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Kamala’s border speech: She’s going to give the illegals citizenship.


Jesse Watters · Kamala Harris’ border speech is one of the most ludicrous ever delivered in American history. She pontificated on her so-called accomplishments and prattled on about how seriously she takes border security. Kamala can’t be serious. At the end, she says she is going to give the illegals citizenship. So when is she going to cut their entitlements? @JesseBWatters

We’re talking about real subjects that are actually happening.
#1 17 to 21 million illegal aliens have crossed the border since January 21, 2021. Our insane government is paying for their housing, their education, their medical care, and all their food. Where do you suppose this money is coming from? It’s coming right from your tax dollar pocket.
#2 Although the lying FBI is saying that crime is down, police chief McManus is saying that we have crime up in San Antonio 250%. These crimes are serious, murder, robbery, home, invasion, auto theft, and hijack. The black mayor of New York City went on national television, and said; our great city has been destroyed by illegal aliens. Now they are indicting him. Demoncrat run cities are an embarrassment to America… murders, riots, lawlessness, slums, filth, homeless, human waste everywhere, disposed syringes, the plague, leprosy, typhus, typhoid, measles, tuberculosis, small pox, super high taxes, crooked government, insanity. People and businesses are exiting by the thousands. The tax-bases are shrinking, property values falling; soon these socialist hell-holes will be bankrupt. Vote Red 💕
#3 Do you like the shortage of food that we have? Are you enjoying the level of inflation that we’re experiencing all across this country? What about uber-high interest rates? COMMU-LA OWNS THIS. NOT TRUMP.
#4 The only religion the world is attacking is Christianity. Not Islam, not buddhism, not Satanism, only faith in Jesus Christ is being attacked. WE WILL FIGHT THIS.
#5 Since the beginning of time, there has only been two genders. And now we have 100 genders. The world has gone insane, and we put out pride flags in front of our houses. Do not join the world, God has already said he will spew the lukewarm out of his mouth. IN THE COMING DESTRUCTION, GOD WILL PROTECT HIS CHILDREN.
#6 All of our lives we thought that our government was looking out for our good. Now we know for absolute certain that they don’t care about us at all. They lied to us all through the plandemic. The 300 people who run the WEF, World Economic Forum want to rule the world and eliminate half of humanity. Who would’ve ever thought that this would happen in our lifetime? I haven’t trusted doctors for 30 years now and I’m not going to begin anytime soon in the future.
#7 All of the media throughout the world, all the judicial system throughout the world, and all the entertainment system throughout the world and most educational institutions are controlled by the 300 in the WEF. Only China and Russia are exceptions. Over half of Americans can no longer think for themselves. They are totally brainwashed. Use to look up Project Mockingbird.
#8 Over the past 12 years, America has been run by democrats 8 of those 12 years. If Trump was going to destroy America, he would’ve done it during his 4 years. How in the world can you blame Trump when 75% of the time we had a Democrat president? People are so ignorant it is impossible to believe.
#9 Recently Ukraine’s president Zolinski declared that 90%+ of the men in their country between the ages of 15 and 35 are dead. Because Biden-Harris gave him 270+ Billion US tax dollars and military equipment, forcing him to fight an impossible fight, now we have two generations missing in Ukraine. Watch the video of Vladimir Putin on February 22 of 2021. He made it clear he was only rescuing the northern most portion of Ukraine where all of the population wanted to repatriate to Russia. But they were shot in the back as they were running for the border hundreds of thousands of them were killed by the Ukrainian army. Biden-Harris have blood on their hands. Americans are stupid, this is an unwinnable war, because all Russia has to do is pull out one nuclear warhead and eliminate everything in Ukraine. Evaluating the words of the Biden-Harris White House, this is exactly what they want. WW3. Ukraine is losing, AND WILL LOSE.
#10 Fraudulent and treasonous illegal voting. All of the world watches in awe. We ARE NOW A FAILED 3RD WORLD NATION.
All 5 swing states appointed Investigations into fraudulent demon-crat voting. THE RESULT, OVER 10 million fraudulent votes found. TREASON. GITMO BOUND. Get it? In Red out Blue.
#11 The WEF Committee of 300 also controls the Pedophile systems around the world and all the major human trafficking networks which involve 8 million innocent children a year who are raped, tortured and murdered.
Americans are not stupid. We are going to fight this with every ounce we have.
Total brain-dead Americans voted for Biden-Harris, they are criminals countless times over. Traitors, election & foreign kickback thieves, haters of America, open borders, starts wars, ruins economy with 200% inflation, kills 30 million jobs, hates black people, sends billions of your dollars to Ukraine, GUILTY OF TREASON. 90% want both gone. The rest are zombies. HARRIS OWNS THIS SHIT SHOW. IF YOU STILL HATE TRUMP AFTER 4 YEARS OF THIS CIRCUS, YOUR COMMITMENT TO STUPIDITY IS IMPRESSIVE. gss