.

Expanding the age group to 20- to 64-years of age, alcohol related deaths were 1 in 8. This makes alcohol a leading preventable cause of death in the U.S. The percentage of men dying from excess alcohol consumption (15%) was higher than that of women (9.4%), but both are on the rise. Common types of alcohol-related deaths include alcohol poisoning, motor vehicle accidents, suicides, falls and alcohol-related liver disease or pancreas failure. According to the authors:3

“The number of premature deaths could be reduced with increased implementation of evidenced-based, population-level alcohol policies, such as increasing alcohol taxes or regulating alcohol outlet density.”

Alcohol Intake Skyrocketed During Pandemic

Other data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest the rate of deaths directly attributed to alcohol rose by more than 25% in 2020,4,5 the first year of the pandemic, when many were self-isolating and working from home. The trend continued into 2021, by then up 34% from prepandemic levels.6

alcohol-related deaths increase during the pandemic

Clear Links Between Loneliness and Alcohol Abuse

This should come as no surprise, seeing how researchers have long since established a clear link between isolation, loneliness and alcohol abuse and addiction. As noted in the 1992 scientific review “Loneliness and Alcohol Abuse: A Review of Evidences of an Interplay”:7

“A theoretical discussion based on clinical observations can be dated back to the 1950’s … knowledge is still incomplete, but the review indicates that loneliness may be significant at all stages in the course of alcoholism: as a contributing and maintaining factor in the growth of abuse and as an encumbrance in attempts to give it up.

Concordant reports demonstrate that alcoholics do feel more lonely than members of most other groups do. In advanced abusers, loneliness is obviously connected with a number of negative characteristics and, together with several of those, directly linked to a poor prognosis.

There are, however, no obvious relations to the external social situation (i.e. network) or amount of drinking. Instead, the feeling of loneliness appears to be more connected with a general negative perception about oneself and one’s relations to other people and also with a general dissatisfaction with most things in life …”

An even earlier study8 found “feeling of loneliness” was the most important factor influencing the prognosis of advanced alcohol abusers, followed by “a general dissatisfaction with the existing situation, independent of its nature.”

As noted by the authors, “To sum up, the lonely abuser showed a recurrent pattern characterized by discontentment and dissatisfaction, in combination with some traces of passivity in essential life-spheres.”

The American Addiction Centers also stresses that isolation is a barrier to getting and staying sober.9 It certainly didn’t help that liquor stores, of all things, were deemed to be an “essential business” during the pandemic, and were kept open while churches, gyms and even parks and beaches were shut down. Clearly, public health officials did not have public health at the top of their minds when they made these decisions.

A Brief History of Alcohol

In the video above, podcast host Joe Rogan interviews university scholar and philosophy professor Edward Slingerland, Ph.D., author of “Drunk.” Slingerland highlights an important point, which is that, historically, mankind has not been drinking hard liquor.

Traditionally, alcohol was primarily consumed in the form of beer with an alcohol content of 2% to 3%, and wine with an alcohol content of 8% to 10%. As noted by Slingerland, there’s a built-in limit to the amount of alcohol you can obtain through fermentation. Fermentation, as you likely know, is the process of yeast turning sugar in the brew into alcohol.

Over the past century or two, alcohol makers have developed hardier yeasts capable of fermentation rates as high as 16%. At present, that’s the upper limit for fermentation, as at that point, the alcohol shuts down the activity of the yeast.

Distillation, which is another modern invention, is a way around that. By heating the alcoholic beverage, you can capture the ethanol as a vapor and then turn it back into a liquid, giving you a really concentrated form of alcohol, i.e., distilled liquor or spirits, which can be as high as 90% alcohol by volume (ABV).

As noted by Slingerland, the human body is not equipped to handle that kind of concentration. So, while mankind has been making and consuming alcoholic beverages for many thousands of years, it’s only in recent times that alcohol has become a potent toxin that needs to be carefully regulated.

How Much Is Too Much?

According to experts, two alcoholic drinks per day or less for men and one drink or less for women is considered “moderate” consumption. Binge drinking is defined as having five or more alcoholic drinks on a single occasion for men, or four or more for women. A “drink” is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor.

Excessive Alcohol Intake Is a Primary Driver of Liver Damage

According to researchers, the rise in cirrhosis mortality is entirely driven by excess alcohol consumption by young adults. While, historically, alcohol-related liver cirrhosis has been regarded as a condition that develops after two or three decades of heavy drinking, these newer statistics reveal it doesn’t have to take that long at all, as it’s now occurring in (and killing) 20- and 30-year-olds.

In the 25 to 34 age group, death from alcohol-related liver disease nearly tripled between 1999 and 2016. This increase parallels statistics10 showing a rise in binge drinking between 2002 and 2012.

It also correlates with the global financial crisis in 2008, after which more people began dying from cirrhosis. Researchers believe financial worries and unemployment may have been significant contributing factors, causing more people to drink more heavily. The good news is that alcohol-related liver cirrhosis can be reversed if caught early enough — and provided you quit drinking.

Limit Fructose to Protect and Heal Your Liver

While giving up the drink is a prerequisite, you’ll also want to strictly limit or eliminate fructose from your diet, the primary sources of which are sweet beverages like soda and most all processed foods and condiments.

Fructose is metabolized differently in your body than glucose, resulting in the production of toxic byproducts (like uric acid) that are similar to those produced by the metabolism of alcohol, with similarly damaging effects on your liver.

There are clear data linking fructose consumption to causing your body to make fats — a disease process associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) fat accumulation in the liver, which causes insulin resistance and associated diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer and dementia.

One of the best books ever written about the dangers of fructose is “The Sugar Fix” by Dr. Richard Johnson, a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado. A majority of Johnson’s work involves research, which primarily focuses on how fructose relates to obesity, high blood pressure, kidney disease and fatty liver disease.

Another leading expert in this area is Dr. Robert Lustig, professor of pediatric endocrinology at the University of California in San Francisco (USCF). His research shows sugar, in most forms, but fructose in particular, acts as a poison when consumed in excess.

Data suggest the average American consumes 126.4 grams of sugar a day11 — more than five times the recommended max, and your liver, which processes sugar, simply cannot handle that kind of load. When you overload your liver in this way, you inevitably end up with chronic metabolic disease. Type 2 diabetes, Lustig has pointed out, is nothing other than insulin resistance in the liver.

As a standard recommendation, I recommend keeping your total fructose consumption below 25 grams per day, but for many, it would actually be wise to limit it to 15 grams or less, as most all processed foods contain hidden fructose.

Nutraceuticals That Support Liver Health

Aside from cutting out fructose and other forms of sugar, there are also nutritional supplements that can help protect and restore health and function to your liver, such as:

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) — NAC is a precursor needed for glutathione biosynthesis. In fact, research suggests NAC may be a better alternative for supporting liver health in those with chronic liver diseases than the antioxidant resveratrol.12 NAC supplementation can also help minimize the damage associated with alcohol consumption when taken prior to alcohol ingestion.13

Folate (vitamin B9) — Increasing your intake of folate can also help protect your liver function. In one study,14 researchers found levels of folate and vitamin B12 were inversely related to the development of fibrosis (formation of scar tissue).

Studies have also shown folate deficiency can increase your risk for liver cancer.15,16 In one, which involved hepatitis B-positive patients (who are at higher risk for liver damage), higher folate levels were associated with a 67% lower risk of liver cancer.17,18

Your body stores approximately 10 to 30 milligrams of folate at a time, nearly 50% of which is in your liver. Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9 found in foods. Green leafy vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and avocados are excellent options.19

Milk thistle — An herb used for thousands of years to support liver, kidney and gallbladder health, in modern times, it’s been used to treat alcoholic liver disease and toxin-induced liver diseases. In your liver, the active ingredient, silymarin, works as an antifibrotic, thereby preventing tissue scarring.

It also blocks toxins by inhibiting the binding of toxins to liver cell membrane receptors. Silymarin also protects your liver and promotes healthy liver function by suppressing cellular inflammation20 and increasing glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that plays a role in the detoxification of heavy metals and other harmful substances.

How to Cut Down or Quit Drinking

If you’re not addicted but tend to drink more than what’s considered “moderate,” consider cutting down your consumption, or just quit cold turkey. Drink more water, including between drinks when socializing. If plain water gets old, get a Soda Stream and add some digestive bitters, fresh fruit or herbs.

Other strategies include drinking only on certain days, and keeping it within moderate limits, or mixing weaker cocktails than usual. If you’re at a social event and want to limit your alcohol consumption, keep a nonalcoholic drink in your hand so the offer of another drink doesn’t come up. You can also slow down your body’s alcohol absorption by eating something at the same time.

Help for Substance Use Disorders

If you live in the U.S. and need help or support for your alcohol addiction (or if you need support because a family member or friend has an addiction problem), contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration by calling 800-662-HELP (4357).21

It’s a free, confidential helpline, available in English and Spanish, that’s open 24/7, every day of the year. They can offer acute help and provide treatment referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups and community-based organizations for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders.





FULL EVENT: President Donald J. Trump Makes Special Announcement at Mar-a-Lago – 11/15/22




The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

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EXCESS MORTALITY: Over 2400 Americans are DYING each day following vaccine mandates… Ed Dowd unveils alarming, evidence-based data


Judge Orders Fauci, Other Top Officials to Testify Under Oath – Dr. Joseph Mercola



  • In the summer of 2022, a lawsuit was filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana against the federal government, including Dr. Anthony Fauci
  • The lawsuit alleges that the U.S. government colluded with Big Tech giants Twitter, Meta (Facebook), YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn to censor certain viewpoints by labeling them “misinformation” or “disinformation”
  • In September 2022, a federal judge ordered Fauci and other officials to turn over emails with five social media firms
  • Now, a federal court has taken it a step further, ruling that Fauci and other officials must testify under oath at depositions about whether they colluded with Big Tech to censor certain users
  • The suit gives multiple examples of Fauci’s roles in the suppression of free speech, including that related to the lab leak theory of COVID-19’s origin, COVID-19 shots and the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns

Restriction of free speech excelled during the COVID-19 pandemic, when efforts to shut down public discussions and information that countered the official narrative were in full force. In the summer of 2022, a lawsuit was filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana against the federal government, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).1

The lawsuit alleges that the U.S. government colluded with Big Tech giants Twitter, Meta (Facebook), YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn to censor certain viewpoints by labeling them “misinformation” or “disinformation.” In September 2022, a federal judge ordered Fauci and other officials to turn over emails with five social media firms.2

Fauci initially refused, stating that the communications were protected by executive privilege. However, the judge ordered that the documents be turned over within 21 days nonetheless. Fauci was also ordered to answer questions posed by the plaintiffs in full. Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children’s Health Defense, explained:3

“Up until now, Dr. Fauci has operated under this cloak of ‘untouchableness,’ thinking he has been above the law. He likely didn’t expect his emails to be made public. We can only imagine what this tranche of emails will likely reveal about Dr. Fauci’s bare-knuckled censorship — it won’t be pretty.”

Now, a federal court has taken it a step further, ruling that Fauci and other officials must testify under oath at depositions about whether they colluded with Big Tech to censor certain users.4

US Government Accused of Suppressing Free Speech

The original lawsuit was filed in May 2022 by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry.5 A joint statement regarding witness depositions reads:6

“Plaintiffs allege Defendants have colluded with and/or coerced social media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social media platforms by labeling the content “dis-information,” “mis-information,” and “mal-information.”

Plaintiffs allege the suppression of disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and contents constitutes government action and violates Plaintiffs’ freedom of speech in violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

What Was the Government Trying to Hide?

Several examples are given of suppression of free speech. Among them:7

The Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 presidential election — Evidence found on Hunter’s laptop suggests he helped secure “millions in funding” for Metabiota, a U.S. contractor in Ukraine “specializing in deadly pathogen research,” which is what the Russian government had claimed during a press conference March 24, 2022.8

In addition, one of Metabiota’s investors is Rosemont Seneca,9 an investment fund co-managed by Hunter Biden.10

Metabiota is also a core partner in the USAID PREDICT program, which funded laboratory equipment for the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China through grants to the EcoHealth Alliance, and Shi Zhengli, a top coronavirus researcher at the WIV, also worked with PREDICT.11The media, however, largely dismissed the story.12

Daniel Schmidt, a freshman at the University of Chicago and writer for the university’s student-run newspaper The Chicago Thinker, even confronted Anne Applebaum, a staff writer for The Atlantic, about the media dismissal, stating:13

“In 2020 you wrote, ‘Those who live outside the Fox News bubble do not, of course, need to learn any of the stuff about Hunter Biden,’ referring to his laptop, of course. A poll later found that if voters knew about the contents of the laptop, 16% of Joe Biden voters would have acted differently.

Now, of course, we know … that The New York Times confirmed that the content is real. Do you think the media acted inappropriately when they instantly dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation and what can be learned from that in ensuring that what we label as disinformation is truly disinformation and not reality?”

Speech about the lab leak theory of COVID-19’s origin — The plaintiffs allege that Fauci censored “speech backed by great scientific credibility and with enormous potential nationwide impact.”14 This includes information that COVID-19 was the result of a lab leak in Wuhan, China.

One of the major pieces of propaganda is “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,”15 a paper published in Nature Medicine in March 2020 that became the preeminent “proof” that SARS-CoV-2 had a natural origin and couldn’t possibly have come from a lab. It was later revealed that Fauci, Wellcome Trust head Jeremy Farrar and Dr. Francis Collins, NIH director, had a hand in the paper.16 As Children’s Health Defense reported:17

“If the lab leak theory were true, in turn, it would mean that Fauci could be potentially implicated in funding the research on viruses that caused the COVID-19 pandemic that killed millions of people worldwide, the plaintiffs argued. This is because he funded risky “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through intermediaries such as EcoHealth Alliance.

In late January 2020 and early February 2020, Fauci was also in touch with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in oral communications about the government’s COVID-19 response. Facebook then allegedly went on [to] censor the lab leak theory, according to the plaintiffs.”

Speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns — Two plaintiffs in the case, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, co-authored the Great Barrington Declaration, which scientifically critiqued the effects of prolonged lockdowns in response to COVID-19.

Collins sent an email to Fauci stating, “There needs to be a quick and devastating published take-down of its premises.” In response, Fauci began to publicly criticize the Declaration, calling it “total nonsense” and “ridiculous.”18

The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), which is part of the lawsuit, representing Bhattacharya and Kulldorff, stated:19

“Social media platforms, acting at the federal government’s behest, repeatedly censored NCLA’s clients for articulating views on those platforms in opposition to government-approved views on Covid-19 restrictions. This insidious censorship was the direct result of the federal government’s ongoing campaign to silence those who voice perspectives that deviate from those of the Biden Administration.

Government officials’ public threats to punish social media companies that did not do their bidding demonstrate this linkage, as do emails from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to social media companies that only recently were made public.”

Fauci Ordered to Testify Under Oath

The request for depositions was filed October 10, 2022. “After finding documentation of a collusive relationship between the Biden administration and social media companies to censor free speech, we immediately filed a motion to get these officials under oath,” Schmitt said in a news release.

“It is high time we shine a light on this censorship enterprise and force these officials to come clean to the American people, and this ruling will allow us to do just that. We’ll keep pressing for the truth.”20 In addition to Fauci, other officials ordered to testify include:21

  • Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki
  • Director of White House Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty
  • Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy
  • CISA director Jen Easterly
  • FBI Supervisory special agent Elvis Chan

The depositions will cover many examples of a collusive relationship uncovered by the email exchanges. Another example includes former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, who was also a victim of the censorship hysteria; his Twitter account was suspended when he posted this scientifically accurate information about COVID-19 shots:22

“It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine. Think of it — at best — as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS. And we want to mandate it? Insanity.”

Berenson filed a lawsuit against Twitter for labeling the tweet as misleading and canceling his account. The case has since been resolved, with Twitter acknowledging that the tweets should not have led to a suspension. When his account was reinstated, Berenson tweeted the exact same message, which this time escaped Twitter’s “misinformation” flag.

However, it’s now been revealed that Fauci was involved in Berenson’s suspension. According to the plaintiffs’ joint statement, “Dr. Fauci publicly described Berenson’s opinions on vaccines as ‘horrifying.’ President Biden followed Dr. Fauci’s steps and made a statement that ‘They’re killing people’ by not censoring vaccine ‘misinformation,’ to which Twitter subsequently permanently suspended Berenson from its platform.”23

Will the Truth Finally Be Heard?

The request for depositions gave three reasons why Fauci, specifically, should be questioned under oath:24

1. He refused to verify under oath his own interrogatory responses; instead, NIAID responses were verified by Dr Jill Harper, who was not named in the complaint. Fauci has made no statements under oath regarding his communications with social media platforms.

2. Even if Fauci can prove he didn’t communicate with social media platforms, “there are compelling reasons that suggest Dr. Fauci has acted through intermediaries, and acted on behalf of others, in procuring the social-media censorship of credible scientific opinions.”

3. Fauci’s credibility on matters related to COVID-19 “misinformation” has been in question since 2020.

“Plaintiffs state that Dr. Fauci has made public statements on the efficacy of masks, the percentage of the population needed for herd immunity, NIAID’s funding of ‘gain-of-function’ virus research in Wuhan, the lab-leak theory, and more. Plaintiffs urge that his comments on these important issues are relevant to the matter at hand and are further reasons why Dr. Fauci should be deposed.”

August 22, 2022, Fauci announced he will resign from his roles as director of the NIAID — a position he’s held for 38 years — and chief medical adviser to the White House, come December.25 It’s interesting timing.

It appears Fauci is making sure to get out before new Republican Congressional members take their seats and is probably banking on being able to plead the Fifth Amendment as a private citizen, should Republicans decide to investigate his role in the pandemic. This deposition may change that, as well as bring much-needed protection to Americans’ right to free speech. As noted by NCLA:26

“Government-induced censorship is achieved through a wide variety of mechanisms, ranging from complete bans, temporary bans, “shadow bans” (where often neither the user nor his audience is notified of the suppression of speech), deboosting, de-platforming, de-monetizing, restricting access to content, requiring users to take down content, and imposing warning labels that require click-through to access content, among others.

These methods also include temporary and permanent suspensions of disfavored speakers.

This sort of censorship, which strikes at the heart of what the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was designed to protect — free speech, especially political speech — constitutes unlawful government action. The federal government is deciding whose voices and ideas may be heard, and whose voices and ideas must be silenced.

Moreover, this state action deprives Americans of their right to hear the views of those who are being silenced, a First Amendment corollary of the right to free speech. The government’s policy of coercing social-media companies to censor Plaintiffs’ viewpoints should be declared unlawful and halted immediately.”





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Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism, Forced Vaccines Discussed


  • The fallout from destructive federal COVID response policies on the mental health, child development and economic stability of our nation is still being assessed
  • In October 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention once again extended the COVID pandemic public health emergency declaration, this time until January 11, 2023
  • The mRNA COVID shots are associated with many ugly side effects, especially ones that compromise the blood and heart and can cause death
  • With vaccine-induced immunity off the table and vaccine adverse reactions viewed as a good thing, by the end of October 2022 the global mass vaccination campaign had convinced about 70% of the world’s population to get at least one COVID shot
  • The Lancet published a report in September 2022 called “The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic;” it calls for “prosociality” reorientation so global populations can be controlled by a central authority, especially during global pandemic responses
  • If the state can tag, track down and force individuals against their will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow

The morning that hurricane Ian hit the coast of southwest Florida, the dramatic images of the raw power of Mother Nature blowing apart structures built by human hands and sweeping them into the sea were unbelievable.1 After hours and hours of wind, rain and a catastrophic water surge that left a trail of destruction in its wake, I thought about how very different this natural disaster was compared to the one unleashed on the world in 2020 that also left a trail of destruction in its wake.

Two disasters, one a natural disaster legally termed an “act of God,” and the other a disaster that, three years later, people are still asking: was it natural or manmade?2,3

Whether or not the SARS-CoV-2 virus spontaneously jumped out of a bat and into a human being4 or was created by scientists in a biohazard lab,5,6,7 one thing is clear: the chaotic response by the experts in charge has been a disaster in itself.8

And the people, whose lives were impacted by that chaos, experienced the same kind of sudden shock, fear,9 disorientation, isolation and powerlessness that many people, who experience a hurricane, tsunami, tornado, earthquake or fire, feel when the unexpected happens.

Pandemic Public Health Policies Generated Fear, Instability

In the middle of this hurricane, I found myself thinking about why fear of the unknown10 brought on by this emergency was so familiar.

It was familiar because we had just experienced fear of the unknown in the winter of 2020,11 when we were told by public health officials that a weirdly mutated coronavirus was on the loose and would kill us if we didn’t hide in our homes, wear cloth over our faces, cut off physical contact with our family and friends, keep our children out of school, and stop getting our hair cut or going to church, exercising in a gym, entering restaurants or certain stores, and be OK with the government labeling many workers and private businesses as “non-essential,” which shut down our economy and threatened to plunge families into bankruptcy.12,13,14

The people in Florida facing this real life-threatening emergency were suddenly having to call upon emotional and physical reserves already depleted by having recently gone through another emergency, in which some lost their health or their loved ones to the mutant virus, or were injured by disabling COVID vaccine reactions, while others lost their jobs, homes or businesses during the 2020 lockdown that, thankfully, was cut short in Florida compared to many other states.

The fallout from destructive federal COVID response policies on the mental health, child development and economic stability of our nation is still being assessed.15,16,17,18,19,20,21

Two disasters: a natural one, and one that the world is still having trouble defining. Post-hurricane Ian, there is a lot of analysis going on in Florida by those, whose job it is to prepare for and respond to hurricanes.22 By most accounts, it is an honest analysis by state officials working hard to help people deal with what happened rather than politicizing what happened.23,24,25

Keeping Us Living in Fear to Sell COVID Vaccine

Last month, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control once again extended the COVID pandemic public health emergency declaration, this time until January 11, 2023.26

To justify keeping us living in fear,27,28 federal health officials are warning ominously that a “twindemic” of a more transmissible SARS-CoV-2 virus mutant strain, combined with an especially bad influenza season, is poised to make more of us very sick this fall and winter if we don’t all get a COVID shot and a flu shot at the same time.29,30

One high ranking government doctor said with a straight face — “I really believe this is why God gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot.”31

But Americans have grown weary of virus porn and, while the majority of Americans have gotten at least one COVID shot, polls show that just 14 percent of children under age five have gotten one.32,33,34 There are signs that Americans are questioning the ever-changing number of COVID booster shots being aggressively advertised by Big Pharma and government officials, who are trying hard to convince us we will need to get a COVID shot every single year.35,36,37,38

In this very lucrative marketing campaign, the two mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer and Moderna, raked in 50 billion dollars in 2021 and 2022 alone, with a promise of billions more in profits in the years to come.39,40,41,42

A Mutated Virus, a Reactive Biological That’s Not a Vaccine

Those two drug companies are selling a cell disrupter biological product that is called a vaccine, but in no way resembles any other vaccine that has ever been injected into humans to theoretically combat a weirdly mutated coronavirus, which is acting like no other virus that has ever infected humans.

The mRNA biological has been described as “transforming the body into a vaccine-making machine,”43 while one scientist explains that the rapidly mutating SARS-CoV-2 virus is “essentially viral evolution on steroids.”44

But, still, nobody in charge of the COVID pandemic response seems to know exactly where this virus on steroids came from or exactly what kind of damage it — or the genetically engineered components of the mRNA product — are doing to the biological integrity of human populations.45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53

The mRNA COVID vaccines are associated with many ugly side effects, especially ones that compromise the blood and heart and can cause death.54,55 Online it has been dubbed the “clot shot,”56,57 even as owners of social media platforms try to shut down all conversations about serious COVID vaccine reactions being reported online,58,59,60,61,62 in the medical literature,63 and to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).64,65

There have been more than 1.3 million adverse events reported to VAERS after mRNA COVID vaccinations, including heart, brain and immune system damage and death. These 1.3 million reports represent more than half of all vaccine reactions reported for all vaccines since VAERS became operational in 1990 under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act,66 while less than one percent of all vaccine reactions are reported to VAERS.67

The mRNA COVID vaccine is the most reactive one ever distributed in the U.S. to the entire population.

Reactions ‘Good’ Even When the Shot Doesn’t Prevent Infection

Yet, as soon as the mRNA COVID products were released in December 2020 under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), public health officials told people to celebrate adverse reaction symptoms, trying to convince them that those reaction symptoms means the vaccine is doing its job and would prevent them from getting sick with COVID.68

Nothing could be further from the truth.69 That lie not only persuaded people to accept COVID vaccine reactions as normal and a good thing, but it persuaded doctors to dismiss COVID vaccine-related injuries and deaths as just a “coincidence.”70,71

Which brings us to perhaps the biggest elephant in the room, and that is how blatantly the people were lied to from the beginning about just how effective the mRNA COVID vaccines would be, as government officials allowed people to believe that getting vaccinated would protect them from being infected with the new coronavirus and transmitting it to others, when that was never true.

In fact, it was so untrue that, in 2021, CDC officials changed the centuries-old definition of a vaccine from a “product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases,” and they convinced Merriam Webster Dictionary to do the same.72,73,74

That’s because the FDA only required drug companies to demonstrate the COVID vaccine had at least 50 percent efficacy in preventing severe symptoms of COVID disease, rather than preventing infection.75

There is a difference between a product producing immunity that prevents infection and one that stimulates an immune response but does not prevent infection, especially when you can be infected with the coronavirus and not show symptoms.

With vaccine induced immunity off the table and vaccine adverse reactions viewed as a good thing, by the end of October 2022, the global mass vaccination campaign had convinced about 70 percent of the world’s population to get at least one COVID shot.76

WHO Heading Up Global COVID Vaccine Marketing Campaign

The sales force for Big Pharma’s COVID vaccine marketing campaign is headquartered at the United Nation’s World Health Organization,77,78,79 with de facto satellite offices in government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Gavi Alliance, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, major universities, and financial and other institutions ideologically and politically committed to imposing “The Great Reset” on all countries.80

According to Klaus Schwab, who in 1971 founded an “international organization for public-private cooperation” called the World Economic Forum, the world is in the middle of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” which is “characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital, and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.”81

In June 2020, Schwab proclaimed, “Now is the time for a great reset” because, he said, in order for the world to effectively respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments “must act swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”82

Event 201 Prepares for ‘The Great Reset’

To prepare the way for The Great Reset, on October 18, 2019, the World Economic Forum, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins University sponsored a simulated global pandemic planning exercise in New York City called Event 201.83

A “Pandemic Emergency Board” was assembled for Event 201 that included representatives of the United Nations, World Bank, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the China Centers for Disease Control, and leaders from the travel, banking, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.84

The virus selected for use in the simulated “worst case scenario” global pandemic planning exercise held three months before the World Health Organization declared a coronavirus “public health emergency of international concern” was: the coronavirus.85,86

The nagging question is: was that just a coincidence? Clearly, it will take a lot of coordination and agreement between all governments to pull off a global Great Reset. Three years into the global COVID health emergency, it appears the global public health elite are leading the way.

Lancet Commission Publishes COVID ‘Lessons Learned’ Manifesto

In September 2022, the once respected medical journal, The Lancet, published a 56-page report called “The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic.”87

The first big red flag in the report is the long list of financial conflicts of interest authors have with drug companies; government health agencies; the United Nations and its public health agency arm, the World Health Organization; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and other institutions that fund or conduct vaccine research and development and promote mandatory use of vaccines.

Once family owned, The Lancet is now owned by the publishing conglomerate, Elsevier, and concerns have been raised about editorial independence, in light of investor ties to major banking, pharmaceutical and biotech corporations. One critique of the Lancet Commission report was written by a public health physician, who previously called out the journal in July 2022 for publishing what he described as “a weakly-evidenced opinion advocating medical fascism.”88

That opinion, written by well-known compulsory vaccination proponents, called for strict enforcement of COVID vaccine mandates in the U.S., and loss of employment and school education for those who refuse to comply.89

The Lancet Commission was originally assembled in the summer of 2020 as an international group of global “experts,” primarily doctors and professors at prestigious universities, who were charged with addressing the COVID pandemic. One of their first tasks was to investigate the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, an endeavor they quickly abandoned because of what the authors described as “divisive public discussion” and “unprecedented attack and pressure” on Commission members.

Leaving that inconvenient “where did the virus come from” question on the table, the Lancet Commission went on to publish a self-aggrandizing political manifesto that fails to honestly analyze what went wrong with the global COVID pandemic response and, instead, basically calls for doing more of the same more quickly in the future.

In a stunning demonstration of hubris and ideological bias, Commission members stray from their areas of expertise and call on governments to devalue individual rights and adopt a collectivist orientation that forces individuals to comply with multi-lateral health policies and laws adopted by the United Nations.

They said, “all governments, regulators and institutions must be reoriented toward society as a whole rather than the interest of individuals — a concept the Commissioners call prosociality.”

Attacking US Lawmakers, Critics of Pandemic Response Failures

This “prosociality” reorientation would, of course, require that much more money and power be given to the United Nations and the World Health Organization so global populations can be controlled by a central authority, especially during global pandemic responses.

Defending their slogan “no one is safe until everyone is safe,” which they claim “is not mere rhetoric, or a moral truth, but an epidemiological reality,” they viciously attack U.S. lawmakers for being guilty of “neglecting scientific evidence and needlessly risking lives with a view to keeping the economy open,” and for promoting “anti-science rhetoric and disinformation about COVID 19.”

Refusing to acknowledge legitimate public concerns about authoritarian COVID response policies that led to catastrophic social and economic chaos and damage to mental and physical health of child and adult populations, the Commission complains that the World Health Organization and most governments did not move fast enough to test, identify and isolate the infected while simultaneously putting all people in masks and locking them in their homes — for a long, long time.

There is no critical analysis of faulty COVID tests that did not work;90,91 or bogus COVID death estimates that failed to distinguish between dying from COVID and dying with COVID;92,93,94,95,96 or ineffective COVID treatment protocols in hospitals that made people sicker or killed them when they were inappropriately put on ventilators.97,98,99

While praising the “public-private partnerships” that fast tracked development of COVID vaccines as a “triumph,” the Lancet Commission weaponizes the failed COVID pandemic response by placing most of the blame for COVID-related deaths on — you guessed it — those independent thinkers the Pharma’s sales force calls “anti-vaxxers.”

Infuriated that a lot of people in the U.S. and Europe questioned the competence of public health officials and defied their orders to mask up, isolate for months on end and take the COVID shot, the Lancet Commission authors alleged that anti-vaxxers — which according to Webster’s Dictionary now includes anyone who opposes mandatory vaccination100 — caused an “epidemic of misinformation and disinformation” that fostered “low public trust” in government officials and persuaded millions of people to repeatedly take to the streets in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Romania and other nations in 2020 and 2021 to protest lockdowns and vaccine passports.101,102,103

Blaming Deaths on ‘Anti-Vaccine Movement,’ Individual Rights

They said “anti-vaccine propaganda in the Americas” caused “tens of millions of people to refuse vaccines and hundreds of thousands to needlessly lose their lives.”

Obsessing over the lack of “solidarity” among governments to force everyone everywhere to march to the beat of the same drum, they express special hatred for what they describe as the “hostile and coordinated anti-vaccine movement that has spread dangerous and false information about the health risks of vaccines and has campaigned against vaccine mandates.”

Climbing up on very high horse, the Lancet Commission members put “climate change deniers” and “parents who refuse or delay routine childhood vaccinations” in the same basket. They repeatedly condemn political leaders and the digital media for the “deliberate spread of misinformation and disinformation … that fosters distrust in health officials and promotes the idea that individual opinions have equal weight to the best available scientific evidence.”

They called for application of “behavioral science” to convince people to engage in “prosociality” that leads to “optimal behaviors for pandemic control,” pointing out that people living in societies with “tight” or collectivist social norms follow public health orders much better than people living in societies with “loose” or individualistic social norms that champion freedom of individual choice.

They claim future pandemics would be so much easier to handle if everyone in the world can be muzzled and locked down tight whenever government health officials fly the utilitarian flag for “the greater good” and demand we salute smartly and roll up our sleeves.

Their diatribe against societies allowing individuals to exercise freedom of thought, speech, conscience and autonomy would be amusing if they weren’t so deadly serious about what they want done about it.

Although there were some public demonstrations here in the U.S., they were not as big as they were in countries without a Constitution that ensures a balance of power between local, state and federal government. Americans stopped COVID vaccine mandates in 2021 and 2022 because state legislators, who make public health laws, looked at the science, listened to concerns of their constituents, and refused to mandate the vaccine.104

Although several U.S. Governors and city mayors issued Executive Orders mandating COVID vaccine and the federal government attempted to mandate the vaccine for all federal employees and contractors, not one state legislature voted to mandate the vaccine this year.105

The online NVIC Advocacy Portal, launched in 2010 to help citizens in every state defend vaccine informed consent rights and exemptions in public health laws had a lot to do with holding back COVID vaccine mandates and passports in the U.S. when populations in other countries with centralized political control could not.106

Public Health Elite Wants US to Become a Collectivist Society

It doesn’t take a PhD in political science to figure out that what the public health elite is calling for would require Americans to reject the cultural values and beliefs and governmental structure outlined in the US Constitution, which provides decentralized checks and balances on political power and guarantees individuals God given natural rights that limit the power of government.107,108

The Public Health Empire is all about appropriating centralized power that can be wielded without accountability.

That is why the Lancet Commission demands that the United States of America “reorient” toward a collectivist society, which would require disempowering local and state governments so that only the federal government — in “solidarity” with the United Nations, of course — has the authority to make public health laws and tell citizens what to think about and believe and do with their bodies and the bodies of their children.

Accompanying the Lancet Commission report was a Lancet editorial entitled “COVID-19: the case for prosociality.” And if you do a Google search using the words “prosociality and communism,” what you find at the top is an article published in Frontiers in Psychology in September 2022 entitled, “How prosocial behaviors are maintained in China: The relationship between communist authority and prosociality.”109

The authors note how prosocial behavior is associated with religious belief and argue that communist authority wielded by the ruling Communist Party of China has a positive effect on promoting prosocial behaviors in a secular atheist society. They say studies show that “the psychological functions of gods and governments are interchangeable.”

Thank you, Lancet Commission, for making the political goals of the Public Health Empire so crystal clear.

Mandatory Vaccination: The Tip of the Spear in Culture Wars

I have been saying for many years that mandatory vaccination is the tip of the spear in the culture wars taking place in this country and others in the 21st Century. Because if the state can tag, track down and force individuals against their will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.

Register today to use the NVIC Advocacy Portal at and take action in your state to protect civil liberties in this historic Vaccine Culture War that will determine whether we will live free or die as slaves in a collectivist authoritarian state.

Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow. It’s your health, your family, your choice. And our mission continues: No forced vaccination, not in America.

Stand Up for Your Right to Make Informed Vaccine Choices

The 13th Annual Vaccine Awareness Week from November 13 to November 19, 2022, will feature important information about vaccine science, policy and law that you can share with your family and friends.

With every donation you make during Vaccine Awareness Week, you can help support the legal right to make an informed, voluntary decision about vaccinations. During this week, we’ll match your donations up to $100,000 to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a nonprofit charity advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent rights since 1982.

During the COVID pandemic, government has collaborated with pharmaceutical corporations, medical trade groups and businesses to promote COVID-19 vaccine mandates and has partnered with Silicon Valley and corporate media to censor public conversations about vaccination and health. It is critical that you take action now to protect your legal right to make informed, voluntary vaccine choices.

Thankfully, for 40 years NVIC has been providing the public with independent, well-referenced information on vaccination and advocating for the inclusion of vaccine safety and informed consent protections in public health policies and laws.

NVIC’s work in state legislatures over the past decade through the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal is one big reason why no state legislature mandated the COVID vaccine in 2021 or 2022.

Just before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted vaccine manufacturers an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to distribute experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in December 2020, NVIC sponsored the groundbreaking 5th International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health & Autonomy in the 21st Century featuring 51 speakers. You can watch or listen to the conference for free here.

Resources Where You Can Learn More

NVIC Advocacy Portal — Become a registered user of this unique free online communications network that electronically connects you directly with your own legislators and emails you action alerts with talking points so you can be an effective vaccine choice advocate in your state.

You can use it to inform your legislators about why it is necessary to protect vaccine exemptions and your legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions for yourself and your children.

Ask 8 Vaccine Information Kiosk — Download brochures and reports on vaccination and how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms, as well as posters and web badges that you can share with your family and friends. Access the illustrated and fully referenced “Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law” to educate your legislator when you advocate for vaccine informed consent rights.
State Law & Vaccine Requirements — You can easily obtain your state’s current vaccine policies and laws here.
Vaccine Reaction Reporting — Search for and read descriptions of vaccine reaction reports made to the federal vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS). Make a vaccine reaction report to NVIC.
Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall — Read real life stories from people who have been threatened, bullied and sanctioned for trying to make voluntary decisions about vaccination for themselves or their minor children. Post your own experience.
Guide to Flu & Flu Vaccines — This “Mini Guide to influenza & Flu Vaccines” is a brief summary of facts about influenza and influenza vaccines.




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CNN Fact Checks Biden’s Midterm Speech – Many FALSE and Lies

Fact check: Biden’s midterms message includes false and misleading claims

Washington CNN  —  none

President Joe Biden has been back on the campaign trail, traveling in October and early November to deliver his pitch for electing Democrats in the midterm elections on Tuesday.

Biden’s pitch has included claims that are false, misleading or lacking important context. (As always, we take no position on the accuracy of his subjective arguments.) Here is a fact-check look at nine of his recent statements.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

Social Security, part 1

Biden said at a Democratic fundraiser in Pennsylvania last week: “On our watch, for the first time in 10 years, seniors are going to get the biggest increase in their Social Security checks they’ve gotten.” He has also touted the 2023 increase in Social Security payments at other recent events.

But Biden’s boasts leave out such critical context that they are highly misleading. He hasn’t explained that the increase in Social Security payments for 2023, 8.7%, is unusually big simply because the inflation rate has been unusually big. A law passed in the 1970s says that Social Security payments must be increased by the same percentage that a certain measure of inflation has increased. It’s called a cost-of-living adjustment.

The White House deleted a Tuesday tweet that delivered an especially triumphant version of Biden’s boast, and press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre acknowledged Wednesday that the tweet was lacking “context.” You can read a more detailed fact check here.

Social Security, part 2

Biden said at a Democratic rally in Florida on Tuesday: “And on my watch, for the first time in 10 years, seniors are getting an increase in their Social Security checks.”

The claim that the 2023 increase to Social Security payments is the first in 10 years is false. In reality, there has been a cost-of-living increase every year from 2017 onward. There was also an increase every year from 2012 through 2015 before the payment level was kept flat in 2016 because of a lack of inflation.

The context around this Biden remark in Florida suggests he might have botched his repeat campaign line about Social Security payments increasing at the same time as Medicare premiums are declining. Regardless of his intentions, though, he was wrong.

A new corporate tax

Biden repeatedly suggested in speeches in October and early November that a new law he signed in August, the Inflation Reduction Act, will stop the practice of successful corporations paying no federal corporate income tax. Biden made the claim explicitly in a tweet last week: “Let me give you the facts. In 2020, 55 corporations made $40 billion. And they paid zero in federal taxes. My Inflation Reduction Act puts an end to this.”

But “puts an end to this” is an exaggeration. The Inflation Reduction Act will reduce the number of companies on the list of non-payers, but the law will not eliminate the list entirely.

That’s because the law’s new 15% alternative corporate minimum tax, on the “book income” companies report to investors, only applies to companies with at least $1 billion in average annual income. (There are lots of nuances; you can read more specifics here.) According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, the think tank that in 2021 published the list of 55 large and profitable companies that avoided paying any federal income tax in their previous fiscal year, only 14 of these 55 companies reported having US pre-tax income of at least $1 billion in that year.

In other words, there will clearly still be some large and profitable corporations paying no federal income tax even after the minimum tax takes effect in 2023. The exact number is not yet known.

Matthew Gardner, a senior fellow at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, said in a Thursday email that the new tax is “an important step forward from the status quo” and that it will raise substantial revenue, but he also said: “I wouldn’t want to assert that the minimum tax will end the phenomenon of zero-tax profitable corporations. A more accurate phrasing would be to say that the minimum tax will *help* ensure that *the most profitable* corporations pay at least some federal income tax.”

The debt and the deficit

Biden said at the Tuesday rally in Florida: “Look, you know, you can hear it from Republicans, ‘My God, that big-spending Democrat Biden. Man, he’s taken us in debt.’ Well, guess what? I reduced the federal deficit this year by $1 trillion $400 billion. One trillion 400 billion dollars. The most in all American history. No one has ever reduced the debt that much. We cut the federal debt in half.”

Biden offered a similar narrative at a Thursday rally in New Mexico, this time saying, “We cut the federal debt in half. A fact.”

There are two significant problems here.

First: Biden conflated the debt and the deficit, which are two different things. It’s not true that Biden has “cut the federal debt in half”; the federal debt (total borrowing plus interest owed) has continued to riseunder Biden, exceeding $31 trillion for the first time this October. Rather, it’s the federal deficit – the annual difference between spending and revenue – that was cut in half between fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2022.

Second, it’s highly questionable how much credit Biden deserves for even the reduction in the deficit. Biden doesn’t mention that the primary reason the deficit plummeted in fiscal years 2021 and 2022 was that it had skyrocketed to a record high in 2020 because of emergency pandemic relief spending. It then fell as expected as the spending expired as planned.

Dan White, senior director of economic research at Moody’s Analytics – an economics firm whose assessments Biden has repeatedly cited during his presidency – told CNN’s Matt Egan in October: “On net, the policies of the administration have increased the deficit, not reduced it.” The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, an advocacy group, says the administration’s own actions have significantly worsened the deficit picture. (David Kelly, chief global strategist at JPMorgan Funds, told Egan that the Biden administration does deserve credit for the economic recovery that has boosted tax revenues.)

The unemployment rate

Biden said at the Florida rally on Tuesday: “Unemployment is down from 6.5 to 3.5%, the lowest in 50 years.” He said at the New Mexico rally on Thursday: “Unemployment rate is 3.5% – the lowest it’s been in 50 years.”

But Biden didn’t acknowledge that September’s 3.5% unemployment rate was actually a tie for the lowest in 50 years – a tie, specifically, with three months of Trump’s administration, in late 2019 and early 2020. Since Biden uses these campaign speeches to favorably compare his own record to Trump’s record, that omission is significant.

The unemployment rate rose to 3.7% in October; that number was revealed on Friday, after these Biden comments. The rate was 6.4% in January 2021, the month Biden took office.

Biden’s student debt policy

During an on-camera discussion conducted by progressive organization NowThis News and published online in late October, Biden told young activists that they “probably are aware, I just signed a law” on student debt forgiveness that is being challenged by Republicans. He added: “It’s passed. I got it passed by a vote or two, and it’s in effect.”

Biden’s claims are false.

He created his student debt forgiveness initiative through executive action, not through legislation, so he didn’t sign a law and didn’t get it passed by any margin. Since Republicans opposed to the initiative, including those challenging the initiative in court, have called it unlawful precisely because it wasn’t passed by Congress, the distinction between a law and an executive action is a highly pertinent fact here.

A White House official told CNN that Biden was referring to the Inflation Reduction Act, the law narrowly passed by the Senate in August; the official said the Inflation Reduction Act created “room for other crucial programs” by bringing down the deficit. But Biden certainly did not make it clear that he was talking about anything other than the student debt initiative.

Gas prices

Biden correctly noted on various occasions in October that gas prices have declined substantially since their June 2022 peak – though, as always, it’s important to note that presidents have a limited impact on gas prices. But in an economic speech in New York last week, Biden said, “Today, the most common price of gas in America is $3.39 – down from over $5 when I took office.”

Biden’s claim that the most common gas price when he took office was more than $5 is not even close to accurate. The most common price for a gallon of regular gas on the day he was inaugurated, January 20, 2021, was $2.39, according to data provided to CNN by Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. In other words, Biden made it sound like gas prices had fallen significantly during his presidency when they had actually increased significantly.

In other recent remarks, Biden has discussed the state of gas prices in relation to the summer peak of more than $5 per gallon, not in relation to when he took office. Regardless, the comment last week was the second this fall in which Biden inaccurately described the price of gas – both times in a way that made it sound more impressive.

You can read a longer fact check here.

Biden and Xi

Biden has revived a claim that was debunked more than 20 months ago by The Washington Post and then CNN. At least twice in October, he boasted that he traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

“I’ve spent more time with Xi Jinping of China than any world leader has, when I was Vice President all the way through to now. Over 78 hours with him alone. Eight – nine of those hours on the phone and the others in person, traveling 17,000 miles with him around the world, in China and the United States,” he told a Democratic gathering in Oregon in mid-October.

Biden made the number even bigger during a speech on student debt in New Mexico on Thursday, saying, “I traveled 17-, 18,000 miles with him.”

The claim is false. Biden has not traveled anywhere close to 17,000 miles with Xi, though they have indeed spent lots of time together. Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler noted in 2021 that the two men often did not even travel parallel routes to their gatherings, let alone physically travel together. The only apparent way to get Biden’s mileage past 17,000, Kessler found, is to add the length of his flight journeys between Washington and Beijing, during which, obviously, Xi was not with him.

A White House official told CNN in early 2021 that Biden was adding up his “total travel back and forth” for meetings with Xi. But that is very different than traveling “with” Xi as Biden keeps saying, especially in the context of a boast about how well he knows Xi – and Biden has had more than enough time to make his language more precise.

The Trump tax cuts

Biden claimed at the Thursday rally in New Mexico that under Trump, Republicans passed a $2 trillion tax cut that “affected only the top 1% of the American public.”

Biden correctly said in various October remarks that the Trump tax cut law was particularly beneficial to the wealthy, but he went too far here. It’s not true that the Trump policy “only” affected the top 1%.

The Tax Policy Center think tank found in early 2018 that Trump’s law “will reduce individual income taxes on average for all income groups and in all states.” The think tank estimated that “between 60 and 76 percent of taxpayers in every state will receive a tax cut.” And in April 2019, tax-preparation company H&R Block said two-thirds of its returning customers had indeed paid less in tax that year than they did the year prior, The New York Times reported in an article headlined “Face It: You (Probably) Got a Tax Cut.”

The Tax Policy Center did find in early 2018 that people at the top would get by far the biggest benefits from Trump’s law. Specifically, the think tank found that the top 1% of earners would get an average 3.4% increase in after-tax 2018 income – versus an average 1.6% income increase for people in the middle quintile, an average 1.2% income increase for people in the quintile below that and just an average 0.4% income increase for people in the lowest quintile. The think tank also found that the top 1% of earners would get more than 20% of the income benefits from the law, a bigger share than the bottom 60% of earners combined.

The distribution could get even more skewed after 2025, when the law’s individual tax cuts will expire if not extended by Congress and the president. If there is no extension – and, therefore, the law’s permanent corporate tax cut remains in place without the individual tax cuts – the Tax Policy Center has estimated that, in 2027, the top 1% will get 83% of the benefits from the law.

But that’s a possibility about the future. Biden claimed, in the past tense, that the law “affected” only the top 1%. That’s inaccurate.

This wasn’t the first time Biden overstated his point about the Trump tax cuts. The Washington Post fact-checked him in 2019, for example, when he claimed “all of it” went to the ultra-rich and corporations.

Will US Imperialism Intentionally Create Another World War? – Dr. Joseph Mercola

=== Article PDF


  • For more than a century, the United States has meddled in the affairs of other countries against the wishes of the very populations we claim to have “rescued”
  • Between 1946 and 2000, the U.S. interfered in more than 80 foreign elections. Repeatedly, the U.S. has orchestrated coups to remove democratically elected leaders — all in the name of “defending democracy”
  • Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Congo, Iraq and Honduras are just a few examples of countries that have been victims of American imperialism
  • America’s meddling in foreign elections has long been rationalized as being done “for a good cause,” but can a nation that claims to value democratic processes undermine those very processes in other countries and call it defense of democracy?
  • The U.S. is still flexing its imperialist muscles, this time by seeking to escalate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine into another world war and, potentially, a nuclear exchange

Over the past several months, the U.S. has poured billions of tax dollars into Ukraine, ostensibly to help Ukraine fight for freedom and preserve democracy. This despite the fact that Ukraine has long been deemed one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and the fact that no one knows where all this money is actually going. In short, the whole operation appears to be a cover for money laundering.

But America’s meddling in the Ukraine conflict also reveals that it is not willing to relinquish its imperialistic tendencies. As noted by “Bad Faith” podcast host Briahna Joy Gray in the video above, the Biden administration has repeatedly stated that our mission is to weaken Russia, which is NOT the same as helping Ukraine.

Curiously, the political left, which has historically been anti-war, is now wholly in favor of it. In her segment, Gray discusses the surprising attacks by liberals against those calling for diplomacy. Gray, a Democrat, is dissatisfied with the left’s arguments for why the United States should get involved in the Ukraine conflict.

One argument brought forth is that 500 Ukrainian children were shipped to Russia — a humanitarian crime that cannot go unpunished. But there are children at grave risk all over the world.

Until or unless someone can coherently articulate why Ukrainian children are more important than children in any other region, Gray suspects this is just another flimsy excuse to hide the fact that our involvement in Ukraine is nothing more than another military operation to further American imperialism.

The Rise of American Imperialism

While the United States has been a beacon of hope and freedom since its inception, over time, a shadier, more nefarious side has also blossomed along the way.

As explained in the “Democracy Now!” video below, titled “Overthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling and Regime Change,” the United States has a long history of meddling in the affairs of other countries — against the wishes of the very populations we claim to have “rescued.”

As noted in that video, “By one count, the United States has interfered in more than 80 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. And that doesn’t count U.S.-backed coups and invasions.”

Americas meddling in foreign elections has long been rationalized as being done “for a good cause,” but does that really hold true? How can a nation that claims to value democratic processes undermine those very processes in other countries and call it defense of democracy?

America Only Pays Lip Service to Democracy

Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Congo, Iraq and Honduras are just a few examples of countries that have been victims of American imperialism. Repeatedly, the U.S. has orchestrated coups to remove democratically elected leaders — all in the name of “defending democracy.”

In the video, “Democracy Now!” interviews former New York Times reporter Stephen Kinzer, author of several books, including “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change From Hawaii to Iraq” and “The True Flag.”

Kinzer starts out by describing the circumstances surrounding the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. Mossadegh, Kinzer says, wanted to put the interests of Iran and its people ahead of the interests of the United States, and that is what led to his removal.

Importantly, with the successful overthrow of Mossadegh, the U.S. not only got rid of this one democratically elected leader. It permanently destroyed the democratic process in Iran. As noted by Kinzer:

“It was not just an attack on one person but an attack on democracy, and the reason why we attacked that democracy is because democracy produced the wrong person. We like elections and democratic processes, but they have to produce the candidates we like. Otherwise our approval disappears.”

Importantly, Kinzer points out that America’s “influence operations” in other countries, over time, not only ends up destroying the target country, but it also ends up harming the national security of the United States itself. So, American imperialism has had an incredibly negative effect, overall, worldwide — not the least of which is the rise of dictatorships across the world.

The Rise and Fall of the American Anti-Imperialist League

In Kinzer’s book “The True Flag,” he describes the history of how the U.S. came to embrace imperialism, despite its contrarianism to American values. In 1898, the Anti-Imperialist League1 was founded and became a major force in American politics. It lobbied hard against American imperialism and foreign intervention.

Its main argument was that imperialism violated the fundamental principles inherent in a just republican government, and as such necessitated the abandonment of the ideals that the U.S. was founded upon. Unfortunately, majority public opinion eventually sided with the imperialists and the Anti-Imperialist League dissolved in 1920.

Mind Control and Untraceable Assassination Drugs

The video above again features Kinzer, this time lecturing about his book “Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control,” which describes another little-known and darker-than-usual part of U.S. history.

Gottlieb has been described as a “visionary chemist” who worked for the CIA — a “master magician and gentlehearted torturer, the agency’s ‘poisoner in chief.’” Gottlieb ran the CIA’s now-infamous MK-ULTRA mind control project, which included “brutal experiments at secret prisons on three continents.” The key home-base, however, was Fort Detrick.

As explained by Kinzer, the primary goal of MK-Ultra was to uncover the secret of mind control. Gottlieb’s work was so secret, very few within the CIA even knew of his existence, let alone what he was working on.

Truth serums, amnesiac drugs and potions designed to cause a person to act after being programmed for a task and having the memory of the programming erased were all part of the tool kit Gottlieb sought to develop.

The originator of the idea behind MK-Ultra was then-deputy director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, who hired Gottlieb in 1951.2 Dulles went on to become the first civilian director of the CIA, a position he held from 1953 until 1961.

Gottlieb also developed a variety of drugs used by the CIA that could kill or maim without a trace. Here, the intended targets were foreign leaders marked for assassination. In 2015, The Intercept ran an article3,4 on Dulles’ pathological behavior and his connections to the deep state.

Kinzer’s lecture is far too extensive to cover here, so I encourage you to listen to it. It’s fascinating, albeit a bit of a side trail to the main topic of American imperialism. But I do want to summarize two of the key findings Gottlieb discovered after a decade of the most intense and grotesque torture sessions ever conducted — with the approval of the U.S. government, no less.

First, yes, it’s possible to break the human mind. And second, no it’s not possible to insert a new mind into the mind you’ve broken. Along that same line, he concluded that you cannot program a person to murder someone and then forget that he did it. In the end, Gottlieb concluded that true mind control is a myth. That people can be killed using traceless drugs, however, remains a fact.

Is the US Seeking to Escalate War in Ukraine?

In the present day, the U.S. is still flexing its imperialist muscles, this time by apparently seeking to escalate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs,5 an economist, public policy analyst, and director of the Center for Sustainable Development, says he pleaded with the White House to negotiate peace and discourage Ukraine from joining NATO (see video above).

They refused, saying anyone has the right to join NATO if they want to. But as astutely noted by Sachs, this isn’t about the “right” of Ukraine to join NATO, it’s about the threat that poses to its neighbors, Russia in particular.

Russia has long been very clear about the fact that it will not allow Ukraine to join NATO, for the simple fact that it would place a NATO military presence right on its border. Russia wants Ukraine to remain an independent “buffer zone” between itself and NATO countries.

Would the U.S. be fine with Mexico forming a military alliance with China, installing Chinese military at our southern border? Sachs wonders. That’s highly unlikely, yet that’s what they’re pursuing in Ukraine.

Since Russia’s entry into Ukraine, the U.S. has done nothing but push for the escalation of conflict, to the point that we’re now hearing predictions about nuclear war. Why would we take such risks? To take a stand for Ukraine’s “right” to join NATO? It’s beyond irrational, but that’s where we are.

Russia is now accusing the British and American governments of intentionally blowing up its Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines, supposedly based on information found by Russian hackers on former Prime Minister Liz Truss’ iPhone. The U.S. State Department has denied the allegations, calling them “baseless.”6

Someone did blow up the pipelines, however — and it was hardly Russia’s own doing — which is yet another intentional effort to escalate conflict. From the sidelines, it certainly appears the U.S. desires nuclear escalation, and we ought to be thankful that Vladimir Putin has so far acted with extreme restraint in response to undeclared acts of war.

We Need New, Saner Leadership

In a keynote address at The American Conservative “Up From Chaos” conference at the end of March 2022, entrepreneur and investor David Sacks noted:7

“We face the most dangerous situation in American foreign policy since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Russians have put their nuclear arsenal on high alert and warned us to stay out of their invasion of Ukraine. Our ‘experts’ in government and the media feed us a stream of information oscillating between fear-mongering and hopeful arrogance:

They tell us on the one hand that Russia’s territorial ambitions won’t stop at Ukraine and will eventually threaten all of Europe, but on the other hand that the Russian army is bogged down and on the brink of humiliating defeat.

They tell us in one breath that we can safely escalate our involvement, but in their next panicked breath declare that Putin is a madman who is capable of anything. They reassure us that a ‘No Fly Zone’ won’t precipitate World War III, while sometimes openly declaring that we’re already in World War III so let’s just get on with it already.

How can any American citizen listening to these contradictory and reckless statements have confidence in our expert class? We’ve just lived through more than two years of another group of experts giving us a constantly-shifting set of theories and guidelines around COVID, only to see many of those confident predictions and pronouncements unravel.

But while those health experts got a lot wrong, our foreign policy establishment has gotten everything wrong for over two decades. They spent trillions of dollars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya and only made all of those situations worse, unleashing staggering death and destruction.

In every case, they told us we were winning and our policy objectives were being achieved, up until the very moment when our withdrawal laid bare the extent of our total failure … So maybe it’s time to listen to some new voices.”

War Is Part of the Globalist Takeover Plan

We must not be naïve about the possibility of another World War, for the simple reason that war would be the easiest way for the globalist cabal to implement The Great Reset, the One World Dictatorship they’ve been working toward for decades.

Imperialism, which the United States has perfected, is globalism. The U.S., Canada, E.U., Australia and New Zealand are leading this new One World Order, modeling China’s nationalism at a global scale.

China is the nation that has mastered a true dictatorship, thanks to its immensely effective digital control structure, of which the Chinese social credit system is a key part. This is the surveillance framework the globalists intend to emulate and expand to control the whole world. It’s also the foundation for their 5G cyborg ecosystem.

never-ending pandemic was supposed to be the cover for this global takeover. But as the plandemic has fallen apart piece by piece, being exposed for what it really is, the call to war has grown progressively louder.

Perhaps world war was only a backup plan, in case resistance to a global biosecurity state turned out to be too great (as it has), or perhaps it was always intended to be the second phase of The Great Reset.

The pandemic countermeasures and their devastating impact on the world economy would then be Part 1. War, to definitively destroy what remains of our old civilizations and erase incriminating evidence of financial crimes would be Part 2. Either way, war is most definitely on the table.

Fear Is the Tool of Tyrants

As noted by investigative journalist Whitney Webb in her March 2, 2022, article, “Ukraine and the New Al Qaeda,”8 the war in Ukraine appears to be the manifestation of a CIA “prophesy” pushed over the past two years, which predicted that “a ‘transnational white supremacist network’ with alleged ties to the Ukraine conflict will be the next global catastrophe to befall the world as the threat of COVID-19 recedes.”

In short, the Ukraine-Russia conflict may be “the opening act for the newest iteration of the seemingly endless ‘War on Terror,’” Webb writes. This, again, goes back to the technocrats’ need to manufacture justifications for the implementation of a Great Reset.

They need us to live in fear, because a fearful people will willingly give emergency powers to leaders, who in turn will take your rights away from you “for your own safety.” Over the past three years, even our right to speak our minds has been taken from us, and people who counter the official narrative have been identified as “the No. 1 domestic terrorist threat.”9

Our governments have turned neighbor against neighbor, parent against child and friend against friend. Every time we give in and adopt their hateful rhetoric as our own, they win and we lose. They win by pitting us against each other, because if we hate and fight each other, we won’t hate and fight them — and they know it.

People have also been pitted against each other on the topic of Russia. Anyone who dared agree that Russia may have a valid reason for its actions in Ukraine was immediately labeled a traitor. Russians living across the world were debanked and discriminated against for nothing more than their names and national origin. Russian athletes were even barred from international competitions.

The idea appears to have been to shame and intimidate Europeans and Americans into supporting a nuclear war with Russia, which is nothing short of a suicide mission, really. But it makes sense that these leaders would have few qualms about this, considering they’re also willingly killing and maiming their own populations with experimental gene therapies.

They obviously don’t care about keeping their populations alive and well. They rather seem to want to get rid of as many people as possible, and a devastating war would accomplish that far better than the COVID shots, which leave evidence of foul play and suspicions in their wake.

The imperialists — American and otherwise — are willing to risk it all to bring their global dictatorship into being, and that is what makes them so dangerous. Like Sachs, we the people need to push for a change course. One way we can do that is by calling on our political representatives to fight for peace negotiations and put an end to the escalation tactics.

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COVID Dictators Plead for Amnesty – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Full Article PDF


  • As the COVID lies are now being exposed at exponential speed, some of those proven wrong are getting nervous — so nervous, in fact, they’re now pleading for amnesty and to just let bygones be bygones
  • While some now argue ignorance as their defense, there was no lack of data proving their positions were wrong, dangerous, destructive and deadly, right from the start
  • Health and government officials weren’t just wrong once and then changed course. No, they’ve doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on errors, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that they’re wrong. Granting amnesty to individuals who have been wrong from Day 1, without a single apology, is an untenable proposition. The price society has paid for their errors is far too great for that
  • They were wrong about masks working and natural immunity not working, they were wrong about asymptomatic spread, lockdowns, and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID shots. They were also wrong about SARS-CoV-2 jumping naturally from bats to humans by way of a wet market in Wuhan, China, and they were wrong when they insisted that mandating an experimental gene therapy was within legal bounds. Demanding that officials be held accountable for these errors is not gloating. It’s reestablishing a baseline of conduct and accountability to the public
  • There can be no amnesty for COVID narrative pushers as people proven right are still being persecuted as “misinformation spreaders,” and illegal government censorship continues without abatement. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security now views censorship and controlling the information space as one of its core duties

As the COVID lies are now being exposed at exponential speed, some of those proven wrong are getting nervous — so nervous, in fact, they’re now pleading to just let bygones be bygones.

The Atlantic1 has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine — for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most — should all be water under the bridge.

Brown University economist Emily Oster writes in The Atlantic,2 “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.” Brendon Marotta in his Substack Hegemon Media3 recounts:

“I believe perpetrators call for forgiveness because they fear punitive justice. If the perpetrators were held accountable in our current justice system, the scale of the wrongdoing would result in punishments the perpetrators could not bear.

These punishments would also not give those who lost their jobs, businesses, friends, family, health, or freedom anything back. What if there was another way that would be better for both victims and perpetrators?

The wrongdoing of the pandemic has not been acknowledged. Those responsible have made no apologies. Calls for ‘forgiveness’ appear dishonest when those responsible haven’t apologized, which is usually a prerequisite to asking for forgiveness.

Creating equity would mean taking the ill-gotten gains of perpetrators and redistributing them to the people who lost their jobs and businesses during the pandemic. In short, it would mean reparations. Equity is not just about money. Losses during the pandemic were not just financial.

People lose their friends, family, and freedoms. Much of the harm done was cultural, emotional, and social. No amount of money can replace the ability to grieve in person at your loved one’s funeral.”

Oster’s plea for the decency that she and the mainstream media and public health officials failed to offer Americans during the throes of the pandemic comes at a point when the COVID narrative has been all but lost by the current administration and the mainstream media.

Their Lies Have Been Exposed

For nearly the last three years, I have been exposing and documenting all of the lies that the global cabal has been promoting in their mainstream media propaganda. As expected they have now been exposed to be falsehoods, cluelessness and lies:

COVID jabs were never tested for, or proven to stop transmission The jabs were not 95% effective but actually increased the risk of getting COVID
The fatality rate of COVID was around 0.005% Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine worked
Masks don’t work Lockdowns did more damage than good
This bioweapon came out of a lab, and “Safe and effective” turned into “sudden and unexpected death”

Their Crimes Must Be Reconciled

You weren’t allowed to say goodbye to your loved ones or attend their funerals, but the chosen ones dined at extravagant restaurants and allowed liquor stores and Wal-Mart to stay open. Your small business was destroyed, while Amazon made billions.

These murderous hypocrites killed thousands of seniors by knowingly putting infected patients into old age homes. They killed thousands more by putting treatable patients on ventilators and Fauci’s remdesivir, and additional thousands were killed by not allowing safe and effective treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to be prescribed by doctors.

They have killed and injured hundreds of thousands through coercion, threats, mandates and a never-ending stream of lies that forced people into taking a dangerous and untested, toxic concoction — a Big Pharma bioweapon.

These “experts” seeking forgiveness, ostensibly because they were just caught up in the “hysteria” of the moment, weren’t wrong. They were lying from the outset and need to pay dearly for their crimes against humanity.

We were scorned, ridiculed, ostracized, censored, fired, deplatformed and wished dead by the authoritarian-minded sheep who demanded compliance, and treated like outcasts by family members who believed the narrative hook, line and sinker.

They pushed their agenda too far and too fast out of desperation, as the financial underpinnings of their fake world order began to strain and crumble. This desperation exposed their blatant lies to a vast array of critical thinkers across the world who have not been deterred in exposing the falsehoods on social media, blogs and free-speech websites.

Why We Must Reject Amnesty Plea

The reasons we must reject Oster’s amnesty plea are manifold. First and foremost, while some now want to argue ignorance as their defense, there was no lack of facts and data, right from the start, proving their positions were wrong, dangerous, destructive and deadly.

Since data were readily available, the real question they need to ask themselves is: “Why did I believe all the lies and propaganda?” Self-reflection is needed here. Related to this is Oster’s ridiculous claim that “getting something right had a hefty element of luck.” Absolutely not. Give me one example where luck played a role.

People who got it right did so because they exercised their critical thinking skills and a) read the data, b) correctly analyzed that data and c) drew rational conclusions based on that analysis. Analysis and reason are not reliant on luck.

No luck was needed to know that masks were useless. The published science told us as much. Ditto for the conclusion that natural immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity. No luck was needed to know there was no such thing as asymptomatic spreaders, because again, science. Not only can you not have a “hot” infection without symptoms, but research looking at millions of individuals confirmed what we already knew from basic virology.

No luck was needed to correctly predict that lockdowns would have a dramatically negative effect on health, education and the economy. That was just plain rational, but early cost-benefit analyses also confirmed it.

No luck was needed to know that the COVID jab was useless because data from around the world rapidly grew to show that case rates rose in tandem with the shots. Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden and CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky have also demonstrated this.

All were jabbed more than once, and all got COVID — more than once! Seventy percent of jabbed CDC employees also got COVID, and on several occasions, ships where 100% of crew and passengers were jabbed reported outbreaks. None of this would occur if the shots actually prevented infection and spread, and you need no special skills other than clear-headed reason to come to that conclusion.

You also don’t need special skills to see that the COVID shots are killing healthy people. Just look at all the sudden deaths of professional athletes and children. It’s so common they’ve even given it a new name: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Look at the excess mortality statistics and the skyrocketing life insurance claims.

Oster’s proposition that luck was behind correct analyses is a cop-out and a sign that she’s not ready to accept that she was gullible and irrational — and possibly cruel toward others. Recall, threatening the lives of the unvaccinated and mocking their deaths was basically part of the public policy.4

Forgiving the ignorant because they don’t know what they’re doing may be the spiritual imperative, but social etiquette demands that if you WANT someone to forgive you, you FIRST apologize and THEN ask for forgiveness. What’s missing from Oster’s call to forgive her and everyone else who’s been proven wrong is an apology.

Government Officials Must Be Held Accountable

This is even more important when it comes to media and our health and government officials. Granting amnesty to individuals who have been wrong from Day 1, without a single apology, is an untenable proposition. The price society has paid for their errors is far too great for that.

They may ask for forgiveness, and they may be forgiven by many, but they STILL must be held accountable for their errors. Demanding that officials be held accountable for errors is not gloating. It’s reestablishing a baseline of conduct and accountability to the public — something we seem to have lost.

Their reckless behavior has caused people to lose their businesses, their livelihoods; they’ve lost family members to reckless medicine; they’ve lost out on weddings and funerals; drug use and suicides have skyrocketed; children have fallen years behind on their schooling and the economy has been destroyed. The list goes on. Being wrong has a price, and society will be paying it for quite some time.

What’s more, our health and government officials weren’t just wrong once and then changed course. No, they’ve doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on errors, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that they’re wrong, and we’re just supposed to “let bygones be bygones”? Not a chance.

First, we have to set the record straight, so everyone actually knows what the truth is, and then we have to make sure these kinds of errors cannot be committed again. A truce is a distant third on the list of how to move forward.

Those Proven Right Are Still Persecuted

Setting the record straight starts with ending the persecution of those proven to be right. It also requires putting an end to censorship and the promulgation of propaganda.

With regard to the propaganda, this will require rewriting the law. The use of state propaganda against the American public was illegal until 2012, when then-president Obama legalized it through an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).5 That amendment must be repealed so that media can again be held accountable for the illegal dissemination of government propaganda.

Moving forward, we also likely need to either abolish or radically reassess the role of medical boards. As it stands, medical boards have been weaponized to silence doctors who go against the state propaganda and tell the truth about COVID.

The latest victim of this government orchestrated persecution is Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most well-credentialed and respected cardiologists in the world. He’s now being stripped of his medical credentials for the crime of speaking truth to the public (and thereby contradicting the legalized propaganda).6

He’s also been terminated from his position as editor-in-chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine (RCM) — all without due process. RCM was even so cowardly to publicly claim he “stepped down” as his term of office had ended. As noted by McCullough, there are “powerful dark forces” at work in academic medicine “to expunge any resistance” to the COVID jab.

Editor Forced to Resign Over McCullough’s COVID Paper

Anyone who dares publish McCullough’s research also skates on thin ice. Dr. Jose Luis Domingo, editor-in-chief of the science journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) for the past seven years, was recently forced to resign for that very reason. As reported by the Epoch Times:7

“Though Domingo has himself received three vaccinations (two AstraZeneca and one Pfizer), he told The Epoch Times that he has been bombarded with insults, threats, and accusations of being ‘anti-vaccine’ ever since he approved the publication of a scientific paper8 [by McCullough, Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh and Anthony Kyriakopoulos] that explores potential mechanisms of harm of injected synthetic mRNA …

This research was co-authored by a team of preeminent scientists, including Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dr. Peter McCullough, an internationally known cardiologist who has published over a hundred peer-reviewed articles during his 40-year career; and Dr. Anthony Kyriakopoulos, a Greek clinical microbiologist, medical doctor, and researcher who has a Ph.D. in medical and molecular microbiology.

Their research proposed that alterations in the vaccine mRNA may ‘hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein.’ In doing so, these scientists posited, mRNA vaccines may interfere with the body’s natural immune response.

They described this interference as ‘profound impairment,’ which, they believe, comes about specifically because the spike protein interferes with a critical early innate immune response mechanism, called the type I interferon response.

If they are correct, injected synthetic mRNA will have a variety of negative consequences on human health, including making our bodies less able to control infections and suppress cancer …

About a month after the paper was published, Domingo said, he began receiving angry emails and messages. These included insults, calls to resign, demands to retract the paper, and even threats … The angry messages, he said, were filled with ad hominem attacks against him and against the paper’s co-authors, but did not specify their scientific objections to the contents of the paper …

Though he would have preferred to stay at the helm of the journal until the end of 2023 … Domingo has issued his resignation from the journal to maintain his scientific independence.

He told us he is first and foremost a scientist, and that he does not regret publishing the paper. Despite the attacks, he was not willing to give in to the pressure from the journal’s publisher … Jagna Mirska …

Domingo said that the journal has already picked a successor for his position — someone with clear ties to the pharmaceutical industry: Bryan Delaney, Ph.D. According to his LinkedIn page, Delaney is a toxicologist who currently works for Haleon. Haleon is pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKlein’s new brand name for its consumer health unit.”

What Else Have They Been Wrong About?

The list of so-called “errors” is a long one. They were wrong about masks working and natural immunity not working, they were wrong about asymptomatic spread, lockdowns and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID shots. They were also wrong about SARS-CoV-2 jumping naturally from bats to humans by way of a wet market in Wuhan, China.

Not even a month has passed since we witnessed the stunning revelation that Pfizer never tested its COVID shots for transmissibility before proclaiming publicly that the vaccine protected against transmission. Then they had the CDC put the bioweapon on the childhood vaccine schedule and the same day increased the price of their jab by 400%.

As reported by Rising host Robby Soave (video above) and Vanity Fair,9 a report by the Minority Oversight Staff of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, released in October 2022, concluded that “a research-related incident is the most likely explanation for COVID-19.”

The COVID jab tyrants were also wrong when they insisted that mandating an experimental gene therapy was within legal bounds. Such mandates have since been overturned in a number of districts. Most recently, a New York judge ruled that New York City’s COVID jab mandate for municipal workers was enacted illegally and any employee fired for noncompliance must be immediately reinstated — and receive back pay.10

According to Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio, the Health Commission’s jab mandate “violates the separation of powers doctrine” enshrined in the state constitution, as well as workers’ due process rights. In his ruling, Porzio noted:

“The vaccination mandate for City employees was not just about safety and public health; it was about compliance. If it was about safety and public health, unvaccinated workers would have been placed on leave the moment the order was issued. If it was about safety and public health, the Health Commissioner would have issued city-wide mandates for all residents.”

The New York City law department immediately filed an appeal, which blocked the reinstatement of the workers. Time will tell, but I suspect that in the end, the city will just end up having to pay out even more in back pay.

US Government Still Plans to Police Wrong-Think

As mentioned earlier, amnesty for COVID dictators is impossible in light of continued censorship, and there’s no sign of that ending any time soon. On the contrary, leaked documents show the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has every intention of policing wrong-think.

Biden’s “Ministry of Truth” may have been disbanded in the wake of public mockery, but the plan for such an entity was not shelved. As reported by The Intercept:11

“Years of internal DHS memos, emails, and documents — obtained via leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, as well as public documents — illustrate an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms …

Behind closed doors, and through pressure on private platforms, the U.S. government has used its power to try to shape online discourse.

According to meeting minutes and other records appended to a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican who is also running for Senate, discussions have ranged from the scale and scope of government intervention in online discourse to the mechanics of streamlining takedown requests for false or intentionally misleading information …

In a March meeting, Laura Dehmlow, an FBI official, warned that the threat of subversive information on social media could undermine support for the U.S. government …

There is also a formalized process for government officials to directly flag content on Facebook or Instagram and request that it be throttled or suppressed through a special Facebook portal that requires a government or law enforcement email to use. At the time of writing, the ‘content request system’ at is still live …

According to a draft copy of DHS’s Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, DHS’s capstone report outlining the department’s strategy and priorities in the coming years, the department plans to target ‘inaccurate information’ on a wide range of topics, including ‘the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.’”

As you can see, censorship is not restricted to COVID issues alone. They include a variety of national politics and geopolitical issues as well. In other words, Americans’ views of the world and our country are being shaped by a propaganda arm of the U.S. government itself — not another country — and the reason they have no qualms about doing this is because Obama legalized the use of government propaganda against Americans during his presidency.

Censorship Is Now a Core Duty of the DHS

In addition to abolishing or radically reforming medical boards, the FDA and CDC, we probably need to do the same to the DHS. As reported by The Intercept, documentation shows the “DHS views the issue of tackling disinformation and misinformation as a growing portion of its core duties.”

I don’t know about you, but when I think about what Homeland Security should be doing, policing and punishing my personal views about health, medicine, climate change, political actors and geopolitical actions is not at the top of the list. Yet that’s precisely what they’re doing, and will be doing more of in the years to come.

To control the information space, the DHS intends to “leverage advanced data analytics technology” and work with nongovernmental agencies and other civil society organizations “to build resilience to the impacts of false information.”

Government Censorship by Surrogate Is Still Illegal

For now, Schmitt is combating this tyrannical and unconstitutional overreach in court. As reported by The Intercept:12

“In May, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt took the lead in filing a lawsuit to combat what he views as sweeping efforts by the Biden administration to pressure social media companies to moderate certain forms of content appearing on their platforms.

The suit alleges governmentwide efforts to censor certain stories, especially ones related to the pandemic. It also names multiple agencies across the government that have participated in efforts to monitor speech and ‘open collusion’ between the administration and social media companies …

October 21, the judge presiding over the case granted the attorneys general permission to depose Fauci, CISA officials, and communication specialists from the White House.

While the lawsuit has a definite partisan slant, pointing the finger at the Biden administration for allegedly seeking to control private speech, many of the subpoenas request information that spans into the Trump era and provides a window into the absurdity of the ongoing effort.

‘There is growing evidence that the legislative and executive branch officials are using social media companies to engage in censorship by surrogate,’ said Jonathan Turley, a professor of law at George Washington University, who has written about the lawsuit.

‘It is axiomatic that the government cannot do indirectly what it is prohibited from doing directly. If government officials are directing or facilitating such censorship, it raises serious First Amendment questions.’”

No Chance of Amnesty for US Leadership

To bring us back to where we started, with Oster’s plea for amnesty for those who ignorantly chose to be on the wrong side of history, I am not alone in my view that her proposition is an unworkable one.

Sure, on a personal level, many are likely willing and able to bury the hatchet and join hands again with friends and family who shunned and berated them as “conspiracy theorists” and “anti-science anti-vaxxers” (although following the science and the data was precisely what we were all doing).

But on the leadership level, amnesty is out of the question. Leaders must be held accountable for decisions based on lies. They must be held accountable for their fraud and deception.

Agency heads must be held accountable for their data manipulation and obfuscation, Big Tech leadership must be held accountable for their efforts to aid government in the circumvention of our Constitutional rights, and mainstream media, including individual hosts and reporters, must be held to account for their propaganda role, which has injured and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans who trusted them.

A court recently ruled Alex Jones must pay nearly $1 billion in damages to families for falsely claiming that no children died in the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting,13 an event that many in alt media suspected was a false flag operation at the time. Now, that fine is quite a precedent.

What would be the appropriate fine for journalists who claim no one has died from the COVID shot? Or that COVID jab injuries are “exceedingly rare”? What would be the appropriate fine for tech platforms that censor the personal testimonies of the injured and families of the dead, thereby perpetuating the lie that injuries and deaths don’t occur?

What would be an appropriate payout by federal agencies that falsified data to hide adverse effects and deaths? If you guessed in the trillions you would have profoundly underestimated the damage they have done.

No Chance of Amnesty for Enforcers of False COVID Narrative

The American Conservative had this to say about the “Soviet blue-check media” in the United States:14

“There can be no amnesty for the unthinking enforcers of the narrative of the regime. I don’t know how to put this gently to my fellow members of the blue-check media class, so I will say it bluntly. You guys resemble nothing so much as the info apparatus of some failing ideological state — late-Soviet apparatchiks, only without the erudition that was demanded of regime intellectuals in Moscow back in the day …

In February 2020, the Washington Post published a news story with the headline: ‘Tom Cotton Keeps Repeating a Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory That Scientists Have Debunked.’

More than a year later … the paper ‘rewrote the article’s headline, softening ‘conspiracy theory’ to ‘fringe theory’ and noting that scientists have ‘disputed’ it rather than ‘debunked’ it.’ How generous. How scrupulous …

If the lab-leak theory were a rare instance in which blue-check media abdicated basic journalistic responsibility in favor of elite narrative enforcement, one could forgive and forget, as the Atlantic now demands.

But such lapses are utterly commonplace — systemic, you might say. Remember when Big Tech and Big Media and Big Intelligence teamed up to frame the New York Post’s Hunter Biden reporting in October 2020 as ‘misinformation’ — only to concede, once the election was safely over, that it was, in fact, entirely accurate?

Remember the absolute unanimity with which blue-check media defended the efficacy of COVID vaccines in stopping transmission — before begrudgingly admitting that, erm, actually, they really don’t work as advertised?

Remember when blue-check media were dead-certain that Jussie Smollett was the victim of a racist attack? And on and on and on. Once the falsity of the old narrative is definitively established, most blue-checks shamelessly move on to the next elite narrative in need of media reinforcement — no apology, no introspection.

The few willing to acknowledge their errors, meanwhile, insist they were merely following the ‘expert’ consensus at the time. This is risible. The job of the reporter isn’t to parrot what the experts say at any given moment: it is to question what anyone in power claims.

‘If your mother tells you she loves you, check it out,’ used to be the journalistic motto. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Pfizer, WHO, and 50 former intelligence officials deserve far more exacting scrutiny than Mom.”

Rhetorical Constructs of Manipulative Language

Another rebuttal to Oster’s call for amnesty that I want to highlight is from the anonymous Substack writer known only as “A Midwestern Doctor,” who dissects the “manipulative language” used by Oster in her article. The anonymous doctor writes:15

“When I read through this article, I realize the author highlighted a very common problem … The author is demanding to receive forgiveness for their conduct, but … is refusing to admit they did anything wrong.

In order to accomplish this, they utilized a variety of manipulative rhetorical constructs that are relatively simple and frequently utilized. Because it is so common to encounter propaganda pieces like this, I thought there might be some value in illustrating my thought process as I read this article.”

The doctor goes on to share screenshots of Oster’s article, with arrows to sentences and thoughts inserted in red. Below are a few of those screenshots. For the rest, please see the original Substack article.16

Oster's article screenshot 1
Oster's article screenshot 2
Oster's article screenshot 3
Oster's article screenshot 4
Oster's article screenshot 5
Oster's article screenshot 6

Take Control of Your Wealth

Financial collapse is an inevitable outcome of the COVID plandemic. In the video above, finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts and attorney Carolyn Betts review the tools you need to take control of your finances at this critical time in history. We must reclaim our independence from the central banks and denounce their planned digital currency, as both are part of a massive control and slave system.

Stillbirths are skyrocketing in the post-covid vaccination era, leaked hospital email reveals Ethan Huff

Exposed: Leaked Hospital Email Reveals Explosion of Stillbirths (Video)

“Pfizer’s own numbers showed that 28 out of 29 pregnant women lost their baby.

A leaked email from a Fresno, California hospital has revealed stillbirth rates have risen dramatically, reports NTD . The staff member who leaked the email says that the increase coincides with the rollout of the experimental Covid vaccines.

The email, which was sent to hospital staff, states that the trend is expected to continue. It also said that there were 22 stillborns in August 2022.

Through the roof

And so far in September, there have been seven, and it was only the eighth day of the month, according to the email a chief nurse prepared.

According to the employee who shared the email with The Epoch Times, fetal deaths after the rollout of the covid vaccines were through the roof. She said it used to be one to two deaths every three months in her hospital.

No response from hospital

The newsgroup reached out to the head nurse who wrote the leaked email to request a statement on why there has been a rise in what she called “demise patients,” or stillborns, but there has been no response.

Dr. James Thorpe in Florida, who specializes in maternal-fetal medicine, reports that the content of the email is consistent with over 1300 peer-reviewed publications in just 15 months, documenting severe complications and death after the Covid vaccines.

Stillbirth explosion

RAIR Foundation USA previously reported that stillbirths in fully vaccinated women were exploding in Canada. For example, in Waterloo, Ontario, 86 cases had been reported in six months, compared to typically five to six per year, stated doctor Daniel Nagase. “That is highly unusual.”

Since the rollout of the experimental shots, the U.K. and the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System documented numerous vaccine-related adverse events for pregnant women.

Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker recently touched on the dangers of the vaccine to pregnant women during his powerful speech on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada:

This shot was designed to cross into the ovary; this shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere. And that’s why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, and the numbers are horrific,” he told the audience. “Sixty-seven percent of people who get the vaccine while pregnant lose the pregnancy.” Pfizer’s own numbers showed that 28 out of 29 pregnant women lost their baby.

Prominent Virologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warned pregnant women against the jab,

The vaccine package insert from Biotech even says that pregnant women aren’t allowed to be vaccinated because vaccine injury cannot be ruled out. And if a young woman decides to get vaccinated, she should avoid becoming pregnant for two months.

Despite warnings from prominent doctors like Bhakdi or Dr. Hodkinson, who have been adamant that pregnant women should not be vaccinated under any circumstances, many women were coerced to get the vaccine.



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20 Million Dead from the Jab, 2.2 Billion Injuries – Analyst Estimates [VIDEO]


Experts estimate 20 million are already dead due to COVID Vaccination & over 2 billion injured

Peeling back the layers of deception and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be all that shocking to our informed readers: Covid-19 “vaccines” are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on.

Estimates compiled from pieced-together datasuggest that as many as 20 million people worldwide have died so far from the shots, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – and we are only just getting started.

“Add the EUDRA and VAERS adverse event data on deaths and “events” together, multiply by an under-reporting factor of 40, globalize the EU+US one-eighth share of 12.5 billion global doses.

VAERS (take only the US data) 13,972 deaths and 854,084 adverse reactions to 5 August 2022

VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 8/5/2022 – VAERS Analysis

EUDRA (ignore the headline and scoot to the first image on the landing page) 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries

76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported in U.S. and European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines – Vaccine Impact

Number of US injections = around 600m (increased to 608 million in the last few weeks)

CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US

Number of EU injections = around 900m (increased to 915 million in the last few weeks)

Number of global injections = around 12 billion (increased to 12.5 billion in the last few weeks)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations – Our World in Data

The Lazarus Report showing less than one in 100 vaccination injuries are reported – see page 6 of 7 that states –

“..fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.”

Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) (

Using a one in 100 under-reporting factor (URF) would make the injections horribly deadly and injurious (1.4 million deaths and 85 million injuries for the 600 million doses administered).

A more recent attempt at estimating the URF is around 40, here:

Determining the VAERS Under-Reporting Multiplier (

So, EU+US deaths = 13,972 + 46,999 = 60,971 deaths

and EU+US injuries = 854,084 + 6,089,773 = 6,943,857 (multiple per person, half of which are “serious”).

Multiply by 40 for URF and then by 8 to “globalize”

Global deaths are around 19.5 million SO FAR and global injuries are around 2.2 billion.

In the coming months and years, these figures will balloon even higher as lingering spike proteins progressively damage the bodies of the “fully vaccinated,” leaving them prone not only to every illness that comes along (autoimmune disease) but also to deadly clots (i.e., myocarditis and pericarditis).

It requires a bit of digging to come up with the aforementioned figures as governments work overtime to keep all pertinent data hidden, or at least confusing. The way post-injection injuries and deaths are calculated varies from country to country and even from municipality to municipality, making it difficult to come up with accurate numbers.

The safety and effectiveness claims for the shots are also highly skewed, one way being how “cases” of the Fauci Flu are determined. All throughout the alleged pandemic, illnesses and deaths were falsely attributed to the “virus” so that later the injections could be framed as the “cure.”

In 2020 before the official launch of the vaccines, the annualized rate of covid “cases” was around 70 million – and keep in mind that the official definition of a “case” is still just as murky today as it was at the beginning of the “pandemic”.

Following the launch of Operation Warp Speed in the USA, the annualized number of Covid cases increased nearly fivefold to 330 million. The annualized mortality rate also increased from 1.7 million pre-Operation Warp Speed to 2.9 million post-Operation Warp Speed.

This is significant because it shows that the shots are not “saving lives” as is still being claimed. The opposite is actually true as many more people are getting sick and dying in the injection era.

“Rather than a 95% (or 91% in the trials) reduction in cases and deaths, there has been a 370% INCREASE in the annualized case rate,” writes Peter Halligan on his Substack. “Annualized Deaths have INCREASED by 180%.”

Halligan looked at data in the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to come up with the 20 million dead and 2.2 billion injured figures. Since VAERS only captures a very small percentage of actual vaccine-related adverse events, Halligan extrapolated true figure estimates using multiplication.

The “butcher’s bill from the battlefield,” as he calls it, points to these figures being far more accurate than anything the government or Big Pharma are admitting. And were these figures to spread widely across the population, there would surely be a whole lot of angry folks with a lot of questions for the powers that be.

Record Surge of Infections in Children – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Full Story PDF

There’s now ample evidence showing the COVID jab causes innate immune suppression, which makes you more susceptible to all kinds of infection, not just COVID, as well as any number of chronic diseases.

In June 2022, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., Dr. Greg Nigh, Dr. Anthony Kyriakopoulos and Dr. Peter McCullough published a paper10 in Food and Chemical Toxicology, reviewing the mechanisms by which the shots suppress immune function and trigger disease. As noted in the abstract:11

  • Hospitals around the U.S. are suddenly struggling to keep up with surging rates of respiratory infections among children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID, rhinoviruses and influenza
  • Moderna is working on an mRNA jab for RSV, which is scheduled for release in 2023. They’re also working on a combination mRNA jab for COVID, RSV and the flu
  • Censored scientists and doctors have long warned that the mRNA COVID jabs are destroying people’s immune systems, and that we’re going to see an avalanche of infections as immune system failure sets in
  • The COVID jab causes innate immune suppression, which makes you more susceptible to all kinds of infections and chronic diseases. Suppression of Type 1 interferon signaling appears to be one of the primary mechanisms by which the shot destroys immune competence, and repeated booster shots can reliably be anticipated to amplify adverse effects
  • The more shots you get, the more likely you are to die from COVID. While only 34% of Canadians have received three or four doses of the COVID jab, triple and quadruple jabbed made up 81% of all COVID deaths in June 2022. Excess mortality among young children, teens and young adults is also skyrocketing

Hospitals around the U.S. are suddenly struggling to keep up with surging rates of respiratory infections among children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV),1 COVID, rhinoviruses and influenza.2 Hospital staff feign confusion, saying they have no idea what’s going on.

Meanwhile, censored scientists and doctors have long warned that the mRNA COVID jabs are destroying people’s immune systems, and that we’re going to see an avalanche of infections as immune system failure sets in.

Many Hospitals at or Near Capacity

As of the third week of October 2022, several children’s hospitals in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Connecticut and Virginia reported being at or near capacity.3 To expand capacity, officials in Hartford, Connecticut, are seeking help from the National Guard and FEMA.

According to Dr. Margaret R. Moon, co-director of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, the hospital “is experiencing a surge of patients due to an increase in cases of RSV, as well as other reasons, and many surrounding hospitals are facing the same.”4

RSV typically causes mild cold-like symptoms that last for a week or two. While harmless in adults, in infants the virus can cause more severe infections such as bronchiolitis (inflammation of the smaller branches of the bronchial airways) and pneumonia.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data,5 58,000 children under age 5 are hospitalized for RSV each year, and the CDC’s RSV dashboard6 (screenshot below) does show that RSV is acting unseasonably. Could this out-of-season emergence of RSV have something to do with the fact that the Food and Drug Administration authorized the COVID shot for children under 5 in June 2022?7

Maybe, maybe not. It’s not a clear parallel, as RSV also rose out of season during the summer of 2021, when young children did not yet have access to the COVID shot. Parents and older siblings, however, were eligible, and there are still many open questions surrounding the issue of shedding. It’s possible that spike protein shedding from the shots were affecting younger children, suppressing their immune systems.

overall rate of RSV-associated hospitalizations

mRNA RSV Jab in the Works

Considering hospitalization rates for RSV are actually lower than historical seasonal highs, one also wonders whether the media’s attention on RSV might be related to the fact that Moderna is working on an mRNA jab for RSV, which is scheduled for release in 2023.8

They’re also working on a combination mRNA jab for COVID, RSV and the flu. Ultimately, Moderna wants to create an annual mRNA shot that covers all of the top 10 viruses that result in hospitalizations each year.9 If the COVID shot is any indication, such an injection could be catastrophic.

COVID Jab Causes Innate Immune Suppression

There’s now ample evidence showing the COVID jab causes innate immune suppression, which makes you more susceptible to all kinds of infection, not just COVID, as well as any number of chronic diseases.

In June 2022, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., Dr. Greg Nigh, Dr. Anthony Kyriakopoulos and Dr. Peter McCullough published a paper10 in Food and Chemical Toxicology, reviewing the mechanisms by which the shots suppress immune function and trigger disease. As noted in the abstract:11

“The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease has no precedent. The many alterations in the vaccine mRNA hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein. However, the immune response to the vaccine is very different from that to a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health.

Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites.

We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis.”

Suppression of Type 1 interferon signaling appears to be one of the primary mechanisms by which the shot suppresses and destroys immune competence, and repeated booster shots can reliably be anticipated to amplify any and all adverse effects.

Type 1 Interferon Suppression Is a Recipe for Ill Health

Type 1 interferon plays an important role in the immune response to viral infections, cancer and autoimmune diseases. So, the fact that we’re now seeing significant increases in all of these conditions is not surprising.

When a cell is invaded by a virus, it releases Type 1 interferon alpha and Type 1 interferon beta. They act as signaling molecules that tell the cell that it’s been infected. That, in turn, launches the immune response and gets it going early in the viral infection. It’s been shown that people who end up with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection have a compromised Type 1 interferon response. Those who get the jab have an even more suppressed response.

Importantly, the antibody response you get from the COVID shot is exponentially higher than what you get from natural infection, and the level of antibody response rises with disease severity. So, the shot basically mimics severe infection, and this is why boosters can spell disaster.

If your Type 1 interferon response is already deficient, your immune cells are not very capable at stopping the spread of a virus in your body. Hence, the more shots you get, and the more your Type 1 interferon response is impaired, the more likely you become to develop severe infections, be it COVID or any other infection. This also means that you’re more likely to die, and rising excess mortality statistics, which I’ll review in a moment, confirm this.

Type 1 interferon also keeps latent viruses like herpes and varicella (which causes shingles) viruses in check, and when your interferon pathway is suppressed, these latent viruses can also start to emerge. And, indeed, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database reveals many who have been jabbed do report these kinds of infections.

Don’t Be Fooled by ‘Reframing’ Efforts

Disturbingly, researchers and mainstream media are still pushing the idea that COVID shot side effects are a sign that the shot is working well. As reported by CNN October 24, 2022:12

“People who reported experiencing side effects to the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines such as fever, chills or muscle pain tended to have a greater antibody response following vaccination, according to new research.

Having such symptoms after vaccination is associated with greater antibody responses compared with having only pain or rash at the injection site or no symptoms at all, suggests the paper published Friday in the journal JAMA Network Open.13

‘In conclusion, these findings support reframing postvaccination symptoms as signals of vaccine effectiveness and reinforce guidelines for vaccine boosters in older adults,’ the researchers … wrote in their paper.”

To be clear, feeling terrible after your COVID shot is not to be taken as evidence that the shot is providing you with protection. What you’re experiencing is akin to having severe COVID. The shot is suppressing your Type 1 interferon, and continuing with additional jabs is a recipe for ill health. It’s just that simple.

As suggested in that JAMA article, they really want to “reframe postvaccination symptoms” to stop people from reconsidering the wisdom of taking subsequent jabs, but don’t fall for it. You’re feeling terrible because your body is being harmed.

The More Shots You Get, the More Likely You’ll Die of COVID

As noted by Dr. Charles Hoffe in a September 15, 2022, interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, “The more shots you get, the more likely you will die from COVID-19.” An excerpt from the interview is included above. You can find the full interview on Bitchute.14

According to the latest data from Canada, summarized by Hoffe, 85% of Canadians have received at least two COVID shots, and in June 2022, 92% of all COVID deaths were in fully jabbed individuals. And, while only 34% of Canadians had received three or four doses, they made up 81% of all COVID deaths in the month of June.

“This is the clearest evidence that the more shots you have, the more likely you will die of COVID,” Hoffe said. “These [shots] are severely damaging the immune system. And so, the discrimination against those who have chosen to be vaxx free is absolutely absurd because those are the people who are going to survive.”

Youths Are Dying at Frightening Rates

In the video above, nurse educator John Campbell, Ph.D., reviews the latest U.K. and U.S. data on excess deaths in the young. The U.K. is now seeing 20 to 30 excess deaths per week in the age group of birth to 24.

Excess deaths are also statistically higher in the U.S. than expected. For the age group of birth to 24, cumulative all-cause excess deaths was 16,747 as of week 35. The screenshot below, from,15 illustrates how the cumulative excess deaths among our children, teens and young adults have skyrocketed since June 2020.

Recall the FDA authorized the first COVID shot December 11, 2020, for individuals aged 16 years and older.16 If the excess deaths from June through December were related to COVID, the shots certainly have NOT improved the situation or made youths less likely to die. Quite the contrary.

cumulative excess deaths Unites States 0-24 years

Excess deaths among all age groups follows a similar but more step-like rise.

cumulative excess deaths Unites States

Medical Abuse of Women and Children Is Rampant

The medical system has mistreated and abused infants for decades, forcing a number of completely useless and harmful interventions on them. Antibiotic eye treatment17 and the hepatitis B vaccine,18 both administered on the day of birth, are but two examples. The fact that U.S. child mortality ranks19 worst among the 20 wealthiest nations speaks to the effects of all this medial mistreatment and overtreatment of infants.

The U.S. also has the highest maternal death rate in the developed world,20 and according to medial investigators, 84% of all these maternal deaths are preventable.21 Clearly, we’re doing a lot of things wrong.

CDC Takes Child Abuse to a Whole New Level

With its decision to add COVID shots to the U.S. childhood, adolescent and adult vaccine schedules,22 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is taking the abuse of infants and pregnant women to a whole new level. As reported by The Defender:23

“Commenting on [the CDC’s unanimous] vote, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of the board and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), said:

‘This reckless action is final proof of the cynicism, corruption and capture of a once exemplary public health agency. ACIP members have again demonstrated that fealty to their pharma overlords eclipses any residual concerns they may harbor for child welfare or public health. This is an act of child abuse on a massive scale’ …

[A]dding the COVID-19 vaccines means 18 more shots — one per year between the ages of 6 months and 18 years — will be added to the schedule, according to Toby Rogers, Ph.D.

‘So overnight the childhood schedule would go from 54 injections (72 antigens because of combined shots like MMR) to 72 injections (90 antigens),’ Rogers said. ‘This has absolutely nothing to do with health — it’s all about profit and power’ …

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., told The Defender, ‘Given the high risk of vaccine injury for a product that provides little or no benefit to children, this represents a criminal enterprise solely to ensure a revenue stream for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers’ …

As of Oct. 7 [2022], the VAERS data for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds who received a COVID-19 vaccine showed reports of 4,279 adverse events, including 182 cases rated as serious and 7 reported deaths. For 5- to 11-year-olds, there were 14,622 reports of adverse events, including 692 rated as serious and 29 reported deaths.”

Can Children Survive This Many mRNA Shots?

The following COVID-19 jab recommendations will go into effect in 2023:

  • Age 6 months to 4 years — a two-dose primary series for Moderna, or a three-dose primary series for Pfizer, plus an annual booster
  • Age 5 to 11 years — a two-dose series of either Moderna or Pfizer plus an annual booster
  • Age 12 to 18 years — a two-dose series for Moderna, Novavax or Pfizer plus an annual booster

For children with moderately or severely compromised immune systems, the recommended primary series is increased from a two-dose series to a three-dose series, which is madness heaped upon insanity. I really don’t see how young children will get through their primary education alive if they have to take annual boosters on top of a primary series.

Rules Upended for Vaccine Injury Compensation

Adding insult to injury, while the COVID jab makers get a permanent liability shield through the addition of the jabs to the childhood vaccination schedule, those injured by these mRNA shots will not get compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which covers nearly every other vaccine on the schedule. The Defender explains:24

“Vaccine makers are not liable for injuries or deaths associated with EUA [emergency use authorized] vaccines but can be held liable for injuries caused by a fully licensed vaccine — unless that vaccine is added to the CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule.

