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Uncensored News – Tru News

Long COVID or COVID Vax Injured? A Billion Dollars Wasted – Dr. Joseph Mercola


It took two and a half years and more than $1 billion to do it, but world health officials can now showcase all that they’ve accomplished in studying long COVID and the patients who suffer with it.

What they found is: NOTHING. Yes, with the reports in and the so-called “studies” completed, what all this studying and following up found is that “the trials are unlikely to deliver meaningful treatments, suggesting the federal government’s landmark Covid research effort may have been wasted.”

STAT News reported the disastrous findings in connection with its disclosures from what’s known as its “RECOVER studies.” Without study designs that account for unique long Covid symptoms, such as delayed fatigue after exertion, the trials may miss positive impacts — or harmful side effects — of the treatments,” STAT writes.

“Potential errors in the trials could have been avoided through transparency and better engagement with patients, experts and advocates.”

SOURCE: STAT News August 9, 2023