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Uncensored News – Tru News

CIA Agent Testifies ‘We Invented mRNA As a Bioweapon With Gates and WEF’


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The CIA invented mRNA technology in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation, according to the bombshell testimony of CIA agent who admits that Covid vaccines were developed as a bioweapon to control humanity.

According to the agent and leaked top secret documents, the Covid plandemic was a psy-op run by the CIA to frogmarch humanity towards a total surveillance state, and Covid mRNA vaccines were not developed during Operation Warp Speed, but were ready and waiting for deployment for at least 10 years prior to the plandemic.

These revelations are all backed by fully verifiable documents and sources and will spell doom for the elite if we can spread this information to enough people.