Parents of children injured by vaccines listed on the childhood schedule typically can seek compensation through the taxpayer-funded National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury claims.

However, the revisions voted on today by the committee explicitly state25 (slide 24) that the newly added … COVID-19 vaccines are not covered under the VICP.

Instead, the COVID-19 vaccines added to the childhood schedule will remain covered by the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). To date, only six claims filed with the CICP have been approved for compensation.”

In closing, if you care about your children, do not allow them to be injected with these immune-destroying shots. If you’re still on the fence, please read the cited paper by Seneff, Nigh, Kyriakopoulos and McCullough,26 to get an understanding of how these shots can utterly decimate your child’s health.

The big EV electric vehicle LIE: Electric cars are not “zero emissions,” and their ecological impact is actually dirtier than diesel trucks. Climate Science News

The IFO Institute in Germany just released a new report on the ecological impact of electric cars. Electric cars are often advertised as “green” technology, great for the environment and the best solution to preserve the Earth’s ozone layer. The member countries of the European Union (EU) promote electric cars as the savior of the environment, but it turns out there are cleaner technologies. Not to mention, diversity in any country’s energy production is necessary in order to sustain the benefits of clean energy long term.

When calculating for fleet emissions and determining environmentally-friendly solutions, legislators from the EU suggest that electric vehicles produce ‘zero’ CO2 emissions. The EU deceptively promotes the technology as “green” in order to subsidize it and pass on gains to greedy investors.

In the latest IFO report, German scientists spoke out about the big electric vehicle lie. This so-called green technology does not produce “zero emissions.” When considering how electric cars are manufactured, their carbon footprint is actually worse than many diesel-powered vehicles. The study was spearheaded by Christoph Buchal, professor of physics at the University of Cologne, Hans-Werner Sinn, former IFO president and professor emeritus at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and energy expert Hans-Dieter Karl.

Electric cars emit 11 – 28 percent more CO2 than diesel engines

The three scientists analyzed the amount of energy that is required to produce batteries for electric cars while considering the current energy requirements that are needed to re-charge the batteries. Tremendous amounts of energy are needed to extract the lithium, cobalt and manganese needed to produce the batteries for electric cars. This process requires 11 to 15 tonnes of CO2 just to make one Tesla model 3 battery. When all is accounted for, electric cars emit up to 180 grams of CO2 per kilometer! According to the scientists, this CO2 output is “considerably more than a comparable diesel Mercedes.” According to the researchers, an electric car “burdens the climate 11 – 28% more than a diesel car.”

The team of scientists make a clear case that Germany needs to transition to vehicles powered by hydrogen or combustion engines powered by “green” methane. Professor Buchal explained, “Over the long term, hydrogen-methane technology offers a further advantage: It allows surplus wind and solar power generated during peaks to be stored, and these surpluses will see a sharp increase as the share of this renewable energy grows.”

The country also needs to continue using natural gas combustion engines as they make the transition. Subsidizing electric powered vehicles only adds to CO2 emissions, in both the manufacturing phase and in the energy requirements needed to power the vehicles long term. In order to keep electric vehicles charged, every EU country puts out significant CO2 from their energy production grid. For example, in order to keep electric vehicles charged, energy is taken from the grid mix, requiring more coal, more gas, and consequentially more CO2 emissions. Just because electric vehicles do not emit CO2 on the streets, does not mean their net CO2 emissions is lower overall.

Professor Sinn says, “The German federal government should treat all technologies equally and promote hydrogen and methane solutions as well.”

To learn more about the climate change hoaxes, visit ClimateAlarmism.News.

Sources include:




MOVIE: The Real Anthony Fauci Documentary


It’s Done. CDC Puts COVID Shots on Child Immunization Schedule – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Those who watch the CDC’s maneuvers predicted it would happen, and now it has: The experimental mRNA gene therapy shots are now on the U.S. child vaccination schedule for children ages 6 months and up. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted 15-0 to add them to the schedule.

As Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, noted, this means several things:

  1. The “emergency” can now end. They needed the emergency to be able to create EUA approval which gave them liability protection as long as the emergency existed. The emergency is no longer needed.
  2. The vaccine makers can now manufacture fully “approved” vaccines and have complete liability protection forever.
  3. The ACIP vote is just a recommendation. The CDC must add it to the schedule, but that’s a slam dunk.

News reports said the CDC plans to post the new schedule soon; however, it already posted a schedule October 17, 2022, to its website that includes these shots. The move led many people to believe the schedule change was a done-deal even before the ACIP met.

An important thing to remember is that this doesn’t mean the shots are automatically mandated across the nation; rather, individual states make their own decisions on which ones they want mandated in their state. However, states usually follow the lead of the CDC and add whatever the CDC recommends to their mandated schedule.


Steve Kirsch Substack October 20, 2022

Reuters October 20, 2022

CDC October 17, 2022

Surrender Novena – Original Video, Audio, Text

Surrender Novena – Original 9 Days

Original Video


Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970), is the author of this novena.

Day 1

Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Day 2

Surrender to me does not mean to fret, to be upset, or to lose hope, nor does it mean offering to me a worried prayer asking me to follow you and change your worry into prayer. It is against this surrender, deeply against it, to worry, to be nervous and to desire to think about the consequences of anything. It is like the confusion that children feel when they ask their mother to see to their needs, and then try to take care of those needs for themselves so that their childlike efforts get in their mother’s way. Surrender means to placidly close the eyes of the soul, to turn away from thoughts of tribulation and to put yourself in my care, so that only I act. Saying You take care of it.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Day 3

How many things I do when the soul, in so much spiritual and material need turns to me, looks at me and says to me; You take care of it, then close its eyes and rests. In pain you pray for me to act, but that I act in the way you want. You do not turn to me, instead, you want me to adapt to your ideas. You are not sick people who ask the doctor to cure you, but rather sick people who tell the doctor how to. So do not act this way, but pray as I taught you in the Our Father: Hallowed be thy Name, that is, be glorified in my need. Thy kingdom come”, that is, let all that is in us and in the world be in accord with your kingdom. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, that is, in our need, decide as you see fit for our temporal and eternal life.

If you say to me truly:

Thy will be done. Which is the same as saying: You take care of it. I will intervene with all my omnipotence, and I will resolve the most difficult situations.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Day 4

You see evil growing instead of weakening? Do not worry, Close your eyes and say to me with faith: Thy will be done, You take care of it. I say to you that I will take care of it, and that I will intervene as does a doctor and I will accomplish miracles when they are needed. Do you see that the sick person is getting worse? Do not be upset, but close your eyes and say You take care of it. I say to you that I will take care of it, and that there is no medicine more powerful than my loving intervention. By my love, I promise this to you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Day 5

And when I must lead you on a path different from the one you see, I will prepare you; I will carry you in my arms; I will let you find yourself, like children who have fallen asleep in their mother’s arms, on the other bank of the river. What troubles you and hurts you immensely are your reason, your thoughts and worry, and your desire at all costs to deal with what afflicts you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Day 6

You are sleepless; you want to judge everything, direct everything and see to everything and you surrender to human strength, or worse, to men themselves, trusting in their intervention, this is what hinders my words and my views. Oh how much I wish from you this surrender, to help you and how I suffer when I see you so agitated! Satan tries to do exactly this: to agitate you and to remove you from my protection and to throw you into the jaws of human initiative. So, trust only in me, rest in me, surrender to me in everything.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Day 7

I perform miracles in proportion to your full surrender to me and to your not thinking of yourselves. I sow treasure troves of graces when you are in the deepest poverty. No person of reason, no thinker, has ever performed miracles, not even among the saints. He does divine works whosoever surrenders to God. So don’t think about it any more, because you mind is acute and for you it is very hard to see evil and to trust in me and to not think of yourself. Do this for all your needs, do this all of you and you will see great continual silent miracles. I will take care of things, I promise this to you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Day 8

Close your eyes and let yourself be carried away on the flowing currents of my grace; close your eyes and do not think of the present, turning your thoughts away from the future just as you would from temptation. Repose in me, believing in my goodness, and I promise you by my love that if you say You take care of it. I will take care of it all; I will console you, liberate you and guide you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Day 9

Pray always in readiness to surrender, and you will receive from it great peace and great rewards, even when I confer on you the grace of immolation, of repentance and of love. Then what does suffering matter? It seems impossible to you? Close your eyes and say with all your soul, Jesus, you take care of it. Do not be afraid, I will take care of things and you will bless my name by humbling yourself. A thousand prayers cannot equal one single act of surrender, remember this well. There is no novena more effective than this:

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! 10x

Affirmations for Spiritual Growth – Listen Online or Download MP3


Affirmations for God’s Loving World

Affirmations for Love, Joy & Peace Programming

ACIM Affirmations from Workbook 190-196

Surrender Novena – Original 9 Days

ACIM Affirmations – The Power of Decision is My Own

Misc ACIM Affirmations

Surrender Novena – New

Surrender Novena by Seminarians, short



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Green Illusions, The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism by Ozzie Zehner

Read here, or download PDF

Green Illusions deflates the hype surrounding new alternative energy sources. It also explains why, if we truly care about the environment, we should focus on changing our own excessive consumer behavior.

About the Author

Ozzie Zehner is an American author who works as a reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. His work has appeared in publications like The Sunday Times, Wired and TheWashington Post.

The War on Ivermectin – Dr. Joseph Mercola

 The War on Ivermectin

The outcome could have been much different – and many lives saved – if Big Pharma hadn’t been so successful at suppressing this generic pharmaceutical that was found to work against COVID-19.


  • In his book, “The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the COVID Pandemic,” Dr. Pierre Kory details the history of ivermectin and the how and why behind Big Pharma’s suppression of this drug when it was found to work against COVID-19
  • After spending his career as an internist and critical care physician, Kory has now turned his attention to long-haul COVID and post-jab injury syndromes
  • Daily ivermectin use is a mainstay of the treatment plans for long-haulers and those with COVID jab injuries, as the drug very effectively binds to the toxic spike protein that is causing most of the damage in both of these conditions
  • Methylene blue can be helpful for those struggling with crippling fatigue, as it boosts mitochondrial respiration and improves energy metabolism. It’s actually the parent molecule for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, off-patent drugs used to treat COVID-19 along with zinc
  • “The War on Ivermectin” reveals the disinformation playbook used by Big Pharma and its many allies to suppress highly useful and inexpensive medicines in order to protect and increase corporate profits
Visit Mercola Market

In this interview, return guest Dr. Pierre Kory discusses his new book, “The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the COVID Pandemic.” In it, he details the history of ivermectin and the how and why behind Big Pharma’s suppression of this drug when it was found to work against COVID-19.

Like Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Peter McCullough, Kory has been threatened by the American Board of Internal Medicine, which is seeking to yank his medical license. While a family doctor in private practice can operate without board certification, most medical centers will not hire a doctor who isn’t board certified in his specialty, and insurance companies won’t put you on their panel.

Kory’s Response to the American Board of Internal Medicine

Kory, however, is not overly concerned about this threat — which is really little more than an intimidation tactic to shut him up — as he has no intention of ever going back to a hospital setting.

“I’m done,” he says. “There’s no way I could walk into a hospital. I’ve just learned too much. I’ve learned too much about pharmaceutical control of almost all of the medical evidence. There’s no way I can fit. Now I’m a square peg in a round hole.

So, to be honest, I don’t think [losing my board certification] would have an impact. I am now in private practice. I have a bustling telehealth practice and I’m very happy. I’m outside the system, I can do and say and care for the patients in a manner that I best see fit.

Anyway, our reply [to the American Board of Internal Medicine] was different than Peter’s. He presented all the evidence to support all the statements they accused him of as being misinformation; very data driven, evidence-based.

What we did is, our lawyer looked at their policy on misinformation and the process of ‘convicting’ someone of misinformation, and it required that they provide us the evidence showing that we are wrong and misinformed.

But the letter to us was bizarre. It was this hodgepodge of statements that I’d made or written on my Substack, and it was just implied that that’s misinformation …

So, we wrote back very simply, ‘Excuse us, but your letter does not follow your own misinformation policy. We ask that you kindly reissue the letter with the evidence showing that we’re wrong.’ And we’ve gotten radio silence ever since.”

Kory’s New Specialty

After spending his career as an internist and critical care physician, Kory has now turned his attention to long-haul COVID and post-jab injury syndromes — complex chronic illnesses. To that end, he’s collaborating with doctors who’ve spent decades treating other tricky conditions, such as chronic Lyme disease, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

“So, not only do I have a new career and practice, but also a new intellectual focus and it’s much more satisfying. I’m literally returning people to levels of function that they weren’t at before.

These were oftentimes healthy people with full careers, children, they exercised, ate right and now they’re fully disabled with numerous organ system complaints.

And I’ll tell you, getting them from 20% [function] to 40% [function] is a big deal, when they can actually do just a little bit more than they were doing before, and when you get them to 80%, it’s transformative.

But it’s way more challenging. And I tell my patients, ‘Listen, I have to be humble here. I’m trying to figure this out. I’m collaborating, I’m reading, I’m learning from you.’ I’m learning from each patient, because we’re doing a lot of empiric therapies.

We’re trying things, and so I learn. Each patient serves as their own control and I’m finding different things work on different patients. But the real challenge that I’m finding is that I don’t have any biomarkers or tests that I find helpful to direct therapies.

A lot of the tests are normal, even inflammatory markers. Clotting markers are normal, and yet I know that they have inflammatory processes and they’re thrombogenic. So, I wish there was more research and guidance.”

Treating Long-Haul COVID

One of the primary complaints of those struggling with what we’re now calling “long-haul COVID” is fatigue, a lack of energy to do even the most basic things. Since mitochondria are responsible for 90% of the energy production in your body, it stands to reason that impaired energy production in the mitochondria, or more simply, mitochondrial dysfunction, is at play.

The challenge is how to recover that function. One fascinating drug that can help in this regard is methylene blue, which helps mitochondrial respiration and improves brain energy metabolism. Methylene blue is actually the parent molecule for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, off-patent drugs commonly used to treat not only malaria but also COVID-19.

Best known as a fish tank antiseptic and textile dye for blue jeans, it was actually the first synthetic drug in modern history, developed in 1876. Since then, we’ve discovered it has many really important medicinal benefits. Importantly, it’s the only known antidote for metabolic poisons, i.e., any poison that interferes with oxygen transport or displaces oxygen, either from the blood or from the mitochondria.

Basically, as an electron cycler, methylene blue acts like a battery, but unlike other compounds that do the same thing, it doesn’t cause damaging oxidation in the process. You can review my interview with Dr. Francisco Gonzalez Lima here for more information.

If anything interferes with oxygenation or cellular respiration, such as cyanide, methylene blue is able to bypass that point of interference through electron cycling, thus allowing mitochondrial respiration, oxygen consumption and energy production to function as it normally would. And, the effect is typically felt within hours, as it increases, by about 30%, the ability of the mitochondria to produce ATP in the electron transport chain. Kory has also found it useful.

“My really sick patients use methylene blue,” he says. “Some of the really sick ones that aren’t responding to medicine, I send to a clinic where they do apheresis, ozone, methylene blue, infrared. One of them actually was discharged on oral methylene blue. And so, I want to figure out how to implement oral methylene blue.”

Trial and Error

Methylene blue is far from a cure-all, however. Any number of processes could be impacting your mitochondria, and they all need to be addressed. Adding to the complexity is that remedies that work really well in one long-hauler or COVID jab-injured patient often will not work for another, even though they present with very similar symptoms.

“We’ve [found] about six or seven different pathophysiologic mechanisms, and one of them is mitochondrial dysfunction, but I don’t know which is the predominant one in each patient,” Kory says. “I have no way of figuring that out. The only way I figure it out is by responses to therapy.

For instance, I had one young woman recently. I tried a number of therapies and what resurrected her, finally, was when I started to treat mast cell activation. I put her on antihistamine, famotidine [a heartburn medication], ketotifen [an asthma medication], and Boom.”

The Case for Sun Exposure

Daily sun exposure for about an hour around solar noon can also be important, as the near-infrared wavelengths will trigger melatonin production in your mitochondria, where you need it the most.

Melatonin is a potent antioxidant, so getting plenty of sunshine on bare skin is a simple way to reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause damage, and secondarily increase the efficiency of ATP production. Kory has been recommending this as well.

COVID Really Revealed the Level of Corruption in Science

During our conversation, the issue of medical journals came up, and their role in the corruption of science. Kory notes:

“That’s the other transformation that Paul [Marik] and I have undergone. We really looked to those journals thinking they were the most sophisticated and that was the top levels of science. But seeing what was published in those journals throughout COVID uncovered the absolute control by the pharmaceutical industry.

I mean, what appears in those journals is what they allow to appear in those journals. Period. I know of many positive studies of repurposed drugs rejected. We’ve seen them pull the following — JAMA and The New England Journal both — where instead of rejecting [the paper] they hold onto it as if they’re considering it, and then the rejection comes months later.

I’ve never heard of that in my career. Usually, when I’ve tried to submit manuscripts, they either say, ‘This is interesting. We’re sending it out for peer review,’ or they say, ‘This is not of sufficient interest to our readership at this time.’

They rejected positive trials of ivermectin. And then, probably the greatest and most saddening corruption that they pulled, is that they published the Together trial on ivermectin, which is so brazenly fraudulent and corrupt.

There are so many documented actions those investigators took in order to ensure they did not have a statistically significant benefit for ivermectin. Yet the New England Journal of Medicine published it. When you look at the design and the conduct of the trial, it should never be published. It was brazenly corrupt.

The investigators were all working for either their own companies or other companies whose sole job was to do research contracts for pharmaceutical companies. I mean, what would happen in their careers had they published a positive trial on ivermectin? That’s it. Bye. No more contracts.”

The War on Ivermectin

According to Kory, the idea for “The War on Ivermectin” was birthed after reading an article titled “The Disinformation Playbook,”1 published by the Union for Concerned Scientists. He explains:

“What happened is that after my ivermectin testimony2 [December 8, 2020, before Sen. Ron Johnson], which went viral and brought a lot of attention to the FLCCC … our protocols were looked in to. Doctors started prescribing ivermectin.

And I thought — this is how naive I was — I literally thought that we were providing a major intervention that would alter the trajectory of the pandemic, without question. It would reduce cases, hospitalizations and deaths, and now you have an effective early outpatient treatment. And I thought that news would be welcomed.

I thought the FLCCC would come out as heroes. It was really Paul who identified the data signal first. He said, ‘Wow. You got to see what these studies are starting to show.’ I jumped in right behind him. I was the first author of that comprehensive review paper.

I worked a lot and I got deeply expert on ivermectin. But what happened in the next few months is that everything started going sideways, and I could not figure it out. I saw hit pieces. To you, this is not news. You’re probably like, ‘Yep. I’ve seen that before.’

The thing is, I didn’t know. I didn’t know that what I was really doing — bringing forth data supporting the efficacy of a generic drug — that is poking the bear. And when I say poking the bear, what is anathema to the pharmaceutical industry and their whole business model is they cannot have generic off-patent drugs become standard of care. It obliterates the market for their pricing new pills.

I didn’t know I was stepping into a war. In the history of pharma, I don’t think any single medicine threatened as many [drug] markets and campaigns. The only other medicine that did that was hydroxychloroquine, but they already killed hydroxychloroquine in 2020.

I was coming out now with ivermectin, and it threatened hundreds of billions of dollars in perpetuity for these insanely lethal vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, remdesivir, paxlovid, molnupiravir — all of the markets for their novel new pills to enter. I mean, I don’t think any medicine has ever threatened that much of a market.

So, we were getting attacked. I did an interview with the Associated Press and the article that came out, I mean, I almost had a heart attack [reading it]. I saw unending attacks on ivermectin and it was coming in different directions. I saw academia getting all hot and bothered.

‘It’s a fringe medicine. It’s unproven. The trials are small.’ I saw all these narratives and I didn’t know they were narratives at the time. I thought people were being stupid … Now, I see everything. I see everything they do now, even before they do it, because they’re really predictable.”

The Disinformation Playbook

The turning point came when Kory received a two-line email from Dr. William B. Grant (who also co-wrote my review paper3 on vitamin D for COVID prevention). The email said, “Dr. Kory, what they’re doing to ivermectin is what they’ve done to vitamin D for decades.” Attached was a link to The Disinformation Playbook article.4

“It’s a short article. It’s very well-designed. They have little diagrams and then they have examples of disinformation campaigns. They describe the five plays, which they name after American football plays. And these are the tactics that pharma used. I read the article and I was like, ‘Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.’

Suddenly, the world made sense — and not in a good way. It was very ugly, because I was like, ‘That’s what’s going on. There’s a massive disinformation campaign directed at ivermectin.’ From that moment on, everything that happened, every day, it was almost like I got tied to a front row seat for a horror movie. I’ve had to watch a horror movie unfold ever since.

Millions dying, hospitals overflowing. And there’s a drug that could prevent that. It could avert catastrophe. It would’ve definitely either put the brakes on or stopped the vaccine campaign obsession, which is in my mind, is one of history’s greatest humanitarian catastrophes.

It’s a holocaust out there with these vaccines. That’s easily proven from immense sources of data now, from life insurance data, disability data, excess mortality data. Now we’re even seeing birth rates dropping.

So, the theme of the book is centered around that. It’s my experiences and knowledge of what they do … It’s almost like a teacher’s manual, because I saw everything they pulled, how they did it and how successful they were — the fire plays, the blitz, harass the scientists that come out with inconvenient science, the diversion, inject doubt where there is none.”

Indeed, these disinformation tactics have a long history. They’re not new. It’s just that people in general have not been aware of these tactics, so they worked like a charm and could be used over and over again.

Disinformation Is an Old PR Tool Used by Toxic Industries

In the 1950s, the tobacco industry hired a PR agency called Hills and Knowlton, which established all the strategies Kory just listed and discuss at depth in his book. The tobacco industry used it so effectively, they were able to quash cancer concerns for another 50 years.

Their disinformation campaign didn’t end until attorneys general across the country finally decided to collaborate and bring massive lawsuits against the tobacco industry, winning not only settlements but also — and more importantly — limiting their ability to practice disinformation through media and advertising.

The telecommunications industry has used the same tactics since the ’90s. They actually hired the same PR firm to protect their business and hoodwink customers, and they’re still going strong. Unlike tobacco, which was finally understood to cause cancer, electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure from cell phones and Wi-Fi is still not recognized as a biological danger, despite massive amounts of evidence.

The drug industry, though, has perhaps used the disinformation playbook the longest, and it’s high time to break their magic spell. The way we do that is by educating ourselves and others about how they use disinformation to manipulate you. Once you know their playbook, it’s like being equipped with X-ray vision.

“I think ‘The War on Ivermectin’ is almost as important as Bobby Kennedy’s book, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ where he, in a highly-referenced fashion, documents the control of medicine and the medical sciences and how it’s literally controlled by pharma and how depraved that control is,” Kory says.

“They do not care. The pharmaceutical industry is a documented criminal industry. They’ve released many, many products that have caused untold deaths and what do they do? They try to suppress that evidence for as long as possible. They get caught. They pay a fine. They do it again.”

Academic Freedom Is an Illusion

Kory also became wise to the fact that these kinds of medical disinformation campaigns have been routine for decades. Ivermectin was just the last in a long line of repurposed drugs that were being suppressed, lest it threaten Big Pharma profits. Cancer drugs, heart medications and psychiatric remedies have all been buried in the same way. He continues:

“So, I started to learn about how pharma practices disinformation, and I think the most terrible disinformation campaigns, which caused more deaths than any other, were the ones on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin …

So, the book is about all of the tactics that I witnessed. It’s also about my personal journey. I’ve been through a lot. I’ve lost three jobs. One I left voluntarily. One was mutual. The third was a firing. Also, my proudest contribution to COVID [was writing what] I thought was the best paper of my life. It was a paper that argued that the pulmonary phase of COVID is actually an organizing pneumonia, or what they used to call BOOP.

I wrote a paper with one of the top chest radiologists in the world. I consulted pathologists. I looked at autopsy data, even just the CAT scans were in a pattern of organized pneumonia, which is a terrible descriptor for the disease, because it suggests that it’s an infection and it’s not.

Organizing pneumonia is an inflammatory response to a lung injury. The gold standard of care is corticosteroids. That’s the only thing that’s been shown to really reverse organized pneumonia.

I gave testimony in the Senate in May 2020, telling the world that it was critical to use corticosteroids in the hospital phase of disease. I got attacked by the University of Wisconsin. By the way, you know another thing that I learned? Academic freedom isn’t real. As soon as you’re a professor with an opinion that goes against orthodoxy or the system, oh, you’re going to feel the pressure …

I was vindicated on corticosteroids. It’s now the standard of care around the world. However, the standard of care dose is 6 milligrams of dexamethasone, which is too low, [and] methylprednisone is far superior in its effects on the lung.

It’s well-known that in fulminant cases, like whited out lungs on a ventilator, you need … 1,000 milligrams of methylprednisone for three days in a row. Six milligrams of Dex is equivalent to about 32 milligrams of methylprednisone.”

COVID Hospitalizations Eradicated With Ivermectin

While there are many individual success stories out there, one that Kory believes best illustrates the power of ivermectin against COVID is that of Itajai, Brazil, a city of 220,000 people. In June 2020, they implemented a prophylaxis program using ivermectin. The program was advertised throughout local media, and people were encouraged to participate and take ivermectin four times a month, on days 1, 2, 15 and 16.

On the appropriate days, they set up tents and centers where people could get the drug, and the entire program was carefully logged in an electronic database. In all, 159,000 Brazilians participated, of those 113,000 elected to take the ivermectin. Kory and eight coauthors published a paper5 on the results in March 2022.

“The 113,000 [who took the ivermectin] were older, sicker, fatter. Way more cardiovascular disease and diabetes. And, obviously, they were probably more worried about the impacts on their health.

So, when you look at that comparison, I mean, there are massive negative confounders. But despite those confounders, even when you didn’t propensity match, there were insanely positive benefits in the ivermectin group.

They died much less, I think it was 70% lower risk of dying, 68% lower risk of hospitalization and 50% lower risk of getting COVID. And that was in the sickest of the sick in that city. Then, when we did propensity matching, matching them for age and other things, it was even greater.

There’s a follow up study which is astounding, where … they were able through pharmacy records to split the ivermectin group into two. Regular ivermectin users, those who took all their pills, and irregular, those who missed doses.

And when you look at the regular users, the ones who were most adherent to the protocol, no one went to the hospital. There was a 100% reduction in hospitalization and a 90% lower risk of dying. It’s astounding … I’ve never seen a more proven therapy in any disease model, which they successfully got everyone to believe is a horse dewormer used by unvaccinated conspiracy theorists.”

Dosage Recommendations

Ivermectin recommendations have changed over time, as newer variants have acted differently, requiring updated approaches. At present, Kory still recommends ivermectin for prevention, if you really feel you need it. Current COVID variants are very mild, however, and rarely cause severe problems (unless you got the COVID jab).

For those struggling with long-haul COVID, ivermectin is a mainstay. “It’s the most frequently effective therapy,” Kory says. “I do have in my practice a minority who are ivermectin non-responders, but the majority respond in either small or large ways.” Importantly, ivermectin is the most effective drug available for binding to the spike protein.

So, if there’s circulating spike protein in your body, be it from natural infection or the jab, ivermectin will help bind to it, thereby preventing much of the spike’s negative impacts.

Ivermectin also repolarizes macrophages from the M1 to the M2 subtype. M1 is hyperinflammatory and M2 is hypo-inflammatory. So, it reduces inflammation. In addition to that, ivermectin has at least 18 other mechanisms of action and downstream effects that can be helpful.

For long-haulers and the COVID jab injured, Kory typically starts patients out at 0.3 mg per kilo of bodyweight once a day. For most, that dose works well. It’s still unclear how long people need to stay on this daily dose. Oftentimes, when they try to cut back, symptoms return, which suggests they still have spike protein in their bodies. Fortunately, the safety profile of ivermectin, even for long-term use, is very good.

Save the Date: Medical Conference in Orlando, October 2022

Hopefully, more doctors will get involved in the treatment of spike protein injuries. October 15 and 16, 2022, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) will be holding a medical conference in Orlando, Florida, titled “Understanding and Treating Spike Protein Induced Diseases.” You can register for the conference on the FLCCC’s website.

“We have a lineup of speakers, deeply studied in treatment of complex chronic illnesses from different specialties. There are a lot of ways to approach this disease, so it’s really important. It really is directed at the treating providers. Because one of the many abject failures is they literally don’t recognize vaccine injury.

There’s no clinic for the vaccine injured. They’re abandoned, and I’m just going to be crude here — they’re pissing off the doctors because all of these patients are showing up that doctors have no idea what’s wrong with.

They have no knowledge of the mechanisms. They have no knowledge of what some effective therapies can be. So, they’re not treating these patients. They’re abandoned and gaslit.

Some doctors actually get angry when the patients relate their symptoms to the vaccine. They don’t want to hear it. They don’t want a vaccine injured in their practice. I have numbers of patients where the physician literally told them, ‘You don’t need to schedule a follow up.’

So, for those [doctors] who still have a shred of humanity, empathy and understanding that the spike protein is a toxin that causes immense amounts of disease, I hope they attend and/or watch the lectures that we’ll stream afterwards.

We’re coming at this very humble. I mean, there are very few trials on therapies in these two syndromes. So, it’s really about clinical knowledge, expertise and experiences from this disease and other diseases.

I am looking forward to it because I want to learn. I want to listen to those other speakers and hear about what they think and how they approach this. And I think it’s going to be a really tremendous conference. I think a lot of laypeople will show up too …

Laypeople who are much more deeply studied and knowledgeable on what’s really going on. They didn’t go to medical school, but they’re deeply studied and they read papers. They watch, read a lot of data sources.

So, I think it would be of interest to laypeople who want to learn how to either help themselves, or help their friends and colleagues, just like they did with COVID. You know how many laypeople passed around our protocols and tried to get their friends and relatives access to the medicines on our protocol? They saved lives. They saved lives by doing that.”

More Information

In the interview, Kory also reviews the clear and present danger the COVID jab poses to women, especially if they’re pregnant or want to get pregnant in the future. We also review the blatant fraud perpetrated by Pfizer to hide the massive number of miscarriages that occurred in its human trial.

In summary, the miscarriage rate is 87.5%, which is just astounding. No woman in her right mind would pull that trigger if she had that information. We also discuss the worldwide drops in birth rates (which began after the rollout of these experimental jabs), the complete absence of any supporting data for the authorization of COVID shots for children (which is yet another medical fraud perpetrated on the American people), and the lie that COVID is a pandemic of the unvaccinated (it’s actually the complete opposite).

So, for more on those topics, please listen to the full interview, or read through the transcript. You can also find more of Kory’s work on Last but not least, be sure to pick up a copy of “The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the COVID Pandemic” to learn all about how the biggest, most lethal medical disinformation play was perpetrated, right before your eyes.Disinformation Is an Old PR Tool Used by Toxic Industries

In the 1950s, the tobacco industry hired a PR agency called Hills and Knowlton, which established all the strategies Kory just listed and discuss at depth in his book. The tobacco industry used it so effectively, they were able to quash cancer concerns for another 50 years.

Their disinformation campaign didn’t end until attorneys general across the country finally decided to collaborate and bring massive lawsuits against the tobacco industry, winning not only settlements but also — and more importantly — limiting their ability to practice disinformation through media and advertising.

The telecommunications industry has used the same tactics since the ’90s. They actually hired the same PR firm to protect their business and hoodwink customers, and they’re still going strong. Unlike tobacco, which was finally understood to cause cancer, electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure from cell phones and Wi-Fi is still not recognized as a biological danger, despite massive amounts of evidence.

The drug industry, though, has perhaps used the disinformation playbook the longest, and it’s high time to break their magic spell. The way we do that is by educating ourselves and others about how they use disinformation to manipulate you. Once you know their playbook, it’s like being equipped with X-ray vision.

“I think ‘The War on Ivermectin’ is almost as important as Bobby Kennedy’s book, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ where he, in a highly-referenced fashion, documents the control of medicine and the medical sciences and how it’s literally controlled by pharma and how depraved that control is,” Kory says.

“They do not care. The pharmaceutical industry is a documented criminal industry. They’ve released many, many products that have caused untold deaths and what do they do? They try to suppress that evidence for as long as possible. They get caught. They pay a fine. They do it again.”

Academic Freedom Is an Illusion

Kory also became wise to the fact that these kinds of medical disinformation campaigns have been routine for decades. Ivermectin was just the last in a long line of repurposed drugs that were being suppressed, lest it threaten Big Pharma profits. Cancer drugs, heart medications and psychiatric remedies have all been buried in the same way. He continues:

“So, I started to learn about how pharma practices disinformation, and I think the most terrible disinformation campaigns, which caused more deaths than any other, were the ones on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin …

So, the book is about all of the tactics that I witnessed. It’s also about my personal journey. I’ve been through a lot. I’ve lost three jobs. One I left voluntarily. One was mutual. The third was a firing. Also, my proudest contribution to COVID [was writing what] I thought was the best paper of my life. It was a paper that argued that the pulmonary phase of COVID is actually an organizing pneumonia, or what they used to call BOOP.

I wrote a paper with one of the top chest radiologists in the world. I consulted pathologists. I looked at autopsy data, even just the CAT scans were in a pattern of organized pneumonia, which is a terrible descriptor for the disease, because it suggests that it’s an infection and it’s not.

Organizing pneumonia is an inflammatory response to a lung injury. The gold standard of care is corticosteroids. That’s the only thing that’s been shown to really reverse organized pneumonia.

I gave testimony in the Senate in May 2020, telling the world that it was critical to use corticosteroids in the hospital phase of disease. I got attacked by the University of Wisconsin. By the way, you know another thing that I learned? Academic freedom isn’t real. As soon as you’re a professor with an opinion that goes against orthodoxy or the system, oh, you’re going to feel the pressure …

I was vindicated on corticosteroids. It’s now the standard of care around the world. However, the standard of care dose is 6 milligrams of dexamethasone, which is too low, [and] methylprednisone is far superior in its effects on the lung.

It’s well-known that in fulminant cases, like whited out lungs on a ventilator, you need … 1,000 milligrams of methylprednisone for three days in a row. Six milligrams of Dex is equivalent to about 32 milligrams of methylprednisone.”

COVID Hospitalizations Eradicated With Ivermectin

While there are many individual success stories out there, one that Kory believes best illustrates the power of ivermectin against COVID is that of Itajai, Brazil, a city of 220,000 people. In June 2020, they implemented a prophylaxis program using ivermectin. The program was advertised throughout local media, and people were encouraged to participate and take ivermectin four times a month, on days 1, 2, 15 and 16.

On the appropriate days, they set up tents and centers where people could get the drug, and the entire program was carefully logged in an electronic database. In all, 159,000 Brazilians participated, of those 113,000 elected to take the ivermectin. Kory and eight coauthors published a paper5 on the results in March 2022.

“The 113,000 [who took the ivermectin] were older, sicker, fatter. Way more cardiovascular disease and diabetes. And, obviously, they were probably more worried about the impacts on their health.

So, when you look at that comparison, I mean, there are massive negative confounders. But despite those confounders, even when you didn’t propensity match, there were insanely positive benefits in the ivermectin group.

They died much less, I think it was 70% lower risk of dying, 68% lower risk of hospitalization and 50% lower risk of getting COVID. And that was in the sickest of the sick in that city. Then, when we did propensity matching, matching them for age and other things, it was even greater.

There’s a follow up study which is astounding, where … they were able through pharmacy records to split the ivermectin group into two. Regular ivermectin users, those who took all their pills, and irregular, those who missed doses.

And when you look at the regular users, the ones who were most adherent to the protocol, no one went to the hospital. There was a 100% reduction in hospitalization and a 90% lower risk of dying. It’s astounding … I’ve never seen a more proven therapy in any disease model, which they successfully got everyone to believe is a horse dewormer used by unvaccinated conspiracy theorists.”

Dosage Recommendations

Ivermectin recommendations have changed over time, as newer variants have acted differently, requiring updated approaches. At present, Kory still recommends ivermectin for prevention, if you really feel you need it. Current COVID variants are very mild, however, and rarely cause severe problems (unless you got the COVID jab).

For those struggling with long-haul COVID, ivermectin is a mainstay. “It’s the most frequently effective therapy,” Kory says. “I do have in my practice a minority who are ivermectin non-responders, but the majority respond in either small or large ways.” Importantly, ivermectin is the most effective drug available for binding to the spike protein.

So, if there’s circulating spike protein in your body, be it from natural infection or the jab, ivermectin will help bind to it, thereby preventing much of the spike’s negative impacts.

Ivermectin also repolarizes macrophages from the M1 to the M2 subtype. M1 is hyperinflammatory and M2 is hypo-inflammatory. So, it reduces inflammation. In addition to that, ivermectin has at least 18 other mechanisms of action and downstream effects that can be helpful.

For long-haulers and the COVID jab injured, Kory typically starts patients out at 0.3 mg per kilo of bodyweight once a day. For most, that dose works well. It’s still unclear how long people need to stay on this daily dose. Oftentimes, when they try to cut back, symptoms return, which suggests they still have spike protein in their bodies. Fortunately, the safety profile of ivermectin, even for long-term use, is very good.

Save the Date: Medical Conference in Orlando, October 2022

Hopefully, more doctors will get involved in the treatment of spike protein injuries. October 15 and 16, 2022, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) will be holding a medical conference in Orlando, Florida, titled “Understanding and Treating Spike Protein Induced Diseases.” You can register for the conference on the FLCCC’s website.

“We have a lineup of speakers, deeply studied in treatment of complex chronic illnesses from different specialties. There are a lot of ways to approach this disease, so it’s really important. It really is directed at the treating providers. Because one of the many abject failures is they literally don’t recognize vaccine injury.

There’s no clinic for the vaccine injured. They’re abandoned, and I’m just going to be crude here — they’re pissing off the doctors because all of these patients are showing up that doctors have no idea what’s wrong with.

They have no knowledge of the mechanisms. They have no knowledge of what some effective therapies can be. So, they’re not treating these patients. They’re abandoned and gaslit.

Some doctors actually get angry when the patients relate their symptoms to the vaccine. They don’t want to hear it. They don’t want a vaccine injured in their practice. I have numbers of patients where the physician literally told them, ‘You don’t need to schedule a follow up.’

So, for those [doctors] who still have a shred of humanity, empathy and understanding that the spike protein is a toxin that causes immense amounts of disease, I hope they attend and/or watch the lectures that we’ll stream afterwards.

We’re coming at this very humble. I mean, there are very few trials on therapies in these two syndromes. So, it’s really about clinical knowledge, expertise and experiences from this disease and other diseases.

I am looking forward to it because I want to learn. I want to listen to those other speakers and hear about what they think and how they approach this. And I think it’s going to be a really tremendous conference. I think a lot of laypeople will show up too …

Laypeople who are much more deeply studied and knowledgeable on what’s really going on. They didn’t go to medical school, but they’re deeply studied and they read papers. They watch, read a lot of data sources.

So, I think it would be of interest to laypeople who want to learn how to either help themselves, or help their friends and colleagues, just like they did with COVID. You know how many laypeople passed around our protocols and tried to get their friends and relatives access to the medicines on our protocol? They saved lives. They saved lives by doing that.”

More Information

In the interview, Kory also reviews the clear and present danger the COVID jab poses to women, especially if they’re pregnant or want to get pregnant in the future. We also review the blatant fraud perpetrated by Pfizer to hide the massive number of miscarriages that occurred in its human trial.

In summary, the miscarriage rate is 87.5%, which is just astounding. No woman in her right mind would pull that trigger if she had that information. We also discuss the worldwide drops in birth rates (which began after the rollout of these experimental jabs), the complete absence of any supporting data for the authorization of COVID shots for children (which is yet another medical fraud perpetrated on the American people), and the lie that COVID is a pandemic of the unvaccinated (it’s actually the complete opposite).

So, for more on those topics, please listen to the full interview, or read through the transcript. You can also find more of Kory’s work on Last but not least, be sure to pick up a copy of “The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the COVID Pandemic” to learn all about how the biggest, most lethal medical disinformation play was perpetrated, right before your eyes.

The Cosmic Christ – Untangle Your Church Doctrinal Errors


By Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr – The Cosmic Christ 1

Richard Rohr – The Cosmic Christ 2

Richard Rohr – The Cosmic Christ 3

Why Doctors Are Lying to You – Hospital Incentives for Covid Patients Death, Dr. Joseph Mercola

If the COVID shots are as bad as they appear, why isn’t your doctor warning you about all their potential side effects, and instead, is encouraging you to get more shots?



  • Doctors are afraid to speak out about COVID treatment and the dangers of the COVID shots because they can lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative
  • Remdesivir is the only “standard of care” drug approved for the treatment of COVID, even though it was found to be ineffective against the infection and had life-threatening side effects, including kidney failure and liver damage
  • Hospitals have an enormous financial incentive to use this toxic treatment, which frequently kills the patient, as the U.S. government pays a 20% upcharge on the entire hospital bill when remdesivir is used. Hospitals are also paid for the use of ventilation and for COVID deaths. Every COVID patient has what amounts to a $400,000 to $500,000 bounty on their head
  • The persecution doctors have suffered under COVID is now about to be cemented into law in California. California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to … COVID-19 as unprofessional conduct” warranting disciplinary action that could result in the loss of their medical license. The bill was approved by the California Legislature September 26, 2022, and Gov. Gavin Newsom signed it October 1, 2022
  • By preventing doctors from sharing information and knowledge as they see fit with their patients, California bureaucrats are not only violating the U.S. Constitution and destroying the medical profession as we know it, they’re also pushing medical science back into the Dark Ages, as science can only move forward when there’s free exchange of ideas
Visit Mercola Market

If you’ve become disillusioned with the medical profession over the past three years, you’re not alone. Many have come to distrust doctors, largely thanks to widespread mistreatment of COVID in hospitals, and doctors’ failure to provide sufficient information about the COVID jabs to make informed consent. Doctors’ enforcing the use of masks, even though they ought to know they don’t work against respiratory viruses, hasn’t helped either.

In a recent interview with Steve Kirsch, Dr. Paul Marik, a pulmonary and critical care specialist and founding member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), discussed why doctors have been so reluctant to speak out against the clearly dangerous COVID shots. As noted by Kirsch:1

“My blue pilled friends who believe the vaccines are safe have told me they would reconsider their position if just a single one of their own doctors came out against the vaccine. One of them said even if a ‘TV doctor’ (such as Sanjay Gupta) said it was unsafe, they would reconsider their position.

I told them that doctors are afraid to speak out because they will lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative.

My friends find that too hard to believe. They asked me incredulously, ‘Why would the medical community silence doctors who are trying to save lives?’ They didn’t believe my answer. So, I wanted to interview a doctor who is very highly respected and who is not an ‘anti-vaxxer’ to explain it to them.”

Doctors Who Share Their Concerns Are Punished

Like many other doctors, Marik took the COVID shots when they first came out, as was expected of him. It wasn’t until he started reviewing the data for himself, well after the fact, that he realized just how bad they are.

When asked whether he might have misjudged the data, Marik replies, “No, the evidence is very clear.” Yet despite crystal-clear data, when Marik started speaking out against the shots, the medical community retaliated. Marik also suffered retaliation when trying to treat patients with FDA-approved, off-patent, off-label drugs shown to be very effective against COVID.

The hospital pharmacy refused to fill his prescriptions and he was ordered to not prescribe them to anyone. In short, he was ordered to simply watch his patients die, even though he knew he could help them.

The only drug he was allowed to prescribe was remdesivir, which is known to be toxic and often lethal. Remdesivir was developed as an antiviral drug and tested during the Ebola breakout in 2014. The drug was found to have a very high death rate and was not pursued further.

In the early months of 2020, the drug was entered into COVID trials.2 Those trials were also beyond disappointing.3 4 5 Not only was the drug ineffective against the infection but it also had significant and life-threatening side effects, including kidney failure and liver damage.6

But despite its clear dangers and lack of effectiveness, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration still authorized remdesivir for emergency use against COVID in May 2020,7 and then gave it full approval in October 2020.8

How Hospitals Get Rid of ‘Troublesome’ Doctors

When Marik refused to follow the remdesivir protocol, he was subjected to “sham review,” an unofficial but well-known process in which a “troublesome” doctor is accused of wrongdoing and basically railroaded out of practice.

In the end, he was fired, even though he’s never had a single patient complaint in his 30-year career as a critical care specialist. But they didn’t stop there. The hospital administration also reported him to the National Practitioner Databank, and once you’ve been reported as a bad actor to the NPD, it’s virtually impossible to clear your name. Your career is over.

They also reported him to the Board of Medicine, which concocted another set of bogus charges against him. They accused him of prescribing ivermectin to fictional patients whom they falsely claimed were injured by the drug.

“The truth is I was never actually able to prescribe ivermectin,” Marik says. “The patients they claimed I treated were nonexistent patients, so that tells you how far the Virginia Board of Medicine will go … This is the problem if you try to speak out. The [hospital administration] went out of their way to destroy my career because I wanted to treat my patients.”

According to Marik, some of his colleagues who have gone against the narrative have even been physically threatened, and had the lives of their families threatened unless they stop talking. “So, this is serious,” Marik says. The fact of the matter is that doctors who argue against the Big Pharma narrative are a threat to trillion-dollar revenues. Compared to such sums, the value of a doctor’s life is nil.

Enormous Financial Incentives to Kill COVID Patients

Marik points out there were, and still are, enormous financial incentives for hospitals to not provide proper care to COVID patients. Those financial incentives also helped drive up the COVID death count early on in the pandemic. As explained by Marik, every COVID patient has what amounts to a $400,000 to $500,000 bounty on their head, as hospitals receive bonus payments for:9 10

  • Admission of a “COVID patient,” COVID testing and COVID diagnoses.
  • Use of remdesivir — According to Marik, the U.S. government pays hospitals a 20% upcharge on the entire hospital bill when remdesivir is used.11 12 13
  • Use of mechanical ventilation, which Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services whistleblowers claim kill 84.9% of COVID patients within as few as 96 hours,14typically due to barotrauma15 (trauma to the lungs from the elevated pressure).
  • COVID deaths — In August 2020, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, agreed hospitals had a financial incentive to overcount COVID deaths.16

According to Marik, whether the patient lives or dies is irrelevant. In fact, if they die, there’s additional monies to be had. The hospitals basically see COVID patients as a cash cow, which is why they don’t tolerate doctors who use early treatment. As shocking as this is to some, it’s not the first time this has happened. Doctors were also paid to prescribe opioids, which contributed to the lethal opioid epidemic.

COVID Jab Injured Patients Desperate for Help

Just as Marik balked at health authorities’ recommendation to not offer early treatment — something completely unheard of until the advent of COVID — he also balked at the idea that patients were faking COVID jab injuries.

After the rollout of the shots, the FLCCC started getting calls from people who were desperate for help, as they suffered serious health problems shortly after their shots. Almost universally, their doctors had told them the shot couldn’t possibly be at fault.

Marik was not so sure, and once he began to really investigate the matter, he realized the data overwhelmingly showed there were serious problems. Marik is now so certain the shots are dangerous, he says he wouldn’t recommend it to a single living soul on the planet, and the FLCCC is now one of the few groups treating COVID jab injuries as well as COVID infection and long-COVID.

‘Unlearning Everything I Learned’

Marik’s professional experiences over the past three years have clearly resulted in a massive awakening to the fact that things have not been as they appeared. He says that in the past six months, he’s come to realize that he was essentially brainwashed by Big Pharma throughout medical school, and that much of what he learned was simply wrong.

He also realized you cannot trust medical journals. They too have been corrupted by Big Pharma. So, now, he’s in the process of unlearning the lies he was taught, and he’s starting anew, looking at health and disease with fresh eyes.

California Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors

The harassment and intimidation doctors have suffered under COVID is now cemented into law in California.17 California Assembly Bill 209818 designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to … COVID-19 as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license.19

The bill was approved by the California Legislature September 26, 2022,20 and Gov. Gavin Newsome signed it October 1, 2022.21 22

“Misinformation” is defined as anything that is “contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” Misinformation or disinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

“Who decides what is ‘scientific consensus?’ Presumably … it’s precisely those agencies and government actors who, ironically, have been wrong time and again throughout the pandemic.” ~ The Daily Signal

Basically, what all this means is that the state will dictate what misinformation is and isn’t, because rarely ever is there scientific consensus on anything. Even after decades of investigation, questions frequently linger, and new discoveries that upend old dogmas can come about at any time.

As noted by The Daily Signal,23 “Who decides what is ‘scientific consensus?’ Presumably … it’s precisely those agencies and government actors who, ironically, have been wrong time and again throughout the pandemic.” For examples, see their video below.

Science only moves forward when there is free exchange of ideas. By preventing doctors from sharing information and knowledge as they see fit with their patients, California bureaucrats are not only violating the U.S. Constitution and destroying the medical profession as we know it, they’re also pushing medical science back into the Dark Ages.

The Hunt for Truth-Tellers

I’ve written several articles over the past couple of years detailing the brutal and unethical treatment of medical professionals who have dared speak out against any part of the irrational COVID narrative.

Dr. Meryl Nass, for example, was stripped of her medical license and ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation — all for the “crime” of successfully saving the lives of COVID patients using hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

I’ve also covered how Drs. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins colluded to destroy the reputations of the authors of The Great Barrington Declaration, which called for focused protection of the most vulnerable instead of universal lockdowns.

The three authors included Harvard professor of medicine Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., Oxford professor Sunetra Gupta, Ph.D., and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School.

One of the tactics Fauci used against them was to claim scientific consensus — that most all scientists agreed with lockdowns, masking, social distancing and so on — even though there were just as many, if not more, who disagreed. At the time, more than 46,400 medical practitioners and 15,700 scientists had signed the Declaration.

As noted by Bhattacharya in an interview with Jimmy Dore (see hyperlink above), Fauci and Collins had nothing in terms of actual science. They could not defend lockdowns or anything else based on science alone. So, they turned to propaganda, PR and smear tactics.

Dr. Peter McCullough is another FLCCC member with top-notch medical credentials who is being persecuted by the medical establishment for his outspokenness about early treatment and the dangers of the COVID shots. He’s now written a book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” detailing his experiences and the crimes perpetrated against patients, doctors and others in the COVID era.

Dr. Ryan Cole, a clinical pathologist, is yet another example. While he’s been able to be more outspoken than most, thanks to running a private lab, several credentialing organizations have taken action against him in a clear effort to shut him up.

He’s also lost about half of his business, as two insurance companies canceled him for “unprofessional behavior,” i.e., for sharing and discussing the health effects of the COVID jabs, and one of his best friends, with whom he’s worked for 12 years, canceled their business relationship as he didn’t want Cole’s outspokenness to affect his business. “All because of the defamation by the media, so to tell the truth in this day and age is a dangerous thing,” he told me during an interview earlier this year.

Medicine Has Gone Off the Rails

For the past 25 years, and likely far longer, allopathic medicine has been a leading cause of death in the United States. As detailed in “Are Medical Errors Still the Third Leading Cause of Death?” in 1998, researchers concluded that properly prescribed and correctly taken pharmaceutical drugs were the fourth leading cause of death.24 25

Two years later, in 2000, an article in JAMA written by the late Dr. Barbara Starfield detailed how physicians were the third leading cause of death in the U.S. One of Starfield’s points of contention with the medical system was the lack of systematic recording and studying of adverse events — a shortcoming that has been taken to absurd levels during the COVID era.

A 2003 article titled “Death by Medicine,”26 written by Dr. Carolyn Dean, Gary Null, Ph.D., Dr. Martin Feldman, Dr. Debora Rasio and Dorothy Smith, Ph.D., described how the modern conventional American medical system had by then bumbled its way into becoming the No. 1 leading cause of death and injury in the United States, claiming the lives of nearly 784,000 people annually.

These iatrogenic deaths (meaning deaths resulting from the activity of physicians) include everything from adverse drug reactions and avoidable medical errors, to hospital-acquired infections, surgeries gone bad and deaths from unnecessary medical procedures.

During COVID, all of the shortcomings of medicine have been amplified to the point that many now refer to hospitals as “killing fields” — places where greed rules and patients are mistreated, tortured and killed for profit.

So far, the COVID death toll in the U.S. is well over 1 million,27 and it’s not inconceivable that a vast majority of those were killed by the “standard of care” treatment given (i.e., remdesivir and ventilation, and the withholding of food and fluids).

Corruption at every level has also been laid bare for everyone willing to see it. For example, in September 2021, we revealed how the American Medical Association instructed doctors to intentionally deceive their patients about COVID data and the safety of the jabs.

In December that year, we also showed how the AMA encouraged lawlessness by telling private companies to ignore a court’s permanent injunction against vaccine mandates and implement mandates anyway.

Facing a Painful Reality

If there’s a silver lining to any of this, it’s that people are starting to realize just how far off the rails the medical system has gone, and that we need to make radical changes.

Even doctors like Marik are waking up to realize everything they thought they knew about medicine was actually Big Pharma propaganda, and that profits, not care, is the guiding light of most hospitals.

Many, like Marik, are shocked to realize they are being penalized for trying to improve care and save lives at low cost. I recently interviewed critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory, another member of the FLCCC, who admitted he was woefully naïve when he first started speaking out about ivermectin back in 2020.

He thought the FLCCC would be hailed as heroes. Instead, they were vilified, maligned, persecuted and fired, and continue to be persecuted to this day, as they’re now also treating COVID jab injuries, which aren’t supposed to exist.

Kory has now written a book, “War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the COVID Pandemic,” which will be available after November 15, 2022,28 detailing the playbook used to suppress ivermectin and other effective COVID treatments. My interview with him, in which we discuss these tactics, will air sometime in mid-November.

In closing, if you or someone you know still cannot believe that a doctor would ever withhold information or straight out lie to you, listen to Kirsch’s interview with Marik. Listen to Nass’s story. Read Kory’s book. Look at the legislation being pushed through in California.

Imagine being a doctor with hundreds of thousands of dollars in educational loans, and being told that if you share information that steers a patient away from “standard of care” — whatever that might be — you could lose your medical license. You could lose your career.

It takes a brave heart to stand up to that kind of pressure, which is why there are so few of them out there talking about early treatment and the dangers of remdesivir, ventilation and the COVID jabs. Those who cherish their health will do well to listen to those who are actually putting everything on the line to share the truth.

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.


Comprehensive: The Truth About 2020 Election Voter Fraud

Former PA congressman pleads guilty to ballot-stuffing for Democrats in federal elections –

See the REAL Maricopa County Audit Results

WATCH – Prolific Entrepreneur Jovan Pulitzer Explains How Technology Was Used to Commit Election Fraud –

WATCH – January 8th 2021 – Lance Wallnau: Rudy Giuliani – Drops Bombshell! We Got Them! JUST IN –

EXPLOSIVE: Read Sidney Powell’s 270 Page Report On 2020 Foreign Election Interference, Mass Voter Fraud –

WATCH – Election Machines Were Connected to the Internet, Georgia Hearing Reveals LIVE, Real-time HACKING of Dominion Voting Systems. Expert Witness and Prolific Inventor / Entrepreneur | Jovan Hutton Pulitzer –

BREAKING – GAME OVER: Dominion voting machines LIVE HACKED during Georgia Senate hearing!!! –


Official Website:

Report Voter Fraud Form:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Demand a Recount of the 2020 Votes:


Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report: System ‘Designed’ to ‘Create Systemic Fraud’ –


Videos Explaining Voter Explained:
2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America? –

Election Night Errors Explained –

Rudy Giuliani – The DOMINION Voting Systems Were Created for the Purposes of Stealing Elections –

Explaining How to 2020 Election Was Rigged | How the DOMINION Hardware and Smartmatic Software
Mayor Giuilani exhaustively followed the money and found:


BLAST FROM THE PAST: Smartmatic CEO Introduces Creepy Bill Gates at Global Citizen Conference in June 2015


Microsoft’s ElectionGuard a Trojan Horse for a Military-Industrial Takeover of US Elections –

What is ElectionGuard?

Who Uses Microsoft’s Software?


Hart Intercivic

Microsoft, for example, launched its own Defending Democracy Program and partnered with Galois, a security tech company, on an open-source software development kit called ElectionGuard.”

Krebs is the go to guy in the IT industry for everything cyber security, he’s also a former Microsoft employee

Cyber Manipulation Of The 2020 Vote Is Far More Insidious Thanks To Bill Gates–mrNXVURJa77W8YM5oVlMYqxgR6Z-UaywB5RNpOAMUoX6qdLIoXYeL6wzkise6kBKBupWRlkapWcRZyHtvaj_Bzh3qcabjLdUmAlBNwsYD3WlAMS8t71AzNHJo_Y8gIw9equ-bl64EhOZvGAG73LlprhqTNAaS53F0S47vdTm9WCEVExt7Q_02pTfOTwWw7_8uFauLwhUaKAy6y0aMm4nFQMhrUcysJblEo0Euq8bCh8Wz5AYV_JTjGH5C_KSUy0ToJxt85Rc7-QwYg

Microsoft’s ElectionGuard Software Is Integrated Into Nearly 100% of Election Software

“All major manufacturers of voting systems in the United States are working with us to explore ways to incorporate ElectionGuard into their systems including Clear Ballot, Democracy Live, Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, Hart InterCivic, BPro, MicroVote, Smartmatic and VotingWorks. We’ve worked deeply with many of these companies over the summer to prepare them for today’s SDK release.”

Trump fires a cybersecurity official who called the election ‘the most secure in American history.’

Additional Explanation – How the Venezuelan Created SMARTMATIC Voting Software Works:

The Vote Tabulation Software System with a “Glitch” was Giving Thousands of votes to Biden in 30 States

CIA Scorecard and THE HAMMER Used to Alter Election Machines for Biden –

What is Hammer and Scorecard? –

What is Dominion Voting Systems?

BREAKING: “Operation Scorecard” CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state… “glitches” switched votes from Trump to Biden –

Obama Appointed Official on the Board of the Voting Machine Company – Smartmatic –

President Obama Announces His Intent to Nominate Peter V. Neffenger to Lead the Transportation Security Administration –

Most of Biden’s 221,000 Vote Margin Gain in Georgia in 3 Counties that Received $15 Million from Zuckerberg-Funded ‘Safe Elections’ Project –

What Does Smartmatic and George Soros Have in Common? Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is a Board Member on Both Organizations

Dominion Voting Systems dominates voting machines. It holds a third of the voting-machine market. Its software was used in all swing states this year, including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Nevada.

Elections supervisor for Spalding County said the company “uploaded something on November 2nd or the night before election day, which is not something that’s normally ever done, and it caused a glitch.” –

Dominion Voting Systems — which commands more than a third of the voting-machine market has hired lobbyists and a high-powered firm that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi –

Rudy Guiliani explains how “Dominion” voter fraud system works –

Dominion Voting – Delian Project: Tied to the Clintons –

How the Hammer and Scorecard Programs Work (Described by Kirk Wiebe – Former NSA Senior Analyst – Watch the following video –

J. Kirk Wiebe are clients of GAP and National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblowers who worked at the agency in excess of 36 years. As Technical Director, Binney developed a revolutionary information processing system called ThinThread that, arguably, could have detected and prevented the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but NSA officials ignored the program in favor of Trailblazer, a program that not only ended in total failure, but cost taxpayers billions of dollars.)

How the Dominion Software Works –

Wikileaks: Soros-Linked Voting Machines Now Used in Most Battleground States Were Used to Rig the 2004 Venezuela Elections –

Election Data Analyzed Producing Detailed Lists of Over 500,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden Via Voting Machine Software Theft –

Election Data Analyzed – Over 500,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden via Voting Machine Software with Heavy Fraud Focused on Swing States –

Why Are Your American Votes Stored On a Server in Germany? –

Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? — Company Refutes Claims? –

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Says The Math Doesn’t Add Up –

Democrats Examining Voter Fraud in 2019 –,%20&%20Staple%20Street%20letters.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2Y1Q-iHjP10vGfV8RNqkFfgjaXZG3jGvYmwQRcCt3Krts7XkfU_KDAXe0


The Penalties for Entities That Commit Fraud with United States Elections:

2015 President Obama signed this executive order

2016 – President Obama extended the executive order 13757

2018 – President Trump again extended the policy with executive order 13848
All assets of any individual or organization found tampering with voting can be immediately seized!!

Human Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas Explains How President Trump’s Executive Order Works –

Trump Attorney Sidney Powell Interview re “Staggering Statistical Evidence” —

Trump Campaign Attorney L. Lin Wood Said – “They Will All Go to Jail!” –


Voter Fraud Examples:
Election stealing (this is under reviewed)

Why Did United States Attorney General Bill Barr Refuse to Prosecute Voter Fraud? Dominion: From Barr, Kirkland and Ellis to Comey, HSBC –

Transition Integrity Project:
Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition:

The Transition Integrity Project | Their Corrupt Plan Explained:

Facebook Deletes “Stop the Steal” Group, Enforces Emergency Limiting Protocols Post-Election –

Funded by the usual suspects:

Department of Homeland Security:
Washington Post – DHS planning security operation for fraud:

Department of Homeland Security announced government sting for election audit:

Department of Homeland Security working on poll security:

Documenting Voter Fraud and Delivering Justice:


States With Voter Fraud:

Nationwide Voter Fraud:
Hundreds of examples of documented fraud –

A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election –

3 Million Dead Voted, 7 Million Votes Stolen from Sidney Powell with Howie Carr –

FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election” –

More Than 450,000 Ballots In Key States “Miraculously” Only Have a Mark for Biden –

Michigan @USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors: Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots As Received November 3rd, 2020 So They Are Accepted –

Worker Throwing Out Ballots –

Facebook Removing and Blocking Users Exposing Fraud –

Paying Cash for Ballots is Illegal, Right?

How a 120 Year Old Dead Man Votes in 2020 Election, Live PROOF –

John Solomon Proves Mark Zuckerberg Sent At $350 million + to Election Judges in Mostly Democrat Areas –

Guess who was in charge of voter fraud investigations at DOJ? Richard Pilger. The same person who colluded with Lois Lerner under Obama to target conservatives and the tea party through the IRS! When asked to look into fraud now, he resigned! –

Poll Watchers – Editing Ballots –

Cybersecurity Expert: 35,000 Fraud Votes Embedded for Democrat Candidates in Arizona –

Arizona, Philadelphia, & Wisconsin – Youtube video of fraud:

Arizona Voter Told to Vote with a Sharpie (Jackie Tatlebaum) – 602-206-3633

Voters Told to Use Sharpies and Not Pens to Insure Their Votes Would Not Count


Signed Affidavit from an IT expert in Maricopa County –

Voters are being given sharpies to vote with – When sharpies are being used ballots aren’t counted


BREAKING: Ballot Count Upload Error in Arizona — Over 6,000 False Biden Votes Discovered –

Arizona – ballots filled in with sharpie (new video?):

NY – people vote, shave heads, try to vote again:

Petition to recount votes –

Rep. Paul Gosar Calls on Arizona Officials to Investigate the Accuracy of the Dominion Ballot Software After Reports of Glitches –

Arizona: 14,099 Maricopa County AZ voters did not prove citizenship –



Voter Fraud in California –

Two charged in Los Angeles for allegedly submitting more than 8,000 fraudulent voter registrations on behalf of homeless people, fictitious identities, and dead voters from July to October 2020 –

Two charged in Los Angeles for allegedly submitting more than 8,000 fraudulent voter registrations on behalf of homeless people, fictitious identities, and dead voters from July to October 2020

This Woman’s Service Dog was Listed as a Human, Registered to Vote and Voted –

Woman’s Husband Died 5 Years Ago and Los Angeles, CA Still Sends Him Ballots –

Two Los Angeles Men Charged with Voter Fraud Submitted Thousands of Fraudulent Registration Applications on Behalf of Homeless People –

“The Governor may not exercise legislative powers unless permitted by the Constitution,” a judge ruled.

Pair Charged With Voter Fraud Allegedly Submitted THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Applications on Behalf of Homeless People –

Discarded ballots found dumped outside of drive thru ATM machine in California –

Dozens (est 40) ballots go missing in Contra Costa county –

Group claims 400,000 ballots sent to residents who moved out of state or died in California

1.6 million more voters than registered in 19 California counties, L.A has 117% voter registration –



BLM activist Dale Harrison on video shredding Trump ballot –
Actual video –



Video of woman working the election filling out ballots:



30 Examples of Documented and Proven Voter Fraud in Georgia –

HUGE: One Batch of 23,000 Ballots All For Biden Identified in Georgia That Were Fraudulent – More than Enough for Trump Win –

Reports: Ga. Gov. Kemp Awarded Dominion Voting Contract After Meeting With Chinese Consulate Official In Atlanta –

Georgia Counties Using Same Software As Michigan Counties Also Encounter “Glitch” –

SHOCKING: Here’s How Many Felons, Dead and Underage People Voted in Georgia –

40,000 Votes We Cast Illegally in Georgia –

Investigators Dispatched After Fulton County Discovers ‘Issue’ with Ballot Reporting –

Caught on candid camera…Fulton County supervisors in Georgia tell poll workers, press and observers to leave the room…

Military Mail in Ballots Found in Georgia Dumpster –

Open Records Request Finds No Invoices or Work Orders on Reported Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta –

RNC Monitor Catches Election Worker in Georgia Switching Trump Votes to Biden –

“No, This Is Trump”: Georgia Recount Auditor Claims Multiple Trump Ballots Fraudulently Called For Biden –

2,600 votes not counted in Floyd County, elections director asked to step down –

Georgia Poll Worker Says She Found ‘Pristine’ Batch of Ballots That Went ‘98%’ for Joe Biden –

Georgia Vote Counters Are Lying –

One of our monitors discovered a 9,626 vote error in the DeKalb County hand count. One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump – an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump. –

Attorney Lin Wood – Irrefutable Evidence That GA Local Election Officials Were Instructed by State to Report Original Vote Totals –

Sidney Powell Suit Makes 30 Allegations in Bid to Invalidate Georgia Election Results



Iowa Secretary of State Finds “Irregularities” in Iowa Voting and Will Start a Recount –



Blatant Voter Fraud Caught on Camera in Maryland –



Hundreds of uncounted ballots found hidden in Massachusetts Grafton town clerk’s vault –



Sworn Evidence of Pervasive Voter Fraud –

Changing dates on ballots
Coaching voters on how to vote
Instructed by supervisor to not check identification
Instructed not to compare the signatures on the absentee ballot
No republican poll watchers were allowed to inspect the ballots

Michigan Senate Documents Voter Fraud –

At 4 AM 3 Vehicles Showed Up with 130,000 + Ballots for Joe Biden | Detroit Woman Exposes Massive Voter Fraud in Detroit Michigan –

Dominion contractor at Detroit counting center says thousands of ballots were scanned multiple times –

Lawsuit filed in Michigan alleges election fraud including backdating of ballots, unverified voters –

How Dead Voters Can Vote in Michigan –

BOOM: Election Fraud Expert Russ Ramsland Files Affidavit Showing ‘PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY’ of Election Results in Michigan –

In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results –

WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 4: We Were Able to Replicate SAME IMPOSSIBLE BALLOT RATIO Found in Michigan’s Kent County As Reported by Dr. Shiva – 20,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden –

Documented State-Wide Voter Fraud in Michigan –

2,800 Instances of Election Fraud Have Been Reported | Detroit Elections Worker Says She Was Instructed to Change Ballot Dates –

Documented Wide-Spread Voter Fraud in Michigan –

9,000 + Deceased (Dead) Voters Returning Absentee Ballots in 11/3/20 Election –

More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows –

Lawsuit: Out-of-State Vehicles Brought Tens of Thousands of Unsealed Ballots to Michigan, All for Dems –

Michigan officials would not Michigan Republican poll watchers inside voting facilities to count the vote –
Michigan Woman Finds Box of 500 Ballots from People Were Not On the Voter Rolls –

Detroit Election Workers Cheering Every Time a Michigan GOP Attorney is Removed and Prevented from Watching the Polls –

Michigan County Flips from Biden to Trump After “Glitch” Fixed –

Detroit Poll Challenger Witnessed Election Workers Counting Ballots For ‘Non-eligible’ Voters, Then Kicked Out For Noticing –

MICHIGAN GOP CHAIR: ‘Ballots Were Counted for Democrats that Were Meant for Republicans’ –

Detroit City Worker Blows Whistle, Claims Ballots Were Ordered Backdated, FBI Probing –

The Graveyard Vote: Check Out the MASSIVE List of Joe Biden’s Dead Supporters in Michigan –

RNC Chairwoman Alleges Voting Irregularities in Michigan –

Detroit woman has box of 500 ballots from people not on voter rolls:

Crowder Election Stream Voter Fraud:

Crowder Election Stream:

A Victim of Michigan Voter Fraud Speaks Out:

Michigan – 200k ballots for Biden turn up overnight:

First-Hand Account Of Election Fraud In Detroit: ‘They Did Not Want Us To See What Was Happening’ –

Michigan Poll Workers Kicked Out and Prevented from Observing the Counting of the Ballots –

Voter Fraud in Detroit, Michigan:

Voter Fraud in Detroit Michigan:

Additional Voter Fraud – Covering Up the Windows:

4am dump–Wisconsin 65,000 votes, 100% for Biden
4am dump–Michigan 138,499 votes, 100% for Biden
AZ poll workers forcing voters to use sharpies thereby invalidating ballots

Trump leading in GA, NC, PA, WI, MI and they stop counting before the “vote fairy” visits overnight.
138,339 Biden Votes Found and Not One for Trump:

Bipartisan Denial Video Footage:

Voter Fraud While America Was Sleeping:

Detroit – Voter Roll Lawsuit:

118 year old “William Bradley” voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan. William Bradley died in 1984.
How long has this been going on?
Try it for yourself:

Michigan – Man films himself typing in dead people’s names and it shows they voted in 2020:

USPS – Michigan Whistleblower:

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training or FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION –

Maryville – Over 500 mail-in ballots for Trump found dumped:

ALG calls for investigation into voter fraud:

WATCH – A Poll Watcher From Michigan on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show:

In Rochester Hills, 2,000 votes were incorrectly double counted for Democrats –

Election workers wore Biden shirts and clapped a GOP poll watchers were removed –

Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States? –

One MI county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software so they hand counted votes and found the glitch caused 6,000 votes to go to Biden/Dems that were meant for Trump/Reps. 47 MI counties used this software.

State employees train poll workers to lie to voters, destroy ballots, stop challenger –

Rudy is Fighting for America –



Minneapolis – Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections:

Minneapolis Police investigating: (This Content Isn’t Available Right Now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.)


New Jersey

Democratic insider, in August, leaks information about the 6 steps to voter fraud, his personal career of fraud, & the war coming in November:

Voter Fraud in Millburn, New Jersey – Multiple Ballots Accepted All Day –

How Voter Fraud Works | Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots –


New Mexico:

Beverly Namaste Flores – Coached to vote using a Sharpie not recognized by the voting machines – 409-939-9627
NOTE: Says that it happened to her and she didn’t think anything of it at the time, but when she ran her ballot it read absentee and wasn’t read. She was given a fine tipped sharpie.



Nevada Poll Worker Confirms Rampant Electoral Fraud for Crucial Battleground County in Sworn Affidavit –

Laura Ingraham Interviews Poll Worker in Shocking Segment –

More Than 15,000 Votes Were Cast in Nevada by People Who Also Voted in Another State, 1000 Votes from People That Don’t Meet Nevada’s Residency Requirements and 500 People Voted Who Were Dead” –

Nevada – Letter to Clark County about thousands of ineligible voters turning in ballots:

Nevada whistleblower describes Biden van vote factory in signed affidavit –

VICTOR JOECKS: Clark County election officials accepted my signature — on 8 ballot envelopes –

In Nevada, A Corrupt Cash-For-Votes Scheme Is Hiding In Plain Sight

This Man’s Dead Wife Voted in Clark County –

Nevada GOP Claims to Have Found Over 3,000 Instances of Voter Fraud –

Documented USPA Fraud in Las Vegas –

Whistleblower Saw People in Biden Van Opening, Filing and Sealing Nevada Ballots –

2 Guys At a Wedding in Vegas Find a Bunch of Trump Ballots in the Garbage –

Woman’s Dead Grandmother Voted in Las Vegas, Nevada –

Voter discrepancies cause Nevada’s largest county to throw out one local race –


New Jersey

Vote Fraud Exposed in Millburn, New Jersey –

300 Pounds of mail including ballots found in dumpster in New Jersey –



Oklahoma – woman received mail-in ballot already opened:

Oklahoma – men raise alarms after finding discarded Trump ballots in the trash while cleaning up a church –

Trump Ballots Found in Trash Can at Saint Anne’s Church, which is also a polling location. All of the ballots were for Trump. Go figure. –



BREAKING HUGE: Pennsylvania Judge Rules 2020 PA Election Likely Unconstitutional – Trump Case “Likelihood to Succeed” – Gives State Legislators Power to Choose Electors!

Giuliani Prepared to Call 50 Witnesses Who Declare 650,000 Votes Were Illegally Counted –

Erie, Pennsylvania Postal Worker Richard Hopkins Accused of Being a False Whistleblower –

How Dominion Transfers Vote Ratios Between Precincts in Pennsylvania –

Researcher Confirms Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date –

Attorney DiGenova Says Fraud, Deception In Pa. Election Is ‘Truly Staggering’ –

22,685 votes missing in Cambria County PA’s website for Trump, while Biden’s is perfect –

Military Ballots Found in the Trash in Pennsylvania, Most Were Trump Votes –

Analysis of Votes Cast for Joe Biden and Turnout Itself in Pennsylvania Reveal a Host of Statistical and Historical Anomalies That Favor Democratic Candidates’s Chances of Winning the Presidency –

Poll Watches Testify That They Were Prevented from Watching the Polls

I Was in Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down –

Lawsuit: At Least 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls –

Ballot Harvesting in Pennsylvania Involving 25,000 Nursing Home Residents –

Bucks County, PA Ballots Thrown in the Trash –

Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date –

More “Glitches” in Pennsylvania: Votes for Trump Drop IN THREE DIFFERENT COUNTIES SIMULTANEOUSLY –

Philadelphia Voter Admits to Voting Twice –

Pro Bono Lawyer for Trump Campaign Shares What He Saw in Pennsylvania –

Poll Watching in Philadelphia, PA –

2020 Rejection Rate of Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots Over 25 Times Lower Than in 2016 –

Voter Fraud: Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Throwing Out Trump Votes –

Using Binoculars to Watch the Polls | How Poll Observation Was Allowed in Philadelphia –

BREAKING: Pennsylvania @USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigators Have Spoken With Him About Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s Order To Backdate Ballots To November 3rd, 2020

Ballot worker filling out ballots (tried to be disproven in the article):

Real Crimes on Camera in Pennsylvania? PA government monitoring videos seem to capture several election poll workers corruptly filling in ballots. The videos were captured from PA GOVT Election Polling Office Live Streams at:

Democrats stealing the election in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania –

US Supreme Court’s decision late last week to allow state election officials to continue counting absentee ballots received by this Friday — three days after Election Day. Ample time to send in more Biden votes.
Additionally, about half of the state’s voters voted by absentee ballot.

DUMPED – Pennsylvania Ballots –

Reports two more batches of votes in PA. About 5,300 from Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 were Biden; 23,277 votes in Philadelphia, ALL of them for Biden. Yep, he got 100% of the votes in the late-arriving batch of votes. What a popular fellow!

Election workers filling in ballots

Pa rejects 336,000 duplicate ballot requests 34,000 rejected for other reasons . Many voters request ballots up to 11 times –



Texas assisted living employee charged with 134 counts of alleged election fraud, report

Biden Campaign Director Arrested For Electoral Fraud –

Poll watcher submits affidavit of judge and staff using driver’s licenses for illegal votes:

Woman caught on video coercing and bribing voters – Project Veritas –

Citizen Journalist Exposing Mass Voter Fraud in Texas –

Filmed flipping ballot votes in person, bribing with gifts, and admitting to illegal actions during the election –

LANDSLIDE INCOMING: Dershowitz Says Trump Set to Win Pennsylvania Lawsuit – /

Send Lin Wood – Sandra Whitten Texas 28th Congressional District Examples of Voter Fraud –

Project Veritas uncovers ballot fraud in San Antonio . 7,000 ballots compromised , likely up to 14,000 –



Fairfax County – Misrepresents 100K Votes – Whoops…



“Three million people properly voted in the state of Wisconsin. More than 200,000 identified during this recount did not. But those votes got counted. Our statute says they should not have been. That in our view is a taint on our election in Wisconsin.” — Attorney James Troupis –

BREAKING: Wisconsin has more voters than registered to vote – PROOF OF VOTER FRAUD

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden –

Top Election Chief of #Milwaukee CAUGHT on camera illegally tabulating 169,000 mail-in ballots,000%20mail-in%20ballots

A Day AFTER the Election, Biden Received a Dump of 143,379 Votes at 3:42AM, When They Learned They Were Losing Badly.

Statistical Impossibilities in Wisconsin and Michigan –

BREAKING: [VIDEO] Nearly 400 Unopened Absentee Ballots From Milwaukee’s South Side ‘Mysteriously Found’ During Recount…Three Weeks After The Election –

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night –

Screenshots of Voter Fraud:



Confessions of a Voter Fraud: “I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots” – How it works:

Ultimate Heist Breakdown – The Socialist Agenda:

Biden admits to voter fraud by democrats:

Chris Farrell – “The longer it takes to count votes, the higher the chance for fraud”:

Twitter censors Tom Fitton on voter fraud:

Benford’s Law (used to detect tax fraud) exposes voter fraud for Biden votes:

Josh Bernstein Show – SGO software for voting owned by George Soros (shocker) – says Amazon cloud (shocker) holds all of the data for elections and has ability to change it – deleted from youtube:

CNN Found to Be Lying on LIVE TV –


Voter Fraud Evidence:

Voter Fraud – Caught on Camera –
Voter Fraud – Caught on Camera –

Gabe Salinas – 843-670-1223 – Polls

Audrey Ulrich – 208-390-2407 – Had two mail-in ballots mailed to her. She was going to be out of state.

From Facebook: Debbie Robertson –
3:30 AM they found 140,000 ballots for sleepy joe in Wisconsin
3:30 AM they found 200,000 ballots for sleepy joe in Michigan
2:00 AM they found 700,000 ballots for sleepy joe in Pennsylvania

From Facebook: Krystle Partido – Voter Fraud
“We all knew this would happen.

Fairfax Virginia has switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”
Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am
Nevada has decided they won’t have all vote counts in until Thursday
Michigan has gained 138,339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump
In 6 states Trump has sizable leads. All six states decided to stop counting ballots on election night (unheard of) and they all have blue strongholds.

Jack Dorsey from Twitter deletes the current sitting president’s tweet on election night. Glaringly obvious election interference.
North Carolina has 100% of precincts counted with Trump in the clear lead and it’s not being called.

From Facebook: Daryn Ross – Voter Fraud –

“I’d love to drop an example. I just watched this video an hour ago, but king Zuckerberg has already removed it. Here’s a summary: this girl was video interviewed in a voting line in Arizona. She said the poll workers were coming around handing people sharpies to use on their ballots. Sharpies would not register when their votes were cast. She mentioned that it was taking place at several different precincts in her area.”

Deceased Votes –


Magic Votes Move From Jo Jorgensen to Joe Biden –

Check Your Voting Status –

Twitter Voter Fraud Hubs

From Facebook – Connie Johnson

From Facebook – Nate Mecklenberg
“Here is a neat trick, Meet William Bradley, He is the oldest voter in Michigan, or maybe not, he died in 1984, He was born in March 1902, His zip code is 48207, Now go to the Michigan voter info site,
Enter William’s data, see for yourself.Here is what you will see……Absentee ballot Election date 11/3/2020 Application received 9/11/2020 Ballot sent 9/19/2020 Ballot received 10/2/2020

From Crissa Turner (Weldhouse)
Hi Clay! Jeff Mahaffey – I don’t know him personally however He might be someone you would be interested in interviewing, has been fighting the local government since day one of COVID closures because he refused to close his facilities – fighting the courts over fines – they have facilities in multiple states – seem to have an interesting story of success between the different owners of SMTF!
This is the post I saw last night, reposted by Jeff Mahaffey owner of SMTF Self Made Training Facility. I checked the site and I do not have a ballot status, I was offered & used a sharpie to complete my ballot. Some people are actually seeing “canceled” and others can see a status.

Chris Whedbee – former USIS special agent & private detective at Paragon Investigations there is definitely voter fraud:

Ty & Charlene Bollinger: (Truth About Cancer Website): )

We Will Win | Trump 2020 Prophecy –


The Immaculate Deception – Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities –

AT&T Building That Was Bombed In Nashville Has Connections To Dominion – Conservative News –

WATCH – Proof Italian Interference in the United State Elections:


Who Is Eric Coomer?

Frontline Workers Form New Political Coalition, Call on Biden to End the COVID Public Health Emergency






James White interviewed by Mike Adams: Election fraud, vaccine genocide and corrupt banks


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Gene Decode: Detox Protocol For The Vaxxed And Unvaccinated With Nicholas Veniamin,and Dr.Northrup



The World Is Helping, We Are Winning, Something Big Is About To Drop, Rig For Red

The tension is now building. The fake news, the corrupt politicians are bringing the country to the precipice. The people are watching WW3 play out, this will be the scare event that will wake a lot of the normies up. The patriots are winning, the world is helping. Something big is coming, think Durham, Weiss, Election Fraud, Pandemic Fraud, Julian Assange, Seth Rich and War. Rig For Red.

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COVID-19 Can Make the Brain Age by 2 Decades; Here’s 1 Way to Reverse Aging – The Epoch Times


Read Full PDF Below



Mitchell Gerber Discusses The Great Reveal with Nicholas Veniamin

How the GREAT RESET could spell the END of the globalist cabal


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How the GREAT RESET could spell the END of the globalist cabal


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WARNING: CDC Issues Warning on Pfizer’s COVID Pills Paxlovid | Facts Matter

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🔴 $1 FOR 2 MONTHS👉👉

🔵 Watch Dr. Robert Malone’s New Film:

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The CDC recently issued a warning regarding Pfizer’s COVID-19 pills—the ones that were approved last year and sold under the name Paxlovid.

People usually take those pills after they contract COVID-19 to lessen the symptoms and lower the chance of hospitalization.

However, a new advisory from the CDC warns Americans that taking Paxlovid can actually lead to a rebound in COVID-19 symptoms—which is a problem that, according to new documentation from the FDA, they were aware of even during the clinical trial phase.

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#COVIDPills #Pfizer #Paxlovid

CDC Issues Warning on Pfizer’s COVID Pills, Alerts Issued For ‘COVID Rebound’ and Positive Viral PCR Tests | Facts Matter

Dr. Paul Marik: EVERYTHING They Have Said Is a Big Fat Lie


“The truth will eventually come out; you can’t hide it forever. And everything they have said, everything, from masks from lockdowns, from social distancing, from vaccination, from remdesivir, from paxlovid, is a big fat lie. They have a real problem with the truth. And I think Americans and people are beginning to see through their lies.”

Dr. Paul Marik breaks down the propaganda and lies coming from Big Pharma and political figures across the globe. He exposes their fraudulent pandemic fear-mongering, warns of the dangers of COVID vaccination, and shares the truth behind alternative interventions and health provisions.

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

No More Paxlovid; No More Jabs: These Vaccine Pushers Are Proving Themselves Wrong Time and Time Again

Dr. Robert Malone: “If there’s proof that there’s a God, it’s all of the people that have been pushing the vaccine that have gotten infected.”

Full Clip:

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An Easy and Effective Shield to Protect From COVID-19 Nebulizer Hydrogen Peroxide – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF easy-and-effective-shield-from-covid-19-Mercola


  • A simple mouth and nose spray containing povidone iodine (PVP-I) could act as an effective shield to protect against COVID-19
  • PVP-I is a microbicidal agent with a virucidal efficacy of 99.99%
  • When applied, the oronasal spray acts as a protective layer, coating the nasal and oral mucosa, which helps prevent SARS-CoV-2 from binding with ACE2 receptors and gaining entry into your cells
  • In a clinical trial that has not yet been published, a 0.6% PVP-I solution had an efficacy rate of about 81.5% with “almost no mucosal irritation”
  • Povidone iodine solutions have been found to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in as little as 15 seconds and potentially reduce the carriage of infectious SARS-CoV-2 in people with mild to moderate COVID-19
  • Nebulized hydrogen peroxide diluted with normal saline, plus Lugol’s iodine, can also be used for any suspected respiratory infection; the earlier you start, the better

A simple mouth and nose spray could act as an effective shield to protect against COVID-19, adding one more tool to the arsenal of antiviral options. The straightforward solution was recommended by Dr. Mostafa Kamal Arefin of Dhaka Medical College & Hospital in Bangladesh and includes polyvinyl pyrrolidone or povidone iodine (PVP-I), a microbicidal agent with a virucidal efficacy of 99.99%.1

Writing in the Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Arefin recommended the PVP-I oro-nasal spray for health care workers and anyone else to help prevent COVID-19,2 echoing a number of other studies that have also found benefits to gargling, nasal irrigation and nebulization of PVP-I and other compounds, including Lugol’s iodine, saline and hydrogen peroxide.3

How Oronasal Sprays May Shield You From COVID-19

Arefin’s oronasal spray is made of a 0.6% PVP-I solution, kept in a “simple nasal spray device.” The spray formulation works better than drops, he noted, because it allows the active ingredient to diffuse further and reach deeper into the nose and nasopharynx, which is the upper part of the throat behind the nose. When applied, the oronasal spray acts as a protective layer, coating the nasal and oral mucosa.

Typically, if you’re exposed to SARS-CoV-2, it will enter your body through your nose and mouth, remaining there for a time before binding with ACE2 receptors and entering cells. Once inside your cells, the virus has an opportunity to multiply.

“The first step in the development of URTIs [upper respiratory tract infections],” Arefin writes, “is the adherence and colonization of the respiratory pathogen to the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal mucosa. Assuming nasal and oral entry of such pathogens, intranasal and intra oral application of Povidone Iodine offers a practical measure for their prevention.”4

By creating a protective shield, oronasal spray helps prevent SARS-CoV-2 from binding with ACE2 receptors and gaining entry into your cells. In a clinical trial that has not yet been published,5 Arefin and colleagues got positive results using 0.6% PVP-I Oro-nasal spray in 189 patients with COVID-19. The 0.6% solution had an efficacy rate of about 81.5%, which was greater than that of other concentrations (0.4% and 0.5%) and produced “almost no mucosal irritation.”6

Povidone-Iodine Inactivates SARS-CoV-2

Already, PVP-I gargles, throat sprays and nasal sprays are available over-the-counter in countries such as Japan and Canada.7 In Japan, a 0.45% PVP-I throat spray is available for the prevention of colds and sore throats, while gargling with the compound is part of their national respiratory guidelines.8

A 2002 study, during which patients were asked to gargle more than four times a day with a PVP-I solution, for several months up to two years, found the practice significantly reduced the incidence of chronic respiratory infections.9 In a preprint study that also advocated for the use of PVP-I nasal sprays and mouthwash to protect health care workers and reduce cross infection during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s explained:10

“The antimicrobial action of PVP-I occurs after free iodine (I2) dissociates from the polymer complex. Once in the free form, iodine rapidly penetrates microbes and disrupts proteins and oxidizes nucleic acid structures. This interaction ultimately results in microbial death.”

PVP-I has been found to be effective in-vitro against coronaviruses that caused the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic of 2002 to 2003 and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) epidemic of 2012 to 2013.11

Povidone iodine solutions have also been found to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in as little as 15 seconds12 and potentially reduce the carriage of infectious SARS-CoV-2 in people with mild to moderate COVID-19.13 In another study of nasal irrigation among high-risk patients with COVID-19, the use of nasal irrigation with povidone iodine or baking soda reduced the risk of hospitalization by eight times compared to the national rate.14

In a letter to the editor of the Journal of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, researchers further noted:15

“Because the reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 shedding is in the nasopharynx and nasal and oral cavities, the application of viricidal agents to these surfaces may reduce virus burden.

Numerous studies have confirmed that povidone-iodine inactivates many common respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-1. Povidone-iodine also has good profile for mucosal tolerance. Thus, we propose a prophylactic treatment protocol for the application of topical povidone-iodine to the upper aerodigestive tract.”

Benefits and How to Use PVP-I Oro-Nasal Spray

Using 0.6% PVP-I Oro-nasal spray is low cost, safe and effective against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. It can be used both in healthy individuals as a protective agent and in people with COVID-19 to reduce viral load and the potential for transmitting the virus to close contacts.

The side effects are minimal and include mucosal irritation, teeth staining and thyroid dysfunction. At least one study, which used both PVP-I mouthwashes and gargles four times a day for five days, found an elevation in thyroid stimulating hormone during treatment, but levels returned to normal after the treatment was stopped.16

Arefin recommends the spray for both health care workers and the general population, prior to attending public gatherings or working outside the home, and following exposure to a suspected COVID-19 patient. He advises two to three puffs in each nostril and one to three puffs in the throat every three to four hours. After every one to two weeks of use, he recommends taking a one-day break from the treatment.17

There are, however, many ways to use nasal irrigation, gargles and nebulization against COVID-19. For instance, Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, tweeted, “Nasal/oral viricidal washes can be done prophylactically twice a day and up to every 4 hours during early treatment. Reduce viral load for less severe illness.”18

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) also recommends povidone-iodine as part of their I-Mask+ protocol for prevention and early outpatient treatment of COVID-19. Part of their prevention protocol includes twice daily gargling with a 1% povidone/iodine solution, while iodine nasal spray or drops are recommended as one of the first line agents in their early treatment protocol. Specifically, they recommend:19

“Use 1 % povidone-iodine commercial product as per instructions 2–3 x daily. If 1 %-product not available, must first dilute the more widely available 10 %-solution and apply 4–5 drops to each nostril every 4 hours. (No more than 5 days in pregnancy.)”

Importantly, povidone-iodine solutions sold as topical skin disinfectants to treat cuts and wounds should not be used for gargling due to potentially harmful ingredients.

Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide for COVID-19

As I discuss in my interview with Dr. David Brownstein above, he has successfully treated hundreds of COVID-19 patients using immune boosting strategies such as intravenous or nebulized hydrogen peroxide, iodine, oral vitamins A, C and D, and intramuscular ozone. In a case report of 107 confirmed COVID-19 patients that he treated, 91 (85%) used nebulized peroxide diluted with normal saline, plus Lugol’s iodine. As explained in Brownstein’s paper:20

“A solution of 250 cc of normal saline was mixed with 3 cc of 3% hydrogen peroxide providing a final concentration of 0.04% hydrogen peroxide … Additionally, 1 cc of magnesium chloride (200 mg/ml) was added to the 250 cc saline/hydrogen peroxide bag. (This was mixed in the office for the patients.)

Patients were instructed to nebulize 3 cc of the mixture three times per day or more often if there were breathing problems. Usually one or two nebulizer treatments were reported to improve breathing problems … They reported no adverse effects. We have been using nebulized saline/hydrogen peroxide at this concentration for over two decades in his practice.

Hydrogen peroxide is continually produced in the human body with substantial amounts produced in the mitochondria. Every cell in the body is exposed to some level of hydrogen peroxide. The lungs are known to produce hydrogen peroxide. Nebulized hydrogen peroxide has been shown to have antiviral activities. Hydrogen peroxide can activate lymphocytes which are known to be depleted in COVID-19.”

I’ve embraced nebulized peroxide since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and have received many anecdotal reports from people who have successfully used it, even at more advanced stages. Based on Brownstein’s experience, I also recommend adding iodine when nebulizing, as it appears to make it even more effective.

Proper Dilution Is the Key to Safety

Povidone-iodine gargles and nasal sprays, and nebulized peroxide diluted with saline, with or without iodine, can be safely used by most people both for prevention and in cases of active infection, provided the substances are properly diluted.

For instance, while nebulization with 0.1% to 3% hydrogen peroxide appears to be quite safe, it would be a very serious hazard to use peroxide of greater concentrations. Food grade peroxide up to 35% concentration can be obtained but should NEVER be used topically or internally. It MUST be diluted or severe injury can occur. Your safest bet is to use 3% food grade peroxide and dilute it as indicated in the chart provided below so you end up with a solution of 0.1%.

hydrogen peroxide dilution chart

It’s interesting to note that even nebulizing normal saline may be an effective treatment for acute viral bronchiolitis, a viral infection in the small airways of your lungs.21 So while saline is considered the “inert” substance in the solution — and is often used as a placebo in trials that evaluate nebulized drugs — it may have benefits of its own.

I recommend using nebulized peroxide for any suspected respiratory infection, and the earlier you start, the better. There is no danger in doing it every day if you’re frequently exposed, and there may even be additional beneficial effects, such as a rapid rise in your blood oxygen level.

It is important to understand that this is a protocol that you need to implement BEFORE you attempt to treat COVID. Since early treatment is vital, ideally on Day 1, you want to have the nebulizer and materials already in your house ready to go. I would avoid using a battery powered hand held nebulizer and rather opt for a unit you plug into the wall.

You can find them on eBay or Amazon but make sure they have a face mask and not just a mouthpiece as you want to put the mist into your nose in addition to your lungs as many of the viruses lodge there and if you merely use a mouthpiece you will not reach these viral particles. This is an example of one that plugs in the wall and has a face mask.



Updated 07/28/22
Read Full PDF nebulized-hydrogen-peroxide-pdf

 Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is a safe, inexpensive and incredibly effective way to prevent and treat viral illnesses of all kinds
 While hydrogen peroxide kills viruses, it also kills other pathogens that can contribute to an unhealthy gut and/or oral microbiome. As such, it may also improve your microbiome and help resolve a wide variety of other chronic ailments, including gut problems and periodontitis
 Hydrogen peroxide is part of your body’s natural defense against pathogens. So, when you nebulize hydrogen peroxide, you’re really just augmenting your body’s natural defense system
 Being able to treat yourself at home at the rst signs of COVID-19 symptoms will also virtually eliminate your risk of long-haul syndrome. So far, medical doctors who have treated COVID-19 patients agree that if treatment begins early enough, patients almost always fully recover and have no longstanding side effects from the infection
 Buy the required supplies before you need them, so you have everything and can treat yourself at the rst signs of symptoms. Most of the time, after two or three treatments, the infection will be stopped in its tracks.

I used these to make .5% H2O2, less than $15 for both.
Walmart for Saline $1.20
Amazon for H2O2 $13

ARTICLE: Hydrogen Peroxide Gargling & Nasal Rinses May Prevent Viral Infection

My Secret Weapon for Cold & Flu Season (nebulizer hydrogen peroxide)

My Secret Weapon for Cold & Flu Season (Updated 7/28/22)


ARTICLE: Hydrogen Peroxide Gargling & Nasal Rinses May Prevent Viral Infection

What I use and recommend: (Links Below)
Portable Nebulizer:
Saline Solution for Inhalation:
2% Iodine Lugol’s Solution:
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3%:
Medicine Dropper:
Fingertip Pulse Oximeter:
Amazon Brand Hydrogen Peroxide 3%:
Fine Mist Plastic Spray Bottle: Essential Oil Diffuser:
Whole-House Evaporative Humidifier:

I share what I’ve learned and do using nebulized hydrogen peroxide against colds, flus and upper respetory infection.


I used these to make .5% H2O2, less than $15 for both.
Walmart for Saline $1.20

Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects – Dr. Mercola

I interviewed Dr. Ryan Cole about his thoughts on the fraudulent COVID-19 narrative. Listen to our entire conversation here.

Read Full PDF DrMercola-DrRyanCole-UnravelingTheHiddenPatternsBehindTheCurrentCOVID19Narratives


  • In the wake of the COVID jab rollout and additional boosters, a number of health conditions are on the rise, including cancer, most notably cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers, and very aggressive blood and brain cancers
  • Cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to dramatically accelerate the disease process. Many doctors report cancer patients with stable disease, and those who have been in remission for years, will suddenly and rapidly develop Stage 4 disease
  • A military whistleblower has come forward with data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) database showing dramatic increases in medical visits for cancers and other conditions, post-jab
  • For neurological side effects of the shot, four remedies that can be very helpful are fluvoxamine (an antidepressant that blocks cytokine production in neural tissues), pharmaceutical grade methylene blue (improves mitochondrial respiration and repair), near-infrared light (triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (boosts mitochondrial function, decreases inflammation and much more)
  • The COVID jabs also downregulate toll-like receptors 7 and 8, which allows latent viruses such as herpes EBV4 — Epstein-Barr, aka, mononucleosis — to flourish that would otherwise have been kept in check

Dr. Ryan Cole, an anatomic clinical pathologist with a subspecialty in skin pathology and postgraduate Ph.D. training in immunology, has been on the frontlines exposing the fraudulent COVID narrative.

Since 2004, he’s been operating his own business, a pathology laboratory, which gives him rare freedom and flexibility to comment on what he’s seeing. Most others would lose their jobs for speaking out the way Cole has.

Truth Telling Is a Risky Business

That doesn’t mean he hasn’t paid a price for speaking out about and defending real science though. He’s triple board certified and has 12 state licenses, and because of his stance against COVID recommendations, some of the credentialing organizations have taken action against him.

“I’ve seen 500,000 patients diagnostically in my career through the microscope. So, I have a long track record of diagnostics. I have not had a patient care complaint against me in 26 years of being a physician,” he says. “I still don’t, and this is what’s fascinating.

Of those 12 licenses, four were under attack, three are still under attack — in Washington, Arizona and Minnesota — [yet there’s] not a single patient care complaint. All the attacks against me have been political complaints to boards of medicine, which is not legal for them to do. Not a single one of those complaints is from a patient.

And then — really the most egregious thing — was ex parte, without me being present, without even sending a certified letter, the College of American Pathologists removed my fellowship status, which is defamatory.

I went back and found their complaint and looked at what they did, and I actually have a wonderful defamation lawsuit against them, because everything they did was anti-scientific. So, they can either restore [my fellowship] now, or just pay me a big check down the road. One or the other.”

He’s also lost about half of his business, as two insurance companies canceled him for “unprofessional behavior,” i.e., for sharing and discussing the science of COVID, and one of his best friends, whom he’s worked with for 12 years, canceled their business relationship as he didn’t want Cole’s outspokenness to affect his business. “All because of the defamation by the media, so to tell the truth in this day and age is a dangerous thing,” he says.

