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What they won’t tell you about the SECOND attempt on him…Reaction!


You can find out now at — enter your address, and you’ll receive a complete title scan to see if you’re already a victim. Make sure to use promo code GARDNER and this scan and a FREE 30 Day TRIAL of their TripleLock Title Protection are FREE. In a recent broadcast, Stephen Gardner delves into two major stories and reveals a bombshell conspiracy theory. The central story revolves around an alleged second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. This weekend, Trump was golfing at his West Palm Beach club when a Secret Service agent spotted a rifle sticking out from a fence. The suspect, identified as 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, had been hiding in a makeshift sniper’s nest for 12 hours, about 400 yards from where Trump was golfing. The suspect, who had access to insider information, was arrested before firing any shots. This incident follows a previous attempt on Trump’s life from a rooftop. Routh, who fled the scene in a stolen car, was arrested later. Authorities discovered a camera and a loaded SKS sniper rifle in his possession, suggesting he might have been recording the assassination attempt. Routh has a long criminal history, including a standoff with police in 2002 when he was found with a machine gun, which was classified as a weapon of mass destruction. The host raises questions about how Routh knew Trump’s golfing schedule, which wasn’t made public, and speculates that someone from Trump’s inner circle or the golf course may have leaked the information. The host also criticizes online conspiracy theories claiming that Trump is behind these assassination attempts to garner sympathy. The suspect, Ryan Routh, was once a Trump supporter but became disillusioned, eventually registering as a Democrat in 2024. He even published a book that criticized Trump’s policies, particularly Trump’s handling of the January 6th insurrection and the withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. In the book, Routh allegedly begged Iran to devise a plan to assassinate Trump. Routh had also expressed strong support for Ukraine, even attempting to join its military. His obsession with Ukraine might have motivated the assassination attempt, speculates the host, though these claims are still speculative. Ukraine has denied any links to Routh, with some accusing Russia of spreading misinformation to create confusion. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has refused to hand Routh over to federal authorities, citing concerns about a fair investigation into Trump’s assassination attempts. DeSantis plans to conduct Florida’s own investigation into the incident, as it occurred within state borders. Trump, during an interview, blamed the Biden-Harris administration for fueling rhetoric that incited the attack, stating that their portrayal of him as a threat to democracy influenced Routh’s actions. He emphasized that their inflammatory language puts him at risk, while portraying himself as the one to save the country from their destruction. The host ends with a final point: more Secret Service help may be necessary to prevent future attacks, and while the agents performed admirably in this case, more support is warranted. Lastly, the host reveals a whistleblower’s claims about the Harris administration’s alleged interference with the 2020 election debates. The whistleblower claims that Harris received debate questions in advance and that ABC was instructed to avoid tough questions about Biden’s health or Harris’s brother-in-law’s alleged embezzlement. The whistleblower also alleges that Trump was unfairly fact-checked during the debates due to pressure from the Harris campaign. The host encourages viewers to share their opinions and comments on whether they believe Kamala Harris cheated during the debates. JUST IN: Trump PISSED over new SHOOTER DETAILS!!