Fauci now using CULT language to describe his “believers”

(Natural News) The infamous Tony Fauci appeared the other day on a Zoom call with Bloomberg‘s Francine Lacqua, during which he admitted that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is nothing more than his own religious cult.
Lacqua read a question to Fauci from someone who wanted to know if we should all be worried about future Fauci Flu “variants” emerging, and what Fauci’s views are about Big Pharma companies taking advantage of this whole situation for profit.
Fauci responded with:
“Because there are some inherent non-believers that no matter what you say, they give you a real problem.”
In other words, not everyone belongs to Fauci’s virus cult. And these unbelievers are a problem because in order for his cult’s message and agenda to permeate and be a success, everyone must believe (watch below):
The strange digital meeting was attended by other covid cult members including Stéphane Bancel, a French billionaire and CEO of Moderna, as well as Richard Hatchett, CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and Annelies Wilder-Smith, a professor of infectious diseases research at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in Singapore.
The logo of the World Economic Forum (WEF) was also stamped in the upper right-hand corner of the meeting. WEF founder Klaus Schwab, by the way, is the one spearheading the push for a “great reset” in which nobody owns anything and is still “happy.”
Fauci is on a crusade to force-convert more people into his covid religious cult
It turns out that the online gathering with Fauci was a WEF-launched effort to discuss the challenges the globalists are having in convincing the human “herd” to continue following along with the plandemic.
Many more people are now awake to the truth compared to in early 2020, and even some religious adherents who were full-fledged Branch Covidians have left the cult and never looked back.
This makes the Schwabs and Faucis of the world very nervous and upset because their religion requires full conversion and obedience, using force if necessary. Many no longer want to obey, and Fauci is now publicly drawing lines in the sand between believers and unbelievers in his religion.
“The emergence of the Omicron variant – and the reintroduction of national lockdowns, travel bans and quarantines – has reinforced the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic,” reads a description about the event.
“Join experts and leaders to find out the possible scenarios for COVID in 2022 and beyond.”
Some people who were on the fence about Fauci now recognize that he is fully evil, based on his latest statements to the WEF. Hopefully his days in the limelight, and as a free man, are numbered.
Now that we have definitive proof of Fauci lying about illegal gain-of-function coronavirus research, among many other lies he has told, there is simply no more excuse as to why Fauci has not yet been arrested and tried for crimes against humanity.
“Oh patron saint of Wooohan, bestow your sanctum upon the unclean,” joked one commenter about Fauci and his death cult religion.
“I’m a believer,” wrote another. “I believe Fauxi is a lying tyrant whose fifteen minutes of fame were up two years ago.”
Another suggested that the believer vs. unbeliever narrative has been true since the very beginning, even if it took tyrant Fauci this long to fess up to it.
“Wishing, hoping or believing have nothing to do with the fact that you lied and the ‘vaccine’ isn’t a vaccine, it’s just a shot and it doesn’t work like you said it would and yet you double and triple down on the lies,” wrote another to Fauci. “That is a big wall of BS which will come crashing down on you.”
The latest news about the Fauci cult can be found at Evil.news.
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