Suspicions Arose Early On

From his Ph.D. work in immunology, Cole was very aware of SARS-CoV-1 and MERS, having studied both, so when the warp speed program to develop a pandemic SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was announced, he became immediately suspicious.

“I thought, wait a minute, you can’t vaccinate against corona viruses!” he says. “This family of viruses is not amenable to vaccination, based on mutation rates. So, my concern was very high, early on.”

Cole’s lab ramped up PCR testing, using a cycle threshold (CT) of 35, rather than the recommended 40 to 45, as he knew that high a CT would result in 98% false positives. On a side note, pathologists not only assess tissue samples and biopsies, they’re also in charge of testing. The head of every major clinical lab is a pathologist. They’re basically in charge of quality control.

“As pathologist, we’re constantly looking at patterns, be it under the microscope or be it in lab data. We’re looking at blood reports. We’re looking at what’s out of range on blood reports. We’re looking at microbiology. We’re looking at molecular biology. We’re looking at cultures. We’re looking at pap smears. We’re looking, across the board, at those clinical parameters in addition to tissue biopsies,” he explains.

“I have 70 employees, and if there’s a blood smear that looks unusual, they bring it to me. If there are parameters on a test that look widely out of range, they bring it to me. And I call and talk to the clinician — [I’m the] doctor to the doctor. We have a consultation practice with the clinicians so I can help them understand what’s happening with their patient, and then they can make clinical decisions going forward.”

Post-Jab Cancer Explosion

One of the apparent side effects of the COVID jab that Cole has been warning and talking about is cancer. He explains:

“Obviously, during COVID, we saw some parameters change in blood tests. There was a concern about clotting. We saw elevated clotting factors. We know that the early variants were pretty severe in terms of inducing clotting, which was a shame because the whole world should have been simply using anti-inflammatories, steroids and anti-clotting agents, and so many more people would’ve lived.

My colleague, Dr. [Shankara] Chetty in South Africa, was having phenomenal success with antihistamine steroids and anti-clotting agents. So anyway, that first year, we saw drops in white blood cell counts, we saw decreases in certain subsets of T-cells. But when the shots rolled out, things changed.

At first I noticed kind of an innocuous little bump that we see usually in children. It’s a little virus called molluscum contagiosum [that causes] a little white bump.

Usually, by the time you’re a tween or early teen, you’ve built immunity to that and you never get them again, or rarely get them again. But after the shots rolled out, all of a sudden, in 80-year-olds, 70-year-olds, 60-year-olds, 50-year-olds, I started seeing literally a 20-fold increase in this little innocuous viral bump. And I thought, ‘Uh oh, this means they’ve lost immune memory’ …

Those subsets of T-cells that keep viruses in check are very important for keeping cancer in check. And this is where immunology jumps into the picture. All of us have some atypical cells, and we have the ‘Marines’ of our immune system, our natural killer (NK) cells. They’re on the frontline circulating. We have about 30 billion T-cells circulating in our blood, many of which are killer cells and NK cells.

Our other innate cells are our macrophages, monocytes and dendritic cells. They’re on that frontline. They’re shaking hands with every cell in your body all day long saying, ‘Friend or foe? Friend or foe? Oh gosh, this one has some mutations, it’s now a foe.’ They’ll poke a little hole in it, throw in a little enzyme called a grandzyme — a ‘hand grenade’ — blow up that cell, and we’re good.

But what happened after these shots rolled out is that many of those cell subsets started decreasing in number. The first cancer I saw uptick was cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers. Usually, I would see maybe two endometrial cancers a month. All of a sudden, a few months after the rollout of the shots, I was seeing two or three a week.

Another subspecialty area of focus for me is melanoma. And I started seeing melanomas, not only in younger patients, as the shots dropped down in age cohort, but they were thicker. The other fascinating thing was they’re more aggressive in terms of how many dividing cells was present in each tumor. I’m still seeing this.

Beyond that … I’ve been traveling the country and the world quite a bit … and wherever I go now, I have doctors and nurses approach me saying, ‘What you’re saying, we’ve been seeing.’

I was having a conversation with a chair of a large oncology department in Tallahassee, and he said, ‘I usually see an aggressive brain cancer in a young patient maybe every decade.’ After the boosters rolled out, he saw five astrocytomas, five aggressive brain cancers, in one month.

Then, I’m in Jacksonville the next day, having a conversation with a family doctor. He said, ‘Gosh, it’s strange, I usually see a kidney cancer in a young patient every decade or so. I’ve seen five in the last month.’

Then I was in the UK a couple weeks ago. I had a doctor from Ireland who’s been a practicing family doc, GP, for 36 years, and he said, ‘I have seen more cancer in my young patients ever since the shots rolled out, and the booster, than I have ever seen in my entire career.’

Same thing, a nurse that works emergency department in the UK, [said she’s seen] not only the heart inflammation in young children, but cancers in young patients and aggressive leukemias. So everywhere I go, I have doctors confirming my observations … I’ve had many of them approach me and say, ‘Hey look, I’m seeing what you’re saying, but I can’t say it because I’ll get fired.'”

Cancer Spike Is Being Covered Up

Aside from what Cole has seen in his own lab, a military whistleblower has also come forward with data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) database showing dramatic increases in medical visits for cancer, neurological diseases, infertility, autoimmune diseases and several other conditions, post-jab.1

The DMED is one of the best databases in the world, as the Department of Defense keeps very close tabs on what’s happening with our troops. This DMED data was presented during a hearing led by Sen. Ron Johnson. A week after that hearing, the DoD froze access to the DMED, and when it reopened a week later, the data were all changed to eliminate the data spikes.

“That’s what was really shocking,” Cole says. “I think this is basically fraud to the level of Watergate, in terms of [there being] somebody behind the scenes, and then the private company that actually manages that database … manipulated it.”

The DoD has tried to explain this suspicious activity claiming a “bug” in the system had resulted in underreporting of medical conditions in the five years prior to 2021. The number of cancers and other health problems were actually higher in 2015 through 2020 than initially indicated, they said.

However, how can a program error cause data corruption for five consecutive years and then self-correct, resulting in perfect numbers for 2021? And how did they not notice the error earlier? Again, this is one of the best-kept databases in the world. And how come this “bug” only affected conditions that also just so happen to be known and/or suspected side effects of the jab?

Future Prognostication

Clearly, cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to dramatically accelerate the disease process. There are no published studies to help us foretell the future, but based on what Cole has found so far, how long does he think it’ll be before conditions like cancer spiral out of control?

“That’s a great question,” he says. “One of the important findings I’ve heard from many of these clinicians is that many of their patients who have been cancer-free for three, four, five years, their PET scan looks great, no detectable disease, and after that second or third shot, all of a sudden there’s Stage 4 disease. It’s like wildfire.

And this goes back to immune suppressive mechanisms, the damage that the persistent spike protein and the persistent modified RNA (mRNA) cause. So, aggressive cancers arising very quickly are one thing we’re seeing. Because it’s a dose-dependent poisoning curve — in terms of the more spike you have circulating, the worse your immune system seems to be doing — the No. 1 thing is, don’t get another shot.

Because it is causing that immune suppression that’s allowing those cancer mechanisms. Over time … I would say we’re going to see a consistent twofold to threefold increase in certain cancers, endometrial cancers, breast cancers, cancers of the prostate, cancers that are testicular or ovarian, neurologic cancers.

This spike protein has a propensity to cross the blood brain barrier and invade neural tissues. We know what it does to mitochondrial activity in terms of inhibiting it, blocking it, ruining cytochrome C oxidase systems, decreasing ATP.

Cancer is a hypoxic state. When you don’t have good cellular activity and cellular respiration and hypo-oxygenation, you end up with mechanisms that can induce more aggressive cancer. So, I think, at a minimum, [there’ll be a] two- to threefold [increase] … over the next year or two.

We can only hope that the immune system can normalize and we come up with enough interventions and treatments that will reverse some of this, what some people call spikeopathy, or the different diseases that are being caused by this persistent spike. ‘I don’t know’ is the honest answer, but that would be my projection based on I’ve seen.”

Excess Mortality Has Dramatically Increased

Abnormal blood clotting is another commonly reported side effect of the jabs. Post-mortem investigations have revealed thick, extremely long rubbery clots, including in the arteries, which is rare. The longest Cole has seen was about two feet. We’re also seeing a lot of micro-clotting, heart inflammation (myocarditis), strokes and heart attacks — all of which can have lethal consequences.

“It’s highly concerning that we have regulatory agencies allowing the most dangerous medical product ever released on humanity to persist in the marketplace.” ~ Dr. Ryan Cole

In early January 2022, OneAmerica, a national mutual life insurance company, announced2 the death rate of working-age Americans (18 to 64), in the third quarter of 2021, was 40% higher than prepandemic levels. And this excess mortality was not due to COVID infection. Many of those deaths were in fact cardiac deaths and strokes, which fits the injury profile of the COVID shots.

“After they came forward, additional insurance companies said, ‘We’re seeing anywhere from 30% to 50% increase in claims as well.’ They have no horse in the race. They’re just observing. And I say that as a pathologist too. Look, I don’t create disease. I don’t prevent disease. I’m a reporter at the scene of the crash.

My job is simply to report patterns, and then we can scientifically confirm those data patterns. And the all-cause death is increased in those who’ve gotten two, three shots. Again, it’s a dose-dependent curve. The more spike your body is making, the worse people tend to do over time.

Even Walgreens came out a couple weeks ago and showed their data. Individuals that got shots are getting COVID at higher rates. Even the mainstream media finally, last week — I think it was Good Morning America — said, ‘It’s looking like the boosters are a bad idea because it’s immune suppressing people.’

So, we’re finally making some progress and getting traction in the mainstream where at least the narrative is cracking. There’s a crack in the dam and it’s starting to leak. Hopefully it’ll rush forward and people will go, ‘Whoa, this was a bad idea. Let’s stop this chaos.’ But the FDA is trying to roll it out on [infants] of all things now … It’s really tragic.”

Why Was the Most Toxic Part of the Virus Chosen?

Considering autopsies have shown spike protein is still present at least four months after their last shot, it seems reasonable to assume that severe health problems can arise months or even years down the road. In fact, we still don’t know if the body ever stops producing spike protein once this genetically modified mRNA is injected.

“We know the spike is the inflammatory aspect of the virus, and our cells are made into spike toxin factories,” Cole says. “Studies out of the Salk Institute show that the spike is the cytotoxic aspect of [COVID-19], so we’re giving a shot that makes the toxic part of the virus, and it’s persisting.

That’s why I think we’re going to see this consistent elevation of different diseases related to the spike, be it cardiac, strokes, chronic clotting conditions, individuals dying from pulmonary emboli … It’s highly concerning that we have regulatory agencies allowing the most dangerous medical product ever released on humanity to persist in the marketplace.”

Neurological and Vascular Chaos

As predicted by MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., we’re now also starting to see reports of Creutzfeldt-Jakob — human mad cow disease — which is a prion disease that basically destroys the brain.

Strokes in young people and children are also on the rise. Media are now trying to convince you that this is “normal,” but it is anything but. Historically, children and teens do not die from strokes. This is a brand-new phenomenon, courtesy of the COVID jabs.

Microvascular clots (microvascular infarcts) are also a known contributing factor, in the long term, to early onset dementia. So, that’s yet another potential health avalanche in the making.

Four Helpful Remedies

I’ve quickly become a fan of pharmaceutical grade methylene blue, as it’s been shown to improve mitochondrial respiration and aid in mitochondrial repair. At 15 to 20 milligrams a day, it could potentially go a long way toward resolving some of the fatigue many suffer post-jab and post-COVID. It may also be helpful in acute strokes. The primary contraindication is if you have a G6PD deficiency (a hereditary genetic condition), in which case you should not use methylene blue at all.

Another important remedy is near-infrared light. It triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria3 where you need it most. By mopping up reactive oxygen species, it too helps improve mitochondrial function and repair. Natural sunlight is 54.3% near-infrared radiation,4 so this treatment is available for free.

For neurological side effects of the shot, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant called fluvoxamine may be helpful. Cole explains the mechanism behind it:

“[Fluvoxamine] upregulates a receptor called sigma-1, which blocks another receptor called inositol-requiring enzyme 1, which is a precursor for cytokines. So, fluvoxamine will block cytokine production in neural tissues. And that’s why [it works]. It’s not because of its antidepressant effects. It’s a cytokine precursor blocker. So, you actually are decreasing a cytokine storm in neural tissues.

This is why one uses fluvoxamine. There are other SSRIs, but this mechanism is very specific to fluvoxamine. It’s a tough to tolerate drug for some people. It makes some people anxious and agitated, but if you can tolerate it for two weeks, you can really turn down those inflammatory pathways in many patients. I’m not going to say everybody, but I’ve seen it work in many patients.”

A fourth treatment suggestion is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). This too can be phenomenally helpful for strokes, heart attacks, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. To learn more, see “Hyperbaric Therapy — A Vastly Underused Treatment Modality.”

IMPORTANT: COVID Shots Are Not Pharmaceutical Grade

Seneff also warned about potential unknowns arising from fragmented mRNA and impurities, as tests have shown these jabs really are NOT pharmaceutical grade, as you’d expect. Cole comments:

“These aren’t pure products, and I think this is a very important point. When Pfizer submitted vials to the European Medicines Agency to look at purity … they were in the 50% range … The TGA in Australia looked at it and said, ‘Look, these are only about 60% pure.’

This means you have a lot of fragmented sequences of mRNA that don’t have a stop or a start code on. They’re not coding for what you think they’re coding for. They’re coding for other tinier, shorter fragments. Are those mitogenic? Probably, but we don’t know. Can those reverse transcribe into our own DNA? Studies out of Sweden … show yes, they can …

And then, when they manufacture, they can’t spin and agitate these, so you get all these lipids that collect at the top of these big vats. So now you get some batches that are hyperconcentrated and some are hypoconcentrated. It appears about 5% of the batches are responsible for about 80% of the harms.”

Autoimmune Diseases of All Kinds Are To Be Expected

As explained by Cole in the interview, there’s a reason there’s never been a successful mRNA gene therapy product brought to market, despite 20 years of research effort. The persistence of synthetic mRNA with pseudouridine always caused too many problems in the animal trials to move into human trials. It caused autoimmune disease. It caused mutations. The manufacturers don’t even know if the nanolipid used to protect the mRNA is safe in humans.

“Based on the animal trials, we know there were problems and we can only predict that that’s going to happen in humanity. I want to be wrong, but from a basic immunology point of view, I don’t think I am,” Cole says.

“The nanolipid particles vary in size, interestingly. I’ve looked at some under the microscope. Some of them congeal and some of them stay tiny. But because of the fatty nature of them, they will carry their little mRNA and fractionated mRNA package to any cell in the body. And that’s the biggest concern. Now it has turned any cell in your body to a potential target [for your immune system].

An important paper came out in the European Journal of Immunology just about a month ago by Dr. Hagemann. There’s a condition called antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity. What that means is that [the mRNA] sequence gets into your cell [and] that cell now becomes the spike factory.

That spike is on the surface of your cell. Now your NK cells that I talked about earlier say, ‘We better blow that cell up.’ So now, because there’s that spike on the surface, your immune system will destroy your own cells. This is another one of the detrimental effects.”

Pipeline Now Filled With Risky mRNA Shots

Making matters worse, even though the COVID shots have been shown to be a complete disaster, the drug industry is already working on dozens of different mRNA “vaccines,” thinking they now have carte blanche to put out whatever they want using this platform.

And the reason for this continued insanity is because our health and regulatory authorities are corrupted to the core. They are completely dishonest. They’re covering up the shocking harms, and unless something radically changes, they will allow dozens of equally dangerous mRNA gene transfer injections to be put out.

Reactivation of Latent Viruses

The COVID jabs also downregulate pattern receptors in your body called toll-like receptors. Specifically, toll-like receptors 7 and 8 are downregulated by the mRNA and pseudouridine in these shots. What does that do? It allows latent viruses to flourish that would otherwise have been kept in check.

“We’ve seen a big uptick in herpes family viruses, especially herpes EBV4, which is Epstein-Barr virus [aka] mononucleosis,” Cole says. So, for those with post-COVID or post-jab fatigue, long-COVID and those with MS-like symptoms, he recommends checking for Epstein-Barr.

About 80% of MS patients have high Epstein-Barr titers. “You will find that a lot of these individuals will have reactivated mono,” he says. For reactivated mono, methylene blue, HBOT and nebulized peroxide would all be indicated.

Fertility Under Attack

In the interview, Cole also reviews the potential impacts of the COVID jabs on the reproductive system. Menstrual dysregulation appears extremely common, as is the inability to become pregnant, despite trying for months, and spontaneous abortions are off the charts. The DMED database also showed a strong signal for fetal malformation before it was frozen and altered.

“What we’re doing to society and humanity with a previously never before used modality and product is causing horrendous harm to the human race, with no regard for science, with no regard for scientific integrity. It’s a machine gone amuck,” Cole says.

“There are darker forces behind it. A lot of people are making billions, but they’re killing people to do it. And it’s just so unethical what we’re experiencing societally. Yes, we’re causing infertility. Yes, we’re causing mutations in cancers. Yes, we’re causing heart attacks and strokes. Yes, we’re destroying the longevity of a younger generation. It is horrendous.

There’s no justification for any doctor who can look themselves in the mirror and say, ‘I feel comfortable giving this experimental product to my patients all day long.’ They need to reflect and realize they’ve lost their mind, [their] critical thinking skills.”

More Information

Sadly, almost everyone who’s credible and trustworthy has been censored and deplatformed at this point, so finding them can be a challenge. To follow Cole’s work, be sure to bookmark his website, You can also find him on the forum.

If you are vaccine injured, the Global COVID Summit has a blockchain-based forum where you can share your experience and it will never be taken down. You can’t be censored or deplatformed. Cole is available to answer questions in that forum.

They’re also starting up another website to compete with WebMD and similar pharma-run medical sites. It will eventually be available on, which stands for “decentralized medicine.” This site is not yet live, but you can try it later. Cole will have a page there as well.

Other thought leaders worth tracking down and following include Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Kirk A. Milhoan, a pediatric cardiologist, and his wife, Dr. Kim Milhoan, just to name a few.

“These have been wonderful leaders in this movement for truth and sharing science,” Cole says. “All of us are part of the Global COVID Summit. We are 17,000 doctors strong and it’s very important that people understand that.

I mean, that’s more doctors than they have at the CDC or the FDA or the NIH. This is a group of critical thinking people standing up for your health, your freedom and your right to your own bodily autonomy.

I think, going forward, as people are starting to wake up and part of this narrative is cracking, let’s come back together, let’s communicate, let’s be kind, let’s help each other get back to a more loving, peaceful, communicative society. I think if we can forgive — obviously, there are things we don’t want to forget, because we don’t want this to happen again — but try to forgive people and try to help people ‘come to’ again.

Just come back together in community. I think it’s important that we really try to circle the wagons again as humanity, and hopefully come back to our senses. That’s a hopeful message I would like to share.”

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

Top 9 Nutrients for Better Brain Health – Mercola


Spain Admits Spraying Chemtrails as Part of Secret UN Program – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF spain-admits-spraying-chemtrails-pdf


  • A Royal Decree published by the Spanish government declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, authorizing the use of biocide chemicals
  • The government order also details the intended application of the chemicals, which is via “aerial” techniques, not manual application
  • The Spanish government authorized the spraying of chemtrails under the guide of the “state of emergency” declared during the pandemic
  • An estimated 17% of people worldwide believe that chemicals are intentionally sprayed into the air as part of a secret large-scale atmospheric program (SLAP), also sometimes referred to as covert geoengineering or chemtrails
  • In a survey of experts on atmospheric chemistry, one scientist answered “yes” when asked whether they have ever encountered evidence that indicates the existence of SLAP, due to a remote location with unusually high levels of barium in the atmosphere

Chemical trails, commonly known as chemtrails, refer to the white trails sometimes left behind as airplanes fly through the sky. An estimated 17% of people worldwide believe that these trails are actually toxic chemicals that are intentionally sprayed into the air as part of a secret large-scale atmospheric program (SLAP), also sometimes referred to as covert geoengineering.1

Public officials have generally denied the existence of chemtrails, and a document published in 2000 by the U.S. EPA suggests “condensation trails,” or “contrails,” that are visible behind jet aircraft engines are “composed primarily of water (in the form of ice crystals) and do not pose health risks to humans,” but noted “they do affect the cloudiness of the Earth’s atmosphere, however, and therefore might affect atmospheric temperature and climate.”2

An order released by the Spanish government tells a different story, however, suggesting that it authorized its military to spray dangerous chemicals into the skies as part of a defense against COVID-19.3

Spanish Order Authorizes Biocide Spraying for Disinfection

A Royal Decree published April 16, 2020, a by the Spanish government in the Official State Gazette4 declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, authorizing the use of biocide chemicals:5

“Order SND/351/2020, of April 16th, which authorizes the Armed Forces and Units and Military Emergency Units to use biocide chemicals authorized by the Ministry of Health for disinfection in order to deal with the Covid 19 Health Crisis.

Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14th, hereby declares a state of emergency for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, which includes a series of measures aimed at protecting the welfare, health and safety of citizens and the containment of the progression of the disease and strengthen the public health system.”

The decree granted the minister of health, Salvador Illa Roca, the authority to dictate said orders:6

“Order SND/351/2020, of April 16th, which authorizes the Armed Forces and Units and Military Emergency Units to use biocide chemicals authorized by the Ministry of Health for disinfection in order to deal with the Covid 19 Health Crisis.

Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14th, hereby declares a state of emergency for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, which includes a series of measures aimed at protecting the welfare, health and safety of citizens and the containment of the progression of the disease and strengthen the public health system.”

Use of ‘Aerial Media,’ ‘Nebulization’ Requested

In addition to acknowledging that the Ministry of Health had been evaluating the virucidal capacity of antiseptics and chemical disinfectants, the government order also details the intended application of the chemicals, which is via “aerial” techniques, not manual application:7

“Among the most effective disinfection techniques are the use of aerial media, then through them, with techniques of nebulization, thermo nebulization and micro nebulization, all surfaces are reached quickly, avoiding depending on manual application, which is slower, and sometimes does not reach all surfaces because there are obstacles that prevent reaching them.

The CBRN defense units of the Armed Forces and the Military Unit of Emergencies (UME) have personal means, materials, procedures and the sufficient training to carry out aerial disinfection, since they are operations that they execute regularly, with the exception that instead of using biocidal products do it with other decontaminating chemicals.

It is therefore that, in view of the foregoing and the effect of improving and streamlining the operations of disinfection of all types of facilities that the Armed Forces personnel come to carrying out, it is considered appropriate to authorize, exceptionally and for the duration of the state of alarm, the CBRN Defense Units of the Armed Forces and the UME, the use of disinfectants and biocides from main group 1 described in article 1.1 of Royal Decree 830/2010, of June 25, which establishes the regulations.”

In short, Planet Today reported, “The Spanish government ordered the military to quietly spray lethal chemtrails on its citizens with UN authorization under the cover of the ‘state of emergency for the management of the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19,’”8 and it’s not the first time they’ve done so.

According to the news outlet, in 2015 four whistleblowers from Spain’s meteorological agency told the European Parliament that chemicals were regularly being sprayed over the country to alter the climate:9

“On May 19, 2015, MEP Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) announced in the European Parliament that four workers from the State Meteorological Agency had confessed that Spain is being sprayed entirely from planes that spread lead dioxide through the atmosphere, silver iodide and diatomite.

The objective, according to the same MEP, would be to ward off the rains and allow temperatures to rise, which creates a summery climatic environment for tourism and, at the same time, helps corporations in the agricultural sector. This, in turn, is producing cold drops of great intensity.”

Geoengineering Is Going Mainstream

Large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s climate, known as geoengineering,10 is becoming increasingly mainstream. The United Nations is among those now considering a controversial form of geoengineering, involving spraying sulfate aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere in order to modify climate11 — with unknown, and potentially disastrous, effects.

Sulfate aerosols are tiny reflective particles that can reflect more sunlight back into space when they’re sprayed into the stratosphere 12 to 16 miles above Earth’s surface. This leads to lower global temperatures — as well as lower average precipitation,12 highlighting one significant potential downside.

A report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), published in August 2021,13,14 mentions solar radiation management and greenhouse gas removal as forms of geoengineering.15 Sulfate aerosols fall into the solar radiation management category, but additional geoengineering techniques — such as thinning out cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere — would be necessary to counteract the decrease in precipitation caused by their use.

What’s more, different regions could face severe outcomes from geoengineering techniques used in other parts of the world, to the extent that their ability to grow food could be affected. Report author Govindasamy Bala, from the Indian Institute of Science, said “the science is there”16 to use geoengineering, but it’s far from an exact one.

“I think the next big question,” Bala told Reuters, “is, do you want to do it? … That involves uncertainty, moral issues, ethical issues and governance.” As Reuters reported, “That’s because every region would be affected differently. While some regions could gain in an artificially cooler world, others could suffer by, for example, no longer having conditions to grow crops.”17 Paulo Artaxo, environmental physicist at University of Sao Paulo and another report author, added:18

“Basically the message is more or less the same as (the previous report): The science is not mature enough. The side effects of any of the known geoengineering techniques can be very significant … Society has to consider if these side effects are too big to try any strategy.”

Cloud Seeding Has Been Going on for Decades

It should be noted that certain forms of geoengineering are already in use. It was the middle of the 20th century when geoengineering was first developed, using World War II technologies.

Cloud seeding is one such example that’s been used for decades19 and involves “seeding” clouds with silver iodide or solid carbon dioxide to promote rain and snow or weaken tropical storms. At least eight western U.S. states and dozens of countries use cloud seeding to enhance precipitation.20

“In addition, the U.S. military suggested that nuclear weapons might be used as tools to alter regional climates and make certain areas of the world more favorable for human habitation. This proposal, however, was not tested,” Britannica reported.21

Other ideas to alter Earth’s climate have also been discussed. Proposed methods to reflect more sunlight to reduce global warming have included floating billions of golf balls in the oceans, sending a giant mirror into orbit, removing cirrus clouds, planting shinier crops and buildings and releasing microbubbles to make the ocean’s surface more reflective.22

The possibility of floating giant spaceships over the Earth to reflect sunlight has even been considered.23

Geoengineering as a Gateway for Social Control

Bill Gates is heavily invested in geoengineering techniques. In 2010, he funded research to develop machines that would spray seawater into the clouds with the goal of increasing the ability to reflect sunlight into space, and therefore reduce global temperatures.24

In 2018, Gates also helped fund experiments for Harvard scientists, who proposed spraying the stratosphere with calcium chloride to help slow the Earth’s warming by blocking out the sun.25 But as Vandana Shiva, Ph.D. explained in our past interview,26 weather modification via geoengineering could be used as a weapon of control, including control of agriculture.

Writing in The Defender, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also warned that Gates’ forays into climate control could easily be a guise for social control:27

“His investment history suggests that the climate crisis, for Gates and his cronies, is no more than an alibi for intrusive social control, ‘Great Reset’-scale surveillance, and massive science fiction geoengineering boondoggles, including his demented and terrifying vanity projects to spray the stratosphere with calcium chloride or seawater to slow warming, to deploy giant balloons to saturate our atmosphere with reflective particles to blot out the sun, or his perilous gambit of releasing millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in South Florida.”

Single Scientist Holdout Cites Barium in Atmosphere

Scientific research looking into chemtrails is unsurprisingly sparse, but one study does exist. Published in the journal Environmental Research Letters in 2016, it includes a survey in which experts on atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric deposition were asked to “scientifically evaluate the claims of SLAP theorists.”28

Nearly all — 76 out of 77 — of the scientists concluded that they had not encountered evidence of SLAP and believed chemtrails could be explained by other factors, “including well-understood physics and chemistry.”29 But there was one scientist who couldn’t rule them out and, in fact, answered “yes” when asked whether they have ever encountered evidence that indicates the existence of SLAP.30

They cited a remote location where barium levels in the atmosphere were unusually high compared to the levels of barium in the soil.31 Barium levels in the environment are typically very low32 — and abnormal concentrations of elements like barium are suggested to be one form of evidence of sprayed chemicals.33

Weather Modification Chemtrails HAARP GEOEngineering Climate Change NWO Depopulation

FrakenSkies the movie.

“Playing God”: HAARP Weather Control – A Terrifying Look at The Control of Weather Warfare

Colorado town gets hit with HAARP, DEW’s, Chemtrails and 5G as fires explode on nearly 1000 homes.

4 Times FDA Was Dead Wrong About an ‘Approved’ Drug

Read Full PDF 4 Times FDA Was Dead Wrong About an ‘Approved’ Drug • Children’s Health Defense

As history shows, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention don’t always get it right the first time they declare a drug “safe” — in fact, sometimes they’re dead wrong.

FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF post-vaccine-syndrome-protocol-pdf


  • COVID-19 is clearly no longer an emergency. The real emergency now is the continued use of the COVID “vaccines,” because they’re creating injuries on a level that is truly alarming and unprecedented. VAERS data reveal the COVID jabs have caused more harm in 18 months than all other vaccines on the market, combined, over the past three decades
  • Raw data from the Pfizer trial also show the shots were associated with an increased risk for death from the start, and both Pfizer and the FDA knew it
  • Data also show highly “vaccinated” and boosted nations are now experiencing record case and death rates from COVID compared to countries with low injection rates
  • We’re now finding the COVID shots have negative efficacy, meaning, if you have received the shot and are exposed to COVID, you are more likely to get sick, not less likely, compared to someone who is unvaccinated
  • The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has developed a protocol for those injured by the COVID jabs called I-RECOVER, which you can download from in several different languages

In the “Tea Time” episode above, Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik review the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) protocol for those injured by the COVID jabs. They also discuss what’s in the shots, their lack of safety and efficacy, adverse events, and the controversial issue of “shedding.”

Kory and Marik are both part of the FLCCC, which was founded in 2020 to share early treatment protocols for COVID-19. Kory is an ICU specialist, triple board certified in internal medicine, critical care and pulmonary medicine. He now runs a private tele-health practice specializing in the treatment of COVID-19, so-called “long-COVID” and vaccine injuries.

Marik is one of the most-published ICU specialists in the world, and best known for his vitamin C protocol for sepsis. The FLCCC’s protocol for COVID is known as the MATH+ protocol, which has undergone multiple revisions over the course of the pandemic.

Now, as injuries from the COVID jab are stacking up, they’ve also added a post-vaccine treatment called I-RECOVER,1 which you can download from in several different languages.

A Pandemic of Serious Vaccine Injuries

“My heart is so broken, I cannot keep quiet anymore,” Marik said, choking back tears during a Children’s Health Defense hearing in Ohio where several vaccine injured patients also shared their tragic journeys. “This is a humanitarian crisis! These people are suffering. This is real disease.”

Patients injured by the COVID jab repeatedly report receiving no help when they go to the hospital. There’s seemingly no help anywhere. This must change. We have to face the fact that we now have an unrecognized epidemic of vaccine injury.

At present, there are no specialized vaccine injury clinics, but eventually, there probably will be. In the meantime, the FLCCC is sharing their I-RECOVER2 protocol with the world, with the hopes that doctors will begin to take those with COVID jab injuries seriously and treat them appropriately.

As noted by Kory, COVID-19 is no longer an emergency. The real emergency now is the continued use of the COVID “vaccines,” because they’re creating injuries on a level that is truly alarming and unprecedented.

He also cites life insurance data showing historic rises in excess mortality among young people, and those data are supported by vaccine injuries reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as well. According to Kory, estimates suggest some 500,000 Americans may have lost their lives to these shots.

Data also show highly “vaccinated” and boosted nations are now experiencing record case and death rates from COVID compared to countries with low injection rates.

What’s in the Shots?

The short answer to that question is, “we have no idea,” and that puts medical professionals in a very precarious position. Since they do not know they’re giving their patients, they can’t even make educated recommendations based on the patient’s medical history, allergies and so on.

While the manufacturers have revealed some of the ingredients — such as mRNA, PEG and nanolipid particles — investigations have discovered things in the shots that aren’t indicated by the manufacturer. One such ingredient is graphene oxide, which can be seen under an electron microscope, but isn’t on the list of ingredients. Other unknown contaminants have also been found.

What’s more, while we know the shots contain “mRNA,” we have no way of knowing exactly what that mRNA is designed to do, or might accidentally do. As noted by Marik, it’s been genetically altered, so it’s not a direct copy of the mRNA found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but aside from that, we cannot be sure about its makeup.

Marik also points out the Pfizer data shows there are distinct differences in side effects depending on the lot you get. So, all lots are not the same. This basically makes it impossible to make definitive assertions about the ingredients, as any given lot may or may not contain them. The amount of any given ingredient may also vary.

Is the COVID Shot Safe and Effective?

When media and health officials say the shots are safe and effective, what does that actually mean? As noted by Kory, “safe and effective” is NOT a statement about a scientific conclusion. They’re “neither safe nor effective,” he says.

The “safe and effective” claim is simply propaganda and meets the definition of false information, because the data “backing” the safe and effective narrative completely ignore the adverse event data.

Kory notes we have documents showing the Department of Health and Human Services paid $1 billion to media companies to advertise the jabs. We also have evidence that first-tier journals are rejecting analyses of injuries. So, they’re very selective about what they publish.

Direct-to-consumer prescription drug ads accounted for $6 billion in spending alone in 2016, which amounted to 4.6 million ads, including 663,000 television commercials, mostly for high-cost biologics and cancer immunotherapies.3 It may be close to $10 billion now as that statistic is 6 years old. We know it is at LEAST $7 billion as the government kicked in $1 billion for COVID propaganda.

Public health agencies have also been very selective about the data they publish in order to protect the narrative. Health agencies in Scotland and the U.S., for example, suddenly stopped publishing data when the trend turned against the COVID shots and ineffectiveness and harms were becoming apparent.

Still, VAERS’ data reveal these jabs have caused more harm in 18 months than all other vaccines on the market, combined, over the past three decades. Raw data from the Pfizer trial — which were analyzed by experts after Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration were sued and forced to release them — also show they were unsafe and associated with an increased risk for death from the start, and both Pfizer and the FDA knew it.

According to Marik, Moderna and Pfizer also manipulated their efficacy data to make the shots appear far better than they actually were. Recalculations have found the initial efficacy was actually more like 12%, not 95% as claimed, Marik says.

Negative Efficacy Demonstrated

Not only did the shots fail to live up to their initial claims of effectiveness, but we’re now finding they even have negative efficacy. As explained by Kory, negative efficacy means that if you have received the shot and are exposed to COVID, you are more likely to get sick, not less likely, compared to someone who is unvaccinated.

According to Kory, negative efficacy is demonstrated in several different data sources, including Walgreens, which created its own COVID tracker database for patients getting their tests and shots at Walgreens. Its data show COVID-jabbed individuals are testing positive for COVID at far higher rates than the unjabbed, and those who got their last shot five months or more ago have the highest risk.

As you can see in the screenshot from Walgreens’ COVID-19 tracker4 below, during the week of May 31 through June 6, 2022, 24.4% of unvaccinated individuals who got tested for COVID got a positive result. Of those who had gotten just one COVID shot, the positivity rate was 31.6%.

Of those who received two doses five months or more ago, 34.3% tested positive, and of those who received a third dose five months or more ago, the positive rate was 38.5%. “I’m very, very concerned for those who have been vaccinated and boosted,” Kory says.

positivity rate by vaccination status

Data from the U.K. Health Security Agency also show that the boosted now have three to four times higher COVID case rates, compared to the unvaccinated, and this is true for all age groups except children under 18.5,6 They’re also at greater risk of repeated COVID infections.

Do the COVID Shots ‘Shed’?

What about “vaccine shedding”? Marik admits to being extremely doubtful about the idea of spike protein shedding when he first heard about it, but has since changed his mind. He’s now convinced that it does happen, even though we do not yet fully understand the mechanism behind it.

He cites a study that looked at unvaccinated children of parents who had received the injections. The parents all had an antibody against the spike protein in their noses, and surprisingly, a large percentage of the unvaccinated children did as well. “So, somehow, the antibody is getting from the parent to the child,” he says.

Another concept that might explain it is that of exosomes. Exosomes are lipid particles that circulate in your blood. They’re also found in the nose and lungs. If you’ve received the COVID jab, you’re going to have circulating exosomes with spike protein on them, so it’s not inconceivable that you might spread these exosomes via nasal discharge or even just through breathing. “You could exhale these exosomes,” Marik says, “which are then inhaled [by others].”

Kory also points out that in the Pfizer trial, they included a “very curious exclusion criteria.” Anyone in the same household as someone who had received the shot was excluded from the trial, which suggests they may have been concerned about some sort of transfer or shedding.

Anecdotally, he has also encountered many unvaccinated patients, primarily women, who report severe disruptions to their menstrual cycles after coming into close contact (although not necessarily intimate contact) with someone who had recently received the jab.

Post-Jab Avalanche of Rare Diseases

Regardless of where the spike protein comes from — the virus itself, the shot or close contact shedding — it’s clear it can have wide-ranging adverse effects. The jab itself, however, is the most problematic, as your body is continuously producing this toxic protein, and we still don’t know if that production ever shuts off.

As previously predicted, we’re now starting to see a rapid rise in a number of conditions, including previously very rare ones. Among them, hepatitis among young children, appendicitis and several rare forms of cancer, some of which are extremely aggressive and fast-moving.

In late 2021, Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, reported seeing a 20-fold increase in endometrial cancer, as well as a “massive uptick” in autoimmune diseases.7 (Not surprisingly, he’s now accused of misdiagnosing two patients with cancers they never had in order to support a false claim.8)

According to Kory, post-jab cancer proliferation is not all that surprising, as several of the mechanisms of the jabs degrade your immune function, and your immune system is your first line of defense against all disease, including cancer.

Marik also points out that the spike protein is “profoundly toxic” in and of itself as well, and interferes with cancer suppressing genes. “So, there’s no doubt that the spike protein causes an increase in the risk of cancer,” he says. “The problem is, what do you do about it? How do you get rid of the spike?”

Two Strategies to Eliminate Spike Protein

Marik and Kory believe there may be ways to boost the immune system to allow it to degrade and eventually remove the spike from your cells. One of the strategies they recommend for this is TRE (time restricted easting), which stimulates autophagy, a natural cleaning process that eliminates damaged, misfolded and toxic proteins.

In many ways Marik is a fairly rigid conventional physician who is simply unaware of many effective therapies natural physicians use. One major omission he is unaware of is sauna therapy. This is especially true when combined with TRE, as it will radically increase autophagy and heat shock proteins which will address the prion like diseases recently reported with COVID jabs and as predicted last year by MIT research scientist Stephanie Seneff.

Infrared saunas are clearly the best saunas out there as I detail in my epic article on sauna earlier this year. One of the primary reasons is the increase in mitochondrial melatonin.

Ivermectin also binds to the spike protein, thereby facilitating its removal. As noted by Marik, the best advice is to avoid the spike protein in the first place. Don’t take the COVID jab, and if you get COVID-19, treat it early and aggressively.

The spike protein is toxic regardless of whether it comes from the natural infection or the injection. Early and aggressive treatment will lower your spike protein load, thereby reducing your risk of long-COVID.

Kory stresses that, at present, they still do not know the exact correct dose for ivermectin. When prescribed for long-COVID and vaccine injury, he monitors the patient and adjusts the dosage based on individual response. That said, he typically starts patients out at a mid-range dose of 0.3 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight, daily.

Now, he’s noticed that when it comes to ivermectin, there are responders and nonresponders. It works exceptionally well for some, while benefits are negligible in others. That said, a majority of patients do tend to experience a benefit. The length of treatment is also highly variable.

As for safety, it’s been used for over 50 years9 and has a remarkably robust safety profile. We now also have a large-scale Brazilian study in which patients received ivermectin for four days every month for six months. Curiously, not only was COVID incidence dramatically reduced, but kidney and liver function actually improved with this treatment. Marik also dismisses claims that ivermectin can be harmful to your liver, saying it’s actually used to treat fatty liver disease.

So, overall, “we have not seen a safety signal … with long-term use,” Kory says. “Some of that is published data, and some of it is just our experience with treating patients.” Marik adds, “It’s one of the safest medications … even when taken in high doses appropriately.”

FLCCC Vaccine Injury Protocol: First Line Therapies

The full first line protocol for vaccine injury is as follows. Keep in mind, however, that the treatment must be individualized to the symptoms of each patient. As explained by Marik, the patient’s response will determine future treatment and adjunct therapies. These are not symptom specific but rather listed in order of importance:10

Time Restricted Eating or periodic daily fasts. Fasting has a profound effect on promoting immune system homeostasis, partly by stimulating the removal of damaged cells and mitochondria and clearing misfolded and foreign proteins. Intermittent fasting likely has an important role in promoting the breakdown and elimination of the spike protein. Fasting is contraindicated in patients under 18 (impairs growth) and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Patients with diabetes, as well as those with serious underlying medical conditions, should consult their primary care provider prior to fasting, as changes in their medications may be required and these patients require close monitoring.

Ivermectin — 0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg, daily for up to 4 to 6 weeks. Ivermectin has potent anti-inflammatory properties. It also binds to the spike protein, aiding in the elimination by the host. It is likely that ivermectin and intermittent fasting act synergistically to rid the body of the spike protein.

Ivermectin is best taken with or just following a meal for greater absorption. A trial of ivermectin should be considered as first line therapy. It appears that patients can be grouped into two categories: i) ivermectin responders and ii) ivermectin nonresponders.

This distinction is important, as the latter are more difficult to treat and require more aggressive therapy. Due to the possible drug interaction between quercetin and ivermectin, these drugs should not be taken simultaneously (i.e., should be staggered morning and night).

Low dose naltrexone (LDN) — Begin with 1 mg/day and increase to 4.5 mg/day, as required. May take 2 to 3 months to see full effect. LDN has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and neuromodulating properties.
Melatonin — 2 to 6 mg slow release/extended release prior to bedtime. Melatonin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is a powerful regulator of mitochondrial function. The dose should be started at 750 mcg (μg) to 1 mg at night and increased as tolerated. Patients who are slow metabolizers may have very unpleasant and vivid dreams with higher doses.
Aspirin — 81 mg/day. (Please note: I do not agree with the routine use of aspirin, and recommend proteolytic enzymes such as lumbrokinase and serrapeptase on an empty stomach instead. Both serve to digest unwanted proteins in your blood, like blood clots.

They also help combat inflammation and rebalance your immune system, facilitating the removal of inflammatory proteins, removing fibrin — a clotting material that restricts blood flow and prolongs inflammation — reducing edema in inflamed regions, and boosting the potency of macrophages and killer cells.)

Vitamin C — 1000 mg orally three to four times a day. Vitamin C has important anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-enhancing properties, including increased synthesis of type I interferons. Avoid in patients with a history of kidney stones. Oral Vitamin C helps promote growth of protective bacterial populations in the microbiome.

It is important to note that these high doses are a pharmaceutical application of vitamin C and NOT recommended for daily use. It is far better to use whole food vitamin C and not ascorbic acid for daily use. I actually will be speaking with Dr. Marik and Korey September 9 and 10 at a vitamin C conference11 in Clearwater, Florida. If you come to the event you will be able to meet me personally there.

Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 — A dose of 4,000 to 5,000 units/day of vitamin D, together with vitamin K2 100 mcg/day is a reasonable starting dose. The dose of Vitamin D should be adjusted according to the baseline vitamin D level.
Quercetin — 250 to 500 mg/day (or mixed flavonoids). Flavonoids have broad spectrum anti-inflammatory properties, inhibit mast cells, and have been demonstrated to reduce neuroinflammation.

Due to a possible drug interaction between quercetin and ivermectin, these drugs should not be taken simultaneously (i.e., should be staggered morning and night). The use of quercetin has rarely been associated with hypothyroidism.

The clinical impact of this association may be limited to those individuals with preexistent thyroid disease or those with subclinical thyroidism. Quercetin should be used with caution in patients with hypothyroidism and TSH levels should be monitored.

Nigella Sativa — 200 to 500 mg twice daily. It should be noted that thymoquinone (the active ingredient of Nigella sativa) decreases the absorption of cyclosporine and phenytoin. Patients taking these drugs should, therefore, avoid taking Nigella sativa. Furthermore, two cases of serotonin syndrome have been reported in patients taking Nigella sativa who underwent general anesthesia (probable interaction with opiates).
Probiotics/prebiotics — Patients with post-vaccine syndrome classically have a severe dysbiosis with loss of Bifidobacterium. Kefir is a highly recommended nutritional supplement high in probiotics.
Magnesium — 500 mg/day.
Omega-3 fatty acids — DHA/EPA 4 g/day. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the resolution of inflammation by inducing resolvin production.

FLCCC Second Line Therapies for Vaccine Injury

Adjunctive and/or second line therapies in the FLCCC’s vaccine injury protocol are:

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) — 200 mg twice daily for 1–2 weeks, then reduce as tolerated to 200 mg/day. HCQ is the preferred second line agent.

HCQ is a potent immunomodulating agent, and is considered the drug of choice for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), where it has been demonstrated to reduce mortality from this disease. Thus, in patients with positive autoantibodies or where autoimmunity is suspected to be a prominent underlying mechanism, HCQ should be considered earlier.

Further, it should be noted that SLE and post-vaccine syndrome have many features in common. HCQ is safe in pregnancy; indeed, this drug has been used to treat preeclampsia. With long term usage, the dose should be reduced (100 or 150 mg/day) in patients weighing less than 61 kg (135 lbs).

Intravenous vitamin C — 25 g weekly, together with oral Vitamin C 1000 mg (1 gram) 2–3 times per day. High dose IV vitamin C is “caustic” to the veins and should be given slowly over 2–4 hours.

Furthermore, to assess patient tolerability the initial dose should be between 7.5–15 g. Total daily doses of 8–12 g have been well-tolerated, however chronic high doses have been associated with the development of kidney stones, so the duration of therapy should be limited. Wean IV vitamin C as tolerated.

Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) — NIBS using transcranial direct current stimulation or transcranial magnetic stimulation has been demonstrated to improve cognitive function in patients with long COVID as well as other neurological diseases. NIBS is painless, extremely safe, and easy to administer. It is a recognized therapy offered by many Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Centers. Patients may also purchase an FDA-approved device for home use.
Fluvoxamine — Start on a low dose of 12.5 mg/day and increase slowly as tolerated.
“Mitochondrial energy optimizer” with pyrroloquinoline quinone (e.g., Life Extension Energy Optimizer or ATP 360®).
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) — 600–1500 mg/day.
Low dose corticosteroid — 10–15 mg/day prednisone for three weeks. Taper to 10 mg/day and then 5 mg/day, as tolerated.
Behavioral modification, mindfulness therapy, and psychological support — May help improve patient’s overall well-being and mental health. Suicide is a real problem in the vaccine-injured patient. Support groups and consultation with mental health professionals are important.
Tai Chi and Yoga — Tai Chi, a health-promoting form of traditional Chinese martial art, has shown to be beneficial for preventing and treating diseases including long COVID. Yoga has immunomodulating properties that may be beneficial in vaccine-injured patients.

It should be noted that long COVID is characterized by severe post-exertional fatigue and/or worsening of symptoms, therefore patients should be counseled to moderate exertion, increasing slowly only as tolerated.

Examples of third line therapies and other potential remedies include hyperbaric oxygen therapy, whole body vibration therapy, cold hydrotherapy, nutraceuticals such as dandelion and broccoli sprout powder and carbon 60 (C60 fullerenes). For the full list, see the I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol12 available on

U.S. Laws All Secretly Changed To Enable Mass Genocide

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane talks to legal analyst and super sleuth, Katherine Watt who discovered the slow kill of American laws and the U.S. Constitution and how it is legalizing tyranny, genetic damage, and takeover of America under the guise of public health and Team Enigma’s Sasha Latypova returns with more startling findings from Judicial Watch’s FOIA on Moderna, revealing how the DOD is using Fauci’s created company to execute an American Domestic Bioterrorism Program. Don’t miss the 3rd segment where Dr. Jane shows you how a new term, “Medical Countermeasures” was created to shield all criminals from accountability. It’s not just in your imagination!

Stew Peters Full Show: Dr. Mikovits Drops Never-Seen BOMBSHELL!

BRAND NEW episode that exposes ALL the corruption you know and HATE!
Dr. Judy Mikovits presents her findings of medical fraud, and how Fauci was involved in her arrest AND career destruction.To further support Dr. Mikovits, visit
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Meghan Walsh tells of her horrific experience between her family & CPS stripping her right as a mother away with no due process.

LIVE: Shellfish Venom Bioweapon EXPOSED, Gorka BLASTED, Docs Find Nanowires Amping Radiation Therapy – Stew Peters

Friday, June 17th, The Stew Peters Show brings you a jaw dropping episode to kick off your weekend!

Jonathan Otto joins to discuss what his and Dr. Brian Artis’ findings are on the deep state’s next new bioweapon is, and how it is linked to Shellfish venom!

Dr. Aryiana Love joins to back up Dr. Jane Ruby’s findings on tissue scaffolding technology and microspheres used on vaccinated people.

Mike Lindell has been CANCELED by Walmart. He joins to discuss his next steps, and how we fight the Globalist agenda on free speech!

TR Sartor joins to discuss what Virginia parents might face if the school board passes a mixed-gender curriculum.

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Human Umbilical Cord Being Injected In Kids: Tissue Scaffolding Technology in Covid Jab – Stew Peters

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Pandemic Alternative – What Should Our Pandemic Have Been.

Pandemic Alternative

Do Psychiatric Meds and War Games Lead to Mass Shootings? – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF causes-of-mass-shootings-pdf


  • While many have bought into the simplistic idea that availability of firearms is the cause of mass shootings, a number of experts have pointed out a more uncomfortable truth, which is that mass shootings are far more likely the result of how we’ve been mistreating mental illness, depression and behavioral problems
  • Gun control legislation has shown that law-abiding Americans who own guns are not the problem, because the more gun control laws that have been passed, the more mass shootings have occurred
  • 97.8% of mass shootings occur in “gun-free zones,” as the perpetrators know legally armed citizens won’t be there to stop them
  • Depression per se rarely results in violence. Only after antidepressants became commonplace did mass shootings really take off, and many mass shooters have been shown to be on antidepressants
  • Antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are well-known for their ability to cause suicidal and homicidal ideation and violence

While many have bought into the simplistic idea that availability of firearms is the cause of mass shootings, a number of experts have pointed out a more uncomfortable truth, which is that mass shootings are far more likely the result of how we’ve been mistreating mental illness, depression and behavioral problems.

An article written by Molly Carter, initially published on at an unknown date1 and subsequently republished by The Libertarian Institute in May 2019,2 and in late January 2021,3 noted:

“According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a mass murder occurs when at least four people are murdered, not including the shooter … during a single incident …

Seemingly every time a mass shooting occurs … the anti-gun media and politicians have a knee-jerk response — they blame the tragedy solely on the tool used, namely firearms, and focus all of their proposed ‘solutions’ on more laws, ignoring that the murderer already broke numerous laws when they committed their atrocity.

Facts matter when addressing such an emotionally charged topic, and more gun control legislation has shown that law-abiding Americans who own guns are NOT the problem. Consider the following: The more gun control laws that are passed, the more mass murders have occurred.

Whether or not this is correlation or causation is debatable. What is not debatable is that this sick phenomenon of mass murderers targeting ‘gun-free zones,’ where they know civilian carry isn’t available to law-abiding Americans, is happening.

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center,4 97.8% of public shootings occur in ‘gun-free zones’ – and ‘gun-free zones’ are the epitome of the core philosophical tenet of gun control, that laws are all the defense one needs against violence …

This debate leads them away from the elephant in the room and one of the real issues behind mass shootings — mental health and prescription drugs.

Ignoring what’s going on in the heads of these psychopaths not only allows mass shootings to continue, it leads to misguided gun control laws that violate the Second Amendment and negate the rights of law-abiding U.S. citizens.

As Jeff Snyder put it in The Washington Times: ‘But to ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the innocent and law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless, and that the law will permit them to have only such rights and liberties as the lawless will allow.’”

The Elephant in the Room: Antidepressants

Thoughts, emotions and a variety of environmental factors play into the manifestation of violence, but mental illness by itself cannot account for the massive rise in mass murder — unless you include antidepressants in the equation. Yet even when mental health does enter the mass shooter discussion, the issue of antidepressants, specifically, is rarely mentioned.

The fact is, depression per se rarely results in violence. Only after antidepressants became commonplace did mass shootings take off, and many mass shooters have been shown to be on antidepressants.

Prozac, released in 1987, was the first selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) to be approved for depression and anxiety. Only two years earlier, direct-to-consumer advertising had been legalized. In the mid-1990s, the Food and Drug Administration loosened regulations, direct-to-consumer ads for SSRIs exploded and, with it, prescriptions for SSRIs.

In 1989, just two years after Prozac came to market, Joseph Wesbecker shot 20 of his coworkers, killing nine. He had been on Prozac for one month, and the survivors of the drug-induced attack sued Eli Lilly, the maker of Prozac. Since then, antidepressant use and mass shootings have both risen, more or less in tandem.

In the two decades between 1988 and 2008, antidepressant use in the U.S. rose by 400%,5 and by 2010, 11% of the U.S. population over the age of 12 were on an antidepressant prescription.6

In 1982, pre-Prozac, there was one mass shooting in the U.S.7 In 1984, there were two incidents and in 1986 — the year Prozac was released — there was one. One to three mass shootings per year remained the norm up until 1999, when it jumped to five.

Another jump took place in 2012, when there were seven mass shootings. And while the annual count has gone up and down from year to year, there’s been a clear trend of an increased number of mass shootings post-2012. Over time, mass shootings have also gotten larger, with more people getting injured or killed per incident.8

How can we possibly ignore the connection between rampant use of drugs known to directly cause violent behavior and the rise in mass shootings? Suicidal ideation, violence and homicidal ideation are all known side effects of these drugs. Sometimes, the drugs disrupt brain function so dramatically the perpetrator can’t even remember what they did.

For example, in 2001, a 16-year-old high schooler was prescribed Effexor, starting off at 40 milligrams and moving up to 300 mg over the course of three weeks. On the first day of taking a 300-mg dose, the boy woke up with a headache, decided to skip school and went back to bed.

Some time later, he got up, took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage at gunpoint. He later claimed he had no recollection of anything that happened after he went back to bed that morning.9

The Risks Are Clear

The risks of psychiatric disturbances are so clear, ever since mid-October 2004, all antidepressants in the U.S. must include a black box warning that the drug can cause suicidal thoughts and behaviors, especially in those younger than 25, and that:10

“Anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility (aggressiveness), impulsivity, akathisia (psychomotor restlessness), hypomania, and mania have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants for major depressive disorder as well as for other indications, both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric.”

SSRIs can also cause emotional blunting and detachment, such that patients report “not feeling” or “not caring” about anything or anyone, as well as psychosis and hallucinations. All of these side effects can contribute to someone acting out an unthinkable violent crime.

In one review11,12 of 484 drugs in the FDA’s database, 31 were found to account for 78.8% of all cases of violence against others, and 11 of those drugs were antidepressants.

The researchers concluded that violence against others was a “genuine and serious adverse drug event” and that of the drugs analyzed, SSRI antidepressants and the smoking cessation medication, varenicline (Chantix), had the strongest associations. The top-five most dangerous SSRIs were:13

  • Fluoxetine (Prozac), which increased aggressive behavior 10.9 times
  • Paroxetine (Paxil), which increased violent behavior 10.3 times
  • Fluvoxamine (Luvox), which increased violent behavior 8.4 times
  • Venlafaxine (Effexor), which increased violent behavior 8.3 times
  • Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), which increased violent behavior 7.9 times

Depression Is Vastly Overdiagnosed

In her article, Carter also reviewed the clinical determinants for a diagnosis of clinical depression warranting medication. To qualify, you must experience five or more of the following symptoms, most of the day, every day, for two weeks or more, and the symptoms must be severe enough to interfere with normal everyday functioning:14

Sadness Anxiety
Feeling hopeless Feeling worthless
Feeling helpless Feeling ’empty’
Feeling guilty Irritable
Fatigue Lack of energy
Loss of interest in hobbies Slow talking and moving
Restlessness Trouble concentrating
Abnormal sleep patterns, whether sleeping too much or not enough Abnormal weight changes, either eating too much or having no appetite
Thoughts of death or suicide

The reality is that a majority of patients who receive a depression diagnosis and subsequent prescription for an antidepressant do not, in fact, qualify. In one study,15 only 38.4% actually met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria, and among older adults, that ratio was even lower. Only 14.3% of those aged 65 and older met the diagnostic criteria. According to the authors:16

“Participants who did not meet the 12-month MDE criteria reported less distress and impairment in role functioning and used fewer services. A majority of both groups, however, were prescribed and used psychiatric medications.

Conclusion: Depression overdiagnosis and overtreatment is common in community settings in the USA. There is a need for improved targeting of diagnosis and treatments of depression and other mental disorders in these settings.”

What Role Might War Games Play?

Aside from antidepressants, another factor that gets ignored is the influence of shooting simulations, i.e., violent video games. How does the military train soldiers for war? Through simulations. With the proliferation of video games involving indiscriminate violence, should we really be surprised when this “training” is then put into practice?

As reported by World Bank Blogs, young men who experience violence “often struggle to reintegrate peacefully into their communities” when hostilities end.17 While American youth typically have little experience with real-world war, simulated war games do occupy much of their time and may over time color their everyday perceptions of life. As noted by Centrical, some of the top benefits of simulations training include:18

  1. Allowing you to practice genuine real-life scenarios and responses
  2. Repetition of content, which boosts knowledge retention
  3. Personalization and diversification, so you can learn from your mistakes and evaluate your performance, thereby achieving a deeper level of learning

In short, violent mass shooter games are the perfect training platform for future mass shooters. Whereas a teenager without such exposure might not be very successful at carrying out a mass shooting due to inexperience with weapons and tactics, one who has spent many hours, years even, training in simulations could have knowledge akin to that of military personnel.

Add antidepressant side effects such as emotional blunting and loss of impulse control, and you have a perfect prescription for a mass casualty event.

On top of that, we, as a nation, also demonstrate the “righteousness” of war by engaging in them without end.19 When was the last time the U.S. was not at war someplace? It’s been ongoing for decades.

Even now, the U.S. insists on inserting itself into the dispute between Russia and Ukraine, and diplomacy isn’t the chosen conflict resolution tool. Sending weapons to Ukraine and calling for more violence against Russians are. Sen. Lindsey Graham has even called for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Showing just how serious such a suggestion is, the White House had to publicly disavow it, stating Graham’s comment “is not the position of the U.S. government.”20

Graham, meanwhile, does not appear to understand how his nonchalant call for murder might actually incite murder. In the wake of the Uvalde school shooting, he now wants to mobilize retired service members to enhance security at schools, and while that might be a good idea, how about also vowing never to call for the murder of political opponents? Don’t politicians understand that this could translate into some kid thinking it’s acceptable to murder THEIR perceived opponents?

As far as I can tell, mass shootings have far more to do with societal norms, dangerous medications, a lack of high-quality mental health services, and the normalization of violence through entertainment and in politics, than it does with gun laws per se.

There are likely many other factors as well, but these are clearly observable phenomena known to nurture violent behavior. I’m afraid Americans are in need of a far deeper and more introspective analysis of the problem than many are capable of at the moment. But those who can should try, and make an effort to affect much-needed change locally and in their own home.

Are Medical Mistakes the Leading Cause of Death in the US? – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF medical-mistakes-leading-cause-of-death-pdf


  • According to a 2011 Health Grades report, the incidence rate of medical harm occurring in the U.S. is estimated to be over 40,000 harmful and/or lethal errors daily
  • In 2014 10.5% of American doctors admitted they’d made a major medical mistake in the last three months
  • In 2016, Dr. Marty Makary published a report showing an estimated 250,000 Americans die from medical mistakes each year — about 1 in 10 patients — making it the third leading cause of death, right after cancer and heart disease
  • The World Health Organization’s Surgical Safety Checklist, developed by Makary, has been proven to reduce adverse event rates and save lives
  • In 2019, RaDonda Vaught, a registered nurse, was indicted for reckless homicide for administering the wrong drug to an elderly patient who died. She was found guilty and in May 2022, was sentenced to three years probation. It’s the first time a medical professional has been charged over a medical mistake that did not involve fraud or intentional malice. Many now worry this may prevent openness and transparency about unintentional medical mistakes

In July of 2000 I was still receiving a print subscription to JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) and I was shocked that they actually published an article1 from Barbara Starfield, who had an MPH (master of public health) from Johns Hopkins.

Why was I shocked? Because I looked at the data in the article (see below) that physician mistakes were the third leading cause of death in the United States. My article on it went viral and that meme became very popular in 2000, but I was rarely acknowledged as the person who was responsible for it.

Deaths Per Year (From 2000)

  • 12,000 — unnecessary surgery
  • 7,000 — medication errors in hospitals
  • 20,000 — other errors in hospitals
  • 80,000 — infections in hospitals
  • 106,000 — non-error, negative effects of drugs

These total to 225,000 deaths per year from physician or health care mistakes and are only surpassed by heart disease and cancer.

Starfield’s Ironic Tragedy — A Victim to What She Chronicled

Ironically, Starfield became a statistic to her own research. She died suddenly in June 2011, a death her husband attributed to the adverse effects of the blood thinner Plavix taken in combination with aspirin. However, her death certificate makes no mention of this possibility. In the August 2012 issue of Archives for Internal Medicine2 her husband, Dr. Neil A. Holtzman, writes, in part:

“Writing in sorrow and anger, I express up front my potential conflict of interest in interpreting the facts surrounding the death of my wife, Dr. Barbara Starfield … Because she died while swimming alone, an autopsy was required. The immediate cause of death was ‘pool drowning,’ but the underlying condition, ‘cerebral hemorrhage,’ stunned me …

Barbara started taking low-dose aspirin after coronary insufficiency had been diagnosed three years before her death, and clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix) after her right main coronary artery had been stented six months after the diagnosis.

She reported to the cardiologist that she bruised more easily while taking clopidogrel and bled longer following minor cuts. She had no personal or family history of bleeding tendency or hypertension.

The autopsy findings and the official lack of feedback prompted me to call attention to deficiencies in medical care and clinical research in the United States reified by Barbara’s death and how the deficiencies can be rectified. Ironically, Barbara had written about all of them.”

2022 Updated Medical Mistakes Stats

The video above features an interview between Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Marty Makary, a professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins, in which they discuss the prevalence of medical mistakes in conventional medicine and advancements in in patient safety.

Makary is also a public health researcher, a member of the National Academy of Medicine, the editor-in-chief of MedPage Today (the second-largest trade publication in medicine), and the author of two best-selling books.

As a busy surgeon, Makary has worked in many of the best hospitals in the country and can testify to the power of modern medicine. But he’s also witnessed a medical culture that leaves surgical sponges inside patients, amputates the wrong limb, overdoses patients because of sloppy handwriting or enters prescriptions into the wrong patient chart.

Medical Mistakes Are Commonplace

According to a 2011 Health Grades report,3 the incidence rate of medical harm occurring in the U.S. was estimated to be over 40,000 harmful and/or lethal errors daily. Makary cites a 2014 Mayo Clinic survey of 6,500 American doctors, 10.5% of whom admitted they’d made a major medical mistake in the last three months.

He also cites a 2015 study by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital that showed about half of all operations involved some kind of medication error. That study and corresponding press release have since been removed and are no longer available online, Makary says. Possibly because the hospital was embarrassed by the results.

In 2016, Makary and his research team published a report showing an estimated 250,000 Americans die from medical mistakes each year4 — about 1 in 10 patients — which (at that time) made it the third leading cause of death, right after cancer and heart disease.

According to Makary, that number may be higher, because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not collect vital statistics on medical errors. A death cannot be recorded as a medical error as there’s no code for it.

Of course, since they didn’t do autopsies on every death, that number could also be lower, so the final estimate they came up with was between 125,000 and 350,000 deaths per year.

Another widely-cited study5 published in 2013 had estimated the annual death toll for medical mistakes in the U.S. at 400,000 a year,6 Makary says. But whatever the true number, and whether it’s the third cause of death or the ninth, medical mistakes are clearly a serious and too-frequent problem.

An estimated 30% of all medical procedures, tests and medications may also be completely unnecessary,7 and each of these unnecessary interventions opens the door for a medical mistake that didn’t need to happen.

Many doctors have long been concerned about the frequency of medical mistakes, unnecessary testing and overtreatment, but the culture was such that it dissuaded open discussion and transparency.

It’s really only in the past decade or so that doctors and hospital administrators have started being more honest about these problems. Now, a case (discussed below) in which a nurse was charged and found guilty of negligent homicide after accidentally administering the wrong medication threatens to undo much of that progress.

Milestones in Patient Safety

In medical jargon, a “near miss” refers to a medical mistake that could have resulted in patient harm, but didn’t, and “preventable adverse event” refers to a medical mistake that does result in harm to the patient.

A “never event” is one that should never happen, regardless of circumstance. One example of a “never event” would be leaving a surgical instrument or sponge inside the patient.

In 2008, Medicare decided it would no longer pay for “never events,” in an effort to deincentivize sloppiness. Shortly thereafter, private insurance companies followed suit. The following year, in 2009, the World Health Organization organized a committee to address patient safety, as, worldwide, it was becoming apparent that many patients were dying from the care and not just from disease.

At the time, Makary had just published a surgery checklist for Johns Hopkins, and the WHO invited him to present it to the newly formed committee on patient safety. This checklist eventually became known as the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist.8 To this day, it hangs on operating room walls across the world.

Later investigations have revealed this pre-op checklist does in fact reduce adverse event rates and save lives. If a loved one is in the hospital, print it out, bring it with you and confirm that each of the 19 items has been done.

This can help you protect your family member or friend from preventable errors in care. It’s available in several languages, including Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Farsi, German, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish.

Opioid Overdose Is a Leading Death Among Young Adults

As of 2017, opioid overdoses have been the leading cause of death among Americans under the age of 50.9 The most common drugs involved in prescription opioid overdose deaths are methadone, oxycodone (such as OxyContin®) and hydrocodone (such as Vicodin®).10

Lawsuits that have made their way through the judicial system in recent years have shown opioid makers such as Purdue Pharma, owned by the Sackler family, knew they were lying when they claimed opioids — which are chemically very similar to heroin — have an exceptionally low addiction rate when taken by people with pain.

As a result of their lies, doctors handed out opioids for pain as if they were candy. Even Makary admits to being fooled by the fraudulent PR. “That is a form of medical mistake,” he says, adding “I’m guilty of it myself. I gave opioids out like candy, and I feel terrible about it.”

In recent years, the medical industry has cracked down on prescription opioids, making them harder to obtain, but many patients still struggle with addiction, and fentanyl-laced products obtained illegally are still causing many unnecessary deaths.

The RaDonda Vaught Case

In this interview, Makary also reviews the RaDonda Vaught case which, as mentioned earlier might reverse much of the progress achieved with regard to openness and transparency about medical mistakes.

Vaught was hired as a nurse at Vanderbilt hospital in 2015. Two years later, on Christmas eve in 2017, she was taking care of a patient named Charlene Murphy, a 75-year-old woman admitted for a subdural hematoma (a brain bleed). Murphy made a rapid recovery and after two days she was ready to go home.

The doctor ordered one last scan while she was in the hospital, so Vaught brought her to the scanner and ordered Versed (midazolam), a sedative commonly used to help the patient lay still. The hospital had installed an automated drug dispensary system, the alerts of which often had to be overridden due to poor coordination between the electronic health records and the pharmacy.

On this fateful day, Vaught typed “ve” into the system to pull up Versed, but by default, the system populated the search with “vecuronium,” a potent paralyzing agent. Vaught didn’t realize the mistake, and overrode the alert. Now, vecuronium is a powder, and most experienced nurses would know that Versed is a liquid.

Vaught, however, didn’t catch the discrepancy and suspended the powder with saline as indicated and gave it to Murphy, who subsequently died inside the scanner.

“The nurse [Vaught] immediately feels horrible; says exactly what she did, recognized her mistake as the patient was deteriorating, and felt ‘I may have caused this,’” Makary says. “[She] admitted [and] reported this whole thing; was 100% honest. I mean, [she] even said, subsequently, that her life will never be the same, that she feels that a piece of her has died.”

In 2019, Vaught was indicted for reckless homicide.11,12 She was found guilty and in May 2022, was sentenced to three years probation with judicial diversion,13 which means her criminal record can be expunged if she serves her probationary period with good behavior. Her nursing license was also revoked.

Should Medical Mistakes Be Prosecuted?

Now, while Vaught immediately admitted her mistake, Vanderbilt hospital, for its part, appears to have been trying to cover it up.

“Vanderbilt had documentation where two neurologists listed the cause of death as the brain bleed. It was deemed, essentially, a natural cause of death. This was reported to the medical examiner,” Makary says.

An investigation by the Tennessean revealed Vanderbilt did not report the death to state or federal officials as a preventable adverse event, as is required by law. Instead, they fired Vaught and immediately negotiated an out-of-court settlement with the family, which included a gag order.

So, it wasn’t the family that brought charges against Vaught but rather a team of district attorneys in Davidson county. Vaught’s case is the first of its kind, and has triggered emotional reactions across the country among doctors and nurses alike, as everyone knows how easily and frequently medical mistakes occur.

According to the Tennessean, “The case has put a spotlight on how nurses should be held accountable for medical mistakes.” But should they? Never before has a medical professional been criminally charged for a medical mistake that didn’t involve intentional fraud or malice. As noted by Makary:

“One of the principles of patient safety that we have been advocating throughout the entire 23 years of the patient safety movement in America has been the concept ‘just culture’ — a doctrine which says that honest mistakes should not be penalized … That is a doctrine that has enabled people to speak up about this epidemic of medical mistakes in the United States …

In my opinion, we have had decades of progress in patient safety, about 23 healthy years of significant improvements in the culture of safety and the way we approach safety, undone with a single group of assistant young district attorneys that decided to go after one individual at the exclusion of doing anything about a hospital that, unlike the nurse, did not admit to anything initially and broke the law.

There’s a preliminary statistic that 1 in 5 nurses are quitting during the pandemic. Now, some of that is pandemic burnout, some of it’s a number of [other] factors, but a lot of nurses are leaving the profession and there’s this feeling that they don’t feel valued, and this [case] has been a bit of a smack in their face.

So, hospitals around the country that are dealing with critical nursing staffing shortages are trying to pay attention to the concerns that nurses have about this case. I have talked to lawmakers at the state level in different states who are thinking about passing protections for nurses. It’s delicate, but this is now a conversation that has surfaced.”

US Is an Unmitigated Failure at Treating Chronic Illness

The U.S. has the most expensive health care in the world, spending more on health care than the next 10 biggest spenders combined (Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain and Australia). If the U.S. health care system were a country, it would be the sixth largest economy on the entire planet.

Despite that, the U.S. ranks last in health and mortality when compared with 17 other developed nations. We may have one of the best systems for treating acute surgical emergencies, but the American medical system is clearly an unmitigated failure when it comes to treating chronic illness.

The fact that properly prescribed and administered drugs kill well over 100,000 every year in the U.S. should really be food for some serious thought. For starters, drug safety needs to become a priority, not an afterthought.

Indeed, one of Starfield’s points of contention was the lack of systematic recording and studying of adverse events, and her own death highlights this problem. It was the Plavix-aspirin combination that actually killed her, yet if it hadn’t been for an autopsy and her husband insisting on an adverse event report, no one would ever have been the wiser about such a connection.

Only a tiny fraction of all adverse drug reactions are ever reported to the FDA; according to some estimates, as few as 1%. In order to truly alert the FDA to a problem with a product they’ve approved, they must be notified by as many people as possible who believe they have experienced a side effect.

By filing a report, you help make medicine safer for everyone. So, if you believe you’ve experienced a side effect from a drug, please report it. Simply go to the FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator page, find the phone number listed for your state, and report your adverse reaction.

In all, preventable medical mistakes may account for one-sixth of all deaths that occur in the U.S. annually.14 To put these numbers into even further perspective, medical mistakes in American hospitals kill four jumbo jets’ worth of people each week.15

According to statistics published in a 2011 Health Grades report,16 the incidence rate of medical harm occurring in the U.S. may be as high as 40,000 harmful and/or lethal errors DAILY. According to co-author John T. James, Ph.D.:17

“Perhaps it is time for a national patient bill of rights for hospitalized patients. All evidence points to the need for much more patient involvement in identifying harmful events and participating in rigorous follow-up investigations to identify root causes.”

Many Tests and Treatments Do More Harm Than Good

Overtesting and overtreatment are also part of the problem. Instead of dissuading patients from unnecessary or questionable interventions, the system rewards waste and incentivizes disease over health.

According to a report by the Institute of Medicine, an estimated 30% of all medical procedures, tests and medications may in fact be unnecessary, at a cost of at least $750 billion a year.18 To learn which tests and interventions may do more harm than good, browse through the Choosing Wisely website.

It’s also important to be aware that many novel medical treatments gain popularity over older standards of care due mostly to clever marketing, opposed to solid science. An investigation by the Mayo Clinic published in 2013 proved this point. To determine the overall effectiveness of our medical care, researchers tracked the frequency of medical reversals over the past decade.

They found that reversals are common across all classes of medical practice, and a significant proportion of medical treatments offer no patient benefit at all.

In fact, they found 146 reversals of previously established practices,19 treatments and procedures over the previous 10 years. The most telling data in the report show just how many common medical treatments are doing more harm than good. Of the studies that tested an existing standard of care, 40.2% reversed the practice, compared to only 38% reaffirming it.

The remaining 22% were inconclusive. This means that anywhere between 40 and 78% of the medical testing, treatments and procedures you receive are of NO benefit to you — or are actually harmful — as determined by clinical studies.

Safeguarding Your Care While Hospitalized

Knowing that medical errors can and do frequently occur, what can you do to ensure your safety, or the safety of a loved one, who has to go to the hospital? Makary offers the following suggestions:

“Every hospital has a patient relations department and if things just don’t seem right, if you feel that you’re not communicating effectively with your care team, if you feel care is not coordinated, if you have a concern or there was an error, you can call the patient relations department. They’ve got somebody on call 24/7. That’s basically a standard thing in the hospitals now.

It’s important to have an advocate with you anytime you get medical care or you’ve got a loved one in the hospital. It’s amazing how it seems that the care is just overall much better, holistic, comprehensive and coordinated when there’s a family member or loved one there, taking notes, asking questions …

Ask about the medication that’s being given to you. You should know what it is and what it’s for, and you should ask your doctor or whoever walks in the room if they’ve washed their hands …

This is the sort of new dialogue that we are trying to promote to make the patient a participant in their care and not just a bystander. When you do it, what I’ve noticed the more educated they are, or their surrogate is, the better the care is. You are in the middle of a very complicated system of care when you’re in the hospital. The more you can be aware of what’s happening, the safer the care.”

Once you’re hospitalized, you’re immediately at risk for medical errors, so one of the best safeguards is to have someone there with you. Dr. Andrew Saul has written an entire book20 on the issue of safeguarding your health while hospitalized.

Frequently, you’re going to be relatively debilitated, especially post-op when you’re under the influence of anesthesia, and you won’t have the opportunity to see the types of processes that are going on. This is particularly important for pediatric patients and the elderly.

It’s important to have a personal advocate present to ask questions and take notes. For every medication given in the hospital, ask questions such as: “What is this medication? What is it for? What’s the dose?” Most people, doctors and nurses included, are more apt to go through that extra step of due diligence to make sure they’re getting it right if they know they’ll be questioned about it.

If someone you know is scheduled for surgery, you can print out the WHO surgical safety checklist and implementation manual, which is part of the campaign “Safe Surgery Saves Lives.” The checklist can be downloaded free of charge here. If a loved one is in the hospital, print it out and bring it with you, as this can help you protect your family member or friend from preventable errors in care.

God is good. Evil judges itself, brings on itself its own destruction.

Be awake, be praying, be watching. All of the evil that has come upon us since the PlanDemic, will all be destroyed. The word of God says that those who planned evil will be a curse word throughout the world. God also says we will have total victory. This is not Armageddon for us, it is Armageddon for the evil planners and the evildoers.

Global-Scale COVID-19 Fraud Is Designed to Control People: Former Pfizer VP, Dr. Michael Yeadon


Read Covid Lies by Dr. Mike Yeadon The-Covid-Lies-updated

Lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates are all measures not for health, but to get people under control and move toward the ultimate goal of digital ID and digital currency, said Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer vice president and chief scientific officer for allergy and respiratory research.

“In brief, I’m seeing fraud on a global scale, of which the drug companies are just part,” Yeadon told EpochTV’s “Facts Matter” program in a recent interview.

“There is a huge push globally to persuade people that there is a health threat in order to get them to comply with various economy-destroying measures, and then follow them up with these injections. And I believe this is all ultimately to do with control.”

In April, Yeadon published an article titled “The Covid Lies.” The report refuted a dozen mainstream statements about COVID-19, such as lockdowns slowing the spread and reducing the number of cases and deaths; the only way to end the pandemic is universal vaccination; or the new vaccines are safe and effective.

“I knew it was wrong the moment I heard that they were developing a vaccine. We have never even sought to suppress or end a pandemic through running alongside creating a novel vaccine and then intervening with it,” said Yeadon. “Why? Because—this is really important—the elapsed time taken to get an adequate amount of safety data is always longer than the feasible length of any pandemic in history.”

“And if you take less time, it means you do not have an appropriate amount of safety data.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Intervention (CDC), vaccines go through three phases of clinical trials to make sure they are safe and effective. “During the development of COVID-19 vaccines, these phases overlapped to speed up the process so the vaccines could be used as quickly as possible to control the pandemic. No trial phases have been skipped,” said CDC.

“The clinical trials showed no serious safety concerns within eight weeks following vaccination. This is an important milestone, as it is unusual for adverse effects caused by vaccines to appear after this amount of time,” added CDC.

Yeadon said that government shouldn’t coerce people to receive the vaccines with only 2-month-long institutional safety data. “What’s the safety profile six months after you’ve taken it? No one can tell you.”

“I’ve been in drug discovery, drug development for 34 years now. Safety is the most important thing, even more important than effectiveness. Why? Because you’re going to give it to lots of people. So if you’re not really, really sure about the safety, you can easily hurt more people than you could possibly save. That would be doubly so when using a new type of technology,” said Yeadon.

Yeadon had worked for Pfizer for 17 years. He left Pfizer in 2011 to co-found biotech company Ziarco, which Novartis acquired in 2017.

“They said, ‘No. We didn’t cut any corners. We did things in parallel,’” said Yeadon. “No, they didn’t do lots of studies, and they’re missing from the regulatory submission. What that means, I’m afraid, is that the regulators are guilty of fraud.”

“[That] they were not required by the regulator to measure the appearance and disappearance in the blood of these gene-based materials is stunning. Why does that matter so much? It means I’ve no idea whether the amounts going around your body or my body after injection is a tiny amount, medium amount, or a lot. No idea. And they did not measure how long the gene-based material worked to produce the spike protein. Did it last an hour? A week? Forever? They didn’t study it. So we don’t know.”

The CDC referred The Epoch Times to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “the regulatory authority for vaccine trials and safety studies.” The FDA didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Federal health agencies have drawn widespread criticism over their flip-flop on certain COVID-19 measures and their reluctance to release full information about the vaccines. The FDA asked for 55 years to release Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine data. The New York Timesreported in February that the CDC had been withholding critical COVID-19 data on boosters, hospitalizations, and other analyses.

It’s a false statement that the COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective,” said cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.

“None of the vaccines have had clinical trials done versus placebo with that composite endpoint,” McCullough told The Epoch Times in a recent interview. “What’s happened over time is a false narrative that’s developed from observational data.”

Encoding Spike Protein Violates Vaccine Design Principle

The next thing that worried Yeadon was that the four leading COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers—Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca—all chose spike proteins to trigger the immune response. He explained why that violates vaccine designing principles.

Firstly, vaccine developers should choose a part of an organism that is not intrinsically harmful.

“We knew before they chose it that the sticking out spike bit on the outside of these viruses is of a family of superficial proteins that are known to be biologically active, to have neurological effects, to have thromboembolic or blood clot effects, and more,” said Yeadon. “So I knew that as soon as I did a little bit of basic research … there was going to be significant safety problems.”

Secondly, vaccine developers should choose “a part of the organism that is genetically most stable.”

“Well, they pick the bit that apparently mutates most quickly. So I knew that meant that as soon as the standard genetic drift occurred, the vaccines will stop working.”

He said vaccine developers should pick a part of an organism most different from human beings, “so that when you elicit an immune response to that, it won’t overlap and hit you.

“But unfortunately, the spike protein, although not very similar, is least dissimilar from human proteins. There are dozens of human proteins that are slightly similar. And I think that makes autoimmune responses very likely.”

Autoimmune disease happens when the body’s natural defense system can’t differentiate between its own and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells. COVID-19 vaccine-induced autoimmunity has been reported.

The CDC said that messenger RNA (mRNA) and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines produce spike proteins in the body to trigger the immune response. But the CDC maintains that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.

Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use mRNA technology. In contrast, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca use either a human or chimpanzee adenovirus as the viral vector and encode for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

Knowing his former broad colleagues are not stupid, Yeadon had a hard time figuring out why they picked “the worst thing you could.”

“I can’t make that benign. I have tried the hardest I try. I can’t make this a well-intentioned mistake.”

“Collusion and malfeasance” are evident that the four leading vaccine manufacturers all chose to encode the same spike protein in their gene-based vaccines, said Yeadon. Many peers and retired people in his industry told Yeadon they won’t pick this suboptimal choice, and the designers may “loop together.”

The Epoch Times has contacted the above four vaccine manufacturers for comment.

Yeadon spoke up early, but his life changed within a week.

On Dec. 1, 2020, before the European Commission issued its first emergency use authorization for a COVID vaccine, Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg co-signed a petition to the European Medicine Agency to suspend all COVID-19 vaccines studies, citing safety concerns. Wodarg is a former health committee chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

“Within a week, mild-mannered Mike Yeadon who’s never said a thing in public about anything in my whole life apart from in my professional sphere, was suddenly tarred and feathered as an anti-vaxxer,” said Yeadon.

“Why am I doing this? It’s not for money. It’s not for fame. It’s because what I’m telling you is true. That’s the only reason. And I’m doing it for my children and grandchildren,” said Yeadon. He added that he not only had lost a “fat six-figure sum” but also had been abused, smeared, censored, and eliminated from his prior social circle.

‘This is All Ultimately to Do With Control’

Yeadon said that pushing for universal vaccination and many other measures to confront the pandemic are “not to do with public health, but control.”

“The only people you might want to protect would be the very elderly people and those who are already chronically unwell,” said Yeadon. “Why would you want to vaccinate the other 90 percent? You’re wasting money. You’re exposing the population to unnecessary risk. And we’ve never done it before.”

There are “three bits of evidence that I don’t think anyone can rebut,” Yeadon said, referring to three groups of people who shouldn’t be pushed to get vaccinated: those who have recovered from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, pregnant women, and healthy young children.

Yeadon explained that people who recovered from COVID-19 have better immunity because their bodies dealt with all the virus’s components, not only the spike protein. Pregnant women shouldn’t take the vaccines because the developing fetus is very vulnerable and no long-term reproductive toxicology testing has been done. And young children are at very low risk from the virus.

CDC recommends all eligible people get vaccinated and receive booster shots when the time is due, including those previously infected, pregnant women, and children aged five and above.

On June 9, the Biden administration announced an operational plan for COVID-⁠19 vaccinations for children under five years old, saying FDA and CDC would consider whether to authorize and recommend the first COVID-19 vaccines for this age group the following week.

BERLIN, GERMANY – MAY 17: Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor and Federal Government Commissioner for Digitisation, Dorothee Baer shows an ID wallet on display on the screen of a mobile phone at reception of the Steigenberger Hotel on May 17, 2021 in Berlin, Germany. According to the German Federal Press Office, business travellers should be able to check into hotels using a smartphone with a newly developed “ID wallet”. The check in process should be completely digital without any physical contact. (Photo by Filip Singer-Pool/Getty Images)

If the FDA and CDC do authorize and recommend COVID-19 vaccines for this age group, the first vaccinations might start as early as the week of June 20.

On June 15, an FDA advisory panel voted to recommend giving emergency authorization to the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months of age.

“I think the end game is mandatory digital ID—actual reward for being vaccinated, you get a vaccination pass,” said Yeadon. “And then the other half would be mandatory cashless, digital money, central bank digital currencies. And lo and behold, those two things seem to be happening everywhere, and they’re coalescing.”

In June 2021, the European Commission proposed giving every citizen a set of digital identity credentials. Every member state must offer citizens a digital ID wallet that can be used throughout the EU by September 2023.

On March 9, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to advance the development of digital assets, saying, “We must support technological advances that promote responsible development and use of digital assets.”

Yeadon warned that whoever owns the database would have complete control over your life forever because you can’t undo it.

“I plead to people, even if you buy what the government’s been telling you, please be aware and resist, object to the digital control grid,” said Yeadon. “Because I don’t see any way of undoing it. Once it’s done … it will not be possible to remove it.”

Roman Balmakov

Roman Balmakov

Roman Balmakov is a Reporter with The Epoch Times and host of the show, “Facts Matter.” He has travelled around the country (as well as overseas) covering protests, riots, and elections. He is also the producer of many Epoch Times’ commercials, both on TV and social media.

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New Freedom Force Battalion: Plot to Indict President Trump! Suicide Weekend 7-16-21? Plunder the Gold! 6-14-22

Alliance of 17,000 Doctors and Scientists Releases Joint Statement to Restore Scientific Integrity

The Global COVID Summit, an international alliance of more than 17,000 doctors and scientists, has released a new declaration in reaction to the medical community’s response to COVID-19 and vaccination policies. In a press conference on May 11th, the scientists presented their newest declaration in which they call for an end to all national emergencies, a restoration of scientific integrity, and reparation for crimes against humanity. What follows is the unabridged statement:


17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.

This corrupt alliance has compromised the integrity of our most prestigious medical societies to which we belong, generating an illusion of scientific consensus by substituting truth with propaganda. This alliance continues to advance unscientific claims by censoring data, and intimidating and firing doctors and scientists for simply publishing actual clinical results or treating their patients with proven, life-saving medicine. These catastrophic decisions came at the expense of the innocent, who are forced to suffer health damage and death caused by intentionally withholding critical and time-sensitive treatments, or as a result of coerced genetic therapy injections, which are neither safe nor effective.

The medical community has denied patients the fundamental human right to provide true informed consent for the experimental COVID-19 injections. Our patients are also blocked from obtaining the information necessary to understand risks and benefits of vaccines, and their alternatives, due to widespread censorship and propaganda spread by governments, public health officials and media. Patients continue to be subjected to forced lock-downs which harm their health, careers and children’s education, and damage social and family bonds critical to civil society. This is not a coincidence. In the book entitled “COVID-19: The Great Reset”, leadership of this alliance has clearly stated their intention is to leverage COVID-19 as an “opportunity” to reset our entire global society, culture, political structures, and economy.

Our 17,000 Global COVID Summit physicians and medical scientists represent a much larger, enlightened global medical community who refuse to be compromised, and are united and willing to risk the wrath of the corrupt medical alliance to defend the health of their patients.

The mission of the Global COVID Summit is to end this orchestrated crisis, which has been illegitimately imposed on the world, and to formally declare that the actions of this corrupt alliance constitute nothing less than crimes against humanity.

We must restore the people’s trust in medicine, which begins with free and open dialogue between physicians and medical scientists. We must restore medical rights and patient autonomy. This includes the foundational principle of the sacred doctor-patient relationship. The social need for this is decades overdue, and therefore, we the physicians of the world are compelled to take action.

After two years of scientific research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success in understanding and combating COVID-19. In considering the risks versus benefits of major policy decisions, our Global COVID Summit of 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from all over the world have reached consensus on the following foundational principles:

  1. We declare and the data confirm that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.
  2. We declare doctors should not be blocked from providing life-saving medical treatment.
  3. We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.
  4. We declare medical privacy should never again be violated, and all travel and social restrictions must cease.
  5. We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting.
  6. We declare funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.
  7. We declare no opportunity should be denied, including education, career, military service or medical treatment, over unwillingness to take an injection.
  8. We declare that first amendment violations and medical censorship by government, technology and media companies should cease, and the Bill of Rights be upheld.
  9. We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca, and their enablers, withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.
  10. We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable.



The Great Reset | COVID-19 BEAST System Explained: A.I., Nano-Tech, Brain-Chips & 24/7 Surveillance

Don’t Believe It? Read the Documentation:
*US 2021/0082583 A1 –
*Luciferase-Based Biosensors in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic –
*US 2012/0265001A1 –
*US 2012/0228565 A1 –
*H.R.666 – Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2021 –
*H.R.6666 –

The Great Reset | The Great Reset COVID-19 Surveillance Under the Skin System Explained

Watch the Original World Government Summit 2018 Global A.I. Forum Highlights Today At:

Who is the man leading “The Great Reset” agenda?
Yuval Noah Harari – Learn More:

Read Klaus Schwab’s terrifying book / vision for the future of humanity:

Connect the Dots Between COVID-19 / The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab, 5G, and the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 Vaccines Agenda:

The EPIC battle between good and evil is here. It’s “The Great Reset” versus “The Great ReAwakening.”

Request Tickets to General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour Today At:
**Scholarship Pricing Is Available to Make This Event Affordable for All
**You May Also Request Tickets by Texting: 918-851-0102

*Myrtle Beach, SC – May 13th & 14th – 7 Tickets Remain
*Virginia Beach, VA – July 8th & 9th – 1,702 Tickets Remain for This Event!!!

General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour Gains Momentum!!!
Eric Trump, Kim Clement’s Daughter (Donné Clement Petruska), Dr. Zelenko, Mel K, Dr. Simone Gold, Sean Feucht, Doctor Dave Martin, Mel K, Dr. Jane Ruby, Charlie Kirk, Roger Stone, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Lance Walnau, Comedian Jim Breuer, & Mike Lindell Join the Tour!!!
**Request Tickets Today At:

ReAwaken America Tour History:
*April – Tulsa, Oklahoma was 100% Sold Out
*June – Tampa, Florida Was 100% Sold Out
*July – Anaheim, California Was 100% Sold Out
*August – Grand Rapids, Michigan Was 100% Sold Out
*September – Colorado Springs, CO Was 100% Sold Out
*November – San Antonio, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*December – Dallas, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*January – Phoenix, AR Was 100% Sold Out
*February – Canton, OH Was 100% Sold Out
*March – San Diego, CA Was 100% Sold Out
*April – Salem, Oregon Was 100% Sold Out
ReAwaken America Tour Featured / Past Speakers Include:
General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Robert F. Kennedy, Texas Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton, Charlie Kirk, Chad Prather, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ian Smith, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Owen Schroyer, Melissa Tate, Trump-Attorney Jenna Ellis, Dave Scarlett, Senator Wendy Rogers, Doctor Richard Bartlett, Gene Ho, Patrick Byrne, Scott McCay, Anna Khait, Sam Sorbo, Doctor Mark Sherwood, Attorney Thomas Renz, Doctor Stella Emmanuel, Attorney Leigh Dundas, Doctor Jim Meehan, Sheriff Vic Regalado, Joey Gilbert, Doctor Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor Rob Marsh, Leila Centner, Lori Gregory, Kevin Jenkins, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Steve Maxwell, Doctor Eric Nepute, Alfie Oakes, Sidney Powell, Doctor Alan Keyes, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Mike Provenzano, Doctor Shannon Kroner, Doctor Andy Wakefeld, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Amanda Grace, Doctor Cordie Williams, Pastor Mark Burns,etc.

Watch The ReAwaken America Documentary for FREE Today At:

Connect the Dots Between COVID-19 / The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab, 5G, and the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 Vaccines Agenda:

Find Jobs That Don’t Require the COVID-19 Vaccines-

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Buy ReAwaken America Shirts, Hoodies and Books Today At:

Get the 100% Affordable & Effective COVID-19 Treatments At: – 7,000 COVID-19 Patients (3 Deaths)
http://www.Sherwood.TV – 9,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 3,200 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 4,500 + COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 1,500 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 10,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – Doctor Richard Bartlett


Who Is the Man Leading the COVID-19 / Great Reset Agenda?
Yuval Noah Harari
“History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.”
– Yuval Noah Harari
(Yuval Noah Harari is often referred to as “the prophet.” He a the Israeli vegan, openly gay, pro-transhumanist who is obsessed with rejecting the God of his fathers and turning humans into gods. He is the lead advisor to Klaus Schwab and is praised by Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Silicon Valley, the New York Times, TED, Stanford, Harvard, the World Economic Forum, James Corden, Natalie Portman, etc.) According to World Economic Forum luminary and historian Yuval Noah Harari, the transition to “digital dictatorships” will have a “big watershed” moment once governments start using “surveillance under the skin.”
Epstein + Biden + Harari = “Pre-Crime Prevention”
The Biden administration asked Congress for $6.5 billion to fund a new biomedical research agency which would merge “national security” with “health security” in such a way as to use both physical and mental health “warning signs” to prevent outbreaks of disease or violence before they occur.
Such a system is a recipe for a technocratic “pre-crime” organization with the potential to criminalize both mental and physical illness as well as “wrongthink. This agency was to be largely guided by Biden’s confirmed top science adviser, ERIC LANDER. LANDER formerly the head of the Silicon Valley-dominated Broad Institute, has been controversial for his ties to eugenicist and child sex trafficker JEFFREY EPSTEIN.
Look Up & Read HR 6666
What Did Yuval Noah Harari Say?
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the founder of The World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum Are Implementing “The Great Reset.” Yuval is praised by the likes of Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s latest book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. Harari speaks at the World Economic Forum at Davos, New York Times, Stanford, TED, and TimesTalks. At the time of this writing, his books occupied the top two slots on the New York Times’ nonfiction best-seller list. – READ –
Free Will Is Over – WATCH –
“16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, 19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.” – Ephesians 1:16-21
Free Will Is a Theological Mistake – WATCH –
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” – Galatians 5:1
“3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
“If You Have the Tools to Overcome Human Biology…Think About the SEX Life.” – WATCH –…think-a.html
NOTE: Yuval (Jubal) in the Hebrew Bible means son of Lamech. Lamech was the Bible’s first polygamist.
“19 And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.” Genesis 4:19
Surveillance Under the Skin? Trusting Science Over Everything Else? – WATCH –
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18
Yuval Noah Harari | Klaus Schwab Advisor: Advocating Genetically Modified Babies – WATCH –
“41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. 44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” – Daniel 2:41-44
Hacking Humans, BEAST System, Ending Free Will & Privacy – WATCH –
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18
Hacking Humans and Shifting Authority from Humans to Algorithms – WATCH –
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” – Genesis 1:26
Yuval Noah Harari | We Need to Work with the BEAST and Not Against It – WATCH –
“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” – Revelation 13:4
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are Upgrading Humans Into Gods” – WATCH –
“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:4
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.” – Genesis Chapter 6: 1-7
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are On the Verge of Creating the First Inorganic Life Forms” – WATCH –
“37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” – Matthew 24: 37-39
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are On the Verge of Creating the First Inorganic Life Forms” – WATCH –
Genesis – “27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” 1:27
Yuval Noah Harari | Creating an Anti-Virus for the Mind & the Basic Premise of Religion Doesn’t Work – WATCH –
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. – James 1:27 –
Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval Advocates Allowing Artificial Intelligence to Vote Instead of Humans – WATCH –
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18
Yuval Noah Harari w/ Huawei CEO Banned by Trump | Hacking Humans, Inheriting Souls & Mind Anti-Virus – WATCH –
“13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” – Revelation 13: 1-7
Yuval Noah Harari | “Surveillance Is Going Under the Skin.” + Choosing Science Over Religion –
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3
Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval States, “Jesus Rising from the Dead and Being the Son of God is FAKE NEWS” – WATCH –
“And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.” – Luke 12:10
Yuval Noah Harari | “Humans Are Hackable Animals…Directly Connecting Brains to Computers” – WATCH –…directly-connecting-brains-.html
“For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 2:16
Why Research Into How to Manipulate the GOD Gene (The VMAT2 gene) Begin? – READ –
December 9, 2019
Technology Is Created to Use mRNA to Deliver CRISPR gene-editing: Cell-Selective Messenger RNA Delivery and CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing by Modulating the Interface of Phenylboronic Acid-Derived Lipid Nanoparticles and Cellular Surface Sialic Acid –
What Is CRISPR? – In China Scientist Jiankui stunned the genetic community when he announced he had already used CRISPR, which hasn’t been proven either safe or effective in human patients, to permanently alter the genomes of twin girls. –
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23
Yuval Noah Harari | “In the Future You Will Face Discrimination Based On a Good Assessment” – WATCH –
“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” – Matthew 7:1-4
Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval Argues Against God’s Existence, Human Rights, National Sovereignty & Money – – WATCH –
“And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.” – Revelation 13:6
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Do “Elites” Often Refer to Yuvah Noah Harari As a Prophet? – WATCH –
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15
Yuval Noval Harari | “Economies in the Future Where Humans Are Not Needed Even As Consumers.” – WATCH –
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” – John 8:44
Yuval Noah Harari | “The COVID Crisis Was the Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin” – WATCH –
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. – Luke 21:25-26
Yuval Noah Harari | “Dictators Always Dreamt About It…It’s NOW Possible to Eliminate Privacy.” – WATCH –…its-now-possible-to-el.html
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23
Yuval Noah Harari | “They Trade and Make Billions of Dollars and You Don’t Use Humans as Consumers” – WATCH –
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” – Genesis 1:27
Yuval Noah Harari Explains the Artificial Intelligence Social Credit Score System Which Is Coming Soon to Determine Who Can Buy or Sell – WATCH –
“And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.” – Daniel Chapter 11:36
Yuvah Noah Harari | “You Cannot Violate the Rules of Nature” | Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab – WATCH –
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” – Galatians 5:16-17
Yuval Noah Harari | “We Are In the Process of Becoming Gods” & “We Need Some Type of Global Loyalty” – WATCH –
“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” 2 John 1:7
Yuval Noah Harari | “There Is No Such Thing As Free Will” & “Humans Have Invented God” – WATCH –
“I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O Lord; for it is good.” – Psalm 54:6
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:15
Yuval Noah Harari | “Feelings Are the Ultimate Source of Authority” | Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab – WATCH –
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” – Proverbs 9:10
“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8”
Yuval Noah Harari | Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab Argues Against the Bible and God’s Commandments
“And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” – Mark 8:34
Yuval Noah Harari | Top Advisor for Klaus Schwab Explains “We Need a Antivirus for the Brain” – WATCH –
“3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
Yuval Noah Harari | Interview w/ Mark Zuckerberg “Is Still True That the Voter Knows Best?” – WATCH –
Yuval Noah Harari | “How Can We Get Global Agreement On AI (w/ Putin in Ukraine)?” – WATCH –
“3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
What Does the Name “Yuval” Mean?
Yuval (also Jubal) was the son of Lamech and Adah, a brother of Jabal, a descendant of Cain.
“20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. 21 And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.” – Genesis 4:20-21
Did You Know That Yuval Noah Harari Is Openly Gay?
“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” – Daniel 11:37
Did You Know That Yuval Noah Harari Does Not Eat Meat?
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.” – 1 Timothy 4:3
Where is Yuval Noah Harari from?
Yuval Noah Harari is from Kiryat Ata (Israel)
“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” – Daniel 11:37
Why Did the United Nations place the “Guardian of Nations” statue in front of the United Nations Building located at 405 East 42nd Street New York, New York? – VIEW –
“2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” – Revelation 13:2
“Less than a decade ago, Yuval Noah Harari was a junior professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, stuck teaching a world history survey course because none of the senior faculty would deign to take it on. Today, he’s listened to and praised by the likes of Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s latest book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. Harari speaks at the World Economic Forum at Davos, TED, and TimesTalks. At the time of this writing, his books occupied the top two slots on the New York Times’ nonfiction best-seller list.” –
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the founder of The World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum Are Implementing “The Great Reset.” Yuval is praised by the likes of Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s latest book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. Harari speaks at the World Economic Forum at Davos, TED, and TimesTalks. At the time of this writing, his books occupied the top two slots on the New York Times’ nonfiction best-seller list. – READ –
“3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” – Revelation 17: 3-6
Numerically, What Does the World CORONA mean?
What Legislation Is Being Written to Force Everyone to Take the mRNA-modifying COVID-19 vaccines?
H.R.6666 – COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act –
What Does the World Now Believe to Be the Ultimate Source of Truth?
What Is the Publication Number for the Patent Application Filed by Microsoft for a CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA? – Read –
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18
Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor to Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the Founder of the World Economic Forum which is implementing the world wide Great Reset.


Question #1 – Does the Mark of the Beast Technology Now Exist?
Why Did Microsoft File for a Patent for a Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity with a Publication Number WO-2020-060606?
Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 (Revelation was written by John the Apostle While Being Exiled On the Island of Patmos)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals – Methods and Systems Patent #11-107588 –
Why Are There Advanced Nano-Technologies Found Inside the COVID-19 Vaccines? Their Patents Prove Their Nefarious Plan
Patent # 10-703-789-B2 –
Patent # 2010 0216804 –
Patent # 20201859
Patent # 2012 0265001 ?
Down a Vaccination Exemption Form Today At:
Models are false –
PCR tests are false –
COVID is 100% treatable:
Kary Banks Mullis was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year.
Bill Gates Says, “There is no SAVIOR without the (luciferase-mRNA-modifying-nano-technology-filled) vaccines:
Bill Gates Spirit Advisor –
Jeffrey Epstein / Bill Gates Worked to Create Their Own Race –
What Is In the COVID-19 Vaccines?

Question #2 – Why Is Congress Working On Legislation Called H.R.666? – Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2021 Proposed Legislation? –

Question #3 – Why Is Congress Working on Legislation Called H.R.6666? – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act?

Question #4 – Why Is the Centers for Disease Control Calling for the Implementation of Nazi-Style Concentration Camps That They Are Calling Green Zones?
Why Did the Governor of Tennessee Sign an Executive Order Authorizing the State to Remove People from Their Homes? – Read Paragraphs 8, 14 and 18
Why Is Hiring Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants, Isolation, and Vaccine Strike Team Staff?
Lewis County – Centralia, WA Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants (PS2) – Non-Permanent – DOH5814
Thurston County, WA Isolation & Quarantine Facility Staffing – COVID-19 Response via @GovernmentJobs
Columbus, GA COVID-19 Vaccine Strike Team Staff via @GovernmentJobs
Why Does the Centers for Disease Control Have a Section on Their Website Dedicated to Describing Quarantine Stations and Their Jurisdictions?
Bill Gates- and George Soros-Backed Organization Buys Out COVID-19 Testing Company –

Question #5 – Why Are International Celebrities and Powerful People Like Bill Gates Celebrating and Seeking the Satanic Guidance of the Spirit Cooking Marina Abramović Spirit Cooking?
Microsoft Commercial –

Question #6 – Why Are Satanists Suing for Their Religious Right to Ritual Abortions?

Question #7 – Why is Senomyx A Food Additive In the American Food Supply?
Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using “proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems.” These receptors are made from HEK293. HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney cells.
Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?
Company Uses Cells From Abortions to Test Artificial Flavors –
Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?

Question #8 – Why Was Jeffrey Epstein Working to Seed the Human Race With His DNA?
What’s Included In the COVID-19 Shots?
Dr. Jane Ruby
Why is graphene oxide, PEG (Polyethylene Glycol), M-RNA modifying nano-technology, SM-102, luciferase, fetal-tissue cell lines and inside the COVID-19 vaccines? Watch –
VAXXED Patients’ Blood Examined, Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians! –

Question #9 – Why Are Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Others Obsessed with Transhumanism (Mixing Clay with Iron)?
Could Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chips make us all as smart as he is?
“Please consider working at Neuralink! Short-term: solve brain/spine injuries Long-term: human/AI symbiosis. Latter will be species-level important. Work at either at our Bay Area or Austin locations.” –
Daniel Chapter 2: 40 – 43: “40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”

Question #10 – Why The Satanic Temple of Texas files suit to defend its religious right to child sacrifice…tell us more about this?
Why does the Pope’s Audience Hall look like a Snake Head?–paul-vi-pope-john-paul-ii.jpg

Question #11 – Why Did Jeffrey Epstein Have a Satanic Temple on His Island?

Question #12 – Why Did the Billionaire Bill Gates Who Is Developing the Vaccines Choose to Invest His Time with the World’s Most Prolific Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

Question #13 – Why Are Luciferians Obsessed with Wearing Masks and Standing 6 Feet Apart from Each Other During Their Satanic Rituals?

Question #14 – Why Would the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab Write a Book Titled COVID-19 – The Great Reset, Which Advocates for the Complete Destruction of Our God-Given Freedoms, the American Way of Life and the Implementation of a One World Government? Imphttps://

Question #15 – Why Is Moderna Now Referring to Their Vaccines Technology As the “Software of Life”? Technology –

Question #16 – Why is Luciferase Technology Being Developed? An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of a luciferin, causing it to produce a visible glow.

Question #17 – What Is the Statistical Probability of This?
“2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2

Question #18 – Why is graphene oxide, PEG (Polyethylene Glycol), M-RNA modifying nano-technology, SM-102, luciferase, fetal-tissue cell lines and inside the COVID-19 vaccines?
Graphene Oxide – Graphene oxide (GO) is a unique material that can be viewed as a single monomolecular layer of graphite with various oxygen-containing functionalities such as epoxide, carbonyl, carboxyl, and hydroxyl groups.
Learn What Is In the COVID-19 Shots:

Question #19 – Are We Living Through Matthew Chapter 24?
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Mainstream Media
Doctor Fauci
Bill Gates
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Elon Musk’s Starlink to Deliver Internet Nearly Worldwide Within Weeks

Question #20 – If God Has Not Given Us a Spirit of Fear, Who Has Been Giving Us the Spirit of Fear? 2 Timothy 1:7
Where did the fear start?
FACT – The models created by the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute and Neil Ferguson that said that 2.2 million people would die were nefariously false.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7
NOTE: Fear blocks logic by causing your amygdala to become overactive

Question #21 – Why Would the Majority of Pastors Refuse to Teach from the Book of Revelation Chapter 13?
Revelation 13:2 – 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Revelation 13: 9-18 – If any man have an ear, let him hear
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
NOTE: The book of Revelation which warned Christians about “The Mark of the Beast” was written on the island of Patmos by John.
Could It Be That We Are Wrestling Not Against Flesh and Blood, But Against Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the Darkness of this World and Against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places?

Question #22 – Why Is It Only Christians By and Large Who Know the Truth About What Is Really Going On?
FACT – The 100% effective COVID-19 treatments and therapies are being withheld from you for nefarious purposes.
NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:30-36

Question #23 – COVID-19 = Certificate Of Vaccination ID – 19 (AI)
Why Did MIT Develop Specialized Dye, Delivered Along with a Vaccine That Could Enable “on-patient” Storage of Vaccination History?

Question #24 – Why Did the Military Just Now Develop a New Weapon Called LOCUST?
“15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.” – Revelation 9:15
“9 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.” – Revelation 9: 1-3
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” – Revelation 18:23

Question #25 – Are the Elements Ready to Create the Third Temple?
“25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[a] the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[b] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[c] In the middle of the ‘seven’[d] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[e] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” – Daniel 9:25-27
Daniel 9:25-27
Admit You Are a Sinner
Believe Christ Is Lord and Died for Our Sins
Confess Your Sins
Revelation 11 – “And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.”

Question #26 – Why Is Hydra Bulgares In the COVID-19 Vaccines?
Learn more about Hydra Bulgares

Dr. Zelenko | Exposing the Evils of Medical Tyranny, the World Economic Forum & The Great Reset Agenda – Important Links

ReAwaken America Tour Momentum Grows and Tour Heads to NY & VA Beach

Connect the Dots Between COVID-19 / The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab, 5G, and the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 Vaccines Agenda:

The EPIC battle between good and evil is here. It’s “The Great Reset” versus “The Great ReAwakening.”

Request Tickets to General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour Today At:
**Scholarship Pricing Is Available to Make This Event Affordable for All
**You May Also Request Tickets by Texting: 918-851-0102

*Virginia Beach, VA – July 8th & 9th – 1,702 Tickets Remain for This Event!!!
*Rochester, NY – August 12th & 13th – Ticket Requests Are Flying In!!!

General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour Gains Momentum!!!
Eric Trump, Kim Clement’s Daughter (Donné Clement Petruska), Kash Patel, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Zelenko, Mel K, Dr. Simone Gold, Sean Feucht, Doctor Dave Martin, Mel K, Dr. Jane Ruby, Charlie Kirk, Roger Stone, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Lance Walnau, Comedian Jim Breuer, & Mike Lindell Join the Tour!!!
**Request Tickets Today At:

ReAwaken America Tour History:
*April – Tulsa, Oklahoma was 100% Sold Out
*June – Tampa, Florida Was 100% Sold Out
*July – Anaheim, California Was 100% Sold Out
*August – Grand Rapids, Michigan Was 100% Sold Out
*September – Colorado Springs, CO Was 100% Sold Out
*November – San Antonio, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*December – Dallas, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*January – Phoenix, AR Was 100% Sold Out
*February – Canton, OH Was 100% Sold Out
*March – San Diego, CA Was 100% Sold Out
*April – Salem, OR Was 100% Sold Out
*May – Myrtle Beach, SC Was 100% Sold Out

ReAwaken America Tour Featured / Past Speakers Include:
General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Robert F. Kennedy, Texas Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton, Charlie Kirk, Chad Prather, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ian Smith, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Owen Schroyer, Melissa Tate, Trump-Attorney Jenna Ellis, Dave Scarlett, Senator Wendy Rogers, Doctor Richard Bartlett, Gene Ho, Patrick Byrne, Scott McCay, Anna Khait, Sam Sorbo, Doctor Mark Sherwood, Attorney Thomas Renz, Doctor Stella Emmanuel, Attorney Leigh Dundas, Doctor Jim Meehan, Sheriff Vic Regalado, Joey Gilbert, Doctor Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor Rob Marsh, Leila Centner, Lori Gregory, Kevin Jenkins, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Steve Maxwell, Doctor Eric Nepute, Alfie Oakes, Sidney Powell, Doctor Alan Keyes, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Mike Provenzano, Doctor Shannon Kroner, Doctor Andy Wakefeld, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Amanda Grace, Doctor Cordie Williams, Pastor Mark Burns,etc.

Watch The ReAwaken America Documentary for FREE Today At:

Connect the Dots Between COVID-19 / The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab, 5G, and the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 Vaccines Agenda:

Find Jobs That Don’t Require the COVID-19 Vaccines-

Request Your COVID-19 Vaccine Religious Exemptions: &

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Join the Airline Injunction Action Against the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate:

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Buy ReAwaken America Shirts, Hoodies and Books Today At:

Get the 100% Affordable & Effective COVID-19 Treatments At: – 7,000 COVID-19 Patients (3 Deaths)
http://www.Sherwood.TV – 9,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 3,200 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 4,500 + COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 1,500 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – 10,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) – Doctor Richard Bartlett

Dr. Zelenko Calls For The Execution Of All Involved In Distributing And Coercing The Death Jabs!

Dr Vladimir Zelenko: We Are In World War 3, Against A Historical And Biblical Enemy

Dr Zelenko claims that we are waging the Third World War and we have to face this enemy on various fronts. We are called to achieve internal self-refinement, and reconciliation of the human heart with the Creator. We also have to reject the worship …

Dr Vladimir Zelenko Treatment For Those Who Took The Vaccine And More – Dr. Mercola

FDA Making COVID Vax Decision Based on a Study of 10 – Dr. Mercola (Murder for Profit)

Read Full PDF covid-vaccines-for-kids-under-5-pdf


  • Pfizer announced preliminary data from Phase 2/3 trials in children 6 months to under 5 years would be submitted to the FDA for emergency use authorization; the data are based on 1,678 children and 10 who got sick, which Pfizer claims is an 80.3% effectiveness rate
  • Even vaccine advocate Dr. Paul Offit is dismayed at the number from which Pfizer is drawing conclusions. Just days before, New York announced the vaccine efficacy in children 5 to 11 years fell to 12% within two months after vaccination
  • Despite 48,833 records in VAERS of adverse events in children under 18 from the vaccine, Pfizer says the shot for 6 months to under 5 years old has “a safety profile similar to placebo”
  • Moderna announced their submission to the FDA for children younger than 5 years has a 37% to 51% effectiveness, which is close to the effectiveness of the flu vaccine
  • Data from the CDC show that as the months roll by, more Americans are not taking or completing the shots to meet CDC criteria to be fully vaccinated. The push to vaccinate children may likely be related to the pharmaceutical industry’s goal to mandate the vaccine under full legal immunity from damages

May 23, 2022, Pfizer-BioNTech1 announced preliminary results from their Phase 2/3 trial evaluating a three-dose vaccine schedule for children 6 months to under 5 years of age would be submitted to the FDA for emergency use authorization (EUA).

Many in mainstream media are hailing this development as important to children’s health, writing, “many parents of these very young children have been really anxious to get their kids vaccinated”2 and “Parents hoping to get their youngest children vaccinated against COVID-19 got some encouraging news Monday.”3

Yet, despite the continued push by mainstream media to encourage parents to vaccinate the very young, the Vaccine Monitor Survey from KFF4 found only 18% of parents with children under age 5 are planning to get their child vaccinated immediately.

Parents Expressing Concern for Children’s Safety

KFF reports that a larger number — 38% — are planning to wait to see the side effects the vaccine may have in younger children before making a decision and 27% have indicated they will definitely not have their child injected. Importantly, the survey also found that “Just over half of parents of children in this age range say they do not have enough information about the vaccines’ safety and effectiveness for children under age 5.”5

While information about vaccine injuries from the COVID-19 jab has been difficult to find on mainstream media, it is apparent from these numbers that many parents are concerned about their children’s safety and want more information before they’re willing to risk their health.

A paper published December 15, 2021, in JAMA6 referenced the previous survey by KFF,7 which found 27% of parents of children 5 to 11 years old were interested in giving their children the jab, which is a 9% drop from the survey in 2022. The paper8 sought to smooth the waters with parents who were hesitant to vaccinate their children by attributing fear to misinformation and a misunderstanding of what “EUA” means.

It is interesting to note that the author of the paper has received research grants from Pfizer and Moderna, and also serves on the advisory boards for Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Merck.

The JAMA paper states the KFF survey found the primary reason parents were concerned were reasonably the “long-term and serious adverse effects, including future fertility issues.”9 According to the author, these concerns were addressed and disproven based on just one year’s worth of data.

Pfizer’s 80.3% Effectiveness Is Based on 10 Children

Pfizer’s announcement that they were seeking an EUA from the FDA for children 6 months to under 5 years is “based on 10 symptomatic COVID-19 cases identified from seven days after the third dose and accrued as of April 29, 2022.”10

While the study included 1,678 children who received three doses of the formulation, the stated 80.3% efficacy in children is based on just 10 cases. The number is so low that even outspoken vaccine advocate Dr. Paul Offit — co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine11 — expressed dismay at the number, saying:12

“I mean, 10 children — you’re talking about 10 children. It’s a small number, so it’s really hard to comment or this as something more general since you don’t know because the numbers are so small.”

Pfizer announced these results after delaying the EUA application process to gather more data.13 Initially, children in the study did not produce a significant immune response after two doses, so the company delayed the request until they could give the children a third dose.

The trial reportedly was evaluating “the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of three doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.”14 Curiously, Pfizer’s claim of 80.3% effectiveness in children comes on the heels of a New York state Department of Health study that showed vaccine efficacy in children ages 5 to 11 years old fell to 12% in two months after vaccination.15

In other words, 7 out of 8 kids who were vaccinated had no benefit from the vaccine two months after receiving the jab. The data taken from 365,502 children showed a striking difference between children ages 11 and 12. The effectiveness against infection in 12 year olds was 67%, but in 11-year-old children, it dropped to 11%.16

The data from the U.S. were consistent with a report from Britain17 that showed effectiveness against symptomatic infection dropped 22.6% after two months in adolescents aged 16 to 17 years.

Interestingly, the Pfizer press release published May 23, 2022, mentioned the word “safety” 22 times while discussing the COVID-19 vaccine for children, and wrote the shot was “well-tolerated among 1,678 children under 5 years of age with a safety profile similar to placebo.”18 The vaccine being used on the younger children is one-tenth the strength given to adults.19

Yet, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)20 recorded 1,878 adverse events in children aged 5 and 10,029 in children aged 6 to 11 from data published as of May 13, 2022.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics,21 as of May 2022, 35% of 5- to 11-year-olds received one dose and only 28% received both doses of the vaccine. If you extrapolate the adverse event numbers using 35% of the pediatric population that received at least one dose, there would have been 34,020 adverse events if 100% of children in the U.S. aged 5 to 11 years had been given the shot.

It seems highly unlikely that 11,907 adverse events in children 5 to 11 reported to VAERS after at least one injection would have resulted in only “mild or moderate”22 events in children aged 6 months to under 5 years, or that the shot could have “a safety profile similar to placebo.”

Moderna Is Also Requesting an EUA for Children Under 5

Moderna is also stepping up to the plate and requesting an EUA for a low dose shot in children younger than age 5. The data they have submitted show the vaccine is effective 37% to 51% of the time against the COVID variant omicron.23

Paul Burton, chief medical officer for Moderna, spoke with ABC News, saying,24 “I think for these little children, they really represent an unmet medical need. I would be hopeful that the review will go on quickly and rigorously — but if it’s approvable, this will be made available to these little children as quickly as possible.”

It’s more likely that young children represent an untapped financial windfall for the company, since the vaccine has proven to have dangerous side effects,25 while the death rate in children from the infection itself is far below any other age group.26 But, if the vaccine is added to the pediatric vaccine schedule, and if it’s mandated like other childhood vaccines, it will become an evergreen market representing billions of dollars to the drug companies.

Each year the CDC records vaccine effectiveness for flu shots for all vaccine types in all age groups. The FDA may find the COVID jab’s 37% effectiveness rate acceptable since the flu vaccine’s adjusted effectiveness is similar, ranging from 34% to 68% in children ages 6 months to 8 years during the 2015-2016 through the 2019-2020 flu seasons.27

While the flu shot is a one-jab, annual event, thus far, the CDC recommends multiple jabs with the COVID vaccine.28 This means an adult may receive up to five injections of an mRNA shot with unknown long-term effects, which has not proven to effectively protect people against an infection.29

Since the effectiveness of the COVID jab in adults and children drops in just weeks, it’s highly likely the same will happen in children 6 months to under 5 years. Again, the combination of a mutating virus, waning immunity and federal approval for a vaccine is a prime example of an evergreen business model.

More Americans Are Turning Away From the Jab

According to data released by the CDC,30 82.7% of the U.S. population over age 5 have received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine. According to the CDC, this is 258,133,282 people as of May 24, 2022. This is the sound bite you’ve likely been hearing in the news. But there’s something else that’s worthy of noting.

While the data show that 70.8% of the population are fully vaccinated by CDC criteria, 11.9% of the population who initially received the first vaccine have not gone back for the second dose.

The CDC also keeps data on the number of people who have had their first booster or second booster, and as of May 24, 2022, 48.4% of eligible people 12 years or older have received their first booster and just 20.5% of eligible people 50 years or older have received their second booster.

It is important to note that the CDC recommends boosters for people 5 and older31 but they are not currently publicly tracking that data. This means roughly 17.3% of the population eligible for the vaccine did not receive any doses. When you add that together with the 11.9% who did not go back for their second dose, it appears that 29.2% of the population have now decided they either will not take the vaccine at all or will not take another.32

Why They Are Pushing Children’s Vaccine Approval

In this fascinating interview with Alix Mayer, we discuss the nefarious reasons why our children are being aggressively targeted for the COVID-19 injection, even though CDC data show they are not a serious risk. Mayer is board president of the Children’s Health defense California chapter and is herself vaccine injured from a series of vaccines she received 20 years ago, before traveling out of the country.

She’s a graduate of Duke University and Northwestern University with an MBA in finance and management strategy. Historically, VAERS has shown that many vaccines have a questionable safety profile, especially when they’re combined. Yet data from 2021 and 2022 have suggested there’s never been a vaccine as dangerous as the experimental mRNA gene transfer injections for COVID.33

The lack of transparency and accountability has been a chronic problem within the industry, but the hazards associated with the COVID jabs have really highlighted this issue. Because the injections are still under EUA, they have legal immunity against liability for vaccine injury.34

As Mayer points out, what you may not realize is that although the FDA appeared to approve and license BioNTech’s Comirnaty,35 the shot continues to be administered under the EUA. One reason for this is that once a product is fully licensed, the company also becomes liable for injuries.36

And, since the pharmaceutical companies understand how dangerous the shots are, they don’t want to be financially liable for injuries. So, to get immunity for a vaccine not administered under an EUA, they must have the product placed on the childhood vaccination schedule, under which they’re not personally liable if their vaccines injure someone.37,38

Once on the children’s schedule, it also allows the government to mandate the shot. As noted by Mayer: “This is the holy grail if you’re a vaccine manufacturer of a COVID vaccine right now. You want it to be fully licensed, but not put it on the market until you get it on the children’s schedule.”39

The reason the pharmaceutical industry is pushing for vaccines in young children is clearly based on financial interests. VAERS records show 117 children under 18 have died because of the vaccine and 48,833 have reported adverse events and injuries as of May 13, 2022.40

It is crucial to share this information with parents who are making lifelong decisions for their children and to support your local politicians whose stated goals are to protect your freedoms.

Truth about War with China-Taiwan, Patriot Front, Indict Trump, Cartels, 4 Horsemen 6-12-22

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17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.


17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.

This corrupt alliance has compromised the integrity of our most prestigious medical societies to which we belong, generating an illusion of scientific consensus by substituting truth with propaganda. This alliance continues to advance unscientific claims by censoring data, and intimidating and firing doctors and scientists for simply publishing actual clinical results or treating their patients with proven, life-saving medicine. These catastrophic decisions came at the expense of the innocent, who are forced to suffer health damage and death caused by intentionally withholding critical and time-sensitive treatments, or as a result of coerced genetic therapy injections, which are neither safe nor effective.

The medical community has denied patients the fundamental human right to provide true informed consent for the experimental COVID-19 injections. Our patients are also blocked from obtaining the information necessary to understand risks and benefits of vaccines, and their alternatives, due to widespread censorship and propaganda spread by governments, public health officials and media. Patients continue to be subjected to forced lock-downs which harm their health, careers and children’s education, and damage social and family bonds critical to civil society. This is not a coincidence. In the book entitled “COVID-19: The Great Reset”, leadership of this alliance has clearly stated their intention is to leverage COVID-19 as an “opportunity” to reset our entire global society, culture, political structures, and economy.

Our 17,000 Global COVID Summit physicians and medical scientistsrepresent a much larger, enlightened global medical community who refuse to be compromised, and are united and willing to risk the wrath of the corrupt medical alliance to defend the health of their patients.

The mission of the Global COVID Summit is to end this orchestrated crisis, which has been illegitimately imposed on the world, and to formally declare that the actions of this corrupt alliance constitute nothing less than crimes against humanity.

We must restore the people’s trust in medicine, which begins with free and open dialogue between physicians and medical scientists. We must restore medical rights and patient autonomy. This includes the foundational principle of the sacred doctor-patient relationship. The social need for this is decades overdue, and therefore, we the physicians of the world are compelled to take action.

After two years of scientific research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success in understanding and combating COVID-19. In considering the risks versus benefits of major policy decisions, our Global COVID Summit of 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from all over the world have reached consensus on the following foundational principles:

  1. We declare and the data confirm that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.
  2. We declare doctors should not be blocked from providing life-saving medical treatment.
  3. We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.
  4. We declare medical privacy should never again be violated, and all travel and social restrictions must cease.
  5. We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting.
  6. We declare funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.
  7. We declare no opportunity should be denied, including education, career, military service or medical treatment, over unwillingness to take an injection.
  8. We declare that first amendment violations and medical censorship by government, technology and media companies should cease, and the Bill of Rights be upheld.
  9. We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca, and their enablers, withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.
  10. We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable.

Doctors and medical scientists: you may sign the declaration here.



April 12, 2022

Headwind, a novel and breathtakingly beautiful documentary series. This is episode 1: Dr. Robert Malone.

In the first episode of Headwind, exclusively broadcast by EpochTV, Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA gene transfer technology on which the new generation of COVID-19 vaccines is based, is interviewed by Jakobien Huisman at Finca Don Carmelo, a small homestead farm in Andalusia. Dr. Malone, being a farmer himself, feels clearly in his element in this rural setting, prompting him to be more personal than usual. His wife, Jill Glasspool, who always accompanies her husband on his travels, is introduced when the crew takes Dr. Malone on a mini trip to the city of Ronda, where the dramatic and spectacular gorge spanned by a 19th-century bridge—which, during the Spanish Civil War, was used to “deplatform” adversaries—creates the ideal backdrop for an insightful interview with the two scientists.

Mark Sanders, director
Alain Grootaers, journalist
Jakobien Huisman, journalist


Category Health & Medical
Sensitivity Normal – Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

Are You Prepared for the Coming Food Catastrophe? – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF food-catastrophe-pdf


  • Across the world, experts and analysts are now warning of skyrocketing food prices and catastrophic food shortages. In mid-May 2022, United Nations chief Antonio Guterres said the world is facing years of famine
  • Blame for this global food shortage is, officially, being laid at the feet of “climate change,” the COVID pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but other factors are also contributing to bring our food system to the breaking point
  • Crop failures and low yields have caused several countries to reduce or halt food exports, and fertilizer, fuel and energy shortages further worsen this already strained food supply
  • President Biden’s decision to transition the United States away from energy independency by shutting down the Keystone pipeline, canceling offshore oil leases and freezing new leases and permits for federal oil and gas drilling doesn’t help the situation in the U.S. It also doesn’t help that the U.S. and U.K. continue paying farmers to not farm or to grow less
  • Globally, food prices increased by 29.8% between March 2021 and March 2022, while meat prices rose 2.2% in a single month between March and April 2022

Across the world, experts and analysts are now warning of skyrocketing food prices and catastrophic food shortages. In mid-May 2022, United Nations chief Antonio Guterres said the world is facing years of famine, and urged Russia to “permit the safe and secure export of grain stored in Ukrainian ports” to ease shortages.1,2

Blame for this global food shortage is, officially, being laid at the feet of “climate change,” the COVID pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.3 But while all of those have played their role, other factors are also contributing to bring our food system to the breaking point.

Death by a Thousand Cuts

For example, between January 2021 and April 2022, at least 20 food processing facilities have gone up in flames,4 and a string of barn fires has also impacted farmers.5,6 While most of these fires have been blamed on equipment or safety failures, and fact checkers insist fires are common in these kinds of facilities, there were only two such fires in 2019, and at least some of the barn fires at the end of 2021 were suspected arson.

In 2020, wildfires also destroyed a number of farms,7 and in in early 2022, bird flu outbreaks among poultry resulted in the culling of millions of chickens, ducks and turkey.8

In March 2021, a massive container ship became wedged across the Suez Canal in Egypt — blocking “an artery of world trade,” triggering a rise in oil prices and leading to fallout that affected shipping around the globe.9

More recently, there was the U.S. infant formula shortage, precipitated by the Food and Drug Administration shutting down one of the manufacturing facilities that is part of the U.S. formula monopoly.

Russia is also withholding fertilizer exports10 in response to the EU’s decision to ban seven of the nine Russian banks from the SWIFT system,11 and anyone who wants to buy Russian oil or gas has to pay in Rubles.12

On top of the fertilizer shortage and subsequent price increase triggered by Russia’s ban on exports, Union Pacific (a key investor in which is BlackRock) is also restricting fertilizer shipments by train, causing shipment delays and higher prices.13 A Canadian Pacific freight train carrying potash (a key fertilizer ingredient) also recently derailed in Alberta, Canada.14

President Biden’s decision to transition the United States away from energy independency by shutting down the Keystone pipeline,15 canceling offshore oil leases in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico,16 and freezing new leases and permits for federal oil and gas drilling17 doesn’t help either.

We need fuel to farm and to ship food and fertilizer, so rising prices at the pump automatically result in higher outlays for farmers and higher food prices. It also doesn’t help or make sense for the U.S. and U.K. to continue paying farmers to not farm or grow less when a global famine is looming.18 And, let’s not forget the elephant in the room — out of control money printing — which is the real cause of inflation.

Shortages Are Predicted Everywhere

As reported by The Economist:19

“Ukraine’s exports of grain and oilseeds have mostly stopped and Russia’s are threatened. Together, the two countries supply 12% of traded calories. Wheat prices, up 53% since the start of the year, jumped a further 6% on May 16th, after India said it would suspend exports because of an alarming heatwave …

Nearly 250m are on the brink of famine. If, as is likely, the war drags on and supplies from Russia and Ukraine are limited, hundreds of millions more people could fall into poverty. Political unrest will spread, children will be stunted and people will starve …

Russia and Ukraine supply 28% of globally traded wheat, 29% of the barley, 15% of the maize and 75% of the sunflower oil … Ukraine’s food exports provide the calories to feed 400m people. The war is disrupting these supplies because Ukraine has mined its waters to deter an assault, and Russia is blockading the port of Odessa …

China, the largest wheat producer, has said that, after rains delayed planting last year, this crop may be its worst-ever. Now, in addition to the extreme temperatures in India, the world’s second-largest producer, a lack of rain threatens to sap yields in other breadbaskets, from America’s wheat belt to the Beauce region of France. The Horn of Africa is being ravaged by its worst drought in four decades …

All this will have a grievous effect on the poor. Households in emerging economies spend 25% of their budgets on food … In many importing countries, governments cannot afford subsidies to increase the help to the poor, especially if they also import energy — another market in turmoil …

Since the war started, 23 countries from Kazakhstan to Kuwait have declared severe restrictions on food exports that cover 10% of globally traded calories. More than one-fifth of all fertilizer exports are restricted. If trade stops, famine will ensue.”

Food Prices Skyrocket Worldwide

Globally, food prices increased by 29.8% between March 2021 and March 2022, while meat prices rose 2.2% in a single month between March and April 2022. The map below, posted on Twitter by Marc Ross,20 shows the areas of the world hardest hit by food price increases.

world grain shortage

Not surprisingly, poorer countries notice price hikes the most, while people in wealthier nations can afford to pay more without tipping into starvation. Eventually, however, as inflation continues while salaries remain flat, even the middle-class will start to feel it. And, of course, at a certain point, it won’t matter how much money you have because you can’t buy food, at any price, if there is none.

Great Reset Is Underway

By now, you’ve likely heard about the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset and their plan for you to “own nothing and be happy” by 2030. We’re now seeing this plan in motion all over the place.

For example, in the first quarter of 2021, 15% of U.S. homes sold were purchased by corporate investors21 — not families looking to achieve their American dream. Seemingly without warning, we’ve entered an era where home ownership is becoming out of reach for many, and that’s a first step to “owning nothing.” As noted in a tweet by Cultural Husbandry:22

“This is wealth redistribution, and it ain’t rich people’s wealth that is getting redistributed. It’s normal American middle class, salt of the earth wealth heading into the hands of the world’s most powerful entities and individuals. The traditional financial vehicle [is] gone forever.

Home equity is the main financial element that middle class families use to build wealth, and BlackRock, a federal reserve funded financial institution is buying up all the houses to make sure that young families can’t build wealth … This is a fundamental reorganization of society.”

Indeed, and it’s right in line with plans for societal reorganization described under banners such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,23,24 and the Green Energy movement. These agendas all work together toward the same goal, which is a global monopoly on ownership and wealth, with a clear separation of the haves and have nots; the owners and the owned; the rulers and the ruled; the elite and the serfs.

In 1992 at the Earth Summit, under-secretary-general of the Convention on Climate Change and executive director of the UN Environment Program, Maurice Strong, stated that:25

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning, and suburban housing, are not sustainable.”

If meat consumption, frozen foods, fossil fuel use, home appliances, air conditioning and single-family homes are “unsustainable,” it stands to reason that the goal of any sustainable development scheme is to eliminate all of those things, and this process of elimination is now well underway.

It’s All About Creating Forced Dependency

Understand, The Great Reset involves the destruction of supply chains, the energy sector, the food supply and workforce, to create dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy. A large-enough war would accomplish all of these aims, which is why the possibility of world war cannot be discounted. An anonymous correspondent recently wrote about this on

“Welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: war. While the pandemic acclimatized the world to lockdowns, normalized the acceptance of experimental medications, precipitated the greatest transfer of wealth to corporations by decimating SMEs [small and medium-sized businesses] and adjusted the muscle memory of workforce operations in preparation for a cybernetic future, an additional vector was required to accelerate the economic collapse before nations can ‘Build Back Better.’”

The article presents “several ways in which the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the next catalyst for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, facilitated by an interconnected web of global stakeholders and a diffuse network of public-private partnerships.”

Disruption to supply chains fit right into this plan, while food shortages, driven by the many factors discussed and, perhaps, orchestrated attacks on food plants, will accelerate the acceptance of synthetic foods, such as lab-grown meat, which has also been championed by Great Reset front men like Bill Gates.


There are solutions, but we have to jump on them now. In my previous article, “Why Food Prices Are Expected to Skyrocket,” I review how biodynamic farming can help us out of these dilemmas, as it doesn’t use synthetic fertilizers and requires far less water. I also discuss new investment opportunities that can support regenerative agriculture projects. On an individual, more immediate basis, however, some key areas of basic preparation include:

Food — Grow some of your own food, make friends with local farmers, create or join a local CSA, and shore up your long-term food stores. (Rather than panic buying mass quantities all at once, consider spreading it out and just buy a little more than you need for the day or week each time you go shopping. You can build up a backup supply rather quickly that way)
Water — Identify sources of potable water and make sure you have one or more ways to purify questionable water supplies
Power — Consider how you might power some of the essentials in your home if there are rolling blackouts, or the electrical grid goes down altogether
Firearms training for self defense and hunting — Learn how to use, store, carry and clean a firearm and work on your marksmanship. Other forms of self-defense training can also be useful, if nothing else, to make you feel more competent and confident in potentially high-risk situations
Communications — Give some thought to how you will communicate with friends and family if cell towers and/or internet goes down
Medicine — Stock up on nutritional supplements, medications, how-to books on alternative home remedies and first-aid supplies
Money — Keep cash on hand, including smaller denominations. Both power grid and internet outages can eliminate your ability to buy without cash. For more long-term protection against inflation, consider buying physical precious metals such as gold and silver

Remember to consider and include analog devices and manual tools in your preparation. We’re so used to having unlimited electricity and continuous wireless communications, it can be difficult to imagine the restrictions you’ll face without them. If need be, turn off the breakers in your home for a day or two, ditch all wireless devices, and see what challenges come up. Then, figure out what you need to solve them.

Also, consider keeping hardcopies of useful books and important documents, such as your most recent bank statements, asset statements, the deed to your home or car and so on.

Entire books can, and have, been written on prepping, and some will take it to extremes. But while you probably won’t need an underground bunker stocked with a decade’s-worth of food, everyone, at this point, really ought to be preparing, to some degree, for food and energy shortages.

My list above is merely a summary of some of the key areas of focus. The details of how to go about each one, however, are manifold. As a community, we can help each other with this.

So, please, share your personal ideas for basic (and not so basic) preparation in the Vital Votes comment section below. If you have questions, be sure to post those too, so the community can help answer them. Of course, building supportive communities into a variety of people can bring their skills will become paramount, so don’t just rely on online relationships. Get to know your physical neighbors too.

Alliance of 17,000 Scientists Releases Joint Statement to Restore Scientific Integrity, Issue 10 Declarations

The Global COVID Summit, an international alliance of more than 17,000 doctors and scientists, has released a new declaration in reaction to the medical community’s response to COVID-19 and vaccination policies. In a press conference on May 11th, the scientists presented their newest declaration in which they call for an end to all national emergencies, a restoration of scientific integrity, and reparation for crimes against humanity. What follows is the unabridged statement:


17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.

This corrupt alliance has compromised the integrity of our most prestigious medical societies to which we belong, generating an illusion of scientific consensus by substituting truth with propaganda. This alliance continues to advance unscientific claims by censoring data, and intimidating and firing doctors and scientists for simply publishing actual clinical results or treating their patients with proven, life-saving medicine. These catastrophic decisions came at the expense of the innocent, who are forced to suffer health damage and death caused by intentionally withholding critical and time-sensitive treatments, or as a result of coerced genetic therapy injections, which are neither safe nor effective.

The medical community has denied patients the fundamental human right to provide true informed consent for the experimental COVID-19 injections. Our patients are also blocked from obtaining the information necessary to understand risks and benefits of vaccines, and their alternatives, due to widespread censorship and propaganda spread by governments, public health officials and media. Patients continue to be subjected to forced lock-downs which harm their health, careers and children’s education, and damage social and family bonds critical to civil society. This is not a coincidence. In the book entitled “COVID-19: The Great Reset”, leadership of this alliance has clearly stated their intention is to leverage COVID-19 as an “opportunity” to reset our entire global society, culture, political structures, and economy.

Our 17,000 Global COVID Summit physicians and medical scientists represent a much larger, enlightened global medical community who refuse to be compromised, and are united and willing to risk the wrath of the corrupt medical alliance to defend the health of their patients.

The mission of the Global COVID Summit is to end this orchestrated crisis, which has been illegitimately imposed on the world, and to formally declare that the actions of this corrupt alliance constitute nothing less than crimes against humanity.

We must restore the people’s trust in medicine, which begins with free and open dialogue between physicians and medical scientists. We must restore medical rights and patient autonomy. This includes the foundational principle of the sacred doctor-patient relationship. The social need for this is decades overdue, and therefore, we the physicians of the world are compelled to take action.

After two years of scientific research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success in understanding and combating COVID-19. In considering the risks versus benefits of major policy decisions, our Global COVID Summit of 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from all over the world have reached consensus on the following foundational principles:

  1. We declare and the data confirm that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.
  2. We declare doctors should not be blocked from providing life-saving medical treatment.
  3. We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.
  4. We declare medical privacy should never again be violated, and all travel and social restrictions must cease.
  5. We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting.
  6. We declare funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.
  7. We declare no opportunity should be denied, including education, career, military service or medical treatment, over unwillingness to take an injection.
  8. We declare that first amendment violations and medical censorship by government, technology and media companies should cease, and the Bill of Rights be upheld.
  9. We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca, and their enablers, withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.
  10. We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable.

17,000 Physicians and Scientists Declare that the State of Medical Emergency must be Lifted and Scientific Integrity Restored

Press Releasene

May 13, 2022 (AB Digital via COMTEX) — We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.

This corrupt alliance has compromised the integrity of our most prestigious medical societies to which we belong, generating an illusion of scientific consensus by substituting truth with propaganda. This alliance continues to advance unscientific claims by censoring data, and intimidating and firing doctors and scientists for simply publishing actual clinical results or treating their patients with proven, life-saving medicine. These catastrophic decisions came at the expense of the innocent, who are forced to suffer health damage and death caused by intentionally withholding critical and time-sensitive treatments, or as a result of coerced genetic therapy injections, which are neither safe nor effective.

The medical community has denied patients the fundamental human right to provide true informed consent for the experimental COVID-19 injections. Our patients are also blocked from obtaining the information necessary to understand risks and benefits of vaccines, and their alternatives, due to widespread censorship and propaganda spread by governments, public health officials and media. Patients continue to be subjected to forced lock-downs which harm their health, careers and children’s education, and damage social and family bonds critical to civil society. This is not a coincidence. In the book entitled “COVID-19: The Great Reset”, leadership of this alliance has clearly stated their intention is to leverage COVID-19 as an “opportunity” to reset our entire global society, culture, political structures, and economy.

Our 17,000 Global COVID Summit physicians and medical scientists represent a much larger, enlightened global medical community who refuse to be compromised, and are united and willing to risk the wrath of the corrupt medical alliance to defend the health of their patients.The mission of the Global COVID Summit is to end this orchestrated crisis, which has been illegitimately imposed on the world, and to formally declare that the actions of this corrupt alliance constitute nothing less than crimes against humanity. We must restore the people’s trust in medicine, which begins with free and open dialogue between physicians and medical scientists. We must restore medical rights and patient autonomy. This includes the foundational principle of the sacred doctor-patient relationship. The social need for this is decades overdue, and therefore, we the physicians of the world are compelled to take action.

After two years of scientific research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success in understanding and combating COVID-19. In considering the risks versus benefits of major policy decisions, our Global COVID Summit of 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from all over the world have reached consensus on the following foundational principles:We declare and the data confirm that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.We declare doctors should not be blocked from providing life-saving medical treatment.We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.We declare medical privacy should never again be violated, and all travel and social restrictions must cease.We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting.We declare funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.We declare no opportunity should be denied, including education, career, military service or medical treatment, over unwillingness to take an injection.

We declare that first amendment violations and medical censorship by government, technology and media companies should cease, and the Bill of Rights be upheld.

We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca, and their enablers, withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.

We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable.

Watch the full video here:

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17,000 doctors call for end to COVID-19 emergency

‘We must restore the people’s trust in medicine’

Art Moore
WND News Center

Decrying “disastrous” COVID-19 public health policies, more than 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from around the world are calling on nations to lift health emergency declarations, restore scientific integrity and address “crimes against humanity.”

Among the signatories is Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, who argues that the concerns raised in the declaration go beyond COVID-19, threatening constitutional rights.

The fourth declaration of the Global COVID Summit states that the COVID policies imposed over the past two years “are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them.”

“They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe,” the signatories declare.

The “corrupt alliance” continues “to advance unscientific claims by censoring data, and intimidating and firing doctors and scientists for simply publishing actual clinical results or treating their patients with proven, life-saving medicine.”

“These catastrophic decisions came at the expense of the innocent, who are forced to suffer health damage and death caused by intentionally withholding critical and time-sensitive treatments, or as a result of coerced genetic therapy injections, which are neither safe nor effective,” they say.

The 17,000 Global COVID Summit physicians and medical scientists “represent a much larger, enlightened global medical community who refuse to be compromised, and are united and willing to risk the wrath of the corrupt medical alliance to defend the health of their patients.”

They argue that restoring the people’s trust in medicine, “begins with free and open dialogue between physicians and medical scientists.”

“After two years of scientific research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success in understanding and combating COVID-19,” they write.

Among the “foundational principles” they list are ending the COVID shots, which they describe as “the experimental genetic therapy,” and allowing doctors to provide “life-saving medical treatment” such as ivermectin.

“We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.”

They also argue masks “have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting” and call for funding and research to address “vaccination damage, death and suffering.”

They charge that vaccine makers – Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca – and “their enablers, withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.”

Video courtesy Global COVID Summit

Q – KILLING THE MOCKINGBIRD. Time to revisit this important topic.

The people of the world are sick and tired of being set against each other by powerful criminals who want us divided so they can continue to rape, steal from and exploit us.
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Dr. David Martin says this: “If we were honest with this, we would actually call it what it is: it is a chemical pathogen device, that is actually meant to unleash a chemical pathogen production action within the cell. It is a medical device, not a drug, because it meets the CDRH [Center for Devices and Radiological Health] definition of a device.

It is made to make you sick … 80% of the people who are exposed to allegedly the virus [SARS-Cov-2] have no symptoms at all … 80% of people who get this injected into them have a clinical adverse event. You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce a[n] immuno-transmissive response. In other words, nothing about this is going to stop you transmitting anything. This is about getting you sick, and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick.”

DR. Judy Mikovits also chips in with this: “It’s a synthetic pathogen. They’ve literally injected this pathogenic part of the virus into every cell of the body … it can actually directly cause multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease … it can cause accelerated cancer … that’s what the expression of that piece of virus … has been known to do for decades.”

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The War Against the Unvaxxed Will Not Be Forgotten – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF  war-against-the-unvaxxed-pdf


  • Fomenting hatred is a tool of tyrants, and over the past two years, political leaders, agency heads, academics, medical professionals and media personalities alike have publicly encouraged hatred and violence and wished painful death upon anyone who didn’t want to be part of the medical experiment that is the COVID jabs
  • Even now, with everything we know for sure about the jabs, the war against the unvaccinated continues in many areas, and ignorance of basic science still abounds
  • In recent weeks, we’ve seen the stage being set for another fabricated hate-fest. This time, the gay community is the designated enemy and target
  • Same-sex relations has been identified as the primary source of a global monkeypox outbreak. Will the gay community be targeted for exclusion, derision and attack in coming weeks and months, as the “monkeypox threat” continues to be hyped?
  • Fabrications are used to brainwash the public into hating truth-tellers and anyone who points out discrepancies in the narrative. It’s a dangerous path, and we’re still on it

Fomenting hatred is a tool of tyrants, and over the past two years, political leaders, agency heads, academics, medical professionals and media personalities alike have publicly encouraged hatred and violence and wished painful death upon anyone who didn’t want to be part of the medical experiment that is the COVID jabs.

In an eloquent Medium post, journalist Susan Dunham summarizes the lessons (hopefully) learned from hating and attacking the unvaccinated:1

“The mandates have let up, and both sides stumble back into something that looks like the old normal — except that there is a fresh and present injury done to the people we tried to break. And no one wants to talk about it.

Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified — and, in doing that, uncover a precious lesson.

It was a quick slide from righteousness to cruelty, and however much we might blame our leaders for the push, we’re accountable for stepping into the trap despite better judgement.

We knew that waning immunity put vast numbers of the fully vaccinated on par with the shrinking minority of unvaccinated, yet we marked them for special persecution. We said they hadn’t ‘done the right thing’ by turning their bodies over to state care — even though we knew that principled opposition to such a thing is priceless in any circumstance …

And so it was by the willful ignorance of science, civics, and politics that we squeezed the unvaccinated to the degree that we did … [W]e cannot hold our heads high, as if believing we had logic, love, or truth on our side while we viciously wished death upon the unvaccinated. The best we can do is sit in the awareness of our rabid inhumanity for having cast so many aside …

[B]etting against them has been a scathing embarrassment for many of us who’ve now learned that the mandates only had the power we gave them. It was not through quiet compliance that we avoided endless domination by pharmaceutical companies and medical checkpoints at every doorway.

It was thanks to the people we tried to tear down … We took the bait by hating them, but their perseverance bought us the time to see we were wrong. It seems right now like the mandates will return, but this time there’s hope that more of us will see them for what they are: a rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our wellbeing.”

Forgive and Forget?

Dunham addresses the situation from the point of those who fell for the hypnotic command to despise anyone — friends and family included — who refused to buy the official narrative about the COVID shots. Most of you, however, have likely been on the receiving end of those attacks.

How are you choosing to address it? What have you learned? I suspect many of you are indeed willing to forgive, but few will ever forget those betrayals. But as noted by Dunham, no one really wants to talk about what was done.

Everyone’s just going along as if it never happened. As if our leaders didn’t actually call for our deaths. As if our president didn’t warn us his patience with us was “wearing thin”2 — a threat that implied bad things would happen once patience ran dry. As if news anchors like Don Lemon didn’t actually say we deserved to starve and shouldn’t be allowed to enter a grocery store.3,4 But they did say those things, and family and friends did reject us as a result.

Ignorance Still Remains

Remarkably, even now, with everything we know for sure about the jabs, the war against the unvaccinated continues in many areas, and while compassion is slowly making a comeback, ignorance of the basics still abounds. As noted in a January 21, 2022, MSN article:5

“There seems to be a war on the unvaccinated individuals because of the recent spike in COVID-19 cases due to the more transmissible Omicron variant … Starting last year, the Austrian government imposed restrictions solely on the country’s unvaccinated population, as many people wondered why those who got vaccinated should also face the same restrictions as those who opted against it …

I am all for encouraging people to get vaccinated; I had my jabs and my booster immediately when they became available in my community … But I wonder: Just how necessary is this war on the unvaccinated?

What if a person decided to opt-out against the vaccine because they had preexisting medical conditions, simply feared for their life, or lacked the knowledge about it because the government was too busy forcing and scaring people instead of genuinely informing them?”

Sadly, the author of that MSN piece seems convinced that if only the reluctant were to be given the science, the data, they would understand why the shots are so necessary, when the reality is that the science and the data have been the basis for our refusal from the start. Until or unless the experimental jab pushers acknowledge reality, we will never be able to see eye to eye.

The MSN author also believes that lack of financial incentive is behind some of the vaccine hesitancy:6

“If a person is given the choice between going to work or to the vaccination center, they would simply choose the option where there is money. That is just the reality. If they can go to the vaccination center and can still be promised to get their day’s pay, why wouldn’t they want to get vaccinated, right?”

This naiveté ignores the reality that countless individuals have sacrificed their careers by refusing the jab. For most of us, it was never about a lack of financial incentives. It was about the very real dangers the jabs pose — dangers that “the powers that be” have yet to fully acknowledge.

First, They Came for the Unvaxxed. They’ll Come for You Next

From the start, I and many others warned that the demonization of the unvaccinated was an extremely dangerous war tactic. In an August 2021 Townhall article, Wayne Allyn Root wrote:7

“It’s time for alarm bells. It’s time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: ‘The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!’ … They’re coming first for unvaccinated Americans. This is 1938. I’m a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938 … the pre-Holocaust … This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here.

First, ‘the papers.’ Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are just like 1938, when the Gestapo demanded papers from every German. Republicans asked for ‘papers’ from migrants who had broken into our country … Republicans asked for ‘papers’ once every two years for federal elections, to prove you have a right to vote.

Democrats said, ‘No, that’s racism.’ Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7 …

Weren’t Jews injected with experimental drugs by the depraved Nazi government? Wasn’t that a key part of the Nuremberg trials? That no government could ever again inject experimental shots into the bodies of unwilling citizens? Isn’t that a basic human right? … [F]orcibly injecting Americans who don’t want it. That’s 1938.”

Root goes on to detail the fate of Jews during those pre-Holocaust years. They were locked in their homes. They were barred from work. Their businesses were deemed “nonessential.” They couldn’t travel. They had to wear a conspicuous yellow star on their clothing so they could be easily identified and targeted for public displays of hatred. Jewish books were burned — that was the 1938 version of online censorship and deplatforming.

“First, they came for the unvaccinated. Trust me: Next, they’re coming for you,” Root said. And, indeed, in recent weeks, we’ve seen the stage being set for another fabricated hate-fest. This time, the gay community is the designated enemy and target.

Same-sex relations has been identified as the primary source of a global monkeypox outbreak. Almost every article discussing the outbreaks mentions it. That’s how it begins. I’ll be very surprised if the gay community won’t be targeted for exclusion, derision and attack in coming weeks and months.

Will enough people have learned the lesson of humility that Dunham highlights? Have enough cognitively recognized the error of their ways, or will they fall into the trap yet again? Only time will tell. At the end of February 2021, Nick Cohen with The Guardian warned that “It is only a matter of time before we turn on the unvaccinated.”8

By the end of April 2021, USA Today columnist Michael J. Stern was calling for the public shunning of the vaccine hesitant, calling them “petri dishes” of lethal disease,9 and by July of that year, CNN anchor Don Lemon was calling for brutal anything-goes restrictions against the unvaccinated to force them into compliance10 — even if the restrictions were indistinguishable from a death sentence.

With COVID, it took barely two months for society to go from “we’re all in this together,” to declaring half the population subhuman. Let’s see how long it takes before the media start calling for the forced segregation of gays to protect us from monkeypox. I hope it doesn’t happen, but judging by the effectiveness of the brainwashing, causing people buying into clearly absurd narratives, the risk is certainly there.

Teachable Moments

As recently as mid-January 2022, LA Times columnist Michael Hiltzik “doubled down on the notion, people should mock the unvaccinated who have died from the coronavirus,” Fox News reported.11Hiltzik told CNN:

“So many of them have actually promoted reckless, dangerous policies and… they took innocent people along with them. Every one of these deaths is a teachable moment and, unfortunately, we haven’t been learning from the lesson that we should be hearing from them.”

Clearly, Hiltzik has not yet experienced the moment of clarity described by Dunham. Instead, he insists that “Mocking anti-vaxxers is ghoulish … but necessary.” His LA Times column12 bearing the same headline displays a picture of a smiling Kelly Ernby, wearing a cross around her neck. Ernby, an Orange County GOP member, died of COVID complications in January 2022 after opposing COVID jab mandates.

“How should we react to the deaths of the unvaccinated?” Hiltzik wrote.13 “On the one hand, a hallmark of civilized thought is the sense that every life is precious.

On the other, those who have deliberately flouted sober medical advice by refusing a vaccine known to reduce the risk of serious disease from the virus, including the risk to others, and end up in the hospital or the grave can be viewed as receiving their just deserts.”

His targeting of Ernby, a Republican, and clearly a Christian to boot, smacks of political vengeance as much as it does misplaced moral superiority. According to Hiltzik, being civil toward the unvaccinated who die erases the harm done to others, and that harm should not be erased but rather underscored.

Ironically, in the end, he’s really condemning himself to the fate he wishes on others because, eventually, the truth will become common knowledge and everyone will recognize the fatal harm inflicted by pushing the use of this experimental gene transfer technology. Mockery probably won’t be the extent to the punishment dished out once that critical mass awakening happens.

In Some, the Hypnotic Trance Is Still Deep

Some, like Dunham, recognize the fallacy in their thinking and call for change. Others, like Hiltzik, have been so deeply brainwashed by the fearporn, they really cannot connect the dots and see that a “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent infection or spread can never protect others.

Hence, those who get the jab are no more considerate to others than those who don’t. Both pose the same risk to others. And, if both pose the same risk, why target one for derision and not the other? It’s beyond irrational, but such is the mind of those under the hypnotic spell of mass formation. They’re incapacitated in the worst of ways, unable to see reality.

Scottish journalist Andrew Neil is another one seemingly caught in the myopic focus of mass formation. In December 2021, he riled against Britain’s “five million vaccine refuseniks,” saying “They put us all at risk of more restrictions.”14

He went on to describe how quick and easy it was to pull out his vaccine passport at a restaurant. Seconds, really. “A very minor inconvenience,” he said, adding “There was a sense of safety in knowing that all the other diners had proved themselves to be fully vaccinated, or had very recently tested negative, or had contracted the virus and recovered.”

He felt safe, having undergone this completely useless ritual, despite recognizing that the shot is “not foolproof,” and that “People who have been vaccinated can still contract and pass on the virus.” That’s the power of hypnosis. Even when seeing the dots, he couldn’t connect them to draw a rational conclusion.

New Norm: Fighting ‘Misinformation’ With Misinformation

The propaganda and false information we’ve been bombarded with over the past two and a half years is truly unprecedented. Now, barely a day goes by that isn’t near-identical to the storyline in Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984.” One of the latest examples of the media’s hypocrisy and false narratives is The Associated Press’ “Conspiracy Theorists Flock to Bird Flu, Hatch Lies” article,15published May 17, 2022. The AP specifically targets me, stating:16

“While the details may vary, the conspiracy theories about avian flu all speak to a distrust of authority and institutions, and a suspicion that millions of doctors, scientists, veterinarians, journalists and elected officials around the world can no longer be trusted.

‘Americans clearly understand that the federal government and major media have lied to them repeatedly, and are completely corrupted by the pharmaceutical companies,’ said Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopath whose discredited claims about vaccines, masks and the coronavirus made him a prominent source of COVID-19 misinformation.

Mercola’s interest in the bird flu dates back years A 2009 book for sale on his website, which Mercola uses to sell unproven natural health remedies, is titled ‘The Great Bird Flu Hoax.’”

The hyperlinked “fact check” provided to prove I’ve published “discredited claims about vaccines” is a rebuttal to my statement that “People may be more susceptible to serious COVID-19 illness after they have been vaccinated.”

The fact check claims that “Research has shown that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been proven to be 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 illness,” and that “Experts say there is ‘abundant’ evidence that people who get shots will not become more sick should they later get the virus.”

First of all, no expert sources are actually referenced, so what “abundant evidence” proves you won’t be more susceptible to severe infection post-jab is anyone’s guess. Secondly, and more importantly, everyone now knows the shots are nowhere near 95% effective. Even mainstream media and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have admitted the effectiveness was exaggerated and rapidly dwindles.

Truth May Be Slow, but It Will Win

At best, Moderna’s shot was 94.5% effective against symptomatic Delta infection FOR TWO WEEKS, before dropping off.17 Pfizer’s effectiveness against Delta was lower to start and fell more precipitously. Against Omicron, the Pfizer jab is 65.5% protective between weeks 2 and 4 after the second dose, and only 8.8% effective at week 25. Moderna’s shot starts out at 75.1% at weeks 2 to 4, and then falls off to 14.9% at week 25.

Yet the AP has no qualms about referring back to what is now well-recognized misinformation to “prove” that I’ve been discredited and that they are “correct.” In reality, the fact check they link to only proves they’re using misinformation to combat truth.

That’s bad enough, but these fabrications are then used to brainwash the public into hating the truth-tellers and anyone who so much as points out discrepancies in the narrative. It’s a dangerous path, and we’re still on it.

Similarly, when the facts finally overwhelm authorities who have been spreading unscientific propaganda, the canned response is that “science is evolving and we’re following the science.” In reality, however, they were proven wrong, but they refuse to admit it. So, they “blame” it on “evolving science,” without ever explaining how “misinformation spreaders” had these supposedly brand-new data months — or years — ago.

While the war we’re currently in uses information instead of conventional munitions, lives are still at stake. People are losing their lives because lies about health are often lethal. In the end, I believe the truth will win, because the lies currently told are simply too destructive.

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Study reveals top reasons for COVID-19 vaccine refusal


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A survey of approximately 5,000 Americans suggests that 31.1 percent of the U.S. public does not intend to get the COVID-19 vaccine once it becomes available to them – and the likelihood of vaccine refusal is highest among Black Americans, women and conservatives.

Timothy Callaghan, assistant professor at the Texas A&M University School of Public Health, led the study with the aim of better understanding the intentions of the American public regarding vaccines. The results were recently published in Social Science and Medicine.

According to the study, survey respondents answered a series of questions about their behaviors and attitudes about COVID-19, including why or why not they intend to pursue vaccination. Women are 71 percent more likely to not to pursue vaccination, researchers found, followed by Blacks at 41 percent.

Survey results also showed that politics play a role: each one-point increase in conservatism increases the odds of vaccine refusal by 18 percent. Those who said they intended to vote for President Donald Trump in the presidential election – the survey was conducted in mid-2020 – were 29 percent more likely to refuse vaccination.

The study revealed two top reasons for vaccine refusal: concerns about safety and effectiveness. However, reasons for vaccine reluctance varied across sub-populations.

For instance, women who were surveyed said they are hesitant based on safety concerns and effectiveness, while surveyed Black Americans said their hesitancy stems from similar concerns plus a lack of financial resources or health insurance.

For conservatives, Callaghan points to previous studies that have shown these people are generally less trusting of vaccines, as well as medical and scientific professionals.

The finding that most surprised Callaghan is that Black individuals, who are being infected with COVID-19 and dying at higher rates, are less likely to vaccinate because of a combination of concerns, including those related to safety and affordability.

This points to the need for the medical community and policymakers to find ways to both build trust in the vaccine in the African American community and to ensure that it is delivered affordably.”

Timothy Callaghan, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University School of Public HealthThe authors of the study also state that anti-vaccine advocacy groups “have made a concerted effort” to target Black Americans, writing that if they are successful in framing COVID-19 vaccination in terms of past medical abuses against minority groups, it could decrease the likelihood that racial minorities will pursue COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in light of recent findings emphasizing the implications of peripheral trauma.”

Now that COVID-19 vaccine-hesitant populations have been identified, Callaghan plans to explore what kind of health interventions and health promotion efforts are most effective in promoting the vaccine to these populations. Additionally, he said it is important to explore the similarities and differences between populations that are generally vaccine hesitant and populations that are hesitant specifically toward the COVID-19 vaccine.

Journal reference:

Callaghan, T., et al. (2021) Correlates and disparities of intention to vaccinate against COVID-19. Social Science & Medicine.


Jab Data Is In: Children Are Going to Die, Pfizer, Moderna Release Study Results For Kids 6mo-4 yrs – Stew Peters

On Friday, June 3rd’s edition of The Stew Peters Show, Dr. Jane Ruby presents Pfizer documents that expose the under 50% efficiency of vaccines from ages 6 months to 2 years old.

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The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft and Jeffrey Epstein – Dr. Joseph Mercola

The mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier.


  • While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was a likely factor in the Gates’ recently announced split, what these same outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates-Jeffrey Epstein relationship
  • The mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier
  • The likely reason for the continued cover-up of the true extent of Epstein’s ties to Gates has much more to do with Gates’ company Microsoft than with Bill Gates himself
  • The lack of mainstream media concern over the documented ties of the Epstein network to other top Microsoft executives of the past, such as Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone and Steven Sinofsky, makes it clear that, while it may be open season on the relationship between Bill Gates and Epstein, such is not the case for Microsoft and Epstein
  • The ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to Silicon Valley, not just to Microsoft, are part of a broader attempt to cover up the strong intelligence component in the origin of Silicon Valley’s most powerful companies
  • The biggest reason why the military/intelligence origins and links to the current Silicon Valley oligarchy will never be honestly examined is that those very entities are working to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which would make artificial intelligence, automation, mass electronic surveillance and transhumanism central to human society

In early May, the announcement that Bill and Melinda Gates would be divorcing after 27 years of marriage shocked both those that praise and those that loathe the “philanthropic” power couple.

Less than a week after the initial announcement of the divorce, May 7, the Daily Beast reported that Melinda Gates had allegedly been “deeply troubled” by Bill Gates’ relationship with child sex trafficker and intelligence asset Jeffrey Epstein.

The report suggested that Melinda was a major reason for her husband’s decision to distance himself from Epstein around 2014 because of her discomfort with Epstein after they both met him in 2013. That previously unreported meeting had taken place at Epstein’s mansion on New York’s Upper East Side.

The Daily Beast also revealed that the details of the Gates’ divorce had been decided several weeks prior to the official announcement. Then, May 9, the Wall Street Journal published a report suggesting that the plans for divorce went back even further, with Melinda having consulted divorce lawyers in 2019.

Allegedly, that consultation was made after details of Bill Gates’ relationship with Jeffrey Epstein had gained considerable mainstream media attention, including from The New York Times.

While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was a likely factor in the Gates’ recently announced split, what these same outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates-Jeffrey Epstein relationship. Indeed, the mainstream narrative holds that Gates ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier.

This blanket refusal to honestly report on the Gates-Epstein ties likely is due to Gates’ outsized role in current events, both in terms of global health policy as it relates to COVID-19 and in his being a major promoter and funder of controversial technocratic “solutions” to a slew of societal problems.

What is more likely, however, is that the nature of the relationship between Gates and Epstein before 2011 is even more scandalous than what transpired later, and it may have major implications not just for Gates but for Microsoft as a company and for some of its former top executives.

This particular cover-up is part of an obvious tendency of mainstream media to ignore the clear influence that both Epstein and members of the Maxwell family wielded — and, arguably, continue to wield — in Silicon Valley. Indeed, the individuals who founded tech giants such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla and Amazon all have connections with Jeffrey Epstein, some closer than others.

This investigation is adapted from my upcoming book “One Nation Under Blackmail,” which will be released early next year and will include a more complete investigation into Epstein’s ties to Silicon Valley, scientific academia and intelligence agencies.

The Evening Standard Mystery

In 2001, perhaps the most important article ever written about Jeffrey Epstein was published. The article, which focused mainly on Ghislaine Maxwell’s and Epstein’s relationship with Prince Andrew, was published January 22, 2001, in London’s Evening Standard.

The article, written by Nigel Rosser, was never retracted and was published well before Epstein’s first arrest and the onset of his public notoriety. It has, nevertheless, since been removed from The Evening Standard’s website and can now only be found on professional newspaper databases. I made a PDF of that article and several other scrubbed Epstein-related articles publicly available in October 2019. The full article can also be accessed here.

Key statements made in the article make it clear why it was removed from the internet, apparently in the wake of Epstein’s first arrest in Florida. Rosser introduces Epstein as “an immensely powerful New York property developer and financier,” a nod to Epstein’s past in the New York real estate market.

Later in the article, he notes that Epstein “once claimed to have worked for the CIA although he now denies it,” one of several likely reasons why the article was removed from the internet well before Epstein’s second arrest in 2019.

Much of the article notes the closeness of Epstein and Maxwell to Prince Andrew and suggests that both wielded considerable influence over the prince, largely due to Maxwell’s role as his “social fixer.” It states that Maxwell was “manipulating” the prince and that “the whole Andrew thing is probably being done for Epstein.”

One line stands out, however, as the first major clue toward demystifying the true origin of the Gates-Epstein relationship. Soon after Rosser introduces Epstein in the article, he states that Epstein “has made many millions out of his business links with the likes of Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner, whose trust he runs.”

Both Wexner’s and Trump’s relationships with Epstein prior to 2001 are well known and date back to 1985 and 1987, respectively. Mainstream media, however, continue to report that Gates and Epstein first met in 2011 and have declined to follow the leads laid out by Nigel Rosser.

I am personally aware of this withholding of information to a degree, as a BBC reporter contacted me in 2019 for details about this 2001 Evening Standard article, which I provided. To date, the BBC has never reported on the contents of that article. Notably, the BBC has received millions in funding for years from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Not only was Rosser’s article never retracted, but neither Gates, Trump nor Wexner disputed the claims made in the article at the time, which was well before Epstein became notorious. In addition, given that Gates is named alongside two known close Epstein associates at the time — Donald Trump and Leslie Wexner — it further suggests that Gates’ ties to Epstein prior to 2001 were considerable enough to warrant his mention alongside these two other men.

In addition to the Evening Standard article, there is evidence from Maria Farmer, an Epstein victim who was employed by Epstein and Maxwell from 1995 to 1996, that she recalled hearing Epstein mention Bill Gates in such a way as to imply they were close friends and which gave her the impression that the Microsoft cofounder might soon be visiting one of Epstein’s residences.

Microsoft, McKinley and Isabel Maxwell

Beyond these two key pieces of evidence, there is also the fact that, prior to the Evening Standard article, Gates already had a documented connection to a business run by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sisters in which Ghislaine had a financial stake, which may offer a clue as to the nature of the “business links” alluded to by Nigel Rosser.

Furthermore, the odd nature of Gates’ relationship with Isabel Maxwell, who has ties to the PROMIS software espionage scandal and to Israeli intelligence, is documented in a 2000 article from the Guardian.

Twin sisters Christine and Isabel Maxwell, along with their husbands at the time, created the McKinley Group in January 1992. Christine and Isabel had both previously worked for the front company Information on Demand used by their father Robert Maxwell to sell the backdoored PROMIS software to the U.S. government.

After Robert Maxwell’s death, Christine and Isabel “wanted to circle the wagons and rebuild” and saw McKinley as “a chance to recreate a bit of their father’s legacy.” The McKinley Group, however, was not just a venture of Isabel, Christine and their husbands, as Ghislaine Maxwell also had “a substantial interest” in the company, according to a Sunday Times article published in November 2000.

That same article also noted that Ghislaine, throughout the 1990s, had “been discreetly building up a business empire as opaque as her father’s” and that “she is secretive to the point of paranoia and her business affairs are deeply mysterious.” She chose to describe “herself as an ‘internet operator'” during this period, even though “her office in Manhattan refuses to confirm even the name or the nature of her business.”

Ghislaine Maxwell posing with her siblings
Ghislaine Maxwell posing with her siblings, including twin sisters Isabel and Christine, in 2019 in London.

Another article, appearing in The Scotsman from 2001, separately notes that Ghislaine “is extremely secretive about her affairs and describes herself as an internet operator.” It is unclear how involved Ghislaine actually was in the McKinley Group’s affairs. However, during this period, she was operating an intelligence-linked sexual-blackmail operation with Jeffrey Epstein, and there was considerable overlap of their finances, as noted in press reports from the time and afterward.

McKinley created what became known as the Magellan Internet Directory, remembered as “the first site to publish lengthy reviews and ratings of websites.” Magellan’s “value-added content” approach attracted several large corporations, resulting in “major alliances” with AT&T, Time-Warner, IBM, Netcom and the Microsoft Network (MSN) that were all negotiated by Isabel Maxwell.

Microsoft’s major alliance with McKinley came in late 1995, when Microsoft announced that Magellan would power the search option for the company’s MSN service.

McKinley’s fortunes fell, as its effort to become the first search engine to go public failed, igniting a stand-off between Christine Maxwell and Isabel’s then husband that also resulted in the company essentially falling behind other market leaders. As a result, McKinley missed the window for a second IPO attempt and continued to lag behind in adding ad revenue to their business model.

Excite, which was later acquired by AskJeeves, ultimately bought the McKinley Group and Magellan for 1.2 million shares of Excite in 1996, which was then valued at $18 million. It was said that it was Isabel Maxwell who made the deal possible, with Excite’s CEO at the time, George Bell, claiming she alone salvaged their purchase of McKinley.

Despite McKinley’s lackluster end, the Maxwell twins and other stakeholders in the company, Ghislaine Maxwell among them, not only obtained a multimillion-dollar payout from the deal but also forged close connections with Silicon Valley high rollers. It is unclear if the money Ghislaine received from the sale was used to further the sexual blackmail operation she was then conducting alongside Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell Ties to US and Israel Intelligence Grow

After the sale of McKinley/Magellan, the overt ties of Christine and Isabel Maxwell to intelligence in both the U.S. and Israel grew considerably. Isabel’s ties to Microsoft also persisted following the sale of the McKinley Group. She became president of the Israeli tech company CommTouch, whose funding was linked to individuals and groups involved in the Jonathan Pollard nuclear spying affair.

CommTouch, an “obscure software developer” founded in 1991 by former Israeli military officers, focused on “selling, maintaining and servicing stand-alone email client software products for mainframe and personal computers.”

The company specifically courted Isabel because she was the daughter of Israeli “super-spy” Robert Maxwell. Isabel had similar reasons for joining the company, telling Haaretz that leading the company gave her “a chance to continue her father’s involvement in Israel.”

Of all the alliances and partnerships Isabel negotiated during her early years at CommTouch, it was her dealings with Microsoft cofounders Bill Gates and Paul Allen that put CommTouch “on the map.”

Microsoft’s cofounders did much more than put CommTouch “on the map,” however, as they essentially intervened to prevent the collapse of its initial public offering, a fate that had befallen Isabel Maxwell’s previous company, the McKinley Group, not long before. Indeed, CommTouch kept pushing back its IPO until a massive investment from firms tied to Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen was announced in July 1999.

The investments from Allen’s Vulcan and Go2Net resulted in a jump in “interest in the stock sale and in CommTouch, until now an obscure software developer,” according to a Bloomberg report, and also inflated their stock price immediately prior to their going public. The money from the Allen-linked companies was specifically used “to expand sales and marketing and build its presence in international markets.”

Allen’s decision to invest in CommTouch seems odd from a financial perspective, given that the company had never turned a profit and had over $4 million in losses just the year before. Yet, thanks to Allen’s timely investment and his apparent coordination with the company’s repeated delays of its IPO, CommTouch was valued at over $230 million when it went public, as opposed to a $150 million valuation just weeks before Allen’s investment.

Paul Allen and Nicole Junkermann
Paul Allen and Nicole Junkermann at Cinema Against AIDS Cannes in Cannes, France. Source: Vocal Media

It is not exactly clear why Paul Allen came to the rescue of CommTouch’s IPO and what he expected to gain from his investment.

It is worth pointing out, however, that Allen later became among the members of an elite online community set up in 2004 called A Small World, whose membership also included Jeffrey Epstein and Epstein-linked figures such as Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Naomi Campbell, as well as Petrina Khashoggi, the daughter of Adnan Khashoggi, a former client of Epstein’s.

A Small World’s largest shareholder was Harvey Weinstein, the now-disgraced media mogul who was a business partner of Epstein and who has since been convicted of rape and sexual abuse. Around this same time, Paul Allen was photographed with Epstein associate Nicole Junkermann, herself an intelligence asset.

CommTouch Strikes a Deal With Microsoft

Less than three months after Allen’s investments in CommTouch in October 1999, the company announced that it had struck a major deal with Microsoft whereby “Microsoft will utilize the CommTouch Custom MailTM service to provide private label web-based email solutions for select MSN partners and international markets.”

In addition, per the agreement, “CommTouch will provide MSN Messenger Service and Microsoft Passport to its customers while building upon its Windows NT expertise by supporting future MSN messaging technologies.” “We are looking forward to further enhancing our relationship with Microsoft by integrating other state-of-the-art Microsoft products,” Gideon Mantel of CommTouch said at the time of the deal’s public announcement.

In December 1999, Microsoft announced that it had invested $20 million in CommTouch by purchasing 4.7% of its shares. The announcement pushed CommTouch stock prices from $11.63 a share to $49.13 in just a few hours’ time. Part of that deal had been finalized by Richard Sorkin, a recently appointed CommTouch director. Sorkin had just become a multimillionaire following the sale of Zip2, Elon Musk’s first company of which Sorkin had been CEO.

It further appears that Bill Gates, then head of Microsoft, made a personal investment in CommTouch at the behest of Isabel Maxwell. In an October 2000 article published in The Guardian, Isabel “jokes about persuading Bill Gates to make a personal investment” in CommTouch sometime during this period. The Guardian article then oddly notes, regarding Isabel Maxwell and Bill Gates:

“In a faux southern belle accent, [Isabel] purrs: ‘He’s got to spend $375m a year to keep his tax free status, why not allow me to help him.’ She explodes with laughter.”

Given that individuals as wealthy as Gates cannot have “tax-free status” and that this article was published soon after the creation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Isabel’s statements suggest that it was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, which manages the foundation’s endowment assets, that made this sizable investment in CommTouch.

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting the odd way in which Isabel describes her dealings with Gates (“purring,” speaking in a fake Southern accent), describing her interactions with him in a way not found in any of her numerous other interviews on a wide variety of topics. This odd behavior may be related to Isabel’s previous interactions with Gates and/or the mysterious relationship between Gates and Epstein during this time.

Isabel Maxwell
Isabel Maxwell as CommTouch President

CommTouch’s Clout Expanded Rapidly

After 2000, CommTouch’s business and clout expanded rapidly, with Isabel Maxwell subsequently crediting investments from Microsoft, led by Gates, and Paul Allen for the company’s good fortune and the success of its effort to enter the U.S. market.

Maxwell, as quoted in the 2002 book “Fastalliances,” states that Microsoft viewed CommTouch as a key “distribution network,” adding that “Microsoft’s investment in us put us on the map. It gave us instant credibility, validated our technology and service in the marketplace.” By this time, Microsoft’s ties to CommTouch had deepened with new partnerships, including CommTouch’s hosting of Microsoft Exchange.

Though Isabel Maxwell was able to secure lucrative investments and alliances for CommTouch and saw its products integrated into key software and hardware components produced and sold by Microsoft and other tech giants, she was unable to improve the company’s dire financial situation, with CommTouch netting a loss of $4.4 million in 1998 and similar losses well into the 2000s, with net losses totaling $24 million in 2000 (just one year after the sizable investments from Microsoft, Paul Allen and Gates).

The losses continued even after Isabel formally left the company and became president emeritus in 2001. By 2006, the company was over $170 million in debt. Isabel Maxwell left her position at CommTouch in 2001 but for years retained a sizable amount of CommTouch stock valued at the time at around $9.5 million. Today, Isabel Maxwell is, among other things, a “technology pioneer” of the World Economic Forum.

Epstein, Edge and Nathan Myhrvold

Another indication of a relationship between Epstein and Gates prior to 2001 is Epstein’s cozy ties with Nathan Myhrvold, who joined Microsoft in the 1980s and became the company’s first chief technology officer in 1996. At the time, Myhrvold was one of Gates’ closest advisers, if not the closest, and cowrote Gates’ 1996 book, “The Road Ahead,” which sought to explain how emerging technologies would impact life in the years and decades to come.

In December of the same year that he became Microsoft’s CTO, Myhrvold traveled on Epstein’s plane from Kentucky to New Jersey, and then again in January 1997 from New Jersey to Florida. Other passengers accompanying Myhrvold on these flights included Alan Dershowitz and “GM,” presumably Ghislaine Maxwell. It is worth keeping in mind that this is the same period when Gates had a documented relationship with Ghislaine’s sister Isabel.

In addition, in the 1990s, Myhrvold traveled with Epstein in Russia alongside Esther Dyson, a digital technology consultant who has been called “the most influential woman in all the computer world.” She currently has close ties to Google as well as the DNA testing company 23andme and is a member of and agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum.

Dyson later stated that the meeting with Epstein had been planned by Myhrvold. The meeting appears to have taken place in 1998, based on information posted on Dyson’s social media accounts. One photo features Dyson and Epstein, with a time stamp indicating April 28, 1998, posing with Pavel Oleynikov, who appears to have been an employee of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center.

In that photo, they are standing in front of the house of the late Andrei Sakharov, the Soviet nuclear scientist and dissident, who is alleged to have had ties to U.S. intelligence. Sakharov and his wife, Yelena Bonner, were supporters of Zionist causes.

The photos were taken in Sarov, where the Russian Federal Nuclear Center is based. That same day, another photo was taken that shows Epstein inside a classroom full of teens, apparently also in Sarov, given the time stamp.

Nathan Myhrvold travel
Dyson and Epstein
Epstein inside a classroom
inside classroom

Another Dyson image, one without a visible time stamp but with a caption stating the photo was taken “at Microsoft Russia in Moscow” in April 1998, shows Nathan Myhrvold. Dyson’s caption further states, “This was the beginning of a three-week trip during which Nathan and a variety of hangers-on (including a bodyguard) explored the state of post-Soviet science.” Epstein appears to be one of the “hangers-on,” given the photographs, dates and the described purpose of the trip.

Microsoft’s Ties to Epstein

Myhrvold and Epstein apparently had more in common than an interest in Russian scientific advances. When Myhrvold left Microsoft to cofound Intellectual Ventures, Vanity Fair reported that he had received Epstein at the firm’s office with “young girls” in tow who appeared to be “Russian models.”

A source close to Myhrvold and cited by Vanity Fair claimed that Myhrvold spoke openly about borrowing Epstein’s jet and staying at his homes in Florida and New York. Vanity Fair also noted that Myhrvold has been accused of having sex with minors provided by Epstein by none other than Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who stands accused of the same crime and who had previously flown with Myhrvold on Epstein’s private plane.

In addition, a former colleague of Myhrvold’s at Microsoft later developed her own ties to Epstein. Linda Stone, who joined Microsoft in 1993 and worked directly under Myhrvold, eventually became a Microsoft vice president. She introduced Epstein to Joi Ito of the MIT Media Lab after Epstein’s first arrest. “He has a tainted past, but Linda assures me that he’s awesome,” Ito later said in an email to three MIT staffers.

In Epstein’s famous little black book, there are several phone numbers for Stone, and her emergency contact is listed as Kelly Bovino, a former model and alleged Epstein coconspirator. After Epstein’s 2019 arrest, it emerged that Epstein had “directed” Bill Gates to donate $2 million to the MIT lab in 2014. Epstein also allegedly secured a $5 million donation from Leon Black for the lab. Ito was forced to resign his post as the lab’s director shortly after Epstein’s 2019 arrest.

Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone, Joi Ito, Esther Dyson, and Bill Gates were all members of the Edge Foundation community ( website), alongside several other Silicon Valley icons. Edge, which is described as an exclusive organization of intellectuals “redefining who and what we are,” was created by John Brockman, a self-described “cultural impresario” and noted literary agent.

Brockman is best known for his deep ties to the art world in the late 1960s, though lesser known are his various “management consulting” gigs for the Pentagon and White House during that same period. Edge, which The Guardian once called “the world’s smartest website,” is an exclusive online symposium affiliated with what Brockman calls “the Third Culture.”

Epstein appears to have become involved with Brockman as early as 1995, when he helped to finance and rescue a struggling book project that was managed by Brockman. Edge, however, is more than just a website. For decades, it was also instrumental in bringing together tech executives, scientists who were often Brockman’s clients, and Wall Street financiers through its Millionaires’ Dinner, first held in 1985.

In 1999, this event rebranded as the Billionaires’ Dinner, and Epstein became intimately involved in these affairs and the Edge Foundation itself. Epstein was photographed attending several of the dinners as was Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine Maxwell’s chief “assistant” and coconspirator in the Epstein/Maxwell-run sex trafficking and blackmail scheme.

Nathan Myhrvold
Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft and Jeffrey Epstein at the 2000 Edge Billionaires’ Dinner. Source:

From 2001 to 2017, Epstein funded $638,000 out of a total of $857,000 raised by Edge. During this period, there were several years when Epstein was Edge’s only donor. Epstein stopped giving in 2015, which was incidentally the same year that Edge decided to discontinue its annual Billionaires’ Dinner tradition.

In addition, the only award Edge has ever given out, the $100,000 Edge of Computation prize, was awarded in 2005 to Quantum computing pioneer David Deutsch — it was funded entirely by Epstein. A year before he began donating heavily to Edge, Epstein had created the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation to “fund and support cutting edge science around the world.”

Since the Epstein scandal, regular attendees of the Billionaires’ Dinner, sometimes called the Edge annual dinner, have referred to the event as an “influence operation.” If one follows the money, it appears it was an influence operation largely benefiting one man, Jeffrey Epstein, and his network. The evidence points toward Myhrvold and Gates as being very much a part of that network, even before Epstein’s involvement in Edge increased significantly.

A Tale of Two Bills

It is worth exploring the ties between the “philanthropic” endeavors of Bill Gates and Bill Clinton in the early 2000s, particularly given Epstein’s and Ghislaine Maxwell’s ties to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative during that period.

According to former Israeli intelligence operative Ari Ben-Menashe, Bill Clinton had been the main focus of Epstein’s sexual blackmail operation in the 1990s, a claim supported by Epstein victim testimony and Epstein’s intimate involvement with individuals who were close to the former president at the time.

Bill Gates at the White House Conference
Bill Gates at the White House Conference on the New Economy in 2000. Source: LA Times

Despite tensions arising from the Clinton administration’s pursuit of Microsoft’s monopoly in the late 1990s, the Gates and Clinton relationship had thawed by April 2000, when Gates attended the White House “Conference on the New Economy.”

Attendees besides Gates included close Epstein associate Lynn Forester (now Lady de Rothschild) and then secretary of the treasury Larry Summers, who has also come under fire for his Epstein ties. Another attendee was White House chief of staff Thomas “Mack” McLarty, whose special assistant Mark Middleton met with Epstein at least three times at the Clinton White House.

Middleton was fired after press reports surfaced detailing his ties to illegal donations linked to foreign governments that had been made to Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign. Another participant in the conference was Janet Yellen, Biden’s current Secretary of the Treasury.

Gates spoke at a conference panel titled “Closing the Global Divide: Health, Education and Technology.” He discussed how the mapping of the human genome would result in a new era of technological breakthroughs and discussed the need to offer internet access to everyone to close the digital divide and allow the “new” internet-based economy to take shape.

At the time, Gates was backing a company, along with American Telecom billionaire Craig McCaw, that hoped to establish a global internet service provider monopoly through a network of low-orbit satellites. That company, Teledesic, shut down between 2002 and 2003 and is credited as being the inspiration for Elon Musk’s Starlink.

Bill Clinton and Bill Gates entered the world of philanthropy around the same time, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launching in 2000 and the Clinton Foundation, in 2001. Not only that but Wired described the two foundations as being “at the forefront of a new era in philanthropy, in which decisions — often referred to as investments — are made with the strategic precision demanded of business and government, then painstakingly tracked to gauge their success.”

Other media outlets, however, such as HuffPost, challenged that these foundations engaged in “philanthropy” and asserted that calling them such was causing “the rapid deconstruction of the accepted term.” HuffPost further noted that the Clinton Global Initiative (part of the Clinton Foundation), the Gates Foundation and a few similar organizations “all point in the direction of blurring the boundaries between philanthropy, business and nonprofits.”

It noted that this model for “philanthropy” has been promoted by the World Economic Forum and the Milken Institute. It is also worth noting that several of Epstein’s own “philanthropic” vehicles were also created just as this new era in philanthropy was beginning.

The Milken Institute was founded by Michael Milken, the notorious Wall Street “junk bond king,” who was indicted on 98 counts of racketeering and securities fraud in 1989. He served little prison time and was ultimately pardoned by Donald Trump. Milken committed his crimes while working alongside Leon Black and Ron Perelman at Drexel Burnham Lambert before its scandalous collapse.

Black was deeply tied to Epstein, even having Epstein manage his personal “philanthropic” foundation for several years, even after Epstein’s first arrest. Perelman was a major Clinton donor whose 1995 fundraiser for the then president was attended by Epstein and whose companies offered jobs to Webster Hubbell and Monica Lewinsky after their respective scandals in the Clinton administration.

Like Gates, Milken has transformed his reputation for ruthlessness in the corporate world into one of a “prominent philanthropist.” Much of his “philanthropy” benefits the Israeli military and illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine.

Years after creating their foundations, Gates and Clinton discussed how they have “long bonded over their shared mission” of normalizing this new model of philanthropy. Gates spoke to Wired in 2013 about “their forays into developing regions” and “cites the close partnerships between their organizations.”

In that interview, Gates revealed that he had met Clinton before he had become president, stating, “I knew him before he was president, I knew him when he was president, and I know him now that he’s not president.”

Also in that interview, Clinton stated that after he left the White House he sought to focus on two specific things. The first is the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which he stated exists “thanks largely to funding from the Gates Foundation,” and the second is the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), “where I try to build a global network of people to do their own thing.”

The Clinton Health Access Initiative first received an $11 million donation from the Gates Foundation in 2009. Over the last 12 years, the Gates Foundation has donated more than $497 million to CHAI. CHAI was initially founded in 2002 with the mission of tackling HIV/AIDS globally through “strong government relationships” and addressing “market inefficiencies.”

The Gates Foundation’s significant donations, however, began not long after CHAI’s expansion into malaria diagnostics and treatments. Notably, in 2011, Tachi Yamada, the former president of the Gates Foundation’s Global Health program, joined CHAI’s board alongside Chelsea Clinton.

Bill Gates and Bill Clinton
Bill Gates and Bill Clinton at the annual Clinton Global Initiative in 2010

Regarding the CGI, Epstein’s defense lawyers argued in court in 2007 that Epstein had been “part of the original group that conceived of the Clinton Global Initiative,” which was first launched in 2005. Epstein’s lawyers described the CGI as a project “bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.”

The Gates Foundation gave the CGI a total of $2.5 million between 2012 and 2013 in addition to its massive donations to the CHAI and an additional $35 million to the Clinton Foundation itself. In addition to the Gates Foundation donations, Gates’ Microsoft has been intimately involved in other “philanthropic” projects backed by Clinton.

In addition to these ties, Hillary Clinton established a partnership between the Clinton Foundation and the Gates Foundation in 2014 as part of the Clintons’ No Ceilings initiative. That partnership sought to “gather and analyze data about the status of women and girls’ participation around the world” and involved the two foundations working “with leading technology partners to collect these data and compile them.”

Months before the partnership was announced, Gates and Epstein met for dinner and discussed the Gates Foundation and philanthropy, according to The New York Times. During Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful run for president in 2016, both Bill and Melinda Gates were on her short list as potential options for vice president.

In addition, Epstein attempted to become involved in the Gates Foundation directly, as seen by his efforts to convince the Gates Foundation to partner with JP Morgan on a multibillion-dollar “global health charitable fund” that would have resulted in hefty fees paid out to Epstein, who was very involved with JP Morgan at the time.

Though that fund never materialized, Epstein and Gates did discuss Epstein becoming involved in Gates’ philanthropic efforts. Some of these contacts were not reported by the mainstream press until after the Bill and Melinda Gates divorce announcement. Yet, as mentioned, it was known that Epstein had “directed” Gates to donate to at least one organization — $2 million in 2014 to the MIT Media Lab.

Recent revelations about Gates and Epstein meetings that took place between 2013 and 2014 have further underscored the importance Epstein apparently held in the world of billionaire “philanthropy,” with Gates reportedly claiming that Epstein was his “ticket” to winning a Nobel Prize. Norwegian media, however, reported in October 2020 that Gates and Epstein had met the Nobel Committee chair, which failed to make a splash in international media at the time.

It is worth asking if Epstein managed to arrange such meetings with other individuals who also coveted Nobel Prizes and if any such individuals later received those prizes. If Epstein had such connections, it is unlikely that he would use them only once in the case of Bill Gates, given the vastness of his network, particularly in the tech and science worlds.

The year 2013 is also when Bill and Melinda Gates together met with Epstein at his New York residence, after which Melinda allegedly began asking her soon-to-be ex-husband to distance himself from Epstein.

While the stated reason for this, in the wake of the Gates’ divorce announcement, was that Melinda was put off by Epstein’s past and his persona, it could potentially be related to other concerns about Melinda’s reputation and that of the foundation that shares her name.

Indeed, 2013 was also the year that the Gates mansion systems engineer, Rick Allen Jones, began to be investigated by Seattle police for his child porn and child rape collection, which contained over 6,000 images and videos. Despite the gravity of his crime, when Jones was arrested at the Gates mansion a year later, he was not jailed after his arrest but was merely ordered “to stay away from children,” according to local media reports.

From Melinda’s perspective, this scandal, combined with Bill Gates’ growing association with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, may have posed a threat to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s reputation, well before Epstein’s 2019 arrest.

2013 was also the year that the Maxwells become involved in the Clinton Foundation. That year, Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar Project, which officially supported UN Sustainable Development Goals as they relate the world’s oceans, made a $1.25 million commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of an effort to form a Sustainable Oceans Alliance. TerraMar shut down shortly after Epstein’s 2019 arrest.

Isabel Maxwell and Al Seckel
Isabel Maxwell and Al Seckel at the World Economic Forum’s 2011 Annual Meeting

Notably, Ghislaine’s TerraMar Project was in many ways the successor to Isabel Maxwell’s failed Blue World Alliance, which was also ostensibly focused on the world’s oceans. Blue World Alliance was set up by Isabel and her now deceased husband Al Seckel, who had hosted a “scientific conference” on Epstein’s island.

The Blue World Alliance also went under the name Globalsolver Foundation, and Xavier Malina, Christine Maxwell’s son, was listed as Globalsolver’s liaison to the Clinton Foundation. He was previously an intern at the Clinton Global Initiative.

Malina later worked in the Obama administration at the Office of White House Personnel. He now works for Google. It is also worth noting that during this same period, Isabel Maxwell’s son, Alexander Djerassi, was chief of staff at the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs in the Hillary Clinton–run State Department.

Gates Science and Epstein Science

While the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation intermingled, and the latter had ties to Epstein and Maxwell, it also appears that Epstein had significant influence over two of the most prominent science advisers to Bill Gates over the last 15 years — Melanie Walker and Boris Nikolic.

Melanie Walker
Melanie Walker, now a celebrated neurosurgeon, met Jeffrey Epstein in 1992 soon after she graduated from college, when he offered her a Victoria’s Secret modeling job. Such offers were often made by Epstein and his accomplices when recruiting women into his operation and it is unclear if Walker ever actually worked as a model for the Leslie Wexner-owned company.She then stayed at a New York apartment building associated with Epstein’s trafficking operations during visits to New York, but it is unclear how long she stayed there or at other Epstein-owned properties. After she graduated from medical school in 1998, she became Epstein’s science adviser for at least a year.By 1999, she had grown so close to Prince Andrew that she attended a Windsor Castle birthday celebration hosted by the Queen along with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. During this period, Melanie appears on Epstein’s flight logs under her birth name, Melanie Starnes, though it looks like “Starves” on the flight logs.

The close relationship between Prince Andrew and Melanie Walker came under scrutiny after Epstein’s former housekeeper at the Zorro Ranch property, Deidre Stratton, stated in an interview that Prince Andrew had been “given” a “beautiful young neurosurgeon” while he stayed at Epstein’s New Mexico property.

Given that only one neurosurgeon was both close to Prince Andrew and a part of Epstein’s entourage at the time, it seems highly likely that this woman “gifted” to Andrew was Melanie Walker.

According to Stratton, Andrew “kept company” with this woman for three days. The arrangement was set up by Epstein, who was not at the property at the time. The exact timing of the stay is uncertain, but it likely took place between 1999 and 2001. Stratton said the following about the stay:

“At the time, Jeffrey had this, she supposedly was a neurosurgeon, quite young, beautiful, young and brilliant, and she stayed in the home with him … At one point we had all these different teas and you could pick the teas that you wanted and she asked me to find one that would make Andrew more horny.

I’m guessing she understood her job was to entertain him because I guess, the fear, I don’t know; the fear would be that Andrew would say, ‘No I didn’t really find her that attractive.’ … He would tell Jeffrey that and then she would be on the ropes.

I’m guessing that, another theory is, that Jeffrey probably had her on retainer and she knew what her job would be, should be, to make these people happy … Sex was all they thought about. I mean, I know for sure that Jeffrey would ideally like three massages a day.”

Sometime later, Walker moved to Seattle and began living with then Microsoft executive Steven Sinofsky, who now serves as a board partner at the venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz. Andreesen Horowitz notably backs Carbyne911, the Israel intelligence-linked precrime start-up funded by Epstein and his close associate, former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak, as well as another Israeli intelligence-linked tech company led by Barak, called Toka.

Toka recently won contracts with the governments of Moldova, Nigeria and Ghana through the World Bank, where Melanie Walker is currently a director and a former special adviser to its president. It is unclear when, how and under what circumstances Walker met Sinofsky.

Epstein’s Influence on the Gates Foundation

After moving to Seattle to be with Sinofsky and after a brief stint as a “practitioner in the developing world” in China with the World Health Organization, Walker was hired as a senior program officer by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2006.

Given that the main feature of Walker’s resume at the time was having been a science adviser to another wealthy “philanthropist,” Jeffrey Epstein, her hire by the Gates Foundation for this critical role further underscores how Bill Gates, at the very least, not only knew who Epstein was but knew enough about his scientific interests and investments to want to hire Walker.

Walker went on to become deputy director for Global Development as well as a deputy director of Special Initiatives at the foundation. According to the Rockefeller Foundation, where she is a fellow, Walker later advised Gates on issues pertaining to neurotechnology and brain science for Gates’ secretive company bgC3, which Gates originally registered as a think tank under the name Carillon Holdings.

According to federal filings, bgC3’s focus areas were  “scientific and technological services,” “industrial analysis and research,” and “design and development of computer hardware and software.”

During her time at the Gates Foundation, Walker introduced Boris Nikolic, Gates’ science adviser, to Epstein. Today, Melanie Walker is the cochair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Neurotechnology and Brain Science, having previously been named a WEF Young Global Leader. She also advises the World Health Organization, which is closely linked to Bill Gates’s “philanthropy.”

At the WEF, Walker wrote an article in 2016 titled “Healthcare in 2030: Goodbye Hospital, Hello Home-spital,” in which she discusses how wearable devices, brain-machine interfaces and injectable/swallowable robotic “medicines” will be the norm by 2030.

Years before COVID-19 and the Great Reset-inspired efforts to change health care in just this way, Walker wrote that while the dystopian scenario she was painting “sounds crazy … most of these technologies are either almost ready for prime time, or in development.” Of course, a lot of those technologies took shape thanks to the patronage of her former bosses, Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates.

In the case of Boris Nikolic, after being introduced to Epstein through Walker, he attended a 2011 meeting with Gates and Epstein where he was photographed alongside James Staley, then a senior JP Morgan executive, and Larry Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury and a close Epstein associate.

Nikolic was chief adviser for science and technology to Bill Gates at the time, advising both the Gates Foundation and bgC3. According to the mainstream narrative, this is supposed to be the first time that Gates and Epstein had ever met. In addition, this may have been when Epstein pitched the joint Gates Foundation-JP Morgan “global health charitable fund.”

Meeting at Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan mansion
The 2011 meeting at Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion attended by James E. Staley, Larry Summers, Jeffery Epstein, Bill Gates and Boris Nikolic.

In 2014, Nikolic “waxed enthusiastic” about Epstein’s supposed penchant for financial advice ahead of a public offering for a gene-editing company that Nikolic had a $42 million stake in. Notably, both Nikolic and Epstein were clients of the same group of bankers at JP Morgan, with Bloomberg later reporting that Epstein regularly helped those bankers attract wealthy new clients.

In 2016, Nikolic cofounded Biomatics capital, which invests in health-related companies at “the convergence of genomics and digital data” that are “enabling the development of superior therapeutics, diagnostics and delivery models.” Nikolic founded Biomatics with Julie Sunderland, formerly the director of the Gates Foundation’s Strategic Investment Fund.

At least three of the companies backed by Biomatics — Qihan Biotech, eGenesis and Editas — were cofounded by George Church, a Harvard geneticist with deep ties to Epstein and also closely associated with the Edge Foundation. Biomatics investment in Qihan Biotech is no longer listed on the Biomatics website.

Church’s Qihan Biotech seeks to produce human tissues and organs inside pigs for transplantation into humans, while eGenesis seeks to genetically modify pig organs for use in humans. Editas produces CRISPR gene-editing “medicines” and is also backed by the Gates Foundation as well as Google Ventures.

Church has been accused of promoting eugenics as well as unethical human experimentation. Epstein’s significant interest in eugenics was made public after his death, and Bill Gates, as well as his father William H. Gates II, have also been linked to eugenics movements and ideas.

After Epstein’s death in 2019, it was revealed that Nikolic had been named the “successor executor” of Epstein’s estate, further suggesting close ties to Epstein despite Nikolic’s claims to the contrary. After details of Epstein’s will were made public, Nikolic did not sign a form indicating his willingness to be executor and did not ultimately serve in that role.

The Epstein Cover-Up Continues

Despite the relatively abrupt shift in the mainstream media regarding what is acceptable to discuss regarding the Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Gates relationship, many of these same media outlets refuse to acknowledge much of the information contained in this investigative report. This is particularly true in the case of the Evening Standard article and Bill Gates’ odd relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister Isabel and CommTouch, the company Isabel previously led.

The likely reason for the continued cover-up of the true extent of Epstein’s ties to Gates has much more to do with Gates’ company Microsoft than with Bill Gates himself. While it is now permissible to report on ties that discredit Gates’ personal reputation, the information that could tie his relationship with Epstein and the Maxwells to Microsoft has been omitted.

If, as the Evening Standard reported, Epstein did make millions out of his business ties with Gates prior to 2001 and if Gates’ ties to Isabel Maxwell and the Israeli espionage-linked company CommTouch were to become public knowledge, the result could easily be a scandal on par with the PROMIS software affair.

Such a disclosure could be very damaging for Microsoft and its partner the World Economic Forum, as Microsoft has become a key player in the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution initiatives that range from digital identity and vaccine passports to efforts to replace human workers with artificial intelligence.

There are clearly powerful actors with a vested interest in keeping the Epstein-Gates narrative squarely focused on 2011 and later — not necessarily to protect Gates but more likely to protect the company itself and other top Microsoft executives who appear to have been compromised by Epstein and others in the same intelligence-linked network.

This is hardly an isolated incident, as similar efforts have been made to cover up (or memory hole) the ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to other prominent Silicon Valley empires, such as those led by Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. One key reason for this is that the Epstein network’s blackmail operation involved not only sexual blackmail but electronic forms of blackmail, something used to great effect by Robert Maxwell on behalf of Israeli intelligence as part of the PROMIS operation.

Given its nature, electronic forms of blackmail through illegal surveillance or backdoored software can be used to compromise those in power with something to hide, but who were uninclined to engage in the exploitation of minors, such as those abused by Epstein.

That Isabel and Christine Maxwell were able to forge close business ties with Microsoft after having been part of the front company that played a central role in PROMIS-related espionage and after explicitly managing their subsequent companies with the admitted intention to “rebuild” their spy father’s work and legacy, strongly points to the probability of at least some Microsoft products having been compromised in some fashion, likely through alliances with Maxwell-run tech companies.

The lack of mainstream media concern over the documented ties of the Epstein network to other top Microsoft executives of the past, such as Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone and Steven Sinofsky, makes it clear that, while it may be open season on the relationship between Bill Gates and Epstein, such is not the case for Microsoft and Epstein.

The ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to Silicon Valley, not just to Microsoft, are part of a broader attempt to cover up the strong intelligence component in the origin of Silicon Valley’s most powerful companies. Much effort has been invested in creating a public perception that these companies are strictly private entities despite their deep, long-standing ties to the intelligence agencies and militaries of the U.S. and Israel.

The true breadth of the Epstein scandal will never be covered by mainstream media because so many news outlets are owned by these same Silicon Valley oligarchs or depend on Silicon Valley for online reader engagement.

Perhaps the biggest reason why the military/intelligence origins and links to the current Silicon Valley oligarchy will never be honestly examined, however, is that those very entities are now working with breakneck speed to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which would make artificial intelligence, automation, mass electronic surveillance and transhumanism central to human society.

One of the architects of this “revolution,” Klaus Schwab, said earlier this year that rebuilding and maintaining trust with the public was critical to that project. However, were the true nature of Silicon Valley, including its significant ties to serial child rapist and sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein and his network, to emerge, the public’s trust would be significantly eroded, thus threatening what the global oligarchy views as a project critical to its survival.

About the Author

To find more of Webb’s work, be sure to check out her website, You can also find her videos by searching Bitchute, and she has her own podcast channel called Unlimited Hangout on Warp Speed reporting can also be found on At present, Webb is also still on Twitter @_whitneywebb.

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.


Overview Video of mRNA Vaccine Technology – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Detailed explanation of the mechanisms of action for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and a highlight of some of the known risks.


  • Taken together, this work clearly demonstrates that vaccine-induced protective antibody responses following a second and third dose of BNT162b2 are both very low and transient in older people
  • The authors conclude that “additional booster doses may be necessary, particularly in older people.” … One has to wonder, whether the study authors really mean to imply that a total of 13 boosters per year are needed (52 weeks/four weeks = 13 boosters)? Or are they just writing this to get through peer review?
  • A more unbiased conclusion based on these data is that the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine has exceptionally poor durability of neutralizing antibody response (using a non-validated or “academic research” level test) against currently circulating viral strains
  • The failure to address these data clearly demonstrates, once again, both the failure of the peer review process, the irrational pro-vaccine bias of the authors, and the pro-vaccine bias of the editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association

This article was originally published here.

This 25 minutes video explains in detail the mechanisms of action for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, as well as highlighting some of the known risks. If you wish to have a better understanding of the technology or wish for a refresher on the tech, as well as to learn a bit of cellular and molecular biology – this is a great primer. So, sit back, relax and open your mind to a bit of science.

Analysis of the Peer Reviewed Study

Neutralizing Antibodies Against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant (BA.1) 1 to 18 Weeks After the Second and Third Doses of the BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(5):e2212073. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.12073

The abstract of the paper first mentions that in early clinical trials, SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies were correlated with protection against infection and disease caused by early viral variants, but not mentioned by the authors – this correlation has not been demonstrated with the various Omicron variants.

The authors of this current work, which focuses on the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, note that in studies carried out by Moderna, there is an observed decrease in neutralizing antibody titers in the vaccinated population which corresponds to a decrease in vaccine efficacy against polymerase chain reaction – confirmed Omicron infection in Denmark and symptomatic Omicron infection in the United Kingdom.

The study has a curious selection bias – it only includes males, and it neither captures nor analyzes any data concerning efficacy or effectiveness endpoints.

This study repeatedly asserts that there is a demonstrated correlation between neutralizing antibody titers and protection against infection and disease, but relies on historic data from non-Omicron variants to support this claim.

  • This study detected a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers only a few weeks after the second and third doses of BNT162b2.
  • For those aged 65 and older, there were almost no Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers after dose 2 (see Figure 2, panel B).
  • For those aged 65 and older, there were almost no Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers by week 8 after dose 3.

Please review Figure 2, which clearly shows these results:

temporal omicron virus neutralization titers

Taken together, this work clearly demonstrates that vaccine-induced protective antibody responses following a second and third dose of BNT162b2 are both very low and transient in older people (which is the cohort at most significant risk of hospitalization and death).

The article mentions that conserved T-cell immunity and non-neutralizing antibodies may still provide protection against hospitalization and death even as neutralizing antibodies wane, but the study did not actually measure T-cell immunity and non-neutralizing antibodies.

The authors conclude that “additional booster doses may be necessary, particularly in older people.” Following their logic, one can view the above table and note that the ranges of protection rapidly wanes after week 4 in those older than 65 years after dose 3. One has to wonder, whether the study authors really mean to imply that a total of 13 boosters per year are needed (52 weeks/four weeks = 13 boosters)? Or are they just writing this to get through peer review?

Also relevant is that “validated correlate of protection” is a precise regulatory term. It means that extensive analysis and characterization of both the specific test used (neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2), as well as the connection between what it is testing and the thing that it is being developed to serve as a surrogate for (protection) has been performed. In the case of the current study, neither has occurred.

Therefore, no conclusions can be drawn from this study concerning what it is measuring (purported to be neutralizing antibodies) and the endpoint for which it is to serve as a surrogate for (protection) can be drawn. In other words, this paper is essentially a preliminary study of no real regulatory significance — it has not been performed with the necessary rigor.

A more unbiased conclusion based on these data is that the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine has exceptionally poor durability of neutralizing antibody response (using a non-validated or “academic research” level test) against currently circulating viral strains.

In contrast, emerging mRNA vaccine effectiveness data from multiple countries are repeatedly demonstrating a dose dependent negative effectiveness of these vaccines (in other words, the more doses administered, the higher the risk of significant COVID disease or death).

The failure to address these data clearly demonstrates, once again, both the failure of the peer review process, the irrational pro-vaccine bias of the authors, and the pro-vaccine bias of the editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

When will objective, data-driven physicians and medical scientists ever be able to restore their prior faith in the Journal of the American Medical Association, or will JAMA continue to remain (for all practical purposes) just a pharmaceutical industry promotional trade journal?

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

USA DOMESTIC food production now collapsing as fertilizer runs out

Full Natural News Article:

When the USA and NATO countries engaged in economic warfare against Russia by de-platforming Russian banks from the SWIFT system in March, it set off a chain reaction of world events that will lead to global famine and food scarcity panic. Fertilizer and the natural gas used to manufacture fertilizer are now in short supply around the world. Many prominent food producers such as India have turned to export bans (food protectionism) to secure their own domestic supplies, worsening global food scarcity. Rising fuel costs have only added to the problems, resulting in far higher costs of farm inputs across the world.


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7:50 Tulsa Shooting
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41:10 Housing Prices
43:13 Disturbing Story
48:30 Big Tobacco
55:50 USA vs Russia

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The Great Reset Snakes Are Slithering Together in Davos – Dr. Joseph Mercola

According to this elite group, only a top-down governance that controls all the wealth and goods can ensure a fair distribution of dwindling resources, including energy and food.


  • The Great Reset involves the demolition and radical overhaul of several interlocking pillars of civilization: technology, society, economy, environment and geopolitics. Food and health also fall within these categories
  • Through control of these core pillars, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its globalist allies intend to seize control of all the nations of the world and centralize all power and wealth
  • The WEF is an organization that profits from famine and disease; it uses tragedies and fear to further its own agenda. It intends to dictate what you eat, what you own and what you think, under the guise of building a “sustainable future”
  • The WEF-led cabal believes in transhumanist and technocratic principles, and the technocratic system requires extensive surveillance and artificial intelligence-driven technologies to keep everyone in check
  • Technocrats actually believe they’re better, more evolved than the rest, and this superiority gives them the right to decide the fate of mankind. They also reject the notion of free will. Once you understand this basic mindset, it’s easier to understand why they think nothing of stripping you of your freedom and ability to make choices for yourself

In the video above, which is part of a larger “Great Reset” documentary series, Rebel News highlights the origins of the World Economic Forum1 (WEF), its founder Klaus Schwab, and other key players, and the WEF’s central role in The Great Reset, which promises (read: threatens) to overturn society and life as we know it in ways that are hard to imagine.

In summary, The Great Reset involves the demolition and radical overhaul of several interlocking pillars of civilization: technology, society, economy, environment and geopolitics. Food and health also fall within these categories. Through control of these core pillars, the WEF and its globalist allies intend to seize control of all the nations of the world and centralize all power and wealth.

The WEF’s Plan

As noted by Rebel News, the WEF is an organization that profits from famine and disease; it uses tragedies and fear to further its own agenda — “one that dictates what you eat, what you own, what you think, under the guise of a ‘sustainable future.’”

According to the WEF, capitalism is dead and we can no longer allow for free markets. Instead, we need a top-down governance, a New World Order, that can ensure “fair and equitable” distribution of dwindling resources, including energy and food. What they’re really saying, however, is that soon-to-be-useless people are gobbling up “their” resources. They see us — you and me — as an existential threat to their luxurious lifestyle.

So, their decades-old plan is to seize control of it all, transfer all wealth and private ownership into their own hands, and centrally control who gets what and when. It’s important to realize that this WEF-led cabal believes in transhumanist and technocratic principles.

What Is Technocracy?

Technocracy is at its core an economic system, not a political one. However, it’s wholly unnatural, and therefore also requires unnatural means to keep it going. Rather than being based on common pricing mechanisms such as supply and demand or free commerce, the economy of technocracy is based on energy resources, which then dictate the types of products being produced, bought, sold and consumed.

“The technocratic system requires extensive surveillance and artificial intelligence-driven technologies to keep everyone in check.”

In essence, energy replaces the concept of money as a commodity. That’s strange enough, but it gets stranger still. Technocracy, which emerged in the 1930s during the height of the Great Depression, the brainchildren of which were scientists and engineers, also requires social engineering to work.

If people are allowed to do what they want, consumer demand ultimately drives commerce, but that won’t fly in a technocratic economy. Instead, consumers need to be directed, herded if you will, to consume that which the system needs them to consume, and in order for that to happen, they need to be more or less brainwashed. As a result, the technocratic system requires extensive surveillance and artificial intelligence-driven technologies to keep everyone in check.

Understanding the Mind of the Technocrats

klaus schwab dangerous man

As Schwab himself has declared on many occasions, they want a society in which humans are merged with machine and artificial intelligence (AI). They look forward to extreme longevity, if not immortality through technological means.

They place no value on spiritual ideas such as the survival of the soul. They don’t believe in the nonlocality of consciousness. If they did, they wouldn’t believe consciousness can simply be uploaded into a synthetic body. They believe that, through technology and AI, they will be able to replace God and the natural order with reengineered lifeforms of their own creation, including a reengineered humanity.

They actually believe they’re better, more evolved than the rest of us, and this superiority gives them the right to decide the fate of mankind. They also reject the notion of free will.2 Once you understand this basic mindset, it’s easier to understand why they think nothing of stripping you of your freedom and ability to make choices for yourself. As noted by Tessa Lena in “The Mind of a Technocrat: What Drives Them?”:

“To a technocrat, a human being is an imperfect machine, a humble meat bag that is operated by software, which is produced by the brain. The technocrat’s understanding of life is based on a very primitive, linear vision; it’s void of spiritual mystery …

The force driving the mind of a technocrat is the overbearing emotional need for total control, combined with mistrust for other people in general. They seemingly look to compensate for their emotional poverty. (In other words, there is no reason to admire their successes as their successes are based on theft of other people’s right to free will.)

The technocrats’ desire to fully control their surroundings is anxiety-driven. They simply can’t stand the feeling of uncertainty that comes with allowing other people’s subjective choices to play any role. They don’t trust others to do the right thing, much like a very neurotic parent doesn’t trust his child’s ability to choose wisely without supervision — but far less benevolently.

Their desire for control is intensely neurotic. They are sitting on needles, so to speak (a Russian idiom and a pun in the light of today) — and in order to dampen their anxiety, they resort to trying to implement their controlling ambitions …

Technocrats may think they are the cream of the crop. They may think that their brilliant vision is good for the world. But regardless of whether they believe themselves to be the good guys or the bad guys, their thirst for total control is a pathological, anxiety-driven expression. They can’t stand being dependent on other people’s free will, and so they aspire to squash it, which is not existentially right.”

Annual Meeting in Davos

Each year, the WEF holds a meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Thousands of global movers and shakers fly in on private jets to decide how best to stop the working class from driving gas-powered cars, heating their homes and eating meat. Does anyone still believe that a bunch of billionaire “elites” can make life “fair and equitable” for everyone?

Attendees include corporate executives, bankers and financiers, heads of state, finance and trade ministers, central bankers, policymakers, the heads of international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the Bank for International Settlements, the United Nations and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Many academics, economists, political scientists, journalists, cultural elites and celebrities are also invited.

This year’s meeting took place May 22 through 26.3 On the first day, participants were treated to an immersive experience of the metaverse in their own digital avatar. Essentially, this is where they want to bring the masses of mankind — into a digital reality where enjoyment of resources doesn’t involve actual use of real-world resources. For example, rather than buying clothes for your biological body, you’ll spend digital currency on a wardrobe for your digital avatar.

Day 2 included a discussion about how manufacturing companies can accelerate their implementation of automation. The idea is to replace most of the human workforce with robotics and AI. As you might expect, this will render large portions of humanity superfluous and “useless.” What to do with them all? Professor Yuval Noah Harari, a Schwab adviser, has stated he believes the answer will be a combination of “drugs and video games.”4

Haves and Have Nots Among Journalists

Among the journalists invited to the 2022 meeting was New York Times managing editor Rebecca Blumenstein. Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini confronted Blumenstein in Davos (video above), asking how the public is supposed to trust the NYT’s reporting on the event when she’s an invited guest. Blumenstein refused to answer the question, thereby cementing the impression that she’s really not there as an independent journalist. She’s part of the event. She’s part of the club.

Additional evidence that not all journalists are equal was evidenced by the attempt by armed WEF police officers to detain conservative journalist Jack Posobiec (video below).5 When other journalists got involved and started filming and asking questions, the police took off. The fact that the WEF has ITS OWN police force should be a wakeup call. Clearly, they’re far more than just another nongovernmental organization (NGO).

Sustainable Development Is Technocracy

Many of the terms we’ve heard more and more of in recent years refer to technocracy under a different name. Examples include sustainable development, Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, the New Urban Agenda, green economy, the green new deal and the climate change movement in general.

They all refer to and are part of technocracy and resource-based economics. Other terms that are synonymous with technocracy include the Great Reset,6 the Fourth Industrial Revolution7 and the slogan Build Back Better.8 The Paris Climate Agreement is also part and parcel of the technocratic agenda.

The common goal of all these movements and agendas is to capture all of the resources of the world — the ownership of them — for a small global elite group that has the know-how to program the computer systems that will ultimately dictate the lives of everyone. It’s really the ultimate form of totalitarianism.

When they talk about “wealth redistribution,” what they’re really referring to is the redistribution of resources from us to them. The WEF has publicly announced that by 2030, you will own nothing. Everything you need you will rent — from them — and deciding factors for what you’re allowed to rent will include things like your carbon credits and social credit score.

Gone will be the days of putting in a day’s work, receiving a paycheck and spending it to your heart’s content. No, the digital currency will be programmable, so the issuer can decide when and what you can spend it on, based on the data in your digital identity. This will all be automated and run by AI, of course, so there won’t be anyone to complain to.

What the Green Revolution Is All About

While “going green” sounds and feels like the right thing to do, it’s becoming imperative for people to understand what the green agenda is really all about. Shocking as it may sound, the green agenda was invented, fabricated, by the Club of Rome (a scientific think tank allied with the WEF) to justify a depopulation agenda.9

The need for population control is described in the 1972 book, “The Limits to Growth,”10 which warned that “if the world’s consumption patterns and population growth continued at the same high rates of the time, the earth would strike its limits within a century.”

Then, in the 1991 book, “The First Global Revolution,”11 the Club of Rome argued that depopulation policies might gain widespread support if they could be linked to an existential fight against a common enemy. An excerpt from “The First Global Revolution” reads:12

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill.”

So, in plain English, the intended result of “going green” is depopulation. This intention is now finally becoming visible when you consider the implications of eliminating oil and gas production without having viable alternatives in place, which is what Biden and other global leaders are in the process of doing.

Not only do you need oil to make fertilizer, but we also don’t have farm equipment that can run on solar or wind power. So, food production essentially grinds to a halt. Heavy construction machinery also can’t run on these alternative sources of energy, so there go the infrastructure and home building businesses.

To many, it seems these global leaders are acting out of ignorance, but it’s quite possible their actions are intentional. It’s just that no one wants to consider that the intention is to harm as many people as possible — to actually rid the planet of soon-to-be “useless” people.

It may be quite chilling to realize that the climate change threat narrative was cooked up in the late 1980s for the sole purpose of being able to implement a global depopulation agenda without stirring up excessive resistance. But depopulation and eugenics are at the heart of what the WEF and its allies are trying to achieve.

The WEF even admits they’re using the Club of Rome’s “planetary emergency plan” to provide “a new compass for nations” to follow.13 So, the WEF and its allied nations are all following a plan that has depopulation as an admitted intended end result.

Phase 2 of the Great Reset: War

As I discussed in “Phase 2 of the Great Reset: War,” the drums of war are also part and parcel of The Great Reset plan. Why? Because war will accelerate the economic collapse required before nations can “Build Back Better.”14 The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is helping to catalyze The Great Reset in a number of different ways.

For starters, supply chains of all kinds are being disrupted at an unprecedented level and pace by the war between Russia and Ukraine. Fuel shortages and inflation are also taking off. Geopolitical tensions may also trigger stagflation, an economic situation in which inflation and unemployment rates are high while economic growth slows.15

It’s a precarious dilemma for economic policy, because strategies that help lower inflation can also make unemployment worse. You can learn more about this in the March 10, 2022, Conversation article, “Why Stagflation Is an Economic Nightmare.”16

The end result is increased dependence on government subsidies, and this is a clear goal of The Great Reset. Universal basic income is one planned strategy that will create dependency. It will also ensure we’re all equally poor and unable to threaten their monopoly on power and wealth.

Universal poverty is really what they mean when they talk about making the world “fair and equitable.” No one will have anything. Everyone will be equally poor and dependent, without hope of ever being able to rise into the “elite” technocratic class.

The Ukraine war is also reducing Europe’s reliance on Russian energy, thereby reinforcing the urgency of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In lockstep with The Great Reset, policymakers around the world are using the sanctions against the Russian energy sector to accelerate the transition to “green” energy, the intention behind which is what I just discussed.

Russia’s decision to block exports of fertilizer and food crops in response to being deplatformed from the Swift system will also create food shortages, and this too plays right into the Great Reset plan. In recent years, we’ve been urged by Great Reset front men like Bill Gates to stop eating real meat and switch to synthetic lab-grown meat instead.

Making people reliant on patented synthetic food will benefit the globalists in more ways than one. People will get sicker, and hence more reliant on government aid. They’ll be dependent on food produced by monopolies and hence easier to control. And, over time, as people forget how to grow and raise food, the ability to control the global population will increase.

In addition to all of this, media are chumming the waters with fearporn about monkeypox — just in time for the push to relinquish national sovereignty to the World Health Organization, which is also allied with the WEF.

In closing, Michael Osterholm’s report from the 2010 Davos meeting, which was aflame with talks about pandemic planning, having just gone through the 2009/2010 swine flu pandemic is quite telling. All those years ago, he wrote:17

“I learned much in Davos, but I was troubled by the complete lack of attention to such critical questions as:

  • How do we protect global supply chains when we face another inevitable pandemic that could bring about widespread, severe illness? …
  • How do we take the lessons we’ve learned from our experience with H1N1 and embed them into our organizations so they’re not forgotten?

Instead, the tenor of the conversations at Davos was about globalization …”

Twelve years ago, the Davos billionaires, bankers and heads of state had the opportunity to prove they were capable of stewarding this Earth ship. But after the swine flu pandemic, they didn’t solve the problems that had become apparent.

They didn’t solve the supply chain issues, and we had the same but worse issues when COVID came along. The only thing they solved was how to silence the critics. Back then, there was talk that “heads should roll” because of mismanagement of the pandemic.

Well, no heads rolled. Everything stayed the same, and now we’ve gone through two years of the worst pandemic mismanagement imaginable. Now, the globalist cabal is pushing for the inept WHO to become the sole decision-maker in pandemics, which the WHO would be able to declare at will, based on its own definitions. We’re at a very dangerous crossroads.

We have to remember, though, that the fate of the world is not for Schwab and the Davos crowd to decide. It’s ours. If we do not resist their plans, we’ve made the choice to accept their version of the future.

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The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

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Was the Texas School Shooting a False Flag?

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Mag Bitter Truth Official – Bitchute
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VIOLENCE IN HOSPITALS: Mass shootings barely compare to the MEDICAL VIOLENCE inflicted by surgeons and doctors

Full Article at Natural News

In light of the Tulsa medical center shooting this week, a lot of attention is being placed on violence in hospitals. Any act of mass violence against innocent people is abhorrent, yet we must not forget the systematic, daily medical violence committed against patients by doctors and surgeons in America and around the world.


0:00 Intro
5:10 China vs Russia
20:30 Gun Control
26:40 Economic Collapse
39:20 Midterm Elections
43:20 Depp vs Heard
46:50 Tulsa Shooting
48:05 Violence in Hospitals
52:55 Apple
1:00:40 Hunter Biden
1:03:45 China
1:09:55 Organ Harvesting

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Is There a Way Out of the Russia-Ukraine War? Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF oliver-stone-russia-ukraine-pdf


  • Oliver Stone, an award-winning film director, was the executive producer of “Ukraine on Fire,” a documentary that came out in 2016. Stone also interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin between 2014 and 2016. The interviews became the documentary series, “The Putin Interviews,” which aired in 2017
  • Stone recently sat down to talk to Lex Fridman about Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Russia-Ukraine conflict
  • “Ukraine on Fire” focused on the Maidan Revolution that began in 2013. After months of peaceful protests against the Ukrainian government’s decision to not sign a comprehensive free trade agreement with the EU, favoring an offer from Russia instead, deadly violence broke out
  • Petro Poroshenko was elected president in a special election in May 2014. According to the official story, Ukrainians were dissatisfied with President Viktor Yanukovych’s “growing authoritarianism,” and his refusal to sign the EU association agreement. Yanukovych and other high-level officials, however, claim the violent revolution was orchestrated by the U.S. for the purpose of regime change
  • Stone speculates that Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine may in part have been influenced by a realization that the U.S. is intent on regime change in Russia and is willing to destroy Ukraine to do it

In the video above, Lex Fridman interviews Oliver Stone about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Stone, an award-winning film director, was the executive producer of “Ukraine on Fire,”1,2 a documentary that came out in 2016.

Stone also interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin between 2014 and 2016. The interviews became the documentary series, “The Putin Interviews,” which aired in 2017. So, Stone has some insight into both countries. Fridman, meanwhile, is half-Russian, half-Ukrainian.

Ukraine on Fire

“Ukraine on Fire” focused on the Maidan Revolution3 that began in Kiev in 2013. After three months of peaceful protests against the Ukrainian government’s decision to not sign a comprehensive free trade agreement with the EU, favoring an offer from Russia instead, deadly violence broke out.

Petro Poroshenko was elected president in a special election in May 2014. According to the official story, Ukrainians were dissatisfied with president Viktor Yanukovych’s “growing authoritarianism,” and his refusal to sign the EU association agreement, so they overthrew him.

Yanukovych and other high-level officials, however, claim the violent revolution was orchestrated by the U.S. for the purpose of regime change. Leaked conversations revealed top-level officials discussing how to implement a coup to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected government.

You can read more about this and see the film in my previous article, “Ukraine on Fire: 2016 Documentary by Oliver Stone.” The current president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, a former comedian and actor, was voted in in April 2019.

Putin, the Leader and the Man

In this interview, Fridman and Stone primarily focus on Putin — how and what he thinks, based on Stone’s perception of the man — and Russia’s incursion into Ukraine. Stone presents a different side of Putin that many Americans probably have never seen, and explains why Putin’s behavior is, perhaps surprisingly, rational.

The U.S. has a long history of anti-Soviet bias. As noted by Stone, the American stance was that capitalism works and communism doesn’t. Modern Russia is no longer communist,4,5,6 yet the U.S. antagonism against Russia remains, while the U.S. government, ironically, is now doing everything in its power, and beyond, to implement communism here.

Stone notes that Putin is “very much a market man,” and has been very clear that he believes national sovereignty is paramount for world peace and harmonious relations. Putin insists that all nations must be sovereign, “and I believe the United States has never accepted that,” Stone says. The U.S., Stone believes, is far more interested in keeping nations subservient to it and its ideologies.

According to Stone, Putin has a generally good reputation in other countries for being a man who promotes the interests of his country, but not at the expense of others. Keeping the world in harmony, “this has always been in his picture,” Stone insists.

When asked if he thought power had a corrupting influence on Putin, Stone insists that Putin would never last if he were acting as a dictator. The Russian people would not keep him in a position of power — which he has kept, on and off, for about 20 years.

Russia is a functioning democracy, and the people’s displeasure would reveal itself in several different ways. The ballot box is only one avenue by which they exhibit their dissatisfaction. But, apparently, they think Putin’s doing a good job at protecting the country and looking out for its needs.

Fridman, on the other hand, notes he senses a mixture of fear and apathy toward the leadership when he speaks to Russian family and friends, and this concerns him. Stone counters Fridman’s concerns saying he saw “far more freedom in the (Russian) press than what is pictured in the West, and that means different points of view. Russians are always arguing among themselves. I’ve never seen a more contentious country.”

Stone’s Experience With Putin

Part of Putin’s political longevity may have something to do with his ability to stay unruffled. “I never saw him lose his temper,” Stone says, noting that while most Americans tend to be emotional, Putin, in contrast, is calm, rational, balanced, mature and respectful, even under pressure. And, contrary to charismatic dictators such as former Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, Putin doesn’t try to charm you. He’s a straight-shooter.

All of his interviews with Stone were granted without rules or restrictions. All questions were allowable. Nothing was off the table. Putin also did not request to see any of the work before it was published. “He trusted me,” Stone says.

According to Stone, Putin has “no empire intentions,” and repeatedly expressed his desire to have friendly relations with the U.S. Unfortunately, Putin’s reputation has been tarnished by U.S. media, people acting from a political agenda, those who never met him, never went to Russia and don’t know Russian history. This U.S.-fabricated persona of Putin as an enemy of both his own people and the rest of the world has made such relations difficult.

Stone’s Initial Take on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Stone had a harsher critique against Putin in a March 2022 Facebook post, in which he had the following to say about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:7

“Although the United States has many wars of aggression on its conscience, it doesn’t justify Mr. Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. A dozen wrongs don’t make a right. Russia was wrong to invade. It has made too many mistakes:

1) underestimating Ukrainian resistance

2) overestimating the military’s ability to achieve its objective

3) underestimating Europe’s reaction, especially Germany upping its military contribution to NATO, which they’ve resisted for some 20 years; even Switzerland has joined the cause. Russia will be more isolated than ever from the West

4) underestimating the enhanced power of NATO, which will now put more pressure on Russia’s borders

5) probably putting Ukraine into NATO

6) underestimating the damage to its own economy and certainly creating more internal resistance in Russia

7) creating a major readjustment of power in its oligarch class

8) putting cluster and vacuum bombs into play

9) and underestimating the power of social media worldwide

But we must wonder, how could Putin have saved the Russian-speaking people of Donetsk and Luhansk?

No doubt his Government could’ve done a better job of showing the world the eight years of suffering of those people and their refugees — as well as highlighting the Ukrainian buildup of 110,000 soldiers on the Donetsk-Luhansk borders, which was occurring essentially before the Russian buildup. But the West has far stronger public relations than the Russians.

Or perhaps Putin should’ve surrendered the two holdout provinces and offered 1-3 million people help to relocate in Russia. The world might’ve understood better the aggression of the Ukrainian Government. But then again, I’m not sure.

But now, it’s too late. Putin has allowed himself to be baited and fallen into the trap set by the U.S. and has committed his military, empowering the worst conclusions the West can make. He probably, I think, has given up on the West, and this brings us closer than ever to a Final Confrontation. There seems to be no road back.

The only ones happy about this are Russian nationalists and the legion of Russian haters, who finally got what they’ve been dreaming of for years, i.e. Biden, Pentagon, CIA, EU, NATO, mainstream media — and don’t overlook Nuland and her sinister neocon gang in D.C. This will significantly vindicate the uber hawks in public eyes.

Pointing out the toxicity of their policies (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, NATO expansion, breaking nuclear treaties, censoring and omitting crucial facts from the news, etc.) will be next to impossible. Pointing out Western double standards, including Kyiv and Zelenskyy’s bad behavior, will likewise fall on deaf ears as we again draw the wrong conclusions.

It’s easier now to smear those of us who tried to understand the Russian position through these last two decades. We tried. But now is the time, as JFK and Khrushchev faced down the perilous situation in Cuba in October 1962, for the two nuclear powers to walk this back from the abyss. Both sides need to save face.

This isn’t a moment for the U.S. to gloat. As a Vietnam War veteran and as a man who’s witnessed the endless antagonism of the Cold War, demonizing and humiliating foreign leaders is not a policy that can succeed. It only makes the situation worse. Back-channel negotiations are necessary, because whatever happens in the next few days or weeks, the specter of a final war must be realistically accepted and brokered.

Who can do that? Are there real statesmen among us? Perhaps, I pray, Macron. Bring us the likes of Metternich, Talleyrand, Averell Harriman, George Shultz, James Baker, and Mikhail Gorbachev.

The great unseen tragedy at the heart of this history of our times is the loss of a true peaceful partnership between Russia and the U.S. — with, yes, potentially China, no reason why not except America’s desire for dominance.

The idiots who kept provoking Russia after the Cold War ended in 1991 have committed a terrible crime against humanity and the future. Together, our countries could’ve been natural allies in the biggest battle of all against climate change.

In its technical achievements alone, in large scale science, in its rocketry, heavy industries, and its most modern, clean nuclear energy reactors, Russia has been a great friend to man. Alas, in our century so far, man has failed to see or reach for the stars.”

How Does He See It Now?

Now, two months later, how does he feel about the situation? “It’s very hard to be honest about this because the West has brought down a curtain. Anyone who questions the invasion of Ukraine and its consequences is an enemy of the people,” Stone replies. “I’ve never in my lifetime seen such a WALL of propaganda as I’ve seen in the West.”

And, the way European countries are jumping in with NATO suggests they do not, in fact, have sovereignty over their own countries, Stone says. Why hasn’t NATO objected to the massacres taking place in the Donbas region of Ukraine ever since 2014, when Ukraine under Poroshenko took an anti-Russian position as an ally of the United States?

There were death squads, local leadership were being murdered, as were journalists. An estimated 14,000 Ukrainian Russians were killed between 2014 and early 2022 by the Ukrainian military and Nazi battalions,8 and the U.S. has supported it, and continues to do so.

Stone claims the logs of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine show that before Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine, February 24, 2022, there was heavy artillery coming into the Donbas from the Ukrainian side. According to Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Moscow’s action against Ukraine was a “special military operation” to end the “systematic extermination of the Donbas population.”

Ukrainian forces had built up on the border, and Stone believes Ukraine was actually planning to invade Donbas. Russia then responded by sending forces to the border, but this buildup on both sides has been largely ignored by Western media, which portrayed it as a sudden and unprovoked invasion by Russia.

In other words, we cannot analyze the Russian invasion of Ukraine without taking the Donbas conflict, which has been ongoing since 2014, into account. Stone is convinced that Poroshenko was instructed, from the start of his presidency, to refuse negotiations with Russia, and to maintain a hostile stance.

“This is very, very dangerous,” Stone says. Zelensky, also, has maintained this stance since 2019. “The whole world is being hurt by this, and no one is calling it out.”

Stone believes Putin realized that the U.S. is intent on regime change in Russia, and are willing to destroy Ukraine to do it. So, he took action. Fridman suggests the Ukraine conflict may in reality be a proxy war between Russia and the U.S., and Stone seems to agree with this theory. But that still doesn’t give us any greater insight into this war. Putin could have surrendered the Donbas and offered safe harbor for the refugees. He chose not to, but why we don’t know.

Whatever the reason, Stone is convinced that it was a calculated move — and not one based on the misuse of power. He also points out that Zelensky had mentioned bringing in nuclear weapons into Ukraine shortly before Russia’s invasion, which could have set off alarms and influenced Putin’s decisions.

Stone also warns that the U.S. is more than capable of a nuclear and/or chemical false flag. A small nuclear device could be set off in the Donbas, and even if it didn’t make sense, the propaganda machine would automatically blame it on Russia. Of course, Russia also has a significant nuclear arsenal, which could be brought to the fore.

“Can we walk back from the brink of nuclear war?” Fridman asks. “Yes,” Stone replies. “What do we need to walk it back?” Stone replies:

“Reason. Reason, and then diplomacy. Talk to the guy. Mr. Biden, why don’t you calm down and go talk to Mr. Putin in Moscow. And try to have a discussion without falling into ideologies.”

Durham Got What He Needed, Pawn Sacrificed, How Do You Set The Stage (Board)?


The jury came back with a ruling on the Sussman case, they found him not guilty even though the evidence shows he is guilty. Durham knew this was going to happen, but he needed the evidence under oath to move forward with the other indictments, he had to sacrifice Sussman to go after the big game. How do you set the stage (board), think chess. This move was necessary, this is a marathon and it has to be done right. Sussman was a foot soldier, but the information and the admission under oath was more important.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.

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Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

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ENGINEERED FAMINE: California diverting water flows into the ocean, depriving rice farmers of necessary irrigation to grow food

(Natural News) In the wake of the mass shooting yesterday in Uvalde, Texas, we must remember that on the very same day, over 2,700 human babies were murdered in America via abortion factories, according to reliable abortion estimates.

The same Leftists who demand abolishing the Second Amendment by falsely claiming it will stop shootings also celebrate the mass slaughter of human babies as they’re being born… or even after they’re born, via “post-birth abortions” that the Left celebrates. (See for full coverage.)

Don’t pretend for a second that the Left cares about the lives of children.

What they care about is stripping armed Americans of their last remaining line of defense against tyranny: The Second Amendment. Left-wing Marxists and tyrants know that if they can successfully take away firearms from the American people, they can then run whatever totalitarian scenarios they want, including rounding up conservatives and throwing them into concentration camps under the cover of an “outbreak.”

If Americans give up their guns, the radical left-wing fascists will treat the American people in the same way Australia’s government treats their citizens: Like prisonersin a giant prison camp.

Australia has just announced two years in prison for anyone breaking covid rules.

Firearms in the possession of citizens gives pause to tyrants. This is the entire point of the Second Amendment — the idea that if the government becomes too tyrannical and dangerous, that armed citizens might put a stop to the government terrorism being carried out against the people. That’s why the Founders included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

Never give up your guns. Not under any circumstances. To do so is to surrender to a murderous regime of criminals and tyrants.

The REAL cause of mass killings and murderous rage

The real cause behind mass killings in America is abundantly evident: Programmingof kids through pop culture (media, Hollywood, music, violent, graphic video games), indoctrinating them with themes of satanism, self-mutilation (transgenderism), baby killing via abortion and invoking emotional rage against others. And if a child or teen begins to wake up and think outside the box, they get dosed with psychiatric drugs to keep them in line.



These are all things which are taught by the political Left in America today. The message to children and teens is crystal clear: Your life doesn’t matter at all. (This stands in contrast to the conservative, pro-Christian message which is that “Every life matters, including yours.”)

So if murder and self-mutilation is the message being pounded into the heads of children and teens, should be really be surprised when this twisted, demonic culture produces mass murderers who recognize no value in the lives of the innocent?

Our own government values no life at all. They invest in bombs and weapons of war. They set up false flag operations to murder innocent children in order to score political points (Oklahoma City bombing, anyone?). The FDA harvests the organs of murdered babies to use in medical experiments, all funded by your taxpayer dollars. Don’t pretend for a second that the government values life and wants to protect the innocent. They murder the innocent on a routine basis in order to enrich and empower themselves.

Get full details on all this and more in today’s uncensored, sometimes outrageous Situation Update podcast via

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How Doctors Are Incentivized and Brainwashed To Be Puppets – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Watch as Travis Christofferson and I discuss his book, ‘Curable,’ which examines the inefficiencies of the US health care system. Listen to our discussion here.
Read Full PDF Interview-TravisChristofferson-Curable


  • The U.S. health care system is riddled with inefficiencies. With an annual budget of $3 trillion, it’s the largest industry in the United States, so there’s financial motivation to capitalize on expensive treatments, even if they don’t work well
  • Price gouging, overtreatment and fraud are yet other problems plaguing the U.S. health care system, contributing to its inefficiency
  • Many prevention strategies and simple, inexpensive treatments are ignored and not used for the fact they do not generate income for the doctors
  • Switching the incentive model is part of the answer. Hospitals that pay their doctors a salary and bonuses for patient health outcomes see significant improvements and have lower health care outlays
  • Geisinger Health in Pennsylvania prescribed prediabetic and diabetic patients fresh, whole food, along with treatment and educational support. As a result, they reduced the annual cost for Type 2 diabetics by 80%

Travis Christofferson — who has a premedical undergraduate degree and a master’s degree in materials engineering and science — has written two excellent books about health. The first one, “Tripping Over the Truth: How the Metabolic Theory of Cancer Is Overturning One of Medicine’s Most Entrenched Paradigms,” helped me understand the profound influence of diet in cancer.

Here, we discuss his latest book, “Curable: How an Unlikely Group of Radical Innovators Is Trying to Transform Our Health Care System,” which addresses questions such as: “What has happened to American health care?” and “What are the foundational disruptions or corruptions in the system?”

His book, in some ways, is based on the theory promoted in the book and subsequent film, “Moneyball.” It describes how you can use statistics to massively improve a flawed system. Christofferson explains:

“I’d been invited to speak at a small charity event in London. The speaker who went right after me was Dr. Ndabezinhle Mazibuko. He was at this startup clinic called Care Oncology in the U.K.

The idea behind this clinic was that there are drugs that have gone off patent that have [other uses], but they’re unrealized. They’re undervalued in the system. One of these drugs is metformin in the use for cancer.

There’s this vast body of data to suggest it can improve cancer outcomes, but there’s no good mechanism to get this on the prescription pads of doctors. It just doesn’t happen. There’s a flaw in the system.

To address this flaw or this underappreciated argument, they opened this clinic and then prescribed a combination of four drugs that showed they had synergy, very few side effects and the best chance to [improve] outcomes. The cost of the drugs is about $60 per month …

I agreed to open a clinic in the U.S. to help them start in the U.S. I opened it up in my small town, Rapid City. We started doing telemedicine as well to address the rest of the country. I arranged the time to speak at our local cancer center, to present what we were doing to the local oncologists.

My hope was that they would see the value in it and refer patients to us, especially patients with dire cancers, like glioblastoma, where there are few good treatment options. This is such a low-risk intervention that it had a good potential to help …

Immediately when I was done … one of the oncologists just lit into me. He accused us of taking advantage of desperate patients. Then he brought up, ‘Why would you prescribe a medication for Type 2 diabetes for cancer?’ Another oncologist in the room in the corner said, ‘Well, I do that.’

What struck me in that moment is you can have these medical doctors in the same room that have a profound disagreement on data that we have just gone through. If this is the case, what are the inefficiencies in the health care system? That was the original spark for the book.”

Identifying the Inefficiencies Within the System

Michael Lewis’ book, “Moneyball,” showed how, within a simple game of baseball, you can have massive inefficiencies. By taking away the human biases and just applying statistics to find what is undervalued in that market, you can massively boost the performance of a team (in the book, it was the Oakland A’s, which had a tiny budget).

“In health care, we have a massive disparity in valuation — how we value treatments,”Christofferson says.

“As I said, metformin has got massive repositories of data to suggest you can ward off not only cancer but a plethora of chronic disease, but it’s the price of a nickel a pill and very rarely gets prescribed for these other indications … [‘Curable’] is an examination of these huge disparities in health care and why it’s gotten so out of control in the U.S.”

The health care system is the largest industry in the United States. It has an annual revenue of $3 trillion. So, there’s a financial motivation to capitalize on expensive treatments, even if they don’t work well, and that’s a significant part of the problem. Price gouging is another related problem. Overtreatment and plain fraud are yet others.

Christofferson suspects these issues may account for half of all health care costs. One answer is to focus more on undervalued treatments and low-cost prevention — both of which could help prevent cost escalation. In his book, Christofferson recounts a number of stories demonstrating this.

Drug-Free Treatments Save Money

One such example is Geisinger Health in Pennsylvania. For Type 2 diabetes, they introduced the Fresh Food Farmacy. In a nutshell, patients with prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes are given a prescription for fresh, whole foods. Patients are allowed two free meals a day and recipes, along with intensive care and educational support.

As a result of this program, Gelsinger Health was able to reduce its per-year outlays and cost for Type 2 diabetics by a whopping 80%. “It only cost them $2,600 a year,” Christofferson says.

“What interests me about that is they didn’t leave out the human component. They made sure that the patients’ families [were] engaged. They gave free food to the families so they can all cook together. Pretty soon, when people have this level of engagement and feel like they’re part of a system, they start asking questions.

‘What else can I do? Can I exercise? How do I stop smoking?’ Not only is it changing their health status, but it’s changing the way their families view health and what they do about it. To me, there are these wonderful examples of places, these pockets that are doing extraordinarily good work.

The other one I focused on is Intermountain Health Care which, shockingly, if you … extrapolated their system to the rest of the U.S., we would see a 40% reduction in health care costs immediately.”

The Overwhelming Power of Incentives

Another fundamental issue that really needs to be addressed is the physicians. Most medical students pursue medicine for the right reasons. But then they get brainwashed into a single-minded focus on drugs and surgical intervention, and aren’t given the education and tools to address the actual roots of disease.

What’s more, once they’re done with their schooling, they’re a few hundred thousand dollars in debt, which they need to pay off. And then they go into a health care system where they’re given just 10 to 15 minutes with each patient. It’s a system that is designed to fail right out of the gate.

“As I wrote this book, what I kept coming back to was the overwhelming power of incentives,” Christofferson says. “Our system is so flawed with regard to incentives. The biggest offender of that, by far, is the fee-for-service system, where we demand our doctors get paid for every test and procedure that they do.

This creates a terrible incentive for them so that they have to think like businessmen … If there’s a marginal procedure and you have a financial incentive to do it, perhaps you’re going to do it. This leads to overtreatment.

There’s a brilliant example of that in the book. This was actually done by Atul Gawande. He wrote about this in The New Yorker. McAllen, Texas, had two times the Medicare utilization compared to the national averages — $15,000 per person.

And it wasn’t specific to that demographic region, because if you went to El Paso, up the border, it’s the same demographics, but it was half the cost there. He flew down there to ask why. What had happened was the doctors had just developed this entrepreneurial culture where they almost competed with each other financially …

Really, their focus was money. Just putting a pen to paper and writing that article had a sterilizing effect. Suddenly, the regulators came in. They looked at all the fraud that was going on. There was, I think, $20 million fines levied. The overutilization started to drop …

When you look at the high-quality providers, like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, they put their physicians on a salary. The marketplace will reward that behavior because now you can see the data … [At] the Mayo Clinic … if they don’t need surgery, they won’t get one. The doctor has no financial incentive to operate.

So, the incentive structure is entirely backwards. That’s the underlying theme of this book. We really have to take a look at human incentives and what drives human beings; how they make mistakes. We can design systems around that to do better.”

The Success of Intermountain Health

Intermountain Health, for example, places their doctors on salary, and gives them bonuses based on health outcomes. They also assess the differences between treatments to see which works best.

For example, they discovered that inducing delivery in pregnant women led to more babies being born with respiratory problems. Guidelines for inducing labor were entered into the electronic medical record, which led to a drop in early inductions from 30% to less than 2%. This resulted in babies born with fewer respiratory problems.

Another example: Patients are always given antibiotics before surgery, but it’s never been established when the optimal time to administer the drugs is. Intermountain compared medical records, finding the optimal time was two hours before surgery, which cut their surgical infection rate by over half.

The History of Medicine

Christofferson’s book also addresses some of the history of medicine, and the advent of controlled clinical trials. Historically, the practice of medicine was largely dependent on the doctor’s experience and personal ideas.

“Hippocrates said that a physician’s judgment matters more than any external measurement. This really guided medicine in the beginning, in the 1700 or 1800s,”Christofferson says.

“I was shocked to learn that the first well-conducted trial was in the ‘40s … That’s how far [medical science] lagged behind. And then all of a sudden, it kind of exploded because they shifted the patent structure to where over-the-counter drugs were separated from patented drugs.

This launched pharmaceutical companies into a for-profit venture. They took over the randomized control trials … That was the gold standard to determine if a therapy was good, if it was going to be approved by the regulatory bodies in the world.

Today … the pendulum has almost swung too far to where you have to have this randomized control trial and Food and Drug Administration approval for a therapy to be good.”

Novel Science That Might Extend Life Span

In the interview, we also discuss a few side tangents, such as cellular reprogramming therapies under investigation. David Sinclair, Ph.D., refers to the use of what’s known as Yamanaka transcription factors, which can be used to reedit your genome to reset the epigenetic clock and the DNA methylation. As explained by Christofferson, who has looked into this research:

“I’m completely fascinated by it. I think it’s not known as widely as it could be. Longevity science is focused on caloric restriction. That’s the reliable way to extend mammalian lifespans … Epigenetic rejuvenation is outside of that …

When you think about humans, about all life for that matter, we are essentially immortal in the fact that we take our aged germ line cells and we recombine them through the process of fertilization to create a new life. That life is biological age zero when it comes into being.

How does that happen? The way that happens is it takes 23 chromosomes from the mom, 23 from the dad. There’s a process in the egg that wipes off the processing of the software. The software in the genome is the epigenome. There’s molecular tags on our DNA that are wiped clean and new ones are put on. This kicks off the process of embryogenesis.

In the process, it resets the aging clock. Now we’re starting to learn that you can do this, you can take a cell … and put it in a Petri dish, add these factors — there are four factors involved in this process — and you will reset the epigenome back to age zero … Potentially, now it’s a therapy. You can inject this back into them.”

The Influence of Lifestyle and Social Connection

Christofferson also points out science showing that inherited genetics account for a rather small portion of our health and longevity potential — about 20%. The remaining 80% is predicated on environmental variables, factors such as toxic exposures, certainly, but also love and interpersonal relationships.

“All of these things we experience day to day have an impact … Our epigenome changes the way genes are expressed. This has a massive impact on our health.

We know this because of identical twin studies … When you track them over time, their destinies are very different. They very rarely die of the same diseases. This nurture aspect, this 80%, that’s the part we have control over …

I looked at that in the book. What misconceptions do we have under these kinds of medical biases? What are our misconceptions as individuals about our own health? … What are the most important factors to stay healthy and live a long life?

We always think of diet, exercise and genetics … [but] the biggest factor is your social life and how engaged you are in the world — the number of close friends you have, social integration. How many people have you talked to throughout the day? Did you say hi to the mailman? Did you talk or chat with people at the gym? That’s got a massive influence on your immune system.

When you’re lonely, you have this sort of corrosive inflammatory response. But when you’re not lonely, your immune system has a more targeted response. Inflammation, as we know, is the root cause of so many cardiovascular disease, cancer and so many chronic diseases.

That’s kind of why these blue zones get so much attention. That’s the constant variable … People are connected and they’re surrounded by each other all the time. [The blue zones] is where you have … 10 times the number of centenarians than you do in North America.”

Indeed, epigenetic programming, which is dependent on environmental factors, far outweigh the influence of your genetics, and it does this in a very specific way. It’s usually through transcription factors that either methylate the DNA (put small one-carbon molecules on the DNA), which essentially silences that specific genome, or they acetylate it, which activates those genes.

Depending on the combination of shutting off and turning on of genes, you get the expression of the genome. So, it’s not what you’ve inherited, but your expression of the genome that’s so important, and this is really how these lifestyle factors influence your genes.

“The good news about the epigenome is it’s able to be manipulated,” Christofferson says. “We can change it, from lifestyle factors all the way to these Yamanaka factors that kind of reset it back to a younger age.”

More Information

In short, the fact that epigenetic factors control so much of your health and longevity potential is powerful motivation to make simple, inexpensive lifestyle changes. Basics include sleeping well, choosing the right foods, choosing when not to eat (time-restriction eating), exercising, getting plenty of sunshine, and addressing loneliness and stress.

These are simple basics that pretty much everyone could apply to radically improve their health and avoid the medical care system, which is fraught with hazards. While medical mistakes are a leading cause of death in the U.S., the greatest hazard is the fact that so many doctors fail to understand what the foundational cause of disease is.

By failing to address the root of disease, they are causing premature death and needless pain and suffering in a majority of the population. As noted by Christofferson:

“The numbers are scary. I think it’s 200,000 die every year from medical error. I learned that 7,000 people die from sloppy physician handwriting. If you’re in the hospital for four weeks, you have about a coin-flip chance of developing C. diff, which is a horrible, horrible intestinal infection.

Anytime you can stay out of that system, [you avoid] not just the financial but the very real health risks. We didn’t even touch on the overtreatment and cancer that is so rampant …

We’ve had such a focus on early detection for cancer. We’ve gotten much better at it. However, that hasn’t changed the death rates at all. But it’s led to an incredible amount of overtreatment, unnecessary treatment, because most of these tumors are not dangerous at that point.

If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer from a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, you’re 47 times more likely to receive damaging treatment — chemotherapy, surgery or radiation — than you are to have your life extended …

My editor said something to me while I was writing the book that I thought was beautiful. You can be your own culture of one when it comes to health. Just do these very simple things … and just being with other people. That, in and of itself, is health care.”

To learn more, I highly recommend picking up a copy of “Curable: How an Unlikely Group of Radical Innovators Is Trying to Transform Our Health Care System.” I really enjoy the way he tells the story and makes it a very readable book.

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology- Dr. Joseph Mercola

With 100 years of continuous use and backed by 250 randomized studies, it is the most studied integrative oncology therapy in the world – and utilized in upward of 60% to 80% of patients in Europe.

Read Full PDF DrJosephMercola-DrNashaWinters-Mistletoe-AnEmergingAdjuncttoOncologicalTreatment


  • Mistletoe, a semi-parasitic plant that grows in the branches of trees all over the world, has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years for conditions such as epilepsy, spleen disorders, pain and rheumatic conditions
  • In 1917, Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher with keen observation skills, noticed that mistletoe looks a lot like a tumor, and proposed it might have anticancer properties. Dr. Ita Wegman confirmed Steiner’s suspicion, and the plant has since enjoyed over 100 years of consistent application in oncology, both standalone and as adjuvant support
  • Intravenous or subcutaneous mistletoe appears beneficial as an adjunct therapy for all cancers, and there are no drug or health contraindications. Even the most toxic treatments work better and with fewer adverse effects when combined with mistletoe
  • Mistletoe is the most studied integrative oncology therapy in the world, and it is utilized in upward of 60% to 80% of all cancer patients in Europe
  • Your immune system and metabolic function are both integral parts of addressing cancer, and mistletoe works on both

In this interview, Dr. Nasha Winters, coauthor of “Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology,” reviews some of the benefits of this ancient herb in the modern world of oncology. Winters is herself a cancer survivor, so this topic is close to her heart.

“I’m coming on 30 years out of a death sentence, a terminal cancer diagnosis,” she says, “and still to this day get met with so much resistance to what I’ve learned for myself, and for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of other patients directly, as well as way more than that, indirectly, through the training of their physicians …

My crazy controversy is that I focus more on the human organism and the health of that terrain versus the condition, the disease or the label that overlays that person.”

Mistletoe Has a 100-Year Oncological History

Mistletoe, a semi-parasitic plant that grows in the branches of trees all over the world, has been used as a herbal medicine for thousands of years for conditions such as epilepsy, spleen disorders, pain and rheumatic conditions.

Just over 100 years ago, in 1917, Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher with incredibly keen observation skills, noticed the mistletoe looks a lot like a tumor, and proposed it might have anticancer properties. Many vitalistic medical practices, such as Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, naturopathy and homeopathy, for example, use the doctrine of signatures, which is what Steiner was suggesting.

“For instance, you look at a walnut and it kind of looks like a brain and we think, I wonder if that’s any good for the brain? And sure enough, we find some significance in how it impacts the brain. Or things like lungwort. When you look at it, it looks like a lung and we’ve learned that this herbal medicine is very helpful for lung conditions,” Winters says.

A Swiss doctor named Ita Wegman applied Steiner’s observation of mistletoe to see how it would impact a patient with cancer, and the plant has since enjoyed over 100 years of consistent application in oncology, both standalone and as adjuvant support.

“Interestingly enough … Steiner understood that you needed to harvest different components of the plant — berries that bloom in the winter, which is very abnormal, and the leaves that grow in the summer … and grow inward.

It has a very interesting behavior compared to other plants, and that was an observation of how cancer works as well. It goes against the rhythm. It grows out of sync with the organism. That is very much what he recognized.

And as such, he harvested the plant and aspects of the plant at different times, blended it, and then took a particular extract from it. He also noted that it needed to be injected, because you need to remember, 100 years ago we didn’t know about lectins, we didn’t know about viscotoxins, yet somehow, he understood that you needed to inject it to get the anticancer benefit.

You could take the full tincture. You could take it in other ways, and it has a lot of other medicinal impacts, but then it doesn’t have the anticancer impacts, the reason being, we’ve learned — or at least we suspect, because we’re still learning — is that those lectins and things get broken down in our GI tract and they don’t get into the bloodstream; they don’t access the immune system in the way they need to …”

Mistletoe Can Be Used as an Adjunct for All Cancers

According to Winters, mistletoe is likely to be useful as an adjunct therapy for all cancers, and she, along with several other doctors, has been training physicians on how to use mistletoe for several years now.

“One of our physicians has been using mistletoe for 45 years in his practice, and what we’ve seen clinically, and what the research suggests, is that this therapy, it has always been about using it with others. It plays very well with others.

It was never really developed to be a standalone therapy, though believe me, we’ve seen impact with that as well. And it has virtually no contraindications with any of our standard of care therapies. So, we can literally inject this into a patient the morning before they go into a surgery, or they can start on this therapy the very day they’re going to start a round of chemotherapy or radiation.

It bypasses first phase detox pathways of the liver, so it doesn’t interact, intervene, speed up or slow down detox processes that could otherwise cause some adverse events, or change the desired effect of a certain medication, herbal intervention or dietary intervention.”

Mistletoe Is a Key Cancer Treatment Adjunct

In fact, mistletoe has been shown to enhance other interventions. Even the most toxic treatments seemingly work better and with fewer adverse effects when combined with mistletoe.

“This should be utilized, in my personal opinion, with every patient going through a standard of care approach to just enhance their experience with treatment,” she says.

“There are a lot of things that we kind of have to be careful with … but mistletoe, in my experience, and that of my colleagues, is that this is probably the least harmful and least contraindicated substance and therapy I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. It’s pretty extraordinary and rare to find something that is this applicable to the masses …

As I said, it has over 100 years of continuous use, and has over 250 very good randomized studies … It just completed a Phase 1 clinical trial at John’s Hopkins in the United States as an IV application for solid tumors, and is getting ready to be moved into a Phase 2 clinical trial.

It is the most studied integrative oncology therapy in the world, and it is utilized in upwards of 60% to 80% of all cancer patients in Europe. In parts of South and Central America, all over Southeast Asia and India, in different parts of Europe, this is just part of their medical system … It’s just in the United States where we have a little bit of resistance to embracing it into our conventional medical system …

As a naturopathic physician who’s been practicing integrative oncology for some time and who has teachers, mentors, colleagues from all over the world, some of the most powerful anticancer therapies I’ve seen that are beneficial even to the standard of care model of treatment — things like artesunate, curcumin, quercetin, green tea extract, all of those in intravenous forms — have been taken out of our ability to use here in the United States.

Do my colleagues still find workarounds to get access to these very important medicines? Absolutely they do, but they have to tread very carefully and very lightly. But again, you go north of the border or south of the border and you have no problem accessing these therapies. Or go to Europe — and this is what I’ve been doing for the last two years.

These treatments that we’ve had great success with have been plucked out of our ability to access easily, readily, legally, so we’re now having to send our patients abroad for them to actually get good cancer care.

That’s what’s really devastating to me. So, another part of my purpose and mission is to build an in-house residential research institute and integrative cancer hospital right here on our soil so we don’t lose access and patients don’t lose access [to helpful remedies].”

Arizona Research Facility

Winters is currently building that research institute in Arizona, which will be funded entirely by private donations and research grants. Thousands of patients are anxiously waiting for the doors to open. When asked if she isn’t worried our pro-pharma agencies might shut them down, she replies:

“We will be doing all of our due diligence to let people know that these are not FDA approved therapies, that people are coming into a research environment. They’re either paying cash or they’re getting grants based on their financial ability to help them cover this care.

We’re doing it in a pretty open-minded medical state; Arizona has one of the broadest scopes of practice in the country. And we’re also very close to our southern border with Mexico, so that if we do come up against someone shutting down one of our therapies for a bit, we are able to take our patients across the border to a little sister clinic to keep the continuity of care.

We don’t anticipate that happening because people are coming as a buyer beware. They’re coming being well-informed about who we are and what we’re about. And frankly, we get thousands of inquiries a month from all over the world looking for this approach. The patients will drive this home.

It’s a mighty David versus Goliath story, especially now, but I also think the time is now because we have these acts, like the Right to Try Act, and because we do have more and more patients facing this diagnosis with grim outcomes.

And, a study that came out in the last year that looked at 17 years’ worth of conventional cancer treatments found that, overall, of the 96 different drugs they looked at, the average survival rate was 2.4 months. That is the reality and this is what’s driving the clinical oncologists from around the world to sign up and take my course …

So, there is this massive kind of underground movement that’s starting to sprout and come above ground. That’s happening. And frankly, mistletoe is one of the vehicles for that to happen … Instead of trying to fix the model, we’re just creating a new one.”

Another potential “back door” is to convince insurance companies that this is in their best interest. Mistletoe is a natural remedy and therefore cannot be patented, so there’s no incentive for the drug companies to pursue it. But insurance companies may support its use once they realize how much money they can save on hospitalizations, drug coverage and everything else.

Mistletoe Modulates Immune Function

Your immune system and metabolic function are both integral parts of addressing cancer, and mistletoe works on both. It’s important to recognize, however, that it’s not a magic bullet. If you’re eating a standard American diet and are metabolically dysfunctional, mistletoe is not going to be as effective as for someone who is also eating a healthy whole food diet and supporting their health in other ways.

That said, mistletoe is an immunomodulator. Immune therapies are all the rage right now, with a majority of research dollars being funneled into them. Yet the effectiveness rate for these therapies is less than 20%. In other words, they’re hardly a cure.

“A lot of folks have heard of Jimmy Carter’s melanoma story that had metastasized to his brain. He took this immune drug, Keytruda. That’s a checkpoint inhibitor. The most common drugs you’ll hear about are things like Opdivo, Keytruda, PD-1, PDL1 inhibitors, those are checkpoint inhibitors, or CTLA-4 inhibitors, also a type of checkpoint inhibitor.

These are drugs that kind of pull the breaks off your immune system to go hog wild in treating the cancer. Now that seems like a great idea — unless you have underlying metabolic dysfunction, right? Hello! And then, if you have an underlying autoimmune condition, you are also someone who’s likely going to have a not so positive response to these medications.

What I love about mistletoe is it comes in and it modulates that teeter-totter. It doesn’t take the breaks off and make it go hog wild, and it doesn’t suppress. It’s … kind of adaptogenic in some ways. So, it behaves a little bit like a smart drug, in that it can sort of match itself to the individual.

It is not a protocol, it’s a patient-driven process in that we look at the person’s gender, we look at the tumor type, the tumor stage, the general condition of the patient, and then we consider the most appropriate host tree. The most common are the pine, the fir, and the apple tree hosts. Mistletoe [from these trees] tends to have the highest lectin content that have the highest anti-cancer content.

Then we look at the dosing frequency, and if we’re going to do it subcutaneous, intravenous, intratumoral, intraperitoneal, et cetera, depending on where you live in the world and how we’re going to pair it with other therapies, if at all. So, it is based totally on the individual and the individual’s response.

We want the patient to have a little local reaction if they’re injecting it. We want it to get a little redness, irritation and itchiness and maybe tenderness. We want it to raise the body’s temperature a little bit … The point is, we want to create this cytokine release at a very low-grade level. Whereas when we bring on an immune drug like Keytruda, it creates a cytokine release at an explosive level that can sometimes be fatal for patients.”

Other Mechanisms of Action and Synergies

Similar to drugs, mistletoe also has a systemic effect. It doesn’t target a specific receptor site. Instead, it’s a systemic terrain-centric approach. In its mechanisms of action, it’s engaging with B-cells, T-cells, natural killer (NK) cells.

It will basically calm those that are acting overzealous, to prevent an excessive immune reaction, and activate those that are dormant or underperforming. Mistletoe also reduces inflammation, lowering your levels of C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, homocysteine, liver enzymes and more.

It also lowers vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which can be important for certain cancers, and it lowers blood sugar and insulin. Winters also suspects mistletoe may be upregulating both the endorphin and the endocannabinoid system, so you’re getting stress modulation as well.

“So, it’s hitting all of what we call ‘The Terrain 10,’ from my previous book, ‘The Metabolic Approach to Cancer.’ I find that mistletoe tends to hit every one of those … including epigenetic expression … clean up of DNA.

We use it for people who’ve gone through radiation. We’ll use it as a DNA stabilizer. We’ll use it if people have taken a course of Cipro [and other fluoroquinolones] to help clean up the metabolic mayhem, the DNA damage that they cause. We know that it has some impact on insulin and IGF-1.

In our book, we have hundreds of references to all of the different mechanisms of action. My colleague, Dr. Paul Faust, [has written] a beautiful chapter on its direct impact on the immune system and all the nuances of that.

That chapter alone will illuminate for so many people why this therapeutic support and this therapeutic intervention is so helpful for the cancer patient, for prevention of cancer, for cleanup after cancer treatment …

And the synergy, when you pair mistletoe with hyperthermia, like so many of my colleagues in Europe have been doing for the past 50 years, talk about the biggest bang for your buck. We see some pretty extraordinary outcomes.

I’ve had patients go to Europe with Stage 4 [cancer], metastatic disease everywhere, getting IV mistletoe along with local, regional and whole body high-heat hyperthermia that have put their cancer into complete remission in many cases, but at the very least, turning it back into a manageable disease process, and even more interesting, increasing the responsivity to other therapies again.”

More Information

The good news is the number of doctors trained in this therapy is growing, and the treatment itself is only between $200 and $300 a month, so it’s highly affordable while also being highly effective. I think it would be beyond irrational not to integrate this into any cancer therapy you’re considering.

Again, for cancer, oral supplementation is ineffective, as the lectins responsible for the anticancer effects are broken down in your GI tract and therefore can’t enter your bloodstream.

The Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophic Medicine (PAAM) sponsors Winters’ mistletoe trainings. While most are held in person, there’s now also a course available online for licensed physicians. There are plans to take a group of physicians to Europe for immersive in-hospital training in the fall of 2023. Here’s a list of resources where you can find more information:

  • offers articles, research, books, webinars and more. To locate a clinician trained in the proper administration of mistletoe, see PAAM’s health provider directory.
  • Clinicians interested in training, visit the education section of PAAM’s website. The next annual training conference will be held in Loveland, Colorado, April 29 through May 6, 2023.
  • Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health (MTIH) is the not-for-profit association cofounded by Winters that is building a research hospital in Arizona. MTIH also offers a master course for practitioners, and grants to help patients access these therapies. Certified practitioners can be found on

    These practitioners include medical doctors and oncologists who have been taught Winters’ methodology of testing, assessing and treating cancer (which includes but is not limited to mistletoe therapy). MTIH certified practitioners are also listed on

  • is a European website that offers helpful information for patients and scientific papers directed at clinicians.
  • A load of resources are found on the book’s website: Proceeds from this book go to fund clinical research and contribute to physician training.

Last but certainly not least, you’ll want to pick up a copy of “Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology.” It’s an excellent book.

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Boosters for Kids 5 to 11, 107 Times the Risk, Were Boosters Designed to Kill? – Dr. Joseph Mercola

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  • The FDA has authorized the use of a booster COVID-19 shot in children ages 5 to 11; less than one-third — only 28.8% — of U.S. children in this age group have received the first two doses of this experimental gene therapy
  • Effectiveness of COVID-19 shots in children wanes rapidly; a CDC study found that two to four weeks after the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots, effectiveness was 60.1% among 5- to 11-year-olds, but this fell to just 28.9% by month two
  • There is still no data on whether the booster is effective against COVID-19, and whether the effectiveness will quickly wane, as it has with all previous shots as well as booster doses in adults
  • Artificially inflated antibodies triggered by booster shots signal to your body that you’re always infected, and the resulting immune response could prove to be detrimental to your health
  • COVID-19 shots are associated with liver injury, including liver failure that led to a liver transplant
  • Children are at an extremely low risk of serious illness from COVID-19, and CDC data show that COVID-19 case rates among children who received two COVID-19 shots are now higher than rates in children who did not get the shots

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended its emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 shot to allow a booster dose for children ages 5 to 11.1 The FDA’s “evaluation of safety” for the booster dose in young children was based on a study of only about 400 children, and no meeting was held with the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.

The booster shot is intended to be given at least five months after the primary two-dose series has been completed, but less than one-third — only 28.8% — of U.S. children in this age group have received the first two doses of this experimental gene therapy.2

“[G]iven that these children have the lowest coronavirus vaccination rate of all eligible Americans, [as most parents have wisely avoided giving their child the jab,] public health experts are not expecting a rush for the booster,” The New York Times reported,3 and this is good news, since multiple red flags have risen regarding the use of these shots, particularly among children.

COVID Shots’ Dismal Effectiveness Wanes Rapidly

Booster shots are typically released because the initial shots aren’t working as planned. This is certainly the case with COVID-19 shots, which have been found to have dismally low effectiveness rates of 12%, according to research conducted by the New York State Department of Health.4 In their rationale for why a booster dose is now needed for children, Dr. Peter Marks, Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said:5

“Since authorizing the vaccine for children down to 5 years of age in October 2021, emerging data suggest that vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 wanes after the second dose of the vaccine in all authorized populations.”

From December 13, 2021, to January 24, 2022, the New York State Department of Health researchers analyzed outcomes among 852,384 children aged 12 to 17 years, and 365,502 children aged 5 to 11 years, who had received two doses of the shots. Effectiveness declined rapidly among 5- to 11-year-olds, falling from 68% to just 12%.

Protection against hospitalization also dropped, from 100% to 48%. Among 11-year-olds alone, vaccine effectiveness plunged to 11%.6 The lackluster response was blamed on the dosage discrepancies among the age groups, as 5- to 11-year-olds receive two 10-microgram Pfizer shots, while 12- to 17-year-olds receive 30-microgram shots.7

A CDC study also found that the effectiveness of two doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots against symptomatic COVID-19 infection “was modest and decreased rapidly” from December 2021 to February 2022.8 The study found that two to four weeks after the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots, effectiveness was 60.1% among 5- to 11-year-olds. This fell to just 28.9% by month 2.

A similar trend was seen among adolescents aged 12 to 15 years. Vaccine effectiveness two to four weeks after the second dose of the shots was 59.5%, and this fell to 16.6% during month two.9Among adolescents who received a booster dose, effectiveness went back up to 71.1% two to 6.5 weeks later, but it’s not revealed what happened after that.

If data from adults are any indication, the boost in effectiveness from the booster will also be short-lived. Among adults, within four to five months post-booster, protection against emergency department and urgent care visits due to COVID-19 decreased to 66%, then fell to just 31% after five months or more post-booster.10

Children’s Booster Trial Didn’t Test Effectiveness

The FDA’s decision to allow a booster dose for children was based on an ongoing Pfizer trial — the same one that it used to authorize the first set of COVID-19 shots in the 5- to 11-year-old age group.

Antibody responses were evaluated in only 67 subjects who received a booster shot seven to nine months after the two-dose primary series of shots. “The antibody level against the SARS-CoV-2 virus one month after the booster dose was increased compared to before the booster dose,” the FDA noted.11

However, there is still no data on whether the booster is effective against COVID-19, and whether the effectiveness will quickly wane, as it has with all previous shots. The New York Times also reported:12

“In the Pfizer-BioNTech clinical trial, children showed a sixfold increase in antibody levels against the original version of the virus one month after receiving the booster, compared with one month after receiving a second dose …

Laboratory tests of blood samples from a tiny subgroup of 30 children also showed 36 times the level of neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron variant compared with levels after only two doses. The study did not show how long the antibodies last or test effectiveness against Covid-19.”

High, Artificially Elevated Antibodies Come at a Cost

What’s more, the notion that increasing antibodies equates to disease protection and better health is misguided. Artificially inflated antibodies signal to your body that you’re always infected, and the resulting immune response could prove to be detrimental to your health.

Your adaptive immune system, specifically, generates antibodies that are used to fight pathogens that your body has previously encountered.13 During normal infections, your cellular immune system produces high fever and temporary T-cell elevations, along with elevated antibodies to the infection, gradually dissipate.

Ali Ellebedy, Ph.D., an associate professor of pathology & immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, explained, “It’s normal for antibody levels to go down after acute infection, but they don’t go down to zero; they plateau.”14 This is a normal response and isn’t a measure of waning immunity.

On the contrary, repeatedly, artificially inflating antibodies with booster shots comes with a cost and can lead to a “death zone,” accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis, according to tech leader and COVID analyst Marc Girardot, who urges a retreat from the vaccination “death zone” before it’s too late.15

It’s known, for instance, that certain autoimmune diseases are seen alongside high levels of antibodies.16 Further, COVID-19 shots train your body to produce singular antibodies for one spike protein and cannot compare to the protection provided by natural immunity, which occurs after recovery from an illness. Speaking with Daniel Horowitz, pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole explained that natural infection produces broad immunity that can’t be matched by vaccination:17

“A natural infection induces hundreds upon hundreds of antibodies against all proteins of the virus, including the envelope, the membrane, the nucleocapsid, and the spike. Dozens upon dozens of these antibodies neutralize the virus when encountered again.

Additionally, because of the immune system exposure to these numerous proteins (epitomes), our T cells mount a robust memory, as well. Our T cells are the ‘marines’ of the immune system and the first line of defense against pathogens. T cell memory to those infected with SARSCOV1 is at 17 years and running still.”

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine core platform technology,18 also stated, “When it comes to COVID, public health officials have consistently downplayed and ignored natural immunity among children. Yet 81 research studies19 confirm that natural immunity to COVID is equal or superior to any ‘vaccine immunity.’”20

COVID Shots Cause Liver Failure, Other Serious Adverse Effects

A concerning number of case reports describe the development of immune-mediated and autoimmune hepatitis in the days and weeks following COVID-19 injections.21 A team of researchers collected date from such cases from 18 countries, identifying 87 patients with a median age of 48 years who developed autoimmune hepatitis-like liver injury after a COVID-19 shot.22

Typically, the liver injury was diagnosed 15 days after the shot. Most cases (59%) were attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot while 23% were linked to the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot and 18% to Moderna’s shot. All of the patients in the study recovered from the liver injury after treatment — except for one. That man developed liver failure and had to have a liver transplant. The researchers concluded:23

“SARS-CoV-2 vaccination can be associated with liver injury. Corticosteroid therapy may be beneficial in those with immune-mediated features or severe hepatitis. Outcome was generally favorable, but vaccine associated liver injury led to fulminant liver failure in one patient.”

Young children are also developing severe hepatitis at an unusually high rate and nobody knows why.24 It’s unclear how many of the children have received COVID-19 shots, but researchers did suggest that mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 infection could have left behind spike protein that’s acting as a “superantigen”25 and triggering the immune system to over-react to other viruses, such as adenovirus-41F, which is causing liver damage.26

If that’s the case, the spike protein that circulates in the body after COVID-19 shots could also be problematic, especially since “mRNA vaccines promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.”27 Other concerning adverse events have also been reported.

One study published in Scientific Reports, for instance, revealed that calls to Israel’s National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome increased more than 25% among 16- to 39-year-olds from January to May 2021, compared to the same time period in 2019 and 2020.28

COVID-19 Case Rates Higher in Injected Children

Children are at an extremely low risk of serious illness from COVID-19, making the recommendations for COVID-19 shots, and now boosters, among this population highly questionable — even ludicrous.

“Research shows that there is no benefit to children receiving a COVID shot, and in fact, the shots can cause potential harm, adverse effects and death. According to Pfizer’s own study trial data, the chance of death in children from the shot is 107 times higher than death from COVID,” Malone stated.29

The CDC’s own data also show that COVID-19 case rates among children who have received two COVID-19 shots have been higher than rates in children who did not get the shots since February 2022.30

“That’s the first time CDC recorded a higher case rate among fully vaccinated young children since data was first collected in December 2021,” Malone said,31 and perhaps it’s harbinger of things to come. Adding a booster dose to the already dangerous, ineffective and flawed COVID-19 shot recommendations for children will only add more fuel to the fire.


Big Tech has banned this video. It exposes their true intentions to cash in on the COVID scam. They are all complicit in the biggest fraud in history!

Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. David Martin is the creator of the world’s first quantitative public equity index – the CNBC IQ100. He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments. Dr. Martin has pioneered global programs to bring corporate and stock market transparency to multi-national extractive industries and has been instrumental in bringing the world’s largest white-collar criminals to justice.


17,000 Doctors Join at the Global Covid Summit to Condemn Killer Vaccine

“CoVenom-19” They can’t hide this any longer – some COVID-19 patients have deadly venom in them

“Intelligence Agencies” how CIA used “heart attack gun” – venom research – venom in drinking water – now 36 different shellfish toxins and snake venom show up in COVID19 patients – they lie to us and violate our medical freedoms & now discover, what’s in this experimental vaccine? (Intelligence Agencies think they are Gods over humans and over the rule of law on Earth – Do You Think, creation is going to allow its creation of Earth, to have NO rule of law?)

The world’s only allowed themselves to be judged and, the Corona fraud and hoax vaccine is judging all on Earth, Creation allows choice and for one to choose their path and allows one’s action to be in play until Creation corrects and cleanses itself where accountability is applied to all actions outside the flow of Creation. – one’s responsible for one’s own choices and actions and is why there’s no debate in Creation, the Laws are and Creation is. – all should Fear the coming vengeance of creation’s Final Judgement at 3rd dimension. –

COVID-19 does not exist – never isolated – a hoax to deceive People to destroy their immune system

Australia’s Government is null & void – NO Constitutional authority to govern for the last 49 years

Snowden reveals 5Eye’s technology (COVID mRNA with Reset = Technology God to destroy creation)

Divine Technology nothing can compete with, it’s in our hands, evil forces don’t stand a chance

Irrefutable Evidence: COVID-19 Vaccines are Killing People!

UFOs: Demonic Deception Documentary: are demons harassing humans pretending to be alien

all of the Lie and all of Covid19 hoax fear creation’s vengeance as given to Sodom & Gomorrah

All agendas on Earth after the 1970 Invoking are all in defiance to creation – because – Intelligence Agencies, Military, Governments are accountable through 1970 Invoking after I, as a Navy Diver withdrew from the game after clandestine act under age when they violated the authority of signed law document – referred to as the authority of the god’s document under the Commonwealth of Australia and its Constitution and they were already accountable for alien technology in me and on Earth as my ct-scan shows on my website along with all my affidavits of evidence I hold against them.

“No one has ever isolated a virus. It doesn’t matter if it’s AIDS or measles.”

Pentagon panel says there is no approved vaccine for covid

A navel officer refused bio-weapon injection and is exonerated for refusing an illegal order that mandated he inject himself with poison. Is this the end for fake president biden’s illegal mandate?
It should be.

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance released an incredible video of the Pfizer 6 month data which shows that Pfizer’s COVID-19 inoculations cause more illness than they prevent. Plus, an overview of the Pfizer trial flaws in both design and execution.


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Pfizer’s own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm. Plus, poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more. For the PDF of this presentation visit:

Trudeau’s Financial Gains from the ‘Vaccines’, and Other Government Corruptions | MPP Rick Nicholls #TrudeauForTreason #ArrestBillGates

Chrystia Freeland and George Soros – why are they pals?
Did you know that our sleezeball, criminal Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland on the board of the Aspen Institute in Kyiv, Ukraine? Why is she close friends (her mother also) with George Soros? Huge connections to Soros, the Clintons, etc. Major corruption happening in the Ukraine right now as most people know involving the Clintons, Bidens, Kerry, Pelosi, Schiff and more. We need a really good, deep digging investigative reporter to look into this. Just about every bad thing happening in the world right now Soros is involved in in some way and I just have a gut feeling something bad is going on here. Soros collapses countries for profit and that is exactly what he is doing to Canada using his little puppet Trudeau.


Justin Trudeau’s Pedophile Connections”

The FrontLine Dr’s Canada program was initiated in the fall of 2021, by the Canadian Voters Association in response to the thousands of requests for help we received from our nation’s valued frontline workers who were being forced to inject the experimental COVID “vaccination”, a chemical concoction that contains toxins and long-term effects are unknown.


Graphenea is proud to join (EPIC) – the European Photonics Industry Consortium. With an increasing interest in graphene-based photonics, Gr…

Nuremberg Trial Lawsuit Lawyer:
Reiner Fuellmich website
Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:
His Telegram channel
Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:

NASA: War on Humanity: War Games Blueprints:
The Google link to pdf : › man › eprintPPT
Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] Capabilities of the “Enemy …
Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] … Bill Stryker of DIA/Futures as the Future Threat for Global War Games etc., available on INTELNET.

Find More Information About The WAR On Himanity Here:

[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Who stepped down today [forced]?
More coming?
Why is this relevant?
How do you ‘show’ the public the truth?
How do you ‘safeguard’ US elections post-POTUS?
How do you ‘remove’ foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.

Top Pfizer Shareholders
By MATTHEW JOHNSTON Updated September 24, 2021
Reviewed by THOMAS BROCK
Fact checked by VIKKI VELASQUEZ
Investing in Pfizer Stock (PFE)
Pfizer Inc. (PFE) is a multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company. It researches, develops, and manufactures biopharmaceutical products across a range of different areas, including oncology, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory diseases, immunology, rare diseases, and vaccines. In collaboration with BioNTech SE (BNTX), a German-based biotechnology company, Pfizer developed an mRNA-based vaccine against COVID-19. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been administered to millions of people in the U.S. and abroad, and sales may increase further as the U.S. and other nations administer booster shots to further protect people from the virus.

COVID-19 | JAB – FULLY EXPLAINED IN 1Min. 39 Seconds – Listen Up REAL GOOD!

The Covid Criminals List (USA)

Doctors: Proof that these shots are premeditated murder… A bioweapon with an agenda They are designed to attack and ultimately destroy the heart and lungs, through auto immune reactions


Conflict of Interest? Bill Gates Gave $319 Million to Major Media Outlets, Documents Reveal
According to MintPress News, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated at least $319 million to fund media projects at hundreds of organizations including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic, raising questions about those news outlets’ ability to report objectively on Gates and his work.
Alan Macleod

FDA Now Wants 75 Years to Release Pfizer Vaccine Documents
“ … it is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure.”
Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.



Pfizer Emails Confirm Graphene: Intentional Cover-up By Chief Scientist Revealed (USA)


Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data
By Global Research



Calgary Officer Brian Denison – Publicly Speaks Out – Criminal Extortion & Threats by Government

30 Year Investigations Police Officer (CANADA) Speaks Truth To The Covid-19/ “VACCINE” NARRATIVE!



Trudeau’s RCMP SNIPER – Speaks against vaccine mandates – CORPORAL DANIEL BULFORD

Dr. Michael Palmer & Dr. Arne Burkhardt New Data Autopsy’s Reveal About The Covid Injections

Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs – PubMed

Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine, no longer a coincidence but confirmed
#Experimental #YouAreTheTrial
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BNT162b2 Vaccine Effectiveness Study – Kaiser Permanente Southern California
Actual Study Start Date  :
May 15, 2021
Estimated Primary Completion Date  :
March 31, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date  :
March 31, 2023
Trust The $cience
Pfizer vaccine data. Of particular interest is page 30.  There Are 9 Pages Of Adverse Events Medical Conditions Excpected That People Can Get From The “Vaccines” For “Covid-19”
FULL Report:
Court ordered Pfizer docs show Pfizer paying the FDA over $2.8 million dollars to fast track the vaccine.👇
Court ordered documents can be seen here,
Pfizer delisting from New York Stock exchange!
Some people got filthy rich and now they want out.
Pfizer just filed a form 25 with the security exchange commission (SEC)
Form 25 says they want to delist their securities from the exchange
This means $PFE Pfizer will no longer be a publicly traded company.
You file a form 25 if your shares are worthless, you want to go private or IF YOU NO LONGER WANT TO BE SUBJECT TO STRICT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS
The following are protected by patents in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions for ModernaTx, Inc.
If You Really Want To Know The Ingredients In The “JABS”??
Program Patents:
Protected by patents in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions for ModernaTx, Inc.   mRNA-1273
US 10,898,574
US 10,703,789
US 10,702,600
US 10,577,403
US 10,442,756
US 10,266,485
US 10,064,959
US 9,868,692
Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated
Life Insurance Companies Not Paying Out On Covid-19 “Vaccination” Deaths As It Is Considered Suicide Due To The Experimental Nature!
Poison Control Cautions About Toxic Substance in Many Rapid At-Home Antigen COVID Tests
March 1, 2022
Triple vaccinated Ontarians are catching COVID at a greater rate than the double vaccinated or the not vaccinated at all.
On the link below, there’s a separate graph wherein the rates of death across vaccination status are beginning to merge.
#JabSideEffects Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated
So They Say OnThe Fake News Media That Ivermectin Is Horse Medicine Right? READ THIS: (from the N.I.H) Website:
#JabSideEffects CDC issued a nationwide health alert to notify clinicians and public health authorities about a cluster of children identified with hepatitis and adenovirus infection – and to ask all physicians to be on the lookout for symptoms and to report any suspected cases of hepatitis of unknown origin to their local and state health departments.

[NSICOP] found ample evidence that both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are under the influence / control of foreign states and entities

Trudeau, Freeland met with Ukrainian neo-Nazi party cofounder

Ottawa, Canada spends millions training Ukrainian AZOV #Nazi soldiers Since 2014! #TrudeauForTreason

Chrystia Freeland’s granddad was indeed a Nazi collaborator:

Ukraine 🇺🇦 glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”


Why The Government Corruption Will Never Be Investigated By The R.C.M.P. In Canada! CITIZENS NEED TO WAKE UP AND BE THE LAW!
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:

EVENT 201:


“THE GREAT RESET” World Economic Forum:

Here Is An Audio Reading Of Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset” book here it is  full audio book


Young Global Leaders W.E.F. Members / INFILTRATION IN OUR GOVERNMENTS!
100 pages of young global leaders and their positions of power title’s:
Search current members and alumni by year awarded, sector or region.

The Future Teams Of Government INFILTRATION – Hubs | Global Shapers W.E.F. :

Canadian Members of the World Economic Forum



Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs – PubMed

Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine, no longer a coincidence but confirmed
#Experimental #YouAreTheTrial
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BNT162b2 Vaccine Effectiveness Study – Kaiser Permanente Southern California
Actual Study Start Date  :
May 15, 2021
Estimated Primary Completion Date  :
March 31, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date  :
March 31, 2023
Trust The $cience
Pfizer vaccine data. Of particular interest is page 30.  There Are 9 Pages Of Adverse Events Medical Conditions Excpected That People Can Get From The “Vaccines” For “Covid-19”
FULL Report:
Court ordered Pfizer docs show Pfizer paying the FDA over $2.8 million dollars to fast track the vaccine.👇
Court ordered documents can be seen here,
Pfizer delisting from New York Stock exchange!
Some people got filthy rich and now they want out.
Pfizer just filed a form 25 with the security exchange commission (SEC)
Form 25 says they want to delist their securities from the exchange
This means $PFE Pfizer will no longer be a publicly traded company.
You file a form 25 if your shares are worthless, you want to go private or IF YOU NO LONGER WANT TO BE SUBJECT TO STRICT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS
The following are protected by patents in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions for ModernaTx, Inc.
If You Really Want To Know The Ingredients In The “JABS”??
Program Patents:
Protected by patents in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions for ModernaTx, Inc.   mRNA-1273
US 10,898,574
US 10,703,789
US 10,702,600
US 10,577,403
US 10,442,756
US 10,266,485
US 10,064,959
US 9,868,692
Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated
Life Insurance Companies Not Paying Out On Covid-19 “Vaccination” Deaths As It Is Considered Suicide Due To The Experimental Nature!
Poison Control Cautions About Toxic Substance in Many Rapid At-Home Antigen COVID Tests
March 1, 2022
Triple vaccinated Ontarians are catching COVID at a greater rate than the double vaccinated or the not vaccinated at all.
On the link below, there’s a separate graph wherein the rates of death across vaccination status are beginning to merge.
#JabSideEffects Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated
So They Say OnThe Fake News Media That Ivermectin Is Horse Medicine Right? READ THIS: (from the N.I.H) Website:
#JabSideEffects CDC issued a nationwide health alert to notify clinicians and public health authorities about a cluster of children identified with hepatitis and adenovirus infection – and to ask all physicians to be on the lookout for symptoms and to report any suspected cases of hepatitis of unknown origin to their local and state health departments.

[NSICOP] found ample evidence that both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are under the influence / control of foreign states and entities

Trudeau, Freeland met with Ukrainian neo-Nazi party cofounder

Ottawa, Canada spends millions training Ukrainian AZOV #Nazi soldiers Since 2014! #TrudeauForTreason

Chrystia Freeland’s granddad was indeed a Nazi collaborator:

Ukraine 🇺🇦 glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”


Why The Government Corruption Will Never Be Investigated By The R.C.M.P. In Canada! CITIZENS NEED TO WAKE UP AND BE THE LAW!
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:

EVENT 201:


“THE GREAT RESET” World Economic Forum:

Here Is An Audio Reading Of Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset” book here it is  full audio book


Young Global Leaders W.E.F. Members / INFILTRATION IN OUR GOVERNMENTS!
100 pages of young global leaders and their positions of power title’s:
Search current members and alumni by year awarded, sector or region.

The Future Teams Of Government INFILTRATION – Hubs | Global Shapers W.E.F. :

Canadian Members of the World Economic Forum

On April 19, 2002 – the Spring before the first SARS outbreak in Asia – Christopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, and Ralph. Baric filed an application for U.S. Patent … › …PDF
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier

Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus Patent Form 2002

WHO issues new recommendations on human genome editing for the advancement of public health

Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier

Vaccine nanotechnology



SELF-SPREADING VACCINES: Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security (page 47 of the document)

Amino lipids and methods for the delivery of nucleic acids


Christine Massey reveals that Covid-19 “virus” has NEVER been isolated and shown to cause disease

Christine Massey reveals to the Health Ranger: Covid-19 “virus” has NEVER been isolated and shown to cause disease

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Hard-Hitting Truth: “Virus” Never Isolated, Sepsis-Causing Shots, And Frontline Fakers – Stew Peters

On Wednesday, Dr. Jane Ruby answered questions about vaccine-induced sepsis, the antibody testing hoax, and more. Dr. Jane elaborated on effective supplements that treat Covid, the validity of her sources, and the fibrous formations within the jabs.

The Ask Dr. Jane segments are brought to you by Mike Lindell at My
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Visit and use promocode STEW to purchase the groundbreaking supplements treating Covid across the globe:

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BOMBSHELL Article Published On NIH Website Calls Out Covid-Corruption and Mass Murder !!!

Here’s the link to the full NIH article, I don’t know how long it’s going to stay up, you might want to download the pdf
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs – PubMed

Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine, no longer a coincidence but confirmed
#Experimental #YouAreTheTrial
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BNT162b2 Vaccine Effectiveness Study – Kaiser Permanente Southern California
Actual Study Start Date  :
May 15, 2021
Estimated Primary Completion Date  :
March 31, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date  :
March 31, 2023
Trust The $cience
Pfizer vaccine data. Of particular interest is page 30.  There Are 9 Pages Of Adverse Events Medical Conditions Excpected That People Can Get From The “Vaccines” For “Covid-19”
FULL Report:
Court ordered Pfizer docs show Pfizer paying the FDA over $2.8 million dollars to fast track the vaccine.👇
Court ordered documents can be seen here,
Pfizer delisting from New York Stock exchange!
Some people got filthy rich and now they want out.
Pfizer just filed a form 25 with the security exchange commission (SEC)
Form 25 says they want to delist their securities from the exchange
This means $PFE Pfizer will no longer be a publicly traded company.
You file a form 25 if your shares are worthless, you want to go private or IF YOU NO LONGER WANT TO BE SUBJECT TO STRICT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS
The following are protected by patents in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions for ModernaTx, Inc.
If You Really Want To Know The Ingredients In The “JABS”??
Program Patents:
Protected by patents in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions for ModernaTx, Inc.   mRNA-1273
US 10,898,574
US 10,703,789
US 10,702,600
US 10,577,403
US 10,442,756
US 10,266,485
US 10,064,959
US 9,868,692
Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated
Life Insurance Companies Not Paying Out On Covid-19 “Vaccination” Deaths As It Is Considered Suicide Due To The Experimental Nature!
Poison Control Cautions About Toxic Substance in Many Rapid At-Home Antigen COVID Tests
March 1, 2022
Triple vaccinated Ontarians are catching COVID at a greater rate than the double vaccinated or the not vaccinated at all.
On the link below, there’s a separate graph wherein the rates of death across vaccination status are beginning to merge.
#JabSideEffects Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated
So They Say OnThe Fake News Media That Ivermectin Is Horse Medicine Right? READ THIS: (from the N.I.H) Website:
#JabSideEffects CDC issued a nationwide health alert to notify clinicians and public health authorities about a cluster of children identified with hepatitis and adenovirus infection – and to ask all physicians to be on the lookout for symptoms and to report any suspected cases of hepatitis of unknown origin to their local and state health departments.

[NSICOP] found ample evidence that both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are under the influence / control of foreign states and entities

Trudeau, Freeland met with Ukrainian neo-Nazi party cofounder

Ottawa, Canada spends millions training Ukrainian AZOV #Nazi soldiers Since 2014! #TrudeauForTreason

Chrystia Freeland’s granddad was indeed a Nazi collaborator:

Ukraine 🇺🇦 glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”


Why The Government Corruption Will Never Be Investigated By The R.C.M.P. In Canada! CITIZENS NEED TO WAKE UP AND BE THE LAW!
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:

EVENT 201:


“THE GREAT RESET” World Economic Forum:

Here Is An Audio Reading Of Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset” book here it is  full audio book


Young Global Leaders W.E.F. Members / INFILTRATION IN OUR GOVERNMENTS!
100 pages of young global leaders and their positions of power title’s:
Search current members and alumni by year awarded, sector or region.

The Future Teams Of Government INFILTRATION – Hubs | Global Shapers W.E.F. :

Canadian Members of the World Economic Forum

On April 19, 2002 – the Spring before the first SARS outbreak in Asia – Christopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, and Ralph. Baric filed an application for U.S. Patent … › …PDF
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier

Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus Patent Form 2002

WHO issues new recommendations on human genome editing for the advancement of public health

Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier

Vaccine nanotechnology



SELF-SPREADING VACCINES: Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security (page 47 of the document)

Amino lipids and methods for the delivery of nucleic acids


October 13, 2015
The Patent Application for the System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 Was Filed – The Inventor Is Listed As Richard A. Rothschild

The present invention generally relates to nanoscale wires and/or injectable devices. In some embodiments, the present invention is directed to electronic devices that can be injected or inserted into soft matter, such as biological tissue or polymeric matrixes. For example, the device may be passed through a syringe or a needle. In some cases, the device may comprise one or more nanoscale wires. Other components, such as fluids or cells, may also be injected or inserted. In addition, in some cases, the device, after insertion or injection, may be connected to an external electrical circuit, e.g., to a computer. Other embodiments are generally directed to systems and methods of making, using, or promoting such devices, kits involving such devices, and the like.

Harvard’s Charles Lieber Patents Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics Integrate Seamlessly with Minimal Chronic Immune Response in the Brain

Publication NumberWO/2016/012793
Publication Date28.01.2016
International Application No.PCT/GB2015/052124
International Filing Date23.07.2015
• KEEP, Sarah
Usa Pattent Link:

Where covid came from and who funded its creation: follow the patents and the money
-by David E. Martin, PhD-
David E. Martin noticed unusual activity in patent registration in the US, Europe and Canada among other countries.  Here he describes UBC’s and the Government of Canada’s hidden role in the current global scheme.

Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming…

Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs – PubMed

Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine, no longer a coincidence but confirmed
#Experimental #YouAreTheTrial
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BNT162b2 Vaccine Effectiveness Study – Kaiser Permanente Southern California
Actual Study Start Date  :
May 15, 2021
Estimated Primary Completion Date  :
March 31, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date  :
March 31, 2023
Trust The $cience
Pfizer vaccine data. Of particular interest is page 30.  There Are 9 Pages Of Adverse Events Medical Conditions Excpected That People Can Get From The “Vaccines” For “Covid-19”
FULL Report:
Court ordered Pfizer docs show Pfizer paying the FDA over $2.8 million dollars to fast track the vaccine.👇
Court ordered documents can be seen here,
Pfizer delisting from New York Stock exchange!
Some people got filthy rich and now they want out.
Pfizer just filed a form 25 with the security exchange commission (SEC)
Form 25 says they want to delist their securities from the exchange
This means $PFE Pfizer will no longer be a publicly traded company.
You file a form 25 if your shares are worthless, you want to go private or IF YOU NO LONGER WANT TO BE SUBJECT TO STRICT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS
The following are protected by patents in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions for ModernaTx, Inc.
If You Really Want To Know The Ingredients In The “JABS”??
Program Patents:
Protected by patents in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions for ModernaTx, Inc.   mRNA-1273
US 10,898,574
US 10,703,789
US 10,702,600
US 10,577,403
US 10,442,756
US 10,266,485
US 10,064,959
US 9,868,692
Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated
Life Insurance Companies Not Paying Out On Covid-19 “Vaccination” Deaths As It Is Considered Suicide Due To The Experimental Nature!
Poison Control Cautions About Toxic Substance in Many Rapid At-Home Antigen COVID Tests
March 1, 2022
Triple vaccinated Ontarians are catching COVID at a greater rate than the double vaccinated or the not vaccinated at all.
On the link below, there’s a separate graph wherein the rates of death across vaccination status are beginning to merge.
#JabSideEffects Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated
So They Say OnThe Fake News Media That Ivermectin Is Horse Medicine Right? READ THIS: (from the N.I.H) Website:
#JabSideEffects CDC issued a nationwide health alert to notify clinicians and public health authorities about a cluster of children identified with hepatitis and adenovirus infection – and to ask all physicians to be on the lookout for symptoms and to report any suspected cases of hepatitis of unknown origin to their local and state health departments.

[NSICOP] found ample evidence that both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are under the influence / control of foreign states and entities

Trudeau, Freeland met with Ukrainian neo-Nazi party cofounder

Ottawa, Canada spends millions training Ukrainian AZOV #Nazi soldiers Since 2014! #TrudeauForTreason

Chrystia Freeland’s granddad was indeed a Nazi collaborator:

Ukraine 🇺🇦 glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”


Why The Government Corruption Will Never Be Investigated By The R.C.M.P. In Canada! CITIZENS NEED TO WAKE UP AND BE THE LAW!
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:

EVENT 201:


“THE GREAT RESET” World Economic Forum:

Here Is An Audio Reading Of Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset” book here it is  full audio book


Young Global Leaders W.E.F. Members / INFILTRATION IN OUR GOVERNMENTS!
100 pages of young global leaders and their positions of power title’s:
Search current members and alumni by year awarded, sector or region.

The Future Teams Of Government INFILTRATION – Hubs | Global Shapers W.E.F. :

Canadian Members of the World Economic Forum

On April 19, 2002 – the Spring before the first SARS outbreak in Asia – Christopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, and Ralph. Baric filed an application for U.S. Patent … › …PDF
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier

Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus Patent Form 2002

WHO issues new recommendations on human genome editing for the advancement of public health

Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier

Vaccine nanotechnology



SELF-SPREADING VACCINES: Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security (page 47 of the document)

Amino lipids and methods for the delivery of nucleic acids


October 13, 2015
The Patent Application for the System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 Was Filed – The Inventor Is Listed As Richard A. Rothschild

The present invention generally relates to nanoscale wires and/or injectable devices. In some embodiments, the present invention is directed to electronic devices that can be injected or inserted into soft matter, such as biological tissue or polymeric matrixes. For example, the device may be passed through a syringe or a needle. In some cases, the device may comprise one or more nanoscale wires. Other components, such as fluids or cells, may also be injected or inserted. In addition, in some cases, the device, after insertion or injection, may be connected to an external electrical circuit, e.g., to a computer. Other embodiments are generally directed to systems and methods of making, using, or promoting such devices, kits involving such devices, and the like.

Harvard’s Charles Lieber Patents Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics Integrate Seamlessly with Minimal Chronic Immune Response in the Brain

Publication NumberWO/2016/012793
Publication Date28.01.2016
International Application No.PCT/GB2015/052124
International Filing Date23.07.2015
• KEEP, Sarah
Usa Pattent Link:

Where covid came from and who funded its creation: follow the patents and the money
-by David E. Martin, PhD-
David E. Martin noticed unusual activity in patent registration in the US, Europe and Canada among other countries.  Here he describes UBC’s and the Government of Canada’s hidden role in the current global scheme.
Apr 26, 2021 — Acuitas Therapeutics, a UBC spin-off company co-founded by Dr. Pieter Cullis, developed the lipid nanoparticle technology that allows the …
Producing lipid nanoparticle technology for vaccine delivery (Acuitas Therapeutics)
Jul 24, 2020 — The technology in question is linked to lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology.
The present invention provides novel amino lipids, as well as lipid particles comprising the same. These lipid particles may
Exploring Biodigital Convergence
Policy Horizons | Horizons de politiques February 11, 2020


The internet of nano things (IoNT) existing state and
future Prospects

Internet of bio-nano things (IoBNT) is a novel communication paradigm where tiny, biocompatible and non-intrusive devices collect and sense biological signals from the environment and send them to data centers for processing through the internet.,for%20processing%20through%20the%20internet.

(DIACC) The Digital Identification and Authentication Council of Canada

MyAlberta Digital ID

Bill for Universal Basic Income in Canada:

W.E.F.: Universal basic income is the answer to the inequalities exposed by COVID-19

U.S.A. : Project Hamilton Phase 1 Executive Summary
By Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Digital Currency Initiative
February 3, 2022

project hamilton – building a “hypothetical” central bank digital currency


Unlocking the potential of
digital identity for secure
and seamless travel

W.E.F. – Global Technology Governance Summit

Global Cooperation on Digital Governance and the Geoeconomics of New Technologies in a Multi-polar World

Global Guide to Public-Private Partnerships

Covid “Vaccine” passport/Social Credit System/Contact Tracing Surveillance  Blueprint! 19 ) United States
( 12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10 ) Pub . No .: US 2021/0082583 A1
EHRLICH et al . ( 43 ) Pub . Date : Mar. 18 , 2021 (PDF)
Or If You Do Not Wish Do Download The (PDF) Incase Of A Virus Here I Have Made A Rumble Video Showing The Blueprint/Patent : Covid “Vaccine” passport/Social Credit System/Contact Tracing Blueprint Video:

Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals
System and methods for anonymously selecting subjects for treatment against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen. The system comprises a plurality of electronic devices comprising instructions to generate an ID and, when in proximity of another such electronic device, one or both electronic devices transmit/receive the ID to/from the other electronic device. Then, a score is generated based on a plurality of such received IDs. Additionally, based on information received from a server, relevant treatment instructions are displayed to the subjects based on the received information and the score. The server comprises instructions for sending to the plurality of electronic devices the information to be displayed with the relevant treatment instructions, additionally the server and/or the electronic devices comprise instructions to generate a prediction of likelihood of a subject transmitting the pathogen, based on the score of the subject.
G16H50/80 ICT specially adapted for medical diagnosis, medical simulation or medical data mining; ICT specially adapted for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics for detecting, monitoring or modelling epidemics or pandemics, e.g. flu
View 7 more classifications
United States

Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity
A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a remote location (e.g. by satellite)
A61B5/0022 Monitoring a patient using a global network, e.g. telephone networks, internet
View 2 more classifications
United States

Chinese government forces people to scan their face before they can use internet as surveillance efforts mount

(666 Patent) MICROSOFT

Trudeau gives our CPP to WEF.  Soon people will be mandated to take the jabs, have digital ID, on-board with Central Bank Digital Currency in order to receive CPP.  And CPP will be given out via social credit system.
Welcome to Great Reset 2030!

Supreem Court Ruling (GENE PATENTING) 2013

VIDEO EXPLANATION: Can Human DnA Be Patented?
100% positive feedback


Mega Protein Kit w/ Real Meat Emergency Food Supply 72 Servings – By Ready Hour

Outdoor Water Filter Straw Water Filtration System Water Purifier for V3M0
98.3% positive feedback
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4000W Solar Panel Kit Solar Power Generator Grid System Power Home System New
97.2% positive feedback
$115.99/ea Free Shipping

ERICKHILL EMF Meter LCD Digital Electromagnetic Field Radiation Smart Detector
100% positive feedback

98.7% positive feedback
$69.00/ea+ $39.90 Shipping

16,500 Non GMO Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Survival Garden 40 Variety Pack
100% positive feedback

Vertical Hydroponic Garden Tower System Indoor Outdoor Home Grow Kit

How many letters in CORONA?
6 =66

Do the math conversion yourself!
Letter to number

Covid spelt backwards Hebrew meaning:
91 Divoc Meaning In Hebrew – The meaning of the name DIVOC… Possession of a malevolent soul and is of Hebrew start. Divoc suggests in Latin… discrete, partition/upset. Segment. Tear away/open/isolated, obliterate/in two.

C: ertifacate
O: f
V: accination
1: a =👉# to letter!
9: i =# to letter!
Military Lawyer Explaines The Meaning Of “Gene Therapy” / Gene, DNA Editing Manipulation #Transhumanism All The Documents, Patents (PROOF) In The Description Below👇

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich about the International Court – Trials Starting  Opening Session of the Grand Jury Proceeding
by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion Covid-19 Plandemic

Start: 02/05, 6 p.m. CET!

A group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting criminal investigation modelled after Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against “leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices” who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.

This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury.

Through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop – the proceeding is meant to create awareness about the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty.
Livestream-links and more:

Reiner Fuellmich,

Pfizer’s own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm. Plus, poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more. For the PDF of this presentation visit:
Follow Live Time On Russian Special Operations In Ukraine #DeNazify

Nazi movement Grooming children in Ukraine


US Embassy just removed all their Ukraine Bioweapon lab documents from the website

Time to reveal what really went on In Ukraine for almost two decades??

just in the last day they removed all the PDF files from the embassy website here

The good news is they are still archived

These labs are co-run by Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance and rumor is Russia’s entire military operation right now is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy these labs and gather evidence.
America’s Food Supply Fertilized With Human Remains And Coated With Nanoparticles (CHECK THE DESCRIPTION) #PROOF

Bill Title:Relating to disposition of dead bodies.Catchline/Summary:Clarifies permissibility of disposition of human bodies by alternative authorized processes including alkaline hydrolysis and natural organic reduction.

SB 5001 – 2019-20
Concerning human remains.
Sponsors: Pedersen, King, Rivers, Keiser, Palumbo, Saldaña, Liias, Carlyle, Conway, Kuderer, Van De Wege
Companion Bill: HB 1162
Food nanotechnology – an overview
Nanotechnology Programs at FDA
Use of Nanomaterials in Food for Animals

Uranium detectable in two-thirds of US community water system monitoring records
Go to google and type Illuminati bacwards…Look what shows up for the 1st search result & all the rest of the results!
Freemasons Illuminati are posting right out in the open on instagram NOT HIDEING:

Official illuminati recruitment page
M.W Grand Master
Washington DC USA
Join illuminati and achieve your goals in life
WhatsApp us now +17076562041
Occult Group Controlling The World
– Worshippers Of Satan
– In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
– Symbolism will be their downfall
Global leaders unite in urgent call for international pandemic treaty
C.T.V. NEWS ARTICLE: Youth protection: Bill 15 to prioritize interests of children over parents
Published April 14, 2022 5:32 p.m. ET
Canada Bill 15 : Title
An Act to amend the Youth Protection Act and other legislative provisions:
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary – If You Want To Know Why So Many SICK PEOPLE? – LOOK UP!




Propaganda EXPOSED! – The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma

A Important Message From
Lt Steven Rogers And Hon. Christine Anderson member of the EU Parliament. Crisis in Canada & America.
Children Canada & Worldwide are being exposed to a UN backed agenda which is intended to sexualize minors at the earliest age possible. This “Agenda” is robbing children of their innocence and opening the door to sexual abuse and pedophilia


A documentary about Bill Gates Anti-Trust leading to VaccinesA documentary about Bill Gates Anti-Trust leading to Vaccines

Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF gates-who-global-takeover


  • The World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response and, ultimately, all health care decisions
  • Bill Gates intends to play a key part in this takeover. He’s building a pandemic response team for the WHO, dubbed the “Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization” or GERM Team, which will have the authority to monitor nations and make pandemic response decisions, such as when to suspend civil liberties to prevent spread of an illness
  • The globalist cabal plans to seize control through biosecurity governance, and they’re attempting to do this using two different avenues. If we fail to fight off both attacks, we’ll end up under totalitarian governance
  • The first attack comes in the form of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), which are currently being voted on by the World Health Assembly. These amendments will strip member nations of their sovereignty and give the WHO unprecedented power to restrict your medical freedoms and civil liberties in the name of biosecurity. Get involved and urge your nation’s leaders to reject the amendments if passed. Unless rejected, they will become binding law in November 2022
  • The second attack comes through a new international pandemic treaty with the WHO. They intend to eliminate individualized medicine and provide blanket rulings for how a given threat is to be addressed, and this can only result in needless suffering — not to mention the loss of individual freedom

In “The Corbett Report” above,1 independent journalist James Corbett reviews the contents of Bill Gates’ book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.”

“It’s every bit as infuriating, nauseating, ridiculous, laughable and risible as you would expect,” he says. “This is a ridiculous book … There’s certainly nothing of medical or scientific value in here … It’s a baffling book even from a propagandistic perspective …

Gates’ goal in writing the book is to disarm the public and prepare us to accept the agenda that Gates and his allies would like to impose on the world. Ultimately, what this is about is drumming up general public support — or at least general public understanding — of the unfolding biosecurity agenda.”

Another reviewer of Gates’ book, economist Jeffrey Tucker, offered similarly negative feedback:2

“Imagine yourself sidled up to a bar. A talkative guy sits down on the stool next to you. He has decided that there is one thing wrong with the world. It can be literally anything. Regardless, he has the solution.

It’s interesting and weird for a few minutes. But you gradually come to realize that he is actually crazy. His main point is wrong and so his solutions are wrong too. But the drinks are good, and he is buying. So you put up with it. In any case, you will forget the whole thing in the morning.

In the morning, however, you realize that he is one of the world’s richest men and he is pulling the strings of many of the world’s most powerful people. Now you are alarmed. In a nutshell, that’s what it’s like to read Bill Gates’s new book ‘How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.’”

Gates’ Book Chapter by Chapter

Corbett goes through Gates’ book chapter by chapter, so if you’re short on time, you can review the ones that interest you the most:

Chapter 1: Learn from COVID (timestamp: 12:58)

Chapter 2: Create a pandemic prevention team (timestamp: 18:23)

Chapter 3: Get better at detecting outbreaks early (timestamp: 26:21)

Chapter 4: Help people protect themselves right away (timestamp: 31:01)

Chapter 5: Find new treatments fast (timestamp: 37:26)

Chapter 6: Get ready to make vaccines (timestamp: 39:46)

Chapter 7: Practice, practice, practice (timestamp: 47:06)

Chapter 8: Close the health gap between rich and poor countries (timestamp: 50:49)

Chapter 9: Make — and fund — a plan for preventing pandemics (timestamp: 57:40)

Afterword: How COVID changed the course of our digital future (timestamp: 1:03:00)

Gates GERM Team

By now, you’ve probably heard that the World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response, and ultimately, all health care decisions. But did you know Bill Gates, the largest funder of the WHO (if you combine funding from his foundation and GAVI), also intends to play a key part in this takeover?

As Gates explains in a video at the beginning of Corbett’s report, he’s building a pandemic response team for the WHO, dubbed the “Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization” or GERM Team. This team will be made up of thousands of disease experts under WHO’s purview, and will monitor nations and make decisions about when to suspend civil liberties to prevent spread of an illness.3

Alas, as noted by “Rising” host Kim Iversen in the video compilation above, if COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that stopping the spread of a virus is more or less impossible, no matter how draconian the rules. Meanwhile, the side effects of lockdowns and business shutdowns are manifold.

People’s health has suffered from lack of health care. Depression and suicide have skyrocketed. Economies have gone bust. Violent crime has risen. Tucker also points out the false premise behind Gates’ pandemic prevention plan, stating:4

“This theory of virus control — the notion that muscling the population makes a prevalent virus shrink into submission and disappear — is a completely new invention, the mechanization of a primitive instinct.

Smallpox occupies a unique position among infectious diseases as the only one affecting humans that has been eradicated. There are reasons for that: a stable pathogen, a great vaccine, and a hundred years of focused public health work. This happened not due to lockdowns but from the careful and patient application of traditional public-health principles.

[T]he attempt to crush a respiratory virus through universal avoidance could be worse than allowing endemicity to it to develop throughout the population.”

Gates’ Destructive Greed

During COVID, we basically traded false protection against one thing for a multitude of other ills that are far worse in the long run. Now, Gates and the WHO want to make this disastrous strategy the norm.

Once again, we see Gates is basically paying the WHO to dictate what the world must do to make him a ton of money, because he’s always heavily invested in the very “solutions” he presents to the world. While he’s built a reputation as a philanthropist, his actions are self-serving, and more often than not, the recipients of his “generosity” end up worse than they were before.

Case in point: After 15 years, Gates’ Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) project has now been proven an epic fail.5 Gates promised the project would “double yields and incomes for 30 million farming households by 2020.”

That false prognosis was deleted from the AGRA website in June 2020, after a Tuft University assessment revealed hunger had actually increased by 31%. February 28, 2022, the first-ever evaluation report6 confirmed the failure of AGRA.

The Globalists’ Double-Prong Attack on National Sovereignty

But getting back to the globalists’ plan to seize global control through biosecurity governance, they are attempting to do this using two different avenues. If we fail to fight off both attacks, we’ll end up under totalitarian governance.

The first attack comes in the form of amendments7 to the International Health Regulations (IHR). The second attack comes through a new international pandemic treaty with the WHO.

Starting with the first takeover strategy, as you read this, countries around the world are in the process of voting on amendments to the IHR.8 By May 28, 2022, the World Health Assembly will have concluded their vote on these amendments and, if passed, they will be enacted into international law in November 2022.

The IHR, adopted in 2005, is what empowers the WHO to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).9 This is a special legal category that allows the WHO to initiate certain contracts and procedures, including drug and vaccine contracts. While the IHR grants the WHO exceptional power over global health policy already, under the current rules, member states must consent to the WHO’s recommendations.

This is one key feature that is up for revision. Under the new amendments, the WHO would be able to declare a PHEIC in a member state over the objection of that state. The amendments also include ceding control to WHO regional directors authorized to declare a Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern (PHERC).

In summary, the IHR amendments establish “a globalist architecture of worldwide health surveillance, reporting and management,” Robert Malone, Ph.D., warns,10 and we the public have no say in the matter.

We have no official avenue for providing feedback to the World Health Assembly, even though the amendments will give the WHO unprecedented power to restrict our rights and freedoms in the name of biosecurity. There’s not even a publicly available list of who the delegates are or who will vote on the amendments.

Summary of Proposed IHR Amendments

A summary of the proposed changes to the IHR was recently provided by Malone.11 In all, the WHO wants to amend 13 different IHR articles (articles 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 48, 49, 53 and 59), the end result of which is the following:12

1.“Increased surveillance — Under Article 5, the WHO will develop early warning criteria that will allow it to establish a risk assessment for a member state, which means that it can use the type of modeling, simulation, and predictions that exaggerated the risk from COVID-19 over two years ago. Once the WHO creates its assessment, it will communicate it to inter-governmental organizations and other member states.

2.48-hour deadline — Under Articles 6, 10, 11, and 13, a member state is given 48 hours to respond to a WHO risk assessment and accept or reject on-site assistance. However, in practice, this timeline can be reduced to hours, forcing it to comply or face international disapproval lead by the WHO and potentially unfriendly member states.

3.Secret sources — Under Article 9, the WHO can rely on undisclosed sources for information leading it to declare a public health emergency. Those sources could include Big Pharma, WHO funders such as the Gates Foundation and the Gates-founded-and-funded GAVI Alliance, as well as others seeking to monopolize power.

4.Weakened sovereignty — Under Article 12, when the WHO receives undisclosed information concerning a purported public health threat in a member state, the Director-General may (not must) consult with the WHO Emergency Committee and the member state. However, s/he can unilaterally declare a potential or actual public health emergency of international concern.

The Director General’s authority replaces national sovereign authority. This can later be used to enforce sanctions on nations.”

Once the amendments are adopted by the World Health Assembly, nations will have only a limited time — six months — to reject them. That would put us into November 2022. Any nation which hasn’t officially rejected the amendments will then be legally bound by them, and any attempt to reject them after the six-month grace period will be null and void.

Attack No. 2: The WHO Pandemic Treaty

The second attempt to gain global control is through an international pandemic treaty with the WHO. An intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) was established as a subdivision of the World Health Assembly in December 2021,13 for the purpose of drafting and negotiating this new pandemic treaty.

In summary, the WHO wants to make its pandemic leadership permanent. It can then extend its power into the health care systems of every nation, and eventually implement a universal or “socialist-like” health care system as part of The Great Reset.

While a WHO-based universal health care system is not currently being discussed, there’s every reason to suspect that this is part of the plan. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has previously stated that his “central priority” as director-general is to push the world toward universal health coverage.14

And, considering the WHO changed its definition of “pandemic” to “a worldwide epidemic of a disease,”15 without the original specificity of severe illness that causes high morbidity,16,17 just about anything could be made to fit the pandemic criterion.

The problem with this treaty is that it simply cannot work. The whole premise behind this pandemic treaty is that “shared threat requires shared response.” But a given threat is almost never equally shared across regions.

Take COVID-19 for example. Not only is the risk of COVID not the same for people in New York City and the outback of Australia, it’s not even the same for all the people in those areas, as COVID is highly dependent on age and underlying health conditions.

The WHO insists that the remedy is the same for everyone everywhere, yet the risks vary widely from nation to nation, region to region, person to person. They intend to eliminate individualized medicine and provide blanket rulings for how a given threat is to be addressed, and this can only result in needless suffering — not to mention the loss of individual freedom.

Are You Ready to Cede All Authority to Gates-Led Group?

In closing, Gates’ GERM team would be the ones with the authority to declare pandemics and coordinate global response.18 Are you ready to cede all authority over your life, health and livelihood to the likes of Gates? I hope not.

In the video above, Del Bigtree with “The Highwire” provides poignant examples where Gates is now admitting what “The Highwire,” I and many others have been saying since the earliest days of the COVID pandemic, and getting censored and deplatformed for it.

Gates is two years behind everyone else, yet despite his apparent inability to interpret the readily available data, he now wants power to dictate health rules to the whole world. We can’t let that happen.

Join the Global #StopTheWHO Campaign

It’s going to require a global response to prevent these two power grabs, starting with the IHR amendments under vote by the World Health Assembly. To that end, the World Council for Health has launched a global #StopTheWHO campaign. Here’s how you can get involved:19

Speak — Raise awareness on the ground and online. Use articles, posters, videos
Act — Campaign through rallies, political mobilization, legal notices and cases and similar campaigns
Collaborate with health freedom coalitions such as the World Council for Health
Explore activist toolboxes such as: and
Engage global indigenous leadership to take a united stand against the WHO’s IHR
Notify World Health Assembly country delegates to oppose the IHR amendments
Activate people’s parliaments, legislatures or referendums to oppose power grabs

IT’S NOT THE GUNS: America’s left-wing culture of DEATH and self-mutilation is a FACTORY that produces mass shooters – Natural News

CIA Michael Jaco Discusses Monkeypox From Vaccines with Nicholas Veniamin


Latest Bad News About COVID Vaccines- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF latest-bad-news-about-covid-vaccines-pdf


  • A previously healthy 36-year-old mother of two died 11 days after receiving a Pfizer COVID-19 shot; her death was deemed to be caused by myocarditis due to the shot
  • Emergency calls for cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome increased more than 25% among 16- to 39-year-olds from January to May 2021, compared to the same time period in 2019 and 2020
  • Pfizer deliberately excluded pregnant women from COVID-19 shot trials; the recommendation that the shots are safe and effective for pregnant women was based on a 42-day study involving 44 rats
  • Research conducted by the New York State Department of Health found the shots’ effectiveness declined rapidly among 5- to 11-year-olds, falling from 68% to just 12%
  • Considering the adverse effects and lack of effectiveness, many have called for an immediate withdrawal of the shots

A previously healthy 36-year-old mother of two died 11 days after receiving a Pfizer COVID-19 shot.1Initially, her cause of death was deemed inconclusive, but at an inquest, pathologist Dr. Sukhvinder Ghataura explained that he believes the COVID-19 shot was to blame. He told the coroner:2

“On the balance of probabilities, she had vaccine-related problems. There is nothing else for me to hang my hat on. It is the most likely reason, in my conclusion. It is more than likely Dawn died in response to the Covid jab.”

Government officials continue to deny deaths linked to Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shot. In the U.S., they’ve only acknowledged nine deaths as causally associated with Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 shot as of May 10, 2022.3 But this case, which occurred in the U.K., highlights the potential dangers of shot-induced myocarditis.

According to Ghataura, the woman had several signs of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, including inflammation of the heart, fluid in the lungs and a small clot in her lungs.

She had also reported menstrual irregularities, jaw pain and arm pain.4 When asked by a family member whether he believed the woman would still be alive today if she hadn’t received the shot, Ghataura said, “It’s a difficult question but I would say yes.”5

COVID-19 Shots Increase Heart Attack Risk by 25% in Youth

At the conclusion of the inquest regarding the woman’s death, assistant coroner Alison McCormick stated, “I give the narrative conclusion that her death was caused by acute myocarditis, due to recent Covid-19 immunization.”6 Myocarditis is a recognized adverse effect of mRNA COVID-19 shots,7 and one that has been named in other deaths.

Dr. Neil Singh Dhalla, a CEO of a major health clinic, fell asleep four days after he got a COVID-19 booster shot — and died from a heart attack.8 The autopsy stated myocarditis. He was only 48 years old and had never had heart problems in his life. In another example, epidemiologists confirmed that two teenage boys from different U.S. states died of myocarditis days after getting the Pfizer shot.9

Both had received second doses of the shot. In a study that examined the autopsy findings, it’s reported that the “myocarditis” described in the boys’ deaths is “not typical myocarditis pathology”:10

“The myocardial injury seen in these post-vaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy. Understanding that these instances are different from typical myocarditis and that cytokine storm has a known feedback loop with catecholamines may help guide screening and therapy.”

An astounding study published in Scientific Reports further revealed that calls to Israel’s National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome increased more than 25% among 16- to 39-year-olds from January 2021 to May 2021, compared to the same time period in 2019 and 2020.11

The researchers evaluated the association between the volume of the calls and other factors, including COVID-19 shots and COVID-19 infection, but a link was only found for the shots:12

“[T]he weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates.

While not establishing causal relationships, the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals.”

COVID Shots Weren’t Tested on Pregnant Women

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer attempted to hide COVID-19 shot clinical trial data for 75 years. “When I saw that, that’s when I got very vocal and said fraud has occurred. How do I know that? They won’t show us the clinical data,” former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd said.13 This should be a red flag for all Americans.

Now that a lawsuit forced the FDA to release thousands of the documents, data about what they were trying to hide is coming out. Among the revelations is evidence that Pfizer deliberately excluded pregnant women from COVID-19 shot trials. So how did they make the recommendation that the shots are safe and effective for pregnant women?

This was based on a 42-day study involving 44 rats.14 What’s more, a Pfizer-BioNTech rat study revealed the shot more than doubled the incidence of preimplantation loss and also led to a low incidence of mouth/jaw malformations, gastroschisis (a birth defect of the abdominal wall) and abnormalities in the right-sided aortic arch and cervical vertebrae in the fetuses.15

A CDC-sponsored study that was widely used to support the U.S. recommendation for pregnant women to get injected “presents falsely reassuring statistics related to the risk of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy,” according to the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK).16

When the risk of miscarriage was recalculated to include all women injected prior to 20 weeks’ gestation, the incidence was seven to eight times higher than the original study indicated, with a cumulative incidence of miscarriage ranging from 82% to 91%.

Also buried in one of the documents is the statement, “Clinical laboratory evaluation showed a transient decrease in lymphocytes that was observed in all age and dose groups after Dose 1, which resolved within approximately one week …”17 What this means is Pfizer knew that, in the first week after the shot, people of all ages experienced transient immunosuppression, or put another way, a temporary weakening of the immune system, after the first dose.

Pfizer and FDA Knew Vaccines Were Not ‘Safe and Effective’

“It looks to me — this is not an overstatement from what I’ve seen — that this was a clinical trial that by August 2021, Pfizer and the FDA knew was failed, the vaccines were not safe and effective,” said investigative author Naomi Wolf. “That they weren’t working. That the efficacy was waning … and that they were seriously dangerous. And they rolled it out anyway.”18

Regarding the shots for pregnant women, Wolf said, in an interview with Stephen Bannon on “War Room,” that a spike in severe adverse events among pregnant women coincides with the rollout of COVID-19 shots.

U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers datamined the DOD health database, revealing significant increases in rates of miscarriage and stillbirths, along with cancer and neurological disease, since COVID-19 jabs rolled out.19 “This is honestly one of the wors[t] things I’ve ever, ever seen in my 35 years as a reporter,” Wolf said.20

Not only does IPAK’s data show COVID-19 injections prior to 20 weeks are unsafe for pregnant women, but 12.6% of women who received it in the third trimester reported Grade 3 adverse events, which are severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening. Another 8% also reported a fever of 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F), which can lead to miscarriage or premature labor.21

Young children are also developing severe hepatitis and nobody knows why.22 COVID-19 shots have been linked to cases of liver disease23 and liver damage following the shots has been deemed “plausible.”24

Confirmed: COVID Shots Affect Menstrual Cycles

It’s clear that there are many unknowns about how COVID-19 shots affect pregnancy and reproduction, including their effects on menstrual cycles. Women around the globe have reported changes in their menstrual cycles following COVID-19 shots, and health officials have tried to brush off the reports or label them all as anecdotal.

But a study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology — and funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Office of Research on Women’s Health — confirms an association between menstrual cycle length and COVID-19 shots.25

Clinical trials for COVID-19 shots did not collect data about menstrual cycles following injection, and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) does not actively collect menstrual cycle information either, making it difficult to initially determine whether the shots were having an effect. Anecdotal reports on social media, however, are numerous and, according to the study, “suggest menstrual disturbances are much more common …”26

The Obstetrics & Gynecology study involved 3,959 individuals between the ages of 18 and 45 years. Those who had not received a COVID-19 shot noted no significant changes in cycle four during the study compared to their first three cycles.

Those who received COVID-19 shots, however, had longer menstrual cycles, typically by less than one day, when they received the shots. The longer cycles were noted for both doses of the injection, with a 0.71-day increase after the first dose and 0.91-day increase after the second dose.27

While the researchers described the change as not clinically significant, meaning it’s not notable from a health standpoint, there were some women who experienced even greater menstrual changes, particularly those who received two shots in the same menstrual cycle. These changes included a two-day increase in cycle length and, in some cases, changes in cycle length of eight days or more.

Pfizer Shot Only 12% Effective in Children

Adding insult to injury, research conducted by the New York State Department of Health shows the dismal reality about the effectiveness of COVID-19 shots in children.28 From December 13, 2021 to January 24, 2022, they analyzed outcomes among 852,384 children aged 12 to 17 years, and 365,502 children aged 5 to 11 year, who had received two doses of the shots.

Effectiveness declined rapidly among 5- to 11-year-olds, falling from 68% to just 12%. Protection against hospitalization also dropped, from 100% to 48%. Among 11-year-olds alone, vaccine effectiveness plunged to 11%.29 The lackluster response was blamed on the dosage discrepancies among the age groups, as 5- to 11-year-olds receive two 10-microgram Pfizer shots, while 12- to 17-year-olds receive 30-microgram shots.30

In the younger age group, the shots provided almost no protection at all. And it’s not only children who are affected by the shots’ rapidly waning effectiveness. COVID-19 booster shots also lose effectiveness rapidly, with protection plummeting by the fourth month post-shot.31 One CDC-funded study involved data from 10 states collected from August 26, 2021 to January 22, 2022, periods during which both delta and omicron variants were circulating.

Visits to emergency rooms and urgent care facilities, as well as hospitalizations, among people seeking medical care for COVID-19 were analyzed. The study did not include milder COVID-19 cases, for which no medical attention was sought.

While initially vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19-associated emergency department or urgent care visits and hospitalizations was higher after the booster shot, compared to the second COVID-19 injection, effectiveness waned as time passed since vaccination.32

Within two months of the second COVID-19 shot, protection against emergency department and urgent care visits related to COVID-19 was at 69%. This dropped to 37% after five months post-shot. The low effectiveness five months after the initial shot series is what prompted officials to recommend a booster dose — and the third shot “boosted” effectiveness to 87%.

This boost was short-lived, however. Within four to five months post-booster, protection against emergency department and urgent care visits decreased to 66%, then fell to just 31% after five months or more post-booster.33

Considering the adverse effects and lack of effectiveness, many have called for an immediate withdrawal of the shots. IPAK believes the data are already compelling enough to withdraw the shots for vulnerable populations, including pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and those of child-bearing age.34

Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a prominent toxicologist and molecular biologist who works with M.D. Anderson Cancer Center-Houston, spoke at the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting held April 23, 2021, and also called for “all gene therapy vaccines” to “be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts,” including fertility.35

VIDEO: Biden Admits to Intentionally Cutting Off US Energy to Trigger ‘ An Incredible Transition’

Alex Jones breaks down the history leading up to Biden’s disastrous energy policy ahead of the globalist great reset.

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Monkeypox just the latest engineered distraction as controlled demolition of human civilization accelerates Monday, May 23, 2022 by: Mike Adams, Natural News

(Natural News) Monkeypox, a very mild contagious disease that deserves no panic whatsoever, is reportedly spreading across the world among attendees of a gay pride gathering of 80,000 people in Gran Canaria.

As The Sun (UK) reports, “The Canaria Pride festival, held in the town of Maspalomas between May 5 and 15, has become a hotspot for the monkeypox outbreak, reports El País.”

It turns out that engaging in gay sex activities with thousands of strangers spreads disease. (Who knew?) Even the WHO now says monkeypox is spreading mainly through sexual contact among gay men.

Note that there isn’t a single corporate media outlet in the world that will admit such a fact. They cover up the filthy sexual habits and pretend that anal intercourse among multiple sex partners is perfectly normal, perhaps even preferred.

“Many known patients are gay men who were tested after going to STI clinics, the WHO said. Health chiefs warned gay and bisexual men to be on the lookout for new unexplained rashes,” adds The Sun. “Cases have now been detected in Israel, Norway, Australia, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States and Canada.”

But monkeypox presents virtually zero risk to the world. The media hysteria surrounding the topic is just the latest effort to try to spread fear and panic in order to push — you guessed it — the inevitable monkeypox vaccine that will be forced onto everyone if they can conjure up enough panic.

Anyone dumb enough to fall for this latest “outbreak” hysteria is dumber than a monkey, of course. Among primates on planet Earth, human beings are the only species dumb enough to poison their food supply with pesticides, mass murder their own offspring with widespread abortions, and inject themselves with genetically altering experimental “vaccines” that cause infertility and death. Even rats aren’t stupid enough to engage in those practices… it takes an obedient human progressive to be that stupid.


Only 10 weeks of wheat supply left in the world

As reports, a food expert named Sara Menker, testifying before the United Nations, warned that there are only 10 weeks of wheat supply remaining in the world. Importantly, she also recognizes that it’s not merely “Putin’s fault.” From that story:

Sara Menker, the CEO of agriculture analytics firm Gro Intelligence, told the UN Security Council that the Russia-Ukraine war was not the cause of a food security crisis but “simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning.”

“It is important to note that the lowest grain inventory levels the world has ever seen are now occurring while access to fertilizers is highly constrained,” she said. “And drought in wheat growing regions around the world is the most extreme it’s been in over 20 years. Similar inventory concerns also apply to corn and other grains.”

So what happens after the “wheat wars” hit a critical point of collapse? Food riots, of course. Upheaval, civil unrest and revolution around the world. Lack of affordable food will push every nation across the world toward the boiling point. Some of those nations will see violent revolts. Others will see their governments fall (as is happening right now in Sri Lanka).

Understand that the oblivious masses still have no clue the food supply is collapsing. They think that grocery stores in November and December will be fully stocked. Oblivious Europeans think heating energy will be widely available, too. (They are wrong.) The expectations of supply currently held by the oblivious masses are catastrophically inaccurate and subject to radical, painful corrections as reality kicks in.

The situation isn’t going to be pretty.

Listen to more details on all this — including my “Shock the Monkey Pox” song intro — in today’s Situation Update podcast:

Discover more information-packaged podcasts each day, along with special reports, interviews and emergency updates, at:

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Monkeypox just the latest engineered distraction as controlled demolition of human civilization accelerates Monday, May 23, 2022 by: Mike Adams, Natural News

(Natural News) Monkeypox, a very mild contagious disease that deserves no panic whatsoever, is reportedly spreading across the world among attendees of a gay pride gathering of 80,000 people in Gran Canaria.

As The Sun (UK) reports, “The Canaria Pride festival, held in the town of Maspalomas between May 5 and 15, has become a hotspot for the monkeypox outbreak, reports El País.”

It turns out that engaging in gay sex activities with thousands of strangers spreads disease. (Who knew?) Even the WHO now says monkeypox is spreading mainly through sexual contact among gay men.

Note that there isn’t a single corporate media outlet in the world that will admit such a fact. They cover up the filthy sexual habits and pretend that anal intercourse among multiple sex partners is perfectly normal, perhaps even preferred.

“Many known patients are gay men who were tested after going to STI clinics, the WHO said. Health chiefs warned gay and bisexual men to be on the lookout for new unexplained rashes,” adds The Sun. “Cases have now been detected in Israel, Norway, Australia, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States and Canada.”

But monkeypox presents virtually zero risk to the world. The media hysteria surrounding the topic is just the latest effort to try to spread fear and panic in order to push — you guessed it — the inevitable monkeypox vaccine that will be forced onto everyone if they can conjure up enough panic.

Anyone dumb enough to fall for this latest “outbreak” hysteria is dumber than a monkey, of course. Among primates on planet Earth, human beings are the only species dumb enough to poison their food supply with pesticides, mass murder their own offspring with widespread abortions, and inject themselves with genetically altering experimental “vaccines” that cause infertility and death. Even rats aren’t stupid enough to engage in those practices… it takes an obedient human progressive to be that stupid.


Only 10 weeks of wheat supply left in the world

As reports, a food expert named Sara Menker, testifying before the United Nations, warned that there are only 10 weeks of wheat supply remaining in the world. Importantly, she also recognizes that it’s not merely “Putin’s fault.” From that story:

Sara Menker, the CEO of agriculture analytics firm Gro Intelligence, told the UN Security Council that the Russia-Ukraine war was not the cause of a food security crisis but “simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning.”

“It is important to note that the lowest grain inventory levels the world has ever seen are now occurring while access to fertilizers is highly constrained,” she said. “And drought in wheat growing regions around the world is the most extreme it’s been in over 20 years. Similar inventory concerns also apply to corn and other grains.”

So what happens after the “wheat wars” hit a critical point of collapse? Food riots, of course. Upheaval, civil unrest and revolution around the world. Lack of affordable food will push every nation across the world toward the boiling point. Some of those nations will see violent revolts. Others will see their governments fall (as is happening right now in Sri Lanka).

Understand that the oblivious masses still have no clue the food supply is collapsing. They think that grocery stores in November and December will be fully stocked. Oblivious Europeans think heating energy will be widely available, too. (They are wrong.) The expectations of supply currently held by the oblivious masses are catastrophically inaccurate and subject to radical, painful corrections as reality kicks in.

The situation isn’t going to be pretty.

Listen to more details on all this — including my “Shock the Monkey Pox” song intro — in today’s Situation Update podcast:

Discover more information-packaged podcasts each day, along with special reports, interviews and emergency updates, at:

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Join the free email newsletter to stay alerted about new, upcoming audiobooks that you can download for free.

Download my current audiobooks — including Ghost World, Survival Nutrition, The Global Reset Survival Guide and The Contagious Mind — at:

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Dr. Malone Father of mRNA Jab: Global COVID Summit, VAIDS , Global Takeover, WHO Pandemic Treaty


0:00 – 10:00 the biggest danger to all of us are vaccinated, their immune system is shutting down and they spread around every disease possible!

36:00 brain damage by mRNA jabs is very significant

Dr. Robert Malone joins us to discuss the Declaration made by 17,000 physicians at the Global Covid Summit, including that the pandemic is over, harm the mRNA injections have done, VAIDS, and the global takeover of the WEF linked with the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

Despite some connection issues, we continued with the interview due to the crucial info presented.


Follow Dr. Malone on TeLEGRAM AND GETTR:


Dr. Malone, architect of mRNA Tech., on Joe Rogan: I took 2 jabs and I am lucky to be alive!


Prof. Dr. McCullough-World’s Top MD , Dr. Malone-Architect of Covid Vax and Dr. Jensen on Newsmax TV

Inventor of mRNA Jabs Dr. Malone: Natural Immunity is 27 times more Effective than Vaccine Induced

Joe Rogan – Dr. Robert Malone mRNA Technology Inventor FULL interview (December 31st, 2021)

Atty. Dr Fuellmich: Opening Statement to a Grand Jury on Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg 2.0 Trial


Dr. Zelenko: “The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause AIDS!” at 33:30 Essay: do you believe in Mother ?


Millions get AIDS from Vax by Fall – Dr. Elizabeth Eads March 23, 2022

Vax Die-Off for Next 3 Years. There Will Be Spectacularly Violent Reactions To Having Been Poisoned

Movie: 2000 Mules

2000 Mules movie full 1hr 28 mins, watch or download


Alan Watts opens up about Religion – thought provoking video, MUST WATCH

Alan Watts opens up about Jesus and the true religion. The image of Jesus is owned by the church traditions and authorities. He has been moulded to fit the interests of the church patriarchs for centuries, so much so that the prevailing image of Jesus is now so far removed from what he truly represented. Namely an energy from the future who came to earth to bring illumination and knowledge to humanity. The reason why the Jesus/Jeshua personality came to earth was to create an opening or doorway to a different state of consciousness. He wanted to set an example of the possibilities that are available to each human being. He wanted to hold up a mirror to human beings and remind them of their own divine origin and the dormant potentials they carried within. The potentials for peace, freedom and mastership over oneself. To learn more about Jeshua’s identity, take a look at:… CLEAR SIGNS YOU ARE A LIGHTWORKER – VIDEO: LIGHTWORKER: Understand Your Sacred Role as Healer, Guide and Being of Light – ************************************************************************** Pamela: “For me, the name Jeshua refers not so much to the historical personality of Jesus but to the universal Christ energy that we are all a part of. When I channel Jeshua, I feel deeply drawn into this field of love and compassion and in that state of consciousness I receive the messages from Jeshua.” **********************************************************************
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Alan Watts opens up about Religion – thought provoking video, MUST WATCH

Alan Watts opens up about Jesus and the true religion. The image of Jesus is owned by the church traditions and authorities. He has been moulded to fit the interests of the church patriarchs for centuries, so much so that the prevailing image of Jesus is now so far removed from what he truly represented. Namely an energy from the future who came to earth to bring illumination and knowledge to humanity. The reason why the Jesus/Jeshua personality came to earth was to create an opening or doorway to a different state of consciousness. He wanted to set an example of the possibilities that are available to each human being. He wanted to hold up a mirror to human beings and remind them of their own divine origin and the dormant potentials they carried within. The potentials for peace, freedom and mastership over oneself. To learn more about Jeshua’s identity, take a look at:… CLEAR SIGNS YOU ARE A LIGHTWORKER – VIDEO: LIGHTWORKER: Understand Your Sacred Role as Healer, Guide and Being of Light – ************************************************************************** Pamela: “For me, the name Jeshua refers not so much to the historical personality of Jesus but to the universal Christ energy that we are all a part of. When I channel Jeshua, I feel deeply drawn into this field of love and compassion and in that state of consciousness I receive the messages from Jeshua.” **********************************************************************
FREE HEALTHY RECIPE BOOK (Plant based Whole Foods):… BUY ME A COFFEE: DONATE CASH VIA PAYPAL: MY WEBSITE: MY SHOP:… MY EBOOKS: MY PATREON: ★☆★ MY RECIPE BOOKS : ★☆★ Eat for Beauty Recipe Ebook:… 14 Day Clean Vegan Challenge with 2 Week Meal plan:… ★☆★ RECOMMENDED BOOKS ★☆★







Thousands of Deaths and Adverse Reactions Deleted From VAERS – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF vaers-reports-deleted-pdf


  • The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was created as an early warning system to identify vaccines that may be triggering a higher than expected number of adverse events
  • Publicly available VAERS data clearly reveal that the COVID shots are the most dangerous “vaccine” ever created, accounting for more injuries and deaths than all previous conventional vaccines combined over the last three decades
  • Data analyst Albert Benavides has been analyzing VAERS data since the release of these novel shots. According to Benavides, at least 10,000 reports of death or serious injury following COVID “vaccination” have vanished since the rollout of the shots — and they were not duplicate reports, which is a common “explanation” for their removal
  • About 2% of all COVID jab-related reports are deaths, and about 5% of death-related reports are being deleted
  • Only the initial VAERS reports are available to the public. Updated reports are only viewable internally. That means we have no way of knowing how many of those who were injured have since died from those injuries. This is a loophole that can make a vaccine appear less deadly than it actually is

The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was created as an early warning system to identify vaccines that may be triggering a higher than expected number of adverse events. One of its primary objectives is to:1

“Provide a national safety monitoring system that extends to the entire general population for response to public health emergencies, such as a large-scale pandemic influenza vaccination program.”

It’s far from perfect, but it’s still incredibly useful and does serve its purpose. Publicly available VAERS data clearly reveal that the COVID shots are the most dangerous “vaccine” ever created, accounting for more injuries and deaths than all previous conventional vaccines combined over the last three decades.

But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which jointly run VAERS, continue to insist the shots are “safe and effective,” and that not a single death has been directly attributed to the shot.

Such claims are outlandish in light of the available data, and perhaps they’re starting to realize the pickle they’re in as well, because in recent months, investigators have discovered that VAERS reports are being deleted in ever growing numbers. As noted by Stew Peters of the Stew Peters Show (above):

“VAERS is supposed to simply collect reports filled out by doctors and other medical professionals from around the country — reports of people suffering injuries and illnesses and even death after taking vaccines.

Nobody is supposed to be editing or curating or fact-checking it. It’s supposed just be the reports of doctors for the entire world to see. But now we have evidence that that’s, in fact, not what’s happening at all.”

Who’s Deleting VAERS Reports?

Peters interviews Albert Benavides, an RCM expert, data analyst and auditor, who’s been analyzing VAERS data since the release of these novel shots.2,3 According to Benavides, at least 10,000 reports of death or serious injury following COVID “vaccination” have vanished since the rollout of the shots — and they were not duplicate reports, which is a common “explanation” for their removal.

Benavides cites the case of a young child in Alaska who reportedly died after the jab. That death report is now gone, and there’s no other remaining report that matches it.

VAERS ID 18150964 is another example. This is the case of a 13-year-old girl in Maryland, who died 16 days after her first jab. This report was entered October 25, 2021, and deleted April 15, 2022. VAERS claims it was deleted because it was a duplicate, but there are no 13-year-old girls in Maryland who died, anywhere else in VAERS.

According to Benavides, over the past 30 years, some 4,000 non-COVID reports have been deleted, and of those only a couple of hundred were deaths. For the COVID jab, VAERS is deleting a far higher proportion of severe injuries and deaths. About 2% of all COVID jab-related reports are deaths, and about 5% of death-related reports are being deleted.

The result of this is that the ratio of deaths to other injuries appears lower than it probably is. Overwhelmingly, it’s reports of severe injuries and death that are being deleted, which gives the distinct appearance that they’re trying to hide the true extent of the harm of these shots. Who could possibly be doing this? Benavides insists the direction to delete valid reports must be coming from the very top of the FDA and/or CDC.

If you want to dive deeper into Benavides’ data, you can find his VAERS Analysis Dashboard here. Another resource you’ll want to bookmark is the VAERS Wayback Machine on MedAlerts — a search system specifically for deleted VAERS reports.

Other Factors That Downplay COVID Jab Risks

Benavides also points out that only the initial VAERS reports are available to the public. Updated reports are only viewable internally. What that means is, we have no way of knowing how many of those who were injured have since died from those injuries. This is a loophole that can make a vaccine appear less risky than it actually is.

What’s more, Benavides is finding that they’re routinely misclassifying the event level of severity; 65% of all COVID-related reports have the lowest severity classification, meaning they’re not serious and didn’t require medical intervention or hospitalization.

However, when you actually read the reports, you find heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolisms and other clearly serious injuries. So, many are clearly misclassified, or mis-coded. Benavides has also found 65 reports where the patient died after the COVID shot, but because the box for death is not checked, they are not included in the total death tally.

We also have evidence that VAERS is throttling the release of reports. It can take months before a filed report is actually published, as COVID jab victim Brittany Galvin has discovered.

In January 2022, she was eight months into the reporting process to VAERS and was advised by VAERS staff that it would likely be another six to 12 months before her case would be posted.5 In early June 2021, Peters interviewed her about her injuries and experience with the VAERS process (video below).6

VAERS Analysis Reveals Hundreds of Serious Side Effects

An earlier VAERS data analysis by Benavides, reported by Steve Kirsch in November 2021,7 revealed there were by then already hundreds of serious adverse events associated with the COVID shot that were far more elevated than the admitted risk of myocarditis, identified by the Department of Defense (although that fact was for a time dismissed as “conspiracy theory”).

“The evidence in plain sight shows that they are either lying or incompetent. Or both,” Kirsch wrote.8 “In a … VAERS data analysis performed by our friend Albert Benavides (aka WelcomeTheEagle88), we found hundreds of serious adverse events that were completely missed by the CDC that should have been mentioned in the informed consent document that are given to patients.

And we found over 200 symptoms that occur at a higher relative rate than myocarditis (relative to all previous vaccines over the last 5 years). All together, there were over 4,000 VAERS adverse event codes that were elevated by these vaccines by a factor of 10 or more over baseline that the CDC should have warned people about …

The FDA and CDC have basically been batting .000 in terms of spotting safety signals that have been sitting in plain sight the entire time … The CDC has repeatedly said you can’t ascribe causality to data in VAERS. Not true.

The VAERS data analysis (temporal data, the dose dependency, and the elevated reporting rates compared to baseline) provide ample signal to enable us to show causality on all of these events using the five Bradford-Hill criteria applicable to vaccines.”

Of the hundreds of side effects Benavides identified, neurological, cardiovascular and female reproductive problems topped the list. (You can view and download the data from Kirsch’s article.9) Here are some selected highlights from Kirsch’s comprehensive review of Benavides’ findings:10

Pulmonary embolism, listed at No. 24, is 954 times higher than normal
Increased fibrin D-dimer, No. 53 on the list, is elevated by a factor of over 400 times above baseline. Charles Hoffe has reported that D-dimer was elevated in over 60% of patients measured.11 As noted by Kirsch, “This is very serious as D-dimer is a lagging indicator of blood clots”
Increased troponin, listed at No. 130, is 205 times higher than normal. Elevated troponin is a biomarker for heart damage, and in COVID jab victims, they are often elevated to extreme levels, up to 10 times higher than that indicating heart attack, and can remain elevated for months
Brain herniation is elevated by a factor of 100 times above baseline
Death is 96 times higher than normal
Cardiac arrest is 93 times higher than normal
Intracranial hemorrhage is 79 times higher than normal

High Rates of Post-Jab Myocarditis Confirmed

Getting back to myocarditis (heart inflammation), which is the only side effect the FDA and CDC have really admitted, a recent JAMA study found that:12

“Both first and second doses of mRNA vaccines were associated with increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. For individuals receiving 2 doses of the same vaccine, risk of myocarditis was highest among young males (aged 16-24 years) after the second dose.”

Among double-jabbed men (age 16-24), there were four to seven excess myopericarditis events per 100,000 vaccinees in the first 28 days after the second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA shot, and anywhere from nine to 28 excess myopericarditis events per 100,000 after the second dose of Moderna.

According to the authors, “The risk of myocarditis in this large cohort study was highest in young men after the second SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dose” and “this risk should be balanced against the benefits of protecting against severe COVID-19 disease.”

Rheumatologist Reports High Rate of Jab Injuries

While fact checkers are hard at work trying to debunk VAERS data as too unreliable to pay any attention to, doctors and specialists around the world — those brave enough to speak — are reporting absurdly high rates of side effects among their COVID jabbed patients.

One of the latest ones is Dr. Robert Jackson, an award-winning rheumatologist in Missouri. Kirsch recently interviewed Jackson (video above),13 who reports that 40% of his COVID jabbed patients have been injured by the shots; 5% remain unresolved, 5% have developed a new clotting disorder and 12 have died. For comparison, he normally sees only one or two deaths a year.

Of his 5,000 patients, about 3,000 got the shot. That means just over 1 in 300 were killed by the shot. Jackson’s clinical experience matches nicely with data from other rheumatologists, published in the BMJ.14 They report a 37% adverse event rate among jabbed patients; 4.4% of patients also had a flare up of their disease after the jab.

In the interview, Jackson also discusses some of the treatments he’s using on these vaccine injured patients. Interestingly, he’s seen significant improvement using a 30-minute infusion of mesenchymal stem cell derived exosomes.

Non-COVID Excess Deaths Are Exploding

Across the world, and in most U.S. states, we are now seeing excess deaths rates skyrocketing, and it’s not due to COVID. For U.S. data, check out,15 where the excess mortality for each state is listed.

In California, the excess death rate rose from 13.5% in 2020 (38,799 excess deaths) to 18.7% in 2021 (52,278 excess deaths). And, less than five months into 2022, California’s excess mortality has already breached the 20% mark.

For the U.S. as a whole, there were 3,440,546 deaths of all ages for the year 2020. The expected numbers were 3,028,959, so that was an excess of 13.6% (411,587 above expected). In 2021, there were 3,459,496 deaths of all ages, which was 16.4% above expectations. As of mid-April 2022, the excess death rate was already at 14.1%, with 1,041,538 reported deaths of all ages. Among working age Americans, deaths are up 40%, compared to prepandemic levels.16

If the COVID jabs worked, you’d expect excess mortality to drop, yet that’s not what we’re seeing. We’re also not seeing mass death from COVID. The only clear factor that might account for these discrepancies is mass injection with an experimental gene transfer technology.

Cyprus is also reporting elevated all-cause mortality for 2021 (16.5%, perfectly matching that of the U.S.).17 Third and fourth quarter rates are particularly elevated, which corresponds with the rollout of booster shots. Canada, meanwhile, is seeing a shocking 70% excess death rate for ages 0 to 44, compared to 2014 through 2019,18 and U.K. data show COVID-jabbed children, aged 10 to 14, are dying at 28 times the rate of their unvaccinated peers.19,20

I’ve provided other data examples in other articles, and they’re all showing the same trend. The most tragic part of this is that it’s intentional. None of the agencies charged with protecting public health have lived up to their mandate. Instead, they’ve been serving the Great Reset agenda.

Eventually, though, I believe the truth will simply be too overwhelming and obvious to be ignored by the masses. FDA and CDC can’t delete enough reports to make the jabs look safe. People’s personal experiences also trump that of any data set, and now, vaccine injuries are so commonplace, most people know of someone who had a bad reaction, got COVID anyway or died from it. And they can’t scrub that.

What COVID Jabs Are Doing to the Immune System and How the Injured Can Heal – FULL DISCLOSURE

What COVID Jabs Are Doing to the Immune System and How the Injured Can Heal



• Jab-induced spike injuries are on the rise, but in order to heal, the injuries must first be recognized
• Del Bigtree’s Football Analogy simplifies how spike protein reprograms the body’s immune system to attack itself
• The latest science explains the mechanism of jab-induced spike injuries, and spike’s affinity for certain organs
• Understanding the mechanisms of injury can help people heal: energy-boosting exercises reinvigorate the immune system and compounds like N-acetyl-L-cysteine can neutralize the toxic effects of the spike protein

With the majority of the worldwide population now “fully” vaccinated, people are facing the unprecedented challenge of coping with jab-induced spike injuries. The world has never seen a virus with a spike protein that is so toxic to the system, nor has the world’s population seen a vaccine with so many firsts—such as being the first to use mRNA technology against an infectious virus.
It is the first injection of genetically modified polynucleotides to be used on a large population. It is the first to use the laxative polyethylene glycol in an injection. It’s also the first coronavirus vaccine to be attempted in human beings, while also being the first vaccine to be administered on greater than 66 percent of the world population.
On top of these firsts, this is the first product for Moderna to bring to market and the first vaccine to be approved by the US Food and Drug administration (FDA) in such an expedient manner—in less than ten months.
With such a novel technology, the chance of success is predicted to be no more than 2 percent, which is consistent with virologists’ warning that it’s theoretically unfeasible to make a vaccine for an RNA virus like SARS-CoV-2 because the virus mutates so fast. This is precisely the reason an RNA virus vaccine has never been accomplished for HIV, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, Hepatitis C, and so on.
With such an unprecedented, risky vaccine, it is not surprising to see so many unexpected serious adverse events since the launch of the first COVID-19 vaccine in early 2021.
“Vaccines are safe and effective” has been the ongoing irrational mantra of the past two years, recycled from the last two decades of pushing children’s vaccination programs. It’s more than a failed hypothesis—the mantra has become dogma, a belief system that prevents people from getting the help they need for their jab-induced spike injuries or those of their loved ones.
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MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff and naturopathic oncologist Greg Nigh’s paper, “Worse than the Disease” describes in detail the unintended consequences of the jabs against COVID-19, including catastrophic adverse events such as the destruction of the immune system.
Prominent immunologists, vaccinologists, and researchers from every clinical expertise are now providing evidence to support COVID-19 mRNA injectable products are causing immune system dysregulation.
Explaining the complicated mechanism of jab-induced spike injury to the general public is not an easy task when governments still list vaccination as the number one way out of the pandemic while a deluge of campaigns are out to discredit doctors and scientists who want to recognize and help those who have been injured.
With such little support from the establishment, and almost a black market for real medical guidance on jab-induced spike injury methods, people are desperate to know—how can the injured heal?

How Does Immunity Work?
Before getting started on healing, one must first know a few key things about the spike protein’s unnatural injection into the body’s immune system.
Most doctors and scientists understand the power and complexity of the immune system. The immune response is divided into innate immunity, the enormously effective biology we were born with, and adaptive immunity, which acquires training following exposure to pathogens.
The innate system fights against foreign bodies, injuries, and pathogens by using natural bacteria-killing substances, skin protection on the outside, mucus membrane protection on the inside, and the first responders: scavenger cells or natural killers. The body is already wired to take on whatever intruder tries to break in. They have the intelligence to know which invaders belong in the body, and which ones are out to cause trouble.
When someone gets sick, they use their adaptive immune system as a pathogen fighter or defense against changed body cells. The natural adaptive immune system uses defense cells in the blood called B lymphocytes (B cells) and antibodies, as well defense cells in the tissue called T lymphocytes (T cells) to make sure the body never has to deal with that particular pathogen again.
Different immune cells work together to fight against infections in a coordinated, systemic manner, operating like Navy SEALs.
Del’s Football Analogy
One of the most layman-friendly explanations on jab-induced spike injury to the immune system aired on the Highwire in 2020. “Del’s Football Analogy” based on Belgian virus expert Geert Vanden Bossche’s early warnings of the threat of viral immune escape and epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski, Ph.D’s opinion that everyone should have been using their natural immunity for COVID-19 infection rather than a vaccine for a virus that only protects against an outdated virus. Open the schools and the economy, he said, protect the vulnerable.
Del’s Football Analogy has become a prophetic explanation for the injuries people are having now, and one of the only mechanistic explanations for an evolving phenomenon altering the natural defenses of the human immune system. It explains how the innate and adaptive immune systems are bypassed during mRNA and virus-vector jabs.
Del Bigtree, host of the Highwire, explains what happens when the body cannot mount a defense when a new variant or any invader enters the body and becomes a petri dish for new offensive attacks. With an injection, the innate system is ignored and passed right by the defense. Spike is already beyond the injection site and is barreling down the field.
Targeting the spike protein creates a key trait that enables it to be so toxic: it is a specific antibody, rather than your natural immune system’s non-specific protection. This trait makes it a relentless competitor upon entering the field.

Your body is well-trained to have a line of defense, like football players, that will go after any virus or other illness coming in. But the toxic spike protein is aggressive and single-minded, and has been engineered to go after the original player with the ball.
From here on out, the body’s defense cells are on team spike. Spike is team captain and won’t let the team lose sight of goal: that original strain. When you hear the word, spike, think “toxin,” because when spike takes over the cells, it doesn’t care about any other virus, pathogen, parasite, bacteria, or new COVID-19 variant. The system is only playing for the original strain. This is why vaccine efficacy wanes over a short period of time.
Addressing Vaccine Injuries
Available data from passive adverse event reporting systems and information from individual countries present a pressing reality: the question of efficacy is no longer making headlines—people would rather what happened to their bodies after they took the shot or the last booster.
Reports of people catching COVID-19 after taking a jab is commonplace. Those who willingly and forcibly took at least one jab are now part of the growing numbers of the world’s population who have been harmed.
It’s no wonder many people are shifting their attention to natural immunity and healing. Health data found vaccine effectiveness at preventing Omicron infection at less than 49 percent for every COVID-19 vaccine available in the world.
The numbers of the injured may be much larger than reported, as reporting systems have their limitations—it would require people and their doctors to recognize vaccine injury, and take the time to report it.
Children’s Health Defense California reported last year that the estimated incidence (adjusted for underreporting) of adverse events following each COVID vaccine is approximately: 1 in 31 will report an adverse event; 1 in 160 to 2,077 will report a serious adverse event; and 1 in 538 to 6,990 will report a death.
In March, a court-ordered release of Pfizer’s clinical trial documents revealed 1,291 types of adverse events following vaccination including acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, and cardiac arrest.
People who pushed the idea of universal vaccination are “guilty of crimes against humanity,” former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon told the Epoch Times.
“Having selected spike protein to be expressed, a protein which causes blood clotting to be initiated, a risk of thromboembolic adverse events was burned into the design. Nothing at all limits the amount of spike protein to be made in response to a given dose. Some individuals make a little and only briefly. The other end of a normal range results in synthesis of copious amounts of spike protein for a prolonged period. The locations in which this pathological event occurred, as well as where on the spectrum, in my view played a pivotal role in whether the victim experienced adverse events including death,” Yeadon said.
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist, Jessica Rose, Ph.D, recently addressed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s claim that unvaccinated people are several times more likely to die from COVID-19 than a vaccine, as the narrative shifts to “even if you get the vaccination, you’re still less likely to die from COVID.”
Yet Rose is determined to wake people up. At a World Council For Health seminar titled, “Key Ways to Prove COVID-19 Jab Harm Causation” Rose employed the Bradford Hill criteria to help explain vaccine-injury, using her analyses from VAERS to show the shots are worse than the natural infection.
“All the data indicates that the chance of dying from COVID for most people is zero,” Rose said, “If you’re under 55, it’s zero. Kids do very well with COVID. The balance is completely tipped now.”
Rose has said publicly that her role as a scientist has been to get the information to the people—especially to prevent parents from vaccinating their children with COVID-19 jabs—a momentous task in the climate of jab-induced spike injury denial.
She said people need to stop reading legacy media and look at the adverse event data she painstakingly compiled, because her analyses found the injections present a much bigger risk than COVID-19, especially for the healthy. She said the “pointless” injections have been proven not to prevent transmission or provide protective immunity.
Rose analyzed the three largest adverse event data collecting systems: the Yellow Card in the UK, the EudraVigilance System for the EU, and VAERS in the United States.
Looking closely at the data, Rose chose to analyze specificity from the Bradford Hill criteria to examine two subpopulations of people who are having adverse events: high performance athletes and children who have suffered adverse events from the jabs.
She said, “Everyone has heard, of course, that myocarditis is becoming a thing in children, which is bizarro world. And they’re calling it rare and mild, and it’s neither of those things.”
In August 2021, a paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) alerted the public of a serious problem. Based on the data from forty hospitals in Washington, Oregon, Montana, and California, the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis had significantly risen by 60 percent after COVID-19 vaccination.
“If you willingly withhold safety data from the public and know that there’s a problem with the safety profile and you continue to administer those products, you are guilty of malfeasance,” Rose said. “My suspicion is that the rate of adverse events is not going to slow down.”

Numbers of Adverse Events
As of May 6, reports of vaccine adverse events in the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System found 2,133,512 reports of vaccine adverse events from one of the three vaccines available in the US, including 27,968 deaths and 155,633 hospitalizations. VAERS has been estimated to account for only one percent of vaccine injuries, according to a Harvard study, however the massive numbers of certain injuries would have shut down any drug or intervention in the past. The numbers keep going up with every booster: 4,615 miscarriages, 6,596 thrombocytopenia, 13,740 shingles, 14,326 heart attacks, 40,328 myocarditis/pericarditis, and 41,632 severe allergic reactions. The experimental shots have left 51,996 Americans permanently disabled.
The European Union has reported similarly high numbers. As of September 11, 2021, the European database for reporting adverse events, EudraVigilance, had collected 2,317,495 adverse events from one of the four experimental injections, including 24,526 deaths. Of the total number of recorded injuries, almost half remain serious. Combining the four shots’ data, from a summary posted in the Rio Times, Europeans were reporting: 2,214 pregnancy conditions, 36,498 reproductive system and breast disorders, 44,615 blood and lymphatic system disorders, 442,717 nervous system disorders, 214,847 gastrointestinal disorders, 53,146 cardiac disorders, and 60,784 vascular disorders.
The Silent Virus Explained: Sudden Death
Since the COVID-19 vaccination program began last year, a shocking series of severe medical adverse events have been occurring in high-performance athletes, teenagers, children, and adults. Athletes are having heart attacks and collapsing on the field, dying within days of their jabs.
Highlighting studies and research on the rise of myocarditis risk in young people, Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist said in an interview covered in the Epoch Times,“Doctors have never seen so many cases of myocarditis.”  McCullough said the body produces the toxic spike protein for 15 months after the jab, which is what causes the cardiovascular damage, among other problems.
Another adverse event causing sudden death after the jab is vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), an autoimmune condition involving severe blood clotting. We remember the loss of Florida’s Dr. Gregory Michael, a 56-year-old obstetrician, who died 16 days after being vaccinated by the Pfizer vaccine.
Despite news reports on the contrary and a pending study by the CDC and Florida medical examiner, a Johns Hopkins blood disorder expert told the New York Times, based on the description of his Michael’s wife, “it is a medical certainty that the vaccine was related” to Michael’s death.
Since the COVID-19 shots began, stories of vaccinated people who “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” are soaring. Though mainstream media refuses to report on it, alternative sites such as Real not Rare, The People’s Testaments, and Health Impact News post the pictures, videos, and stories of those who reported vaccine injury. The stories span across all ages and demographics, and many with VITT, among common denominators.

Melanie Bitner, a 47-year old mom from British Columbia, is one of many thousands of stories involving VITT after the shot. Doctors found multiple blood clots in her legs and lungs.” Bitner told the CBC, “It was super traumatic ending up in the hospital out of the blue when I’ve been healthy my entire life,” she said. “I was making plans for if I didn’t survive. I have two teenage children so it was really, really scary.”
Studies are getting more detailed on how blood clots, myocarditis, and sudden death are occurring after the jabs as more autopsies and analyses are approved and funded.
An article on VITT published in the New England Journal of Medicine, June 2021, took a close look at why some patients were developing arterial or venous blood clotting in the brain or abdomen 5-20 days after vaccination. Researchers say the way the jabs mediate autoimmune blood clotting is clinically similar to what happens with a heparin (blood thinner) adverse reaction: the immune system is triggered and causes a reaction where antibodies form and lower the platelet count too far (thrombocytopenia).
In basic terms, the immune system sees an intruder and attacks it, setting off a chain reaction that leads to blood clots.
An October, 2021 Journal of Medical Science case report from Korea examined the sudden death of a 22-year-old man who developed chest pain after the first dose of the Pfizer jab. An autopsy determined the primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis “causally-associated” with the Pfizer jab.
Findings from the autopsy included three main distinctions from immune-mediated myocarditis, including a predominance of neutrophil and histiocytes in the atrial walls and contraction band necrosis in the left ventricle, pointing to inflammatory cells and infection. In a healthy young man with a healthy heart, researchers said there was no other explanation other than the vaccine for such an uncommon manifestation of myocarditis.
Though they form their hypothesis on the method of action, researchers examined the possibility that the process was cytokine-mediated or histiocyte-linked immunologic injury to the myocardium.
In the research letter published in JAMA the authors found the mean monthly number of cases of myocarditis during the pre-vaccine period was 16.9, versus 27.3 during the vaccine period; while monthly numbers for pericarditis cases increased from 49.1 to 78.8.
Due to calculations that showed myocarditis developed rapidly in younger patients, particularly young males, mostly after the second shot, and older patients after either the first or second dose, the authors wrote that their numbers show a much higher incidence of vaccine-induced myocarditis and pericarditis than the CDC reported, “suggesting vaccine adverse event underreporting.”
Underreporting is nothing new, evidenced by a Harvard Pilgrim report from 2010 that found fewer than one percent of vaccine adverse events from any of the vaccines on the CDC’s recommended schedule are reported to VAERS.

Spike Is a Toxin, No Matter the Delivery
Both VITT and myocarditis/pericarditis-induced sudden deaths have enough study to characterize as vaccine-injuries, including the Epoch Times piece, “Are Recombinant Covid Vaccines Causing These Deaths?” But their mechanism differs. According to the journal Nature, the AstraZeneca jab differs from the mRNA jabs when things go wrong. The journal explains, “A recombinant vaccine is produced through recombinant DNA technology.
People wonder why almost all COVID-19 jabs—mRNA and viral-vector shots have reported fatalities and are causing serious adverse events. What people need to understand is that all COVID-19 shots create spike protein.
Both mRNA (Moderna and Pfizer) and viral vector (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) vaccines create the spike, with the goal being that the body will create antibodies to stop the virus from spreading. However, their mechanisms differ. The mRNA jabs use genetic material delivered by tiny lipids (fatty molecules) to tell your cells how to make spike proteins. Once your cells create the spike proteins, the body must now try to break down the mRNA, only this article will describe why the spike does not break down.
Now that spike snuck past the innate immune system—bypassing normal immune system fire alarms such as the skin, mucus membranes, and interferons—it’s going to escape the injection site, through the bloodstream, and on to wherever the particular person has a weakness. Studies from Pfizer’s own clinical trials found the spike prefers the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, bone marrow and ovaries, among other organs.
The spike enters the lungs by disabling protective interferons and triggering a cytokine storm, and enters the heart by damaging the mitochondrial function and endothelium. Studies have also found the spike cross-reacts with human tissue, causing chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease.
In viral vector vaccines (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) spike protein DNA is placed inside a modified version of a different virus, or vector. This virus delivers the DNA instructions to the cells
As described in this article, vector vaccines have their own issues. The vector used by the AstraZeneca jab can cause blood clots because it attracts platelet factor 4, (PF4) a protein in the human bloodstream, that induces a chain reaction that ultimately leads to thrombosis.
Some scientists theorize the reason the Johnson & Johnson jab, doesn’t have the blood clotting issues AstraZeneca has is because it uses a “safer” human adenovirus vector, called Ad26, however spike is spike, and both jabs deliver a code that tells the cells they need to make spike Autoimmune Hepatitis
We learn from a case report from the Journal of Hepatology that a 52-year-old man developed acute hepatitis after the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA shot. The man’s doctor found the man’s liver had 5.3 times the normal number of immune cells, suggesting a severe inflammatory vaccine-induced cytotoxic spike-specific T-cell infiltration in the liver—his immune system was attacking its own cells.
The report not only found COVID-19 mRNA jabs can cross-react with many of the body’s own components and can trigger an autoimmune state in the body, but they suspect the aggressive spike may make a person more vulnerable to liver disease.
Explained simply: the spike proteins are moving around in the blood, landing in organs such as the liver, hijacking the cells, and the immune system sees the enemy as the cells of its own body.
It would make sense, then, a July, 2021 letter published in the Journal of Hepatology, which further explored the association with the mRNA spike protein and autoimmune processes, writing that “it is plausible that these vaccines may unmask autoimmune diseases in predisposed patients.”
Another letter published a month before in the same journal looked at possible mechanisms of autoimmune vaccine-injury while looking at the case of a 41-year-old woman who developed severe hepatitis after her first dose of a Moderna shot.
Among a few considerations, the authors said it is possible liver proteins share sequence homology with the spike protein. This means the spike and the liver autoantigens are genetically alike, which explains why the spike will be drawn to the liver to survive. They explained the synthesis of RNA coding is for a desired antigenic protein, but to avoid being wiped out by the immune system, the RNA is encapsulated in nanoparticles or liposomes that deliver their content inside the target cells.
Before they are translated, the “RNA binds to pattern recognition receptors (especially toll-like receptors) resulting in the activation of several proinflammatory signals.”
So, the question of “why” autoimmune disease happens after shots is becoming more clear, however so many people wonder why some people are vulnerable to vaccine-induced hepatitis or other vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders.

There are plenty of people who took the jabs and seem to be healthy. To answer this question, we look to an investigation published in JAMA from 2018 that found stress-related disorders were significantly associated with the risk of subsequent autoimmune disease.
Researchers are finding vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders and autoimmune disorders in general have one thing in common: psychiatric reactions to life stressors are common among those who fall ill and relative risk of elevations were more pronounced among younger patients. Stress does not always constitute a heightened mental state. Stress can also be physical. For instance, high-intensity sports may cause adrenal stress, a studied location for spike to accumulate. The adrenal gland secretes hormones such as epinephrine and adrenaline, which manage the body’s reaction to stress and affect blood pressure and heart rate, which may explain a possible link to sudden heart attacks and death in high performance athletes.
Autoimmunity via Multiple Pathways
The COVID-19 jabs can damage our immune cells by taking a few different routes.
1. The Spike Enters the Lungs by Disabling Protective Interferons
According to a Frontiers in Immunology article, June 2021, the spike protein from a COVID-19 infection can suppress the mRNAs for ACE2 and type 1 interferons. Interferons are natural defender proteins, like the linebackers in Del Bigtree’s football analogy. Interferons tell the immune system that germs or viruses are in your body. The interferons trigger killer immune cells to fight the invaders. The ACE-2 receptor is the protein that provides the entry point for the spike. So with ACE2 opening the door, and the interferons on the sideline, not in the play at all, the spike is able to “win” the game by taking over the ball and making the person sick.
2. The Spike Protein Damages the Mitochondrial Function and Endothelium
More work on the toxic nature of spike has been published, further explaining what happens when ACE2 opens the door for the spike. In an American Heart Association research letter, published in April, we learn how spike damages the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell that help turn the energy from food into energy the cell can use.
The letter reveals that the spike protein impairs the mitochondria, and when this happens the spike alone can damage endothelium, the thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels. Endothelial cells are crucial to control blood clotting, immune function, and platelet adhesion.
3. The Spike Protein Triggers a Cytokine Storm
It has been proposed that interaction of spike protein with the target cell surface receptors induces intracellular hyperactivation of Nlrp3 inflammasome, otherwise known as “a cytokine storm” which may lead to cell death.
A cytokine storm is when an infection triggers your immune system to flood your bloodstream with inflammatory proteins called cytokines. In many cases, this ends in severe acute respiratory syndrome, myocarditis, and kidney injury.
Evidence that the spike protein damages hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (the self-renewal cells that keep the blood in homeostasis) during the cytokine storm is detailed in a June, 2021 letter published in Leukemia.

4. The Spike Cross-Reacts With Human Tissue
An August, 2020 article published in Clinical Immunology found a potential cross-reactivity between the spike protein and human tissue, linking the reaction to a possible link to autoimmune disease.
The authors write, “We may face an increase in the rates of autoimmune disease in the future because any factor that causes chronic inflammation in the body can potentially induce autoimmune disease.”
The article explains that vaccine-induced autoimmunity from autoimmune cross-reactivity is associated with narcolepsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, demyelinating neuropathies, systemic lupus erythematosus, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome in susceptible subgroups.
The authors were able to pinpoint the cross-reaction. They wrote, “Looking at the reaction between SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody and tissue proteins, we found that the strongest reactions were with transglutaminase 3 (tTG3), transglutaminase 2 (tTG2), ENA, myelin basic protein (MBP), mitochondria, nuclear antigen (NA), α-myosin, thyroid peroxidase (TPO), collagen, claudin 5+6, and S100B.”
5. The Spike Leaves the Injection Site and Accumulates in the Liver, Spleen, Adrenal Glands, and Ovaries
We know now that the spike is distributed all throughout the body, but where does it mostly go? According to a tissue biodistribution report by Acuitas Therapeutics (partnered with Pfizer), after the spike leaves the injection site, the spike protein concentrates (from most to least) in the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries.
The report explains: “Over 48 hours, [3H]-08-A01-C01 distributed mainly to liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries, with maximum concentrations observed at 8-48 hours post-dose. Total recovery (% of injected dose) of [3H]-08-A01-C01 outside the injection site was greatest in the liver (up to 21.5%) and was much less in spleen (≤1.1%), adrenal glands (≤0.1%) and ovaries (≤0.1%). The mean concentrations and tissue distribution pattern were broadly similar between the sexes.”
More Jabs, More Infection
As a result of severely injured immunity, it is not surprising that the more shots people get, the higher their infection rates. Recent data from a May 9 Walgreens report discovered those who received three doses at least five months prior had an infection rate of 32.7 percent, in comparison to 31.3 percent in those who received two shots, 26.3 percent in those who received one dose, and 21.4 percent in those who were not vaccinated.
Dormant Viruses Reactivated: Why Hepatitis Cases Are Rising Among Children
Knowing the spike protein concentration in the liver and the shots are disabling the immune system and making the body susceptible to whatever dormant illness is waiting for the guards to fall asleep, it makes sense that hundreds of cases of acute hepatitis, or sudden onset liver disease, have been occurring across a dozen countries around the world. Many cases are in children. Some theories suggest vaccinated mothers are passing the spike to their babies through breast milk, and others say children are getting the spike from their jabs.
Epoch Times reports 40 percent of the children with mysterious hepatitis are positive for adenovirus 41, which normally causes mild symptoms in children, yet the children are experiencing symptoms of severe hepatitis.
To explain this mystery, we have more questions than answers. How could a mild virus cause such a severe reaction, and even death in children? Is the spike bonding with dormant viruses to be reactivated? And if adenovirus is a mild disease, does this mean the aggressive spike protein will take any opportunity to cross-react with a dormant virus? Could the two COVID-19 virus vector vaccines have anything to do with the adenovirus infection?
Unfortunately, this is where science is unsettled. Once the immune system is disabled, all dormant viruses are fair game to a toxin like the spike protein. If it can lob on to an adenovirus, it surely will when the goal is to win the game, we just don’t know exactly how.

Dormant Viruses Reactivated: Why Polio Cases Are Rising
Polio is making an unwelcome comeback in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia, after a large vaccination campaign by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to wipe out the virus. But in recent years, the oral polio vaccine’s inactivated virus component has actually accomplished the opposite of wiping out polio. Instead, the vaccine has caused an admitted shedding effect of the mutated virus, exposing others to vaccine-derived polio.
Vaccine-derived polio cases from 2019-2020 have nearly tripled. New efforts from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are to implement a new and improved vaccine for the vaccine-derived strains, and their efforts have become the subject of great controversy, as highlighted on a recent episode of the Highwire with Vanden Bossche appearing again to reiterate his warning that immunologists need speak up, as the human immune system may not recover from the targeted assault on its natural defenses. Again, we are left with more questions than answers. With the re-emergence of vaccine-derived polio, could the COVID-19 jabs be at least another contributor to be considered as the culprit for dormant viruses taking over the body?
A Long List of Dormant Viruses and Autoimmune Disorders
It’s not just hepatitis and vaccine-derived polio that’s on the rise. According to Pfizer’s own documents describing mRNA jab adverse events, the cases of virus reactivation and autoimmune diseases compose a long list, including herpes. Out of the total 42,086 adverse events of special interest (AESI: another close term for adverse reaction), 8,152 (19.4%) were herpes related cases with a median time to onset of one day.
Autoimmune disorders caused by Pfizer jab:


Above is a screenshot from Pfizer’s adverse event report from its clinical trials, where we can see how many types of autoimmune diseases may be caused by a Pfizer jab.
Healing Jab-Induced Spike Injury
With so many new jab-induced spike injuries, practically all of us know someone who could benefit from a spike protein detox—whether they caught the COVID-19 virus naturally or have spike toxicity from their jabs. There is still hope for healing.
MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff, naturopathic oncologist Greg Nigh, and other well-known scientists and medical practitioners have been encouraging people to boost their immune systems naturally, such as getting out in the sunlight to raise their vitamin D levels, or to eat mainly organic whole foods rather than chemical-laden processed foods.
But for a more focused approach, here are more evidenced solutions to the jab-induced spike injuries:
1. Natural Compounds for Healing the Immune System
How to detox the spike protein to regain lost immune function has been described in a June, 2021 Plos One article. Many natural compounds derived from plants have inhibitory effects on the toxic effects of the spike protein. For example, researchers found the natural herbs Prunella vulgaris and natural compounds Suramin both displayed potent inhibitory effects on spike-mediated infections. The herbs are able to directly interrupt spike binding to its receptor ACE2 and block the viral entry step.
From an American Heart Association letter mentioned earlier on how the spike protein impairs endothelial function and downregulation of ACE2, we learn that N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a reactive oxygen species inhibitor and can neutralize the toxic effect of the spike protein. The spike is no match for NAC, as it will not allow the spike to break the endothelium.
2. Energy Exercises Such as Qigong for Healing the Immune System
Earlier in the article we mentioned the effect of stress on the immune system as well as the spike’s ability to demolish the cells’ energy-producing mitochondria. Whatever one can do to reduce stress will benefit the injured immune system, keeping in mind that the mind and body are connected.
For instance, the effects of Tai Chi and Qigong, the mind-body practice of body posture and movement, breathing and meditation, were reviewed in a metaanalysis published in Medicines. Researchers found both meditative energy practices were capable of positively recovering immune system functioning and reducing inflammatory biomarker responses, which provides considerable value for people who need to get through a COVID-19 infection.
Further clinical benefits of meditation energy work can be described in a F1000 Research case study, that found a 73-year-old patient with severe COVID-19 dyspnea (breathing difficulty) recovered after reciting the-nine-character true words of Falun Gong.
Qi-invigorating traditional Chinese medicines such as Panax ginseng have been studied to increase mitochondrial functions and cellular oxidant activity, but there are many ways to support your immune system.

3. More Ways to Detox Spike
Dr. Joseph Mercola’s meticulously-researched “How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine” covers more spike protein inhibitors, such as pine needles, emodin, neem, dandelion leaf extract, and ivermectin. Mercola also references the World Council for Health recommendations and compiles a list of spike protein neutralizers, with NAC on the list with glutathione, fennel tea, star anise tea, pine needle tea, St. John’s wort, comfrey leaf, and vitamin C.
With acknowledgement and acceptance of jab-induced spike injury, scientists can further study the mechanisms of the spike injection technology—including answering another big question: just how long does the spike protein infect the body? Scientific estimates range from a few days to a few years, with very little agreement.
In time a more clear picture of the damage done will need to be surfaced, and with more of a mechanistic explanation of jab-induced spike injury, the many choices of solutions may narrow and become more of a protocol, however the science on spike is clearly not settled. A more open minded attitude should be encouraged and maintained until a final solution for humanity is found.
Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated a statistic regarding myocarditis in children and hospitalizations. The statistic has been removed. The Epoch Times regrets the error.
Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated the adenovirus used in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The Epoch Times regrets the error.
Understanding Vaccination Progress by Country – Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
View of Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
A Coming Covid Catastrophe by Geert Vanden Bossche via The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Perspectives on the Pandemic | Catching up with Knut Wittkowski, PhD | Episode 14
COVID-19 vaccine efficacy summary | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
More Than 8,000 New COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS, CDC Data Show • Children’s Health Defense
Experimental COVID Vaccines: Mounting Deaths Reported in Media and Social Media … Part 6 of 12
CHD Says Pfizer Clinical Trial Data Contradicts ‘Safe and Effective’ Government/Industry Mantra • Children’s Health Defense
People Who Pushed Idea of Universal Vaccination Are ‘Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity’: Former Pfizer VP
UVC: Dr. Jessica Rose: VAERS: Key Ways to Prove C19 Jab Harm Causation
Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19 | Cardiology | JAMA
COVID Vaccine Data
Covid-19: Updated count of reported injuries and deaths after vaccines in EU member states (September 11) – The Rio Times
The COVID Shots Are Killing People?
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia – The Lancet Haematology
Natural causes now blamed for doctor who died two weeks after Pfizer vaccine
Real, Not Rare
19-Year-Old Describes Tremor Episodes + Paralysis After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine – The People’s Testaments – CHD TV: Livestreaming Video & Audio
Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals?
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 Vaccination | NEJM
Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea
Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19 | Cardiology | JAMA
Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)
Are Recombinant Covid Vaccines Causing These Deaths?
Comparison of vaccine-induced thrombotic events between ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and Ad26.COV.2.S vaccines
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination can elicit a CD8 T-cell dominant hepatitis – Journal of Hepatology
Explaining COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Autoimmunity, Hepatitis, and Healing
Autoimmune hepatitis developing after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine: Causality or casualty? – PMC
Another case of autoimmune hepatitis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination – still casualty? – Journal of Hepatology
Association of Stress-Related Disorders With Subsequent Autoimmune Disease | Psychiatry and Behavioral Health | JAMA
Frontiers | SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Suppresses ACE2 and Type I Interferon Expression in Primary Cells From Macaque Lung Bronchoalveolar Lavage | Immunology
An evidence that SARS-Cov-2/COVID-19 spike protein (SP) damages hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in the mechanism of pyroptosis in Nlrp3 inflammasome-dependent manner | Leukemia
A Tissue Distribution Study of a [3H]-Labelled Lipid Nanoparticle-mRNA Formulation Containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 Following In
Walgreens COVID-19 Index
What could be causing the mysterious rise in deadly Hepatitis cases among Children? – The Expose
Almost 200 Cases of Mystery Hepatitis in Children Worldwide, Reaching Canada and Japan: Reports
Vaccine-derived polio is on the rise. A new vaccine aims to stop the spread
The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on Immune Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – PMC
Case Report: A 73-year-old suspected COVID-19 patient with severe dyspnea fully recovers after reciting nine true words from Falun Gong
How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times


Trump Asks ‘Where Do I Get My Reputation Back?’ After Revealing Testimony From Clinton Campaign Manager – The Epoch Times

Former President Donald Trump speaks during the American Freedom Tour at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas, on May 14, 2022. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)
Original article source:

Former President Donald Trump called the Russia probe against him “one of the greatest political scandals in history” after a May 20 testimony revealed that Hillary Clinton had given the approval to disseminate the claims linking him to a Russian bank.

“This is one of the greatest political scandals in history,” Trump told Fox News on Saturday. “For three years, I had to fight her off, and fight those crooked people off, and you’ll never get your reputation fully back.”

“Where do I get my reputation back?”

Trump said that the resources poured into finding whether he and members of his campaign had worked with Russia to meddle with the 2016 election had diverted attention on what “could have been a real danger with Russia.”

Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, told a federal court on Friday that he was first briefed about the allegations of a purported secret back channel between Trump’s business and Russia’s Alfa Bank by Clinton campaign’s top lawyer Marc Elias.

The campaign didn’t immediately act on the allegations for fear they weren’t credible, he said, noting that the campaign officials lacked the subject matter expertise to assess the claims. When the group decided to share the information with the media, Mook ran it by Clinton.

“We told her we have this and we want to share it with a reporter. She agreed to that,” he said. He said he couldn’t remember when Clinton gave the green light. “All I can remember is she agreed with the decision. She thought we made the right decision.”

Epoch Times Photo
Robby Mook, campaign manager for Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks aboard the campaign plane while traveling to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Oct. 28, 2016. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Despite not being “totally confident” in the allegations, the campaign staffer later passed information to a reporter, who they expected would vet the information.

“Our hope was they were going to run it down, that it would be substantive, and accurate,” said Mook.

Slate published a story on Oct. 31, 2016, and Clinton highlighted it in a post on Twitter later that evening.

“Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank,” she wrote.

Michael Sussmann, a former Clinton campaign attorney, had separately handed over a thumb drive and white papers supporting the Trump-Russia allegations to the federal intelligence agency.

Former FBI general counsel James Baker, a central player in the Russia investigations, said he would have acted differntly if he knew Trump’s opponent was behind the claims. He said he likely would not have met with Sussmann if he knew he was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

It “would have raised very serious questions, certainly, about the credibility of the source” and the “veracity of the information,” Baker, who is now working as Twitter’s deputy general counsel, said in a federal court testimony on Thursday. It would also have raised “a substantial concern in my mind about whether we were going to be played,” he added.

Sussmann has been accused of lying to the FBI for telling Baker he wasn’t working for any client when he presented the allegations to the agency.

Both Elias and Mook said Sussmann acted without obtaining the campaign’s prior permission.

Asked if Clinton had approved Sussmann’s meeting with the FBI, Mook replied that he was “not aware.”

“I don’t know why” she would do so, he said when questioned a second time.


What COVID Jabs Are Doing to the Immune System and How the Injured Can Heal – FULL DISCLOSURE

What COVID Jabs Are Doing to the Immune System and How the Injured Can Heal



• Jab-induced spike injuries are on the rise, but in order to heal, the injuries must first be recognized
• Del Bigtree’s Football Analogy simplifies how spike protein reprograms the body’s immune system to attack itself
• The latest science explains the mechanism of jab-induced spike injuries, and spike’s affinity for certain organs
• Understanding the mechanisms of injury can help people heal: energy-boosting exercises reinvigorate the immune system and compounds like N-acetyl-L-cysteine can neutralize the toxic effects of the spike protein

With the majority of the worldwide population now “fully” vaccinated, people are facing the unprecedented challenge of coping with jab-induced spike injuries. The world has never seen a virus with a spike protein that is so toxic to the system, nor has the world’s population seen a vaccine with so many firsts—such as being the first to use mRNA technology against an infectious virus.
It is the first injection of genetically modified polynucleotides to be used on a large population. It is the first to use the laxative polyethylene glycol in an injection. It’s also the first coronavirus vaccine to be attempted in human beings, while also being the first vaccine to be administered on greater than 66 percent of the world population.
On top of these firsts, this is the first product for Moderna to bring to market and the first vaccine to be approved by the US Food and Drug administration (FDA) in such an expedient manner—in less than ten months.
With such a novel technology, the chance of success is predicted to be no more than 2 percent, which is consistent with virologists’ warning that it’s theoretically unfeasible to make a vaccine for an RNA virus like SARS-CoV-2 because the virus mutates so fast. This is precisely the reason an RNA virus vaccine has never been accomplished for HIV, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, Hepatitis C, and so on.
With such an unprecedented, risky vaccine, it is not surprising to see so many unexpected serious adverse events since the launch of the first COVID-19 vaccine in early 2021.
“Vaccines are safe and effective” has been the ongoing irrational mantra of the past two years, recycled from the last two decades of pushing children’s vaccination programs. It’s more than a failed hypothesis—the mantra has become dogma, a belief system that prevents people from getting the help they need for their jab-induced spike injuries or those of their loved ones.
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MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff and naturopathic oncologist Greg Nigh’s paper, “Worse than the Disease” describes in detail the unintended consequences of the jabs against COVID-19, including catastrophic adverse events such as the destruction of the immune system.
Prominent immunologists, vaccinologists, and researchers from every clinical expertise are now providing evidence to support COVID-19 mRNA injectable products are causing immune system dysregulation.
Explaining the complicated mechanism of jab-induced spike injury to the general public is not an easy task when governments still list vaccination as the number one way out of the pandemic while a deluge of campaigns are out to discredit doctors and scientists who want to recognize and help those who have been injured.
With such little support from the establishment, and almost a black market for real medical guidance on jab-induced spike injury methods, people are desperate to know—how can the injured heal?

How Does Immunity Work?
Before getting started on healing, one must first know a few key things about the spike protein’s unnatural injection into the body’s immune system.
Most doctors and scientists understand the power and complexity of the immune system. The immune response is divided into innate immunity, the enormously effective biology we were born with, and adaptive immunity, which acquires training following exposure to pathogens.
The innate system fights against foreign bodies, injuries, and pathogens by using natural bacteria-killing substances, skin protection on the outside, mucus membrane protection on the inside, and the first responders: scavenger cells or natural killers. The body is already wired to take on whatever intruder tries to break in. They have the intelligence to know which invaders belong in the body, and which ones are out to cause trouble.
When someone gets sick, they use their adaptive immune system as a pathogen fighter or defense against changed body cells. The natural adaptive immune system uses defense cells in the blood called B lymphocytes (B cells) and antibodies, as well defense cells in the tissue called T lymphocytes (T cells) to make sure the body never has to deal with that particular pathogen again.
Different immune cells work together to fight against infections in a coordinated, systemic manner, operating like Navy SEALs.
Del’s Football Analogy
One of the most layman-friendly explanations on jab-induced spike injury to the immune system aired on the Highwire in 2020. “Del’s Football Analogy” based on Belgian virus expert Geert Vanden Bossche’s early warnings of the threat of viral immune escape and epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski, Ph.D’s opinion that everyone should have been using their natural immunity for COVID-19 infection rather than a vaccine for a virus that only protects against an outdated virus. Open the schools and the economy, he said, protect the vulnerable.
Del’s Football Analogy has become a prophetic explanation for the injuries people are having now, and one of the only mechanistic explanations for an evolving phenomenon altering the natural defenses of the human immune system. It explains how the innate and adaptive immune systems are bypassed during mRNA and virus-vector jabs.
Del Bigtree, host of the Highwire, explains what happens when the body cannot mount a defense when a new variant or any invader enters the body and becomes a petri dish for new offensive attacks. With an injection, the innate system is ignored and passed right by the defense. Spike is already beyond the injection site and is barreling down the field.
Targeting the spike protein creates a key trait that enables it to be so toxic: it is a specific antibody, rather than your natural immune system’s non-specific protection. This trait makes it a relentless competitor upon entering the field.

Your body is well-trained to have a line of defense, like football players, that will go after any virus or other illness coming in. But the toxic spike protein is aggressive and single-minded, and has been engineered to go after the original player with the ball.
From here on out, the body’s defense cells are on team spike. Spike is team captain and won’t let the team lose sight of goal: that original strain. When you hear the word, spike, think “toxin,” because when spike takes over the cells, it doesn’t care about any other virus, pathogen, parasite, bacteria, or new COVID-19 variant. The system is only playing for the original strain. This is why vaccine efficacy wanes over a short period of time.
Addressing Vaccine Injuries
Available data from passive adverse event reporting systems and information from individual countries present a pressing reality: the question of efficacy is no longer making headlines—people would rather what happened to their bodies after they took the shot or the last booster.
Reports of people catching COVID-19 after taking a jab is commonplace. Those who willingly and forcibly took at least one jab are now part of the growing numbers of the world’s population who have been harmed.
It’s no wonder many people are shifting their attention to natural immunity and healing. Health data found vaccine effectiveness at preventing Omicron infection at less than 49 percent for every COVID-19 vaccine available in the world.
The numbers of the injured may be much larger than reported, as reporting systems have their limitations—it would require people and their doctors to recognize vaccine injury, and take the time to report it.
Children’s Health Defense California reported last year that the estimated incidence (adjusted for underreporting) of adverse events following each COVID vaccine is approximately: 1 in 31 will report an adverse event; 1 in 160 to 2,077 will report a serious adverse event; and 1 in 538 to 6,990 will report a death.
In March, a court-ordered release of Pfizer’s clinical trial documents revealed 1,291 types of adverse events following vaccination including acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, and cardiac arrest.
People who pushed the idea of universal vaccination are “guilty of crimes against humanity,” former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon told the Epoch Times.
“Having selected spike protein to be expressed, a protein which causes blood clotting to be initiated, a risk of thromboembolic adverse events was burned into the design. Nothing at all limits the amount of spike protein to be made in response to a given dose. Some individuals make a little and only briefly. The other end of a normal range results in synthesis of copious amounts of spike protein for a prolonged period. The locations in which this pathological event occurred, as well as where on the spectrum, in my view played a pivotal role in whether the victim experienced adverse events including death,” Yeadon said.
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist, Jessica Rose, Ph.D, recently addressed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s claim that unvaccinated people are several times more likely to die from COVID-19 than a vaccine, as the narrative shifts to “even if you get the vaccination, you’re still less likely to die from COVID.”
Yet Rose is determined to wake people up. At a World Council For Health seminar titled, “Key Ways to Prove COVID-19 Jab Harm Causation” Rose employed the Bradford Hill criteria to help explain vaccine-injury, using her analyses from VAERS to show the shots are worse than the natural infection.
“All the data indicates that the chance of dying from COVID for most people is zero,” Rose said, “If you’re under 55, it’s zero. Kids do very well with COVID. The balance is completely tipped now.”
Rose has said publicly that her role as a scientist has been to get the information to the people—especially to prevent parents from vaccinating their children with COVID-19 jabs—a momentous task in the climate of jab-induced spike injury denial.
She said people need to stop reading legacy media and look at the adverse event data she painstakingly compiled, because her analyses found the injections present a much bigger risk than COVID-19, especially for the healthy. She said the “pointless” injections have been proven not to prevent transmission or provide protective immunity.
Rose analyzed the three largest adverse event data collecting systems: the Yellow Card in the UK, the EudraVigilance System for the EU, and VAERS in the United States.
Looking closely at the data, Rose chose to analyze specificity from the Bradford Hill criteria to examine two subpopulations of people who are having adverse events: high performance athletes and children who have suffered adverse events from the jabs.
She said, “Everyone has heard, of course, that myocarditis is becoming a thing in children, which is bizarro world. And they’re calling it rare and mild, and it’s neither of those things.”
In August 2021, a paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) alerted the public of a serious problem. Based on the data from forty hospitals in Washington, Oregon, Montana, and California, the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis had significantly risen by 60 percent after COVID-19 vaccination.
“If you willingly withhold safety data from the public and know that there’s a problem with the safety profile and you continue to administer those products, you are guilty of malfeasance,” Rose said. “My suspicion is that the rate of adverse events is not going to slow down.”

Numbers of Adverse Events
As of May 6, reports of vaccine adverse events in the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System found 2,133,512 reports of vaccine adverse events from one of the three vaccines available in the US, including 27,968 deaths and 155,633 hospitalizations. VAERS has been estimated to account for only one percent of vaccine injuries, according to a Harvard study, however the massive numbers of certain injuries would have shut down any drug or intervention in the past. The numbers keep going up with every booster: 4,615 miscarriages, 6,596 thrombocytopenia, 13,740 shingles, 14,326 heart attacks, 40,328 myocarditis/pericarditis, and 41,632 severe allergic reactions. The experimental shots have left 51,996 Americans permanently disabled.
The European Union has reported similarly high numbers. As of September 11, 2021, the European database for reporting adverse events, EudraVigilance, had collected 2,317,495 adverse events from one of the four experimental injections, including 24,526 deaths. Of the total number of recorded injuries, almost half remain serious. Combining the four shots’ data, from a summary posted in the Rio Times, Europeans were reporting: 2,214 pregnancy conditions, 36,498 reproductive system and breast disorders, 44,615 blood and lymphatic system disorders, 442,717 nervous system disorders, 214,847 gastrointestinal disorders, 53,146 cardiac disorders, and 60,784 vascular disorders.
The Silent Virus Explained: Sudden Death
Since the COVID-19 vaccination program began last year, a shocking series of severe medical adverse events have been occurring in high-performance athletes, teenagers, children, and adults. Athletes are having heart attacks and collapsing on the field, dying within days of their jabs.
Highlighting studies and research on the rise of myocarditis risk in young people, Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist said in an interview covered in the Epoch Times,“Doctors have never seen so many cases of myocarditis.”  McCullough said the body produces the toxic spike protein for 15 months after the jab, which is what causes the cardiovascular damage, among other problems.
Another adverse event causing sudden death after the jab is vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), an autoimmune condition involving severe blood clotting. We remember the loss of Florida’s Dr. Gregory Michael, a 56-year-old obstetrician, who died 16 days after being vaccinated by the Pfizer vaccine.
Despite news reports on the contrary and a pending study by the CDC and Florida medical examiner, a Johns Hopkins blood disorder expert told the New York Times, based on the description of his Michael’s wife, “it is a medical certainty that the vaccine was related” to Michael’s death.
Since the COVID-19 shots began, stories of vaccinated people who “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” are soaring. Though mainstream media refuses to report on it, alternative sites such as Real not Rare, The People’s Testaments, and Health Impact News post the pictures, videos, and stories of those who reported vaccine injury. The stories span across all ages and demographics, and many with VITT, among common denominators.

Melanie Bitner, a 47-year old mom from British Columbia, is one of many thousands of stories involving VITT after the shot. Doctors found multiple blood clots in her legs and lungs.” Bitner told the CBC, “It was super traumatic ending up in the hospital out of the blue when I’ve been healthy my entire life,” she said. “I was making plans for if I didn’t survive. I have two teenage children so it was really, really scary.”
Studies are getting more detailed on how blood clots, myocarditis, and sudden death are occurring after the jabs as more autopsies and analyses are approved and funded.
An article on VITT published in the New England Journal of Medicine, June 2021, took a close look at why some patients were developing arterial or venous blood clotting in the brain or abdomen 5-20 days after vaccination. Researchers say the way the jabs mediate autoimmune blood clotting is clinically similar to what happens with a heparin (blood thinner) adverse reaction: the immune system is triggered and causes a reaction where antibodies form and lower the platelet count too far (thrombocytopenia).
In basic terms, the immune system sees an intruder and attacks it, setting off a chain reaction that leads to blood clots.
An October, 2021 Journal of Medical Science case report from Korea examined the sudden death of a 22-year-old man who developed chest pain after the first dose of the Pfizer jab. An autopsy determined the primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis “causally-associated” with the Pfizer jab.
Findings from the autopsy included three main distinctions from immune-mediated myocarditis, including a predominance of neutrophil and histiocytes in the atrial walls and contraction band necrosis in the left ventricle, pointing to inflammatory cells and infection. In a healthy young man with a healthy heart, researchers said there was no other explanation other than the vaccine for such an uncommon manifestation of myocarditis.
Though they form their hypothesis on the method of action, researchers examined the possibility that the process was cytokine-mediated or histiocyte-linked immunologic injury to the myocardium.
In the research letter published in JAMA the authors found the mean monthly number of cases of myocarditis during the pre-vaccine period was 16.9, versus 27.3 during the vaccine period; while monthly numbers for pericarditis cases increased from 49.1 to 78.8.
Due to calculations that showed myocarditis developed rapidly in younger patients, particularly young males, mostly after the second shot, and older patients after either the first or second dose, the authors wrote that their numbers show a much higher incidence of vaccine-induced myocarditis and pericarditis than the CDC reported, “suggesting vaccine adverse event underreporting.”
Underreporting is nothing new, evidenced by a Harvard Pilgrim report from 2010 that found fewer than one percent of vaccine adverse events from any of the vaccines on the CDC’s recommended schedule are reported to VAERS.

Spike Is a Toxin, No Matter the Delivery
Both VITT and myocarditis/pericarditis-induced sudden deaths have enough study to characterize as vaccine-injuries, including the Epoch Times piece, “Are Recombinant Covid Vaccines Causing These Deaths?” But their mechanism differs. According to the journal Nature, the AstraZeneca jab differs from the mRNA jabs when things go wrong. The journal explains, “A recombinant vaccine is produced through recombinant DNA technology.
People wonder why almost all COVID-19 jabs—mRNA and viral-vector shots have reported fatalities and are causing serious adverse events. What people need to understand is that all COVID-19 shots create spike protein.
Both mRNA (Moderna and Pfizer) and viral vector (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) vaccines create the spike, with the goal being that the body will create antibodies to stop the virus from spreading. However, their mechanisms differ. The mRNA jabs use genetic material delivered by tiny lipids (fatty molecules) to tell your cells how to make spike proteins. Once your cells create the spike proteins, the body must now try to break down the mRNA, only this article will describe why the spike does not break down.
Now that spike snuck past the innate immune system—bypassing normal immune system fire alarms such as the skin, mucus membranes, and interferons—it’s going to escape the injection site, through the bloodstream, and on to wherever the particular person has a weakness. Studies from Pfizer’s own clinical trials found the spike prefers the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, bone marrow and ovaries, among other organs.
The spike enters the lungs by disabling protective interferons and triggering a cytokine storm, and enters the heart by damaging the mitochondrial function and endothelium. Studies have also found the spike cross-reacts with human tissue, causing chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease.
In viral vector vaccines (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) spike protein DNA is placed inside a modified version of a different virus, or vector. This virus delivers the DNA instructions to the cells
As described in this article, vector vaccines have their own issues. The vector used by the AstraZeneca jab can cause blood clots because it attracts platelet factor 4, (PF4) a protein in the human bloodstream, that induces a chain reaction that ultimately leads to thrombosis.
Some scientists theorize the reason the Johnson & Johnson jab, doesn’t have the blood clotting issues AstraZeneca has is because it uses a “safer” human adenovirus vector, called Ad26, however spike is spike, and both jabs deliver a code that tells the cells they need to make spike Autoimmune Hepatitis
We learn from a case report from the Journal of Hepatology that a 52-year-old man developed acute hepatitis after the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA shot. The man’s doctor found the man’s liver had 5.3 times the normal number of immune cells, suggesting a severe inflammatory vaccine-induced cytotoxic spike-specific T-cell infiltration in the liver—his immune system was attacking its own cells.
The report not only found COVID-19 mRNA jabs can cross-react with many of the body’s own components and can trigger an autoimmune state in the body, but they suspect the aggressive spike may make a person more vulnerable to liver disease.
Explained simply: the spike proteins are moving around in the blood, landing in organs such as the liver, hijacking the cells, and the immune system sees the enemy as the cells of its own body.
It would make sense, then, a July, 2021 letter published in the Journal of Hepatology, which further explored the association with the mRNA spike protein and autoimmune processes, writing that “it is plausible that these vaccines may unmask autoimmune diseases in predisposed patients.”
Another letter published a month before in the same journal looked at possible mechanisms of autoimmune vaccine-injury while looking at the case of a 41-year-old woman who developed severe hepatitis after her first dose of a Moderna shot.
Among a few considerations, the authors said it is possible liver proteins share sequence homology with the spike protein. This means the spike and the liver autoantigens are genetically alike, which explains why the spike will be drawn to the liver to survive. They explained the synthesis of RNA coding is for a desired antigenic protein, but to avoid being wiped out by the immune system, the RNA is encapsulated in nanoparticles or liposomes that deliver their content inside the target cells.
Before they are translated, the “RNA binds to pattern recognition receptors (especially toll-like receptors) resulting in the activation of several proinflammatory signals.”
So, the question of “why” autoimmune disease happens after shots is becoming more clear, however so many people wonder why some people are vulnerable to vaccine-induced hepatitis or other vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders.

There are plenty of people who took the jabs and seem to be healthy. To answer this question, we look to an investigation published in JAMA from 2018 that found stress-related disorders were significantly associated with the risk of subsequent autoimmune disease.
Researchers are finding vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders and autoimmune disorders in general have one thing in common: psychiatric reactions to life stressors are common among those who fall ill and relative risk of elevations were more pronounced among younger patients. Stress does not always constitute a heightened mental state. Stress can also be physical. For instance, high-intensity sports may cause adrenal stress, a studied location for spike to accumulate. The adrenal gland secretes hormones such as epinephrine and adrenaline, which manage the body’s reaction to stress and affect blood pressure and heart rate, which may explain a possible link to sudden heart attacks and death in high performance athletes.
Autoimmunity via Multiple Pathways
The COVID-19 jabs can damage our immune cells by taking a few different routes.
1. The Spike Enters the Lungs by Disabling Protective Interferons
According to a Frontiers in Immunology article, June 2021, the spike protein from a COVID-19 infection can suppress the mRNAs for ACE2 and type 1 interferons. Interferons are natural defender proteins, like the linebackers in Del Bigtree’s football analogy. Interferons tell the immune system that germs or viruses are in your body. The interferons trigger killer immune cells to fight the invaders. The ACE-2 receptor is the protein that provides the entry point for the spike. So with ACE2 opening the door, and the interferons on the sideline, not in the play at all, the spike is able to “win” the game by taking over the ball and making the person sick.
2. The Spike Protein Damages the Mitochondrial Function and Endothelium
More work on the toxic nature of spike has been published, further explaining what happens when ACE2 opens the door for the spike. In an American Heart Association research letter, published in April, we learn how spike damages the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell that help turn the energy from food into energy the cell can use.
The letter reveals that the spike protein impairs the mitochondria, and when this happens the spike alone can damage endothelium, the thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels. Endothelial cells are crucial to control blood clotting, immune function, and platelet adhesion.
3. The Spike Protein Triggers a Cytokine Storm
It has been proposed that interaction of spike protein with the target cell surface receptors induces intracellular hyperactivation of Nlrp3 inflammasome, otherwise known as “a cytokine storm” which may lead to cell death.
A cytokine storm is when an infection triggers your immune system to flood your bloodstream with inflammatory proteins called cytokines. In many cases, this ends in severe acute respiratory syndrome, myocarditis, and kidney injury.
Evidence that the spike protein damages hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (the self-renewal cells that keep the blood in homeostasis) during the cytokine storm is detailed in a June, 2021 letter published in Leukemia.

4. The Spike Cross-Reacts With Human Tissue
An August, 2020 article published in Clinical Immunology found a potential cross-reactivity between the spike protein and human tissue, linking the reaction to a possible link to autoimmune disease.
The authors write, “We may face an increase in the rates of autoimmune disease in the future because any factor that causes chronic inflammation in the body can potentially induce autoimmune disease.”
The article explains that vaccine-induced autoimmunity from autoimmune cross-reactivity is associated with narcolepsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, demyelinating neuropathies, systemic lupus erythematosus, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome in susceptible subgroups.
The authors were able to pinpoint the cross-reaction. They wrote, “Looking at the reaction between SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody and tissue proteins, we found that the strongest reactions were with transglutaminase 3 (tTG3), transglutaminase 2 (tTG2), ENA, myelin basic protein (MBP), mitochondria, nuclear antigen (NA), α-myosin, thyroid peroxidase (TPO), collagen, claudin 5+6, and S100B.”
5. The Spike Leaves the Injection Site and Accumulates in the Liver, Spleen, Adrenal Glands, and Ovaries
We know now that the spike is distributed all throughout the body, but where does it mostly go? According to a tissue biodistribution report by Acuitas Therapeutics (partnered with Pfizer), after the spike leaves the injection site, the spike protein concentrates (from most to least) in the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries.
The report explains: “Over 48 hours, [3H]-08-A01-C01 distributed mainly to liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries, with maximum concentrations observed at 8-48 hours post-dose. Total recovery (% of injected dose) of [3H]-08-A01-C01 outside the injection site was greatest in the liver (up to 21.5%) and was much less in spleen (≤1.1%), adrenal glands (≤0.1%) and ovaries (≤0.1%). The mean concentrations and tissue distribution pattern were broadly similar between the sexes.”
More Jabs, More Infection
As a result of severely injured immunity, it is not surprising that the more shots people get, the higher their infection rates. Recent data from a May 9 Walgreens report discovered those who received three doses at least five months prior had an infection rate of 32.7 percent, in comparison to 31.3 percent in those who received two shots, 26.3 percent in those who received one dose, and 21.4 percent in those who were not vaccinated.
Dormant Viruses Reactivated: Why Hepatitis Cases Are Rising Among Children
Knowing the spike protein concentration in the liver and the shots are disabling the immune system and making the body susceptible to whatever dormant illness is waiting for the guards to fall asleep, it makes sense that hundreds of cases of acute hepatitis, or sudden onset liver disease, have been occurring across a dozen countries around the world. Many cases are in children. Some theories suggest vaccinated mothers are passing the spike to their babies through breast milk, and others say children are getting the spike from their jabs.
Epoch Times reports 40 percent of the children with mysterious hepatitis are positive for adenovirus 41, which normally causes mild symptoms in children, yet the children are experiencing symptoms of severe hepatitis.
To explain this mystery, we have more questions than answers. How could a mild virus cause such a severe reaction, and even death in children? Is the spike bonding with dormant viruses to be reactivated? And if adenovirus is a mild disease, does this mean the aggressive spike protein will take any opportunity to cross-react with a dormant virus? Could the two COVID-19 virus vector vaccines have anything to do with the adenovirus infection?
Unfortunately, this is where science is unsettled. Once the immune system is disabled, all dormant viruses are fair game to a toxin like the spike protein. If it can lob on to an adenovirus, it surely will when the goal is to win the game, we just don’t know exactly how.

Dormant Viruses Reactivated: Why Polio Cases Are Rising
Polio is making an unwelcome comeback in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia, after a large vaccination campaign by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to wipe out the virus. But in recent years, the oral polio vaccine’s inactivated virus component has actually accomplished the opposite of wiping out polio. Instead, the vaccine has caused an admitted shedding effect of the mutated virus, exposing others to vaccine-derived polio.
Vaccine-derived polio cases from 2019-2020 have nearly tripled. New efforts from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are to implement a new and improved vaccine for the vaccine-derived strains, and their efforts have become the subject of great controversy, as highlighted on a recent episode of the Highwire with Vanden Bossche appearing again to reiterate his warning that immunologists need speak up, as the human immune system may not recover from the targeted assault on its natural defenses. Again, we are left with more questions than answers. With the re-emergence of vaccine-derived polio, could the COVID-19 jabs be at least another contributor to be considered as the culprit for dormant viruses taking over the body?
A Long List of Dormant Viruses and Autoimmune Disorders
It’s not just hepatitis and vaccine-derived polio that’s on the rise. According to Pfizer’s own documents describing mRNA jab adverse events, the cases of virus reactivation and autoimmune diseases compose a long list, including herpes. Out of the total 42,086 adverse events of special interest (AESI: another close term for adverse reaction), 8,152 (19.4%) were herpes related cases with a median time to onset of one day.
Autoimmune disorders caused by Pfizer jab:
Above is a screenshot from Pfizer’s adverse event report from its clinical trials, where we can see how many types of autoimmune diseases may be caused by a Pfizer jab.
Healing Jab-Induced Spike Injury
With so many new jab-induced spike injuries, practically all of us know someone who could benefit from a spike protein detox—whether they caught the COVID-19 virus naturally or have spike toxicity from their jabs. There is still hope for healing.
MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff, naturopathic oncologist Greg Nigh, and other well-known scientists and medical practitioners have been encouraging people to boost their immune systems naturally, such as getting out in the sunlight to raise their vitamin D levels, or to eat mainly organic whole foods rather than chemical-laden processed foods.
But for a more focused approach, here are more evidenced solutions to the jab-induced spike injuries:
1. Natural Compounds for Healing the Immune System
How to detox the spike protein to regain lost immune function has been described in a June, 2021 Plos One article. Many natural compounds derived from plants have inhibitory effects on the toxic effects of the spike protein. For example, researchers found the natural herbs Prunella vulgaris and natural compounds Suramin both displayed potent inhibitory effects on spike-mediated infections. The herbs are able to directly interrupt spike binding to its receptor ACE2 and block the viral entry step.
From an American Heart Association letter mentioned earlier on how the spike protein impairs endothelial function and downregulation of ACE2, we learn that N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a reactive oxygen species inhibitor and can neutralize the toxic effect of the spike protein. The spike is no match for NAC, as it will not allow the spike to break the endothelium.
2. Energy Exercises Such as Qigong for Healing the Immune System
Earlier in the article we mentioned the effect of stress on the immune system as well as the spike’s ability to demolish the cells’ energy-producing mitochondria. Whatever one can do to reduce stress will benefit the injured immune system, keeping in mind that the mind and body are connected.
For instance, the effects of Tai Chi and Qigong, the mind-body practice of body posture and movement, breathing and meditation, were reviewed in a metaanalysis published in Medicines. Researchers found both meditative energy practices were capable of positively recovering immune system functioning and reducing inflammatory biomarker responses, which provides considerable value for people who need to get through a COVID-19 infection.
Further clinical benefits of meditation energy work can be described in a F1000 Research case study, that found a 73-year-old patient with severe COVID-19 dyspnea (breathing difficulty) recovered after reciting the-nine-character true words of Falun Gong.
Qi-invigorating traditional Chinese medicines such as Panax ginseng have been studied to increase mitochondrial functions and cellular oxidant activity, but there are many ways to support your immune system.

3. More Ways to Detox Spike
Dr. Joseph Mercola’s meticulously-researched “How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine” covers more spike protein inhibitors, such as pine needles, emodin, neem, dandelion leaf extract, and ivermectin. Mercola also references the World Council for Health recommendations and compiles a list of spike protein neutralizers, with NAC on the list with glutathione, fennel tea, star anise tea, pine needle tea, St. John’s wort, comfrey leaf, and vitamin C.
With acknowledgement and acceptance of jab-induced spike injury, scientists can further study the mechanisms of the spike injection technology—including answering another big question: just how long does the spike protein infect the body? Scientific estimates range from a few days to a few years, with very little agreement.
In time a more clear picture of the damage done will need to be surfaced, and with more of a mechanistic explanation of jab-induced spike injury, the many choices of solutions may narrow and become more of a protocol, however the science on spike is clearly not settled. A more open minded attitude should be encouraged and maintained until a final solution for humanity is found.
Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated a statistic regarding myocarditis in children and hospitalizations. The statistic has been removed. The Epoch Times regrets the error.
Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated the adenovirus used in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The Epoch Times regrets the error.
Understanding Vaccination Progress by Country – Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
View of Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
A Coming Covid Catastrophe by Geert Vanden Bossche via The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Perspectives on the Pandemic | Catching up with Knut Wittkowski, PhD | Episode 14
COVID-19 vaccine efficacy summary | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
More Than 8,000 New COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS, CDC Data Show • Children’s Health Defense
Experimental COVID Vaccines: Mounting Deaths Reported in Media and Social Media … Part 6 of 12
CHD Says Pfizer Clinical Trial Data Contradicts ‘Safe and Effective’ Government/Industry Mantra • Children’s Health Defense
People Who Pushed Idea of Universal Vaccination Are ‘Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity’: Former Pfizer VP
UVC: Dr. Jessica Rose: VAERS: Key Ways to Prove C19 Jab Harm Causation
Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19 | Cardiology | JAMA
COVID Vaccine Data
Covid-19: Updated count of reported injuries and deaths after vaccines in EU member states (September 11) – The Rio Times
The COVID Shots Are Killing People?
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia – The Lancet Haematology
Natural causes now blamed for doctor who died two weeks after Pfizer vaccine
Real, Not Rare
19-Year-Old Describes Tremor Episodes + Paralysis After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine – The People’s Testaments – CHD TV: Livestreaming Video & Audio
Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals?
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 Vaccination | NEJM
Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea
Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19 | Cardiology | JAMA
Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)
Are Recombinant Covid Vaccines Causing These Deaths?
Comparison of vaccine-induced thrombotic events between ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and Ad26.COV.2.S vaccines
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination can elicit a CD8 T-cell dominant hepatitis – Journal of Hepatology
Explaining COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Autoimmunity, Hepatitis, and Healing
Autoimmune hepatitis developing after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine: Causality or casualty? – PMC
Another case of autoimmune hepatitis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination – still casualty? – Journal of Hepatology
Association of Stress-Related Disorders With Subsequent Autoimmune Disease | Psychiatry and Behavioral Health | JAMA
Frontiers | SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Suppresses ACE2 and Type I Interferon Expression in Primary Cells From Macaque Lung Bronchoalveolar Lavage | Immunology
An evidence that SARS-Cov-2/COVID-19 spike protein (SP) damages hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in the mechanism of pyroptosis in Nlrp3 inflammasome-dependent manner | Leukemia
A Tissue Distribution Study of a [3H]-Labelled Lipid Nanoparticle-mRNA Formulation Containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 Following In
Walgreens COVID-19 Index
What could be causing the mysterious rise in deadly Hepatitis cases among Children? – The Expose
Almost 200 Cases of Mystery Hepatitis in Children Worldwide, Reaching Canada and Japan: Reports
Vaccine-derived polio is on the rise. A new vaccine aims to stop the spread
The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on Immune Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – PMC
Case Report: A 73-year-old suspected COVID-19 patient with severe dyspnea fully recovers after reciting nine true words from Falun Gong
How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times


MTG:LIVE Ep. 1 – They’re coming for your kids

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s first live broadcast from her new studio on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. Featuring Glenn Greenwald, Eric Adams, Peloton and the lovely Karine Jean-Pierre.

Noted financial analyst says while COVID pandemic wanes, excess mortality persists, likely due to vaccines, Natural News


(Natural News) A financial analyst and former portfolio manager for multinational investment giant BlackRock said in a stunning interview last week on Real America’s Voice “War Room: Pandemic” broadcast that despite the waning COVID-19 outbreak, America continues to experience “excess mortality” rates, possibly due to the vaccines.

“While the COVID pandemic is winding down, excess mortality remains elevated to the surprise of many executives,” analyst Ed Dowd told host Steve Bannon. “Some are blaming” a phenomenon known as “long COVID, especially in the insurance industry.”

He went on to say that funeral homes “were expecting their business to drop off” but instead “it has not,” Dowd continued.

The analyst said that the top manager of Service Corporation International, a funeral home company, announced during an earnings call last week that the firm beat first-quarter earnings expectations by 10 percent, which was shocking to executives.

According to a tweet, Dowd quoted the executive as saying: “And again, it’s not just COVID that we’re seeing… This is, these are excess deaths, levels of mortality that are higher than what we’ve expected, even when you try to back out COVID.”

Dowd also mentioned that another major funeral home company posted increased earnings of more than 3.5 percent during the first quarter, and up a total of 9 percent from the fourth quarter of 2021, both of which were also unexpected.

“So, the smoking gun at the end of the line in the funeral homes [is] the insurance companies saw group life death benefits” come down from the fourth quarter but the levels of payouts are still elevated 20-30 percent beyond expectations, Dowd said.

According to his analysis, all told, the U.S. is still experiencing a 20-percent rise year-over-year — taking COVID into account — than normal through the first quarter.

At that point, Bannon interjected to ask Dowd his opinion as to what he believes is taking place — whether the excess deaths are due to mental fallout from extended lockdowns, whether the vaccines are causing them, or something else.

“When we saw the all-cause mortality for the millennials, I’m blaming the vaccine,” Down responded. “You can blame suicides and fentanyl deaths, but remember, in group life (insurance claims), these are employed, working-age people that tend not to overdose on fentanyl and commit suicide. There’s definitely, those things are at play, but I’ve seen people back out the numbers and they’re still elevated with excess mortality.”

“And the lockdowns, you gotta remember, that was 2020. We really haven’t had lockdowns since the end of 2021 or even today, so this is above and beyond,” Dowd continued. “You know, we’re all hearing the anecdotes. I have anecdotes in my circle (of contacts) of mysterious sudden deaths of relatively healthy people. So this is a national crisis in my mind.”


In a March interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his “Defender” podcast, Dowd said he believes that the Food and Drug Administration is in “cover-up” mode regarding the safety shortcuts taken by vaccine makers.

“The FDA is in on the cover-up, something went down. The other tip for me was in November of last year, a friend of mine from the biotech industry discovered that Pfizer had failed their all-cause mortality endpoint. And that was not available to us when this fanfare occurred in November of 2020, when they all got excited about 95 percent efficacy,” he said.

Dowd concluded that “the FDA didn’t really look at this clinical trial data” yet rushed it through due to political pressure or “maybe straight-up bribes,” but either way, he said, the vaccines should have never been approved.

To Dowd’s point, CNN reported last month that U.S. life expectancy has been falling for two straight years at a level not seen since the World War II era.

Sources include:


President Trump is the most well-known person in the world. Everyone seems to have an opinion of him – but who is he really? A Hollywood filmmaker strikes up an unexpected friendship with Lara Trump, who introduces him to the women in the Trump family, administration, campaign and business. Some are the children of immigrants, some from very humble beginnings, but all are strong, intelligent, talented patriots. They were chosen by the President because he saw something in them that many didn’t even see in themselves. Through their stories and through their eyes, get a glimpse of the Trump they know.

INTERVIEW with creators of bombshell docu-series “Propaganda Exposed”


The long-awaited bombshell “Propaganda Exposed” docu-series at Featuring interviews with 30+ top truth-tellers, whistleblowers and pro-freedom analysts, the series blows the lid on how government and corporate media use lies, disinformation and propaganda to terrorize humanity and enslave the world.


Bombshell “Propaganda Exposed” docu-series begins tomorrow… see interview with producers here… 100% of our revenues donated to health freedom champions fighting for humanity

Featuring interviews with 30+ top truth-tellers, whistleblowers and pro-freedom analysts, the series blows the lid on how government and corporate media use lies, disinformation and propaganda to terrorize humanity and enslave the world.

But humanity is awakening. The uprising has begun. People are getting red-pilled all across the world, and the establishment is panicked.

This docu-series (which can be watched in full at no charge) covers all the big topics, from finance and the Federal Reserve money printing machine to vaccines, fake “plandemics,” censorship, false flags and much more. Some of the top people interviewed include Dr. Judy Mikovitz, RFK, Jr., Del Bigtree, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Mikki Willis, Dr. Edward Group, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, David Wolfe and many more.

It’s not just about vaccines and the plandemic, either: It’s about the global perspective of how governments and institutions use deception and lies to enslave the world and deny humanity its rightful abundance, wealth and joy.

I just posted a new interview with the creators of the series, Ty and Charlene Bollinger. You can watch that full interview here, via

Every episode can be watched at no charge.

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Sign up now and prepare to have your mind blown by the bombshell interviews and information to be revealed in this powerful docu-series that could only come from pro-America, pro-life, pro-freedom producers who are fighting for the survival of the human race.

The “Propaganda Exposed” docu-series is available for watching at no charge. Registration is required at It begins tomorrow, May 4th, and a new episode runs each day for 8 consecutive days.

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Most Americans Don’t Want Those Shots- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF most-americans-dont-want-those-shots-pdf

The New York Times provides daily updates from the CDC on the numbers vaccinated. While nothing that comes out of CDC’s mouth is necessarily reliable, I am presenting the official numbers below. But it is certainly possible that the numbers of the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated are even higher than presented here. Pay close attention to the numbers.

257.6 million (of a total 334 million Americans) got at least one dose of vaccine. That is 77% of the country. If you remove the 0 through 4 year olds, it is 82% of those eligible by age for vaccine. It seems like the vast majority of Americans went along with the vaccine program.

But Not for Long

A surprising 15% of the initially vaccinated (and 11% of all Americans) never went back for their second shot. That is huge. There is no other vaccine where such a high percentage fails to complete a 2 dose series. So if you add together the 18% who refused any shot and the 11% (of all Americans) who refused to complete the initial series, you are up to 29% vaccine refusers and ex-vaxxers who did not get “fully vaccinated,” using CDC’s terminology.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday that about 257.6 million people had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, including about 219.6 million people who had been fully vaccinated by the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine or the two-dose series made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.”

[Why does CDC use the word “about” when it has a record of every single vaccinated American? — Nass]

The C.D.C. also reported that about 100.5 million fully vaccinated people have received an additional vaccine dose or a booster dose, the highest level of protection against the virus. Now let’s look at how many Americans went along with the booster dose. Only 100.5 million Americans took that first booster, or 30% of Americans, according to the NYT.

But if you look at the NYT graph of % boosted by county, in many counties less than 15% of the population took booster #1. Why didn’t the NYT use additional colors for counties where over 35% or over 40% were boosted? Are there none? If so, the total boosted in the US may be less than 30%.

pct of residents who have received a booster

But let’s go along with CDC and the NYT and use 30% or 100.5 million people as our boosted number.

How many people took the first two shots (or one if they got the J and J shot) and refused the booster? 36% of Americans (219.6 M-100.5 M / 334 M people) took the initial series and refused the booster. Add 36% to 18% who refused all, and add 11% who refused the second shot and now you have 65% of the country that said “No more!”

Throw in the 5.6% of Americans below age 5 who are not eligible for the vaccine (it is not emergency use authorized for them) and you find that 70% of us are not “up to date” according to the CDC.

It looks like Americans are not so dumb after all. Despite two years of continuous propaganda, and unprecedented threats of employment and educational loss if unvaccinated, Americans are saying, “Enough.” They have stopped queueing up at vaccine clinics, many of which are now closed.

Why Would They Do That?

It seems they have access to the alternate media. They have seen people get injured or die after receiving the shots. They have enough common sense to know it’s not right to get an injection every few months.

Information coming from the UK and other places that vaccination did not prevent deaths or hospitalizations, not to mention cases and spread, has gotten out via the bush telegraph. People were able to distinguish the truth from fake news.

Information that vaccination with the COVID vaccines seems to impair the ability to mount a broad immune response to COVID could only be suppressed for so long.

The original Moderna clinical trial data, which should have been available to regulatory agencies at least since the Moderna package was presented for licensure, reveals that while 93% of unvaccinated controls produced the SARS-CoV-2 anti-nucleocapsid antibody after infection, only 40% of the vaccinated produced this antibody at detectable levels after infection.

They failed to mount the expected immune response. It is possible or probable that the more doses of these vaccines you receive, the less broad immunity you will develop, even after getting infected.

In any event, Americans have woken out of their slumber. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, only 35% of 5 through 11 year olds have received any COVID vaccine, and only 28% have received both doses. Twenty percent of initially vaccinated 5-11 year olds were never brought back for the second shot. Doesn’t that tell you something?

According to CDC, 75% of American children have already had COVID. And it is only very rarely a severe disease for children, despite CDC’s desperate spin. So the idea of mass vaccinating little kids is unspeakably cruel.

Now the 65% of us that are awake need to save the preschoolers from these fiendish shots. FDA has set aside several days in June for advisory committee meetings on shots for toddlers and babies, and a booster dose for the 5-11 year olds. We must stop the carnage before the vaccines are authorized for the tiniest Americans.

We also need to save the unawakened parents from themselves, in case the vaccines do get authorized. These parents desperately need our guidance. Won’t you help?

Movie: HEAL. Professionals from around the world share their true stories of how to avoid the medical system and heal

Movie: HEAL. Professionals from around the world share their true stories of how to avoid the medical system and heal

The Marvels and Wonders of the U.S. Southern Wall – 2 Videos



Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF doctors-hunted-by-pharma-pdf


  • A California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with. California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license
  • Misinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation by the state
  • Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors into government agents, leaving no one to advocate for patients’ health
  • California has also introduced six other bills seeking to enshrine tyranny into law, including bills to criminalize “amplification of harmful content,” create a centralized vaccination registry, strip funding from law enforcement that refuses to follow public health orders, mandate COVID jabs for school children, authorize minors to consent to vaccination, and require school districts to conduct routine COVID testing
  • If you live in California, please review these bills and VOTE NO

One of the most stunning parts of this pandemic has been the denial of basic science, and one of the most shocking developments from that has been the attack on medical doctors who try to set the record straight.

As reported by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya — professor of health policy at Stanford, research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and coauthor of the Great Barrington Declaration, which calls for focused protection of the most vulnerable1 — a California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with.2

Bhattacharya’s Personal Battle

Bhattacharya has first-hand experience with this kind of witch hunt. He was one of the first to investigate the prevalence of COVID-19 in 2020, and found that by April, the infection was already too prevalent for lockdowns to have any possibility of stopping the spread.

Bhattacharya has called the COVID-19 lockdowns the “biggest public health mistake ever made,”3stressing that the harms caused have been “absolutely catastrophically devastating,” especially for children and the working class, worldwide.4

After Bhattacharya co-sponsored the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and his former boss, now retired National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins, colluded behind the scenes to quash the declaration from day 1.5

To that end, they set out to smear and destroy the reputations of Bhattacharya and the other coauthors of the declaration. In one email, Collins referred to the three highly credentialed and respected scientists as “fringe epidemiologists” and called for a press “takedown” of the trio.6,7,8,9 I detailed this treachery in “Authors of Barrington Declaration Speak Out.”

“Big tech outlets like Facebook and Google followed suit, suppressing our ideas, falsely deeming them ‘misinformation,’” Bhattacharya writes.10 “I started getting calls from reporters asking me why I wanted to ‘let the virus rip,’ when I had proposed nothing of the sort. I was the target of racist attacks and death threats.

Despite the false, defamatory and sometimes frightening attacks, we stood firm. And today many of our positions have been amply vindicated. Yet the soul searching this episode should have caused among public health officials has largely failed to occur. Instead, the lesson seems to be: Dissent at your own risk.

I do not practice medicine — I am a professor specializing in epidemiology and health policy at Stanford Medical School. But many friends who do practice have told me how they have censored their thoughts about COVID lockdowns, vaccines, and recommended treatment to avoid the mob …

This forced scientific groupthink — and the fear and self-censorship they produce — are bad enough. So far, though, the risk has been social and reputational. Now it could become literally career-ending.”

Do You Want Your Doctor To Be Muzzled by the State?

California Assembly Bill 209811 — introduced by Assemblyman Evan Low, a Silicon Valley Democrat, and coauthored by Assembly members Aguiar-Curry, Akilah Weber and Wicks, and Sens. Pan and Wiener — designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license.

Misinformation or disinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation — by the state. As noted by Bhattacharya:12

“Doctors, fearing loss of their livelihoods, will need to hew closely to the government line on COVID science and policy, even if that line does not track the scientific evidence.

After all, until recently, top government science bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci claimed that the idea that COVID came from a Wuhan laboratory was a conspiracy theory, rather than a valid hypothesis that should be open to discussion. The government’s track record on discerning COVID truths is poor.

The bill claims that the spread of misinformation by physicians about the COVID vaccines ‘has weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.’ But how significant is this problem in reality? Over 83% of Californians over the age of 50 are fully vaccinated (including the booster) …

What is abundantly clear is that this bill represents a chilling interference with the practice of medicine. The bill itself is full of misinformation and a demonstration of what a disaster it would be to have the legislature dictate the practice of medicine.”

The Shanghai Model

We don’t have to guess at what life might look like if this and other bills like it are implemented, Bhattacharya warns. The drama currently playing out in Shanghai offers a clear look into what can happen when public health is dictated by the state rather than by qualified medical professionals rooted in sound science.

“Shanghai is the model for the terrifying dangers of giving dictatorial powers to public health officials,” Bhattacharya writes.13 “The harrowing situation unfolding there is a testament to the folly of a virus containment strategy that relies on lockdown.

For two weeks, the Chinese government has locked nearly 25 million people in their homes, forcibly separated children from their parents, killed family pets, and limited access to food and life-saving medical care — all to no avail. COVID cases are still rising, yet the delusion of suppressing COVID persists.

In America, many of our officials still have not abandoned their delusions about COVID and the exercise of power this crisis has allowed. As the Shanghai debacle demonstrates, of all the many terrible consequences of our public health response to COVID, the stifling of dissenting scientific viewpoints by the state might be the most dangerous.”

The Science Deniers Are in Power

As stressed by Bhattacharya, the California bill includes a number falsehoods and fails to acknowledge basic science, starting with natural immunity. High-quality studies have repeatedly shown that natural immunity is equivalent or superior to the COVID shots. Were this bill to pass, a California doctor could lose his license for taking a patient’s COVID history into account when recommending the shot.

It also negates doctors’ ability to prescribe off-label drugs for the treatment of COVID, even though this has been a common and uncontroversial medical practice for many decades. It’s not uncommon for a drug intended for one condition to be used off-label for another. But for some reason, when it comes to COVID, this practice is now deemed hazardous and unprofessional.

The bill also falsely asserts that the “safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines have been confirmed through evaluation by the federal Food and Drug Administration.” Anyone who has followed this circus over the past year realizes that the FDA has completely ignored loud and clear warning bells showing the shots are far from safe and nowhere near as effective as initially claimed.

The bill also ignores the fact that the safety depends on the individual patient’s medical history and current state of health. “For example, there is an elevated risk of myocarditis in young men taking the vaccine, especially with the booster,” Bhattacharya notes.14

Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors into government agents, leaving no one to advocate for patients’ health.

“The false medical consensus enforced by AB 2098 will lead doctors to censor themselves to avoid government sanction. And it will be their patients, above all, who will be harmed by their silence,” Bhattacharya warns.

Californians, Vote NO on COVID Tyranny Bills

California Bill 2098 isn’t the only bill seeking to enshrine tyranny into law. Other pending California bills include:15

Senate Bill 1390,16 introduced by Sen. Pan, which seeks to criminalize “amplification of harmful content” on social media platforms.
Assembly Bill 1797,17 introduced by Assembly member Weber, which calls for the creation of a centralized vaccination registry.
Senate Bill 1464,18 introduced by Pan, which would strip state funding from any law enforcement agency that “publicly announces that they will not follow, or adopts a policy stating that they will not follow, a public health order.”

Those funds would instead be reallocated to the county public health department. Essentially, this bill would coerce sheriffs and police officers to violate their conscience or the law, or both, in the name of “public health policy.”

Senate Bill 871,19 introduced by Pan, which would mandate all school children, ages 5 and older, be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19. The bill would also repeal exceptions to mandatory hepatitis B vaccination to attend school, and would remove the personal belief exemption against vaccination.
Senate Bill 866,20 introduced by Wiener and Pan, which would authorize minors, 12 years and older, to consent to vaccines without the consent of a parent or guardian.
Senate Bill 1479,21 introduced by Pan, which would expand “contagious, infectious, or communicable disease testing and other public health mitigation efforts to include prekindergarten, onsite after school programs, and child care centers,” and require each school district, county office of education, and charter school to create a COVID-19 testing plan, and report testing data to State Department of Public Health.

If you live in California, please review these bills and VOTE NO. In a Substack article, Margaret Anna Alice, offers the following guidance to Californians:22

“If you are a resident of California, please consider taking the additional step of contacting your respective senators and assembly members in addition to filling out the online portal. See Californians for Medical Freedom for step-by-step instructions on how to contact your local legislators as well as what to say if you decide to call (which is recommended).

The PERK website is also a very helpful way to track the hearing dates and status of these bills. In the comments, Donald Tipon has provided additional links for opposing AB2098 and AB1797 from A Voice for Choice Advocacy.”

Front Groups Marshal the Ignorant

Regulating the medical views a doctor can and cannot have is dangerous in the extreme, and hopefully the Californians who are left to vote in that state will quash such efforts. On the national level, we must also stay vigilant against similar legislative proposals, and push back against phony front groups that promote this kind of medical tyranny.

This includes the No License for Disinformation23 (NLFD) group, which promotes the false information disseminated by the dark-money group known as the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

As most now know, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a medical doctor in his own right, has been the primary challenger of Fauci’s lies, and the NLFD has been instructing individuals to report him to the Kentucky Medical Board, with the aim of getting his medical license revoked.24

Just who are the NLFD?25 In November 2021, I wrote about the NLFD, pointing out that the bottom of their website declared, “Created & Developed by EverydayAmericanJoe.”26 At the time, I took a screenshot of it, in case they’d wise up and change it. Good thing, because that notice has since been deleted.

nlfd screenshot

And, no wonder, because it leads right back to the Biden White House. EverydayAmericanJoe, created by a marketing strategist named Chris Gilroy, was a website dedicated to supporting Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. (That website has since been disabled.27)

According to his LinkedIn profile,28 Gilroy created — “the largest Biden-Harris grassroots website online” — as a freelance senior marketing consultant and designer for the Biden campaign. Since 2007, he’s been the president of The Microtechs LLC, an online marketing, web development and digital advertising firm that produces custom websites and apps “that our clients can manage themselves.”

Aside from the EverydayAmericanJoe clue, there’s no indication of who is actually running the NLFD. It simply claims to be a “nonpartisan grassroots coalition of Americans” whose goal it is to get state medical boards to “protect the public” from medical professionals “who spread medical disinformation.” In all likelihood, the NLFD is run by a coalition of one — Gilroy himself — who is far from nonpartisan.

Not surprisingly, the NLFD has promoted and relied on the CCDH’s fabricated “Disinformation Dozen” report, which has even been denounced as biased and flawed in the extreme by Facebook.29

It’s quite clear that the CCDH exists to fabricate “evidence” that is then used to destroy the opposition in order to control the information, and the NLFD uses the CCDH’s fabrications as justification to suppress First Amendment rights.30 Indeed, Biden himself has publicly promoted and relied on this dark money CCDH report.31

The point of all this is that the censorship is being authorized and directed from the very highest level of our government, and there’s only one reason for that. Democracy flourishes under free speech and dies under censorship, and anyone who claims differently has an ulterior motive for trying to confuse these simple truths.

In my view, the war against “misinformation” and “disinformation” is nothing less than a covert war against the citizens of planet Earth. It’s an attempt to seize power by controlling what people can know, and a number of high-profile world leaders, past and present, have shown their true colors.

Among them, former president Obama, who in April 2022 gave lectures at the University of Chicago and Stanford, arguing for the regulation of information — what people can and cannot view on social media and elsewhere — “to protect democracy.”32

However, as noted by nonresident senior fellow of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI), Mark Jamison, “Such controls have done the opposite throughout history and would this time too.”33

An Open War on the Public

We find ourselves in a situation where asking valid questions about public health measures are equated to acts of domestic terrorism. It’s unbelievable, yet here we are. Over the past two years, the rhetoric used against those who question the sanity of using unscientific pandemic countermeasures, such as face masks and lockdowns, or share data showing that COVID-19 gene therapies are really bad public health policy, has become increasingly violent.

Dr. Peter Hotez, a virologist who for years has been at the forefront of promoting vaccines of all kinds, for example, has publicly called for cyberwarfare assaults on American citizens who disagree with official COVID narratives, and this vile rhetoric was published in the prestigious science journal Nature, of all places.34

Doctors and nurses are now facing the untenable position of having to choose between doing right by their patients and toeing the line of totalitarianism. This simply cannot go on. It’s profoundly unhealthy and dangerous in a multitude of ways.

While frustrating and intimidating, we must all be relentless in our pursuit and sharing of the truth, and we must relentlessly demand our elected representatives stand up for freedom of speech and other Constitutional rights, including, and especially, the rights of medical doctors to express their medical opinions.


Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF doctors-hunted-by-pharma-pdf


  • A California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with. California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license
  • Misinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation by the state
  • Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors into government agents, leaving no one to advocate for patients’ health
  • California has also introduced six other bills seeking to enshrine tyranny into law, including bills to criminalize “amplification of harmful content,” create a centralized vaccination registry, strip funding from law enforcement that refuses to follow public health orders, mandate COVID jabs for school children, authorize minors to consent to vaccination, and require school districts to conduct routine COVID testing
  • If you live in California, please review these bills and VOTE NO

One of the most stunning parts of this pandemic has been the denial of basic science, and one of the most shocking developments from that has been the attack on medical doctors who try to set the record straight.

As reported by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya — professor of health policy at Stanford, research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and coauthor of the Great Barrington Declaration, which calls for focused protection of the most vulnerable1 — a California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with.2

Bhattacharya’s Personal Battle

Bhattacharya has first-hand experience with this kind of witch hunt. He was one of the first to investigate the prevalence of COVID-19 in 2020, and found that by April, the infection was already too prevalent for lockdowns to have any possibility of stopping the spread.

Bhattacharya has called the COVID-19 lockdowns the “biggest public health mistake ever made,”3stressing that the harms caused have been “absolutely catastrophically devastating,” especially for children and the working class, worldwide.4

After Bhattacharya co-sponsored the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and his former boss, now retired National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins, colluded behind the scenes to quash the declaration from day 1.5

To that end, they set out to smear and destroy the reputations of Bhattacharya and the other coauthors of the declaration. In one email, Collins referred to the three highly credentialed and respected scientists as “fringe epidemiologists” and called for a press “takedown” of the trio.6,7,8,9 I detailed this treachery in “Authors of Barrington Declaration Speak Out.”

“Big tech outlets like Facebook and Google followed suit, suppressing our ideas, falsely deeming them ‘misinformation,’” Bhattacharya writes.10 “I started getting calls from reporters asking me why I wanted to ‘let the virus rip,’ when I had proposed nothing of the sort. I was the target of racist attacks and death threats.

Despite the false, defamatory and sometimes frightening attacks, we stood firm. And today many of our positions have been amply vindicated. Yet the soul searching this episode should have caused among public health officials has largely failed to occur. Instead, the lesson seems to be: Dissent at your own risk.

I do not practice medicine — I am a professor specializing in epidemiology and health policy at Stanford Medical School. But many friends who do practice have told me how they have censored their thoughts about COVID lockdowns, vaccines, and recommended treatment to avoid the mob …

This forced scientific groupthink — and the fear and self-censorship they produce — are bad enough. So far, though, the risk has been social and reputational. Now it could become literally career-ending.”

Do You Want Your Doctor To Be Muzzled by the State?

California Assembly Bill 209811 — introduced by Assemblyman Evan Low, a Silicon Valley Democrat, and coauthored by Assembly members Aguiar-Curry, Akilah Weber and Wicks, and Sens. Pan and Wiener — designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license.

Misinformation or disinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation — by the state. As noted by Bhattacharya:12

“Doctors, fearing loss of their livelihoods, will need to hew closely to the government line on COVID science and policy, even if that line does not track the scientific evidence.

After all, until recently, top government science bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci claimed that the idea that COVID came from a Wuhan laboratory was a conspiracy theory, rather than a valid hypothesis that should be open to discussion. The government’s track record on discerning COVID truths is poor.

The bill claims that the spread of misinformation by physicians about the COVID vaccines ‘has weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.’ But how significant is this problem in reality? Over 83% of Californians over the age of 50 are fully vaccinated (including the booster) …

What is abundantly clear is that this bill represents a chilling interference with the practice of medicine. The bill itself is full of misinformation and a demonstration of what a disaster it would be to have the legislature dictate the practice of medicine.”

The Shanghai Model

We don’t have to guess at what life might look like if this and other bills like it are implemented, Bhattacharya warns. The drama currently playing out in Shanghai offers a clear look into what can happen when public health is dictated by the state rather than by qualified medical professionals rooted in sound science.

“Shanghai is the model for the terrifying dangers of giving dictatorial powers to public health officials,” Bhattacharya writes.13 “The harrowing situation unfolding there is a testament to the folly of a virus containment strategy that relies on lockdown.

For two weeks, the Chinese government has locked nearly 25 million people in their homes, forcibly separated children from their parents, killed family pets, and limited access to food and life-saving medical care — all to no avail. COVID cases are still rising, yet the delusion of suppressing COVID persists.

In America, many of our officials still have not abandoned their delusions about COVID and the exercise of power this crisis has allowed. As the Shanghai debacle demonstrates, of all the many terrible consequences of our public health response to COVID, the stifling of dissenting scientific viewpoints by the state might be the most dangerous.”

The Science Deniers Are in Power

As stressed by Bhattacharya, the California bill includes a number falsehoods and fails to acknowledge basic science, starting with natural immunity. High-quality studies have repeatedly shown that natural immunity is equivalent or superior to the COVID shots. Were this bill to pass, a California doctor could lose his license for taking a patient’s COVID history into account when recommending the shot.

It also negates doctors’ ability to prescribe off-label drugs for the treatment of COVID, even though this has been a common and uncontroversial medical practice for many decades. It’s not uncommon for a drug intended for one condition to be used off-label for another. But for some reason, when it comes to COVID, this practice is now deemed hazardous and unprofessional.

The bill also falsely asserts that the “safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines have been confirmed through evaluation by the federal Food and Drug Administration.” Anyone who has followed this circus over the past year realizes that the FDA has completely ignored loud and clear warning bells showing the shots are far from safe and nowhere near as effective as initially claimed.

The bill also ignores the fact that the safety depends on the individual patient’s medical history and current state of health. “For example, there is an elevated risk of myocarditis in young men taking the vaccine, especially with the booster,” Bhattacharya notes.14

Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors into government agents, leaving no one to advocate for patients’ health.

“The false medical consensus enforced by AB 2098 will lead doctors to censor themselves to avoid government sanction. And it will be their patients, above all, who will be harmed by their silence,” Bhattacharya warns.

Californians, Vote NO on COVID Tyranny Bills

California Bill 2098 isn’t the only bill seeking to enshrine tyranny into law. Other pending California bills include:15

Senate Bill 1390,16 introduced by Sen. Pan, which seeks to criminalize “amplification of harmful content” on social media platforms.
Assembly Bill 1797,17 introduced by Assembly member Weber, which calls for the creation of a centralized vaccination registry.
Senate Bill 1464,18 introduced by Pan, which would strip state funding from any law enforcement agency that “publicly announces that they will not follow, or adopts a policy stating that they will not follow, a public health order.”

Those funds would instead be reallocated to the county public health department. Essentially, this bill would coerce sheriffs and police officers to violate their conscience or the law, or both, in the name of “public health policy.”

Senate Bill 871,19 introduced by Pan, which would mandate all school children, ages 5 and older, be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19. The bill would also repeal exceptions to mandatory hepatitis B vaccination to attend school, and would remove the personal belief exemption against vaccination.
Senate Bill 866,20 introduced by Wiener and Pan, which would authorize minors, 12 years and older, to consent to vaccines without the consent of a parent or guardian.
Senate Bill 1479,21 introduced by Pan, which would expand “contagious, infectious, or communicable disease testing and other public health mitigation efforts to include prekindergarten, onsite after school programs, and child care centers,” and require each school district, county office of education, and charter school to create a COVID-19 testing plan, and report testing data to State Department of Public Health.

If you live in California, please review these bills and VOTE NO. In a Substack article, Margaret Anna Alice, offers the following guidance to Californians:22

“If you are a resident of California, please consider taking the additional step of contacting your respective senators and assembly members in addition to filling out the online portal. See Californians for Medical Freedom for step-by-step instructions on how to contact your local legislators as well as what to say if you decide to call (which is recommended).

The PERK website is also a very helpful way to track the hearing dates and status of these bills. In the comments, Donald Tipon has provided additional links for opposing AB2098 and AB1797 from A Voice for Choice Advocacy.”

Front Groups Marshal the Ignorant

Regulating the medical views a doctor can and cannot have is dangerous in the extreme, and hopefully the Californians who are left to vote in that state will quash such efforts. On the national level, we must also stay vigilant against similar legislative proposals, and push back against phony front groups that promote this kind of medical tyranny.

This includes the No License for Disinformation23 (NLFD) group, which promotes the false information disseminated by the dark-money group known as the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

As most now know, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a medical doctor in his own right, has been the primary challenger of Fauci’s lies, and the NLFD has been instructing individuals to report him to the Kentucky Medical Board, with the aim of getting his medical license revoked.24

Just who are the NLFD?25 In November 2021, I wrote about the NLFD, pointing out that the bottom of their website declared, “Created & Developed by EverydayAmericanJoe.”26 At the time, I took a screenshot of it, in case they’d wise up and change it. Good thing, because that notice has since been deleted.

nlfd screenshot

And, no wonder, because it leads right back to the Biden White House. EverydayAmericanJoe, created by a marketing strategist named Chris Gilroy, was a website dedicated to supporting Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. (That website has since been disabled.27)

According to his LinkedIn profile,28 Gilroy created — “the largest Biden-Harris grassroots website online” — as a freelance senior marketing consultant and designer for the Biden campaign. Since 2007, he’s been the president of The Microtechs LLC, an online marketing, web development and digital advertising firm that produces custom websites and apps “that our clients can manage themselves.”

Aside from the EverydayAmericanJoe clue, there’s no indication of who is actually running the NLFD. It simply claims to be a “nonpartisan grassroots coalition of Americans” whose goal it is to get state medical boards to “protect the public” from medical professionals “who spread medical disinformation.” In all likelihood, the NLFD is run by a coalition of one — Gilroy himself — who is far from nonpartisan.

Not surprisingly, the NLFD has promoted and relied on the CCDH’s fabricated “Disinformation Dozen” report, which has even been denounced as biased and flawed in the extreme by Facebook.29

It’s quite clear that the CCDH exists to fabricate “evidence” that is then used to destroy the opposition in order to control the information, and the NLFD uses the CCDH’s fabrications as justification to suppress First Amendment rights.30 Indeed, Biden himself has publicly promoted and relied on this dark money CCDH report.31

The point of all this is that the censorship is being authorized and directed from the very highest level of our government, and there’s only one reason for that. Democracy flourishes under free speech and dies under censorship, and anyone who claims differently has an ulterior motive for trying to confuse these simple truths.

In my view, the war against “misinformation” and “disinformation” is nothing less than a covert war against the citizens of planet Earth. It’s an attempt to seize power by controlling what people can know, and a number of high-profile world leaders, past and present, have shown their true colors.

Among them, former president Obama, who in April 2022 gave lectures at the University of Chicago and Stanford, arguing for the regulation of information — what people can and cannot view on social media and elsewhere — “to protect democracy.”32

However, as noted by nonresident senior fellow of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI), Mark Jamison, “Such controls have done the opposite throughout history and would this time too.”33

An Open War on the Public

We find ourselves in a situation where asking valid questions about public health measures are equated to acts of domestic terrorism. It’s unbelievable, yet here we are. Over the past two years, the rhetoric used against those who question the sanity of using unscientific pandemic countermeasures, such as face masks and lockdowns, or share data showing that COVID-19 gene therapies are really bad public health policy, has become increasingly violent.

Dr. Peter Hotez, a virologist who for years has been at the forefront of promoting vaccines of all kinds, for example, has publicly called for cyberwarfare assaults on American citizens who disagree with official COVID narratives, and this vile rhetoric was published in the prestigious science journal Nature, of all places.34

Doctors and nurses are now facing the untenable position of having to choose between doing right by their patients and toeing the line of totalitarianism. This simply cannot go on. It’s profoundly unhealthy and dangerous in a multitude of ways.

While frustrating and intimidating, we must all be relentless in our pursuit and sharing of the truth, and we must relentlessly demand our elected representatives stand up for freedom of speech and other Constitutional rights, including, and especially, the rights of medical doctors to express their medical opinions.




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We are the enemy of Big Tech, Big Money and Big Media!

Together, let’s expose the lies of the enemy. Impart a little truth every day. Especially the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated. We’re in this together. Together WE WILL WIN! Please support the fight.


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Previous Updates:

BQQM Week Ahead! Buckle Up – It’s About To Get Bumpy! Trump’s Air Q Confirmed! It’s GO Time!

Mind-Blowing 4-Year Delta To The Hour, Minute & Seconds! Impossible To Deny 1QQ% PRQQF of The Q+ Trump White Hat Plan!

Disney Secrets: Underground Tunnels & Cages! Occult/Freemason Ties to CIA Drug/Sex Trafficking/Andrenochrome Harvesting & Epstein Pedo Island!

Activate Elon! He’s Flipping The Bird! PLUS Dan Scavino @Jack White Hat Comms! Got Popcorn?





Sponsor A Show: [email protected]

We are the enemy of Big Tech, Big Money and Big Media!

Together, let’s expose the lies of the enemy. Impart a little truth every day. Especially the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated. We’re in this together. Together WE WILL WIN! Please support the fight.


NEW! Donor Box (accepts eChecks)

Sign up for Cash App using my code and you’ll get $5 FREE.

Cash App Cash Tag: $ChristianPatriot

Here’s a link…

Already have Cash App? Here’s my Cash App Link:$ChristianPatriot


Previous Updates:

BQQM Week Ahead! Buckle Up – It’s About To Get Bumpy! Trump’s Air Q Confirmed! It’s GO Time!

Mind-Blowing 4-Year Delta To The Hour, Minute & Seconds! Impossible To Deny 1QQ% PRQQF of The Q+ Trump White Hat Plan!

Disney Secrets: Underground Tunnels & Cages! Occult/Freemason Ties to CIA Drug/Sex Trafficking/Andrenochrome Harvesting & Epstein Pedo Island!

Activate Elon! He’s Flipping The Bird! PLUS Dan Scavino @Jack White Hat Comms! Got Popcorn?



Melissa Redpill Discusses Supreme Court To Overturn Abortion Law With Nicholas Veniamin


All credit to “Nicholas Veniamin” – Original video:

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Should you have left a small amount of change afterwards, I would also be happy about a small donation.

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LTC: LcEuHjaULVjsi3TuxbMkxDRfPYDopxFR8b
BAT: 0xC48448163E3cf4d01a0CfE1a83cb3Cc977725461


Melissa Redpill Discusses Supreme Court To Overturn Abortion Law With Nicholas Veniamin


All credit to “Nicholas Veniamin” – Original video:

✅ It’s FAST, FREE AND PRIVATE! Use the BRAVE browser for 30 days, and they will support my channel with a bonus.


Should you have left a small amount of change afterwards, I would also be happy about a small donation.

If you want to donate something to me, you can do it via or you can donate via cryptos.

LTC: LcEuHjaULVjsi3TuxbMkxDRfPYDopxFR8b
BAT: 0xC48448163E3cf4d01a0CfE1a83cb3Cc977725461


TREASON! Democrats are Trying to Destroy One Branch of the United States Government, the Judicial

TREASON! Democrats are Trying to Destroy One Branch of the United States Government, the Judicial

SHOCK! US is feeding the propaganda in Ukraine | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris


1. Ukraine was planning a limited nuclear strike against Russia

2. Russia is the only super power resisting globalization

3. Ukraine is the world’s largest trafficker of children, 260,000 and rising.

4. Ukraine is the money laundering center for American Congress and other US criminals.

5. Bio-Labs, Ukraine has 25+ US owned and funded Extremely Dangerous and Illegal Bio-Labs Russia is now containing and destroying.

Putin’s February 21, 2022 Letter to the world;

Backup Copy, with video.

Today is the anniversary of a massacre of ethnic Russians in Odessa, Ukraine. Normally this event is marked with memorials but it will not be allowed this year. The West was once very critical of Ukraine’s treatment of this population but current media shows that is no longer the case. Why? Clayton Morris dives deep into this topic. #ukraine 🚨 We’re being censored, and it’s more important than ever to have a home away from these big tech oligarchs. That’s why we built Please come on over and sign up for FREE, so we always have a way to stay in touch. 🚨 ✅ Sign up for our Free DAILY newsletter delivered right to your inbox first thing in the morning. ➜ 🔥Open an amazing 9% interest savings account alternative and get free money in the process with our link: ➜ 🔥 📺 Become a Redacted Channel Member right here:… 🔥 Join our FREE Financial Freedom 90 Day Bootcamp. Totally Free. Download it here: ➜ 🔥 #redacted #claytonmorris


SHOCK! US is feeding the propaganda in Ukraine | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris


1. Ukraine was planning a limited nuclear strike against Russia

2. Russia is the only super power resisting globalization

3. Ukraine is the world’s largest trafficker of children, 260,000 and rising.

4. Ukraine is the money laundering center for American Congress and other US criminals.

5. Bio-Labs, Ukraine has 25+ US owned and funded Extremely Dangerous and Illegal Bio-Labs Russia is now containing and destroying.

Putin’s February 21, 2022 Letter to the world;

Backup Copy, with video.

Today is the anniversary of a massacre of ethnic Russians in Odessa, Ukraine. Normally this event is marked with memorials but it will not be allowed this year. The West was once very critical of Ukraine’s treatment of this population but current media shows that is no longer the case. Why? Clayton Morris dives deep into this topic. #ukraine 🚨 We’re being censored, and it’s more important than ever to have a home away from these big tech oligarchs. That’s why we built Please come on over and sign up for FREE, so we always have a way to stay in touch. 🚨 ✅ Sign up for our Free DAILY newsletter delivered right to your inbox first thing in the morning. ➜ 🔥Open an amazing 9% interest savings account alternative and get free money in the process with our link: ➜ 🔥 📺 Become a Redacted Channel Member right here:… 🔥 Join our FREE Financial Freedom 90 Day Bootcamp. Totally Free. Download it here: ➜ 🔥 #redacted #claytonmorris


The World Health Organization is Attempting a Power Grab!

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The World Health Organization is Attempting a Power Grab!

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Deep State Panic Button! | Prophecy LIVE – Joseph Z

Deep State Panic Button! | Prophecy LIVE – Joseph Z

Dems Announce No Limits To Financial Support For FULL SHOW 5-1-22

Guest host Owen Shroyer breaks down the Biden administration’s unprecedented financial assistance package to Ukraine as the American people continue to suffer the economic pain of soaring inflation, supply chain breakdowns, and a collapsed border. We’ll also discuss the newly-formed Disinformation Governance Board and how it signals the beginning of the end of the globalists’ control over the dominant narrative.
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Dems Announce No Limits To Financial Support For FULL SHOW 5-1-22

Guest host Owen Shroyer breaks down the Biden administration’s unprecedented financial assistance package to Ukraine as the American people continue to suffer the economic pain of soaring inflation, supply chain breakdowns, and a collapsed border. We’ll also discuss the newly-formed Disinformation Governance Board and how it signals the beginning of the end of the globalists’ control over the dominant narrative.
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Human Trafficking – Graphic Video But This Is What’s Really Happening!

Human Trafficking – Graphic Video But This Is What’s Really Happening!


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Elon Musk is a Sign! What Happens Next? | Prophecy LIVE – Joseph Z

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Elon Musk is a Sign! What Happens Next? | Prophecy LIVE – Joseph Z

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Michelle Fielding Discusses Jack Dorsey Is White Hat (Orig. Twitter Founder) With Nicholas Veniamin


All credit to “Nicholas Veniamin” – Original video:

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Joseph Z Brings Message of What’s Next with Deep State, and Some Prophecies of God’s Deliverance

Another Layer of Corruption in the Opioid Scandal Revealed

It’s hard to describe this scheme as anything but intentional mass murder.


  • In 2021, McKinsey & Company, one of the largest consultants to corporations and governments worldwide, settled a lawsuit brought by 47 state attorneys general over its role in the U.S. opioid crisis
  • A U.S. House investigation reveals McKinsey was advising the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on the safety of opioids, while at the same time advising Purdue how to maximize sales
  • Jeff Smith, a senior McKinsey consultant, worked on a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) for OxyContin while simultaneously advising the FDA about the drug’s safety
  • McKinsey promoted its FDA connections when pitching services to its pharmaceutical clients. The FDA, meanwhile, claims it had no idea McKinsey was working with Purdue
  • Purdue knew the dangers of its drug, covered it up, and hired FDA insiders to advise its sales strategy and how to influence the FDA. They also hired Publicis to manage its marketing. Publicis, the world’s largest PR company, funds and partners with “fact checking” organizations to suppress and censor the truth

In 2021, McKinsey & Company, one of the largest consultants to corporations and governments worldwide, settled a lawsuit brought by 47 state attorneys general over its role in the U.S. opioid crisis. The firm agreed to pay $573 million in fines1 for driving up sales of Purdue Pharma’s OxyContin painkiller, even as Americans were dying in droves.

Between 1999 and 2019, nearly 500,000 Americans died from overdoses involving opioid drugs,2 and false advertising and bribery were at the heart of this tragedy. As reported by The New York Times:3

“McKinsey’s extensive work with Purdue included advising it to focus on selling lucrative high-dose pills, the records show, even after the drugmaker pleaded guilty in 2007 to federal criminal charges that it had misled doctors and regulators about OxyContin’s risks. The firm also told Purdue that it could ‘band together’ with other opioid makers to head off ‘strict treatment’ by the Food and Drug Administration.”

Worse Than We Thought

We now find out that the situation is even more corrupt than we previously thought. A U.S. House investigation4 5 6 into McKinsey, based on materials obtained through the discovery process of this and other lawsuits, has revealed McKinsey was advising the FDA on the safety of opioids, while at the same time advising Purdue how to maximize sales.

In one instance, McKinsey wrote “scripts” for Purdue to use in its meeting with the FDA to discuss the safety of OxyContin in pediatric populations. In another, Jeff Smith, a senior McKinsey consultant, worked on a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) for OxyContin while simultaneously advising the FDA about the drug’s safety.7

As noted by investigative journalist Paul Thacker,8 “Just think about that for a moment — for years McKinsey played both cop and robber.” As reported by The New York Times, April 13, 2022:9

“Since 2010, at least 22 McKinsey consultants have worked for both Purdue and the FDA, some at the same time, according to the committee’s 53-page report …

The firm provided no evidence to the committee that it had disclosed the potential conflicts of interest as required under federal contracting rules — an ‘apparent violation,’ the report said.

McKinsey also allowed employees advising Purdue to help shape materials that were intended for government officials and agencies, including a memo in 2018 prepared for Alex M. Azar II, then the incoming secretary of health and human Services under President Donald J. Trump.

References to the severity of the opioid crisis in a draft version of the memo, the documents show, were cut before it was sent to Mr. Azar.

‘Today’s report shows that at the same time the FDA was relying on McKinsey’s advice to ensure drug safety and protect American lives, the firm was also being paid by the very companies fueling the deadly opioid epidemic to help them avoid tougher regulation of these dangerous drugs,’ Representative Carolyn Maloney, the New York Democrat who chairs the committee, said in a statement …

A bipartisan group of lawmakers last month introduced legislation10 aimed at preventing conflicts of interest in federal contracting, citing McKinsey’s experience with Purdue and the FDA.”

The FDA, in response, has stated that it “relies on its contractors to assess and report potential conflicts of interest,” The New York Times reports.11 In other words, it’s just pointing fingers and refusing to take responsibility for working with advisers that clearly could, and should, be suspected of having ulterior motives, based on their client base.

Isn’t it obvious that McKinsey, working to improve sales for its opioid-making clients, might give the FDA biased advise on behalf of those clients? Remarkably, in October 2021, the FDA wrote12 to senators claiming they had no idea McKinsey was even working for Purdue, and didn’t find out about it until media reported it in early 2021.

It seems beyond irrationally foolish that the press could find out about it, but not the FDA — somewhat like the head of the CDC, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, going on CNN and quoting Pfizer press releases as factual data.

McKinsey Advised FDA on Opioid Safety

The FDA hired McKinsey as an adviser in 2011. The company worked with the FDA office overseeing drug companies plans to monitor safety of risky products such as opioids, and internal documents show that, on multiple occasions, McKinsey promoted its FDA connections when pitching services to its pharmaceutical clients.13

For example, in a 2009 sales pitch, McKinsey wrote that it provided direct support to regulators, “and as such have developed insights into the perspectives of the regulators themselves.”14

In a 2014 email to Purdue’s chief executive, McKinsey consultant Rob Rosiello wrote, “We serve the broadest range of stakeholders that matter for Purdue. One client we can disclose is the FDA, who we have supported for over five years.”15

Evidence also suggests McKinsey took “steps to limit material that could be subpoenaed” once Purdue was sued, The New York Times reports.16 In one instance, printed hardcopies of slide decks were sent to Purdue instead of being emailed because they knew Purdue staff would be deposed and didn’t want their email correspondence to “get sucked into it.”

Did McKinsey Influence FDA Commissioner?

The Interim Majority Staff report17 by the Committee on Oversight and Reform, titled “The Firm and the FDA: McKinsey & Company’s Conflicts of Interest at the Heart of the Opioid Epidemic,” published April 13, 2022, also includes emails in which McKinsey employees claim to have influenced an opioid safety speech by then-FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb.

Gottlieb denies the accusation, but the fact that McKinsey was working so intimately with the FDA means they certainly would have been capable of such influence. Gottlieb also has financial ties to the opioid industry, having received $45,000 in speaker’s fees from companies that manufacture and distribute opioids.18

In 2012, Gottlieb also wrote a Wall Street Journal essay, attacking the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for pursuing the criminal activity of opioid distributors, saying it would burden patients, “including those with legitimate prescriptions who may be profiled at the pharmacy counter and turned away.”19

Intent to Harm

What we have here is a picture of gross conflicts of interest with an apparent intent to harm. Purdue Pharma was as crooked as they come, conducting sham studies and bribing doctors to prescribe its highly addictive opioid, while its consultant, McKinsey advised the FDA on the drug’s safety.

At the same time, Purdue also worked with the Publicis Groupe — the largest PR company in the world as of November 202120 — which funded the startup of NewsGuard, a “fact checking” group that rates websites on criteria of “credibility” and “transparency.” In April 2021, Publicis partnered with NewsGuard specifically “to fight the ‘infodemic’ of misinformation about COVID-19 and its vaccines.”21

NewsGuard’s health-related service, HealthGuard,22 is also partnered with the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) — a progressive U.K.-based cancel-culture leader23 with extensive ties to government and global think tanks that has labeled people questioning the COVID-19 vaccine as “threats to national security.”

At the beginning of May 2021, the Massachusetts attorney general filed a lawsuit24 25against Publicis Health, accusing the Publicis subsidiary of helping Purdue create the deceptive marketing materials used to mislead doctors into prescribing OxyContin.2627 28 29

“Purdue knew the dangers of its drug, covered it up, hired FDA insiders to advise its sales strategy and influence the FDA, and a PR company that had the ability to suppress and censor negative news to manage its marketing.”

Like Purdue, Publicis also cashed in on the opioid addiction it helped create by pitching its services to organizations working to end addiction. As reported by Forbes,30 the agency “won the account to work on after touting how it’s been ‘immersed in the evolving national opioid medication dialogue going on between pharma companies, the government and FDA, and the public via inside access as a trusted and informed consulting partner.’”

So, to summarize, Purdue knew the dangers of its drug, covered them up, hired FDA insiders to advise its sales strategy and influence the FDA, and is connected with a PR company that had the ability to suppress and censor negative news to manage its marketing. It’s hard to describe this scheme as anything but intentional mass murder.

The Spin Doctors

The reality may even be worse, and much larger, than that, seeing how Publicis is also a partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF),31 which is leading the call for a “reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.32

As detailed in the featured video, Publicis’ fingerprints can be found throughout the net of censorship and misdirection that is now being cast across the digital landscape. As the No. 1 PR company in the world, Publicis has just the right credentials and influence to pull off a deception of this size.

It’s part of an enormous network that includes international drug companies, fact checkers and credibility raters, Google, Microsoft, public libraries, schools, the banking industry, the U.S. State Department and Department of Defense, the World Health Organization and Disney, just to name a few. As noted by investigative reporter David Marks in “How PR Giant Publicis Promotes Greed, Deception on Behalf of World’s Most Powerful”:33

“The essential skill of these expert spin doctors is their ability to fabricate a favorable interpretation of damaging information or activity or diminish the impact of the truth.

Through tried and true psychological ploys, repetition of false information or casting doubt on factual realities, ad agencies and PR firms target those who need to be influenced on behalf of their clients …

An examination of one of the largest entities neck-deep in managing these mass psychological operations reveals the depth of the dysfunction afflicting the planet. The vast activities of the Publicis Groupe demonstrate how the tentacles of greed, profit and privilege connect the catastrophic agendas of the most powerful enterprises on Earth …

Using sophisticated social psychology and incorporating the cutting edge of artificial intelligence, Publicis PR experts are masters of damage control, the manipulation of words and people, and of selling the unsellable. Publicis is organizing influential activities worldwide, overtly revealing its mission and priorities.

… [Its] website reveals who actually benefits from the company’s services: ‘The entire Publicis Groupe transformation was designed to put clients at the center of all we do. Their needs and objectives drive the solutions we provide in order to help them win and grow’ …

In considering the range of activities Publicis engages in, the dots are so close there is no need to connect them. The PR giant’s methodology is transparent.

Whether promoting opioids or pushing vaccines, rebranding status quo profiteering as a Great Reset, supporting cigarette sales, disguising the true nature of the fossil fuel industry, increasing soft drink consumption or covering for assassinations — Publicis has all the skills and facilities to create whatever fabrications are needed to sell products and influence how their wealthy collaborators are viewed.

The Publicis Groupe and its allies are at the hub of a worldwide insidious, destructive disinformation campaign, relying on the duplicitous ways of advertising and public relations in the loyal service of clients.”

A Plan to Drug the Useless Eaters?

As a WEF partner and global PR machine for some of the most powerful industries on the planet, it seems reasonable to assume Publicis is helping to coordinate the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. Sadly, that includes not only the management and control of the peoples of the earth, but also the elimination of “undesirables.”

In a 2015 interview (video above), Yuval Noah Harari, a history professor and adviser to WEF founder Klaus Schwab, discussed what Schwab refers to as The Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., transhumanism), noting that we’re now learning to “produce bodies and minds” (meaning augmented bodies, and cloud and artificial intelligence-connected minds) and that one of the greatest challenges we face will be what to do with all the people that have become obsolete in the process.

How will unaugmented people find meaning in life when they’re basically “useless, meaningless”? How will they spend their time when there’s no work, no opportunity to move up in some kind of profession? His guess is that the answer will be “a combination of drugs and computer games.”

This raises a disturbing question. Was the opioid crisis the result of an intentional plan — a conspiracy in the literal sense of the word — to hook the masses on an addictive drug? This is purely speculative, of course, but it surely fits in with The Great Reset agenda as a whole.

If people are addicted, the drug and medical industries make money (and they’re without doubt part of The Great Reset network), and if people die, well, that’s in accordance with The Great Reset plan too, as they insist there are too many “useless eaters” on the planet, and they either must be managed or eliminated.

Publicis Is Part of the Global Monopoly

In closing, it’s worth noting that Publicis is partially owned by the Vanguard Group,34one of the two largest asset management firms in the world. Together with BlackRock, Vanguard has a hidden monopoly on global asset holdings and exerts control through their ownership of some 1,600 American companies.35

Combined, BlackRock and Vanguard own nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms.36 To learn more about how Vanguard and BlackRock own just about everything in the world, and have monopoly control over all industries, check out the 45-minute video above, “Monopoly — Follow the Money.”

In short, the idea that there is competition in the marketplace is a cleverly disguised illusion. In reality, everything is controlled by a small group of asset managers that win no matter what. The end goal is to own and control all the world’s assets, which includes people.

The WEF slogan “You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy” really summarizes The Great Reset plan for mankind. They will own everything; you will own nothing, not even your own body, and you’ll be too drugged up and lost in a make-believe computer game world to realize you’re a slave. If they can somehow make a profit from your useless existence, they’ll let you live. If they can’t, you’ll be eliminated. That’s really what the plan comes down to.

The plan for global authoritarianism is advancing with each passing day, but all is not lost yet. By informing ourselves and sharing what we know with others, we can reach the critical mass needed to end their plan and take back control.

It’s going to require standing together, unified in favor of freedom and liberty. It’s going to require legal and legislative efforts to weed out the corruption and infiltration that has occurred throughout the corporate world and our governments. It’s going to require honest men and women to step into positions of power that they never wanted. It may take a lot of time and effort, but if we want our descendants to experience freedom, no price can be too great to pay.

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The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

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COVID Persists – What About the Vaccine?- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF covid-persists-pdf

COVID persists, but the COVID vaccine narrative has taken on so much water, the powers that be have stopped bailing, and are going to let these vaccines slowly sink. But what do they have in store for us next?

There has been so much bad news about the vaccines in the last few months, it even leaked into the mainstream media. I think the cabal’s plan, at least in the US but probably everywhere, is to stop propping the ludicrous vaccine claims up and allow them to die a natural death. I explain why below.

Reality Check

There was just too much bad news, too few getting boosted, too much resistance from parents. Getting 8 or 10 doses into everyone was not going to happen. The terrified obedient masses were becoming fewer and fewer.

For example, here is one story that got lots of traction: ABC News covered the fact that “At least 72 COVID cases in the fully vaccinated resulted from the Gridiron dinner.” Not only did Nancy Pelosi test positive, but several members of Biden’s Cabinet and many other Beltway glitterati did too. All of whom had to have been vaccinated in order to attend.

There was plenty of happy talk that the afflicted politicians in DC had only mild COVID cases. Good for them. But, if vaccinations caused them to become asymptomatic spreaders instead of spreaders with symptoms, who would know to stay home while sick, the vaccines could actually be doing more harm than good in terms of transmission. They could be causing more COVID cases, not less.

By now, it has to be apparent to everyone who walks by a newsstand or turns on the TV that the media are begging much too hard for more shots.

It must be obvious to all that the shots do not prevent spread and therefore there is no logical way you can mandate them. Because if my shot does not protect you (and only with lots of fairy dust will it protect me) why would you have any interest in whether or not I am vaccinated?

Once you stop caring about my vaccination status, the cabal’s nexus of control starts to fall apart. That was their ace in the hole. Time for them to move on to something else.

A Crime Has Been Committed

The kicker for childhood vaccines: the New York state Department of Health study of vaccine efficacy in children. After 2 months, efficacy in the 5-11 year olds had fallen to 12%. In other words, 7 out of 8 vaccinated kids derived no benefit after 2 months, only risk.

The data were derived from 365,000 children, and apparently there was no way CDC could spin them, or 12% was the best spin they could put on the data. This report is a huge obstacle to universal child vaccinations. They cabal cannot surmount it.

It is important to mention again — because we keep forgetting — that while the vaccines are nominally licensed for adults, in fact you can only find the EUA (unlicensed) product in the US, and legally an EUA is experimental — and therefore forcing someone to be vaccinated is a Nuremberg violation and a violation of federal law.

The imposition of mandates for these experimental gene therapy products is therefore a crime, being committed by states, federal government and certain companies and other institutions. It seems that because US law was not designed for situations in which the government is the criminal, it has been very difficult to use the judicial system to change what is happening.

But surely if this persisted much longer an honest judge somewhere would finally rule that the vaccines are experimental and the COVID mandate house of cards would then collapse. Like Humpty Dumpty (it is Easter today after all):

“All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put COVID mandates together again.”

Deaths Are Piling Up

What else has been happening that undermines the vaccine story? Well, in addition to all the collapsing athletes, there is now a large collection of mayors suddenly dropping dead throughout Germany.

In Australia, Queensland’s health minister just admitted that ambulances are being summoned for a lot more calls for cardiac events and sudden deaths: 40% more to be exact. Thanks to Igor Chudov for following this story, and including a video of the clueless minister admitting it, but having no idea why …

Then there were the 3 insurance companies, one each from the US, India and Germany, that admitted there were about 40% more deaths than expected in working-age people in the second half of 2021. The German official who blew the whistle, a CEO or VP, was immediately fired, which is a strong indication he was telling the truth.

Three doctor whistleblowers released a large cache of data from the military’s DMED database showing huge increases in service-member deaths. There has been a lot of confusion about these data. In part, that is because the military then reissued its data for the preceding several years, making the 2021 comparison look less dire. Mathew Crawford has some ideas about what really happened to the data.

The only thing that is absolutely clear so far is that there has been a coverup, and the health of vaccinated members of the military appears to have taken a dive. But we don’t know how deep.

Myocarditis — Conspiracy Theory No More

Everyone in the world must have heard the term ‘myocarditis’ by now, and knows that it is a vaccine injury. A lot of people also know that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said post-vaccination myocarditis was extremely “rare but mild,” except it isn’t and she lied. The rate of myocarditis she cited is at least 10 times too low. About 1 in 2000 young men aged 18-24 sought care for this diagnosis after getting their second mRNA shot.

In fact, CDC was so intensely worried about blowback regarding its recommendation to vaccinate teens (despite the risk of myocarditis) it got the heads of about 20 professional medical organizations to sign on to a declaration supporting CDC’s recommendation. Wonder how much CDC paid for that. Getting such back-up was an unusual move, but perhaps unsurprising for risk-averse bureaucrats who worry about their own butt but not anyone else’s.

Rochelle even mentions these “cosigners” from many medical organizations in her ABC-TV interview. Collecting a bunch of “co-signers” is actually the proof that CDC knew its vaccine recommendation was going to considerably harm children.

While no one in a federal health agency has admitted it, many people must be aware that myocarditis is only the tip of the COVID vaccine injury iceberg. Myocarditis got attention because it’s life-threatening and almost always happens within 4 days of the second shot — it can’t be written off as coincidence, the way heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary emboli, sudden deaths and perhaps many other diagnoses have been.

As if there wasn’t enough bad vaccine news, there was information from the Medicare database that FDA posted last July, but it only recently got attention. FDA revealed that heart attacks, pulmonary emboli, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC, a life-threatening, bleeding plus clotting disorder) and ITP (another bleeding disorder) were related to the Pfizer vaccination in Medicare beneficiaries.

FDA promised to study this rigorously, but instead remained silent, and subsequently has never denied the relationship.

Ivermectin Success Stories Abound

And then there is ivermectin. So many ivermectin stories have been leaking into the popular press. Tennessee’s legislature made ivermectin essentially an over-the-counter drug last week. New Hampshire’s house voted in favor of this as well, while the NH Senate is now taking it up. Several states gave healthcare providers an immunity guarantee for the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID.

Kansas’ Senate voted to strengthen religious exemptions and give safe harbor to those prescribing ivermectin, effectively undermining school vaccine mandates if it is enacted. Kansas also refused to enforce any adult vaccine mandates.

Coupled with stories about lawsuits against hospitals for refusing to supply ivermectin to dying relatives, like this one, people are finally realizing there is probably something to this drug, and they have been cheated. They were given a shot that barely works, is unsafe, and they were stopped from getting the good drug. And what if they lost their business to the lockdowns?

There must be a lot of anger simmering by now. I imagine the Great Reset cabal must be worried about this, and has decided to loosen its grip for the moment and hopefully let off some citizen steam.

The Tide Is Turning

There is more surprising vaccine news. While many institutions are still imposing mandates (and we need to find out what $ carrots were given to universities and other entities to impose illegal mandates of experimental vaccines) in other, surprising places the mandates are disappearing. Out west in Woke Land, the Washington state Department of Health said it would not require COVID vaccines to attend school after all.

Despite Gavin Newsom’s 2021 executive order mandating vaccines for school kids as soon as they are licensed, California’s Department of Health has just done the same thing that Washington’s did: killed the COVID vaccine mandate for the 2022-23 school year.

Finally, Fauci himself and various media now openly admit the vaccines will not take us to herd immunity (no matter how many shots we get).

This is why I am convinced the ship is turning and the current vaccine programs will be scuttled. Those states’ health departments take their orders from CDC and DC. I do not think FDA is going to be issuing any more fake licenses for COVID vaccines.

[I say fake because a) the vaccines do not meet licensure criteria, and b) after issuing the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines licenses for adults, neither licensed product has been distributed in the US for actual use]. The Advisory Committee meeting to deliberate on vaccines for kids aged 6 months up to 5 years was delayed from February to April, and now from April till June. It seems like our unvaxxed kids will be spared. Hallelujah!

Invalid Surrogates Used for the EUAs

During the April 6, 2022 Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting, which I live-blogged and summarized, both briefers and committee members acknowledged that the neutralizing antibody titers that have been used as a surrogate for immunity in order to issue EUAs, were in fact not valid surrogates.

This had been obvious for awhile, but a recent Israeli study in healthcare workers made it crystal clear. While neutralizing antibody titers rose tenfold after a fourth vaccination, by 2 months out the Pfizer vaccine had only 30% efficacy against infection, and the Moderna vaccine had only 11%. So the high antibody titers were, in fact, meaningless.

This is really important, because Pfizer and Moderna have been relying on titers to get their vaccines okayed for the younger age groups, those below 16 and 18 respectively. They don’t have data showing the vaccines are actually reducing cases by 50% or more, which is the standard FDA said was necessary. They don’t have data showing that the vaccines prevent serious cases or deaths, another standard.

Up until now, FDA accepted titers in lieu of actual efficacy results from clinical trials to issue its EUAs for children — but with the recent VRBPAC admissions, which must have been planned in advance (otherwise why did multiple people at the meeting discuss it as settled fact when they had never mentioned it before?) FDA can no longer do so.

Another thing that happened at the VRBPAC meeting was that Peter Marks, the head of FDA’s Center for Biologics and highest FDA official there, said that if a new type of COVID vaccine is developed for the next booster, then the current vaccines would no longer be used, because it would be too confusing (according to STAT). Too confusing?! I believe this was another effort to prepare us for the demise of the current mRNA vaccines.

The fall of the vaccines means the fall of the vaccine passports. This ought to slow down the imposition of CBDCs and all-digital money for a bit. If we don’t have to show our vaccine certificate to go shop, eat, etc., (and people stop being fearful of catching something from each Other) people will be a lot less inclined to “show their papers” to go about their lives. It’s our job to explain over and over that this was how the Nazis maintained control.

Here I Read the Tea Leaves

If there is a new vaccine waiting in the wings, FDA and its briefers were not telling us about it at the VRBPAC meeting, which was the time to do so. For right now, I think the current crop of vaccines and the vaccine passports are going away. I don’t think the authorities anticipate another severe COVID wave in the foreseeable future … as most people now have Omicron immunity. The COVID fear will dissipate.

The original Wuhan strain appeared out of nowhere. No natural progenitor could be found. And the original Omicron strain appears to have also originated in a lab. If I was a member of the Great Reset cabal, I would be quite hesitant about releasing yet a third lab-engineered virus on the population. Because millions of people will be looking for one, and it won’t take long before its laboratory provenance is discovered. Then the pitchforks might really come out.

On the other hand, I do believe the cabal has bet the farm on their Reset, they can’t go back, and they are simply moving on to another means of accomplishing it besides COVID. The over-the-top WHO Treaty/Constitution and its amendments designed to assume sovereignty over the world in the event of a pandemic is an ambitious Plan B.

But I don’t think it will fly. Too many people know the WHO was wrong about virtually everything regarding management of this pandemic, not to mention the 2009 swine flu. And then there was that little matter of WHO undertaking the SOLIDARITY Trial, in which WHO officials deliberately poisoned over 1,000 COVID patients with excessive doses of hydroxychloroquine and in many cases failed to obtain signed informed consents. The WHO could be liable for manslaughter.

Will Russia and China really agree to give up their sovereignty to Tedros? China, maybe. Brazil? India? Indonesia? Japan? Nigeria? Can all of their leaders, and their local power centers, have been sufficiently corrupted to turn over their nations to the cabal? I think that could be a stretch.

I suspect the cabal will try their best to get a legal OK to take over the world with the upcoming WHO pandemic treaty, but it won’t fly. Too many people already know about these plans.

What’s Plan C?

After the WHO, the cabal will move on to something else, Plan C. Climate catastrophe? Yet more wars? Aliens? I’m guessing it will be a few years before we get hit with another nasty bug. By then maybe the fiat currencies will have finally crashed, and the cabal won’t have as tight control of the reins. By then, Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Macron, Johnson, Trudeau, Draghi will hopefully be unpleasant memories.

I am not thinking we will all sing kumbaya. I expect a good deal of misery as the cabal pushes all the levers at its disposal.

The Shanghai city and port closure (China’s largest city and the world’s largest port) seems to me a deliberate attempt to interfere with worldwide transit of goods and to reduce food availability. The Chinese know how to treat COVID. They make the drugs and herbs. There is no need for them to lock down.

Don’t miss all the food warehouses that caught fire recently, or the refusal of the Union Pacific railroad to carry 20% of the fertilizer the US’s biggest fertilizer producer expected to ship.

We are finally understanding that the awful government policies were deliberate — intended to cement control over and impoverish us. But maybe we can start to build something a whole lot better.

We are shaking loose of the educational indoctrination system, the ruination of our foods, the user-unfriendly and health-damaging healthcare system. We are starting to grasp that our governments acted with malice aforethought to stupefy and eventually enslave us.

People are breaking free and taking responsibility for their future. Where I live, people are learning self-sufficiency skills, creating home-schooling coops, building greenhouses and growing food. The migration to the countryside was deliberate.

A better life? It just takes everybody waking up. Despite all the acrimony we have faced, the time is ripe to help our fellows see things clearly. We have to love them, help them, meet them where they are. Maybe it is just to talk about the Gridiron dinner. Or ivermectin. They won’t get it in a day. But keep trying. It is our only solution.


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Mindless Mask Mandates Are Over – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF mask-mandates-eliminated-pdf


  • April 18, 2022, U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle voided the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s national mask mandate on airplanes and public transit. The lawsuit was brought by the Health Freedom Defense Fund
  • The mandate was unlawful because the CDC did not have the statutory authority to issue such a rule. The implementation of it also violated administrative law
  • As a result of the court ruling, American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Delta, Frontier, Hawaiian Airlines, Southwest, Spirit, Jet Blue and United Airlines have announced they will no longer enforce mask wearing on their flights. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) also will not require masks to be worn at airports
  • Uber has also issued a statement saying masks will no longer be required to be worn by either drivers or passengers, as has Amtrak
  • For all of modern medicine, it’s been known that surgical masks do not block viruses. Yet for some reason, long-standing knowledge and scientific evidence was completely ignored and science “rewritten” in the sense that authorities simply declared that masks would work

After more than two years of unscientific insanity, U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle has finally voided1,2 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s national mask mandate3 on airplanes and public transit. The lawsuit was brought by the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), which noted that “There are legal guardrails in place to protect our basic liberties and rights — even during a pandemic.”4 And, indeed, this was the message of the court as well.

The CDC had initially issued a “strong recommendation” to wear masks on planes and public transportation in October 2020,5 and then turned it into an “order” at the end of January 2021.6 As noted by Leslie Manookian with the HFDF:

“When flight attendants announced — repeatedly on each flight — that compliance is required ‘by federal law,’ did you ever wonder: what federal law? I did. And it led us at the Health Freedom Defense Fund to file suit against the mandate in federal court. With assistance from our lawyers at the Davillier Law Group, we learned there is no “federal law” compelling masks for travel.

The CDC does not have the statutory authority to issue a sweeping mandate requiring masking. Nor does the agency have the authority to penalize Americans for non-compliance.

The Biden administration claimed its mask mandate was rooted in authority granted under the Public Health Service Act. However, a careful reading of that law shows Congress never intended to grant such sweeping powers. In fact, the law is limited and specific …”

The CDC had extended its mask requirement as recently as April 13, 2022,7 despite pressure from airlines, the hospitality industry and Republican lawmakers to end it. The mandate was scheduled to expire May 3, 2022, but was lifted, “effective immediately,” April 18, 2022, following the court’s verdict.8 As reported by NBC Chicago:9

“The 59-page ruling10 from the Florida judge said the CDC failed to justify its decision and did not follow proper rulemaking procedures that left it fatally flawed.”

CDC Acted Unlawfully

In short, the mandate was unlawful because the CDC did not have the statutory authority to issue such a rule. The implementation of it also violated administrative law.

The fact that the CDC and White House have been doing what they know they cannot legally do says a lot about the state of our nation. Lawlessness reigns at the highest levels. As reported by CNN:11

“The first part of the judge’s 59-page ruling12 turned on the meaning of the word ‘sanitation,’ as it functions in the 1944 statute that gives the federal government the authority — in its efforts to combat communicable diseases — to issue regulations concerning ‘sanitation.’

Mizelle concluded that that the use of the word in the statute was limited to ‘measures that clean something.’ ‘Wearing a mask cleans nothing,’ she wrote. ‘At most, it traps virus droplets. But it neither ‘sanitizes’ the person wearing the mask nor ‘sanitizes’ the conveyance.’

She wrote that the mandate fell outside of the law because ‘the CDC required mask wearing as a measure to keep something clean — explaining that it limits the spread of COVID-19 through prevention, but never contending that it actively destroys or removes it.’

Mizelle suggested that the government’s implementation of the mandate — in which non-complying travelers are ‘forcibly removed from their airplane seats, denied board at the bus steps, and turned away at the train station doors; — was akin to ‘detention and quarantine,’ which are not contemplated in the section of the law in question …

‘As a result, the Mask Mandate is best understood not as sanitation, but as an exercise of the CDC’s power to conditionally release individuals to travel despite concerns that they may spread a communicable disease (and to detain or partially quarantine those who refuse),’ she wrote. ‘But the power to conditionally release and detain is ordinarily limited to individuals entering the United States from a foreign country.’

She added that the mandate also did not fit with a section of the law that would allow for detention of a traveler if he was, upon examination, found to infected.

‘The Mask Mandate complies with neither of these subsections,’ the judge said. ‘It applies to all travelers regardless of their origins or destinations and makes no attempt to sort based on their health.’

Mizelle added that, additionally, the administration violated the Administrative Procedure Act, which dictates the procedures the federal government must follow when implementing certain agency policies.

The Biden administration erred in failing to seek public notice and comment on the policy … She also ruled that the mandate violates that APA’s prohibitions on ‘arbitrary’ and ‘capricious’ agency actions because the CDC had failed to adequately explain its reasoning for implementing the policy …

Other lawsuits that have been filed targeting the mandate … have failed … Unlike … other cases where judges were weighing emergency or preliminary orders, Mizelle was considering the legality of the mandate on the merits.”

At CDC’s Request, White House Justice Department Is Appealing

Immediately following Mizelle’s ruling, the Justice Department stated13 it would appeal if the CDC determines that the mask order “remains necessary for the public’s health.” In response, the lead plaintiff, Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), issued the following statement:14

“DoJ’s statement is perplexing to say the least and sounds like it comes from health policy advocates not government lawyers. The ruling by the US District Court ruling is a matter of law, not CDC preference or an assessment of ‘current health conditions.’

If there is in fact a public health emergency with clear and irrefutable science supporting CDC’s mask mandate, does it not warrant urgent action? Why would DoJ and CDC not immediately appeal?

HFDF is left with no option but to conclude that the Mask Mandate is really a political matter and not at all about urgent public health issues or the demands of sound science. While DoJ and CDC play politics with Americans’ health and freedoms, HFDF trusts individual Americans to make their own health decisions.”

Unfortunately, the CDC doesn’t see it that way, as the DOJ announced late Wednesday, April 20, 2022, that the CDC had asked them to appeal, and that it had been filed in a Tampa, Florida, federal court.15 At the same time, the CDC issued a statement saying they’d done it to “protect their public health authority beyond the ongoing assessment”:16

“It is CDC’s continuing assessment that at this time an order requiring masking in the indoor transportation corridor remains necessary for the public health … CDC believes this is a lawful order, well within CDC’s legal authority to protect public health.”

You can support the Health Freedom Defense Fund and push back against the DoJ and CDC by taking to social media. Please follow and/or like the HFDF on the following platforms, share their content, and invite your followers to do the same:

You can also give the HFDF a shout-out by posting something similar to this supporter!

Transportation No Longer Requiring Masks

In the meantime, as a result of the court ruling, American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Delta, Frontier, Hawaiian Airlines, Southwest, Spirit, Jet Blue and United Airlines have announced they will no longer enforce mask wearing on their flights.17 The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) also will not require masks to be worn at airports.

However, some Chicago public transportation agencies will keep the mask mandate in effect until the end of April 2022, per an Illinois executive order. Uber has also issued a statement saying masks will no longer be required to be worn by either drivers or passengers,18 as has Amtrak and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.19

Science Was Ignored From the Start

For all of modern medicine, it’s been known that surgical masks do not block viruses. That’s not why they’re used. They’re used during surgery and other medical procedures to prevent the transfer of bacteria-laden saliva to vulnerable patients and open wounds.

Yet for some reason, long-standing knowledge was completely ignored and science “rewritten” in the sense that authorities simply declared that masks would work and that was it. Scientific studies confirming masks don’t work were roundly ignored. Among them:

  • A 2009 study published in JAMA, which compared the effectiveness of surgical masks and N95 respirators to prevent seasonal influenza in a hospital setting; 24% of the nurses in the surgical mask group still got the flu, as did 23% of those who wore N95 respirators.20
  • A policy review paper published in Emerging Infectious Diseases in May 2020, which concluded, based on 10 randomized controlled trials, that there was “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks …”21
  • A 2020 guidance memo by the World Health Organization, which pointed out that “there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID-19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.”22
  • A large COVID-19-specific randomized controlled surgical mask trial, published November 18, 2020, which showed that a) masks may reduce your risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection by as much as 46%, or it may actually increase your risk by 23%, and b) the vast majority — 97.9% of those who didn’t wear masks, and 98.2% of those who did — remained infection free.23,24
  • A Finnish COVID-19 specific trial published April 7, 2022, which concluded that face mask use had no impact on COVID-19 incidence among 10- to 12-year-olds.25

Comparisons of infection rates (positive test rates) before and after the implementation of universal mask mandates also showed masks mandates had no beneficial effect whatsoever.26 In one investigation,27 states with mask mandates were found to have an average of 27 positive SARS-CoV-2 “cases” per 100,000 people, whereas states with no mask mandates had just 17 cases per 100,000.

Common Sense Finally Breaks Through

Coincidentally, The Washington Post published an article February 11, 2022,28 noting that mask mandates have had no discernible benefit. The reason is simple: Respiratory viruses are airborne and so tiny they flow through most barriers. If you can breathe, the virus will slip through. Yet the WHO has obfuscated and confused the public about this since the beginning.

In late March 2020, the WHO tweeted, “FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne.”29 The statement included a “fact check” box, authoritatively stating that information circulating on social media that COVID-19 is airborne is “incorrect” and “misinformation.” It finally admitted in early May 2021 that SARS-CoV-2 was airborne.30 The Washington Post wrote:31

“It is intuitive that a barrier ought to prevent germs from being emitted into the air. But if that’s true, why isn’t there more evidence for the benefits of masking two years into the pandemic?

Experts associated with The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota have laid out a more complex analysis: Given the current understanding that the virus is transmitted in fine aerosol particles, it’s likely an infectious dose could easily get through and around loose-fitting cloth or surgical masks …

[States] with mask mandates haven’t fared significantly better than the 35 states that didn’t impose them during the omicron wave … There’s little evidence that mask mandates are the primary reason the pandemic waves eventually fall — though much of the outrage over lifting mandates is based on that assumption.”

CDC Relied on Anecdotal Data to Promote Mask Use

The CDC, in addition to usurping authority it did not have, has also violated public trust by relying on the very lowest forms of scientific evidence. All they offer as the primary piece of “evidence” to back up its mask recommendation is a wholly anecdotal story about two symptomatic hair stylists who interacted with 139 clients during eight days.32

Sixty-seven of the clients agreed to be interviewed and tested. None tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. The fact that the stylists and all clients “universally wore masks in the salon” was therefore taken as evidence that the masks prevented the spread of infection.

They even ignored their own data,33,34,35 which showed 70.6% of COVID-19 patients reported “always” wearing a cloth mask or face covering in the 14 days preceding their illness, and 14.4% reported having worn a mask “often.” So, a total of 85% of people who came down with COVID-19 had “often” or “always” worn a mask.

Trust Has Been Violated and Broken by Many Authorities

Many other health authorities have also violated and broken our trust, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which parents rely on for truthful information to protect the health and well-being of their children. In August 2021, the AAP endorsed the CDC’s recommendation for universal masking,36 while simultaneously removing years of information from their website that explained the importance of facial cues to early brain and child development.

In a series of tweets, posted in August 2021, they even claimed there was no evidence to support the concern that masking might harm children’s language development,37 or that masks might compromise breathing.38

Shortly after the AAP took down their facial cue documents and posted their new masking recommendations for children, a retired chief of police questioned the AAP’s motives — and in a telling opinion piece for Law Enforcement Today,39 he revealed that Pfizer is one of the AAP’s largest funders.

During 2020 and 2021, many infants and young children were raised in an environment where they are unable to read facial cues. In the short video above, you’ll see what happens during the “still face” experiment when the infant does not get a response from the mother.

Research40,41 produced after 2020 has demonstrated that both children and adults struggle to recognize emotion in people who are masked. How this will affect overall child development and whether the children can “catch up” now that mask mandates have been lifted in most areas is yet to be determined.

However, we do have some clues. A retrospective study42 published online in late 2020 and updated periodically through early 2021, used data from Germany’s first registry showing the experience children are having wearing masks. Parents, doctors and others were allowed to enter their observations.

The experience of 25,930 children was telling. The average time children were wearing a mask was 270 minutes each day, and there were 24 health issues reported that were associated with mask wearing that fell into the categories of physical, psychological and behavioral issues.

For example, reported effects included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%), drowsiness or fatigue (37%), shortness of breath (29.7%), dizziness (26.4%), unwilling to move or play (17.9%). Hundreds also experienced “accelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness and short-term impairment of consciousness.”

Doctors and Academics Hunted Down for ‘Misinformation’

Medical boards across the country have also shown their true stripes, hunting down doctors who disagreed with the unscientific masking of children. Dr. Jeremy Henrichs, for example, a member of the Mahomet-Seymour school board and a physician for the University of Illinois Athletic Department, was targeted by state investigators who opened an official investigation into his practice due to his opposition to mandatory masks in classrooms.43

August 11, 2021, Henrichs received an email from a medical investigator asking for a “detailed statement on your opinion about masks, and whether you support and will enforce a mask mandate based on your elected position as a school board member.”44 “This would fall under the unprofessional-conduct part of the Medical Practice Act,” the email added.45

An attorney for Henrichs responded, questioning whether the investigation had legal standing and suggesting it was an attempt to “coerce or intimidate a public official in the performance of his public duties.”

State law prohibits the intimidation of public officials going about their official duties, and in a statement, Henrichs called the overreach a direct threat:46

“I have considered authoritative medical evidence that questions the necessity of mandatory masking in our schools. As a result, the IDPFR has threatened my medical licensure unless I expressly support and enforce a mask mandate for all students. The IDPFR has commanded me to ‘toe the line’ or suffer personal and professional consequences.

The IDPFR’s actions constitute a direct threat from the state to the well-being of my family and all board members to freely and independently exercise the duties of elected office.”

After public backlash, the agency issued a letter of apology to Henrichs and backpedaled on their inquiry.47 But this was far from an isolated case. Other regulatory bodies have issued similar threats and warnings attempting to silence physicians, including the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario.

In April 2021, it issued a statement prohibiting physicians from making comments or providing advice that goes against the official narrative.

Physicians aren’t the only ones who have been hunted down for their views. Many academics have also faced the same fate. Professor Mark Crispin Miller, who taught classes on mass persuasion and propaganda at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development for the last two decades, is but one example.

After challenging students to investigate current propaganda narratives surrounding mask mandates, Miller was placed under conduct review for spreading “dangerous misinformation.”

Will Common Sense Return?

Now that the court has struck down the CDC’s senseless mask mandate, we will hopefully see mask requirements lifted across the country, even as the CDC’s appeal works it way through the courts. It’s well overdue, seeing how masks never worked to prevent the spread of infection in the first place, and can have serious, possibly permanent, ramifications.

Time will tell if the damage inflicted on our children during these past two years can be undone — and if unelected agencies and officials can continue to get away with running the country in whatever reckless manner suits them.

Are COVID Vaccines Causing Liver Failure? – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF are-covid-vaccines-causing-liver-failure-pdf


  • As of April 8, 2022, 74 cases of severe hepatitis that health officials can’t explain have been reported in children up to 10 years old
  • In October 2021, a case report involving a 47-year-old, previously healthy, man demonstrated conclusive evidence that COVID-19 shots may trigger hepatitis
  • A Journal of Hepatology paper noted that seven additional cases of suspected immune-mediated hepatitis have been reported following COVID-19 shots
  • Researchers have uncovered innate immune suppression triggered by COVID-19 shots and other disturbances that could cause liver disease
  • Recently released Pfizer documents also show that, in the first week after the shot, people of all ages experienced a temporary weakening of the immune system; could this increased susceptibility to infection also be playing a role in hepatitis and other cases of liver disease?

A strange outbreak of severe hepatitis in young children has been reported in the U.S. and Europe, puzzling public health officials. The children were tested for common hepatitis viruses, but they were not to blame, leaving the cause unknown.

In a news release, Graham Cooke, a professor of infectious diseases at Imperial College London, suggested that if the hepatitis was caused by COVID-19, “it would be surprising not to see it more widely distributed across the country given the high prevalence of (COVID-19) at the moment.”1

Potential links to COVID-19 injections appear not to have been widely explored yet, even though the shots have been previously associated with the development of hepatitis.2 British health officials did state, however, that none of the affected children had received a COVID-19 shot.3

Young Children Developing Mysterious Liver Disease

In the U.S., nine children in Alabama have developed severe hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, that health officials can’t explain. All of the children were ages 6 years and younger and were previously healthy.4 Symptoms of the liver disease include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, along with jaundice in some. Liver enzymes were also elevated.

Five of the children tested positive for adenovirus type 41, which are respiratory viruses that can cause the common cold. Health officials have suggested that adenovirus type 41 could be to blame, but Dr. Wes Stubblefield, district medical officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health, admitted to NBC News, “This is unusual. This virus hasn’t, in the past, been associated with this constellation of signs, symptoms and injury.”5

Others have also discounted this theory, as adenoviruses are extremely common in children, meaning that it’s quite possible they could test positive for adenoviruses without them being the cause of the hepatitis.6 As of April 8, 2022, 74 cases of hepatitis had been reported in children up to 10 years old. Some of the children required hospitalization and six have undergone liver transplants, but no deaths were reported as of April 11, 2022.

With the increase in cases reported over the last month, the World Health Organization expects that more cases of the mysterious hepatitis illness will be uncovered in children. So far, laboratory testing has ruled out hepatitis type A, B, C, and E viruses, along with hepatitis D where applicable.

“Overall,” WHO reported, “the etiology of the current hepatitis cases is still considered unknown and remains under active investigation. Laboratory testing for additional infections, chemicals and toxins is underway for the identified cases.”7

COVID-19 Shots May Trigger Hepatitis

A case report involving a 47-year-old, previously healthy man demonstrates conclusive evidence that COVID-19 shots may trigger hepatitis. “Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine,” researchers wrote in the Journal of Hepatology in October 2021, “[is] no longer a coincidence but confirmed.”8

The man featured in the case report received his first Moderna COVID-19 shot on April 26, 2021. Three days later, he developed malaise and jaundice, a yellowing of the skin that can occur if your liver isn’t processing red blood cells efficiently; it’s a hallmark of hepatitis, and a symptom being experienced by some of the children noted above.

The man had his liver function tested four years earlier, with tests coming back normal, and had no history of acetaminophen usage, which can cause liver damage, and only minimal alcohol usage. Yet, three days after the shot, liver tests showed concerning results:9

“Investigations on the 30th April showed serum bilirubin 190 μmol/L (normal 0-20), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 1,048 U/L (normal 10-49), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 229 U/L (normal 30-130) …”

By the end of June, the man’s jaundice and liver function tests improved, but then he received a second dose of the Moderna shot on July 6, 2021. Within days, the jaundice returned and liver function tests declined. “The pattern of injury on histology was consistent with acute hepatitis, with features of autoimmune hepatitis or possible drug-induced liver injury (DILI), triggering an autoimmune-like hepatitis,” the researchers explained, adding:10

“This case illustrates immune-mediated hepatitis secondary to the Moderna vaccine, which on inadvertent re-exposure led to worsening liver injury with deranged synthetic function. This occurred in a well man with no other medical problems. The onset of jaundice associated with the mRNA vaccine was unusually rapid.”

Hepatitis Cases Reported Following Shots

The case report above isn’t an isolated one. The Journal of Hepatology paper noted that seven additional cases of suspected immune-mediated hepatitis have been reported following COVID-19 shots, including both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s.

They hope to raise awareness so that vaccination centers will routinely check for signs of immune-mediated hepatitis prior to administering second doses and state, “Long-term follow up of identified individuals will be essential in determining the prognosis of this immune-mediated liver injury.”11

In a separate letter to the editor, published in the Journal of Hepatology in June 2021, researchers again raised concerns that COVID-19 shots could cause hepatitis. In this case, a 56-year-old woman developed severe autoimmune hepatitis following her first dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 shot.12

Prior to this, in April 2021, researchers also described a case of autoimmune hepatitis that developed after a COVID-19 shot, this time in a 35-year-old woman who was three months postpartum. In autoimmune hepatitis, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the liver, causing inflammation and damage, and it’s possible the shot triggered the autoimmunity via spike-directed antibodies:13

“To our knowledge, this is the first reported episode of autoimmune hepatitis developing post-COVID-19 vaccination, raising concern regarding the possibility of vaccine-induced autoimmunity. As causality cannot be proven, it is possible that this association is just coincidental.

However, severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection are characterized by an autoinflammatory dysregulation that contributes to tissue damage. As the viral spike protein appears to be responsible for this, it is plausible that spike-directed antibodies induced by vaccination may also trigger autoimmune conditions in predisposed individuals.”

Is Immune Suppression to Blame?

Researchers from Ireland noted in November 2021, “It is speculated that SARS-CoV-2 can disturb self-tolerance and trigger autoimmune responses through cross-reactivity with host cells and that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines may trigger the same response.” They also reported the cause of autoimmune hepatitis that developed after a COVID-19 injection in a 71-year-old woman with no risk factors for autoimmune disease.

She noticed jaundice four days after the shot and had “markedly abnormal” liver function tests. The researchers raised the possibility that this is a case of vaccine-related drug-induced liver injury and, like the other teams that reported similar cases, noted:14

“These findings raise the question as to whether COVID-19 mRNA vaccination can, through activation of the innate immune system and subsequent non-specific activation of autoreactive lymphocytes, lead to the development of autoimmune diseases including AIH or trigger a drug-induced liver injury with features of AIH.

The trigger, if any, may become more apparent over time, especially following withdrawal of immunosuppression. As with other autoimmune diseases associated with vaccines the causality or casualty factor will prove difficult to tease apart … But it does beg the question of whether or not these individuals should receive the second dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.”

Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and colleagues have also highlighted the innate immune suppression triggered by COVID-19 shots.15

mRNA COVID-19 shots teach your cells to produce a protein, or piece of protein, that triggers an immune response, including the production of antibodies.16 However, because natural mRNA is easily broken down, this means the experimental gene therapy needs a special delivery system to make it to the body’s cells.

The shots use lipid nanoparticles that contain polyethylene glycol (PEG)17 for this purpose. The mRNA is wrapped in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) that carry it to your cells, and the LNPs are “PEGylated” — that is, chemically attached to PEG molecules to increase stability.18

Usually, if you were to inject RNA into your body, enzymes would immediately break it apart, but the COVID-19 shots are specifically designed so that doesn’t happen. As such, “mRNA vaccines promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,” Seneff and colleagues write in Food and Chemical Toxicology.19 The spike protein is not only neurotoxic but also impairs DNA repair mechanisms, while suppression of type I interferon responses result in impaired innate immunity, they explain.20

COVID Shot Disturbances Could Cause Liver Disease

Seneff’s research suggests genetic modifications introduced by COVID-19 shots may induce immune cells to release large quantities of exosomes into circulation. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that contain protein, DNA, RNA and other constituents, and may contain mRNA along with spike protein. According to Seneff and colleagues:21

“[W]e present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites.

We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis.”

In one example noted in their study, the shot appears to have caused a case of viral reactivation that led to liver failure. The case involved an 82-year-old woman who had hepatitis C (HCV) in 2007. Just days after she received a Pfizer COVID-19 shot, “a strong increase in HCV load occurred,” along with jaundice. She died from liver failure three weeks after the injection.22

They also report that the release of exosomes containing microRNAs following COVID-19 shots could interfere with IRF9 synthesis, leading to reduced synthesis of sulfatide in the liver. This cascade, they believe, could represent a “plausible factor” in the multiple case reports that have found liver damage following COVID-19 shots.23

When they reviewed data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), including symptoms that “clearly represent serious liver problems,” they identified 731 events following COVID-19 shots — representing more than 97% of cases out of all vaccines in 2021.24

Pfizer documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in April 2022 must also be taken into account. Buried in one of the documents is the statement, “Clinical laboratory evaluation showed a transient decrease in lymphocytes that was observed in all age and dose groups after Dose 1, which resolved within approximately one week …”25

What this means is Pfizer knew that, in the first week after the shot, people of all ages experienced transient immunosuppression, or put another way, a temporary weakening of the immune system, after the first dose. Could this increased susceptibility to infection also be playing a role in hepatitis and other cases of liver disease following the shots? An investigation is warranted to find out.

What Is COVID Injection Fatality Rate? – Dr. Mercola


  • Dr. Spiro Pantazatos is a researcher at Columbia University who recently co-authored a study on “vaccine-induced fatality rate”
  • His initial reaction to the COVID pandemic was 100% mainstream, and it was the data (and his scientific integrity) that compelled him to change his mind
  • Dr. Spiro Pantazatos believes that the risk associated with COVID injections is comparable to the risk associated with getting COVID in 2020, with the injection risks increasing with each dose
  • His message for the fellow scientists is to find their voice and stop being silent

Analysis by Tessa Lena

This story is about a very brave researcher at Columbia University who co-authored a paper on risks associated with COVID vaccination (“vaccine-induced fatality rate”), in October 2021.

The researcher’s name is Spiro Pantazatos, Ph.D. He is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (Psychiatry) at Columbia University. He is also Research Scientist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. The title of his paper (a preprint) is “COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk”:

“Accurate estimates of COVID vaccine-induced severe adverse event and death rates are critical for risk-benefit ratio analyses of vaccination and boosters against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in different age groups. However, existing surveillance studies are not designed to reliably estimate life-threatening event or vaccine-induced fatality rates (VFR).

Here, regional variation in vaccination rates was used to predict all-cause mortality and non-COVID deaths in subsequent time periods using two independent, publicly available datasets from the US and Europe (month-and week-level resolutions, respectively).”

Currently Dr. Pantazatos is trying to fund a home for this paper but all journals where he submitted it have declined so far.

Dr. Pantazatos was interviewed for the “Perspectives on the Pandemic” series, and in my opinion, the interview came out stunning (with a disclaimer that the topic is gruesome, so it’s a stunning interview about a horrible thing). Dr. Pantazatos’ presentation is so graceful and even-headed that it could be “the” video to send to your friends who have been calling you crazy all this time!

Dr. Pantazatos’ Initial COVID Position Was 100% “Mainstream”

Early in the pandemic, Dr. Pantazatos was very moved by the vivid images that the media was feeding us — and, as a result, he became terrified of the virus. His initial plan was to lockdown inside his house until the vaccines came out.

What Compelled Him to Get More Skeptical

But then he started looking at data presented by scientists like John Ioannidis, for example, and he quickly realized that the situation was different from the one painted by the media.

Then Dr. Pantazatos’ co-author on this paper, Herve Seligmann, came up with an analysis of European data showing a consistent trend where a vaccination campaign seemed to be accompanied by an increase in all-cause mortality during the month following the vaccination campaign.

Dr. Pantazatos didn’t like that conclusion very much as it implied the unthinkable, and so he decided to do his own analysis based on the U.S. data (vaccinations and all-cause mortality), published by the CDC. And when he did his analysis using the U.S. data, it showed the same trend. His analysis of the CDC data showed that following a vaccination campaign in a given locality, there was an increase in all-cause mortality during the following month, followed by a decrease.

In Dr. Pantazatos’ opinion, the risk associated with COVID injections is comparable to the risk associated with getting COVID — if the risk associated with COVID is assessed at the high, early-in-the-pandemic level. And given that the two risks are comparable, and the injection risks seem to increase with each subsequent does — and the pharma companies are pushing for boosters from here into the horizon — he believes that we really need to discuss the VFR.

Why Rejection From the Journals Then?

Interestingly, Dr. Pantazatos mentioned in the interview that even before 2020, he was well aware of the fact that the process of getting scientific works published in prestigious journals was tainted. He referred to the 2005 article in “PLOS Medicine” called, “Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies” that talked about how exactly the journals are incentivized by pharma companies.

Furthermore, scientists themselves have developed a habit of trading total integrity of research for the prestige and benefits of having their works published — and so even before 2020, it was not uncommon for researchers to “massage” the angle etc. in order to fit in. From myself, I would like to add the following quote from the Lancet:

“Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness,” wrote Richard Horton, the Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet in 2015.

Incidentally, I wrote an article about corruption in the medical establishment last year, in case you are curious.

The Importance of Speaking Out

Dr. Pantazatos is not shy at all about sharing his analysis, and he is also tremendously graceful and humble when presenting it. Personally, I am very impressed by Dr. Pantazatos’ scientific integrity and his ability to actually “follow the science” — as well as by the grace with which he presents this rather ugly topic.

He believes the issue is important, and speaking out is crucial. His message for other scientists is to find their voice and stop being silent.

Full transcript of the interview.

About the Author

To find more of Tessa Lena’s work, be sure to check out her bio, Tessa Fights Robots.

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The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

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Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You? – Dr. Mercola

Read Full PDF blackrock-gates-big-tech-ownership-pdf


  • The vast majority of the world’s assets are owned by just two investment firms — BlackRock and the Vanguard Group. Combined, they have ownership in nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms, and through their investment holdings they secretly wield monopoly control over all industries
  • By now you may be familiar with the World Economic Forum slogan, “By 2030, you will own nothing.” To that end, BlackRock and other investment firms are buying up every single-family home they can find, making cash offers of 20% to 50% above asking price
  • Buying a home has been part of the American dream since the founding of this country. It’s been a significant part of financial success, security and freedom. George Washington declared that “Private Property and freedom are inseparable.” Now, lower to middle class Americans are being intentionally positioned to become permanent renters, which means they cannot build equity
  • This is wealth redistribution from the low- and middle-class to the upper, and it’s in line with plans for societal reorganization described under banners such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • These agendas all work together toward the same goal, which is a global monopoly on ownership and wealth, with a clear separation of the haves and have nots; the owners and the owned; the rulers and the ruled; the elite and the serfs

The 45-minute video above, “Monopoly — Follow the Money,” provides a comprehensive overview of who really owns the world. As it turns out, the vast majority of the world’s assets are owned by just two investment firms — BlackRock and the Vanguard Group.

Combined, they have ownership in nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms,1 and through their investment holdings they secretly wield monopoly control over all industries. In short, the idea that there is competition in the marketplace is a clever illusion.

BlackRock Is Buying Up Homes

By now you may be familiar with the World Economic Forum slogan, “By 2030, you will own nothing.” To that end, BlackRock and other investment firms are currently buying up every single-family home they can find, making cash offers of 20% to 50% above-asking price.2

Depending on where you live, you may have noticed that homes are selling within hours of being listed, making house hunting nearly impossible. Home buyers in my home state of Florida are certainly experiencing this phenomenon.

Investment firms are also buying up entire neighborhoods. As just one example, a 124-home neighborhood in Conroe, Texas, was bought for $32 million — 20% above listing — by Fundrise LLC, a real estate crowdfunding company, which then turned around and made all the homes into single-family rentals (SFRs).3

According to investment experts, SFRs are “exceptionally attractive investment assets,” and this is one aspect driving the trend. Demographic changes such as millennials starting families and affordability constraints are also said to be driving factors.4 But that really does not fully explain what’s happening.

The War Against Private Property

Buying a home has been part of the American dream since the founding of this country. It’s been a significant part of financial success and security. Now, lower to middle class Americans are being intentionally positioned to become permanent renters, which means they cannot build equity. Their ability to purchase a home, even if they can afford it, is being stripped from them by companies that can outbid them with cash offers.

In a recent episode of “60 Minutes” (above), Lesley Stahl actually did a good job exposing why home prices are going through the roof. It’s not just that these investment companies can snap up homes with the click of a button, but they’re also artificially driving up prices of both homes and rents.

For example, rents in Jacksonville, Florida, rose an average of 31% in 2021, and Austin, Texas, saw rents jump by 40%. The reason appears to be twofold: We’re not building enough housing, and what is being built is being bought by corporate landlords at above-market prices.

Corporate real estate investors don’t even look at the homes they’re bidding on, and typically waive inspections. The home can be in any shape and sell within hours. As Stahl notes, “this puts first-time home buyers at a serious disadvantage,” as they have many hoops to jump through before they can secure a loan and close the deal.

Government estimates we’re currently 4 million homes short, and that shortage continues to grow. One real estate investment firm interviewed by Stahl states that they list, on average, 200 to 300 homes for rent each week, and receive 10,000 leasing inquiries weekly.

Not-So-Hidden Wealth Redistribution

As noted in a tweet by Cultural Husbandry:5

“This is wealth redistribution, and it ain’t rich people’s wealth that is getting redistributed. It’s normal American middle class, salt of the earth wealth heading into the hands of the world’s most powerful entities and individuals. The traditional financial vehicle [is] gone forever.

Home equity is the main financial element that middle class families use to build wealth, and BlackRock, a federal reserve funded financial institution is buying up all the houses to make sure that young families can’t build wealth … This is a fundamental reorganization of society.”

Indeed, and it’s right in line with plans for societal reorganization described under banners such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (see videos below).6,7

These agendas all work together toward the same goal, which is a global monopoly on ownership and wealth, with a clear separation of the haves and have nots; the owners and the owned; the rulers and the ruled; the elite and the serfs.

‘Sustainable Development’ Agenda Is a Plan to Enslave You

The war against private property goes back decades. In 1976, during the first United Nations’ Conference on Human Settlements, called Habitat 1,8 the U.N. stated, in Item 10:9

“Land … cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Public control of land use Is therefore indispensable.”

The idea, apparently, is that private investment firms like Vanguard and BlackRock can prevent social injustice by buying up all private property and renting it out. This way, no one (except their investors) can build wealth.

This is what “equity” is all about, and it has nothing to do with equality. “Social equity” is incredibly unfair, as it strips those with talent and drive of the ability to make something out of themselves.

Private Property and Freedom Are Inseparable

The UN’s Human Settlements agenda, Agenda 21 and the 2030 Sustainable Development agenda are in direct conflict with the U.S. Bill of Rights and the founding principles of this country. George Washington declared, “Private Property and freedom are inseparable.” Similarly, John Adams stated that “Property must be secure, or liberty cannot exist.”

In 1992 at the Earth Summit, under-secretary-general of the Convention on Climate Change and executive director of the UN Environment Program, Maurice Strong, stated that:10

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning, and suburban housing, are not sustainable.”

If meat consumption, frozen foods, fossil fuel use, home appliances, air conditioning and single-family homes are “unsustainable,” it stands to reason that the goal of any sustainable development scheme is to eliminate all of those things. This is easier done in some countries than in others. As explained by the Cook Country News Herald back in 2012:11

“Because Congress does not agree to all these United Nations schemes to steal our property and destroy our economy, they are passed by fiat, executive orders, proclamations, directives and generous grants given to local communities …”

In short, the technocratic elite are trying to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights through various means, such as the effort to make the United Nations and the World Health Organization into global centers of power, with member states being forced to comply with whatever agendas they set, thereby undermining national sovereignty.

As explained in the Agenda 21 video above, Agenda 21 doesn’t stop at restricting private home and land ownership. It also includes:

Seizure of private property Forbidding human access to land
Relocation of people from rural areas to cities Additional taxation
Water use restrictions Restricting the amount of waste you’re allowed to produce
Forced community involvement Manipulation of transportation patterns and increasing gas prices to restrict travel — all in the name of “saving the earth”

In short, the global elite want you to believe that the only way to save the planet is for you to be their slave. It’s a tragic ultimate outcome for sure. If they are successful, virtually all of your constitutional rights and freedoms will be eliminated.

Who Owns the Farmland and Dictates Food Policy?

Private home ownership isn’t the only thing threatened by the encroaching monopoly of elitists. Bill Gates is now one of the largest private owners of U.S. farmland,12 and he also wields unrivaled power over global food policy,13 as detailed in the AGRA Watch report,14 “The Man Behind the Curtain: The Gates Foundation’s Influence on the UN Food Systems Summit.”

While Gates is just one man, his clout is significantly leveraged and magnified by the fact that he funds such a large number of companies and organizations that they do his bidding on the sly. When you see long lists of groups, you automatically think there are many players in the game when, in fact, Gates is the singular thread running through most or all of them.

In its 2014 report,15 “Three Examples of Problems with Gates Foundation Grants,” AGRA Watch highlights why Gates’ massive investments in global food production have failed to solve any of the very real problems we face. First and foremost, many of the solutions that he backs are “Band-Aid solutions” that in fact worsen the root problems.

Examples include the funding of the development of genetically engineered (GE) foods designed to be higher in certain nutrients. The problem is that these crops then end up replacing local diversity with just a few GE varieties that don’t even take local conditions into account. So, by pushing for “fortified” crop varieties, malnutrition actually deepens, as biodiversity is reduced.

Secondly, “a stubborn focus on yield” is at odds with research showing that low yield or insufficient production is not causing world hunger. “There is ample evidence today that the problem instead is poverty and lack of access, which is deepened by destruction of local food systems and commercialization of food,” AGRA Watch notes, adding:

“Grants by the Gates’ Foundation and AGRA continue to focus on yield, priming Africa for a system suited to the needs of the profit-seeking, yield-oriented commercial farmer rather than the peasant or small farmer producing diverse crops for a local community.”

Additional observations can be found in the AGRA Watch article16 “Philanthrocapitalism: The Gates Foundation’s African Programs Are Not Charity,” published December 2017, in which philanthrocapitalism is described as “an attempt to use market processes to do good,” but which is inherently problematic “as markets are ill-suited to producing socially constructive ends.”

Put another way, Gates’ brand of philanthropy creates several new problems for each one it solves. Gates is also invested in the synthetic beef industry, and not surprisingly, he’s been calling on Western nations to transition to a 100% fake beef diet17 — all in the name of saving the environment. It’s the same argument pushed by Agenda 21 and the rest of the sustainable development schemes.

Media and Medicine Are Completely Controlled

Mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry are two other important areas that have been taken over by a monopoly-centered “deep state.” Both industries are overwhelmingly owned by BlackRock and Vanguard,18 so to think the mainstream media will report on the truth is foolhardy to say the least, especially as it pertains to health and medicine.19

Allopathic medicine, by the way, has been controlled by those in the grip of greed ever since John D. Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in 1901 and campaigned to eliminate naturopathic medicine, which was the norm, in order to replace it with petroleum-based patented drugs.

Anything that couldn’t be patented was abolished and known cures were dismissed as quackery. Rockefeller accomplished this the same way Gates and other technocrats do it today — through control of the media.

WHO Treaty Is COVID Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

The WHO’s pandemic treaty is perhaps the greatest threat we’ve faced so far, and will go a long way toward implementing The Great Reset. As I noted in a March 2022 article,20 the pandemic treaty is a direct threat to a nation’s sovereignty to make decisions for itself and its citizens, and will erode democracy everywhere, if enacted.

May 24, 2021, the European Council announced it supported the establishment of an international Pandemic Treaty, under which the WHO would have the power to replace the constitutions of individual nations with its own constitution under the banner of “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”21

March 3, 2022, the Council authorized the opening of negotiations for an international agreement. The infographic below, sourced from the European Council’s website,22 summarizes the process.

international treaty pandemics 2022

There’s simply no question that this treaty is part of the globalists’ plan to monopolize health systems worldwide,23 and a way for them to force mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports and digital identities on the uncooperative masses.

Any pandemic-related decision the WHO makes would supersede national and state laws. Eventually, all health-related decisions could come under the WHO’s jurisdiction, as the stated goals of the treaty include not only future pandemic response but also a stronger framework for health with the WHO as the coordinating authority on global health matters more generally.24

Director-general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has also gone on record stating that his “central priority” as director-general of the WHO is to push the world toward universal health coverage.25 As noted by Dr. Peter Breggin,26 referring to Ghebreyesus’ address to the WHO Executive Committee on January 24, 2022, in which he spelled out his global health plan, “The spirit of Communism can be felt throughout the document.”

WEF: ‘World Is Best Managed by Self-Selected Coalition’

The WEF’s 2010 “Global Redesign” report27 argues that the world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of “stakeholders” — multinational corporations, governments, international bodies such as the UN and the WHO, and select civil society organizations — that then make decisions on behalf of the global population.

If you look, you’ll find that all the globalist agendas, regardless of what they’re called, have this aim. They’re all working in lockstep to strip power from the people by making elected officials irrelevant. All the power is to be in the hands of a self-selected, self-nominated elite. If you believe they have any intention of doing what’s best for the people, it’s time to wake up, because you’re clearly dreaming.

For well over 100 years, they’ve done what’s best for them, even though their decisions poisoned our food supply, soils, air and water. Even though it destroyed our environment and resulted in unsafe medicines and toxic foods; even though it led to starvation, disease and death.

They’ve lied, cheated and used every underhanded, immoral and unethical trick in the book. They’ve coerced, bribed and manipulated at will. They’ve slowly but surely infiltrated every area of society with the intention of altering it to serve their own ends.

Technology, which is the foundation upon which technocracy rests, has allowed this self-selected group of megalomaniacs to thrive and build their power structure in the shadows. Only now are they starting to really show their true colors, their desire for absolute power and control.

As noted by New American contributor C. Mitchell Shaw,28 “If you are not paying for the product, then you are the product.” YOU and your personal data are the products of Google, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. These platforms are all selling your personal data for profit. That’s the business they’re in.

Your data are also fed to artificial intelligence, and algorithms are created to profile and manipulate you. Everything you say and do is being used against you. The end goal of these megalomaniacs is always the same: to make money off you, even if it harms or kills you, and to manipulate you into accepting their proposition to rule over you. This all ends when enough people wake up to what they’re doing, and refuse to go along with their program.

Experts: China will use EMP weapon as part of military’s “New Blitzkrieg” strategy – Natural News

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Libtards freak after Elon Musk buys Twitter, claim they will leave platform in droves – Natural News


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Douglas Murray: How the West’s ‘Destructive Games of Self-Immolation’ Derange Society and Empower Dictators

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Michael Enright’s journey to confront evil and fight for an oppressed people. Documentary

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Michael Enright’s journey to confront evil and fight for an oppressed people. Documentary

Fauci Above the Law: Dr. Death Sets Up Defense Against Being Prosecuted [VIDEOS]

Dr. Robert Malone: “Tony is finally revealing he has gone full out with the case that the public health system is above the law. That’s what he’s saying. And I wonder whether this is a foreshadowing of his defense in the event that… Ron Johnson finds himself head of the Subcommittee on investigation because Tony Fauci has to be held accountable, and he’s already kind of gaming the system by saying, ‘Hey, I’m above the law.’ That is quite literally what he is saying. He is saying not only is he above the law, so is the CDC and the entire HHS and public health infrastructure in the United States. This cannot be allowed to stand.”

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Army Flight Surgeon LTC Theresa Long BREAKS Silence on Vaxx Injuries, America 1st Takeover – Stew Peters

The Stew Peters Show

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Wednesday on the Stew Peters Show, timid Republicans are on trial. Stew exposes the cowards occupying seats of power, too scared to do their job for the American people.

In an exclusive interview, the legendary U.S. Army Flight Surgeon, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long shares harrowing details about the rates at which our military’s pilots are suffering from the bioweapon clot-shot forced on them by their politically compromised command.


Tucker Carlson: something dark is really going on. All about reported traffic deaths in 2020


Here’s what you need to know about chlorine dioxide (ClO2), the “universal antidote” MMS – Natural News

(Natural NewsThe Universal Antidote University has put together a Beginner Training Guidebook to teach the world about the miraculous power of chlorine dioxide (ClO2).

This free video training guide is replete with time-tested knowledge about how ClO2 really is a universal antidote for just about anything, including the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The interactive training guide contains clickable links to documents and other resources on the web that you can use to gain a greater understanding about how this simple, safe and easy-to-make solution supports a healthy and vibrant immune system.

Section 1 of the Beginner Training Series Guidebook contains videos that have been strategically placed on at least six different video platforms to ensure redundancy in case of censorship or deletion.

Section 2 contains links to suppliers for diluted premade solutions and concentrated raw ingredients so you can make your own ClO2 solutions at home.

Section 3 contains precise recipes for making your own 22.4 percent sodium chlorite solution and acid activator.

Section 4 contains links to groups, websites and social networks where others who use, make and are enthusiastic about ClO2 gather to discuss various things related to the solution and how it is being successfully used to support health.

Section 5 contains links to essential books from authors like Jim Humble, Andreas Kalcker and Mark Grenon who have written much about ClO2, including how it works and what it has done for people.

“This Beginner series video guide is designed to give you a rapid and thorough education to fully understand what the universal antidote is and how it can be used for human health,” writes the anonymous author of the series.


Doctors in other countries are successfully treating patients with ClO2; American doctors are prohibited from prescribing it

Last summer, Dr. Manuel Aparicio explained to The New American magazines’ Alex Newman that he has personally seen great success using ClO2 with his covid patients.

An orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Aparicio says he is legally allowed to administer ClO2 to his patients because he practices in Mexico, which has far more freedom and liberty than the United States when it comes to medicine.

ClO2 is also used in Bolivia as a covid treatment because, again, there is more freedom there to treat patients with things that are strictly prohibited here in the U.S. (unless they are sold as a dietary supplement, which is how Americans can access or make ClO2).

A study published last year in the journal Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics revealed in more detail how ClO2, also known as “miracle mineral solution” (MMS), blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding to receptors such as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2).

“Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful disinfectant that is known to inactivate both viruses and bacteria,” that study’s abstract explained.

Since the beginning of the plandemic, the corporate-controlled media has attacked ClO2 as “snake oil,” even though it helped many to stay healthy and alive rather than die from the Fauci Flu.

The author of TUA University’s Beginner Training Guidebook has provided an incredible gift to the public that you, your family and your friends can use to learn more about this amazing natural remedy.

Take some time to go through the document and see what you think. It is loaded with invaluable information that you will have a hard time finding anywhere else, and the best part is that it is completely free.

Be sure to also check out The Universal Antidote main website where you will find a documentary video that discusses the science and story behind ClO2.

More related news about ClO2 and other natural remedies can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Situation Update, April 21, 2022 – USA targeting of Moskva ship is Russia’s “Pearl Harbor” … RETALIATION is next

USA targeting of Moskva ship is Russia’s “Pearl Harbor”, retaliation is next

It has now been revealed that the US military ran the entire operation to sink the Moskva, including running the tracking of the ship via a P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft, which then handed off fire solutions to the Ukrainians who were all trained by the US military as well. Thus, the United States provided the weapons, the training, the tracking and the fire solution to sink the Moskva.

By sinking the Moskva, the US just handed Putin something akin to “Russia’s Pearl Harbor moment,” in which Putin can claim to his people that the USA initiated an attack on the Russian Navy, sinking one of their ships and killing hundreds of their people. This news has, of course, been paraded all across Russian media, driving domestic support for Putin even higher than before.

Just like with Pearl Harbor in the United States, the people of Russia are now demanding “payback” from the aggressors, whom they see as the United States. In effect, the USA just handed Putin the final piece of the puzzle that he needs to launch retaliatory nuclear strikes against the West.

To understand the sinking of the Moskva and Putin’s impending retaliation against the United States, you first have to realize that any national leader wanting to make bold military moves first needs the support of his own people. In 1941, Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen (the US government knew all about it and even provoked it) in order to create the emotional support for the US to enter the Pacific theater of war.


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How Vaccines Harm Child Brain Development – Dr Russell Blaylock MD

If you are a parent of a baby or young children, expecting a baby or if you are a health professional you need to watch this lecture filmed at a Radio Liberty Seminar in October 2008 in which Russell Blaylock MD discusses the effect of vaccines on the developing brain and his concerns about the increasingly crowded infant vaccination schedule.

Dr Blaylock also provides compelling arguments why the vaccination of pregnant women is harmful and a hidden cause of neurological disorders. He also discusses the toxic ingredients in vaccines such as formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum and MSG and the detrimental effects they have on the brain and nervous system. He also touches on other vaccine-related topics, such as the conflicts of interests influencing vaccination policy due to the influence the pharmaceutical industry exerts on the government and the pharmaceutical industry, the polio epidemics in Africa, mercury toxicity and other medical scandals.

CDC officials claim vaccines are safe and effective. Is that true? If vaccines are safe, why has the incidence of autism increased from one case of autism in 10,000 to one case of autism in every 50 American children in the past few years, in parallel with a huge increase in the number of vaccines the government is promoting as part of the childhood vaccination schedule?

If childhood vaccines are safe, why are well over half a million vaccinated American children afflicted with autism, while non-vaccinated Amish and Mennonite children rarely suffer from the disorder? Why has the incidence of asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, Type 1 diabetes and neurological conditions also dramatically increased in vaccinated children?

Furthermore, why do obstetricians give pregnant women influenza vaccines that contain a toxic dose of mercury and why are new babies injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine within hours of birth when there is no medical justification for it?

In this informative lecture, Dr Blaylock addresses these and many other vaccine-related issues. If you are concerned about your and your family’s health and want to make an informed decision on behalf of your child or children, this is a really important video for you to watch. You will never look at vaccination and the so-called health care system the same way again.

If you would like a high quality copy of this lecture you can purchase the DVD at:

If you live in the USA, to obtain a vaccine exemption ask the school office for an exemption form, fill it in and return it to be put on file. For further information for vaccine exemptions for birth or school click on this link and scroll down to your state:

Visit the ‘Vaccination Information Network’ (VINE) on Facebook:

VINE now also has a website:

To see how damaging vaccinations are, visit ‘My child’s vaccine reaction’ on Facebook:

If a child of yours has suffered a reaction, illness, injury, disorder or death, please post your story with a photo or photos on the “My child’s vaccine reaction” Facebook page if you like. Here is the link again:

Vaccine-related problems including autism can in many cases be alleviated or even reversed with homeopathic CEASE therapy.

Finally, have a look at the infectious disease mortality graphs which clearly show that vaccines did not contribute to the remarkable decline in the number of deaths caused by infectious diseases over the past century:

Click on this link for further information to help you decide:

To Vaccinate or not?

Nicholas Veniamin with David Mahoney on queen’s funeral operation london bridge and zelensky’s assets

TRUE AGENDA BEHIND THE CREATION OF COVID-19 gain of function coalesque to HIV; fauci’s email – A MUST-LISTEN




🇬🇧 All credit to “Nicholas Veniamin” – Original video:

Gene Decode Discusses Chinese ‘CDC’ Arrested with Nicholas Veniamin

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The REAL Reason Why Apple Cider Vinegar Helps with WEIGHT LOSS – Dr. Berg

Why does Apple Cider Vinegar help with weight loss? The answer may surprise you! Apple Cider Vinegar is a safe and healthy solution to the common excessive alkalinity a good portion of the population has. In turn, this will help with weight loss. Recommended videos: 9 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar ▶️ Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Water for Liver ▶️ Why Take Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed ▶️ What is the Best Apple Cider Vinegar ▶️ Timestamps: 0:00 Apple Cider Vinegar for losing weight 0:10 Apple Cider Vinegar myths: “it’s nutritious” 0:26 The REAL reason Apple Cider Vinegar works 4:10 What causes an alkaline state? 5:36 The effects of stress 7:07 Signs of low potassium 8:44 How Apple Cider Vinegar helps the immune system In this video, let’s talk about apple cider vinegar. What are the benefits, and what are the myths? First of all, there’s a myth out there that apple cider vinegar contains a lot of nutrients. This is not true. Apple cider vinegar contains very few vitamins and minerals. The real reason why apple cider is effective is that it contains acetic acid. This acid helps improve the acidity of your stomach. The different parts of our body have different pH levels. Acetic acid is very acidic. Using it can help fix various conditions like acid reflux in which the stomach becomes too much alkaline. High levels of cortisol might cause low stomach acidity. You might also show symptoms of calcium or potassium deficiency if you have low stomach acidity. You can use apple cider vinegar to fix this problem. Apple cider vinegar will help with the… ✅ Breakdown and transportation of vitamins and minerals ✅ Digestion of proteins, ✅ Function of the thyroid ✅ Function of the immune system Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Keto, Intermittent Fasting or the use of Dr. Berg products. Consultants are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 10 pm EST. Saturday & Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm EST. USA Only. Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio: Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media. DR. BERG’S SHOP: Follow us on FACEBOOK: Send a Message to his team: ABOUT DR. BERG: Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. #applecidervinegar #applecider #weightloss #acv #drericberg #drberg #keto #ketogenicdiet #intermittentfasting #health #nutrition Thanks for watching! I hope this video helped explain the real reason apple cider vinegar works for losing weight

Good voiding habits of the bladder and bowel are important to having healthy sexual function in men.

Good voiding habits of the bladder and bowel are important to having healthy sexual function in men. Watch Becca Ironside, PT as she explains how emptying on the toilet and male erections are related and tips to increase blood flow.


The REAL Reason to Drink Lemon Water Every Day

Find out the real reasons why lemon water is the best beverage to drink every day. Most people don’t know about #5! DATA:…… 0:00 Introduction: The real reason to drink lemon water every day 0:18 Benefit #1 – Reduces a fatty liver 1:07 Benefit #2 – Reduces high cholesterol 1:28 Benefit #3 – Helps with weight loss 2:26 Benefit #4 – Has anti-aging effects 3:00 Benefit #5 – Has anticancer effects 3:26 Benefit #6 – Reduces kidney stones 4:07 Benefit #7 – Contains vitamin C 5:08 Benefit #8 – Supplies phytonutrients 5:37 Key takeaways In this video, we’re going to talk about the real reason why you should be drinking lemon water every day. Aside from tasting great and refreshing the body, lemon water has some incredible health benefits—especially when paired with Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting. Take a look at these eight benefits of drinking lemon water every day: 1. Potentially helps reduce liver fat 2. Reduces high cholesterol 3. Helps with weight loss 4. Has anti-aging effects 5. Has anticancer effects 6. Reduces kidney stones 7. Contains vitamin C 8. Supplies phytonutrients As you can see, having lemon water every day can have some incredible benefits. For additional benefits, you can also add a couple of tables spoons of apple cider vinegar. Lemon water is great to have while you’re on a Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting plan. Follow Me On Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Anchor: TikTok: ADD YOUR SUCCESS STORY HERE:… FREE COURSE➜ ➜… Talk to a Product Advisor to find the best product for you! Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Dr. Berg’s products. Product Advisors are available Monday through Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm EST. * At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them. Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio: Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media. DR. BERG’S SHOP: Follow us on FACEBOOK: Send a Message to his team: ABOUT DR. BERG: Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle Thanks for watching. I hope this helped explain the reason why you should drink lemon water every day. I’ll see you in the next video.

SITUATION UPDATE Sex, Lies & Laptops


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War Room Pandemic Episode 1787 Part 1


Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 18, 2022

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Mon. 18 April 2022

Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

World’s Largest Sting Operation Imminent
Over 100 Countries Placed on High Alert.
Hunter Biden Laptop Evidence Showed Joe Biden Taking Kickbacks Since a Senator Biden Resignation Possible This Week And May Kickoff the Biggest Market Crash in History

General Flynn will lead The Storm of 17 nations’ Militaries for the world’s biggest Military Coup ever. Well over 140 militaries were already involved in making Mass Arrests of Global and Political Elites indicted – of which cases have been signed off at the Hague International Court of Justice.

The world will then function under US Military Law until new and transparent Free Elections can be held in various countries, plus those to be in charge have trained in concepts of the Original Constitution of 1776.

The 17 Nation Militaries included the US, Canada, Australia, Russia, Germany, Finland, Poland, France, Spain, Croatia, Romania, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, North Korea and Holland.

Judy Note: Martial Law, finalization of Global Currency Reset and Blackouts Imminent. Be Ready: Prepare computer backups. Archive everything. Have 2-3 weeks of food, fuel & cash on hand.

Greta – A puppet slip of the tongue. Did she really just say that?



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The oblivious masses are too FRAGILE to survive the CHAOS that’s coming – Health Ranger

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The Global Takeover Hinges on Pandemics and Transhumanism- Dr. Joseph Mercola

Read Full PDF global-takeover-pdf


  • Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt may have gained undue influence over U.S. science policy
  • Schmidt has paid salaries and provided other financial benefits for staff in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), creating clear conflicts of interest. The OSTP is responsible for setting strategic priorities for the U.S.’s $1.4 trillion annual health and science spending
  • Schmidt has been keenly focused on artificial intelligence in his post-Google work so, clearly, he has a bias when it comes to the U.S. government’s regulation of AI
  • Schmidt chairs the National Security Commission on AI — created by Congress in 2018 — which last year urged president Biden to “reject calls for a global ban on highly controversial AI-powered autonomous weapons”
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Great Reset hinge on the creation of pandemics (either real or imagined) to usher in transhumanism and a system of mental, emotional and physical control

Have you ever watched any of the “Terminator” movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger? If you have, you will be familiar with the evil villain “Skynet,” which is a fictional artificial, neural network-based, conscious group-mind and artificial general superintelligence system that decided to terminate all human life in the late 2020s.

It has become palpably obvious that the company that most closely resembles Skynet today is Google. You may recall that Google purchased the leading artificial intelligence company Deep Mind a little over eight years ago for the paltry sum of $500 million.

This was likely the most important purchase Google made to jumpstart them to Skynet status, with their already massive surveillance capacity corralling data collected from its search engine, which controls 93% of the searches in the world. Its Chrome browser and email client, Gmail, has around 50% use across the internet, and 85% of the world’s smartphones are using Android. All these give them nearly unlimited data on most of the world’s population.

This is why you absolutely need to pay close attention to most anything Google does, including the activity of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. According to a March 28, 2022, report1 by Politico reporter Alex Thompson, Schmidt has held undue sway over U.S. science policy.

“Under Biden’s former science chief, Eric Lander, Schmidt’s foundation helped cover officials’ salaries, even as the office’s general counsel raised ethical flags … given Schmidt’s financial interests in areas overlapping with OSTP’s [Office of Science and Technology Policy’s] responsibilities,” he writes.2

In addition to his overlapping financial interests, there are also other potential conflicts of interest. As noted by Thompson, Schmidt cofounded and is a current board member of Civis Analytics, a data science company that has worked on Democratic campaigns, including Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

Schmidt Leverages Influence to Further His AI Dreams

The OSTP is responsible for setting strategic priorities for the U.S.’s $1.4 trillion annual health and science spending. In recent years, a primary focus had been the creation of federal policy on artificial intelligence (AI), which is also one of Schmidt’s key areas of interest.

For example, he’s a board member of Rebellion Defense, an AI-focused defense contractor. As reported by Thompson:3

“Two officials from Rebellion Defense joined the agency review teams on Biden’s transition team. It was a win for the young company as no employees at major defense contractors landed on the agency review teams, The American Prospect reported.

Since Biden took office, Rebellion Defense has received 10 defense contracts, according to the watchdog Tech Inquiry. On September 15, Axios reported the young company had raised $150 million dollars at a $1 billion valuation.

Ties to Rebellion have already proved thorny for some members of the Biden administration. Mina Hsiang, administrator of the US Digital Services, sold her investment in Rebellion on September 30, weeks after being tapped for the role.

The investment was only worth between $15,000 to $50,000 in January 2021 when she initially joined the Biden administration. It was worth between $500,000 and $1 million when she sold it, according to her disclosure forms, prompting a complaint from an ethics watchdog.”

Schmidt is also invested in Abacus.AI and Sandbox AQ, both of which specialize in AI, and is funding an AI initiative called AI2050 to the tune of $125 million.4 Importantly, Schmidt also chairs the National Security Commission on AI — created by Congress in 2018 — which last year urged president Biden to “reject calls for a global ban on highly controversial AI-powered autonomous weapons,” according to CNBC.5

He also founded the Schmidt Program on Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies and National Power — a “signature initiative” under Yale’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and International Security Studies (ISS).6 So, clearly, Schmidt has a bias when it comes to the U.S. government’s regulation of AI. The more influence he has over such regulations, the better it is for him.

Schmidt Paid White House Science Staff Salaries

According to Thompson, Schmidt’s foundation, Schmidt Futures, indirectly paid the salaries of two staffers in the White House OSTP, including one of the most senior officials of that office, chief of staff Marc Aidinoff.

Schmidt also retained Tom Kalil on his own payroll while Kalil worked as an unpaid OSTP consultant for four months in 2021. And, on at least one occasion, Kalil helped secure funding from Schmidt Futures for OSTP personnel. Kalil resigned from the post after ethics complaints were filed.

Two other OSTP staffers were being paid through a Federation of American Scientists (FAS) fund that Schmidt Futures pays into, and FAS chairman, Gilman Louis, served with Schmidt on the board of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.

In 2021, then-general counsel for the OSTP, Rachael Wallace and her legal team repeatedly flagged potential conflicts of interest related to Schmidt and his foundation.

In the fall of 2021, Wallace also filed a formal complaint against OSTP science adviser Eric Lander — who also has close personal ties to Schmidt — claiming he was bullying her in response to “her consistently raised ethical objections … including the office’s solicitation of funding from Schmidt-connected organizations for extra staff,” Thompson writes.7 Wallace told Thompson:8

“I and others on the legal team had been noticing a large number of staff with financial connections to Schmidt Futures and were increasingly concerned about the influence this organization was able to have through these individuals.”

For example, Schmidt Futures gave out fellowships that paid for staffers’ travel expenses to science conferences — a practice flagged by one legal analyst for the OSTP as posing “a very significant conflict of interest.” Landler resigned in mid-February 2022, after “credible evidence” proved he’d bullied Wallace and violated other workplace standards.

Schmidt’s Role in the Global Takeover Attempt

Considering the primacy of AI, machine learning and 5G technology in the transhumanist goals9 of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) Fourth Industrial Revolution and Great Reset,10 it’s not surprising to find Schmidt is a WEF alumni under technology and social media, to which he was selected in 1997.11

Google cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page are also on that list, as are Bill Gates, former Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel, eBay cofounder Pierre Omidyar, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.

The intersection of biology and machine learning, 5G and AI, are all key aspects of Schmidt’s post-Google work, and he has advocated for a stronger federal role in funding of these technologies, as well as various biotech initiatives.

While it’s hard for many to wrap their mind around the transhumanist plan, we simply cannot remain ignorant about it. As challenging as it is, we have to open our eyes and recognize where all of these players intend to take us.

Many refuse to consider what transhumanism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution will really entail, because it’s scary. It’s nothing short of eliminating some of the most fundamental parts of what it means to be human — including free will and self determination.

As noted by AI and transhumanist researcher Joe Allen, “The coming technological singularity isn’t human evolution, it’s the annihilation of our species.”12 But burying our heads in the sand will not protect our children and grandchildren. We have a duty to act, to resist and not comply with the intentional elimination of humanity.

The Global Takeover Hinges on Pandemics and Transhumanism

In a March 29, 2022, Substack article,13 Allen discusses the rapid approach of transhumanism, ushered in by “unaccountable corporations” that “openly force advanced tech into our bodies,” such as nanodevices to track vaccination status and compliance with medical edicts.

“Three technologies drive the plot of this horrific story,” Allen writes.14 “mRNA gene therapy, quantum dot tattoos, and artificial intelligence. Advanced machine learning, used to predict the effects of mRNA mutations in silico, allows for lightning fast vaccine development — including regulatory approval.

Additionally, embedded subdermal tracking systems can ensure that every person on planet Earth is up-to-date on their shots. Taken together, these innovations are rapidly converging on a long sought after goal — an inescapable surveillance state, controlled by corporations, in which the global population is subject to continual medical experimentation.”

Three technologies poised for commercial adoption, discussed in Allen’s article, are:

The quantum dot tattoo,15 developed by MIT scientist Robert Langer — cofounder of Moderna — and nanomedicine and bioengineering specialist Ana Jaklenec, and funded by Gates.

To market the quantum dot tattoo, Langer and Jaklenec partnered with Dr. Boris Nikolic to found a company called Particles for Humanity. Nikolic, a biotech venture capitalist who once served as chief adviser for science and technology for Bill Gates.16 The Gates Foundation provided $5 million in startup capital.

Nikolic also was apparently a close friend of known pedophile and eugenics enthusiast Jeffrey Epstein, as he was named successor executor in Epstein’s will.17 Both Langer and Nikolic are also featured on the WEF’s website.

A biosensor that can monitor both physical behavior and internal biological functioning, and then reward desired activities with cryptocurrency. The patent for this system, filed by Microsoft, is WO/2020/060606.18

A single-injection nanotech vaccine that automatically releases booster doses on a timed schedule.

AI and machine learning plays a primary role not just in the final tracking of human biology and behavior, but also in the creation of the medical devices in the first place, and to speed up the regulatory process. For example, Moderna has already created “a ton of robotic automation” and digital systems to help select the most appropriate mRNA for a given shot.

What we’re heading toward is basically a system where AI is making decisions about how the human body will function, what proteins its cells will produce and to what end, and human engineers have hardly a clue as to how AI comes to its conclusions. Human biology is quite literally being handed over to an “intelligence” that operates in a black box.

As noted by Allen, the inner workings of AI is “mostly unknown, even to its creators.”19 In 2021, Dave Johnson, chief data and AI officer for Moderna, explained the process to MIT Sloan Management Review:20

“We can integrate … [algorithms] into these live systems that we have, so that scientists just press a button and the work is done for them. And they don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, but then — poof! — out comes this better [mRNA] sequence for them.”

As noted by Allen:21

“Welcome to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where machines create vaccines that are regulated by machines and injected into biomechanoid humans who are tracked by machines.”

Of course, keeping people in an endless loop of vaccinations is not the point. Controlling people through medicine is. It won’t be long before vaccine passports are networked with a digital identity, digital finances, work records and a social credit score, so that disobedience in any sphere of life can be remedied (read punished) in any number of different ways.

In the end, what they’re after is total control — over your mind, body and finances. Schwab and his technocratic allies want to turn mankind into cyborg serfs with limited or no capacity to free will, and no rights to ownership.

The WEF slogan “You will own nothing and be happy” basically summarizes the transhumanist plan for humanity. You’ll own nothing, because they will own everything — including and down to your genetics — and you’ll be “happy” because that’s how your cloud-connected brain will be programmed.

As ominously noted by history professor and author Yuval Noah Harari, a Klaus Schwab disciple, those days of the idea that we have a soul and free will “are over.”22

To circle back to where we started, what we really need are laws and regulations that protect our rights to privacy in every sense of the word, both digitally and internally, in our own minds. What we don’t need are technocrats like Schmidt influencing government to remove ethical and legal hurdles to the transhumanist takeover and facilitating the creation of a cyborg future.

Is the Transhumanist Plan Feasible?

The question is, is any of this actually feasible, or is it all just a megalomaniacal pipedream? As detailed by Allen, the answer is yes:23

“First, it’s clear that Big Pharma has an open ambition to generate endless mRNA vaccines using artificial intelligence. Going further, technocratic elites like Bill Gates and Robert Langer want human cattle to be tattooed with fluorescent nanoparticles to track their vaxx status, starting with the Third World. It’s easy to imagine that the rest of us are next.

What’s worse, similar ambitions are held by numerous partners (and competitors) at the World Economic Forum, Silicon Valley, the Chinese Communist Party, and elsewhere. This is not a global conspiracy — these are publicly declared plans.

Second, AI-generated vaccines and subdermal tracking tech already exist, and they are rapidly improving. Third, the germaphobic masses are now conditioned to submit to any technology deemed ‘safe and effective.’ This terrified horde is also primed to insist that you submit, too.”

Can We Stop It?

However, while the technocratic elite are moving forward as if nothing can stop them, ignoring any and all calls for a saner approach to the desire for perfect health and radical life extension, there’s still hope. Allen closes his article with the following rallying call:24

“The transhumanist ambition, implemented through technocratic policies, is to transform humanity through technology. It’s a delusional quest for perfection, however approximate — perfect health, perfect cognition, perfect machines. This ambition will never vanish. But like a devil chained up in the underworld, it can be contained.

The first step is public awareness. The second is a bold personal stance. The third is community action. The last, and most enduring, is the institutional protection of our rights, our privacy, and our bodily autonomy.

This struggle against the machine won’t end until the last battery fizzles out. Prepare yourself for perpetual warfare. There can be no wishful thinking, but there’s only one attitude to take — we will win this.”

The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft and Jeffrey Epstein – Dr. Joseph Mercola

The mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier.


  • While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was a likely factor in the Gates’ recently announced split, what these same outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates-Jeffrey Epstein relationship
  • The mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier
  • The likely reason for the continued cover-up of the true extent of Epstein’s ties to Gates has much more to do with Gates’ company Microsoft than with Bill Gates himself
  • The lack of mainstream media concern over the documented ties of the Epstein network to other top Microsoft executives of the past, such as Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone and Steven Sinofsky, makes it clear that, while it may be open season on the relationship between Bill Gates and Epstein, such is not the case for Microsoft and Epstein
  • The ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to Silicon Valley, not just to Microsoft, are part of a broader attempt to cover up the strong intelligence component in the origin of Silicon Valley’s most powerful companies
  • The biggest reason why the military/intelligence origins and links to the current Silicon Valley oligarchy will never be honestly examined is that those very entities are working to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which would make artificial intelligence, automation, mass electronic surveillance and transhumanism central to human society

In early May, the announcement that Bill and Melinda Gates would be divorcing after 27 years of marriage shocked both those that praise and those that loathe the “philanthropic” power couple.

Less than a week after the initial announcement of the divorce, May 7, the Daily Beast reported that Melinda Gates had allegedly been “deeply troubled” by Bill Gates’ relationship with child sex trafficker and intelligence asset Jeffrey Epstein.

The report suggested that Melinda was a major reason for her husband’s decision to distance himself from Epstein around 2014 because of her discomfort with Epstein after they both met him in 2013. That previously unreported meeting had taken place at Epstein’s mansion on New York’s Upper East Side.

The Daily Beast also revealed that the details of the Gates’ divorce had been decided several weeks prior to the official announcement. Then, May 9, the Wall Street Journal published a report suggesting that the plans for divorce went back even further, with Melinda having consulted divorce lawyers in 2019.

Allegedly, that consultation was made after details of Bill Gates’ relationship with Jeffrey Epstein had gained considerable mainstream media attention, including from The New York Times.

While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was a likely factor in the Gates’ recently announced split, what these same outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates-Jeffrey Epstein relationship. Indeed, the mainstream narrative holds that Gates ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier.

This blanket refusal to honestly report on the Gates-Epstein ties likely is due to Gates’ outsized role in current events, both in terms of global health policy as it relates to COVID-19 and in his being a major promoter and funder of controversial technocratic “solutions” to a slew of societal problems.

What is more likely, however, is that the nature of the relationship between Gates and Epstein before 2011 is even more scandalous than what transpired later, and it may have major implications not just for Gates but for Microsoft as a company and for some of its former top executives.

This particular cover-up is part of an obvious tendency of mainstream media to ignore the clear influence that both Epstein and members of the Maxwell family wielded — and, arguably, continue to wield — in Silicon Valley. Indeed, the individuals who founded tech giants such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla and Amazon all have connections with Jeffrey Epstein, some closer than others.

This investigation is adapted from my upcoming book “One Nation Under Blackmail,” which will be released early next year and will include a more complete investigation into Epstein’s ties to Silicon Valley, scientific academia and intelligence agencies.

The Evening Standard Mystery

In 2001, perhaps the most important article ever written about Jeffrey Epstein was published. The article, which focused mainly on Ghislaine Maxwell’s and Epstein’s relationship with Prince Andrew, was published January 22, 2001, in London’s Evening Standard.

The article, written by Nigel Rosser, was never retracted and was published well before Epstein’s first arrest and the onset of his public notoriety. It has, nevertheless, since been removed from The Evening Standard’s website and can now only be found on professional newspaper databases. I made a PDF of that article and several other scrubbed Epstein-related articles publicly available in October 2019. The full article can also be accessed here.

Key statements made in the article make it clear why it was removed from the internet, apparently in the wake of Epstein’s first arrest in Florida. Rosser introduces Epstein as “an immensely powerful New York property developer and financier,” a nod to Epstein’s past in the New York real estate market.

Later in the article, he notes that Epstein “once claimed to have worked for the CIA although he now denies it,” one of several likely reasons why the article was removed from the internet well before Epstein’s second arrest in 2019.

Much of the article notes the closeness of Epstein and Maxwell to Prince Andrew and suggests that both wielded considerable influence over the prince, largely due to Maxwell’s role as his “social fixer.” It states that Maxwell was “manipulating” the prince and that “the whole Andrew thing is probably being done for Epstein.”

One line stands out, however, as the first major clue toward demystifying the true origin of the Gates-Epstein relationship. Soon after Rosser introduces Epstein in the article, he states that Epstein “has made many millions out of his business links with the likes of Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner, whose trust he runs.”

Both Wexner’s and Trump’s relationships with Epstein prior to 2001 are well known and date back to 1985 and 1987, respectively. Mainstream media, however, continue to report that Gates and Epstein first met in 2011 and have declined to follow the leads laid out by Nigel Rosser.

I am personally aware of this withholding of information to a degree, as a BBC reporter contacted me in 2019 for details about this 2001 Evening Standard article, which I provided. To date, the BBC has never reported on the contents of that article. Notably, the BBC has received millions in funding for years from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Not only was Rosser’s article never retracted, but neither Gates, Trump nor Wexner disputed the claims made in the article at the time, which was well before Epstein became notorious. In addition, given that Gates is named alongside two known close Epstein associates at the time — Donald Trump and Leslie Wexner — it further suggests that Gates’ ties to Epstein prior to 2001 were considerable enough to warrant his mention alongside these two other men.

In addition to the Evening Standard article, there is evidence from Maria Farmer, an Epstein victim who was employed by Epstein and Maxwell from 1995 to 1996, that she recalled hearing Epstein mention Bill Gates in such a way as to imply they were close friends and which gave her the impression that the Microsoft cofounder might soon be visiting one of Epstein’s residences.

Microsoft, McKinley and Isabel Maxwell

Beyond these two key pieces of evidence, there is also the fact that, prior to the Evening Standard article, Gates already had a documented connection to a business run by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sisters in which Ghislaine had a financial stake, which may offer a clue as to the nature of the “business links” alluded to by Nigel Rosser.

Furthermore, the odd nature of Gates’ relationship with Isabel Maxwell, who has ties to the PROMIS software espionage scandal and to Israeli intelligence, is documented in a 2000 article from the Guardian.

Twin sisters Christine and Isabel Maxwell, along with their husbands at the time, created the McKinley Group in January 1992. Christine and Isabel had both previously worked for the front company Information on Demand used by their father Robert Maxwell to sell the backdoored PROMIS software to the U.S. government.

After Robert Maxwell’s death, Christine and Isabel “wanted to circle the wagons and rebuild” and saw McKinley as “a chance to recreate a bit of their father’s legacy.” The McKinley Group, however, was not just a venture of Isabel, Christine and their husbands, as Ghislaine Maxwell also had “a substantial interest” in the company, according to a Sunday Times article published in November 2000.

That same article also noted that Ghislaine, throughout the 1990s, had “been discreetly building up a business empire as opaque as her father’s” and that “she is secretive to the point of paranoia and her business affairs are deeply mysterious.” She chose to describe “herself as an ‘internet operator'” during this period, even though “her office in Manhattan refuses to confirm even the name or the nature of her business.”

Ghislaine Maxwell posing with her siblings
Ghislaine Maxwell posing with her siblings, including twin sisters Isabel and Christine, in 2019 in London.

Another article, appearing in The Scotsman from 2001, separately notes that Ghislaine “is extremely secretive about her affairs and describes herself as an internet operator.” It is unclear how involved Ghislaine actually was in the McKinley Group’s affairs. However, during this period, she was operating an intelligence-linked sexual-blackmail operation with Jeffrey Epstein, and there was considerable overlap of their finances, as noted in press reports from the time and afterward.

McKinley created what became known as the Magellan Internet Directory, remembered as “the first site to publish lengthy reviews and ratings of websites.” Magellan’s “value-added content” approach attracted several large corporations, resulting in “major alliances” with AT&T, Time-Warner, IBM, Netcom and the Microsoft Network (MSN) that were all negotiated by Isabel Maxwell.

Microsoft’s major alliance with McKinley came in late 1995, when Microsoft announced that Magellan would power the search option for the company’s MSN service.

McKinley’s fortunes fell, as its effort to become the first search engine to go public failed, igniting a stand-off between Christine Maxwell and Isabel’s then husband that also resulted in the company essentially falling behind other market leaders. As a result, McKinley missed the window for a second IPO attempt and continued to lag behind in adding ad revenue to their business model.

Excite, which was later acquired by AskJeeves, ultimately bought the McKinley Group and Magellan for 1.2 million shares of Excite in 1996, which was then valued at $18 million. It was said that it was Isabel Maxwell who made the deal possible, with Excite’s CEO at the time, George Bell, claiming she alone salvaged their purchase of McKinley.

Despite McKinley’s lackluster end, the Maxwell twins and other stakeholders in the company, Ghislaine Maxwell among them, not only obtained a multimillion-dollar payout from the deal but also forged close connections with Silicon Valley high rollers. It is unclear if the money Ghislaine received from the sale was used to further the sexual blackmail operation she was then conducting alongside Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell Ties to US and Israel Intelligence Grow

After the sale of McKinley/Magellan, the overt ties of Christine and Isabel Maxwell to intelligence in both the U.S. and Israel grew considerably. Isabel’s ties to Microsoft also persisted following the sale of the McKinley Group. She became president of the Israeli tech company CommTouch, whose funding was linked to individuals and groups involved in the Jonathan Pollard nuclear spying affair.

CommTouch, an “obscure software developer” founded in 1991 by former Israeli military officers, focused on “selling, maintaining and servicing stand-alone email client software products for mainframe and personal computers.”

The company specifically courted Isabel because she was the daughter of Israeli “super-spy” Robert Maxwell. Isabel had similar reasons for joining the company, telling Haaretz that leading the company gave her “a chance to continue her father’s involvement in Israel.”

Of all the alliances and partnerships Isabel negotiated during her early years at CommTouch, it was her dealings with Microsoft cofounders Bill Gates and Paul Allen that put CommTouch “on the map.”

Microsoft’s cofounders did much more than put CommTouch “on the map,” however, as they essentially intervened to prevent the collapse of its initial public offering, a fate that had befallen Isabel Maxwell’s previous company, the McKinley Group, not long before. Indeed, CommTouch kept pushing back its IPO until a massive investment from firms tied to Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen was announced in July 1999.

The investments from Allen’s Vulcan and Go2Net resulted in a jump in “interest in the stock sale and in CommTouch, until now an obscure software developer,” according to a Bloomberg report, and also inflated their stock price immediately prior to their going public. The money from the Allen-linked companies was specifically used “to expand sales and marketing and build its presence in international markets.”

Allen’s decision to invest in CommTouch seems odd from a financial perspective, given that the company had never turned a profit and had over $4 million in losses just the year before. Yet, thanks to Allen’s timely investment and his apparent coordination with the company’s repeated delays of its IPO, CommTouch was valued at over $230 million when it went public, as opposed to a $150 million valuation just weeks before Allen’s investment.

Paul Allen and Nicole Junkermann
Paul Allen and Nicole Junkermann at Cinema Against AIDS Cannes in Cannes, France. Source: Vocal Media

It is not exactly clear why Paul Allen came to the rescue of CommTouch’s IPO and what he expected to gain from his investment.

It is worth pointing out, however, that Allen later became among the members of an elite online community set up in 2004 called A Small World, whose membership also included Jeffrey Epstein and Epstein-linked figures such as Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Naomi Campbell, as well as Petrina Khashoggi, the daughter of Adnan Khashoggi, a former client of Epstein’s.

A Small World’s largest shareholder was Harvey Weinstein, the now-disgraced media mogul who was a business partner of Epstein and who has since been convicted of rape and sexual abuse. Around this same time, Paul Allen was photographed with Epstein associate Nicole Junkermann, herself an intelligence asset.

CommTouch Strikes a Deal With Microsoft

Less than three months after Allen’s investments in CommTouch in October 1999, the company announced that it had struck a major deal with Microsoft whereby “Microsoft will utilize the CommTouch Custom MailTM service to provide private label web-based email solutions for select MSN partners and international markets.”

In addition, per the agreement, “CommTouch will provide MSN Messenger Service and Microsoft Passport to its customers while building upon its Windows NT expertise by supporting future MSN messaging technologies.” “We are looking forward to further enhancing our relationship with Microsoft by integrating other state-of-the-art Microsoft products,” Gideon Mantel of CommTouch said at the time of the deal’s public announcement.

In December 1999, Microsoft announced that it had invested $20 million in CommTouch by purchasing 4.7% of its shares. The announcement pushed CommTouch stock prices from $11.63 a share to $49.13 in just a few hours’ time. Part of that deal had been finalized by Richard Sorkin, a recently appointed CommTouch director. Sorkin had just become a multimillionaire following the sale of Zip2, Elon Musk’s first company of which Sorkin had been CEO.

It further appears that Bill Gates, then head of Microsoft, made a personal investment in CommTouch at the behest of Isabel Maxwell. In an October 2000 article published in The Guardian, Isabel “jokes about persuading Bill Gates to make a personal investment” in CommTouch sometime during this period. The Guardian article then oddly notes, regarding Isabel Maxwell and Bill Gates:

“In a faux southern belle accent, [Isabel] purrs: ‘He’s got to spend $375m a year to keep his tax free status, why not allow me to help him.’ She explodes with laughter.”

Given that individuals as wealthy as Gates cannot have “tax-free status” and that this article was published soon after the creation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Isabel’s statements suggest that it was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, which manages the foundation’s endowment assets, that made this sizable investment in CommTouch.

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting the odd way in which Isabel describes her dealings with Gates (“purring,” speaking in a fake Southern accent), describing her interactions with him in a way not found in any of her numerous other interviews on a wide variety of topics. This odd behavior may be related to Isabel’s previous interactions with Gates and/or the mysterious relationship between Gates and Epstein during this time.

Isabel Maxwell
Isabel Maxwell as CommTouch President

CommTouch’s Clout Expanded Rapidly

After 2000, CommTouch’s business and clout expanded rapidly, with Isabel Maxwell subsequently crediting investments from Microsoft, led by Gates, and Paul Allen for the company’s good fortune and the success of its effort to enter the U.S. market.

Maxwell, as quoted in the 2002 book “Fastalliances,” states that Microsoft viewed CommTouch as a key “distribution network,” adding that “Microsoft’s investment in us put us on the map. It gave us instant credibility, validated our technology and service in the marketplace.” By this time, Microsoft’s ties to CommTouch had deepened with new partnerships, including CommTouch’s hosting of Microsoft Exchange.

Though Isabel Maxwell was able to secure lucrative investments and alliances for CommTouch and saw its products integrated into key software and hardware components produced and sold by Microsoft and other tech giants, she was unable to improve the company’s dire financial situation, with CommTouch netting a loss of $4.4 million in 1998 and similar losses well into the 2000s, with net losses totaling $24 million in 2000 (just one year after the sizable investments from Microsoft, Paul Allen and Gates).

The losses continued even after Isabel formally left the company and became president emeritus in 2001. By 2006, the company was over $170 million in debt. Isabel Maxwell left her position at CommTouch in 2001 but for years retained a sizable amount of CommTouch stock valued at the time at around $9.5 million. Today, Isabel Maxwell is, among other things, a “technology pioneer” of the World Economic Forum.

Epstein, Edge and Nathan Myhrvold

Another indication of a relationship between Epstein and Gates prior to 2001 is Epstein’s cozy ties with Nathan Myhrvold, who joined Microsoft in the 1980s and became the company’s first chief technology officer in 1996. At the time, Myhrvold was one of Gates’ closest advisers, if not the closest, and cowrote Gates’ 1996 book, “The Road Ahead,” which sought to explain how emerging technologies would impact life in the years and decades to come.

In December of the same year that he became Microsoft’s CTO, Myhrvold traveled on Epstein’s plane from Kentucky to New Jersey, and then again in January 1997 from New Jersey to Florida. Other passengers accompanying Myhrvold on these flights included Alan Dershowitz and “GM,” presumably Ghislaine Maxwell. It is worth keeping in mind that this is the same period when Gates had a documented relationship with Ghislaine’s sister Isabel.

In addition, in the 1990s, Myhrvold traveled with Epstein in Russia alongside Esther Dyson, a digital technology consultant who has been called “the most influential woman in all the computer world.” She currently has close ties to Google as well as the DNA testing company 23andme and is a member of and agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum.

Dyson later stated that the meeting with Epstein had been planned by Myhrvold. The meeting appears to have taken place in 1998, based on information posted on Dyson’s social media accounts. One photo features Dyson and Epstein, with a time stamp indicating April 28, 1998, posing with Pavel Oleynikov, who appears to have been an employee of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center.

In that photo, they are standing in front of the house of the late Andrei Sakharov, the Soviet nuclear scientist and dissident, who is alleged to have had ties to U.S. intelligence. Sakharov and his wife, Yelena Bonner, were supporters of Zionist causes.

The photos were taken in Sarov, where the Russian Federal Nuclear Center is based. That same day, another photo was taken that shows Epstein inside a classroom full of teens, apparently also in Sarov, given the time stamp.

Nathan Myhrvold travel
Dyson and Epstein
Epstein inside a classroom
inside classroom

Another Dyson image, one without a visible time stamp but with a caption stating the photo was taken “at Microsoft Russia in Moscow” in April 1998, shows Nathan Myhrvold. Dyson’s caption further states, “This was the beginning of a three-week trip during which Nathan and a variety of hangers-on (including a bodyguard) explored the state of post-Soviet science.” Epstein appears to be one of the “hangers-on,” given the photographs, dates and the described purpose of the trip.

Microsoft’s Ties to Epstein

Myhrvold and Epstein apparently had more in common than an interest in Russian scientific advances. When Myhrvold left Microsoft to cofound Intellectual Ventures, Vanity Fair reported that he had received Epstein at the firm’s office with “young girls” in tow who appeared to be “Russian models.”

A source close to Myhrvold and cited by Vanity Fair claimed that Myhrvold spoke openly about borrowing Epstein’s jet and staying at his homes in Florida and New York. Vanity Fair also noted that Myhrvold has been accused of having sex with minors provided by Epstein by none other than Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who stands accused of the same crime and who had previously flown with Myhrvold on Epstein’s private plane.

In addition, a former colleague of Myhrvold’s at Microsoft later developed her own ties to Epstein. Linda Stone, who joined Microsoft in 1993 and worked directly under Myhrvold, eventually became a Microsoft vice president. She introduced Epstein to Joi Ito of the MIT Media Lab after Epstein’s first arrest. “He has a tainted past, but Linda assures me that he’s awesome,” Ito later said in an email to three MIT staffers.

In Epstein’s famous little black book, there are several phone numbers for Stone, and her emergency contact is listed as Kelly Bovino, a former model and alleged Epstein coconspirator. After Epstein’s 2019 arrest, it emerged that Epstein had “directed” Bill Gates to donate $2 million to the MIT lab in 2014. Epstein also allegedly secured a $5 million donation from Leon Black for the lab. Ito was forced to resign his post as the lab’s director shortly after Epstein’s 2019 arrest.

Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone, Joi Ito, Esther Dyson, and Bill Gates were all members of the Edge Foundation community ( website), alongside several other Silicon Valley icons. Edge, which is described as an exclusive organization of intellectuals “redefining who and what we are,” was created by John Brockman, a self-described “cultural impresario” and noted literary agent.

Brockman is best known for his deep ties to the art world in the late 1960s, though lesser known are his various “management consulting” gigs for the Pentagon and White House during that same period. Edge, which The Guardian once called “the world’s smartest website,” is an exclusive online symposium affiliated with what Brockman calls “the Third Culture.”

Epstein appears to have become involved with Brockman as early as 1995, when he helped to finance and rescue a struggling book project that was managed by Brockman. Edge, however, is more than just a website. For decades, it was also instrumental in bringing together tech executives, scientists who were often Brockman’s clients, and Wall Street financiers through its Millionaires’ Dinner, first held in 1985.

In 1999, this event rebranded as the Billionaires’ Dinner, and Epstein became intimately involved in these affairs and the Edge Foundation itself. Epstein was photographed attending several of the dinners as was Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine Maxwell’s chief “assistant” and coconspirator in the Epstein/Maxwell-run sex trafficking and blackmail scheme.

Nathan Myhrvold
Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft and Jeffrey Epstein at the 2000 Edge Billionaires’ Dinner. Source:

From 2001 to 2017, Epstein funded $638,000 out of a total of $857,000 raised by Edge. During this period, there were several years when Epstein was Edge’s only donor. Epstein stopped giving in 2015, which was incidentally the same year that Edge decided to discontinue its annual Billionaires’ Dinner tradition.

In addition, the only award Edge has ever given out, the $100,000 Edge of Computation prize, was awarded in 2005 to Quantum computing pioneer David Deutsch — it was funded entirely by Epstein. A year before he began donating heavily to Edge, Epstein had created the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation to “fund and support cutting edge science around the world.”

Since the Epstein scandal, regular attendees of the Billionaires’ Dinner, sometimes called the Edge annual dinner, have referred to the event as an “influence operation.” If one follows the money, it appears it was an influence operation largely benefiting one man, Jeffrey Epstein, and his network. The evidence points toward Myhrvold and Gates as being very much a part of that network, even before Epstein’s involvement in Edge increased significantly.

A Tale of Two Bills

It is worth exploring the ties between the “philanthropic” endeavors of Bill Gates and Bill Clinton in the early 2000s, particularly given Epstein’s and Ghislaine Maxwell’s ties to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative during that period.

According to former Israeli intelligence operative Ari Ben-Menashe, Bill Clinton had been the main focus of Epstein’s sexual blackmail operation in the 1990s, a claim supported by Epstein victim testimony and Epstein’s intimate involvement with individuals who were close to the former president at the time.

Bill Gates at the White House Conference
Bill Gates at the White House Conference on the New Economy in 2000. Source: LA Times

Despite tensions arising from the Clinton administration’s pursuit of Microsoft’s monopoly in the late 1990s, the Gates and Clinton relationship had thawed by April 2000, when Gates attended the White House “Conference on the New Economy.”

Attendees besides Gates included close Epstein associate Lynn Forester (now Lady de Rothschild) and then secretary of the treasury Larry Summers, who has also come under fire for his Epstein ties. Another attendee was White House chief of staff Thomas “Mack” McLarty, whose special assistant Mark Middleton met with Epstein at least three times at the Clinton White House.

Middleton was fired after press reports surfaced detailing his ties to illegal donations linked to foreign governments that had been made to Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign. Another participant in the conference was Janet Yellen, Biden’s current Secretary of the Treasury.

Gates spoke at a conference panel titled “Closing the Global Divide: Health, Education and Technology.” He discussed how the mapping of the human genome would result in a new era of technological breakthroughs and discussed the need to offer internet access to everyone to close the digital divide and allow the “new” internet-based economy to take shape.

At the time, Gates was backing a company, along with American Telecom billionaire Craig McCaw, that hoped to establish a global internet service provider monopoly through a network of low-orbit satellites. That company, Teledesic, shut down between 2002 and 2003 and is credited as being the inspiration for Elon Musk’s Starlink.

Bill Clinton and Bill Gates entered the world of philanthropy around the same time, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launching in 2000 and the Clinton Foundation, in 2001. Not only that but Wired described the two foundations as being “at the forefront of a new era in philanthropy, in which decisions — often referred to as investments — are made with the strategic precision demanded of business and government, then painstakingly tracked to gauge their success.”

Other media outlets, however, such as HuffPost, challenged that these foundations engaged in “philanthropy” and asserted that calling them such was causing “the rapid deconstruction of the accepted term.” HuffPost further noted that the Clinton Global Initiative (part of the Clinton Foundation), the Gates Foundation and a few similar organizations “all point in the direction of blurring the boundaries between philanthropy, business and nonprofits.”

It noted that this model for “philanthropy” has been promoted by the World Economic Forum and the Milken Institute. It is also worth noting that several of Epstein’s own “philanthropic” vehicles were also created just as this new era in philanthropy was beginning.

The Milken Institute was founded by Michael Milken, the notorious Wall Street “junk bond king,” who was indicted on 98 counts of racketeering and securities fraud in 1989. He served little prison time and was ultimately pardoned by Donald Trump. Milken committed his crimes while working alongside Leon Black and Ron Perelman at Drexel Burnham Lambert before its scandalous collapse.

Black was deeply tied to Epstein, even having Epstein manage his personal “philanthropic” foundation for several years, even after Epstein’s first arrest. Perelman was a major Clinton donor whose 1995 fundraiser for the then president was attended by Epstein and whose companies offered jobs to Webster Hubbell and Monica Lewinsky after their respective scandals in the Clinton administration.

Like Gates, Milken has transformed his reputation for ruthlessness in the corporate world into one of a “prominent philanthropist.” Much of his “philanthropy” benefits the Israeli military and illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine.

Years after creating their foundations, Gates and Clinton discussed how they have “long bonded over their shared mission” of normalizing this new model of philanthropy. Gates spoke to Wired in 2013 about “their forays into developing regions” and “cites the close partnerships between their organizations.”

In that interview, Gates revealed that he had met Clinton before he had become president, stating, “I knew him before he was president, I knew him when he was president, and I know him now that he’s not president.”

Also in that interview, Clinton stated that after he left the White House he sought to focus on two specific things. The first is the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which he stated exists “thanks largely to funding from the Gates Foundation,” and the second is the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), “where I try to build a global network of people to do their own thing.”

The Clinton Health Access Initiative first received an $11 million donation from the Gates Foundation in 2009. Over the last 12 years, the Gates Foundation has donated more than $497 million to CHAI. CHAI was initially founded in 2002 with the mission of tackling HIV/AIDS globally through “strong government relationships” and addressing “market inefficiencies.”

The Gates Foundation’s significant donations, however, began not long after CHAI’s expansion into malaria diagnostics and treatments. Notably, in 2011, Tachi Yamada, the former president of the Gates Foundation’s Global Health program, joined CHAI’s board alongside Chelsea Clinton.

You Cannot Boost Your Way Through COVID- Dr. Joseph Mercola

The CDC has revealed its data on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 booster, and it’s guaranteed to open the door to the fourth, fifth and more boosters.


  • A preprint study posted April 3, 2022, reports high rates of infection with BA.1, BA.1.1 and BA.2 — variants of Omicron — among triple-jabbed health care workers. In all, the incidence rate among the triple-jabbed with one of these variants was 22%, and only 10% remained asymptomatic
  • March 29, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized a second booster (dose No. 4, for those taking Pfizer or Moderna) for adults over age 50, as well as a third booster (dose No. 5) for immunocompromised people aged 12 and older. The additional boosters are to be given four months after the last dose
  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is also recommending adults who have received two doses of Janssen’s viral vector DNA shot to get a third shot using either Pfizer or Moderna, despite there being no data on the safety or effectiveness of mixing the various shots
  • FDA authorized doses 4 and 5, without input from its expert voting panel, based on data showing the Moderna shot was only 11% effective, and caused side effects in 40% of recipients, and the Pfizer shot was 30% effective and caused side effects in 80% of people
  • The lead author of that paper, Dr. Gili Regev-Yochay, an infectious disease specialist at Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer, Israel, has publicly stated that “Not a third dose, not a fourth dose, not a fifth dose will do anything to stop infections [long-term]”

That the mRNA-based COVID shot is not a real vaccine is evidenced by the sheer number of “boosters” required to keep COVID-19 at bay. When the injections were released at the beginning of 2021, the promises flowed.

Getting the two-dose regimen was said to be 95% effective and would keep you safe from serious infection. If everyone would just roll up their sleeves and get the jab, the pandemic would be over in no time. By mid-July 2021, just over half the adult U.S. population had received the shot. (Specifically, 56% had received one dose, and 49% were fully vaccinated with two doses.1)

Well, before the year was over, reality started setting in, as effectiveness waned2 3 4 far more rapidly than anyone expected. What’s worse, the shot actually increased the infectivity of the Delta variant,5 and toward the latter part of 2021, hospitals around the world were starting to fill up with “vaccinated” COVID patients.6 7 8

A preprint study,9 posted April 3, 2022, also reports high rates of infection with BA.1, BA.1.1 and BA.2 — variants of Omicron — among triple-jabbed health care workers. In all, the incidence rate among the triple-jabbed with one of these variants was 22%, and only 10% remained asymptomatic. As concluded by the authors:

“We report high incidence of omicron infections despite recent booster vaccination in triple vaccinated individuals. Vaccine-induced antibody titres seem to play a limited role in risk of omicron infection. High viral load and secretion of live virus for up to nine days may increase transmission in a triple vaccinated population.”

FDA Authorizes Fourth and Fifth Doses

its time to follow the science

In mid-August 2021 — just eight months into the COVID jab campaign — the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the first booster (the third dose of mRNA), starting with the immunocompromised.10

Then, March 29, 2022, the FDA cleared a second booster (dose No. 4, for those taking Pfizer or Moderna) for adults over age 50, as well as a third booster (dose No. 5!) for the immunocompromised aged 12 and older.11 12 The additional boosters are to be given four months after the last dose.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is also recommending adults who have received two doses of Janssen’s viral vector DNA shot to get a third shot using either Pfizer or Moderna.13 This despite there being ZERO data on mixing the various shots.

“FDA authorized doses 4 and 5 based on data showing the Moderna shot was only 11% effective, and causing side effects in 40% of recipients, and the Pfizer shot was 30% effective and caused side effects in 80% of people.”

So, in a little over one year, we’ve gone from “two mRNA jabs will ensure you won’t carry the virus or get sick or die of COVID” to “you need a booster every four months and you can still contract, transmit, get sick and die of COVID.” At this rate, we’re looking at three injections per year, and the fully-jabbed and boosted are still getting sick with COVID.

For example, we recently found out that 7 in 10 “vaccinated” CDC employees got breakthrough infections in August 2021,14 and Princess Cruises reported an outbreak onboard the Ruby Princess in March 2022, despite a 100% “vaccination” rate among both crew and passengers, plus proof of a negative COVID test prior to boarding.15 As noted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the video above, “it’s time to follow the science.”

COVID Policy Has Nothing To Do With Science

Remarkably, the FDA made the decision to approve another booster without convening its expert voting committee, as is the norm. As noted by Dr. Marty Makary in a Wall Street Journal op-ed:16

“The Food and Drug Administration last week authorized Americans 50 and over to get a fourth COVID vaccine dose. Some of the FDA’s own experts disagree with the decision, but the agency simply ignored them.

It will convene its advisory committee this Wednesday [April 6, 2022] to discuss future vaccine needs. That’s like having lawyers present arguments to a judge who’s already issued a verdict … Decisions like this only reinforce the perception that COVID policy is driven by groupthink and politics.”

Even Dr. Paul Offit, whose faith in vaccines is legendary, expressed surprise and dismay at the FDA’s decision to move forward without holding an open meeting to allow experts to comment on the data. He told CNBC:17

“It’s just sort of fait accompli. So, is this the way it works? We talk endlessly about how we follow the science — it doesn’t seem to work out that way.”

Dr. Peter Hotez, another well-known vaccine pusher, has also expressed concern about the continued booster trend. He told CNBC that vaccine policy should not merely be based on keeping people out of the hospital, but should also seek to prevent COVID infection and “long COVID.”

He pointed out that the effectiveness of the third dose against hospitalization from Omicron infection has been shown to decline from 91% to 78% in just four months. “That gives me pause for concern that the boosters are not necessarily holding up as well as we’d like,” he said. It is really hard to believe that both of these vaccine pushers are actually waking up and beginning to question the narrative.

FDA’s Decision Based on Shockingly Bad Data

The FDA reportedly based its decision to authorize doses 4 and 5 on Israeli data posted on the preprint server medRxiv, February 15, 2022.18 19 What evidence was provided in this as yet non-peer-reviewed study that was compelling enough to circumvent the voting committee and public comment? According to the authors:

“Breakthrough infections were common, mostly very mild, yet, with high viral loads. Vaccine efficacy against infection was 30% and 11% for BNT162b2 [Pfizer] and mRNA1273 [Moderna], respectively. Local and systemic adverse reactions were reported in 80% and 40%, respectively.”

This is worth repeating. FDA authorized doses 4 and 5 based on data showing the Moderna shot was only 11% effective, and caused side effects in 40% of recipients, and the Pfizer shot was 30% effective and caused side effects in 80% of people. I know, you are probably shaking your head, saying, “What?!” That’s beyond astounding.

The FDA is charged with confirming that medical products are safe and effective. By authorizing the fourth and fifth COVID shots with abysmal effectiveness and sky-high adverse reaction rates they make it abundantly clear that that they are a completely captured agency and have completely abrogated their responsibility for public health.

The lead author of that paper, Dr. Gili Regev-Yochay, and infectious disease specialist at Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer, Israel, has even publicly stated that “Not a third dose, not a fourth dose, not a fifth dose will do anything to stop infections [long-term].”20

Experts: We Cannot Boost Our Way Out of the COVID Pandemic

In an April 4, 2022, article, Forbes staff reporter Robert Hart writes:21

“While a fourth dose appears to be beneficial at preventing serious illness in older or high-risk people, Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told Forbes that repeated boosting is not ‘a viable strategy’ and it’s not clear that younger groups without high-risk health conditions ‘benefit much from even third doses.’”

Professor Deepta Bhattacharya, an immunologist at the University of Arizona, agrees, saying the current strategy is “not sustainable.” Similarly, Dr. Dan Barouch, a physician and vaccine researcher at Harvard Medical School, told Hart that getting a booster shot every three to six months is impractical for wealthy countries and “simply not possible” in poorer ones.

What we really need, Barouch said, is “vaccines with better durability.” John P. Moore, professor of microbiology and immunology at Weill Cornell Medicine also weighed in, telling Hart he doesn’t think we can “simply boost our way out of the pandemic.”

Regions With Low COVID Jab Rates Have Fared Well

Adding to suspicions that the COVID jabs aren’t doing much of anything is the fact that areas with low injection rates, such as Africa, have fared no worse than those with very high rates.

As reported by The New York Times,22 23 the Kamakwie district in Sierra Leone has registered a total of just 11 COVID cases since the beginning of the pandemic, and no deaths. Sierra Leone, in total, has had just 125 COVID deaths since the pandemic was declared. This, despite gathering for large weddings, concerts and football matches without masks.

Bill and Melinda Gates went on record early on in the pandemic stating Africa would be destroyed by COVID unless we made a concerted effort to get the COVID jab to them.

Their greed-fueled prediction turned out to be completely false, and while the African Union has been pushing to reach a 70% injection rate in West and Central Africa, the low incidence of COVID has sparked arguments against continuing the injection campaign this year, as health care funds are needed for other far more common ailments, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.

Importantly, Africa wasn’t spared because SARS-CoV-2 didn’t sweep through it, because it did in spades. Studies looking at blood samples reveal two-thirds of the population in sub-Saharan countries have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 — evidence that they were exposed, recovered and developed the best protection possible — natural immunity.24 25

Areas with more reliable death registries and other data collection, such as South Africa, do show excess deaths during 2020 and 2021, which are being attributed to COVID. But by the third quarter of 2021, only 4% of Africans had received the jab and, by and large, it seems they are far better off because of it.

As noted by Del Bigtree in the featured Highwire video, the shots have basically decimated the immune function of those who took them, and the FDA has no other plan or option now than to roll out a never-ending series of boosters to “top up” people’s immune defenses, even if it’s only to a slight degree. They have nothing else. The damage is done.

COVID Shots ‘Proven to Cause More Harm Than Good’

While the official narrative is that the COVID shots may be “less than perfect but still better than the alternative” (i.e., getting the infection when you’re unvaccinated), immunologist Dr. Bart Classen published a study26 in the August 2021 issue of Trends in Internal Medicine, disputing this claim.

The study,27 “U.S. COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, ‘All Cause Severe Morbidity,’” details a core problem with the Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) trials.

All three employed a surrogate primary endpoint for health, namely “severe infections with COVID-19.” This, Classen says, “has been proven dangerously misleading,” and many fields of medicine have stopped using disease-specific endpoints in clinical trials and have adopted the far superior endpoint “all-cause mortality and morbidity”.

The reason for this is because if a person dies from the treatment or is severely injured by it, even if the treatment helped block the progression of the disease they’re being treated for, the end result is still a negative one. The COVID jab would fare very poorly using this metric.

To offer an extreme example of what you can do with a disease-specific endpoint, you could make the claim that shooting people in the head is a cure for cancer, because no one who got shot in the head died from cancer. When reanalyzing the clinical trial data from these COVID shots using “all-cause severe morbidity” as the primary endpoint, the data reveal they actually cause far more harm than good.

The proper endpoint was calculated by adding together all severe events reported in the trials, not just COVID-19 but also all other serious adverse events. By doing this, severe COVID-19 infection gets the same weight as other adverse events of equivalent severity. According to Classen:28

“Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statistically significant increase in ‘all cause severe morbidity’ in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group.

The Moderna immunized group suffered 3,042 more severe events than the control group. The Pfizer data was grossly incomplete but data provided showed the vaccination group suffered 90 more severe events than the control group, when only including ‘unsolicited’ adverse events.

The Janssen immunized group suffered 264 more severe events than the control group. These findings contrast the manufacturers’ inappropriate surrogate endpoints:

Janssen claims that their vaccine prevents 6 cases of severe COVID-19 requiring medical attention out of 19,630 immunized; Pfizer claims their vaccine prevents 8 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 21,720 immunized; Moderna claims its vaccine prevents 30 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 15,210 immunized.

Based on this data it is all but a certainty that mass COVID-19 immunization is hurting the health of the population in general. Scientific principles dictate that the mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be halted immediately because we face a looming vaccine induced public health catastrophe.”

To make the above numbers more clear and obvious, here are the prevention stats in percentages:

  • Pfizer 0.00036%
  • Moderna 0.00125%
  • Janssen 0.00030%

We also have a cost-benefit analysis29 by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and researcher Kathy Dopp, published in March 2022, which shows the COVID jab increases children’s risk of dying from COVID infection. Children under 18 are also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID if not vaccinated.

Jamie Jenkins,30 former head of health and labor market analysis at the British Office for National Statistics, has also revealed that 4 million doses must be administered to children, 5 to 11 years of age, to prevent a single ICU admission in this age group.31

Assuming two doses per child, that means 2 million children must take their chances with serious and potentially lifelong side effects to prevent a single child from requiring intensive care due to COVID-19.

But you may be relieved to know that at least the pharma companies will be earning tens of billions of dollars from this recommendation. The COVID jabs are, without a doubt, the most financially successful pharma product in the history of the world. And the icing on the cake? Everyone, from the manufacturer to the person who administers the shot, has complete immunity from any prosecution for their nefarious plan to destroy the health of children.

Menstrual Problems Among Transgendered

One side effect that has made headlines in alternative media over the past year is abnormal bleeding and menstrual irregularities. For example, vaginal bleeding has been reported both in children who aren’t old enough to begin menstruation and in post-menopausal women.

Now, an online survey by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis reveals transgendered people are also reporting breakthrough menstruation, despite being on menstruation-suppressing hormones. As reported by Newswise:32

“The study is the first to examine vaccine-associated breakthrough bleeding in people who take testosterone or other hormones that suppress menstruation. The research focuses on individuals with a range of gender identities such as transgender, nonbinary or gender-fluid.

Previous studies of COVID-19 vaccine related menstrual symptoms have largely focused on cisgender (cis) women, those whose gender identity matches the female gender they were assigned at birth …

Out of over 160,000 survey respondents, the researchers identified 552 people who said they used testosterone or other gender-affirming hormones and did not usually menstruate. Most of these respondents (84%) selected more than one gender category, with 460 identifying as transgender, 373 specifying man or man identified, 241 identifying as non-binary and 124 indicating they were genderqueer/gender non-conforming.

One-third of these respondents reported breakthrough bleeding after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, 9% reported chest or breast soreness and 46% reported having other symptoms they would usually associate with a period, such as cramping and bloating.

Some respondents used the survey’s open-ended text boxes to report significant negative mental health impacts in response to their period symptoms, including anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria, panic attacks and suicidal ideation …

‘I hope that discussing these findings openly allows people to know that this could be a side effect so they can prepare appropriately,’ said [lead author Katharine] Lee.

‘This is especially important given the fact that some people described mental health outcomes like anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation as responses to unexpected breakthrough bleeding after vaccination.’”

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases speaks in the briefing room of the White House in Washington, March, 10, 2020, about the coronavirus outbreak as Vice President Mike Pence, second from left gestures to a display. Also onstage from left are U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, Pence, White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow, Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Seema Verma, and Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

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LIVE:The SEC’s NWO Attack on Corporations in America + Snake Venom – The Daily Mojo


Day 755 of 15 days to flatten the curve.

The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.

Conspiracy Theory Thursday :

Employees of large and small companies around the country are being forced to take “Microaggresion Training” workshops. Why? Feelings are being hurt. Boohoo. Wait until you hear about the origin of this mindset. Big Brother is watching now more than ever and at least one airport is using a robot to keep an eye on you. China has locked down millions of people and is effectively starving them to death. Could that happen here?

David G, our Director of Global Security, joins the program – albeit late, thanks to what he says is a police department rampant with incompetence.  He also talks about other stuff, too.

Cesar Ybarra, VP of Policy at Freedomworks, is warning us all about the woke SEC’s intentions to force NWO crap and environmental reporting regulations on companies.


Peter Serefine’s Liberty Minute & Aaron Barker’s Breakdown are part of the show, as well.

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Millions Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Cases To Tens Of Thousands Suffering From Adverse Reactions


Dr. Ardis Live Q&A: COVID, Snake Venom, and Our Water Supply

LIVE AT 2PM ET: After Dr. Ardis’ bombshell interview with Stew Peters, everyone wants to know—is he crazy, a heroic whistleblower, or just a humble man trying to share the COVID science he uncovered? Is there any truth to the claims that snake venom and COVID are linked? Today, Seth gives you the chance to ask Dr. Ardis your questions for yourself. Join us for a live Q&A today at 2:00PM ET.

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